gitnbuta American. SUNBURY, AUGUST 20, 1871, IlallroMd Time TMm. N. C. H. W. Kast. P. E. R- R. Wwcr. ItulTulo Ex I've 4:10 ft m'F.rle Mall, I've 8:05 n m Frio " H:tt5 " Buffalo Ex. " 4:15 " KlmlraMnll " 11:4! " ElmlrnMall ' 12:45 n m Kilo " " 1:05 " lLockll. Ac." 4:H5 " Banbury Ac." 6:45 pm; Erie Ex. " 0:50 ." gllAMOKIK PIVISIOH W. C. H. W. t.KATR AHR1VR Bunbury at 11:50 am At Bunbury o:4 a m 4:40 pm " 4:00 pm D. IT. A W. R. R. Leave Snnbtiry 5:55a. in., 4:85 and 0:50 p. m. Arr. at Bunbury 10:00 a m, 0:20 and 8:40 p m. Accident Insurance Tickets can bo had of J. Ehtpmtin, Ticket Agent ntthe fciot. ocaI Affairs. Skwino Maciiixku.-MIss Carollno Unllus is tlio agent for the, snlo of the three best Bewing Miicblnos In existence, via t "Tho Impiovcd Singer," "Clrover & Baker" ortd "Domestic," wlilch arc constantly on hand and sold at rea sonable prices. Call and see Mienn Ofllee on Market Eli-eel, cast of the milmad. A WoitD to Oun Friends. Since we havo Itccomo solo owner of this establishment we hnvc labored under many disadvantages on account of uot having tho means to make such Improve ments as wo desired. Depending Bolcly upon our earnings and. to Ulnd friends, to whom wc feci grateful for their patronngc, wo have Dipil latcJ debts contracted for tho Improvements which wc wero compelled to make. We arc nnxlous to make further Improvements, and make this one of tlio most completo offices In the country. For such a project wo must, however, rely nron our friends throughout tho county for their liberal support. We ask the favor of nil thoso who would like to sco us prosper, to exert themselves In our behalf In securing subscribers und Job work. Iu doing so they will reap a benefit as well as ourselves. Wc therefore solicit the patronage of all who feel an Interest In the Republican cau?e, nnd desire n readable family, ns well as n local journal, at a lower rate than nny other published In tlio county. To accom plish such an end we propose to compensate all for their labor. Bellevlnir that "tho laborer is worthy of his hire," wu make the following pro position to all who will engage In canvassing for us: For every list of 100 subscribers nt ft'.fiO paid In advance, wc will glvenu order of $ K, payable. In goods, at any establishment that advertises in our columns. l'W 7.", subscribers.)!! advancenn order of $25 00 " fi'.i ' 15 00 10 00 40 0 60 5 (HI 4 00 00 J 00 It t( I. 4 jS ic " As we. me e.t the bcgiiinlns of nn: Important political campaign, and the AvmiiA-N is publish ed at a lower r.ito than any other paper, nnd con tains Ilia same ninount of reading mutter ns others of larger fcize, wo feel conlldent that can vassers can very readily- obtain subscribers In every parts of the county. All clubs received will lu promptly neknowledgcd, nnd the paper promptly forwarded to tiny address. Not curious that A. (1. 8. C. F. C. A. F. M. C. S. M. 8. 8. 1'. means that all goods sold cheap for cash at Killing's Mammoth Cash Ptore, Bun bury, Pa., nnd such Is the fact. Call and con vince yourselves that ('riling Is selling cheaper than ever. iiug.20,4w. 1' Proposals for the building of an Kngina House will be received by tho tuidccslgiv cd, on or before tlio SSth Inst". The building to be a frame, S.jx55 feet. Bids will lie rceclved for foundation, lumber, carpcutcr work, and plimter Injt, separately or jointly. Em'i. Wn.vr.KT, Pres't (i. I. F. Co. Titn members of the 8tcam Fire Engine Com pany are requested to meet nt the Englno House , fbia (Friday.) evening. Business of Importance will be transacted. J. M. Cahwai.ladku, President. A i.l. kinds of property Insured, und Insuranoo c licet ed 0:1 round lives, In reliable companies, at Voder's cilice, near the Court House, Suubiiry, I'a. K::iu:cc.i Loiur.. A new J.oth;e of tlio Kebcoca Uegreo of Odd Fellows was instituted at tlda, on Monday evening of lust week, ity 1). D. (1. M., J. M. Hull'. The nuino of tho Lodge U Anna, No. 57. As arinmeat Court will no held ul this plaeo v.i t'.iu iii l Monday of September, nnd u Social Court th iiiit week in October, for Jury trials Oil Civil lists. A Kiui! broke out In a coal mlno nt Summit Hi'.!, Carbon county, on Thursday morning last. There were a few meu lusldo at the time but they Hot out safely. There was danger that tho lire would ran uloiig the vein which extends to Tu niaiiua, but a ilLputcli In Baturd.iy's papers, tlales that the Hie had been cUlmiulahcd. ' The Planing Mill of the Uloouisburg Lumber I'omp.iny, at iilooinsburg, Pa., was struck by lightning im Wednesday evening last, set on Are n ml consumed, together with about 500,000 foot if mii-rli lumber. Loss from faO.OOO to OUO.OOO. Insured for ,f 0,1.00. A dwelling neur the mill v.'u.i nUo deseroy'ed. Loss 1,000 Insurance f iu. Unit Mv.n's Paiiahk. bhuhomoklu Trilx, of 1. (. of II. M., of this place, have decided on buy ing a grand parudo ou the Sutli of 8otemljer Uc-tt, on the Hist day of our County Fair. A lui i;c number of Tribes from diUcrcnt sections of tlio country aio expected to parlk-lpalc. After the parade, the tlcdlruliiuij.f llielr now Hull III take place. A lids Order U lucrcai In? very vapidly, no may expect large number of the biulhcihotid pre-Hiit ou this ncoulou. hi ikk Tfii im A Wr.i.i.. We learn 111 ou l"iU! ty last, Mr. Win. thiillh and hi lfu nut vil'i a fatal accident ul thill borne, ntutr Hour ti.ip, MiamoMu. lowiiablp, this county. It nt mn Mr. bnillh w.i dij'i;iiig a well uud had Bin. .11 buy uol. I him. Alter upp. r lie du tiniiK.I lutit tlio well, uud itlU-r oeliiK there Horn, llni'j wl. limit m.ikliiK uuy uoUe, tin) lfe b c itau iilanin .l, wlieu sli diwudvd lu bucket uilli lliu ul J of ilio buy to uuvrtalu hal Ma ui.ji . liuu i.ul of tlio uy dowi) site fell i.i.t uf tlio biKki t. 1 lie sUriu a i;luu to llm ml ;lilii ., :! Hint thiuu ami found butU kiu bind .1.1 ul.'u d-i l ul Ih.i ImUIiMU. U is lUppu idi'nl M iiiU suiluc il.d frout fuul lr, and lb i M. .. m.i Hi on, klllv4 in the full. Tu.j lUive ur I'.i'f iu.iU vUlldivu to utoum IbUr lo. 'ink A. .hi. I in UAL fu. U biltrn.1 m of ' au l...u n.4uilul4 I'J ituiutwi ul ur clU i.l l i.u ('. i. i..i t ImI4 ImiImuuuI I no t.iii t!tu Ik 'iir.; lb gruubiU, rutf.j4 1. 1 U.'.i' J. M. tWiiUuluute, T.t.luui, lb if ! J. I )tj, lul. U. tk4' liuu, ii . !. t i..ilUiW, kd U.lltt j.. I . i. I. n I . kU, k4 uallu( (U I .1 I.. I..II1 V ul III U4 lltUlUIUlulluU Ini.U .1 4 u. .4 .. I i-4 MWIH ! utauwl I ...i .1, l 4. fc!.4,9jUla 44 ta Im tft4 i i .. i .1 i. I . el. ilk. I uui Ui ... i . i . i .... I i. b l tiuiu lil ... M . i, U.t I ui. 14 Hi 1 liw A Mkrited Testimonial. On Thursday even ing of last week, our friend nd neighbor Col. Christian NcfT, tho genial and accommodating proprietor of the Washington Hotel, was mado the recipient of s finely executed portrait of him self. The painting Is finished from a photograph taken by M. Ilcinperly, rtlst, of this place, and required tho use of n twouty-nlne inch lens. Pome of tho friends of Mr. NclTdcslrlng to testify In fitting way their respect nnd icgard, de termined to obtain his portrait nnd present It to him, if it was possible to get the plcturo without his knowledge. Mr. Hcmperlcy was consulted, and n plan devised by which Mr. N'cff was In duced to sit for n photograph for a friend. The result is this fine portrait, transferred to canvas, nnd finished In superior stylo. Tho likeness nnd expression nro ns nearly perfect ns art can Imi tate Tho picture insldo of the frnmo is thirty by forty Inches. Tho frnmo is massive, seven inch gilt: moulding, designed with Judg ment and taste, nnd executed In exquisite and claborato style. At tho bottom is appended small gilt frames, one containing the Inscription "To C. F. Nclf, as ft token of Blnccro regard " in the other Is "By P. 8. Burrcll, P. M. 8hlndel, Gen. Jno. K. Clement, Nlch n Wcnek, T. 8. Shannon, David Fry, 1). F. Bright, Valentino Feagley, E. G. Scott, II. J. Wa'tr., Jos. Bird, Jos. Nicely, I.. G. Slicker, Win. 0. Lnwsnn, Uro. Wagenscller, J. K. Davis, Jr., h. H. Kasp, I. T. Clement, G. M. Renn, Augustus Wald, 7.m'l Wllvcrt, S. N.Gayinnn, Win. Hlmelwrlght, S. P. Wolverton, Geo. MeClnre, Hon, Alex. Jordan, C. J. BruuncT, John Charles, John Porter, I. 8. Gossler, Win. K. Snydam, J. B. Masser, John Yoiingmnn, Win. Kccso, N. 8. Eugle, Hon. Win. L. Dew art, Geo. Hill, Hon. J. B. Packer, John Hans, S. J. Packer. J. Pi Haas, Jeremiah Snyder, Win. A. Sober, James Kline, .G. I.. Simpson, Peter Borroll, t'ha'rles Fox, John MeFarland, Win. T. Grant, Geo. W. lliunbrlgbt, Luvercttn PcGnbrlllc, Valcntlnu Dfctz, John E. Uathbun, 8. Blttcnbendcr." The surprise to onr friend Nclf was complete, and was managed in this wise i The Hon. Alex. Jordan, Hon. J. B. Packer, E. G. Scott, 8. P. Wolverton, Col. Wagonscller, Win. Rockefeller, nnd others of the donners,dropped into the hotel. As the company grew larger, Mr. Nell'expressed wonder at the unusual gathering, when lie was told that there was to Im a picture presentation nt his house that evening, nnd asked for the use of his parlor, tho nnswer was, of course ) whereupon n committee delegated for duty, caused the portrait to be conveyed to tho room and properly hung. The friends being now assembled, the committee waited upon Mr. Nclf, and Invited him to witness tho presentation. His expression of astonishment, on beholding a like ness of himself lu his parlor, was most amusing, but cannot be described. Gen. Clement, who had been selected for that purpose, stepped for ward and brielly si.ko of tlio motives which had moved the (burners to make their gift. Col. NelFs reply sliowcd bow full bis heart was, "loo full for utterance." lie emphatically ihaukcd his friends, assured tlielu of his astonishment, con fessed that ho was overwhelmed, and retired. In a short time, however, ho relumed, saying that taken entirely by surprise, lie could oiler his friends no filling entertainment, but asked them to join him in a glass of champagne. Wines and other choice liquors wvro introduced, and a happy evenimr, and a merry ouo too, "within the limits of becoming mirth," was en- Joyed by all present. Pomfiiet Manou Cr.MnTiiBY. A few evenings ngo wo visited, in company with n friend, (the first time In a number of years,) the grounds in tended for our new Ceiuetory. Naturally, a moro beautiful spot limn that selected' cannot bo found anywhere lu tho State; and If care be taken with recard to regularity In laving out the lots, nnd If trees uud othcrapproprliito shrubbery nro careful ly and tastefully set out, llic place will, in the course or time, be us attractive to the living us it will bo a befitting resting place for the dead. There Is nothing so Inviting to tho rcllecllvc per son ns tho solitude of the grave yard, ami moro particularly so when it is surrounded by the beau ties of nature, (upon which thp glory of God him self is written,) and where are to be seen the many tokuus of nlVeeilon that uro generally bestowed upon the dead by tho sorrowing hearts of bereft friends. This place can be nunfc CJiiJiieiitly such, not only lu consequence, of Its location being siilllelentl.v distant from tho bustle of the town, but ulso, by reason ofthe beauty of Us contiguous scenery, burroiiiutcd by rolling flelilo, mid bill and dale, mid our broad river being within full view stretching to the north nnd south as far ns human vision can reach, the whole makes upasccie of exquisite lovleliioss which is pictu resque lu the extreme, rendering tho plaeo ouo ofthe mobt desirable for the purpose Intended. It is but a few years ago that tills place was covered with a dense woods, commonly known at the Cold Spring woods, deriving its uaiue from u largo Bprlng of extremely cold water, which was located somewhere about its centra below tho elevation on wlilch the Cemetery exists. About fifteen years ngo it was used by I he Kplscopalcau Sunday School as lt phnlc grounds. Here, an nually, within Die depths of this beautiful forest, tho juveniles of that already old Institution, were gathered toguthcr by kind teachers, (many of whom have long since passed into u better exist oucc,) to be rewarded for Ihelr ulleiidauco wllha day of rejoicing. That flock ha growu up, uud Is scattered. The cares of life have long since beset thew t und, alas, how many of them may find their everlasting rest ukjii Die iot which nt one time was their place of Joyous resort. Beautify the place. It it bo uuulo comfortable. Tub Statu Kaiu. The policy of tho Pennsyl vania Slute Agrluullurttl Society, U to make choice of locution for holding lu Exhibition, and make nn arrangement for It second how ul the sumo Hiliit, so lluil each poi llou of the tilutu shall have tho opuoryilly ul ytlluusalug the pro gres In Agriculture, Horticulture, uud Cognate ludutlrict lu lis owu, uud from other poillou of of our Couiiiioiiwcullh. Iu pursuuuee of I 111 plan, BcrunliMi U iigulu lh locution fr the com. lug Fulr. To kIio cvloluiur. every upHitiuuUy fur Ibe diplny of llielr lucllou or urtlelr, ear fully pu puii uud lurjje jmc of urouud ha been iliebHd, uhuuduiil) supplied With MaU'f y of ucew to uuy mit uf Ihu i lly of Heruuluti, uud sui rounding ou uud uuit filcb lu bwii irctUd ! halU, luisf ally proUciul fiutu lliu weuilicr, '.'.'jOxjIJ l tacti WW hall 1744) ( iwrul iacluu lei.l I'iS boxu UbU. liO rattle lii.l k) buvp u j to jwu fur In an ttuipl llluuli Uli 1, uud every other uriaiii i.uul lor I Its utiiufoit of ut nUl bikxi lu imi) ib ailuiiiit Utually Kprvwiitwl ul uck tliou. udkl, ull-bul iLllj llitie l.o Uaiu uvtvr km iu iwiuilu In 4 Kiel luui uud liuu dltllet lu lUII iuiitu Ub4 lliu KUU r"ilr, w Ul. It euiuumucM ou TuutUay, IU IWu of fciUauhvr, 7. A tviy vuuUki. blu kblbuluu of iiwtuily Iwj,U4 tlotk. Mill U lu ulUuduueii. SV kutliu Ibul Ibu buildli.4 uupUl Wl lb H. K. u i.iii.ui f W' U U.iuu UvbuJUIi. uud loiuoxd lu UubbuM. M Im11 luu umI Iui U I'l4 ''bluu' llulil (111 IU Uwubwl) H4 ublU l nut U' Ibi'i vb uf U "Uu('lwlwi.ul." Aim. tu. It U but lnt(Hl) (u '!" kwlubbwt, u ! nut u sill vuiiiiiMI ih.i lUU U IU. ihu( kulUbl ,4 ul tU. pi ui ki ktu4 ut MU4 lU'tUlv. tl .I..J ..J ul I I'llulUf up. Mf l ltl.4 WU) u iul.1-,. Ju M ''bluUlUfV" J. J '..,-u ..! l.-u.b (. u. , .. 1 .1,. II. .. 1 I ... .k J .4. , a. J j ., I ii, Jndfte Jordan' lutrgc. RnroitTED bt A. N. Uiiick, Esq. Tho following Is the charge delivered by Ills Honor Alexander Jordan, lu tho murder case In which Jacob Bchoch was charged with tlio shoot ing of Matthew Ilcnrncy. Tlio chnrgo delivered on Wednesday afternoon Inst, August 10, Is con sidered one of the belt Judgo .Jordan ever deliv ered, ami ns It is likely tho last ho will deliver of the kind during his official term, wo report it entire for publication 1 flRNTi.RMRM 1 After n few remarks from tho Conrt, this painful nnd Important eae will he submitted to you, nnd the Court feel perfectly sat fled that you "will give It careful, candid and Im- fiarllal consideration t and the ele nl lent ion you inve paid to tho testimony and excellent siieeebes or the counsel, Justify tho Court In this belief. The ludletment of the prisoner nt the bar, found by tho Grand Jurv, contains two counts. Tho first charges hlm with tho crlino of murder 1 the second with tho crime of manslaughter. These nro among the highest offences known to the law. Tho punishment In tho first case is death by hang ing 1 In tho second enso, Imprisonment In tlio pe nitentiary. Tho pennl code, although mild, do mnnds tho death of an Individual Who wilfully, mullclously nnd deliberately lakes tho life or n human being. This Is deemed necessary for tho peace nnd safety of society. The law of God the law of man nnd Justice, demand tho punish ment or tho guilty. You, gentlemen, nro sworn to pass upon the guilt or Innocence of the prison er at the bar. Your duty Is a highly Important, nnd solemn 0110, but must be met and discharged with fidelity. In rrsnnl. to your decision you should bo guided by tho law niid' tho testimony. If yon depart from these you Incur the guilt of violating the solemn oath you have taken to ren der a truo verdict according to tho evidence. We have stated to ym the solemnity of the du ty you have to perform. Tho Commonwealth, whose laws It Is alleged have been violated ( tho prisoner whoso chnracter, liberty nnd lll'o nro In volved, nnd Ibi peaces safety, and. jood order of tho community demand a Jhltliful discharge or your du'y. The deceased without 11 moment's timo to prepare for eternity, Is shot down '-cut oil' In health separated from his family and friends, and all ho possessed here. If bis life was taken by the prisoner nt tho bar maliciously, Intention ally, wilfully, deliberately and preinedltatedly, the laws of God and man demand bis condemna tion. Offenders must be punished, not only ns a terror to other wicked and evil disused persons, but to rid society of one so dangerous to the peace, safety nnd happiness of the clllnens. You should not convict the prisoner at the bar of either ofthe oll'eiiees charged ngalnsl Mm, unless you nro sat isfied of his guilt, beyond nil reasonable doubt. Mercy Is one of tho littribulcs of Jehovah jus tice Is another. Ills law declares that whosbed delh man's blond, by man shall ltis blood bo shed. With his own (Inger'lle wrote on a table of stone, timid the thunders nnd lightnings of Ml. Sinai, "Thou slmlt not kill." That law remains unre pealed on God's statute, book, nil hough delivered thousands of years ago, mid will remain unre pealed until the final consummation of all things. Our law is tempered with mercy. Its language Is, "-Better that ninety-nine guilty persons should cseaic punishment than that one innocent man should sull'er." Give tho prisoner nt the bar tho benefit of any reasonable doubts you may enter tain of his guilt, if satisfied of Ills guilt, do not hesitato to say so, by your verdict. Before examining" tho testimony It Is proper that tho Court instruct you what iu law consti tutes murder in the first degree, murder in tho second degree, and manslaughter. The definition of murder nt comnioii law, or tho laws iif England from wheneo inoi.t of our laws arc derived. Is the wilful killing of uuy per son lu the King's (K-aco (here it would be the peace ofthe Commonwealth) with inalico afore thought, cn press or linplje.l Malloe prepen sc or aforethought, Is tho chief characteristic, the grand criterion by which murder Is distinguished from any other species of homicide. Express malice Is, when one kills another, with n sedate, iU.'1'ibcrate mind, nnd formed design, such Tormcd design being evidenced by external circumstances, discovering Hie Inward Intention, Our net of Assembly divides murder Into two degrees murder In the first, and murder iu the second degree. All murders committed lu the perpetration, or attempt to pcrielrato nny Aram, A'.iin, tvbbcry or Jlunjlary, are murder In the first degree, lu this enumeration, you perceive tho Intention to take life Is excluded) uud ul I murders perpetrated by means of poison, lying in wait, or by any othot kind of irllj'iil, (WiftiTueaud )rimeid't.i.if killing. Is declared to bo murder lu tho first degree Whenever, from Hie evidence, It apicars that the moment the crime was com mitted It wu ikino maliciously, It Is murder In the first degree. To constitute mnrder In tlio first degrco, Micro must uot only bo nuillco, but nu intent to take life, ami the killing must have resulted from tho wilful, lelllicrafo nnd premeditated act of the prisoner. Tho Intent to take life should ho es tablished by the Commonwealth before sho can justly claim a conviction for nuir.lur In ibo first degree. If tho act was not wilful, deliberate and premeditated, the offence 1 uot murder in tho first degreo. In murder, mulico is presumed from the net of killing. How are wo to discover wheth er there was an Intention to take life I Intent melius literally, the stretching of tho nihul to ward nu object.' It is a design, a purpose drift or aim. It is an act of the iniiiil which wo can not see as wo can tho act of shooting or su lking, of running or walking. Il must be collected from all the circumstances connected with the trans action. If you see a man deliberately lake up a loaded gnu or pistol see him apply bis linger to tho trigger raise il to his eye, uud take aim at some oiie within shooting distance, and lire, and we see the individual fliotat fall, may wu not safely infer, that Iho intent was to take life I Murder in the second degree is where the Inten tion Is to do great bodily barm or other mischief, withoul Intending to take life, but death results. To distinguish lielwccii these two offences, Il Is your duty to take into consideration, all the facts detailed iiy the witnesses. If one mau strike an other 11 blow with hi list, or with a small stick not likely to produce death, but li result, a jury may inter that tlio intention was not to kill, but to do bodily barm, uud the oU'eiieo would uol bo min der In the first degree. It may nld you In your Investigations, and In coming to u just conclusion, to define tlio term iM.'i, K'i"', f. (;(ii'ut, priiMiliMiit. Malice denotes u wicked, depraved and malig nant spirit n heart regurdless of social duly, and dutibcrulcly bent ou mischief. Any formed de sign of doing mlsuliief, limy bo called Iniillcc. Ex pre iMkllvu is, uheu one person kill another with u sediilv, dolllH'nito liiiud uud formed de li;ii, or doc nny oilier iiel of a serious nature, with the same kedulo mid dellU'ralo mind, ami formed iU'igu. The word wilful may Ihi defined u Involving Ibu l lenient iff individual lutein. I H liberate I calmness dllliibiilalied fioiu pas Ion. t'fcincdilalo menu prior con -.Idol at lou ll U not liisiuulauiiou. You miil Inquire uh.aK.-r the klllliii; In this chmi wu wilful, ttcllhcrulc, premeditated, mali cious uud w it li Intent to take life. II II as, Il I murder lu Ilia ltil degree. The liitciilluii to kill may bo formed for u length of liutu before Ike eiiiiiuUl..ii of lliu uci, or II niujr U but u short tiuie. If ihero U ul nclcni lime lor I lie puantou iu cool, II ihvy have Ihimi fuelled lliuu to ilellUrulu uud loli.lder, uud the liileul U lo lake life, it I imiidur til Ibu llrl degree. The la uulgn uu liiiiil lu which fooling Hum may Imi "aid lu take pi. ice. Elury case lnu-4 Uepviid ou U utii .'irvuiuluuce. Consider carefully the 1 licuiiiiluiicc under ublt li Ibu dealli of Mullhuw Kuuiucy ueuuried I lite timo, llui hilruiiicul, ibu puillou ul Ibu pur-II.-, llui priitoculhui II llicru uuy, Iho uea ptut Uwd, Iho illxUnou but veil Ibu pllwmer ul Ibu Utr, und Iho d.xu.iMnl ut Ibu Hutu be letilud lb itut, uud uUuru uu 4 (truth by I he ball. A I horn U Cuunl hi II liidhlincul Uuuliler, It I proper llui luurt tbuuld IikIiucI )ui u lo lltu Malum of 11, r Ulbu uulauful kUHuy, of uuotli-i-r tilioul iiialuu ttfuitllu.uiilii, illu. up!-. ur Implied, Il U Uk. tulunuit, u buu u.f. deU qUlllll, UT lll..lll.t.ll), but iu lb KUtUUll. lou ul ..i.iv uul.iufi.l utt, Under Ibo U. Ul l.luu, lu ui. UAiaul.Ur, luu ii.aUo, muihu U u4 Um-ui lu vui-UluU) Ibu tiluio u U llu In .11. 1, i . lUtinif, It. ulUui. u, kii.u ,iu Ibu 4. a.iUliui ul btuid.i lu IU Uil duttv, uud ukal iuiMiiiuU U UU.I.f UUI U'l Uf A.lulj iu okuiiiiuut uf btuid.r iu Iho .t.it4 4.t.iu, uu4 ul iuuuluunb. Ut, uill 4. UU kw tet.b,iul il u Ibu i. 4.iu, uf l ubl.U, Uwil u ul lb Uu )uu utu Ihv Ju-It , SVtilui Ml.llUlU'Mt lu lu M4IiIIIk4 b Ibu, I b 4.alli ul Ualtb'.U Kmiu. t uu Ibu ill.l ul lkluia.1 U.i. I but bit d.lU IU11 lo. ui ul uuuud I11U1. U4 i.u ko b-. k 1111 ul ih. Ittu-I, bl bll Nt4 b, .UM uuu Iiuiu 4 1'l.lwl, U4 11 .. 1, UUt!U4 lo b tu U HwiU. If 04 Vt4 IU fcl.t4l Ibi... 4 Ui u, uu utif l.t iuli llu Ui. 1 lb tk-4 U.'l Mtf II.. 4. ,IU ui W .lll. .4ll..) Il ,..0 Um lb. I U At lb Uuu l Ibo Ll, ) . u .11 It. 1 .... . . ltll ltIU lUk Wl. UU4i40.. 0VI41 .4 li.w u4 u. b.i.1.1 Ut. b !- I4I4I 1.4 U4 Ul. 1 II U4 J.H. m i.l .... 1 , 4. I.u. . .i,...! I . I I .l. I.i.l UU I.1..11 11 1 , I. : ., I II .. -4 -'-1 i' I t It ti. U.l l. . ill., . I . 4- . I ' -4.. 1 1., . ... t death resulted, It would be murder In the second degree. If you find that the I acts and circnni staucos do not bring the ollenco Into either of the two classes named above, Is it brought within the definition of voluntary or iuvoluiitnry man slaughter, or whether the prisoner at the bar Is gullly or any of these offences; whether, If he committed the deed, ho was justified In doing so, or, whether the shot was 1111 accidental one. Iu your examination or tho evidence, if yon have reasonable doubts or tho prloier's gulll. ynit should acquit hlm. He is entitled to the benefit or those doubts. Ou Ibo night Konrne.y-was k'.l'cl, there was a daneo nt the Inmsn of the prioiicr. 'I lie giiesf Il seems wero Invited, nn . D-vid Kiscnlmrt , I'.d ward Carey and Matthew Kcenicv, nv.-t tiint night, nnd had been drinking 1 to wba'. i-yfi nt, von will determine. These three men unfortu nately went lo Schnch's linliiv'led.'n'.iarl says lie went up tothe dooraud riipped the east dour 1 that Bchoch canie out j that (.'nicy nnd Kearney stood on ground buck from hlm. lie asked to go lu Setioch refused, and told Ihem togonwuy. bchoch went In and directly. Mrs. Bchoch came out, und Kearney or Carey usked If they, could'nl get lu. Silioch told us to go away. He c.nno to south door t Bcboi li told Kearney If he would'nt co uway, he would use his revolver Kearney walked away. A shot fell In about a minute nnd Kearney dropped. The pistol was a live barrel revolver, which yon will remember, Samuel Dampiiiaii handed to Mrs. Bchoch that night, and was placed by her In u bureau, and taken out that night by Mr. and Mrs. Seboch. The position of the parties at the time the shots wero llred, so far ns Is necessary to de termine, is for you. There Is not nny evidence, if theru Is you will consider 11, of nny threats by Carey or Kearney, to. Injure the person or pro perty of tho prisoner ( no attempt to force them selves Into tlio house against tho will of Sclioch. lie had a right to forbid them to come in ; it was bis house Ids castle, nnd they should have left when ho told them I but ifth.-ro was uo attempt on their part to force In no threats of injury to person or properly, the shooting of Kearney was not In defence of person or propel ty. To Justify tho killing of another, tho i.layei- must be placed in such a situation ns to compel him to take life to savo his own. Was that jschoch's position I Was he thrcalend by Carey or Kearney or Kisen hart I Did they attempt to injure him I A man may ha so suddenly attacked, and lie In such a situation ns to Justify taking life ; but If he have the means of retreating and escaping from his as sailant, lie may not lake his life. A man may not kill another to prevent a trespass on his pro perly, hut ho may lo prevent great bodily harm to himself, or the loss or bis own life, if from the evidence you nro of opinion Unit the prison er's life was not threatened bylhese men that they made no attack upon hlm, or 1 is property done nothing to put him in great bodily I'car, you will say whether the killing was justifiable hom icide. If these men were at the south door when Seboch went for a club and got It went to Hie door and came back again, e nd inquired for a re volver and got It, and fired three shots, or four us some of the witnesses testify j what they were do ing, nnd what was said, docs md eh al ly uppcar. The loud music, it would seem from the the testi mony ol the liev. Mr. Buckingham, was made by Seboch himself. His voice was loudest. Why he fired the shots at south door, Wu cuiinot tell, but the testimony shows he was a good ileal ex cited, and immediately on leaving the south door, came through the rooms to the cast door, opened It, nnd fired two shots, one of which proved fa tal. Tho ball entered the back part of Matthew Kearney's bead, and penetrated forward und downward. Where the prisoner stood, nnd where I'ary and Kearney Were when tao last shots were fired, Is submitted to you. Did Si hoch fee them when he shot, was the revolver aimed nt them, uud If It was, was It with the intention to kill, or lo do great bodily harm, and not to kill. Shoeh, it would appear from the testimony, was standing In the door, ami Kearney on the ground near the cast corner of the house, tine of the witnesses, Kllzabcth llolshoe, stated that every timo Sehoeh shot, lu scid, ''Get out." Tills witness speaks of bis having n second revo'ver, und going to shoot !w;nin, and was prevented by Win. Hues, who told him It was Ike Kake. lie said to Ike Hake, (if he Is believed) did you sec that fellow run. Hake .-aid he did, but "there li 11 man out here you shot fhat will not run. That Sehoeh then returned Into the room, ami his wife said, ".lake Sehoeh, what made yiei put us ill sueli misery. He said he didn't care a damn ho would shoot any damned Irish sou uf a bitch that would come 111 omul hi house. He then uot his clothes and lull. You nro the judges ofthe credibility of tho witnesses, and their testimony is submitted to you. Does the. condui t of the prisoner, niter he uu.i informed that he had kill ed 11 man his tiring live or sit shots the man ner lie tired the placiM from which he fired his declarations uud conduct satisfy you the killing was accidental or .That he wns very much (.xeit. il, think U shown by the testimony. If Josliih Kuble Is believed, he said to his wife when sl e told him there was a man killed outslde.he didn't cure a damn he was go ing to boss about his own premises. To Kake, If ho Is bellvcd, he said, by God, ho ought to be shot. When in prison, ns testified to' by David Trutt, and when i'llui Sha lie said to him, damn you, you shot a,.huch said, yes, 1 did, and that he would shoot any man that would conic Into bis yar.f. Thu; ol the pistol five or six times by Sehoeh, does not appear to be .uci dental but Intentional. I f this, honwer, you are lo Judge, w bet her I he shooting of Kearney wiib acci dental or iiilcntioi at, is also a fact for your con sideration. Was the object of Sehocll, when he tired, merely to frighten them away and not lo hit them ( Todeleruiiue this, you will of course refer tirull the testimony hearing on this pail of the cuse--whul be said, und what lie did. Kvidencc has been given to show that the pri soner, ns soon as he was Informed of the killing of a man, left his home, and remained away some eight or ten days, and then returned, nu.l' made II voluntary sui render of himself. Wi'urc tauglii lu H book of authority, that "the wicked lice when no man paicii. th, hut that the righl eou are bold as a l.ion," this leaving suddenly, nud remaining away for tonic time, i 11 circum stance you may take Into consideration, hi de termining whether the shooting was Intentional, or merely It is l y no mean conclu sive evidence of unlit, one kl.uidiug iiloitu would be altogether lusuttUk-itl lu eouvlel. A uiaii may lu- innocent, uud yet Uce, fearing public In dignation. before this most unfortunate affair took place, the prisoner ul the sii- laiiit d a pio.l reputa tion a a peaceable man. He has lived ia Shaiiio kid 11 number ul yuis, an 1 durl.ig that lime set m to have ina'u lukic.l t iij chaiactei. 'this Is n tact hi bis !aur, an I ti. - pii.-oner Is nili'.lc to the benefit ol il. When the cu:c l-i a doubt ful one, previous 1,0, id eliarai lei has some wei. l.l lu favor of the due iscd, hal c 111 hate no wi .l.l In favor of an uceiiM . I when lis viiii'l 1 clc.u'y CMll.lkhed. If, from the ii b lue, Vu.l 11 11 ! the prisoner at lliu Bar guilty 0! nini.i r, . .:i ma t, in your verdict, distiugui h and i!;:l l . tln r he It. sillily of minder In the tir-d or i con I d ;ice. If ymi bellevo he h not i;ui'iy of iiiiirder in thu liisloi second degree, then li lie, 1 1 yen4 opinion, guilty of Voluntary m.inslai.hit r I If )ou find lie is, then It will iu Vo ir duly lo 1 1...10111., e 11 ter.lkl Kreoidlugly. If I'm I.eMe, ,i, .01 id, utt!, I1, 11 it i mil. lilted by the 1 1 n mi I... the t ..i.unoii ueallb, lliu prUoncr ma t be lie lilie I, and ) Hurdlcl Im "mil 1; iitli v.' 'I he lluiilioa and t' eiditlo'i i.l I'.!-, i.h lit and Cury, 011 Uu in ,' I uf lli -'ol l uf 1 1, i..l., . , n u c-q. Lilly a In.- tin. a IV ', , ,1.' nt hclioch' hollsc, klllllll.tle I u ton. t wl .4 t M. el the) utt ru under Ibe h lluen.u tl' I. w ...., or tlt not pi' I. ul I de. 1 1 Vi 11 ., 111.111 1., , Hindi under lb. inllu, 1.1 v ul lnl..;t .1U1.1; ,1. 1.ilvs, u lo Miipily him, .11 1 .1. ti.. U, . , , ,.f ,, . ctilleellon, 1,1. , li,,.it.,, ..I.. .1. ,,..,i.ue.l, Ut.lild liul jiiolily u emit 1. ..ii ..t .il.,. , I lllll r.ldil I loila le t t . II 1 1.1. . nlll.ili t.f it.ciio III lilt I 'lllllUl.l.i ,1 c I I ti' liil.u-. l.ate li.tltle-It-lit d u b I l.e I 1 i -in.ei a imi-vl. iL.e )tu UlU-1 letulicllj If 1 .,11, Tlllt Hepilblh il i f klo.l..ur ie Il.l l lht',1 t'uuul) I uttt . uliuii, In-; I u t VI.. .i .) I 1, p.iluUd I oi.i. i.vj , .i 11,, , , ,u,.i...i Vt ilium t lb. u .1. ., I . ., 1 , Vi. ,i,!,.,i j 11 Uo of I 111 dull. it. Jo I.u I . 0.11 ) ut. I U 1.0 .. ItlUI, fcjq. , lJ II....... .),,, j.o l. v t tUtl. Ilt), for ii.m.U 1 if ,!.o l.t .ic, i uiti t l.i ,1.1 lo-.nv4 llio 1. ti. 11.. it. 'Mi'..,, r l.i. ulll 1.0 tuti.4 Iui U 1..1 o, . ,1 m u.l '1 11 , ,...1. 1..,.. ,, ibu lutii.i)-, Mi. I . , 1.1 u ............... ,.1 ,i tv'Wi.l ih-i.a'. I. ., . .1 - I 1 - J 1. 1 il.. - ..-1 lloU, Ib,iti4 t.1 I. 1 1-. U U. n 1, bit t 4. ... , III b 4Wt, II tl.i - I, I t I.11.I. ,it 1. 1.. I IU h -lll luliaU.l , !... U I 4ll. 4 u.4..l. . l 4 ItlU bMlllU I I I t . I k. I . . 4. .14. t , . Uo ).,.,, .0 ' t '. , it .. I . 4 t.l nlltLlt.1! 1 1 1 . lo '..Ui 11 1 .. 1. ' , I . . I It It'; I t I IL ... t ;, Il . .. t4ii)i. u 4 1 1 1 1 1 i! ..ia..i.. ltd .11. t . I... I Ill- , I I I . . . It. 4 It I I II, .. I t 4 ' 1 1 , I ... I t b-ok-Mu) 1 . o -i I .......... 1 , Dl'.'THITTlVE rillK II W 1 1 I.l A M.l'llllT. A lle- struetii-c lire occurred at itliaiiispoi t, on (Sun day evening. Th'.i liullilings on both shl-s of Tiiltd !tie-t finm thu I'Oi-t oPieo a'ify tlot.n for scvt,ral liulldli'.gs below MuU.-Miy si--ert, und on both rldei of Mulberry ilrdt lo Fourtli sti-Cft, were consuined. Among t'ic l.nlldim-s (h.'royc.l ' wre Dcei-'er'a Ib'll, t lit' n-sldepe.-i f llm late . Gov. Vaeker, and Malben-y .street. M. I'.. Chtirdi. Thu fire stu.ted !'i I'.'se's i-labb; on Mulbniy i slreef, sontli rf Third M"irt. We Ic.i-ii eb-ial j 40 1. 11 1 itl i iit-s, n nil were con -inmil. As we eo to ; press Moh'.l.iy t'loniliig. we are uu ihle to give I pint icninrs. The liclrt fi'mu the liiv was ills- I tlm tly pi . by our '.( 1 :-. n i. nnd eo'.i-ideiiililc, ex- c'.tt'i.unt pievnili 1 o-i o-.:r 1 ireils iloi I lit" pro ' gl'C:.S Of' tin! COiilVim.ll'.ei. Tin, In, s !llt't be very heavy, as many good buildings Were do st i'oyc.1. Jti.'t.-i f.rmiiMiiv. - - -- Sr.uiol s Ac( nir.NT. We leai'n 0:1 Tuej day last, wl.l'e Mr. John Ilannaa, of Lewis township, N'orlhuiiiber.niid coiinfy, was engaged nl work upon a piece of new gioand, lie acel ilenlly fell upmi a seyihohe was carrying in his hand, culling thro. i1i (he cap of the knee nnd about half way through the Joint. The wound Is a very serious one, hut wc Ic-irn fit un Dr. Al bright, who luu tho case In charge, that Mr. If ui man Is doing as weil us could bo especial. Jmuoj .viii'ii!)-;. Coot, Weather brings its changes, It Is well to provide against cool mornings ami chilly even ing;!. We notice 11 complete line of watei proofs, wool plaids, opera cloths, alpacas, flannels etc., Just opening at Weimer's popular cash store, Huupt's l.locl;, Siinbuiy, P.-i. Give him a cull and secure your full still-., while you can secure the most defdn-.b'c patterns, and new stylus. A com plete r.loi U of nlw-avs ou hand at popular cash price:-.. Tim follow ing is tiienllotiaent of inili'.ie sc of the lioroiigh of Kiiuliiiry i High fchuoi Ceo. li. Miller. First Grammar Seaool t). 11. Dooly. Second " '' Siiarou Stephen' Secondary Schools Jos. M. Cm p.-r end Scasho'tz. l'rimary Schools Miss Kate "rymire, Iiebeeea Hrlce, Misi Jennie Christie, und Annie K. Alexander. (.'akctown School W. C. 1'. Metier. Schools will open ou Monday, September The salary paid lo teachers, is as follow s : High School, (i?.! j liiaiumar, ol'ij t Secou i?5 j l'ri'nary. !'.". hools C. V. Miss Miss r:t!i. Ki ul: AT JniT.v B:ui;i:. Jersey i'iiore has been lsited by anntlicr lire. The Franklin House, the brick tiwcllin ; and frame store room of Mr. W. . iia.-iii, and I l.e new brick building or Mr. John Slaver, wcic de.-troytd ou Monday night of last week ; i;m! the biilltlim's o! .'Icsri's. John Kcyser, Jo..ep!i Ki:n envr, t'a'.vel t .V Slaver, and T. Co J. G. Calvert, were badly damaged but fully insured. In regard to fat: propel ly destroy Cd, the Jersey Shore Hi .'e.' .' ';; .'cs the liw-'.-s p-follow.-, : Franklin Kou-e, v.e cannot say what it was worth. It was insured for fl;1d0. The luri'.i was parlie.l'.ly ravel. W. H. Harris, hr.-.i-ranee, f 7,!l'l', lo.-s t!t,0a. Johti Slaver, liisuiaiice $1, :;.", los IH'J. Mr. Stuvcr's loss w.i.a grct a.i his. new brick : lore room wat iu I'm hands oft V.e,-i-!.tcrr. ia jiocjs of coiiip'.vtlon ami hail eo iii-U'.-; i.pon it. I'i'. Goons. Geiillciiieu v.i'.l be happy to learn Ihi.l Thomas il. Nott lias jui.t returned front rhikidclphi i New Voik with nr. !lau uu ussoitmeiit of GenllelilJ-a's furnisl.'n;:: roods a was ever brought to S-enhury. Hid slock con sist of the latest i-tyics of cloths, cassinu-res, vesting, t'ce., selected from the lar;test establish ments lu the cllic:!, which he Is now ready to inuke -.ill to eider according lo tlio latent fashions. Having moved 1.U : hop ia t'ae oap.-.tiotii' co:iib iu the stone building, on the coiner i f f'hli J and Market street-, he Is enabled to muko up cloth ing nt the shortest notice. Ail who dedre to look ut nice ijooils arc invited to call ut hid new store. ----- -s- - - ToiiAceo no Sii.Mis. J. (1. Trimble, on Third iitreet, iu constantly receiving; lare supplies of Segars anil ToK.eeo from the best manufactories lu the cities. Those v.-lio wish Ut enjoy tl .to segars made ofthe bet material, w'd! call to sc: Trim ble'ii stock, IlilsilK'S-i .utices. Keguintor Boot, Shoe, und Lealhei' Store lo'isolidated with Iho 11. ink Suite. Call one and all. New good.; i.t h.iv prices. What has wrought such A wonderful change and linpiovcmeul Iu Mr. Jones' n jvaianee I he looks like a pei feet gt iit'euiae. V by, il iu'l you know f He has been to Oak Hall, It's all In that new salt. To U.oK Into the Hat Store or S. 1'.: a..t, cue would suppo. e there wa i a i apply of Hal t and ' Cap for one gciicr atio.i to come, but as bis en i- j turners are comim; from every direction they are sooil dislicil of and a new supply put In tli il ' place. j Tim 1'roy.i. t J'lme, a nnvelty, tle.uil and com- billable, at the Ilegul.itor. tiiATS i! m Fieae'i t'tlf. He.:; toe Hints, still li ; e l btiltom, at Hie It -gukitor. Full lli'M'. Two room-., mi. t-il. It- I..1 o.hecs, i adjoining the l'ost t'thec, hen- llie t.-..i.i II. el building, ou 'ihll.l lie.t, S i.ii my, aiu idle. e. I . I'm iciil on l'.-a.w...i!.lc icr i s. A'-p'y l. Cn is. ti i::!. '::i. It t: 1 old hod l W.t '.', V.ilh a lane riii'cct.ul. , of r:i; i la s..:it p it r..n i" '. 't he .uo 1 p.i'.a- 1 table and r. I t hlii-.. drink bn' lad:, i and fi-iule- men, uu a warm i -.uiin r d iy or i venit.::, : l t'.loUM VKi'ii.4' li.atei I. -.Is lor li..iubf.ii'turii.', ;.l j lb.- I!, iil.ilor. " . " ' .ittir.';. 1 k..' " I Ml the 'r.'.l,! ,l! ll tidel ee i.l J. '!. II.. , I...11, I .p, I.t ltt.. .'. I:i.-ii. i'..' i , V'. v .i I l t -.1 M til. I. ...d Mi 1.1 l' 41. 1. 1.1 In ... : .. , I.. lh i ol II. I, lb. it,, ft. ., ,r..ti ( , I I .- 1. ' I ...... I III f I... . ' 1.4) KV 1,. -I t.i, 1.1 It. 11. .llm, h . m. I 1 .. 1 ! l lei... i.l, a.... I 1 4 .,1 ..mi id nionlli.. I 1 111.1.. ll. 1 - d. t .110 ol la. . l .er, '.u. it i., 1 il ai . , 1.. I .. ' ' .) .11 I I' . I 1 it.,, i-'.i ., 1. 1 'I t. '- I , A . . '.I . 1 yif. 1 . 1,, , 1 d .1. ibi 1 1.1 Y I. '. .. . 1 j I ... , .. 1 . .. .... . ,,l, , j ... , t .1 li .' I . . .1 . , l , a ii.i., 4) . I t ll 14 , ., f I I .0 i . , ' . . , ..... . I ...... ."I V ' . ' I I , II. I ), A . '1.1,1-1 I., il VI .... I 4. .a, t... . I lb. I.. I.tti ., 1 . ' I . I ll .1' .1. 1 I 1 1 l.ll ill. .1'.. . .1 ) " .tl I I I.. I . .1 I I I i. I ll 4 4. i'l li.l I I I I . 1 i l i . .' I 1 I I. , ',. t a . i. 14 ui.'i 4 I ..iu 1 11 I iu 1.1 l .1 I I , t v til- I. "I 1-1 "I 1 " I.V U . I". I '', . 7 I I.l p . , I- I t, I I . ' I 1. .t...... .. t . It" 1 'U.l ut I .. I ft . I t ' 1 1,1 . 1 iiV.t,..! t. ' () jK:.niLi.3 4 otv b.h i s sA i;t! H Is on" of 1 lir rmn-irk-ibV r,u!t of this ie-m-irka'de u.', lint, pier ! that mi many iiersoiis a1'" the vlt t has ni tly pt'o-,1 l or it'll'.:- -1 - -; i , Let !m wIlMl' Vh il.n '. -Nov.-, w,t Voidd lint h ' un-i!ei-t:.d In s.-ty II "t nny one reL.ini.i ilv. -p. p-'a with In ., or f '"Is (!. 1 I.,' rank ii em mil' I h ' il:.: Ul li id i'l''. I' .il- fi o-n p. Thos w io l.tive c p.-i-bt'Cl Its toi'-.u-n'.s v.oitl.l o.u hi . li en Idea. All dreed ll. and would pl-i.l'y d -o-a-e with It unpl'vo an l'..m'i'inrl!i.s. Mar'. T -.pley. w le w. is Jolly I'n.l'T -iM t lie I rylug -iri-um-l.tnci- tnvliVhln em. j.' cd, nev. r h id nnallvli uf lyt-pips!-i. or hi- jo'lity would have sjieedily for saken Mm. Vei. :ii"i foil, 'i Mimi ,iin..- i-nb, r its iv,tnio;5 ntv.-til''i'!'i, b..l v. ie-evt r 1.,'iifi! of ?! p: i - on who eu j. v it l i.t .:i f (Hall 111" Ill-Ill il.llioul llie.ilc. lo'i t'.c I human pj-stem is ll.ih'e, there Is perhaps let one i fO gem-ial'y piev ih at a i dyT-pi-i'.-ia. There 11 it' I diseases nunc iieute. nnd paintal, end which more rinpiently piovc fetal , but none, the cll'cctn of wh'eb ore so depressing to the mind nnd nt positively disties-ing to the body, il there is 11 wretched being In the world il Is A CONTIKM 1.1) DYorKl'TIC. Nearly every other pi rson you im-el is n vie tim, an niparcnt ly v.iking one ( for were this not tlio case, why ho many sufferer-', when n cer tain, speedy and safe remedy Is within the easy reach of nil who desire io avail themselves ol it .' Hut the. majority wid not. Hlinih-.t by prejudice, or deterred by some other Uhephilned inliiieuce. they refuse to uee. pt the relief p roll', red them. They tun: u dor. I' car to the testimony of the tlm'if.aml i w hoso sufit'ilni.'s have been uileviated, and with strange. Infal ant Ion, uppcar to eliii" with ilespcratn I'e-lenii'ai.itloa to ih. ir ruth. ess tormentor. Hut says a dyspeptic : Vt hut is this remedy to which we reply : This great allevia tor of human ntill'ering is almost ns wid. 'y know n us the Kturb-h l.ii'.guuge. It has nlhi ved the uL'ouies of tlioiis inds, and k. to-d iy c.irryiug comfort und noovrrngcuiont to thoa.samis of olhei's. 'i'ld.i aeknov. leuged p.oeice.i l.-i none oilier titan Di:. VJ OF), .) s'ii GKllMAN HITTKiii'.. Would yon Know nunc of the merits of this wonderful medicine than can li learned from ihc experience of others f Try II yourself, and when it has failed to fulfil the assurance of its ellu aee given by the propitetor, thin ul.. union (.tit it iu it. j.rr it r.K !!i:.vr.t:;i:ur.i fii.t oral!, that ll'.ic.ri.AND'S Glll'.MAN 1HT TKItS is tu t a rum beverag.'. They are no alchol'c in any senre tif the term. They are c.-.mpnse, whoil.t ofthe pure juice or vit;ii principal of In. -I.t. This I'"t a lucre as lettioa. '! he extract;! fiom v.liieli tiny n re com pnumled lire p.repared 1 y Cli? of IVe nlilc t of Germnn eliemi. ts. l.'nlike any otiier Hitters hi tin: market, they nt".! wintry free I'ro.n spirit uous i:i--'r.'d; '1'lie olecetlons v l.h h hold ui:h so m-.ii-li force a-ain- t preparation i of this class, namely that a il.-.i e for lutn.ic.i'.ing drinks it sti-i'iialcd by their 11 ie, nie not valid in ti e ease of tlio German iSittei s. !J. 1 i'e.i In : 11 e:-. i.i:r.i...'ii;e or Incnkating a t ist or desire for Inebriating beverages, it may :ie coiilldeuti.-.'ly as.seited licit l!uirt.'iidr!HV la in a iliamcliicallv npposiie ili reethin. Tli.-ir cir.vts can be IH'.N iiF H'lA !. ONLY in all cases ofthe biliary sv..te.:n. linof h iid'tllcrmau lliulcrj 'land all 1 pial, acting I'riuiij. Iiy and vioroii'ly upon the Liver: they remove lis torpidity and can.-,.'. I e.i'tliful s ciclhiu of bile thereby snpplyiilg lh.- :,aeh with t lie n-.o-i in,!':sp"i'is;1!,. clem 'i:t , of . ilige. tion in proper prupoi lions. They uive tore tothe. stoniaeh t'.imaialiug Its fuuetions, and t'l.ahl'.ni.' il to itrfoiiii i: li'.dict a:. naf.ue tli--) ign-.-tl it should do. They i up..:L vl;'.ir and to t.'ie c!itirefvsti'm. cn ing the pat lent to feel like unnthU' b' ing iu t::;!, giving hliu a nc.v lease of life. TliliV PI I:; 1 V 'i i IF- iikotii), clea:.:-'!.; fuc vital liuid of uli Imaful ia:pun. its and supplant ing tlieni v.itii the clci'.iei.ts of gc'iuine hcallhl'ul-nt'7-s. In a word, there is f-c.'.n: -ly a ilis.-a .e in wiiiih ti.ey cannot be safely tin. I Ij.'U 'li'e Lilly em ployed i but. ia that mini eeiici'.i'.iy pro alci i ,.i . I resting nnd d.vade-l ill -.c.'.-c. I it .'psia. 'I'lli'JV li'ilAND I Nl;i.Li:i. J.ow, u.o cert aid tla: 8es of pe.'.-.ona to whoui cxlreuiL' b. iter.: ire not only uupalnin'oie. but w'uo find it Pu-,'0'. .'d.le to tahotliviu iviihoia positive discomfort. For such Dit. lIOOl-LANirs ('.HUMAN TONIC has been specially prepared. It l-i ii.teulel f..i I use where:! cl'mht alciiolie stimulant ii u.pii'.'cd j lu conii-'clion uitii the wc'.l-Li.min pro-, pertics of the pure Gei man Hitters. Thi.; 'ionic ' eiiutahis all tl.e iii'rrc.lieiit..: of the ilitl . r.'., bt:t so ; t'avi.icd as lo remove tha cxtn : 1 .' biaeitic i This prep. nation is not only palatahl", mil coin- liincs, iii modified form, ail the virt.u-s of the : German Hitters. The solid extract s of ro-ne of! Nalure's ebolecst rcstorutlvY.-i ere hell i.l .all'-' lion by a spLitmas agent of the purest ipiality. i In eases of languor or excessive debility, wh.'ii. I the svsli-i:! iipp -u-t to have bee i-.i.- chau.,'.i-d id its energies, illi)l'l..NI'3 Tt'Nil' a'tt v. it h ' almost marvclou.. clf.-et. it net only stimulates the Hanging and w ar. ting eeergii s, hut invigor ates and perm. tm ntly 1 irenutiief.s i;s actions i.p on the Liver nnd Stomach thoiough, pi rhaps le-., prompt than the ifiller.i, when the same nu uni ty Is taken b 110.1c. the k. c.'rta'.a. Imligtv'tlou, Hilllniisiic. i. Physical or Uei vna i l'roai.ition, icld readily to its potant It s..ives the Invalid a new- and -tronger hold upon "life, rc liun e . il. pre: sio.i of spirits, nnd Inspire.', clieci-ftilui-ss. It supph-uls the pain uf disease with Hie ease und r-o lufot t ot pcrlei t hea't'i. It gives tlivngtli to Wtiiklu'ss, Ihrinvi ilcpiualciicy-lo li.c winds, and stalls the restored invalid upon n new and g!ad--oiiie career. Jlr.t Dr. Hoolkin l's be!ti'!'aet1..ns to the human lac nr.- not co.illne.1 lo bl.-i cehlnated GLUM AN III I'TL'tS, or his invaluable To.if. lie has 1 r.-.i another ui" .Heine, w Men is rapid')- wl'.t-ii.g It., way in popular favor bee.iu,e of :t !.: 1 i: ..ic luciita. This b. I HOOVLAM) S VOJOl'llVLLIN 1'ILL;', a perfect substitute for mcrt-rry, witlioat any ol'inereiiry'seiil iU-tlil!es. These won. l.-i'l'iil l'ills. which are let. ude.l to act ujsni the I. Her, -ire inainlv .o'np.i-cd of i'o ilnphtllin, 1.1 the VITAL i'lil NC! 1'I.K OF Till'. MA N I IS A K 1-1 ISOOT. Now we desiie the leader to di linit-y liud -i-- St t ,7.1 I I I . I t l.U I Vt I 1 . I' I I I . . i . ,1. I ... I ,." 1, 11, Ml' timet inure imwerful ' hen the Sandi'a'.e i: ll i-. the lu, iii -inn I tit. .if t a . il ' plaek lu a p.-t feel 'v ; 1: : ! 1 '. l:'l 1 or ..1 .1 I form. 1L lev I; I, thai t a.i , f 1'o.k.; it. i , I'll Is const it 111 e 11 ' 1 1 1!" e v, l.'if . i .! I . I : '. i lit llui I or nf t . ; '.i.ll.o' , i.e ! Ih.i M.m.ltai.f are 1, .. i.d. 'II ;.'.yV.n ' At !.' I ) 11 Ll ILV I.N' 'I!'.-: l.! I .1, -t;....'i:u. j Ii g iu l.i .u l i.t 1- .111 I ci". !" ; ii t 1 u.ake Us I .! i iy s. .!. lions hi ! t'ar at- i ; :ia . .' 'i.'. i: till.-,. Tl.c lu.: 111 i..i . 1 . -ul'.s v. I i'li') !..:;.f.4 t ie ll-c ol niiieiiiy i, 1 lilac!) av .il .! 1.) I'.. 'l 1: c. till il . 11. ! apo 1 t!.. I.ii r n.. ) ten te a. j in. 1 r are , vert. ,. c '.,: 1 : M ... li - . m , 1. 11 in d iii lb in 1 M'lf.'.v e..ii ' i .. ! v.iiu I'.n' j t'lbt I t-4.ll.ti 1,, ii.iit u tll'iill ..I.l p.. 1 la' 'o- 1 iiiu. h, ice 1 p. in ;'.i. a, 1 1 1.. 1 . o . .; . lb - I0W1I Ion-' , act t,aa It '..,,!, .. , I. l,:.l, l lletl, II. lis I .. eui i.l" a pit 1 I Ii ll 1 ii 11. 1.1 . til.'. I III ire t'.'.-.-live anil i.itiel ". I' V '. I.l, l-i uu ! e.( i..l nn I bit mo et im. i,.r.t.. . . . uu I ;. a.: u t 1 I ri ! In e r 1 l, 4 : 1 l-t c 1 p 1CI.4 t-.t.lll.'t i I ll- oil .1 . -. : ',,1 I.. 1 . ti. !.. -in. a ! lie '; . r . ..a I . 1 at. 'I' lli.t't . . , I - , I . . , ! 1 1. o '1.1 1 . 1 - ii .1 . i'. , : 1 .' 1 : ..' 1; I;: 1 t 44 le u ll-. d i'l hi. I; . I 'l I t ' ' t I . I I ' ... 1 01. 1.', I'l ' 1' I , I I., ill 1 j . . n t I I . . I ' , . ' I i4 ' t ; ...... 1' 4 ia I., .i' .... I.u, at I I ""ll b I l.ll' o I . let .1. I I'- I . . I . ..I. ll . - -,. 1 I , . . . . .. u .. I. 11. . .. 1 ... 1 1 . 1 . .1 . 1 . . . 1 . . 1 ..... . vl'iiKiIJuUfpn-i. ' liul.tStt; ill; '. letcixe.l a. id up, ue I A MAM .MOT!! Tf'S COiiiiU, ' lilt ll il ' II. 1. iihLEVTl-Hi WITH tjlitiA i i A HE :uul uii !"'3 t i'.iK- I'u'tjHt' ill. LI..: Li ) 1.1 all, wid e-.i.K.iviii to itiaii.t ii:i !!i.'.l i.T. COilii (l.Niiw Ai.l. t.' i:AMi.i: Tin: laiu;i:st M'ui.'j-. UK 'T ASSOKTMKNT i'uicts lNTIIKlOL'.M'UV 1 lian'.t'ttl for the large nmoimt of p ii 1 nu . ..' beriitil'iire bestowed upon inc. 1 it PI c" I :v-: ly flll'lllsilillg the be. t tronds at the h.Wert plie: . i meiil a coi linua'.cc of tl-e ai l... 11. V. FIIILINC. April lo, I'll!. Sl'lUMi AM) !s I' MM ci.oTii.'i Ar,i '.v;Mi.f:::::j:N! VUKAt-U AND JHIMK.STIC (iOUD;. of 1 very gl ide, jil.-t opened ut lie' MCKCIIA.NT TAII.OU MIDI' ur 'S'EEIJM. ;'. lOIT, I'ucces- ni- to .1. t. Ik-:-!-, I'oaith tlreet, bcK w V.llket, r?i Mil ;;y, it.nn'a. 1 .1 nt'em. 11 who di .iie I;" hioii.iii'e tlntliiu. ic id.- ti iMilr, w .1! 1. ill at fie ul.ote 1 lace an. I la.itie I'..- Well I. en d -In. !.', and Ihcii illili made l.p i.t t'.c iaU t : t.v Ie. (all and be coi.ti.ic. d. TllHi?. G. SOT'T. V...4 li, 1-11. IH:.S:rl' o"'i';;o llim'fU !, Nt'tl,, .''.', 0 Ju.Jil.l 'J'li;c,r-hi4 ', i'l ci il.H if. N' UT II 111, I.ciel.v ...hen that litters le.-ta l..eiil:it ) have In en riant-d I't Ibe 1111 lei : 1. la I, i'U I '1 ,' I' lite ol I n'oi't e I'.lti I it'll . rs II , ill. 111 ,1. I.l .it l.a 1' - hi;'. N.llti'.lllll.e! 1 ill.l CO un- I ., I.' ... tin. a- .1. A.I per i i.h hie I lo -ai I ia 1 it Mt.'li . -e Ic ! to ll a. i.e ilill.l.'di it.' I I l II I c 1 1 1 , ' a .ll'..- ' I . . 1 . i. - ; c'.liltis :.i pre-. ul Ihel.l oulv ...11 1., u-.i, ui. .! for M-.l ieliielil . Mil I i A .1. LMlllill II, I'viiiloi' J.. li!a 11 to 1. 1. - nij , June 1,1, I' l I. I I M-;a Ill ii ! .,u;e htiitlt! lift I ft" i'ii'-Uil- ! .lu '. 1 i a. .1 .t l..r e, llu and uhtla.iW..i a. ott ia -.' 1 1 . ruiMi ;:i: m i.imii.s, !i. i.o- ii. -, Wliiit- :..... I -, I'.'in ) t! fil , Yrii.i'ii'n.j..-, l'! -, t a I', r. , I'A IM'iM'ii A.'l 'IL Ci.TII; 1 ... . . , in 1 . .1 . ..11. I ul ,1 l.l. 11. I il I , 1; . . ...,t.., 4t , '.. . V. .. , .4 c , .-. A .- . ... 1 .. t.i . : (ft v.lj Motto 4 lulltltt., : 1 1, .. ,; 1 .. 1... :. ..... 1 1 1 ..e.t . on., . 1 ; , 1 . ,. : 1. . 1 1 1 r. I - . ; IVl-f t 1,1 I'L' li HI N. t till lllltl Hi'., it It 4 1 "I I . 4 . t.l l.i.. 1 1 . 1 I I . 1 I .'. II .M.I .i, t . it i , 1 - ,:-,i ,, . i . ... -1. ,. .11 ..1, pi ' . 1 ....... . .kl...4wlJ.l..fclw