Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 30, 1871, Image 3

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    SUNHURY, SEPT. 30, 1871.
Railroad Time Tble.
n. c. n. vr krt. p. e. r. r. w..
Buffalo Ex l're 4:10 a m'Erle Mall, I've Hi05 a m
Erie ' " 8:55
Buffalo Ex.
ElmlraMalt " 11:45
Erie " " 1:05
Lock H. Ac."
12:45 p ra
4:85 "
0:50 "
Sunbury Ac." .5:45 p m Erie Ex.
Suubury at 11:50 a m At Btfnbury 8:43 am
" 4:40 p m " 4:00 p m
d. n. w. n. r.
l.cave Snnbnry 5:55 a. m., 4:R5'iind :0p. m.
Arr. at Buubury 10:00 ft m, :20nn 8:40 p ni.
Accident Insurance Tickets can be had of J.
Bliipuian, Ticket Agent at the Depot.
W ffairs.
Srwino Machines. --Miss Caroline Dallas Is
tlic agent Tor the salo of the three best Sewing
Machines In existence, vlsi "The Improved
Blnger," "Grovcr A Baker." and, "Domestic,''
which nre constantly on hand and sold al rea
sonable prices. Cull find see them. Office n
Market street, cast of the railroad. . ..
Oo to A. N. Brlcc, Esq., to get registered for
the West Ward.
Go to Jnmcs Board, Esq., to get rcgistero J for
Fall Goons. J. S. Marsh bus just opened the
largest lot of Ready Made Clothlpg ever brought
to Suubury. Call und soe them. Nondvuucclu
Prices. . '
Anotiieh largo lot of Furniture Just received
nt B. L. Knudciibush's Store, iu Masonic Build
ings. Everything In the furniture lino may bo
had at that establishment.
Those coming next week nre invited to call at
h. M. Yodkii's Insurance Ofllce.
Stoves. Three second hand heaters und
stoves, nearly us good as new for salo at half
price. Enquire at this olllcc. "'
Gents' fines Ficuch Calf, Box-toe Boots, stitch
cd bottom, nt tho Kegnhitor.
ilKltlOVAI. OP TIIE.Mimit'AK"
fire lias been removed Into the
Moore. A IMswiiifrer BniltlliigH, on
the Corner of Third and IMurltet, on
Keeouil Floor, full nud nee iikj in
our ucw quartern.
Ann . ou Reoistkueii I If not don't delay In
attending to it at once, as It can only be dono
until the 30th of September next, after which the
Kegistery will be closed.
Skuvicrs will bo held In the Presbyterian
church in this place, Sunday, October 1st, by the
l!ev. Mr. Biinonton, of Williamsport.
Skuiols Accident. We regret to learu that
oar much esteemed friend, John A. Taylor, Esq.,
of Nortluiniherlnd, met with a serious accident
on Friday morning lust, which caused the toss of
tils right arm. Mr. Taylor has been working in
tlie nmrblo yard of W. Dunghcrty, in tliis place,
lor several years past, going and coming lu the
cars in the morning nnd cveuing The ( rain being
late on thcjtiioruiiig of the accident, he got on a
hand ear with a number of mcu lu the employ of
the 1. & E. It. 11. Co. In coming out of the
bridge,:! freight train wasou its way across the Is
land, and within a short space from them before
it was discovered. The men on the car escaped
by Jumping off, but Mr. Taylor who is well ad
vanced in years, in jumping, caught his foot iu
the track, und before he could extricate himself,
the engine struck hlin, lacerating his right nrm
in a terrible manner, nud bruising his whole per
son, lie was taken to his home where his arm
was amputate 1. He Is doing us well us could be
exacted, and we hope may survive this serious
calamity. His large circle ol frieuds throughout
the Statu, and particularly the fraternity of I. O.
of O. V., of which order ho is now tho oldest
member In the State, sympathize with him lu
his great ulUiction.
I. O.K. M. Pauaih and Dedication of Ham..
The parade und dedication of a new Hall of the
I. O. of It. M., on Tuesday last, passed very cro
ililablo. The unfavorable weather in the morn
ing prevented many of the Order from participat
ing. Tlie order, however, was well represented
by some eight diil'crent Tribes from abroad. Tho
procession was formed on Market street nliout
10 o'clock, headed by tho Marshals of the Agri
cultural Fair who escorted them to their ground".
The procession was under tho direction of Chief
Marshal Sol Stroll, assisted by G. W. Blroh, aud
(i. W. Smith; Clio Northumberland Cornet Baud
on thii right, the Wllliamspoi t Bund In tho ecu
tre, und tlio Suubury Steam Fire Company on the
left. After marching to tho Fair grouuds, and
through tho prluelpul streets, they were dismiss
ed for dinner. At 2'. o'cloc k, the members and
u huge number of citizens, repaired to the new
Hull on Market street, where the solemn ceremo
nies of dedication took, place. The ceremonies
were performed by 1. 8. Sol Slroh, acting ti. M.,
U. C. of K., Audrey J. Baker, 8. 6. i I. D.U. B.
J. W. Whitman, Gruut Prophet s P. 8., E. Best,
of Oetorora Tribo ; P. 8., Joseph Walter, of Cab
tawissa Tribe, and P. 8.. Robert Burr of Husoue
liutina Tribe, acting as Mishluewns, D. D. (1. 8.,
Em'l Wilvert i P. 8., Henry Bucher, Jacob Bell
P. 8., R. W. Thurston, aud Geo. Beard of Bbo
liomokla Tribe, were then introduced us the build
ing Committee, aud tho ceremonies of dedleullou
jarformed, after which a very uble address was
delivered by (i. C. of It., A. J. Baker, giving a
hlatury of tho rise uud progress of the Order.
The bauds played several appropriate pieces, ;
wheu tho members sepuruted for their homes.
The purude was julte Imposing, nud tho best of
order preserved throughout the ccreiuouli-i. The '
good conduct of (lie member of the Order made
it very favorable liuprcselou ujhju our diluent
A Chii.h of Frank Gordner, of Tutbotvllle,
nged about fifteen mouths, will seulded to death
u Friday hot, under tho followliielrcuun.luno-.
The child's k 'her had been bulling clothes is
kettle, an 1 bud tukeii the clollin out and left the
kuillu for a moment, while she put the clothes
uaay, aueu the lllllu child cume along, aud in
pluylug around the kellla fell In. It was so bad
ly scalded before It could be rc.cuod that dealtl
.ii.uud lu the course of three hours. iil(ubM.
'!.. r.l, l.i.. I. -ill 1.. . I.I ,.l T...I...I.I1I.
. .... . ... ,., .. .i ..........
o.!y h.ld..ttl,alpUc. T.uppo,o.,dl,u.lnud
f.ilrt ul lint end of tho count) for a number of
vial., has Induced luuuy of uur ajjilealluml
huud. to prui-uia Iba vucy Ut of lok, abhli
will i4 largely lepr-wuled at till fair. Tbs
dull, Kv.etablu, aud f-iury i1M dipailiun-l
-l.i bans luttr lull bai.
las Hiiom. Wm. II. Uill-r, of lbs r"
lb. 4 uud eU'M lol UdtWIUtliUhllo piOMiive lb
Iii. uf ths people, f ny buly -u U pioiidvd
ll Wmo lb.ll fv4 diy, (o be j.
r. ... ; . o'.s i -a li tiii4 b i-l.ii. m 1 ii'
I ll l . 4 .Uib I...U . .'. Bi'M ImI
ki. U (l:i.iUili lua ni toast (-
l. i., . Ii tU r ll y . t .11
- J HI
Th Democratic Mass Mbetiho. On Wed
nesday evening the great Mass Meeting of the
Democracy came off at the Court House, accord
ing to previous notice by bill and order of the
Democratic standing committee. The house wsl
perhaps three-fourths filled, and on glancing oven
we Judge about one-half wore Republicans.
Gen. Wm. McCandlcss, candidate tar Auditor
General was introduced, who delivered the open
ing speech. Ills speech was made up of the'
usual stereotype arguments of the party. Tie was
followed by Mr. Furry, of WHUamsport, who was
more furioHt, which had the effect of .infusing
Ore in the breasts of some of his hearers. . , '
Mr. Chalfant, candidate for I.cgir lat-re In this
district, was called npnn, who start ed-nt at once
upon the wnr path, and denounced alt the Demo
cracy who would hot adhere to Onv ft u'lfiulent
ticket, aud appealing to them to vole the whole
ticket, About this time a staunch ol;l Democrat
wished to liiiow why ho was, so anxious to not
cut the ticket now, when it was well known that
he was a boltor himself two years ago, when ho
ranagnlnst the ticket to defeat M,ri Buekulcw.
In replying, he used language which as neither
polished or pollto towards some, of dtir most re
spectable and Influential Democrats; who stood
up and denounced Mr. Chalfant ns n llnr.' This
part not being on the progrnmff, had1 the effect to
bring the whole audlonce $ their feet when the
meeting began to assume the nppcarnlico of a
Democratic meeting. Coasklerablq low) talking
was indulged In, which disstcd.tjY! honest por
tion of the Democrats, nnd they begun -to leave
tlie room, thus cutting' short Mr. Cuulfunt's
speech, and closing the meeting. ' -
It appears that Mr. CliMfamvIs twit only nnpo
pulur at home, but Is also' much1 'disliked by his
intimate democratic friends lu tttiS(?ouu(y. ;"'
Tun Fair. Tho Agrtculturht FaTf which cam'
off In this" place during this Vcc'Srbvcn' Very
successful. The weather oh the (irs, day 'Was
very unfavorable, nud tho rut u moriilug
hud the tendency to keep back, a Uirgcmiiouut of
slock, farming implements, nnd oilier articles
which had been prepared for the occasion. We
are informed that u large portion" would lmvo
been brought on the' second day, but tlie Com
mittee hud announced liiut they could not be en
tered after the first day, which certainly was an
oversight, as the Committee ngrccd to continue
the fair one day longer.. Tucsdny was princi
pally devoted In preparing tha articles on the
ground for exhibition. About noon the 1. O. of
R. M. und lire Department paraded on tho race
course, and mndo a handsome display. On
Wednesday the weather woe more fa vol able,
which resulted In a much larger .gathering
of people than has ever assembled nt any
County Fair in central Pennsylvania, tho number
being estimated nt'from 6000 to 7000 Every
train that arrived during the day was crowded,
Increasing tho number until the extensive fulr
grounds appeared to be a mass of busy, stir
ring, happy people, Intent on seeing and cu
Joying. Owing to tho great crowd our reporter
wus unable to procuro a list of articles on exhi
bition for publicutlon. Many of tho articles'
were worthy of special notice, of which wo may
speak hereafter. Some excellent fruit was exhi
bited, such us apples, pears, grapes. Ac. A lot
of superior Concord grapes were exhibited by
Geo. B. Youugmnn, Esq., which were, perhaps,
the finest lu apjicuranco that have been exhibited
ut any fair this season. IU B. Musscr also exhi
bited varieties of grapes merely, as specimens.
There was much interest manifested In trotting
mutches. - Somo excellent Stock was entered, and
Went over the course which attracted tho atten
tion of large numbers of people. On Thnrsdny
the principal feature was the trial of steam fire
engines. Two steamers wcro eutcrcd,. indepen
dent No. 1, of Williamsport, and the Sunbury
steamer, No. 1. The contest, for, an iQur, wus
most spirited and exciting. Bothcnglncaiire ex-,
cellcnt specimens, ami performed admlnibiy. Tho
ludciic udctit l a second eui-as ,kAino1iftife," and
the Suubury a third class "Silsby" engine. Tho
latter took the premium by about 10 feet, 'work
ing under 50 pounds lees steam than the WUIIntn
sport engine, w hich twice burslud its hose during
the contest. , ':- . ,
- As the Executive Con mittcc agreed to eonUiir
no tho fulr one day longer, eousitlemblo more
stock was added on Wednesday, and a much finer
display wus had limn on the previous day.
Altogether the lair wus a most conVpleto suc
cess, and convinced all that this is the proper
place for tho fair to bo held annually, It Is tho
most convenient, uud most central point lu tho
county, uud those attending can reach here ii
the morning by rail, and return to their homes In
tlie evening. There is no douM but that every
year will bring larger additions.. Being almost a
new thing for our farmers on tills side of the riv
er, If continued, will give such encouragement for
producing stock that will not bo excel ed In the
Statu. As this has been a success, we hope that
tho society will give Suubury another chance to
still improve ou this first trial.
D. II. Railhoao. TIio Danville Mctliwn lias
the following notice of the Danville, H miction
and Wllkcsbarro R. it., and its r ijector i
This road Is about completed from Suubury to
a connection with the Lehigh Valley railroad.
The untiring and preserving effects or its officers
have placed it among the grcut achievements of
the duy, especially wbcu It is remembered thut
Its conception and construction depended entirely
on the exertions of ouo man, now nt its head.
This speaks volumes lu favor of his bold enter
prise nnd indomitable cucrgy. This road leads
In the direction of Now York, but it Is tho Inten
tion to continue a line of railroad to connect with
the Hartford und Erie, which lalter,Hiough iow
temporarily suspended, will be built In due time.
The suspension bridge, together i wllli nbout
twenty-six miles west of the HucWti, has beeu
lei ton party of wealthy gentlemen, hose ability
to complete the work is undoubted f This w ill
leuve a link of uboul slxly-flve miles to form one
continuous line to Boston, fhiugor'K-d llullfti.,
when the Hartford and Erie l com piKed. l.ok-
Ing to the future, it does uot require prophet to
forlell the Immense effect this hoft routu will
have on the commercial Interest of ihO country.
Trade will center ut the sea-board i t(y of Halifax
from all the marts of the Old Wurl instead of
at Nc Yoik aud Philadelphia, lu stmiv meusure.
Tha time required by r II from lUf su-peustou
bridge over the Hudauu river to Halifax, Is ouly
twenty-two hours kyatcuiu-uut tiny live hours,
with greater danger from storms ud a heavier
uauraiicu ou nierchuudl-o. This wanted link Is
eallod IIm Lehigh aud Kttrfa, bli h, when com
pleted, tils p IU Kup ofa continuous aud must
direct Hue from Halifax to fllt-burg, I'bleugo,
ht. Louis aud Suu FraueUeu.
It will h somellilug for the future idtlaens ut
' "" r".-"
.i.t. ..I... ... ... .t... I.I...I r
1 lbs uraad liou road, from tha mu board of lbs
I 0t lU' ",1JU
Ul'.ww w. i . . . . .. .
Ma. John llorr-n of ibla plaint, aad hi right
srut terribly tiuUmt wail . lu lbs acl of ioupliug
car at lbs f. K. K. K. l'p, on Uoud.y U.l,
Althouga no boo os m bi.kiu lbs lujutiv ara
quiu smUus
Aaut'T l.Mily hmm IMwhiW uUis fitmi
IIm ul rilui a m waiU um U4 M uu4-I b f-
lo- K lu llwlr liauia. T4-)f, riVt)
Uk auuibsr r biouyt4 In by fat llt" to
uialiaalto. priMWM. 1'kt
Ml, sJ lus .bol faaauiri t(
Taa Uik a-ilu.wt of ..llM't bauat
k. 4ut't stuie iHiiis am aiiia-4 tha attaallusi
sat U a4 saUtaalUi bat mji UI tail
On Tuesday evening last, Gen. Kilpatrick ar
rived in this ptace on bis way from Frecburg,
Bnydor connty, to New Tork, and as no trains
left in the evening, maTly of our citizens desiring
to hear hint speak, prevailed upon him to address
a meeting Itr the Conrt House. Bscveh o'clock
the Court lions, was pretty well filled, when on
motion, Abraham Blasscr was chosen President,
and W. D Todd, and A. N. Brlce, Esqrs., ns 8o
crctarles. A committee, composed of Messrs. E.
Wilvert, Col. Geo. Wagenscller, and J. K. Da
vis, was appointed to wait upon tho General and
Invite htm to address the meeting.. The commit-,
toe after a short time returned with Gen. KJIput
rick, and introduced him to the audience.
Tho General said that he hud come to talk of
National aUiilrs, that to interfere in local politics
would be impertinent in him as a stranger. Ho
referred to the sacredness of tho Constitution,
but snld It required amendments to keep pace
with modorn tlnics, and to abolish slavery, which
how gives ns 3000,000 of freemen Instead of
slaves. Parties should be examined by their pro
fessions, history and present attitude. Tho De
mocratic p rty 1ms professions, but no princi
ples. He referred to Vnllandlghnm's new depar
ture, nud asked what Democrats would think had
Breckenridga been elected President. Ho then
pictured the Democratic record of the pa.t, nnd
compared it with the present altitude
' Ills speech was listened to with the most pro
found attention, and Wits well received by the au
dience. ' ' .. '''.
A New Oyster Saloon. Wo notice that Geo.
W. Binlx, late of the Augusta Hotel, litis opened
an Oyster Buloou, ou Third Street, nearly oppo-"
slto tho Central Jiolel, and is now entering for
his. friends ns they call to soo him. As Mr.
Binlx has had considerable exieruiuco ns a luud
kird, his many fricmls wlrl tie 'happy toicam thut
ho has again embarked In a similar' business 'to
make thorn happy by filling tho Inner man'.
Fiiom the report of the Committee on Music, at
tho Northumberland County Fair, wo nre pleas
ed to notice the following extract complimentary
to the Sunbury Orchestra i ' .,.."
"Your Committee would beglcavo,,to mako
honorable mention of tho superior inusiq furnish
ed by the Sunbury String Baud, and would glud
.y award them a premium, but inasmuch as there
was no Band present to compete, your Commit
tee th'nk they have no power to award a pre
mium." ...
Goon News pott Soldiers. The Commissioner
of Pensions lias revised the bounty laws nnd
decided that all who have served In any of tho
wars In which this country has been engaged
since 1700 and prior to March, 1855, are entitled
to 1C0 acres of Inn . Those not having received
that amount will be untitled thereto without re
gard to length of service provided that they were
regularly mustered Into tho United States service.
The Year of Disasters. Tho year 1871 will
he memorable In history ns tho year of disasters.
There have been more collisions of steamers nnd
railroad trains more breaking through of bridges
more explosions of ultro-glycerlue. Petroleum
nnd Gunpowder, Stenmbollcrs, fires, occ. more
drowning more murders uud above nil, more
deaths by lightning than we have ever known to
lie crowded In the space of one short year.
Travelino IIi'Miu.-os. Tlie pleasant weather
lias put the Itinerant nostrum venders on ti e
move It Is Bomcwhiit ustoulshlug Unit people
.will persist in patronizing theso adventurers
when we linve rellablo stores, whero genuine
goods can be bought of our own citizens who pay
rent aud taxes nud arc thus assisted In hulldlug
up nnd advancing the general prosperity. Every
dollar spent with these peripatetic loafers is Just
so much money drawn from our midst to t lie do.
triment of our storekeepers. We advise our cltl
Ecus to patronise our town business people, and
let these caudle light und coal oil peddlers "ulono
severely." Ejcchaitiju.
Somr one "who knows how It Is himself" got
oil the following bit of good sense iu very bad
yerso :
. "Business Is busl icss"so 'lis said,
And money Is by business made ;
Tlie fact, then, cannot be disguised,
That business should be advertised..
Editor's Tubltu .
New Cr.ssiB ani Patent Laws. We nre In
debted to Munn & Co., publishers of the. Sdmlifle
American, New-York, for n neat little bound vol
ume of 1.0 pages, entitled as above. It contains
the compliitu Census of 1870, showing the Popu
lation, by counties, of nil the States und Tun Ho
lies, with their Areas, uud tho Population of tho
Principal Cities. Also, the new Putenl Laws in.
full, with Forms, Olllclal nulen, Directions how
to obtain Patents, Copyrights, Regulations lor
Trudc-Marks, Assignments, How to Sell Patents,
etc. Also, a largo variety Of valuable Informa
tion relating to Water-Wheels, Steam-Engines,
uud other mechanism, with many useful tables
uud recipes, 175 diagrams of Mechanical Move
ments, etc. Wc advise every body tu send for It
us above. Price, -5 cents. A more valuable
coniicndlum, for so small a price, has rarely
beeu published.
Tux Lauv's Friend roil OrTonEit, 1871. The
Philadelphia "Aire" says of this magazine :
"One of ils siH-eliilties, Is the nlr ol neatness,
and, It we may so describe it, dressiness that sur
rounds u. Coining uonui 11 is either careless or
slovenly. Eaeli number reminds us of u lady
coming dowu to the morning meal in a tidy w rap
ier, wuh snowy collar and culls i cool licrsell
and refreshing to others. The publishers, in this
rsicet, have struck a popular vein, nnd nt the
same time, trusting not entirely to appearance,
maintain a nll-'li standard ot uterury und artistic
xcellencv." Vu may udd that the October nuui-
icr Is n gonl specimen ol I no characteristics or
the "Agu" refers to. Ils principal engravings
are really line, and Its stories ndimrulilc. lUu
uittern illustrations and the work-table have u
Tactical value for the ladies, uud the Editorial
k pni tuieiil lias ulwuys Us own peculiar microti.
Price f-.W a year. Four copies, $0. Five .co
les (und one grulls.) fx. " 1 lie l.ady r rleud
und the "Saturday Evening Post," 4. 'Publish
ed by licucou V Peterson, Philadelphia, binglc
copies for sale by all News Dealers, and by the
PiibilslierH, price rcitttt.
EVKLASD M Y KK8rAT the ViHn"'ii'f 7be
bride's parents, ou Sunday evening, September
'H, 1HTI, by Rev. Wm. II. Snyder, John KvKi.iso
uud Mi l.n.i.ix Minus, ull uf HurrUburg.
SCIIAFFLK Suddeuly, In Huuburr. on tha
-.Mh Insl., at the leslduuce of liar aon-lu-Jaw, J.
K. Kleholla, .. CamolinI Dii kks, lie of C. V
StJiallle, aged 71 yuan. Interred lu LewUburg
ceim tery.
Nuulsury iirstlw Produce nrkt.
loaaai'TSii waaai-i ar .. 4 oaaiaoaa.
(iHAIS bolca WblU 'rtheul II 60
Ilea Amber, Wlulur 1 bo
Cora - mi
H I 00
Outs, (W Ilia.) 50
U.4 mlf, IVkulur, r so.4 It 00
' " " barrel Ml
Corn Mual, mr vwt., ,.V bO
I'.uu.ylkauU Roll M
EuuaPr to, a 14
MTa-l)ir4 awf, r lb mw
kuiofciul Uutloii iKi
l iait lb wa
ris---ll Mbita rub, pvr lb It
' Tioa U
Via. aiuU .tOHa)
VaiaTaia-- l aiuii. i InuUI 1)
.1 10
..... 14
Oai.Jtt4 M M
H-aaa, M i-ait
U44, " ........
Iaitl r -la
4 pb., ( a
t Win., "
It Is one of the reinarknblo fhcts of this ro
mnrkablo age, not merely tlmt so many persons
nre tho victims of dyspepsia or Indigestion, but
Its willing victims Now, wo i-otild not bo un
derstood to say that any one regards dyspepsia
with favor, or feels disposed to rank it among
tho luxuries of lifo. Fur frotn It. Those who
have expcrlnccd :lts torments would scont such
an Idea. .All dtend ll, and wonlrl gladly dispense
with its unpleasant fMiiiilartles, Murk Tapley,
who was Jolly under all the try ing circumstances
In. Which ho was placed, never hail nn attack of
dyspepsia, or bis jollity would have speedily for
saken hlin. Men and women sometimes suffer
Its tortures uncomplainingly, but whoever heard
of a person who enjoyed them 1 . ?
Of all the-mullirarious discuses to which the
human system Is llnblo, thcro Is perhaps no ono
so generally prevalent ns dyspepslu. There nro
diseases more nctitc nnd painful, nnd which
more frequently prove fatal but none, the effects
ofwhlchnreso depressing to the mind nnd so
positively distressing to the body. If thero is a
wretched being In the world it Is
Nearly every other person you meet Is a vic
tim, an apparently willing nej for wcro this
not tho case, why so ninny sufferers, when n cor
tuln, speedy and' safe remedy Is within the easy
reach of all who desire to avail themselves of It f
But the uiajorlty will not. Blinded by prejudice,
or deterred by some other unexplained influence,
they refuse to accept tho relief proffered them.
They turn a deaf car to the testimony of tho
thousands whoso siilVerlugs have been alleviated,
and with strnngo in Munit ion, apponr to cling
with desperate detcrminatiou to. their ruthless
tormentor. Hut says a dyspeptic : What Is this
remedy 1 to which we reply i Tlria great allevia
tor of human suffering is almost ns widely
known as the English language.'' It has allayed
thCagonlcs of thousands, nnd is to-rtay carrying
comfort and oucourngement to thousands of
others. . This acknowledged, panacea Is uouu
other than , , ' ....
Would you knotv irn'oro or 'the merits of this
wonderful medicine than can be learned from the
experience of oUiers ? Try It yourseU, hud when
it lias failed to fulfil tho Assurance of Its efllcncy
given by tlie proprietor, then ubandon faith in
it. , : -
first of all, that IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BIT
TERS Is not a rum beverage. !
They nro no alcholic In any snnso of the term.
Thcy'ure composed wholly of the pure juice or
vltnTprinclpal of roots. This Is Mint n mere as
sertion. Tha extracts from which they arc com
pounded nre prepared by ono of tho ablest of
German chemists. Unliko any other Bitters In
the market, tliey nre wholly free from spirituous
Ingredients. The objections which hold with so
much force ngalnst preparations, of this class,
namely that u desire for intoxicating drinks is
stiniulntcd by their use, are not valid In the case
of the German Bitters. Sn fur from encouraging
or inculcating n taste or desire for Inebriating
beverages, it mny be confidentially asserted that
their tendency Is in n dlametrlcailv rpposlto di
rection. Their effects can lie BENEFICIAL
ONLY in all cases of tho biliary system, lloof
liind'sGeriiian Bitters stand without an equal,
acting promptly and vigorously upon tlio Liver ;
they remove its torpidity and cause healthful se
cretion of bile thereby supplying the stomach
with the most Indispensable elements of sound
digestion in proper proportions. They give tone
to tho stomach stimulating Its .functions, nud
enabling it to perform Ils duties us nature de
signed it should do. They Impart vigor nnd
strength to the entire system, causing tho pntieut
to feel like another being In fact, giving him a
new lease of life.
THEY PURIFY'THK BLOOD, cleansing tho
vital lluid of nil hurtful lm purities and supplant
ing them with the elements of genuine healthful
ncss. In a word,' thero is scarceTy a dlseaso In
which they cannot be safely and beucQlclally em
ployed i but in that most generally prJvulcnt dis
tressing ami dreaded disease, Dyspepsia, THEY
Now, there nre certain classes of persons to
whom cxtremo Bitters are not only unpuiatablc,
but who find It Impossible to take them without
posi'.ivo discomfort. For such '
bus been specially prepared. It is Intended for
use where a slight alcjiolic stimulant is required
In connect ion with tlio well-known Tonic pro
perties of the pure German Bitters. This Tonic
contains ull tlie ingredients of the Ililters,' but so
flavored us to reiuo.vo tho text icnie bit larncsa.
Tills preparation is not only palut!i'ble, out coin
bines, lu modified form, all the lirtursof the
German Bitters. Tho solid exvruels of somo of
Nature's choicest restoratives nre held in solu
tion by a spirituous ugeut of the purest quality.
In cases of languor or excessive 'debility, where
the system appears to have become exhausted of
Us energies, IIOOFLAND'S TONIC acts with
almost marvelous effect. It uot 6nly stimulates
the llaggiug mid win ting cuergiua, but luvigor
utes uud permanently strengthens its uetions ii
ou tho Liver and Stomach llioroiifh, perhaps less
prompt than the Bitters, when the same quanti
ty Is taken la uom ,, """i IhOHjub-Ioh,
liiiiiuusucss, Physical or Itoivous Prostration,
yield readily to ils ixilent iulluence. It gives the
Invalid A new und stronger hold '.upon .life, re
moves depressiou of spirits, uud intujres cheer
fulness. - it supplants the pnbi of disease with
the euso and co mfurt ol pcrleel health. It gives
strength to weakness, throws despondency to
the winds, and starts tho restored Invalid upon
a l.' iv uud gladsome career. But Dr. Hooll.ind's
benefactions to the human race nre not confined
to his celebrated GERMAN HITTERS, or his
invaluable Tonic, llu has prepared another
medicine, which Is rapidly w inning its way to
popular favor because of its Intrinsic, merits.
This is
u perfect substitute for mercury;, without uny
of mercury's evil qualities. womlerful Pills, which tiro intended to
net upon the Liver, nro innlulv composed of Po
dophyllum or I be VITAL PRINCIPLE OF THE
Now wo desire tho loader to distinctly under
stand that this extract oHIlie Mandrake is many
times more powerful MiaTi the Mandrake Itself.
Jl Is the medicinal virtues ol this lieallli-givlng
planl iu a perfectly pureand highly eoiuvntiatcil
loriii. lleneo It Is Hint two ol tlio I'odopiiyiliu
Pills constitute n full dote, while anywhere six
to eight or a handful of other prearalioiis of
the Mandrake are required. Tim Podophvlllu
ing its functions nud cutisliig It to make Its Ul
hiry seareliuiik In regular nnd precr quantities.
The Injurious results which invariably follow tho
use or mercury Is entirely avoldou by their use.
But it is uot upon the Liver ontythnl tin Ir pow
ers are exerted. T be extract ot 'Mandrake con
tained lu llicoi la skillfully combined with four
olher extracts, mm of which acts upon the i to
mueli, one upon the upper bowels, one upon the
lower bowels, npd one prevents any griping
cll'ecl, thus producing n pill that Intimites tlie
entire digestive' nud nlimentary i-ysteiii, In nil
equal und lau uiuiioions inuuliciviuul lu ucilou
entirely freu from uuiuya, vomiting or griping
pains common to nil other purglUvc.
No household should bo w llhonl them. They
are perfectly safe, require Let two for an ordi
unry done, am prompt and efficient hi action, und
wheu used in coiinecilou with Vr. Hooll.ind's
Gurman Ililters, or Tonic, may li regarded us
lajiluHl epuclllc lu till vuses of Liter Complaint,
1)SH-H,., or uny of the dl-ordeis tu which the
sy.lem is ordinarily subject. Tlie I'odopiiyiliu
Pills act Uxni the loiuacli und bowel., carriliig
nU lii!pro-r ob.l ructions, while the Bluer or
Tonic purify Hie blood, slruiiKlhcii uud Invigor
ate the flame, glvu luuu uud appetite l tbu lo
iuacli, aud tbu build up the Invalid uil.w.
Dr iloolluiid, having piovldid iulutual reme
dies for dlwuiaa, bus ijivuu the aorld ous main
ly for external application, lu I be aouderful pre
parallou kuowu us Dr. lloutUud's Uruvk Oil.
I bis mi la a sovereign rvumay ioc pam auu
a-hes of all kind-., Keuialiilo, To.ahihe, C'bll
blali, kpiulus, iluiut, I'alu lu lb U.ok aud
Loius, Hniiorui, Ac, As., all yield to ils n
tuiuul applUaiiou. 1 Ua uuiolwr b nre ittWl
rd by It U aatouUbliiK, uJ ai iuvira-lu.
very day.
Tukiu koterually, ll Is a curs for lleurt burns,
KUIuv iMwatoa, ku-k ll.l.ilu, tola., Iycu
Ury. I U.ln4 U'Mba, t isin, l alus lu Iba Blu
Uiai a, I olds, Aalhiua,
1 b lirwk till la vumiMjae.! aulliuly of kallui(
huuis aid r.allal ull. iba pitiodpla luniu-
dioul U aa oily uLl-"i j i'ii.m la lb aouib-lup-ituf
lirws. Ilill us a dutruycr i f
Miluai truly mjll. 'I buaa4 l Uxu
UuSit-4 by ll a, and litel by tbiwa ko
aiaski4UMl wilt HoJioogaly eonilava tbstu ol
IW litMllioaU'i !-
1b.a uu.Mll-a -ill b- taot by ttprM lu auy
loMiiiy, Ma apolUatuHi lutUa I'iiuhi'Is I'lllia,
4 lb Ikxui.m K4Mue Hull, ku, Jl, Aub
I'uia u. v,ss, fi..pibir.
fiwa.i( ('. Uj M hail CO.
II... i.tuiIUa li k. by I 1. 1
ioi4..p u4 M4i-U. !.. ixyal.iitf.
July W, lfl -ly.
cto bbediscmcrtts.
AT Til B "
' . OF
Market Mrci't, Nanbury, l'n.
It Is useless to enumerate every kind of article
In his Store, but among the loading Items may
be set down the following i
Iron, Steel, Lend,
Scttlos, Steelyards, . Grlodstones,
Nulls of all kinds and sizes, '
Vices, Saws, Tlnncs,
Sieves, Chnlns, Axes,
Brass nnd Iron Kettles,
Shovels, Hoes, Forks,
Spades, Rakes, Hatchets,
Carpenter and Blacksmith Boring Mtiehincs,
Cellar Grates, Drawing Knives,
Stone Sledges, Plasterers' Trowels,
Masons' Hummers nnd Trowels,
Hand Dinner Bells, and largo cast iron Bells for
School Houses nnd Farmers" Bluffer -Bell,
Carpenters' Bench Screws,
Potato Forks for digging potatoes,
Looking Glasses, Twine, Ropes, .,
Knives nnd Forks, Spoons, Tacks,
Mulo uud Horse Shoes nnd Nulls,
Hammers, Augurs,- ' Cliisols,
Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Rrooms,
Locks of ull descriptions, Coffee Mills,
Hit. ami Braces,
Cnrrlago Bolts of nil kinds, T.ilnt nnd Wall
Brushes, llqckutst .
Oils, YiU'iiisIiCM, J a in ns.
Lye, Soda Ash, Washing Soda,
rAI.T OF ALL KI.I in Oil or Dry,
Parti-Colors ol'nlt kinds,
nud other Wooden-Ware of nil kinds and very
cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys,
Pick", Mill Picks, Levels, Level Glnssca,
Files, Hinges, Coal Oil,
Hems, Combs, Screws,
Saddlery and Hboc rindlngs.
Buggy Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cullers.
Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears,
Shot, ':: mill I'ovulor,
and a icreat variety of other articles. Any liiing
Wanted and not on hand, will be ordered at once.
Sunbury, Aug. Ill, 18; I.
Tlie Clothiers,
S, l Cor, m E MARKET ST2.
Now have tho most Com
plete and Handsomest
Clothing1 for Gentlemen's,
Youths'; Boys', and Chil
dren's Fall and Winter
Wear ever manufactured
hy any establishment in
this country.
The Styles arc
the Very
X n ne
The Fairies are of tho Best
The Make is Superior, and
the Prices arc" the Lov
est ever charged for the "
same class Goods.
tsy-Ycu are ccr&ially in
vited to visit Call Hall
this Season, and inspect
the various Designs and
Qualities-inquire Prices,
and, if you see any article
you like, to .make a Pur
chase. tsrFclite Attention always
r Chilclren's Department
on the First Floor.
gt Gentlemen's Furnishing
Goods of Every .Descrip
tion. ss-The Largest and most
Thoroughly Organised
Custom Department in
Philadelphia, with a
Magnificent Stock cf Fiece
Goods to Hake to Grcter.
No Cotton-Mixed Goods
i Samples, .with Easy
Rules for Solf-Keasure-xnent,
sent l)y mail to
any address on applica
tion. OAK HA?!
h Ingest CbtHrj Hoa a
aacor.cth&MAmv ST1
M IMTOU'N Midi 1'..
lu Iba l mill uf t'uiiiuiuu I.u uf Noi lliuiulu r
lauj vuiuily.
II. (iliwuu, ) KI Ki Vii. 10.1, Auijn.i
. I'.lin, 171.
M. II. (tiUmi,
H .iue, 1 H r4 N. UU. A UK u.l
r. Ttiui, lT.
Hiuici, )
'I b. Au.lllur u' oluli J by lh Co irt la lu.iku
dUltibulluu ut lb- fuu.U Mu lutiHiM aiuiu.' uu
Uualaina auu, alll iu1 Ibu nil. li.iun-li I
In! Iba ui-u. l M -'h.iuIiii'mi, uu 1 t.lay,
lk lllb U-y u(lkUUr, lull, .t I t ulllc In II..
bufuugll ul Huubuiy. '.
J. K. UiVIrt, A..lilui.
Hui.buiy, H4-iuUf V3, ltt- At.
UM M II tM k:, ibnj iimi, .i iu.
a.,, al alilkK, r., ii . Um,
Maiut lu: iij U at .ii b'.uM.
VlU, Kaa au4 1'iu.v. lJf' i..u.
Uui'i bau I .-4 .4 n -. y 1 l.i
U .f alut. I t.,.ait .1 IU. b.i-
' y i..IU ..I Uv u, . a 4U -.l...
4 - 1 aay ty l)i.J iM.n l Ik.
tui. IX l.'W ly.
Wanamaker & kmi
AN HtIIlVAK:Kr Regulating tlio Mar
ket in the Borough uf Sunbury.
Brction 1 Be it ordained by tho BnrireBses and
Town Council of tho Ber6h;h of Sunbury, nnd It
is hereby orilulncd by authority of the aumc) That
from and after tho-"assume of this ordnance thcro
ehftll bo hold two (.) markets in eiich week dur
ing the yenr, to wit ; On Wailnoadn'y and Siitur
duy. The market honra shall ho between tho
hours of four nud nine a. m., during tho months
of May June, July August and September, nnd
between tho hours of live nnd ten a. in., during
the remainder of the year. And ench nud every
person who shall buy or sell anything In tho mnr
knt, befora tho hours appointed for openliip tho
murkct, aforesaid, shall pu n. flno of ono ($1)
dollar for each and every oirenco, and tho costs.
Provided homver, thut oc.enpnnts ofshops or store
houses or stands on side walks within the Uorongh
mny sell at nil hours during scculur dnys, except
on market dnys they shall not Bell before regular
market hours.
Section 2. No person or persona, shall be
permitted to peddle or vend on the Btrccts of this
ltorough.nliy egga, meat, butter, poultry fruit
or vegetables, from Wagons carts or other con-.
veynnces,on any day of tho week except on regu
lar market duy9, ami on such days only after tho
!! flteil above fur 1 etoxiny I Ik raid tuarkaft, un
der n penalty of livu dollars for each nnd every
oireucc. . "
Sixtios 3. That market stlcct, from Second
to Fifth cleslguuteU ns he nmrket place,
extending nlong the line of the curb from Second
street along tho south slth; of Market to Fifth
street, theuco along tho ' north siilo of Market
street to second street, he designated ns the only
limit, within which-nunket wagons bo allowed
to stand within the Borough ou said market days.
The clerk of tho market ahull.. ot ' otl'utiitions to
those desiring to occupy tic saue regularly, nnd
shall have general supervision over tho market
place, en us not to nllow -Ruy luteffbrcnco with
the Btutlons selected. - ..... 0 ,
Section 4. Tlmt no otic sliaTl .o hllowed to
occupy nny station selected bn rfiA mafket days
tinlesH by (wi nilt, friiin. the. niuslnr ocoupaut. or
tho clerk of .hu minkeX, nmbjsux licrsjn or per
sons violation? this section bii.iIV bo fined one
dollar. for each and every oH'encei. ' -
Suction 5. It shall lie the ilHty-of tlio clerk of
the market to keep the streets qlened of all rub
bish, refuse or nny dirt left on theiti by the iharket
wagons, nnd in tho winter to . iuivu tho snow
leveled so Hint wagons und, other vehicles can
eonveiiciitly back up to tlic cilvlj, nnd see that
meat, butler nnd other nuirkttiiig sold by tho
pound is weighed upou scales j.tlie uso of spring
balances in said market being hereby prohibited
aud it shall be his duly to prosecute for nil
breaches thereof. Ho shall weigh, try and ex
amine nil bread, butter, lard anil other provisions
purporting to be of a given weight or measure,
which arc found In tlio market, und if found de
ficient in weight shall sei?.o Hie same, nnd con
demn it for the use of the iaid Borough.
Section 0. That no pcrmo shall, during mar
ket hours, buy or ciiuso to bo bought, nny
articles of piovisions, fruit, or other commodity
whatever for tho purpose of retailing or reselling
the same.
Suction 7. That If any pcrsou or persons shall
sell or bring to market for sale, any bread, butter;
lard, fruit or other provisions, iu lumps, loaves,
tubs vessels or parcels, as or for a greater weight
or measure than tho true weight or meusure there
of, or shall supply any device for imposition or
f ru ltd lu Hie sale of any provisions, tlie said
articles so oll'eredfor sale,, euall bo forfeited to
the uae of tho Borough.
Section 8. That nil beef, pork, mutton, In mb
veal, aud all kinds of ponltry.mid tish, mi l nl 1
oilier nrticlcs of food whatever, Hint shall be
brought to the market or publicly exposed to sale
lu the Borough, and shall be found diseased,
tainted, or In nny manner rendered unwholesome
or unlit for use, and nil veal which when killed
shal' not have been of thonif of four (4) weeks,
be forfeited, and ihu person or persons ex
posing the same for salo shall moreover, in con
nection thereof, forfeit nnd pit u Uiie of tlvo dol
lars for the use ot Hie Borough. .
Suction 9. That for uny nud every Infraction
or violation of any of the provisions of this ordi
nance, (not otherwise provi4ql for,) the offender
or offenders shall be lined in any sum not less
than three, nor more than ten dollars, nt the
descietlon of the Burgess ot nny Justice of the
I'cacc of the said Borough, before whom the offen
ders may be prosecuted to conviction. All tints;
imimsed by this ordiiianca 'aiiaJl be recovered ns i
herein provided for, and nbal bo i paid into the
Borough Treasury.
Suction U, Tlmt rill Vftnrltut ordinances here-
tofore passed, uud uueonsisteut herewith, arc
hereby repealed.
And lie it further or da'.nnV 'by tft IJ'trgcxtet
and Tctcit (Wfil, That 01ifrsuil:ib.o person, a.
citizen of the said Borougli.oi' biv.ilmiy, chilli be
appointed by .tho Burgesses, ail :1 Town Council,
us clerk of Hie murkct, for said Borough. ' Who
shall attend all market ' dreys, aud cause nud
remilato thu market fully as stipulated in the
ordinances regulating the markets. To cause iv
record to be kept of each day's vi'ueeedlngs,ut the
cud of every three mouth, -ui)d at the expiiation
of his tcrm'of otliee, his accounts shall bo audited
by I lie Auditing coiniuiueeof ilie Borough.
Section li. That the wild-clerk of the market
shall receive the sum of i:'..M for every day In
attendance on said inaiki t days.
By Older of the Conueil.
Attest i HANUO. HELM, Burgess.
Jacou Kixi'uu, Clerk.
Sept. 5th 1871.
Wholesale Dealers in
Ollice nnd School Stationery,
-'rluliuKi Wrapping aud Mauilla
lMl'EK UK., Ac, etc.
Tlio C'ek-bratt'iV
Corry Kerosene llurning Oil
always on liar..'.
laving nli-o opened a
wu are prepared to supply al short notice, and t.t
the lowest raU,
lx. a,
to ail who may be pleased to ive us n call.
Order- left lit our ul'.W. N. .1 i'.ouili 'ihild St.,
will be promptly liCi-.!.
Ml'KUAY &. CO.
No. I.-) S..ulii Third Sttvitj r-.ii.b'.iry, Pa.
Aug. .ii, U-ll. ..
Al lU l ttlt'H Milll i:.
riUlK uuderluncd hiving b.-iti iipppo'.iitcd an ,
1 Auditor by th.t l)rpb in' (Mirl, in uii-l l'r
tlio countv of Nortbuuibtfrhitid, 4l liinke illMrl
blition ol llie bnlume of iiKint.y iu Iho bauds ul
Frederick Uihm-r, Adi'ilul-lintor of tlio ei-t itu :
ol lieurge Kwenk, dccriitxtl , will linit all puilu.
Intere.ted for that p'.irptMC al Ilia ollice, lu "
1'iiiy, uu Kii-I.iv, Hi- l ah il.iy of October, A. !.,
IMl, ul 10 o'clock, A. M.
a. w. 2ii:Gi.i.u,
St-14. 0. InTI.-Si. Audilor.
1. N. MAUSH Xl.'H O I t 14 ...
, l. f I'ouuajlvuulu,
I'll I.HI II I, Aue.u.l VS, llil.
IIIS IS III t.lVH. Mil H i: i uu the
all duv of Aulii .1, A, I'., Ik'I.ii an. 1. 1
In y u.t. iue-l ugalu.l the olalo i l
John P. I'111'..'ll, of Himbury, In ll e I ounly ft
Noilhuuiliei laud, and hlato uf IViinr i hunt i,
alio l.iui luo-ii adjudged a lliiliu I. uu bi. u
Is I Hi. -U Ibal Hie l' l) Ulelil of uu) U IU. . . I . I le-iivi-i
of auy ioKliy Wlouliik' l i aiiti. ll.iu.
iui4 lu bliu or br bl. liar, ali i Ibe uf
I uuv prowil by him aiu tuibi.l.bii l.y lu i
a in-. Uu. uf lhi I u-illiur. ul tliu. Ui ll.i.i -i,
I lu piui llt if D. I.I., ai. l lu chiMoa unc ..r u
I ihuhwi wl In. t.l.tle, H lw held -I a I -ull "I n l.v . li Ul bIJei i.l huiibiuy, In lliu
I louul) of N.iilliuiiiWiUiol, I'-ra J il.H b Ikl-
vli.'i, 11' llir, on lUo JI aV ul t.UOt-
Ur, A t'., Uii, at I. u'k'.ik. 4 M.
A sit lllxrt II,
I' . VI. i. L.I, a. Ilw.i'i.
.-l. '., I ill. -I.
Th t ut latalU.
1l UI.I-..HI a. a -aii.o-K a-4 I t s M
i.l . - , ...... --4 ' -"' I'un
, M Jkl....iy, , l"i' I It" ' "I
' I i
' VI.. ll.. b uui. IM"-I tlu I -'l -l
. ... .v.tll.. I " .- -v.
Atn.-.. ,rti4IU. MaWtU.
ll. I a, in
rriflE timlerslgncd having n lnrgcr tract of land; '
JU (over 200 acres) than can bo properly culil-
vi.n-u in t.iio mi in, mrgeiy ucvoled to trucking,
oilers for sale nbout one, 100 ncres, embracing the
whole of tho old Pcrelng farm, together with a
part of tho Uuhlin farm.
I no nam nil advantages or the part offered for
sale, are in all respects equal for gardening pur
poses, to those of tho part reserved. My own gar
denlng for the past two seasons has been chiefly
dono ujioii It.
Thero nre many good farmers In this county,
barely mnkiug a living nt ordinary grain farming,
who might greatly advance their Interests by
giving some attention to trucking upou a farm so
well adapted to the busiuess ns the ono now otter
ed, nnd so convenient to one ol tho very best mar
kets In tho State. Terms rcusonubio. For par
ticulars inquire of, or address
Jiily8-tf. ruxinos, North'd Co., I'n.
Nunbnry, I'onn'n,
INFORM the public tlmt they nro prepared w
do all kinds or CASTING'S, and having added
a new Machine Shop hi connection with their
Foundry, uud have supplied themselves with New
Luthes, Pinning and Boring Machines, with tho
latest Improvements. With the aid of skillful
mechanics, they nro cuabled to execute nil orders
of '
that may be gjlvcn them, lu. a satisfactory man
ner, i
tilrnis lo Htiit nny Move.
IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build
ings, of all sizes.
Omasieatal Iron Fenci2K
.v. ' .. ysitAKDAHs,-.
' Tl.e PLOWS, already eelcbrntrd for their su
periority, have been ( till further improved, uud
will always be kept on baud.
Siinhiiry, May 0, 1S71.
A- Ivd ! 3" D IvX. Z! 3ST T
Constitution of 'Pennsylvania.
PropoBing na Anic.utliucnt to the Coustitu
tiou of l'untiBylvftuia.
lie it Itemized by the Senate and 7i;s nf Eepre.
tciUatiiiK nf the Vommmimalth uf rcuntytvania, in
General AttenMy met, That tlie following amend
ment of tlie Constitution of the Conimouweultb.
be proposed to the people for their adoption or
rejection to tlio provisions of thu tenth article
thereof, to wit i
Strike out the Sixth Section of the Sixth Arti
cloof tho Constitution, ami Insert in lieu thereof
the following :
"A tate Treasurer shall' bo cho'cn by (ho
qualified electors of the Stale, ut such limes and
for such terms of service as shall bj prescribed
by law." .
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker ol the Semite.
Approved the fifteenth day of June, Anno Do
mini one thousaud eight hundred and seventy
ouc. JOHN W. GEARY. '
Prepared and certified for pnblicatiou pursuant
to tho Tenth Article of thu Constitution.
Sueretury of the Common wealth.
Ollice Secretary of the Coniinonwualth. )
Harrbburg July 5th, 18T1.
Aug. 5, 1S71.
Merchant Tailoring.
In the Post Olllcc Building, opposite tho Depot,
(up stairs,) .
Informs his friends and the public generally,
that he has Just opened n large and arictl ti'a
soitmcut of
C'lolhs, ('UKNiisicrcs, Vcst.r.Rf, etc.,
which will bo made tin to order In the hilit
styles, and warranted to fit.
Gentlemen lu want of fashionable cuita are
vited to call and examine his block.
scientifically aud practically cut nnd mudo
lt; MJ KIrii.
We furnish tlie above styles of Improved yoke
and rack shirt wllh entirely new sliape sleeve,
and guarantee a perfect lilting shirt. It is tho
best model of n shirt ever otl'ered to the trade.
Fine and fancy shirts made to order.
June 3, 1S71.-CIH
NOTICE is hereby given that application will
be mado at tho next session (1-7:2) of the
Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania for tho
incorporation of n bank, under the name, stylo
and litloof'The Sunbury Dime Savings Bank,"
to be located nt Sunbury, Northumberland conn
ty. Pa., witli such powers nnd prlvilcdges, and
for such objects us nre usually granted to Insti
tution of like character with a capital of $o,()00,
and with the power of lucre-using the same, by u
vole of the stockholders, to 300,000.
Sunbury, July 10, 1S71.
liul.lislu J on ovory package, tlioro
liro it is ca eocret p'ejMrution,
Ipnvciriivo rprceinrc it
IUigill.1.10 ILbdVHl-U A.
Itij a cerluin euro lor Scrofula,
Syphilis in ull ils fv.rins, Klieuma
Ihiii, t'lin IliHcasei, Liver Com
lilaiB nri c!l disi'&cc of thu
:o::e zzztjz ct r.:ArA3
will do innro gooil lliau ten bottlea
of 1I10 Syrups of 8ripiU'illa.
liavj laed "...-eulal.i i 1 tlairpraetieo
lur thu p.iit three years uud freely
uuduiso it ua a reli;il Iu Alteralivu
1 hi and liloml i'ur.lier
J JU D't. T. C. l'l'iiH.i.f
ZO? DM. T. J. BOVKl.V,
llaltimcia. t
It. W. f All It.
i U. li ANN HIV.
IX lK. .1. a. bi'Ablvti, ul Nu buUivlllr,
itjX ru (iJ J- M'AUT1IA, t'ulumbi..
fTft ' A. li. NtiULkii, KUb-uuib, N. C.
g --i ' - - 1
3. II. U.Nv.-ll b bONS, 1 Uni t,
l v. hlllTll, Ju'kiua, Mull.
. y. v 111 1 i.i.u tiu,.,
II HII I Liu.. Hi. 1.,.
I !l Wl S 1 11 ,o..i'l...mill.., '..
h.l ll l . II Mi t'Al l I N, Muil,v.
tufvi '1 fall.
Our afft. ill iitl .lli.w il .ity r .
tru.i. iitmi. li rvUli. a la Hi.
.ul 1. .ol UomiJaL,. 'I.llit UlHlll.l
'ii:i ...tuit . . 4 I luttf
It. I U . i ..f I., u v I Lt-y I ttr
iivil 1.1 II. lii4ii.t-i. 1I dl..l
Ul I, .uj lu lit. .lUulnl t. y Ua
Uu44.UI... uttJ )4 tttll l l-luiv
14 I...HU
U-m I.Ii. l I.l l-y W.r.iu.,
.1.. I.-U U-lll. A i.livt
:x cu scat. c.
M-ttWikiwi. 1 ti4i,,
biviia.its, Ua
l"TI - ly.
r l urw IVr lettt-r,
' rpilK il-i, n.ll.1,1 i.l I.i.u C. i .i.. A.
1 liiat, i.ip, Si.tii.u.iil-. 141. 1 louul),
i'4 t It.t U .utv tllu Iff 't-llvl, Hill. It b. UlblS
i li tin, .Ulli'Utj a l Ibl. autii.t liir 4t-v4i'. lid
i. I uii '1 t a.lli 11 l u ...i.l ..., til kimI.ii. ,
H .al.l v ill. 11 ...111 bn 1 U1U. 4 I Ul.-lv. l
1. 1 . Im a i .. .i iiu.i.u. 1 1.1 tiut.i 1 lii. tuna -
. 1 . ( I'll. I . . t-l i I . tttli..u, I 11 ti 1 ul if
.ut..... I I.. ..,1 .. I I .... I.. IJ. I t.,. 4
!.. .il Hi. u. l-.ti.t, ti. i.l.llt . I. u. It, y 4
U ll l"l I . I. wl I .-l ..
H 11 1 , I vl li taUl.
I t 1 1 4' 11 , Vti, i v., IV
A ... t I I, I-..1 1-