SUNBURY, JUNE 17, 1871, Itallroad Time Tnblen. N. C. R. W. East. Buflalo Ex I've 4:10 a m Erie ' "10:20 " ElnilraMnll 10:55 " Erlo " ' 1:10 " P. A E. R. R. Wfst. Krlo Mnll, I've 2:10 a m Buffalo Ex. " 4:S0 " ElmlrnMull" 4:30 pm Erlo Ex. " 0:43 ' BHAMOKIX DIVISION M. C. B. W. I.EAVB . AHI1IV8 Sunbury ut 11:60 a m At Banbury Mum " 4:40 p m 4:00 p in D. n. A W. R. R. Leave Sunbury 5:55 n. in., 4:35 and 0:50 p. m Arr. at Buubury 10:00 a m, OiUO nud 8:40 p m Sewing Macuises.-M.Iss Caroline Dnllus Is tlio agent for the rale of the three best Sowing Ma chim In existence, vie t "The Improved Singer," 'Grovtr & Baker" nnd "Domestic," which ore constantly on Land and sold at rcasunnblc prices, Call nnd sco them. Olllco on Market street, cast of the railroad. A through passenger train bus been put on tho route between 1'ottsvillo and Bhamokln, leaving Fottsville ut 0 n. m., nnd returning ut 0.30 p. m. Major Mai.onb, of this place, nnd his eon Ri chard, have secured a contract for building five miles of the Allegheny Valley R. R., to connect with the P. & E. K. R. It U heavy work, and will require a large amount of masonry. Mr. Eml. Wilveut has been appointed a mcm- oer of tho Republican State Central Committee, The Btcnm Saw Mill of Messrs. Frlllng, Bow en A Engcl, Is now running nt Its full capacity. Lumber of every description Is now niRiiufiictur ed nt this mill. The planing mill connected with this mammoth saw mill, Is turnlug out some ex ccllcnt work, which, wo nrc happy to state, is finding n ready sale. A railroad has been built from the mill connecting with tho P. & E. Rail. Mad, for tho loading of cars. Fruit of every descfjj'tious Is kept for sale nt Kirby's. LionTNnn'8 Book nnd Stationery store, nnd also his Regulator Boot, Shoe and Finding store, will remove In September, to Moore A Dlssin Ker's new building, Entrance on Market and Third streets. The Co it net Band. As the amount Is almost raised for purchasing Instrument for n Cornet Band, those who have subscribed will be waited on by members of the Band for their amounts dnriug the coming week. C-THAwnnuiiins arc now selling in this market nt 15 cts. to So cts. uceording to size. At Dan ville on Tuesday lnsd one thousand boxes were brought by nn individual In the business from near Muney. They were sold at 10 cts. per box. Jfcw Beans, Teas, Potatoes, berries, &c., at Kirby's. Lettuce, Strnw- Cai-t. Gko. C. Bixnix, of the Augu.ita IlotcW In Cake's Addition, has purchased the warehouse if H. ITaiipt A Son, Third ft., opposite the Cen tral Hotel, which he intends lining up for an eat ing and drinking saloon. Additional rooms will be built, and the wholo building renovated for the purpose of a first class euloou. Mr. Binnirc Is a genUeuiau well calculated to cater for the public, nnd his many friends will feci rejoiced that he Intends locating In their Hilda. Amos Vastise, I'eii., of Sliamokln township, wo notice has nnnouiicod himself in last week's Gazette, us a caudidatc for the Republi can nomination of County We are also Informed that Ifaac Vincent, Esq. of Turbut, has announced himself us a candidate lor the same olllce. Both of these gentlemen nre veil known throughout the county, and would make efilcient cflleers. Tun net restoring spring elections was finally passed by the Senate Just before its adjournment. It repeals the 15th section of the nit of April 17, JMj'.), and provides that the electors for city, township, borough and ward officers for 187L', and nil subsequent years, shall be held in tho spring as formerly, except in several localities for w hich separate acts have been passed. Vegetables of all kinds arc received three timts a week nt J. F. Kirby's. llAni Ram is NouTiiCMr.nm.AND. On Mon day morning, a stranger whose name is believed to be Thos. Edward-, committed liar! karl (ac cording to tho XVI anieudment,) in Suydcr Co., and subsequently walked to Northumberland, where ho fell down In the street from loss of blood. He had triod to purchase two ounces of laudanum at a drug store, but on observing the hemorrhage, the clerk refused to give It to him lie was sent to tho poor house, where his wound was dressed by the doctors. He will rcco vcr. S. P. BoTiiit, Ely., has lately had two splen did book cases made out of solid Walnut, placed in his law olllce, in Blight's building, which were go'.ten up with great taste nnd workmanship. Tho cases contain some MO volumes of law liook i, and we notice almost enough laying about tho olllce to fill another ease. Mr. Boyer has added many articles of furniture, uud bj getting tip one of tho mo.-t stylish offices iu this place. His largo increase of business of late, warrants him to make these Improvements. Everything I u the Grocery line is kept for salo nt Kirby's, Market street, Sunbury. Is another columu will be found the card of F. j Vi'j.1, who lias located In this i lace, for the pur- pote of repairing Watches, Clocks, Gold and till- j vcr Wine. Mr. Vogt Is un experienced mechan ic, huUr.g hud u number of years' practice, and routes lilebly n(i nunc ndi d from citizens of our neighboring county of Bcbu lkiil. , Mr.T-uN. llowcA; Co., of New York, tire now having this fctulc canvassed to obtain the locutiou of the princ ipal busiuiss places lu thetowns for a business directory. They are endeavoring to pro cuic the mum uf buslucss thins in every locality which will bo published In book form, uud will be n ten eral ,iildu for business men. The work will be a vuliwible one, uud every business firm shouU uv.ill thciiisc'.ie of llio opportunity of h.tOiug ll.elr card lueited. lIuMK OS A VMY. II. G. 1'etler, K.., of Lo- piu ort, uud Jan. II. Fitter, i:.., of Peru, Indi ana, have heuii speudiui; & f. w days with Ihclr j parents and fiiuul ut I lib place during tho .4l ; sik. They both luuU bail uud heurty, uud shuw every evidence of it g.jod lyd happy living J iu Ihclr wnterii bonus. Mr. II. I., fetter bating , left 1 1.1. place a number of years su, bus loci. led lu l.Jiu.port, to ii of somo 10 or I J.W4J Inhubl- Wuls.uud b. i.ublLb. I oi. e ol ths iuu.1 tiuu- ul' ''!' u"r Merpri.iun lou-i-utclirri, lv botia'ti KullerU slu lbs .U-r fel.iu. Untklug lu all solus liH.WKJ.tXXI feel secured for our Mr. Jus. II. ) tilt r Is loiultd lu ths loau of I'nu, , WluUilutu lu uud bu4 Ihu clljf dliiig lb pies uu I b is U.u ucteMful lu ti'iut tbs Innurues sul s. A groat U4iijf lus urs still I) lug if Us biut pfumlutul illis-in. Abuul llins .4i SjfM be srus ki1iiI4 ol busier lu Iksl Ucr, wbbli oUlts L belli Id lb Jemiul SmIIs. f. Ik.u of lbs luLIU, bu suiUiUdbls feup (Miluliucui few luoulbs Wi us lws 4p-y ken Sllll BMSIUI SUeetufut lut- Illy of fruubuiy bus bgks sub);b buuirs uwug sliutig!!. Utf IImU ikdwnhtMiw Watkixs Olkn. An exenrshm party Is abont being made up In ths place for Watklns Glen, at the head of Scnaca lake, N. T., which will leave here during next wick, and be gone for several days. Wutklns Grn has become one of tho most popular summir resorts In America. LnBt year the number of visitors reached 60,000, and an increase of 10,001 is anticipated, during the season of 1871. Hoiace Grccly says i "Wntklns has n nro natural attraction In tho wooded glen of a mill stream which here falls some four hundred feet In less than a milo from the higher level on ;ho West to tho Valley of tho lako. This fall Is nndo by a succession or leaps or cascades Into pods or bnsius of varying depth and magnitude, sepirntcd by stretches of swift, uuKu niner, nnn fvernung bv tho dark ever greens, which mnlny compose tho all embracing forest, which tho sin Irradiates but few hours per day. We Judge thli among the finest succession of cataracts In our Sate.'' Tho Glen Mountali House connected with this attractive 'nnd poptlar summer resort, Is now open for the season, nnd Is already thronged with visitors. This house has beeu refitted and newly furnished, and is inder tho supcrinteiidnnes of Joshua Joucs, formerly of the Arbor Tlolcl, at Elmlrn, N. T. Festival. The yning ladies and gentlemen of St. Mntthcw's Episcopal church, of this place, are now holding a festival in the hall of the Court House, for the purpose of raising funds to nid ln purchasing an orgnu. Thus far they have been well patronized, and worthily so, for their object is a meritorious one. The intention was to hold their festival on tho lawn In Market Square, but the rain prevented it. If the weather is favorable It will be held there on Friday and Saturday ulhts of this week, when tho square will be beautifully illu minated by Chinese lanterns, nnd other lights. A Convention of Photographers of the U. States was held lust week In tho city of Philadel phia, nnd was largely attended by the profession. Messrs. Byerly and lk'inpcrly, of this place, were lu attendance, nnd were highly pleased with Its proceedings. Wo were also happy to notice that our esteemed friend II. G. Fetter, Esq., son of Capt. Samuel Fetter, of this place, and who has been located lu Logausport, Iudiana, for a num ber of years, was chosen one of tho Vice Presi dents of the convention, nnd filled important po sitions on committees during their sittings. Mr. Fetter has nttalned a high position in the art of photographing, and Is considered oue of tho best artists In tho United States. Mr. Geo. Geiser, of this place has been awarded the contract to do the plastering of the largo brick buildings on Third and Market streets. Mr. Gciser is a first class mechanic, having, among many others, done the plastering of II. Ilnupt's new building, which is considered one of the heft finished Jobs lu this place. Mr. Geleer will no doubt be equally successful in Ms present contract. Election Reti rns. We publish In another part of this paper the returns of the late Demo cratic primary election together with the vote for Congress, Assembly and Auditor, which was about tho average vote at tho October election last fall. Our readers will notice that thero has been a tremendous increase of Democratic votes lu some of the districts since last fall. J. F. Kiiiuy Is tho agent for tho sale of War field's Cold-Water Soap. The best in market. Give It a trial. ' Wn notice that Mr. James Washington has added several more chairs in his barber saloon, and Is now employing a number of first class barbers, w ho nro always on time, nnd ready to pay attention to customers. The saloon lias al so undergone a general renovating, nnd two hand some chandeliers just put up, give it a brilliancy in the evening equal to a city saloon. All who dc'slro to have a clean shave or hair dressed neatly, by calling at Washington's saloon, w ill be "jiL-t lu time." The Bhamokln Ihnthi of this week snvs Twelve trains earryhigpassengers now arrive and depart from Bhamokln daily seven on the Phila delphia A Reading, and five on the Northern Central R. W. Nine are regular passenger trains. Our railroad facilities are now very good, and nil that is wanting to make Shamokiu a first class town is water and gas works. We can have Ihein now just ns well ns five years hence if our citizens Mould only think so nnd move In the matter. Will not some one start the ball 1 A IIi mane AcT.-Arthnr Robbins.of this place, having been blind for some time, Mr. Geo. Stuck, a few weeks ago, having takeu pity ou him, rais ed nn amount of money by subscription to have his eyes operated upon. On Thursday of last week, Dr. Strawbridge, of Danville, performed ns operation which promises to be successful, as Robbing eyesight is already restored sullUien'.ly to sec across a room. An engine for the Sunbury and Lcwlstown railroad arrived on Sunday. It will bo used to transport material as the rails nrc put down, about a inllo or which will be completed this week. The work thus far on tho line adopted has proved costly, probably much greater than was anticipated. .cirMuwu UuzcIm. We notice by the Washington papers that our young friend L. Harrison, Le(i.,of this place, now a clerk employed iu the General Lund Olllce, has been elected 1st Lieutenant of Company O., 1st Regiment Natlouul Guards, iu that city. Mr. Harrison will make un excellent olllecr, and wo conirrululitto tho company in having made so worthy a choice. Pk.vkhe Acciiiest. Jesse Wutklns, foreman ut Nagle A Eshbich's saw mill, had two holes punched In hU head und ono of his check bones broken lust Wednesday. bile (lauding ou the log-way near the pully, over which runs the thalu used In hauling logd up the Inclined plane, he reached out his baud uud grasped one of the two irou dogs used to fasten Ihelolotho chain, iu order to prevent It from going over Ihe pully He had srurcely takeu bold of It when tho other dug eamu whirling around striking hi in Inseiitl Jilc to ths floor. A phytlcluu from town wnt huiitlly summoned, und bi wounds dressed, aud It is hoped that he will recover. MdtuuUn. Tub I'.ghtnluK struck the building occupied lu part us a resldeuce by Mr. Kut aud a store Mr. A. H. White. It pitted lu at Ihe thiiiiury and fium this It couiiuunlculed with a luelullc clothes Hue to the slum pipe uud follow lug It run duwu luto the Hon room, uu I tore up Ihu Coor. It punted llirouju the foot of lbs cleik und tore hi bout olf uld seriously Injured Ihe foul . JJlfJIIU I M lllj'tbtiittn. Til Hooiit la f iu den ltd and ready for uu other fivabel. Uurtiigtbls tprhiK lbs Ikwiu mud li,0OO,IMXl f-jrl o.' uj It I stimuli J , H'l Upwurds of lO.OuuOOO feH buvs beui'4Ugbl uluiig tbs sburss uf lbs rlicr ud lu lis UlbuUiks outs n fully sus'tbiid uf vur cuiuplt lucut lakli, by lu44 of kM wdluary fiubel cuul4 WInuUKbl 4"u, i4 isUUli would gits us uu ul iIm Ut simsuos 'ur iri) lug uu iur luui Uilu ipitu iut s asts U4 fu )mis. lit lul Mlus, sHfelMI,, .(lwbU.( suj liwlu tuuul faruisis, uu4 uu liopiMslun Mi A New Bakkrt. In another column will ba found the advertisement of Steele A Bro., who have connected with their Confectionary Store, a Bakery, and will serve our cltlscns daily with all kinds of fresh bread, cakes, Ac. Regulator Boot, Bhoo, Trunk and . Leather Store consolidated with tho Book Store. Call one and nil. New goods at low rates. Ice Cream Freezers. A new lot JiiBt received and for sulo by II. B. Masscr. Boots and Shoes for tho community, at popu lar prices, at tho Regulntor. 6,000 Rolls Wall Paper Just received nt Llght nor's, cheap for cash. No. 1 nnd 3 shore mnckcral, pickled snlmon uud white fish at Kirby's, all fish warranted. Business Kotjces. Wm. II. Miller, of tha Excelsior Boot nnd Shoe store Is determined to pleaso the communi ty, not only iu procuring boots nnd Shoes, but makes it a point to get up something suitable for ull tho seasons In tho year so ns to muko all comfortable. His summer Boots nnd Gaiters arc not only a novel, but arc Just the thing for com fort iu warm weather. Call nnd see his stock. The summer suits made Hp by J. F. SehncfTer, Merchant Tailor, opposite the Central Hotel, aro again attracting great attention. Mr. EchacfTor is determined lo keep up with the styles nnd suc ceeds admirably In his undertakings. The suits made up In his establishment nre admired by all. The Croquet Shoe, n novelty, elegant aud com fortable, at the Regulator. Di'rino tho coming hot season, a hat Isn't a bad thing to have about the house. 8. Faust, Market Square, has u flue stock, Is constantly enlarging, nnd will furnish them to order, In any style, prieo or quality. Sam Is n practical "hat tlst," and can lit anv head that he gets a sight of. If you want a fine assortment of plain nnd fancy groceries to select from, go to Kirby's, Bright's new building, on Market squnre, all goods delivered within the borough free of charge. All Rubber Wear, nt manufacturers' prices, at the Regulator. Ji'st received, a number of popular fronts and French calfskins, nt the Regulator. Gsnts' fine French Calf, Box-toe Boots, stitch ed bottom, at tho Regulator. Smoemakeiis' materials for manufacturing, at the Regulator. Closino Prices of DeIIaven to bno., 40 8. Tuiiid Street, Philadelphia. !i o'clock, i m. June 14, 1S71". New I'. 8. .Vs of 1881, 1117 112' ,' U. 8. 0'sof 'SI 117'V!117s' " " '03 lllTjj'll'JVa' " " '04 iiiVn-- " " 'or, 'in;-snu!- " " 'li.", new 114Vi!lH' " " '07, " 114J-.114 " " '"18 1141.,- 114 " 5's, 10-40's :10'.IK 110 U. 8. 'M Year 0 per cent. Cy 115'., 115s,' Gold U-a 11-J Silver '107 losij Union Pacific R. 11. lit M. Bonds..! 111,1 Central Paeilic R. R 101i Union Paeitio Land Grant Bonds.. i 83!k Tho t'oufi'ssious ol an Invalid. PUBLISHED ns a warning and for the benefit of younu men ami others, who sutler from Nervous Debility, &c, supplylug the means of self-cure. Written by one who cured himself und sent free on receiving n post-paid directed envelope. Address, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, May SO, lS71.-0m. Brooklyn, N. Y. HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCIATION. For tho Relief nnd Cure of tho Erring und Unfortunate, on Principles of Christian Philan thropy. Essays ou the Errors of Youth, und tho Follies of Age, in relation to Marriage nnd So cial Evils, with sanitary uld for the nfllitcc, Sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOW ARD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadelphia. Pa. niay7.'7()-1v. On the 15th inst.,nt the residence of the bride's parent's by the Rev. Henry L. Rex, ussisted by tho Ksq, Calvin S. Gerhard, Geo. Hill, Es., of Sunbury, Pa., to Miss Susan E. Kehlin, oCYIid dletown, Pa. In Upper Paxton township, June bv Rev. M. Fcrnsler, nt Ihe residence of the bride's parents. John K. Wiest of Hickory Corners, Northumber land county, und .Miss Mfliniia i:i:t. In Philadelphia, on the 'JM, .ntt.. FRANK E. COOK, son of I. has. Cook, Esc, of Washington, D. c, tho founder and for .naiiy years editor nnd proprietor of tho IMnnl lc lcitwcrat, aged -0 veais 7 months and '.'"J da . The deceased occupied a prominent positiou as a principal clerk lu the War Department at Washington, nnd by his -urbane manners, his intelligence and excellent character, won the es teem and confidence of ail who knew him. lie bad left Washington under the advice ofhis Phy sician to recruit his health umong his friends iu tho country, und had scarcely arrived lu Phila delphia when he was suddenly prostrated by thut fatal malady, known by the faculty as lirlghts disease of the kidneys. He died after a few day's suffering, surrounded by bis parents nnd friends, und ou Tuesday las-t bis remains were Interred In the Cemetery nt Dauvllle, the place of bis na tivity, and among tho scenes of his early boy hood, mourned, not only by uuuieious relatives, but by his many friends of thut place uud vlclu ity. Ed. Amfkrus. In Lower Auurta townthip, on the 4th Inst. Mrs. Amiaii IUki h, wile of Mr. Jacob Raker, aged .1 years, U months, and -4 days. The deceased leaves a liupbuml and oue child to mourn their loss. Their loss is her giiiu. Dur ing her time of sickness, w hich was typhoid fever, hei lips were constantly uttering praise to II i in who rules on lile,h, nnd she died iu full faith of Ihe Redeemer. To such the Lord hath given con solatlou in Revelations, Chap. 14, IU t "Audi heard a Voice from Heaven saying unto me, Write, blessed are the dead who die ill Ihe Lord from hence fori h yen, sullh tho spirit, that they may rent from their labors und Ihclr works do follow Iheui." Ill Lower Auiil.l.i town-hip, uu Tuciduy lust Mr. MIUI.U.L ARNOLD, uged about 4 ) mr. " fry Suubury Grulu A I'roUur SlarUrt lollllKl Ti ll W KKKLt lit HU E OKUIMUCU. GutlX Choice White Wheal l uu . i to Hot Amber, W Iniur oru Uvu ... ) 1 IKI Oal., (Si lb.) lii.l Amber, VlnUr,per Mtek.. ' " " buiiid. ( iu Meal, M-r cut., i'eiiu)luuU Roll F...o-p. r l ii MS41-Ulled lieef, r lb kuioWcd MuttoU , I.iuu 1-r in runkali Wbiiu rub, per lb iioui " ( . Iiuli blwd w 4 uu J M .14 Id ...liK-,1 I 4 ...4o('ii0 IS Vsusiu-I uiuii, per bulu. 1 tlUkuilS " " lUaua, i(Ull Iloiuiu. I till Duisu ymits-Diud AppU, pi " fxfbM, " t UU, I' 1.14 'Jo v4 ....M.ilHi4 bl.kbwlU4 , IS WM. MURRAT. t. 8LA.TMAKER WM. n. BLACK. MURRAY CO., Wholesale Dealers in MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Office and School Stationery, Printing, Wrupplug aud Manilla PAPERS, Printers' Cards, Paper Bags, &c, &c. , Tho Culcbratcd Corry, Kerosene Burning Oil always on hand. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! navlng nlso opened a COAL YARD wo are now prepared to supply tho citizens of Suiihury and vicinity with the very best qualitv of Coul, carefully prepared for fanillv use, nt reasonable prices. Farmers nnd nil others will find It to their advantage to give us a call. stove; CHESTNUT and PEA, Always ou hand.' Orders left at our office lu Room No. 2, CLEMENT HOUSE BLOCK, Will bo promptly attended to, Mouth Third Street, Muiibury, Ia. MURRAY & CO. April 1, 1870-3m. ItAltUAIXS! IMKGAIXK!! Messrs. LESIIER & MILLEli, In Scott's Building on QUEEN STREET, XOimiUMBERLANl), PENN'A, nro now offering A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF IHIY GOODS, Comprising all the Spring and Summer St vies of Ladles' Dress Goods, White Goods V:c., Cloths, Cnssimeres nml Gentlemcns' Goods generally, which will all bo sold ut great bnnriiins. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, of ull kinds and or every description, (iiccnsware, GlawNwarc and WIS IowWarc. LOOTS AND SHOES for Men, Women and Children. FLOUR ANU FEED of all kinds, is constantly kept on hand. They will also purchase GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, nt the highest market price, and will exchange goods for Grain. The public nre Iuvlted to call nnd examine our extensive assortment of Goods before purchasing elsewhere, and become convinced that Goods can be bought lower than elsewhere at our establish ment. LESIIER A MILLER. North'd, April 20, 1871. SPIIIXU OI'KM.ViJl I. urge Stock! Better I'aeilities! Just opcucd a large, flue aud substantial assort ment of SPRING DRESS GOODS, Domestics, White Goods, Fancy ! uooas, inninungs, Uloths, Cassimcres, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. Housekeeping goods In great variety. FRESH GROCERIES, Quccnswnrc, Willow-Ware, Glassware, &e., &c. A fine stoek of substantial Iteadf-.tlude Clothiug, for Men nnd Boys. Each line full and-complete. K7" Substantial Goods a Specialty. J 'rices to suit the times. Cull aud see our Mtock. All kinds of couutrv rroduco takeu in ex- huugo for goods. MOORF. & Hnur.t's Iron Building, Market Street, Sunbury. A prit 'M, iki:ss GOOUM. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES, now opcu at MISS HATE IlLAiH N KTOKE, Market Square, SUNBURV, Penn'a., LADIES DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY. Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Notions, &c. Gents' Collars, Neek-ties. Half-hose. Handker chiefs and Gloves. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Bruslies.Combs, etc. Au invitation is extended to all to cull und se cure bargains. April ill, 1S71. tIILMM:UY. SPRING STYLES HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, ETC. Mourning and Bridal Hats and Rounets. Sash Ribbons, Feathers, I lowers. Laces and Tritumiugs of every variety. Full Hue of MOURNING VEILS AND CRAPE, Notions, a full assortment. Gentlemen's Gloves, Handkerchiefs, lice. MILLINERY-IB THE SPECIALTY. niSS I,., MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA. April i , 1871. .mi.i.ii:nY;oois;cEitAL.i,Y. XEW STYLES OF BONNETS, HATS, ELOWEUH, Fit AMES, &c. Mourulug uud liritlul Hutu uud llwuurt. Full line of Mouruluir Veils end Crape. MII.L1XEUV IS THE SPECIALTV. 8ah Hihhotis, Oruuiuents, Feuthers, lilovo, lluudkerchicls, Occ., Xc. FANCY OOOU8 ANU XOTlONd. MISS M. I.. (iOriSl.EU. South Fourth Kl., below the Uullroud, fui bury. April U'., IhTI. HIMUNU ANU Sl'MMEH. i.utiim ami anni.ui:ki:ni FKENCH ANU lKJMKSTIU GOODS of every trade, Jul oieut'd ul the MEltCHANT TA1LOU fcllol or TIION. U. OTT. buccwof lu J. O. iUvk, FouitU blrevl, below Murkii, fclNdl lti, FESN'A. (l. ulliuim ho de.lrs fa.hlouulils ilululiiK Biadu lo uidcr. ntll cull ul Ihu I lues uud ikuuilue Ihu Hell u leel.d tlwi, uud liuvs llitlf ull. uiudu uu lu luu luteal In. Cull uud Ul totUH4. ' tiu. u. hot r. UU. J. I'.t AM.OH, Oltt uud UwUiuitvu, Wuluul (Hiwvl, Ulv lltlid uud Fvuilb Mivu, UNMt'KY, rKMN'A. All furuts uf Hhk ul lbs Fycs ill b lil- 4 Ut UI.U4 UpuU.UlU US MluI'leUIUS, (CluM- t-i,i I uluruei, ( UliuduMs,) uud ull utUn til- UOM IViullUI U UUlgMIT, US 'I "I". (' IU W kw4w4,) Hull lip. t.tsUMi ul luiuuiSk. A im IU uui. v4 iht-f (it t J Issksi), M)f It, lill. u isccllancons. NEW M EAT KII01. THE undersigned respectfully Informs the cltl sens of Buubury and vicinity, that they have opened a MEAT SHOP, In Dewnrl's bulMInir,on the north side of Market Sipiarr, two doors from tho railroad, wen- they will ket-p a constant supply of the best of Reef, 1 ork, Mutton, Ac, nt wholesale or retail, nt tho lowest, prices and of tho first quality . A wagon will be run to supply customers every monitn" (except Sundays.) The host of meat w ill round at their shop. Give us a call nnd satisfy vour Mlvcs. REFFEW A BOWER. Oct. 10th lSO' SIIM.IMJHV a:hi faxcy stoke. MISS L. WEISEK, Market Street, one door west or Gearhart's con reetioncry store, SUNBURY, PA., Has opened her Spring nnd Bummer stock of .Millinery nnd I'nney Good, HATS AND BONNETS. The latest styles of Drcs Trimmings, French and American Flowers, Lacen, Ribbons, Sack lonp, Chignons, Collars, CntV, Jouvin Gloves, and a large variety of other articles. In connect ion with tho Millinery buslncs, 6hc carries on the DRESS MAKING AND FITTING, in nil Its branches. She Is also agent for the snlo of Ramsey, Ecott A Co.'s Patterns. Tho ladles of Sunbury and vicinity nrc cor dially invited to cull and. cxamlno her splendid stock. May 13, 1S71. READY-MADE Our CLOTHING. The Largest Stock Castom the Finest Goods; Work is The Newest Styles j of tho very the Best best character. Workman Easy rules for ship: the measurementX Cnaltst prices, &c, 6entVaric. tree to any part of -P j ty. m EC America, and good fits. Gents' Furnishing Goods. Wrappers & Under-Wear of all Boys &. kinds for all sea Children's sons. White Wear Shirts a astonishing-1 ly low prices Specialty. OAK HALL, Cbith Si Market Sts. PHILADELPHIA. TlTAMIOODi 1IOW LOST, HOW RF.STOR- on. F.D.- Jiift published by Dr. LEWIS. I!.-)!) )aires, 'I lilr.l llition. T11HSILU1CA1.COM PAN ION AND GUIDE TO I1EALTH, on the radical cure of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mnrriafie, etc., and the Venereal and Syphilitic Maladies with plain and clear directions for the speedy cure of Secondary Symptoms, Gonorrhoea, Gleets, Strictures, aud all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Boils, Blotch es nud Pimples on the face and body. Consump tion, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or seetuul extravagance. The celebrated author in this admirable Trea tise, clearly demonstrates, from a forty year's sueeesiul practice, that the alarming consei"uence of self-abuse may be radically cured i pointing out a mode of euro nt once simple, certain, and etl'jctual, by means of which every sutlcrer, no matter what his condition may be, enn be effec tually cured, cheaply, privately, and radically. l-if This book should be in the bands of every youth, and every man in the land. Sent under seal. In a plain envelope. Price, 50 cents. Address, DR. LEWIS, No. 7 Beach street, New York. WAL.TII.IM WATCHES. JEWELERS, No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, nre now prepared to Ull Orders for the GENUINE WALTIIAM WATCHES, uuder their own guarantee, lu cither IS Karat tioltl or 1'oiu Silver Cuscn, (A'o oilier Quulilkt oW by t.) Theso Watches greatly excel in fine flnMi, variety of stylo, and ucenrnte time-keeping quali ties. We invite particular attention to the low price ut ivliii h u really good wulch may now be hud. t'leuiso seud to us for a l'rice 1.1st. Orders received from nil poiuts. (i.iiidH sent C O. I), to any nddress. ' FIX Ell I'KICES, securing to the absent buyer every adviintago possessed by n preseut pur chaser. JAMES E. CALDWELL A Co., Oti'J Chestnut Street, l'hlhl. April 23, 1871-Jan 14-ly. IV II V I.T i:it ATE II. FI RE VIMlCAIt AT t'ICXTf VV.ll tl VIM, Is now ofl'ered for sale by the nndei-slirned nt his llicwerv or Kclniiruiit. This vint'L'iir is uurrauied not lo contain any aehls eciiernlly Hie UM'd lo make It tlroiiL', nnd ihiehls injurious. Wuiranled l ure, It 1 the bo. I uiticlu fr diiuieflie ue In market. Bold ul wholesale uud rvl-ul. Apply to josefii iiAt nr.n. Banbury, May 0, IS7I. y. u Kui.v. e. u. uoueu, I'.MOX IIUI'MV LVKENS, llAl l'UIN Col' STY, I'ENN'A., liVHtLY A JIOWEK, Vi..prWtor. The talile Is supplied with Ihe bl Ilia muiL utl'ords. IiihhI sl.itillnif uud ullelilivu ouel. May '.'O, 171. (UNIMKY. This coinpuny Is now prepund to sell lots lu Ihu new Celin ury, locale I ou uu riului-iiei- uboul oiie-fi'iiitu of mile r.t of Bunbury. TUo lu eri'JM of (ho pulatiu of buubury, und couo- ii..viil uJVJllieii In I he tullo of IIIOIUIIIV. US 'll u. the lliuiled f.u llilles fur lite li.leruu'i.l ol llua I hu buu loiithl life's bailie, bvu uaU-4 IU of lbs ubovu uuinrd euuipuujr. I'Ull of I VKieleiy llisy Ur wren ul III UllleS of J. A. CuWe, t..'., or l.luyd T. Il.diibueli. FrU ul lid. fiom 1 lo ueuoidli lo lo.. tlirn. Iletdt UI u rSM UlH f".f !! -M- l.l.uVll T. UKIIUUAI II, fec'). May II, lTI.-tf. 1'l.AIX & OllNAMKNTAI. J'AlNTk'U, Mru4M, IU'aMiul, I'. ir Ot UK, iu uud lifuouwuul FululluKS Uiuuiuu uud I'ut-ef ItUI-tilUjl IU IUU U-.1 uikwuu.lku lu.uuer, UU4 suns , B TON L - WVfT at W TkT I tM -A -7" j r . have just received nn and arc pwparcd to got up suits fit short notice and guaranteed to fit or uo sale BLACK, rjnoWN AND BLUE CLOTHS, Double vvidtli, $3 and upwards. ITA-ISTGY CASSIMERES, nil wool 75c, and upwards. VESTIXGSnt nil prices. KENTUCKY JEANS 20o, and upwards. TWEEDS C2e,nnd upwards COTTONADES 18c, and upwards. They have also made arrangements with the OP Wanamaker ft?. and arc prepared to furuish suits at their price, only adding the cost of csprcssage. If the goods do not givo satisfaction upon arrival we will return them free of charge. A full lino cf samples for customers to soled from. AS.LVOOL UBTG S!3 AKD UFVc'ARD. Special attention atrcntiou paid to And the highest uT L?.3 received another and has now on hand, the largest stock in He is BMGAIIS! Bargains in Linen Clothing for Men and Boys. Bargains in fine Dress Suits for Men & Boys. Bargains in Working and Business Suits for MEN and BOYS. Bargains in Straw, Felt, Wool, Linen, and (Uassimere Hats, Bargains in Fancy Gent's Summer Underwear. BARGAINS IN Gent's 2cC, Givo him a call and see for yourselves, that I Ml LARGER ASSORTMENT, BETTER GOODS, AND LOWER TRICES THAN EVER. S. KERZFELDER. Tlxlrd Ttrcet, near the Depot, SUN3URY, PA. ISA At' U. NTAl IFF-It, WATCHES, JEWELUY, 1IH North Sccoml Nt., t or. ol tjufrj, l'llILADELl'lllA. An assortment of Wutehes, Jewelry, Silver uud Flated Ware eon-tantly ou band. Kepalrlnt; of Watches uud .'ewcliy proinil!y uttcuded lo. I April 1. lTl-ly. Bakery and Confectlcnsry lu the new bulldins ttdjoinlni: Hie I'orl lllliee, oppolle the Ikipol, N I' X II I) 11 Y , I'liM ' A , Jiut opened ft luro ui.oituienl of nil Kludi of COWFECTIOnAIIJEO ul IV.TJ de-ilil'ltl'll. FRIISII BREAD tz. CAICE3 very iii.'inlnir. Fuliulies Hi'.l be supplied dally (Siinda)S mcprled) uilh u'-l kind, of liiiUAU. TWir, Kli-K, TLA lit S3, Ac, uud ul.o kepi uu build uud lliuulifaelllled UUlOt Ihe beil biaud. of Flour. AH liintU of Taney CtUics bl suip..ed by uuy my iMfcfri. rwuuim ly uu b ind uud Iii.iuuI.uUu I lu .uder fur li .ll-. r.i' nh'g aiil. ., Faii.lln . Uild olU I. Ul the lllleil II. .(i.e. All unb i. b it ul Ihu M'Uo l,( ji..lH:ll.e lVp4,urul hi. u-w. i."u Bpiue Hlul biluwu Fi"Ul uud ee"Ud, l Ui.!UUI ul ut.iui"U. i- , i ,1 lUauulul I.M lU pulluuaH". I "'1' b , , Ilvulluu Ubu-luiM, udluiuibii.j, lUu U.l.U iwuiu. lb. mu... HAVim UY. M.Kk l4b, Ull. Ilurrti frblM. A k W uf Iiim Ubial4 Ma. blm. ..a ..;. t iH)ii.n luiituiiKK H. UitU A lU.,i UmM UU, uuIkis, 0 65 CO 1 immense stock of . WElfZ i2S.l2S ErfiHAI ki cash prices paid for TI - II Ml choice assortment of his line, ever offered for sale iu this place. offering tor Men ami ioys. and White Shirts and Goods ains: t ScC. the Empire Clothing Store Is tho cheapest. FUII LS iu oictn AT TUB Mammoth Uoot Si Shoe Store OP 1:1.1 mii.i.i.i:. In C. B. tmlth's ll.Kiui, liu.-en Btreet, ouo doj 1.1 of ll'.e I'oa t'lliic, NOnTIll'MUFHLANP, I'ENN'A. For KUnlia lluit, to F'.l Miller's l't aud Shoe 'I'beV lire .'.d, lbl Calf ul f il. Fur French I ail' Hoots, go to I'll Miller's, ui.!y f'J lo til per pair. For Hoots, rMioes nud Halters, nt louel pol. blc prices, 5 lo Kll Miller's, uu (Jllcell tlle.t. F.-r nil kluus of tlum Uools uud, cull ul K.i Miller's. For Liidles (iiiin Overshoe, see Cue us.oit- lll' iil Ut f.ll Mlilel.. Fur nil binds uf Children's Hioe, yo uud wx Uliitliu Fil Miller's l.iri;o ii.ortiii. ul. For ui.lhin In lb.' Houl uud hhue Hue, call uu I rsuiiiluu Fii Mill. I 'l"' b b.-1'oru purebasiuij cl.enbeie II )uU wUU lo Ii' Brsl.vlus., ul Ibu li.ui sl pri. es. Jali.V. 'n-Bcp. S, '10..y. rife sl.u k of I luuii i y ifc NulWus slM -'is UUJ. iV A' Uel S. Dla-silluttoil. N llTIl F. I b. r. by ulleu, ths ii b.', ul Uim l au.o ul 1, I.U.klx. ,V I 'I., IU 111 Mcli'UUIli. bu.ll.e.s 14 ll.u Ib.ioii.U uf ail-un, bus Uu diosi lied l y luulual b 11 III U. u, i ju.. ul. lbs IJ.-.k ue.uuuu, se, uiu lia bauds ul I . . HillKI, Ul uo Uba nl M.IIU up Ibw uu- louill VM Il.l t , O VkS HI. 11 Uvitui.liU uf lbs show Unu wilt bil.allvl Ul l..ul.U.d Ul tbu Uld slaud, Uudf tk. U.1U U4IUS ul r. ii wiimiAiu. m. ii, un - I Us rls. lt (u. " )ut-Uiiisj dW