HECT.I.TS liM-MltTMED COM NUM.. II V THE gteMral. A TERIU11LE FRENCH CONVENT Til RKK IDIOT NUNS CONFINED IN LOATHSOME CAGES THE NUNS BEGGING FROM THE . STARVING PARIS rOOfi. .Purls Corrcfpondcnee of Ihi London timet. The rclguing scnndnl of tho day is the nflalr of tho convent of Ficpus. So highly roused has public indignation been by the feupposed discovery of atrocities committed within thoso jealous walls that tho people liavo been excludod until the investigations ' of justice shall ho complete. 1 miningcd, however, to penetrato within the precincts by attaching myself to tho cortege of an English friend, who was iourucyiusi thith er under special official orders, to investi gate tuo caso ol an J.nciisii Bister nanicu Garret. In the Hue do 1'iepiis, near Mnzus prison, Bland two largo buildings, each surrounded by high walls, abovo which may bo seen green trees at intervals. Tho one is an establishment of tho Jesuits, the other the convent of tho Whito Nuus. The Jesuit brothers escaped at the llrst pign of approaching danger, but tho sisters" held their owu until -.breed, into cabs and con veyed to tho cells of St. Lazava, there to nwait tho results of a judicial inquiry into certain matters that arc deeiyed suspicious! Arrived at tho gate of tho convent, wo were obliged to forco our way through a crowd of angry pcoplo who demanded an inslout permission to enter, and who wore hs persistently swept back by a group of National Uiunhs we, however, being ad mitted inm'o tho door under cove r of tho official pass and signatures. In the court yard, under tho shade of suinc lino, trees, a few guards were t'L A INI HOWLS IN THE JESUITS' ALLEY, and maViug up to one of them whoso c:ip displayed tokens of authority, wo mentioned our business, and begged permission to sec . what was to Iks seen. Our friend was very civil, occepted a cigar, and marched us oil' to go tho rounds, lie pointed out to us tho fact, of which there certainly You hi exist no kind of doubt, that tho two build ings communicated ono with tho other by means of rVu old door which still exists ut the back of a stable, as well as by other apertures in the garden wall, which show signs of having been recently closed up. Tho Jesuits' garden is a mosi beautiful one. occupying n space of some twelve acres, laid out with care, and furnished with fruit trees of every description, pruned and trained after the latest horticultural de sigus. They arc WOXDKOUSLY INGENIOUS I'S.VNS, too, for irrigatinz the beds : fovcinrr nils and hot-houses, and long alleys with" vines trained over them. Through the old floor above mentioned we passed into the Sisters' garden, equally largo and beautiful, though not kept with tho same care. In tho cen tre, stands a gymnasium, I suppose for tho use of the children brought up under the Bisters' care, and further ou their cemetery, a lovely spot, where, under tho heavy shade of ancient- cypresses, lio bearers of somo tho most ancient names in France "Prince of Sahn-Kyrbourg immolated uu der the Terror, nged 4'.);" "Jiochefou cauld," "Do Xoailies." "Mr.nl "the great Lafayette," the whole family of tho Talleyrand-Pcrigords, and legions of priucos auu princesses. tomc of tho vaults have been opened, and many lead collins, half-covered with IIKMIY T. lir.l.M110M"N COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE I'ir.lL.S. Component Parts Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Juice. For Liver Complaint, Jnundlco, Bilious Affoe tlons, Sick or Nervous Headache, Costlvencss, etc. Purely Vegetable, containing no Mercury, Minerals 6r Dolctorlous Drugs. m These Fill are tho most delightfully pleasant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, mngno sla, etc. Tlicro Is nothing more acceptable, to tho stomach. They give tone, and cause nolthcr uausen nor gripping pnlns. They are composed of the finctt ingredient. After ft few days' uso of tlirni, such an Invlgoratlon of tho entlro sys tem tnki'S place as to appear mlniculous to the weak nnd cnervatad, whether arising from 1m prudeneo or disease. H. T. Helmbold s Com pound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape l'lll arc not emmr-coated, from tho fact that sugar-coated l'i n iln tint IIISSO ve. Olll pass uiruuun niu ,111,1'h without ilUs.ilvliiL'. consequently do not produce tho desired effort. Tho Catawba (irupo Pills, belnrr pleasant in taste nnd odor, do not nreessltiitc their being sugar-coated. Price fifty cents per box. llI.NltY T. m:ill!OMN HIC.HLY (. ONCENTR ATED COMPOUND Fluid Ext nu t Kiirnii.Mirilln Will r.nliciillv'rvtermhinte from tho system Scro- ruin, Svphllls, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Soro Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Month, Pore Head, Bronchitis, Skin 11hp;iscs. Salt Hlu'iiiii, Cankers, Runnings from t!ic Ear, While Swellings, Tumors, Cancer ous Affections. Nodes, Rickets. Glandular Dwell ing, Mithl Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of all kind.", Chronic Kheiiinatlsm, Dyspepsia, and nil Ui.-iettHcs that lmve been establls-Ucu lu the system lor years. isccllntuous. Rclng prepared expressly for tho above Com plaints, lis elood-purfylng properties nro greater than any other preparation of Snrsapurilln. It gives the completion a clear nnd healthy color nnd restores the Patient to a state of Health and Purity. For Purifying the Blood, removing all chronic constitutional diseases arising from nil Impure state of tho Blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of pains and stvelllii'' of tho Bones, Ulcerations of tliO Throat nnd r.egs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Erysipelas nnd all scaly eruptions of tho skin, and beautifying the complexion. Price, $1.50 per isotue. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE TEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Number of Policies, 713. Amount or Property insured, .re)oio,uj Amount of Premium Notos In force, 34,B13,0O CASH ASSETS. Amount loaned at Interest, 3000,00 Amount In Treasurer's haniia, iooo,ou Amount due from A rents. J300.H5 Amount duo from other sources, t.-o,ou Available Capital, 30,2a0,05 Infturc j-onr Catllo. "TN8URE with a responsible nnd porfoctly ro- X linblo Company. Insure wncre your losses will be jiUd promptly. THIS IS A MUTUAL, ruu i i i v . w PANY. Hence, unlike other Companies, you aro sure ol being pnla promptly lor an losses, u mouicu In tilts I'.itiinuliv. OCR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS - THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. RolTior mutual, our expenses nro less, nnd our riinror u 1'nrnrtiml. Wo pnv Iosbcs bv all kinds of accidents by death, (excepting hi cases of epidemics,) by theft, ie., dc. o pay prompt ly. No red tapo proceedings to obtain our money In case of loss. Nearly $3,000 pnld on Cows nlono since Orgaiiiznttoiia Look at the list of Losses paid on Cows olono by this Company. M Hennlnger, Sunbury, Pa f 33, D Hllgert, Northumberland SO, Georce Eekcrt, " ...a.,.. 40, SUDodire, " 'M) Charles Hollck, Mt Carmcl SO, Esubeus Sipple, " 4, Catharine Wagner, atsontown -lb, ieorgr lleir, iNoriniiuiDeriuuu acot snyncr, BiinDiiry oo,oo W Basslcr, " 0o Minor Cady, lownrt ', Cathnrmo Martr, Shamokln -to, Francis Buchor, Sunbury 30, Samuel B Price, Upper Lehigh f0, Joseph Deppen, Mt Carmcl BO, MattUlas Bcnony, " ') Miscellaneous. v innunfitdurtrs. SI HENRY T. IIF.LMROLD'S CONCENTKATEll ri.no PATRACT KlClll', THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes In which It has been irivi'ti. Irritation of the neck of the Bhul der niid inthiuintlon of tho Kidneys, Ulceration of tho Kidneys and Bladder, retention of Urine, Diseases ot the prostrate tumid, Stone In the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Briekdust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for En- leeliieil anil neiuulc confutations ol liotti sexes, attended with the following symptoms! Indis position to exertion, Loss of Power. Loss of Me mory, iMiiieuny ol lireatinng, mouk .Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain In tho Back, Hot Hands, l'lusmnir oi tno uouy, Ki-vnessol tnobkin, i.ruii tlon on tho face, pa lid Couutennucc, Universal lassitude of tho Muscular system, etc. Used by persons from tho ages of eighteen to l H rill J'llU mm IIUlll Llllin-IIVU iu iiuy-UYO or in t lie decline or cliango ot lite t alter conlino incut or labor pains , bedwettiug In children. UOTTIN'G VELVET AND GOLD LACE, lie exposed to tho li-jht of day, awaittn" an examination at the hands of tho minis ter ot justice. At tho extrcmo end of tho garden, however, aro tho three littlo coni cal huts, sido by side, resembling whito nuts- nc3i3, which have been tho causo of so imicn cxciteuicnt and judicial inquiry. AUicn tho convent was occupied by the National Guards these littlo huts wcro tenanted each by an eld woman, enclosed in a woodfu cac, like a chicken's pen, tho throo btuUliugs being similar insido nnd Construction, six fuel, s.nioeo liu in,n height, with a slstto roof, through which dayh-ht was visible, while tho'lhrco old women wcro ALL HOrELES.S IDIOTS. Ino Lady superior has kept her litis re- ' eotnplaluts Incident to tho sex, whether arising soiutfly closed up to tho piesent time but 1 """servtion or mums oi dissipation, it is pre . t r.. tl , .-,! ...1 n..i. . . I KiTlli.wl fivl .'iii vi'l V bv ibi, liuf I'lnlni'iir ulivl. elans and midwlves lor rufcchlrd and delicate constitutions, of both sexes and all u''is (attend cd with any of tlio above dlstuises or symptoms.) Hclmbold's Extract Iliieltu is Diuretic and Blood-purifying, nnd cures all diseases arising Horn luioitH ot dissipation, ami oxecsses and lm deuces m Life, liiipurilics of tho Blood, etc.. superseding copaiba in al'ectatious for which It is used, and syphilitic uffectlons In these dis eases used in connection with lleliubold'n Rose Wash. LADIES. In many nfiectaiions peculiar to Ladles, tho Kxlraet buchu is unequaled by any other reme dy as in chlorosis or retention, Irregularity, painfulncss or suppression of customary cvaeua tions, ulcerated ot schirus state of thu Uterus LcucotTlIua or Whites, sterilitv, and for all iiuumieu wncn lirsr. nnrvi iu.l ti.of n,., three sullcrcrs had lived in their hideous prison for nino years, in an atmosphere of stifling heat throughout tho summer, and halt frozen with cold thro-ihout tho win ter ; "but," shu added, 'tl.cv wcro idiots when they came.'' The conductor of the inquiry replied, that if such worn tho case, it was illegal to have admitted them to tho convent tit all, and that .eveu supposing lliem to have been adniitteJ, tho placo where they wcro found was not a lit dwell ing place placo for a dog. A key was dis covered among her papers, labelled "key of the t;reat vault;" but wluro this great vault, may uo lias not yet been found out. Tho Superior and her nuns keep a uuiforin and persistent upon tho point ; excavations have b.'cu made at dillerent points iu the garden, and under the high altar of the chapel, but hitlieito without cllcct. ,t one end of tho nuns' garden stands au isolated buihlinj', in which were found mattrasses with straj aud buckles, also two 1UO.M ConsETS, MULL-CAP AND A RACK t irtled by a cogwheel, evidently iliteud. il for beading Laek tho bmly with luive. The Superior cxp'aimd that Hu so wno onbo. pedic iiifttriiiiieiits a superficial I'al.sclPHid. 1'liu leatttVK.-sv.s nii.l slra s struek ino us being easily lucotuited lur ; 1 have s.eli such things us. d iu I'lench uiiilw iU ry, and in tases of violent delirium ; but Iho ruck and iis iuljinui aio.iu-.tly objects ofuruve MiKplclon, lor th.'v 'riplyii uho of l.iuti.l I loieo whit-U no di.enu at present known v.ould jiLslily. Dm.f.r way baek through 1 tho gardens uur guide made a detyur in Older t j show its a ;ni:.u' M mi iittAM as- W.viti.uoiVi:, s Iu re an enoruunis quantity of pot.u.n! W.ls tt.. t.-d, ai well us baneli lull ol kalt , i. ik, while in Hi;.- iut'd h.ud by gi uiuin Lit pig. Look at ihi-. ! ' ei.ed our N.t t.ouiU lamrd iii.llnuiilly. "I.i.ol; ut th, tloitH, whi.-li i,d.;ht l i.olaled ti feed I thu ului viiig pot.f id' Iho unviidui.eiu.-til I dining our U uioiitlu' ai, uud think! that theoo pcoplu Wl-ro U-.'-tng lioiu d .or ! d'Mr iho Hliolo litmj ,.r i.ioiuy to buy! Klok.U VlelimU or I hell- el;iotl, r, " AlliVed III Ihu culrauec gale, our -iiido lillilgcil llii- telling whU.i I. lo look kt Iho ul.l wuti. tti who u, wan. bring uboul I' -How. d by it y.uiu ;. om, i...,i,inj livni liuio i i iiiiiu lu pit V up I, uf rl, Inr li ili.l. HI'h ,iu. ttli. I tliiu l. 'Tl.i.l U Nrui" IW iitaullii.-," be .aid, ilo ' ll.refl pn.oii. 14 o tl.e Woe-I II i ..-. Mio! 1 it.. III. wt .)!.,! Ill Hi, II I i lln,,!, tt,, I W keep b. r I., ui tool, r Hut i.tig of oi4U l ' our Hiu. , ,lir i Uj,,o i si.v ti i v, om: l.u.ih . kr.vkM v. ' "Tim uilw-r Iwu l -iuUvu leuion;.!, u ' they miu i. i,a.r ( ,y U... i-,u,( ,( U. h'mu ol ....," J ,,,.. ,!,,,, t J lid lookbU Ut H.,ll, ta.t!,! ku..4.i i. kl.a.Ld by ll, i,(4 - IhLii. i Hi.u ..... i , r 1 I. I'd lur l.-uoU uli ui.ikii u.. it,. . ........ . oaoi tutii.ut II.I J 1., i,uuH,, Ul4l,j .iW VvU. I, U, uot. t Hb.,,,! ,j( PRICES REDUCED. HOOTS M1IOEM ' Manufactured to order at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, JOHN WILYER, Spruce Street, Nnnbnry, l'enn'R, Is constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, at lurprlslngly low prices. Ills stock comprises me very Dost in niarKci. ms i"b cywt lcnce lu tho bnslnoss has won for hlin a reputation for making first- s. class work equal to any city manufacture. All work warranted. TERMS STItlCTLY CASH. Tho prices of repairing are also reduced. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, March 4, 1871. TO THE WORKING CLASS. Wo nro now prepared to fnruisU all classes with constant em ployment nt home, the whole of tho time or for the spare moments. Business new light and pro fitable. Persons of cither sex easily earn from 60c. to 15 per evening, and a proportional sum hv dcvotlnc their whoto time to tho business. Boys and ulrls earn nearly as much as mou. That all who seo this notice may send their ad dress, and test tho busluess, wo make this un paralleled oll'r i To such as arc not well satis fied, wo will scud ft to ray for tho trouhlo of writing, f ull particulars, a valuable snmpio which will do to commence work on, and a copy of-TVic Veoiik's Literary Companion one of tho larircst and best family newspapers published all sent free by mall. Reader, if you want per manent, prolltnbla work, ivlm-css E. C. ALLEN & CO., Augusta, Maine April 15, 1ST1. Siu. FLORENCE SEWINU MACHINE. THIS celebrated Machine Is now on exhibition next door to Krauso's Tin aud Stove Store, Market Street, Snnbnry, Pa. The Florence Sowing Machine stands unequal led for beauty and durability being the best Family SeTing Machine now offered to the pub lic. THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It has self-adjust fnff tentlon In tho Shuttle i changes for the various Stitches made while the machine Is in morion. Its Stitches are tho wonder of all for beauty and flnlsh.bclng alike on both sides of the fabric. It sows light and heavy fabrics ith equal fa culty, 'i ne worn win leea either right or lelt. Runs quietly and rapidly. No difficulty exper ienced In sewing across heavy scams. Its mo tions are all positive no springs or cog wheels to got out of order. Tho Ilemmcr tnrnB wide and narrow, hem and fell beautlfullv. It Is tuorougmy practical and will last a life time. Every Family Nliould Have One. Kvcry Machine warranted to substantiate all wo claim for It. It Is the onlv Machine lu the world that Is ca pable ol making moro than ono stitch nnd having the reverse feed motion. Call and examine them, and tho samples ot work. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING. It Hems, Fells, Cords, Ilrnlds, Tucks, Quilts. Binds, (lathers, &e., without basting. It makes a gather and sows it on a band at one operation perfectly. Knch Alachlno Is luruishcd with a complete set of tools, without extra charge. Iuvery purchaser lully instructed nnd every Mnchino warranted nnd kept In order. Machine Uil ana lhrcadkcpt on hand at nil times. GEO. W. SMITH A BRO.. Airents. ForNorth'd, Snyder, Union and Montour Conn's. October ir, 1S70. ; SUstcIlitncons. NEW FIRM. Byerly A Ilemperly's Excelsior Ual lcry or Art, Third Street, Sunbury, Ia. "1 TR. BYERLY has latelv added to his already i.TL well established reputation, the services Of Mr. M. R. Ilcmnorlv whose reputation as a pho tographic operator, stands unrivaled in this part of the oountry, and hereafter they will carry on tho photographlo trade, at the old stand under the firm name ot uyerly ec lletnporly's Kxcelsior Gallery of Art, at wboso establishment the pub lic will be cnccriuny accommodated throughout the wnoie line oi pnoiogrnpny. For Photographs of all styles and sizes rang ing from the small Gem to the llfo size portrait. Uo to Byerly & llcmperly. For the beautiful porcelain plcturo which for softness of finish, and durability cannot be ex celled, go to Byerly & Hemperly. For tho Rembrandt photograph, now so popu lar In all oui largo cities, aud showing the pecu liar effect of light and shado, and tho favorlto of tho old German Artist Rembrandt, go to Byerly & Hemperly. If yon have an old picture you wont copied and enlarged to any size, and colored oil, water color, India Ink or crayon, take It to Bcyerly & Hemperly. If you want a frame of any stzo and at any Drlec. or anv stylo iro to Byerly & Ilemperly'g, and take a look at tnetr nnmenso siock iu unit line.. For Albums co to Byerly & Hemperly. For suiiaro Frames made to order go to Byerly it TT.imnerlv. In short, for nnvthlnir lu tho Tlhoto- graphic line, go to Uyerly & llcmperly, and you will be suited. Feb. 35, 1871. Francis McCnrty, " ". Maria Kramer, Wntsontown...... , Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dcwart 40, o a i; v; (Jinggio, nno, milium -u ", R Ranuiec. Shenandoah, bcliuglkiu co w. 3 S Tharp, Shamokln 40, Thomas Wurilrops, Mt uirinei , N A Loudenslagor, llcrndon, 40, Rachel Ci'unlcr, I tenor's rcrry (1 L Reagan, Shenandoah, Schuylkill co 50, ilacob Shine, " " " Jacob Stolu, " " .......40, D 11 Bower, llcrndou, v Geo B Lnhr, Georgetown 40, John 11 Ossinnn, isunoury i", W B Wallace, Northumberland Kit, 11 S Graham, " -r't, Ri-liecca Koble, Georgetown 40, Philip Wintersteln, Watsontown 40,- G S Low, Lime Uidgo, Columbia co 40, Lewis Osterhaut, l.aurcl nun, l.uzernc co...io, Marv J lllue, Northumberland -10, 11 F Krohn, Snubury 10, Andrew Healy, Glranlt-ville, Schnjlkill ro.. 40, Patrick Furgeson, Mt Carmcl 40, Martin Delahev, tflunandoah city 14, John Dane, Ashlnud, Schuylkill eo IU, Anthony McLaughlin, Glrardsvilla 4l, Llnymnn 8 Hay, Mahanoy Plane 40, R Johnson, Raven Run.., 40, David Baueher, Berwick 27, J D Foclit, Vottsvlllo o, l-.rnstus Sober, I'olnl twp -o, A Lipiencolt, Watsontown 40, Maria Kramer, w nlsoii'iv-'U loss pa iusisuin,-o, I V LlppencuK, Wntsontown to, R S Auinierman, Snydcrtown '-20, Nathan Bloss, Berwick, Columbia co 27, .V C R Oulirulo.P uo Sta'n Clinton c Md loss.40, Charles W llaszard, Rupert, Columbia co.,.40, John Foglemnn, Watsontown -, Patrick Hester, Mt Carmcl 41), Thomas Metz, Paxlnos St), R McCloeky, Lock llaveu.., l.rt, iturs. A. dUUUAS, rresiuum. C. A. REIMENSNYDER, See'y, Suubury. l)IRECTOr.S i Ek-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Bruuer, Solonmu Slroli, Win. Ilrindle, Solomaii Shlpe, John A. Shlbsler, Ur. 1). T. Krebs, IX. David Waldroii. March 11, 1871. ly. TI.MK IS MONEV ! ! ALL Wall Paper and Border, sold by mo wil bo trimmed ready for use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, J1V Till! YEOMAN'S WALL l'AI'ER TRIMMER, v H. T. HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT Bt'ClU' CURES DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPEL' DENC'ES, HABITS Ob' DISSIPATION, ETC., in all their stages, nt Iiiiiu rxpeuxe, littlo or no change In diet, no inconvenience, and no expo sure. It caut.es a Ircmiuut desire, and mve strcuirth to Urinate, Ihtixuy reuioving Obstrue lions Preventing and Curing Strictures of the I lYllim, Allaying l'ain anil itillumatiou, so Ire nuent In tills clai-a of diseases, and expelling all Po'ikoiious mutter. 'Ihousuuds who have been the victims of In. competent persons, und who have paid heavy fees in be cured ill u short titui', have found they havo been d eelved, an. I that tho "Poison" has, by the iim! nf "powerful astringents," been ihinl up lu tho sysleiu, to bivuk mil in u mare iiugru Vated form, and n-rliaps after Marriage. I e ll. lmliold's Extract liuehu for till ,V!Vr llous aud Diseases of lliu I'ulury organs, wheth er elting In Mat. or female, from whatever originating, and u mailt r how long ktundlug. Price, one iloMar mid lilty cents per buttle. MTEKEOSCOrEN, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. K. & II. T. AM'IION V a :o., 591 RroiKlwa)', Sew York, Invito the attention of tho Trndn to their exten sive assortment of tho above goods, of their owu publication, manufacture and importatiou. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES nnd GRAPHOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & II. T. ANTHONY oi CO., 591 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, IMPORTERS AS1 MARl'F ACTl'BKllS OP l'hoto;raiIiio MateriulM. March 4th, 1871. ly. ss'itixo r.vmiioxs xoh keadv. MRS. M. A. BINDER, 1101, N. W. COR. ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT 8T8., PHILADELPHIA. Importer nnl IJesigiu-r ofl'iisliions. The old cfiablishcd and only reliable Dress Trimming, Paper Pattern, Dress and Cloak mak ing r.uiporinm. Elegantly trimmed Paper Patterns, Wholesale anil Retail. Fans, Gloves, Ribbons nnd Sashes, Laces, Em broideries, Jet. Gilt, and renri oewetry. Evening dresses and suits, made In the most fashionable stylo at short notice. lYrfect system of Dress Cutting taught. N. B. Orders by mall, promptly attended to. Feb. 20, 1871. Bin. ' FURNITURE I FURNITURE ! 1 A NEW STORE AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAHANOY Townuhlp, Northumberland County, Pa. WILLIAM NEGELY T"T AVING opened a new Furniture Store at tho above place, will constantly Keep on liami, u largo aim select assortment ot FURNITURE, Comprising of Parlor nnd Chaitbcr Suits, Conch es, I.mniPH la'tles, iitirean, . uno-comca Chairs of all grades, Rocking and Kitchen Chairs Washstands, Bedsteads, Japanese, Cottage and I Half Collage, Looklng-Glnssea, Window Shades, and in short, everything usually to I bo found in any well-kept Furniture Store, may be had at tins estatillsiitncut. Hoping, by fair dealing nnd strict attention to i hnsiness, to- merit tlio patronago or tlio public. I An invitation Is extended til all desiring anvtliln i In tho lino of Furniture to call uiul examine my stoek. t mlfrtuliiiiu; dono hi nil Its branches, ft?" Rcpulrin douo at short notice. J WM. NEGELY. Georgetown, June 11, '70.-ly. Immi "medical discovery Dr. WALSSS'S CAUPOUNIA YINEG-AE BITTERS v. ? Hundrcda cf Thcisjads llLSUY T. HF.LMBOl.D s IMI'P.OYP.D ROSE WASH . e uinut he .utp issi-d a a F.iec W.uh, und ill be lomiil Hie only speeinc remciiy lu every Heie ul ( HI ihr.iu . A.lo.li.ni. Ii s i-t-.llv eiinll, il. I'ltupl.--, hp, .I-,, SeiiiliiilK- Dijii- lu.imal i.m, ol I Hit Oilaiicuin Metltl -rain ,' lie., ill pi is It .. in ., unit I. ! '! .. 1. 1 lull. tin. iiiun, lte, P i-.1i, M h Palelie-., Dryue.n uf S.-uli or Skin, Pro.-l IHu , mi I all t 'ii po'.-H for t liieti b.ile ur Oini-ineiii-t are u,e. re, lur,. the kin In a M..I.. uf j- inly an. I oliue.-a, and liuiuv.-i cinliuiie I h. aiihy nelli.it to thu li-.llo of lu Ve,. !., i.ii Wlllell ill etnt-. lint alei iblo el.'.irue. ttli. :. l ily ol e.ini.let.iii .i la uli .utilit und u.ltuiiv I. Ilnl liuMetei- ulu.il.le nt uaviiudv fur i-x'-u-.n; 4. !- ill ef lit,- c!. Ill , II. T. II. hl,U4 I . Ku Wil.il l t "i f -U tal-t' .1 ii -. ii... ipleel.il.il lo aula I- i. i ...:iuo., .'.-, I.y (,., ..1U)( ijualiiin vtliieh ru. it-r II "luiiil App.-M..n;d 1. 1 Ihu III.. nt 8lll.ell.i- live ult 1 I ulm.-likil i-iiaraiter, eulliiiilillii; l. uli i. ml I .mi m. t th,.,o uiiiiU .il ru.iil.iu ., r-.iie-l uh I r '.lib .ley Iho Itii.ui.iblti ucvuiup.iiiiiiui.ia ul II. Il.e ,i. 4 If .elValllu Uli I li. lie.). it 1. 1 tllu I olllpletloll. It I. .ill i-e, llei JjiUull 'r ill e.en uj a pllalte S.iluio, ua ua nil IllLe. II. II f"l i'l. .is. i ul ta.i 1 ituiuw lli -itita, U- i,,u I'.illull, llail.l ill i'ulllli-i Hull I li.l, tVMa.4iA ulij i.l aui U ai-aar ua i. ..hi 4i.l.aa,4. t'Uf'l Mc a--!l..l .-V .7 Dear t 'Silniny to Ittf-lr "Voui..-r- llll t Ulllt.Vl' l.u. i-;.". i3 t..l I lul l! a uf ill., u I'll Gi.i l ali.i. I. Ii l.ltalel lll.ipil I'llla, III. II I. l, I al.Uu4 llW a Iki l. iltle. r ..ii an I 111. II ll4. fc! I II. J ilni.i.l r I d.. I. ul ih. Mill i-r 4i i ill, III., I 'I I'll lib,, ll.illa I-miUl . 1 1. III, l-f IliC I.I-..1 (e.a"i ll'lu mi I lc!t..l!u .iiii. tiai uil .. . I . t U. -II , a .1 U lulu ..'.ll.li.i ll.lu wili.i.a4a, u.-'l t" l ill. .. . .-.I,. I ,. ii. , aUa.ll. 1 l ...... In '. I u.,1 . I, II. I., I., ,.f ubl, Ham I. .-in ll.o I.', I. t a ..ii. a In-In l,, an, ,,..i.t 'U , ... I ., i . n... ,, .-. ,i. , ,,, , j,,, j, I" i - i- I I i l , ii .ii -ii lu l. , a. j I - ' l .t.u-l -in I Ilia Ii.. u, lui U. tul I. la a Ik I., i .nh a. oul,i4 ,..,.all..i.., .1 I..4 U ,1 la Ly ,j uu t) I- .iu,,..!,., Ili uri I . lit lUaWuU'a) 4HMlM i't a atl'4ilU, l It, i. I l-i U a I ma. . ,uitf i ,w ui, I i.,i!il.,,.,'i,(l'lr)wii. tVllt-i l , ,,..U ,1. 1) l I ! l-i . 1. II. I. I ll,,, 14 II-, 11 I II. ..1,1, ,.4, tin ul 1,1 I ,1.1... . " ' " ' -,. . 1aarl a, ill nil. 1 II iu ij.m aii.iL. I Jt' V.i'1"4 '(;'.--.. if Uiuivj frr, I ui",4.,' II I lia lll'UJtj II.. . 4, !, .Ml,i. .., I,,,!,,, t,.,M ( I. .1 .....,. , , iJI..UIUMl4 l,ut U ai! 14,H..l4ai, I ' ' !.'- lltVI I...W. !. , H hi. 1 ,l ' ' I .-III tl. la U, l4 WU..II. ,,..W t UM IU.l I.L.L.aala.:.l. .V l'i 7 " AiUaklK kl 1. lul-l. ... ' W .41 , ' - . I.i.-.U' 1 la a I II -.!., I . kl ,. .1 ,i .4 i I..4. I'a aik 1. 1 N a v hleh 1 have the exclusive l llit to uno lu Buiibur an I vicinity, fcavo money, time nnd labor, ty buying of x. rcitnr.i: i.it.u Ti:it, Dealer iu Hooka, ht.itiimery. Wall Pup-ur, Mu.le, ,Ve., .Ve., Ae. Sunday rVboul Kl PPLlEii in.idu a Ipi dallty. l.!auk .It-uiuruiitliiia V I'iimm lloultat III eildlos vuilety, Jut receive. I. IHIHK HINhlMI done liioi.h r. Persona will ..He i'V-e-ti.o by leaving til -lr older for llnUlS ; with me, riCTlKI-'. r'll.HCN of all aUca, cut Iiiiiu I he Muiilillin; ul eivl,,w 1 11, a. HV.l.,V MJl .Uit I KAMU ulwuvn oil li.iu.l. Al.lU'MS, lJUAfKETS, CiOl.U I'KN , aV0., iVl'., Jkl. A l.tr.;e aud Well u.-li led ato. li of Tin. aU.iy 1,11 li.iu.l. AiiWliiuK uu 011 li.m.l pruuiptl) ul deled. H lliilll lor I'A.ll, 1 uli ul N. H.lUlkE l.li.U IM U'H It M,k Mou-, blgu of Kuluy's liuld I'e 11, MjiLel b,U.iru, but bin y, l'i. bui.bury, Auu'U.I lilli, l70. J. W. WASlllNuruN'S Ulill Htlllti II -.IMII'. 'Ilij old h tui.iiiiul 2"l'"l' ol ll.u l.iau u dcliiitf lUu Uiual, but ut Ihu miiiu iiiiiu i.iiiil.l.l U1.1I ll.o li. l.i ti t y liulU um.iki e.i.ou. 1,1) .(-..keii talllioul 111. 11. II, .111.4 uii y.ik.u.l ,H4 I'll ttlMuallll uf V UII llf UU. III I, I inn, J.i.l I a. i.l) tv.ua U4,i I lujOiii luy I.1.1,,, .1 (III., I III Una l.l.v 'Lull luy llleliuial lliU4lul l- i-l, k , e I a., U ,u ll.u ll . ul uur al...f . ,ly all. 1 .1.1, 411 1 tii.l'l ulUi m.l.l, i, I u..,u4 UlJ all,llli l.luu ,.,.111,11, alaa.1, UU.I UlllU tU.it ,1.1.0 1, 1 ll.i.u nubia.vJl, lklt.LI.li lui-laul 111 ,1 I 11 nil, .1 (all .! lull I .U4a4 man) , .l l.-.ly In i,a luui.i,, liuiuuimuaa Luilauit) 4.. 4 1. 1 u!,ll)4 llao -ullUi li.,le, a i.l, iu ,ublui 4Uii. iiiii lu uur liui. u.l uj u. a U.al ' l'lll I-' al..ilk 1 1.. 14 a)l .,4.4 lk. a buia4lv4 llli-U.4U I IU. Ul 11,1'IU. limn a) u.u -M 1 1.4a, J-.W 14 liaa la lUn Uia I'M a 11 1144a !!. at4lkt, IvU.U-a ut uil 4UU, 14 . la a I a )'.4, Ual.l twu, ll,4.l,4 ..i, lil k,l 4)v tuia, ul (ilgu.., i.uuta uimI i lu. la. 1 unli ain.l.. aa 11), iu lUa ' a.l-l -'" Hl-I i-ai alii 44. l, 4.l ui.l, ", i -i. it. , i4 1-4.4 it a,a. - , 4-U t 4 i '4at -aul altu(i I a v, lka.4 ua) Iba lalH ul uluial) - Ma.-alaa 4a) 14 '! U uu lif 4..ua VI ii, aaaui-a k. . alU. k all llaat 4 a-akl I 1 ,,- 14a 1 I t la 44 Va) ban4 4) lam 4-f W4JIH K4, laaaf Malkii Miatl. I'-I I, 114. g i jj vniA 1 AKfc, i ntv v g v ij o - y c 5 sal f f m ' j I vW -- W !5; o 7- a fata ) s p v they Ai.n :;ut a v;i.:: I " i! 2 F A N C Y DRINK. ftaluiT I'uur I! III.!. Wtil.ke-i, I li.i-l Viol Cniiuit ..i:oru e.. 1,..-. .:,,, 1 .t c.-.,i i. Ui4 ,i p-Jjli taU), cullrfd 'leu.. a,M" Aj.pil. 11,," " l.i.iuiwu," 4 llil i:.c t.pikr tu It 1 uiULlauu.aM 44. 1 ri.la, Lul u;u s liu !', u.e.u,-, uia.tj f.viu i:u 1 I'uu ui-4 1 i'.,,i i.::.i ft,i4, li-i i, ' tlNil l Itll .41. l.lll'lie lin:Ll.lli:.i V1;. LI4 II, j , I.UKAV li 1.00a i t 1:11 1.::. m.J A 111' 1! (-IUMI MUM ll'l U r...i ;.8i-i,i,i ...1 I .vljj, fHl ,r el l .w ;--a .i.l.i, 1'-. . ; . u.l all aw. .,i.u 4 l. .lur e;..l l.-1-..U-a 1 1 -1 I" 1. luulll.y . u.,l 1 .1. I -4 ,- l v .1 I.-..-I t .'.J l1... c t'l.lw. .'lei... v I u.f C- I., 'i ci -I re 1 - .1 1 . r m.vi , :. iiit.ll w.ilu intili.t I1-1 Wa. Ii raa, , t r,,l,U 4 I -It t e -. 1 U. I l,,'.ljll l( I, . u. (..... 1 ef i Uur u.. r: .,, -. -i Ti : I ...I r . . 1, I , t. 4 I. .4 -u!lil i rrt ir. I ul lu'iu 1 I, 1 jr 1 11, 1 ( lu,.' 1 I ii, 1 1. Ilai.i n,4 l.i ul, Itu. .h,, ui' I ii!.,t atluu, 1.1 ll.U a, I.' I u. II 1 1 I.l 1. t-U lull I 4 -111. .1 l,H 11 M.i'Ua, ail lie I: lu.Iil, l l.U, H.I.LI a, Ul4 Il44 I, I , ... 1 l.lllu.i ,.11 ... . I !. akl l-lla,4,- Ul ' , 1 tilllil.al . ll.u. I, . . ... . a.,... 1 ,.1.. t t - ' I " t, , .. , -, a. "11 -i a H New Hour and Feed Stijrc ! It. W. TBIIJRSTON, Corner of Fourth nnd Market Street, sunbury; FENN'A, Has Just opened a Flour nnd Feed Store, where ho will Keep constantly on nann, a general assortment ol (he best brands of FLOUR, FEED OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, POTATOES, FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, uud VEGETABLES of nil kinds, nt tho Very lowest market prices. Sunbury, Feb. 11, lS7l.-tf. 1871. 1371. FRYLING, BOWEN & ENGEL, Successors to the Sunbury Lumber Co., HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE Steam Saw tto Planing Mill, and Just lltted It up with the latest Improved Ma chinery, nro now prepared to 1111 an orners lor all kinds of RILL TIMBER. PINE, HEM LOCK, OAK. fee. HOARDS. ROUGH AND SURFACED. SEDING OF ALL KINDS. HEMLOCK. WHITE AND YELLOW PINE FLOORING, SHINGLES, riaAS 1 KKIMi AND SHINGLING LATH. SASH, DOORS. MOULDINGS. 1!MIS, Mil TTKUS .V UUACKKTS at tho very lowost prices. A large Btock always on biuul. ceiul lor prices. Ample facilities -for Bhijipin'' by Railroad or Canal, KYI. IJNlj, lUMVliM iK Jf-MltL,. Sunbury, Pa., February lBth, 1871. Cm. 1,1 .aiSi;!! AM) I'l.AM.VU fflllili.S. Third Street, ndlolnln'' Phila. & Erie R. It., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUXBURY, PA. IRA T. UlEMENT, T S prepared to furnish every dcucript ion of liim- aL lu-r required by tho demands of the public. ilavnii; nil the latest Improve,! maeliiucry tor liiauufaeturlnir Limber, he is now ready to Uil or ders ef all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd nil kinds of Ornamental Serowl Work. Turu- 1115 ol every description promptly executed. Also, A LA ItUI'. AMSOUTMKST OF 15 1 la L LUMllUlt, HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Eliln'lea, rickets, Lethe, A:c. Orders promptly lilled, and .hipped bv Railroad or otherwise. 1KA T. I LtMhM deel'.WIStly siovi: it. ti i:sTAiu.is.nn.xT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KUAUSE, lVoprit-tor. at Ct'ESKOll TO HUTU A ulZNTUKK-J n AVING purchased the nbovewell known es . labllshiiient, Mr. Krauo would respectful ly ml, 11111 the pui, lie mat he now has 011 baud a lurge assort ini-iit uf COOKING STOVKN, SiM-er's Cook Anli-Diisl, Ri-i;ulalor or Revolvlnj; l,,p, l.oiiibluiitioii, Susiiii'liauna and others, which uru so urraiiued as to bo used for Coal or Wood, and are wari.iiiled lo perforin satisfactori ly or 110 sale. HEATERS of all Muds put up to Heal one or more rooms. I1KA IIM1 STOVtS of ittil. rent kinds ut very low prices. Tin ,v nro ol' Ktrry Urtii-rlpllou kept eon laiilly 011 hand. RihiIIiii; uud Spouliuir nun I he li,-l 111.1I1 1U1I, ili.no ul ah,, it 11.. I lee lil'l' AlKISli utleiide.l In Willi dii-puleli. Coal I'll 111 u l.ainpa eoiistaiiilv ou liami. Japan uuro iilil I A. 11, Is, Mui'it ol'lioaltJ Colili'V a lui'dware eluie. l.uc 11m e.ill. A. KRAI BE. iipl-l-ly KIMIl ltV Mtllltl.i: VAItU. IIE 1111 1, i-iuii,. U.ninj lioii.lit Ilia entire aim k ul Ibaaiiiut r iV 'lavlor, woiil, IiiI.hiii Ihu pulilie 1U.1I lie la uuw ready to ,1,1 uil kinds i f inw w tiiiii. 1: ttOUH. II ia uu hand, uud luukia lu i.l.l r ut hlloitT K'OTU I'.- fA AluitUIUI'UlN lll-M J-HIOII-, f-A : r,. nut, a 1 n u ..u ni.Mnni "11,1,1 A I o, I Vim lery 1'uala ll b Call uiiln d pipe uud lilillliir I, III IHU venerully Uu I l.ll leill. I "III a. J11U14 A-'luylui uill i-oiilimiii 111 lit. vuipluytiii ul. ul I lie u!4 a .in 4 uu Vl.uk-1 Bl.ifculibui). iu)'4 kk - 1. 1 . 1 1 . I I .4 1 I 'S, I 1 Tlo, k .. ... 1, . - ' 1 ' ., . ,i.,.-, 1 I I'-a I 4 ... ,1 , U 1 . U I I I , (-,.. I .1 , i: I I I I 1 I, - I- . 1 1- u a, a l.- .j li aba.. -4 ' I -a 1. - .. I 1 ,11 1 i Ia4 ".. IN ll.- . ,1 I I .ua,-, ai"..-. Iua, I .. , t . a, i 4 .. a,., 1 Mla l.4. ,j J 1-, I..I , . , SI ... I , a, .1 1 11.1 .l 1, , , I , , , ..... a- tlUlal, 41.4 4, a- 4,.--il a - l . I- . ,.. , -.! U v I .. I ., . .. a.l.. ' I , 4-1 ' Via. t I lit II .u4 I J katkl k.l st laa,. . l" kllaalal saa.ll, l lllLLBOBiVT k," sV ' D ak-V V" PIIRNITIIRF CQ Wl.l.l Will., MATTRESS, FEATHER, A!CS EEDDINO WAEEI.00M3, v44 NORTH TENTH BT., CHAMBER FURNITURE Spring Beds, jFenthcrs, r.pring 1.01a, .resiucr iicun, Spring Mattresses, Bolsters and Tillows, Hair do. iCountcrpnncs, Husk do. i Comfortables, Straw do. .Blankets, Quilts CALL AND SEE THE Woven Wire Mattress, The best bed ever oifercd for sale. N. B. Our Intention is to treat all customers so that they will become permanent dealers with us, nnd orders will receive thn samo attention, nnd persons can buy just as cheap as if present at the store. March 4th, 1871. 3m. J.U. Ia HAVE TAKEN SI.ATB.lt aV CO., NEW YORK ONE OF THE STOKES, So. 3 Sou Hi TciitH Kli-ocl, Iioloiv .tlsirkft, Iliil:i(lelliia, wbero they have opened a tirst-cluss Mercliant Tailorinc; Establishment. Our Stock consists of a (Inn assortment of Foreign Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestinirs, select ed from the best Importing Houses of this City and New York, which we are prepared to mnko up In the most Fashionable Styles, nt Short No tice iMid Moderate Terms. Special Bargains in Scotch Chlvot Goods. JNO. L. SLATER i CO. Formerly with J. M. Zulglcr. Dee. 2-ith, 1870. Om. . . Reading Rallroal. SUMMER ARRAltOEJlE.t 1'. MonOay, May 15th, 1871. GREAT TRUNK LINE from tho North and North-Wet for Philadelphia, N. Y., Rend ing", Fottsvillo, Taraaqua, Ashland, Shamokln, Lebanon, Allcntown, Easton, Ephrnta, Litlz, Lancaster, Columbia, &c., &c. Trains leave Uarrlsbnrg for New York, as fol low i At 9.40, 8.10, a. m. nnd 2.00 p. mi., con necting Mtith similar trains on tho Pennsvlvnliiit Railroad, nd r rivlnir t New York at io.05 a. ra., 8.50, end 9.80 p m. respectively. Sleenlne Cars accompany the B.40 a. m., train without cliango. Ketnmlnet lacave jncw yoritatB.OOn. m.. 18.80 noon and 6.00 p. m., Fhllndelpbla nt 7.80, 8.30 a. m. and 8.80 p. m. j Sleeping Cars ac.coni pauy the 5.00 p. m. truin from New York with out change. Lenve Harrlsburg for Reading, rottsvillc, Ta- mnqua, Mlncrsville, Ashland, bhamoklii, Allcntown hurt riiifudclphia at 8.10 a. in.. 2.00 and 4.05 p. m., stopping nt Lebanon and principal way stations the 4.05 p. m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsvllle and Co lumbia only, r or i-otlsvillo, Bchuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd Susmiohuunu. Railroad, leavo Ilnrrisburg at 3.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for Allcntown, Easton and New York at 4. Si!, 10.80 a. m., and 4.05 p. in. Returning, leave New York at 0.00 a. m.. 12.P0 noon and 5.00 - m. and Allcntown at 7."0 a. in. 13.23 uoon. 2.15, 4.25 and 8.35 p. m. Way Passenger 1 rain leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 u. in., connecting with similar train on East. Pcuna. Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.20 p. in., stopping at all stations. licave rotlsvwo nt u.oo a. m. and 2...0 p.' in. llcrndon ut 10.00 a. 111., Shumoklu ut 5.40 and 11.15 n. m. Ashlnnd at 7.05 a. in., and 12.1B noon; Mahanoy City at 7.51 a. m. nnd 1,20 p. :n. Tumiiqiia nt 8.35 n. m. and 2.10 p. in. for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Hnrrisburgci Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill nnd SiiBquu It an n a Railroad at 8.15 a. ni. for Hurrisburg, unr? 11.45 a.m., for Pine Grove and Trcmont. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Potta villc nt 5.40 a. in., passes Rending nt 7.80 n. m. arriving nt Philadelphia ut 10.20 a. ni., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. in., passing Read ing ut 7.55 p.m. arriving at Pottsvllle at 0.40 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Truin leaves Potts- town nt 0.80 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 p. m. Uolui".uiu Railroad Trains lenve Reading at 7.20 a. in., and 0.15 p. in. for Enh.ru.tu. Litiz. Lancaster. Columbia. &c. Perliiomcn Rail Road Trains leavo Pcrklomcn Juiietionnt 7.17, 9.05a. ni., at 3.00 and 0.00 p. in. Relurnlng.leave Seliweuksville at C.30,8.10 a n., 12.50 noou and 4.45 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. Colebrookdalo Railroad Trains leave Pottstown nt 0.40 a. in., 1.15nud 0.45 p. in., returning leavo Mt. Pleasant at 7.00 nnd 11.25 a. in., and 8.00 p. in., connecting with Bliuilar trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leavo Bridge port ut 8.80 n. in., 2.05and 5.32 p. m. returning, leave Downiugtou ot 0.40 a. m., 12.45 noon and 5.25 p. in. coiiuecting w ith similar trains on Read ing Railroad. "On Sundays i Leave New York nt 5.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in. and 3.15 p. m.. (tlio 8.00 a. in. train running only to Reading;) leavo Pottsvllle ul 8.00 a.m., leave llarrbiir.', 2.40u. in., nnd 2.00 p. in.; leave Allcntown nt 4.2o and 8.85 p. in. ; leave Reading nt 7.15 a. in. and V.iM p. in. for Hurrisburg, ut 4.82 n. m. for Nin York, at 7.20 n. m. for Allcntown and nt 9.4'J u. m. und 4.15 p. iu. for Philnclel'a. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School nnd Excursion Tickets, to und from all points at re duced rates. Baggage checked through : 100 Pounds Bag gage ulluwed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Supt. & Eng. Maeh'ry. AorUu'rii Contra! ItuUw.t). Si. 41 f I,, , ,,.. , I,.,., t .... I.. I., I lit au a li .aa. . I -. I- . . -., . . .....- , vl i ,..!. 1,4 .1. i ... a l a ia. 4 ll l'i . I W -a a i l. i- ..4. k... , .... , . . .,l,,..ti ,, 1 a4 at .l,a, u aw a li4.un..l I a-1 i,,. a 1 1 n., i.u ,, a .. ,. i, a .... i. - I i, l-ll.ll l..l.,ln. ... I.- a-tka4ai ! k uk -II, I ,i I I a I'CH. f trkaat v..- , ll l -. I .laSae, Mist -.4 a aa 1 au-a4. a 4 . 4 .4alf a SI' i-llu-l'.i'-l I .4 a .1 a-. . lail.l k-l 14 la-1' I'-.-l I, .Ii" I I lialna tas ka. W,iu.aH. I' , .ll,,.iv, 4 4lktli, uaaM - 4 t ta, .. 11 fc.a- ...,,. la. -,, lai, kuk kS aaS fttka4aak-aw4. k.v I a-a r"r-? U maa,(l 4k fkAikta 1 llllf OM.V V1U. UIIIKMT A rii.r iki tiii: .m;i 1111.11. stum: 1 1 mi !!. i; iii:iit u, III Uli 'S . I l.i.t til til li lil ttloMi . t ULUM.U kl kun M P till. i 'll AMI UlttlUlUA A UK WAItur.D I UV HSU HUt. I I l Ikw uiily tiupU'S lituUf li4l kus .. I 1 lH lp ti.-Ul, 44 ln liulU I ulil,., ua aa i.ialuU', m alullllu 4 lulo IUv spalllll. ui. li Is Hal) Mll In .(Urn li.4Uf a)4l ll,i uleul I li4,,U4t alak4alu l' kka.it kllUI liiul.liu.a U, ,'4.l la elli.i.ij, Ike al.tllui.ut ua aH.na la Ui, aui4 illwisi4li 4iuii4, uii4 ik Inula li., 11. .4 ul !U (Hal a) 11.1,1 ul Iks kuul lu Ilia Ivan j "ll. ll la lU 1 1 fliei.Ui II. -i.l lwl It . . ; , I k.ll U I au bua. kluii, uui laullik ii iai.4 uas ill uaul k'Ul k 'UK. j It U) IL' ui.lj t.(,4,.vu II.-4.I lla (K4liat alili. 4 4 .J 4iu- lu. aiulu. li klaiw..! kli,Wa. ll .U Uh lt4-' a.,., .11,1.4 .k4a4au I ,.iu ka) ..u.a, u4 klk I Iva4, na4 i ImI lauL-u lai taiaj Ua4- lu l,. U li IU. a'vl an.iaa.i a..tau la lla I lla.l In.l.l, Ik-iula4 .1,4 l.i4 .4 1 klva-ui 14 4'a.4-4, ilk)t', w.i.4IU44iil Ikkkl. II, l au tu 144. a4Mlk (lit M. tilklllktf, l, t iikU, I'hiliKlolpliiu mid F.ric Itailroutl. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Mondav, Mnv 15th, 1871, the Traint on tho Philadelphia ite Erlo Rail Uoad will run as follows i WESTWARD. Mull Train leaves Philadelphia, 7.10 p m " " Sunbury, 2. l.i am ' " nrr nt Erie, 8.50 p m Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, 12.80 p in ' " tstuuurv, b.o.i p in ; " nil nt Erie, 7.40 a m Eluilra Muil leaves 1'hlliidelpl.la, 0.80 a in " " bunbury, 4.!i.) p in " ' nrr at Lock Haven, 7. 50 p m Buffalo Exjiress leaves Sunbury, -1.55 a in " nrr at WlUiamsport, U.:, a in Bald Eajjlc Mail leaves tYillluinoporl, 1.45 a in " " " nrr at Lock Haven, 3.00 pm EASTWARD. Mali Train leaves Erie, 1 1.2(1 u m " " " Suubtirv, 11.45 pm " " nrr nt Philadelphia, C. 80 a in Erie Express leaves Erie, tt.llil p in " " Siinliin v, 10.15 a m " " arr at Philade'lplila, 5.50 p in E'.tulra Mull Icuves Lock Haven, 8.00 a lu " " " Sniiliurv, 10.50 u in " " nrr ut Philaileli.lila, 5.80 p iu Bull'alo Exiret-s leaves Wllllaiuf port, 1.25 n tit Miiiinirv, a.-u a m " " nrrnt l'liiliidi'liiliia, 0.10 a in Bald Eagle Mall leaves Lock Haven, 11.25 a m ' nrr ut Willlamsport, 12.40 p in Mull East connects vast and west ut Erie with L. S. ifc M. S. It. W. and at Corry nnd Irviuttou with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Mall Wet with we.it bound trains on L. S. A M. S. R. W. anil at Conv and Irviuetuu with Oil Creek and Allegheny It. R. W. Warren Accoinmoilalion cast niul we-t with train ou L. S. and M. S. R. W. ca-l and west und at Corry Willi O. C. nnd A. R. R. W. l.no Aceotniiiodatiou hunt nt 1 oi ry and wci-t at Corry and lruiueton with O. C. and A It R W. hliulra Mail ami llult.ilo (.xpresa make cloe conueetiou ul Ullainapoi t w ith N. C. It. W. l allawiara pa.seuger trains will be run cast from Wllllaiunpoit on Kile Epre, ami Wert to Willl.iuiaport uu Plmlra Mall. IV M. A. BALDWIN, lieu'l Sllp't. Sl'IIIVtJ AM) SDIMI lt MlU.INiatV AND r.VXt'V (iOt)DS. MlhS ELIZABETH LAZARl'H, In llew.trt'a lliilldliig, Market S plale, SI NIH RV, I'A., while will be found h new supply of gmula, con- uialing of Miiliiiery and Eituey dui,,!-, HAT AND BONNETS, 'I KIM. MED AND I N TRIM M ED. Aiii, l'llll.DKKN'8 HAT. 4, lor .Ul. and liny.. V'l.i.-r of Ilia luteal mid ll4lllai,lne.l alvlet. t)4ab. Ilil.lxuia, pi, lia ui,4 Il-ure4. I.u.ti.-'a l.eti, . , , I., u ij I '.'I n a, Until l i.lui a aud I u It li.r 1. 1, Hi a u u.l liiil lieii, I 1'ik Ih I ell.,ia. Nei Lliea lr ..lilie uud iieul'a luleal al)lea. Mik k.iek l.iuipa, u iIh I i, r ulliele. lilow t in, I u,l in ij kila, ai,4 l-a, In a' Hu, UrLla nlm.a. 1 1. Ill, IL. I, In. la. All kill, la o I lliiluilla. 1- iiiiiioi.li iv I'ulleiu.. Ilo.i. i y ur I.uJim, li.i.l'a uud tliil.luu. Nula. I'luiiu uud pl.iuu 1 1 uu iiuiiL . . IlilMMIMi kll.Ka, I l.iii,, i,., Z,,li)i. su4 t4iua,uul s tiiiurul ,411, I) ol N.4luua. 'I li.il.lliil .,r p.i.l .j 1 1 ..ii i;, , alig lt,,a . Ih.it lliu .ilu.U vf In I g."la mil Uu ill u e,, l, I mi n. i ii, u ollli. auliw. t-i-U tttklli i.A till a. A pill .J, 1 17 1 . riwu, uiu, tXv. V l I I. aliuk uf till. I ,,,pll.Hi, lll.aaa.l int. i uui mi, ruu uii, uud i.utiik uiiiit; I'll 1,1 I i.pil-.a Uiul tl ii liil.i I , t alUlaiaaa, liluM, l4a uu k4lid, ul lu l ll.-aal iuM.tr ton. Tolho t'tniimuiilly iitltUik't'I I UtM.fc 41 Hit MREQUl.ATOn.M I I-to ILia i-uivkaa. 4 IU. tulii .lauki j. Kill .ul kl4l f tla laa4U,i,' li4, kl. , iwlik, I all., I aul k ii.4li.aj k '-I J k. li,,,,, au4 11,1 iwul'UUV Ik. U,liM ul ka ,i a. ui Uu.l.uu, tutiul luuiu, Ilaul4't llvu llw.l, tltuktvi Hikkrt, kt kin ut, 1'4- Mkik tIIU tll.tU.k.l UHukaJ-aStUl. kl.k Ika u-4,u4 iKiaal.iiaiol wl llu, iu,uii; , 4' ,.4 t a( I ,) w-4 Ik. kalke4 11 k 41 I, M It I-1 u.,14, W al-l. .. i- a u!i.u i-l 4al.ki,i' u4 tulak, .1 pi ll 1 1.. k-4't ,i-.,4 ." ...U) 4 la-w-'lj kill Ua la.-4a lit I la li....l..i, ii,-, aUkaa. Iai4.1ai. laal k'. aul 41 4-a . a M laiilutaua. I. I ll LU.UIfcit f.kk.-l, 4u ti, II I SPRING ARRANGEMENT. ON and niter May 11, 1871, trains will rua 08 follows I NORTHWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Sunbury nt 4.50 n. in., arrive nt WlUiamsport at 0.55, Elmiia ut 10.55 a. in., Cnnandaigna 2.15 p. in. Mail leave Sunbury nt 4.80 p. in,, arrive at Wiillainsport 0.25 and Elmira 10.85 p. in. Fiift Lino leave Suubury ut 0.45 p. in., nnlvo at Winiiuusport 8.40 p. in. SOUTHWARD. Leave Sunbury at 3.25 u. in., arrive at llun is burg 0.15 a. in., Baltimore 0.45 a. m. Leave Sunbury, 10.20 a. m., anise nt narrls burg 1.00 p. in. Leave Sunbury at 10.55 a. m., nrtivo at llar rifburg 12.65 p.'m., Baltimore. 0.00 p. iu. Leave Suubury ut ll.SJp. in., arrive, ut Hnriis burg 2.10 a. ui. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. EASTWAUll. Leave Sunbury nt 4.40 p. m., arrive nt Shnuio kin 5.55 p. m., .Mt. Ciirinel 0.40 p. in. Leave Sunbury- (Accommodation,) at 11.50 a. in., arrive ut ShuinoUln 1.00 p. ni. WliSTW'.VUll. Leavo Mt. Carmel ul :.l'-3 a. m., nnlvo nt S'.minokin 8.50 u. in., Suubury ',1.55 a. in. Leave Sliamokin (Accommodation,) ut 2.45 p. la., arrive at Sunbury 4.00 p. m. Express leaves, daily Lent i.n; on Sunday, runs North only to Wllliainspoi t. Ail other truius leave dailv, except Sundays. A. R. Eihkk. " En. S. Viii fn', Gen'l. Sup't., Ceu'l Passen'r Ag't., HuriUburg, Pa. Bailniore, Md. I.iii lianauuii aud Iilooiiiibui-s Kitil roail. SPRINU ARRANOEMENT OF PASSENUEK TRAINS. Monday, May 1, 1S71. SOUTHWARD. B 45 I) 5o U 57, 05 11 10 3 V 4 15 10 Leavo. Seraiitoii, ( Helleviie, I Taylorvllle, i Laekiituiuua, ! I'itt-UMI, ! Wci.1 Piltston, j Wvoiuing, I Miiltby, Kiiiai.iou, & I St. j W. -llano c'rs i Plyiiioulh Juuc, I PltlllOlllll, I Niiutieoke, I 1 1 11 ll Ilk k a, Slllekahiuiiy, lllck'k Kerry, Reach lUteli, Berwick, Briar Creek, I. line Rldgu, K"py. Illoomr.bur, lluprrl, t UlUU I..U, II. illtllle, ( llUluaky, Ctlliu-t'oii, Si.illi'd, (initu.) 10 40 6 6.5 NORTH WARD. I.ea, I A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 25 0 80 I 0 85 i U 12 0 51 50 10 00 10 05 00 10 1-j 10 Is 0 5 411 5 45 5.1 08 18 T B01 H IHI 8 Oi 8 Hi 8 80 M 48 8 50 1 V Oil ' t 10 I 20 U 27 ' tl 85 : V 40 10 O.'i 10 15 10 SI 10 21 10 1 55 5 15 5 22 1 0 40 0 5n 6 55' 7 ll 7 171 7 I no 1 OS 1 15 1 27 1 85 1 45 l 2 oo i 10 Nutiliuiubeilatud, Cu lotion, I Iml.nky, lluutllli-, I U.aa4, It ii II, liloialllf bui, kl . I. lui. Uldur, 111 I4 1 1 IK W, II, 1.1' k. U.m.U lluvtk, Ill l l Itll), Mil, k.l.iui,), lluiilmk', Suliliiake, l'lauuuik, l'l)Uiullt Juue., kll,e.iu, 4 I ,1. Vt . kauli I c'lt tUliua, tt uian,, Mti I 4 Liu,, fl.l.l.,11. I ika.auu, 1 4 ) lUII Hi, , l- ii, I UU, k-i.ti-.u, (.nut) A.M. P.M. 10 45 5 111 ! 5 ii-4 11 IT b 44 It 41 Ji ll 40 li '.ii 11 li :tn 12 Uo 6 8 14 lu 4a i a m 1 14 . 7 u I H i. T 14 A. M. H iv t l III,, t 8,i k 4,i I If? T Ui 7 oo p. t. p r. I I k-'i k ui 1 lo . . ! I u k U T H i 14 Du ) (,-, ' i , 1 k i, ti ui I 44 k i I tU i '? ll Ii 111 ! ! I II 14 ft. I I V l III k 4 1 (,. 14 iu, 4 M ! 1- ij k iw i I., , I '. k 41 k l-'l 1 I I 4 I k fti k li, ti .a 1 IW til lalHl ' K U a. 4.- ,i 4 .u k to I Ul ft Jlttlji . tiul Mi, . , i lnrlkttliMfMi luikiiktwfkiit, k.tit, IM..I a.4 J,.,u i..i4.4 al li ll,, li. ki .4 t, l-- i .t, - t "I. Ilk, at t.k.c, L .4. a w t.Uul ttl.4 11.1 I -ll I, li Ii lktl, illulil I lu4.., I I .i ; I, .. .. i.. 'i-4, ua aa m.4 i.u I k. u t, ii.uitlu. afcl.-.4 U ,.. . I .,1 a4 I..O. Ia,a t.,ak'i.i l In 'a..-.. I , . ., 11 I ''la,, l4 ttvill, t alll'il 4 .-ll lil 'l t li t' UK.