4 welled up a fountain of irrcprcssiblo rogu ery. 'But my Bacque fins gone out of fashion now, find the button will bo of no use to mo,' ho anid. Tom looked at bcr earnestly. 'And, besides, I think yon ought to give mo moro than a button lor what I aok. Tom flunked a little at this, but suddenly seized her hand and exclaimed, with en ergy: ' I can gives you the whole lovo of an undivided heart ft life-long devotion a lovo as unchanging and untiring as tho sun that shines! Will that do?' 'I don't know but it will,' canio in a faint murmur. And so the old, old game was played, and who shall say that hearts didnotwin? Miscellaneous. "Shoost so Long as it It Vas 1" A Chicago correspondent sends tho follow ing: During a recent triul beforo Justice Dougherty it was thought important by counsel to dctcrniino tho length of time I hat certain two quarters of bcof, two hogs and one sheep remained in an express wa gc - in front of plaintiff's storo beforo they were taken away by defendant. Tho wit ness under examination was a German, whoso knowledge of tho English language was very limited ; but ho testified in a very plain, straightforward way to having after ward carried it out and put it into tho aforesaid wagon. Then tho followiug en sued : Counsellor Euos. "Stato to tho jury how long It was after you took tho meat from the storo and put it into tho wagon beforo it was taken away." Witness. "Now, I shoost cand dell dat. I dinks 'bout dwelvc feet. I not say near er as dat." Counsel. "You don't understand mo. J010 long vts it from tho tiino tho meat left tho store, and was put in the wagon be fore it was taken away by defendant ?" Witness ".Now I know not vot you aso dat for. Der vagon ho vas back up mit der sidevalk, and dat's shoost so long as it teas. You dell mo how long der sidevalk vas. Den feet ? Dwelve feet ? Den I dells yon how long it vas." Counsel "I don't want to Cud out how wido the sidewalk was, but I want to know (speaking very slowly, how long this meat was in tho wagon beforo it was taken away " Witness "Oh f dat I Well, now, I not sold any meat so. I all timo weigh him : never measured meat, not yet. 13ut I dinks 'bout droo feet." (Here tho specta tors and his Honor and tho jury, smiled audibly. "I know not.shcntlumeus. IIow is dis. I dell you all I can, so good as 1 know." Counsel "Look hero. I want to know liow long it was before tho meat was taken away after it was put into the wagon " Witness (looking very knowingly at counsel) "Now, you try and get mo in a scrape. Dat meat was shoost so hnq in der twjoii as he vas in der shop. Dat's all I told you. Dat meat vas dead meat, llo don't got much longer in den dousand year, not mooch." Counsel "That will do." Life in Death. Tho cedar" is most useful when dead. It is tho most produc tive when its placo knows it no more. There is no timber like it. Firm in tho grain, and capable of tho finest polish, tho tooth of no insect will touch it, and Time itself can hardly destroy it. DilHisiug a perpetual iVagranco worm will not corrodo tho book which it protects, nor the moth corrupt tho garment which it guards ; and all but immortal itself, it transfuses its amaranthine qualities to objects around it. Every Christian is useful in his life, but tho goodly cedars aro tho most useful after wards. Luther is dead j but tho Informa tion lives. Knox, Melvillo and Henderson are dead, but Scotland still retains a Sab bath and a Christian peasantry, a Lible in every house,and a school in every parish, liunyan is dead, but his bright spirit still walks the in-) its "Pilgrim's Progress." Baxter is dead, but souls are quickened by "Saint's Eust." Cowper is dead, but the "golden apples" aro still as fresh as when newly gathered in tho "silver baskets " of tho Olney llymns. Eliot is dead, but tho missionary cntcrpriso is young, lleury llattyn is dead, but who can count the apostolic spirits, who, phoenix like, have btartcd from tho funeral pile ? Howard is dead, but modern philanthropy is only commencing its career, ltaikeo is death but the Sabbath Schools go on. Jiu: F. Hamilton. A deacon in Illuois objected to the or gan purchased by his church, and when called upon to close tho service with pray er, said: "Call on tho machinel If it can Biug tho glory of God it can pray too. Call on the machine." f t ...lA I jgutunnu. Cciujs port Bloated Cattlk. Tho discussion with regard to bloated cattlo has called forth several letters ; tho following nre some of the remedies suggested. J. A. ladd, of Belmont, N. II.. said a neighbor had a bloated steer. I advised hiin to dis solve three or four tablespoonfuls of cook ing sodiv in water, which, when turned in to the steer, gave instant relief. In less than an hour ho was chowing his cud. I knew a good lioroo cured of tho same trou ble by the same remedy. Henry Turner, nt' I'lllnnUi. M ii-l.brfin irrntrt . I. m tl.l..,.. three years i lmvo lived in this county of ""iiaun vn iiui euiiiu ianu, anil emeu ail tho cattlo about mo, ami horses too, of ho veuor bloat, and dry belly-acho or colic, by giving two quart of lime or rushes and wa ter, and in no case failed ouce. Draw tho touguo and pour slowly. In liftoen or twenty minutes they will bo well. I have cured hundreds in this way. If you try it once you will uso do other remedy. A. A. Fisher, of Pike .New York, said by letter : 1 have had a good nmuy cattlo in tho last liltten years troubled with bloat, but never lost ono with it. For each animal take hem ouo pint to a quart of hour milk or buttermilk ; add a good handful of salt ; put iu a Lottlo and ubako well ; then give to tho auiinal. Ouo doso has always beeu enough tor tho time. For colic lu horse two tablenpooufuls of nalaratus, dissolved iu warm water, nnd given a a drench, ha aved a number of horses for mo. Mr. Woltl said ho had use. I turn auluratu euro lor thirty years, upon huiuuu and dumb nuiiu.il., uud could rccommeud it. A PLENTY oy i L't L'MltiUta yitoM H1UKK !lll.Ls. A correspondent dcacnUa Lis w uy of umkiutf a cucumber crop a follow: "Iliad narrow border, not uioro thau two uud a hull' feet wido, on tliu tdjjo of a Ugh leiico. 1 planted three cucumber hilU iu iho border, iu4 laid buiuij brubh (.licit u i ucd lor pt4 viue.) between them and I m ciiuv. An soon u they tr.j.l Ull tu I Iiu Lrui.li I piu. hed oilihu uuWltui ,iitu, wliuli ll,kkcii4 rapidly around tho roots, ttiidlutivery duw-Hou, IhroHit. out tho iiiu.1 vlyiou, lohuto and pi.,iuioit t,f tovm., ldi4 ii4 allow lU tueumUr. Ij Ktow, but UU4 Umjiu, and , i wuhrd to rturvo for tho lulUi 1 ,.u-kai tit ou at ihuy Uaniiiu v( propt r iu; all tho rial tr umlM itd t)Vtry day for i.iUu., wvny day piiu l.li, j ri il tmU al lU m,. It ' . lu l"llco4u.f uc rii.li it,4 piu.li4.iu, utadl ily tr toiKlwd ty lioat. u.,ilu) JuJHatil vau bu l.ui-.UI tlm aliiui, u, a,iu- iu u a l l IUI luoiu Hum a Uiritl of p. kl luadu li-ia liii h.U, Ui IWw lus a "j''y lot lU ul.u," iiEnv T. iiEi.ninoii'N COMPOUND FJ.UID EXTRACT UATAWIA O-BAPE Component Purta Fluid Extract Khubarh and Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Julto. For Liver Compliant, Jnnndlco, Bilious Affec tions, Blck or Nervous Headache, Costlvcticsn, cte. Furcly Vcgctnblo, containing no Mercury, Minerals or Deleterious Drugs. . m Thcao Pills aro tho most delightfully pleasant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, masnc tin, etc. There is nothing moro acccptablo to the Btomach. They givo tono, and cause neither nausea nor gripping pains. They are composod ofthciumf ingrtHkntt. After a few days' uso of them, such an lnvlgoration of tho cntiro sys tem takes place ns to appear niirnculous to tho weak and enervated, whether arising from Im prudence or disease. It. T. Hclinhold's Com pound Fluid Jixtract Catawba Grape Pill aro not siic;ar-coated, from tho fact that sugar-coated Pills do not dissolve, but pass through the sto mach without diswlvinr;, consequently do not produce tho desired cfTcct. Too Catawba Grnpo Pills, bfilng pleasant in taste and odor, do not necessitate their being snr;or-cotttcd. Price fifty IE HENRY T. lIELMI10LI'g I1IGTILY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND I'luiU IX r act Narsaparilla Will radically exterminate from the system Scro fula, Syphilis, Fever Bores, Ulcers, 8oro Eyes, Soro Legs, Bore Jtouth, Sore Head, Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, Salt Rheum, CunUcrs, Runnings from tho Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancer ous Affections, Nodes, RIt kctb, Glandular Swell ings, Ni!fht Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of all kinds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and nil diseases that Iiatc been established lu tho system for years. 1L Being prepared expressly for tho above Com plaints its blood-purfylng properties are creator than cny other preparation of Barsaparilla. It givc the complexion a clear and healthy color and restores the Patient to a state of Health and parity. For Purifying tho Blood, removing nil jhroulc constitutional diseases arising from nn impure state of the Blood, and the only reliable aud effectual known rotnedy for tho cure of pains and swelling of tho Bones, Ulcerations of tho Throat and Legs, Blotches, Plinplcs on the Face, Erysipelas and all scaly eruptions of tho skin, and beautifying tUo complexion. Price, fl.00 per iiottic. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S CONCKSTRXTED FEVIO EXTRACT III'CIIU, THE GREAT DIURETIC, bas cured every case of Diabetes In which It has been given. Irritation of the neck of tho Blad der and Inflnmatlun of tho Kidneys, Ulceration of tho Kidneys nnd Bladder, retention of Urine, Diseases of the prostrate Gland, Stone lu the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brickdust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, nnd for En feebled and Delicate Constitutions of both, sexes, attended with tho following symptoms : Indis position to exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Me mory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain In tho Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of tho Body, Dryness of the Skin, Erup tion on the face, paiid Countcnanco, Universal lassitudo of tho Muscular system, etc. Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to twtnty-flve, nud from thirty-five to fifty-five or In the decline or change of life ) after confine ment or labor pains ; budwetting In children. Ilclmbold's Extract Bnclin Is Diuretic and Blood-purifying, and cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation, and excesses and lin dencc3 in Life, impurities of tho Blood, etc., superseding copaiba In affectations for which it is used, nud syphilitic affections iu these dis eases used la connection with Ilclmbold's Roso Wash. LADIES. In many affectations peculiar to Ladles, tho Extract Buchu Is unequaled by any other reme dy as la chlorosiB or retention, irregularity, palnfulncsa or suppression of custonuiry evacua tions, ulcerated or sctiirus state of thu Uterus, Leucorrlloca or Whites, sterility, nud for nil complaints Incident to tho sex, whether arising indiscretion or habits of dissipation. It Is pre scribed extensively by tho most emiucnt physi cians nud midwives for enfeebled nud delicato constitutions, of both sexes and all nges (attend ed with any of the above diseases or symptoms.) n. T. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCI1U CURKS DISEABK8 ARISING FROM IMPRU DENCES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC., in all their 6tgcs, nt littlo expense, llttlu or no change in dict, uo Inconvenience, and no expo sure. It causes a frcqneut desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruc tions Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and luttnumtiou, bo fre quent in this class of dibcascs, and expelling all Poisonous mutter. Thousands who haVo been the victims of In competent persons, and who have paid honvy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they have been deceived, and that tho "Poison" has, hy the use of "powerful astringents," been dried up in the system, to break out In a more aggra vated form, and pcrhups after Marriage. Use Ilclmbold's Extract Buchu for all Affec tions nnd Diseases of tho Uulary Organs, wheth er existing lu Mule or female, from whatever originating, uud no matter how long staudiug. Price, one dollar and fifty cents per bottle. UENUT T. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH cannot 1.0 surpasied at a Fuco Wash, nnd will bo found the only bjwciUe remedy lu every species of Cutaneous Affection. It SccdUy eradicates Pimples, Bpots, Scorbutic Dryucsa, Indurations of the Cutaneous Membrane, etc., dispels Red uces uud Iucipletit IuUuinutlon, Hives, Rash, Moth Patches, Dryucss of Sculp or Sklu, Frost Uites, and nil pnrposus for which Salves or Oint ments uru ued restores tliu sklu to a state of purity uud softness, uud Insures continued healthy actiou to the lUsio of it vessels, on w ideh depcuds the agreeable, clearness and viva city of complexion so much sought uud admire I. Hut however valuable as a remedy for existing defueti of the sklu, II. T. ilclmbold's Rose Wui.li bus Ion:; sustained lis principle claim to unbound ed 1'iilruimgu, by posBeslug qualities which ren der it a Toikt Appendage or the most Superla tive und Congful.il thmuiter, combining In mi elegant roi iuuU those prominent requisites, Safu ty aud Ktllcucy thu Invariable accompaniment of It use a a Pi c.ervutlve and Ki fresher of tho Complexion. It i mi excellent Loilou for Uixfiisu or a Syphilitic Nature, uud u uu tnjoc Hun for dUeui of the. Urinary Orgaus, urUinir I rem Inibit of dll i.l'.on. umi4 iu couneellou with tho Kxtruct Buchu, 6urapurl!lu, uud L'a l.iwba Grape pill, in utu tlixuse u rreom uii ud.d, cuiiuot be L.puod. Price, one dollur J3D Full urn expklt direction eoouipuuy the UidUllie. Kvlilfuce of the uio.1 rcupousible ami rull.ibU ibarmUr (uiuUho.1 oil upplleultoii, kill, ,uu. dudi oflhouuuds of living wIiummm, uud up J of M,ikn uii.ulu.lud itrtlil.uiMau t rvcom in. ii J.il..ry litler. umuy of viiieli uru from (Ik hlUcl uuirc! lmludiiiK emiucut i'btliluua, t1uig)iin;u, M.iU.iiuu, clc. The pruprlwiiir bus nmr n...iu. m ib.ir publiidiluu In lli ac. .upcf li.i doc Ui4 dolhUfruiu III I41I lliul lit urllili roiik Miuudurd I'n mi ill..m, uud d.i no ud tu Uj oppd uu by ctrllUouU.. Ilrury T. llliuWl4'a (iruulita r arMliuM. Ikllrvivd to ii) uddicM. uiii rruat olcr. Vallou. tuUiliii up4i4 of lnwly tun. aold by llfuKi.i, tr,i)alivi. A.l liv. I. iiui f.,( u,li.(. Umlluu, ill toi.ll.l.u. to UvUIJ 'I, llwiUttuld, ll'4rftl uuj t bt.li.lil. . l-4ii 11. T. IUIuiUU' DfLg k. . l witli"UM, No. bt Hi.-il.a), k, iiui 11 '''Mt-U. Uu, lot avv.il, r.ial, aiiMi, uiU4li t.i, I'. u. yr lor IUly T f li, l.Ti - ,.t,ta-i,. isfflfoncons. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company'. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE TEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Nnmber of Policies, 718. Amount of Property Inonrcd, $52,815,00 Amount of Premium Notes in force, (34,813,00 CASfl ASSETS. Amount lonned at Interest, $3000,00 Amount in Treasurer's hands, $1000,00 Amount dne from Agents, 300,l)5 Amount due from other sources, 7'-8,C0 Available Capital, 189,339,05 Insure yonr Cuttle. INSURE with. a responsible and perfectly re liable Company. Insure where your lossos will be paid promptly. THIS 18 A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Hence, unlike other Comnnnlcs. von nre sure of being paid promptly for all losses, If insured In this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Bclnc mutual, our expenses are less, nnd our Charter is Porpctunl. We pay losses by all kinds of nccldcnts by death, (excepting in cases of epidemics,) by theft, &c., &c. Wo pay prompt ly. No red tapo proceedings to obtain vj-otir money in case of loss. Nearly $3,000 paid on Cows nlono since Organization. Look at the lUt of Losses paid on Cows alone by this company. M Hennlngcr, Bntibury, Pa J33, D Hllecrt, Northumberland f0, George Eckert, " ...40, 8 B Dodge, " 30. Charles Bollck, Mt Carmcl .80, Esubeus Sipple, " 40, Catharine Wagner, Watsontown 40, George Heir, Northumberland M, Jacob Snyder, Sunbtiry. 33,33 J W Bassler, " 50, Minor Cudy, Dcwnrt CO, Catharine Martz, Bhnmokiu 40, Francis Uuchcr, Buuuury o, Samuel B Price. Upper Lehigh f0, Joseph Deppon, Mt Curmcl 50, Matthias Scliolly, " o, Francis McCarty, " 50, Maria Kramer, Wntsontown 45, Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dewart 40, J & R C Quigglc, Pine, Clinton co 40, R Ramngo, Shenandoah, Bchuglklll co 40, J S Tharp, Shamokin 40, ThomaB Wardrops, Mt Carmcl 45, N A Loudcnslagcr, llcrndon, 40,' Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40, G L Rcngan, Shenandoah, Schuylkill co 50, Jacob Shine, " " 40, Jacob 8tolU, " " 40, D U Bower, ncrudon, 30, Geo B Lahr, Georgetown... 40, John H Ossmnn, Sunbury 40, W B Wallace, Northumberland 30, II S Graham, " 50, Rebecca Koblc, Georgetown 40, Philip Wintcrstcln, Watsontown 40, G 8 Low, Lime Ridge, Columbia co 40, Lewis Ostcrhant, Laurel Rnn, Luzerne CO.. .40, Mary J Hine, Northumberland 40, B F Krohn, Snubnry ' 40, Andrew Heuly, Glrardsvlllc, BchnylkiU co.. 40, Patrick Furgeson, Mt CaTmel 40, Martin Dcluucy, Shenandoah city.. 14, John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill co 10, Anthony McLnughlln, Girnrdsvillo 40, Llayman 8 Day, Mahanoy Plane 40, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Bauchcr, Berwick -T, J D Focht, Pottsvillc 30, Ernstus Sober, Point twp -0, A Lippencott, Watsontown 40, Maria Kramer, Watson'n,2d loss pd luBt sum,40, J P Lippencott, Watsontown 40, R 8 Ammcrman, Bnydertown SO, Nathan Bloss, Berwick, Columbia co 27, J ii C R Quisrglo.Plno Sta'n Clinton e 2d loss,40, Chnrlcs W Hazznrd, Rupert, Columbia co...40, John Foglcman, Wntsontowu 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Carinel 40, Thomas Mctz, Puxlnos 30, R MoClosky, Lock Huven 1!H, HON. A. JORDAN, President. C. A. REIMENSNYDER, Scc'y, 8uubury. DIRECTORS 1 Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. O, J. Brnncr, Solomon Stroh, Win. Hrindle, Soloman Shlpe, John A. Bhlsslor, Dr. D. T. Krcbs, Dr. David Wnldron. March 11, 1871 ly. TIME IS MONEY I ! ALL Wall Paper nnd Border, sold by me wll be trimmed rendy for use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, BY TUB YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER, :. irw which I have the exclusive riirht to use In Sunburv and vicinity. Bavo money, timo and labor, by buying of JV. FERIIEE EIGIIT.NEIt, Dealer In Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Music, ac, ve., ive. Suuduy School SUPPLIES mado a speciality Illuuk, IMriuornuduiu Vuhh Hooks in endless variety, Just received. HOOK BINDI S'G done to order. Persons will save expense by leuriug their order for biudiuf; with mo. riCTI RK FK.tMEN ofullslzps, cut (roin the Miuililinirut very low rate. U AL x BtjCAltE r KA.Mr.Ij ulwuy on luind. AIJJUMS, UltACKETS, GOLD TENS, &c, &c, &c. A largo and well kelected utix k of Toy al way on hand. Anything not on hand promptly 01 dered. Uurguln lor eii.li. Cull ul N. FERREK LIGHTNER'8 Hook Store, Sign of Foley' Gold Pen, Market Biuure, Bus bury, I'u. Sunbury, Augut 0th, 1870. J. W. WASHINGTON'S ;it AM HA It II EH Nil UP. The old IxTiiiuiieiilJ.hop of the town We dc'lliio the boust, but ul Ilia nuiiiu lima fou.ld. r ibul the mighty truth oiu)Im kuioiiu bly apoknu ailboul luuiillealluir uu uiioouilorla biu uuiouut of vuully aud umbitlou. Ju.t tweuly yrur ui;i I U-guu my buslue career lu tbi pluee liulf my llleiiiu thua fur wut, liuva i Mood upou Ilia dour of our Uo day uUur iluy.uud uii(bl ulUr uliihl, uud upplltd lb Larp blue ylruutliiu' alvel. uud allblu tUut i.lup.0 or lima ninbruitj by lb uilgbly fuld ut thai ciKulful iiKh! liuvu 1 .bated uvuily awry body In lb couuiiy (lu tuiiiniuu sirlauir) uud to oMltf Ilia publlo iutuiiMt a Urviu publicly uuuuuumi to our mI(ou old aud una tbal ur rwidv lo suaia tluiu ull ufulu tbava liuudrvd IbuuMiud IliUM or Uiora. I ouie aucu yua Ideuaa, Jtut it land I lit Ul. Iiu aaura uUuy icJ lu oi, foituouu or ulUruuuu, lo bai yuu, luilr cut uu, bauipua )ou, aki.kcr U uu, or ptifutua, aomb uud ar rauiiu lb kulr HilU uillalW skill, lu Ida "auivr I ill 1 or aUr laUa !)! lu u4 lb uaUuwr. W ulk lu (kM, Hut I'lroaa Id tmk, Uti, iloa'l au ut our ituy tu nt auuvaj oa 11m Im.i ul Uilil -Uuua 4u u u at.ll ua It 14 u ba U or r auubl b. A t bau ka ull that aa iIcUmuJ fl (iia llw imu aa la baud. A Urn J r abuMi lr4, ur Muiait hk.I. U.I. I, iu. VLt Mitll .uj 1 a kUbji amt' t-i. aj a. t .J. isallattcotts. PRICES REDUCED. HOOTS A N1IOEM Manufactured to order at GREATLY REDUCED TRICES, JOHN WILIER, Sprnce Street, Snnbnry, Fcnn'a, Is constantly manufacturing Boots. Shoes & Gaiters. at surprisingly low prices. His stock comprises I no very best in market, ills long exper ience in the business has won for him a repntntion for making first ' class work equal to any tKy manufacture. All work warranted. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. The prices of repairing are also reduced. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, March 4, 1871. TO TnE WORKING CLASS. We nre now prepared to furnish nil classes with constant em ployment nt home, the whole of the timo or for the spare moments. Business new light and pro fitable. Persons of either sex easily earn lrom 60c. to $5 per evening, nnd n proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys nnd girls earn nearly as much ns men. That all who see this notice may send their ad dress, nnd test the business, we make this un paralleled oiler : To such ns aro not well satls licd. we will send 1 to ray for tho trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable samplo wblcn win uo to commence worn on, nna a copy of 27i I'eojite't Literary Comjianton ono of Iho largest nnd best family newspapers published all sent free by mall. Reader, If you want per manent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN & CO., Augusta, Maine. April 15, 1871. 3m. NTER EOSCOP ES, VIEWS, ALBUSIS, CIIROMOS, FRAMES. E. V II. T. ANTHONY A CO., 501 Broadway, New York, Invito the attention of the Trade to their exten sive assortment of tho above goods, of their own publication, manufacture and importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES nnd GRAPHOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, IMl'OnTEAS AND MANUFACTURERS Or Photographic Materials. Mnrch 4th, 1371. ly. SPRINU FASHIONS NOW READY. MRS. M. A. BINDER, 1101, N. W. COR. ELEVENTH AND OIESTNCT 8T3., PHILADELPHIA. Importer ami Dcsiguer of Fanliions. The old established nud only reliable Dress Trlmmlug, Paper Pattern, Dress nnd Cloak mak ing Emporium. Elegantly trimmed Paper Patterns, Wholcsalo nnd Rctnil. Fans, Gloves, Ribbons nnd Sashes, Lnccs, Em broideries, Jet, Gilt, nnd Pearl Jewelry. Evening dresses nnd Buits, made lu the most fashionable style at short notice. Perfect system of Dress Cutting taught. N. B. Orders hv mail, promptly attended to. Feb. 20. 1871. 3m. FURNITURE I FURNITURE ! I A NEW STORE AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAIIANOY Township, Northumberland County, Pa. WILLIAM NEGELY TTAVING opened n new Furniture Store nt the above place, will constantly keep on hand, a large una select assortment 01 FURNITURE, Comprising of Parlor and Chamber Suits, Couch cb, Lounges Tables, Bureaus, Canc-Scutcd Chairs of all grades, Rocking aud Kitchen Chairs, Wushtnuds, Bedsteads, Japanese, Cottage and Half Cottage, Looking-Glasscs," Window Shades, and in ehort, everything usually to be found in any well-kept Fumituro Storo, may be hnd at this establishment. Hoping, by fair dealing und strict attention to bustiicKs, to merit tno patronage or tbc pulilic. An invitation Is extended to a II desiring anytbiu in tlio line of Furniture to cull und examine my stock. I'lKlerlukliiK dono In all its branches. lif Repairing dono at short notice. gJ WM. NEGELY. Georgetown, June 11, '70,-ly. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKEE'3 OAL1FOS1TIA VINEGAE BITTERS 24 Hundreds of Thousands Bear testimony to tticlr Wonder ful Curulivo tifecu. WHAT ARE THEY? s a S3 0 s a 0 m a B r OP TnGT ARE KOT A VUG r ri 11 w T 1 n 1 n n lUUoor I'oer ltant, Whlrkar, l'rnul Hvlril nad Ueluaa l.luuor uoclonJ, pplctj uaWiit cued tt (.Icwo tUo tuite, called " ToiiU,"" ApiicUt. era," " licalorcra,' ., that lead ll o lipplir cn la drunkcnmM and rula, bnt are a ouo alrdlclna, uuda from llio Nativa ItouU and Ilcrlia ot Cultfurcla, frro fruiu nil Alcohvlla Hllinulanis, They ara Ilia UIIEAT ill.OOIl ri'lllI lUIt and A 1.11'K taVlMi fltlNCIl'I.ElKr.'tct Kcucvalur ai.4 liivlgurutur cf tho Bj.um, carrying iff all polaonoua uialter and rubluj lui: llio tloud lu a hialll cauilltlun. 2opnrboa cantata lUcbo r.lilcrs cccwrCljf tuClrco tluu and n-malu long uuwM. 1DU will bo lvur(,raii Inroralloeoae, ( roiliUd 10 buur ara btodcsuroyid by i..lacrul uiatu of ' oilier loiaut, aid l!io vilalur-asa wuud boi jt.'ia point of repair. Vmr luduiuinitiorr nnd C'hronla Kbramn. lUw aud tium, llrM'i.la, xr ludlv-ailua, IlUlaMa, UcMiliirHi mui luloruillii al t iiui lllaruat aol Ibu lllucd, l.Ucr, Uliluei a, aad llluddcr, Uitmi liluvia tava Uwa aut lucent ful. aiucb lllaraaca ara auiuad I If Vtllalrd Jlload, ti:c!i U contrail .roduoc J Ij Ccrai-aiUMUl 01 Uo tiiKMla Onaaa. UVto"i:r.l.V tilt IXPIUL'bTlUN', Had arlio.l aiii lu mo kliouidvn, CuLiU,lbl.iu'tf Ilia t'iila I'Uilarn, tour LrucUllotx if iua kluwaili, bJ la.u 1 1 Um ilwwa, UOluaa AilacU, IV4u.Ui of Ilia U. ml, l.Buuiu.alka vf Ilia lm lu IIm riiuns vt it ktdaya,aadalBadjv4 vlUci .aiuful S)B il"C.s,ara laat,r!iif !i.Mla. 'u 1 la.iaui.u U.wuu4akiiuniiUata U. l r- plibltraixl buariU, aklta rvuj r lliciuul uuoiatll 4 ilUcwf la tlaaktlaji lUg lilvvdbf alllai.arllk, abd lu.inluf uvv lifo ai.4 iiui Ui U wluW .u.ut. UU l4tM i'UVAkt.llui.l'uu.l'U.r.sall I Wlui, Blolckco.Si ol,. 11 I u.O.U, tvl .. I . aWa, Uug-Wuiuw, k.U U4,ur Kr?iy. klaa. tuM, ktaria. I'UoulufklWu wf lk kkUi, Uuiu.ia awl KanaMavflkakkv.ar alMUiaf wkuM aaaia, kia lilwaMji aa up aJujik4 oal ul Utj,wya ttft luw f Ik aa af ih Uituiia. ilka aviUa Ik tHak tm alll awkilaaa Ika kwal IkUMlkWw v V awalll alaak tk4Mw Ika Vlilaua liiuaj aUaavci e (. 4 u tu.iwiitaa kantum UMvak taw akia U I bkW, I iai IkM ut kUNilkaM u k tuaaadii vkattwua k4 alaaaiak U Ika Mii al.aia II a kaa M la kU, a4uaikvUikaaUIUil k.ikkv4 a4 Ika kaakk al tka iiaan kHI JklWv, fiK, TiriMWaNHUNMa, tmiti la ika kiakm. W a kaa k.a,,v. k.1 i4aiir W. 4 k4 1-4.1, 4 la l kUak,a, lal kaitKllf khO kklaVMf klk4 kk Uuu, f, lkU4 fa k.4 Wa- (aaaa- tVkUk,i,riMa, ' .k a4 kaaak, i. MklkHU, I'H'M-I' M. ll kla4H4iil A m, iMasaaMa kk4 !- AkU. kaa raaai, lal kaa) MaalkVaaMHlkal, k lata. 4"k"li H kit t..t,VHikr 4li H4U.4J SB i ill V ia if s&l N2 I If? till ov Of S TflET ARE KOT A VILE 5 2 8 63 FANCY DRINK, tii Pattttfartawrs. FLOHEJit'K NEWI Si MACHINE. THIS celebrated Machine Is now on exhibition next door to Krausc's Tin aud Stove Btore, '' ' Market Street, Nnnbory, Ta. The Florence Sewitnr Machine stnmls iinenniil led for beauty nnd durability ; being tho best Family sewing juacmne now ouered to tno pub lic. THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It has self-adjusting tcntlon in the Shuttle 1 changes for the various Stitches mado while the machine is in motion. Its Btitches are tho wonder of all for beauty and finish, being alike on both tides of the fabric. It sews light ana ncavy fabrics wltn equal fa cility. Tho work will feed either right or loft. Runs quietly and rapidly. No difficulty exper ienced in sewing across heavy scams. Its mo tions aro all positive 1 no springs or cog wheels to get out of order. Tho Ilcmmer turns wido and narrow, hem and fell beautifully. It Is thoroughly practical ana will last a me time. . Every Family should Have One. Every Machine warranted to substantiate all we claim for ft. It Is tho only Machlno in the world that Is ca pable of making more than ouo stitch and having the reverse feed motion. Call and examine them, and tho samples ol work. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING. It Hems, Fells, Cords, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, Binds, Gathers, &c, without basting. It makes a gather and sews It on a baml at one opcrntlon perfectly. ' Each Machino is furnished with a complete set of tools, without extra charge. Every purchaser fully instructed nnd every Machine wnrrauted nnd kept In order. Machine Oil aud Thread kept on hand at all times. GEO. W. SMITH & BRO., Agents, ForNorth'd, Snyder, Union and Montour Couu's. October 15, 170. New Flour aud Feed Storo ! R. iV. THURSTON, Corner of Fourth and Market Street, SUNBURY, FENN'A, Has Just opened a Flour nnd Feed Store, whore bo will keep constantly on baud, a gcucrul assortment ol tho best brauds of FLOUR, FEED OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, POTATOES, FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, and VEGETABLES of nil kinds, at tho very lowest market prices, Sunbury, Feb. 11, 1871.-tf. 1871. 1871. LUMBER ! FRYLING, BOWEN & ENGEL, Successors to tho Sunbury Lumber Co., HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE Steam Saw & Planing Mill, and just fitted it up with tho lntest improved Ma chinery, are now prepared to till nil orders tor all kinds of BILL TIMBER. PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK, &c. BOARDS. ROUGH AND SURFACED. SIDING OF ALL KINDS. HEMLOCK, WHITE AND YELLOW PINE FLOORINO, SHINGLES, PLASTERING AND SHINGLING LATH. SASH, mini! vnri.ntvus. hlJMW, SHUTTERS sV HRAC'KETM at tho very lowest prices. A large stock always ou hand. Send for prices. Ample facilities for shipping by Railroad or canai, FRYLING, BOWEN & ENGEL. Sunbury, Pa., February 18th, 1S71. Cm. LUMBER AMD I'LAMXG MI EES Third Street, adjoining Philn. & Erie R. R., two Bimurcs ortu or the ucutral Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. m a t. "clement, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demuuds of the public. Having all tho lutest Improved iiiacbiuery for manniacturmg Lunucr, be is now ready to bll or ders at an kinds ol FLOORING, SIDING, DOOU8, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Sorowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LAUOB AS80HTMi:NT OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK und PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, I.athe, ijcc. Orders promptly lilled, and shipped hv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. dccl0-0S:ly STOVE at TIN ESTAHEISIIMEXT. MARKET STREET, SUNEURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. si'CCESSOa TO BMITU it (JENTUKIt. J HAVING purchased the nbovewcll known es tablishment, Mr. Krause would reflect ful ly inform the public that lie now has 011 hand a (urge assortment of COOKING STOVES, Spcer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehaumt and others, which are so arrauged as to bo used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of nil kinds put up to heat one or more rooms, 11EATINU STOVES of different kinds at very low prices. Tluware of Every DcNcrl.itlou kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Spouting with the bent muterlul, done nt short notice. REPAIK1NU attended tu with dispatch. Coal Oil ar d Lumps constantly on hand. Jni.an ware of a Ux.nds. Store opjiunila Cttnley's hardware store. Give me u call. A-KRAI'S E. uplW-ly Nl'.MII RY .M ARUI.E YARI. rrMIE uuderslgued having bought the entire L stock of Dinsiuger ,to Taylor, would Inform the publlu that he la uow ready to do ull kinds of 9I.1RRLE WORK. ns on liuud, aud ma Wis to order at tllOItT NOTRK- Mouuiuruli A- Ilratl-Ktoueai. e rvr:.r stviji. DOOR AND "W INDOW KILLS Alao.Cemetury Poata with (ialvuulzcd pIihi aud all other li-m lug gi-uerully uacd ou C'eiiu IcrUa. John A.Tuylor alll continue lu the employment, at the old sluuduu Market hi., Sunbury. luuj'J'liS THE OM.Y STOVE WITHOUT A t'AI I.T IN THE atE.1T HM.TI MORE HUEl'LAt E HEATER, BIUU'S ILLUMINATED DIAMOND (iAH BLIlM:il. VT WUIC'U I'AllLOH AND CIIAMUE1W AUJC WAUUED BY ONK FiHK. I T la tho only Klrtpluea Heater that baa a wr. X fori op It-xdur, aad lr. Iruui pulling ur ca pluaiiiua, w aiuliliiiK Ka l,l tba apuitimul. ll ta lb ouly Kiriplaig IUuU auli ibu i-uliul llUigimnl Uavaalua by ablcU urcali r IIIuiuiimI Itipuatr la obtained, tba aprtuo-ul ll.o hium la lu, luura clUjtlually urma.i, aud I bo Inula IU lb vd ul lu (rcut Hvlgbl ut Ibu vual ill llw Ivatr VuJa. Jl ia Iba 011I Flrvidat llulrf llutl la a rV. fiHl aVII-t'wuUr aud buaa baluir, iuly lvUln4 kllUiM uaiajlu tuvuly-lour b.uia. ll U Iba uuly ut plat, a liMUf UI pvlfoat allllba! aud tfuiu-iua! K'ala. ll la Iba Mtly kiuUti llutUf U lbod,. baaa, (llui( abuua.ul iuow t a.lw, aud UU al it-uuWilug Iba iala llabla lu tiu uul. lu ut M U) ua iul iMlfelual u)Uumm Vint- tlata ibaUii, ti"'vv4 aa4 i Iui-ivik4 aud Iwua'bl l) ifiu.u. UibU to., . aJ tliillT ! MtKT, HUuuuio, 114. rt-Uby VU.H. M. UiMliiu, uUiy, iui 'a. Jan , llto. NEW fIRM. Ryerly A Hcmiierly'H Excelsior CJal- lery of Art, Third Street, Nuubnry, l'a. MR. BYERLY lias lntily added to his already well established rcrutntion. the services of Mr. M. R. Hcmpcrlv whoa reputation as a pho tographic operator, standi unrivaled in this part of the country, and hcreater they will carry on tno pnoiograpuie trnde, it the old stand under tho firm name of Bycrly 4 Hemporly's Excelsior Gallery of Art, nt whoso ntablishmeut tho pub- lie will bo cboerrully acctmraoduted throughout tho whole lino of photogriphy. For Photographs of allityles and sizes rang ing from the small Gem b the life size portrait. Uo to Byerly & Hempcriy. For the beautiful porcaatn picturo which for softness of finish, and disability cannot be ex- ceiica, go to uyeny a Hempcriy. s or tno ricmornnui pnciograpn, now so popu lar in nil out large cities, mid sliowlnir the pecu liar effect of light nnd shade, and the favorite of tne 01a ucrmau Artist Rembrandt, go to Bycrly & Hempcriy. If you have an old plctire you wnnt copied and enlarged to any size, and colored oil, water color, India ink or crnyon, take It to Beyerly & Hempcriy. If you wnnt a frame f anv size nnd at nnv price, or any style go to Bycrly ifc Hempcrly's, anu lako a look at tuclr immense stock In tbat line. For Albums go to Bycily & Hempcriy. For square Frames made to order co to Bvcrlv & Hempcriy, In short, for nnvthing in the photo graphic line, go to Bycrly & Hempcriy, aud you win oe suited. Feb. 25, 1871. UILLBOJ, FURNITURE, MATTRESS, FEATH AND BEDDING WAKEE00M3, ,44 NOBTH TENTH CHAMBER FURNITURE. Spring Beds, Sjiring Cots, Spring Mattresses, Hair do. Husk do. Feathers, Fcsthcr Beds, Bolsters and Tillows, Counterpanes, Comfortables, Blankets, Quilts. Straw do. CALL AND SEE THE Woven Wire Itlattres, The best bed ever offered for sale. N. B. Onr Intention is to front all customers so that they will become permanent dealers witli us, nnd orders will receive tho same attention, and persons can buy Just ns cbcup ns If present at 1110 store. March 4th, 1871. 8m. JXO. L. SEATEU V CO., nAVE TAKEN ONE OF THE NEW YORK STORES, 'o. 3 South Tenth Street, below market, IMiihuIelnhiii, where they have opened a tirst-cluss Merchant Tailoring Establishment. Our Stork consists of a lino assortment of Foreign Cloths, Cnsslmercs and Yeftimrs, select ed from tlie best Importing Houses of this City and New York, which wo urc prepared to nmUo up in tho most Fashionable Styles, ut Short No tice Riul Moderate Terms. Special Bargains In Scotch Chlvot Goods. JNO. L. SLATER ,fc CO. Formerly with J. M. Zeigler. Dec. 21th, 1S70. Cm. riiUuiIelphia nnd Erie Rnllrontl. 6UMMER TIME TABLE. Ou and after Monday, iuno tith, 1871, the Trainc on tho Philadelphia & Erie Kail Uoud will run us follows 1 WESTWARD. Mall Tralu leaves Philadelphia, 7.10 p m " " , " Sunbury, S.OO a 111 " " nrr nt Erie, 3.o0 p 111 Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, 13.B0 p m " " " Sunbury, (',.50 p in " " an at Erie, 7.10 a m Eiiulra Mull leaves Philadelphia, V.'M a m " " " Sunbury, 4.J p in " " nrr at Lock Haven, 7.-ri0 p m Bulfalo Express leaves Sunbury, 4.55 a m " " nrr at Williamt-port, 0.rri a m Bald Eaglo Mall leaves Williiimsport, 1.4- a m ' " " arr at Lock Haven, a.UO p m . EASTWARD. Mull Train leaves Eric, 13.00 a 111 " " " Sunbury, l.tiOum " " nrr at Philadelphia, 7.30 a m Erio Express lesivcs Eric, U.00 p m " " " Sunbury, lo. 1 5 am " " nrr nt Philadelphia, r.5) p m Elinini Mull leaves Lock Haven, 6.00 a m " " " Sunbury, 1U.P0 a 111 l " nrr ot Philadelphia, 5.50 p 111 BuITalo Express leaves Wi'.liamspoit, l.ys a 111 " " " Sunburv, 4.U.1 a 111 " " urr ut Philadelphia, 11.05 am Bald Eagle Mail leaves Lock Haven, 1 1.S5 a m " " " arr at Williamspoi t, 1S.40 p m Mall East coniierts cast nud west ul Eric with L. 8. it M. 8. R. W. nnd ut Corry und lrviuclon with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny R. R. W. Mall Wet with wcl bound trains on L. S. A M. 8. R. W. and at Cony and Irviiicton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Warren Accommodation cnt and wct with trains on L. S. and M. 8. R. W. cast and west und nt Corry witli O. C. aud A. H. R. W. Erie Accommodation East at Corry nnd west at Corry and Iruiuetou with O. C. and A R R W. Elmira Mall nnd BuU'alo Express make close connection ut Wllllumsport with N. C. R. W. CattawUsa passenger trains will be run cnt-t from Wllliamsport on Erie Express, and west to WUliuuihport ou Elmira Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gcu'l Sup't. KrilI.U AM SI MMER MILLINERY FANCY GOODS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS, In Dev. art's Building, Market Square, SUNBURY, PA., where will bo found a new supply of goods, eou- bi.tlng of -Millinery and Fuiicy Goods, HATS AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND UN TRIMMED. Abso, CHILDREN'S HATS, for girls uud boys. Flow crs of the latest aud hiindsomeat styles. Sutb Ribbous, plula nud Hi; 11 red. Liulie'a PK-iuvrs, Luce Colurs, J.ineu Colura uud Cutis for Ladies and Children, ( rochet collar. Neckties for Indies sad Gcnl'a lutest alyh. Silk Sack Loops, u aiierlor article, lilovua Including Kids, uud Ladies' Bucki.klu (lotes. Huiidkereblel't. All kinds of Triiinulin.'. Eiubiol.il ry Pattern, llo.lcry for Iji.IIc, Gvut'a uud Chlldrvu. Nut, Plquo aud piuo triuiiuluga, TIUMMING B11.K8, ' Chignons, Zephyr aud Yarns, uud general Vuricly of N.rtlou. TLuiukful for puat patrouu.'C, the Iioh-i that tba iiiulity of her Kal alll merit u roiitiiiu.ince of ibo aiinic. EUZAUt lll LAZAItLS. April yWj I-.TI. 1'Mlula, Oilit. air. A FULL Mih Ii of Oil rouiprl.lnif l.luanrd Oil, C0.1l lil, lull Ull, uud l.ubiUaling Oil for KulIui uud Mucblniry, Vuruu.bc, lilu... alaa) uu baud, at iu pile-a at v,i).i.r-i .v ii . Tolhc'ComitiBiiIly alLari; t! CIIANliK AT 1 UK ""'REGULATOR." I 1. . fe ll.lM .1 . W 1,11 , 1.M J I I.U 1 . I M .iiu L H.aal ill aud Halurta ui Iba tUKuUlor Bu.M, kl..M,. Trui.l. k'lllllia alofM. J. M AukU, aud Mill 4uliiua lb bu.iui-a al ll ia vut biuillwM, auiiavf luuMi, llu ium klutil, llitikkr ktiiHcr, hi kbi ur, I'x. M bM baling aaUblabaal aliu- total ib Iba baallus3 aaauulaala x il Iba auautiy, I i.a. m- aafepbu.4 lb lua kU aul a tlaaa 4.1 W ul J b'Mlu.l l.i-uUlua furtluialililla abj kui.ii, ai iU4 Ibat laiuai .ialiH p-q aUiit,, A ! ilalif dill b aua-ia k tba Uibu.bit.4 ui laiakaia ikaUlaai lul abauula. Iltlx.. Vwill l-aHwa,.., it tw.aili-1. . f. I lullf a VI alibw't, (I, tt'l. uailrcat0. Itemling Railroad. BUMMER ARRANCEMENT. Monday, May 15ii, 1871. GREAT TRUNK LINE from tho North aMl Nonh-Wct for l'hilndolphla, N. Y., Knul ing, Pottsvillc, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shauioldu, Lebanon, Allentown, Euston, Epbrata, Litlz, Lancaster, Columbia, &c, fcc. Trains leave Hnrrisburg for New York, as fol lows 1 At 8.40, 8.10, a. m. and 2.00 p. hi., con necting with similar trains on tho Pennsylvania, Railroad, and arriving at New York at 10.05 a. m., 8.50, and 9.30 p m. respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany the 8.40 a. m., train without chnngc. Returning 1 Leave New York nt 0.00 n. m., 12.30 noon nnd 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.;i0, 8.30 a. m. nnd 3.30 p. m. Sleeping Cars accom pany tho 5.00 p. m. train from New York wll h out ehnmro. Leave Ilarrlsburg for Reading, Pottsvillc, Ta maqua, Minersvillc, Asbmtid, Slmmokiii, Allentown nnd Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m., 2-00 and 4.05 p. m., stopping nt Lebanon nnd principal way stations) the 4.05 p.m., train connecting foe Philadelphia, Pottsvillo and Co lumbia only. For Pottsvillc, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquchnnmi Kailroad, leave llnrrismirg at 8.40 p. 111. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for Allentown, Enston and New York at 4.32, 10.30 a. m., nnd 4.05 p. m. Returning, leavu New York nt 9.00 a. m., 13.30 noon nud 5.00 p. ni. and Allentown at 7.20 a. m. 13.25 noon. 2.15, 4.25 and 8.35 p. m. Way l assenger I rain leaves Philadelphia nt 7.30 a. m., connecting with similar train on East Pcnna. Railroad, returning from Reading at G.2U p. m., stopping nt all stations. Leave Pottsville at 9.00 a. m. nnd 8.30 p. in. Hcrndou at 10.00 a. 111., Shamokin at 5.40 and 11.15 a. m. 1 Ashland nt 7.05 a. m., and 12.41' noouj Mahanoy City at 7.51 a. m. and 1.20 p. ai. Tomaqua nt 8.35 a. in. and 2.10 p. m. for Philadelphia, New York.Rcading, Hurrisburg,iSa. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill nnd Susque hanna Railroad at 8.15 a. m.'for Ilarrlsburg, anC 11.45 a.m., for Pino Grove and Treinont. Rending Accommodation Traiu leaves Potts ville at 5.40 a. m., passes Rending nt 7.30 a. m. arriving nt Philadelphia at 10.20 a. m., reWMng leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m., passine Read ing nt 7.55 p.m. arriving at Pottsville ul U.40 p.m. Pottsto 11 Accommodation Train leaves Potts town nt 6.30 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading nt 7.20 a. m., and 6.15 p. m. for Ephrutu, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, &c. Perkiomcn Rail Road Trains leavo Pcrklomcn Junction nt 7.17, 9.05 a. m., nt 3.00 and 6.00 p. m. Returnlng.leavc Sehwenksvillc nt 6.30,8.10 u. m., 12.50 noon and 4.45 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. Colebrookdule Railroad Trains leave Pottstown at 9.40 a. ill., 1.15 and 6.45 p. in., retnruimr lenvo Mt. Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.25 n. m., and 3.00 p. m., connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port at 8.30 a. 111., 2.05and 5.32 p. m. returning, leavo Downington at 0.40 a. in., 12.45 noon and 5.25 p. m. connecting with similar trains ou Read ing Kunrouti. On Sundays : Leave New York nt 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. and 3.15 p. 111.. (tho 8.00 a. 111. Irani miming only to Reading;) leavo Pottsvilluut 8.00a. m. .leave Hurrisburg, 2.40a. m., and 2.00 p. in.; leave Allentown at 4.25 and 8.35 p. m. ; leave Reading at 7.15 a. m. and 9.00 p. 111. fur Hun-li-burg, ut 4.33 n. m. for New York, at 7.20 a. m. for Allentown aud ut 9.40 u. m. and 4.15 p. in. for Pliiladel'n. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School nnd Excursion Tickets, to and from ull points ut re duced rates. Bugcuire checked through : 100 Pouuds Bag gage allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Supt. & Eng. Mach'ry. Sort hern Centra! RuHway. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. ON nnd niter May 14, 1871, trains will run ns follows 1 NORTHWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Sunbury nt 4.30 a. m., arrive nt Williamsport nt 6.55, "Elmira at 10.55 a. m., Cunandiiigua 2.15 p. m. Mail leavo Sunbury nt 4.30 p. m., arrive at Wiiliamspoit 0.23 nnd Elmira 10.35 p. m. Fust Liue leave Sunbury ut 0.15 p. m., imhc ul Williamsport 8.40 p. 1:1. SOUTHWARD. Leave Punbiiry nt 3.25 n. in., arrive nt HarrU biirg 0.15 n. m., Baltimore 9.45 a. in. Leave Sunbury-, 10.20 a. 111., iinivo ut Harrls burg 1.00 p. m. Leave Sunbury at 10.55 a. in., arrive ut Ilar rlsburg 12.."5 p. m., Baltimore O.tUl p. in. Leave Sunbury tit 11.50 p. 111., arrive at Ilarrls burg 2.10 a. 111. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. KASTWAKl). Leave Sunbury nt 4.40 p. 111., arrive at i'h::io kiu 5.55 p. m., Mt. Carnii l 0.10 p. 111. Leave Sunbury (Accommodation,) ut 11.50 a. 111., :n live at Shuiuokiu l.tJ p. m. WtSlWAUII. Leave Mt. Carmcl at S.H5 a. in., ariivc ut Shamokin 8.50 11. in., Sunbniy 9.55 n. m. Leave Shamokin (Accommodation,) at 2.45 p. m., arrive nt Sunbury 4.00 p. in. Express leave ditli'v Leaving on Sunjav, runs North only to Wiiliamspoit. All other traius leavu daily, cxeci-t Sundays. A. R. Fiskk. " Ei. !. Vol no, lien'l. Sup't., (ie:i' Pusseu'r Ag'l., llarrii-bm-g, l'a, lialiiniuc, M,l. I.iU'kiiiviiuii.t iiikI tSioouiKkiifK tSiiil rottd. SPRING ARRANGEMENT OK PASSENGER TRAINS. Monday, May 1, l'JTl. SOUTHWARD. Leave. I A.M. P. M. A.M. P. M. P.M. Sera 11 ton, llcilevue, Tuylorville, Lackawanna, I'ittston, West Pittston, Wyoming, Mallby, Kinu'ion, it st. W.-Barro c'rs l'lyinouili June, Plymouth, Nunlk-okr, Hiiiibx-k's, Sliicknliiiiuy, Hick's Ferry, ll.-ach Haven, Berwick, Briar Creek, I-liuc Ridge, E.py, llloolii:bur, KuH-rt, ( iitau Uta, Danville, t'hiihoky, 5 45 1 Vt 5 5:! 1 15 1 aiiicron, Noith'd, (arilva.) 10 40 NOUTIIWAIII). : A.M. P.M.; Leave. Noilhuiiibf rlitinl, 110 45 I iiiut-rou, I liiil.i.ky, Duiivllle, ( iilu ia.u, Itupcrt, lllooiuaburg, rp), I. line KMe, lliiurl tvxk, licrab k, II. .11I1 t l.i veil. link terry, hbb kabluui, lluiilu, V,' K.iiiliitiktf, l'l)U..lllll, l'liuuuib June,, Mut .Ion, A I al. W.luna (e'r. Ilallby, i UUllll, Hl f.U.lnej, Clilaluu, l-a,kaaaaua, 'la)liMllll, bluu, knabtou. faliitv) DtUDT. Bwl Mi, u( 'i. Arl)liltri lMiiarMl), UliK aliialu iUkca, l.-l aud liutt taidtH lUkia, U'b aud li llu.Hu s.4.a, b ill, W.auia a..l lt l"'i. tn-. aud lniu a. IUa, Im.iu il In., I i.i i.u,. ia, li.., Iiiw.i, -1u4.(im. au4 ly i lulu, lmi.4 li.u, li at.. I km., i-f awl ai ana kiuj. aaa.-4A.iaul II44 V...rf, l lluau., flrV Iblli, I ainal.4 l.au, l-- a.l l i li t i'Mk 4 ci I 6 45 3 25 0 80 5 40 1 00 6 50' : tl 35 ' 6 57' I y i 7 U-r! I U 51 1 ll Oil 1 27 7 14 : 3 50 10 00; 0 13 1 35 T 10 10 05, 0 1 I 45 7 27; 4 00,10 lu; 6 25 1 55 10 IS j 31 2 00 7 35 4 is! 10 3j 6 40. 'J 10 10 47 6 5o 7 50 4 24.10 55 6 551 8 0t! I 7 loi 8 071 I 7 171 8 22' 4 55i 7 35 8 36 i 8 43 5 15; 8 50 5 22: 0 ool j U HI- ! ll 2ii, 5 43 ' U 27 5 50 U 35 5 57; I 0 40 U 02 ;I0 05 0 23 i lo iv 10 21 . tl 65) 1 1 5 10: I 1 a rl 1 1 n uj 'll 17 6 40 111 41 ll 15 I I 4H 0 '.'o 11 5U li Mi. .12 00 o 12 10 0 4s I U f.7 112 25 7 u.' i 2 7 12 A. M. li aw 7 it ili 'i 7 4 -i IS 7 !u 7 ii p. M. ! I ii5 Ul 7 lu 1 4b a Jo 7 U Uo U ,Vi ! T liO U ii 4 ui V 07 1 T 47 J s.l 4 ! 4 l i 5 T t) 14 b i Ul I 2 lu a u a 00 0'. 4 t V 1 a 47 a O.I , 4 4-, j 1 bit all I VI 4 .V, I I V U, fe ii'l I U U I . U W I IJ a II Vi jo a lik I ho a in i