llatfllanctms. Why Women lied. , Some clover observer of oclnl relations, laving looked nbout fttnong his married female acquaintances, vruturcs to pive the fillowiug list, with nn Attempt to indicate the real reasons which influence too many to marry : NumfxT one has married for a home. She got tired working in lhctory or teach ing school ehe thought married life ou earth was but moonlight walks, buggy rides, new bouncts, and no'.liing iu do. Well, she has got her home ; whether or not she. a tired of th incuruhiaiices this deponent does not positively know. Number two married b.caue (he had seven young eiders and a papa with a uar row income. Mie cousulted the intrusts of her family. J'crhaps she would bettor have consulted her owu interests by taking in light washing or going oat by the dsy t work. 2f limber time married becanso Mrs. sounded so much better than Js'iss. Mie was twenty-nine years and elvtn uioiitlis old, and another mouth would have trans formed her into a regular old maid. Think how awful that would IiioTij been. Number four married bocausc she want ed somebody to pay her bills. Her hus band married tor precisely the same reason; so they nre both lamenting at leisure. Number five married because Fanny White hud a nice new husband, and she wasn't going to be led behil'.'d. I'ity if she Couldu'l et married as well as other folks. Number six married because she was poor and wanted richts. Whenever couu ted on all oilier tliiiH's that were insepara ble from those coveted riches. Number seven married because she thought she would like to travel, lint Mr. number seven changed his miud afterward, and all the traveling all, has done has been between the well aud the back kitchen door. Number eight had married out of spite, because her lirst love had taken to himself a secoud love ! lins piece of retaliation might have done her good at the time, but in The. loii r.in nun.i.r .luM.f.....l that It 1 r. , -- o - Uiunot paj. Number mno married because she had rend novels nnd wauted sympathv. .Sym- pathv is a line tiling, but it cools "down at a rapid rate if the domestic kettle is not kept boiling, and the domestic turkey is uu-1 I nilf. 1V,'14 ntwl hiilli,i.Lr..,.i,iii,.- il.,.,.', vim ! very wen logtiner in naruesx, la use a sporting phrase, and number nine's supply of sympathy don't hold out very long. Number ten married because she loved her husband with all her heart aud all her soul. And she loves him still, and will Erobably continue to love him, and is the appiest tvilb in the world so she says. We have all the right motive at last one which, when sanelilled by a desire nnd resolution to improve and elevate each Other, and to live true and holy lives before j God, cannot fail to call down the hlesaiii-ra ! of heaven. But Sad is the fate of those who marry from wrong motives to escape their share of life's work or to get some thing for whicn they have nothing ta give in return. Ancient Divisions of the Dat. The Chaldeam, Syrians, Persians nnd Indians ! began the day at sunrise, and divided the day and night into lour parts. This, di vision of tho day into quartets was in use long before tho division into hours. The Chinese, who began their day at midnight, and reckon to tho midnight fol lowing, divide the interval inUi twelve hours' each equal to two outs, and known by a name and particular figure. in r.gypt llio dav was. divided into une qual limns. The "clock'' ir A by Cte. cilmc nf h..- ; . I! o-.i .. ' 81 bus ot Alevuut in, 13. ( 2.tl, wuobocoh- tnveil as to lengthen or shorten tho hours , i, ieed, and syphilitic affections In thero A: by the Mow of water. 1 eases used iu conuectiou with Iieliubuhi'a Kos J- iio iTivek divided thu natural day inlo ' twelve ii'iurs a practice derived Irotn tnc Babylonian?, The r.imians called the time between tho rising and setting sun the natural day, and the timo iu the twenty-four hours the civil day. They befan r.ud ended their civil day at midnight, and took this practice from their ancient laws and custom and rites of religion, in use long before they had auy idea of (he divisions into hours. The fust sun-di:'.l seen nr. Home was brought from antaiiia, iu Sicily, in the first i'unic war, as a part of tho spoils of that oil v: and after this oeriod bev divided the d.iv into tn-.-nt v-f.mr hom-a An ..lli." rcr ,;,11p,1 A.nons ,,,1 ,-,h.i,n t1,l,,..,ratnn;iT,. ll.n I, ,f l.,,f vv,. 1 ,. ' , ; , e in all their stages, ut Mile expense, latm cr no notice every three, hours what it was , cllilllj:e in uil.,; no i1.t.,,Iiv-i.i.-n-o, and no expo O'clock. I pure. It causes a frequent Usire, and gives lu the Turish empiio time is reckoned strength to Urinate, thereby remoxin; ohstruc-bj-certain portions of the natural day, re- dons, l'revennu r and Curing Strictures of the sembliuu the "walehi s'' of the aiicienf I I'rcthra. Allaying Pain nnd Iutlnmntiou, so fre Jew3 and Homans. J'ublio cloi-ks not be- ! "l ,llU ot K. aud expelling ail i i- s . .... foMitlOUS HKltttT. 11 us,(.'' t,K-f '''V'toiis ol liuio are pio- lUnwmuu ,v,0 have been the victims of in Clauned Lyjin the miliaria. I pomp, tent persons, and who have pui I heavy Dahic IIurHs To every man thero r.re ' many, many dark hours, when he feels in- i dined to abandon bis bci,i cnti rptisi s, ! when his heart's dearest hopes appear di-lu- j sive, limits when he lech; unequal to the i burdi n, Minn ad h;s aipitatioiiK go ai ' woi th!i- J.et ii, ..iu- thi;i' he aloi.c. has ' dark h -..,. Tucy arc the coininon l.q e tiunie.iilly. liicyaro tin: toiiehlont.1 to try whetiier we are cm rent coin or nn'. (jiicuUiual. :ii.;iv1: mm s. Tin re (.fun the s line lai'in, Ihati rials i n'ire tid Ir.uii i-aeli oilier, which if cc t her, won!.! ad 1 griatly l i t!:e exist t on y 'par.i- Ill'Xeil to ll rtiiiiy of had Seven inuek or the i.ii.,1. A liei-lib'iiiii laniu r J or ifmlit acres excellent helaek p. ii, ,ivcia';in SeVtial (eel mi p, V. llicll in:-'!it ti tve D 'cii liiideidi.uiieil at inoder.it e j en-e, an i lend, led a I rtile li. Id, l;ut Winch the owner kiihei. 4 I i he j-'!,, f'd U. less y, ..iiei ie il'. MM ll of hi-.aii.i-li lit I. n nie.iiis,.1., d ol d.y l id vi n IL I kimiis, on Ineli I lie ir.'i l ib!,, lu.i u, i- ii, in v or i liliiel di: ,t, . I, i lueh la.; !,t leu it h i n ni h il I, iiiuiil l, t ii'i'-K. 'Ih ', Woi k uid lit I Api 1. . ' r. i eel, ll 'lie ill l lull - i! I. ;i tin iv 1','f hali'a In, lint,., lay ihe a ni'l, k ! I under w aii - an,! Hie dry l i.l: pan I. iie.; in Ilu siiii,ui i "ii.i. .Ml Hi it Vis lit i Ii d a mixing lie dilii i- :iti in.iteiiaU of ti n flint. Soli -,i.li a-" lleipil lilly qtllle di Ii , III ill Ii ,, t, ' ,,,( the M'niki'l S id ubo c. W e i nee suv a striking illush.ilioii ol (Iii-. d,il, ii nee. op. ii ilni li, vine two U i I il i p and ii any r lU III I. li. 'ill, I, el Ii, i ll 1 1 1 1 In il' i small pond. 'It.ii lailli IVoiii ll,i liilcli :i ll,i n I, (lie sImVi I :tli si ill, l,, I t .ii k a I'll . or i,i., , ,ii in It ut, ( ll,e 'ii I at i ! ilu ,'.i li!, i, I h wm mi, i i,l, ioilli ul. .,t. J , mi ending linn. Ini r H,i mil noi.il,;,; ,i ii,,, an 1 Vilido II. o t.. del i,.,l i 4-,i 4 pi l, i of lli'.l, llilei l.u: l,,,l !. i , m le. tie: li' 11. II ISUIf-l.., HI ( ,, lHl 1 uiy lusln t ' O i t il t , , J. 1 II K t I I II IM l 1. 1, VI t l.i, , , , .1 , " In Ldi , 1 ih inn :,ic l i a l i"iil! t III III It lw I'lll) till, I 4 illi.t 1 1 4. 1 14. ,. i, ll' lr" l 'I I'V lliu UD ol 1 ul li"i.le o it..., . 'I'l.U 1. 1. . 1.0. III l..; II I. (.4 apllllkll II 44ll 1 lliu .114 4. II H I'n "114 loak, II. 41 4ll I'lll .I4,( il Mill I'dl t'U. I I't. I, dl, I I 1.44 I l.o I'I.ei 1 I ll,' l II I l lll 11,4 I I.14 11 Ol lllll II J I' .,, t.l..K, ul. I III. M ,.4 It ii.ll.i-. ill ll. l),l f l Illlll, L1441 ) I 4l,l.l'4 4 4 toil I Ol I till I'l4.l,i III I U ), I, dl, I . I "It -,l'i-l li U. .In, ani 4 4 I It ; f ll4li..l Ol. Hll.4, , 4! . 1,. 111 fclvf 11.4 ll U.I l M any 4) lVlJ C U. , lll ti tnj4 I iikmiv t. iiKLmniii.n'fl COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE FXXjXjS. Component Parts Fluid Extract Rliubntb anil Fluid Eitrart Catawba Grape Juice. For Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Billou Affec tions, BIck or fcervous Headache, Costivcness, etc. Purely VegetnMr, containing uo Mercury, Minerals or Deleterious Drugs. These Pills are tho most delightfully pleasant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, magne sia, cle. There Is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. Tbey give tone, and cause neither nausea nor gripping piling. They nre composed, of the ftttnf ingrtdwnt: After a few days' use of tbeiu, such au iuvigoration of the entire sys tem tukos place as to appeur miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether arising from Im prudence or diu-ase. H. T. Heliubnld's Core pound Fluid Eatruct Catawba Grape Pill nre not auger-coaled, from the fact that sugar-coated Pill do not dUsolve, but pass through the sto mach without dissolving, consequently do. not produce the desired elkd. The Catawba Grape Pills, being pleasant lu taste aud odor, do not necessitate their being sugar-coated. Price fifty cents per uo. nESBT T. IICLnROT.n'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND . Fluid Kxliitot Siirurilla Will radically exterminate from the sy-tcm Scro fula, Syphilis. Fever Sores, Ulcers, Knro Eyes, Sore lairs, Sole Mouth, Bore Head, Bronchitis, Skin Di-eases, Salt Kheuin, Cankers, Running from the tar, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancer ous Affections, Nodes, Hit-kits, Glandular dwell ings, Night Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of all kinds, Chronic RhcuuialiMUi, Dyspepsia, nnd nil diseases that have bceu established iu the system lor years. Being prepare! expresely for the above Com plaints, its hlood-porfylng proptrtics are greater .Vau any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. It cnra.nl "'"P a clear auu neartny color una restores the r.ttient to a state of Health anil Ipurilv. For Purifying the Blood, removing all chronic constitutional diseases arising from nn hnpuie state of the Ulood, and the only reliable I oml effectual known remedy for the cure of pains 1 V':4 "w,1i'?t' uf B?m's. Vlccrutions of the f' K .. . .. ' J . . . fv " nnd licamilyiug the complexion. Price, 11.50 per Dome. FJ 1TENRY T. IIELMBOLDTI CONCENTRATED FX.VID EXTRACT BIXIIIJ, THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes In which It has been sriven. Irritation of the neck of the Blad der and inflamatlon of the Kidneys, Ulceration of,,lu Kidneys and Bladder, retention of Urine, r.".'10' .f .,m? Prostrate Gland, Stone iu the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brickdust Dctxv.it. I and Mucous or Milky Discharges, nmt for Kn j feebled aud Delicate Constitutions of both sexes, I attended with tho following symptoms: Indis I position to exertion, Loss of Power. Loss of Me mory, Dilliculty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of Disease. Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Paiu iu the Back, H t H inds, flashing of the Body, Dryness of the s!:in, Kruj: tion on the (ace, palid Countcnaucc, Universal hissltndvol 'the Muscular system, etc. Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to twenty-live, and from thirty-live to fifty-live or In the decline or change of life j after confine meut or labor paius ; bed wetting In children. HelmboM's Extract Buchu Is Diuretic and BloaJ-pnrifylng, and enres nil diseases arising from habits of dissipation, and excesses nnd im- . n ... 1 1,'.. I -:.!..- ..i ... . in i lienvea ill i-ni", inijiu I n us ill I lie moon, etc., superseding copailia in uilect ,tious fur which it LADIES. In many atTectntions peculiar to Ladies, the Extract liiichu i. uncijuakd by any other reme dy as lu chlorosis or retention, irregulariiy, painl'ulness or suppression of customary evacu;. ti'ins, rlci ra.e.l or sehirus state of the Uterus.. Leuion llo'a cr Whites, sterility, and for all coinphiints incident to the sex, whether arising iiidUcr'Hion or habits of dit-sipat ion. it Is pre scribed extensively by the inosi eminent physi cians unci iniilwives tor enfeebled and delicate constitutions, of both sexes and all ages (attend ed with uny of thu above dis.ascs or symptoms.) IT. T. TTELYBOLD'3 EXTRACT BUCTIU CUUEo DISEASES AUiSl.VJ FUOM l.Ml'RU DENLES, HABITS OF DIbSIPATIOS, ETC lees To tic Ciire'l In a sliurt tune, have loiiud they Ikuc been deceived, and that tli" "Poison-' has, hvthe use of "powerlnl iistringcnt",'" been driej up in the systi-ut, t iue.ik out in a more uggra Vated form, and 1 erhap uficr T.rringe I'.- !I, !m hold's 1'Alvaet IP.k Imi P,r all Affec tions mid Hi -eases of the I'niary Org.tu-, wheth er ei.-ting ill Male or Jeir.ile. IV.cil wlia'-rr origtiiuUng, au I i;,i n alt' r hew loa.; staajiug. Pi.ce, u:i- dollar aui lifty ceut per buttle. III.XRT T. IlELMTsni.n '. XMPUOVED ROSE W AM.i csntiot b surpa iM 1 as a l'ace Wash, and will be lol'.lel l,,e ol'ly sti.'elllc rvllledy 111 IVeiy species ei III ,tl,e hm Alii, li, HI. l! hpei.liiy l 1 ..-luiites i'Mllp;, Spots. S ll I, till.' Dl'yites.1, I I'liiritlimu , I ll. ' il ua ni.- Mc:iiiir..iH-, etc., di-i ",s Ked- ii, in, i in, ; i, i t ih!iuni.,'..,,ii, iiiii-, jii-ii, Moth I .it-he., Dryn- s of S-alp or sk.ii, 'r..-t liii. an I aii paip'' s tor wlneit tsilie.- or I'liit ni, M , aii ui 1 ; r- tat, tit" -l.iu to a slate el p i. if aii, I MHin -s, an I itnres i 'iituiii,,( in.i ii.y u: tl ni I i Hi- tiss;.M m' l4 vers. !s, on l.ii h il.-p-ad- Ih- ii-iei .I,;,, r'e.irni'ss an, I I I V ,,' e nip!. lui' l: K ii, :(( !i I adlllile 1. 11-1 twin Yr a!i .ii'lu us a r-iu, i, r ex'.-iine ,' I, I. 14' the sl.ia, 11. T. ll. ln,l,!,l'0 K, e Warli 1. i- I"'l; ,l t.i.n I ii putieip'.i- e! U'n ,i an'; .lll. l. i I ,ll,"' li e, I ) ..- .1,' ,111 , . u- ,' r il a T. ,M ; , -i, i I in- mi.. i h ipeil i- i. , ui. I i ii' i! .i.iilii, i . . : : 1 , 1 1 , i , , in n'l i-l, ;,nii r,i iini:a in - oai in, ul r qa,-,i. , late ly unit 1 llii ut y li e Ini .irt.ili.c u, e,iili'.ilillae:it. Ol iU I. , .! I I'l - l.illl- .III l. Ill -ll ,f I . , n ; !.i. H i, an i veiL.tit I.,. u,,ii f,,r ,l.i ., i , I , 1 i' ,l in ,-, an i a- all 11:1. Ii. n I r , i" . ul ll,... I t in y I i . in., nr. ni I I nil Il.il.,l . i, I .(,-..( 4ll,,l, Uo- I III 4illl: i.. U III. II, I.VlI.e I , II I. h.ll.ai .1 lila, u.lj I 4- l.i-il'.i lr,ipii 1'iiis, ill , ii, Ii ili-, ., its ri .i'ia- ii. . ii ,. I, laiiuul be ui.4v4, pn., vug dulUr pi 4 Wllll. F ii utit il(i U diieillwiit Cinui4,m j b in I- 1 1. . i. . 1 1 I I" l,f l,t 111, ,-l ,.. ,,I,.I,!, 4, ,.,l,lj a I I I .11,1-1... ell M .il all., a, 14,1:4 l,u,. I Mi a ll "I !l a,,' 'In, .. I up- Ul Uli.'UlJ UIIV I' I' I I l lllll, ill ,1. I ,l .414 . , 1, l..ti,i ', 1, Hi ., lining lli.-l.4l. Ol,, ll .41.- ti .,,1.' . i in I 4 I.'. I llO I I. 'j ... I I I. .. pud 1- -ll 1,1 ll..' I., . 1 11,1. 1 1 li.l l: I o't I',.. I 4 ll I I 4 III 1 .. 4 41-1 ll l.l Ul ll 1 1. 1 -.'.. ... 41 1 . I I',. 1 ..r ,1 .,.4 I 1.4 l I l,. li 4 bl ' 4i.ua al, a. Ilrur I'. llvluibuM Iiviiuihs rr' imritliisuii. lb l,l 4 I'i ! 4 I4li... fri , Ul flt'lll 4.I...I. I ...... I" .1 l.i I il al I ut l.l triailt. ..l l I. 1 I . I ) I,. 144 Alt'. I' III 4. I"l 44. I "4 - '. IU I- I I. i, i I I ,.1 -I. I I I . I II .lj I ll tl.1, I'. I I b , 1 1. 1 .1. r II i s ii4 i.4 . .1 . ,t. ... , i jt ji,. . ,ti 1,, . '''" .1 1 M ll 4 . .1 U4.1 '"' u" I 1II4 'l , j,. I t..i, . , i. ul t l.iua, kJi u.i T '41 ! (isallitncotrs. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. TIURD ANNUAL STATEMENT FCTR THE TEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Number of Policies, 718. Amount of Property Insured, 52,8tr,00 Auiouut of Premium Notes iu force, $34,213,00 CASH ASSETS. Amount loaned nt intei-est, t3000,00 Amount In Treasurer's hands, . $1000,00 Amount due from Aeents, $300,95 Amount duo (Yom other sources, $728,00 Available Capital, ' $39,230,95 Insure your Cattle. INSURE with a responsible nnd perfectly re liable Company. Insure where your losses will be paid promptly. THIS IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Hence, unlike other Companies, yon sro snre ofbeinc;paid promptly for nil losses, If .insured in tills company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS Til AN THOSE OK ANY OTHER COMPANY. Bclnp muln.nl, our expenses are less, nd onr Chnrter is Perpetual. We pay losses by all kinds of accidents by death, (excepting in cases of epidemics,) by theft, ifcc. Ac. We pay prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtulu your money in case of loss. Nearly 3.000 paid on Cows alone. Hiuco Organization. Look at the list of Losses paid ou Cows alone by tlirs Company. M Tlennlnjrer, Sunbury, Pa.... $33, D llilireit, Northumberland 50, (iconic Eckert, " 40, S U Hodire, " Sfi Charles B 'licit, Mt Carmel 30, Esnbcus Sipplc, " 40, Catharine Wairner, Watsontown .....46, (Jeorire Heir, Northuinbtrliind 50, Jaenii SnvrJer, Sunbury 33,33 J W llasslcr, " so, Minor Cafiy, Dewart 0, Catharine Martz, Shamoklu 0, Francis Hiicbcr, Sunbury 30, Samuel H Price, Upper Lehigh Ml, Joseph Dcppen, Mt Carmel 50, Matthias Hchollv, " 40, Francis McCarty, ' 50, Maria Kramer, Watsontown 45, Joseph Nicely, Jr., Pewnrt 40, J A R C Quisle, Fine, Clinton Co 40, K Piiimnce, blienandoah, Kchuglkill CO 40, J S Tharp, Slminokin 40, Thomas Wardrops, Mt Carmel 45, N A Louilcnslaijcr, llerndon, 40, Rachl Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40, (i L KciiMii, Sheuandoub, Schuylkill co 50, Jacob Shine, " " 40, Jacob titoltz, " 40, L II Bower, ITerndon 30, Geo B Lahr, Georgetown 40, John II Ossmnn, Sunbury 40, W 11 Wallace, Northumberland 80, II S Graham, " ...50, Rebecca Koblc, Georgetown 40, Philip Winlerstcln, Wntsontown 40,' G S Low, Lime Ridge, Columbia co 40, Lewis Ostcrhaiit, Laurel Run, Luzerne CO...40, Mary J llinc, Northumberland 40, B K Krohn, Snnlmry 40, Andrew llealy, Uirarilsville, Schuylkill co.. 40, Patrick FHriieson, Mt Carmel 40, Martin Dclaucy, Shenandoah city 14, John Dane, As'hland, LScliuylkill co 10, Anthony McLaughlin, Glrardsville 40, Llnymnn S Hay, Mahanoy Plane 40, It Johnson, Raven Hun 40, David liaucher, Berwick 27, J I Focht, Pottsvillc SO, Krastus Sober, Point twp 20, A Lippemolt, Watsontown 40, Maria Kramer. Wntsoii'n.Sd losspd last sum, 40, I r Llppencott, watsontown u, U 8 Auimerman, Snydertown 20, Nathan Bloss, Berwick, Columbia co 27, J tic C It OinVirie.Pine Sta'n Clinton c 2d loss,40, Charles W llazznid, Rupert, Columbia C9...40, Jnhu Fo'.'leinau, Watsontowu 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Carmel 40, Thomas Metz, Paxinns 80, K McClosky, Lock Haven 134, HON. A. JORDAN, President. C. A. REIMENSNYDER, Scc'y, 8uubury. DIRECTORS : Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. 1. Brnner, Solomnu Stroh, Win. Brindle, Soloman Sbipe, John A. Shissler, Ur. D. T. K Ilr. n.-" Waldron. anircli 11, 1971. ly. TI.-4K I.S JIO.VCY I t ALL Wall Paper and Border, told hy me wll be trimmed ready for use, . WITHOUT EXTRA CIIAttGE, BT TUB YEOMAN'S WALL' PAPER TRIMMER, . :-.7 -in" 7; &j ' which Itav the exclusive rlaht to nse In Sunbur and vicinity. Save money, time and labor, by buying of K. IXRUEE l.IGlIT.t:R. Pealer iu Hooks, Stationery, Wall Paper, Music, tc. Ac., itc. Sunday S.hool SL'l'PLllCS made a speeiallly. llluult, Mt'iuorituiluiu A Vans BaoU In endless variety, Just received. ROOK BIN !1 S'O done to order. Persons will save exH !i.-i) by leaving their orders for bind'.Dg v UU I.e. pinriti: irajirji of all !!'. cut Irani th" Monlttiiiir al ery low r tl.-s. OVAL X bljUARK FRAMES alway on hall 1. ALBUMS, BRACKETS, GOLD PEN 3, Ac'., &C., Aa.'. A lurir aul well si In tel tuck of Toysalway on baud. Anyllii'iK not on hand promptly Ol lUrcd. Bargaius fur rarb. Call at N. 1'LHREE LIUHTNER'8 Hook btors, ttn of Foley's Gold Pen, Marksl Bjuare, ttua bury, Pa. rtantinry, A iitu-t 8th, IS 70. J. V. WASHINGTON'S i.ltMf II1UIIMC NIIOl. Tim old pei mamml' thop of thu tows We iKelll.c I lie Uia.l, but Ut Hi" lli llBl ei u.iii, r llml lliu luitliljr tiuib iuImi nasoua b.y .,.4,411 ailtiout iiiahite.liiiiT uu uiicwibloi ta ble Miu'ianl ul vauiiy au4 auibiliuu. J u-l l.i.l) iai 1 Ih).,iii my baln.S i' .urn lu li.l. la. o-I. .ill ll, r III, 1 1 lor lliua Ur , 1,1, bain I !,, up., a II, it.Nir 1. 1 our imp il , -I'' ' d 'V, 4u,l iil.l. t ulur biiilil, uu I uppliid I'.,. . ,iipl lei ja lining .lel, aul tt.ltilu (but 4!...-: el IU4.U l4ibiai..l b lliu Itoiil.tV bll'l of Ib.il 1 1, i, in. I I - 1 4 ... I line I l!.4ii. I i..aily I. , . iii tin- e.itiiiiiy ( iu i uitiiiii ti I'ltiUiii e) ani I. ,..' :,. 11,.- p .lelc II...O.I bin 111 pulillt iy ul,l..ai,,i v I 4 i Uf .illul4 ,l. ifb'1 li.W Hill Ml .'i i a I) I., .l.aii II.HI4 ail itu Ibin 4Uu4'v4 41 " ' 1 11114. 4,f 4IOItf. i "ii. a l,.4i "i !t4', futl la Nasi I I lis Bial :,4 411 lMl l. l4 SlSl, I4 4 l4lM44 Vt ,14'4 '., I b. ) 14, b4ll f I4 II4U, l44ll'MHi ) II, a I.I. kvl 4 I V I4, '! I .1 (lil44, 1 44114 tl uu 4 al I .,.. II.. ball ,IU ,i.li.- iklil, 141 Iba 'ai-IU I a" 44i Ma... i la. !.; it ttt'i l. naaiiMabiif t a..ik l iimw, bui b-vM li a wi a. t'-p, 4-tt I ' p.. I iul .Ij ip lu .t (boios) imi iL.toi.ul b,,,l b. , .4... 4 14 a4 wall M I iai tv 4-" wl ss.a.4 b. A ibabv w all lbi S.ia4 I v iu 44 a Imi 4 la ba4. da 4 it. U,, Iwl Maikil atiaa4 I' l I. iSi'K- l H.UIU 4 ia'tvaU, ISMSai a4Mty vhcHantoits. PRICEI REDUCED. BOITS ate MUOES Maun ictu red to order at GREATLl KEDUCED TRtCXS, JOHN WILYER, Spruce Ntrct, Snnbnry, Penn's, . It constntly manufactnr1n(t Boots, Sloes & Gaiters, at eurprUingly lo prices. Ills stock comprises the very best t market. His long exper ience In ti business has won for him i reputation for inking first . class work equal to anjclty manufacture. All work warranted. TERMN-TKICTliY CASH. The prices of renirlng are also reduced.. JOHN W1LVER. Sunbury, MarcW, 1871. TO THE WOR1INQ CLASS. We are now prepared lo furnUlnll classes with constant em ployment nt home, the wholo of the time or for the spare moments Business new liirlitandro fUnblc. Persons o: either ses easily, curn from 50c. to 95 per evernit, and a proportional sum' by devoting their vhole time to the business. Roys and icirls enn nearly as much as men. That all w ho see t is notice may send their ad dress, nnd test the business, we make this un parallelcd offer i "o such as nro not well satis fied, we will send il to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, n valunblo sanple which will do to commence workon, and a copy of The PropU'i IMcrnry Companion one t)f tho largest anil bcit family newspapers published all sent free by mail. Reader, if Jou Waut per manent, profitable work, nddrcss E. C. ALLEN CO., Augusta, Maine. April 15, 187r.lm. STEREOSCOPES, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. E. A II. T.AXTHOXY A CO., 591 llroailnay, Sew York, Invite the nttentloi of the. Trado t their exten sive assortment of he above-goods, of their own publication, mamifictnre M:d importation. Also PHOTO LANTERs SLIDES nnd GUAPHOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF tOSEMITE. E. & H.T. ANTHONY & CO., 101 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, IMPORTERS .NO MAM'FACTl IlF.ltS or Photographic JluCerials. March 4th, 1871 ly. SPltI. FAMIIOXS SOU' READY. MRS. M. A. BIiiDER, 1101, N. W. COR. ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT 8TS., PHILADELPHIA.. Importer anil Designer of Fashions. The old established and only ruliubla Dress Trimming, Paper Fa'.tcrn, Dress and Cloak mak ing Emporium. Elcgailly trimmed Paper Patterns, Wholesale and R'elail. Fans, Gloves, Ribbons nnl Sashes, Laces, Em broideries, Jet, (iilt, and Pairl Jewelry. Evening (Irenes and sulis, made In the most fapuionuble style ut short n itice. Perfect system of Dress Cutting taught. N. B. Orders bv mail, promptly attended to. Feb. 20. 1871. oin. FURNITURE I FURNITURE ! I A NEW STOKE AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAHANOY Township, Northumberland County, Pa. WILLIAM NEGELY HAVING opened a new Furultnre Store at the above place, will constantly keep on hand, a large and select assortment or . FURNITURE, hnmr,rfeT, f TV,.!.- - ""T OUItS, COQCb- ""JjToBSbPeaabtcs, Bureaus, C.ne-Seated lhairH ot all grade, tiocKing and Kitchen Chairs, Wai-h-laiidB, Bedsteads, Ja))anei-e, Cottage nnd Half Cottage, Looking-Glasses, Window Shades, and in short, everything usually to be found Id any well-kept Furnituie Store, may be had at thin establishment. Hoping, by fair dealing and strict attention to business, to merit the patronage of the public. An invitation is extended to all desiring anything in the line of Furniture to call and examine hit stock. Cndertaklng done In all Its branches. t-5f Repairing done at short notice. J WM. NEGELY. Georgetown, June 11, '7Q.-ly. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKEB'3 CI LIFOfiNIA VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds cf Thousands ? Boar testimony tn their Wonder r. ft w ful Curbiiv feflecu. I H WHAT ARE THEY? TIltT lltl VDT A Ttf H ill FANCY DRINK. i Unliicf Poor it uin, Whi.Lcj , l ri'.i hplrlie and lUcluao I.;quura duciorvil, fiitij adiv.tt caeil to t-.Mao llio titiu, Cft.liUM40i..i.ft,'MX';L:. in," " l.c4ieror," ic, kul 11. l f ; Ur t a lo draakcancM and rula. but are a Iran IUi!icice m&4!o tarn li s .al.i l:oou and I.irlx t.f tv.fi.ri.ia, l.-i e f.'Miu all Alrabvllo IKilHialiiBio. '.Ucyaia ita lilt AT H LOO II 1'lUIKIvU aad A lift. CIVIM1 1'UIM'lfl Kirr.l lan.oi.lir a..tl lai Igoralor tf tho ?ytlim, enrryu-g oir l o:onoLa aisiur aad ixiloiiutf ti.o ll ca1 to a tit. II j ira!lt.4;a.' ).9(-iiau CLII4I.S Ul.urs tujwi.g lotl Rc tloa a..il rtn'ilularj auw.'.l. fclbO W1lU.1i tivnufursa loraralli cote, (rov:i,c4 CiS Ixiari ail l.o tfwlro, 1 t k.L.alAi ,Imo ll llier B.tai.s ai-il IU v.ul trvu) aaUil t;. JlL aolutc f ret af. l'44r luflwnaii.nrr aad Ckiaalo I trima. lua aud Uuui, l)prv'. r lad ailaa, IllUi4y44, fiiuiilrul ut lain a-llitui Fvia Uluaatail lha Uiuui, l-lssr, Kiiirii. aid liladacr, II4m liliicia tais tiua a utt tuec.i4y (ul. suib Ii484K isu4 If Slllalid Vlaad. aud. i.i;ur...r nxli4n4j .'Uii.4 IUui LllgiMlva Wiauua. . HVstl'ulA Jlt IM-.f.rTlr)X, i:c4 aca. 1 a. 4j thj b.4i44s4sl 1 nL4ii., i 4t.Ma i ita i'l-l, lita.aski, fcaiu LiuctaiitfSS tl Suanot j. I-W la.:, a IU0 Aluuia, l-.U4yJ All. .4, 1 alt-tell a , lUUUll, KSM4.44.4.UVU l-l IXO 1.144.10, 4ai4 ll b K(.i4ia u uo Lui4,c;i,ai'4sl.i.i.acl iU-cr 0.1U Sj-l II U444 t...4U.(tl J)44.4:0. lb f U'laio lw Si u-4ca 0a4 t4u!a: t-. i s kHl.t.lk-4 UmU, LUa lual.l llmUkf 4444M41 4 oaivac, ii iloai4.a i... tiu.4 ,t oil iu. ui.iuo, oi-4 lav i-uw o. l.u a, 4 1 1' I. ...... rfiui. UU lll tijalaat . ti-ii.vM. niiii.roa) H1.v1.a4 jiitubi, 04i., I ta. ( uo. I w.i. ... .,.o, I taatWo 1.I4.S a tiki, lw ll.4, 1. : tin. fc ! A.4M. IU. -.IU. t Unvlw4alU0 l lUO I 0l4. tlU4Wi o4 laa. .1 la. .1 a. wl 1I.U101 1 4., 14 1.11.11, a l.ll4:; 404 i.a 44nl.4..l ul ii.. 0J.I.4MU a tLuii uvlr Uo aaool laooo l.t ia. liolwiuoU o-4-o. a 1.1 ..a,.., tivo al toio4.Woo .1 tu. 1 am . 0 M0.4. t-o Uo VI4m4 t!tl a .111. 1 f 00 i 0 In (.wiMiiua Imimn i.u..a.u lui' 4 1.1 v u.. I ios fHill.lHli,.oaiu4, M,I.Ui,l I I 4 ai-00 ta aw io.oi i'ioxi ao.ui .l. I 4 low Oaoooo ouiwa - a. 04 k.taoaii.i ' )yi a-4 k-oil al a- ooo a a 4o.it. , 1 . Vrat4aua tstiUMa. It4aaj la U o s a.; U.a 0 Ji.ax.Si.0oa4 a.H. . 04 0J I .M 1,1 M Ot4k4l,il4M Wo ou.aioi a.-ol .a,. 0.4 10, U, wo l-aa- o-aa aa1.Ma.a404 4- a a, ,mk. 4 aie. forfiiow a . o-UvlUU S, OH aa4 Oo. (oaa. So f.oMo,, (to, a4 t m4 U aa 0ol, t . t "2-- lis 111 f 155 21 Kf iff C IS C - A , C3 T TTIWT ARK NOT A VTT W Vt " a . fc Uufitrfttms. MACHINE SHOP AKI IRON FOUNDRY. GEO. ROHRBACH & S50N3, Sanbnry, 1 cain'Bi, INFORM the public that they are prepared to do all kinds of CA8TING8, and having added a new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing rfhd Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all order oi NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, In a satisfactory man ner. Orates to srtilt any StoVev . . IRON COLUMNS, for chnrches or other build ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, 'Ac. The PLOWS, already, celobrnted for their su periority, have been stiil further Improved, and will always be kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Snnbury, June 18, 1870. FI.OREXCESEWIXO MACHINE. rriHIS qelebrnted Machine Is uor on exhibition a next dour to Krause s 1m aud etove Store, lflarket Street, Sunbnry, Ta. Tbe Florence Sewing Machine stands unequal led for beauty nnd durability ! being the best Family Sewing Machine now oll'ered to the pub lic. TLTE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It has Belf-adnstiiig tcntlon In the Shuttle ; chnngen for the variouii Stitches made while the machine is In motion. Its Stitches arc the wonder of all for beanty and finish. being alike nn both sides of the fabric. It sews light nnd heavy fabrics with equal fa cility. The work will feed either right or left. Rune quietly and rapidly. No difficulty exper ienced in sewing across heavy senms. Its mo tions nre nil positive j no springs or cog wheels to get out of order.- The Hemnier turns wide and narrow, hem nnd fell beautifully. It is thoroughly practical and will last a life time. Every Family should Have One. Every Machine warranted to substantiate all we claim for It. It is the only Machine In the world that l ca pable ol making more than one stitch and having the reverse feed motion. Call and examiue tbem, and the samples ol work. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING. It Hems, Fells, Cords, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, Binds, Gathers, Ac, without basting. It makes n gather and sews It on a band at one operation perfectly. Each Machine is furnished with a complete set of tools, without extra charge. . Every purchaser fully instructed and every Machine warranted and kept in order. Machine Oil and Thread kept on hand at all times. GEO. W. SMITH fe BRO., Agents, ForNortVd, Snvdcr, Uulonaud Montour Coun's. October 15, 1S70. New Flour and Feed Store I R. V. TSIURSTO.Y, Corner of Fourth and Market Street, SUNBURY, PENS' A, Has Jo it opened a Flour and Feed Store, whets be will keep constantly on hand, a general assortment ol tbe best brands of FLO XJ" Irl , FEED OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, POTATOE3, FRUIT, BUTTER, EGG3, and VEGETABLES or all kinds, at the ery i.mi market prices. Sunbnry, Feb . l71.-tf. I tJJ.MIlF.il ASD PI-AMXG MILLS. Third Street, adjoining PLila. A Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, EUNBURT, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. Having all the latest improved machinery for manuueturiug Luuber, beia now ready to till or ders af all kinds of FLOORING, SIDINQ, DC0RS, SHUTTERS, SASII, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE P.ANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental ScrowlWork. Turn ing of every description promvVW executed. Also, A larqb assortment or BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Picksts, Latbe, Ac. Orders promptly filled, and shipped bt Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. declyGS:lT STOVE at Tl.V tJsr.lIJLISlINtXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. SUCCESSOR TO SMITU 0EKTHBR.J HAVING purchased the aboewell known es tablishment, Mr. Krause would respectful ly iutorm the public that he now has on hand a large assortment nf COOKIXG STOVES, Speer's Conk Anti-Pust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which are So arranged as to be ued for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. 1IEATKKS of all kinds put up to heat one or more nanus. HEATING STOVES of diuVreiii kinds ut very low prices. Tluuarc of livery Iteiscrlptlon kept constantly on hand. RooOn and Bpoutlng with the beM iiiaieiiiil, done at abort notice. REPAIRING uttende.,1 to with dispatch. Coal Oil ai d Lamps constantly on band. Japan ware of a 1 4t.iul. btore opposite Couley'a hardwara store. Give Q.S a call. A. KRAUbE. apl24-ly Sl'.MDl'RY MARllLT. YAltD. rpHE underi;ned havinj bought the entire .L atm-k of )ioaini(er Taylor, would Inform the public that be la uow ready to do all kinds of n.tmiLi: tvoitii. Ays hi 'lift If 4a at am li oo an,l mab aa f ar, a oa Ilnnnni.nla Mr ll.ail.lllanaa. . ... , T , -. T STTia. .HOOR AND WINDOW PTLLS A'-i.t eini-liMT Porta with 0alvani, ,l plite aud allMhcr fi'iiiiiig yrnerullv Moa l 0:1 t min'ii-nra. John A .Taylor a ill eniiiniia 111 the rin'l,,y tiirni, al I tie old aland oil Mai ki t bl., butibury. U114) J 08 Till: OM.V IsTOVi: MITIIOIT A FU I.T IN Tilt: Cltp AT Ilil.TI. NOUE IUII I'I.(E lltATKK, UIUD'8 ILLUMINATED DIAMOND OAI BCRXIR. t aaicu PARI OR AND CHAVIbtKS ARC WARMED 14 T UNE HHE. IT I Ih only yueplaea lUaior thai las a par fial T,.ii Crol, r, and tiao fl'iiu , 4 III a a' a. p. 1410110, ur aiuUllug Mae lulu Il4 aartiii.-iil. Jl la I loai i.uiy tllcplai llvalvr 4 II40 (ntUul I'i.a',,iil Uaoaliuo If 1414 b tflclil Illuii4lliat laij 'avf lo il'l4iiicd Ilia apailiurul la aMma la lu, inula oil, iluallx 4iU4a4, aad lb lliulo lla lu t.l u Itii g-ivai aota;Ut ul Ibacwal la Ik laool- lull . ll la (In ualy llirulaoa Idaloi Ibol la a for ( i a ii ".. ii-i an 1 i4.e b.44unil uuiy 4410 ai.iio.ai unif iu laot.ii l -ui fa . ma. Ilia lla uul riJipUi. tUaUl wllkj Jnifot airiii.4 at.4 daiopo.g gtia. llUIWaiMill r li' I'lui ll.atu ailk lu4o.( taoa. aii, aa! atua44Ml IU..444 a.f aa, aud aa val 1.14. 1IU4J IU ilo liab.a 4 itun uui. la I. 1 it m 11.0 io-4 uii,u, ti.iiiu. a 1 14a pa. a li.-li. Iaiii4,4,.u4 loi4'i"l a4 alwuv ai iu 1 . ii,-w. iiut) iAi, .4 it uour iRktr, B. l.jaa. Ul. Vaoaala.i tU. ft. IMlUkga, taaaV', ru' aisccllitncinis. 4W404i ...iliw . ... . ..0.4 1 NEW FIRM. . , Bycrly A Ilemperly'a xceIalor Cat lery of Art, Third Street, Knhbary, r. TV.TB. BTERLT has lately added to his already ivjV. well established reputation, the services of Mr. M. R. Hcmperly whose reputation as a "pho tographic operator, stands unrivaled In this part of the country, nnd hereafter they will carry on the photographic trade, nt the old staud under the Arm name of Byerly & llemperly's Excelsior Gallery of Art, at whose establishment the pub lic will be cheerfully accommodated throughout the whole line of photography. For Photographs of all stylet nnd sizes rang ing from the .small Gem' to the life size portrait. Oo to Byerly 01 Hempcrly. For the beniitlful porcelain ptctnro which for softness-of Wiiish, .and durability cannot be ex celled, go to-Byerly llcmperly. For the Rembrandt photograph, now so popu lar In all out lnrire cities, and showing the pecu liar effect of light and shade, and fhc favorite of the old German Artist Rembraudt, go to Bycrly & llcmperly. . .. If you have an old picture yon wnnt copied and enlarged to any size, and colored oil, wuter color, India luk or crayon, take It to Bcyerly t Hemperly. - ' .. , It you wnnt a n ame 01 any size nnn at any price, or nny stylo go to Byerly & llemperly's, nnd take a look ut their immense stock In that line. For Albums go to Bycrly A Hempcrly.. For square Frames made to order go to Byerly & lleni)crly, In short, for anything In the photo graphic line, go to Byerly fc ilempurly, and you will tie suited. Feb. 25, 1871. V niRIMlTURF. MATTRESS, FEATHER, A!IB BEDDING- WAEEEOOMS, ,44 NORTH TENTH ST., CHAMBER FURNITURE. Spring Beds, Spring Cots, Spring Mattresses, Hair do. Husk do. Straw do. Feathers, Fcsther Beds, Bolt-tcrs and Pillows, Counterpanes, Comfortables, Blankets, Quilts. CALL AND SEE THE VTotcu Wire MattreM, The best bed ever offered for sale. N. B. Our Intention Is to treat all customers so that they will become, permanent dealei'3 with us, and orders will receive the same attention, and persons can buy Jut as cheap as If present at the store. March 4th, 18T1. 3ra. - J.VO. L. SLATER A CO., HAVE TAKEN ONE OF THE NEW TORE STORES, No. 8 South Tenth Street, below Market, Philadelphia, where they hnve opened a flrst-claes Merchant Tuiloring Establishment. Our Slock consists of a flns asortmut of Foreign Cloths, Cunsimeres and Veetlngs, select ed from the best Importing Houses of this City and New York, which we nre prepared to make up in the most FiifMonublc Styles, at Short No lice r.nd Moderate T:rm3. Special Bargains in Scotch Cklvot Goods. ,. JNO. L. SLATER CO. . Formerly Kith J. M. Zelglcr. Dee. 24th, 1870. 0m. NEW MEAT SHOP. THE undersigned respectfully Informs the cltl teus of Snnbury and vicinity, that they have opened a HEAT SHOP, In Dewa-t's tm.ldine.on Ihe north sie Bf Market B.,n.r-, two doom from the railroad, were they will ke-p a constant supply 01 me oest or Beer, Pork, Mutton, Ac, at wholesale or retail, at the lowest prices and of the lirst quality . A wagon will be run to supply customers every morning, (except Sundays.) The best of meat will found at their Bhop. Give us u cull and satisfy vour selves. REFFEW it BOWER. Oct. 10th 18fi9. tf. J'orthcrn Coutrul Kailway. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. ON and after April 9, 1871, trains will run as follows : NORTHWARD. Leave Sunbnry at 4. SO a. m., arrive at Canan dalgua 3.10 p. m., Syracuse 7.10 p. ra., Roches ter 4.45 p. m., Buffalo 9.00 p. in., Suspension Rridge 9.50 p. m., Niagara Falls 9.55 p. m. Leave Sunbury at 4.30 p. in. for Elmira and BulTalo via Erie Railway from Elmira. Leave Sunbury at 6.45 p. m. for Willlamsport. SOUTHWARD. Leave Sunbnry at 2.85 a. tr., arrive at narrls burg 5.15 a. m., lfultimore 9.15 a. in., Philadel phia 9.50 a. m., Washiniiiuu city 110 p. in. Leave Sunbury at 10.55 a. m., arrive at nnr r it, burg ..'iS p. m., Baltimore 6.15 p. ra., Phila delphia 5.35 p. m., Washington 10.00 p. m. Leave Sunbury. 10.20 a. m., arrive at Harris burg 1.00 p. m., Washington 10.00 p. m. Leave Sunbury at 12.05 a.m.. arrive at Harrls burg 2.30 a. m., Washington 7.03 a. m. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. IA3TWABD. Leave Snnbury at 4 40 p. m.. arrive at Shamo kin 5. 55 p. m., Ml. Carmel 6 40 p. m. Leave eunbury f Accommodutlou,) at 11.50 a. m., arrive at Shamokin 1.00 p. m. WI91WAKD. Leave Mt. Carmel at 8.05 a. m.. arrive at Shamokin 8.50 a. m.. Sunbnry 9 65 a. m. Leave Shamoklu (Accommodation,) at 9.45 p. m., arrive at bunbury 4.00 p. m. Expreis leave dailv Leaving on Sunday, runs North only to William.pnit. Ail other traitrt leave daily, except Sundays. A. R. Fiske. Ed. 6. Yous.ii, Gen'l. Sup't., Gen'l Passen'r Ag't., Hurrifburg, Pa. Baliraore, Md. AtiAlX AT TIIEOI.DPI.ACE. rpiIE ubscriber annouucea to the citizens of JL buubury that, having again ereeted bis DREAD stud CAKE ESI ABLlSMt.M, on the eld place, where it was recently destroyed by Ore, ne Is again prepared to supply tnsin wl'.n all kinds of Biead aud Cakes, such ae BROWN BRE n, MILK PREAP, PI'.EAl) BAKED ea tbe HEARTH, and a full tine of FANCY CAKES, Tea Buns, Rolls and Tlts. Also, all kind of Confection anea at bia shop on Third street. H iviug emplord a Art elaoo haksr from the eiiy, he lo prepared to give general sallsfai-tloo lu his liua of business, and deoiresall to git him a trial. Bread and Cakee do'.tvortj to fnstomeil every morning. ICE CREAM. Aa Ire Cream balaoa bus Kaoa erxoad la toe neou.m wttlt lb above buotuc.s, aud a Ladi' B-ileou niud up, wroi lb noil lea C ream will be aarvad up vrf fveulag duilnv lbs teaeoa. WW. U. 11 A At. unbury, June It, 1170. PaiuUrMla. Jkt. A ri'I.L lliu k of Oil eomprisiuf Linaawd 2 m. Oil. Coal I'd, r"ib I'll, aud L'lbriraliug Oil for t'ugine and lai liino' , Vamioliao, Ulaaa, ua kaud, al luw pin, ul tnstrr Aco'i. Tot he Cuiiimuiilty ut Lure ! ClUVuE AT Till 'regulator," I hat ll.io Jar fuiitnord li (iilll lok, Sl a HI an I 4lii.a ul Ilia ot4lalii H 4, i4.a, 1 1 at i. k , 1 4UII.OI aa I ( in In- ''!, i'f i Ab4l, ai4-4 tti.l I.-UIIU40 Ilia bu.li.oaa aA no 4 004.1 l-aalll.44, 4. I a I a444, l44lt'lU4 Vi4i, MlSlil hli.!, r-lhUulf, tli.a hat lua t.l.l. ul .4 iiai4iai.lo 'lk ILa 14wJ4.i4 14. ji, ,, la! a.. 4 o ..f I La .....i.l. . I u,w o-40 ok 1 1-4 lLo 4ui.,ki an I. a iiaao ! I .4 0lalial44 i. .I.I..-H 14 4kiC,iI t oai ol, I I ..,... 1 1.. I lt,4 o-an l.f.lil. A ( i 0ia,lr Bl l fco) I4.. J U i 41 l4.l4.Kl4.b4 W 0a.'S 4.44llll' IUI 0t4l.ll4O0wJM.4 141 4ivio4 I a,.i4- hi. ui ri 9fy. H. It. im (atfraawia'f Retsellnit KaOroatJ. , SPRING ARRANGE MENX. Monday, April Bd, 1871. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-West fur Philadelphia, N. T., Read lug, Pottsville, Tamaqtia, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, LitiH, Lsmcitster, Columbia, &c., c. Trains leave Harrisburg for New Tork, a fol lows i At 3.111, 8.10, a. m. and 8.00 p. mi., con necting with slftiilnr trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at Now York at 10.10 a. m., 8.50, and 10.00 p m. respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany tbe S.10 a. m., truln without change. . Returning t Leave New Tork at S.'W a.- m., 12.05 noon and 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.80, 8.80 a. m. and 8.30 p. m. Sleeping Curs accom pany the 5.00 p. m. train from New York with out ciinnire. Leave llnrrlsburg for Reading, Pottsville, Ta maqua, . Mlnersville, Asbland. Shamokin. Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m. 2.00 and 4.05 p. m., stopping at Lebanon nnd principal way Millions j the 4.05 p.m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill ani Susquehanna Railroad, leave HarMsbarg ut 8.49 p. in. East Pennsylvania Ritilrund trains leave Read ing for Allentown, Enston and New York ut 5.W, iii.isu a. in., ana i.ua p. m. Keturning, leave New York at tf.00 a. m., 12.00 noon aud 5.U0 p. m. nnd Allentown at 7.20 a. in. 13.25 noon, U.1.5, 4 UO nnd 8.4S p. m. Way Pusscuger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a. m.. connecting with similar train on East Pcnna. Railroad, returning from Reading nt O.HO p. m., stopping at nil stations. Leave Pu.tl6vilc nt 9.00 a. m. and 2.30 p. m. llerndon at 10.00 a. m., Shamokin ut 5.40 and 11.15 a. m. i Ashland at 7.05 a. in., and ll! 43 noon; Mahanoy City at 7.51 a. m. nnd 1.20 p. m; Tatnnqua at 8.35 a. m. and 2.10 p. in. for r ti'.aeelphia, New York, Reading, llunisburg. Leave Pottsville vin Schuylkill and Susqne-i hnnna Railroad at 8.15 a. m. for Iliirrisbui jj, urd 12.05 noon, for Pine Grove and Trcmout. Rending Accomffioilntion Train leuves Potts Tillcnt 5.40 n. m., pusses Reading at 7.110 n. in. arriving tit Philadelphia at 10.20 a. m., returning leaves i'lilladelphia at 5.15 p. m., passinr Read ing at 7.55 p.m. arriving at l'ottsville'at K. IO p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leuves Putts town at C.30 a. m., rcturuiug leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 p. tr.. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.20 a. in., aud 0.15 p. m. for Ephruta, Litix, Lancaster, Columbia, dee. Perkioinen Rail Road Trains leave Perklomcn Junctional 7.15, y.tiau. m.. at 3.00 and O.i-Op. m. Returning,luae Schwcnksvillc at 6.30,8.10 a. m., 12.00 nooii and 4.30 p. in. connecting with similar trains on Reudiug Rail Road. Colebrookdale Ruliroad Trains leave Pottstown at 9.40 a. in., 1.15 and 0.45 p. m., returning leave Mt. Plensaut at 7.00 aud 11.25 a. m., and 3.00 p. m., cor.rectiDg with similar traius on Reading Railrcud. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave bridge 001 1 at 8.30 a. in.. 2.05and 5.32 p. m. returning. leave Pownin'ton at 0.40 a. in., 12.45 uoou and 5.25 p. m. connuctiug w.ln similar trains on head ing Railroad. On Suna.iys : Leave New York at 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. and 3.15 p. ra.. (the 8.00. a. m. Inun running only to Reading;) leave Pcttsville at S-iiO a. m., leave llarrisbnrg, 3.10 a. m., and 2.00 p. m.; leave Allentown ut 8.45 p. m. leave Reading at 7.15 a. m. and 10.05 p.,m. fr Harrlsburg, at 5.00 a. m. for New York, ar 9.40 a. m. and 4.15 p. m. for Philadel'a. Commutation, Mileage, Season, Scho Excursion Tickets, to and from all poiu' duced rates. Baggage checked through i 10 Poo. gaga allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOT' Asat. 8upt. fc Eng Philadelphia aad Erie 8 SPEINa TIME TABLr On and after Monday, April 6th, Tralni on th Philadelphia fe Erie Rail J, J i,, run a. follows i lad wlU WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, 9 40 p Sunbury, 4.55 i". " " arr al Erie, 7.4U p m Ei ie Kxpreoa leaves Philadelphia, 12 20 p Sunbury, tj-50 p m " " an at Erie, 7.40 a m Elmira Mall leaves Philadelphia, i.lio a m " " " Sunbury, 4.35 p m " " arr at Lock Ha7ec, 7.50 p m EASTWA.RD. Mall Train leaves Erie, 9. CO a in " " " -an'mry, 12.05 a m " " arr at Philadelphia, ' 6.C0 a in Erie Exprest leaves Erie, 9. On p m " " " Sunbury, 10.15 a c " " arr at Phil.ide'lphla, 5.3J p ro Elmira Mall leaves Lock Haven, 8.30 a in " " " Siinimiv, ll.H'so " " arr at Philadelphia, 5 SO p m BnlTalo Express leave Williamsport, 12. "5 a m " " " Sunburv, 2.30 a m " " arr at PhilaU.'lphia, 9.40 a m Erpress, Mall and Accommodation, east nnd west, connect at Cory and all west bound trains, and Mall and Accomod"ion enft at Irvineton wllh Oil Creek and Alleghenv River Railroad. WM.'A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. Lackawanna and Eloomsburg Rail road. RUMMER ARRANGEMENT O? PAfcSENGER TRAINS. Monday, July 18th, 1970. SOUTHWARD. Leave. A.M. P.M. A.M.'P. M. P.M. Scranton, Bellevue, Taylorville, Lackawanna, Pillston, West Pittston, Wyoming, Maltoy, Kingston, A st. W.-Barre ,e'r Plymouth June, Plymouth, Nunticoke, liunli.vli'a, Shickshinny, Hick' Ferry, Beach Haven, Berwick, Willow Grave, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, f'Py, tuoomnouig, Rupeit. 0 45! 6 5u fl 5r! 7 05' 7 141 1 191 3 2, 9 30 9 25i 9 t2 5 30 5 85 6 43 5 53 C 03 6 t'8 1 Of 1 C8 1 15 1 27 I 45 1 55 2 DO 2 10 I 9 51 SO 10 10; 10 6 00 10' io ! 7 27 6'M ' 21 4 15: 7 45 10 V 6 85 1 6 40 6 45 7 tKi: 7 ti7 7 25 7 40 7 5o 8 00 I I 1 55 8 07) 8 14, 8 ' 8 43 8 50 8 67 9 02, 9 Ii5 9 15 25 iu 9 38 9 43 10 08 24 10 4 15 15 2 5 45 t 5.1 5 57 6 Ot 83 Calawiaoa, nanville, Cbulatky, Uo is; (.amaron, 10 Si Noiib'd, (arrive.) 10 45 6 85; I i-l KORTHWARC. Leave. A.M. P.M.I Northumberland, Canisrou, Chulaoky, I'suvilla, Calawiaoa, 10 ti U C2 18 94 li (9 11 11 4i Rupert, fCoomoburf. I t'l 'i Liuio Rid,', knar Cit-rk, A.M. Wilioa Giave, (teiwirk, Vearh IU'ob, lluk s loriy, thlrliobluoy, Munlofk's, Nalilici-ao, Ciyiuouin, l'iliiuiilb Jua , kin. oi,-ii, t I i. W.-baii. ('i Mailt. I, WU,,f , al Hl.ii4, Pl.loluu, '-ai aaaoukt, 1 aiiii i, a, r.l4440, i-l4, 'll l l 19 CI 14 ta 4 IH 18 V U S la (. I l' V. I 10 9u 1 0o P. M. i i ii imi r. I W I T 40 11 1 i 4 10 I fl 41 J 9 14 9 9 U 4' 11 K1 So 11 in uo II v! It 4' 111 II 1 H 14 ll Wit I ab It on IT vo k i 14 15 I 40 I iy r. boi', " Hid iUi.iii aaaia. ti .1 oal liia l.ai I.a, k.aio. i i4i.' aiU II iUu I i, .au, U,,f I I, Mai. - a 4, I II - r laa a4 4ia )lt i. il.. 144 t.,.14 0, I 4 4 I a t ,44.-fa, . I la . i-, I I 4 41 L . Il-tlll, lll.l. 1.1- l4-a' -4 W4i ..u of anoo-s u l inll-l f.,,0 a-. iH44ib -t tl II. 14 r.U-lf, 4 a ( )nai I a, 1. 1 oal , lUllll ) I1 pr f Ai WWrJf9J