THE SUNBURYAMERICAN 18 rt'BLISHED EVEBY SATURDAY BY EM'L WILVEKT, Proprietor, MASTER'S BUILTintOS, MARKET SQUAB!, At 91.50 in Advance. II not paid within !W ontha 2. 5tn(TV'(toti futon of thin tft Mcntlu, m CnwN KfTFn with this cettibllphmrnt Is an exteti elvcNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plain and fancy type equal to any ctaimsiimeni in the Interior oi the state, lor wnicu mepmruu age of tbe public la respectfully solicited. JJrofcssionitl. TIT V Law, ofllce, door No. 5, Snd floor, Hnupt' Block, noar Miller's tsnoo store, sunuury, ra, March 25th, 1871. ly. CI B. HOYEK, Attorney nt Law. Nob . Os 2 and 3, Second Floor Hrlght's Building;, .Nnnlmry, I'a. Professional business attended to,ln tlicconrts of Norlliumberlnnd and adjoining counties. Claims promptly collected. Lonsulta tion can be had in the German language. March 25tli, 1871. lj. TlCltKMIAH NXTDF.K. Attorney nt tf Law, Hunbury, Pa. All professional bnsl. lies intrusted to his enro will receive prompt fit tentlon in this nnd adjoining counties. Can bo consulted both In Enirllsh nnd German. Also, District Attorney of Northumberland county. Ang.20,1870.-iy. J SO. A. WII.NOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 144 Fourth Avenlk. Notary Public, riltsburg, T Jan. 15, 1870. ly. T -tIAKKI.K CO. Market Street, . el . SUNBURY. FA. Dealers In Drugs, Mediclns, Paints, Oils, llnss, Varnlsbcs, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pwkct Books, Onirics, ftc. 3 I. U OLVERTOK, Attorney at Law, fO. Market Square, SUNBURY,PA. Profession ul business in this and adjoining counties prompt' .y attended to. All. A. It. N.1VIDE, respectfully nn- XJ nouuees himself as Physician and Burgeon to the citizens of sunbury nnil vicinity, Having lo cated himself permanently on Market street, uenr ly ppposite the Fuirmouut Hotel, where he can be eousultcd at all hours when not professionally cngagjd. npi-iy . f W. ZIF.CiiLEK. Attorney nt Law, north JCa side of Public Square, one door east Of the old Bank building, SI NBLKY, PA. Collec tions nnd nil professional business promptly at tended to in the courts oi jvortuuinoerianu nna adjoining counties. septlo-bu i A. RE1MEXNXYDER, Attorney at KJ Lnw, SL'NBUKY, PA. All business en trusted to his caro utteuded to promptly nnd with diligence. upl"i-l)7 JXO. KAY CXE.MKXT, Attorney at Law, BL'NHUKY, PA. Collections nnd all pro fessional business promptly nttended to. inehSl-UO C. 1. lHU'NFK. L. II. KA8B. Bltt'XER & KANE, Altornevs and Coun sellors nt Law, SUNBUKY, PA. Office u Chestnut street, west of the N. C. nnd P. it E. Railroad l)e)ot, In the buildiug lately occupied by F. Lazarus, Esq. Collections and uU profess ional business promptly nttended to in Northum berland nud adjoining counties. npUO-C'J TT K. MANNElt, Attorney nt Law, SUN- Xli BtRl, PA. Collections nttended to lu the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. npUO-UO VVM. M. llOCKKFKLLEU. LLOYD T. I10II HDACII. 1-oKi:ri:i.ii:n a koiikbacii, V Attorneys nt Lnw, SUNBUliY, PA. Or liee in llaupt's new building, second Uoor. En trance ou Market Square. jnul-C8 AN. HltlCE, Attorney nt Law, Sunbury, Pa. Otllee in Masonic Hall Building. Collections of claims, writings, and all kinds of lecal busiuess attended to carefully and with rtitpateh. H. nrU HJ hti. 1 y. justness art)9. astTir IcTte co a l7 i VlliKXTlA'K DIETX, Wbolosalo and Tletail dealer in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, tTl'F.U WHARF, ! SUNBURY, PENN'A. All kinds of Grain taken in cxeliauys for Yint. Orders solicited and filled promptly. IcblS-.l. wTsTlmOAns. " UAAS- WS. KIIOAOS V CO., ltF.TAII. DKAI.KKS OK ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Orricis with Haas, Faoei.v & Co., Orders 1,-ft at Seasl.oltz & offlce Martict Street, will rceelvo prompt uttoutluii. Couutry custom respectfully solicited. Feb. , 1871. tf. . OAC HMAKEltW. -tTTE are selling Rims, Snakes Hubs. Springs, V Canvass, Bolts, llp-, --r, Larco Stock at CO.aYA.tU. Sunbury, March 30, 186U. OAL! COAL! W7. tf! Shippers uud Wholcsaieanu WHITE AN D RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. f I.OWI W11AKK.) .ward, at tlic ceienrnicu .. . . . -1 "Sule Agents, w Henry ( lay Coal janl'J-tltt UHl. y "EXCHANGE LIVER. J M MAUTIIOLOMEW, I'hoiuietor ' FOTRTH STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Nuubury I'm. a -ME best of riding and driving horses always on hand to serve customers. Li the Central Hotel, for vehicles. will receive prompt ttlteutiou. Nov. 5. 170. - 'dentistry. OEOlUiE M. ItEXX, i,i m..imm' JluildiM, Market warc, PiMiiKV. Pa 1 prepared to do nil kinds of work iwrtululug i to Dentistry. lt keeps ciinsiuui , . u luruo assortment or Teeth, "d " u uiertal, from wbleh he will bo able to sel ?"ei 1 . At. T Jl .alUlacliou, or 1M All w m .. 1.1 U,T ,eTr lK:t Mouth Wa.h andTootU-Powder. 111. icfereiues are the uunnrous petrous for wlmiii lieh '!!r)ir',iCJU5 lUl ; lbs U.t twelve years. Hunbury, Aprn vv VkW i'O.ll. AKU. ...i,mu..I having eoimeeiea the Coal rpiiE 1 tu 111E uuder .ive 'KJHiHAIS lues ilUhl."Un tuuiUic ltUlUo .-...i.. i. i iiuare.i u .' . rllS' Kill.. ui . .k -akii. I II m . -- K,rf , Blov. and Sul, w.unlljr u Uaud. (iralu luUu lui-l"u lor J 1Al)WALLADER. ttuubury. Jn- . Jt: . lUoMI'SUM DU. lAtuN mriAii. . .. . ... . ft I . m a. fl INSURANCE ACENOY xs.imm A IkLllK. mi ii if KT bT lUCUT, feL'M UL'HV, I'A. loMt'AMt UHUtsiSIED N. A.rtcrb. PUlU'UlVU, Ais k. itl.i liiM, folk, l.ox out I oilliJ. IukWu.J. V"k Iu.,l, L'"lt r!u.i-,,'',r,H,u' llvu... tiim .wk,'U, lUi'"", i'uauis, ;j 1 I 4 , vU I . L h, tl.uuki Jk. Mw" S,.l.L, fct.ll, tl,lj 1 MI,KI ,UUO,OU'4 b.'Ml.UUU SV.IJl Oil.-'" I oii uw i il,OUl lvI II t,'J0,VAAi s UT TTi T" i a n a 1 N W H EstoTllslel In 110. pkice i so in advaxce. T . A PIERRE HOUSE, Broad and Chest XJ nut sts., Philadelphia, J. B. BUTTER ilphla, J. B. BUTT Terms rer day, t8.60, WORTH, Proprietor. April 15, 1871. ly UNION HOTEL, THOS. FOtTLDS, Sr., Proprietor, Sbnraokln Street, Trevorton, Northumberland connty. Pa. Mho table u snp plied with the bost the market affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. Jan. 21, '71 HOOTER HOI'NE, Third Street, at the depot, SUNBURY, PA., Wm. Reesb, pro prietor. Warm meals served tip at all hours. Fish. Fowls and Game. Fresh Oyster con stantly on band and served in every style. The best of wines and liquors at the Bar. KeTFnuiillcs will be supplied with oysters done np in any Btyle, by leaving orders at the Bar. I nov.o, fu-iy. NATIONAL LAGER BEER SALOON OX TBJBD STREET, NEAB TUB DEPOT, B1TNBUBY, PA. TOSEPn It ACUER informs the citizens of Son- tf bury and the public generally, that he has opened a LAGER BEER SALOON at the above place.. ' The best of Laeer Beer, and Malt Liquors will be kept. Also Oysters, &c., constantly serv ed up to customers. NATIONAL HOTEL. AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor. Georgetown North'd uoumy, ra., at no ewuioa oitnon. u. it. w, choice wines and ciirnrs at the bar. The table is supplied with the best the market n noras. uooa stabling ana attentive osticrs. ALLEGHENY HOUSE, Col. CHAS. KLECKNER. Pioprietor. Nos. Hi 8 and 814 Market Street, abovo eight!., PHILADELPHIA. Terms, (2 per day. He respectfully solicits your patronuge. WASHINGTON HOUSE, C. JJEFF, Proprietor. Corner of Market & Secoud Streets, opposite the Court House, Sunbury, ra. Mayas, fu. HOTEL A RESTAURANT, THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor, Sunbury St., west 8IIAMOK1N, PENN'A. Meals served nt all hours, nt short notice. The best of Liquors nt the Bar. Tlio Table is sup plied with the best nnd latest In tho markets. At tentive scrvauts. Terms moderate. Patranago solicited. HU.HMEL'S RESTAURANT, LOUIS nu.l MEL, Proprietor, Commcrco 6t., 8HAMOKIN, PENN'A. naviug lust redtted the above Saloon for the accomodation of the public, is now prepared I serve '.lis friends with the best refreshments, nud fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt quors. J. VALEll'S WINTER GARDEN AND flOTEL A'm. 720, 723, 724 & 727 Tin St., PHILADELPHIA. W I XT EH GARDEN HOTEL, (ON TUB ECROrBAN TLAS) Centrally located, connecting with nil tho City rasscugcr iinnwny uars, irom all mo Depots in the City. Excellent Accommodation for Tra veller. Grand Vnenl OTi;T""lt"fc""'"",'V'Uinf "vrv i uncr unriien. tOrchcslrion Contxn Juory v.. . FINE LADIES' IlESTACltANT T"H DEST ur oroUFHUMEXTS 8EUVED. Offlec of J. Valet' Fouutttin Park Brewery. une 4, 1870.-ly. Boots and Shoes! KONY DROFINER, Third Street, above Market Street, Suubmr, Pu., Is prepared to mannfacture HOOTS AXD SHOES of every description at tho shortest notice. All his stock is of the very best, which U made up in the latest city stylo nt the most reasonable terms. Repairing uouc neauy uuu l"u"'i The public are Invited to call and examine his stock and workmanship 7-" April S3, 1871. LIQUOR NTOBEI r iinTRTIAN NEFF. Second Street, opposite tko Court House, SUN- 11 L KY lr A Respectfully Invites tho attention of Retailers aud others, that he has ou baud, and will cou- i'y kp all kinns oi nl.nlla fmml-iiiiL' of Puro Brandlcsi Coguiuc, Cherry, Lint i a 1 1 uiMirjOiiv v v, v ..... m lrAi.ii.tiiM mid Otard. "'".T. . '. . .. t r-...,.-.uuiul,.,l Mnn-vn- W IUbKICb: run: - gahcla, Apple and rcciar. PUKE IIUI.LAJUUI.1 1 Wlnest Charopague Wine, bherry, Tort and .h cider. Champagne Cldor, N. E. Kum, TirtkUii tlOlll nud Scott' li Alo. Br HTUMACH AND BAR BITTERS, An.i nil others Liquors which can be found in the city markets, wl'.lctl will iw soiu av uoib J . ... r..,.. j, . n-iitir,iiitieit Hi sum uuu Jinivu represented. AlbO, i mro w -""""" und m)TTLES, ou hanu. jjjy- orders pronqii i j k-i patrouago reepocuui'y kiuw C NKV'F. Buubury, July 3, 1969. ! J. HARDWARE STOKE, J. II. Couly, A Co. xt irk'FT STREET. SUNBUHY, TA. TTA8 received a uew asionmeui o an ... . , ... tJ . 11 Hardware, Cutlery, ui "r; - ii.,.. u t in i I . 1 . k... It I Ilk. nuuKW . . i Kuyborylkrir. ll, F0H IALE, . U t kl'lkl ...s tl.A .fts.n.. .. 1 SLju J t-lkuu .ireeu, lu the Bo- 1 ho luic.ieu, Also, Lot on Market reel, lu the Borough Feb. U. IMl.-tf. Adiuliii.lrulo luutu V-4 KfUM'i HoaubU u.k, ,htf.U uid-i-s at ut;U(tjT SMtH M , 1'oilUud, XUlUS. AiUl,!J.r3':. THOU I i H uulb Isuul BltMl lUcsluul, j , flllLAU'Ul. j P IIxvIum lu ui-tk-iJ. Uri su4ill 5 b,u..4 4U-.UU.. VTXuul MH.,W.H. it, Hutf., U but ui XU4 liuuth ku4 MIS.I I W U I ti, lll Uji. t ' fit AH bMt 4lil) a 4 im SUNBURY, PA., BAXTIMORE LOCK HOSPITA J-R. JOHNSTON, Physician of this celebrated Institution, hns discovered tue most certain, speedy, pleasant and eucciuni remedy in the world lor nil DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Aflections of Kidneys nnd Bladder, Involnn tary Discharges, Impotcncy, General Debili, ty, Ncrvousuess, Dyspepsy, Lnneuor, Low 8plrits, Confusion of Ideas, Paliiitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Bight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Bkln, A flections of Liver, Lunes Stomach or Bowels theso terrible Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret and solitnry practices moro fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, kc., impos sible. ' JOUNG MEN especially, who have oocomo the victims of Soli, tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave. thousands ol young men ol the most exalted talents nnd brilliant intellect, who might other wise have vnlrnnccd listcntni: Senates with the thunders of eloquence or wnked to ecstacy tho living lyre, may can witn run coniidunco, JUAKIUAU lit Married Persons or Young Men contemplating mnrrlacc. aware ol physical weakness, (Loss of Procreativc Power Impotcncy), Nervous Ex- cilabilitv. Palpitation, Organic W eakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualilicallou, speedily relieved. Ho who places himself under tho caro of Dr. J. may rclliriously connde in his honor as a tent le mon, and conlidenlly rely unon his skill as a Ph v slclan. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotency, Loss of Power, immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing AUcctlon which renders Life miserable and marriage Impossible is the penalt y paid uy ine victims oi improper indulgences xoung persons nre too apt to commit excesses from not belngnwnre of the dreadful consciences that may ensue. Now, who -that understands tho Bubjcct will pretend to deny that tho power of procreation is lost sooner by thoso falling into improper nauits man tiy mo prudent ( Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious nnd destructive symptoms to both body aud mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, tne Physical mid Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreatlvo Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of tho Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay uud ucam. A CURE WA11RANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons rulucd iu health by unlearned preten ders who keep them trilling month alter mouth, tukiug poisonous und injurious compounds, should apply immediately. UK. JUll.NSTOJN, Member of the Royal Collcire of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of the most eminent Colleges lu the United tftates, and tho greater part of whoso ll'o has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pvis,' Philadelphia and elsewhere, has cllected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known j many troubled with ring ing in the head aud cars when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulncss, Willi ficqucut blusbliir, attended sometimes withderangemcutoi' iniud, wcro cured iiniucumicty. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper indulgence nud solitary habits, which ruin both body und mind, untitling them for cither business, study, society or mar riage 'J ns some of tho sad and melancholy cneets produced by early habits of voptli vi.. cular Power, Pulpilutionof the Heart, Dyspejisy, Nervous Irritability, Dernngeineut of Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con sumption, &c. , ' Mestallt The fearful effects on tho mind are much te bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Bl'lrit, .t-vil-Forebodlngs, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Vc., ure some ol tho evils produced. , Tuolsakds of persons of nil ages can now Judge what is the cause of their declm lug health, Whit: their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous nnd emaciated, having a singular appearance ubout the eyes, cough uud symptoms ol cousump- i 1 1 1 . j I , .M r..i .- . .- VT Who have injured themselves by a certain rrac tieo indulged in when ulone, a habit lrotiueulJy learned from evil companions, or at school, the ...v...... r ,1,1, nre uiirhtlv felt, even when .,..a ie ,w,i .'iirp,i. renders marriage li.ii'wp' sible, and destroys both miud and body, should vviiai a puy i"u youii iuuu, ."v i - , -country, Hie darling of his juireuts, should be i.:. (Vnm nil urosiieets nnd enloymcnts ol life, by tho consequence oi ueviutiug i" lilh of nature aud indulging in tt certain secret habit. Such persons ii st, before couteuiplatlug M AKlilAUr., rellect that a sound mind aud body arc tue inosv .,in rrmi h leg to iironioie couuuwuii uui'in- uvw..; i - -- , ,,,.,,,T,1, uess. ludeeu wuuoui iiieee, iuc jummj life becomes a weary piignmugoj i"" ""i"' hourly darkens to the view ; tho mind leeoines ulili desnulr and tilled with theliielau- choly retleetion, tlmt the huppiuca of uuolUer ueeomts uJignieu ninuuru.p. wiwniba nil.-,'ulded aud imprudent votary o ideasure tluds that ho has Imbibe! tne seeus oi tills painful disease, It too ol'teu buppcus that uu 111-timcil sense oi suaiue, ur urau ui i. - i . . i.:... r....... ..i.i.U-w... ti lli.ikM v'lul. fruia ediicntiou uud rcsinctability, can alone bvfrleud him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms oi this horrid disease make llitlr upiearauee, such ,.4 nleiTated soro dl.caseii uojc, uoeturul nalns In the head uud lluilis, dimness of sight. .1 ,,i. nodes ou tbo shin bones and arms. bloleliesou tho head. Lice und extremities, pro eiesrliig IlU I'rlgblt'ul rapldiiy, till at last thu iiuluto of the mouth or the bones of tho uose lull !., ,.,) in., victim uf this awful dl.easo beeome a horrid object of commlserulloii, till dealli puts a lieriod to his dreadful sulleiiug, by sending him to " that UiidiseowredC'uuulry fiuui hcute in tn,Vi1llr rr.luruil." It 1 a uiuluuvholy fuel thai thousands DIE vielluis to this terrible dui.a.o, luruiign iuiiiii into tbo bauds of Iguoraiil or uuskilllul I' UK 'i-iuu, wfc., l. iuo uu of that deadly Pol ou, Mercury, ko., destroy Hie eou.lltutUiii, aud iiivuutbl of vuilug, koep the uuuapy sullerer muuiu itiver inoiua taxing luuir uuxious or iu Jurlou compounds, uud iu.iouj of being resluif to a renuu( of 1.1 lu Vigor uud Uai.pmo.., iu ilr louvu biiu llh ruined Ileal lb lo .IU 'Tcr his gHllliiK UlaapiKiluliilvut. To such, Iheiuiuro, Dr. Johnston pleiv" bhu ell o preserve (be utu.1 iuviuUblu k.-,tl'' fioiu LU riluu.itu l.ra.ll.u ami anu iu the ijreut Ilo.,ll.U. of iLiiropo, ui- ur"1, ' I LI. Luuulrv. iiii tiwl,.i,,l i'rai-D, PblUdulphU uud elMuUru, Ueuabkd lo o' lutf UUM' lain, .peedy uud uleetual ruiuly lu I ho urlj fur all illwuM ul luipruib ' urntK, NO. T, 0. iHtDtHCK -TRFKT, UxLiiuukK, M. U. Ul baud .Ids Kiiluyfluiu Uallluiuiw.livit, a tw dour. Iiuut lUu lul fuliUui WubwlVU4UI itud iiuiulM.r. lOt UlUfS imIv4 uuluu KMtpl4 aud loiiululug a iuip lu U umm! ou IIm upljr. I'vf u. vtui ii. kliuuid iiutu mja,au4 scud a pwiktuu ul ndilllix-iucul UcM.ilbiii4 sjruiutuuu. 'lUtL si uwujf 1'i.liiy, !v.i.ulii4 aud WwllUlt.M llUpU.UlS llt.lll4 tbt.luw.MvS US I'll) li-uut, IiiUiuu ltUu4 lululug lbs Ivultb vl ll abu UulurtuuUjr lull lulu iUU -ovf, IU4t li. JuLu.uu diAiu. ll bvk..if lu tuy x- vUllf W iUum uuo.(uluU4 uW Lis ItpuU UuM IUI Ul I UU4 lu U uiiit. iutt IUI Ul I iv4kUlUI Ui Plpwu.s !) UOUMlliir 01 tUt I'ttfe. Iks U' lbuUMu4 cuivd at Ibis KUUIl. bUUl, l-tfl IU lul, UU4 IbS UKUlktulM I" tullkl UuldUI (llaliuus 1Iu4Um4 l I'll ),iuM4uU. UuwM4 b IbU ll, !v.w.UUl- vf IU L I I'J . uud ..-lu Ul I. luLiib, U 1.U I'U US X.lUu.U tl llJ'l'l w4 mtv.kWif, U Sul.l niuU t' L, .0... 1.4. sxim mskli riti'ai IVIlIU- Hi, I V I M I SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1871. OUT OFTIIE OLD HOUSE, NAXCY. BT WILL. U. CARLET0N. Out of the old bouse, Nancy moved up Into tho new All the hurry sod worry aro Just as good as inrnugn i Only a bounden duty remains for you and And that's to stand on the door-step, here, and om tue oiu iiouse gooa-Dyc, What a shell we've lived !n these nineteen or twenty years ! Wonder it hadu't smashed iu and tumbled about our ears Wonder it stuck together nnd answered till to on v. But every individual log was put tip here to stay Things looked rather new, though, when this old honso was built, And things that blossomed you, wonld'vo mado some women win I Aud every other day, then, as sure ae day would Drcax, My neighbor Agcr come this way, Invltln' ine to shaKc." And yon, for want of neighbors, was sometimes uiue ana sna. For wolves and bears aud wildcats was the near est ones you hud I But, lookin' ahead to the clcariu,' wo worked wuu nil our iirnrni. Until wo was fairly out of the woods, nnd thlncs was goiu' ngni. Look up there at our new hou60 1 ain't it a tiling to seu i Tall aud big and handsome, nnd new as new can ne ; All in npplc-tilo order, especially tho shelves. And never a debt to say but what wo owu it, all ourselves. Look at our old log house how little it now np pears ! But it's never gone back on ns, for nineteen or iweuty years j Au' I won't go back on it now, or go to pokin fun, There's such a thing us prasin' a thing for tho goou luai it uas uone. rrobably you remember how rich wo was that nitilit. When we was fairly settled, au' had things snug nnd tiu'lit i We feci as proud ns you please, Naucy, over our oousc i mil s new, But we feel ns proid under this old roof, and a goou ueai proiaer too. Never a handsomer bouse was seen beneath tho sun. Kitchen nud parlor md bed-room wo had 'cm all iu ouc s And the fat old wooden clock, that wo bought wncn we eoiue west, Was tiekiu' away iu tho corner, there, aud dolu' us level ucsi. Trees was all around us, a wliispcriu' cheering worus, Loud was the squirrel's chatter, aud sweet the soul's of birds : And homo grew sweeter und brighter our cour age began to mount Aud th'.ngs looked hearty and happy, then, and work appeared to couut. Aud here, ono night, it happened, wlicu things was goiu' bad, Wc fell iu a deep old quarrel tho first wo ever bad t Alld " fc ' ' "ii. . . . - -- iDing ug in. Heie it was, you rcineuber, we sat whou tho dav was done, And you was a wuklu' clothiug iia wi tfur tither oiu , Aud often a soft word of love I was soft enough Aud'tbowolves was howliu In the woods not twenty rods away. Then our first-born baby a regular littlo Joy UOUy U 1 irCUCU U JJIVIV, vtwiuav boy I ... Wa'u't she a littlo ulrt, thougu, witn nu uer pOUtS Bd BUIUCI f ... . ,- Why, settlers come to eo ui snow u uuu u dozen muvs. Tonder sat the cridlc a homely, home-made thing) .... .... ,.., And many a ulgll 1 roeKea it, prowu.u juu would sing I , And many a lillle etuattcr brought up wltlj us to stav, Aud so "that cradle, for many a year, was never put away. How they kcrt a omiu', so cunulu nnd fat aud small I . , , , How they growed 'twas a wouderhow we round V f.xr '. 111 ill I But, though the muse was crowded, It empty When Jeunio lay by the fireplace, there, aud liioaucd her lib away. And right in there, tht preacher, with Bible and "'Twin the dead aut tlx llvlug," aud "hoped 'twould do us gOM," .,.,, Aud the liltlo w Uilcwod cofliu ou the table there And now, as I rub wyryes, It seems as If I could see it yet, Then, that lit ofslckcss It brought ou you, you L .ft,.ts Just by a thread yomuug, aud you e'eu a'uiost Aud hero is tho spot- tumbled, au give the Lord WUeu the d'.vtor slkI ibe fevcr'd lurucd, uu ho tould IflcU yol turougu, Yes. a deal haw-cux! "" H;1 ulJ,Uuu?e ucn!;'s, .uu-iuw, weddlu' bavcu'l we had M" ' v.. i i.- in wis bulidlii' but its memories has got, . , , , , , . Aii. I iii it nal IU IUIS OIU wuuc uuiiimiiiuiiivii' Ue-'l'oU 0u,jf tU old liouue, Naucy moved up Into tbe uew i j i lbs hurry uud worry Is Jul as good a through 'iiul 1 tell you a llili'g nlil burc, Ibal 1 aiu'l a.uauiMi iu say There's precious ibiugs lu Ibis old kotue, we Ue tr tuu lake aay. Here tbe old uuiue will sUud, but uut at It stood bsfuru W bids ill Ul.tle lhrouk It aud rulus Ul Hood I Us Boor t Aud uvei lb html lb. ouc blusliiir. th suow dlllls oil will Pile. Aud Uio old lbiua Mill sum to Im a iuourlu all tue lille. Far you well, old bouse I u'r uuubbl Ibal cau Uut uu sutui Ilk a ltuui4U Uolug dwr old fikud Ui luill Aud u.t.r 111 Lava ft UU Uouw, U uty opUiluu sl4Ud., I'utU uuiwui a kwplii1 buiu la lb buum uut uuvUu uuu kuuiu. TUiu UtU, TIIK UlinillUlltiU MI'tlLW Mr. AiU44 ArkwruLt ut UfurvlltttJ flio, euttlUtlUiil. IU tbliikllitf wvl tUu WulU UlUlwX b Njuil lloUauWKIlU Lu.l au ituuf tu iUu tUi Husiby U4 Ua siiiiuj muU lua wf U4 sWu u4 iiusi k I'U l uiavlt. ' Ul Uiuj youuj bi) Jfoui ttti b Lisa uiu. klr. AikaiiUt.'' " .'." iui.iu.ix4 Au.-4, "lut ilUy u ny buu J "ui.j uu vl Uuu 'iw rich undo to full back upon. Florian is a doHiioratcly cxlravftnnt younjf coxcomb, without an idea in his head except the club nouse ami ins new silver dressing box ; and as far Albert, studious and thorough-going thouch he nmv bo. there's sometlii nrr nhniit. him that always reminds me of the'ring of i.iiao metal. bmco the dnyo of Joseph Sur- rnAn n AH X.A A II.. 1.-II 17.. II ""I uuuw iiiiijcvvi runny lie veil in inese model young men. It's perplexiug it is upon my woru. I've almost a mind to turn my fortune into gold bars and throw it into tho East Kivcr I I really belicvo tho boys woum ao octtcr n l were a Bankrupt, llai lo I here comes Florian now." Florian Lcverson lounced into Uio room. a handsome, bluo eyed young man, with gold browu hir, aud a merry appollo-ehaped moiiin. ,, ......... .. - cu. uncie." saiuteu mo vouui. droti- ptng languidly into a chair. "AVell. vouusr man." brusxuclv rcsnond- ed tho uncle, in a ton denoting no very rapturous welcome. "I was just looking for you, undo." "Wcro vou indeed ?" said tho old man dryly. "I wanted to toll vou something." "Moro debts, eh V" "Not exactly, sir. Undo," with a des- pcrato cflbrt, as one might pull tho siring of an iced shower-bath, "I'm engaged to do married." "And who is the young lady V" "Alice Dean." prettv cirl. verv. for those who funev tho Anglo !?axou stvlo ol'cnod looks : but you have mado a fool of yourself." "Jn what way, sir r" demanded Florian. "Sho don't caro a straw for you it's our cxpcctatious she's going to marry." "Uuclo." "Don't tell me 1" cried Mr. Arkwright, lAa if I hadn't fouud out the hollow liy poensy of this scheming, knavish world long before vou were born 1 Marrv the nirl bo a fool, if you like ; but mark my words: if you weren't tho nephew of Amos Ark wright, tho rich old bachelor. Alico Dean wouldn't look at you twice 1" "l' note, you are speaking what is lalee." "Hold your tongue I" wrallifullv inter jected Mr. Arkwright, "or I'll disinherit you i" "I would rather be disinherited than thus insulted," rejoined tho hot-tempered nephew. Uv wav of answer. Mr. Arkwriuht mere ly rose aud Btrode out of tho room, nearly turauimg over lus oilier nephew, Aluert Vheatley at tho head of tho stairs. "Mv dear uncle 1" cried Albert, a tall. dark, stylish looking man, with a voice us soft ns a llute. "Don't sneak to me." cried Mr. Atk- wright, "for I'm in a passion." "Jn a passion, iiuele 1" "With vour shiftless, cood for nothing jackanape.s of acousiu, FlonauLcvcrBon." AiDeri lieatley's laeo assumed a luilU expression of sympathetic regret. "It is scarcely to bo wouudered at, Uuclo Aikwright. Florian's principles arc iudecd to bo deplored 1" Mr. Aikwright cut Albert short by hur rying past him down Stairs, ntul olinnlina u uubile. "Hoys," he cried, putting liialitjail. ono auothur's company by the adventitious aid of tho evening's news-papers, "I've got to go West to see about me rauroaa iauus . . .... . . ll.!.. vo oeeu Duyiug. J.uerc'8 irouuio iu mo uew board ol directors, and JL ruusi ioou after my interests in person." . , And thus disappeared ilx. Amos ArK wright. Alico Dcau was retrimnnng her opera hat a week or two afterwards, when tho door opened, aud Florian Levcrsou walked delibeialely iu. bho smiled a wclcomo to her lover. T3ut thcu she noticed that ho looked very pale. "Florian, what has happened r" "I ha e bad news to tell you, Alice," said Florian Lcverson. scatiug himself beside her. "My uuclo has died suddenly some where out West. Ho had been threatened with apoplexy lor eomo timo past, but ho was a person wno never iook uuy precau tion for his health ; aud Iain leR a beggar." "O 1 lonan I l tuougiit no was ricn r "So ho was ; but through somo strango liauo or iierversion, ho has left all his for- tunc to niy cousin Albert.! "lint Air. w neat lev win sureiy uiviuu ill. .. Im L-nnU'ft tlml. vmi two Willi V UU, X IVIMU , mvf.i u ...... j p wero brought uu toguther in anticipation ol an equal share ol tlio laiuiiy estate." X loruui s lips curved uiuerty. "Vmi ihv not know Albert Wheatlv. Al1 ice ; he is selfish, cruel and grasping. I never kuew him to share so much as an applo or a handful of marbles with anybody else." "Then. Flor'mu " 'Thfiii Alieo. mv littlo treasure, thcro is but ouo altomativo k-ft owid tome togivo you back the troth you plighted to me. 1 eanuoi urag you uowu w puvj "Florian." cried Alico, with tlio war Il iul.liu, Intn lier acid cvuu. lllld a UCelH T dye of crimson coming to her cheek, "do you think 1 would givo up your lovo now V 'iivir. ilenn hi I lt US bu Uoor liud hull- uv toL-uthur : wo ean both work ami love will JThmI u suiihliiiio over tho darkest lot, "Hut, Alice, you uavo ueeu so tutiauriy brought up." "Do vou think I am diiicndeiit on velvet t-arpuiM, aud diamonds, uud a box at tho muni, lor mv liiinniius. Florian Y" fcho Mi-Ullil llllllllML iviiroi&ciiiuiiv. 'Mv i nr iil ." was iu low-murmureu n-nlv. as Im lidded her to hi heart. "Jatl Aiimri wbeutlv havo thu Aikwright lor tiinu now. 1 ellW hlin iioiio ol ita yellow (;lurc, ainco your woUo, disinterested, heurl I UIIUO." Mr. lkina was In Lis ulUeo. hU "tvm - - , . .. ... , I., i.. in mi nua l'urki'u' euiuwas ui"u-;' lr. lhuin. who haniitiuvd to Ut thut iui'U .; mi biiiie.t biw ur. laid down hU ihiu aud told hi tWik to show tho alruutfir iu. ll wu lift luui'U Hial Dvuiprouiou i'i.iL. . wiiui.Iu luilu luulUr that wu auou disiutkiujd, but oUM-liu they drilU'd ..if luLii a. doaulluiv liuuverautiuit alUr- wards, aud lutiouu4 iuo dutiu oi Mi4 Auio Aiawrijii'. el'i. Im-ii LolJ h Wa tUOilUOIUlV wvulthy," ui4 Mr. I'uiWt, UpfUitf tu, Via.1' ald Mr. lWua. "ll wa atuil ou w hlui i4 tuu uld ttmu', k'oUsUlulluJ uu) Vit.y ll Lis L .1 hatviiUf Uvttf MW uim lu my naj," vu.Uf urn, llui kTuuu IUium 1'iaiiuiUi mii Liii. Lj lism IhUluiUlMU-Uut givuUal ...,.i.Ao i.f Lift I.U.UUUI MiASatbl dkalU "Hut djuUlui" Ml. I'aiaa. WUutiy." i iu ui luaiLiui v. aa ktra tUt4 iu4 " HUtuli U4 uu- Miy aiku j New Merle, Vol. 8, So. IS I Old Merles, Vol. 31, No. 81. to have acted on him as I havo sometimes seen sunshine act on a rank noisome patch oi weeus, suiuuiuung mm into llauuliug folly." "Spending the old man's monev. ch Pi Not entirely ; for tho best of It was fortu nately so tied up that ho could only use tho interest ; but whatever could by any possi bility be squandered has vanished." "There was another nephew, was thcro not V" "l es, Florian Levcrson. Ho Is married." "Married t" "Yes ; and is In Jay & Dyson's banking house, doing well. Nobody had any idea of tho steadiness and common-sen. iimrn was in that young follow." "I suppose ho is furious at his Uncle's partiality." "I have never heard lilm exnresa nnv such opinion. lie always declares that the money was his uncle's to do with as he saw fit, and that he had recoived too many l : . . .1 .1,1 . , a.. . . . . J viuuiienea a i ine nanus oi jur. -nritwriiriit u iiegiu w uraivinu ins memory uow." jir. A'urKes iook snuu. "Jiust bo a curious vounu man." Im said uryiy. "And who may 1 ask, did ho marrv r" "Miss Dean : and a verv onoriretio. thor- uugiiguiug niiiu who sua mates lor mm. In this case tho disinherited nephew seems to havo received tho most real benefit uf tue two." "It's a peculiar sort of a etorv." paid Mr. Farkes, rlsiug. "but I must bo coimr. Good cveniug, Mr, Dana I'm much obliged to you lor your, politeness about thoso sUimps." And Mr. Dana went back in his legal ions, never onco mistrusting inat lie liad been talking to a ghost 1 I lonan Ixiverson and hi9 wifo wcro sit ting contentedly at their unpretended littlo nresiue, wuen a knock camo to tho door. Florian starUd a little. "If my undo Arkwright wcro not dead mm uiiiiou," nv, mull to iviice. X SU0U1U -...1 1 l. A ! ... .. declare that was his knork." Nonsense." said Alico nlavfullv. Rnl ho ojicncd tho door. Thcro stood Mr. Amos Arkwright. smil ing contentedly. "Good evening." Bald Undo Arkwrifhr. walking in as if nothing at all had happened "You're at tea, I see. Cau you givo mo a cup, strong, without milk or sugar ?" Alico -uttered a cry, and rau behind Florian. Florian started a I the apparition with a faco as palo ns ashes. "uncio i" "Yes. it's I." said Mr. Avkwricht waim- hig his coat-tails at tho lire. "I'm not lead I'vo ueeu alivo in Chicago the whole ilVlft ! lltlt. Vnll linrlpi'Rlntlfl T euiltml in nun J , . .. .. w v wh.u v A b S UV. 1 for UlVSelf IlOW IllinfR IVern wvmrr In wr.rlr I'vo found it all out. Albert is a mean scamp, and you aud this bright-cyed littlo wifo of yours como hero, my dear, and givo mo a kiss are trumps f" If... A 1 : :i . . ' . .una. uliiou, uuyv quitu convinced mat Uuclo Amos was Uuclo Amos, and no sheeted ghost, but rather a plump old gen tleman in a crav Woolen slllL unit rnitnra. camo accordiugly with tho fragrant kiss on linf ulin...... lino -ml uinlnj I, IP t . , 1 1 , (l cniil "lwihn.1 .! -r""U.J.n JSS succccdod stoue shorn of the glitter of his temporary pros perity, is a billiard marker now, some where iu the South ; and Mr. Arkwright domicil ed with Mr. aud Mrs. Floriau Levcrson, tho most complacent old gentleman north of Mason and Dixon's lino 1 How I'alm Leaf Hats are Made. . In America, tho only pIiiccb where tho leaf of tlio palm tree is manufactured iuto wcar- mg apparel are in Massachusetts, .amncrsi, in Hampshire county, .rainier, in liamp- deu, aud liarre and i itchburgh; in orces tcr, are each tho situ of manufactories, but of theso (says tho Uottoiu .lifiwiiser) tho first named is the largest iu buildings, bu siness, nnd completeness of work. bevcral of tho others perform only a part of tho whole courso of operations necessary to fit tho goods lor market. From Cuba tlio raw icat 13 snipped to New Loudon, Connecticut, iu buuehes of twcuty-livo leaves each, aud tho stock is unloaded and placed on cars which stop at tlio door of tho bleaching house. As de livered, tho loaf is from four to flvo feet long. This, standing ou tho stock end, is closely packed in tho bleaching rooms, whero it is kept sixteen niv. jirimsiono is used to whiten tho leaf. The rooms are closed air-tight aud tho brimstone burnt in mins suiuiing in tho room. lien bleached to tho renuinilo whiteness, tho next process the leaf undergoes 14 sultUing. Nearly a third of all that passes tho si'littcra Is absolutely worthless lor use hero. iia 10 ccully it was thrown away; butsiueo paper uiauulacturcra havo been straitened lor material, this ptiliu leaf has bcuu found to make cood iaiet. rillv dollars a tou aro paid lor it at tho paper nun. After tho straw is now ready to bo work ed into huts, all the work must bs done by haud. In all tho New r.ugland Mates, except Khodo lalaud, aro ugents of tho linn who seud 1110 Kin out into 11:0 country amoug the wives and duttghters of tho far mors, by whom it la braided lulu ham ami wuvoii Into wubs lor buuntr hxxis. mra tnuius aro coustaullv insnitm over tho rug ued hills, carrying inula nil to bo braided, or the work that lm been nnMied. The iiuiiiU r ut ivuiiiilii win lliul riuiilnvment 111 this busiiteat Is very great. Utile child- 1x11 aro ki jil al ll, tor it l light woik, and u iiiuiblo bnui ted ti'rl of tu or twelve can luiuas much lit a U4V us auaduil woman. The pay for llu work is tou small to make ovuu tleet ul w age, if Hie worker Id not ot . . 11 11. . . r I... .l I... a I.I.. ..ill. itiuaikul'Ui dulliu of bund, but it U, with many, a Woik uf odd luunuul wbleh would otherwise bo wusud, Uio nuid Uuuim. w lib will iiuliulu ut herduv ' wuik a "uul" of so luui It liuldiui to U dullB. lusuino part of the vuuuliy, cliaU UiHoiuiuj t juaelud iu the auiiiu way. Couuliy lucre luiul fivqueiitly Uko llu kufaud put U uut iu lliuir uuicfiUirhiMxta. '1 Uy urg aalUtUxl if uu iirultibo utadu uu the Ii4i4 lujj. for llwy iay !r U li"iu iluu alur, aud Uiaku liiu liieru il Luuiiuts thut aHJU.wl ailui4 tUiua lull piuiii. tootiMi. tiwttuvwr, luukw a rii al UtU iiul, au4 lu auy eaag the Wuiief ut,cuipvUM U UKIU pUUUW. klr, 1 imvoi. M Mio4mly Mlwwtah' 4 mu day aa U iusM.llutl tku pnauU Us Wa.luul Ua iy -lni, WUU Mil li biui, "ll-sj aiw )wa Mi. I 'vukul, 1 aiu uU4 U u A U, Uilu M lu lU I 'ui"U.' "Ibl au4 lU M 'ai,wl4 ma ui 1 ftj vi tu iff Uki." M.4 Ul iliwJu "V! likvly.'1 ivjou-u4 lha ' i, ' Wul I m Us is Us nil IU iv.l. a- Sllr.,. .11... ...... ilt(9AV4IIIIVVAl3. v ! ADYERTISINO SCHEDULE lOMtifs, or about 100 Vordx,iiiaVe a Square jl 6q: 9 Sq- 8 4 Sq Jcol Kcol l7ol One week ;1.00! S.CJi 3.5o; B.Otlj fi.oo 8.CO1S.00 Two wePk:l.eOj 3.0ft' 8.50! 4.00: 8.0011.0018.00 Tbrca " H.0Q. 8.60i 4.60; 6.00' 8.00 1 3.00 '.'0.00 Four " 2.B0! 4.60 6.R0: O.OO'lO.OO 15.00 aa.50 Fiv 3.75; 5.00: fl.50. 7.00!13.00 17.00 !.'5.tl0 Bix is.oo! 6.75 7.5lj 8.00;i8.0O,18.O0'37.uO Two mo il!.25j 7.5o; 8.5ol K.00.15.1K; iTO.OO 80.00 Thrco IH.GC. 8.00; 9 50 10.00 tfO.OO W.00 40.0C Six fi.00: 9.00 11.00 ia.00:S8.0O'8S.0ti 50.00 Nino " jO.OOlO.OO ia.OO15.O0 35.O045.0O75.0O Ouo Tear ;8.O013.00.15.O0:ao.0U 4O.00 00.00 l.O0 A TKitnniLE IIohse Disease. The N. Y. Sun of Thursday last has the following : Within a few weeks tmst nu nlnrmln.r n.,,l fatal malady has mado its appearance in tho ntablea of soma of tbo e!t miirnn.i lines. Uy somo it is pronounced to bo that terriblo disease known as cerebro spinal meningitis, or sometimes tcrnurl annual fever, although many eminent viteiinnrv surgeons Bay that it diUers from that dis ease in Bouio essential rcnuisitcs. It r- cently howcd itself among tho horses of iuo oecono avenuo line, where there havo beon ovci 130 cases, although not more than about 12 liavo as yet proved fatal. Tho first symptoms are manifested in tho slow, sluggish movement of the hind quar ters, and in stumbling. It h n disease of the membranes over tho spinal marrow, and begiuuing apparently over the lumbar vcrtuoric, cueciuaiiy para.yzcs tlio hind quarters. The distemper gradually works itself along the spinal cord until it at last reaches (ho braiu, wheu tho foro legs givo way, and tho horse Is deprived of tlio use of his limbs. Tho most remarkable feature of this dis caso in its present aspect one in which it differs from the real ccrcbro-spiual menin gitis ia that the horse continues to eat aud Uriuk ns heartily as though he was well, his appetite to increase rather than dimin ish ns tlio diBcaic advances. If tho horde when Btrickcn with the disease is allowed to he down, ho will never get up. There fore, Just as booh as numbness in the hinrt quarters is noticed, the horso is supported by broad canvass bands, and a9 soon as ho iu able to stand ho is turned loose. There is no effectual rcniedv for this frightful malady yet discovered. External applications aro applied uloug tho Epinal crd and tho horso is kept as quiet as pos sible. It is not contagious or Infectious. Wliero thcro nre five horses in a Btable, two may bo etricken down nnd tho rest not show the slightest signs of tho disease. It has appeared amoua tho horses of tho Third and Seventh avenue lines, as well as among tho horses of somo of the etage lines. In some localities it has swept over tho couu try as a curso, paralyzing iu a day the far mcr'a finest stock. Tho poor truckman. too, who is so dependent unon his horse for his livelihood, has not been exempt from the ravages of this enidemic. but iu a few hours has been obliged to see his borne Btrickcn down helpless and die. A gentle man iu Westchester county, out of seven lino horses, lost five. It is reported that an other gentleman on Long Island, thcownor of many last trotting horses, has already lost six from this disease valued at 30.- 000. It may bo noticed ns a shurular coinci dence that cercbro-sninal meuiusitis. al though not of a malignant form, is prevail ing cxteusircly iu many parts of Virginia. A low yenrs ngo sixteen persons died of this frightful discaso in Sull'olk county. L. L. wbero it appeared in its most virulent forai. To ItEMOVE Tna Tartu nf TVnnn ULV . "'.ill mmerallV commun r-afn n JgWcafcu v.o .... nj thing that is put into Afterward scald it well with hot water, ami rmso with cold water bcloro you uo it. Tho reason for this is tho ready combina tion of resinous matter, with alkalias to form compounds Bolublo iu alcohol. To Make Stalk Uiiead Fkesii. l'ut tho loaf into a clean tin, and cover ciosoiy to exclude all water, and sot into a steam er or kettlo of boiling water for half an hour: then remove from tho tin, aud it will look liko ficsh bread, aud bo really almost equal to a new loaf. Uarole iok Sore Throat, btrong engo lea, half pint; strained honey, common Biilt, nud strong vinegar, ono laoie sjiooii ful of each; Cayenne Pcl,Pcr pulverized, ono rounding tea spooniui; Bleep tno iay-1 cunc with tho sage; strain and mix iu a bottlo for uso. Garglo from four to a dozen times daily, according to tho sovcrity of tuocaso. . Henry Ward UEEciiEn ox Dac- rsa. In the courso of his sermon Inst Sun day Mr. lkccber eaid: somo persons, wncn tncy uun a cuurcu think that they must put ail tho clco anil mirth ami music out of theirlivcs. Don't you do ill If a lovo song ripples up to tho surtace 01 your man, sing 111 jjwm '" diol My second mother was my idea of womanly gentleness, propriety nud elo gauce. tslie was not, however, very demon strative. Shousod before niairiagoto bo quite a belle, aud was often kuowu to trip the light fantastic. Ouo evening as my father played n tunc on tho violin, my mother arose, aud iu thu most graceful inauuer possible to conceive commenced to dance arouud tho room. I didu't know what to make of it. I was siiecchlcss with consternation aud delight. My father looked on iu aurprise. Revet In tho whole courso nf my litb had I seeu sueli a thing attempted in my father'e house. It was delicious; nud 1 got a ksaon then which lias lasted mo ever since. 1 think lo this day that if my mother had danced r.rtoui r and said the catechism a littlo lo, it would havo been iH tu r fur all of us. If you have a talent for music, cultivate It; whatever gift tiod bus given you, nwiko tho most of ihtiu, whttucr of tho voice, foot or eye. IH'I'H VOU 1'OT.UO Ui iiS. Tho useful lie of duck lu diU ilig liiMCla und vermin 011 plant W well known by all w ho have ki pt them. 1 1 1 uow uggt ted that they uiu a gxul uulidote for thu poU in hti -. Lul thu lioiilU) is that thu tai uelly 1 JUl k is huiiud, uud tbo bug tuiun'l . , 1 . . 1 1 . .1.. ... .. IMI lU'lSUillleil til Utllll 1 1 UIU IUVII minfc. until the dutk r nudy to duour Hum lu a ktiiull wav. liowiur. Ihu diuk uio di.ublUs valuable. A giiilUinuu ol I'uiua, luiio, niHn that hupul i-air of Mu.. lovjslulJ Id poUto lulih, which waa huiiUly awaiiuiuii with the bu. 'Ihu duik alo the bua with auili avidity tluit thu Uiur wiio vmu talviuiiuaUd, mid Uu paleli bu ln'l stui UU truutWd with (luiu. Tlui did n't appeal lo tuiUi any ill 1.1b el Hum ihu bur, aud wtru iiul Uiy sU'W IU "UklUjJ lu" lilt Ibvy twuld du rtiiily Uiu iivU4 lu ludmi, wuli wbuh a wnur, ustuj a lN IH Ibu Usual UMIWIi iu at lU aaUtu liuta iiioditco dui'lieaU v au.aH a it l iuvtaibW Ui llitiwU 4'm- that tuui"' iy Uu.au4 jut. A UA't ulwl appuieiuvu vllUa, iialu will U lu fut tikivitimu t-f " Lit, m !'' t ,"'ki uU awl a.u'ilia, IviLui uifUi u.'! a.. wf. bul WbU U Uu liw.UWI (,v.l4 m iwu ui4i Urn jn-utu-a i.1 I . .. I .