Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 05, 1871, Image 1

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EM'L WILVEnT, Proprietor,
At fl.50 In Advance.
II not paid within O Monlh 2.
Hv'tcrptm taken for lett than lit Montht.
C'ovNF.cTnn with tlilfteBtnblls'braeut la tiu cxton
MvcNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of
f'laln nnd fancy type equal to nny establishment
n tlic Inttirior of the State, for Which the patron
ngo of tlio imblic is respectfully solicited.
urn. j. ivoLVKUTOV.
Attornuy ft
V Law. olllcc, tloor No. 6, '-!nd floor, lliuipt's
Block, near Miller's Shoo Storo, Bunbury, Pa.
March Until, 1871. ly.
O M KOVEIt, Attorney nt Law. Nos.
C - anil :, Second Floor Blight's Buildinsr,
Siinlmty, Pa. l'roi'or. .ioniil business attended
t hi tli.-eom-ti of Northmnbeiland nnd Adjoining
coiti-.ti.. Claims ivmnplly collected. Consulta
tion .an be ha i i i the (leriuau language.
! larch .'.'Hli, l-.71.-lv.-
"li.a.UJAII M'tYIJF.W, Attorney nt
Law, Stm'mry, Va. All jtroitonounl Iv.ifI-
m i intr'.is(e.l to his care wTll rccivc prompt at
tention in this and adjoining counties. Can ha
consulted, ho! h ill bni;'iish and Gennaii. Also,
District Attorney of N'oi'thuuibcrland county.
J SO. A. r,
Xo. Ill Fotjitu Avzxi'K,
:7, larv Public, rittsbuix'. Va.
.1: a'. 1", 1S70. ly.
' 5T CI. MAitKI'l V t'O. Market Street,
fj a ' tiUNi-l'KV, PA.
Dealers in Dni Medicines, I'alnts, Oils,
films, Varnishes, L'n.iiors, Tobacco, Chrars,
PoeUct liiiuk". Dairies, .lie.
O t. Vt'OliVE-ItTOIV. Attorney nt Law.
fC. Market S inure. jel'Nlil l'.Y.l'A. Prnfcs.don
al business In this and adjoinimr. eotiuties prompt
.y n't- noel in.
Dr.?. A. it. MAVBSWKa respectfully nn
niiii"ce himself as Physician and Pvtreoii
to tiie Sunbury and vUinitv, ha iui; lo
cated himself remi.inemiy on Market wtrcct, near
ly oppe-ifj the I'airnioani Hotel, where- ho can
liecoi'M'ltci! at all hours when nut professionally
..i.vv.-.a. npisM-ly
V. ZlSliilRR. Attorney at Law, north
shlu of l'nbiic tfniiare, mia door east of
Hi j old liank bulldlm:, r.milhi, i-a. eonci
t ions nnd all professional business promptly at
tended to in the eatirts of :,'orthumherlnnd and
ii'l'iolnliiir counties. KcptlS-lltl
A. KESIISSSKTVMaaC. Attovmy at
l.-iw, tfUXBlTiY, VA. Alt l.nW- e.i
c.t to l.i-i can; attended to and vi:h
lis. K AY T
tmh ::v. v.
Uoriv.y at Law,
,s and" all pro-
.,!. l.Kla.Vli'S
!. K.
"..I"?. At:
of fa? N. '
I,'' l-ail-lie .
d l'i.
et Law,
A. (i-.:
and 1'.
: r..
f.'.l ) D.
- Ml
1 to
1 all pr.
, r. I :
(-.-, r i
. V.'i'.:
v ;.; i.iuv. m:n
, eiuK-1 t lu
L iiijii, .i.v.ler,
m-. ::-,i'.'o)-i;.t
-jL. j.L :;V, l'A. (.'
! i onin '.r - of Nortl.miiHriir.i
i.n!'.;:i'. '.'olaMli'a an 1 Lvcon
i. m. i.iii m:i u.i.r:: 1
T. 1. 1
it- r?.4si;5iiA,:f,
!: 'L'i'll'.KV, VA. Uf-
.4i Au.ira.'N.. :.l Lav.-, !:
-.' in I l.m ;if .- ia v hu'i.lilii
l! u'i J-iai!;.'t r.iare.
csiud il'.-or. '.u-j.-.n-l-C-i
7:. IIIWV., Atfray at Law.
i. I'a. ti!i:- in .MusOili't Hall iSi-V
. tii.'.-i.s ,.!' cliii'us, writ hi an I all 1.
,1 biisia-.'.s'd to iv.!v:'.;:iy a-:
atcn. h April if, 1
in.N of
-I v.ilh
1. l.v.
si i-
YAa-i:"TiXE II5:'5'3;, Wholesale and
Ketail deaiir in every ariety of
lifNlirnY, VKNX'A.
Alt kinds of Grain taken in oxehan:;e for Coal.
( n-.iers t-ulh'dcd and tilled a(iinp!!y. feblS-7l.
M . S. lillO.VHH. J. l'Al-HEH HAAS.
tir S. I'.KOtUf A l.,
Y Y m.Tvu. it-.mi. or
Oi l ice. wr rii Haas, Fahixv 'c Co.,
O.V.u -i at f eas-hriltz ,t llro's., ollli c Market
1 !.-. t, v.ill reci'ive prompt atK-ii'.iuii. Country
i a-
oil! IV-p i-tlllliy foileae -..
1 1
iTl. tf.
I;!::-. '. ' - kes, Lal.s.
:-,as, Ci:i.s, A-V-,:
T. I' IV s.l
V c.nva
., 'l
i.i.i-; : :.i.-K
c CO.
March :k, V'-r.'i.
t'O.'.S.! C'Al.! '
liANTbllos., 1
tail Deaic. - in i
;ii,L'.:i',i'A. i
v.- -
.11.1 is an.l tioe an an.l i"
1:AMH;1I1 As-ill UAL, S'
(i.i.ivi'i: i!.::i-.
:!-.'.e A.'M.ts v. .-.'. ar.i, at
I i.i;. I '.'.'I.
" r.-.x. r.:A":i". t.xr-..
K.VH'riiOI.O.MlAY, 1
.1 in
.1 .
1'OI'R fit ir ihll l'l", AliO'iii MAI.KL'i',
-.. i . 1
-' of I . . . I llg i' I' l ,1 ll ' I I -j l.ol : , a 1 v, .1 , -
.lli-,.:. rn ton"
; .-i at fi - C, '.'ril llot.l, for .hie'.,
IV.- i.u 1.1:0a.
(i 1:0 Kti 1: M. n LNN,
,,0.1'.: ;.'"?'i'.iy, JAirAtt .ictiv,
Ml.ill.l, P.,
... I 1.1 .I., nil tools o!' uoik l-ef. lining
lo I'
ir. II- le
II 11. Ill of 'l
taallv 011
I,, ml
:. I
II. ilia!
cel. el,
, lion, or c..-o
ih v:
,ui 1 1,
d. rs
. fa
.1. 1
,,i ., ions 1
,i..i I it !'.'
, I.
y.'-.V Htl. V llt:.
. 1 ,, 1 1, .! . , I lb.i ('',!
,.,.;. I . ., .1 1 ' .' Et.ot !( .V. ii:it
; ,1. I 11 ,..pp'v 1 u. :!" nan lb.-
iT OI' toil ,
i rim r.isii.
'IJvV .U.LI.
i i;ui.r ' iiii i.r, i M-i i.
o , U ta i
nt.n1llliea In lNio.
otcls aufo cstanrunts.
-J tint sts., .Vhiladclphla, J. B. BUTTEK
WOKTlf, Vroprletor. Terms per day, f3.50.
April 15, 1871. ly
UJiUty 1IUTEL, TI109. KOl'LDS, Sr.,
Vroprletor, Phnmnkln Street, Trcvorton,
NorlhiinibcilanU county, Pa. The table- Is sup
piled -with the be?t tlio market affords. Good
stabling and nttentivc 06tlers. Jnn.Sl,'71
HKVi:i: HO! ST., Third Street, nt the
depot, SUN BL'HY, VA., Wm. Knrsr, pro-
prictor. ivarin meals served up nt nil hours.
l'ish, Fowls nnd (iamo. Ircsu Oysters eon-
Etanlly on hand nnd served in every style. Tlio
best of wines and Honors nt the liar.
rt7"Fainlllo9 will bo eupplied with oysters
done up in nny style, by leaving orders nt the
liar. Lov.., 70-Jy.
JOSEPH BACHERInfur.nstho citizens of Snn
bury nnd thn public Rcncrnllv, that ho has
opened n LAGEK 11EER SALOON nt the nbove
place. The best of Lugcr Beer, and Malt Llipiors
will be kejit. Also Oysters, &c., constantly serv
ed up to customers.
WALD, Proprietor, (iconrctown North'd
County, Pa., at tlio Station of the N. C. H. W.
Choice wines nnd cigar at the bar.
The table Is supplied with tlio best the market
affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers.
KLECKNEU, Pjoprietor, Nos. S13 and 814
Market Street, nbove eighth, PHILADELPHIA.
Terms, per day. Ho respectfully solicits your
WASIIiXGTO. Faoa'SE, c. nkfk,
Proprietor, Comer of Murket t Second
Streets, opposite thu Court House, Snnbuiy,
I'a. Mayi-S'TO.
zzf oteZi i:s:sTAi :t.iT,
1..L THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor,
tiuubury St., v,x-t SHAMOK1N, PE XX'A.
Meals served at all hours, at short notice. Th
bivt oN.!.;uors at the liar. T!ie Table is s-ap-li
I I'd with and latest lu the markets. At
tentive, servants. Terms muderate. l,.itran::;;e
Ha.'.ia r.i 1:'.vi tj wr ,
LOl 1SHOWII.L, Proiirielo
Couuiicivc St., SllAMOKIX, VENN'A.
Having j utt rctil ted the above Saloon for the
ncconiodatioii of the public, i.i now prepared to
serve '.lis friends with the best lefi eshinents, and
fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other
J. V A L i-: 11 ' s
A't... 7i0, Till, TH & 7127 Vine A.,
Centrally located, connecting with nil tho City
Vatscnger Railway Cars, from all tiie
Depots in tho City. .
Excellent Acco-mlioIutloiss for Tra
vellers. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert ? ev-ry
evening in the Summer and
Winter Garden.
tty On-hcsti lon Concert Eory Aftcrwion.JHZ
FINE LAriir.s' Itr.STAUltANT THE llMT Olf
ui:i-ni:sii.ENTS keuvp.ii.
Oillce of i. Valor's Foimtuiu Park Brewery.
Juno 4, lS70.-ly.
Boots and Shoes!
now iFrxEU,
Third Street, abovo Market Street, Simbury, Pa.,
Is prepared to manufacture
of every description at the shortest notice. All
his stock is of the very best, which Is made up
In tho latest city stylo at tho most rcin cniaMc
terms. Repairing done neatly and promptly.
'I he public are invited to call unci examine ills
stock un J workmanship before parch
, here.
Apiil 171.
1. lt I' O K S T It I. !
S 'cond Street, oi.poslto tho Court Hons
, SUN-
lit RY, PA.,
Respectfully Invites the attention of Retailers
and others, that he bus oil hand, and v.iil con
stautlv kerp all kinds i.r
Consisting of Pure lirundies: Couiae, Ch ny,
tllng.r, Roela lie nud Otard.
Yflii Kie.-: Pure Rye Copperlistillcd, Moi'"ii
g e.h. la, Api '.e nnd Nectar.
".'.'in.-: Chauipagtic Wl.ic, Shevry,
Crab Cider, Cbampngnn Ciih r, N
Port 1111. 1
E. Itiuu, a Mont and I'.coti b Ale.
A.n l nil others Ll'iuo.s which can be found lu
Ihe citv maikcls, hleU will be sold at V, I10I.
s.'.l.i anil Retail. Every uill. le trn ir.i'it. , ,! i,
r, nte. I. Also, u I n .'.- I"t of DhMUoUNo
and RoTTI.ES, always 011 hand.
I Olden, proinplly alt. iid. d 10, an J public
p.iliuuayo repcenauj ouwaeei
S.inbiirv. .IbIv 8. It.
C NKl'l',
' . iMKUH'ARK HTfinil,
J. II. 'ouIc) , kV C'u.
nArt rix'i-lveil n new assniimetit of illl.iad- u
. Harilwiire, Cutlfry, Xleeliiuili-1 Tools, ,ve
,1 all den'riplUili. Also W.ig i'i .Muki r ilulc
li.ils. Hubs, Rims, Spokw. Aim, ull kind. . I
I., athei lor ShotiuaUi' mil f-.adki 's. Lur
1. lag lu Iho llnruwaru lliieran t o foin d which
, 111 be uU lo u eun U bought id any utb' r
sl.ibUtUunui Ulhc county. Call u l ivu th.r
r iiubnry.Dic. 11, !'..
VVO VALIIAUI.EI.OT4 on tha comer ol
rkictmd mid lie-li.ul Ou a. In Die U
ti 01 buuburv. uu tbi ll linrj re trw'tinja
I 1 j, dA' iiluj li 'Ue, .t .bio an i imlbulU'l'.
'J :lJ buinc'.tc.t I, lata ollluiill Delia-, 1 e'd.
lat Oil ilafc.l .I.i I, In lb - tt,ro-'-h
oi --.ubi.i, on ukk I'd. u Uol uif ' ' ".
lablo un,t uulbliliJiuek lli,lill lit ll I- 1 u
1. P. Vol. Lit l't.",
V,b. II. lSIl.-lf. A''liili..'TrW
ttiM.IM.IIV A ASi. hiiti'.i..
Ml-vi 1.. wlpi:.:,
M ii k., I Blieel, uuu dual we. I ol 4-il. ou
e, 1 loiol) .1 ,H',
M'NUl' IV, l'A-,
o iit l Iwr fpilt. "1 uu i i i. f
flllllMrri' u4 lauty 4oia,
HAT AM l'NM:b'.
'I s i.iu l t)b f Ji lilaiiK "K; I " 'Hi
,.i,l V....ii,'u Hx-r, U i, iniaioiis, . pi.,,.
1. .... III. UOU., UIUU, ll-", JoJllu t'.'O'llol bl Ml,
n,.Kl-.!,sV.i"ll',Ml.' "'' ,
l.J . .i Itb li.; M ..liiuj b.b.-.., hu
).. '
.., UAKINU A!SI UlTlNi.,
.u ail U Uiui !. '
- -g b. 4 Ut tlalMj, sUlt 4
I o. I'.UI..,
i..j... .i Iji...i ..t ii...iy m i 'ti
, .U-4 U i all wi
atala. Ii4 .pl-"l
.i w ll., I,
Physician of this celebrated Institution, has
discovered the most ce. taiii, speedy, pleasant tiud
effectual remedy in tlio world for all
Weakness of tho Back i.r Limbs, Strict nrcs,
Affections of Kidneys nnd BhnhVr, Involun
tary Discharges, Ii-ipoKney, (icneml Di' ili
ly, Nervousness, lysjicpsy, Laugiur, Low
Spirits, Coufusijii of Ideas, PclpUiii.ou of
the Heart, Timidily, Treiii'ilinm-, Dii incss
of Sb.'ht or Giddlni-sF, Dis. a-.c of the lb iul,
Throat, Nose or Skin, Afl'.-ctlon of Liver, 3.111-4,-4,
Stomach or Bowels these- tenible DiEonlers
nrising from the Solitary ilubits of Yotiih ihoe
secret and solitary practices 111010 fatal to their
Victims than tiie sung al Syrens to the Mariners
of I'lysses, blighting theii- most brilliant hopes
of anticipation!?, rendering marriage, oe., iuipos
elble. jii:n
t". r-cially, who liavc lincome the victims of Soli
tnryVlce, that ilreadfal nnd dorfuctiva habit
which onnunlly sweeps to rn untimely grave
tli iiisaads of young men of the mi st exalted
talents and brilliant Intellect, who iai.;hl . oi liur
r. i.o l'.a'.u eiiiruaci l li.-lnniy ;- t.Miates w'.-. hllu
thiiudeis of cloiiucnce or iwik'j jto ee; lacy tiie
living lyre, may call with full luuiidjae-.'.
Married Porfoiu or Vo.nn; M-n com Miiplnliag
marriage, aware, of l'livtital Weuknefs, (J.osj
of Proeiealivo Power lmpoieu. v-), Nervou.i Ex
cit ability, V.tlpitatioti, Oi.iiiic Weakness, x..r
voas Debility, or any uiiia' lilj.iiiali..e..tion,
sjicedily relieved.
He w ho pla-" l-.iiii"c !f under the c ".re of Dr. J.
may rc'iiglom-'.y coniido in his 1" .or hm a jre'st'v
iiiiiii, and co:indeti!iy i;y noon hi .i';i:l asa 1'iiv-
hi.. ...a
Impob', Lost, of IV.u
...iuwl!:iH.'.y Ctuvd
and tun i igor tiestore.i.
This T)-tt reusing Al!'ocli 1:1 v. Meh f-.i.ll-rs Life
iol. "t ubie"uc Impo? is th" penttit;.
paid by fee victims of iiuproju-r la tineaces.
Voui.g j '-.vousaie lu.) ai.i to i-i-nmiil cxecs-.'s
ffoin liot In ii".1":: 1 !' I iiv- il ia.U al coi'i.eoe-.ii'.-s
ih. a in iv in .'!. No.v, i.iio tin. ! r. 1.
the tub.hvt v.i'.l I'l.' in d.i y that ;i- power
of procreation i:. lost soon -r I y !lio.;o :..ll:..i.;' i to
Improper habit - f'.i.n by tlu ptv. !
heiiig il'-i'i'l.' -i ihe 1 -ii-iii'. s oi' 1 v.
t1..' iu-'.'-l strioiis an t d-.'-t I'll"! iv,' - y.
ho ly mid hi', :i a.! ...'. T lie t-y t.-..
r.tu-jv.1, fie fi.v-U al tit i :'. ::
.V.i I:. '"'-', J 1 ; 1- i '" : .e I'i, i'.
Hl.:,il D-!--r..--.;. I'.-.. ..ii ill . 1
!i.!' itlai. Cm: ilta-.i-ai ti Pel, il l
01 tii .' Tivti..-, v-uali, Ctn itii.ii tii
.:- Hi
1 I.e."
-.1 t'l.
f. W.
' t.11'1
:. '.ih.
a err1: v.'ArnAXTf) r; two days.
Per o:m r-:!u.. '. hi h.'n'fi by iii'li'i'.rii; 1 pi;t. n
dci'i v.lio k.a'i ilioui ti ii'.'.;i'' laon!, alter mouth,
taking poiconous and ii.Jiii'lous CompuLink;',
i.lioiiid tij i iv i!i',;:u il,.in !.
dr. jo!!:-;.vi;:;,
Member f the R'yal Coih of ..luivciai", Uet
(, Gradilat.'d t'roin (Vie of il.,' 1.1' .i c:.,ia i.t
Coii.'ges ia the United Caai.'s, end tli ;-r icr
1 ait of niiosc ii'u lias been spent in llielto-pitaU
of London, Pris, PhiladeipiiiA and 1 Isev. h, re,
has eliceted sotno of th,' 1.10. 1 la lo.lii l.iag cares
tla.t were ever ; many tivubUi wiih ring
In.! in the head and ears when usle. p, gnat
iut vomi-ncps, being nhinueil at e i.lih i-.,
baslifulnciis, with" IVeoueut blnsliiug, titteaded
sometimes with derangement of, weivcure 1
Dr. J. addixs.-.a all tho.-e who have i.,iurvd
thcnisclvoii by Improjvr iii'lii'geue .- a:,.l tn!a.,.y
iiabit 1, whi' li ruin built ho !y ai:1. !..:; i, ii;.;,;.:i g
them for either lui !i!'.e.s, sti;.'..'-, : o.-iciy or ta..r
ria ge.
'i ..r -s me i .'iae , f th- t.H and 1: .-I,; . '
cff-its pi'jdi'.ii'd by i.-.r.y 1. a hits of jouih. v'ii:
iikiie-s of the li.a'l. i.a-l Lin. In. I ..ia . in
ll.i 'k and, l'lai'.i' 1 of si 1 i, 1. . 1 1 .'..'.-cn'.ai-
Power, P.,lpitiifl 1.1 of li.c 1 1 . t, IV. '. -,-e,-y,
Nervous Irrilabi.dy, li rangvir.v.t of Dig
t'ui-.ciiont:, (.ieaeral De'-ilay, s -yiap',. ....s of
taii'p'.iJii, e.e. 'i '.e f, .11 fid r'.'j ' i "II .i;e
are much to be diea.. .i i.e. uf .'-lei , ay,
fusion of l-lea, Dcpri.s-i.):i of ti .1 ,
Forei'm.lingH, A'er :ion to Koei.ty, If-i-t-i . a.-;
Love of Solitude, Timidity, ece., aie tome: of th
c ils Produced.
Tiut s vM'S of persons of all urt.i
e what i.i the lall-c ol
,g their i 'or, b.
; h. villi,
, We.
,.k, I .
and emaciate. I, li.i';,.g a
nboal the , coie,'.. aail
y on no
Who have injured theai. e
t lee hi'lii;:,'. d ia v. lu a alt.
le . i i.'. .1 l'i ,:a e'. 11 ei-.n! .f
etf. cis i,f v, 1.1 Ii aie ...
a-lvp, an.l if act care 1, r
, bv a certain inae
u l. iolt l'.-i.piimly
.. or al selio..:, tile
y fell, even V. lie..
1 rs i.i .1 :':.' e iiap..--
slide, urd ,!' -I i-i ys both 1..';:-. 1 an.l le
apply ie niedia: -ly.
What a pay a yoa-nr 1.1a.:, the
ciuutry, 1 1 i'..,.-liag of 111- paieat-.-
n.. telle.. I', '111 all 1 Osj,'.. , ..lai 1 .'
life, -by the tolls. 1:1,1.. ' i f if.", ia'. ia
pal li of Mil are and in 1 big :,i a 1
habit. L.iwh pel. on ' 1 , , I b. :v coi
:.. .,.,!
hope of lllS
, taould be
oj incliis ot
g l'i o:.i I lie
i-.aill s. ,'l'..t
atenv la'.ing
M ARRlAii E,
r.Ucel that a toand i.,lm m l bo.iy ere the 1,101
nee. i.a.-.' i':e:i::i: I ; lomoie cai -;H i:.-. I li.ippi-
1 ne s. la I a -.l .l'.l...u. 1 ii,- . , 1 :.e joa. acy 1 .1; i.';h
J life K co;... a v.i uy ',1 ;.liu tl. .- ; ro.-j e. t
i boarlv li:l.!i "is tolle: ie.v s t!.: lull. I !,.o.....s
I tbadJiisd d. s; ;;!r .,.,,1 I i:'a ! . 1.1 I .u-,
I ,-l-,r,'v 1. t,e. 1 1,111. I1..1!. I' . b.l' l la. sj Oi llliollKf
b.eo'iilej lii jj.ic.l will. oar. 'i:i.
A tl.Ri'AIN lOi.AtE.
Wh. n t'ae .ai nu 1. .1 ai, I impi'iaUnt volaiy ol'
ple i -me f.u.'.s C....I i.o has, I I'a.' m,4 of
iliii p.1'11'''.' .'. , e, 1' 1 , .1 I. . lie.. ., . 111.. I all l 1 .;.. 1 f ; ii-i :i -, or il: : ! 1 1 ill ,.,.iy,
luiers'm 1. id.i in r to tlio e v.ho,
1 dla .ilioa and I -oe-.-l.r 1. iv, 1 .:: ai. i.e I ' . :'. 1 . . . I
biai, il i.-. -, ' I.. I I.i. e,,,i.-: a-ila.aal t :a;.loi..j id
thin le.;., 1 ... ... e in.iL. 1 i elr ii; ; , t. a. li
a- llleer.ll, t s..le tl.loe.l, ... ; -. 1 11. . , l.o ,111.1.
I .ii'u la t!:' ! -a l ..ii I V:
ll.-llill s:., 1 . ,1. oil lt:e -blolehc,
oil llie l.e.l I, i.o',
- ii jidii : .ib 1 1 1 ;.a iiil i,
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ii peil. 1 to l-'s i!ii.i.::,il .-.;.: ..a., I;,
bi in lo I liat I u :i-e, e.e red I ,,ii,.! . 'y i. . .a - n e
i.o trav o, . lelu. i.-."
ll i. a I.., lain l.oly fact tii.U DIE
letitii l '.U. Iciill.lo llo; or, liirol.etl lulling
b.lo ll.e I ,,,.s of I ii ,i. ii. I oi nn i.iiiiul I'l.i.
I l-.M'l.i: , i.le., b li e u i ot Ui.,1 d' .o.. Pol-
noil, .M'-ri ill V, ..'., t, -li , I i.e l . 11. .iti ill 1".:, all I
incapable, of ei.r.n-, I., lb," ui.l.. pi y a.l. " r
Uioi.ili ulur no ..ah lb' ir I. . -.nan or la-
J 1 1 lolls ' '
, IpO I'.i
..1 bl 1.
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. no I ll.l pin.
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vjpTUE Ljwir HTYI ifrFrl'"' ''"?.:. jJ
QtUtt )ccfrn.
r y ::v. . n. Dt uts.
Tho Mas'tlciiusctts ilulcrn'on,
That signed o ir giylioas Declaration,
Were Hancock, Gerry, Iloaeit Pauo,
The fr it'a t John Adams, mid again
Another Adams, Samuel t name.
New Hainpshire, called "tho (li-atiitc Str.'e,'
Pent Whipple, Bartlelt. Tliurutoa, fc-ival.
Aliko in counsel anil ikjatc.
Rhode Island's delegates, ve fee,
AVcro Stephen HopkiiM na.l Eilery.
Connecticut, excelled by niT.e,
Seat Roger Sheim.m, her 1 oolc-t son.
With Woleot, Wi'liai.'.u aud Lua-Uigtoa.
New York as delcrtec eii'j'lojcd
Lewis Morris nndV illiam Floy,',
Willi Francis Lew'u-, .ne, '.iviie1'.' ' a
Who lKJ bfoio the war was done.
New Jersey to the Congress sent!
Her honor, d Collcee President,
John V.'it herspoon ; with Stockton, Clark,
Hart, Ho; klnsou all men 01 mark.
Though TVi,:icy!vaiiia need not blurb
For Morris, Morton, Wilson, Ruth,
And though most nun tingle, seem n3 rlrofs
To Clynn r, Taylor, Smith, a-.ui Uosij ;
To l'lanUm 1 a "h hi tribute jriags.
Who lKither lightiiing.-i I'varctl, nor kind's.
Thn men from De'.i-.w are iadu'd.
As true as tteel, la uMaoi.-t nenl
Were Rodney, with McLean ai.J Deed.
'My Maryland" is proud to ov.i,
lLiir Carroll, l'aca, Liaise e.nd Stone.
hi u'd V!" .'".i-.V- vol'
The siitcd Rleh.n.l ilea
And, ja.'t as oaruc. t t 1
lii.- tn. iiier, l'r.n.els I. i
A':. I Vfy.he and X, sen, - ilj-iet:
Il...i..,u:i luivi i.-ia.itoa. to?
line ct' l.l ali ; III-re was liut
As great, a. ' JeiLi'.oa.
. C
vc-s P.
iv! l-'outli'iaa's vote was von
y Iio.-.u..l, Lynch aiKl l-iiihlletii.
Froia ;.'uru-1a e.i'.iie Civ. hue t, :
An 1 Walton, too, f..e In. t of e.l!
Who sigi.i d our piti Ion. 1 ! !; u
'flic l-ii-ic an.l e.orv of the n..t';.
, nan,
a.iEJLSAXvs t.cva:::.
1 tlou't know why 1 sltouUl f.ricak ;lms
in tlio hiuulr.r mniiL'cr, lor m tiuiiily Iil
iiau coturl count li.'jit; tli.tit olj lovef'v. Iieti
she came to visit at tlio lui-m hoiiw. of Iter
11t1.1t, rulict of thu Into .liiuol) AnUi'tws.
l.Jlt.ui iiail uivtcd tviili li:i!t" the senioi-s of
X Collect.', one nt'iiT np.idl'.cr, its well
it.j lucrretsois, at her owu li, ami, h:iv-
iil:' L-llioci d I.!:.- :.dvfinl.l"a .if kucIl f-yli liil-
t.l i.nuftee, fciio was, aa usav he supponal, 1
able au.l nccoiii.uislcja iiv'lhtil lino :u-t.
i'a'., us li'-tu ttsd to tiiatiii, 'a lovof ii a
lay th till lie ik-c-Utrca hiiiisul!'.' Lillian be-iii-?
sninywtml out of lifiiUU this RUintner,
ii had been dccitl.'d that, iiibL-.-ail of rcmiit-
tu'.' niLer thu lasluouuljle inetltons ut tuu
j saitlngs or the mountains, the .should r.giko
a vi:i, to tlio eoitutrv lo.n ol lrnfL::iiK, 1
v, hero tlm uir was good and tlio diet wholo
suiue, and the. iauiiLOa po" uiis',!n',n':sid.
Mho arrived at Lriar'nauks iato in tho, anil, a iter bi ity coddled with a
cup id le.i at.i ctiktard, retired to her pil-lu,-
with. nl taodo ado. Co:'.sej:i'. 1:1 ly M'.o
was bo'mo .vliat surprised on entei iti her
aunt'ii breaiifast rooir., to liiul a haud.-oin.'
young ni'.m drossed in homesiiun, of
cor. .'.,;, but not one whit lis:; haiiiisoiiio
uiiisoiiio for
that ueated at her aunt's table.
'tlood nioruin, Lilly,' s;dd that lady, '1
liopo vou rcsteil well, l oil look r.M Hesii
i.a a ri'o b'.sl uiutvcii.
laii is Juan 1 ur-
Liouili, Lilly.'
'I mil i d,' thought Lilly ; 'ono would sup
pose Yiii'iioutli t j be a person of re
nown. It's as if (.no had "aid, 'This is
,,'olm Ihiuyon, Lilly,' or 'Juhu Milton. "
John Yarmouth, i'ei-sootli ! 1 tn-vi-r hcaril
ufhi'.'i.' Xlifu 'u jod nioriiiu;;, Ml. Var
nioutli." .I-.iiU pushed tiwav hi-: eh. til", r if.O lo bis
fud Light, aud held out it brinvn honest
haa.l u kwdidiy vtiough, lor Mr.'. An-
il.vwj bail not loid him that Lill was uu-
der her roof. "1 hopj yog will laid Lriur-
hanks plegsan!,' ia: taid.
' '1 nie.Lii to mid it pl. a-anl,' said Lill.
'And the i-aving hi, itLii a woman says
bho , id, hhe will 1'
'And Whii : ho WoiiT, she won't !' add-
cu Mis. Andrews.
! 'Uli, 1 don't know about that 5 1 think
; .she can Lu persu.uled tlnti.'
'i'liat is et:coui:iguig,' hu -filial John
! Viiioiouili. ...
WI.,. is l.,V I'll .b, n I.e bud
e ... , .i . . . . ... , .....
lie r, .ll . iVIl .ite'WS urot:i':i m iiepiiew b
! i stolid coil. iu. lie in tn:i ;. s Iho lltiiii for
' me. Viair iiiir!,. .1 i. -oli kt u Mgl.t
, by l.iia. lb.'s au uncommon young felii.w
j 1 .r ll.i e i ails, or any oll.eis.' '
I 'llc'a uucoiiiuiouly ban U Mao, uckiiow-
! k dged l.ill. Jly-aud-by ho bliolled into
I tho' Lsst parlor, wl.ii'o tho blind , were
i ilia., u, a:. I a sl.oiig o,l. i of bl.ul; la tt -i r
. . . . .... . .'. .. .I .
an.l cam .our 1'lei.flicu i'i... ni i.ic iinnua
I lliat d.Ued to ior.iilO 04 ..Irs. Allure Ma'
li.r, c ply carpel
11 Ol .'llll
1 1 led Lii!, btuinblill ; tnio'l
,r i H ill ihe ilu.,;.
I A toil llhoil.i.
1 ta vi r knew you pi iy , d,
1'. w asu'l lii iu w Iim 1 i,i mo
b. dole
1 am!
i.ii n '. ,
..i.i a
1 .
i: l i i- "I.
', l.j, 1..
I ... , , .-a .
l,;u, s.l i.
a'H, , I..; I : .
u ,l I,
a. . b.
I. ...I
,ii in, . :.-. . ,
b "I' 'l i
. li.c l.slti i la I
'i. l ,1 u t "ii .. ,
.i.i.l i. i. o lli-j ! oi ti '- i,:.
li.c nty ll,. y a. i.i b'l I
ui.l V, .ill P.. 1 i III '. 11 1 U
Ibal ,''..' b st l the 1 1.,1-t !l,e. Ill
hi at I u. I 11 .-i. loi l l I -1 ,ii;l 1 l i
I. si l the li...i.l
, Lilt 1
..o I i
have I. ,oi p., oil . i I -I i i.
'.-n-lila t' Ii- i oU Uli I
,1 i V. I.'
ri.- Jacob Ulo
iU . ,o ,lli bun.' a-'.4 111,, i liij .
ill. i.U I ' t I, .at i no I-...1 s , a .1
-U'l luu 1. ' l''-
I I e III,;
lu .1 uill. U"t J o.l tii-vd
I lo ut .aili, d ol 11
It. tilu.1.'
'Id. 1,1, Aui.l 1:1.1,11 1 d.Jltl
la i. to tall Ll bits.' i
'Vll) ll' 'j , b,U loilt lylUU el tbat'
lb. ) d u'l coi.ti. ail, i,'
Am.' Kb .U I I I " I H'4t lb N . '.utihl j
1 4 a.. I...I i.. l I , II' ' j I ui.l. ... i . . tlUf I
lio.ll , U 11, It Utt O.l" l .1 ; 'ha, I- l.M.l I
,. , I 4, l.t' ' ' O'li a -1 i i,
a i. I bit 1' '' i 1 '" ' ' i c 1 1. I
' o.t ;..i i.t ia.t in i a pwi Ho) bift lal
i .
- 1- .. ..i i .; t. - i il.s . .. ol. I
l . , , ., U , I . I Int. o I I"' I. la . '
' . , I a ' 1 I.'
A Iff"
FYTi A w
'1 iTtr your pardon. I didn't call for
Hessy liull. tehall wo po back for her ?
'If you wn.nt hor. If ithe's a favorites of
yours,' rct'it-nrd LU1. And John whipped
up tho h'.irso and drovo on. l.ill chaUino;,
:ir lier way was, familiarly and easily, us It
John Yarmouth lmd been nu ncqnaintanpo
of a lifetime, wliilo John, not a bit abasli
t d, related tho history of this and that farm
ns they passed, tonic drowsy old lejreud
Iia-utHing youderwood, sonio enchantment
revi ling; in a wayside brook.
ll would bo difficult to recount tho do
p ivies by which John Yarmouth been mo
J.ill'a devoted rIiivo, for such bo was before
the month was well out. If bho had e:
prcs-ei'd a latent desiro to vl.'sit tlio moon,
uo doubt he would have made thu attempt;.
'lie's sucli a delightfully obligiu;; soul,'
she onco said to her aunt. 'And yet he
makes you feel as if it wctc all a matter of
course, as if you were doin; him a favor to
ret-civa his Herviees ; and then, one don't
ft el afraid lest ltu'll mistake one, and 0 Vj
the. fulling; in lovo, you koc.'
Aunt Hif I.- looked ut Llll over her
'J lio i;r.'l that t;il3 John,' said f.1:o
larly, 'gilii gold.'"
'Oh, yes,' ansv.-crod l.ill, absently, 'he's
a very iiicc sot of a fclio-.v ; he'3 as strufiij
as a lion.'
'A modern Samson,' hinted Aunt lUioda.
'I wonder who is tho, modern Delilah !'
'Oh, I should think ho was abovo lclliug
nny woman ruin him.'
Lively body a weak side.'
Ti s, I think John's weaklier is ca Iho
nide oi jjrainmar,' laughed Lill.
'His ofammar ! Why, I never noticed
it,' wasn't at nil surprising;, 'lie's well
educated, John is ; ho taught tho district
school winter hi fore last and ho heats every
thing nt ciphering.'
'Dors he V Lill, ac if fcl.o didn't cr.'.o
hi, ola.ta il.
' 1 ...1 liavuft tried yntu- forlut'o nt t'.e
brivik yet,' mid Jo!m "tl-.ul. iwn"tvj when
it 1 had 'blacked up,' us Aunt J'.lti iin, .-;:l!.j,l
il. !;fur lii.s hai'd day 'a work, una come i , 1
I'lphiytiie itjAiveab'.'j to J.iii ; Iho tuoou's
all l ight lor it, loo,' he pursued.
'Tiieii we'll po to-uigli'..' raid hho ; 'you
know you promised lJ wait at tho hUIo. 1
deo'.ue it makis my llcnli creep now to
think of it. AT hat il 1 should really boo a
itici! thero !'
'it seems to me you'd bo a sight more
cut up if you didn't, put in her aunt, 'it's
all a pit co of foolihhuosa any way. I iliould
thin!: vmi were two children.'
'J )iif you ever try it, Auut llhoda ?' ask
ed her saucy niece.
'Well, no ; hut L know who did to her
sorrow, and that was Liddy Knight
you've seen her V as sorry an old maid n3
ever breathed. You bee she had a lover
round tlieso parts, and fha went to visit
tlio city, and jest pot her head turned and
her brain addled, and homo bho came, and
up and jiits tins poor lbllow, 'cause he
wasn't quite so line as laeo : aud that very
night a lot of 'em girls together took it into
their silly heads to look into thu brook r.fltr
fate, they said. Liddy, she was tho tirstto
try 11, ami while the others watte, lau.glung;
at tlio Milo, up tliu goes to ittu
hold as yoa please rtud &
ins to say
'Whoever my true lover's to be.
Let him Iwek ia'.u the brook with mo ;
and then tho gave a shriek like tlio last
trump, for thero at tho bottom of thu
i strcain, io-oku
up al her witli staring dead
1 eyes, 1.
Mercy 5' cried Ull. '1 won't go near it.
Vi'hy didn't you Ull mo, John i"
'1 never heard it before. 1 thiuk tlio fel
! jtv was a fool 5,
'Oh. it my blood run cold,' said
Lill, shivering and uet lliir; near to Jidm
just for liuinau compiinionship.
'It was au tiM ftil thing an awful retri
bution ! said .Mrs. llhoda ; 'it shows the
danger of playing; with lire. There, John,
! it's a dreadful creepv subject; let's havo
boi.'.o music. I'm rial tliin-'.y for some,
and 1 giii-ss Ltd is too.
I'm afraid to go in there iu the dark
alter ail this hobgoblin talk, unlesa Miss
Lid v. id cotne and t-.iko r vro of me.'
'1 will go," said Lill. ntiug and tulkitiT
John'.i t'.rui lo tlm dusky parlor, and sit
ting thero besido him, soniiliiug happened
lo Lill, soi'.iclhing that had never happened
before. Tho l.ioou had got up high, enough
to look in ut tho window aud hold tho two
in a circlo ol .:;;ut as ll it wouiil lam si;uc
tin an in iiR'ciiu'r in it charmed world ot
! ihair own. Joiiu laid been idly playmg
I linj ring tnelodiis and liiittniug to
Lili's iulorpretatii.ns.
'That,' i uid ;.he, 'reiuiud.i mo ofa young
' girl sitting before the lire ofa dull evening.
J c-ho has a lover, you know, but sho must
j not think of him because ho is poor, or
something, no mailer what '
I 'Would that keep you thinking of your
! lowr 1" iuli rruptid Jolm.
! 'Anns, use, 1 am not speaking ol inysell.
So .she sits down, not liieaniu;; to allow
, la rsclf Ihe plciiMU'o of thinking of him ;
i l j'idji,!,!,.,, tlnjugliH 1 iho forbidden
litlit being BWcUctt. f Iw falls perlorco to
i think of liim, and of nottiing but liiul.
M l 1 ...I ..... ..I, ..I I-
, -lui.u oicj n un iiu m m.
! and i-iucties lai-t!f up and reprimands
' lurself. There, douT you bear what il
; s.i.tas to say, '1 lllliink about n.y ii-w ball
diet,, or Amaranth and her Hyacinth in
j Iho imvcl 1 read yesterday ; nnd yet and
I m t it is bo initcli iiici r lo think of htm, of
1 i.i.. u nder ie-. nud tlio t iuch of bis loving
' bond, luid'-toi, Mr. Viiriuoutli !' cru.l
- 1 111 ' ..I... l! ...oli. ,11 .,!' .1
, iau, mi p"i .'"""i "
1 I 'Vlh
i ii I ..i, .i o, ....... ..j
ii ' baud, bad uliii'isl utu oui 'luiisiy
i i... i .a. .,..! i .111.
Olll II, a I'llll, l,,l v.-:" . .....
liiieeia in tl causa ii:i nlle as ll'KUdbllip,
Lilt n all U ll e i. low !
Lill,' l o sai l, i-pciLing wry low, '1
have a beat lo Live you -wry bulo bi.-i.l. 4
iii-l i;...v. Will y. 11 havo il, -liar r lilt
.1:1 ...ii-..'.' ", t'n r "U will or not "f
1 'oh, M.' '. .n.i...;,:li, 1.I0I h'jiiit tiiean V
'1 h.Vu n il. 1 dol.i't lo. .11 It at las!.
1 I' light ir I1- bho a ll"". ''I.t l'A'' i
iui l.U r Haiti , U pii 1
.1,0. I.i.l, l.aojoii a.ijl!.lii.i hUo it.c
b.i.!V , ,
I h. Mr. I. bll. I alii ao "ll'. 1 il ' li"l
l.l,l)olt ia - , CU-sO li.c 1 f.lli'l bi I.i
- I 11, r ll. 0111. hi of it ; p. i!. .f 1 bad,
ll mi. hi I tvo In ell di Uiii, lit - i li i kuott 4 (
l la re, bl me go Ml'. Va;.ii' i.lh d ni'l
' 1"
ak to l..o unlii'li', p.. .11. 1 taut
ipt your le ni, 1'iiiKo. 1 I don't
iii 1. 1 ll ; tl. ie, it "tt't L.Ui'l V. bat 1 a,iy, I
I ,1 qlnle U a .do in) If. .'tob'Hly vil I itij
I . b. I .11 '
'1 in, i'a I M. 1 1 ih in,' w.tlUliirf ttwuy to
llw Wiudov, uint a, 1 in It 'Iblug bul 11 t'Mil
l.lut l I010 bliil. 'Vouwilli itiuaLlllltl
lU)'ll; llll Unit' Itettllal' .
j b, 111 In 4, John. I ut.wr Ull nun it
1 IhllV. 1.4 .y Jolt'l U'.la il i 'llw
I (.,..., I l.t)i ttllllaitwW tlitl H.uiiu ilt"U
lai.llo te UlUf b.tU I, itttU I lU.iU'bl
lu ) ti iv b'l it!. hi, I l.u li an I.J11J to I-r
l)'. lllsahll.e lllillt Vlbll 1 lb'4l
Ill.alUJl' lj .s l"1' I Ittu t.lll l.'lfU,lt
ay ao ,. i . ..u I lb 'U,'i I I t ai. I 1..
I loin It, I l' . ' I I "I '"
1 1 h A I
i rVcwMorlc!!, Vol. .1, Sm. 20.
f H;I KrlcM, Vcl.Sl,r.'.i. 37.
'CinfiunJ nppreeialiotil' mulicrcd John.
'Am t tn lilittuo for you loviiv; nn,
Johni 1U1 I brintr it uboutV
'1 don't know. 1 am sure,, lill.' '.Soitv
tifiics I think you did, and th. 11 ngnin I
have a feeling that if 1 had been one. of tlio
uy, idlo youti men you know in tho city,
with their while hands and lady-Ilk" ways,
and a fortuna r.t their had: god :.!!, you'd
never have. oiki on will, nn u:i yea would
liavo without thiukiu.;i' l.e.'
'So you tiro ang-y n-UJi v. ?, sir, for Lav
ing been civil with yoaV'
'A'o; huL vvl-.c ti i havo giva mv b.cst, I
don't expect t-j bs i-?ptii.l with aa'itifk'ior
u-tijlc. Lillian, you nrj not l ived cvm-v
.-fy as T love you. I v.ot'ld i;j tliruinrh
1 i'ro and witter lor your tx.
'If you renlly c-re l for y:, wcuid
uoltoriucut no Willi the c:ip:v?.v,u.u tf your
re;;r.i .l, rhcu you bw Lvw -,.:ii.i.s.l itnlbr
wo to ILtc:,!1
'.Tdy re":u-.l id a 1rr: - o y ""! I ifn ;m
to torment yor n'.i my .'If 'i I .:'.: to ma-re
you, Lilimri'
i)o you, i it'redi" l'.gl:' pl-'.-.rg'l tin,; l.ali
nngrv with liis vehrnlnil .i. tc;mi:ialu.n.
'Xho davs for that .-'ort. of tliifr ttte fust,
ui.titu fri.oar'.'S'ii .obraiy can bo
tirr-v l:crvr;!l now.'
married j
i menu to umrrv von. I.:l.;m. nn-l vot.
uhall pive ('(USfut. I nieaa to do it!' i
John lutd bur in: as nt the tvaikot tov it I
next day which detained hint a .vtck, ii'i i
wliilo ho was j-vigiiig l o:ue, a travtliiii;
carriaoo p.xssed him, iuid a lair, tantalum"
face 6howed a moment ut the window, nnd
Lillian waved l.itu her a d.cus in a llirl of
bir LntuikorcL:-.'', a; much aa to say, '
1 escape you, titer ail,' t'-cn ' .1; nit back
in lier carriivo o.tii'.e f:,".t!.:il.. d v.iih her
xU; lieuct'ljrth (ho knc.v wl-r.t l-nv was
like sjlie r.liotild he :. 1,1c to di.-.UKc-jiih the
cornlcriMt IVoui the 1-...!, John i ad I'-tr-n:-hod
a iki'.Ii' c-::":)-.:.'--v.l.nt a "r.i: v
had not. he. -ti r.blo to i:"?.;!i it.
O.10 c .-.nib
g, v.-l.-.-.u Liiliitu
,:, : '.) sin'?'! fur
u- t,i a l i,.,!.
l.r.,1 d rr' -e.l
1 i:;oiK'tit be--L
her aliire.
I " - " e- -..o
ii'i'i! the !..:: :
"-1. ... .
-. ciear, or
eves ph.; -tio.l
' I'd
ui.!;:, 1, 'ii- ilk.' a '
t i;i mii. mass of l!
o.' gciileu li;;'.it, :
t )
;:;:; dti'.cry,
made 1
,-i -
bsioi al.
'1 should so n:
raid to hole .'!!", .-it.iHin;:
tlicu tdie rru. cd tin in";
i to
, t,-
; back til ,
u o turn
'I V lUg!
.gas, rinin;-, a golden stamen out of ll.e I'tys
lal heart of a lily, and in an thg
llamo had plucked at h;r akevo aud ".-as
Eoarint; above l'griic:;d.
AVhcu Lillian ivcovered fro'.n tl.e j.-oin
and weakness coi'.Kc(:uc::l, iho v.r.i uo b.i
ger beautiful.
'I will teo what beauty ii worth,' fdio
said, accepting; the lifjl invitation received
since her convalescence, bo she dres:id
herself in her gayest attire, slic put on her
most spirited manner, nnd wcro a tniilc
that was like a sunbeam nlhwart cloudy
weather. Lovers who had bun;; about her
to distraction, passed with a nod at most
with a touch of estiani.ed linger ., with nn
ci fort at appearing natural. Kival beauties
who bad hitherto had exchanged only con
cealed common places witli her, sympa
thetically assui'eii iter that the sears wouia
wear away in time.
'1 know it,' sho answered; 'but whi'o
they arc wearing away, so am I.'
'Dtauty is worth everything t-.eri" dig
thought. 'Down at Driarhauks peibi'.p.s
they discount it.' t'o she wro'.o to Mr.?.
Jacob Andrews, I'm coming down to
you lor a uay or two.
'Ahem V said that far sighted nialrcn,
'to sgo John ! Why can't io!!;s ho honeM'. ' 1
When John aud Lillian met, Mrs. 'An-!
drews, discreet soul, cutilrived lo bo tn- ;
tjageil iu her dairy. j
'1 supposo you came down to cum
witli that scar,' taid bo ; '1 tit w!:".i I look I
iu. you x (loin soo ill' ui' tiir-ii tlio na
pudeiit fellow up and kissed it all tho same.
'The ancients believed iu tho ordeal by
fire,' said Lill.
'llccauso fire i1 octroys w lig'. -i er is not
imiiioria!,' returned Jc!;u: 'iLi.-, Uu'.hand
love furvivo il.'
'l!o kissed tliU poor lnaiiv..! face,' she
said, regarding it thai night U fore the mir
ror, 'it cannot bo love, il must ho pity.
IIo misjudges bis on u feelings ; by-aini-by
bo would come to bis senses, aud I where
should 1 bo Y No ; it would bo wicked for
mo to tako tho advantage. And then
what is to prevent l.un Loin thinking Unit
1 esteemed n;y charred face good enough
for him, now that tho idle mir.dag youths
v. kn once adored V'.e, b.ii-s me by.'
'Vou'il never do b. tur than to in
John," raid her ouUpolu n auut,
that face tf yours. You won't lind every
body to oveilook it.'
'1 know it,' raid L!!y ly. 'That's
just tho point. He's so good that 1 don't
like to impose upon l.i.n.'
'Will for my pari, 1 don't h,o how it
iiiatler-i, a little beauty uioiv i r L-s. Ja
cob and niu wcro like t o o doves together,
and there wa'nt a plain, i n. an lobe pitind,
atiit 1 in no tivit .'lial.i ; i .Hi
So Mii-s Liil nluiiiid lioia
, and t,i..:iin-
V' ....V'
: (ill llll!
I live, mx, en I.I
s:., en I.I yiais. At tiie unni
sii-.f bid Lei'Utl lo gioi, dan ; on
llio sixth, it was scarcely i-ioro than a ha j i .iy kelwi r, uu ih eh ad mil m unci' en
dow, and al iho end if Iho i i: !.th, tlran-, ,.uiir:l h-;,.i, w. uaiehei t dos regularly
gcrswho bad n it b.ard of ii.s i-1, sifc, I ci'iiti;ito-aiig:o-sa:':..a imtlhtu rathlii: uiea
lievir gtlSM il it had bit ii. Unl t but owlio ' fc,., ; Vll v-.jmj.., nu dllVelVLCo III
i .... i. . .v.i.. : .. : . . ii . : . . 1 . ' . ' 1
Hill' llsell HI 1110 tllll, III IV 11. .Ill llcnli.,
l-ivogiiizcd ils j;li(hl, Lul by ll.i, I'.'.uo
Lillian wa tlitrtv yeats u.i.l pe.. ,o w. n.
beginning to call I.i r vumi r
wcro kpriiijiiug up lako her 'lac,;jii, lor
ll lilts, louis, one i.uci- iinoiini, ii"
. . . . , , ,
i Lai k to lier standard. 1 l:e svar I. :d Lien
.1 'alt idatlii- th' y w, re m.t i ff .id :' ha
dowa. Mirclv, U"W that 1 bo !,, I I a ("itu ie
in her bail. I, it w 11 liuie fir Lull an 1 1 '11 tl 1
:t clioi,-', 1 11 the I.i, alilil ie, e, '..:: .le .i il
U i ati d, John i.iiue up Loin I'a ul . i.i. ,
l Illicit aoiu.i lU'Hi, y t'ir M11. la '
'." be Ml 1 1 ll is ("1- Vl.llf I.i .I'll, ' il'V'r,
1 Lillian, be 1 j la 1 1 u . I , .'..ii..!y. 'L nip.
1 p...-, .1 you 0 ui 1.. .ri ) i'"ii.s 1. 1 , l.l.o i t l. t
' .i ph. 1 11, i, i'.;il I", hi ,' "d r.
III.-, d I 1 lu ll 1 me. '
1 till Johll, 1 M-l l ! '-I I l h.'l.l I'a 11
and -'
' V"U ui', iili-i s a 1 1. .13.1.1. ,..'. l)l
'And tin 11 "ii l.u '.v, joiiv.ii. t .
111. 11 IV in.- l 'hi 1. 1, il :.' 1 I 1 . n el...!.
il l llt'llld 1. 1 li ' '
l .l a,, 1 am. It 14 the l ihin" 1
i aiuo l"l ; ll. ' oil" I 'n only all,.. I.. I.,
lit w, I, 'ii .a. f'h. ill ll b. I'll, i: i)' I., nth. -
'Llll John, la I-lo a,.'!' '
'I . ill , Uli I 1 1.0 loll, II lainilj U.Hil1
'I' . Hoi !t' U 1.1' l l.! utlulthl
i. i ao, uii. I I W ai. a I Ii it l "i ibliA that
1 lualil. I t . U Jul a al a b. I I" law
you ktasfeJj i laaJ a.aiua), ut I m I'lit U
ay lolitvir li ui. 1 l liliyttul Iia4 It ;un.,'
ailJolu, li4 lbeo l tin) iwt"4 lo
l.lii-w thai bi a k ""4 J woi-i' tnaitU'l 1 iU. i I.u '-i l
I... .ul l, a.. I W Lt t-i Kiut'.''
A t.. ii. I- 1 " I" .1 ',lsJ Oil Ivtti.a, l..l'
.A1'1"'' a,'ont 100 Mortis, make c Sqtmro
1 Rt a s.
WU4 Sii ..1
One week
1.U0 .().!;. Rifi ' Vnnm iui
Two week 1..VJ
:.'. 4.01 8.(111 1 1.1 o1N no
.o0 S.r,V 4.0(0.00 tl.(fi ;t.(Kr.'(l.(K)
J.r.o 4. .Mi, fi.r. n.oi lo.o't l.i.onj.f.o
2.T5 fi.OO fl.5d' 7.0 1 PJ.OO t7.(K15!5.0ll
il.OO .'",. 7.r.t)".0il t;i.t0 I8.(S7.60
!(.:): 7.5(ll .(!()' l.j.tio 1:0.(10:10.00
".Ml: S.OUi U.50 10.00 -JO.OO '.ii.tiO lo.OC
S.'W u.ofi 1 1.00 la.ut. r;s.tHt oo.t.o r,o.oo
ll.Oo'l.a.tHi'llt.OOlo.O'.: 'i.j.OiUJ.t.O'i.VdO
N.00 l'J.OU lS.0o.20.0Ci lU.Ou i.o.CO ti.oo
'f ,Vu tno's
Three "
SiK "
Nino ' .
(lie Yenf
farmer's wife, fulfilU her duty with a gi aco
pccurltnr ti lu rsiU', nnd huj never wasled
a rc-yrct on her liual choice.
And Idis. Andrews uoilj Over her spec-tai-k'.i,
nnd sajs:
Nothing could have plaesed mo better,'
as if sho were tho principal one tu be suit
ed. 'And John and Lillian fdiall havo every
aero and every funhliig; whoa I'm gone'
llecvV I'sim NcliH"a!'t il;;Tniier.
SciiLtl l'LLTOWN, Jclv der lOt 1871.
Jlisi-ni: i'liu.-rri; :
Der fieri J illy, is now fot bio ; doeh inus
leli now derhi liui doll l leiva, f.jr wiuder
inohl mi biiei'lau shreivn. V.'as ts.u fawya
wilt Liicli bmlucra, l'jf oily li-oii mus
icli now duh iu si an shtlckly poetry lad
ruiiiit, nwer all v. ill ieh Uow ih-i, du,
,v'",l', i:' lU1 ls'" '""'-"i for so shtttl'1.
ns leli suwya I10O v.eila is lies : ion tun
clitia l..u deiina hdererry eiiut.c3, v, u tint
yi'sht ;oot sin uf pi,etiy, nu Uetion, uwer
aw 1:11 cooler feu;.'! !v luu fact, tin sell sent
L01.1 livroi,. is siierger wo tiuttot,
Do Lcvvy lu.t draw crinncrt dos
i-! Uo v ucu foio iier l..t.-i.l shun
, c-i.a uou 11. i' tu cay I- u s::vi.iva tun woiiva
kco tin i.ehvi i-. LU , .il ielies fjiojH jelt.i
: lioli wiil ieh's now aw du. Iui n r&a'.u
' platz will ieh tin doiin nmold nu liistoi-y
j,evva l'uu iler ku was, for an kieddoor do'-j
' k la ; for was te tsu usa is, wo alt dos an
; kti l t,b iu d'. lit 'i lit, v. as do h:11t Wicrt
! in in der .grv.erd, tin ihr dillorcuci; tswisha,
: an diweha-r-htct'iiilicko ku tin a fri-ili-'
j An ku is an l.ivd.lo'ir mit g'sii; iitty hoohi
1 iui I:.:rncr about sivvaL'.e.i kt-jll long, tuesi
j odder wi nnieher, KdileLt uieaaiiro, except
i do bided kef, for selly bell gnr k'etl iK.Clin r,
I ,tv, ci o'shphtty tia loii.'y selnvcuta wo
' i.r.uer leil aw.
j An ku is IbU brnucha. for ollciloa. liu
' t'-r.'.hlti plot? is r.ti ku iycr-nits gout for in
; ii u .vt'.d tc-.i, nn Wi'.nn ti ;'n:-.!ii !' Uh tin -;'lehr
;!. '.:,.:' 1 is, odd, r waim's L'U'er fun ma
: . '. Isola ni K id uf i.., don is au ku yu-jht b
I o ry kreddi.'or for ytuigy kraut kep odcr
I l-.,ill' ou!. "a wcNiikoi n ut tsu usa.
Au ku ivver oils L-o,,t for laiilicli ous
trti.'.i iiiclka. Do (p.iality luu der miilich
l:u::i!ut ordlich lL-cl ubf liultler mv Was do
l.u fn -st, r.n do qti.-tiilily fun niilUcii koliu
inn' inci'casa odder dcinintusha mit wr.sser
according tsu circtiuislauecs. Do Uevvy
bebaw pt so knit i iinicho t.'.cit drei quart
luillich ierk.t" Ta for an yeady siii.1,) quati,
was ee ricl;t fun der kit, provided 's is au
pooler brtinna odder elms fun deuua by
ilraiits iim do wi g.
An kuohna eider foil miilich isuixwiert
for melka.
An l:u do an grosses eider noeh drawgl,
foil miilich, beast nier for common oh aa
frish-melkioh. A wer, elmy do kea miilich
iiu cider hut is for couuuou oiu drucka
An ku wrcrb for common fun drei bis
flirt' uu dreisich yolir ait, aceoriling tsu cir-
cumslauccs. J.luiy dos yulit a paar your
i leabt uu wterd k'uo ut K'uieabt uu goat
' dorrich do machinery iuu :nia butcher
' shop so ehtiy thti'-ibt for common in cam
! yungy dawya.
j' An ku do letiwa bleibt li.r yohr.t long,
; bis to fun tswansich bis linl-uu-tswansicli
j rings utn do .
! tl.i' t'ciiiiMiui
aei tier
;iieki, so ehny vvi'.-rd.
alt uu iuli' eh dos so
! frhticrbt.
Ls sin tswea wcaja for nn ku urns L-awu
Isu bringa. ria wig is for to tsu bulcbcra
fois lieath, Lout iui iu.d.iici:, uu der ouuer
weg is so uoat go:', h:-s:i fun sieh selwer.
Vann au ku f: buteli it is doun wio ad
d. r carcass til g'useil lot vinds-ik-asli,
wicislit, sui'pa-kiioclia, KiiLl-.-l-iU'ck un
uxa-kup-Roup. Do luiul is lhif eeliU puut
Wfert iu iler na'rweici.
Uaim a kit feireekt doun ferkawft nier's
ll-t for 6,ef kocli, uu der schwunu fi r lin.o
uu 1,0 ! mil,
Lor wu rsl.t uiaelia odder r;if kocha is
an I'iii'cl-kti un a ilurhain breed exactly uf
equal footing.
An ku li-isst aw Wilshkorn inebl un
fiish diiumoily graws provided so grickts.
An ku weegt about sex liuiinert puut, tuca
odder wenniehc r.
An ku is an lirst-rato kreddoor for uf au
luulii adlerdiseiucut tu priiita mit chra
llki lless drul'.
A wer, was Lill ieh now sawy fun weaya
do kclwi r ? AVa is an k.ilb ?
An kalb Is du'kuehrabubl'rHy wann's
weiiuicuer ilos h er dog nil is, doun is is
yu-ht so an kelwcily. Au kalb isau kred
door ca degree hiecta r un elder wo au kel
wcily. An kalb is ivver-uus orrick uf
fri.ihy ku luillich, grawd oti.i tier dits fiuu
cider rou.o.
Awen s hut an g' sort kelwer in
ikr well, do 'or in t in der frUiidohalt tin
I i. ill laft od lir biiVebf.xa.
Ls li n t kcliM-r fun detitt.i ieh an ord.l'a h
i longer ehapti r biaiiva ki tiiit, iiw-r, ieh
1 inoovva iloi h lieiuon I III do i.'it.s drctta.
: rB i,.,. Iv..i . mei-nv kilwir. i.uuitt'.v kel-
: . , , ..,.sSV ki Iwi r." lobbh-h : kelwer uu 11 l -
An l.ioun du r an omt
wilt Ull iXpei-U
,.:.s, in an i.ilel-
. kl. ... ...i, . ,, .,.
i tich'a halt'.
1 Aii 1 oini d, r o-p-1 1 a
' b' eilei .11 OIH . il ll.lh'.l l' IUI ll
.1 law) i.' I va
bol,e.-, i an
, iim rti-lu " kalb.
j Laucr ih' 1 ih ukl 1 r koiut in d r I Inn, ul
1 klll'lll.a a l.-ea 11 lil Hole III lb r kllll... 1
' ... 11. i t i 1. 1. ipp a, 1 , uu 1 !..cltu li k.'lli.
I I 11 t l.l ' u f'.,.t't V.i'', ,.l' , 1 ;" VI u.i
1 dill si. ll id'V il" : b ll ;.l'.t!.i t.a !.' lo '1 il l' t
I iU 1 1, 'I IV I - - it-1 1. il 1 I' 1' i l' HI in I b. 1. ah
1. 1 halm, 1.1. l.l, ..-a 1 . I ... 1 1. ..ui ii r . I'
ll ih, i l., 1 1 1. .li. t u i h d. I.'. 1 hum totf u.j
1 -,il,l 1., 1 1 in 1.1
1 A'.i. ;-, M;-l. I'ui.t. r. i. 'Vt . m 1 "
iiit r ou 1 i "i 11 1 ' w rl 1 b d. 1 ul v 1 1I1 "p-
b r a 1 j 1.1. 1 'o 1 . 1 1 J a. Uiili
fi 1 s II '., I t
1 l.l S'.L,
I :
10 ll..
11 lie'
1 , 1' i -o'i , i I i in. , 1 il, ,lii.!,,v.
I.t , it 1 1 1 .11 ' l t.' in a n t it
...u v I ti , i i.-.ii ,11 ; I inioiltii',
1,. ll.l, ! 1,1 Hull In' l.l Ui
. 1 .1 I.-, ' 1. . I II 1 ll. ' ' . a
ol ,1. i ,ll 1..,' I....-I
j . pie I I 111, Ni'l ill 0?
a 1 I 4 oil li . ' 1 o ai4
1 I a.lio.i I l V'
'. ..I.i' 'i
1 "ll lb. I I
la ti lb it ll"
, , . 1 : ... e 1, iv , I
' I I..4 l .1 l. II
.1.11 I. toil
t. o.l II a.
Mi. I i..y
ll I'
I J il l o
I ll (till In
i.U) 1 . ii
I I t. 1" '
' i . w
t. sv
l.t I.