Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 11, 1871, Image 2

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    Sunburn American;
WB clip tho following from Uio Korlh
Hmherlwul County Democrat, which is one
statement nmong n tlioustuul of a similar
character now ctrculntinff nmong tho De
mocratic papers throughout the country :
"Tpk pnrtv thnl ft few years nsio got up
n war to free "the triggers, that cost the liven
of millions of our wry heat anil bravest
.nr.,. nml ermlnvud the country with lebt
and taxes now oflers the while people of
the South liberty to livo in swamps or in
1nils and prisons that a black tuub forces
"them into."
Truth Is mighty anil lwuU prevail. The
great Napoleon discovered that an untruth
wos equal In might, and pronounced n
lie n great power if aptly placed a power
which he could wield with n certainty in
tho ncconiplisliniciit of any selfish design
The preceding exfraet is an untruth evi
dctitly intended to accomplish tho selfish
purpose of promoting party interests. Tho
violation of oath hy elllciuls, the sacrcdness
of which is the very foundation of society,
and political lying, we regard as the two
greai.1 st evils that threaten the stability of
tli.s Republic to day. Tho ono breaks
down the only Imrricr existing against vio
lence and fraud for inslatico such as was
perpetrated by the municipal government of
the city of New York the slapendousuess
of which fihocked tho moral sense of the
rehYTufl.U.4 aftouisbed the world the oth-
soma ' vA A1'."10 of Wil1016 tho
.r.,..;,.,;. ,p "... "r.n.r. in which botu1
ftgainst tin. government with wotidcrfufdc
terminnUon, involviug tl;u lives of 500,000
t llie bravest im:u that ever met face to
faoo iu moilnl combat, ami 2000,000,
)X of thu country's treasure, 4,000,'00
of slaves were set free they were granted
their "inalienable rights." Left to the mercy
of their lbrmor musters, who through their
iiiisloi tunes in war were exasperated to tho
!tvagcucss of brutes their practices upon
this helpless class exceeding the ferocity or
the tiger, shocking the civilized world with
the brutality of their crimes -tho govern- j
ii)l:iI, a Iter collecting tho indisputable fuels, I
ius mtreilully interposed its power, nnd
these uiihuug villains are Hying iu every
direction to escape the punishment thev so
nc.i.y deserve. And what is tho result V
W by, the Napoleonic lover is brought into
Vijuisitiun, and (lie insidious lie goes forth
that the Government which "got up a war
tofrrc t!ic )i .,:( iv, uow oilers to the people o(
tho .South liberty to lire in meant or tn
jails and j.r.Vww, &c. Out upon such
sum! Theioi.noisi,,, ofreasoningthat wiU
r-xeusc the fraua. .v , knowg 1)(.l((u.
falsity of the nssertion thau does n. Vninmi
gator, who with criminal recklessness win'
en anything to further party ends. Decided
iviueiico has been elicited in tho case '
rcuuer the Government culpable if it f
not act, and net most vigorously. tm'
scarcely had the reverberations '''
gun tired died awav ' the last
' I0ood-s' ' "u" ""'intss amidst
i... .allied hills of Virginia, ere the
persecution of this defenceless class com
menced, and that too by those who had
asked fur and received mere; from the hands
of a itfw merciful though greatly offended
Government and that too by those whom
they had nursed iu their infancy, and nur-'
tured by the sweat and toil of their huh
laaraUd bodies.
The people of the South aie to blame if
to-dny their domestic affairs are iu any
wi diMliirued by the action of the Govt ru
ment. Their tij-ithyiutt know that if the
laws iu the South were not regarded as a
tin-re farce, there would hac been no need
.f it.In actio:' on the part of the Govern
ineiit. Ku-Khulsm has been connived at
by all ela3s mill cvm paitieipated in,
miieh to the disgrace of the wholo South.
If the guilty purlieu are hung up, they will
get what the ftiic(.W.-iuii and if half the
p ipulati m starve in consequence of the eon
fusion in the disturbed districts through tho
ellurts of l!aj Government to get at the
wretches, they should ueveilhikss have
what the law grants them- a nip, with a
beam at one cud nnd n red-handed culprit
at the other. Iel justice be swift in its op
eration in this ease, and let the world see
thttt human life ci Le protected under our
laws, win tiier it exists under a iAn-Jt vr u
ir,'( itcs.', in. The vicioui. stale of society in the
S uith lias been the torment of our Govern
ment, and the indulgence ofihcir late eon-
liuet, nud its defence by certain parties,
has boeria National dU;;race.
It is a fact that vice will have Its sudlr
ing victims Just a surely as virtue nud
worth wi.l have it reward. Whether we
look upon It in a uatioiial or an lm!i
sens -, It is the name -the ame in the mag
lode of it iinpoitaiiee. The eue of the
Koiith di uioukirait u, v..,.r wtlll tiu.ruii
nytti uiof!:ivi ry luaiiilaitu .1 at the e use
ofnomueh eilielty and crmc iih Mat Ihatof
our Koiuheru M id ; un 1 yet ainidst the
.tub U ff tho l.ikh, an J the wail tfllmip
pr. -.ed, it w:nd.ri ;idid by the ullie, the
pf sK, mid thu j u'pit - U na tan ,alK I
I'linif. Surely I ho kcourjn of war uhiett
fill so heavil.V Upon llu i.i ahi.uld have eut
vimvd thi'iuiliut vim Hill pi.. diue it, .u.i, r.
Iuh in ct rtitluly u lituo Mill be iv,, ai j, j,
l(Ul U k till" South kllil llldUlre..,i iiii,u
Ui'altln.-'y r tiilpaui, itttd ll.i ir apoloi
H I l.o Nmth U-c'omu tlnii' t ii!ji:ii.lo ua li
ii"r. Hal tho .).!) ( f deei ptiMii uii
fn.l iti4 lo,( lo li,., ' .i I. .in b , lu.
! J. 10 ii ill 11 , In i, or late i h i, l .ir-
li. u'.lli) Iu llowii of nur nullity, ill Wl.i, !i
lb seaii'l-ilom liuu l nr4li4ti A by lliu j
d- iu i4iig puny tiu nlioki.t bk it iui-l i
r a.llirlil iiilIiiUu, will ikhlblUd lluir
U 4Ul. Iu t oiiiniiiii mill kullu ii iii ini i ti
ll r of Ihn uiik Slid Ilk, I ) d.li4iiu4 llm
Villolg IktUiHIallU lu k. I.
Till! lb pat' Iu n ll4U I'uliud llut Mtls I in S'o Yik. 'i'l.u U miu ill tiou.
jVvl tut) f'Uf It. iubluii u. ii.hi
4 mi l the II ium will b Clly'
llviui4-lli.uit U.Ajiwily. )m' L
i I i .i, . t la.v i4sss.l y iiilUNuwU,
' IV
Hon. A. Jordan. On Iho opening of
tho court, on Monday Inst. J micro Jordan
charged the Grand Jury for tho last time,
as his term of office expires with the pres
ent term of court. Judge Jordan lias pre
sided over this Judicial District twenty
years, having been twice elected to the
position, and would havo been elected the
third time, without opposition, had ho con
sented to bo a candidate. Hut increasing
years and declining health admonished him
that thcro is a time for all things, and in
duced him to decline the honor, which all
good men without distinction of party
would havo gladly conferred upon him.
But it must havo been apparent to all at
tending Court, that his Honor still contin
ues to discharge his duties on tho bench
with as much energy nnd vigor of Intellect
ns he did nt any period of his long Judicial
Few men ou the Bench enn boast of hav
ing given greater or moro satisfaction for
integrity and ability in discharging their
official duties, and in no Instance has there
been (he remotest suspicion that tho Judi
eial ermine has ever liecn soiled through
his instrumentality, or when and where he
presided. In his address to tho Grand
Jury, the Judge referred in a feeling nnd
eloquent D'nnucr to the pnst, nnd his judi
cial separation from members of the bar,
and friends nnd associates of this nnd ad
oiuing counties, during n long life ns an
attorney, nnd presiding Judge- of the court.
dent Grant has directed that in all cases of
embezzlement by officers of the Government
tho embezzlers shall bo prosecuted whether
they restore the money or not. This is ns
.,1.1 l, t,i
put a cheek to this too
fctaliiitiu . .
ine.w ''" among
men in olllcial
is no belter remcu?' "j Jiub,iu fl,,,Js
every instance and severe pmnH
..utascs oi conviction. The nr..m.i. ml.
numeration has not beeu ii-mfs. !.. n. .i
in this respect heretofore, and it will not be
hereafter. The Iluriisl.mvr 'r. i. i
r.n. . .1-...
i ijifj HI! I'll.
... , ... i..iuWL' t' n. fntlfi.ili...
. . ' "on
inoie arc to k.llow. 1'ayniaster llod-c.
ivhno.i ntnK .l . . k
""-"leiucnis nail Ijeen nr.m ......
court-martialed, and U in prison ?or 1 .
""Wise. All others, whether ZlL '
luem ies I... V .
,.i. i- . .i V "'"'"eiaoie, are Oemg
cited into the Courts. The lVesident nnd
Cabinet have resolved that whenever ih..m
. "euei I ineio
IS n ciism ntnl r. i . ...
" V " naiiu, Willi evulence to
sni.port the charge, it shall goto trial, so
that justice may bo done. We had some
notable mslances of this hi our own citv
says nf Wilmi.jtn Commercial, cases in
Hhich there seemed to be some hardship,
loo, for those upon whom (I... ,,f...iii.. . .
the law feil. 15ut ,1,,,.. rv.,ivc. filll. .,
careful trial in the n. i . !.. -'
.,.. . . . " - . ol
" "i"" j chaiaeter. and wh..r.
ollowed it could not be denied tlwit
evidence strongly demanded that
It has been the uniform answer of tho
Cabinet oflleers and heads of Departments
at Washington to all applications for n set
tlement of Government prosecutions that
the Government can not nnd will not per
mit any departure from strict and honest
olllcial nctiou, and that it is determined to
puuish every such oflenso by all the means
within its power If there is not sullkicnt
evidence to provo tho wrong doing, the
accused will not bo convicted ; if there is,
he ought to sutler thu proper penalty.
This is right. Such nu administration
commands the respect of the country. We
venture to says that uo such resolute and
indexible course has beeu taken by nny
National administration for forty years.
It will notify nil corrupt ineti that the lni
ted States otllees are no place for tho exer
cise of their peculiar abilities, and that.
should they attempt peculation, they may j
expect quick puuishment. I
i,.,.;.i ,..i i . . . i -
1 icbiilent (.rant entered unon his nfliee
pledged to faithfully execute the laws. This
particular which wo are describing is one
of the most important, and he is diheharg
ing well tho duty therein contained, llu
is pursuing, practically nud thoroughly, it
work of Civil Se rvice Reform, and tne re
sults are plainly apparent in the improved
condition of every branch of Die public
SixiKthe election tho Nhaniokin Coal
Region has been in such a qiet state that
tho people are almost persuaded that lin y
have waked up iu u different land. Where
riot and liiMui bunco of the peace was a
daily occurrence, aud idlo men lounging
around the comers waiting fur chance for
a small otllee to livo without labor, quiet
now reigns, and till is ut jhiicc, aud the
laborers pursue their avocations -with a
goodwill. This is uo doubt one of the
bcnelleiul ivsull of lliu late election.
Our triniuiiiial court, too, we noticed the
pant week, was mtuided but by few indi
viduals from that region, whereat fonueily
huiiilniU came, to t-ourt lute.-.tllm mobi
Hiding cae. M ...,,., Ilml uolw
twenty times Upon tho docket .f llie
.liutirvs of thu I'nieo welt) sellleil nineo lliu
jilietioii, whieh had Uell lliU'llded for nl cotut. IuJ,ed llm ln.iie.t
; people of the toiuily may well run-
! giatulate '.l.elni Ives tiioii the late results,
a leny liny have llie opportunity to id lieu
lliu Vast i li ioj.-e.
j Ci.l.tiM.L 'i'4iitl, r. .s. A., of
ViiiliiintU il.tu.l, tliisi'uuiiiy.iiow staiio u d
. in (in ;..u, dehund I It. uiiliual uddrik.t
j I fo. i the i lc w iith Aniiu il Ktrtto i uir ol
at I'oill tltd, in thai Matt , mi the
( I iih ult. , a ml, auiuim man y lhhI ihiuu,
I .iil : ' I'bu ear I cam. old iu ti Iu v' Mi as
' l"" t'lii iba In Od. li i oiil.iiu ,l only
l" 'plu lm Meiu tiol Imiiinl lotiitoii.
l'"u ' m lub idi d niitsler. m ho
li4ioj luilvd la pro. uro nu enlii uidii nl
holliu, liM.ked H It tlU lllll.l U (jiiiu,! i
NU lki l ily lu iuut4.ui l.iiMir with
pmll'iU bffU tin oilier UM t Ugbsh'
III4U, who M0II14 II. tn ll.u in jUIIUIU b
l'islifoiul4 U hunt ijiusly Urn witlt
iloubig Ull.ILd Shuljiuu. I I i III ll i
wuM lliol lU spoil uiUr .aii;g Hh.u
Imi U.41 U Haw In bun I l.lui,"
Uui nl tU lusmi4 it, tU uH I )c.,miui
yioisl l 'Iih U,,i iM,,,,,.,,,
IM'tttlt offoaotiel Stanton.
We regret to announce tho unexpected
death of Colonel Iavid Stanton, Auditor
General elect, at New Brighton, Heaver
rountv, nl ono o'clock on Sunday morning,
tho out Idbu Ilio dentil ot Got. Mnnton
presents serious difficulty in the selection of
a successor. Tho term of tho present Au
ditor General will not expire until tho first
Tuesday in May next, or until a successor
is duly qualillod. Tho otlleinl certificate of
Col. Stanton's election will bo made out by
a joint committeo of the Legislature, whose
duty is to count tho votes cast nt the Into
election, but Mr. Stanton will not be nblo
to respond nnd assume the duties of the of
fice to which his fellow citizens called him ;
henco ho will not be nblo to take tho oath
ofofTlcc, nnd General Hnrtranft will con
tinue to act until tho Legislature can euro
the difficulty.
If Col. Stanton or nnv other Auditor Ge
neral had died in ofileo the duty of appoint
ing a successor would devolve upon the Go
vernor. Tho net of Assembly provides
that "tho person so appointed shall contin
ue in otllee nntil the end of the term for
which his nredecessor was elected."
Tho nucslion now nrescntcd is entirely
new, nud we have no doubt that tho Legis
lature nnd the Governor will settle, it accent
inhlv tothc neonlo. If General HarlranlVi
termcoulil Dcextcnucu until me ursi uny oi
December or January, it would give the
people nt largo nu opportunity to fill the
otlieo at tho next general election without
incurring any extraordinary expenses. But
as we said before, we arc w illing to aoide
the decision of so important a question by
tho legislative and executive branches, to
which it properly belongs. llarrixbury
..." . . ..... f.-.-L .1 ..r
jleiirnl Wellington II. I'.nt.
General Wellington II. Eut, another
prominent Pennsylvania!!, nlsodied yester
day nt his residence in liloomsburg. Colum
bia county. He was a native of Columbia
comity, and was born on August 10, 18.14,
being but thirty-seven yen is of age. Ho
was educated at Dickinson Seminary,
Willinnisport, from which institution ho
graduated in June, 1858. He then becatno
a student nt law in the office of Hubert 1
Clink. Ksn.. nt Hlnnmsburg. and subse
quently went through the law course nt the
I v" '-:isitv of Albany, graduating in the
j'.vui-e lA'mio, j,. then commenced me
interrupted by iw. ssioii. but wns soon
n April UJ, 18til, l,e .wnk of tho
uie service as
ce as cantaiii nt i. inin
the UHIi' liedment. eeiiei-.illv h....i.. .' .of
1 ...I. i, .J
"in l eiinsv vHoni m. ..,.. i..
..... i, . J """" us if.c
I ie regiment, was made licutennnV
iiiu.l .... il ... i ,.... . . -v
may i. ino.t, ntlU colone of il.
Jtj'",,'nl 011 , ,ly 1SU:' U" U
I tl1 '-ai
, . . S,M1 ' '!18 wrvl-
p "s""ui me war. Uu .May iiO, lStiJ
w,a" w,',l,.l"1!'d ut Church, an,
I ! 11,ull""'in- was miistere.i out
! With Ins ira nnl. ...., i
'ith his u:lllaiiL reirimetll nti.l ,c IK n.
excellent military record. At tho Slate
election in October, 1S08, Gem-rnl JOnt was
the Democratic candidate for Surveyor
General uuainst General Jacob M. Camp
bell, by whom he was defeated.
In regard to the small-pox in Milton the
JtiUonian of Inst w eek says :
There is no cause for alarm in regard to
ioe sinaii pox in llus borough. The only
death l:';!in the disease was t lv r '
n.,.i..,,, ltv ,:-u liv us lust week.1
vlio contracted the disease iu riiilaue!-
, i phla, and who had never been vaccinated.
a I i : i
I .."nil,. i.iiH-i, 'i , in i.'i.'iti nu, u Biijee. oeeui reii ,
coniracieii iroin u.e aoove cast!, anil as
nearly everybody has now been vaccinated
there is no danger at nil of the disease be
coming epidemic in its character. The
panic which the first ease excited is now
subsiding, and we trust the people will once
more allow reason to resume tier sway, and
attend to their business, ns formerly.
A MAN iu Fuvetto county, Indiana, has
beeu twice publicly whipped by the Banie
Senator Carventkii estimates the
number of lives lost by the Wisconsin tins
nt from twelve to eighteen bundled.
Positively tlio Cheapest l uk Hull Clotliliiu
for Knit unit Winter.
Horse thieves are doing considerable
business in Money nud neighborhood.
Two sorrels, with harness for eaeh, were
stolen last week, one of which returned
with a broken hatter.
There nre four families, father and three
sons, residing in Folk township, Monroe
t'"'ll-. l'.V the iwmu of Serfass. wlio have
between them seventy-two cbiKlreii. The
..i... i..,. . i.m.i. i n. .
i iaiuv i i . -iiu v in ui i u u ti uu lilt;
sons seventeen children apiece.
Tiik resident has appointud Colonel
Horatio (I. Siekel, collector of Internal Re
venue for the Fourth lYnnsvlvunia l)is
trict, rensioit Agent at l'hiladelphia, vice
Forbes, removed.
FltKl'Klix K Doi dLASs was on Saturday
unanimously nominated for the curislaturu
by the RenublicuiiH of MoiiriHt county, New
01k. The district is strongly Demoira
tie. 'I.lltle Men" neatly ant eheuply clud at
Wiiti'inniker .t: Krnu n's.
llus-. John M. M'Kinnkv, I'nited
Slate 1 list lie t Jllile for the Suilhein 1 ih
'rict of Florida, died on the l'.'th ult.. while
011 his wav to visit his family iu New York.
.ltul;!o M'Kiuiiey, was n sou of Win. Me
Kinuey, for many years a mauufacticrei' of
iron m Lycoming eouiity. lie was iii
pointed district Judge by I'rebidelit tii' .nl
about a jinr ago.
t) Simd.ty nibt a week, on incendiary
mateh was applied to the ware room of llie
Adam' F.xpiv Company in ur llm Her
die lloimc, WilliauiNporl. The building
was destroyed, but the goods Were all saved.-
.Uiine .iiiiii'ii'.'i'V.
MedMis. (iiieius iy & Furey, nf the La
CHhiiwj Sti 1 in I' 1 i'iI, havo dins' lived partner
lili. In n. Ilriuille, of Muney, Fit., has bo
eueie nu ,....,..i.,. , , ...mhli.lma.n,
and Mr. (lUeruwty llie puiJin.11.,.
S. II ANToN call boast of tilt) thaillpiiill
hum 111 briite. On Friday a monster nam
ed l'i.t. M oan Ueuiiui ein.i d ut thu
In liuu he Mill diiviug, mid l)ilig a ropo
around the poor animal's iiit;mu, uetu.illy
oe lliu nritli nut by it loots. Ha 1 1st-IS
I'll k.-.l lll llm bleeding tongue, iul K it
liilo hi hu'oii mid ilmvu nil.
K oi-Ij hi Iikw t. !( r K-iii! uio u buy W,
X H '. ( totlil. K.
A ease i f elii'oiilu 1 In uumtlktil
s.Velily, tilled by Johnson's Aliil)l,u
l.iiiiuit ut, Is iiuliei'il by iiii of nur sk
i A laru limn li euioa t ut Uhi
lliubliust of liu tli'er, Ulld Upjit.tled
hkii pail ol ihu Intasl built-,
'I hu uTl It si Wold In nur UlljlltUU is
lit.lllh. At the lilsl iiiilltutioii nf tliwiiM',
11 -u wtllkiioMii mil niiovti ri in., I us.
o d ii W Indlistli'ii, Uu I'vix'ii't
I'urnlltu Fills. F"i t'liuifl's, tol.U, soiu
or I tuiu slmuatli, uu Johus ill's Aaiil)Ut
l.iiiiuit nl.
Iii.ii4 k.Mili.iii -uf ti. til's fall VV. s t'k
hullliul I Wllld' b.llH, iu ( Il4plll41l
luwusliip, wms tonuioi,( If ii nu M'i-
ill4Wk 'lliltw Ik-IMS, 4 44-U Sli 4
nll.t 1 mil. U titsli'tU. 'ihu Utiw
It U Uli4 Ws sl nu lliu.
A lllilu nf SI I U.1II1..14 1I0H4IS 1.4 U 4 u
Ull l) dittaMu m..lik t.Ulltu Iu s tU
lull ! tUlhHluUH, isj4
The Empire State Itedceined.
TA O. K.
Republican Unlus Everywhere.
New York. Nov. 70 r. M. The elec
tion pnssed olf without any rioting, but
little force heimr needed to nucll nny of the
slieht disturbances which took place. A
In ran vote wns nnlled in the citv. tho He
formers gaming hundreds. It is oencveu
that their wholo county ticket has been
elected, by largo mnjonties In some instan
ces, nnd a c'ose vote in others. O'Brien,
for the Senate, beats Bradley considerably.
Hill Tweed, notwithstanding tho exposure
of his crimes, has been successful.
This was, however, expected. In the
Fifth district, Norton, Tanimanvite, nnd
Henediet. Reformer, nre close. Woltmnn
and Genet. Hing candidates in tho Sixth
nnd Eighth districts, are claimed elected
to the Senate. For the Assembly the Re
formers have elected eight and tho Ring
thirteen members. Tho probability is that
tho Tammanyitcs have a majority of the
)iard of Aldermen nud assistaut Alder
men. Indications so far received show conclu
sively that tho Stato has gone Republican
by n mngnilleent majority. Tho Reformers
aie wild with delight to-night over the re
sult, while Tammany is fearfully depressed.
New Youk, Nov. 8-2 A. M. Ueturns
received by A. H. Cornell, chairman of tho
Slate Republican Committee, indicate that
the Republican State ticket and both
brandies of the Legislature are elected by
handsome majorities, nnd Hint Tammany
has met her VVateiloo.
New Youk City, liU' r. M.It is
estimated that the RepubUcnns have elec
ted 20 of Ihn 132 State senators, nnd have a
handsome majoritv-V1";"1 lh-e
Democratic nm,1 111 -l:w ?,"rk,V,ty 18
estimated ntSO.OOO, nud in Hrooklyn nt
5 000. Nearly the whole I lemocrntic county
ticket is chosen. Three Republican Assem
la...,,..,, nnd Bix Democrats nre nrobnbly
ciJ... in Hrooklyn a Republican gain of
Tioga county gves 850 Republican ma
jority. (ll'K MAJORITY 35,000.
Xkh- Vokk, Xov. 711 r. v. One
luiiiflrecl and forty-two towns give 7,042
Republican -ain. The majority in tho
Stale can hardly fall below 35,000.
Falnicr, Rejmhlienn, is elected to the
St'ito Seu.ite in :he Eleventh district, over
Homer A. Nci'son. Flock, Democrat, is
elected iii the First district. Fierce and
iMinpiiy nre re-elected in Kings county.
Among tbe Republican gains nre : Foiigh
keepsie, 700 ; i nukers, 'i.'H ; Flushing, 15S;
Rome, 35 ; and among the Democratic
gams are : Ilornellsville, 101. and Jiinu-
Ilornellsville, 101, and Hing-
It'll,, 1.1 I. II
ii.iiiiinii, -li.
Oswego county elects three
A IU:i'l'l.LH'AN OAI IV TllltirR iitrv
nuuiHiuKUAiM), 1 IIliLE HUN-
DilKi) lOV.'r.'S '"' OVIill l.l llllO.
Nkw Youk, Nov. 8-1.4.'. a. M.-Thrco
hundred towns iu New York State give a
e .'itp'rn-"m W1"! 'S e,,lc,I1lort,i
. en.ite, lioi Westchester county, by 500
intijority. I lie county elects three Repub-
can Assemblymen by '1.700 mnority.
-kw 01iK, Nov. 8 :i a. m. Tho
T.nirg claims that Hnrrett has Ix-en elected
Supivme Juiige by :J0.HO0 majority, nnd
Sigel. Rogihter, by 10,000 or 1J,H00. All
the city Senators on the Reform ticket nre
elected cxcciit Rossa, and he will contest ou
account of the grossest frauds.
Tlie Standard CHtimatis the majority ill
thu State at from 10,000 to 15,000 itepubli
can. This will bo a gain of from 40,000 to
oli.OOO over tho vote of 1 870, when llolf
nwn was elected by over 3:1,000 majority.
The Reformers have curried three, per
haps four, of the New Yotk Senators, aud
the local Judicial ticket.
TiiENTox, Nov. 7 -Midnight. rarkcr
is probably elected (inventor by 3.000 to
o.uoo majority. Roth branches of tho
U'islatiue will hu Republican.
Newark dispatches show that Parker has
carried that city by nearly l.tHKI Republi
can majority. It is conceded that Wulsh
is not elected. The change iu tho city of
Newark ulono would vivo the Slate lo llm
Democrats, even if they should gain uo
other district.
TlALTJMoitR. Nov. 7. The entiro vote
in this city is as follows : Tomu, 14,7.VJ ;
Whyle, L'J.H-JJ. Tbe returns from tho
county are incomplete, but indiealu that
tho Republicans have carried Frederick,
Anno Arundel, Allegheny, Washington,
ami scattering returns show steady Re
publican gains. Judge I'earce, Rep., is
reported to have curried Alleghany county
by lilu-en hundred, and is elected. Judge
llnwif. Rep., is uUoeleclcd over llradley.
The Republicans had not a member in the
last lxyisliituie, and not a judge 011 tho
Im-iu Ii, a constable, or a magistrate iu thu
State. As to the (invert. or' election them
is no doubt of the ( lection of Whyte, Ik-iu.
Though we will lo t have lull returns
from tlie lower counties before lo-mormw
night, llm Republican aie joyful over the
result in, I'm- ns known.
The Republican gain almost everywhere
outside of Uulliuiore. They will have
several inenikr of Ihu Ugislulura this
Ai.kvankiiia, Nov. 7. Nealo ami
Wuudi r, Conservatives, ill Ihu House of
IK legates, uud Tliom.i uud Taylor, Cuu
s . rviitives, tor the N uuto, tarry lluj city,
lie ".-... .. til and lul, nud tho luiier
l'.V IHk Ihu toitnly u 1...1 yet iu. The
t tiiiM-i valive are suppused lo have eiecwa
tin ir caiidiilati .
Kit HtiuNii, Nov. 7,. Ri tiirtm from ihu
iiiteilor of tbe statu mo uit uijivkud of uu
UiiiUslat lory i har n ter, bill eiiouli Is
known to itsitiiitMi large majority in both
house nl lliu tit iu 1 a Asst i.ibly (or tint
Ill 1NOK
Clin Ai.o, Nov. 7.. u i, t.tinuUd Ilml
Media' umji'iii) for M i) or w illU about
Cuu ai.o, Nov. 7. - It. louts fioiinhliiy.
Iiilui out o t uno j,,, , mil in lliu 1 y
uitt- M.dili, 1 ir Mum, H,.'il. mid llol l ii,
.i4l, tlledlll II1.1.1.111IV Milt li I V'ssl. Tint. Flit pl'ihd
lor ul'hroiill mu elei U-d iu ulilcl.HU Ul nf
i iily wid.
I nu ii.o. Nov. 7 - IWtt ildjf, R.publi
1.411 i4ti.lul.iUi lor l oilers l la iw, Is
ik.lej by boul 1 41 nl) .j ihiily Ibouwin l
lb mm for ( iliiuls nf lb iiiy uiy
kl.dill, l"f Xior,'l umloiiiv. IU
nllitr piieluils Will t4if) II in U,Ut.
m m 111 mx ,
IbuloM, ..y T AltU M44eliUMll
41 4 U sUv'.b'M In du), li.ul k4t.Ol.l4U r
liutitr tut iwu4l Slibum,
lUl'., A14IU4, lu , I buiUlUlu, iUlwut.
Ill FlllO'U, I'loll.bllioM. tll() !
lins been unusually free of publio demon
strations. This city glvet Washburn ftbout 1,000
plurality, Last year Clatlin lacked noar
ly 800 hundred of a plurality iu the city. .
Sixty three towns, including Boston, foot
up ns follows :
Washburn, 24.928 : Adams, 15,833 ;
Chamberlain, 1,584 ; Pittman, 2,375 ;
Wnshburu's majority, 5,730. Adams, De
mocratic candidate for Governor, was de
feated In Quincy for Representative, for
which ho was also nominated.
HosTON 11 P. M. Returns from one
hundred nnd seventy-seven cities and towns
give Washburn, In round numbers, -51,000
votes : Adams, 31,000 nnd Chamberlain
and Fitlmnnabout5,000cnch. Washburn's
plurality will exceed Clntlin'sof last year,
which was little less than 11,000.
The Legislature will be largely Republican.
Madison. Nov. 7. Partial returns In
dicate the election of Washburn for Gover
nor, and a Republican majority in the
Milwaukee, Nov. 7. Returns from
C2 counties aud towns givo Washburn 1,
871 majority.
Eieh'tv-four cities nnd towns givo Wash
burn 1.003 maioritv over Doolittle for
Milwaukee, Nov. 7. Ninety-four
towns and eitiesgivo Washburn 1,400 ma
jority. Chicago. Nov. 7. Wisconsin elects
Washburn by an increased Republican
majority. Hoth branches of tho Legisla
ture nre Republican.
Little Hock, Nov. 7. Tho election
has passed otr quietly. No official returns
nre iu, but it is Micvcd the Brooks' ticket
(so called), in opposition Senator Clayton,
Is elected by 500 to 000 majority.
About 300 persons wero denied tho right
to vote because their names did not appear
on the registry.
Natchez, Nov. 7. The election pnssed
otf quietly. The Republican voto was
about 2,500. There was uo opposition
VitKsiiURO, Nov. 7. The election pass
ed off quietly here. No reliable returns
eau bo given before morning.
St. Taul, Nov. 7. Returns from tho
State come in slowly. Fifty seven cities
and towns givo Austin, Republican, for
Governor, 1,000 majority. No returns
have been received from the southren part
of tbe Satc.
The ConfciisIoiiM or an Invalid.
PUBLISHED as a wnrnlng anil for tlic benefit
of yoimrf nun and othen, wlio iufTor from
Nervous Debility, Ac, (applying the niciuis ot
Written by one who curcil tiinipclf und lent
free on receiving u po-it-pulcl ilirectoil envelope.
Mmv 20, lS71.-m. Brooklyn, N. V.
'-. -J . ... . .
d(clu JjJbcrtisfincnto.
HHK kx;ixk FOR nam:.
A f frT 1 ,1 dttntliltl TTIs.k d.irls.u I (T 1
A , '. T "rr"-"lr
1 wvllliUlj VI
Mnniiii. v. Til. This engine took thu Urt iiri-nilnm
. ,,. tne Nurthamherlnnd cuuiity Fair whou held nt
Milton, over nil other huuil engines who com-
' P"'1' ,or ll,u "'liI'
1 r I'"r ,1,rtlcl"" rc Wtllla.n I. (Jrecnoiigh,
. Esi., Treasurer, or the undnrslgned.
' -Su"''"ry' Xov' " 1871-;it'
To Itltuuiinoiiw Coal Miner aud
I Operator.
TIlE Ki'""nns t'""1 "' ''""-" Company
X will reecelve till Dee.miber l. sti
nl their oltlec, for the nilning and delivering of
their eoul In the shales ut their mines near Keno-
vo, l"ii., or for the mining of the coal ut a royal-
The capacity of the present openings plune
mi l shntes Is Irom &00 to Toil tons per dav.
Those wlshiinr to view tho )ireiniscn," elensa
cull on William I), l'oilnrd, nt Uenovo. For
terms, nililres James llraituer, Treiisurer, No.
10 Witlmit street, Philadelphia.
Nov. 11, lS7t.-:;t.
I'tv ir".
AM. persons knowing themselves Imlchtcd to
J. II. Enirel on Hook neennnt or Note, will
please innku settleinent nii'l pa between this
und the llrst day of l)eeemtii:r nevt, und save
cost, ns nfter that dalu tho hooks nnd notes will
be placed la the hun of a Justice for collection.
, J. II. ENtiKL.
S'.itihury, Nov. 11, lSTl.-Ut.
It Yi:it I.Y'.S IIOTKL,"
TO.SIAIC BVEHI.Y, Proprietor, bower Maha
tl Hoy township, N'orthiimlierliind conntv. Pa.,
011 the road leiiiliinr from (ieorgt town to t' 11 ion
town, 8111I1I1 Inn, Trevorton I'oilsvllle, Jtc
Tliu choicest Lliiors nnd 8cu;ars nt the liar.
The tables 11 10 provided with tho best of tho sea
son. BlablliiK lurfe'e uud well ulted for drovers,
with (rood ostlers.
Kvery utteutiou paid to lu.iko guests com fort a-
.N.v. U, 18Tl.-ly.
Beef ! Beef!
rpilE uudersinnca Is prepared to furnish the
X cittieiis or hunhury uud vicinity with the
choicest Beef and l'ork la Market, either ut
hotesulo or Kctall.
Kniiiillcs will be supplied by tho quarter or
side, or smaller quantities ut the most rousoua
bio rates.
I'oustuutly on linnj the choicest cuts of Beef,
1'oik, Mutton mid Veal.ntso Hausuges, Helogna.
Ac. Apply lit the .Meut ilousu, South Third
street, In Moors & Distiii;cr' Kow, Huubury.
till murket da) the best of meut is served to
customer ut lite stand, corner of Markit
uud Third streets, when lliu celihruled Urosloii.'
siiusukos cuu bu bad, lung ktiowu us the best lu
HENRY K. Ii-AliFl.v
N. 11. Persons having fat hogs or hteves for
sale c in procure thu liiifesl inaiUil price by up
I'll. ulicm ut the slsivs r-lablisliineut.
bunbury, Nov. U, 1171.
Hi Nvrsios at Mumu 8t4TS ris, Bt.
TIwohk Ursl premium fur Vlie-pUce lleateis
uwunled the huiiuyside.
A.luiit.igi of ibu Hnniiysida 1
I. It Is su eoiolruel.d liisi one ililrd more of
I he ludLtliiitf surruee lulu the room, giv
ing Ilml much more adUiliouiil bout wlitioiit e.
I14 fuel.
J, It I the ouly Hot Air r'ire pluce lleuter In
the inaiktl. I.Ike lb ienulr built b.-ult r,
il Iiimi uu heal, but cutiUue U ll u its lit ill-
a. '('lie fuel uisgiiiiiie I double Hi usual sUk,
hikh.Iiiui iriU 1 ho Biu bo u Ike I011 of I lis
slot wall capacity fuf iwmy.fuur hours' sun.
ply of euul. r
i be puleul d.iulilq cover fur f.utl llisg.illn
cuuauiu.s the gas, prcveul of , ,ltJ
luo mum, uu tiiskiv. u Iuiiu4.ibi lor su puf
nngs or cspl.Miiiiui u incur, 'llus I n ,4iil
SU lsw.i! ,y Uu Hi- j Uc slut ill llm
5. llu re ll.rsMs air c.amb.n, Unlu 4
' ilteuluii iu u kept up, ii4lug lb mid sir
lU 111 luulll II1IUU4I1 ku.,Uj gwi. iulu 4 UlK
U-4 sir ira. is.ui, m it, luck ul lUu slut.
s. Su si.u 1 1. 41, u.d, m. Mlr ,Mtoj
lv wi.tilf UIVIIlH Uuulll )4lllullllK Iw nuJ
d.iulll Uck, SUipl,lt.g l4,g, U44UIMIS Ul l-A
4il 44-lu 111 bvul Ul I ml,
I. iltv l St., WHIfc, m, kM tkl
llii.itiusklt l.4t ,. u.,uiuii I,.! u ..lj .la.iii
IU..1U uu III !, UUi, ktiiut lb luutus III
M"4l4 SUa tlllld Siuita.
J1.''1 "1 ,u4' k "u'l4
oublltu ba li Iu.., utini, n,. uU.ulu, u,
k 4 li Ksuli4 lui llw SM ul ,uui, 11,, ..V,.
lu.ii iu.,u... ah .41.., Sl. Mu,';
III) Il ..!.. lOiLl IU llilt ...
. U lll.U U S.II 4ilUg, I4 SU Ju,l ,.u
kll It. 1 ,4"
il MU, riUksmi i s ,
II ti teat w, Ai.
.. II. IT
OU. till I II u4 I. ., ft giM,4
MHU4 i Hl 4 l'lMi(l '(,
in I
JU tu Um. A lsu.ii.,.,', (u4 It Wlrt l
V I e4 14 l ....
Meeting of Stockholders.
A spectn meet Inn o the stockholder of the
Bnnbnry Mutant Bnvtnfr. Fund snd Building As
sociation will b held In the dales room, on Monday
evening, November lath, 1871, nt 7 o'clock, for
the purpose of changing Article 0, of the Consti
tution of sntd Association, by striking ont the
words "Fifteen Directors,' and Inserting the
words "Ten Directors " also to Insert In said
Article Oth, the words, "The election annually
of a Bollcltor," and, the words, -The Oflleers of
this Association shall be eligible to the position
of Directors. '
By order of the Bonrd,
EM'L WILVERT, Presldont.
AtttttiJ. Wrisrh Bccubh, Bcc'y.
Nov. 4, 1871.-31.
now open at
Market Square, 8UNBURY, Penn'n.,
811k Poplins, Dress Trimmings, Embroideries,
Notions, At.
Gents' Collnrs, Neck-tics, Half-hose, 'Handker
chief nnd Gloves.
Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs,
An Invitation Is extended to all to call and te
nure bargain.
Nov. 4, 1871.
Kail nasi IVintor t.ooda.
Market Street, one door west of Gearhart's eon
fcetioncry store,
SUNliUItY, I'A.,
llus opened her stock of
Tllllluory nnd I'ancjr Goods,
The latest styles of Dress Trimmings, French
nnd American Flower,. Luces, Ribbons, Suck
loops, Chignons, Collars, Cutis, JouYin Gloves,
and a lnriro vnrletv of other articles.
In connection with the Millinery business, she
curries on the
in all Its branches.
She Is also agent for the sale of Ramsey, Scott A
Co.'s Patterns.
The ladles of Sunhur; and vicinity nre cor
dially luvlled to call nud cxitiutne her splendid
Nov. 4, 1871.
I w
J -1 M
1 w
t'Altltl.llili MAMl.UTOItV,
"llTDl'I.D reectrully nnnoiiuco M the clll
f f 2i'iis of buiibuiy und sariniiadiu country,
that lie Is pri-purcd tu manufacture nil styles of
4'nrrlugesi, IIuubI'. ttr.,
ul his ueif shni 011 nu Market strut. He will evny deserlpliuu of Wai;iiu, bulb
Iu short, tt III make evorylhiiu; Iu his line from a
Uit-ela carrlaije to it het'lburrow, wuiinnied
to be made of lliu best uud lilu.l duruliln i l
uls. ulld by llie lliiul rlperieiiced Wurkmeii. All
wink sent oat Irom hi e.tah'.iabuiciil will be
found reliubl Iu every purlieulitr.
lb p4tluuu ol the public l olleiti.
.1. . SE.YM10I.T..
Buubury, .o. 4, '1.-ly.
iu.U!i:in-, "
lUlilloNS. n.t)VEH,
rts Vrll.
aud ..r)H.ii.K usuull) W I iu M,uro fclu
M. L .iibM Ufa fci,,,,,
aVjuih f.iuiili kir-i, U't.i l,a 4. y jj
SI Nbltr hi
... 4, 'TI. '
L k I A IX' I a ll'iti...,..'.
.i.i. ..i i) M( hiK.K I if'
I 0 ll MM iIHI III 4
LIII1'. Ill
r 1111 11 ami JHIMrlll' tiiH)ii
Ul I) l4 )us ub4 l III
Tllt. U, U ,
4 TMU MM u Mill.,'. u,,.ki ,i1, ,M
al-u lisn, huiiji,,,,
H l Ml, l-tNh'A.
tl t.4 U 1-,4,14,1
4. i t T?
To DebiliUtcd Perrons,
To Dysjieptici,
To Suflbrcri froiu Liver Coruplalnt,
To thoso having no Appetite,
To those with Broken Down Constitu
tion., To Nerrous People,
To Children Wnating Awfty,
To any with Debilitated Digestive Orgnns,
Or ruffering with any of the following
Symptoms, which indicate Visordtricl Liver
or Stomach,
such as Con
stipation, Inward
Piles, Fullness or
Blood to tbe Head, Acid
ity of the Stomach, Nnuicn,
Heartburn, Distrust for Food,
Fullness or Weight in the Stom
ach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or
Fluttcrlni; nt the Pit of the Stom
ach, Swiinmlnir of tho Head, Hur
ried nnd DilUcuit Drcnthing, Flutter
lug nt the Heart, Choking or Sutl'ocnt
Ing Sensations, when In a Lying Posture,
Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the
Sight, Fever nnd Dull Pain In the Dead, Dellcicu
cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin
und Eyes, Pain In the Side, Bnck, Chest,
Limbs, Ac, Sudden llunhes of Heut,
Bnrnlnit In the Flesh Constant lin.
nginlngs of Evil, nnd Urcnt De
pression of Spirits.
Iloofland's German Bitters.
A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of nnv kind.
Is different from nil others. It Is composed of
the pure Juices, or Vital Phincii'i.e of Koots,
Hekbs und Harks, (or ns mcdiclnnlly termed Ex
tracts,) the worthless or Inert portions of the In
gredients not belnir used. Therefore In one bot
tle of this Bitters there Is contained nsniuch me
dical virtue ns will be found In several gallons of
ordinary mixtures. The Hoots, Ac, used In this
Bitters nre grown In Germany, their vital princi
ples extracted In that country hy a sclentltie Che
mist, nnd forwarded to tho manufactory In this
city, where they nre compounded nnd bottled.
Containing no spir.tnous Ingredients, this Hitlers
Is free from the objections urged ngainst all oth
ers 1 no desire for stimulants can bo induced
from their use 1 they cannot make drunkards.
nnd cannot, under uny, huve nny
but n benctlcial effect.
Was compounded for those not Inclined to ex
treme bitters, nnd Is Intended for use in cases
when some alcoholic stimulant Is required In eo 1
noction with tho tonic properties of the Hitters.
Euch bottle of the Tonic contuin one bottle of
the Bitters, combined with puree SANTA CRUZ
HUM, mid flavored In such n manner that the ex
treme bitterness of tho hitlers Is overcome, form
ing it preparation highly ngreeahle and pleasant
to the palate, nud containing the medicinal vir
tues of the Bitters. The price of tho Tonic is f 1.
5J per Bottle, which many persons think loo
high. They must tnko luto consideration that
the stimulant used Is gunrantecd to be of u puro
quality. A poor nrticle could he furnished ut n
cheaper price, but is it not better to pay a little
more nnd have u good nrticle T A medicinal pre
paration should contain none but tho best Ingre
dients 1 nnd they who expect to obtain u cheap
couiponu-i, and be benclllted by It will most cer
tainly be cln u'.ed.
IIooflniHl'H German Itlttom, or
LAND'S rodopbjlliu IMII,
will cure you. They nre the Grentcxt
BLOOD PURIFIEIIS known to the Medical
world, nnd will crnilicati) disease urisinir from
Impure blood, Debility of thu Disgestivo Urgaun,
or Disiiused Liver, in a shorter time tlmu uny
other known remedies.
Tin: wnor.K si'I'u'emr court of
Stuonokk Testimony !
Hon. Ghohok W. Voidaki, formerly Chief
Justice or the Supreme Court of l'i nnsi lviini.i,
nt present Member of Congress from i'ennsyl.
Vuniu writes :
PiliI.AtiM.i-uiA, March ICtli, 1S07.
I find "Hoofland's Gcrmnn Bitters'' Is 11 t'ood
tonic, useful in diseases of tliJ diircftlvp organs,
nnd of great benellt in eases of dchilitv, (In 1
wunt of nervous uctlon in the svstem. Youis,
truly 1 GEO. W. WoOHWAhl).
Hon. Jamhs Thompson, Chief Justice of the Su
preme Court of Pennsylvania.
Plin.ADEl.rniA, April 2S, 1SC7.
I consider "Hooflan l's Gcrmnn Hitters" a val
uable medicine in case of utiucks ol In.lige.-tlon
or Dyspepsia. I cau certify this from my expe
rience of it.
Hon. Cronos SiiAiiswoon, Justice of the Su
preme Court of Pennsylvania.
PniLAiici.ruiA, June 1, ISM.
I have found by experience that 'Mlontland's
German Hitters" is n very good tonic, reiii viug
dyspeptic symptoms almost rtirectlv.
Hon. li'm. F. Hofjci; Mavor of t'; Citv of Buf
falo, N. Y.
Mayor' OtlW, Buffalo, June 22, lsofl.
I h ive ucd "Iloollaiid' German Bitten and
Tonic" in my family during the past vear, m.d
can recommend them us an cvicla nt ionic, im
parling tone an 1 vigor to the sy-leni. Their UfO
has beeu projuclivo of decided:' beni-ticial ef
feets. WM.'F, KUGEUS.
Hon. Jitme$ tf. WvoJ, Ex-Muyor of Williams
Jiort, Pa.
1 take great pleasure In recoainu ii.lhitr "Hoof
land's Geiman Tonic" to uiivi ne who mav bo
uftlicted with Dyspepsia. 1 had the Dysprpsin
so badly It was Impossible to keep uny ":' od on
my stomach, und 1 became, fo weak as 1. .t 10 tin
able to walk half a mile. Two bottles el!'-i t.l a
perfect cure. JAMES M. WOOD.
Til AT
Will ('ure every fuse of
or Wasting nway of lliu lloily.
Are the uiediciues you rc'nulic t.ipiuLy lUo
Blood, txeltu the torpid I.lver In lu.ilin ueilun,
ulld lo euuble you 1.1 puss safely lliiuuh any
hardships or eipoatire.
or subnilul for Mercury pills. Io l'ill a
Dose. 'I be must Powerful, )il luuoiu.i i'.nlMr
lie kiioMii.
It I n.4 necessary In Like a li.iiidf'i' ' "
Pills In produce lh J i l' "'. ibrt
uel uuiekly ulld poi '". ,l ' ,M" "' Iheui
Ho.. ..a ' ,. ".). f e.iii.iii,- ll,e,
Cl"" w H..cls of i .....
Iltfl ll.l.l I. I'o.lopl,,!!,,,, ,., ,0 Au..,.
. t uruil of Muu.i..ike, ttbn U I. I.v 1 ,y
lime, uiur powerful, uel 11,1 m,,i ........1... '.
ihu Maiijiak. u.e.1. iu ,..Mi,-r ,. ;; , ,
ion. . 1 1, Hi lliu f m, .
t'Lr:';:.';:Ji'ui"u' ,e,ulu Mur ""-
ii'U II..IICUI..I, l.,. ,., susii, tnuic.ali..
U Aum lu rt.i, l4c. 1I.. V nit., .t.
1U.U... lit,., t'..l,.,l.4,., 1
IU nl I utile BliuulJ lu...l 1.. .. . .........
iu. I'm. 1 bu tuuic td.ii 1,1 n,c, ,, , ,u.
Ull' bull. I. HI. ,u St. I.iu. II.. I. 1 1 I . ...
t " "" ""I, ii.uia. I,, u.e s.i,,.
lil' tbg l.ltcr, uu4 kin. li.i.,ll., .l.i
, . . 1 ' - 'bin
, I' U-
.) mi 4
anp tour Hoa.l set ity mil. n... I'.n. .1
Ion. up ihu it. Lou , ib lnu,,.,,, t . .
ll4. ...u liuu, U, I, .; I 1.1 , t. 1, ...
K' 1 III it I I 111 .1 It ! lilt 111 II li I III.. . L IA
MAN IllUl.JI I ll.l ,, ttl;l.Ml.. u.. . jJ
I' 0 luJ4,a . ,u 1, I I.
a iiiiwiwr. it.i 1 . u Ui. .
I kl.. l..
il. V 1 1. Hi 4 1 1
I lawk., .
II 1.. nl
t-l -'U - I' '1
Illl It Ui-I . 1 Jj.l
Ui.k'l Ul.l I'll.! v II. li.
I HUl t I IWlll u . I,.
I...I1 111 IL. I 111 III 1- II, , ,
I Hi ' Il 11
liia, At II
run. Aim nil t
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