Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 18, 1871, Image 3

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    C , r .
SUNBURY, NOV. 18, 1871.
focal affairs.
Skwino M AcniKKS.-MIs Caroline Pallut ll the
gent for the sale of the best Sewing Machined
i existence, vli "The Improved Blnger,"
Grover A Bukcr" "Howe," end "Domestic, :
nlch ore constantly on hnnd nod eolc a. rra-
onablo prices. Slic is also agent for the ccle
rated FranU and Pope Knitting Machine. Call
nd see thorn. Office on Market street, cast of
'ie railroad.
Tiis new Library of the Lutheran Sunday
hool at this place, has boon received. It con
Ins some of the hot books In America, and
8t one thousand dollars.'
L. M. Yoder, Insurance Agent.
Wm. I. Ghebnocob, Esq., and N. F. Llghtner,
iq., represented St. Matthew'e (Episcopal)
lurch of tills place, In the convention at Mar
iburtr, last week, to form a new Episcopal Dlo
sc In this State.
The pus works nt this place are now ready to
put In operation. This Improvement was
ted up under tho direction of J. D. P.itton,
iq., and V. W. Edgerton, with commenduble
.slucss ability.
New Time The fall time tablet for
e running of trains on the N. C. Railway and
& E. K. K., went Into effect on Monday last,
me Important chanires have been made In the
-lvlnir and leaving lime of passenger trains nt
.6 place. A corrected time table will be found
another column.
Childbed's shoes of ell lr.2 and styles are
pt nt nnzelllne's store In Moore & Dlasluger't
'amlru A. Savidob, Esq., an attorney atTnr
vilie, this county, was convicted at the U. S.
jrt, week before lust, at Pittsburg, on the
rrc of bavin j collected pensions due soldiers'
lows, as their attorney and appropriating the
tier to his own use. lie was sentenced to the
jstoru Penitentiary for a term of ten years.
7 OK Sale. A youuir cow that will be fresh In
e w mouths. Enquire at this ofllce.
icciDENT. On Tuesday morning last, a young
n named Tlenry Brown, working In the steam
7 mill of Messrs. Fryliug, Bowen fc Entclc,"
ic in contact with one of the circular tuws
ieh cut through the flesh of his arm to the
c, and mangled It in a terrible manner. Drs.
I nnd Clark were called on who dressed the
adies will And ihc largest variety of the lat
style ehoos at C. S. Iluzeltlne's store, corner
Market nnd Third. Streets. Gum shoes of
y description.
csertion. It turns out now that la the case
o n. vs. S tmuel Cherry, charged o August
ons of our Court, with deserting his wife,
olio has deserted hiin. Contrary to the ad
of her counsel sho packed np, some time be
November Court, nnd left Mr. Cherry's
se In dlsirust, leaving behind her three cbil
i, who arc no.v being cared for by the bits
.1 and his mother.
yon want your life insured go to Todcr's of
iicur the Court House.
lit townsmen Messrs. Fryllnir, Bowcn &
el deserve great credit for resne!tntlng the
n Company, and making an Improvement
h will be of vast benefit to every citizen In
vicinity. The cost of erecting the boom will
mm $1211,000 to $25,0)0, which umount was
:ly subscribed by gentlemen of WMliumsport,
are satisfied that the iuveftmcnt will be a
1 one. Xe hope that the parties Interested
more than realize their expectations.
IE latest fashionable boots are offered for
at C. S. Hazcltine's store, corner of Market
Third Streets. They are well made out of
ictt muterial. Sold ut low prices.
angb. C. S. Hazelllnc has le.tcly purchased
urge Book, Stationery, and Hoot nnd Shoo
e of N. F. Llghtner, and will continue the
ness In the rooms in Moore & Dissluger's
li.ig, corner of Market nnd Third Streets.
ILizeltinc Is a thorough business man, who
constantly keep up the reputation of Unite
shmcnt by adding new goods. The patrons
.is tine establishment will be glad to learn
Mr. Hurry Thacher, widely known asagen
niiily clerk, will continue with Mr. Hazcl
, and wait upon customers as heretofore.
iccisatios U a duty which every mnn and
in ouo to themselves oud their families.
u Is no doubt whatever that mauy cases of
ll px now prevail In all parts of the State,
, indeed, than the local journalists care to
' to, uud, therefore, the greater necessity of
cple at once attending to vaceluution. Dr.
. Mnr'tle, has generously offered his service
i eclnute all who may cull at his Drug Store,
m, and we presume fiat the Physicians
'ally, In tlii. 1 1 ce, are wl.llug to lend their
nreventing this loathsome disease, by Vac-
lug all who may can l"';lu
;vunu's Mawmotu Cash Stoke Is tllll sou
is cheap as ever. -
vnso wi'l uol be undersold. Call and see
u k uud colored Alpacas, French Merino
oilier seasonable Dress Goods.
MiNsiiiKL Thoi j-b ih Troi ble Th How
Heiiiulc Mlustiel Troupe, advertited to el
at tlii place tin Tuesday evening last, cam
ue, but the weather being unfavorable their
litloti did not come off, which hud the cMcd
lugliig llieui to grief, at it left them without
a to defray lliiir Eieiiset. Ou Wednesday
.iMu.. d to leave ilhout giving tutlsfitetlon
e luiidiord uf the Clement IIoumj, for hoard
, who found it uectt'.ury to resort to other
us. An uttuehtneul wut Issued by Etquln
del, and thiii ellecls were seised upon Until
..itlou Is mudo to the Uudlord. Of tours
- eugugeiueutt at other place will lmvstob
UK Exec.lor Water Proof Leather Preerva
lur hururss, !, shoes, and leather car-
u lo, cuu ue hud ut the 1h4 aud ho stor
.Mirik lH..liiu'''t bulldluy, eoiuai Third
Market. Ti.l pri patatkiit t the he I grctw
.i.ilhtl that t iu be ucd. Gil ll a Ittal.
kotuta iMroartki AaktT.-4a Wedu
liioli4ll lu.t, I. H. liouler, spseutl agwtl f'
'iotrru'ueut, airolcj III' Intel While, at III
r fcuiu.u, lu t ual ixwiMblp, u4 brouaht
b:uni V. . Cmuiiiis.iuu.f, L. f . KubiUcb,
is pUi, (of d. Iiu.iiii tbs (lur.iuuwiii ot.1
teUI Uses. M bus U auuUiUrof IU Molly
iuiivs, U'loxtof fi.1 I..Ui' M
i g iIum b 14 lul iitafc'bbuilwutl Ut tar
IU vr a li'"i"t "''"f,
i- 11 b uut t l-aut lip, aud b4b r
i. i l uUuibKt fi l U tiit4lut. VYbUa
l.i4 I i ball r. U stilt of butt!' t)4
lor bis s -p.ii 4 tbt btsl t'. Ctrttrt.
Ilr.ui btfixf )4 ntrJ fivut b at.wts.
twur 14 sti.4 4, wuyU b M Lite tu4
' I t itf i, tnn l uiu1Imu lla.
t vt, Hll lHU(lIHlll,
Tb Amtwror Pt Tlrn. On-last Friday
morning Pat Hosier, President of tho Molly Ma
gulres, who has of lale been electioneering for
the Democratic nomination next fall for the of
fice of Sheriff of this county, was arrested by
Sheriff Heller and the Sheriff of Cecil county,
Maryland, on the charge of horse stealing. It
appear that the horse, which Pat alleged had
been shot previous to the election, by a party
who had attacked him, hnd been stolen from a
gentleman of Cecil county, Maryland and
brought to Locust Gap, thit eonnty, some three
years ago. Pat became the owner of the horse,
who frequently rendered service to Democratic
can Idatcs In canvassing Mt. Carmcl township.
Of course, the horse being well known, the sight
of him did as much (rood as though Pat had been
present In person, and candidates found Pat'
horse quite a convenience.' Detectives having
been In that part of the connty some weeks ago,
Pat had become uneasy about losing the animal,
and feared he might be restored to his rightful
owner. Pat therefore took the precaution to have
blm Insured before the fatal attack was made.
When the horse was shot, It It alleged that the
ball had been fired from above, as the ball entered
on top of the animal and patted downward This
gave suspicion of foul piny and the Insurance cim-
puny postponed paying the Insure money until tut
matter could be Investigated. The unplcarant ;
position of Pat at present, caused by his arrest
by the Sheriff or Cecil couuty, Maryland, on a
requisition from Governor Gcury, will, no doubt
delay the matter for some time longer.
A large number of persons repaired to the de
pot at this place, to wittiest Ptt't departure for
Marylaud, and while Waiting for the train, some
curious, retnnrks in regard to bis private character
were indulged In, and a Die cars moved off their
countenances gave evidence of great relief, many
hoping that Justice Would at last be mctcd out to
hlui. But In this they were sadly disappointed.
Tbey never wished to see his liko again, but on
Wednesday morning, like U.mlel's Ghost, he re
appeared and was again seen on our streets.
Put, like many other Democratic politicians, has
hnd too much experience, and will not permit
himself to be incarcerated for trifles. There is no
doubt that those Democratic candidates for
Sheriff who felt such great relief on his depar
ture on Friday, and expected to have a clear
course, will be much chagrined when they find
the same veritable Pat again among them push
ing bis claims fur Democrutlo laurels.
For any kind of Holiday presents call early at
C. S. Hazeltiuc's book store, periodical and no
tion (tore, in Moore ct Dissluger's building,
where you can be suited with any article wished
Qa9. The new gas works nt this place are
nearly completed, and a uumber of our citizens
have already hnd the gas pipes Introduced into
tholr houses. The next thing will be the Intro
duction of chandeliers, brackets, side lights,
pendants, drop lights, and all other fix fires, Ac,
belonging to the business. We observe that
Charles Geutbcr, who Is the agent at this place
of several of the best manufacturers of Philadel
phia, has a number of these on hand for sale and
as specimens. He has made arrangements to
furnish any style or pattern manufactured In
Philadelphia, nt city prices. Persons, therefore,
in purchasing from him, run no risk in breakage
or injuries In transportation, and In putting them
up, at Mr. Geuther will superintend these mat
ters himself.
Insurance placed In none but reliable compa
nies, at Yoder's Agency.
Ws have heard it rumored for some time past
that there was an organized bund of inccudlurlet
prowling through the dltfereut towns in the State
who liave made their boast that the lurgc cities
and towns should be laid in ashes before winter
Is over Among these ure Harrlsburg, Lcwieburg,
Willlamsport, Mtltou, Danville. Wutsontownand
this place. Anonimous letters have been receiv
ed In all these places to that effect. This is no
doubt tho same bund of scoundrels that succeed
ed in laying the city of Chicago In ashes, and
who have endeavored to bring abont the same
results in other cities. We would suggest that
the citizens of towus give tills matter siicciul at
tention una be prepared for the villains, nnd
frustrate their hellish deslgus. There have been
suspicious looking individuals prowling about
these towns who should be arrested and compell
ed to leave forthwith.
A new supply of Books, Albums, Stationery,
Toys, and an Immense variety of notions for the
Holidays, have been received by C. S. Hnzcltlne,
(successor to Llghtncr), corner of Third and
Market Streets.
Toe Boom In the West Branch above Northum
berland, Is fast reaching completion. Thit Im
provement will probably be the most beneficial
of any In this neighborhood and be the means of
establishing manufactures both hero aud nt
. . , ,. , . . . .......
-,UrVuu..iue.iuuu. Aircuay, it i eiaieu tuat two ,
large sow mills will be erected at this pluce during I
ter adapted for the lumber trade than Sunhury j
and Northumberland. The sites for mil In urn
more favorable, while the chances for shipping I
are fur better than any along the river. Sun
bury, the termlul of five railroads, running
north, south, east and west, presents an advan
tage to lumber manufacturers thut cunnot lie
surpassed, at the difference in freight alone will
give them such a marglu over other points that
they cannot overlook.
A lahue and Varied assortment of Boot and
Shoes have Just been opened at C. H. Huzeltliiv't
store (successor to N. T. Llghtner), corner of
Third aud Market Streets.
A Narrow Escape. On Friday night of lutt
week Mr. Joseph bird, of Northumberland, made
a very uurrow escape from drowning at Belle
foute. It appears thut he hud lusted the even
ing with E. C. Humes aud other gentlemen ut
the ofllce of the Snow Shoe R. R. Co. On leav
ing the office to nturu to the Duh Hons, the
ulgbl belug very daik, be walked over a wall
about lift ecu feet high, Into the cunul. Mr.
Bird weul la head foremost, but, reUlubig lilt
presence of mind, be got hliuwlf In ail upright
position, and by tlp-tocing tho bottom aud
(tretehlug bit Ueek, succeeded In keeping hi
bead above water. By eautlout Mepplug be f Jn-
4 the rl.t lu th bank of the eaual, atw wat
drawo to tb top of lb wall by a friend wbo
reached dowu and took blm by the baud. Mr.
B got a thorough ducking aud let bit gold
spectacles lu lb pluugo. Vmetle oUti eek.
Tua books of Win. 1). Iltupt, . IIupt it tou,
aud lr. I buries Arthur, tr lu lb haudt of A.
H. Bias, K'l) , for eoilw-llua. PsrtuM will tav
tols by being prompt.
Fiat AI lUvu I a. A ra bnt u la !
tUlr. ou lu.t Thursday nlabt a wk, aud lb
f.,uutf pii,,rty wa doUojr4 i O. K. Iluut
canUa UeVwTi au4 all lb buildings la lU ah
17 la lb rear ul Win, U.uwa rMue
Aiw th tttM room of V w. Iltumk aud t. Mutt of Its fuUar 4-
Tb i4Maof Mr. Uwf wa tUUly
Uu.t'4 by w4r. 1 a wViu of loa ' U u-
baawu, but b gtoMtl oibWa la tbal U
lb wb t-f aa lusadiat.
i , ....
ftutall frwUt-bMHttM of Its IssuMOta tU
at O.a Hall.
Uk m Mtil-M f W t4 Cluta U Wtaa.
next spring, and If ouce commenced a number of i J- Bloom, Mix busan Brown, J. Uoyiler, Miss
others will follow. There are perhaps no locu- IM'.,r'r.Ci .P''11'1' 11" An?11 P1"0'"; M";,Mary
, ' . UriL'lit, Mesxrt. Toy Bicklord, Mrs. Anna Burns,
tlont along the Susquehanna river that are bet- c. F. Sell, tllee. W. W. McCuulev. 8. Cumi.hell.
ELortntrtKT a DAirvn.1.1 Girl with fWrm
Ton AoEKt. The Wllllaiatpnrt Standard, Nov.
1,: ha the following t "Last week a strange
lady, considerably agltnted, appeared before Dis
trict Attorney Relghard and complained that her
daughter, but fifteen year old, bad left Danville
In company with a ctraogcr named Green, two
dayt before, and was now (topping at the City
Hotel, where they passed off a man and wife.
Information wa Immediately rondo by the lady,
wbose name It Margaret Ammerman, a warrant
Issued and W. E. Green was brought before Jus
tice Cramer, to answer on a charge of seduction.
The hearing disclosed that Green It a traveling
agent of a New Tork hat establishment, that of
Markenwltz, Pelsch & Co. While stopping In
Danville his eyes chanced to fall upon the youth
ful girl, Clara Ammerman, scarcely out of her
baby dresses, and Immediately he determined to
rain her. Having requested and secured an In
troduction from tome acquaintance of a few
days, ho succeeded In hi art of fascination so
completely that the girl herself volunteered to go
with htm wheresoever he would go. It appears
that the girl and her mother had arranged to
visit a friend some distance up the road. The
daughter affected to ttnrt on Monday, but in
stead of doing so she must havo remained with
Green until Tuesday morning, when they both
took cars for this city.' As beforo stated tho
guilty pair took rooms at the City Hotel, where
their iniquity was unsuspected nnd undisturbed
durlug two days and nlvhts. When arrested In
their career on Wednesday they seemed greatly
attached the child being literally enamored of
this strange, Itinerant representative of amours.
Green declared be would marry her she snld she
wanted to stay with him. Poor thing! Little
did the reflect how many a silly, weak, erring,
Infatuated one like her has been smitten in youth
by just such traveling character! as Green. The
child's mother, however, acted the part of wis
dom In taking her home, to the nursery, the
proper place for creatures of that tender age and
weak discretion. The mother said to Green, "No
you cannot have Clara for a million of dollars."
The result of this investigation was that dandy
Green was put Into prison iu default of f 800 bail
the place for blm and others like him.''
Liohtner's Book, Stationery, Periodical De
partment, and Boot, Shoe, Trunk, Leather and
Fiudli g Stoic has been sold to C. S. Huzeltlne,
who bus Just opened a largo supply of the above
named goods. Call In at the Moore & Dissingcr
building, corner of Third aud Market Streets.
Cut mis i.vr. Place thit notice In a' con
spicuous place to remind you that the very best
and finest bouse furniture can be procured at B.
L. Ruudcnbush's Furniture store, in Masonic
buildings. Everything needed in the lino of fur
niture is kept there, even bolsters, mattresses,
comforts, nnd every article necessary to furnish
sleeping rooms, parlors, dining rooms nnd kltch
eus. A call ut tho establishment will convluce
uny one.
Fikb. Two tlrct occurred In this Borough
within a few hours of each other lust week one
on Thursday evening nnd the other on Friday
morning. The first broke out about half-past
four o'clock on Thursday evening, in tho hay
mow of the barn connected with the V. 8. Hotel,
M. Wclllver, proprietor, and before the flumes j
could be nrrcstcd the hotel barn, the large liver;
stable of E. B. Smith, the "old livery stable,"
owned by E. B. Smith, and occupied by G. F. &
C. M. Fugue, grocers, as a wurc house, the sta
ble of J. B. Riley, the stable, carriage house and
lee house, of D. Clapp, two stables belonging to
E. M. Green, and the stable of Hon. Henry John
son, were consumed. The second broke out
about 1 o'clock on Friday morning In it barn be
longing to Major Isaac Bruner, whitjh together
with two smullcr buildings belonging to Major
Bruner, were destroyed. In nil thirteen buildings
were burned. Both fires are believed to have
been the work of incendiaries .--Vtmct Luminary.
Another lot of millinery goods such ns Bon
nets, Huts, Ribbons, Flowers, Ac, hnve just
been received at the store of Miss L. Shisslcr, on
Market Street. They are the latest Philadelphia
and New York styles. They look beautiful and
arc sold ut low prices. Go and tee them.
Otsteiis of a superior quality are served at the
new saloon of II. Peters, on Market Street.
They arc pronounced better than any other In
market. Also, pig feet, tripe, Ac. A ladies sa
loon has becu opened, where they will be served
with oysters In any way desired. Peters also
keeps confectionery and fruits.
Frtliso has received New Goods which he has
selected with cure.
Frti.ino has the reputation of selling the best
Goods at tho lowest prices.
List of Letters remaining In the Sunhury Post
Ofllce, week ending November lGth, 1871 1
VJ . ti . n uin "hi;, ..lis l.i u jiirAiiiiiii;).
t w . . t n;- . 1 1 ........ .i
g j. ii. Blllr. j. Blcher, C. Becker,
Mi's Mary Berdner, Isunc Benfer, Mist JemitnUi
Mist Mulinda Charles, John M. McClellun, Ein-
ma Conrad, Zaearias Conrad, D. N. Croft, (3),
ll. ll. lonrun, Boiomon I'eip, 9o;omon ueppen,
Mrs. Mury Drlscoll, William Fldred, Win. Fox,
Francis N. Fredricks, Mrs. C. Felslnger, Wulter
finny, Mrs. Mary A. Usher. Mrs. Si rail J,
Jacob B. Fox, Mrs. D. B. Foy, John Foy, Mrs.
F. Grares Mrs. Jae Gass, Mr June Glase, Mr.
Ann Muria Guss. Isabella Uusson, Mis Emma
(irabam, Geo. W. Uruy, Jonathan Geesemnu,
Mist Flora E. McGee, Adam (ieist, Miss Ainnnda
Gulnn, Cburlea Gouta, Anna Ilauck, Mist Emu
Hue Hepner, George Illle, (2) Mr. Sarah lller,
Jumet lluywood, Jiimet B. Hudson, (2) Millard
F. Hutching, George Kalb, (3) Edward Kimvel,
(eo. I). B. Kelm, C. Keuper, Frank Kenn, Wil
liam Kuse, W. Keefer, Misk Jlliulo Reefer. R. F.
Curllu. C. B. Kline, Mr. Joseph Kimball,
Nathaniel Koppeuloller, J. B. Lluu, Esq., Joint
A. LlinlBiuiau, Mrs. Harriet Maliek, Mrs. Surah
Mathlus 8. W. Marshall, W. F. Miller, A. I).
Miller. Miss Hester Miller, Henry Ortston. Mist
hullle Prettyiimn Uvld Gnttzinan, Mrs. Harriet
Ruiiduls, Ma rlu h Kuy, F. B. Kan tall Eplimliani
Roprli, Joseph Itilcy, Augustus Rogers. Robert
Kussell, Rein, Howard Slurry, Rlrhnnl Keleliuin,
Ketchum. Jeremiuli SI Cluir, Mrs. II. F. Steams,
Charles E. Hinllh, Piinlel 6hle, Henry L. Sbippy,
Mrs, Emma Biuilb, William bhipe, Lafayette Lu
gr. Persons railing for tbt above letters, please
civ U.ite of udveili.euient.
Tilt flu assortment of Goods the Cash stor
of R. F. Welmer U drawing tha altafitlou of all
wbo p.ts thai establUhinunl. It Is a plae where
all kluda of Goods, Groceries, (jueeoswarf, Ac,
tinU bad at ihsvery low.! prieu. A trial alii
convluce auy ou f tbata laett.
Wm. II. Mit.Lta bat tbt eielutlv tala of
Walkar't pMleut Suddl taaui Boots, (0 e tkeut
1u Biiet A merles u aud llaliaa marbl eait
W found at lb iuubury marbl )ard of Mr. W.
U. Ihiagbtrty, wbb k b U rrd to laUb la
any sty Is to suit purchaser. Tbota lu waut of
l'Mub lou, utouuiuvuu, Ac. arc rMtuld to
call, at lUr a tw bad at any piltK. aud Iba
oiautaaship fMmttviv io to o earaiiva auy.
! Wr. fall aud , opputit lb Court llouta,
uuury, ra.
j fM,UM u 4cUm"iuJ7to mtlutala I ha rtj-uu.
jLjjjii, MaioiMutb. rrllaj'. 0- alaa).
, .
, Ptaaoati. 1 bu. U. Kut supulula4s bit
rlutbla ttiablUbutsal, em Tbltd atiati, feiuiMif,
akUb aMtoaaU W I a taiga aibs of twtal
.u,. fiuia UmA lw A.k ahuia sua
UI, bi la ) W iotbli. aaa ba ks4 el
isocatiua peim, at4 tb b), at Hwtt't,
A DiAroone. -Last week a well-to-do farmer
of one of our townships, visited flnnbnry, nnd in
passing along Market Street met an old friend In
the mercantile hiislnesswhen the following dia
logue took plaret
Merchant. Why how do you do my old Wend,
come Into my store and tnko a look nt my goods.
Farmer. Tour store t why I thought you had
quit the business.
Merchant. No, 1 havo kept store for many
Farmer. Well I did not see your advertise
ment for a long time, in the paper, and I thought
you had quit.
Merchant. I used to advertise, bat I concluded
I would savo thnt amount yearly.
Farmer. Tes you ran save It, but don't yon
think it better to advertise. Newspapers cannot
be kept np nnless yon business men patronize
them, and what would your town bo without
tliem. They are the means of bringing business
hero nnd pcoplo who would prtronize you, nnd
by giving them work It would benefit you both.
Merchant. Well I don't know ns it makes
much difference In my business t besides, there
are mnny who never did advertise, and who rely
on others.
Farmer. That may be true, but it Is not snld
thnt If your neighbor Is mean enough to sponge
off of the printers und his neighbors In the snme
business, that you should follow his example.
Tou know thnt newspaper are just what Is bring
ing up your town, mid thut it requires capital to
keep up an establishment of that kind,, nnd that
(3 a year for subscription will not pay to keep it
up. .
jlirrcnanf. Yes, but then we merchants ought
not to be asked to keep up the newspapers in the
town when all others are Interested Iu them.
Farmer. That Is t.rne,' but then you are not
keeping up the paper for others. You are get
ting back all the money you spend for advertis
ing from your customers you sell to, and those
who buy are the ones who pay for the advertising.
Merchant. I don't understand your login.
Farmer. Well I will illustrate. Lust week I
went to 8hnmoklii nnd bought goods to the
amount of over three hundred dollars. Now,
hnd I known you kept store I would have bought
of you, for It would have been Just as convenient.
The profit on that would have puld the advertis
ing for one year.
Merc'tanU Yes, but then I would not have
mndc anything.
Farmer. Hold on. After I came home my
neighbors inquired where I traded, and they went
to the same place and bought mors than I did.
Now you see that the profits on thnt Would have
all come to you. Besides, this may occur two or.,
three times a year, nnd the more goods you sell
the more money yon make. There will bo more
pcoplo brought to your store.
Merchant. That Is all true enough. But my
next neighbor never advertises.
Farmer. Your neighbor, I suppose, is ono of
the short-sighted men who wauls others to pay,
and he wants the cream nt the lowest prices. We
farmers live in the country In quiet, but I ham
often wondered why you town people do not look
more to your interest by keeping before the pco
plo everything Hint Is going on, so as to Increase
the amount of Improvements, and you could then
sell double the amount of goods, for I know
many who go to other places.
Merchant. Well the newspapers ought to do
that it belongs to them.
Farmer. Just so, hut you are not willing thnt
they shall be puld for It, and want them to work
for nothing and puff up j our town, nnd you get
the benefit from it. You ought to know that In
business, if you do not get your pay in a direct
way you will Indirectly. Where the people are
alive to their interests, the newspapers publish It
to the world. But If you have no paper then It
closes up everything, and wo farmers are lead to
believe thut we cannot sell our produce, go we
take It to other towns and buy our goods there.
Merchant You are correct ; I see It now, and
I sliull niako It my business to i dverlist whether
my neighbor does or nut.
Wm. H. Miller has exclusive sale of Vroman
Ladles Shoes.
Rihkt concerns Insurance companies.
Coming o grief Meeting trouble half-way.
A great crowd, but no confusion at Oak Hull,
Have you read It Wuna maker & Brown's Ad
vertisemcut. Cohneh loafers are becoming scarce these cool
Little soap locks on the side of tho face arc
out of date.
At Wm. II. Miller' you can get a Tip Top
Boot for t3 50. .
Cool proceeding An Ice man eloping with a
nice girl.
A BARM-Doon fowl and a lawyer who talks for
pay pick up their living with their bills.
Be sure you know your man when he comes to
collect for Chicago.
Patent iron colOu are advertised. Those who
use them will huve no other.
Wateii reddens the rose, whisky the nose, nnd
light boots the tou.
iv hen you tieur a muu say, "Ld!e Is but a
dream," tread ou bis corns. Life U rcul.
Coun husking frolics are at many pluce In
our rurul districts the older of the evening.
Tnr.HK Is u muu iu this pluce thut moves every
month. He says It Is cheaper than to puy reut.
Mant men make fool of women, and when
they get a fool for a wife, they spcud the rest of
their duy lu cursing the sex.
Onlt a short time since, the salutation was,
are you registered I Now It 1 How does your
Tacciuutlon tube 1
Tut Jail In this place it more ornamental than
useful, and not much uf cither. Of coune this
doe uol luclude the Sheriff.
Tea leavet plaeed upon the stor and allowed
to burn (O at to admit a smoke, Is suld to be a
preventative of the spread of small pox.
Ir you wUb to kuow bow uiuuy Mends you
have, get lulu otUee If you wik to kuow bow
many frleuds you buveu't, gel Into liouble.
tiKiri Leaves. The discovery hut been mudo
thut gruNt leaves make a yeast lit souiu respects
superior lu bops, aa tbu broad rite sootier aud
bat uot the weulUr lusto wbleb uiuuy object to
lu tbul mud from hops.
Am Elutlra funuer wrote to Mr. Greeley, fur
bis advice a to whether plaster wus good to put
' ou potatoes. Iloraee tuU b ul)s Used grdvy
or bullar U potuloaa, but up)himhI p.opl could
gl accustomed to plu.ur If Hie) made au cltoit.
Turn It said to b a flrl P slnrt (w aoa'l
uirniiou brr name) who I auslout for a proH.
al, beoaUM, a tha tuys, tb b brtiu 'jildi.
utul'l tight limes aaj bas twau Uuuilswl rniUi(b
lit being to Oftta a aims "looker uu lu Vvlilcv."
la aiust fuolUb III lug thsl a niaa or aomau
raa do It to uub aa lWot lu tbM up au II
Itpuit. aisudir mi au tuibia .l4i Hug pulul,
uur rllii plat M bsglut l uolblua aud eoiun
lu autbluf if altu4 lu di uul ibiuugb Ut wa
Ir la lUld Ibal abta Btebrr Mat hi tb
tuakity Ul laututsr, b ul bit b'l, uj fi-uu I
It In about a itctb la baia alwi bt Lid Ufl U,
bt aab loot gt la It. 1 ait u t it bit4 k,
VkH.b bt )wt ibia a l"t oa lb ba i
b tbui4a'l (is i4 wibi I
Commnnicnted. .y
8am River, Nov. 10, 1871.
FniKxn WitrriiTi
"O for n lodtro in some vast wilderness,
Uutiie boundless continuity of shade.
Where rumors of elections and defeat,
The solemn reeos never conld pervade."
Ah, If the Immortal Cowper was here he might
find his much longed for "wilderness" agd
"shade." Who knows but the spirit of the mel
ancholy hard does vlnlt the shades of Salt River,
nutl studies, with spiritual scrutiny, the long
fure-i. downcast visages of the fo litnoerary t
Wo nrrived nt the Sail River settlement on tho
12th nil. We found our quarters in a bad con
dition. Our leaders always assuring us of cer
tain success nt the next election, nothing hut
temporary shanties have been erected, only to
nuswer until election. No preparation for win
ter. True, we hnvo no women hero to naffer and
starve, but how are our "County Ring" and,
above nil, "Tammany" to survive tln-ir nflllo
tions, their olllces, their a(f, without the sym
pathy and counsel of faithful woman I
On the 8th Inst., we were thrown into Intense
excitement mid con liTnatioii by tho unexpected
arrival of the New York boat. But oh, Him de
spairing hrtggnrd aspect oftlui Tiimniany Club I
Oh! the demoniac features of their repealers,
assassins and pickpockets, from the Five Points
and clsewhero! "It bcgijare Cetcription," and
hence, I will not attempt to describe the scene.
You i.eed not expect uny more poetry from tho
machine of your old correspondent of Lower Au
gusta. The coal district never sent the prom
cd remittance from their digging', and the
County King never made the necessary repairs.
Hence, ho more mute. There Is one melancholy
(lentil to notice. Pat O'Leora wus so much ar
t'ected by his transportation to this place, and
his recollections of an ill-spent life, that lie sent
for his spiritual advisor, made a full confession,
and received absolution. But on tho 8th Inst.
the news of tho New York election, uud the loss
of a heavy bet ou its result was too much for his
shuttered mind. Next morning lie wus found
suspended from the rafters or his shanty, bv a
sniull piece of rope, dead. If tho unfortunate
1'iitrick had obtained full absolution lor his mis
deeds up to tills insf act, will Hint one deed con
sign him to tho doleful regious the Good Book
tells off 1 Camden.
UdiUr' Table.
A Jrmt.EB Year. The Xem York Observer,
now one of the most widely circulated papers iu
the country, will soon enter upon Its Both veur,
having been eslubiyicd in the heL'Innlng of the
yeur 18-J3. It has a record of which its founder
und conductors may well be proud. It has been.
one oi itivinnst tearless ami unswerving advo
cates of souud principles in reliirion, iu morals,
in education, and in jioiitics. Although not po
litical iu Its character, It docs not hesitate to ex
pose nnd denounce corruption In whatever party
it exhls, und to hold the rulers of the land to a
strict account for the administration of their
trn-ts. It signalized the present year by iuiu"
n, thnt Is an ciicyclopie,j; -",
.nation in regard to Matters lfr" .Tvo
to every prepaying subscriber, and the Publish
r. nunounce another volume for tho coining
year a New Year-Book, which will be more
complete limn the nL It will lie sent freejo
unv one who pays his subscription for 1873.
Copies of the paper sent free to nil applicants.
New Subscribers will receive tho paper free uutil
January 1st.
Address Sidney E. Morris, Jr., Si Co.,
New York Observer,
37 Park Row, New York.
lUuillcss Xotk'CS.
Stoves. Three second hand heaters
stoves, nearly as good ns new for sale at
price. Enquire nt this olllce.
Wm. II. Miu.Eit has just received a line assort
ment of Trunks und Valiees.
Ei.mmia Boots nnd Shoes of all descriptions nt
Win. II. MillcrV.
Tn largest variety of lints ever kept In Sun
bury, are now to be found ut S. Faust's Hut
Store, on Market Square, near the Court Iloufc.
All the very latest city styles can be had thereat '
prices to suit the times. j
Selling Oit at Cost. Owing to tho filling I
health of one of our firm, we have determined to
close out our Extensive Stock of Goods ut Cost.
Don't fail to call uud secure bargains, as wc ac-
tunlly mean business, and will sell at and below
co.-t for cash, nil goods now in our Store.
N. B. We will t'lve parties who may wish to '
enter In tlio Inislue
n good chance to buy the
,, ,
entire stock on reason
Special Ntilicos.
On Mnrrltiarc. Esnys for Young Men. on
Great Social Evils und Abuse, which interfere
with Marriage, and rulrt the linppiiiese of thou-
eunos, iiu sine menus oi renei lor ine t.iiiuu
and I'lifoitunate, ib cea'cd ami rieldlitated. Sent
lu scaled letter envclos?s, free of charge.
Address, Howard As si ciatliin, No. South
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Tlio CoiiIVhkIoii! ol'un luvulitl.
PUBLISHED us a warning and for the houcOt
of ynnna nun aiX vtliert, who suffer from
Nervous Debility, tec., supplying the means of
Written by one who cured himself nnd sent
free on receiving, n post paid directed envelope.
May 30, 1S71.-Cui. Brooklyn, N. Y.
j; E -g e
. " e - .
2 Z. 2
2 1
2 i-
a -
PI $
o I
1 c
Ho $ I 1
a w -
JB t,
H .
"s i z
S s s
. i if a
X s-- 'J.
to TiiK m in:iti:. 1
The R-v. William II. Norton, while residing j
In liraxil 11 u luUslonury, diseovi ied lu thai j
laud of medicines a tcniedy for Cunm mim ion, ,
i Kori i a, Sutiii TniioA i', t'oriiiis, Cm. i.s.
Asthma, ami Nkuvui b Wi:kvi:.-s. This rem
edy bit cure I myself ufler ull other medicines 1
had failed.
Yi-liiun lo benefit Hie siiirerlug. I will send
the recipe lor I repining uud using l'ni remedy to
all who de.lre It r It E K OF I II AHI-ll.
Please sen I 1111 envelope, villi your name uud .
addle ou ll. Ail Iross,
070 HiioaowaT, 1
Oct. 14, 1S7I. lv. New Yoke: City '
On Fitdav morning, the loth lu-l . H, !
d.iugbu r ol I'upl. Iteiijaiiilii uud t 'uioiiuu kecfer, '
ud 4 year, 7 luontli. uud -U ilnyi.
I. oiie I our hou.s, sad are the bout,
hi nee Iky wt mile t goim 1
Hut, oh, a biiublur boinu 1I1.111 uuit
lu baril It uow lliniK uaii.
Her lllll bauds lay uu bit ureu.l,
lltir beull btUeulU bu 'ouc to Kl,
II. r spun I a tusxul) gut.t,
Our lilt iu angel Viilc
Solo thi bundrol aaj Ull) iiiiulwi of h
l.uibi rau uu ly, of ablch hu ,n
Uinnlr lu Hit 1 11 fun I d Jiattiiistil, niton Ud Iho
f uiuial, ahieb louk pUcs uu aunday i'i . riiiH.ii,
at S u'i'lotk.
kr t ur fur Irllrr.
IIE B iiot nU r, ie.ll. ul of a. u I'ohd, u
SU.U loo u. bin, .Snilhuililn 1 l.iii.l I u..i )
l' . bas suiu mi 1 01 I ll' 1, a bn b (w ull.
, Li, ltu alllii l.4 M it It Ibis uuuoyiug . im i.e. I lu i
tixunii-l tub it lot vifcM ' "" I wahii
11411I iuii i until b "'! .lu. 4 ll'l l.i.'ii. II
Im U4.u Iiu4 lu a uwui'.i if 1.1 hi buoa
it j.-, tou- t.1 't- . u4tu4 I a alt .11 11
I u ). i t u.i, L. i I -u4 a
but ul lb Hie l.i lu. , U I dliisiU.'i. lu U.t II, Ul
buA l"t j, fl kl Ul p.Ug.
altliOl klblK,
AuiMi r o , Kutta 4 1 u., r.
u-at la, llla .
Northern Central Itallwny.
ON and aftor Nov. 13, 1871, tralnt will run
as follows
Niagara Express loaves Snnbnry nt 12.40 p.
m., arrives ut Niagara Falls nt 1.30 n. in.
ltullalo Exprekt leaves Ennlttiry at 12.80 a. tu-,
arrive at Willlamsport nt 'i.'l a. in., Elmir.i nt
5.tf0 a. in., Can.'indti'giin 8.15 a. m.
Mall arrives ut Piinbiiry nt H.IW p. in., nrrivr
nt Willtumspmt K.i'.0 nnd Elinliii Ill.ivS p. in.
Fust Lin" arrives at Ptinbury nt 0.50 p. in.,
arrive at Wlllinmspoit 8.15 p. m.
Buffalo Express leaves finibtiry at 1.47 a. m.,
arrive ut Han Isbur S.4.i a. in., Baltimore 7.-0
n. in.
Mall leaves Pnubury at 11.05 a. m., arrive at
Ilurrisburg 1.45 p. in.
Erie Express leaves Sunhury at 0.25 a. m., ar
rive ut Ilurrisburg 11.U0 a. lit., Bnltkuoro U.IH)
p. m.
Erie Mall leave Eunhury at 12.30 a. m., arrive
ut Ilurrisburg 'J.20 a. m.
Leave 8unbnry nt 4.40 p. in., arrive at Shamo
kin 5.50 p. m., Mt. Carmel (i.40 p. in.
Leave Sunhury (Accommodation,) at 11.50 a.
m., nriive at Shumokin 1.( 0 p. tit .
Leave Mt. Carmel nt 7.00 n. in., Shnniokin
7.40 n. m., arrive ut Sunhury 0.55 a. in.
Leave tsliamokln (Accommodation,) at 2.45 p,
m., arrive at Sunhury 4.00 p. in.
Express leaves daily.
Ail other trains leave daily, except Sundays.
A. It. FiKKn. Kn. b. Yoran,
Gcn-I. Sup't., Geu'l Passcn'r Ag"t.,
Harrlsburg, P;w Bulimore, Md.
lending fCuilronri.
Jlomlaif, Xuv. 1M, 1871.
GREAT TRUNK LINK from the North and
North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y., Read
ing, Puttsvillc, Tainuiiin, Ashland, Miami kin,
Lebanon, Allcutuwn, Kaston, Epluata, Lilix,
Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Ac.
Trains lenve llurrislmrgjor New York, as fol
lows! At 2.4.-, 8.10, a. in. mi l 2.1X1 p. m., con
necting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania
Railroad, mid arriving at New York at l"o.o7 a.
m., 8.4J, und 11.45 p m. respcvtlvclv. su-pm
Cars accompany the 2.15 u. in., tralii without
Returning: Leave New York,lli.,,,T1.r .' '"'i
12.H0 noon und 5.(xl p. m. '4 nr ticcnui-
tt.30 a. iii. nnd X,;v ti- 'noi'i New York with-
.Ullire. '
llairlshurir for Reading. Pottuville, Ta-
maniia, Minctsville, Ashland, Miamokin,
Ailcntown and Philadelphia at H.W
m.. I
2.00 and 4.05 p. in., stopping nt Lebanon uud j
...I..... . A OS. ,, ... I
principal wav Million! the 4.05 p. in., train
connecting for Philadelphia, 1'ott-o.ille and Co
lumbia ouiv. For PiU.-.vU':i Schuylkill Haven
and Auburn. i i Seliuyikiil an I fciis iiiiilutniia j
Railroad, leave llanisbiii',; ut li.4d p. in.
East Pennsylvania Ramoad I rain leave Read- I
lug for Aiientowii, Huston tiuil New York ut i.'.A, j
10.4J u. in., und 4.06)1. in. Returning, leave
New York ut U.IIJ u. in., Vi.'M noon und 5.00
p. m. uud Allcutou u ut 7.J a. m. 1 -!.:.'. noon, j
4 iSand tUlii p. in. I
Way Pusscnger Train leaves Philadelphia at
7.00 a. in., connecliiii; with similar train on Hast '
lVnna. Unilroud. n tunilng from Reading ut ti.'Jt) 1
p. in., slopping ut all station.
Leave l'otlville ut U.l'Ht a. in. and 2.3'.) p. I
in. llerudon ui 10.0,1 a. m., Miamokin at a. 10 aud
11.15 a. in. Ashland at 7.05 a. in., and 1J.43 j
tiooiij Mahanoy City el 7.51 it. in. and l.'JO p. :n.
Tuuiuiiiu at t.!i. "a. in. an I a. 10 p. in. for ,
Philadelphia, New York.Ueio'.Ing, Uarrisbuig.Osc.
Leave i'ottsvillo l;t Seliuyikiil und Sujipie- !
liuunu Railroad ut 8.15 t..n-.. "lor Ilurrisburg, uud
11.45, lor l'ino Grove a:d Tr 'tnout.
Reading Arcotiiir.ndv.tUet Train leave Pott
illcat 5.40 a. in., pas, Heading ui t.'.a a. III.
arriving at 1'hiUnieiplila at lo.o n. in., fvtaruiiu 1
leaves t'liiladclpliin at 4.45 p. m., passing R"ad-J
ing ut 7 Mi p.m. urriviig at l'oitiient t'.'.'o i".
I'ottstown Aceonmioiiatioii 'I'l-ain leave P. tt
Iowh at 7.0J a. in., iituruing U.ivcj I'liilail 'lphl.. I
at 4.15 p. m. ,
Coin. '.'oiu lUriiroiul Trains L-avo Reading ut
i.'JU a. in., mid ti.15 p. in. for l.piiruta, l.iiiz,
Lancaster. Colu.iibia. .Vo. ; retuining leave Lan
caster ut 8.0 it. in. un I p. in., 'und Ci 'irn
bi.i ut S.15 a. in. a-. .1 tl 15 p. in.
I'erkioiiieu Rail Road Train le.uc PerLienti n
Jiineiiouui i..i, O.Oa.t. m., at ; anil 5.4. ) p. la.
I Reiuining,ieae S. Iiweul;svii!e at (l. la.s.loa. m..
1.50 noon ami 1.4.) p. in. eonneetinu wiliteiiuilur
Pi,.kent.g Vallct Railroad ti.iins leave 1'li.v.
niHMiie ut I'.lu u. iu., n and o.a.t p. m. ; re- '
Itiriilng, leave Myers at O.nJ a. in., PJ.45 none., '
and 4. JO p. in.. eouneetiic; with similar trains on .
Ueading ltailroa I. v '
Coiebroiikdale Railroad Train lenve Poltstowu
I nt 11.40a. tn., l.lSand tl.oO p. in., returning leave
Mt. 1 leasaut ul 7.15 and 11.X15 a. in., nnd - !l I
in., coiircitiiig with siuiihir liuiuson llc.idiug
Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge
port ut S.oO u. m., '.'.Oound o.'-'O p. m. returning,
leave Dow uington at 0.55 u. m., 1,.50 noon and
5.15 p. in. voiiueeting with similiir trains ou Read
ing Railroad.
On Sundays : Leave. New York nt 5.0J p. ni.,
Philadelphia ut S.lkJ a. in. and u. 15 p. in., (the
ti.OO a. in. train running only to Reading;) leave
I'ottsvilleal 8.00 a. m., leave liarrislmrg, 'g.45;.
in., nnd 'J.00 p. m.j leave Alleiitovt it ut S.o5 p.
in. leave Reading ut 7.15 u. m. nnd U.50 p. lit.
for llarrisburg, ut 4.31 n. in. for New York,
und ut 0.40 a. in. and 4.15 p. in. for Pliiladera.
i Coiur.iutiitioii, Mileage, Season, ScIuhiI und
Excursion Tickets, to uud Tioui all points lit re
duced rates.
Baggage checked through t 100 Pounds Bag
gage allowed each Passenger.
A-.-t. Sapt. iV Eng. Miich'iy.
Wanted Immediately.
10,000 Mcu aud M omcti
to purchase the entire stock of GOODS now of
fered for inspection and sale at I lie Muminolh
Store 011 (Jineu Street, Nurihuinberluud, us 1 mil
! determined not to bo
1 l iMlerwolU or l'.xrcllotl
In nuality of good offered for sale In mv line.
eli i; Ll.r. it,
Oct. 8S, lS71.-:im.
Market (street, Nuitbury, l"t.
It Is iielest to enumcnilc every kind of nitlele
In his Mole, foil among the leading, ileui U1.1V
be set dowu the following 1
Iron, Steel, Lead,
Scale. Mcelysiil, til indsl,,ius,
Nulls of all kinds and ,
Vices,, P'.uiie.
H tif", I I.4I1K, A,
liius and li.'u h..ltlvs,
8h. ill's, 11" s, I'orl.s,
Sp.l.les, K.ikrs, 11,1, bet
aix nl'T uu I Ilia, kslinlll Horiiof M.u iiiias,
leilur I. lulls, Ibaulng Kiilie-,
Hour Sled.''-. PI i-l.'ieis' 'I towels,
Mu.ons ll.iinmer ami lriel.
Hand I 11 1 1. r Hell, uud luivie rust lion H IU for
feetiool llou.i a and tauilei' Inuii. r
lb Us,
Crwiiloi' ll.mli,
I', , l. ,1.1 l.uks lor digging ) tat ,
Llk'klllg III lsl", 'I kiik, ll" . ,
KuiVi.' itnd I'oiks, apiMin. la.U,
Mute uud ll"). e Miik uud Mai1.
Il.l i in, i, Ai.g'ii. I I'l" '-,
I.jiiil.'ilis, I'll l b lli, Hiimiiiic,
1.ikW ul ut' do 'i I'liiuii, I ulUa Ml.
l I. uud Uiai-M,
l'rrl.',:u Bulls ..I ull kind., I'unt ! VV4 1
ii 11 l.. ., Ilu. k'l.,
ttlla, VuruUhea, Jm)ii,
I . k 1, i.h, i.i.iu,' a .i i,
IMIM4 !' IlIMm i i 1 11 r !,
I' .till t Miitr 'l 4t km U
i I r.l'AH WAItK
I and ilh.t SV... .UI, Wain uf a! klult au I .J
rlu . i II 1) I uk ru I. , .,
pub, Mill hnb . l'l, I'-.,
Kit.., lluu", ttultiii,
.'IU, t ' oil', ...,
a . bi n .ii i 1.1 uu.
H bt Ins a.H , L i' li-.l..'. tl'l.i.
I'wk'l bultkS, B.4l. bU.l,
Utti t tj w4 !' lr,
tu4 tfi-il tai "I iw. n. ... Aujt lb. - a
.t.4 4 a4 is4 twu l. aU Wa 1.1 I. v4 ! uu. a,
..,!.,, la. I.
4'ru JM Veil, ,
and everyf.iliij: nsuallv kept In a Millinery Store.
M. 1.. COOLER'S Storr,
South Fourth Stre-t, below the 8. V. R. R.,
Nov. 4, '71.
Or I'tinsen of l.vntiun i.HV,
By D. J. KIRWAN, the Well-known Journalist.
Very I.nrRCt 'ommlKion I'nld.
This hook Is n very beautiful octavo of fiG5
pages, rmliellshed with 200 engravings, and a
finely cxrcut.M mnp of Loudon, designrii nnd
executed expressly for this iik bv eminent
artists. It cont litis a fall, graphic, and truthful
statement of the Sight. .V.irf, nnd Smrntinnt of
the ureal Metropnli' or the world, contains
a population of over
History, Biography, Romance, and Adventure
are combined in this' volume, making it A work
of Intense interest to all.
Circulars, Terms, e., with full Information;
sent free on ni'pMcatloii to
Dl l l lEI.H ASHMEND. Publisher.
711 Sanson! Street, rhiluilelphin.
Oct. CI, l71.-T.:n.
7oh aiuh ,sti:ki:t.
Middle of tlie Block, between "til "
-lUlatlel-" . indt
....porter, Man." 1",,,r
niul qiia,llxrTTT3 C2
c or
adies' and Children's Wear.
Having Imported a very large and splendid ns
soit incut of all the ilillcieiil kinds of Furs from
first hands in Euih, und have hud them niudo
up hv the mosl skillful workmen, would respect
fully' Invito the readers or this paper to call nnd
i.nml:ii. hirev and Veiv beautiful nssoitment
V .nrv Furs, lor ladies' nnd Clilldieu. 1 mil
.l.'tornilned to sell at a low prices us nnv other
. .. kit .
respcctali:e tiou-e in mi cny. ii imi!"
r mted No misrepresentation to effect sales.
71 Arch Stiwt Philadelphia.
Oct. 2. lS71.-oiii.
ISAAC 5i. ST.U l't'1'.R.
1 lt A'ortli Seeontl St., fur. off urrj ,
piiii. vnK.i.niiA.
An assortment of W..tehc. Jewelry, Silver and
Plated Ware constantly on hand.
liep.rring of Watches and Jewelry promptly
attended to. lApril 1, ls:i-l.v.
wastf.i) 5io A;r.vrs.
I- ItillT employment nnd good wages to those
J who want to work.
Should call on orn.l livs.
Yo.ler Ji'.W'olvciton,
s... t'a.
Oct. 14. 171.
,-.,,te rJo..I.. Kn---wwr-.
Yi rv '.' comity, Iowa, doe.)
v tVuhvven. that Letter, ,.f ,U
-1st rat Ion on the I'.sl.r.o. ot J nutl, ill
"'W"r t- deceased, line been rsviled 10
lb. '. '.,'"'''!. All perso'K k'lowhij llietil
lhe i. ,'''! .ye." r' uneste 1 to make Immediate
selves i '. those having clei ns to present
: iviu Mi', I. lent. The under-iirno i will n.eet
i'.i.'iu I'of ll'.i. ' I
all ni.tle b-ivl; : , .,. .nutnoct ai. .
county nt the od'.e. of Henry ll lUer, Ks.., in the.
town of Trevo'ton. on t uday the -.'l-l of Ho
loh'T. I"'. I. to adju-t tboir to oi:nis.
SAM I' El. !. in'VKl.laillUiri!, Adni'r.
I'. .tl. i tv.-p.. iVhuv 'V.;l e. t.,l. 7, - . t'.t.
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