. r. .. Tne GROYKTt ft BAKER and Us BUt'OGft st wry; o maciiine9 i ewie4ir.si n- 'parlor to any othsr jraw tntsraActared. ' MUi C. Dallas, Market sirftJt.tall fhil i th int for tbo iaIo of Ibcrt Tn tuts &4 adjolnjnjr. rioim tins, ftislrnalimstasewlisitsiifreeotahargo to nil mirchnnrt. tat ate-ar oa tun. tIl nl examine them. j. Fo Rrt.-A houmane lot, office if , ei '1 .i"i.u no J ArjK0WLnW.-We tenlef 'but tllrt'nWs to-Hon. 8. Cm(f Hie U. S. Senate i nd )lon. J. B. raofeer, f tho Honse of-: Rerreeeata tlres. at WaslrfaEtoaVfof special fawn.!' Also !o R. Motrfttf!; Esq.? of the House bflteprij Srntatlvc's, ti'narfl.spiiigj.lror ooiub of thehcgls- latlro KccartU- .4 "' 1 ' r - " " fi,0&0 Rdls Wall faper Justrtovlvei at Llglit cr'; arrtitri for alij 1 i l'-t ;' . . vt.r- m ; ?;! Tnc iwpeHjf of llio lute Dr1. W. A, Bennett oiv-Pourth street,' wa ol4 on'Mobdnj of.lnft re4:, to fj. A. Kei!ncnsnjrdorEsq., for (190vj k .. 1 r i ' ' "''!' ' i)AcnEB will Uftve Back Beer oa tap oa the iffctt of May. -: "" ' ' '"'' ,i . 1.. ;i ' ; .Tnit members of C6I. fames CnlrieroTl ?oslj 'o. lOi, G. A. R.j wilt inoct over, tbc'l?os qfllqe, on Friday evening, the Slit lnt, 8 b'clopK, at which time ptliarttry-mcasure will n taVrri to dedicate tho soldiers' graves, on tho thd 30th of May next. . . . .-.j.l uriv.i ' f o'rntr S rosi'tAtisd. The" c6riier1'atppa 'el Bt. John's church, vcar8nydrtowD,thii tounty, wMbe laid on BundnyrApHl SOth, 187i;E The sorrlces will be 'conducted by. M'f1,0. fr01 nbroad. ' If the da; tlvild . be stormy the cervi ces will be postponed mntll Thnrsduy followliij;. A general InTltattoitlsi extended to' nil. ' Bervrcct commence at. 10 o'clock, A, M.;i..- ' 1 ,' " .' -r-r- T-l -,, , T Kew Post MjkSTnit at y.DimT e notice that the appointment of J. J.Bmilb, Post Master nt this place, has been eonflrmed ' Mr. BmltH is wpU Vnown thronghdiif the county As the Soldier candidate wltli one leg for county Treasurer twa years ago, having losl hie leg in the army during the Into Rebellion He is n worthy mnii,nii(TIirt ntipolntnieht, which Was upt uncxpcctcd,wlll give general satisfaction . .(ti . I ' "T'''rr l',V :.-. Beef tongue at Kiroy's,. i . . , . ;r. ; Fresh fish at Kirby'sJ ''. Sons of Tf.mpeuasce. A dlrlsiou ef the Bout of TVmperanco will be organized la the Red Men's Hull, in this place, rrTtori day evening next, at ti o'clock. Already a large number have join ed. The membership In to be composed of men over tho age of 18 yean. It is to lie beneficial, and the entrance fee about (3, "igj. are luvitsd to be present next Monday .'evening, who desiro to join. . - ; . -: '. s W. B. Hovnt, ;Ksq.; fine een elected Dcpnty tlrand Muster of the Odd 'rcllows, for NortUnnii b'n land county nqd lura'l Wilvcrt, D. D. G. C. Patriarch of the Encampments of L O. of.OF., i'.i this county. .. . Gat. The windows ofonr Millinery Stores, hok gayer than ever ?ot only tins ladies stop to admire tho bciiut inl ftfen, but wo notice a vuinber of young men "gailng"lu'tliat direction, nn indication that tho ministers will soon reap a harvest. 'i r n ';Nnv Pai-ek. Vc uollco that arrangcmcnU liavc been made to fta't a weekly paper at Itiver siile, tli is county, to bo called "The flivcrriJe," tlio first nuuil'xir to npfear'dM fho th-of May next,.' The citizens " Vf JUversfde jippour to.be tlioroughly imbued yUl entci prise and under stand how to go to work to bujld jjpa tonu. V with it nbundaut success. ... ' i ! n--4 " Kiii!Citii: at TiiEvuMXO3-lV'o--learn, that several robberies were committed aij.be towii of Tn-vortqu ouc night ' last Veckt'', -Th publio house of Thoiuas Foulils, Sr., was entered aud a quantity of llquot sUjleiu Au. entrance was ef fected by forcing open a whidoTf. ''' Ou the tame night Miebaol Sifafoos' carpenter bop was entered and about 810 worth of towls taken from (ho tool cliett of Peter Mrtz. br. The burglars eeenped without being dUewered. Fon dried and smoked nwats, go to Klrby's. The Bai.hwin Wojlks. The Reading Fiuk . ..... n ' -- m . 4 pays 1 Mt'. George Jjorgan, chainuaii of the coiuiuiucu from couuciU, appointed to confer with Mfsir. Baldwin & Co., of Philadelphia, leiative to the building of locomotive works iu litis city, informs U? tluit, V a recent visit to PhlUidclpliui ho culic4,Uiin!e tlrin,. who told Jitm ILiU it Xi'kPWA, had it been their Inten tion of removing tho. work from I lint .city, or building branch works elsewhere. T!rf, of course, ends the matter. ', . .. -. . W'r. were pleated to makf4bi) nciuuiutanoc of Capt. F. U. (JroHory, of Ikinvllle, pav who ks the ngcut of the I'ouliuental Bridge Couipnty; The Captain has bittodai-ed ilwse brldril Ip i.c.irly all the counties tu the Maid, and iufuiaie us that they linvo baeonW. very popuhir' )J'e have not heard of any objeiions partlenlarty to tlicu bridges In tlila couuy, exrrpt' that the CommUeiouers iu some lntaucc put tbetti up fti :i uiueh heavier expense tKan Is nnevstary. The Captain Is a live man,' and, uf cume, works for the luteret of the comjiany he represent. ..1 Iryuuwaiit a duo aaaortmrnt of plain aud fancy groceries to sclvct from, go to KIHiy', Hii'tit's new buildlug, on Market square, all ju.kI. ddiviiej wilktu hsk4toiir,b. free of I'karga A l.AinK..' Bai.ikv V niMice '.hat tlrat. W. U,ie, proprietor of the lliviver House, has near, ly euiii.KieJ the Unl It V saliu pu the kccoud tiuor uiljuiaiiii.' his In U l. Hear tbo dejio. , The kkiiii aie in ally fuiuUhcJ Aii'il tll calculated, i,.i u ul.iuii lr ladir and privals fiuilica. This .1. 1 .11 1 nn 11I i.f the yc.ll kuoau lU't'M's rating l.iiu.e, w III be uk ilniuUii by Mrs. Uerte, b,o is well tuuMii u an t'kctlwul culvruc fur IU ni.l i.i.u.ii.i.. i.i.k. Hut iasttl will b er4 nl ml li..ms ,luili. I lu day sad e cuing. Oy. er, C.IIIle Jll keusaa, ream, c, rn4 4 1 lie .le iu-.t Home, rtti saluxu will It tbrusra ..;..ii I 1 Hi.' I uliltc ah. Hit the Ut U Wll vk. l. U.Ik, nil! 04 litis ..UwM a great actoin. , 1 . l .'.luu, as a f KUl-tr laili' ruling mIu1 w I 'M lit ikl 4uii, i.i4 a vl kUiI ci. il II b.. f iili-J tnl iiJi'U" li. il tUa I'liblle tail 1 . 1 iVi tiliKte iu Utai( U kill u 4' f 41U la V, h. J.ll.llie.'s It'tJ'I'l. RfMtS, I I li.lt, l.e..llRr all I Mil" ill.dSBg) t iw 1 iiri'i. -We HakiUH4 that Wliy . 1 Iu tin L-i'.bbi'lt'!, 4'pAil l .w ., iitiw tiw 1 1 in ml. tua, u !Wt Mm ii.u 4 t" ptvitt b) IIhII iatiMU to ) 1. 1 i..ui 1 1 ..-1 . I la ll.t Uutuub-ii limits b4 ..1 , .,. 1.. m u..e .-4 vl tWM4 ri U is... a.- t.aa Mi . 4 t-M a tfcia ,tl wfua It-U H,. U .,u... lb. . -t ,. ,1 .uW4 - kiM 1. tU tumt uj yMteMV 1 k"il1M-fUUi.,4 ...ilv, Ik. th,Ht 4tit M tttt ..n.u.i m. nt ( th n,ws w MMU.IM a -t T AiTriBHa are many Interested In the Fort An-i gnsta Bnlldlpjrnnd, J,MaAaft))ntlon of tlilsj place, we pufllirlt bcVbVrlft rfcpopl'of tho officer road at their annual mecttng on the 92i of Inst month, .7i'W. Imit n-lt:T r6tWlrtmf,'Mrc1f 2,'TOT To th4 Jrtft,'JHrt(Vt,lt.,f tfm-yl'ort A- gvita IluUding mnd Loam Attodation. Gtnlltmtn .At Seerbtary of this Association. I Will Inbfnll the followiiwc ttiport, for' the tijVe months,. mmmiolng March," 1870, 'and crfdlng rebranrr'1871ir'tncluaivt v,i..n. ii .it .l. Tkote arov tit present. 148 utookholders,' Hold ing. VOb tbsrrnexMf tht,1ki to thli InM, 140 have beon"lmth nut toy 83 parcbaMns at an ateraga premlom of 182 17 48-148 per share." ; Total amnnl f reralnii 'rceeWei ' J ' ilarlnlrihetwi1T. 'J'' .... - tia jji Bo Total amount of casV palrl bit lonhl . for aame thiw, arid'M il krergc of,,'-' , ' i-117188 65-1 W per" ent; " l?,85tf 00 Tbtn"! 'artonnt aecjlred ttf 'Bond and ! d -MnrMm.!i v: .;.-.:lTliri -..i i.mrk'Ah Present premium o each siinre, ,-, ', ' !.,jy '.It ife. Total cash palfiOoafh share,. .,' , uP W.00; From. Due, (18 months), (: nn '.-ii (8,818 08 : .' InlrfMlu .w- IJl ..... VIIJ1 til D 'UI 1 HVft'KK 4- nca,i ji ."1 .hi m i -i" flil i KT0 II. F. Man's return loan, v;i 118 00 TramfBrw, x 1 Mi't 14 85 Bale Often, atxl Bv-lmws, ' ' 3 SO Hot. due Asm. from last lottle't, ' 40 00 Bal. due from Trees., as per ' V. last aettleracDti l -m .. 40S4 , ft'-n r J vt'f" r i '). r - i j : i t . i T .:('; ui.':n ,. I-:... r.i , (10,144 78 Amount paid out of loans, ,; ''' t8,ftt)6. f6 Amount paid out on withdrawals, ' ( 855175 ror Kent, stationery, sc., " Secretary's Salnrr. 875 07 100 00 " Treasurer's-Cni,J Z'ITT 48 04 Order to Becretarf for dlscre 223 71 paocytaaionth-of ArU8a''jl0'6yj' Order to C. A. Helmenwnvdefi' HBtmennv1t for Interest overpaid bxirim, Order to N. F. Lightner, for wnsiiourn una Aeiuuued, Order lor outstanding Maxell S3. '.. 870, it...V7. -'Mto 18' - S6 CO 298 68 70 00 Bal. in bands of Treas., lesa orders outstanding, ' Bal. in hands of Bccrctary, ?r a: : ,.v ..810,144 8, Dues outstanding February 28, 1871,-!. .) bU-98 Interst,.- '" .. 'I ..si .J 181 IS Fines , -.-v. " .ol. 1S54 Insurance,. fald by: Association ons '.: wnsau property , .1 a ,oo All of which is respcctfulty snbmlttcrt. , 1 1 j ' acob wir-MAH;'aocrttnry. We. tlic undcrsiirncil Comniittco. nnnlntn(t tn audtt the accounts of t,bo Secretary nud T'renau,r! cr of the Fort Augusta-Uuilding jiud JLona Asscn elation, respectfully siibuiit the following report Jacob Shipmak, Socrctary, .t, DR. - I.' ." '- To bjvl.ln hands as per. last Auditor' Report, . - ,j , , , tj , ,k,t ?4C 00 Cash reCrivea,TJons(Ilutlou,By-Xnw and TrauBlers, . t. . 17 as Dues, Interest and Finos ree'd, ' p,04 14 ..iii.! .!M :c'I , .A 10,005 4J By cash paid Trene.-; a per" rcceiji(,!il;.10,f)55 40 Balauceju hands of Secretary, , ? 70 t)9 , , - i0,09$ 40 , ,. V"Y due Asso, ff flnv Seriiaryt , ., ,70 Q9 -.,: Us!Kf (i.BUiNT,TreaBUicr, 1.1 :u . IR. 'I' '''"' ' To cash fenlnViOo-In liands ns per las'1 ;t AudltorVReporl, ' ' 841)24 To cash rce'd of 8oey as per Kcglpls r 10,0-'5.40 810,074 64 ft . t. By orders paid had cancelled. By oonimisaioa on'aboT am't, J By bal. in hands of Treasurer, r.i. eo,727M; . . Ail Li I 4H SA - 2U8 68 10,074, 04 '1 If Sy ; , Baliuics iu hands of Trcns., - . 1 1.- 1 V ' A. N. Ukacr, ,i ... V !-.-. -i .',3i. Y. rull.ING, o. and 2 shore, mackcrnl,. pi iekied .salmon aud white nth at Klrby's, all fislt warranted., 1 . . :t. 1 1 11 1 1 ,rmrs T . I : ? A Biiii-niSE PABTtjA surprise party cnina off lately iu the lower part of this townj in wbfcU those .wUo-inloudeil tasnqirisc others twojtlicm selves surprised., ( It appears that some of the ladles on Front hnd Sceofid' streets',' Contempla ting some, iiuiuscnxuj,, propox'd to uaksn, vir prise par'y for Mrs. Solomon Shlpo; 00 1'r'sut Ktrcet, who, it appears has not been ns success ful in mlsiug babies a 1010 of her irtigbbm-s, and as that portion of the town Is very prollfle tn raising "llttlo responsibilities," It was proposed thai each of tbo visitors should tako their baby with them. ' The time was set for Thursday of Inst week, and soon after dinner every wo'm'auLiu the neighborhood that could rai.-e a baby, con gregated nt o.po 'of thc'nelgliborlng lioune, prc punitory o. tVe surpilw of Mn Shipe aud lady Some thirteen women, such havlw a' baby in their arm, took np their line of march and pro. eceded on their Intended jrUlt, but to their great surprise when they urrlyd uX their desl!uotlonr the Uoor-wns opened, and Mr.-and MrBblo bid theiil welcome. ' Ou ciicliig ; the, room Ihcy found tliut Mr. Shipe had amply provided a huge cradle, measuring some J 5 feet u kivgth aud 2'a' feet in wkjth, for the comfort of the lufunls. A the Jok f si a girad one, It was rkhly enjoy ed by both parties, and a merrier and better en tertained surprise party "lias never been kuown to liavd oCeiirrV'dlit Sntilinry. " ' Willi. iu Milton a ft'w'days npo, wo vlslud 1). P. Zalouff"!1 ladle' tnd gentleincu'i eating saloon, on Front street, lu. that Borough, whUh I one of j.ht watt conplets wtubluhaieut of the kind we have seen Iu this part of the rountry The room uro SvtlJ nrrungrd, aud elvginitly furnUhutl, luukluj errUiUjitl'e pr iiiys to visit to liuye a social thai over a saucer, of rlijA-. Ice rrcam, or a plato of oysters dons up If te best style. JH.weffu4 Mr Zaioe(' wa well alroulrd, we eoaoliMkd car Milton friends kiww Vow to eioy this world, and that U. 'i, kuew ihaar to cuter Aw tlieia. It la owe of I lie uuatetl Inslltnilon of that piece, whkh all a 111 bear testimony to who visit jfaloiiir. " l.AWi H In sakl, r4air Twp. waAllor to pub. Ilsh OiiUHariHs of the aHtuSif Uteir Duuaty fuud naaaiilly, Iu tax a papers . tmny iartft tirrulajutH iu Ih aeanty. Oti of. Ibwa u llio Ar(Antaikn4 c vunly itnairl alia lue utbur U lb l'Kti4.lMitwttnt uf Urf wni . . "ifU4.lMi. John, llekl mx, an, ' ', jfyoM'im' V'9 nu, J'U tickle )ou., ' ' hav for soiiirlliu u-wrled that III JJtuttt, tttii wus auklousio issk betar eoniiuiiy, uud leiiie Ih'y latter oar ei mpomryof Ih 0imm llU the Ui'pe uf drllig I but ptiprr Ibiotlalr n lelif, ih chat lltry ul Iu 4 appear tu.it lln-y auaunkaki dMuUite wlib MtitU ahour kUpKjwd uut lo beluug to lit Jtlug. . ' Hi S In "l"i all futj I'pt r toldVy (.Igliluer, "t tit 0)4 FuilorlM, It fm UOi-k on hiiil, u4 Uiwg rtv4"t')f aUv4 tu, 4 Mug lim Ntw Ifuih uiHikxt, Is tkh al toluslhMi th tlijlitiNipht utuWc. Ail -pr liimutwt fll of ilwu ' , , , i a) lliii fcmiii n.- aViiii liitut hungry I kru(iuj.it ruluM lb mi4i Itau uf i.Uul. VV. ItwMo, of tdf tfV' tl' ff I'Oaytf aib Utl.av a4v! (Ui V-nft. li; Iku, It rf is tW4 ia a UU MUwiiukk' Uwt SUsmI luuhb ltvl. 1 tllt ATA meeting of the Bunbury Orchestra held on Tuesday evening aat il upw,06ntltuilon nndor the charter or rncorporal'lo'n'waii read and "i" fV"' j' f M'tlT ! Tno foliowliig resofallon wis passed. Jtttolvtd, That rtWernMA of the Snnbnry Orchestra tenihrUlolf. thank lb TX) Jumesl Esq., for procarlchnrtnrpf Incorporation and' for other Valuable services rendered the Orcbe-' ""''" ' '', "4 J'ti Vtl-.'.T r"j. v' i -e. rr3'.: in , oh L ,, Oa rootion i, D. Jtinee Eq.,nnd Kml. Wllvert, wra4lcted hononiry members vftherOrehestra. ' The members then elected die toileting officers TV "f"Yu""'u w"f eic i-.:i Jol,;..i(-.-.u Frosident C. D. Wharton. I f . 8ecrcMwy.Ai Zawionoyarti WIK j Treasurer Jncob Pblnumn. . . ,. c IJlroctor F.'K. flill.- nf,a "J 7-"' ,nl" ' BKtiict Cftrniy VtJh WdMln lniiytMnV.-J'Aa. 1 BtorC if -s - 1 f ---1 1 1 (1 Tri ,fit'j.ijj Kua; Berk county"lss 'pemocrhtfc''tq the core, and! Democracy lind cebnomt ciincra'ifi bo together. I AVetnrA to'bcmoct-atli rntrfouli btlrig .'ivfos,-' penty 10 our wuoic eouutry, Awin0, ifr, w How f Ju, 'orthuipbtrhind county Is not that Democratic t If so hoj about them 894,000 which onr Democrntio Commissioners cannot sntl.mltUlfnwJn'tVorf': .'11,", Rjr. the raod Concert' In the Coart Ilonse, on Saturday, he 83Lh Inst., It will bo the best safarvtlnmwit W tits' ct erf. 1 lot" .'.rt ! " ; l!W''i MlT .. Qnm a (aarra haft atbrrtx ooonrred oa Mon day,, ahert distance TiOrth of Mlltnn.' W do not know how large a scope of,cpuntry it trny.crsed bfii dnsld;i4ibta quantities of noK Ittones rCmnlA ed oU the grouna arter the Hotm Vas, b.vtf." Ouo liouso al)iv 'McC'urlcy's, ou tbe JoiiJ to Ilijjh lowji, liad forty pane of glass brokon. Milton tmnt't) -n'.t rtt.! 1 ! 1 m 'i lOVmi i - "rfAVf we a'high Coustablej y'jlf 6, he should make It his business .to talpt bp the stray hog that tinprlnc!pld persons turn loose', to destroy their 'nelghbor's'piobtrty, or clc.rctJi;ii. '"..". ';i Bctter, last week, was still eeillng, by some of tli dealers In this place; at 40'cts. per pound. AtBcllnsgrovon selling at 25 cts. Sixty percent. Uifler8ncoi In fifcrnlles hTathcrtteepi and rcqnlres1 rfeglayqij, cither by free, ferry .ofi brlJg0f 8auio,otUcr rjlpvemcut to regulate prirea. n "r. to iei-i , ,Tn , Mendelssoh.u, rioyjjr , fjrehestrai and Kordiumbcrland Musical ' Association, as s(atodr -hy. jjthsrs, wilb-glro aj firflad) poncerf ) o tio Cour I1,ohc, ci .Snturduy eveuing. Uq qyih Inst., 'for tbe-.beiiofit of the Sunday BeUoel of the Rcrormectxhureh' lK) hot full tonewndr . !i 1 " h; in .1 J.: jO OKO jiA row aseeiimant ofennBd goods;' KngHsli and American PicklM Iwahd'saneei. ' Torelgn aiid greeh rult,'nlCirby:8. ,., dorncstle dried and r Fotsrt Di:At.-i-On Thursday kfte'rubon a ni'an nniRAd Jghn, Ilarpsr was found dead in the woods (tear Bbnmokju. It Js supposed tbst ha oommitv ted suicide, as a box containing poisen was found upon his person. lie had been nndfthe lnfl.n inoclai iifuorffaKUE cioiglk wiakil A-coWim? Inquest was held, nnd tit jury rendered a verdict of suicide by poison jJlsafj' Vir14I. On Thursday InBt, two boys, George nnd Wll 11am Kuu, aged respectively 8 nnd 10 years, soni oi-ST.' Ai Knte,' Wtru playing In Wie barn of their father' who resides utbul tlireo pllcs from tltis place, when villlnmi the youngeBt boy, fell from the lpi iuoxf to llliDtlircYhrluj. floor, head flrst, injuring hlii so btidlyjUiot Ills) ,rec9vefy at the time was considered 'extremely doubtful. Dr, U. Q. Davis, of this place, was sut T?r add did all that could bo done, fof the suffering lad. jrutonian. .,.! Kvr-ltf .eQ'oit will be mode to please nt the Grand Concert, n. git Court ilouseon. Suturjlay cvcnlpg, the SiHli Inst. '-. ,w ..:;! : Messiis. Silas Wiles and Ezra Bilndlc, of this ls5o srtcr J Moudrfy last fo' tb' ivt. They intend locating in Kansas. , , , r M ft. .Jpna, Cark moved;' hi Ulacksinith Vhop on Arcli street, to make room to build a dwelling house on the ground where it formerly stood. Buck lii:u V'U1 b u tap altee. tho first of JJ.ay, alBucher's Restaurant ou Third .street. Till celebrated beer will bo found healthy aft well as a fipt summer beverage; ."Remember, on fa p first of May. '' .Vi.-iV : , Tua Rov. Dean C. WrigJti.. will, orgaaiae a Pl vision of tUe Sous ,of Temperauce in iorUiuni berlaud on Tuesday eveulug next. . Communicated. v rOU THE AMKH1CAM.. K KUU. jOf their wis Kl-iic. .A very suggcrtlve article, in the shape of-s canilUlale raid, appeared iu the last Issue t the J"urliiitiVuiii Lvmity tmotrutt which pkiinly shows tluit the chargo of rivatc iK-euliUiuu uiul ollleiai extravagance In the maiuigeiueut, or rather mU-niaiutgumcnt, o( our county officers, UtietaiilyoMad ty lbs Reiiiblk-sii Jvirtyotemv but that old aud true Deiuncrats. uicu who arc independent ftiid who scorn to hbejr the edicts of any i.u.uoii or. ,iiun nicu Jio, Uiive, ulvcn a llfe-thne of eorvh-eto tliat'fiarlrpire'ninnni'st those who rightfully pro&r tha ohargci of cor ruption and mismaiingiiint by the corrupt rliic ol'iliah-wnttr aoilticlun 11 nil hnns:ero-od wlii) at present absorb chr (an jnrity of the county tHliaX'. I Wo refer to t be caw ot Jo r. boiomoa Uroclous, 01 euiiuury, won, 111 me anient or rani reiorrea to, annoinitt Mnimlf as 11 IMuacratlo tindiilatc for County (juiauilMiloner,ul the nvt Onto be alee j tlou, M t, liriH'lou says, iu the nveut of hi qiec.' tlou, "lie will plodir himseif n4- to draw or re ceive more Uiau 4U0 ikt year fur lii Servioe ia ntteiKliiig to ilia ilutius of that otUi;, luvludiug j nil lb rip s ir ailcrt'llaiieou item, traveiliug i-xHiies, ACf.'.' sttd stale, fMitlinr, ''IW bedow nut beUnic.U (jVt0 clturgafori. tliiv servi ces, when (he'siiiiie aiin-iuntof woiK can easily bo acmmpll(hd Uj p day." " ' ' Thiars slave come lo a pretty )a, Indeod, whrniiH old IVmoeriit like Mr. llroNlmis, who iKitn an excellent rrjiutntion fOrhnueoty.Sfibrle ty, morals, A-c, Is I liu rcluctantl 1 jmpcllixl to verify liBCbr)fif curru4tiw miHoxlrayagnilee that luive ini) made ugalntt nu'iiibers of hi own parly, wlg .blivu luei placed In. ofllcc fyr the munagHant-bf our ronniy alT.ilr. W JkuhI every DMiiotrut la Notthuiauorlaud coiiniy to utak a aolu uf il, that her ia llfu-loiig uiauibia ol titulr pally a kw houolly beiiuvt ulliul s-tuo lr , vear is sultligut Kipuueiatioa u( any nun; lor the H-rfiifniiiuee ftf rft' flirlit tt nt li- ofUu4. il to tltu baste Of lliat alllca for on it Ie U is a well kauwa fuel, a JuU that Hi aot vur ii.w.ruieoiilraillilU''i,l''.'liiiere u uo areru llei' Tin inlrer, p.r tn; mm or n W"iiwurr (VIIUIII ill'MPinflll IWV, W. ll.ws mv Wljh uarwdrk, la that tw, ; fesry " 104 Ih duties of that ntllcu need Uu be so rOin)lHM ird ortibortouakiirlmilylaiMilrlh towr, h.vhlly nr inrnliilW, of any aian of onlliiary IblelliKeniw, nnd physical devrtiipititiat, lit Ih vtiort tnii that tie may hat bsxa lid fur. t ant 4il siiik tuat on aluue at lb pb)U'l riftiiiiftiat tl hWYM-it IUeVr,wbl taia ha biuid, will, ut least, War ua out lit Ilia itMiir Ui. ri.i ' . . I ilil rl I I l I VUJui1jj kiia4i4 ut Jti taiMKaValu Nuithuiuterliuil rouuiy, liu aiu ieife((ly ioiu lleul bt rry lw rt ttt pisfuu lb dullr of Ih oineo uf t uiuiii.Mi.nier, abo auuld alllluil u4UAtutiilf its that branch af ear uautiiy uut luuieul, umi abo auuli' mu.i.lif I .KM or too lor )er mlM.Unt rninirnuliii fui lluisvt. iU. tct, tu lb klultuMM uf la aoaatt aiiui.mbluluU Ust lath uiffaauf Iu 1U, a1 St tiutl 1st vtmt iwi wmiiMwmi 1 iled til uuj ul 1 1. bii'l hi) f"l llult tAilkrw, !") Ibis iur lt,u, If lb Uiai4 ivi-il iif in it lit kl r- tiiluus, ami tse'4 but Uii iwi lhs 4. a m' U, f its'! V. !u.u, iUni, ttuUid be a t1ut lolU US 1.1)1 Is Ol .titilbitlit. Kiiuid be a ihi i.iUi Us i-ay bfilu4 uiil 14 li4 Ut) I laluellttv 1 el lif sritiec luot anUid U a taiiu.' it ll,tT7 syj 1 bt It but utt i.f lb iujIi Itviti uf tllUMf tliiir'Sf ktili, i,4 a tu 11-1 j ili 44. It. llk y. s.iiiiJ vu b Ul til uf . m ul; I tu4 Iw a lul I tit ei-tp 'lt, f'4 u4 iaiiou a m4 uf i'iii.iJ i..iu .iui aiw' u u4 hjia Ibwr Ul 14" bt Iu ulH. ul U4ltMjs - tu SIhi Vil u" I'HIS ) kuucM ililu4 I J lui lia vu Uvlll.u. ll.M llkal' IX-l titluj.lslil I". 4" f 1-1.1 U-I llvfe) U . t'V f'Uia tM tt uf lb' 1J'J auiiu iiH4u uf luf uiull, ami) bUb Ik f t t-W'I . oiuKit u4 e. t wu , a i un (..ut, ti, t W IWm W U it M al tMttlwt, (ul )n4 Im I-ft I, S;.f SliiWiMUL'JW ' " (For the ARnicA!.) Mit. EntTOn 1 In a late No. ofshe Thmnrrnt, I obserrn tne nnmrn fir Tin fmnsnaTTiiimTw m r.n- dldatr JW prfrflfJlinW Wf I IPl4t. the nexf eTMIol no(awxl''UfVftT' Temoeratle friends are to' Vervti tlljff denr couiitry, in (im 0 Ptaee, for atna ftaMerlln, Asoiaof tlaa positions are-'ntee futplaans, with little to do,' and mnclt to jfet, V ny ftilfeht not women nwftsWioV sAiWtJy crtmpensa ted women, be permitted by the mnsr'nHnc l.orrU tf DeopTncyVtaitelimnii'ortli(iirniVll seom oriatatomU"Wiiiufii vpTaii yo, jto, iHeal UliorallMk front tUc.i'Oouhi's'.tabk .v1oftW!fc-ilfnipWvc4 wlMMienWAWsM! the ehool-nom, W the nead(Wiy, Britnirmrta section they nr fliimr ine'T4'"" "or-Mnooi Supcrlntandents ltli rnpetlortsc and einclcnry. The nice easy ahnlr of Asoclht().-iidge, for In stance a mero srrtcr--nlenit. whh great pro Srletv bo filled by an Intelligent lady. When we sflect that -aalto a; nnmbcr of fiintiiMs iare Hiiklt ncss at everv term bf-onr-CVfnrt, common sense j pointsitol!trorrlrtyrh'jPS(tiryafrf hav-! ing one. representative of tlic gentler sex. on 4.1m bench. Is not the ldea.O, LbrHiorCrfallim dud of taw,' thy of tho nl"pt(jerth '.VT . Mount Cabmet, April 13th, 1871 T E.' Avii.VEnTF.sfi., Dka'it'f'iSAt'lt tnbrtTng-oT the Mount Cnrrael Uulldlngaad I-oiii Association, hekWiirch atsH tO-Uians-lMra tahvaavanfgm- age premium or84,fl0 eaeti, and this f veniiix 8 Loans at an.overugo rniiuir;f i,VJ.'j-,TVr notice that the present suspension, A'awing qifuy to beid).Tnd4iiialc tOiliifot their mrnitbly pay ments, effects tlic progress of the nssocitlqni,4ii n cfrtnia pxtont, . although .not ns . nvipU a a the Impression seems to be oaUido of t lie ciU reginivi Otin.new Brlok School building Is racily iro gressing nnd will soon bo cpmpletcd. MosNSk John Brother will sooa occupy their new butbl Ing oncorhor of Oak and Scooud st., for n luvr l "Ware store, and as they mean bti)uesY we will And it a great benefit to our town.. Our cnter prisiag cltiaenCol, A. )V Day. Suptrof Jtelbincc Colliery, is now oVenpyinj his new house 611 Oak street near the PhUadotphlt nd R. Depot, and I doubt whether n plcaanter family residence can bo found In the comity. Gen. McCormlck paid nr flyHAg' Visit 1 to our tdwn last T 1ght, wt can't Imagine w bother he Is. on the "tear pulh" or not." All sacrus quicand peaceable now, and hopo It may remain so 'Ybitre Ae.j' hi .'a n. .'. yrui. r.u'inta 'Now and TUSW'J .tH.i'd fly ti'jl H 1 1 imm ."''I. ; - a. BhsIhms-Natlctu: "", ?r.j--HiJ! J 1 A..?Holoe brand family flour at Klrby's.. MorbMiu4!IVsit. 'Mss Mi X .Goselery has just opetied a large assortment of millinery goods of tho (latCst stiles. ' .?cpi hef advertisement in another coipmn, V . y', Ji Dor't ,Ml io attend the Grand Coneort 'on Bathrday etenlng,' rtie 59th Ifiet.r nt tfte Court .Iii'i .!i ..ii.;-.'i tt.i .v . '. " ". 101180..,,, i, ,1, ;,t .,:New ..Miuiiiianirrf By :.ao :advertiscasnh in anelharii oolnmrt;liwill b. seen that Miss., i:. BfilsSlcr'Vat ust cricd'hcT ' Spring "Millinery goods from .Philadelphia .nuiw. .lork .cljfies. Thcjyaro prettier thau'evcr., -r.i TiitTIxccJsior Boot and Shoe Store Btill takes the lend lii getting up a splendid assortment, of Boots nnd Shoes. Tho Excelsior has become tho great' BbMVu'tf s'noel!nipof!nm,'ln'this' sccftofrof country. 1 notice many of tbe'esoutry rfuir chnnts buying there in preforencs of city houses, knowing that the stock cr,uno,l be exceiled any ahcre.'' Ne '80pltei''i;re'c6nstantly arriving, nnd the latest stylet are always kept on hand. All Rubber: Wear, at 'inannfucturers pticcB, nt tho Regulator.- , ,; r,','1.;'. '. ', Biow atid tjlioos for lite eommnulty, nt popin lar pr',Ef, ot the Regulator. . , JfsT received, i number of popular fronU and French calfskins, at 'tue Regulator. ' , Johm 8.' MAnsn Has Jnst returned front the city With, the largest, cheapest and best stock of Bering and Summer Clothing that, baa been brought to this town or county tills spring. Call and sea , him at ,daTpspp's building, .Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. . , ,'...,.. al5-:tt f.CE'tfTt' fine I'jeuci CWfJ, Box-too BootsstUcU ed bottom, at the Regulator. ' . . m Regulator; Bootj $hoe,' Trunk and l.tatbcr1 Storo' consolidated witl tno Book Store. Call one and alL-t New goods at low rates,. ' N. Fbrw twnmt? Shoemakers' rcatorlals" for manufacturing, nt the ResUlaloV.',',i'S'; f 1 " s ' R 'Tirt! Croqnet Banc, a ndvclty, alcgnnt and ei for'tabltt'at the Regulator. . . ...U' r . . TTtoWARn 8AX1TARY AID ASSoVtaTiTjT, XX ' For the Relief nnd Care of the Erring and Unfortunate, on Principles of Christian Phllun thiYnft'3 i Kinn tka lirrers ri"Onilir thi- FoN4if to Jreintlon Vo?AiAaa ami v riAL hvn-, with' sanitary nh for the amirfc i, beiil tree, 111 scaled envelopes. Aiiilress, iiu.n us V, . rhlliideiplria. 1 rofiyT.iMy.'' I Hi " t -SP,. .. V - , , . ' OVj.li 3'Hli "It., ! Mhe Rov. Jacob F. Wum- polf , Mr. M. C. L. F.u.is, to Mrs. Cl.AKA JloriP. MAf , bot li of :)ciaware 1 owuship. On the evening of tjie same day, ht tho Same, Mr. Win. II. rir. htmsv tn Mies. Mauv ti.lzHt rn Knscit, bolli of Tarbutville. s Qs the 41i Inst.jby the same. Sr. Jony Sim.kb of IJrrrv, Mouteair Co., to Viu. Sakaii-Ansi WunTrRhirKS, ofvMooreland, Lyaomlng Co, 171 : tM;mwBiv joiriwuipi' m iu sal 11 iMh., II 11017, son f IVUiitkiu Taylor, aged lve ir 1 ujoiiUi ami!) days, . v f Delaware twp., em lh 8th lust., FXIA3 r UX, aged 60 years 3 months aud -J da . JiaAt Ciimlv, and lat of Waahiuytouville, oe tha ntii Insi JkJ tM UJp AIR, agoO. a yur and U bewiirt on 'the 2&hluC JoVt'-Aii IfMAN, a gua v bout au year. . . . . , ... , In Neaeubarg, on the Vistula, Tet PrtKsl.i, oh tlm -Kh lt.,i.f dln-nseof the heart, Mndan;e .iisnir, nr.itir.n, ageu gjyear. ... The de-ue4 tU"iutthe vXTlvf- P Vilw erH. JiotiMi(laa4.- From. all aecaaat site wa a mot tlniable Christina lady, whose arm puthi'tlo ' Jieart win a focut t Jsluduei and charity loall who kuew hr. 1 luring the WW war . tit wa autirluc la her efKMM to nil!oai the . ,.,.rti,i r k.. i...V in., l n. ...i i - r ----- j ami llielr distressed rauillle at Itout. ,1b' filtatdaaf Pruf. It. slsrply tataaihtM . him Iu kWhrHVnien. ' " WuaitHry Cirtiltt V 8axt Marsirt . ' . I . I ' 1 1 1 ' 1 1 I t V ruaasctaat weaai t r Mitt t eaiiua, liNAIW 4t,rWlh. WhOul.. ttM Amber. Winter . .' 1 1 ft" ' t'ora ; M. .. at )' 'i-- u .7,.'.,, t ' fie.l A IlitM f. Winter, ys'r Sack 11 1 " " - ' ; tM'M 1 0 f.'ora Meal. ft , .w..r ha tiiis)leU K 4I ... '.-.-...-... 10 Mt-in4 rber, 10 . M,,.u,, j.i Suinkvi MttUottvu-v ii mI''VI " ivuUiua.,,.,.,,,.,..,.,,,.,.. l-ltlt l"t III . . ...1... ...i.t. m.m, ,i.l - ltt-SMl Hbil fitit, f lb 1 " 1lut miwn.m-iv. . j lii......,..!!,)!,!)..' .lt'MIMlilH 1 kii.hM.oJ , . VtUlUMfl -Ttulr, t4 l.UJ..... ,. v VI " asi'iMi i y id IW. " ' ... I . i.ir. " li Vaib FetM - I'iM 4t'. rt )l fit r. . u.i. a M 1U.U 1 . . inl ,r ruiiw.inni 1071 'SaiMorto dm HnnMrrv I.nmiier Co., ' . irAVINfirClttniWSRD TIIKl.AROlt ? filkttt Bir & Planing Mill, and Just lilted It nUIviMtW'rfmtest Improve M.1'. clilncjty (ti,li'iJiv,l'rl)'l lb OU till orders tyt IJviiidjltfiI5ILU TMBKR. PINK, , 'hflrOfVcVK. Ar. . HOARDS. "rWlWirfo'ttSltftFACKI). HKMI.OCK. WHITE AND Yfi.U)V FIXE Fl.OOlllNH, SillNCiLKS, PLASTKitINU .. rlaUI) tiJUNtiJ.LVi; ,l.ATH., SAfell, . Ann niHCH?!: MVii.invr;. It M. ItMVKltl;! -rfflUiA tut Vt MIITS nt tho yry lowest. )rU.' , , tVlargc stoeit nlwnys Oil lialld. tf;nd frficiH -r..-.-. . Ample f:ir1ifrics fiit ntifipln by IlVilrond or tHHtl.nit iK:i'f7 of-i! '. .; '" ci i - 1 y, 'FHYUi'Ui IIOWKN ENGEL. , i,,.Si'.niury,Piu,.Flnr.v IKth, fiut. . XREADYrMADE , OorV ' fk' 'i-u 1 ninu. .'A 'jrm-" Yu'. i .-.''- c 1. The Newest Styles; V as.. . n . t of the very bwtehaTaftcr. im Workman- Ea8y'rtAVAVip;the meslHrwrnetit.VVcrtntcst privet 4fM senfata TsA. IVee" toT any artorV Jti Ajty. America,' and "go$t .8' Jrj. iosuliT iwti r'.trt urnishtng Goorls. . Wrappers & Wear of all for all sea 1. White hlrts a 8tonishing Specialty. w prices. OAK HALL, " v Si:& Market Sts.' 1 ; PHlLADEttHIA. Sunbury Cattle Insurance ' ComDanv. TIlTllD AnVc'AI. 'STATEMENT FOR TflE YE Alt FA'DIXO 'SaSUARY 1st, 1871. v.. ...i.n- i-it.. i. .s . . frio -"MU....V i i i-. I t : i J Amount orrropertV Insured, r:H,3ir,00 Amount of Fremitffit 5oteslil:forcc, tu4,'J13,UO ' CAfcS! A 36 UTS. . . Amount loaned nt interest,. -, , ,J3000,00 Amount iu Treasurer's hands. .' ' tlOOO.OO Ammrnt due from Airenfts, ; - ''' t300,i.S Amount due front' other Sources, ' ' ' t7SO,00 Available CnpiUilr ' a v.! ' :! 3O,3'J,05 .. laiiuzcyencCallle. . , : TNSCRE with responsible and perfectly re- JL liable Company.. Insure where your losses win ue paiu promptly. ,. TJU3 ia - A MUTCAt. TROTECTIYE.COM "Ttcnce,'unllk"e other Companies, you are sure of hetnr pnkl lirpmptiy lor ail losses, n lnsurca in this Coinpanv. ., - .. - OUR KATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN TIIOSE Or ANY OTIIIvll : : r scomp.vny.1' l' 1 Betas; rnu',,uaH our eXiensee are lose,, and air Charier is I'erpctvaL : Wq pay losses by nil kinds or neciileutfc by ilualh. yuxcejitiii Iu cases oi epidemics,) by theft, 'Ac.,' e. We pay inoinpt ly. No red tape prooeodlnirs to ubiaiu your money in caie of !.. ; ' Kenrly 3,000 psjjd ou l oss nlouo aiucc Orarnulzution. Look nt tle IjrVof Loes paid on Cows nlonc by ?v.. '.' tlllt Company. ' - MMIennlnger, Bunbttry, Fa., $33, D Hubert, .Nortkuuibcrlnnd ', George Eckort, I'' ... 40, 8 B DoiIl'C)- i ;. Stl, Cliorles Hnliek, Jll Canncl'..... , Esubeu Blpple, ;. 'f ' "v.. '. 4ii, Catliuriiie y'ljarW. tVatoutown.u'..,.i 4i, fieoi ce iluir, Nortlininberland - ', Jacob Huyder, Banbury Mlt,33 J v il.issler, ,f.,...-. , Minor C:kIv Deyrart , Ctitharme' Maiti, tthanickin.. Francis fimhev, Suirtiury Biimucl B J'rlce, Upper Lehigh: ....... Joseph Ioppen, Mt Cartnel...... . Matthias cV holly- " - Francis McCnrty. ' " Maria Kramer, Yutvontowu. Joeph Nlrely, Jr' Dewart J .fc 11 C Qulifla, Fine, t'Unlou on It Itiiiiiiifr, bbenaudaah, SrliuglKill co . tw, til, olt, 5ll, 4, , 411. 411, , 40, 45, 4", J 8 Tliarp. Sliauickln Tliomas Wardrops, MtCannel N A l.oiirtciiKlujier, llarndiin, Kaeln'1 Criiincr, Fisher's Firry ti 1. Heaican, Hicnnndoah, tebuylkill i-o Jarob Milne, ' ' Jai-ub fttolix, " " 1) II Hirtrer, Harniirm', tiro B lsb, 4trrvtawi.. Jubn II tMsiuiin, buiibury .". tV B Wallace, Northumberland II b (irithnm, " . v Rctweca Koble. flcorirctua n Philip M mtersliiln.'WBtMmltiwn ti A l.nw. Liiuu Uubie, ColiiiubU cu ,...4l, .....Ml, ...40, ,...41), ,...4il, ...40, ,..., ...o, ....40, ....4S' ....40, I.eitU JUi.ivu.mut, Laurel Kuu, Luiwruu cu...40, M.uv J Uiue Niuihumberlaiid ...4t, B F'Rruhn, SnnlmrT 40, An. hew lleuly, Ulrnrdsville, Helm ll.ill Co.. 4, I'ali lek Funrfcntif Mt I'unaal; .'.i 40, Mnrtlii Th-la'iH'V, HlH-nandoah city 14, John Italic, A.'blnal, B. liuylklll en 10, Aiilliimv Melaiiiiflilin, ti li iir.Uvillo 4o, IJnyiaati My, Mbfiiiy Vuuo 41, K Ji.buinu, Itaveu llim... 4", Duvl.l Hauclier, UuraWh 7, J U hituMl, l'viMil - I.im1 ShiiMir, I'uint tiM'-'t ..'-"Oi A l.iiH-iii-iiil, WitlvuiUau 4U, Maiu fiiMluci.W-awu'uu-J W"t J"' laiuui,4ii, I I' .i pfMC'dl, Wutsoiidiwa 411, It S Aii'iieriuun, huidirtowu S'.ilti.iu BIims, Bcrwh sr, t'lilninl lii itt DT, Jack yu.ai.l'ine Mta'uciiiit.ine tt.1 Ihm,i, ( hill.. W llaar., huprrt, Columbia t:. 4iS I'ulrUk Hr.lrr, Ml Caraiel 40, 'lliiiiims hUt fusi'aa. M....- 7 M. u- '' H Mel .k), I'fk H 'eii J-M. ' HiiS. A. JOtilUX, t'lwul.iil. C. i!. l;t'lMi:SJMrDl.ri. Be',. Suubitry. . J . UiKiHiU i F.tiiuv. J4U1M foiia.-k. Ilui. ('. t. 4iui.i, Mmrni SUMibt Wiu. Mtlii4ic. t.il.rtina bblu., Juka a. iiiri., t. I. I. knua, ft. txsi4 M 4I1I1011, euwb II, Mil. ly. - "1 'rutin in i;ri v. i" .mib Vitrii4 Mtt, tWt hiaal,'s I'll U. A Of 1 fill ,n yjR Qentst & J kin18 War .a,t,V.Ae I tA I V JAI--.A -X rj IUii )ul utuu.t. abba Uif a4 alt C A. umiiil tua ul lisMts a4 lauatt: t iuut.ui, t4 hu aul u4 s "-" I' t tlMt,tttl UMk. W-IUa. Utui( tf " , tli. iui Itu4, 4 l abu-ai U bt.i itl Si I UM t4 U. f --4. 1 k vt a u f lit it r, a st ii tUutb hsuu-ui it.i 1 bat, eaa 1k"u Kj u). t .it. h I "it. ..- ....... ... - SlfMei asaatsm MssslilsttM. 4 n 4 u tWwtf iu1mu4 taliuMu t f It I avid A.'l'i A I rV I r- All ai Priced to suit imrcha$er,s and times. '""(:; CALL . AND !,SEE FOR Y0lII8ELVES;;--;''v ';':' Wcitzcl; Gaskins & Co., 1 Kg,;B9 Market S 1 if PRINTS,'.'- All at PriccH to suit purchasers' and times, CALL AND SEE I'OH YOUKSELVES. i.i,;vr.i.Veitzela.:Gaskiii.',& Co., . ; !:.. it. , ". 'II ' -.'.'. ' ' ' . . '' . ' ' ' ' jSToSO ; Marker S I FEIMTS, s, All at Prices to nuit HI T Am ilW tajuu Jini' ptitj Weitzelj Gaskins & Co., No. SO Market Street, Sunbury; 3?hi mm ! spin i . it !'... I i t . . vi. .. " . t 1 . Laa now ou hand ana is daily rqeciving the largest mid best selected SVCSiCIS OE" SPBING GNOSIS ever oftl'tcd for sale in this town, EEADY - MADE CLOTHING. MEN, BOYS & CHILDREN, )vliich lie had mau a to bis own order, in tho latest btyles cf f.iolnuu uud UenJ. ctinuur u( 1 1 ! tvorkmatiehip, nn iiunieaco ;; . . .. Stdck of Hats and Caps for 1 IrV01TTlTlVO AlIt' TII13 VK11V IATr.MT NTYf.Kft.'. nriil a magnificent nasorluiutit of " ''' 1 - . ...... Gent's Furnishing Goods, j coniprisme all tlto novelties of tho season. Wlhite and. Fancy Shirts, ScC, ScG. 1 1 lV in, loiiiu i'ti'il with siMiie of llic Ihi'lvmI 1ujuCo in iJiu ciiics, uiul buying all hie g'Muli) for ca&li, ho is iimlnVd lit ulliv ihiin any of his roinjlitui s here or t'lNcwhrre. (iV lii 111 a cull, cx.uuiiiu his liunds uud ll ar hit ;atuii:liiny low iii iixs. S. HERZFELDER. Under the new Ho tel. on Tliird strttot, SUNBURY. PA. "ril. i. U4H.Vi:it l , Aitormy Li, iilluo, J.Mir Nu. j, Uiul liiir, llai.pr. lllm k, mar .Miller' hluw bluic, huuliuij , IV. llunli .otli, ll. ly. iM.i.ic f. htm ri r.ii. iv i'rrnvsi liuvi'i irV ft .aavaa-, t t. t... Hi NitrlU Kerttisd M., t tr.tf turr, 1 l'l!ll.AI'.i.HIU. An atkiiiinu'iit uf V'th, Ji wilry, bllrcr anil I'liilml War ruiiHituily un IiuihI. K. iiilrlnf uf Wait'liv ami Jw. If y .nniiljr alloudril lo. trll I. 171 I . Oakery and Confectionery Iu the ur l.uiiilinf ailjninlinr lb V itii i',i''KMili: lb U. t, at I II I It Tf i I'liW'l, Ju.l ui'iii'4 u Uik . incut uf itll km. I. uf CONFECTION ARIES ui ni-i) iiiin.ii..ji. FRE3II SRXliVD tfc CAICHS luoiulua. t'Uiuu alii ua Uii.w4 Uuilt inuailu) lid J aalt all S1..44 uf lh I IK I Vila!, lit a, 'la lit. sa, tli 4 alMt tn ua SMUti Htiil MUUlitllltlu4 UUt Ul lU)iM.l utlul t4 I iOUI. All klud uf Faincy Calu4 U4 till wij tf t .1 f 1-4. 1 . iol4Ul l tM4ue u.ai4 U uut l-l., I IH.lii lUliMt. I4I.1I I- au liHI-O. t ll. .I...!' l U-41 1 A:lii.M. I.lt l iKj ,v..n, i lirt il-l,Mk kit It. I ,.ic Ni'l Ul- tiout l4 fc'ivrtiJ, I'.I u.. ail It I hum 14 IUulUut. 1 1.41.1 1 ul lut ua v1ivm., I L. bi Miul tliilfli l u.., u4 (ui,l li J l ut, tu u.it'i. iW. t4iv. i'tiiMr Mi.a iik, ttM 1 I.i V ...H :i 14 .J 1. j ii 1 .t in.' .i'l . ... I .-r reul ' Suiil t'nvv,i l?n ; j - ,i.,vr i : a.i.' ;j : MUSMMS,,",": reoi St.iibuiy, Pn. purchasers . arid times, . VtI VfilllitTfTPQ, . - ,'' lull iUUMCtmilJinti . .-i. consisting of uu enonnouH nssoi'lment of t liOTIIM AMI 'ANSIll'.lti:s! FlIKNt'll AND lHJMJISTlO liOOM of 1 ri rv t,rmli-, Jn.t nt'i-nnl ul tU m liu 1,1 .v .yr i'AUm uor if tiioaj. ti. Mirr, , , buvc..,ill . , J. O. I' ll., )iiurtb bti.it, UIo MaH.it, blSUL'UY, laiXVA. lii u.liiii. u aim iU'lru f.i.lilmiHliU rlulliliia di. uli- iu uriii r, a ill idll at li aUn iiu ial n nuiuf Hi vU-uit-4 tui k, umi i.u ili:r kuiu ni.i lo 1111 in iu i.iit. i .1 iii. t uij ua l .-. in,-.-1. TUua. NtIT. IK 14. '-'I, Jln. I'llltl l III lilt tp ir ina Mannnoili ltool V, Shoe Store . 11.1 Mii.i.rit. (4 ('. II. Buiiili's lv.-ii.', ijiu.a sir. 1, 4it 4t t-.J kl ,u I'.Mt UU.,, Mutnii Mitt iii imi, rtw.t. fur t 'ltilia l,i.l.,'.i t.i ;7; M1II.1'. ti"4 l. asu aw'iu. 1 iu utv M.u, a. 4 1 4ir i m. tut tikUa tail buwit, ga tu Itil tiiitot', w.1 lit tU tit I vt '4i. i t lu. u, St' aiul Italtti. at nal baMv Li fil. k. u i 1. 1 JU14. ua 14 a atiutt, V i H kllu.. uf tl4Ut U-U. lti at.. lull t ri M .t.iS. li.r I a lt. .' Iiuut (IllltVt, S4 . auit. uti '.l l trt M. . . I'uf ll klu-U I'l I kltilltu' aituu, S4 v4 it SUiIuk ka StuJ. s Uiauuu'iuuui tut 111.114 ia t ut u t .ui attue tu., full u4 it, lull.-"! -I U.i.ti t,i.k tt.tituiiL.ii iuiuk 11 14 w li a t ut -,. 1 ii Iwoi.t limt. 187 uv k.pa It "If It'"- a iv i ''fvit ail' 14 "f .'M IV ,'' i.H ... . 4 ft"e i I'U.IW, Vh nl aMu; tif at i (.,tw A I a1 " ' su,tia iV b.4 h I1'' U uMitHil W I 4 1 IH e ".. - 4iu i i.i, .."..!, I s l. M a tuM .4 II M . . 1 ) A V nr. li- . ),i fi.il lit. Ustaa 4tn )M aM