griailutrnl. tltM? to tie Plenty of I'ronh Vggm. Mr. E. Dwllit, of HiKiAon. Miclilgnn, lm. iliscnvoud tliu aren't, nntl lie ninkc$ tt jniuliu Htrou;'i thutiiTirmntnwn Ttlt graph. 1I. M.iys : t I'uil my limis 1ctity'or corn nu.l pot but lew c;.:'8. I rrnsoiicil upon tlio in. iltor, mnl Impprnrd to tliiuk thuttlio coiistiiu nt whIs of milk mid tlio wliitos of wore much n'.Iko. Now it lias long In i'ii known to milkmen tlml wlu nt mitl illinr;s ami bran nre nbout tho best of nny feed to nmko n tow i.lvo milk ; why not. Uion, tho Lost to male tlio hens lay t'L'gs V 1 tried Itnutl since tlicn lntvo lnul no trouble. ily modo of preparing the feed is to mix nb'iir. live parts ot llio limn willt one of tuiililiiiii;. In tho mornim; I mix up with w:i tor about four quarts of the mixture in a tin pan, taVinsr pains to liavo it rath vv dry, though nil damp. Thin I set iu n warm sunny spot south of tlw shed, nnd they walk up, lake ft few (lips, don't seem to fancy it liko corn, nnd start otr on n short Mint fr something better, but al ways coming round in n short lime for n l'civ more tlips, from the dish of bran. There is but little tinm during the whole day but what one or more nre standing by th;'s pen nnd freely helping themselves. At night, just below they repair to roost, I us'uliy inrow tl'.iin abiuit n pint of shelled eo;n, wll senttereil, mi ttlat each one can t'et a few kernels. If your hens don't in cline to cat the bran nt first, siriukle some Indian meal on it. 1 would like nil .who complain 'f not petting eggs to try my plan, nnd I think they will never be soiry. Acorns As Food. Attention has re cently been turned in some quarters to the value of neorns as food for slock. (Jeraude, who wrote in 1.1H7, says swine, grew fat Ujon neorns. Since then thousands of been fed'Vi i';).liritiiin nnd elsewhere, have. 'AlftWM tree. l''ioilu,;irmn Ibis fruit of neorns ns 'ffl.m experience o"v "ynluo for other farm nnilii,.'."1'!' fr swi'ne, .r K....II....1 f. ,t . . .V nnKl.uiinn in .'ivbiMiju uuua iiu-lll lit llllVl'iry ' " m..u m pigs, all of which taka them greedif, 9,".'! ll'lllCar to thl'il'O Wl'll ll'inn liiia .liol, II.. employs many persons nt lifteen pence per """"i. mm huh season tnoy nave already L'athi'ivd three luinilrori liiiulmW ar,.n,.i.. Jlii ml thinks it might bo worth while to give greater attention to this crop in our own country, nnd is of opinion that since there U as great n dill'ere.nco In tho quality of neorns nq in n!ln.i nnto ii,n ... ........ .lib ,1111V UlilJ come win n oak groves will he planted for the double purpose of 'producing food for stock ns well as for limber, if n;it, why noty For it is cert a inly true that neorns n t i.wsess a largo amount or nutriment, nnd nw readily devoured by various species ol ntiiiuaiii. Fr.i'Dixo Stock. Overfeeding is ns in juiioiii ns underfeeding, l'robahlv more siekiiefs occurs, especially amongst 'horses, fi oia this cause than from nny other. In nddilton to this evil elli ct mu'.'h fodder is wasieu when stock are supplied with un limited quanl ilii-H. liven if it is only with- Jiinueu quaniuirs. j.vea it it is only will in tl.o.r reach, they will pull it dowii, pic "".'.."''oice bits, nml waste the remait int .r 'i.. 1 . ,s.!l V'V "mount whirh i pick nain- .Ij''lglit, IU..I luriiinf 't.i..l. Iu llvit is I , Z.:, ,:"V mnns ban Owners of stock 'shuw T?,',"""' ins more interested nnd bette, 1 Z .r.i.i-mg uian the great tna.jorily bl uuiX V "L i""l'er supply may lie measure 1 eil ov the nppetito of the animal, ivl.t-",. .u pood health will lead it. to eat witlu ""' nil mat is necesaiy. lVhen nny is Mr tho manger the beast Ims been overP . in v,,," ..d.and ...... , lins just eu'iumrn, mil eat and en joy ils alloweuce and lick its trough clean. It is dlilleiilt to manage this without direct oecHsional supervision. "Where the owner is, the crib is clean," nnd in his nbsenco I'liieh waste is almost certain to occur. JJiurth ttiul lli'inf. Cake ok IIoumcs' Fket. The foot is the most important part of n horse ; when Hint is out of order the horse i entirely useless. At tiiis period of the year a great i'cuI of care anil attention may profitably be lirned to the feet of our horses. Mud. vet. slush, and liltli of any kind allowed to remain on a horse's feet will certainly in jure them. When a horse' is brought iu from work the (eot and Icus should be washed and rubbed dry. The hoof should be occasionally well tanvd with common jiino tar. If any injury occurs from "calk ing" llio cut should bo kept clean, nnd if it is at Hie junction of tlie. hoof nnd the skin pains should be taken to heal it up lit once, lest the hoof may become, permanently in jured as it irrows downward. If it is kept Holt nnd pliablo there is little danger of this, but if it is allowed to become dry and brittle bad saml-craeks or split-hoof may necur. Wn cojiy tho following items from tho Germantown TtUyrnph : ltKXDF.IitNO I.AltO FOIt FAMILY UsH. It should be rcmemU'red iu the first place that llio melting of lard preserves it, with out using salt it anything else. There is nothing liellcr for melting it than H east iron pan. but great enro should be taken that the lire applied should he uniform nnd no part of tho lard seorclits. Tho lire should be lilted to the pan, or the pan to the tire, and tho heat sliouM lie ns marly uniform as poihlc. 1 a I tho lard be cut iu small pieces nml use a slow tire, and the boiling sliouM never exceed ii Minion', ami tlm siiniii; iniNt bo continued until the wli. le h nirliuil. When this 'n done, the I.U'I U strained through n sievu to rnli li liny Ki'diiuciit there may x euro beiiii; I lk, 11 Hot to disturb tho seiliim lit. 'J'his sediiueiil, which is about two lhinU lard nn. I one-third skin and jelly, siiould le liinl.'.l V Jiy luM ly in n siiia'llir pun for the niiriiose (.fcoiiw liol i,f it jiiti) llg laid. I'liegr Hl point is to pn vint tho lard front ki-iin liiti,', mid lliU euu Imj dmio'i ly only l.y u'iiuitl .llri inn Mim k I'll The following is my way of unking lull. en li s, nnd 1 think th'-y ui i ipml to mii v I h i wt isu d ; Tuku lipill weights of tender Is if, suet, r:uk.oi ii lid Ml'pli's, w'lieli buvu Ihiii ro oi.!y Hir-d II ml coivil, with half ll.iir W.liihi o S ilt, oili! I'M. of luiMdrltd lUiii iiu in, an tipul ((n.iiiliy of tuudlid oianu nnd h-iiiou 1 1 . , and 1 1 1 1 .ii. h bllle Mil Mil l lilu llll.r ulnio,,la lillilirlliil Ulid.iaW.l. (Imp the. Ill .it mid I Iiu sll ' ..n ii. ly ; u.i-li ,iii,1 u k i,u iuiiuI. ., loiiK t1 j i u ii i nnd i i hi in h ah m 1 1 ; UUU hi. Ii all IU- ingu d.i'Ut XIV I. no. luu l'. I.. f, .t.l.lni n i.uiiiii i Hid MO J I'll' Juil J of 4 Ii llli'U. .'tjjtlst Of IVIU of wimt or loin. W imully l.tipiovi ll. I iu yiiiir ilii or p.iiiy Maii pud ; 1. 1 Willi til" Home, lot, mo pi lull II j loj ihir, JUW.i 1.4 U u hour, Nl K JtllV ('4kK. tnc Clip of jj.hI t n. on mi l ( i tup of mIoU u4r l i. II I it., i ; .. i mil U4U11 -., II. l.i u, ol ll .iu, iUu yu- ui kiiiot. ain 00.' u,i of vuiimit. ijt.K a sioall v4- kiill o t.t Ii, ,4i ol 1 1 1.1 I l.llll MU.t 1 1 U.u i.nanl.iy ul irum of Uit4r In tl.. r! r lidkw Iu 4 .tl siul lb. M bii -liutlu tukiu.f thai l:.t ouu. ' 1, iu H-i-U luliy au4 put 1 ' f 1 .1. iwiijr, ai ii, b4t( will Ui o $isrcUitnro9. Mure Cure Tor Totter. rilHK Subscriber, resident of SeTen Points, An .1. gustn township, Northumberland Connty, Pa., has n pure cure for Tetter, which lie offers tn those nflllclcd with till nnnoylng dlsense. He mil troubled with It for eight years, nnd nothing would euro It until he obtained this remedy. II has tiecn tried In a number of cane, to hii know ledge, (one case of 25 years standing) with entire success. Upon receipt of $1 00, lie will send a box of the medicine, and directions to use it, orO boxen for (5, free of poetnire, WILLIAM, Augusta P. O., North'd Co., Va. August 12, 13717111. XEwlilEATlilor. rilHF. nudcrelgncd respectfully informs the cltl X. Kens of Siiiiljnry and vicinity, that they have opened a MEAT SHOP, In Dewn'l's biillilluir,on t lie north side of Market Square, two doors from tho railroad, were they will kei-p a constant supply of the best of Beef, Pork, Mutton, Ac, nt w holesale or retail, nt the lowest prices nnd of the first quality . A wagon will be run to supply customers every morning, (except Sundays.) The best of meat will found nt their shop. " Give us a call nnd sntisfy your selves. KEFKEW & BOWER. Oct. loth ISf.O. tf. FOR SALE! I EIGHTY acres of Improved land In the best Li sect ou of Huuthcrn Mich iran. within nve miles of the town of "Three liivers," In ft. Jo seph county, williln two miles of the Kullrond f-t itiiui, food biiildinirs, out houses, larpe or chiiid. soil, rich sandy loam, school houses nnd chiirehs within eliflit tit lu Indisputable, ten acres nre In wheat, tba remainder In clover sod. A sp:in of horses, cattle, hogs, grain nnd farming utensils, iVc., Will lie sold wnn hub property. Price $T0 per acre, $3,000 In cash, tho balance in time payments of f. r,oo. Apply to ' WM. A. MASfrEK, Three Itivcrs, Mich. r, IT. B. MASSEH, Bunbury, Ta. Suuliuiy, March 11, 18U. Merchant Tailoring, j. hi. novrux. In the Post Office Building, opposite tho Depot, (up stairs,) S.VXBIJRY, l'FXN'A, tliat lie liiil'!f Cric-n1" ,n11 the public pencrnlly, of nj a Info's and Milled ds CIofSiM, . which will be made tip to oia. i ,7,, styles, nml warninted to fit. " (lentlemen in want or fnslilonnhle suits nre vited to call nml exaniluo his slock. 6IIIKTS eclentificnlly and pructieiilly cut nnd made measure. , r.UN NO RISK. AVe funilsli the above styles of Improved yoke nnd sack shirt with entirely new shape sleeve, nnd guiir.iutec a perfect titt'linr shirt. It Is the best model of n shirt ever ollered to the trade. Fine and fancj shirts made to order. .1. M. HOSTIAN. June 3, lS71.-Cm IF YOU WANT TO SEE tks target assoitnicnt of Millinery G oods ever bronyht tothi3 place, go to Miss L. SMssler, Market Spare, niAiiuti, i-a., Where arc arrayed In nil thcirdifl'jfcnt varieties Fall Milliners Goods of every description just hroUKlit from Philadel phia and are now nn. TIlO IICW llooill V.w mmlilt.tetl Is llllpit with nil er.dh'sn v.'ii-li.t,. . ...01 . .it..,, r .. v llltlfl. iiiiti;ii .iieeiiv uispiu 111 Jds on sbibltloii, and sold ut the lowest KVI'.KY ttIXI OF GOODS usually liept lu a Millinery establishment enn bo had nt her store. The best hi the Philldclpliia uinrki't were solicited. Hive me u call and bo convinced. Miss L. SlIISSLER. Su.ibnry, Beptembcr 1S71. Clock & Vatch Repairer. r. vociT, Iu Dewart's lllock, three doors west of tho Cen tral Hotel, .Market Spin re. SUXIll UY, PA., Kespcct fully Informs tho citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that be Is prepared to repair Clocks and Watches ill nil brunches, also Gold aud Silver Ware of all descriptions. Ilaviiij; had forty years experience In the busi ness in this country, he Hatters himself tliul ho can (live general satisfaction. All work guaranteed Custom respectfully so lieiled. IJune 17, lMil.-tf. MACHI.xifNIIOP AM) IKON I'Ot MMtY. gko. lionnnACTi & soxs, Nuntiury, Ieiiua, INFOU?tl the public that they nro preparefl to do all kinds of CASTINGS, nnd bavin!: added u new Machine Shop In connection wjlh their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, I'hiiilui; and Korlus Machines, wit b the latf.-t Improvements. Willi the aid of skillful Iiu chanies, they tire enabled to execute all orders of NEW WOKK OP, KF.PAiniXfi, that limy be given them, In u satUl'.ietory uian mr. (rnte4 to null any Move. 1UON' COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of nil sizes. JlKAbS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron, Fencing; Foil GUAVE YAltfl LOTS ( VERANDAHS, KOtt YARDS AT KEHIUKNl'KM, 4C., AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated Tor their u perliulty, have been still farther improved, aud will ulwavs be kt'pt on baud. Aiso, THKESIIING MACI1INF.S. Punbiiry, May '-'(, 1MM . OSADALIS The iNGKF.Dir.xTs that COMPOSK IIOSAD.MIS are pulili.lit d on every uieke, there Cure it is mii set n t p ip.tration, cunseipieitlly ruYsui m ruEsrniBK it It it certain euro lor Hi rofulj, Mplul). ill nil i forms, lUwun;. lain, hkin lliaeuiw, l.ilrr Cum. plmnt uuj all dwiKi of the i.luod. c::s rents c? sjsasalis will iiu more euud llisii tell bo 1 1 lee o il.s Hrup ol ftrMiunii. THC UNDCMIQNEO PHVtlCIANt 'lutveuted ItuwoljluiifilliBirprst die j& llm pa.l three yunie and In ly uiiiIuimi it us a reliable AlUiralive 41. J llluo.1 I'unliur. 'lilt. T c t'l'oil of U.lumoie. U'U I J ISI KIN'. IIU M. U . I'Atlk. ' Iha t 11 ism 1 1 v, nu I a bfAUk... ei Si.aoi44iU, il'U. I L. l I AkliU, liutut.14, I I'U A U Kubl 1 , M.-.H.I., N ('. .USED AND r.MUOHSnO BY J h HkM 11 ms, t .uitt.r, I Sll. 'V. U kMlTll. J.tMa, ali.a lit U IIU i t M. I lius I LW. M IliM . I H..4 UI..V. I UAV I N at I 11 ,o iJ.uiill, Va. 4I. I. .laibOtN, aluili... WV.W, I.I.M. lUI HU4 .11 W !.( .1 1 ... IU..1.4 II, , i.l4uM lu 11,- , .1 ...ul lluk.Ulls. I.IL- WtJt. .1 I'llMuM W,U 4 U.4 v IO. I IIM Im u i Wl .ft ff 1.1.4 14 .. O.. W.l 1,1 IIU. J . u lit. .. Ulna Of k si.4 .t kill V Iwio.l I a). 1. 1. it a-14 ! JI ln.iiMt. l ktl .i kii rA j tx c::.':jii o. I He. J . ) 14. It. I D isrcllititcons. No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, ruiLADELrniA, JEtTELEUM, MLVKUSMITIIS Awn IMPORTERS, nre now In rccept of their TALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, embracing a superb stock of lwitiH nnoxzEftt CLOCK t?ET8 AND MANTEL ORNAMENTS I VIENNA FANCY GOODS I 1'ARIAN STATUARY I Nolld Nllver M are t tastefully arranged In cases tor WEDDING PRESENTS, nlso a splendid assortment of FINE JE'WELMY, WATCHES, CHAINS, ELECTRO-PLATED WARES. Oct. 11. 1871. Manhoods How I.ont. How Kentorcil. jiVuiiK.. J"9t published, a new edition of Dr. C"?? Culverwcll's Celebrated Essay on the "''U' radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, Involun tary Seminal Losses, lmpoteney, Mental nnd l'hyslcal Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc 1 nlso, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, In duced by self-lndulgcncc or sexual cxtrnvairance. f i'riee, In n genlcd envelope, only 8 cents. The celebrated author, lu this ndmiruble essny, clearly demonstrates from a thirty yearB' suc cessful practice, tlint'tlio alarming consequences of sclf-nbuse may be radically cured without the dniiirerous use oi' Internal medicine or tho appli cation of tho knife 1 pointing out a mode of euro nt once simple, crtalu, aud effectual, by means of which every eutrercr, no matter what his con dition may be, mny cure himself cheaply, prl vatelv, and radically. ItST'TIiIs Lecture should bo In the hands of of every youth nnd every man In the land. Sent under teal, In a plajn envelope, to nny ad dress, postpaid ou receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. CuIvcrwcU's "Marrlago .Guide," price 25 cents. . Addicss the Publishers, CIIAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Dowerv, New York, Post Olllce Box 4,580. Oct. 21, 1871.-1.V. i .S t Hr. THAN KEROSESE, :ficb of the Sckdcrt Gas Company, T ., October 2i2, 1871. To tub Citizens , , ., ., , monstrato that Uus of 14 Caii'jTC9,l,fn,,on do" be sold at 2.00 per 1000 cubic feet. ''1H!l;,Ji..5n tors or the Sunbury Gna Compnnv have deter liiincd to ndopt that price nnd 14 Candles ns the standard or quality. This fixes tho price or n 14 Candle burner at one cent nn hour, or one third less thun Philadelphia uas. A Kerosene lump gives a light of seven to ten candles only therefore, gas at the above price is much cheaper than kerosene, without consid ering cost ot r hltnneys uud liability to accident, Let all come forward and become gass consum ers. Make your applications for service pipes mid linings ill once, ns the season for Introduc ing them is drawing to a close. By Ouorit op tue Board op Diiiectors. TERMS. The contractors for tho Works will Introduce pipes iiion the following terms. Service p!pes nt 50 cents per running foot, measuring from centre or street. Upon Market Square, tweuty dollars ror entire service. Intel lor Sittings nt 15 cents per rnnnlne foot, iu new buildings ; 15 cents per running foot over plaster, and -0 cents per running foot under lioors. Chundellcrs, Pendants rnd other fixtures for sale at new York nnd Philadelphia prices. October 7, 1S7I. SIMtl ItV MAitl'.I.i: YARD. THE undersigned having bought the entire stock of Dissiuirer & Taylor, would Inform the public that he Is now ready to do all kinds of j-ETy M A It It I. E U'OEtK. (rriTs Has ou hand, and makes to order at I'TOj. KlIOHT NOTICE- ' jlT Mouumeuta & Hrutl-Ntourn. : -r-.x STYLE. DOOR AND WINDOW SLLS Also, Cemetery Posts with Galvanized pipe and nil other fencing generally used on Cemeteries. Johu A.Taylor will continue in the employment, nt the old stand on Market St.. Sunbury. may2'iiB E. Tit AO KOI X A It Y. $10 OFFEIU10 30 DAYS OX TUIAE. MONTH I. A' PAYMENTS. PItlCE HEDCCED. The Amehican Skwino Machine Co. have concluded to oiler their whole Stock of Superior nnd widely-known machines, upon the above unpamleleil terms, to everybody, everywhere, w ho have, or can Hud use for a really good Sew ing Machine, die... per than the cheapest. Every one is welcome to u mouth's free trial at their own home. The best, and only true guarantee of its quality, is ai month's frt'C trial. The object of giving n free trlul Is to show you how Goo.l our Machine, is. This is the spnplest and most certain way to convince you that our Machine is just what you wat. The Secret of safety is In one month's trial. No one parts with the Machine after Irinl. All pay tor and keep ll. Ituy no machine until you have found it a good one, easy to learn, easy to manage, easy to work, easy to keep in order, perfect In mechanism, perfect in construction, simple, reliable, anil a lis fact 1 ry. Any coinpauy who will refuse you this much cannot have as good a Sewing Machine as ours. Buy only when yon know the machine does not take uu hour to get ready to do a minutes work. Buy only when you find a Machine that is ready in a minute to do any kind of work and Is always ready, ami iver out of order. A iiiiiuIIi'b trial iinswers all questions, solves ull doubts, prt'vc inn all iiiUtakes, ami is the only safe w ay to gi t your moneys worth. Try It. You cannot lose. Write for our Confidential Circulars and Illus trated Pamphlet, containing full particulars, which we will send you by returu of mall free, Willi humpies of hew lug, that you can Judge for yourself. And remember, that we sell our good Macliiucnt u low price, upon extraordinary favor able terms of payment, and uiou thelrowu mer its. Don't hesitate because you are uncertain w hether want a Sewing Machine or not, no be-euu.- you have one of another kiud. Try a good one, they ure atwuys useful, nnd will nutka money fur you, or help you to save It. And if you have iiiit.t In r.oiit will show yi,u that the one you bate eituld tm Improved, The coin puny stake the very EiMeiico of their Hll.lnei. ou III" Ult ra lu of I iu Wonderful ami Extraordinary boning Mai lilus. t ouuly ttlgliu gltvu true lu Kuutl Hiuart Agents. (, male ami female, .mi. . I evt'rt lo-re. rite fur I'uilit nl;ir, and . tir.a , AMl.IlK AN M At III E Co., Cur. Juau aud Nuwutu Mieet. New Voik. Oct. 11, IsTJ. I year. "farm for sale. MMI V. 1111.I. i.luiif.l h ivi'm a larger lra'4 of luutl k (tiler l ut it .) lima euu to ni. rltr mill v.tltj 111 uiiu I. tun, l.nii ly itt volJtl lu liurkliiM, ull rs ftr sale uuoul one IJJ aerra, until aelug Ini bolu ul Him old r. i.lng lailii, lojjtAbtW WUU p.ttl ul llio I.ul.llu Ijiiii. I ta Utiluiul aiitruut.iKii ul lbs pal I iilliiicit fur sale, vie lu 4l Ii ' ). I, niuul fu( ganli .. in pur .w, .i ili.iw u li mii iu.titc.1, Mj utu .1 r .1. 1.111H lor ll. p44 lu KnitiUt ha Ikiu iliUtfy done utuu ll. I Ii. 1. um umb) KmiJ fiiiiii lu ihl euuiily I. tit I) uiklu. a 1 iii 4 al uitlluMi) gialu Unulua', U.i in:. 1. 1 tiutiiy a.t4ttt 1 Ut 11 ii.U'i.l, by Hi. lu .Kime nil i.ll .u to Hut kliik' uj.ii 4 Ul 114 iu U a i .i tu b..lut m Ilit uiiu una uiUi ttl, aud to i'.iii'iiU itl .i oiifc ul lb in) ihi mar lb Ibt- arXltf. 'I.fui, iraniitftile, uf pr IlibUlS li,t.l uf, Ul M.tlll.s Hit I MM I.. Mr sltlT. J4I) a if. fitiu v, S. iiu J 1 u , f. mum 1:. At Nil kfia in tsiie, . 11,4 i"'r. 1 1 Mil t4 abti Uuali lUUti I u. I 1.11H ui j lou.4lbii, I laltl) 4li. 4 I . I.. I.. t,4 u 1,41. l j K iit !. uu iu ..t,ui, as I i-l p) uu 4bl ut I'll UUil4.ll . kHt UL r (lUKkr ftUactllimcons. PRICES REDUCED. BOOTS eft SHOES Manufactured to order at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, JOHN WIIAER, Sprncc Street, Sunbury. Penn'a, It constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, at surprisingly low prices. His stock comprises the very best in market. Ills long exper , lence In the business has won for him a reputation for making first class work equal to any city manufacture. All work warranted. TERMS- 8TKICT Ei Y CASH. The prices of repairing are also reduced. JOHN WILVER. Bunbury, Mnrch 4, 1871. MIl,l.I9iERY GOODS GEXERALLV. NEW BTYLES OF BONNETS, 1IATS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, &c. iMonruing and Bridal Hata and Bonnets). Full line of Mourning tells and Crnpe. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. Sash Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, dec, c. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. MISS M.X. GOSSLER. South Fourth St., below the Railroad, Burbury, April 22, 1871. ' STKiti:os oii:s, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES, i;. A II. T. ANTIIOXY A CO., 591 Broadway, New York, - . Invite the attention of the Trade to their extcn. slve assortment of the above goods, of their own Duhlication. manufacture and Importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES nnd GRAPHOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS Or Photographic Materials). March 4th, 1871. ly. ; I'OMPFItET MAXOU CEMETERY . COMPANY. This comr.v ' now prepared to sell lots In the new Cemetery, located on an eminence abont oue-fourth of a mile enst of Sunbury. The In crease of the population of Sunbury, nnd conse quent. Advance in tne ratio 01 mortality, n wen ns the limited facilities for the Interment of those who have fought life's battle, have suggested the organization of the above named company. Plan of Cemetery mny be seen at the olDce of J. A. Cake, Esq., or Lloyd 1. Kohrbacu. Price of lots from (5 to 1 15, according to loca Hon. Deeds will be executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. ROHRBACH, Sec'y. May 13, lS71.-tf. Pit IC ES KEDl'CED AT TUB Mammoth Boot & Shoe Store or :.. EEI MILLER, In C. D. Smith's Room, Queen Street, ono doo fcust of tho rust uuicc, NORTHUMBERLAND, PESN'A. For Elmlra Boots, go to Ell Miller's Boot and Shoe Store. They nre sold, Best Cnlf nt J6. For French Calf Boots, go to Eli Miller's, only 5'j to en per pair. For Boots, Shoes ond Gaiters, nt lowest possl ble prices, go to Eli Miller's, on Queen Street. For all kinds of Gum Boots and Shoes, call at Ull Miller's. For Ladles' Gum Overshoes, see fine assort incut ut Ell Millers. For nil kinds of Children's Shoes, go and ex. amine Eli Miller's large nssortment. For anything In tho Boot and Shoo line, call and examine Ell Miller's stock before purchasing elsewhere If you wish to get tlrst-cluss, nt the lowest prices. Jan. 7, '71-8ep. 3, '70.-1 y. A CHEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Or. WAI.KEX'S CLTFONIA VINEGAR BITTERS llundrcds of Thousands j? jf Bear testimony to their Wonder, nil Curuilvu Kneels. If! 0 . eft THEY ARE KOT A VltK 2 hal FANCY DRINK. If Mwiscf l'oor Hum, WfcUkey, l Hplrlla ted lltt'uao Liquors splped andswict coi4 t i filcaio llio limlo, called 'lonlcs,M".ppttJ:. rrs," " Lestircro," c, tlmt Iced t:iu tippler cu to ilruuLenuess and rula, but sre a true UcCicuu, auulo f.-jm tlie Kullvj I!oou aud llerlw of Ctllfcrala, rree I re in nil Aleohvlle Mlmnlanm. Tlicy are tho i.;:i:at iii.oou I'l'itinzit nnd a Lii'E tilVINU I'K I M'll'l.Es perfect t'.cuovstor and luvlEoratur o( llio by.Um, ciirrjrlr.g off alt poisonous Hunter mid ruktorluif Hie Muud Ui a kcaltliy euadltlon. J.'o pcreua can Lilt tucse ItltUira accorilla lu tiirce tlon and remsla lun( uuwvll. 1UO will be given fur on Inrnrabls esse, provided the hones are nut dcttrojed bjr uitarral pulsoa or olbcr means, and the vital organs vsstcd beyond the pulm ui rauatr. lar laUannulory aud i araal Itbaaaia- Ism aud Uaul, liyavrmla, ar ladlaeailaa, lllllaua, Uaaikllrul mu4 lulariallleal l'evaia Ulacaava ( ika 11 1 us d. Liver, ktduera, and liladarr, time lllllaia ls aa aiul iucci (ul. burk UlKiui are eaueed tr lllaltd lllaad wliicli 1 generally iroduaod by dvrauaeaiaal ul in Wlarailva Orcaaa. UVl":t'.lA OU IKDKiCNTION, Uad eelui, i'klu lu llu bboulUcrs, tuuclia, 1 l.mi ot tba l i t. i, tuj.i.iu, auur trotuiui!., ul iii kUiBuca, Vmi iwk la Um kuuik. VUluus Allacka, 1'alaualk.a ul llu IU. i, Ikiliiaiu.aUiia ul lbs ten., fun u the nku.u ut lua k,biui7a,aadakuudn!d euur eslulut tju twi: uv tba ua.rieuf tieMla. t ii r lu mutala Uia bluuiack and uiuula'4 tka tot I'Mlivirait bowU, aiikb rcudullincjuu.;uil.4 uu. la ilkiiUia lbs liluud ut all iwuuriiua, and Ui iaiUuf ua lifeai 1 1 iur u Iba aaoia lyata, IDUKikM IHaKAa.tJi.lrunWlu.T.lttr.RsU LueLui, biuu bca, k.u, I uu Us. I u.lul. . bull. I kawlM, lilas-Wuia, tw. Ki flh slu, lua, fva, tiiauulufaliui-suf ikakbui, Huatuiia ata UHa ut tba uita, ui akaiutM asiuu us aMa, am l.i.l.i.; dud a-diU4 ml ut ILj t.lui b, a abuf naM tiiwu.ul ikw biuu. Has bvuia at k .k.-i kill IvatlOMI Uv ku. lu.l4l.lvU4 ul lbl ujuiiia aflrci. laaaaa tbi Vllit 14 f.ou4 akeaatet a tod lie In uiu.m kwama taiuab tba ebia W fla-akM, t rap. U UM Ut Mu ll kl.k It kba ua kwl U wlMUkU.4 - J tUfuii u lu 14 aba u la f'ul, auluaitw4.tlk.a puaabM. katkaUu4 - i.J ui a.. i a ul tu,iM.M. ,iii..ii... I'tki Vtt'KauduwWi ttutlkt, tu4iuf la U H'Umul uu lkM I'WkMWHbl. Me '0U;.l dwuuf. J eu4 I-U.U..4. Il M mmi. llMiiluir lua .inn:! it.ul ..(, i i., uiu.1.4 f l -ui U. (Ma ka,t,.u.ku, l i.d k MH. S4I.IH, tl.,1.1. ,. .. '. l-i'fc am t o., au4 O.k. A.v.U. Ik, rtuaeiMu, 14, ka) Iim4M14i..m e-. , , k -AilU i.r AIL KUlbOUl All t ilt.Ua, Ol LLclll aud l uitii, i atiJ kM-Mk utuitk aUMt lkvkUgM a, ai. (1 Ii lu U -vi. Ai 4aVaf 't K? WUs i, d't I aud Iks kuM t cSdlAHAT AD? THPV w UU3 ------- ... - " Bt tt 2 1 , H " g p III 111 pi L p Mmw III I el. oli! tamtfarfitttfs. FURNITURE STORE, - In Mnsonle Hall Buildings, " Third Street, near 'the Poat Offle, UXBCnY, PA. B. L. RATJDENBTJSH now offers to the public ' " FURisrmrRE elected and made with grent care, and with a view to please tne wants or nis numerous customers. nis stock Is new and of the latest styles. PAIlLOtt SUITS, PARLOR AND RECEPTION CHAIRS, COTTAGE SETTS, Ash, Walnut or Rosewood of the finest pattern! made. SIDE BOARDS, la Oak or Walnut, And Dining Room Furniture or an Kinas. LOOKING GLASSES AND PLATES, Mattresses, Pillows, Bolsters, Window Shades and fixtures. Speclm iittemlon Is paid to this department by W. P. Roberts who has hnd a number of Tears experience In the city. Collins of every deserip- tlon and, constantly kept on hnnd. Also. Fiek'e Metallc Burtnl Cases. Shrouds nnd Un dertakers' materials of all kinds. -19" Personal attenHance to funerals. Remember, the Mnsonle Hull Buildings, on xuira street, eunoury, m. B. L. RAUDENBU8H Sunbury, July 15, 1871. 1.U9IBER ASU mMX MIL.L,J, Third Street, adjoining Phlln. & Erie R. R., two Squares North Of tho Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. lluvinc all the latest Improved mnchincrv for manufacturing Lunbcr, be is now ready to Ull or- aers si an Kinas oi FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, oaoii, nuubUlMUH, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd all kinds of Ornamental Serowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BILL LUMBER. nEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe. kc. Orders promptly filled, and shlpiied by Railroad or otherwise. IKA 1. CLEMENT, deel-08:ly PJTOVE A TIN ESTAHMSH.TIE.XT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. SUCCESSOK TO SHITU A OENTIIER.J HAVING purehased the above well known cs tnblishaient, Mr. Kruuse would rcspeetful )y iulorni the public that he now has on hand a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna nnd others, which nre so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of nil kinds put up to bent one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dill'erent kinds nt very low prices. Tinware ofKvery OcMrrlption kept constantly okVlinnd. Rooling and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil in d Lumps constantly on hand. Japan ware ofailx.ndj. Store opposite Conlev's hardware store. Give me u call. A.'KRAUSE. npl24-ly TINE IS MOSEY ! I A LL Wall Paper and Border, sold by nic wil do trimmed ready for use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, DT TUB YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER. mmm i . . v. .1 - r. t: i .r. iV A. which I have the exclusive rlirht to use iu uui: nnd vicinity. Save money, time and ltihor, by bnylng of X. FEllKKK MOI1TXEK, Dealer tn Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Music, ve., ko., eve. Sunday School SUPPLIES made a speciality. lllauk, .Mruioraiitluiu at Iita Book lu endless variety, Just received. ' ROOK HINDI N'G done to order. Persons will save excuse ky leaving their orders for binding wnn uiu. IMC'Tl'HE ERA MEM of all sires, rut from tie Moulding nt very low rates. OVAL A SQUARE FRAMES always on liana. ALBUMS, BRACKETS, GOLD TENS, A lar(e aud well selected stock of Tuysalway ou baud. Anything uot ou hand promptly oi dertxL Banaius lor eusii. l ull at N. FEKKEK LIliHTNER'i Hook Blore, Sign of Foly a Gold Pen, Market biiuure, bur bury, Pa. fcuubury, August 0th, lk70. WM. Ml'kkAT. 4. kUAIMAklH, KM. U. ki-Alk. MURRAY & CO.. WbulvMtl Dealers Ik MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, uince ami avbuol klallonery, rriullMg, WrNitulMg und MmI1I PAPERS. I'll'Ut uvn. At., . Tlio ('ululiniU'4 Corry Koro'iie lluriitiis OU ela-eys uu kaad. liavlug al.a 0util a COAL are u jiii W .upi'ly at kH kulU,aui al the lukwt talue, hiuvi:, OIIKMT.NUT Ktt IKA OOAL to all k Buy k .it4 Ut lt nt sail. leu) at awt eu da. m swmi 1U til k utuMtif k.4. MfUUAr to. M bVmi lkn4 kMiett. kkkki, I. i , It.-l- tlsccllaitcottsj Sunbury Cattle Insurance THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT TDB THE TEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st. 1871. Number of Policies, 712. Amonnt of Property Insured, I53,tlfl,00 Amount of Pratnlum Notes in force, (34,9X3,00 CAStl ASSETS. Amonnt loaned at Interest, (3000,00 Amount In Treasurer's hands, (1000,00 Amonnt due from Agents, (300,95 Amount due rrom other sources, (TJfl.OO Available Capital, . (30,23V,95 Insure your Cattle. . TN8URE with a responsible and perfectly re- liable Company Insure where your losses will be nald nromntlv I b TUIS IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM- PANY Hence, unlike other Companies, yon nre sura of being paid promptly for all losses, If insured In this Cmnonnv. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARK LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, our expenses are less, and onr Charter is Perpetual. We pay losses by all kinds of accidents by death, (excepting in cases of epidemics,) by theft, Ac, Ac. We pay prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to outiiiu your money in case ol loss. Nearly 3,000 paid on Cows alone klnce Organization. Look at the list of Losses paid on Cows alone by this Company. . - M Hennlnger, Sunbury, Pn. t33 D Illlgert, Northumberland 60 George Eekcrt. " 40 8 B Dodge, " ;....80 Charles Bollck, Mt Camel.. ..80 ..40 ..46 ..50 Es u bens Hippie. ' Catharine Wagner, Walsontown George Heir, Northumberland.... Jacob Snyder, Bunbury J W Bassler, " Minor Cady, Dewart Catharine Marts, Shamokln Francis Bueher, Sunbury Samnel B Price, Upper Lehigh.. Joseph Deppen, Mt Carmel Matthias Scholly, " Francis McCarty, " Marin Kramer. Wntsontown ...8333 ...50 ..60 .40 , 0 ...40 ...50 ..45 Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dewart 40 J A R C Quiirglc, Pine, Clinton co 40 R Rumnge, Shenandoah, Bchuglklll co 40 J S Tharp, Shamokln 40 Thomas Wardrops.ltt Carmel 45 N A Loudenslagcr, Herndon, 40 Rachel Cramer, Flhher's Ferry 40 G L Rencnn, Shenandoah, Schuylkill co 50 Jacob Shine, " " 10 Jncob8tolt, " " 40 D 11 Bower, Herndon, 30 Geo B Lntar, Georgetown 40 John II Ossinnn, Sunbury 40 W B Wallace, Northumberland 80 II 8 Gmhnm, " 50 Rehecca Koble, Cconrctown 40 Philip Wlntcrsteln, Wntsontown 40 G S Low, Lime Ridge, Columbia co 40 Lewis Ostcrhaut, Laurel Ruu, Luzerne CO.. .40 Mary J lliue, Northumberland 40 B F Krohn, 8iuibury 40 Andrew Ilealy, Glrnrdsvllle, Sehujlkill co.. 40, Patrick Furgcson, Mt Carmel 40, Martin Dclaney, Shenandoah city 14, John Dune, Ashliinri, Schuylkill co 10, Anthony McLaughlin, Glrnrdsvllle 40, Lliiymnn 8 Hay, Mnhanoy Plane 40, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Bauchcr, Berwick -7, J D Focht, Pottsvllle 30, Ernstus Sober, Point twp 20, A Lippeucott, Watsonlown 40, Maria Kramer, Watson'n,2d loss pdlastsuin,40, I P Lippencott, Wntsontown 40, R 8 Anitnerman, Snydertown 20, Nathan Bloss, Berwick, Columbia co 27, J A C R Quiggle.Pine Sta'n Clinton c 2d loss, 40, Charles W Hazzurd, Rupert, Columbia CO.. .40, John Foglcmun, Watsontowu 40, Pntrlek Hester, Mt Carmel 40, Thouins Mctz, Pnxinos 30, R McClosky, Lock Haven 134, HON. A. JORDAN. President C. A. REIMENSNYDER, Sec'y, Sunbury. DIRECTORS i Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Brnner, Solomon Stroh, Win. Brindle, Soloninn Shipe John A. Shisslcr, Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. Duvld nl dron. March 11, 1871. ly. Northern C'rntrul Itwilwaj-. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. fX nnd after August 0, 1871, trains will run V ns follows t NORTHWARD. Niagara Express arrives nt Siinhnry nt 12.40, p. m. arrives nt Niagara Fulls ut 12.20, a. m. Butlalo Express ui rives ut Sunbury nt 4.10 a. m., arrive at Williumsport at 4.45 Elinira ut 0.10 a. 111., Caiiniidiiigua 12.10 p. in. Mall arrives nt Sunbury at 4.30 p. m., arrive at Wiilhinisport U.30 and Elmlra 10.35 p. 111. Fust Lin nrrives at Sunbury at 0.45 p. nr., arrive nt Williumsport 8.15 p. im. Eric Mall arrives at Sunbury nt 2.00, a. m. SOUTHWARD. BulTalo Express leaves SiinliurT at 4.10 a. m., arrive at Ilarri.-burg 7.05 a. 111., Bultiiuorc 10.40 u. tn. Express Mall leaves Sunbury, 11.45 a. m., ar rive ut Harrisburg 1.40 p. m. Erie Express leaves Suuhury at 8.65 a. m., ar rive '11 1 Harrisburg 11.05 p.m., Baltimore 1.00 p. tn. LeuveJSunbury nt 1.10 a. m., arrive at Harris burg 3.35 a. 111. Sunbury Accomodation leaves Sunbury at 5.45 p. 111., arrives at Hurrisburg ut 8.30 p. 111. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. EASTWAlin. Leave Sunbury at 4.40 p. 111., arrive at Shamo kln 5.50 p. m., Mt. Carmel 6.40 p. m. Leave Sunbury (Accommodation,) at 11.50 n. tn., arrive at Shamokln 1.00 p. ui. WESTWAKI). Leave Mt. Curniel at 7.00 a. in., Shamokln 7.40 a. m., arrive ut Suuhury 9.55 a. 111. Leave Shnmokiii (Accommodation,) at 3.45 p. m., arrive at Sunbury 4.00 p. m. Express leaves dully Leaving on Sunday, runs North only to Williumsport. All other tralus leave dully, except Sundays. A. K. Fiske. Ei. S. Yot Nii, tien'l. Sup't., Gen'l Pussen'r Ag't., Iliirrlshurg, Pa. HlSwra, MJ. l'aiuta. Oil, ate. A' FULL stock of Oils comprising Linel Oil, Coal Oil, Fish Oil, and Liibrieutimr Oil for Engines and Machinery, Vui uUlies, Uluas, ulways 011 baud, at low prieea at CON LEY A CO'S. To tlio Community nt Large! CHANGE AT THE "REGULATOR." I have Una day purebaMl the enure slock, good will and "'(urea of the Kegululor Bool, bliuv, Trunk, Leather aud Finding Store, of J. S. Auglo, and will continue the bnelneas at he pre aeul location, eoruer room, llaupl'a Iron From, Market kthekt, Si nuukv, 1a. When having eelabll.hrd armugeiiient. with the leading uiauulaelnrer. of Ike eoiiulry, I pro pie aupplyiug the luarkel ills a rluaa of work ol eetablUhrd rrpiilullou for durahillly aud tlul.b, at prices that uia.l claim popularity. A . dally will Im niada lu the furui.liln'g of bbuev inuker. uialvrluls lor Uiaiiufuvturiiig. four Iwliouage la kolieited. N. F. MtlHTSFR. uubui, Jau. VI, l7l. G AH ll&Tl ltMt. TIIACKAUA. lir( K k CO., I'Ct gokOKII TO MAMirACTritrn vr OA m'U'Hfc, lUU)tJi, Jtc, JU., I ls4llere rmmdmmi; ttrakatvlk, at.. vkU rMkM4fwll UlU Ik. ttlaulUe) cf . (kaeai. lo eu .Iryeul aeeolt Uleul. WlioLIUAtH AkD Mm It L.nui.W., stAMiriCTOHr, Mi4 AkD f4 Hit'! Ipiii A II, IIU Ijuilroabo. tckawnna and nioomaburg RaUl rrnni ' BUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ,. Monday, Jab If, 1871. . BOUTUWARD. taT. A.M. P.M.,M. P.M. PM. Beranton, 45 1 45 10 05 0 50 4 0O Bellevne, 6 60 0 65 4 05 Taylorvllle, 0 57 10 17 7 03i 4 18 Lackawanna, 7 05 io 26 7 1114 23 Plttston, 7 14 8 11 10 85 7 19, 4 80 West Pittston, 7 19 l0 40 7 24'4 85 Wyoming, 7 87 81,10 47 7 81 4 43 Maltby, ho 62 7 80 4 47 wX0rn., Ajc& 70 8 83 11 00 7 61 4 65 Plymouth June, 8 00 5 00 Plymouth, 7 50 8 40 8 05 6 05 Nantlcoke, 8 00 8 20 nunlock's, 8 07 8 80 8hlckshlnny, 8 22 3 08 8 45 Hlck'a Ferry, 8 88 Beach Haven, 8 43 8 87 Berwick, 8 60 8 84 Briar Creek, 8 67 Lime Ridge, 9 07 Espy, 9 14 Bloomnburg, 9 19 Rupert, 9 26 8 67 Cutawissa, 9 81 Danville, 9 61 Cbulnsky, 9 59 Cameron, 10 03 North'd, (arrive.) 10 20 4 62 NORTHWARD. Leave. 1A.M.1P. M. a. Northumberland, Cameron, . Chulasky, Danville, Catawtssa, Rupert, Bloomeburg, Espy, Lime Kldge, Briar Creek, Berwick, Beach Haven, Hick's Ferry, snicks tunny, Hunloek's, Nnnlicoke, Plymouth, Plymouth June, Kingston, A st W.-Barre J c'r Maittiy, Wyoming, Wcrl Plttston. Pittston, Lackawanna, Taylorvllle, Bcilevue, Beranton, (arrive) DAVID T. BOUND, SupT. Heading Itailroaii. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday 3fay 5th, 1871. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North nnd North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y., Read ing, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shanrnkin, Lebanon, Allcntown, Enston, Ephrutu, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Ac. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as fol lows: At 2.40, 8.10, a. m. nnd 2.00 p. m., cou neetinst with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York nt io.05 a. m., 3.50, nnd 9.30 p m. respectively. Sleeping Crs accompany the 2.40..U. ni., train without change. Returning t Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12.30 noon and 6.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.: 0, 8.80 a. m. and 3.80 p. m. ; Sleepinir Curs neei m pany the 5.00 p. ni. train from New York with out chanire. Leave Harrisburg for Reudinsr, Pottsville, Ta inaqiin, Mlnersville, Ashland, Shainokin, Allcntown nnd Philadelphia at a. m., 2.00 nnd 4.05 p. m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations ; the 4.U5 p. n., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, SchuvlkiU Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leavo Hurrisbiirg at 3.40 p. in. East Pennsylvania Riiilroad train leuve Head ing for Allentown, Enston aud New York U14.32. 10.30 a. m., nnd 4.05 p. m. Returning, leuve New Kork nt 9.00 a. in., 13.30 noon and 5.00 p. m. nnd Allentown at 7.20 a. m. 12.25 uoou, 2.15, 4.25 and 8.35 p. m. Way rasscuger Train leuves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. in., connection with Bimllur train on East Pcnnn. Rallrond. returning from Reading ul 6.20 p. 111., stopping nt all stations. Leave Pottsville at 0.00 n. m. and 2.30 p. m. Herndon at 10.00 n. m., Shnniokiu at 5.40 and 11.15 a. 111. ; Ashland at 7.05 11. 111., and 12.43 noon; Muhanoy City ut 7.51 a. 111. and 1.20 p. m. Tamuqua nt 8.85 a. m. and 2.10 p. in. for Philadelphia, New York,Keading, Harrishnrg.Ae. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susque hanna KallrOllfl lit R.lftn. IU V..Tll..r.i.l.lir,r ..r,A 11.45 a.m., for Pine Grove nnd Treniont. I Rending Accommodation Train leaves Potts 1 villeut 5.40 a. m., passes Reudimr at 7.30 a. in. niTlvinir nt Philadelphia at 10.20 u. in., returning leaves Philadelphia at 6.15 p. m., passing Read ing nt 7.55 p.m. arriving at Pottsville ut 9.40 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves l'otts town nl 0.30 a. m., returuiug leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Ranroad Trains leave Readinif at 7.20 11. m., and 0.15 p. ui. lor Ephrutu, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. Perkioinen Rail Road Trains leave Perkionien Junction at 7.17, 9.05 a. 111.. nt 3.00 and 0.00 p. m. Returning.leave SchwcnkhVtlleut U.30,H.10u. 111., 12.50 noon and 4.45 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Reading Hall Road. Colehrookdule Railroad Trains leave Pottstown at 0.40 a. ni., 1.15aud 0.45 p. m., returning leave Mt. Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.25 u. 111., and 3.00 p. m., connecting with siuiihir truius on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port at 8.30 a. 111., 3.05 and 5.83 p. m. returning, leave Downing ton at C.40 a. 111., 12.45 noon unit 5.25 p. iu.couuecting with similar trains ou Read ing Railroad. On Sundays 1 Leave New York nt 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in. and 3.15 p. 111., (tho 8.00 a. in. Uam running ouly to Heading;) leave Pottsville at 8.00 a.m., leave Harrisburg, 2.40a. m., and 2.00 p. m.; leave Alleutowu ut 4.25 and 8.35 p. m. ; leave Reading ut 7.15 u. in. and 9.50 p. m. for Harrisburg, at 4.32 a. 111. for New York, nt 7.20 a. m. for Allentoivu and ut U.4U a. in. and 4.15 p. in. for l'liila.lcl'a. Commutation, Mllenm . . , Excursion Ti'1 . - be-ison, p, hnol and due--' '"kCle, to and from ull points ul re. u" -a rates. Baggage checked through 1 100 rou..d Bue gage ullowvd each Pussengcr. J. E. WOOTTEN. st. Shi. A Eng. Much'rv. I lliiladelhia aud Erie Itaiiroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, Auirust 7th, IK7I, the Truhu uu the Philadelphia A E1I0 Rail Uoad kill ruu us follok. 1 WESTWARD. Mull Train leave Philadelphia, 7.10 n m ;: ;; ,y. .lw u ii ,rr j, rlBj ,J M Erie Express leave Philadelphia, 13 .so J, , " " an at Erie, 7.40 a ni rinilra MaU leave. Philadelphia, 9.30 a iu " " " bunbury, l'J.45 p m " " arr al Lock Haven, 7.50 n m Bultalo Eipries leave, buubury, 4.15 a M " arr al Wiliiuui.porl, 0.54 a u Bald Eagle Mall leave. Vlllluiu.kiit, 1.44 t m arr al Lin k Hunu, S 00 p m EAkTWAUi). Mall Tralu leave ErU, buubury, " ' arral Phllad.lphU, 11 30 a m I id a iu 7 mo a iu ( km) p ui a Vi iu a 00 p m k.ui a ui 11 in a ui ft.'! p Ul V Ok 4 III 4 5 ui 1 1 im 111 II J a m 14 0 i m s.kra. 1 Tee a-rie. buubury, I " " arr al fbiU.1.,11 ipula, E Iiu Ira M4II lrave. I.iak I U I ill. .... 1 " Buunuiy, " M krr kl 'klU.lei hi t, VurTdla Eiiim Vt, " buubuiy, " " arr al I'kiU.I. li t. i.. Haiti Fiji. Well leave. U. k IU. u, " " " ail al H uiuiu'inul. MaU Fast founds te.l au4 kvel l il. and L. k. A M. k. U. M . aud al t ") nt In im luu lib till I m k aud .tll. . l.i.) II K tt . kiell Wrel llk bound Irallie uu I.. kV A U. b. a. . aae) al I " " l In lueiuo kilk Oil ti-k au4 AiiUuy U. H. . Mariek) Ai..miu.."li..ii ... .. kul aol llk lialu. k L. k. aa4 M k. K Vt' ... ! u4 iu ka4 .1 1 fit) auk O. I . aua A. M H. U . kite Aotiiuuulii.ii .1 l'ij aud a.. al I utif a4 liu.u.i a auk 11 1 . a I I t k s, If. mil U41I au4 kjil'j t'.-e luej ..iii.eria .1 kuuiui..i nk k 1 . i W. lollaaieaa pU4 1 lieiue ai l l east fi 'ei VI 1 li.u.iiv'1 iw ti. I iki.k.. .ai auii. 10 25 5 10 , 6 27 5 81 10 60 5 40 6 00 S 05 11 14 6 13 . 6 17 0 24 6 84 11 30 6 41 U 43 4H A.M. 8 65 13 00 7 09 7 30 I 7 24 7 45 PM. P. M. 7 31 8 00 l'i 26 7 41 8 15 P.M.I 5 10 8 20; j 6 15 18 84 7 51 8 SOl 2 88 5 25 - . 1 I 1 8 401 2 43' 5 35 12 43' 8 Pfi. 8 45' 9 48 6 40 8 13 8 62i 2 64 6 47 12 62 8 IS1 9 04 2 61), 5 go H 28; 9 14 8 07 0 00 8 30 9 25 3 10 0 10 8 42 9 82 8 23 0 17 1 14 8 481 U 40 8 SO 6 25 . to lUUuMlut t.U.lli l .11 a. a. mii'wik) 6e'l kW't