Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 12, 1871, Image 3

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    nnbnrg American.
Katlroail Time TaMcn.
N. C. 11. W. East. P. R. n. R. West.
Ituluilo Ex I've 4:10 a niKr)o Mali, l'vo 2:05 a m
Krio " " 8:55 BMiflulo F.x. " 4:15 "
F.lmlraMall ' 11:45 KlmlrnMitll " 12:45 nm
Krio " " 1:05 ' I Loc k H. Ac." 4:35"
SunburyAc." 6:45 p mjErle Ex. " 0:50"
Bunhurv nt 1 1 :50 a lu ' At Sunbtiry 8:45 m
" ' 4:40 pm " 4:00 pm
D. II. & W. n. R.
Leave Snnbury 5:55 a. Hi., 4:85 nml ":50 p. m.
Arr. at Suubliry llhOU a in, 0:30 and 8:40 p m.
Accident Insurance Tickets can bo bad of J.
-Bhlpmtiii, Ticket Agent, iitllm Depot.
jocaI JSffairs.
Sbwino Caroline Dallus Is
thenireut for tho snio of tliu tlncu best Sewing
Machine In existence, viz. s "The Improved
Sinner," "Urover & Uultcr" and "Domestic,"
which nre constantly on baud and sold nt rca
sonulilc prices. Cull mid pee them. Office on
Market street, cast of tho railroad. ' . .
To Ouu Patkonh. Wo nro now sending bills
to nil who nre owing us, nnd we trust that they
will be promptly responded to. Wo nre much in
need of money to carry on Our business success
fully. To pay cash for all stock consumed, nnd
then lay out of the money for six months or a
year, leaves ns without a profit by which we
run. I maintain ourselves. Our business is ex
pensive to keep it inovluir, nnd our purse is light,
And if not constantly replenished by our earn
ings, It will soon leave tho machine in a condi
tion that It cannot be moved. Wo therefore hope
that nil who owe us will remit, so that wo will
fco able to make further Improvements nnd pay
our debts.
A Wonn to Oru Fuii:xns. Siuco we have
becomu sole owner of this establishment we have
labored under many disadvantages on account of
not having tho means to make such improve
ments ns wo desired. Depending solely upon
our earnings nnd to kind friends, to whom we
feel grateful for their patronage, wo have liijul
ilnted debts contracted for the Improvements
which wo wero compelled to make. Wo nro
nnxioits to make further improvements, nnd
make this one of the most complete olllccs In tho
country. For such a project we must, howovur,
rely upon our friends throughout the county for
their liberal support. Wo nsk tho favor of nil
those who would like to see us i rosper, to exert
themselves in our behalf in securing subscribers
nnd Job work. In doing so tliuy will reap a
benefit as well as ourselves. We therefore solicit
the patronage of nil who feel nn interest in the
Republican cause, and desire n readable family,
ns well as a local Journal, nt iv lower rate thau
uny ollur published in the county. To accom
plish such an cud ive propose to compensate nil
lor their labor. 1'elieving that "the laborer Is
worthy of his hire," we make the following pro
position to all who will engage in canvassing for
ns :
For every list of 100 subscribers nt $1.50 paid
in advance, we will jrivean order of 10, pnyable
In goods, litany establishment that advertises in
our columns.
For 75 :f;iliseiibors,in ndvnucc,nii order of $'.V fH)
15 00
10 00
11 50
5 00
4 00
it 00
J 00
As wo are at Hie beginning of p.u important
political campaign, and the A.mhiskas Is publish
ed at a lower rale than any oilier paper, and con
tains tlio same amoint of reading mailer us
others of larger sl;:e, we feel confident that Can
vassers can very readily obtain subscribers ill
every parts cf the county. All clubs received will
be promptly acknowledged, and the paper
promptly forwarded to any address.
- - -
Cot kt commenced on Monday last, which
brought together -pole n large number of people,
nnd our strcits presented a very lively appear
ance for several day;. The proceedings of Court
have their usual inlctcsl, for which we are in
debted to A. N. Hike, Etiip, fr ti full report In
another part of this paper.
Nb.v TitAiNs. On Monday last a new sched
ule weiil into operation on the Northern Central,
nnd the Erie Railroad. The new train, Niagara
Express, with elegant new sleeping ears, now
reaches this place from liallimore at l .'. l.", p. in.,
in four hours anil 45 minutes, stopping at no
point between HanMiiirg tunl Ibis place, or be
tween this place and Wllliamspoi t.
Kiiik. On Wednesday about 1 o'clock, the
roof on Mr. A. (Icnflicr's brick dwelling house,
on tl.e corner of Third uud Arch streets, was ills
over..! lo bo on lire. The lire cnglnu was
promptly hauled out, but before getting to the
place, the lire was extinguished with buckets.
The the is supposed to have originated by sparks
from thj locomotive attached to the Niagara ex
press tiaiu going westward, which had passed
n ehu.l tluio picvl us.
Wli notice that the Hon. lieorue ('. Wclkor
w ho was so glaringly defrauded out of the nomi
nation for Associate Judge, al the late Democra
tic primary election, by fiuiiiltih ut votns from the
coal region, has announced himself through the
tMiuhiiry (injitc us an independent candidate fur
that oilier. Having been denied the publication
of his urd of grievances through the Democrulle
papers in lUc county, he Is compelled to uppeul
for light from his friends through the Republi
can journals. This looks as though Democratic
papers were no lunger in favor of lice speech uud
a fret- press.
r'ii K l!in lust 1. inocinllc primary election
1' il II. -.1 t ha become Very bold ovcM aucou
in placing lii nomination such candidates us. Iiu
ill sire I, uud now declares thai be can hum uuy
one UoiiiiuaU.I nnd elected in this county be
wants, if sin hi, the ease, im l.v.lvu candi
dal' alien. I) in Urn ll. I.I lor lite next i-In rill, will
stand a : 1 in. chance, us I'al U u candidal) Uliu
B If lot ol'.he.
T,n: tin I ( am n uf llm "P.1I1I sic Order of
nui, ol Am. ill i," mil In Hie II. ill ol lliu lluUso
ol U. pie inn; .. , at II ii litljiu .., uu Tuesday
lift. Oil the l.p l.'.l.g l( Ibo s.lss,i,ll, IIU Kiwi
b ii. ) , lio'.n i.i, i lioaiy, il. In. li.1 nn il.Hjueul d-
.ii.i i.i n. :.. mm i . , tin in. On Wednesday a
i in i p.o Iv, to .k l lure which U liollccd by Ilia
pip-i. u; 1,-tu S.lin,i, ullulr. Tb
til lie. I Hup It as fall) represnntcil flout til pull
ol I lie, l.y ll loei.lullli, flout uhoidl
i.atr tump., who lliu lu MuuiUli
lng lei. id II. m. l aLluil.,l t'.llnii, So. IU, ul
Hi., plarr, a, ,i.,viin4 by J. W. VNihtil,
1,1 ai.iu .i till, ollle, il... '. I ib-ili,
'l III) V .1, A,... ...J In4i. ine lilt : III' llllll uflUiati
); .. .1 i..)ii ".S 1 111. I 1 li.lel.Hi. Ill, Ol.lell)
..ill.. I . I ,l,le In. In 1 1, i 1 ,,.,, I ju ll.u ill ,
ill .11 tin )..un j 1.1. 11 1,1, 1.1!,., 1 v, i.. lu puliaiw
III I. I .,.s ,.l Vi.ui: u. I U Bl ,U l-4 Ivusuu
1 . 1,. j , I ,, in. ,.'
i i, ii i i., i ii Ihsi.iii. fi.g i. millu
i . ., . .... i ,.. i ki t. L . I w I .i ..i4 .
' 1 '''I il U, I, (. i: mu, I, ,
' i" . " ' ' i ' ii- il l. .; I .Uk i.i ..i l..j
' '" 1 ' ' " " I 1... ... I.. .. , l. i a bl. Iiu
I '
.1 I,,
A Cahb Presrntatioh. -Tho enna presenta
tion to Sam'l K. Knowlcs, Esq., Deputy I'rotho
notary, noticed In our Issue of the 30th ult., entne
off at tho Reese House, In this plnco, on Wednes
day evening Inst. A com puny of about fifty, In
cluding the Court, mombcrs of the Bar, Coiiuty
OfTlcers, editors nnd olhors, assembled in tho par
lor of tho hotel, and about nine o'clock Wm. M.
Rockefeller, Esq., taking tlio cane In hand, nnd
In behalf of tho Bnr, nddresscd Mr. Knowlcs, In
substance, as follows i
It afforded hhii great pleasure to linve been
selected by Ms brother members of the Dor of
Old Northumberland county, to present this tes
timonial to the Ktmtleninn nml olllcer whose uni
form kindness, courtesy nnd valnnblo servlcos
have been highly appreciated by the legal frater
nity of tho county. It was but seldom that
within so sfinrt a tltno nftcr the nrrivnl of a
stranger In a community, such honors ns wero
being paid this cvonlng wero bestowed, but they,
In this ense were entirely deserved. The object of
the presentation was to show how greatly the
members of the Bnr esteemed their worthy friend
nnd how much they appreciated his service ns
nn officer, his intelligence, and tho tvludnoss
which they uniformly received nt his hands In
the course of thcirbfflclal business with nim. The
speaker congratulated tho present Prothonotary,
Mr. Haiipt, on Ills Being so fortuunle us to secure
the services of Mr. KnoWles.
He refcrrod to tho nent Bitd accurato manner
In which the dockets and records of tho Court
nro now kept, and the eorrcotness of nil the en
tries inndo by tho gentleman who now modestly
stands before us ns the recipient of this merited
compliment. And how important it is to the
community to have n competent person, who Is
well skilled In his business, to take charge of and
keep the public records.
Tho speaker referred to tho fact, that, several
years ago, ha had occasion to taken record from
this county to another county for tho purpose of
entering it there, nnd Hint, to his iiiortlllentlon,
It was justly ridiculed by the officials of tho coun
ty, on account of its mauy Imperfections both ns
to orthography and penmanship but thnt hitelr,
while visltlr.g on professional business nnolher
county, it gavo hiu. (iroat prldo nnd pleasure,
when ottering niiotlicr.importuiii nnd voluminous
record, (which wn muilu out by our friend
Knowlcs,) to a gentleman of knovn ability, to
observe that ho could scarcely get done talking
nbout nnd expressing his ndmiralinn of manner,
style nnd correctness with which (ho document
was gotten up. And he usked, In tones of ndnil
rution, who this Mr. ISamiiel K -now Is was I (Hy
the way lie mispronounced our worthy friend's
nnmo.) The speaker, fearful that such abilities
might excite a disposition in other counties to
give our iudispcnsiblo friend n 'lilvlu-r call," ns
the preachers say, and thus wo might lose his
services, gave nn evasive answer, replying that
Mr. Knowlcs Is not the man that stalled the bal
lot boxes In our coal region, but that ho was n
HltU "wisc-mnn"of tlui East who had recently
been "lniiortod" by our worthy Prothonotary.
Referring to tho fact that ullhough the cane ho
was about to present did not cost $U,3o3,334,
and that it had not much intrinsic value ns a
stick or a piece of .mcln', yet ho had no doubt
that It would bo appreciated by tbs donee, nnd
his rliiltlrcH, nnd their chihlrens' children, far
more than any valno that conld bo expressed lu
dollars nnd cunts.
The sieaker saw gathered nrottnd him on this
occasion, n majority of tho members of the Bar,
officers of the Court, nnd county officers of old
Northumberland, the mother of counties ; they
were here without distinction of party, to do ho
nor to one they sincerely resjiecled nnd believed
to be worthy i that at least some of tho names
inscribed upon the cano he was nbout to present,
would bo a sufficient recommendation in the re.
cipient, in the future, whenever and wherever he
inigiil see proper to make use of it for the pur
pose or obtaining a situation in any kind of busi
ness. With renewed assurance of conlldeneo and
esteem, tlie sinker handed the beautiful vane
to mo wormy ueputy rrotlioiiotury,
Mr. Knowlcs lu receiving the oane,. made a
grateful bow, and then spoke us follows :
IIonoiii:ii iu:-.IIc pleased to accept my
thanks for the very kiud and courteous terms in
whlehyou have referred to ine, and rest assured
that, whilst "reasuii hath ler sway," your gene
rous magnanimity Will remain inscribed upou
memory's tablet.
Gkxti.kmhn i At this moment emotions offear
nnd gratitude como welling up from the heart in
such rapid succession us uiinost lo slille articula
tion j emotions of fenr, lest 1 may bo unable to
fullill that nu occasion of this character would
seem to require of me ; emotions of gratitude for
this beautiful emblem of your generosity, and of
your willingness to speak words of encouragement
lo one wlio has simply tried to do his July during
lliu short year it has 1,,'cn his good ibrlune to ho
among you. When I reflect, .constant and contin
ued acts of kindness and forbearance, imbued
with a spirit of true Christian charity, occur to
mo, which, in themselves arc enough to cause
man to give way as o ily man can." But when
accompanied by such a beautiful and chasto tes
timonial of your contideiieo and esteem, it were
not less than human lo weepi
I' pou glancing over tho heud of this magnifi
cent cane, 1 see names of gentlemen who are not
only an ornament lo the profession, but whom
tho eoplu always delight In honoring. Hut feW
of your iK'ers carry greater welirht and Influence.
either In or otilul lue profession, than yourCoiu
l.V, your Packer, your Rockefeller, your Wolver-
ion, nun oiners wnoso names are inscribed her.;,
and add brhjlil and invaluable lustre lu the pre
vious metal of which il is composed.
Again, gentleman, permit ine to tender you,
niy sincere and heartfelt Ihaidts for tho renewed
cviueuoo ol your commence, and believe me,
" To the generous mind
Tlio heaviest debt Is that of gratitude,
When 'lis not In our power lo repay ll."
After tho ceremony of presentation, itu luvita.
tion was extended to tho company to repair to
Iho dining room where Cnptnlu Reese, tho host, '
had prciiarcU amply lor another ceremony of u !
uiiiereui naiuie, nere, Dcloro tlio company,
stood tables bountifully ladeued with all the lux
uries of tho season which the company dis
posed of in a manlier which showed their
high appreciation of mino host's efforts. The
INipplug of corks of Chanipalgnu bottles"s'uiuded
like u miniature bombardment. A number of
loasls wero drunk lo His Honor Judgo Jordan,
Mr. Knowlcs, and several members of tho Bar,
which were happily responded to. Tho balance
of Hie evening was then devoted to making com
pliinentaiy tpccchc by Messrs. Snyder, Bolier,
Ryuii, Kuse, Oram, Davis uud olhers. At nn
early hour the couiiany dUlwrswl, highly pleas
ed with tho culertaliiiiieut extended to them by
Mr. Kiiowles and all felt that they had paid
a merited tribute to u worthy and efficient
officer. The whole entertainment was one high
ly crc.lltablu to Mr. Knowlcs, us well us uiluo
host of the Reeso House. '
Tub Fki it Makkkt Peaches, melons nml
other fruit, are ultoHdy uhpuilaul In our murket.
The lunch crop is perlia Hie largest wo have
hud lor many years, an, the result Is, the fruit
Is uu( so lurgo and pcrfcij. . ,us week lu N.
York llmm it us glui in ft Market, uud somo
Inferior lot sold as low us tjj u. jwr bo. lu
this Market ihcy wore told at H.T5, and will
no doubt, cuinu dowu o f l.lo, If uui lower. A
largo supply of lueluus have btxu received lu
this murket, Hiuny of them Inferior In quality,
which Is too much lliu cum) with fruit brought
from dl.lauce. This U pmlleulurly so lu ro
KurJ lo i-aulilopcs or filrou melons, not ouo
third of which uiu of uod ttuvuf, Tb cuuto
lopcs of our owu iitlt'hboiliuo.1, ru muck supe
i lor lu B ivor to auy brought from Jcrwy, or
some sccllous of Mar) laud. This Is equally I run
lu regard lo whiUm, as wull as t'otieoid grnpus.
rUeipi lu a fuw luc'utlou ul suudy sull, a uwtr
Miltuu, 4U( lueluus ar Hut lUeuoasfully f Mill
Kulsd lu ibla hhIWmi.
Itu i Mas. Ui aa.ina.-Tti fWul
of Mi. Uaeb.icl J,, wk'.ow uf tlui Ult
VsJ, Uuru.lJ,, nJ el,.. auKhUr uf tiuiiiiral
''"eiou, mil rtgitl tit K'4tu that u UkiHtltwl
'" l,fv "' u'clut W Hit Uiomiiu, aflet
I JMulfai Ul IIIuumi. Ilutliiu kef life sli mm ul
a JitoteJ t niuiUu, lileud of llm it..
u4 4 fill hi ul ui.alur au. iltughur, kbu
muilt tulwiuikl bwiiivr kuuwafor ker uiauj
'! '(ualliu.'-i,.,uu k(u,w i, bu u iuM
UOUU H4U.eJ b. bl UUu,'. U
Umil) Itavu ibu tiuttus .jmtby au4 tM.4o-
in uu tuiha, u,ui I,, UJ u IU
UI...4 t.UI4IM U4t IU .4liJ tu.Mlw.1,
4 .u,Lt.i au4 I'kud, u ul .e.t t- 11.. 4(U , u,
llU4l, UelU .Lv .4 U.II.U.U j..,J ..u.,...
l... !
TrtAT $W,000. It hat teen supposed thnt In
the olden times public officers were nbovc satisfy
ing their private wants by having Items put Into
the account of Incidentals. But It seems the ho
nesty of tn father ana been overrated. The
Into book, "Domcfilc Life of Thomas Jefferson,"
relates nn Incident which shows that nt nn early
dny public servnnts begun to bleed tho treasury.
During tho session of the fijrsl Continental Con
gress, delegate Harrises, of Virginia, desiring to
"stimulate," went W.HK a friend to n certain
place where supplies wero furnished Congress,
and ordsred two glasses, of brnudy nud Water.
Tuo man in charge hesitated, and replied thnt li
quors were not Included In the supplies furnish
ed Congressman.
"Why," snld Harrison, "whnt Is It, then, that
I sco the New England members como hero and
Blink "
"Molasses and wntcr, which they have charged
s "f(iHory," was tho reply.
"Then give me the brandy nnd wntcr," snld
Harrison, "nnd chargo it nsVl."
ThoWl was furnished, and Harrison nnd lis
friend retired.
The largo amount of fuel charged by the Court
House Ring, would probably mako nnotber Inci
dent worthy of publication If thoroughly Investi
gated Il Is prohablo that stationery and fuel
linve becu nindo to cover n multitude of sins.
Council rrocr?liiigi
Council met, Chief Burgess Helm in the Chair.
Tho members present were Wllvcrt, Bourne,
Hill, Llghtncr, Cooper nnd Purscl. Ou motion
Remlvtit, That the consideration of the BUbJcct
of tho defnlcntlon of the Chief Burgess, which
was reported In tho Auditing Committees Re
port of last year, by tho Finance Committee, bo
ooiitlnued.until next meeting night, when they be
requested to report.
7riwi', That the Chief Burgess- instruct tho
High Constable to cause tho removal of ull logs,
ltiinticr or rubbish on Market Square, not to be
used for building purposes Immediately.
On motion, ll was
iVmibwJ, That tho (iravo Yard Commlttco bo
authorized to repair Iho top of tho wall lu such .1
manner as to . prevent tho boys from walking
HetoleeJ, Tlwt n special committee of three be
nppolntcd, consisting of Messrs. Wilvort, Hill
and Cooper, to draw up un ordtiauco for the es
tablishing of a regular market lit the borough of
Snnbury, for the salo of muvta, vegetables,
fruits, butter, eggs, Usb, nnd other provisions,
and designate the days on which said markets
nro to bo held according a (ho borough Charter,
tho streets on which wagons and other vehicles
of persons bringing marketing to town for salo
shall be staUoncil, together with amount of lines,
&c for the regulation nnd protection of sellers
nnd buyers nt the said market.
On motion,
Ji'muliml, That tho Chief Burgess, be Instructed
to oxamino ull streets, nlleys and gutters, nnd
causo tho removal of nil nuisances, rubbish and
obstructions that may bo found lu snld streets,
nlleys nnd gutters, nceording to nn ordnuneo
passed by the Council of the borough of Snnbu
ry. An order was grunted lo Abraham Brewer for
for $30 laying 845 feet of crossing.
An order to Solomon Weaver for $421, r-irt
payment In bank nnd Interest,
An order to tho Ptcum Firo Company for $1)0,
two month's appropriation.
An order to Solomon Stroll for (33 80, for rent
in housing engine and hose carriage.
On motion, (ircciiotigh, Pursel &, lii.urno wero
apolnted n committee on exonerations.
Ou motion, adjourned.
Court l'roccctlluKS.
St'Ntit'iiY, At'ursT 7, 1S71
Tho Court of Quarter Sessions, of Northum-
berliuul county coniincnccd this iiioriilug at 10
o'clock, his Honor Judge Jordan, and his Asso
ciates, Shlpiuati nml Nicely, proseut.
The following Tipstaves were appoiuted i for
llrst week ; Philip Frank, 8. Doughtier and Ja
cob Cable. Second week : iWilliuin Puicel aud
Samuel Mantz. ,
Cam. John (ray. Surety of tho Peace i
cuinplnluts heard, uud dismissed wilh costs
iigalnst Prosecutor.
Coin, vs Andrew Cotncr. Surety of Hie Peace;
attachments for witnesses awarded.
Com. vs John Dunn Assault and Battery.
John Dunn not npicnring, his recognizance for
Com. vs Catharine Sharp. Common Scold.
No Bill. William O'.Neal, prosecutor, to pay
Botlelger vs Bottelger. Depositions read and
filed, and decree of divorce awarded.
Com. vs t William Brian Larceny. Defend
ant not appearing', reeognli iiieo foiTcitc I.
Com. vslho Danville, llar.eltou & Wilkcsburro
Railroad Co., utlachiuciit demanded for witnes
ses. . ,
Com. vs Savlllu Winter Surety of the Peace.
Harriet Wilkitis ProseciiUU'. , Complaint heard
before his Hon. Judge Jordan. Tho Prosecutor
nnd Defiaidaiit lire both daubed w Ith tho same
stick, mid both alike have pugnacious qualities.
Somo tlmo since these two quarrelsome skc1
mens ofwomauluHMl nut, nnd each tried fur tho
mastery, which prevailed is hard to tell, but one
of lliu two was bound over for thrcuteulii to
Com. vs Ephraim Heiiinger. Surety of the
Peace. Complaint heard, and Defendant direct
ed to pity costs of prosecution. In this cam, tho
Defendant made un assault upon his step-moth,
cr. Some bad blood npHars to exist lu this case,
uud the parties will likely lake ll homo lu llnan.
Com. vs William Realty Surely of Iho Peace.
Rccogtilxuiicu forfeited. In this case, siuno tlmo
since, Mrs. Realty, living In Hunbiiry, made In
formation against her husband William Bcatly,
now lu Harrlsburg, that he had deserted her, and
failed to support her and their thruo children.
Tho hiisbund appear lo be good for nothing, ami
1 hardly worth prusevulliig, us bu seurevly sup.
ports himself.
Julia Klceklnger vs licorgo Kleeklnger IVll
lloii lu Divorce read uud tiled. Sulqxoua do
lilauded. Wllyard v Wilyard No, 4, Nov. Term, 1ST0
auswur of rcHudciil lu divorce ease, Hied.
Com. V Jiiiiob Behuek llomleldo, Allueh
Ulout for wlliieuea awarded.
Com. v Francis Biuilh Larceny. Tho Do
feinl.ii.l, ail elderly man, was aeeused of stealing
from a lool-ehesl ueur 8ny4eilou, some llmu
ugo, two ehlseU ami a bit, woiih J.'J3, U long.
lug lu a carwulur, uud front auothvr taurwuler
lisil lo tlio umouiil of l.'45. Tim old in.ui did
not linvn au alloruuy, aud h.ul uo wiluet. Au
Alturuty Was assigned libit by lun t'ouit. I lo I
was suiitnui'wt to Iho cwuuly Jail for lUc wiIvhI uf '
ttvit mouth. I
l oiu. si thrl.luiu MiiilluAssdult u4 ILU-
lei p. (luorM Wellsel prusesulur. tloiuo Hum j
it iU liouipluliiaiit alluiHitis4 la vollwt a bill .
for giaid u.illi.l Uartlu. falling lu Ul t-Mutt !
ko to.k IhiitiliailU uloiij llb
kbit .i 4 plopelly
Ul Wlttcli M4HIU Uslde. uH ruuilU stos-t. kuu
1 bury, aud lu bbWU said Maillu a4t a lliu wl.uu.
Wbilu lakiuu Ibu ulimuslou uf tlui l a
I la Mil Hw i.iw at abiilll ' sulu, lliu iKiKud'
ant auault'4 W,itil, 4ud Lu hum triad,
l4lllll U llu.lefol, allittMl, W,UU. ul.t UU4
UilJ 1 SSillllUM. lo st llu of tli cuU wf (.
ktlUtkUU, 4U4 aU'Uli4 4 UlMul llUplUoblKbMt t
1 louuly J4II ul lliiil iU.
tout. II M4if K. fcubuu. -Ulu..4s VI
t'llkl. OlltilkllUl It 4 (till I ll4t tlw ui4
lt!4U 4 luliv. I44 lubv4 4 kuutU, 414
4, l,. kt..l4l'v lt..l.. Ik vi4IU4
I I i Ii I "I I ; 1 - l , '4 I I U.I .! Ik I w4il
order and direct Hint notice be given to flic man
agers or directors of tho poor honse of Shnmo
klu borough, thnt tho said defendant has been
tried for tho above offenso, ui the Court of Quar
ter Sessions of Northumberland county, and ac
quitted on the ground of Insanity, and la now In
tho Jnll of said county, and thn,t tlio Court linve
directed her to be .sent to, tlio PlUlndclpbla ttute
Lunatic Hospital, on the 15th lnstnnt, unless be
that time sho be taken In charge, nnd provided
for by the said manngors or. directors the place
of settlement being In thnt borough.
Tuesday, Afo, 8, l.sTl.
Coin, vs Danville, Hnslcton b ,WUkebnrnc
Railroad Company Nuisance. Trns HJII. -The
company was Indicted by 'the Supervisor if R,ush
township, for taking tip their main rond to Dan
ville, nnd on townrds Pottsvlllc, without giving
them a new rond ns good ns the old one. A new j
rond was nindo over tho hill, opposite Danville,
but has never been accepted by the township. J.
W. Comly, Esq., was employed on the pnit of
the township, nnd Messrs. J. B. Packer, and 8.
P. Wolvcrton for the Railroad Company. The
defendants claimed that the company had n right
under their charter to use tho old road first, nml
then afterwards nt their convcnlcn-o to erect a
now road. Tho township claims that they had
no right to uso tho old rond without llrst giving
tliom a way of travel. This view seemed to bs
favored by the Court, nnd nftcr some arguments
presented by both sides, the Jury were Instructed
to bring In ft verdict of guilty.
Com. vs Otto Sehroch Lnrcony. Truo Hill.
Verdict, not guilty.
Com. vs M. H. Owen Larceny. True Bill. On
motion bill of Indictment quashed.
Com. vs Zepliomlali Fisucr For. & Was. True
bill. Pload guilty. Usual sentence, Imposed
$5, nnd $1.00 per week for five years.-
Com. vs Peter Adams Assault nnd Battery.
Truo Dill. Verdict, not guilty, and costs lo Le
divjiled equally between Mrs. Margaret Rolan
nnd Pptor Adams.
Com. vs Michael Pcroto Lewdness. True
BUI. The cvUkaice in supiort of the charge of
open lewdness, or exposure of his person, wits not
very strong. The defendant is nn Italian. Vir
dlct; guilty, genteuccd to pay a fine of $5 and to
nn, imprisonment in coiity jail of two months.
Coin, vs Richard II. Talcott Adultery. True
Com. vs William Perotc Attempting to rob.
Com. vs Thomas Hull Felonious Assault.
Bound over to next term lu $1,000.
. Com. vs William Pliimmer Attempt to tniir
dcr. Bound over to ucxt term In the sum of
Com. vs John Ilnfsr Surety of the Peace.
Complaint heard, and the Court direct the defend
ant to pay tho costs of prosecution.
Com. vs William II. Owcu Larceny. True
Com. vs James Cole Burglary nud, Larceny.
True Bill. This Is the young man who entered
tho shop of John Wllvcrt, lu . Sunliury, last
Spring, during th,c u.ight, and took therefrom n
pair of boots.
Coin, vs Andrew Cotncr Surety of the Peace,
(ieorgc Forester, proscculor, uot appearing, the
recognizance forfeited.
Agricultural Meeting'.
SuniitrVj Ai'oi st 7, 1S71.
The Executive Committee of tho Northumber
land County Agricultural Society, met pursuant
to a resolution passed at the last staled meeting.
Tho President, Joseph Bird, Esq., In the Chair.
Minutes of the last meeting read and adopted.
Jicxvliil, That each member of tho Executive
Committee, select nantes, Ihelr. respective dis
tricts, and baud tho same to the President, ou or
before the 15th Inst., for tho purpose of arrang
ing the Judges for tho ditlerent departments of
the Fair.
VnimitioH, the Report of the Commit tee on Pre
miums be received, uud tho Committee discharg
ed. On motion, tlio Committee appointed to confer
with tho Horticultural Association of Northum
berland county, that their report bo received aud
On mod'un, Geo. B. Cadwallader, Col. Wagon
seller, Ira T. Clement, John Haas, Isaac Mail,
Peter II. Snyder, Hiram Bloom, and J. F. li,
be ml. led to the ConimiUoo oil rcsvlrs of the
the groin. lis, buildings, uihl Ac., for the LoMing
of lliu Fair.
On mi.inn, adjourned to meet nt the VunMil:
House ou Tuesday, August 15th, IST1,
JOSEPH BIRD, 1'ivMc.t.
(j. W. AliMNTllONU, Scerrttiry.
Editor's Table
Woon's llm si:uoi.t Maoazink for August,
continues to demonstrate tho wonderful success
which has ulteudeil this periodical during the
past four years. Its motto seems to be "I low
1 Much for How Little;" for there is no other
j Magazine in tho world, which gives so much lor
so lit t lu money. James Purtou, Phiebu Cary,
' Dr. Dlo Lewis, Rev. Thomas K. Itcceher, Dr. W.
Hall nud liail llamllton nro regular eonlrii.ulors.
Among its iN-easioiinl rouli ihglors lire llaniel
I lleechcr Slowe, Horace (ireclc.y, liriek Pomeroy,
' Mary Cleminer Ames, Joes T, llcadly and John
: li. Siixe.
The publishers have not only prociirc.Uhc very
; Ih'sI literary tabiil, but they have secured such
I a variety uud adaptation of mailer us make il a
. general favorite among all classes, ll blends
. aimisoincnl with Instruction In a way tuciiliu'lilcii
Hum understanding uud develop tho all, el jons;
I ami lis monthly visits are welcomed alike by ihu
young, the miil.llu-agcU ami lliu old.
We would advise every unit of our suWi ihers
to' ut once address the publishers, S. H. Wi K'H ,;
CO., ulniri;b, N. Y., who will mail Unco
month s numbers ol the Magaxlnu free to cwry
1 person who sball( I'uruisk his address.
I Wk commend to our renders' earnest intention
Rev. Dr. Cm tor's Icmperniice ap al in the lltim
train! CnrinlitiM H'mify of this wtvk. ll U enll
! lied, "Over the Falls," and Is Illustrated with a
lull pagu view of the Falls of Niagara, beauti
fully designed and prlntoj.
Other illuilruted article aie, on the "I'll v of
Jeileboi ' tl.u "Velocity of Light t" "lie'l'
Wanted," showing the need 'of every ymiu ;
Chri.-lliiii for liumiiH help Ihu "liralil Fhel
of Iho Hudson Kiver and the I'l.nsl Sleep
Found, " Ih side uiiiiieroiis urcci it aitieb's. For
sale by the uewsdeulvrt at only f.e iciH pn co
py. lluUucwi Nwllerst of tho weeil will bu .!iuse.l to llud a
geuerul Uioitineiil of Ihu l'l S.ii uu.t loKie
eo ul Tllmblu' Tobacco blore uu'Vblid ft reel be
low Maikel. Pipi' of ull desirlplioiis, uud iiciy
Ihlug usually kept In a tultaoeu sluiu uto n u
tuiilly kept oil bund.
Ir Is a singular fuel tba ull ui liko to J(c
Well, un IjJ, F. halter, iipHMiitu llm I nitial
Hotel, for ijimsI Suing vhUlilm;. Ki ha Hi r keeps
au vtuvlleut lok uf ;oesl ou Laud, au4 .!
ruut lbs best union it4,riueuu.
Tus Furuilur pruuiiied al It. L. Ilou.l.i.bujli'.
Vtors, lu M immlu HulbluK I euuUleiu tupi iu.r
lo auy lu Ibl Mctksa of MMtuliy. Nu umtlir
but i title am auW4 Ibiy eau 1st bad ut thai
iMlablUbiuvul. Uiu UMurluieiit lt.i Jatl
IhvU leeUed. I udeltatU4 lu all it l.l.ll.ehe
I alleu.Wd to 4uu4ly by aa SlUu,v. U41..I.
It. HUl.ll.. ka4, attoti, TlUlia uud l.ealk.l
M.Mv i.mijIi.1.iU. OUb tku Us.k Mule, t .ill
uu au4 ail. fctw nuuU 4 luis mu.
'fit ,mk Inm tint Hat "iu uf. 'iui,u.e
Woul4 u ii lu. iu wm a upU uf l its ut
t'4p lo Ililli 4UHlU4 tsl 14J4UV, but 4 ki IH
I.MIWI ) c.Mulu, fl.uu siiif litis IUiu tbi y uu
I.US 4Ux4 Uf 4b4 4 U tU ( Ij put 14 tteil
I u .
'I us t i't-4.4 U., t uu.vllf , iltul aud '- t
lull lb.., at li H-.u.-il I
,!' fcii I l..l. t It I I,. ,i.,uii .... ..
tl i.4sl. l Ul W .
Fnn Rfht. Two room?, suitable fof olllccs,
adjoining I lie Post Office, ne.:r the Masonic Ha'.l
building, on 'Ihii'l street, Simb'.iry, nre offered
for rent ou reasonable terms. Apply to
Icb Cold Soda Water, with a largo collection
of syrups to suit our patronage. The most pala
table and refreshing drink for i.ullcs and gentlu
men, on a warm summer day or evening, ut
Dr. MnnM!n Drug (.'lore
Tumtr. is no lack of selling off" boots end shoes
nf the Kveels'ior store of W. Jt. Miller, In 111"
stone b'llldivg o'i Market street. They nre not
only sold ut retail, but we notice many irni chants
buying nt wholesale, who save the freight by
doing so, and get n better article besides. The
who!e:ile bnsl iess Is drawing quite a trade, bg
cuiii. j Ills stock Is eonslanlly kepi up and a hel
ler r election can lm had than in many of the city
cstnl ll-liineiilc.
G,01H! Uolla Wull Piiper Just received at Llght
ncr's, cheap fur cash.
Am. Rubber Wear, ui manufacturers' prices,
ut lliu Regulator.' material:) for lu.inur.irliitins, ut
the Regulator.
The ('(inlCMsiiniH i'iiu InvitiiU.
Tl'Bl.lMIED ns a warning and for the benefit
of ims r.inl r.?V"'s, who suffer from
Nervous' Debility, A.C., supplying the menus of
Written by one who cured himself nml sent
free nu receiving a post-paid directed envelope.
.May :.M, 1S71.-0m. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Nutihmy Cirtiiu V t'roil ;ieo itlstrkct. WIXKLV IIY 1111 T. AlinuiNOKH.
(lilAts Choice White Wheat t t'0
Best Amber, Winter 1 ,'.d
Corn SO
Rvo i 00
Oals, (icj lbs. )....; 50
Best Amber, Winter, per saok 3 00
" " " " barrel S W
Corn Meal, per cwt., '.! 50
1'e.nnsvWiiniii lioU "5
Eoos Per b.c.n ill
Muats Dried licrf. per lb '.'sri ::0
bmolicd Mlltlot ll'.rj l'J
L.Mio iht Hi 'J5
Fis:i iiall White Fish, li'r lb 15
" Trout " 15
Cod " 8
Fresh Shad PJOO
Vuoetaum Turnips, per bushel 75
Potatoes " " 1 10
Onions " " 1 00
Beans, " quari lofciS
Hominy, " " Vi
DitlEU FltllTS Dried Api-les. per Ih lOf.i I I
'.' Peaches, " ','lll''.:;i!
" Cherries, " lillv.
" r.laekberrics Pi
- . " Raspberries "-')
jiclu bbeitiscmcnts.
Merchant Tailoring,
j. i.ttvn w,
in the Post Ollleo Building, opposite llic Depot,
(up stairs.)
srxnuuv, pkxx'A,
Informs hU frieuili' nml the public irencral'y,
that lie has just opened a large nnd varied as
sort incut of
loltis, ':isisl in ores, VoMiugM. Ac,
which will be t.ia.le up to order in the latest
styles, and warranted to tit.
ticntlenicn in want ol tasnionanie suits are in
vited to call and examine bis stock.
seieutifteally nnd practically cut mi l made Jo
Wo furnish Iho above styles of "Improved yoke
nnd sack shirt with entirely new shape sleeve,
and irilar.mtce a perfect lin ing shirt, ll Is I lie
besl luo.lel of a shirt ever o'.l'erc.i t.i the' trade.
Fine and fancy shirts inudo lo order.
J. M. liUtjTIAN.
Jane :!, lS71.-Gni.
I.nrsc Mock! it(or I'tHilitli-s !
Just opcmvl a 1 .r;;e, line ami sub. '.e.'alial asuort-nu-ut
.-:'iuxi; D;t:;ss cooiw,
Doiiicstii's, Whilo (iooil:-, ruiuy
tiouils, Ti'iiiiiuiiiii's, (.'!! !;s,
CAIM'm'r, AM) OIL Cls(niS.
Hou .cliceping goods lu great variety.
fiuii (.i;cKiar.s,
yuccas ware, Willow-War.', (i'.ass v.are, .'.c., -.
A line slock of sale t.mtinl
i:'lsaj-i::u5o loISih:-,
for Men and Roys, il.icli line f ill and complete.
J it" r-'ubstantial tiooils a t'p. eia'.ty. .,, J
l,i'ie'.s lu Mull tiic liiiws. t all r.itW
ett'A' wur Stoclt.
AU kind of eouiitry pioJu. ii taken in ex
ebauLc for l'oikIs,
moorf. .v; iussimimi:,
ll.iupl'.. Iron l.uiiiiing, Maikel tqi'cel, S'liihnry.
April :.".'. IsTI.
Clock a Watch Repairer.'
I. h;t,
lu lleivait's llio.'i;, three doers we;t of the I 'en
Ira 1 Hotel, Vai k. t square.
M .NUl UY, i'A.,
Ue peell'iiliy inl'orun the i-ll ii-.. -ui of S ril.i.rv .'. I
lt-ln it y, tb it be Is prep are, I to ri I :o. 'v an.1.
Watch. :i in all hiaic. hes, also liohi and tlel"
Ware of all if s"i ipl ion.
ll.iv;: g had forty years cp,'iii nc. :u the I'li-l-licsi
in this eoiiulrv, be II alters hi .1 ill' thai be
can tlve 'eiuial salisf 11 :(!..
A l w.nk gitaiaiiteid l 'iisloei re-h . t fa',1 so
Helled. J ine IT, lil. If.
IS ' . M Al t I I U,
watchks, .)i:wi;liiv,
I is .orlli Nruiitl 1., l or, ol urry ,
Au a-oi iiiii'.tl of WaU'lierf, Jeikeirv, tti) ;er slid
PI. lie. I W
Ii. p ill :ll.
alien Ic I to
.lot ii.t'v on h ic I.
Watehi i an, I Jm, i
I .il I.
," 'lo. plly
MAKl'KV ! UAKI-UV!! ItAKliUV ! !!
I.I'.UNAUO DoVl'Ulll.
11 H ju l open. I a li r t c n-.-. It i , m, l ioM
sire.. I near tl.e Uailioa.l .1, ,l nt Noiili.iii.l. i -liict,
and I prepaliil In I, mil b the i III-., a... il
Voiihiiiiil,, r l .i. H.uibiiiy iil all km lo I
t: i .i.i an I I as
IIU. iV N HltKAO, 1
MIl.K Hill , ;
Hlir lt l 1. I ll on t, Hr M ll, :
and a I i'l line ol VXl f I Alii , l, i l..i , i
It Uli un I I ul.t. I
In. .i.l an J Va.cs , I l.l, led t.i k.aiuiiu a viciy I
liiornii,.'. I
I a'.,e, . r I, .11 , t'.nlU s, ran., .v , I
faiitUkcd ut mill li-Uii e,
II, li.,- I pi, u l, c il baker, uu I I ii l , urn ki il
ill tlui I....1',. Ill Bun I .Hi, I t , . I ,1 I ,u .
Il.l ho l.l liUC tallt l.l hit I i 1,'liiiM.,
bi r. ,,l.,ie.
Old, i aiu r. e, y i ill. II. .1 1
N.illl UIiiIh l Ian I J..i,e ,l, I - , I . I ' i
f . Ill Shi I . I, tsi l
I Mll HOI .
I.I Kf Sf, IMl I'll 1-4 I t S I V , A ,
Ut llltl.Y .k ii'iw 1 11, 'i pi. i ..
'I'l.. l Ul .t U till l- I, I It li t ., I- I tl.u ,i i k I
4II..I.I.. Il"-l St ,.1.(.4 41 I .lUellll. O.t .lt
M i) vo, Oil.
I lulu Mi I IUiU-U Juui i, lit
f 1 1 1 II tl It I. I I., ,1 ,. b ll, .1 ll II. I ,
ll. I tl I . I.. . , ' ,. I ll.. ii ...I
,l. tl .L I i I 14 I '.t. I ll iM - ,i
.. ,.r r .). 1. 1, s.iiu, .
..4-e4. t.l t... . . . J
.-1" ' 1 I " '.
I I I ... ..4 III . 4- )
' I
I 4.
s s: n 1 1. 1. itw or livj w a v t a l
It is one. of tho remnrknble facts of this re-
liiarkable age, not merely 1 1ml so many persons j
nro the victims of i1ysocp.l: or iudigesliou, but
lis willing victims. Now, we woalil not. bo un-'
derstiMvl lo say that ntiy one regards lysxiisia
with In vor, cr feels disposed to rank il nnioiiit
the luvmies of life. Far fii'in it. Tluvc who
have f:perim'ed Its tornienV. would scout such
nn Idei. Allilrend ll.nnd would irh.lty dl'ien: e
with lis unpleasant f.,iiiilinrlies. Mark TapUy,
who Wiir. jolly under nil the try in:r circiitic-ltiiu'es
lu which he was phicen. ii" cr lei. I nil ntl ieU of
dyspepsia, or bis jollity would have ape, lily for
saken him. Men nud t'ometiima sillier
lis tortures" uncoinpl lini'.!:;!;.-, but whoever heard
of a pei i-'on who enjoyed lb -m (
Of all tint liiulli.,'il'ious iliseases lo Wliieii the
human system Is liable, there is perhaps ho oho
,o generally prevalent ns dyspepsia. There nre
diseases more neiiic and painful, and which
more frpipienliy prove falal ; but none, the ellcels
of which are so depressing to the mind nnd so
positively distressing to the body. Jf there Is n
wretched being In the world It is
A CONFIRM I'D DY.-'i'F.l'Tlf.
Nearly every oilier person you meet h a vic
tim, an apparently willing one; for were this
not tlio ease, why so many rulfercrs, when a cer
tain, sixcly nnd sale ienici!y Is within the easy
reach of all who desire lo avail themselves of il
Hut the majority will net. Limited by prcj.idice,
or deterred by kivuo other uiieAplaUic.1 inlliiciice.
they rafuso in nceiptthe relief pioll.iv.l ll.em. j
They turn a deaf car to the teliimuiy of the
thoisamli whose, stitlciiugs have been, '
nnd with strange Inf.'.taalion, appear to elini;
with lUs-pci'iile'd. 'terminal ion to their rulhle.
toiincnter. Hut snys a tly.-pcptlc i hat is this
remedy ? to which we reply : Thi a irrcat allevia
tor of 'human pull'c'ing i- '.'Imn't lis wih ly
known astha Kngl'sli hn vniie.'. It has nlhiycil
the agonies of thousands, uud is to-day cam ing
comfort ni'.l cncoiiitigciuciit l;i tinuibaiuit of
others. .This uekiioivledged panacea is uoue
oila r than . ( r, ,,;
Dtt. llOOFLAXD'S liTjj.MAS lUTTRRit.
Would you know1 more of the merits of Ihu
wonderful medicine than can be learned from the
experience of others I Try it yourself, nml w heu
il has failed to I'lillil tlio assurance of its el'le.icy
srlveu by the proprietor, then tibtiudon faith in
dial of all. that HOOFLAND'3 GEUMAN BIT
TKRS Is not a nun In veragc.
They arc no ah holic in any sense of the term.
They aii composed wholly of Iho pure jtiice or
vital principal of roots, i bis Is not a mere as
sertion. The citi-acts from which they nre com
pounded are prepared by tmo of tliu itbliv-t of
(ieriiuin thclnists. tuliko any oilier Litti is in
t'uo murket, tie y are wholly free from spirituous
ingredients. '1 lie objections Loiil wiiii so
tuiieh force against preparaliotia of this chtsn,
nanioly that a desire for In'.oNlc.'.ting drinks U
sli'iiuiated by llieir use, are not valid in the cafe
ol the (iceman Hitters, cki far from eneoiirugiiig
or inculcating n taste or desire for inebriating
beverages, it may be conflilenlia'.ly tir.scrlcd thai
thcii tcu.U ney is in a tliumitricallv opposlt'.! di
reetlon. Their circctn can he IIKNICFICIAI,
ONLY in ail eases of the biliary rystein. lloof
laiurstierman Hitlers stand without an e.U il,
acting promptly and vigorously upon the l.iver ;
tiny remove its torpidity and cause healthful se
cretion of bile thereby supplying tho stom:lih
Willi the niosl Indispensable dements of sound
digestion in proper propoilious. They give '.one
to the stomach stimlihuing its ftiuiiious.' nml
enabling It to perform -its duties as nature de- !
sigmd il should do. They Imparl v'c;(r and
strength tn the entire system, causing the p.-.tlent
to feel likp unother being In fact, glvicg him a .
new lease of life.
T1IKY Pl Ull'-Y TUT. HLOOD. cleansing the
vital llui.l of all liiirUul impurities and supplant
ing them with the dements uf genuine
ness. Iu a wold, tliero is scarei ly a disease lu I
which they cannoi lie safely and bcncfiiciui'.y em
ployed i but in that most generally prevalent dis
tressing nnd dreaded ilbeasc, Dyspcp.i,i, TliEY
Now, there are certain classes of persons to
whom extreme Milters nre not only uupahituh'.c,
lull wlio find it Impossible lo lake them without
positive discomfort. For such
has been specially prepared. His intended for
use where a slight n'.eholic sliinulat.i is required
in eonueclioii wilh the well-known Tonic" ino-
pcilies of the pure Ceruiiiii Hitters. This Tonic. 1
contains all the ingredients of the Hitters, but si: i
Unvoted as to remove tho extreme bilterncss.
This prepnralion Is not only palatable, nut com-
bines, iu modified form, oil the viita.sot the I
tierman bitters. The solid extracts, of some of j
Nature's choicest ro-turativvs arc lu-M in f oltt-
lion by a spirituous agent of tho purest ipuility. j
In cases of languor or execs-ivo Jcbi'ii'y, where j
the system app.irs to have become exhausted of
its energies, HOOFLA.ND'i TONIC act i wilh 1
almost marvelous cllect. It not only Mimuli.t 's
the flagging ami wa.. ting energies, but invigor
ates and permanently : tivngthec.s its actions up
on tiiy l.iver an, I f-t.unai.i: liioroi:gh, pcili.ipi le."
prompt than liiy. Hitlers, when the tai.te i; .atili-
ly it tn ken is ixme t he less uvrtaiu. In !i':'i li".',
I llil'iiea.imsa, l'hy-hal or li' l'n.rln.t'oa,
i yir, readily to lis potent lnlhicncc. H gi .es the
i invalid a new and stronger hold upo i i'.t'c, re
j iii.iv; i dep'.v.-' ion of spirits, ard in ires ehcer
! fiitiiess. ll si.ppluiits the p.ii.i of i'.i-e.i.-; wilh
I the ea.-u au I oimloii o peril hea'th. It give,
strength lo weakness, throws de pon.l .-uey to
llic w, iiin! starts the le lore. I Invalid ii on
i a new an, I gladsome career. Rut lr. llooll ni'l's
lieiu factious to the human r 10" are let conliti.'.l
lo his cclel.riteil CKRVAN HITTKUiS, or bis
invaluable Tumi'. He has ip.ire.l ..nutinr
iu'di'luc, which i rapidly wiunin"il.- way to favor be ;'.use of its in'rinsi; merit.;.
This is
HOOFLAND'6 l'OD ipil Y Ll.lN PILL:'-,
a m i feet siibtitiii lor mcuiny, wiilionl any
cf c'eictiryV. t il ipiaiitle.
Tl se v.'i.n 1 'i l'iii I'ilU. which arc ii leinle,! to
ait upon the i.lvei', are iicou'v composed of Po
.lophvPlii, r Un- VITAL PRIM ll'l.E ol" THE
MA M )lt KM P.oi if.
.w w.-.l-iv' lite reader to di-liia I'v naif r-st-iml
Ih it llti, i Mr ti t of Ih" M i-d al." U i i.i .y
imcs in,,. , . I'ov.vrfiil Hi la the ih' i:-e!l
It is th" la, hen, al l ii 1 !. , I i I hi- h.'.l
pi-lilt la a 1 i !'. . ! pur.- in I hi h'.l col.
f.-rnl. II lie.' il 1- ll'sl 'wool' la.' I'.
Pi!'-, eon-liinl a lad .1. ,, wli'.',-- any
to t bl or a li in.n.if ol ol Ii.i p'l.n.
:h '.ill
,-nli-at it
..'.M llhi
h'l" six
i - !
: 1 i .H.t.i I -
It-. I.'l
n i al ii Ic .
Ih ' i!,e ,.le
At ! 1 1 1 i K i ' I I.Y '.'.'
ic; its fiiiici ii in-, un I i-.
lary -eci.-t'oie in r. i a'
'I he ilijui l'Uls r".-l'! t w
ll-e ol ui.'i . i-y I..'i
lint it U : ol n'.m ll." I
l. " : Po
iv I iv nu, :
it to in.. i.
,1 ic -.r ...
nva, i..' 'v I
I'om tin
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. irpim.
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cis ir, ex, ;!. 'I h
I ill., .1 i i lie -i.i 1- !,
cXUael i : V Ml ll I
1 1 1 1 V 1-ol.lbiCi I H ll
I, tilt I . Xll.o 1-. i
in.u li, on,' i'on
Iom i r bow I , i
I" ot
til, 1,1
!.., U
ae! ,ljs
Ol .
I i.a pr, ul
i.a pr,
etl. It, tin
ettltie .Ih
cped .. I'l
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h a.
e ii
i pu
11 tl ii i ll ,ii.,
I ,tl i... l.l .11 ' ll -Iill,
ii.u., nn i.- ntni.ncr, ii'i.l Ii ,
l-i'. e.. oin.i in . i .' t
I , i 1 1 i 'lie. I I '11' jl.ii i -.
.1 i
N.i hull-, I old .h. l
ale p. f. I V .- I. , l
liai V ,li.- , .. ; .' ( I, ,l.ii
iA h. u Ic .- 1 in Ic
to i III. l In. let . -,
. 1 1 i .a i e. . ,,., , in a
IH 1m ...... .1 ......
- -l, III i I Ol. It. I.'.lv
I'.ds a.-l tl, .ai I' ,. .1.
oil In. I i... , r ,.l , .
, .1 be ui.h.' it l! la.
l.l. ' 1 al la. i !ia i.i
I h
i , ,1.
ill, il!"
ll.lll I
, l .l a
l . Ii.i ccl. nt in a
, 1 ..III
l e ...'
wiih lo. Ii
c, la i I .' Hi.
ol l. l,. I i
.1 ...l.l.i. t l !.. '.
i- I. 'It' Pol,"''.
Ii .,.i I It-. A e. , , . i l i
. iol'S, U VI. I '..' p.'.l. I ,
I, . il''" 1 ll- ll .... I III'.
i . an 1 , . ! I . ;lu
I a ll. l .l i.l I an. a.
I" ; ..o i I. I Ii.i i ., ic
't oi.le i ul il , ft
at. I",, ti n.,.', i..i
la.i h, in I 1 Ii I.
D. l- j.-:1 ii. i, i,
r ,1.
i ll.,' .
h, lu
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. I . I. I , .
I lilt l
I, I II I..
b is j'l.-t I'll I vial ami up in d
A MAUMOll! It i Oi l Of OOOU.S,
w hiih he has
and oilers lo the l'nbiie at lliu veiy
-labli.-h d a n pulatioii for low
prices and
J? J. I iL XJ 33 7. X-I O
lo iii, v.iil ciuKaVDi to !i:iiiiit.tht that position
C'OMli UN H iV A l.L it i:AMIN li Till :
l'.liST Af.iSDliTMKN'r
Thankful ft the huge an.oa'it of pal runno
llerelololi! besl.iMeil ul'on Till-. I will l'l-.lli :l, I I
lutTi-hii.g the be t al Ih,' lowe-t price to
Hi. lit ;. loiiliiiiiainv ol the same.
It. V. I'EU.iNil
Ap-.-r !.., i-;i.
Mivv Jictr K5;i".
riiK Ull.lersiene.l ii si I lull v inloi nislhci 11'.
1. i.ens uf Suiilmry and ieiniiy, licit they have
opci.i .l a
MliAT .SII()P,
in Dc-.vait's ' 'ii! line. on ti e neat h tluJ of Maik. '.
e- ina'V, two do, n lioiu the railr '."II, Were tliev
will l:u i a i oi.-tael sepplv nf the best ol lie, I.
Polk, M il on, ,v c, ill v. hole-ale or retail, at tin
low e l pi ;. s a-i.l of I be lii sl i,ualii y . A w.u o:i
. id he i an la sttj p' y i u .tonn : s c cry luorniiig ,
l"Xee,'t ..'lllilal .) The Is-I ol me it Mill follli l
ul iu. ir ikiip. t.i.t :.s n call an.l ui. fv ien
s, lee . E'.il'l'iiW .V
. i. P':h 1 -:.. If.
M'itlNti AND .-! M.Mr.i;.
t l.(IIU-i I ASM ( 1.1(1.!
Pi;i:Nl'll AMI )t)Mi:sTll' (ittoii.
i l ev. i v gr id ', in 1 op ::eil ;,t Ii,"
Mi:!:i'!!A.T TAIl.liU .-HOP
Fun i ii , t
;:sv .
I -I. ion ,!.!
a .J. O. i
, l.V,
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i. ho
ill. lie
cub r, 1;
'I sole
t.,1 I...
lal :
.1,1.1 I,.
". I I'
.-. t. v
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m .j ., i-:i.
liti.iio r ;i'.n-i'i- i. nit fH-it, Ki'ti,
, bt
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i e I .Ic ol
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Lei . ...
i i to
i- .i hi.
a. II t,
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l. I. All ! ,
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.! I .' ' il, i.i. i I.
M:i 11 H. I.M:
n-..:p, I'n. e I'l,
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I I Iill.
.Mammoth Hoot AiNIimO'tnrc
nu 1 1 tit
i . i. ; I
I. I'., i icb .
it. . ' S 'l "
I... 1 1 .
M 'I. I Ml tl I
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