Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 22, 1871, Image 1

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Sirit WXLVKBT, Proprietor, ''
At 19 la AifHH.
II Mi fll wltfcla Roilki f.
9ubrriftion laftm far Uu Hum Ha Jfimrt.
(VinrAn with this astahllanmant ll AD etn-
atvNBW JOB OFFICE, containing variety of
ptala and fancy type equal to any esiaoiwnuwn,
fn the Interior of tb 8ut, for which tbe patron
as of tb public la respectfully ollelted.
t '
SB. VOYER, Attorney at Law. Mot.
and , Second Floor Bright' Bnlldln-.
Banbnry, Fa. Professional business attended
'to.ln theeoarte of Northnmbarland and adjoining
(counties. Claims oromptly collected. Consult
tlon can be bad In tbe German langnsg.
. March 8Mb, 1871. lj.
JEREMIAH SNYDEat, Attorwy at
Law, "anbury, Pa. All professional busi
ness Intrusted to his care will racelv prompt at
' tea tlon la this aad adjoining counties. Can ba
oasnltsd both In English aad German. Also,
District Attorney af Northumberland tontfiy.
Who. a. wilbon,
j attornkt at law,
HO. 144 FOvlTl ATBSTvB,
tTotarr Public.
Pittsburg. Pa.
M- W. MARK LB e CO, Market Street,
i Dealers In Drags, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
glass, Varnishes, Liquor, Tobacco, Cigars,
Jan. is, isto. iy.
.rscxfl men iminea, mv
t"i J,kJiM.raAll . - . T
, Market Square, BUNBURT.PA. Profession
.1 bsslh tn this and adjoining eonntles prompt
ly attended to. .,...,..
ffvB. A. R. SAVIDCJE, respectfully a
' J? , Bonncirt httaself ,s Physician and Burgeon
to Ue -rtttehsof Aonbtiry and vicinity, baring lo
cated himself permanently on Market street, near
ly opposite the FMrnveh!lIIotH where be can
be consulted at all hours rhsn not professionally
engagsd. aplM-ly
I .Hill. I
GW. EIEttliER, Attorney at Law, r.'orth
side of Pabllc Square, one door east of
the old Bank building, BUNBURT, PA. Collec
tions and all professional business promptly at
tended to In the court of Morthustharlaad and
adjoining eonntles. i-i - ptl5-8
CA. REIMENM1YIER, Attorney at
Law, BUNBURT, PA. All business en
trusted to his ears attended to promptly and with
diligence. aplS7-67
J NO. KAY CLEMENT, Attorney at Law,
BUNBURT, PA. Collections and all pro
fessional business promptly attended to. tneli31-60
c. i. dktnik. h. n. kYs's.
BRl'XF.R A KANE, Attorneys and Coun
sellors at Law, BUNBURT, PA. Office r
Che tnut street, west of the N. C. and P. & E.
Kitilroad Depot, in tbe building lately occupied
by F. Lazarus, F.sq. Collections and all profess
ional busiuess promptly attended to in Nortbuin
'norland and adjoining eonntles. apllO-W
HR. MANSER, Attorney at Law, 8UN-
BURT, PA. Collections attended to in
th? counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder,
Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. apllU-88
Attorneys at Law, BUNBURT, PA. Of
fice In Haupt's new bulldlug, second floor. En
trance on Market Square. Jan4-69
AN. MR ICE, Attorney at Law, Banbury,
Pa. OUIce In Masonic Hall Building.
Collections of elalms, writings, and all kinds of
'legal business attended to carefully and with
dispatch. D April 8, 1871. ly.
IStthiTactte coalT
ALKNTIWE DIETS, Wholesale and
Retail dealer ia every rarlety of
All kinds of Grain taken in exchange for Coal.
Ardors solicited and filled promptly, feblii-71.
RITttt. MllIM OV ' ' ' '
Orrice) with litis, Facblt A Co.,
Orders left at Beatholti A Bro's., office Market
Blrret, will recvlTe prompt attsntloo. Couatry
custom respectfully solicited.
Feb. 4, inn. tf.
WE are selling Rims, HrvVes, Hubs. Springs,
Cnnvnss, Bolls, Clip., AVs. Ac, very
Lnrpe Stock at CONItrdtCO.
Bunbury, March 30, 1869.
Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers la
(uwm WIAr.)
19 Bole Agent, westward, at the celebrated
Henry Clay Coal. Jau!-
Numfearj Vm.
fpiIE tcst of riding nd drlrlng horses always
JL on hand to serre customer.
Orders left at In Central Hotel, fur Teh Idas,
will recclT prompt attention.
Not. &, 1870.
1a Himpton'M Building, Ifarkit 8quri,
1crT, -P.,
prepared to do all kinds of work pert1'"!
b. Dentistry. II keep constantly on hn3
a lrK ertuiat of Teeth, and othsr DenUt
tnalsrial, fros which be will be able a sslest,
and msel the rants of his rustomer.
AH work warranted to gi?e satisfaction, or sis
Ms wotisT refunded..,
The ry best Month mah aadTooth-Pewdsr
ksiit i a hitnd.
ills referene are the Bumeron patron for
ahum be has isorked for the la 'wait pear,
buubury, April Jill, Ml.
rpilE undersiiinsj haslag connected th Ceal
Abusiuus wtibhUMUaslr FLOCK JkMKAIN
trade, Is prepared to supply fautllU wltbtU
YEH uurorrtiAU ron CASH,
Ei'g, toe and Nut, eooaUutly on hand. Grata
taasn Insscuange for Coal,
Bunbury, Jan. IS, 170. tf,
tuowreoa M.
, Llfh mm4 AooUool
H. AtrUaa, PbilA-Ulphla,
Mlwllaa, Nsw ferk,
N. Autsrtcaa
Tuuksrs 4 H. Tek
llsaussr, "
(msiui, L'xxtua,
I SuMIUtf, Nw(,
lUusliw1 l"bh4. iLU,
Ims, New (wt,
tArtlosJ, lUitfwd,
ffU. M
'! (. (', ItMb,
. Miuh A hmiuii
kmm Imk,
h, huLb,
i Bsiu4 MamI Un,
Asset, fl.TU.UU
!.. l
l. l.ot
" m --.,"sf s. r
. t i i . i
KsitatsUalkexl 111 1SA4. i
v-rnrenai niiTVf Tnm. vol una a.
i Proprietor, Bhamokin Street, .Trerorton,
Norttftimberlana eoanty, Pn The IsioH U snp
plIM with the" b the market ads. tfood
Xotlmg And kl'tentlT ostlera. - lJan.Bl,'71
HOOVER nOVSBa.VMrd Street, at the
depot, BUNBURT, PA., War. Rami, pro
prletor. Xarm meal served up at all bows.
Fish, Fowl and Game. Fresh loysier con
stantly on hand and erred tn ercry etyle. Tbe
best or wine and liquors at the Bar.
UfFamlUea will be aspplk-d with cystsrs
done np la any Kyle, by learlng order at tbe
Bar. ...... NoT.VJO-ly-
CbeetnuV Street, A Tew doort fVbA tit Depot.
... l!F"!,c,l1t,r' -
HAS open Rcstanrant and Eating House,
for tbe aceomtnodaiion ofthe cnblle.
Warm meals cam be hadall ho n. All kinds of
Cm. Bsh, eVe., aerred np at short, notloe. His
1 It supplied wKb the bestllquor In market. Mo
pains spared to plea, and Vsrrrib tfto8ral.
ounoury, Beptamoer, 4tn leov. lyw
JOSEPH DACHERmforrnstba cltltcn of San
bury and the public enerallr, that he ha
opened a LAGER BEER SALOON, at the above
lTl- -Tire best of Larer llssr, and Malt Liquor
tfitrbh Vept. Also Oysters, Ac, constantly serr-
ed up to customer. ' -
IX WAUJ. I Proorlotor. Georgetown North 'd
County, at thk3Rt1oa'dfthN. C. R. W.
Cbotce wnwaaud enjaraavvneoar. "
Th tabid uppltcd vr the Beat tha 'rrket
affords. Good stabling and attentive ostler. .
rr i wntruvD u.t..a. u... tiiA ..a unJ
lm.UKijtk.Em.M9 A4lJriCtVra AUOa Dl SUH Pll
Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA.
Term, f 3 par day. He respectfully solicit yonr
Proprietor, Corner of Market A Second
Street, opposite the Court House, Bunbury,
r. Myw,'7u.
. THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor,
Bunbury St., west mAJfOKIN, PENN'A.
Meals served at all atbr. BKhort notice. The
best of Liquors at lb Bar. - Th Table Is sup
plied with tbe beat and latest la the irket. At
tentive servants. Term moderate. Patranage
LOUIS HUMMEL, Proprietor,
Commerce St., BIIAMOKIN, PENN'A. -.
Having Just refitted the above Saloon for the
accomodation of th public, la now prepared to
serve jls friend with th beat refreshment, and
fresh Lagsr Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt
Acs. 790, 733,734 A TO Ffass 0L, .
WINTER a"r"tK HOMtl;
'. (on tuktivkWNAM rui)
Centrally located', connecting with all tha City
Passenger Railway Cars, from all th
Depot ia the City. t
ExcelleeU AeaBmaUBi Or Trav
vellerM. G rand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts every .
veulng in the Summer and
Winter Garden.
gOixhttrvm Concert Evry Afternoon, t
mm la runs' aasTACBAwr raa aatrr 04r
Tffivs aavcf.
Ooerf J. Valer' Fountain Park Brewery.
June 4, 1870.-4y. .
Second Street, opposite tbe Conrt House, BUM.
Respectfully invite th attention oT Rctajler
and others, 4bt he ha on hand, and will con
stantly keep all kinds of
Consisting of Pure Brandlesi Cognise, Cbarry,
Ginger, Rochelleand Otard.
Wblsklcei Pure Rye Copper-HUtUled, Mon
gabsla, Appl and Nectar.
Htsi 'tliaiupagu Wine, Sherry, Port aad
Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. X. Rum,
Browa Stoat aad Scotch Ale.
And all others Liquor which can he found la
the elty market, which will be cold at Whole
sal and Retaft. Crrry artlcl guaranteed a
represented. Also, Urge lot of DEMIJOHNS
and BOTTLES, always on hind.
InT" Order promptly attehflXI la, and publl
patronag respectfully sollclud
c itrr.
Bunbury, July L 18e9. ly.
J. II. Csilj, ek Ce.
HAS received a new assortment of all kinds of
Hardware, Cutlery, Mechanics' Tools, Ac,
of all descriptions. Also Wagoa Maker' Mute
rials, Hull, Rims, Spoke. Also, all fclnds of
Leather fur Shoemaker' and Saddler'. Every
thing In tbe Uashware line raa be Fuund which
will be sold s lew as can be boagbt of any other
establishment U the country. Call and see their
THE aadsrstgaed having rarted shop ea
Third street, aearty oppuelte the t'eulral
eMuel, is prepareil to maauracture all klad of
Boot a AND BIIOKS lit lb latest style. Hi
elevk la of th very best quality la the market.
tUvlag lost the largeet ponloa of hi ready mute
So k by tha late tie, be will aereaft eoaBue
kM self esclusUely to luaaufacturlug.
1 he pulilla a i Invited to rail aad iamta hi
Sim -If ( aud stleud their palruoaga.
te-ftt rcaatsMbla. It'lrtif eotia at short
aatlev,, sioNK DJtoflJIUt.
SeaTiry, JaJI,
LaiaUM mmmmtm mm llota,
L "
Fttaioiisaia fuj.iBBaf (loo tie, asui,
b Just ueeb oj t
Market Btre4, dua wast tf Usaikait't au'
fectltMtery sitMS,
feUNHURV, l'A.
Th laleel tib af law Truttatlag t, fisash
ad A a rt)Me, Laos, Rnimii. ak
WaiM, t bla-auaa, tUiar. ('( Juetta uUisa,
4 a Uie satiety of utkee arftalva.
U km ekh lea MtUUtet bsilaas, a
ItaiT'liAKiki amii nrriNu,
la ail Ms biaaetw. Also the.
( ui fiNu or .'AriifuS
af stwi 4esrtt4aa.
Tha ladle af sWabaiy a4 eUtalty r ec
diaiiy kai4 twU4 Mtal aef yim4i4
H. It AM1 ana (si Mis. a
sas4 a Mom lt.nt.4H f,
pt.adtd aw4tasu4 4 tioat't IviaWklag
, w4 el 4 (ltM t. .
'."oil 1 ll
' Physician of tbla celebrated Institution, ha
discovered the most certain, speedy, ploaaant and
effectual remedy In the world for all
Weakness of the Back or Limbs. Strictures.
Affections of Kidney and Bladder, Involun
tary Discharge, Impotency, General Debili
ty, Nervousness, Dyspcnsy,. Languor, Loir
Spirit .Confusion of Ideas, ' Palpitation of
the Heart, ' Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness
of Bight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head,
Throat, Nose or Skin? A flections of Liver, Lungs,
Stomach or Bowels these "terrible Disorder
arising from the Bolltary Habits of Touth those
secret and solitary practice more fatal to their
victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariner
of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hope
of anttalpalloaStfeadRtiiig snasrWga, &. lrripoe
liblet V. ' 1 -T-
specially, who have become the victim of Boll
tary Vice, that dreadful aud destructive habit
which annually wwepto an untimely grave
thousands of young men. or lit moot exalted
talent and brilliant Intellect, who might other
wise have entranced listening Senate With the
t bonders or eloquvnea or waked m eretacy the
living lyre, may call with full eoundeoc.
Married Person or Tonng Men contemplating
marriage,' aware of Physical Weakness, (Los
of Procreatlve Power Itmiotency), Nervous Ex
citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner
vous Debility, or any other Disqualification,
speedily relieved.
H who place himself under the care of Dr. J.
may rellglonsly confide in hi honor a a gentle-
mau,n4 eonoiienuy reiy uwn uistxm as a fbv
Iclan. 1 '
Impotency, Loss of Power, Immediately Cnrcd
aud full Vigor Rcatored. '
This Distressing AOectlon which renders Life
miserable and marriage Impossible is the penalty
pM by the victim of Improper Indulgences.
Young persons are too apt to commit excesses
from not being aware Of the dreadful consciences
that -'may ensue. Now, who that understands
'th iutfJeeV'Wlll pretend to drnr that tbe power
if IpnscrcMbh'ls lost sooner by those falling Into
imor'nttsitflthnwriytna pradent r Besides
being cyirlTedthplcasnrtttor hcnllhy oflspring,
the most serins atM 'destructive' trymptoiiis to both
body and nilnrt ar'rop.. T4 evstcm -rjocome do
raugtd, tbe Physical nnd Mental r"mion
Weakened, Los of Procrcntlve PowWJ' Nervou
Irritability, Dypcla,' Parjiltutlon ofHlM Iften,
Indigestion, Constitutional DeMlity, a Vai'.hiK
of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and
Persons ruined lii health by unlearned preten
der who keep them trifling mouth after month,
taking potsonou and injurious compounds,
should apply Immediately.
Member of the Koyal College of SurgconsT Lon
don, Graduated from one of tlta most eminent
College lu the United State, and the greater
jtr) .of whose Ife has been sjient In the bosjiltais
01 jtBocoa, rria, rniiausipnta ana elsewhere,
has nected some of the most astonishing cures
that wcra ever known many troubled with ring
ing In the head and, ear when asleep, great
nervousness, btrj bljirmed Bt sudden soauds,
bashfulncss, with frcquottf ,)lshing, attended
sometimes with derangement cf t"iud, wero cured
immedlatrlv. , ','ir! ,, .
Dr. J. addresses all those Wlib have Injured
themselves by Improper Indulgence and auMftary
habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfi.iltrg I
tham for either busiuess, study, society or mar
Tuaaa ra aoaso of tha sail and melancholy
efleut proilueedby early Imblta of yonth, vlx t
Weakness of the Book and Limbs. Pnins in tbe
Back and Head, Dlmuess of Sight, Loss of Mus
cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Djspepsy,
Nervous Irritability, Dernngemeut of DliMstive
Functions, General Debility, Symptom of Con
sumption, Ac.
Mbmtallt The fearful effects on the mind
are much ta be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con
fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil
Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Dlstrnst,
Love of Solitude, Timidity, inc., are some af the
evils produced.
TuoiSAM offersaw of aU ge saa wow
Judge what is the'tatseof their declining health,
losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous
aud emaciated, liavlng a singular apnrance
about tha eyes, cough aud symptoms of consump
Who hare Injured themselves by a certain prac
tice InAtflgeA In when nlone, a habit frequently
learned from evil cijrdpiinloin, or1, school, the
effects of which ire ulghtly felt, even whoit
asleep, and If not cured, renders marriage impos
slbls, and, drstron both mind and body, should
aptly .bnme lately.
What a 'f Uy tliat a young man, the hope of his
country, the darllug of bis pureuU, should be
snatched from all prospects und enjoyments of
life, by the consequence of deviating from the
Iwth of nature aud Indulging lu a certain secret
iablt. Buck persons su-wr, twfore coutcmplutiug
. MARRIAGE, i , ,
reflect that sound uilud aud body are the most
necessary requisite to romoto auuuabial happi
ness. Indeed without these, the Journey through
life become a weary pllgrliunu 1 the prospect
hourly darken to tba vluw t the mind locoiues
shadowed wllb uclr aud nlltxl with tr,llau
choly rstlection, that the happluea of arVwbur
become blighted with our own.
When th misguided aud Imprudout Votary of
pleasure And that h ha ImUbed lb seeds of
this paluful dlea, It too oAeu happens that an
Ill-timed sens of shame, or dread of discovery,
deter him from applying to those who, from
eduraiWu and resi-wblllly, can ulone befriend
him, delaying till tbaentistktutioualsyuiitouis ol
this borrkl disease make their piernuc, suv
as ttloerated aore throat, diseased hum, mx tur ll
pains la th head and limbs, dlmueos of sight,
Jrafaas, node ou the slllu boue and anus,
MoUhs oa the bead, lace and exlreuiilh', pro.
rresslug wlU rightful rapidity, till at Ui.l the
balate of the mouth 0 th boue of th uoae fall
lu. and th victim of tbla awful dlseuM become
a borrld otiject of eouimUeratlou, till death Put
a rtod to hi dreadful utlutlug, by seudlug
blm to " that UuUisooveMd Country from ateuuu
o Uatelivr rwturus." ,
at la a Melaneholy fact that thousands DIE
Victim to twia torrtbU) dUuuo, through falling
into lb hand of Iguuruut or uuaklllful PRE
TENDERS, who, by th tue of that d4ly Put
sou, U.reury, Ate., destroy lb ron.titutHHt, aud
lucapable of eariag, keep lb vubappy autterer
atwuth 9& mouth taking thetf auklotta ue lu
Jarlou cwatffoaaisa, au4 limssil of kviug rMtorwl
to a is wai ol LU V Wr aud Uappiuas, lu des
pair taav t.Ut ub ruliMd tlsaltk to si;a
hi galBag dis4piiutulmimt.
To siua, Ikrvfuf, Dr. JoNkstua) pietlgii him
elf to preaerv tu must luvUUsble hversur, ,ud
frout hi itu.lve prsctUw sud tbratluu la
the grsut liusiateta of EorvAv.autd Hut nt In
Ikl oaalry, tli Fuglaud, tioawu, l'Ull4lphU
aad Isewhtir, I suablcd u utttr llut tuust !.
lata, spasdy aud snwtual reMtol) ut tha awld
fW all diseases of lu.lfu.burv .
(K. JuliIH'N.
OFflfl, (. ?, , mUKIUCK kikKETB
. . . tstiTtsHtaa, M. i.
Lsft kaad ule guiua fHsUt IUlHmor.atic.1. fvw
aour how tb suruw. f.U im4 i vUiSl
aud uuutttM,
Imf Ma Utter rsweiv4 aulas puelpabl aud
auuululud a s4u,p to to mJ ua ta niij. Pes
uu tuutg should Mt , aud scud a urtiua
af 4ititUMuM4t dvati Uilu syaiUauts.
taera are ao utauy Palliy, IWiulug au4
Warthkssa (iuiUis adMtblu latuaia a4
pbfukOM. tyi ii.( with aad luiuiud tua isalth
uf all wtMt auluttuaataty uJ Wto luctr puavr,
that )f, JutiuMua issmu M tiMw.ii In mi as
toetally to taM aoauaiataa) aua WW V(.u.
tkatt teat hut LiaHtutkOa l lUJtMM !
aui la hi wu,..
iHlMittekMINTDr Till rtlM.
1 k luaay UiMMtU m4 at Iwts l,IUa
assut, Ism wt m(, aud tba aeu.tuu Lu.
buttau4 Baiuteal LtiAlu tyMluue4 by l1'.
Jukuetua. aUaissid b tu owwUutxJ lu
H"M au4 uu utUr HM uutiM uf abb k
wmtm at-naMea aua au.ta u-ujd. lb. uut.iui.
4 lu stau41ul a a imimu. uf . k..t.i
4 st"uaiiai. a) a auitu Lu
U aatwtft.
km MtM rttPUf CCalD.
raM It, Itii . V,.
I iii.ii-)i,:,i fa Ju.ur,
vT' i(7i . T J i iL Yt t u j Xi .
T TT-:t iM
M.-i' -7 f ill li; l.-i
SATURDAY 3I01iNING,mAPRIL 22 , 187ie
' !fc . lll ill , r. ' I
, .... rr wtlliaw ertalrx iswrxxr. -
... I ' 1 V, ..'it . , -.!,
I hear, from many aptl throat, ,r .1
A warblf InterrajHaa long ,,, '
' I hoar the robin' aW-ttk note, .
The blue Wd'letteTonK. ' . '
.ii . :.ii , fi- : . 1
' Browa meadows aad! ta russet hill, ' !
Not yet the hannt pf gracing herd, :
And thicket by the eltanmcriog rill , . ,
Are all alive with wird.
' O, Choir of Spring, why com 10 soon T
On leaflas grov and-herblos lawn
Warm 11 the yellow beam of soon u
let winter i not
For frost shall sheet alut .
Again tbe blstcrlrtg East shall blow,
Whirl a white tempest through the glen, ' '
f . And load tb pine with snow.
' - ', if 1 "'':')'! ''
Tet, haply, from the Merle where, ' LV
Waked by an earlier Spring than here, 1
The blotsoraed wild-plum (cent th air,
To come In haste and fear.
: ,. . 1
For there Is Veard the bugl-tlat, '
Th boomlna gun, the Jarring drum, ,
'And on their chargers, sparring fast,
Armed warrior go aba come.
. ' There mighty host har pitched the camp
In valleysthat were your till then,
. : ' And Earth hn shuddered to the tramp
.' Of half million men. .
. , : fi .- ;
In grave whera ones we nsad to 1n)r
In orchards whera you had your birth,
, A thousand glittering axes swing .,
' T mite tbe tree to earth.
Te loved th field by ploughman trod, 1
But there, when sprout tao bescben spray,
... Tbe soldier only breaks tbe sod
To bide tb alaln away
Buy, then, beneath our ruder iky t
Heed not the storm of clouds rising lack,
Nor jolting wlads tkat with them fly
Nor let them 1 right fau back,
Back to tbe stlfling'baftte cloud.
To burning town that blot th day,
And trains of mourntn); dust that shroud
Tbe nrtule on their way.
- IHajy for a tint of green shall creep
;honh o'er th orchard's grassy floor,
, . And from It bed tbe crocus prep
Betides the hous'Oifc' door.
. '!
Here build and dread no harsher sound, ,
To scare you from tbe sheltering tree,
' Than wlads that stir tbe branches rtnud
. . . And murmuT of tho bee.
. And we will pray, that, ere again
Tbe flower or Autumn b'ouin and die,
Our general and their itrong-armcd men
May lay their weapon by.
. , j.i v ...
Then may y warble, unafraid,
. . Where hands, that, wear the fetter now,
Free as yonr wings shall ply the spade,
And gulda tua peaceful plough.
Then a our oooqusrlng hosts return,
: What t bouts of Jsbilee (hall break
from placid rule and mountain stern
And shore wf mighty luko)
And fnldland, plafa icsd oecan (trend
Shall . gander Malory to the brave,
reaue to tneitoraanuleedlrnr-lnDl,
Aad freedom to the slave
"Prisoner at tho bar. what have vou to
say why tho judgment of tho law bhould
not be proiiouucou upou you Vn
As his honor ou tho bench and the cul
prit in tho dock confronted each other,
what a strange resemblance was observable
between tbeni I ' Tba faca of the judge bore
n stem, impassive look : that of the rri-
souer was cold, relentless, and cruel : and
yet tlte two expressions were so nearly
aliko, tltat but for tho diflbreqce of position
of those who wore them, it would have
buct difficult to distinguish the ouo from
the other.
In calm and measured tones, unruffled
by the slightest trainer, the dread sentence
was uttered that uumbcred a fellow-creature's
days. Tbe scene was sokruu aud
impressive. In all that vsn ausesavblage,
but two remained uu moved tho law's
minister and its victim.
1 itue allotted to the latter for rrannrr-
tton and repentance was brief too brief.
many thought Ihit tliut was a matter 00
wuicii Lis nouor, it is likely, bestowed but
little thought ; for Uuj exercise of Ute par
douiug jK)wer, itber ia Uiis world or tho
next, uti probably fclt was uo couceru of
Judge llelvlllo was at homo ia his libra
ry. It ho remembered that a ma a was to
die to-morrow that was tho limit he him.
vlf hats lixed to a huninu beiug's life the
thought gars him little uuetutlness. lie
was deep in the pages of oue of his utvorita
authors, whtu a visitor was announced,
lie felt aunoyed at tha iuterruptiou, and
would gladly uavt scut au sxcuae ; but tha
appliuatiou was to see him ou official bttsl
neaa. aud to cotuera of that sort he ruado it
a point uerer to refuae admissioo.
An aged fcmalti, restiecutbly dressed, was
ushoml iuto bis pi-tsarnco. As Iw rose to
ructrive bar, he Uccd that her figure,
though soiutiwhat towed by years, was
still strikingly ootumaudlug, while the
strongly marked Hues of ht-r coauuuautxi,
aud ilio tint thai yet smouldered la her
dark eyea, wens alike Istdicatlvw of slroug
uurpuattand trnwoveruablo paaaloits.
'May 1 trouble you, nuulaiu,'1 said tha
Judge, afar both wro caied, eaatlug a
wiahlul look at tlta otu volume) he Ltd
laid ou the table, "tu tisuhtlu, as Utu4y a
MJaailtl) llta object of your Visit V"
' llutva pusua," was tha auswer, "00 bo
half uf uaa rVotu whMi It rwale with you ta
avert a, terrlbbj aud Iguoutlnlous fttU."
"You alludo tu Urn crimlual, 1 lu&r,
whu U ta bu skowultHl tu-tuurrow ( or u U
tu-utotrruw T'
"It is totuorrvw, sud ll Is of Mitt 1
woukj 4ak."
"I Im yuuf sou T"
"WlutUvvr nsy bs your utotiva, you
wast puta ut iHstuiitii ti kua. Jit liiia la
Uvw lu oluti Uamt.
"Hut word fruui you would1 save blui."
"Vr it ivu Jtryou say, that wurd
would M'rf U hAdu. Ila kt wlwut )uu
WuuM -fcava sue) suaka tbUiroualuu tUuda
cutiiUUd of a ajwld bUoaltaJ, aUutitoua ttiur
df. au4 luat Wfott llsa uo iudwUuUa
"Aud t U U sai4 k m M tW
salbtut 1 tw4 tba 1114 Mow was sleut k by
titut M w hiieti Uuu4 tiai atf Umauils this
kwrtbia aUsuaUMMtt.' ; .
"All that, aaadaut. Was ablv at4
uuautly u'tytti at tUa uul Ut 1 U U tuy
uuif w biims) tat sttuwaj ( ut sut) a
4VtSM. 'lua Is will 14 tba
U)li4 ut S4 ttotUaJ Ujtl UtU( -J04 ut
rll i'i4 iut kj sh1 .uvki4 Ivt tU
I .t-tt'4 tlyuitit;!'! frit T
1 -1 '. ) f-.nnf7-M !lttA .vr . 'Al l ..'I " : 1i i . ... .fe " -
o'f-.nof 'AviK .irh-. ' ;
very purpose of aflbrdlntf the sUtct it ore-
text for carrying oat bis mortlcrooa pur
pose. Contrivance like that is itself con
clunire evidence of malice, and I am glad
ta jm-y vrer too Intelligent to bo deceived
y a trick ao transparent.'- )
"Clmrlcs Belville 1" and the spwtker's
eyes fJasited with a slniruUvr Hght 'had it
been : measured to yrm with tli mrm maa
sure wherewith you bate tswfod to others,
where would you bs thft day :
A shadow passod or tlw ImperturbaWs
feature of tlie Judge. It was but for a
moment, however, und it was in his usual
impassive) torrs that be auswnmd : ;,;
"I am at a loss to comprabend yo, Ms-dam.".'-'
;..i tn .ino '-.n-i-r , m
: "Look at ms Charlra Belvillal Hare
you forgotten JJarbara. 8u OlafrT
long years sines wo suet, but I think 1 enn
refresh your memory : I ones, had a son
a fait and gentle youth. It wn his dead
father's temper, not mine, that lie InhcrV
ted. Ho was jrouj, JHcnd, tootted up to
you, admired yotu 'You sought to come
between him aud Ike woman ha loved, and
were foiled. For tiint you bated him. You
provoked and insulted lilm beyond even
liis cud urn nee. Ue fell into tho snnrdyou
hnd spread so artfully, and challenged you.
You chose weapons which gitve you a sure
vtdvantage, nnd slew him, cifl yon had de
sli'tcd from the beginning, lly God's luw,
And tnna's too, As expounded by yourself,
you nro a murderer, baser aud blacker
hearted thnu tho man you have presumed
to judge 4"
As tlte woman spoke tbcro was a fasci
nation in her eye that held that of tier
listener spell-bound. She had mado him
fed at lost. His breathing was quick and
conclusive, while traces of deep aud irre
sistible emotion were risible on those fea
tures which a moment before bad seemed
"Ou my knees I cursed you," site con
tinued. ,"IIow terribly that curse has been
mroantyhsnevl you know iu part, but uol
altogether. 1 ou ruft'rtk'd, iid became a
father. Yoirr rnfonl sou irfyslcrtorsly dis
appeared. Whnt beCrSmtTof Mm was never
known. You gave him up as dend. The
agency that wrung your . vrut!L heart the
world never knew; but I know "IU' and re
joiced at it. I now come to tell you that
your son is tiot riuad!"
"Not dentil" fairly shrieked the distract
ed father, tho bitterness of whose suffering
during the long years of his bereavement
tho world indeed had never known. "Xot
dctid!" lie excluimed, springing from tire
chair and stretching forth his hands ap
pealingly. 'Oh! tell me tell me, I beseech,
where I may find himl
A mocking laugh was the only response.
' "Woman!" ho cried, in a tone that
would have, moved tho most obdurate
tfGa'rt, "t.Jiafot tfecnlv. cruelly wromrod
you. Your forgiveness I will not now
venture 10 ask: but in return for the fearful
curso you once invoked uixm my head, I
will call down heaven 's, choicest blessings
on yours, if you will only tell mo where to
nnti my soul" ,
"(ro to yonder prison celL" Slie answer
ed. "There he lies," awaiting a felon's
death tomorrow by ytu award."
The Strom; man vtasscred buck nSd
sopk iuto a scat, burying his face -in his
lutnds. ' .
"It was I that stole your son," the wo
man resumed. "I could not have dono it
had his mother still lived, far she had
never wronged me. But, when you alone
wore toputle I full uo cotupuuetiou. In
a tftr-ivautirt Yfloce I reared him carefully
and tenderly, for my hatred was not to
ward him. As he inorooacd iu years he
rcw strangely like his fathdrv No won
er that the tierce and evil passions he In
herited have led him, step by step, to.a.
doom that makes you shudder no-vi
though you did not when you pronounced
"Fiend I devil ! cried Charles BclviUe,
"this is some horrible invention to tor
ment mo. I'll uot believe it without
proof I"-..-
"You act wteory, titttet sagacious judge !
It is your fuuetion to dciuaud proof. IVr
baps Uiis will convinco you. This locket
was suspended from your son's neck when
ho disappeared. It contains his mother's
miniature. Mayhap you will remember
"In heaven's name '' ho cried, starting
up, "why have you kept this frlghlful dis
closure from me till it is ucarly. if uot
quite too late to act upon Itf"
"I had Intended to jieep it till ouite too
late," she replied: "but at the test moment,
something would not let rue stand calmly
by and see the child I bad nurtured, and
Hint onos had cluug to aud trusted 1110.
perish so dreadfully."
The judge did not stay to hear her out.
It was mauy miles to the seat of goveru-
Hieui.auo uw eiectnc teiegrapn was not yet
In use. Hut if not a momeut were lost,
there might still bo time. Ia a few minutes
he was on his way. At tbe swiftest speed
of his swiftest horses, be Hew ou his erraud
of mercy.
It witie in tho ulght wheu he readied
Uts W 0 v rnor's muiuiou. That otlltlal d id
not Itetitatu to graut the Judge's request
for a tesnik', and that without asking the
reasou, for Judgo lielvkllo was a power Ut
tlte laud. Hut tha ubaurvauos of tha neces
sary forms cousuuiuU au hour uf piiixU.
At last the precious document Is signed
and on Ua way. Fresh horses are put to
their utmost. iUght comes. Higher and
higbor Ute suu rn. Faster i tut God s
suka Atster I if you would uot be too ktlu.
As the fttbt) hour approoctics, the judge no
longer dares to look at his waluh. At lost
tha priauu, withiu wbuaa gloomy walla tha
tjna4 trsgedy la to ba vtuteM I Is Insight.
A deuae crowd sturrouuds It. Faster I wb,
lasiar I tur avtry iusuul uow Is fraught
with lite or death. Hut st I What menus
thai vouiuioiiou Tba trow 4 sciiarates.
letrtiuii rigiil aud Wit. A luua U foruwd
ihrouuQ It. Four itutu apputr cawylug
utuetiuuii. 11 1 a ruus tHituit, aiui, sot
tlta tuoveuiouu of lis bum-re, uot Ikbl
uougb la U swiiy
Tlta julg LU back Ui swoou. Us m
courjr4 tu bis huw aud ktul MKit mitt
UU. t o a fcw dajt U litiijutoU lu a ar.
lutlly luuilW sutU, aud lUw Ua tuu was
tuiuiouuad butom Uuil Jt'tsuH, luaajudj
usvut, lu us buia). ba buu4 kuitwrad uult
Ukvivy I
'Tul yut yuur tuttgu) a btlla tartUr 'saUI
a aVtuf ,tt a b-tuaiu patsuut I ' bltiu hf.
ilwr if. )tu IwMa-a latia btiiW suit.
Vt bjr &.bf." ut U4 tha MratitUii Invalid.
'Sbi I vol U.li4 tuwsU)MSu4UyWwutsvu i
WUt l IU Uy k4o ia m4 bfomiuto I
J'va)i tio tMtatwioti b tiwW ttudoi,
taat kus)l tlMttl t lu.l
mum mm m
I lo lUJt'W'.nl Oil il-tfll'4 .; Il-ll':.'"t , ' . ' ', '
... a L l.J:'?. .1...' ,.. . I - . . .
t Nw Him, JtM, S, Xm. S.
4 014 a)rim, Vat. , N. SI .
-ai-'j. jl
srioxii or BKMiTtm tsoitTtyx.
. On tlte evcniRg of tbvjfco iasU,J.he Ib
publlcan citisens of Iorhio, teraMirarily
residing In WashiiurtotyVlty bald a masting
at tha City Hall, after tb) adoption of some
resolutlfons complimentjtry to Senator Mor
ton, ha was introduced sud. addressed Hie
meeting as follows : f . , 7 (
, Faxlov Citizens:, t bhould be quite
ioscnsible If I were not tonwjtl by the kind
words of my friend Utn. 6hf4nk$j ".To my
Indiana friends, who bars larJ&reil rie the
compliment of the serenade, I atfl'Uir.rilrjVil.
Whetltcr it Is an oflcring of personal friend
ship, or an approval of my political course,
it Is squally, gralifyiug. a ars bvuud to
toctber, not only lu our political accUnituits,
but in our love and admiration for that
great and prosperous Coramonwcallb from
wldch . wa , come 1 that CuBuroonwfalUi
wMch did 1U duty ta betatr wa1r, uuder
difficntlka that wero peculiar, and not ut-
together kuown to the rest of tliel-ountry. !
'We ore Tsnidlv anDroachimr another rntt i
contest : one not inferior in iinnortuuce to
those through which we have passed. Xhe ;
,i i; - ... .! , .
,Sw r, but theTcau K
'electing a riUi.leq't only by carrying all the
Southern States, and, tl 4,1 not carry all the
8outIirn Htt Heni h,iiJ,t ,
... . . J
purposes in what is commonlv
called the -
I will not say that all Democrats are
members of that organization in the South
ern States. They are not. Not even a
majority. I hope not. ' But I will sar that
all Ku Klux are Democrats; applauie and
cries of 'Good!' 'Goodl'l that it is an or-
gauizatton inside of the Democratic party
iu the Southern States ; aud that it is tlta
great missionary society by which those
(States are to be converted to Democracy, if
Vhdy re converted at all. The instruments
by wluih thut organization work out mur
der, torture, itwspn, perjury, aud iu fact
nearly all the crimes in tho calendar. Tho
attention ofthe nation has been earnestly
called to thp existence and operation of this
orgnTH-fsittWi not only by the report of tho
specbt'toinmittce lu the Senate, but by tho
message of tho President of the Vuitcd
States ; nnd thp. evidence J accumulated
from every sourcei'rin'd'is hot to bo denied
or doubted by aud candid or intelligent
mind that in the Southern States there ex
ists tut organization having for its object to
secure the asccudcucy of tlmt party by tho
uso of tlte menus to which 1 have referred.
Let us cousider for a few moments to
night what 'would be the inevitable result
If the Democratic party should elect a Presi
dent and get tlte control of the National
Government. I ask your attention here to
tho consequence that would inevitably re
sult from the success of that party. In the
first place, tbe party can wily succeed by
carrying all tha Southern States. In the
cause tho Southern Democracy will
constitute a majorityf tlta party, and will,
some 01 tnem a reign 01 terror, tlie cbeut of T . . , "--
Which will be to drive t Kepublicana into iy?Tr t0n'yV "re
silence orubtision, or into exile. The ! V.iJ0 prV"
great Instrumentality which is being cm-1 'h',? ,nlWPy1ng thf r ProPprty
ployed to create this reign of terroi and . fi 01 Llt?J?.,Wt lcad," ,S8"
effect those purposes in what is commonlv i nt.n"1 elccHoU... Lhc Democrat c party
oa a matter or course, cictatu tlie poHey of 1 dare not carry it out to its results. Lauch
tho party, aud will control it in th ftmire tcr and apnlnuse.l
as they have controlled it tn tho past. Now,
I 41. ta n .I.....! .... t..llll . -
. duuiui, ,1110 iiumuuil W lUWJlllUUUI
question to iutcllircnt men -.
should tlte Southern Democracy como iato
power, win nicy vote to tax themselves,
s to NorthcrrI '
d ornhaus oi'i
iraarflnt n,
win tuey vow to pay pensions
soldiers, aud Ute widows and
Northern soldiers, without theirs are at tbe
same time provided for ? Does any intel
ligent man believe for a moment that when
4'oYo placed in power tbat they would
appropriate one ceut for pension sccpt
upon tbe condition lhat.tfa soldiers of the
Confederate rony,itheir w.idqwa and or
prnYBB, should be placed . open the same
fooling? 'No.'No.'l Wecannotdoubt
that ftir a moment. Tliat would, jxii-hrtpa;
bo tho ellect of the success of the Demo
cratic party. ,
Again, docs any intelligent man believe
that the Southern Democracy, when placed
in power, will tax themselves , will make
appropriations to rav the interest and ttrht.
ctpal of our national debt, unless there is
some provision first utado for the payment
for their slaves r They Invested their
money aud their property in the Confeder
ate debt. They lost ulL In additiou to
that tliey lost their slave, and they wM
uever tax themselves nor 6lo appropria
tions to the amount of one cent to pay tho
national debt that was contracted for their
subjugutlou unless their debt h in somo way
provided for. What, tbon, will they ask
at tlie hands of tbe Northern Democracy t
They will require that tlte I'nitod Suites
shall assume and pay fur tho loss of llioir
slaves. Will tlie Northern Democracy con
sent to this T I answer that they will.. If
they cau hold jiowcr upon no other terms
they will consent to that, or to almost auy
otlier proposition, lltsiiles, tho Northern
Itoiuocracy aro committvtl in principle aud
declaratiou to paymcut for their slaves. '
From the time that Mr. I.lncolu issued his ! Work wlJt 'till goon. At tba next sesMutY
iltM vssclajuation (u JHtlJ tho Democratic i of Congrvks, it this Adtuiuislration outtil
rty has not fulled to decluto hat slavery i vouliuuti as it but begun, wu shall bo ab!4
was uulawfully and uiicvttolittttloually 1 snake a very largo reduction. Wo shall
abolished. In legions of resolutions, in ; ao1 w rWuly tiw Unit iu many lutpor
years of declamation, tltat party is torn. I btnl iwrliculat. 1 bavtt sUadily vuUmI,
tntttedito the dot tritte that slavery was uu-1 uosall, agaiust the refloat of tlutttajouui U(
eonstltutloually abolished ; ami if it is buvauau 1 Uidu't believe tho Unto had or-
orouglil iuto power, ll cannot avoid making i
payment r tlto slave. Tlta aeutttiteou of
tlto mass of tha.JJtjiuocrnJut imrty Ja tho
North aro all inclined toward tbo roault,
and 1 am. .lucHncd to thluk tliat tho luryis
body if 4ho Itemocracy would eousenl in
py Us Stsnih fur tkjr slaves with ntoro
tUeerfaiueaa than tliay would oouatut tu
3It!liihi,i1 dt.Ui .t1 ilwuL 1
tha aueanA til llu, inti,.i,K i. I..
bo tba ant art taattlt of ilia trinuuih tdf th
IVmocralU arly jatyiug tlto boutlt lor
tbtilr slavoa.
TU TlllMU Ultbl XT.
,Vvay, my fiianda, wltat will bo tho third
. I - 1 - " ,HI Uim
MuKlr It will ba Uta dufrauchiaaiuaat of 1
th ootorod paopW, lakiug frotu Itwui tua
tight of uUiaj, Vtbutt Ibaaa hwutueru
rHty pasaad lulu Uul lutudi of tha Ikiiuw
otai'jiariy , aud u Uu tha aaiioual (iuveru
lucbt aaat4 iuto Ibo baud uf llutt atrly.
tuny uM ba ablo tu Uufiaut kiao tbo ouiorvd
uta) Ut aisl da i. It uuld tww bo at-
UuipWlby auttsaof t)s aVtUlboru MaIbo tf
ft wtirg Hut lof tlta twtttaiuliij piataitvo ut
m iwpuiiiuat i-iaauiaok) sua tlto fai t
tlta balUituti (total uuuiut
U ku tu lh
lutuds of tba IWubht4U par' u 0
guvetuuMiula llttiu tliall paao lulu
a. U
liwy, iiavtoiiaii Uui aiitdv
iluOMtuaio, kattua- Um tutnlarr ct.itto ,
wvoid dnva IImi i
OutultMl ItsvN IIUiM Ilia l
Of Otsiw44 llssut b Vwto Usutf dttfi
ttiuM.MM.tit, ai4 strip Mto 4aa4 pwiiio of
sUlMf lltfbla, ladutllua' lbtttt,U (M U
siastiy, U tlx ett4itw U ii4amiv. Ul
uoU bo tba tbli4 Hull Iffv4 1 40 tbo
fcatiiu) l-Aitf la) puasf,
hum tos fii 11 1, obal o'o U'v "."
10 Unrt, or about 1 09 Tiaras, nuks SqWt
lgT"s Rq 8 fTkI'KeeJrerf
One week 1.00 1.00 8.W ft.rjrV .(r
Two wvk1.60 J.oor l.tHi' 4.0ft 8X)ll.W,l.og
Three 8.00 t.Vf 4.W (' fmttMm.(n
Fenr " . HM ; 4.6ft ft.50' 0.00 10.W
FIT .8.75; 6.00 0.(W, 7.00 13.W lf.W99UK!
NX S.OO! C.75 7.50 8.0niJ.001H.0(?
Two mo' S.'i.-V 1.M 8.50! 0.OO..OO O.OOaO49
Three" H.Vl 8.00 B.50 10.00 M.OOaft.OO 40.O
81 " 5.00 9.0O11.0tJjl.ll;W.00S5.00iW.0O
Nine " ifl.UO 10.00 J a.O0 15.00 15.00 45.00 75.00
one year ;H.oo ia.ou.i5.oo."t'4.oo;A).toiti.(
llmt we arc called upon to try in 1872 ?
First, shall reconstruction be maintained.
It was staled in tho Senate not 'longer ago
thau last Monday that the reconstruction
laws wert of no more authority than if
paused by a mob of a town meeting. It
was snid in the 9cnate on tho same day
that thesa amendmftDt wero fraudulent,
and tbe Democratic party has nowhere ac
cepted them. In no convention, by no
resolution, or by no concentration of svnti
meot in anv Suite of the Uuiun have tbry
accepted or these arrangemrnls. Hut, ou
tlie contrary, with the exception here-and
there of a newspaper like the Sew Yoit
)'orkl, that is wiser thun tba most. itt
iciends, they are committed tn implacable
hostility to each and every one of these
Tho next issue is, shall tlie colored two
pie be maiutaiua d iu the enjoyment of equal
political rights? Of that 1 have alreutlr
spokcu. The Democmtic party, North and
JSohth. are committed Hneiuivocallv krtil
inexorably against civil rights to tbe color
ed people, atM that is tlie uaentiou perhaps
more than all others that will bo at bssuu
i nuriuii 1 uu eiiuiiuu camnnitn.
?L 2 M 1 7 '
SoWiWn v uu "fi prTr,JKi-"
tho faoulliern fetales V AVitlt the ltepubh-
; rnns nf the Siiiifh thnt I. il nn .11 .1 .
. w v.iv I .k m .t-au
aav that thtv nnnrtrirtj'H tanaitrinnl KunL.
but they dare not say they are iu favor ol"
restoring the old State banks. They clamor,
in favor of free trade, yet tbey dare not say
they are in favor of raising lite money neo-
cssary to carry on we uovernment by ai
tl rS7w
i JSTV.S 'te,..tC9 UDd,df
'" imuhuu.j iiw. tu&cn unvu to ucjinr
the Constitution according to the popula-
iuii, uu. iictuiuiug vu itietr weattn ; ana
the States of the Northwest, Ixu imr a fargis
population and little rrenltk, would pay
large taxes, while those or th 1 East; hav
ing greater wealth and less Jtortulntiorr,
would pay small taxes. The Deihocralid
party dare not submit to the couutry the
question of direct taxation. They clamor"
about free trade and talk about repealing
all taxes and relieving the peoplo of tho
burdens of taxation, presuming that tho
people have not intelligence enough to, id'
jiro how the ruoiiey shall Fe raiwed tn car
ry on the GoYerhiiwnt. 1 ' -THRTAnirr.
In regard to the tariff, the Democratic
party has no respectable position whatever
In the State of Maryland they aro in faVor
of ffio TiTficrt duty on coal, which is tho
most obnoxious duty on the statute book.
In Western Virginia they occupy tho samo
position. Iu Pennsylvania .they are .In
Jitvor ofthe highest duty on iroh : in Kon
tricky of the highest duty on hemp ; in
Texas and Louisianna ofthe highest duty
on sugar. Iu s hort, the Democratic pajctj
aro iu favor of higli duties in oveiy Stata
where they have tho nowcr. where thcr
have anything to protect; and in favor of
I free trade In
regard to anything else, ,but
Now, my friends, n few words in regard
. 1 '
1 fecl ,liS"'j' honored in having the presence
of ouc l"tin8ihed Chief Magistrate lifffS
to night, ft'liecrs. But I sliall not be de
terred oy his presence from saying what I
would say if he wero uot here. 1 think I
can say to-night that we havo not had a
tjetter administration iu half a century, if
we ever had. We may have had as good
in tho early days of the republic, when tho
business ot the Government was very small, '
but wo have not hnd a better. I caro not
what department of the Government you
look at, you 11 ml if administered withaoilr
ty, integrity, and with success. In this
administration tho work of funding our
national -irobtJntQ bonds bearing a lower
rate of interest wM'foefcn'Wccossfully begun
and we have assunirjce tbn.t'it ft?l bO' car
ried to final triumph. Va tvrclMy-flvo
mouths of tho administration
ofthe debt have becu paid off. Tbe aunttal
interest ou this amount would be over cT-,-000,000.
An annual expenditure of tlD,
W),000 has therefore lieen saved by T')
liquidation of 201,000,000 of that debt.
During these twenty-five months Congress
has repealed taxes to the amount of 863,
JW,. lI.uiUhcers.J And by rctrcjse
mcnt tbat has been carried into every Vd
jiartmcut ofthe Governmcrtt, byiec(UO
my that is being successfully practiced y
this Administration htrge sums of motev
havo been saved that would have bocit
squandered ; aud by the successful enforce
ment of tbe revenue laws largo sums of
money are collected from a smaller taxation
than existed uuder a previous Adutluis ua
tiou. And while we have been sbH ilius
to rwduco tho tuxes over fcUXOUU.UOO, - tha
witeu tual tax ooukl uo rewaietl ; but
U tbo Administration gurs ou with the
success lu tba future at iu the past, I buUciu
wo shall be able tu repeal that Ua at tho
oouiiug scsaiuu of Cougas.
works ttiavlily, Wecanuotdo vertlhln
at uuco. Wa cattuut reiitul all tba Uses ar
" Wo du not 1 ' tetui thai wo cau
...... u..
ever repual all rf llttiu. IImi iovcruuirDt
must ba carrsed ou ( pubUu oroJtf mu'
tiiaiutaintd. 1 Jtrgo uui of mot.ey ato it
quirvd fr the purpuet-o, aud must bo
oulkicttMl Iron llut iiMpk!, thir Ikuiocnttin
IWIIWWM IIMM IW l-"''. inii ivuwrsiifl
liUuds atiutiiikr talk as If limy could ro
il all tbo late, and carry on lUcovtiu-
tutu l by wraua of 1 sound phcy,"
(Ijiughwr. J Uut wo cauuol tin (bat.
TUI MisWiyrs.
Tho IWdtul 0 tba I'uiUmI hutvo boo
provad failblul tu try piucito of tba
lUyuHUsu latly. IA.tJaua. thluk ho
Is a giuuWt lUdkif UcJy ibait auttM ba
Slaj )vd aMdj ttblkt Uihuo bo did. I A p.
bbtuajainl kiuhur.) IU Is Hut a Suit,
sun, a k uiituiiw, o I jlar. Ua brtspsilmtu
4 bis olt-'W dutf tbo otsuutfy m bo m
,krUu4 It, lis ! M out ut gut
Uttli tb pkdgu uisuu obkli bo aU.t4.
I A.iUtMt. I A luog a I'lttojaot b
(Uat bo tatiuol Ul bitkt4 tsvOls, (ttwi
au-l Sits of ''at tof.", . ,
... .. 1 111140 f"i.KV
that k bswai ttiatujuinkKl. ao4 wLkH U
tiUtl Ibo muik ui i tiuUul tiai.L ia
ruoo.H t luitMtiolio ball a WM admit
11.14 va tk ftf I