HIE SUNBURY AMERICAN, IS TUBLISUED EVERY SATURDAY BT EM'L W1LFEKT, Proprietor, massrr's ntm.mwos, market qcarb, At f I-SOn AdTnf. It riot paid within 6 IHonthn 3. Subtcriitiont taktn for ! than tlx Mbttih. Con-NRCTRn with Oil" cstnbllsrimcnt Is an etcn ilveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of Filnln and fnncy trpe ennnl to any establishment a Hi Interior of the State, for which the patron age of the public Is reRpeotfnlly solicited. ADVERTISING SCHEDULE 10 Lines, or abont 1 00 Words, make a 8qnr il B(,! 2 SnjTs.ll 4 Bq icol Xcoll cr' One week il.oo, .00i 8.50 8.00. 6.00 8.00 15.( 1 wo wecKsi.no j.w 8.50 4.00! 8.0011.0018, f 41 1 1 '11 tl a nl ai 4n a. 1 Four " ja.rsil 4.50 6!oo 1 1 raaa ' j.ini n.mii m K.OOl .00 18.WIK0 6.00 lO.OOlft.OOT 7.00j 19.00 17.00 , 8.00 13.00 18.00 ' ' nnn!UM'iMAi,i - - Five ,9.7X ft.00 0.50 8.001 8.75 7.M) !8.35( 7.R0 8.50 Six " Two mo' Three ' Six " ....... v..'. ...mr a.w 1.S0I B.ii .o,io.ooyo.oosi8.on;4ii; SUUBURY, PA., SATURDAY HOMING, 'SEPTEMBER 30, 1871. J Nw Series, Vol. S, JSo. 2. ' i Ol4 Serleft, Vol. 81, No. 49. Nine j6.0tfl0.0l3.oilo.00;85.0kM5.00 75.00 PRICE 91 SO IN ADVANCE. ) . I SUSB roftssbnul. VV Iaw. nfllcs. !nor No. B. 3nd floor, Haunt's Block, near Miller' Bhoo Store, Sunbnry, fa. March 25th, 1871. ly. 8' R. nOTEK, Attorney at Law. No 8 and 8, Second Floor Brlght'a Building, Bunbnry, Pa. Profosslonnl business attended to.ln tliocourl of Northumberland and adjoining corn-ties. Claims nromptly collected. Coneulta lion can bo had In the German language. March 23th lt71' J""eBE!IIA1I SMl'DER, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pa, All professional busi ness Intrusted to his caro will receive prompt at tention in this and adjoining counties. Can bo consulted both In English and German. Also, District Attorney of Northumberland comity. Amr.20,lS70.-ly. J no. a. ivit.sosr, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 14 Fourtu Avbnib, ' Jfotnry Public, Pittsburg. Pa. Jnn. 15, 1-ly. JO. WAnKI.K CO, Market Street, SUNBURY, PA. Dealers In "Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Oils, filnss, Vnrnlshos, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Books, Ditlries, Ao. . m, .,-( ; . ,, S l7l ovEUTO, Attorney at Law. Market Square, BUNUURY.PA. Profession al business In this and adjoluing counties prompt .y nttcndi'd to. . ; 1.7X71. NAVIDWE,' respectfully an nounces blmself as Physician and Surireon to the cltuvnsof Bunburvnnd vicinity, having lo cated hiinscn-permanently on Market street, nenr lv opposite the Fairmount Hotel, where ho can tic consulted at all hours wheu not professionally cngag.-d. anlS4-ly 1 W. HI EUI.EIt. Attorney at Law, north VTs side of Public Square, ono door cast of the old Bank liullillmr, SUNBURY, PA. Collec tions and all professional business promptly at tended to in the courts of Nortliunilierliinrt and adjoining counties. sept 15-00 C'. Itl'.I 31 EX NX V DEIt, Attorney at . Law, SUNBURY, PA. All buslnuss en trusted to his cure attended to promptly and with diligence. aplW-uT JXO. li A Y C'LEJI EXT, Attorney at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Collections and ull pro fessional business promptly attended to. inrhiil-tiO c. i. nurNr.it. I.. II. KASR. BKl'XEEl A 1CASE. Attorneys nnd Coun sellors at L r.v, SUNBURY, PA. Olllee on t'hestnut street, west of the N. C. and P. A K. Kallroad Depot, In tho building lately occupied by F. Lazarus, l-'sq. Collections and all profess ional business promptly uttunded to iu Northum berland and adjoining counties. niillO-liil HI?. ItlAKKElt, Attorney nt Law, SUN- BURY, PA. Collections attended to In the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. apUO-ti'J V. M. ltllCKEFUM.KIt. I.LOVI) T. KOllllllACII. I-iOCKEt'EEIiER A ItOIIttHAt'H, Attorneys at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Of liee in llaupt's new buildiuir, second floor. Fu ll ance on Market Square. Jun44)it AM. i; SCI l'K, Attorney nt Law, Sunbury, l'a. Olllee iu Masonic Hall Building. Colluctionsof claims, writings, ami all kinds of legal business intended to carefully and with dispatch. I April , 1871. ly. mt. J. F. t'lSLOW, OlH?o and Re.sldc-iec, Walnut Street, between Third and Fourth streets, BUNBUKY, P F. N N ' A . All forms of Diseases of the K.yes will be treat ed or operated upon. such as Strabismus, (C'runs V.yes,) Cataract, (Blindness,) mid all other dl h';isc relating to Surgery, as Talipes, (Club or Reel Feet,) Hair-Lip, Excision of Tumors, kc. Also the cure or Epilepsy (or Fulling Fits.) Sunbury, May lo, 1S71. ANTHRACITE COAL! TTAI.K7STIXK 1)1 ETZ, Wholesale and V Jtctull dealer in every variety of ANTI1KAC1TF. COAL, UPPER WHARF, SUNBURY, PKNN'A. All kinds of Grain taken In exchange for Coal. Orders solicited and tilled promptly. fl1'! W. S. R1IOAOS. J. TAt'KEH HAAS. WH. KlIOAliM A CO., a xktait. nr.ti.Kits or ANTMRAflTK COAL, SUNBURY, PKNN'A. Office with Haas, Faiiki.y te Co., Orders loft at Sc.-tslinltx .V: Bro'a., olllee Market Street, will receive prompt attention. Couutry custom respectfully solicited. Feb. 4, 1071. tf. ' CO AC II MAKERS. WE arc selling Rims, Sn-kes, Hubs. Springs, Cunvuss, Bolts, Clip., .., very Larre Stock at C'O.Nkt If A CO. Sunbury, March 3D, lHi9. COAL! COAL! COAL! GRANT BROS., bhippcrb and Wholouloand Retail Dealers In WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (l.OWKIt WIUKF.) Ity"olo Agents, westward, at the celebrated Hem) I lay I'tsil. janiu-iiu EXCIIAMiE LIVERV. .1. M. UAUTIIOI.OMKW, ruopitiKTOH. FoTinil STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Simutiry l'a. fllHE best of riding ami driving horses always 1 ..it band ii ..-no customers. Oid-is left ill the Central Hotel, for vehicles. n i. ive prompt ullt litiou. IETISTRY. (iEOUli i: M. UKXN, In .Sukj io.i's lUiildiiHj, MliUt fyuttrt, StMii'iiv, Pa., I prepare ! to do all kinds of work pertululug In lii'iiiUtry. ll Wi eps couluiilly uu hand u lure aoiimiul of 'lit, uudialur Ik-aul iuul.ii.il, Iioiii liiihlie tU bo able to srlotl, ..a t uu'. t the v.iiilol Ida t'Uatiuiicrs. All viurk w.inaiiUd to give alilai lion, or cle ill.' iin'iuy relumbd. I I..! viiy l l Mouth Wueli auJTooth-Powders k. I I mi b.iii.1. Ilia r. lri. nie are 111.) MUmeruiis mtruaa for h. .in lie lias oilid lor II. o U.l twilvu )tar. buiiburv, Apiil lil. . . . COL VMT"" f pilE uu . r.l.'ii. l hut ui g coniieeli-d the Coal uU buc.uu.us i U'l H.Vl.KM Hid.-, i pi.par.4 li supply fauilllrs MilUlUe i:it ISI HI Or CO I.. Mt.li rou ikii. C.'t(, ftotrs sii.l Nut, ..n.iui.tly uu bail J. lirslu uk.u lU4.Lali. Iml -ml. J. VI. I AUWAULADKU. inn. bin v, J u. I V I'.i i u IIVKI.'IV I.IIAKI.UV I! UKi:i(Y Ml I His Mil li Ull II, II Ul Kintal 4 IlKl UjiH 1 IMS IIU1.I li..t b.ii tl. It illiu-4 l" t kiiWi4UiUc l .ll I UU I I. IV 4U. U llKl.lt Utl UU4U44f S ni:...iui. .. .i. .il l ..l.j.j villi all ii44. ul ' .. I u 1 I a.ta, taill S ti.,ii it " UUI. O. MIU iKr tU. t.lli t.i blKrlloaH'. IIMKIII. ... t in.. ii tM t da U444., 1. ai, I I )..!. U.vj I au I 4.i.4 U S44MtiHi I.. -1 l.. . i . .11 u. 1., -Uf., vt-4., rn. t I .1 ui.U. I -l ll. ' 4.' I. 14,44 pi.uual tx.-i.aoi bl4i,'lik44 t ll.k b..4...t 144 Ml.-il l" I"" i. I. , I I ,14 . 4. I. -i4 l b. .4444l ( I -I l l- II. . .1. 1 f 'i' 1 4 .- n. 4. 4 ... .1, i. . U. I1- t' LA PIERRE HOtlNE, Broad and Chest nut sts.. PhlladelDhla. J. B. BUTTER- WORTH, Proprietor. Terms per day, (3.50. April 15, 1871. iy TTNION MOTEL, TnOS. FOUI.DB, Br., J Proprietor, Bliamokln Street, Trevorton, Northnmlwrland county, Pa. The table Is sup plied with the best tbe market affords. Good stabling nnd attentive ostlers. Jan.21,'71 r, BTERLT. . E. O. 110WBH. "iianoi iiorsE," LTKEN8, DAUPHIN COUNTi PKNN'A.,.. BYF.RLY A BOWER, Proprietor, fhe UHe Is supplied with the best tho market afords. Obof. stnbllug and attentive ostlers. May SO, 1371. NATIONAL LACJER BEER SALOON, ON TH1HD STREET, 79 BAB TUB DEPOT, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPIT BACHERluformstho citizens of Sun bury nnd the public generally, that he has opened a LAGER BEER SALOON nt the above place. Tho best of Lager Beer, and Malt Llqitora will be kept. Also Oysters, &c, constantly serv ed np to customers. - NATIOXAL llOTEI. AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown Norlh'd County, Pa., nt the Station of the N. C. R. YY. Choice wines nnd cigars nt the bar. ' Tho tabids supplied with tho best tho market affords. Good stabling and nttcntivo ostlers. A1 i.m:;iikxv iioi'.se, col. ciias. 1 1 tvivpr) n XI. vo ti nl ui.f a. A. n sus n a r.i9 i jo'i it ttiii imo. t.iw niiu Market Street, above clL'lith. PHILADELPHIA. Terms, f 2 per day. He respectfully solicits your patronage. ANHIKUTOX IIOI'KE, C. NEFF, Propiietor, Coruor of Market & Second Streets, opposite, tho Court House, Sunbury, fa. jiinyss, iu. HOTEL A R EST A V It A X T, THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor, Sunbury St., wost 8HAMOKIN, PKNN'A. Meals served at all hours, at short notice. Tho best of Liquors at the Bar. Tho Table Is sup plied with the best and latest In the markets. At tentive servants. TcmiB moderate. Putranago solicited. HU.UMEL'S REST A I'R A XT, LOU IS HUM MEL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SHAMOK1N, PKNN'A. Having Just rellttcd the above Saloon for the accomodation of tbe public, la now prepared to serve '.tis friends with tho best lefrushments, and fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other mall quors. J. V A LEU'S WIXTEK JAKIEX AXD HOTEL A'oi. 720, TU A 727 Vim PHILADELPHIA. WINTER GADEN HOTEL, (ON TUB Et kopean tlan) Cciitmlly lK'.itel. connecting with nil tho City Passenger Railway Curs, from ull tbe Depots In the City. Excellent At'COiinuolullouM Tor Tra vellers. Grand Vocal and Inst rumcntal Concerts every . uvuuing In the Summer and , Winter Garden. G$ Orchcrtrion Concert Evry Aflcrnoon.&$ FINB I.ADIE8' HF.STAL-RAKT TUB BEST OF -HEFItKSIIMENTS HHUVK1). Olllee of J. Valer's Fouutuiu Park Brewery. June 4, 1W70.-1)-. L I Q V O R S T O R E X CHRISTIAN NEFF. Second St rcct, opposite tho Court House, BUN- Ul'lll, I'A., RestH'Ctfullv invites the nttentlon of Retailers and others, that he has on hand, and will con stantly Keep ail Kinnsoi FOREIGN -A.nl vvne-al m uvjuukb, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Coguiac, Cherry, Ulnger, Rochcllennd Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-Distilled, Moon gahcla, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Champagne Wiuc, Sherry, Port nnd Claret. Crab Cider, Cliampagno Cider, N. E. Ruin, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, , And ull others Liquors which can be found In the city markets, which will bo sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed n represented. Also, n large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on hand. t-tf Orders promptly attended to, and public palronugu rusiectruily solicited ' O NEFF. Sunbury, July 3, 1STO. ly. JACOB SIIIPMAW. THOMPSON llKUIl. Fire, Lll'c iiud Accident INSURANCE Y OF s11iP.11 ax & ii:tit, MARKET STREET, SUN'HUKV, VA, COMPANIES REPRESENTED. N. American, Philadelphia, Assets, f3,7l.5W Enterprise, " Mauhatlaa, New York, N. Americau . " Unillurd, " Vonkers 4: N. York " Hanover, " luiK-rlal, London, I. vcoiuiiiL', Miiiu-y, l-'rHiiUlln" Phlladelplila, Home, New York, II. ulloiil, llarllord, Phiuulx, " Travelers, " Kannera Ins. Co., York, N. Brili.h , Men a nt lie N. numeric. New York, Corleh, Nurwleb, New England, Mutual Life, 1 as nvn iu:s. 52:1, :m l.ltHK.lC.ll o-j,o;o l,ii.Mi,i::y ss-jjisti 7Vi,mKi ..V.siit.oou S.h.'.1,7ai 4,.Mii,;jft .'..Ml.ilO 1,1127,010 I,:i.'.l,oo7 11. ",1,100 14, ift,a24 UllN.UOl T.aoo.ouo THACKM1U, niICK V CO., kl't t K-.-Otti 'i'O MISKKY, MElllilM. & TI1ACKAHA, MAKUVALTI'UEIU P (i.vs FiXTi:ni:s, mioxzts, &c, 4ic., t IsMMtlrllers). IVuiImmIm, HrurkvU, Ai)u A v.. 1 would re.pviiifully linlio tho altvnllou of ur kli.4l. tg 4JUI iUiilit uwullUIVUt. WHii.LHLK AkD KM AIL aKoilOOMM, H ltrslMM klrrrl. U Sl fAl TOIIY, , 4 M IM ASH 4U HCK HI IUM. Auk IV, 111. vou 8 A LB. fllWil VAll'tHIK I.o'l uu ths Miiitir of 4.iu4 au4 tl44luut li-ta, Iu I us Hhm IUU4I4 ul kuubuii, uu U4 ll lUtlu i nt-iMl l4ljt 44lll4) ll.'UU', 4l.ll. Ill SU4 OUIUUIHll. li I.ui44vj4, luts wl lluab UvlU, d44i U. Abu, t U i Ml.4 aticvt, U lli Ui Ul U4.(UI, UU l14 tlIU ! 4 4I"U .,11144, AW u4 uulWiau,,.. Iu I'lllU si Ibu olU.S u, . i', v ui v m 1 l. II, lM If. A IU.111I .li .1 1 it IU MH 4 U4l44,4't 4. UUlUl il'SM buiaAa. p4 IIALX1MOKE LOCK 4 HOSPITAL Dtt. JOHNSTON, ,: 1 ' V ' Physician of this Cclcbratctt Institution, has discovered the most certain, speoty, plessaut and cll'eclual remedy In the world for all n ', , DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Btrlcturcs, Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun tary Discharges, Impoteney, General Debili ty, Nervousness, Dyopepsy, . Lnngnor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Idna, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity,. Tremblings, Dimuess of Sight or Giddiness, Disoaso of th Hood, Throat, Noso or Skin, Affections of Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels tticse terrible Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Yduth -thosel secret and solitary practice more fatal t their victims than the soilff of Syren to th Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their moet brilllaut hopes of anticipations, rcudcring marriage, Ac, Impos sible. , . . , IOUNQ MEN especially, who have become the irtlms' of Soli tary Vice, that dreadlXil aud destructive babH which annually sweeps to n nutimoly grave thonsnnds of young men of the -most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might other wist have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to eestaey the living lyre, may call with" fhll conQdunce. . MARRMGE. .: ..." - Married Persons or Toun?Mn-crmlcrnp1atlnrf miirringo, nwnro of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procreutive Power Impoteney), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or nny other DrsipiullIicuUon, speedily relieved. ' ' Ho who pluces himself under tho euro of Dr. J. may religiously contlde In his honor as gentle man, nnd conlidcntly rely uhiu his skill as a Phy sician. . ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impoteney, Lofs of Power, immediatdly Cured und full Viifor Restored. This Distressing Affection- which renders Life miserable and marriage impossible Is the pcualty paid by the victims of lmproier Indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consciences that may ensue. Now, who that understands tho subject will pretend to deny that tho power of procreation 1b lost sooner by those falling Into Improper habits than by the prudent 1 Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system liccomcs de ranged, tlio Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreutive Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of tho Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay und Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Pet-sons ruined in health by unlearned preten ders who keep them trilling month 11 ft it month, taking poisonons aud Injurious compounds, should apply Immediately. ' DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, und the greater part of whose ife has been spent In the hospital of London, Pris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has c lice ted some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known many troubled with ring ing iu the head and ears wheu asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bii8hfulncss, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes wlthderungciiicntof iniiid, were cured Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who havu Injured themselves by improper Indulgence nnd solitary habits, which ruin both bodyuind mind, untitling them for either business, Btuily, society or mar riage. TiiF.SE are some of tho sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vin Weakness of the Back aud Limbs, Pains in the Back and Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mus cular Power, Palpitation. of the Heart, Dyspcpsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of Dii.i-stive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con sumption, etc. : Mkxtai.ly The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dicadul Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forcbodinirs, Aversion to Society, Solf-Distrust, l.ovc of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, ure some of the evils produced. TnoL'SANiis of persons of all age can uow judire what is the cause of their declining health, lining their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous and cmaeiateil, having a singular appearance ubout the eyes, cough and symptom of consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who have Injured thcuiwlvi-s by a certain iir Hun iuiluleul in when alone, a habit rieiiilently leumcd from evil companions, or at school, the effect of which are nbl'Hy Mt, even when ! asleep, and II' not cured, render marriage iinMis sihln, and destroys both mind and hody, should apply immediately. i W hat 11 pity that 11 young man, thu hope of hi country, thu darling of his parents, should be snatched, from all prospects nnd enjoyments of life, by tho consequence of deviating: from the path of nature and Indiilgint: lit a certain secret liablt. Such persons mi sv, before contemplating MARRIAGE, rcllucl that a sound mind aud body are the most iiuccssaiy iciiuUilcs to promote euiinuui.il happi ness. Indued without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view the mind become shadowed with despair anil tilled 4th the melan choly rellocllou, tluit thu buppluck of nuoiher beootuv blikhtud with our ow n. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the mlsuiildcd and imprudent votary of pleasure lluds that be ha imbibed tbo seeds of this painful disease, ll too often hupcii that an lll-tiiucl sense or .name, or dieaii 01 uiscovcry, deters hi 111 from applying to thosu who, from cducatiou und rci-pe- tiiljiliiy, fan aloiiB bufriood him. dultiMii till tbitcoiinlilulioiialsyiiilitoiua ol thu horrid dineaso make their apik-arance, such as uleeraleil .ore throat, iIIm-haw! iiuho, uiH-tural pains Iu the h-:ul am! lliutis, ittmncss 01 sigiu, deafuess, noilis on the slim hone anil unns, blotcliu en the head, tare and tiv mukis, pro gressing Willi frightful rupidity, till ul la. I lite Imliilu ul tnu uiouiu or I lie limit s 01 tuu uoac 1.411 iu, uuil the vieliiu of this aw tut iI1mu Ucionu a inn rid ohjei l of loniiiiUcratiou, till death puts a jierlisl to bis dreadful suffering, by sendiut; him to "Hull vnilisi'ovcrcuvouiuiy iroiuwuuure uo li-nvcller returns." It 1 a uicluut'lioly fact that thousand DIE viiiiln lu lliia unil.lu diaviisu, thtoub lull kit! Into tuu li.pid. of Iguur.iul ir uiiaWiiilul I" It TE.NUKUS, ho, by Hie use of that deadly Poi son, Mercury, tVc, de.troy the cou.tiiutlon, and lucuiiuble of curlntr, keep the nnliatq'r snlh-rvr moiilU ulter I11011IU taking llu ir uoxmu nr lii- jmiuu coin mun. la, and iuilsMdol Iklug rcrlort-.l to it n-uuMul ul I.110 itf.n aim uappiue, iu uca- imii li.ivc iiim viiu ruiuua iteunu 10 .i,u uv( ill. galling di.apiHiiiituit-iil. Tusueh, therefore, Dr. JtuiT pledges hlin arlt 111 iircacr Ilia uio.t luvtoluhlt) iwi-rerr, and Iruiu bit rkieuslv prsetitaj aud ob.rvulluti lu Ihu uriNil Itoeintals ol tturufu). sua lit lira iu lei. i-ouhtry, vii Eugluud, iraucs, l'UildjlpUu aud rWttbsiiu, la siulilcd I14 oltvr tin) moat tvr lain, .poedy aud ilketual iviiivdy Ul Ike tavrld fuf ull UiM-aais in iini.ru, 1, in . u lR. JOllSHTOV, oFiiiK. "so. t, . ruKurmci. ihkict, Uttt io, U. It, Lfl baud I1 Kiduil lloui iiltlluuaki.4, u d4ul4 I'luu lb lull!, iuUUot t4llb4.VIU.U4u and liuliili.:!. I 0' i l.ltrr .144 uiiKm pu.tp.dl a4 ci.iiuiiiin- .lump to b U4.t ii iu r piy. rer auli Wllllli should .lulu K, All I at lnl pultun 14I u.lmiklaui.ut dwlltlllll .UII40U1. 'l44 Mi ISAassiy fail!, i4u4lll4 4 t Ulll.1444 illip44ai4 44Ull.t4ltf bh)U44a4.1llM 444 I'ti) i Uu., I11U1414 "1,u ud luiuluti lb I44UU ol ull uu UUlKilnualUJ mil IUU IU JI lu.wri ikal Dr. J.ibu.luu dtui. II t4tv..ir it buy u p.. Ull" to IUkm uii44iualui4 sub Vu rvpuU I u.it tkut l4 r4i4ilL44 uf HplU4U4 1 kut iu hi ulUi., tNiaiU..Ut i OF t II K flit. Tk bub tki'ttaaud 4U.i4 i Ikl KUbiiaU. U144.1, lat ail. I I-.I. U4 IU 4IUI444,IU144 Iu4 ...,l ...l Buli.1 Ill.lulluu4 L.l.IUuJ bl ll S..I...J.M. a a U. u. J Lfe 1L. 4Lllku4.llll44 of tU bl4 444.4 lAMbl UtUf l4l. aol44 4 Kttkb; Lai Mi4 Mai u4 asulu Ul'ua tbo puA,k, U.kt-4 b'4 44.4 114,4- 4 4 .,l"14l44 44 44J4.444. U4 ) .-44. .11. I, 4a .4111. 14444 SU4I4U44 LIST OF PREMIUMS TO BE AWARDED AT THE SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF THE NOR THUMBERLAND COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SO CIETY TO BE flEI.D AT TURBOTVILLE, Tuesday, Wbsxhshat aud TntRSDAT, October 8d, 4th and 6th. , TROTTING HORSES. Best trotting Uprso or mnro, (50 Entrance fee, S . 8nd best " . 15 Entrance foe, 1 60 Best pacing, ' 1 S ? Entrance fee, 60 Best trotting horse or mare In the county, that never wa on any track bcroro, 15 Entrance feo, 6 60 Sud best. 10 Entrance fee, 1 Jwlgn. Robert Montgomery, John Stlizcl, Jacob Lclscnring. John Nicely nnd John Sheep. . OTHER HOUSES. Best Btalllon. . 4 (10 2nd best e Best Mara sod Colt, 10 2nd best " 5 Best Yearling Colt;' 6 Two year old Colt, 5 ." Three . 5 ii,-Win, ftinn. D. C. Montgomery, J. A. TlilMrpWMM(nti Conner and John llutier. . COMMON nORSES. Best Stallion 4 years old, . 3nd best " " " Bent " 9 to 3 years old, 2nd Best " " " Best Breeding Mare 1 or moro of her Colls to be shown, Slid liest, same condition, Best Family Horse or Marc, 2nd best " " " Best 8 years old Colt, 2nd best " " to 8 JruLjrt.l). C. Watlor; Simpson Smith, Benja min Meugas, Adam Schuyler aud Win. II, Kurchucr. DRAUGHT HORSES. Best Span Draught Hones, iiifi..luui " " $3 6 5 " Ridiny Horso or Mire, " San Carriage Hones, Jwlrfct. D. 11. Drleslach, John Klnpp, 4 Win. llelueu, .loan iwecil, tt-iijamm wario. CATTLES; TIVntlAM, AI.DKIXKI AMD SltVON. Best Durham Bull, t3 " Devon " 5 " Aldcrney 0 " Bull Calf 1 year old, S " Heifer 2 years old, 3 Cow, 10 2nd best " 5 Best Calf under 1 year old, 3 Juthjti. Richard Fruit, John Hnag, Samuel Deunnuud, Peter Mentis nnd John Stiuur. . . . COMMON CATTLE. Best Bull, tlO " " Calfl year old, 3 " Heller 'J years old, 3 " Cow, 10 2nd best " 5 Best Calf under 1 yenr old, 1 " Stock Meat Cattle belonging to ono farm, 10 Jtulif. G. A. Wykoff, Peter Hartuan, Charles Fullmer, Win. B. Kemtncrer and John Oyster. SHEEP AND SWINE. Beet French or Merino Buck, " Coteswald, " South Down, " of nny other breed, 6 Ewo Sheep, 6 Lambs, " 0 Fat Weathers, " Boar, ' Sow, 0 or more pigs to bo shown, " 2 Hog under ouu year, 2ml 1h-s t " " ' Best 0 Pigs, a to 10 weeks old, Und tiest do fi 60 2 50 ii 50 2 50 4 2 4 4 2 1 3 1 Jiulye: John Hoot, J. Arthur, Stephen Glaze, Henry Reader mid John Russell. WHEAT, GRAIN AND GRASS. Best )i bushel White Wheat, f J 4. 4. 11 Kcj 41 3 4. ! 44 Timothy Seed, 8 44 44 t'lover Seed, 2 .4 44 KvPi 1 .. 44 44 Buckwheat, 1 " " " Barley, 1 " " Oats, 1 " busbe' ' cur, 1 jiiiIicm. J. Kill 1 111:1 11, Jacob Denller, Jacob Deshlcr, Augustus Nicely nnd A. J. Haitrauft. POULTRY. Best Pair Turkeys, f -J ' Gicsc, 1 " Ducks, 1 ' ' Chleki-ns, 1 Cook and 3 Hons, 1 Pair Wild Geese, 3 " (Same Chickens, I Jwlitet. George Shade, E. n. norner, Philip McWilliams, Win. Sterner and Daniel Cares. VEGETABLES. Best 'J bm-hcl Potatoes, fa Sweet Potatoes, Turnii44, Best bushel Winter Apples - rail " Collect Ions Pock (Julnccs Variety of lira pes ' Fall Pear Peck Peaches JWflM. Thomas B irr, Jacob Slamm, Daniel Karelincr, Peter Shaffer, and Jesse Binder. VANITACTI Kr.liS IS ORNKIIAL. Best Carriage, 1 or i horse (4 Buggy, 01H.-U or top 4 Sleigh 4 DouMo Harm- 4 Single " 3 Side UpHr U-.ilIn r 8 50 lb. Flour 3 2d bcl " i 60 llet Root 4 1 " Shm-s 1 " ( sir skin a 11 j do, lliooini 1 ' Two Hurae Wagon A " Spring Wagon 4 Jujht. Unid Fuwlcr, Amos Moul, Hugh D. Mail', George Coiiud, and John Ki kiiiuu. AUUIt'U.TVIiAI. IVII LSMHStS. Civl Plongh f3 " (larrusr 3 " Cultivulor 3 " Grain Hull 4 " Horse It iku 3 " llnrvolcr and Mower 6 " 1 lire. hi r and b" pur.ilof A " ioru Miullcr 2 " " Plauur I llullvr 3 " ( luver M.ichluu 4 " Wind Mill 3 Hay Uddi r I w Pir ll"ta Hlior AU rl Hor.snl4.aiN.iU bUil Ju.1..: U H. iilak'i Annuel U-rr, Jubu Ual Uu, H. t . Kuckiuau aud .iuiU4l Kiupp. rim Am. Phi4o,ipa t I 3n4 bia Uu I 1.4liia4'p I'aiullu I H I'iii4iu4 of uy Wiu4 Ju4 boat 4l I U.-l V4 11I.U bt4'ul4r I Vu.i,...-Jul.4i C. l-ulk, Uu K it llun.kkrr, Urt. 1.1114 W 4144.1, Uias U. J. 'iuusa Mi. Z. li. UuiuU. 4444ia1UI b)Al4'tt 4. It 1 144444 4444.441 WuutsU t'U U ) U " U44444l, t 4lU " I.W44V, I 4414 Wt4ull'U t 4I4 ilu I 4144 ' Ou.lt ul U. I wl M riiu4i' vt i"uii 14 WuuUu V, i lb) V.u'i P.Kb) Wu gU ui4l4 W 44 11 j .. ba IU4 W44u W tbub W k4. ll.uii I4-4UV, tbiliuut lluubl. BKCOND DIVISIOS. Best Loaf Bread Pound Cake , Lluht Cako 61b Butter 51b Honey ; . .. i 61b hard Soap Home-made Pepper Saueo Apple Butter, 1 qrt., 1 quart Peach Butter do Fruit Preserve Spice " Tomato Figs Canned Fruit, glass Jars Grape Wlno Cnrrant " : . . Blackberry Wlna " , Catsup , Jcllv Fruit n 50 et 60 cts - II 75 cts 75 " 75 " 60 " 60 N) 75 75 ' 75 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Jiulg. linvbl Engie, Mrs. mrb-iinna llnr tranfl.Mrs. James Bnydor, Mrs. J. Tallman, Mr George Spade. .!-.',' BOVS ASD OII1L8 DBTABTMENT. . Best Plain Needle Wink Ornamental Needle Work Home-made Dres Cheuiiso Yoke Worsted Collar and CuuT Night Gown . Pair Knit Mitten Fancy Slipper Tidy Hearth Rug ,t . .... , Lamp Mat Crotchet Work Tettlng Worsted Work Ornaniei't-.il Shell Work Wax Flowers Bead Work I'm Cushion Sum " Pair of Ottoman Cushions 75 1 00 3 00 50 1 00 7.1 50 60 . 75 , .-74 f,0 fill no 75 1 00 60 25 75 00 Judge: Miss l.l.zie Barr, Xii8 Ellen Russell, Mirs llattlo Dennis, Mil's Jennie Kubucll, Miss I'.ugcuia Hiio.-ell. MISCBIXANEOl'S. Best Medley of Engravings fl 00 ' Lamp'shadu 75 " Infant's Dres 50 " Fancy Trimmed Basket 75 " House Wife 60 " Set Toilet Mats 60 " Fancy Picture Frame 75 " Arranged Hoqiiet of Flowers 50 " " Vases of Dry Grass, Ac. 75 " Made Suit of Clothes S 00 Jrulye: Miss Sainli Lenars, Miss Emma Hoof, MifS Maggie Caldwell, Miss Mary Bardo, and Miss Susan U-.15r.ell. ' Ji oiir.s on Articles not mentioned, hut consid ered worthy of SiH-i-ial Premiums : Levi Follmer, S. P. Gabion, John Roup, G. Kamp, und D. .Mc Gwire. TltOTTINO MATCH. Farmers $10 Trot will be on Tuesday at 2 p. m. Farmers tl5 Trot will bo oil Wednesday at 10 a. m. Second best or $5 Trot wilj be on Wednesday ut 2 p. in. Hot or HjO Trot will be on Thursday ut 10 n. 111. All articles for competition nimt he entered be fore l'J o'clock of the sveond day, ami remain on the ground until K o'clock of the larl day of the Fair, when they will be at the dispoealuf the ex hibitor. STANDS for Hie Sale of Refreshments, can bo obtained by application to tho Secretary of the Society. Judges ore requested to report themselves at the President' olllee beforo 13 o'clock of tbe sec ond day when they will be furnished with book of entry, which they arc desired to fill up with the award, and return to the Secretary during the secoud day of Uki Fair. A. 8. WAGONER, FrukUnt. D. W. Drtrm, Secretary. The Hotel C lerk. Tin was v(iunr : lio liud a neat mouRtaclio and wcii-lmislioti liair; jovveiou siuua npiuK led 011 liis shirt front, nud rinps ou his white hands ; a gcntlo disdain of tho tra velling public brciithcd from his person iu tho myntical odors of tho Ihlung-ihlang. Ho did not !ilt his hauphty head to look nt tl.o wayfarer who inwikly wioto his nuttio iu tho hotel roister ; ho did not nuswer linn whou ho begged lor a cool room ; ho lurncil to tho bWrd on which llio keys hung, nnd plucking ono from it, slid it toward Hasil on tho marble counter, touched a bell for n call boy, whistled a bur of OUcubuch, and, us he wrote the number of tho room nouiust Uasil's name, said to a friend lounging nuar him, ns if resuming a con versation, "Well, she's a mighty j)ooty girl, anyway, C'hawley 1" When 1 rullciil that this was a type of the hotel clerk throughout the United States, that behind the uimuinbci'cd registers he is at this moment snubbing travelers into the dust, and that thev nre snlleting nnd per petuating him, I am lost in wonder at tho national meekness. Not that 1 nto the one to refuse the humble pie his jeweled lingers oiler me. Abjectly Like my key and creep oir up stairs alter tho call boy, and try to give myself the genteel air of one who has not been stepped upon. I'.ut 1 think hom icidal things all the same, und 1 rejoico that iu the safely of print I can fry out against tho despot whom I hnv'nl the pre sence to defy. "Vou vulgar and cruel lit tle soul," 1 ay, aud 1 imagine myself hrenlhiug tho word to his Uelh. '"Why do you treat a weury stranger with this ig nominy If 1 am to pay well for all 1 get, and 1 khall not complain of that. lut look at mo and my owu humanity ; c'ess, by some civil action, by some deeeui tdirase, that 1 have rights, and that they shall lie respecli d. Answer my proper ipieslions ; respond to my fair demand ; do not slid my key at 1110 ; do not deny 1110 llio poor luiliU'iu ts of a uod 11 you give it into my hand. 1 am not yourtqual ; few men are ; but 1 shall not pribiinic upon your clemen cy. Come, 1 also am human." llai.il found that, lr liiasiu in asking for u cool rxmi, tho clerk hud given tin 111 u clumber into which the kiiu had beeu shiti in; Urn whole aliciti'KUi ; but w hi ll hislug gage hail U-eil put ill it seemed lincrc to proUsl, and, like a true American, liko you, liko uia, Im hi-unk I'roiu a4'i ling him a.11'. When the Ull eiil down It would do i-iiol i iiough ; and lln-y turned their Ihoughl to kiipj r, imt veiiluring lo hope that, it it proved, the handsome elolk Wa the Jlo bleiuisll of thu hollad. A .ri.iiii woiiLiu niekilli bt-rrii ill WlluilKtd, llio ullur U iy, wao4lhicUd hy llio iU4.-4 ut or Ui il r lmlhu.11, l hut the puked up her eiiild ami rualiod fi4iuiiiully lni tl lurcat Iioumi, ihi bir I114 Unit 'du I Aii 4 had eoinc, for ure, aud Way Uomu ilir ou du fcuuv." 'I'UK "la w depai turo" Ii4 Uu 4 flluro Ik-V4Umi llio prvj udii ou wlinlitlio Wi,. tr vl 1-UI4 dulailldod iof 11m uulitloi of tho ll, h4VU 1444,-u 4i IhoioUhly il4tilk4 tlutl tUuy ttill uoi Ue4iii. llio U 441 Uu4 lUy r till lU only bilutivis 4M IH4U. Tu Ibdopl tU H) 4'ltU4w" I U loiili; Ut I that liutrt - tht all Uu ,44tV 444H 4VUl 4l4t 1 44 iU 1UU4.4 4wii4 y (o( IU Ul bvkt y-ai U tlM. Tu Km Um bit t wiwti in fyib . a. 1.. .1 1 b., k , ,41 .. 44 I 414 44 M 4 f . WW - 1 ! ; jwiiu w ... .. m oU mmu 4 Wir, I sui ftl ka'i4 him d-'wu witk b til. ul.U.I kiu ul ! 44I4IUJ u4 UIU.lt jvIUil Jenklan cot to a llp-Me. ; Maria Ann recently determined to goto a pic-nio. ' ' :- Maria Ann la my wife unfortunately tho had planned to go alone, so far as I was concerned, on that pic.-nic excursion ; but when I heard about it I determined lo as sist. She preteuded to bo very glad, but I don't believe slid was. "It will do you good to get away from your , work a day, poor fellow," sho said ?'and we shall so much enjoy a cool room ing ride on thu cars, aud dinucr iu tho woods." On tho morning of that memorable day, Maria Ann got up at five o'clock. About a minute later sbo disturbed my slumber, and told mo tdcomo to breakfn'st. I told her I wasn't hungry, but it didn't ru.iko a bit ot difference, I had to gel up. The suu was up ; I had tio Idea the sun began bu siness so early Iu tho morning, but thx-ro 110 WftbV. .I.':' "Js'ow," said, Maria Ann, "wo must fly around for the cars start at half-past six. Eat all the breakfast you can, for you won't get any more before noon.' 11 I could not cit anything nt that time in tho morning, a4jtl.it was just ns well that I could not, for 1 had all 1 could do. There" was tho ice to lie pounded to go around tho pale of Ice cream, and snudwitches to be cut, and I thought I never should get tho legs of chickens fixed 60 that I could get the cover on the big basket. Maria Ann Hew around and piled p groceries for mo to pack, nnd gave the directions to the girl about taking care of the house, nnd was puttiug on her dress all at once. There is a great deal of energy in tliat womau per haps a trifle too much. At twenty minutes past six I stood on the front steps with a basket on ono arm aud Marin Ann's waterproof on tho other, and a pail iu each hand, and a bottle of vinegar in my coat-skirt pocket. There was a camp-chair hung ou mo somewhero, loo, but 1 forget just where. "Xow," said Maria Ann, "wo must run or we will not catch the train." "Maria," said 1, that is not a reasona ble Idea. How do you suppose I can run with all this freight V" "You must, you bruto. You always try to teach me. If you don't want a scene on the street you will start, too." . So I rau. 1 had one comfort at least. Maria Ann foil down and broke her parasol. Kho called - . . . a. . me a brute attain because 1 laugneil. jna- ria drove me all tho way to tho depot on a brisk trot, nud wc got on tho cars ; but neither of us could get a scat, and I could not find a placo whero 1 could sc"t the things down, so I stood thero and held them. "Marin," I said, in winning ncccula, "how is this for a cool morning ride V" Sho said, "you are a brute, Jenkins I" 4 UU 1414 14 4,4 " . , , ....... Said I, "my love, you havo made that observation liefore " 1 kept my courage up, yet I knew there would bo an hour of wrath when we got home. While wo were getting out of the cars the bottle in my pocket got broke, aud consequently I had ono boSt half full of vinegar all ilay. That kept me pretty qui- et,and Maria Ann ran oil with tho big whiskered music teacher, and lost her fan, and got her feet wet, nnd toro her dress, and onjoved herself much after the fashion of jrie-i.iJ got.rs. 1 thou-l.t it would never cotiui dinner time, nnd Slaiu eaiiea .o lUUHl UIIIULl IUU4., - I. ,.;l.4 ..i.T lu,i.niiu,i 1 wnnteil to OTX-u our uasaui I ?.' '.. . . . 1 l...tn ...aoa mmii,il mro tnr oar n 11144 iiiikiiip. -.v.v, At last diuuer time came the "uj.ee din ner in tliu woods," you know. Over three thuusuud little red auts had got into our. dinner, and they wcro worse to pick out I 'l-iivo hi Ins ground, tlierclore, as llio roots than tish-bones. Tho ice-cream had melt- as long us the branel.es, coimcnco to ed, nnd thero was uo vinegar lor tho cold ' S'wi way from tho stem, and feci meat except what was iu my boot, und of1y'Uf way cun-fa jr. ns you cannot sec. course that was of no immediate use. The '-very root cut oil lessens tho chauces of music teacher spilled a cup of hot colleo 011 making the tree grow well. A true taut is Maria's head, and pulled the frizzles out stunioU in i s grow Lh for two or three years trying to wipe olfthe coilee with his hand- J? ' won It hall as much as one that suf- korchwr. 'J!;.m I sat on a piece of rasp- j lore much shock by removal. berry pic. aud spoiled my white pants, nnd concluded 1 didn't want nnvth-ii'? more. 1 Ski.i-xti.ni Skku. All the uiiprovo- had to stan'i un iimiinst a tree the rest ol tho aftcriioon. The day r.H'crded conside rable variety, compared with every day lite, but there weto so many liltlo drawbacks that I did not enjoy it so much as 1 might have done. Vs anecdote ol'I.ord Chief Justlco Holt is as follows: A tioor woman arniiniicd for witchcraft. Tho witness deposed that sho used a "spell." Tho 'spell ' produc ed in evidencewas a line from one of the classic poets, wiiltcu oil parchment. Tho justice domanded to see it, and it was hand. od to him. "How come you by this?" ho asked the prisoner. "A young gentleman, my lord, nave it to me to euro inv daugh ter's ague." "Did il euro her?" "O you, my lord, and many oilier." '1 am glad ol it," wild tho justice, iicniiiui.-ti ! n jury, when I was young and thoughtless, I went to tins woman s i.ouo wun iuc eoni)anions, had no money to pay tho nc- koning, und pretended ihal by a 'spll' 1 could euro her ilauliter ague, M.u ne- eepteil the propohiliou, and li 1 us oil" scot frco. If any ono is punishable it is the Jyord Chief Justice, nud not this p-mr wo mau." Ol' course kite it us acquit li d, but tho credulous multitude iillii.ucd that thu judgo nnd jury were till hi iU-d. Mi l HAM' s' WlVts. lt is ill Ihu mid dle rank 01' life where we behold woman in nil hi-r ul-'iv not a '"ll I" cm try ilk and Kiwols, tint a pupi t to lu lliiltered by pi'n iuiiu adorutioii, re vi lum-ed to day, dikeut'd. ed to-morrow ; admiied but not istei-m -d ; itiliii); bv paksioii, nut allvciioii ; inip-irti.ig l.er wuiikiic, not In r Coiistuiie.v to tho e tho would exalt ; the source aud mirror id vuuily-u eo lurii a wile, puriikiug ol llio t.4r4 uu, I ul.., rinj tho uiikii ti' of il lillhbutld ; lll idlllg III t' loi! ''V 114-4 lli, llli alle dilip-neo ; ipivailai' ehe rlulncs around Iter for Ids k ike ; aluil llli; thu detellt lelhie-liit-nl tif tho wtu Id Ailhout btiug ploiid of them ; plaeiu, ull hi r J 'j . and ..tppint in the man ho Ioms. A it luoilu r mo lind her tho arli i-iioimU', tho ardiiil Inairnetn. of thu flilldrt ll vt I10111 situ I1.1 i III. d lloin llltir tliiUllt-y, ll.lllllIM lUein up to lhuU.,1.1 aud virtue, pi' ly uu I 1 itevuleneu ; nil.liv.- liij ilium 1 itioii ii uin, una pit jmiiug llieiu la Ihi-iiiiu) im 11 n I ttoin. 11 in lln ir luru. MmhniiitV 4U114.I4 1 should ii4.iku ;t tVt; Ul lU Hull I. "a. - Ilia best A Ubkiiri'i. uii 4i.iM iM-oiliiiti a uvl,rul young lady, "1411.111.41.1, euiitat- luly : 'Ji.ls., don i uu mi)lMity i.4 U44U..I IHU ll'llllC." "Dlll'l I HI H'lald." ttplud liu, "I mil M liuii h 4t.luUind ol It yoi4ro. " lli.il 4ltud 11. Ai I1I1.I1111411 in Uiliki wu ti'-4 t liulo Ualilklild Vlu.U III e.,44ll.le, 141 In llllt, lab Ul l4.4,.l ll 44IH4"I4 iMdi '4.l4 tdiiuadu mi l.l Ull l44l4 I 4 ttiiUlnl III l" kftiid, mini Hot l-n In bu" V'"" III l4l i. lt4U lb 1 1 1. Inn 4i I u.l". I U' (MhliH (bUlniUtl 1 ' liiil I'f 4l, k.( uul I ..l.ali. ll-l 4 I I 1 1 I.I 4. I' I ! V4 Uiakw III 'le U'4lau l4. .l .1 tl .4.4 th. a, 4.4 ..iim io.w lu.uoijo.intio.uu.eo.uma.ou.To.oU One Fear i8.UOjl'J.OO,15.0u;ao.OOj40.00iOO.OOl 1100 A New OuiIkans wedding is thus des cribed by tho Picaynne: "Be quick about it, Judge," said tho Impatient youth, "or tho old man will be hero directly." "But you nre both ofngo ?" Inquired the cautious magistrate. "Yes, there's no trouble ott that head, but this girl Is engaged to an other man, and he's already got out a. license to marry her." Tho Judge ponder-' ed for a moment, rind then observed that he scarcely understood it. "How," de manded the expectant IJcnedict ; "she's of age and has' n right to marry w ho' aha. pleases." "That may be," replied tha Judgo, "I'm. uo very great lawyers but tho fact Is, my young friend, I'm afraid if this marriage goes oii, either this young lady or myself, 1 don't know which, will commit bigamy 1" This was certainly a new view of the mat ter ; nnd tho impres sion the announcement occasioned was pro found. The lady came near fainting, and. tho man tamed rod In tho face. An em barrassed sik-nee for a few minutes ensued, which was ended by the youth br!ghtening up with an Idea. "I say, 'Judge, marry us any way ; and if tho otlwr follow makes a fuss about, it, why, confound It, he can havo her." 1 This arrangDmunt was;, agreed, to and the tuoaxiugc irocecdcd, to the rnutuai. satisfaction i'f till parties, ( e ' 1 '-t ' !'' "Whex rogues fall out, honest hicn get their deserts ;' so when Tweed, Connolly, . and Hall disagree, tho people of New York,, the honest portion may get their rights. ! iV QiicuHiU'al. How to Plant. F. Whiting, an experienced fruit grower, : at Jcfl'ersonvillc, Montgomery county, con tributes an excellent article ou tree plant ing iu the Norristowu JJcrahl, from which we take tho following extract : Iu fruit culture the first and oil import ant thing is to make tho trco grow. I do not speak to the nursery man ; ho under stands his business too well for me lo teach him. I would only say, iu taking up trees for customers, exercise as much care and skill about the roois as wheu planting for yourself. If tho roots of a tiro nre badly mutilated tho purchaser ought to reject them. When several trees aro bound together, the mass j f ro,ots nppear abundant. Separul aud T 4i 41 I ii.inli liinA hnu lla lllA uliii V-k n till see that each tree has its duo sharo and enough to keep it alive, nnd that no largo roots nre so nearly torn oil as to bo of no uso. Did you ever observe a treo that had becu uudermined by a gen Lie stream, aud. sco what a mass of iibrnus roots, liko tho. hair you lindon the head ofasavagcY Thoso threads supply nourishment lo Llio tree ana its fruit; but they arc, for tho most part, left iu llio ground because the ground is - , . .... . , ' , , ooseueu uy me spuuo justeiiougu w ll,c " 110 ul? ' 1 roots. Generally, if much of tho earth eks o the roots it is all shaken ol . hnd t"jw 1'lUu roots, so needful, go with tho I cartli, or aro left exposed to be dned to death. A tree removed with a ball of earth about the roots is pretty suro to live. 15 it a nursery man, having a largo order to Uii ! r to send a long distance, etiuuot afford to I a wagon load of sod. .therefore, "-other farmer go .with your owu earn to tho nursiy, select for youi-self, aud help . ! l-s -!" 7-; ,-trcus CVV" ,r tUo 1 iviii-si-rvni.ni fi lei-s to llollVC.r Il,, aonn , --. J .. .7 '.' " Driee. Jion'l let the sun slune on tlio roow 0:10 miuut1!, nor allow the wiuJ to dry them. Got all the roots you can. Tho nursery man hns no use for any fttigmenis you may , tnciils 111 hiH.-il nave oeeu the restiHol seloc hot.. Hie lest seed selected lor use has yielded nil improved product, and the pro cess au'ain mid again repealed has dually resulted iu suturing t'ao plant, root, or grain dc&irc.l. Curn hao been much improved in, a 'iitir', nf iili'i-l inn lint. f:ii-niirM vvho , .., ln0fc, u( si.,i.., :.. .1.:, ,.mtter nru too cnrcluts to curry out experiment to it final result. Now, il' a seed could bo secured that would produce with certainty two cars of corn to each stalk, our com crop would bo vast'y increased, and it is pretty certain thai if for a suci-essioti of years no corn were planted hut that which produced two ears lo thu stalk, the peculiarity woui.l bo coinu fixed, and a com having this as a distinguishing characteristic would becoino au t.stublished variety. W hut wu need is v iU i,n,ni-8 bhould bo caiv-l' tlVl'llI If Kl'lfU't tlt.ir wlli!o tl0 L.,rn is muu.ling, j1!4l luiy U1.IV auv lu.lt tlL. t.iir8 8t.iu.c-tca un K.l luct j ,i Mlliug out, early In ; niieiuug, und g.uv douhlo. Au itnptovo- iiieiii of l.-.i in r cent, only 111 llio com crop IVoin judicioliri selection of seed, Would add n v i.uo of liny millions of dollar 1 1 tho agiii-illtural income of tho couulry, aud this is no lDt-uti item. Srti.wt lit:tas Hlt HtMi.4. When cows are filling oil' soiuewhat 111 timir milk at llli s. a-on, and U loiv i"i u is quite leudy I 1 iiull, 1 have ahvav f"tinl ni ln ; go a htllu Is hind hand, in nt IhikI slop linivilijj and gi'ovvini;, barely holding their owu. To avoid Ln ing li .'d o-Ihi t-liiereliey, 1 eoiaini lieu llirovviug in ! tin lit kilar U el, v hiih lut vo .1 ili pl iili elVei t. Tlu-y really fatten oil them, und rvquiro lull htllu com In llliiall llieiu nil. Willi Jo lios, I think I k-ivc ui lea. I .Vl Im-ilu ,s of con; by UeilniJ llio Ui U, Ull. I have ll.eui t'eildy fur nllt'.llTuI lll.ll (4, I li lll'll llio Milan . 'I! men eoinu itiouinl. 1 have f.HM il kii-ar Uvl for mituy eu., I.uding tin 111 iiititluittilo for com ull through our l.m Minlti'-but drop lliik Imic lo tiui "i'laelu .il I'm liter," iini.il!y with ii fi 1. me 1 1 lln ir ii!uu flM fir iy. - J NVIItOX, (I 7 Mi4 li'c-4i J'llClllI f. If.uH lull IV. U TlU.r.i. . . nelsiu ill III ! lb Ualavl Ml.a4..l4 4 44) 1 1 "1 ki I a vny line . 41 tuu 1 1 I. im.li Ik, lilt) j lh.lt Ui.lllli. II II. tie I, lilal 1,1 llllglll Mil iili.i l.liilj. ttl.l. ll I H Ul 'VI d. Mini lllell M1o r v!i. t it I in 4li .iiim y, uutil ! ,ilt ( 4..ii..d.ii.i,4u la.uii.ul i j,t,w il,.- in t sjuni I n solved I , (,y l,o ll .liL.ll!oll lilH l.lp ill II 1.4 tll44 ,,,(., I j oHiif I my Hon, i4inovi,l Ihu ',( 11,4 r-is 1 iiilnlt, di t-osiu.l 1U44 ,,,, U.Iiiii lUin, mt I ti,l.i.4.( U tuith. 1 i I., itl 14 IW lull 11. I l '.. 1 t'l H44I tiilpllt I'm iue 1 "iiliiiiti .1 to r. i lli il .4a.n, n. l0 .4t 44 4l lll l'l"4-4 ISIIMI KUt l,'. i. ma r i l ' hU b !" l-i4t.it:. KUtiu U4VL. UI Uu lit l4ltl III44 1). 4414 I UU , . ... 1 1 . ..... I .41,11... , l4la..4aj k-4.4 V4, 414W 4.m .4II 1 4 .1 I 44 an ii . 1.4 1 ll" I I I, 1 111 4 .11 41 I 411 '44 I I II. ..I . ".11 i f tin U4 le. 4.. .Hl Jl.kt I4V4 tl4- It. 4av.lt, bit, bS. C. kivul -44.44 f, MM) A 1 I 4)1 hi l.-tJ " 0 H l.wlll u4 t i44, ).4.ll 444Ul 4 14.4. .41-4-4 4. 444) 41-J.4, I 4414J 1 .u- IS lH. ' I. bvu.y 44.4 44)441.