8TTNBTTKT, FEBRUARY 4, 1870. RaUroatt Tim Table. Bffsk 1. I'vi t mlPflelKsIl rva I'll re fcn " 10 so m, Klmlra " " 4 A p ni hlsjl " llllp in Eric K ' asW m line MH. " 12 0) m1 Uulfnuit Trio Wolf arrlv! t IU) a. m. Kit DIT13IOV If. O H. W. lbt I atrrltit KmnburrM llsWa ai At P unbury . m tt it i-0tml " 4:00 y m wmiii, EMinriTwiins-wm s. r. Lmm unr :S6 A. M I 110 and C: P. M. Jrrxw of .VunSury 11 SO A. M., teW n il 11:011 P. M r-rr' Danvillt 10 46 A. M. 180 sinl 10 V. M. T-rti DanHH 1:10 A. M., 4:40 aud 7:16 P. M. Q0. P. BoTnxt, Co., 40 Park Row, N. T., A. M. PETTiisoru, A Co., 87 Pink Row, K. Y., anil W. TV. Siimr" & Co., Tribune Bnlldinirs. N. T., are tho sole airents for thii paper lu tlmt city. Tin! GnOVEU ft BAKEM and. tin 8IXGF.P. SEWISQ MACHINES are ocknowlcJu-ed su perior to nny other now tiinhuf'uctuied. Miss t l)aliu, Mnrkct Mrcet, th's place, Is the nt'ent for the rale of them In this and Biljoininir coun ties. Instructions la tewing u'.veu free of charge to nil pnrchiirers. A lot always on baud. Call and eiilf' tfcin. Iniitiood Templars of this plnre will have a 7,111,1 lr Instiilliit'on. of the new elected officer on Monday evening next, nt their lojjre room, in Bright 'a fcuiUtlnp. The prblie uro cordially In cited to he preient. ji)NTRrriOT. The Northumberland District Convention of (iood Teniplnrs will meet In UlnoinsburfT, on Wednesday next, Fubruiiry 8th. The different Lodges throughout the district will prob:ib!y be fully represented. A srw Post Ofllcc lias b"cn established In Lower Mithatipy township, this county. It is ruiined "County Line," ami C. II. Hileman 1ms been iippoiuted postmaster. riiiAPn. Tho P. O. 8. of A. will have n grand parade, in this place, on the 81 of February. All the Camps, of this county will participate. Oen thanks nre duo II. 1). Wharton, Esq., of Washington city, for special favors. BirLE Pnv.sr.TATio". The Indies of Funbnry vi'l present 11 Bible to llrady Council, No. S'.'l, O. L". A. M. 011 Thursday eveninir, February IfVli, at )i o'clock, on tl.e univcrsaiy of the or- I ir.ndz 'lion nf t lie. Council, nt the M. E. Church. ! 'il bible wvil he presented on behalf of tiie la li.-s by Pcv. W. W. Ev.ius, and will be received 1 tli-. pjtt of tli- Older bi Hi v. (I. llrcnsi.iL'cr. j The Order will nlten 1 lu full K.'ti'alia. The. pub- j lie ar.. invite,! to nil-nd. Alter th 1 preeut'it iou j t't.'i'! will h. . npH-r prepared by tii Indies of j :V II. Chinch. Ticket for nu per fur lady ' 111 1 uoiit 'email, f 1.25. A Nrw ToW. TI.e McCiay faun nt f-.-voii P-.i'iit, in Lower Aug'ista towuiiip, t'ontninini; :i :it lri acre", and owned by J. It. Lenk.'r, i; .. of tiiw iiiae", lixs lut -'y been 1 mh hai-e 1 by Win. I'.aker, who is now Inyinir 0111 pa it of it in town loi. Mr. Riker hae already sold a number of the lot an I several hulldinjrs have b.-eu erect el. The town is to be called "Seven Points," an l U destined to become an important town. It location is cjiiitra! b.-tween Sunb.irv. Shain kin snd Trevorton, and the seencry lUirioiin iiuj; it are eo:hc of tile Quest iu Uu.t Sceliou of cun t ry. Tun 1 utli-ran chuivh, of this place, was re- ilclie.it.'d on Sunday In!, a wkh announced. ; Uev. Pr. ( otiiad. of l'hilade!'hi:i, laeuchiiii; the I dclieatory sermon. TI10 serninu is spoken of as lieinir very npproprlatu nud very lntereKtiiij;. A j f iib cription was taken up, and the iiinoiini of ! t'j.rij'J n-a.ir.- l, which is mill ly iuoii);h to pay ( IT the w.io:e in-lebte due's of the church and j iiirt'onatic. Thi fpeaks olumes lor the con- I j;p i;:iUon and cltll.'ris of Sunbiiry for their u'en- j ciu.-iiy in iiiikin to liberal doiiatien when we I I ike ieto con.-idcralioii the preent bald tiuii s lli::t e.i-t j;i: t now. The liberal cpiiil of our ', 1 h.. been fa:r!y l-.'-t.d during the p:i'l j t .viy. ,ir-. Two new nail liaii.lsuinc churches have 'ji'en ereete I, nil ! a linye iiddilioii 1 i . t to the j ' '.iid, ai' I nearly the nhole ainount rniM I to pay 1 '-'" ih.il :.i lel.te luc't. 1 he day is not far ill--j l.iiit A lu-ti our pe ip'e can b.t.ict of having as 1113.il j an I cu.ntiiitiible place of worship as any town r ''Uy i 1 the Mate. i Vi:i:i:mi or !iiikcto.s or rna S. M.S. F. A ' 1!. A. flu lie H 'aid of I'lueti,.-, f the t.i-i- , . tv -i.t u 1! !v. vini; Viiu.1 an 1 M ii! !i. ..- j t:..n w orK-i'iir.-'d ei Monday eVi.-nini; la,. The !'..' i : are the di.-ci tola lr the e::uii:(; year, 11. v . : : v. i v-it. w. . r.':i.!f, v .i. ii-u, M. ; .' . (. -nil 11, N. I". i.;.'!.I 'U, Jolm t'iail:, (ie 1. I '.,.iva:;ad''r. ,'i'e h Yal uall. Au lieiv Hoover, H.-'tiy Cicin. nt, N. I'. Manx. J.cb l'.tim, 8. v I'.-t, w. ji. Miei, D. c. fi m.ikci-. j..Lu ; ''n.- ii , Jaei's jl.i;. a.,., an I ,'i.eil. I .n- v. T 1 1 i n.:t -1 by ie.e.eeli.1 lve'l Wil- . .1. i !r..t U .i.i Jill. lei tie l'.il"W.llb' - - . a-iiiil-s lui the -'i-iii:itf ill : : . .1 - - .mi., i 1 .1 1. 1. Mr., X. Maria nud j''l i. ;' . i n-1 . 11 - J .lui bliiatler, Ai.Ju w ll.:r ! 1 Va . in. t.: .- i;i'i :f -X. K. M.uiz, X. T. I.'j-htuer and 1. I . ...-,l .'l. I'imii.' r. ik lli'ii:: is It. II. The uiaiini,'i,ik II'. . . 1 i; ,..,. nu iil ,il I 'l'.l'Ti l-hio il . 1. - 1 11.; .'ll HI. Jl It I'. i.Iel Willi. 11 lite I II I e,. I .1.1 i. k It... Pr!. Ul.t, ..I ' .ii... i 1 'i t'll I l -' .1 il Co: 1 1 .. I OH all . 1 1 ,.,'hii 1. il. 'i h y here nil . 1 .It Sl.e i VI ".f I e W .1,. I , i ' I i. f.il .1. 1 .il-lj 'l lr 1, .:.: '! ill) ll.i , 1 1 1 to hii r d in il.e M.oe. r. 1 ' : 1 11 - 1 ' 11 . : : f 11.-. 1 . ; . 1 i.i ... 1, .oil Ho .i.u 'inn 1 lily. I 1 : .' ! a ii. t . .h ; . 0 1 .i.el a ii.-vr 1 - . I i.lrr . t . , 1, J 1 ,, , I A .,, I, - ! ... I -if. ! ii I . I III "l.'.e k li 1... M 1.,, ' ' ' I.i '. . 1 I I'jll.i. - 1 I . .1 11 (I. .am It V. . . 1 - I 1. 11 .1. i k I W I ' ' i. . I ll,.M ' . .V I .1-1.1. !. ' 1.1. II n il l.ii .. ' ' . ... 1 t. ... 1 .... 1 , 1 .. ., 1.1 11. . .ii.. . . 1 . . ... 1 1 a I .. , 1 , 1 . I I . I J . .1 I ... . , -.1 "' ; ' ' " .... ; , .., '' 1 ' ...... . 1 4 I ,1 I 1 ' , " I I l . k a .a, . I ' - , I. . . . , t I. 1 '"' ' ' "' . , ' 1 ... , 1.1 . 1 . i 1 . . i.t. 1 ,1.1 . t 1 I IL ' ... . . I u . : , 1 , . ( I . ... .. ... . I ... . . ill...-.' I . ! I . 1 ' ' " ' 1 ' - ... I. I. . ! ' ' '' " '.' j 1 I, t , , t ... I 0. j ! 1 ' I ' V L .1 i.n 1 1. ,1 . .1, M, H.i.k!, I... til. , i . , , 1 ' ' 'I ' I II I fc M,- bl -a."-" I - " ' ' ' ... 1 .. 1 . 1 .. , 1 : I i - .1 1 11 I. . 1 . . 1 , . ,, , , , , lui' i.i I'l ' ' . ' 1 I . . . t, , , , . 1 t 1 , . - I I - ' - I- 1 1' C k ' I. , ' 4, 11 ,1 ' I M i tl "I'i I'l'ktU tIM it it Kxrsnairra Bm nw.to mr Ut hmi i notlcad h (Ureal of Willi MeCotmlek, of tbl piare, for theft, bat at the time no one know the txtani of th robberle whlrli lia bad committed. It now appears thst he h. been carrylnir on tillering to aueh lurpo extent that everybody b i b en tak"ti by surprise. After the prioner was liK-ked op ou Thursday evenlnif of lust week, fie olilciM rctrnc.-d tholr steps, to tho residence of the pilsoner nnd searched the premises, when a lurjeo amount of Roods ware found which bad been concealed In tho bouse. A Inro portion, probably some eight hundred dollara' worth, consisting of dry goods, such as Bilks, dross goods, ahawls and carpets. Also furniture, (-roperies, meat poultry, Ac., were discovered. Mr. Weitzel, of tho New York store, recognized numerous articles of which be bad been robbed Bevernl mouths ago. Mr. Roberts ulso recngnie ed A number of articles In the furnllnro line which luid b?entakcu from B. L. Riitidciibush'i furniture store. It appears too, that McCormlek had some accomplice, nud that the toods wero shipped to parties to sell in other place. Borne two bandrcJ dollars Worth of goods belonging to WeiUel A Co., were recognized In an craabibb mebt nt Slianiokln,on Monday laid. McCorniick also alleges that parties in several titlier places h id been buying goods from lilm and that It had been carded on for some time. McCorniick lias heretofore borne a good repu tation. Having nt one limo held a position ns agent for the Trevorton Coal Company at Balti more. After leaving that place ho was appoint ed conductor on n freight train on tho Shaniokin Divi.-ion, N. C. Railway. From thence he eatue to Suubury and eutered the tin shop of A. Krouse where he was employed since last September. From all account, his family, consisting of wife nnd three chihlron, are In no way responsi ble foruny of the deeds he committed, iwidaie, we are Informed, lu a di-tretsc 1 condition. A SiNOCLAn Fox Ciun. On Monday evening Inst, Mr. Samuel Miller, who resides on Front street, lower Milieu, hearing a noise around his chicken coop wcut out to ascertain the cause of the disturbance. Entering the chicken coop, lie was passed at the door by a red fox, who had been In the coop looking for nn evening meal. On the eicape of the fox, Mr. Miller Informed Mr. Bastiau lb ivel a neighbor, of the occurrence, who procured lire-arms and dogs, and accompa nied by William Logan, made chase after the dealer In poultry. They followed him down front street, along the river road und across the fluids to the east of the road, toward the P. & E. It. U. On Hearing the railroad they discovered a freight train approaching; and, singular as it lit 11 y be.'in, the traiu came to the point the fox was cu leavoring to cross Just n tho dogs were eoinint! up to their game. The fox was cornered, mi I afraid to cross the track between the wheels l I lie lii-t nu'Vou train. 1 1 is dilemma seems to h !ve depiivc l him of that cunning sai l to be p'-culi.ir to hi- : p'Cie" ; and lie did not nn leitake to "ll.uik" the train, but remained flaring tit it iu dismay until the do- came upon Mm and dis patched him. We believe this I the first instance on record of 11 fox being caught by a railroad train. A'.uVm'nn. Pennsylvania AcntccLrfiiAL SoriETr. At .1 meeting of the managers of the Peuii'vlvuiiia Airric'ii tur i! Society, h 'id at their rooms in Ilar li.liari:, on the 1Mb lilt., the annual election of otlleers of the Society, for the year 1871 , took place in the afternoon Willi the following result : Tiesileiit, John C. Morris; Vice I'rc-idei.ti, .lis. A. M'Cre.t, lici. ll.iirl.t. J. Iliowo P.irkcr, Ja. X. Marks. 0.41. Lau lretli, W. II. Uoinebi, 1 'eii'iis Keliv, Tobias B iilo, Wi.liam U. Piiper. Mmil'i t-'.am. l. 11. .cininn, 1. i. ioli.-U.ii'lj, lieoiL'i Molt. John A. Suiiili, J. ). Hoiua i, (.'. M. loMican, J110. is. Miller, Jno. 1. Tln'inn-on, T.'iclu Roiver, .1. i). Kii kpatrlck. (leor-e. Hliey, Win. !ti ell, John Mur Inch. ,Ir.. J. C. Mian'. ; a:l liroaai lileiill..'!'!, ol I'.veeulive colillnlt I ee, J. R. El y, H. fi. I'cler. Ab-i-r Uutlv 1 lor 1. (i.-.n-ji-Herirucr, Micliici C Titiut. .J.nues tiowen. Oavid Tauaart. Jacob S. H.il'l'ei.ao, "I biuna- I'. Kuov, A. Hoyd Ilami't i'i. Aiuo- P.. Kapp; cnrr.-poinl-iie.' secretary, li'.lu'i Ige M'Coukev ; clieini-l and gei.'oe;i-t, f-.t 1 11 ' lei fi. II v.dela.m ; libraii.lll, W. II. e. Mi. Mol'tein olfere I the following, which was adopted Itfxuhni.. Tli 11 the next .inniial fair n (he to eely b' held fo.ir diy-, coioiiicuciiig Hie Inrt Tnelay i.i S. pleinher next. O.i motion of Mr. Itmo, I). W. Seiler was e!erivd secutary by aeelauiat i.m. (in 1:101:. 1:1 of J. 1. Itim uiaii, J. P. Rntherford w.n, ciceled treasurer by ncelamiitiou- Mr. Ilaliii.lon moved III it Hie pre. i lent an 1 tre.i'uier be ilire.te I to fund M.."iiM f them c'eiy's iniuicy in Pennsylvania r.ii.ro.id Imads at r.inety-llve per ce:il., or in nny nlber security tin y may deem suf. , and lin y he nutlioi 17. -a to u- I lie loan as ihc inieie-is of Hie hocicly may ITip.il'. AlticI 10. Mr. M'ConUey itiovoJ to reconsider the vole of Mr. lIolsteni' ie-lutioii tiAing the day .'jr InilJ iuir th- fill. Aurecd t. Mr. IIo.'.m-k n,v.i Ui.t the iy;h, Siotb, Cist end 2'M 01 N-j't. ii;lei be lcsiuated. 1 111: -'ii("tii.ia of last week Live an account of one of the ('i':iii.-t wed ling- tli.it hu. ever taken place i:i that tliriviog town, ou the I'.'th lilt. '1 lie pii'.lis j.i'icl In the holy bonds of III. it '!!.. hy a CIV Mi-.- Kili' 1'ilowil, (d.lle;tel if J. Wo .il- lliow i, l.-.p, an I ura u l-d ingl.ter of h.ii ie; T. lliowu, 11-..J t'l Mr. A. tpcr, of P.l-.- lie, N. J. The .li.l'.il.'.l.'l - y- t "At ! .111 I 1 hell' i.'i 01 1, tli p my 1:1.1 lu then' t'. h'.t lie. .illO.a.iie 1 b l.'lil lilt' II I Oil-, ho' 111 I -I ec- piv.l I'' I III.' e'lt.r.- I 1:1. . M , a II.. K.'l . Pi . '..I - on pun-.-. :l. I u .1 1 1 tile :,1! i' I ,g . ei'.-oi -l: : . .'t r I'.iMu:: pl'oiioii i-.-.t Ih in I '.. : I I'l.l 'A lie he ekior... I he'll n Hie ),, .-I I... I.i" :.l:.'."l.:i.', lo In- I.I.I lll.ll to I III i: i-e, in. I plie im In. I Mi.iiiM I.!.-., lli.-ir ll'ii"ll. It.. I I I.', i. i ill e I i 'ili'Jial II 1 11 lion, tile 1.1 1.1 I1 1 1. 1 1 1) e.il, it I into M ft t.1 u tl 1 1 lie ir ii .Hie loii- 1 1 i.-itl. (i-iii.il niiie lit i:. I to- coiiiit.'ii.iiie full. be I ii II oiee ol leu .;,- ,i lid I lie on e- . t lie old ami vo'.oi.' iiiii.Liini: lug! l be, i'iipii'--ed the inin. I w.lti III- til lll.le-t i l. .1 ol u"lil.'tll widlnil;." '1 he I. tide, Ml.. Cpcer, II I, .ill I i.i :i VriV lillll l.iilllu u bile coldi I II K mill . ...Ill ll.llu, .1 tilt I i .. .In oi i ii ill : 1 1 ... u I o; i - i- I I' - i.i I In i el'i-i. i iitu Ii tit , .a t a uii lu ii a Ii to ; piouit . ,i. .i.. nV'i I.- r ii'l'i-, i liie'i e. .lu ll, r .i.i . J i .' i : .ll.i e "I., i -.1 ll'ui ) lul.M I lu ll. ..I -III ill-, Mi-. I.m :,t Wii1!'! i 'i, o N. vi V. i K . ..HI i 1 t. in In I K lie t "I V :.'-! i. II . I - :il 1 It. I i ! Vi.. tt t. '(:.' I tu i iii I ii . i ii i i til .in I V i. i -1 i . ' i .i.i.ii i. -1 i . v oi . ,. i :i ..i i - id n ii I I.i i I. .-ii . M: ,i.ui--r Ii iii u.i, oil . in.-o I I Willi., .j.iiv..l I.. ne :li.i i - ii-i .1,. - ii i.i- ..'.,. I .i iii i i.i - i.i, I kll.'l- 1.1 It lb' ll'' III. 'II- LU g I III - . ...!.. )vi:.iio.i iii:. i .nn. . e.il iii.li- ..n ..tii,,.i.ii . ' .I'l- . . Mi . ." I HI I I,.- I -M III,- I 1,, M ' . i " -I -in I Kip. I P.l- .10. J , I. .1,; .!.. I ... ,!.-!.. i.l.i ol I ....... t. I.. .k.-. i kio in. -i . '." .. ! ' 1 ' . . l-V l.t .. ol I'. J ii l, .l.i I' I ) Ii ... I , .in 1 .ill. I ui. l 1 .t I ll.i t.H.I) I I tl.e li, l,i I .I'll. I .. . ... I I.- iii' ,., ..t, l. .. .I .I.. 1". ; . ., hi . .i . ,.-i.l, I 4 . I1,- iv' a 1 1. in i I hi , i. I .. . : I -.. . ,... ',. 1 1,. .. .. ol , n - ii b on i ... , I. . . . i Mi. I i v i n -1 , , ... I . i . . . .. : .1 i .. i , .... .1 t . i. i i .. - i .f . t I I . I . 1,1. , , . i .' t .Mr, 4 t I J , .... I. .... ' I. .1 , !.. ... . I I s 1 1 .I'.l, I M 0.1 j , I 1 1 1 I ' i I .. Wei h..i .i ( , -1 II.. 1 I t .'.! , . 1-. I l. I v a"t 'I . I II I altj bf .t IkiMf hi IM k4t ni kiasuif S. llBMFitf.nait, H Woorre ft Dlstrtwi bntld tnf , (a doing a largs Instner a. A kuw nflpt'-t rn'pb. Is In lis eirrtetl at Sny- dnrtown, this county, d irlng nett inmmer. Ci'ld feet are now fnshlonnble, nrr cold lienrtt, too, In regard to helping the poor. VAt.trsi the rrlond.'ri'ri of blin who ttnnrlsi by yoa In th torm twnrms of paiaf Hoj will sur round you In the sunshine. Twrlto nlembers wero ltely ad.Ud to the Presbyterian chnrch at Ibis p'sen. Tim building of David Fiy, ndjolnln;; the Post Ofllce, is a handsome Improvement to that part of the town. The lower room Is being lmudome ly Sited up for a confectionery store and bakery. It will probably bo tho best finished and most beautiful store room in this plnc-j. Biuck are now lining dellvned for the erection of the corner bnPdli:g., on the burnt district, by Mersrs. Moore Dlsslnger. Tho building will tMend over the whole vacant front on Market nnd Third streets, and three stoiics In height. Barn Huhnvh. On the 0th nit., a bun be longing to Daniel Suit, of Burn Irk, waB entirely burned with all the Contents, except a cow which they succeeded In gelling out. The house of Casper Frantz, adjoining, was nlso damaged by the flames to the extent to 6150. JJwmUi lutein Qtne.tr. In this nmtriinonlul market, marriage arc dull, engagements uncertain, courtships good nnd prime, scandal ovei-Ftocked. belles plenty and lively, beaux scarce and much liiiiilred for. Sleioiiino. During the. past week tho merry Jingle of sleigh bid's was heard at ail hours of the day and night. The young and old have been taking advantage in visiting our neighbor ing towns, and from what we can learn, en joyed themselves ltugo'y. Livery meu about here have not b en known to have such pleasant looking countenances on them for a longtime, as they had during tho last week, on account of pocketing the cash, hilu the poor devil pays his money for the pilvilege of freezing his toes as well us his uose. But thca lis ail fun, and In the words of the old song : "Bells ringing nil the way, Money spent and thrown away, O, there Is the duvll to pay When a man goes out a sleighing." MiNisinisof the gospel arc sometimes dcK-r-red from preaching what they deem lo be pro per lu this respect. We have known church members to become Indignant because preachers deuouueed intemperance, tin. I didn't "stick to the gospel." Such men tire death' to goo I min isters ; they would see them and their children starve without u pang of remor,e di'turbing the vacuum where their souls nre supposed to be. Paiities attending socials inw-a-days will do well to remember the advice of Saxe : In goiir; lo partus, ju-t mind wh it you're nt ; Bewale of your lie.a I, nnd lake oil your hat. Lest you find ih.it a favorite sou of your mother lias un uehe iu the one and u brick in the iahi;r. Correspondence. Mi. Carmei,, Jan 31, 1S71. Mr.bSi:g. Eimon: Another move h is been made by the -almost defunct" water conipaiiv, unil it Is oretiv eeiict-allv im.lei si oo.l il.n . .'. .in-... ,i.' li,.i..,r I..I-1.1, iil.li. li will ..u.iti I. ,1. . ; laying of the pipes and making such other im- i proveiiieitts ns are necessary. It certainly is a I liialter of sci t'ius inipoitaitce' to every person le- ) siding in the borough, as iu case of a tire, ns i j 1 now is. lucre ate no means of staying tbituo- , i gicss of ihc 11 lines. j i, " '".v 1 lorgot ti mention umg other : , inproveiiv lit- tlmt of ' ol. A. 11. liny. ho ha , ! ',"';i,a,;,i:l'"1 '' .""'.'"T," "" ;'k ,"'"M',,1-:-r I the P. It. K. llepot. The work wa l.erf.n :n- i .1 by J. Il u tiuau, Se..u,i U 8',.',stll!i'li:y ud 1 i lllii-tica iy evccllle.'. ' i The Piiinltive Methodist cr,io;i'..g:,in.i proonrj ! b il'ding a chiiieh. Win k will he roiiiineiieed on I . it as foon ns tin. weather will nei inii. Among ihc iniinoieiiienls in pr.pcet is th.it ' rou-Cet post oillce. We have not heard win ;i of u i io ii.- , oe.it- I, in r iv ho ti,c crv ciierg"t;e null is 1 '.i il -. " . i .. Hi '-,. tin l. i , . . e . , ! n il we 111) ti l -i,ti,. Unit aplelenlion h:ib been ; ma le to the pr..,er aiuhotii t for perini.sion n open another nllice. Wc do not think tiie im est-! i mcnt will be a pay'.n, one, and d.-ciiued taking ; . any sto. k ia it. as Ihe ,,H. i,iv ia .ii.ei.itioti up- I i peats t.t answer all j.iiit.,Wil. Tru iUii . , age of iiHproventonl. i ! The We-tern L nion Telegt,,,, Compiny have : cM-'iide I their main wile lion IMii' ol.-inlii-i io ' . , . ... ji i hi .i.e c i ; Mianionn, t ipping Mt. t aiiitel ., ls way, ami our te e'jrai. h f .c ; t e are now ,r .. fli-.i.cl'i 1 .i .. n'. vv it i ij. ' - I ,oilir. 1 he . L . I'lsti-unui.t is .,e,iU' in T. ! lloa.ls' ..iliee. We have imiv four li .,,i,, ! into our liitle town, vi. : The X. C. K y. ( .; i L. Y. K. K. Co., p. A. Ii. II. Co., and W.i". (;! I We have splendid slei-bing. and those ir ou I i-iiit-ii- .i.-se-siei: me iiieaiis uiei i.uie, aiea , ing advantage nf il. : There is no certainty a regard the time '.hat Ihe suspension w ill end. It is l: fed th ill'i . ' works Hillsiart nbo.it thellilh of February, in- , In Shiiniokiii, on the 'Ist nil., M1VVH.;, i:i i sines Is very dnl', and of course must co'iitiiue fai.t tl ingluei- of James and tlieu S lb-rt, ;;r. CouiMry Vrrducc taken In esciiAtigs nt ! to reinuiu no until the collieries n-iuoie. ii years, 4 months and u days. F.ekman A Co's. i "P0I-." j l Sbainol.in, oa the lSth u'.t., ("ATM A Ii! Ml EM ES, aged 77 years, 7 moniliS au l 3 ilayj. Doii't loivt the place, I i:d:t';r' Table. i At Tutbuiviiio, on the pun nit., itr.ritF.v , " joiiv, kkvivi t o 1 M I VI I'M. , L'O 1 II I. ' I MrTWt.t ,. bll'U'lillfli Avvt'.T fi.e IBI hai been receive I. It is of kiri. ii iiuurto si.e, etch page iilulrated with eleg.titl engiaviiigs, and contains oiigin il it n,l selected aiticles of utent ineiit. Amotig the conti ih.itois me tiruee liie.-n woo I, llarr'il H-echer Mowe, J isepli I. Thoinps I). .. Frederick W. C.ou ns, lleuiy War.lswoith Longfellow, John 11. Hough, t ic, A beautiful soiiL', "Come II. mm. Father,'' wotd n't I 'niis'c by llciirv Woik. New York: 1!. II. Metlo'i'il.l. an l ,;4 (.'...iniiteie.' .i-e. t. For s.l e by ail New. Ag.v.U. I'l lee, 'J'e.i Cent. Tup Laiiv's Fi:ii:mi r.o: Fiuoii a i:v, 1s7I '1 hi. a crv baiil-ouu- ituiiil er, toil f.iliitig be hind lli.it for January in any ies..et. Indeel we p.eier the lead tig led plale, Ihe three cam-i-1 Im e li-'i'l to er "The Li-tiei " ii te so kiigi'i-s-lue. 'Ihe Fashion Plate is b IU ilill nt'd sv.l-b, and the inline. I patient lor a 1 i."y ni.l p.ea.-e in- il :i-l I ions lolil:- hi. lies. '1 In II Ihile U Verv naliial ih'tiiie ol ,i Faun V.ml in tchriiarv. ml mi, lie alllaetile e.'-lliln. f..f aid, ing all1 kit- ing an I ililtuig. A p ale ol winter l.sl.'.'iis I n tfli'S and one lor leys will be ii, I. -listing .i iooiliti. 'I lu-ie nre iiiian i on. .te-u..s l..i w o.ier u' it iii.-t.l , p.llellis lor u hlell ar- -'.pi- led on npii.li-.il 'oil ; and lie' Woi i. I .. I . ' .' 1 I . 1 In. I.I it fi V Hell 111 cpliv 1 1 II! g lull. W ol I, . 'I I.e lot ie an I oi 1 1 i , ilk ltsll.il, n i e lltisu. ..- 1 I. r i-Veel- 1 1: ne a ltd l. it 1. 1 . I lot ad at ii ab e ci i I ''Ca- mi 1 i" i.. i nit, ii '. I float 1. 1. 1 t.t ii.la. "A i. . l's K ,1.1 no -" i. ill ler.e, all. I I. . lolleh III L' y to ,. "J o k II I toli'k I a. It" l . II .:,' , an I " 'h 1- 1 . 1 1 I V I nil ioIh ' III. I ' 1 in- VI . .... l ,le ull .-. lot n 'l Ii a l.i ' II tl J.ea T' l a -in, one leal I .nn s, ,li.. l.o.l I t.i.i.L. 1, l,-i .'.. a ).- .1 I 1,1 I. ..1 .1 in ..t l. s a .,i-g,. Heel nt- ruiitsi. K.. i '.. I i , in-i ( in i ... .- J...1. ,.. ' i !.. l.t 1 1 ' . I... ., 1 ' .,1, I ' i lie :ll .1 I iv r k.-nl'.u' I'.. I" ( .1. I . i t ;), (I. I'.l'. ol. I 1. 1 Ilea... I A I'll. I.. 11, II I.I. I .0 t. ioi'i I'u,' i34 ksl.f tf'Ull Ij fl. -f stJ llllul l"i" 1. J . im I I. Oil 14 l kik'.-- Wo hake ii..ii. 1 I'.. . ' -. ,4 A t. 1 1.... I .t 1 li 1 . A i.t.u. tl t I .M .1 .i.l.-i , I 1. I,,.. it, , ..11 on ; ... I 1 il ,.i. I II . : . 1 . .1 ' 1 - I , it j I I t mi I 11 , It 1. e A 1 1 ....o.i.u- .. I I ,. Ian ,.l Ilk l ij u un k I 1.1 l ml., ,ii. ... 4 b " I. it Irli.ii.'j II 1, I .1- li I.. vWi ) .ml I11U...1 ! . I '..1 l.w no. . , Ul k. UUkliiiM .Sat I lea. ..:. inn Jl l.,a 'tl.. u Ktl l.'l "4 kti.,ii.l II14 l In It. too. I I4.l1l0i1.ba, 1 1 1 t , . i-.l 1 I 1 1. iii, l.i, Mi ,1m 1 1 1, ,11 I J , X . I. - .. Hi J I. I I. -t, 10 I . " k"k'U ti'sil. a .. n . j 1.. u KI.J ,..liu..s I I 1., 1.1 '. .it t 1 ! . 1. u It . u a , I, I jllvl ... J 1.0 ,, .1.1; j '4 sis tt ik ,.f I n 1 . a -ti' .o a j . I I I - . )i - .. . (!. I . . . , . 1 t . I I I- , .., . , ., kl . 4 t , . I 1 , 1 . .. . 1 .1 .. . . 1 1.1 1.1 i-H nta I ..it I-us 1. f 1 1. s ' p...... il . I . 111'. I' , , 1, .,1 c ... 1. .1 ,. , u j ' " it. t.. . k. t I u s.al ,-ittiS. 1 A, , , .1 Ik. . Ili-I. I ! tli' ,1 ' t UK . Li llml i a. I'll : .,.l..i. , .il. ..1 ..1 .. ltiw'.,itt m l.HiyU. I The Immense tales of Boots and finoci at W. II. Miller iTcelslorBlorc, drirrns Iheiloll dnya, toolt every one hy surprise. Box aft?t bnt sraa emptied, yet wo find Mr. Miller still keeping op the large I eupply In town. fd his airiW rcplcnl-bed Ida Unci; v.'tji Ihcv - . li.-.v i nut . ket, and of tl .. . I ,t rtyl-s. Pianos i -::. Oi f.v '.' ' ". r. for tho h.'t l':e in ' P . .V- : : l'.- w '. - guarantee ' i ". t' v i . . 1 . ' ;.e ' ...... or than nny l:,.v,' I..-. . e -ii . . a i.ieia. Pat (il it clu:;5 Iii ,k-.rs unipioy no such (.e.uls. II. II. Mnssur. Tna FH.i:r9' 0".i;:oat. well built sir nicnt thirl;, w.-nm ni'd i'.irab ciimlniii.be enough t. drive t" im.ikit Mil g":,t;.-'.d enough to wear to cliutch, Is the new ove: ei. it so;i by i Wajiamaker Ai Brown, to lnuiiy of our tiidtlibnrn, lit but fourlei II il.ll.'ills f pl' l ... Cl.OSIXO I'll It LH I't" DfillAVPN J'.ll.l., 'HI M. Tmno Stiii.ki'. i'ui:.Airji.i'UiA. ; o'cIock, i m. l'obru.H'y 1, 1 o7l. IT. 8. b's of 'M " 'no 'iu..! !!..!..!!!!!"! II CI ,'(-l ' " 'li", new IC it tc " m. " G', 10 Hi's tT. S. -M Vear U per cent. C y Gold Silver Union Pacific 11. It. In M. jl .nd-. .115' 111'.' .'IPi'; liiii; .lo'.i',: llo', .;prj; no1, . icy !i.iu'., . p loH'i . H'li4 im.'.; . HK'J lu'.i-,' . Ul 1HK' . Ill 1U' .'VU lo7 . 7 ,(SM Central I'aclllc It. It fr..H W15 I'nion Pacilie Land (iranl Honds.. ram no TT'ltltOitS III i l tl. 1 11. A .rel.tieniali who i J JJ si fullered for ve.i" f; i Vrioii, IVbi itv. i Permulnri! Decav. an I all tli- . fl els of voaiblin . inuiseietion, will, for the ,,. el' iil:""i'lin tin- ) inanity, send free to n'.i who u." 1 it. : In- rccip : and direction for makeiir the t i nj ;.-i. e,e lv I v ! which be was cured. mf. ,vt w:.ii.,g to ,.Vo,1t by the advertiser's cm-:--i,.',. t,1M , K(1 ,'v a J. , dressing, in perfect cnnii l.'iiee. ' i JOhS H. fxirT.N'. ! So. 41 Ced..r t-fi-jt, Nw Yi.ik. Xov. 19, lSTd. ly. I rill) t'OXSUMl'TIVKS. The r.dvertl-cr, Imv- ' A. lug been liermaiiciii iv ciin-d of tb.it dread ! disease, ('onsiiuiptiou, by a f i inj '. n leiiieilv, is . For Ladles' fjiitn Overshoe. se fine :.s iut iirixious to make known In bis fellow n:l!.-i-; met nt K'i Miiler. I In; iiicans of cure. To ull who dcire it. be will ' Foi .il. kinds of I hi ilren'.- Mine, o in 1 ex send a copy of ihe pte'er 'pti'in iic (free of' amine Kil Mii'cr's hirer a-''rimt"it. charge), with thu tlirecti nis for pi'.-jvi; ini -n I For nnytbi-iir i:i lb- rtm.1 vi 1 Shoe line, call Using the same, which t.Viy w iii il.nl a si in: I i:z ' nn.l e Kiii'ie E.i Vi. ei V stock le'lore put cha s'o.l' FOH ('onscmi'iiov. AS'.TtVA. DitoMviiTi. ki: ei'r lu'i e if vii:i wii.li to get liist-ciiiss, at the l'aities wisliimr tlicpie-c.'ii-tioii wiil p e-isead. low. si pi ie.-. ' dress Ih v. i.DW'AIi'I) A. Wll.MlN, Jan. T. '?1-Sep. S, 'Til.-lv. HI., South Second Clrcet, Wi,liam.-bar-li, N. Y. " Nov. 1-J, l7d.-iy. llie Com,,lunit y at IjUrel nOWAP.H S.lMTARY All" AMfOCIATlON. t or the lelief and Care ol the Kni'iir and l.'iifoi'liiiinte. ol Principles of Christian Pltilati- ' throi'V. F.ssa s on the F.in rs of Youili. an.! Hie I Foliic of Am. in relation to .Mauiiiao: and Ni-' I have this day p.ircb.ispd the rntire stock, i 1AI. F.VH.S, villi sanitary aid lor Urn ulllitrc , g"1"! ill and tlture of the fi-gnlator IVt.it. Sent flee, ie sealed cuudc.pe. Aildie.sji, ll)V- ', fnne. Trunk. Leather and Finding More, of.f. ?. AMD ASslsJCIATION, Bok 1', I'ltilailclpbia Amrle, and wiil eontiiine thi' baslos nt ii ,.iV Pa. ninyT.'TiMv. . "i't localion. corner room, H.iupt s Iron Front, - - - its nrrnnr.cB. ti Jan. 1st., at the residence of the bride's r. ...... !., 1,11. V..M.... I... !.... t I- .-...!- .... ' ' f" "'," ' 1 ' I .,'N,EI' 'AoliB, of Mninokiu, to Mil.. S.11UH A. , vr..s,,.iv. , ; loeulc'jihla, Peceiuber 29th, W, by Aid. Fvclin. Mr. Thomas S. Maiis.1, of Sliniiiokia, to N,r5' Axmb E. Uoweks, of I'bila l-iohi.i. At Tnrbutyille, on the 17lb n'.t., by Kav. Jeoh F. Wa-ipolc, Mr. (ino. I). (Juksii to Lthia As Waonku, both of Washingtonville. At S,d lei's Hotel, on the Sl-t u t.. I.v rli same. Ml-. .,, . Iim:,ncii, of Tuib aClV, Mrs. CsTIUHISBSI."., near V:,shii gt..,,v.;;e. ,. . . , , , ,,. . ,. f 0 ;t..b-r Wth. -.'' -''" . A. Ht.i-, ...!'. I . r . Itowim, ol a iiilo.uy, i: id . 1: 1.SUIV- ' M- farl'S' I'ori.te; ly of Illinois. At Wasltingion, II. ('., on iv- Huh n't., I v -v. '.V. F,. t-:nuh. W. J. Wji.vrn t..s. Ks,... ,,r 1" iii'mrv. Pa., and Mi.-s MaiiT J. hooin, ol Ihe I'orim r place. O il- yo,i:r; trien 1 has h;eii con I icii u la's af- fair iii rather a i li. t manner, mid ha betn cap- i ' 1 l;"'v l "il'io'tt making much of a st. uggle. Mime are iao,e deseriing Mich a tale th.ir. he. We ;,, married lire mav prove n "ncrr-tual - . r . , .,",,. ' , , ., t"t "f neclared sweets." May be Hud i'l the , "ladye fayre ' whom he baa united willi his des- ti'iv, like livron's "iiiide of Abvdoi," a fiieit l i ' it i . ,' t i ... ' 1 o cheer his s ekness, w.itcb bis lu-.i.th, p ,,i .'e b il neier w i'lc bis we ,iil, J. . 1 . . we.niii Of st in I willi snu u uii'iiui inn: ing'y bv, An 1 licliiioi l.i't 1 is novnv Aul poveity , that 1-, provided he becomes poor, huh e ii cerely hope not. Jfll'tO O; " .- 0 l ..II..V l..'l.r t 1.1k, dkvll S. ICillS, tk llllllll ll 1II1U "..I, I-... -O litis. ' At Ttirbutviile, on 14th lilt., of e iticer. X i CA'l'il A 111 K SMI I'll, I'.l'.' I 56 years and 8 ; ifon'.l.s. i 1 - mmmmmm mmmmmmm. - I '-,! i . V , j Cll'.UtU'I U'lfOrfS. . "" SiiaUiiry Cirulil kt I'ruduve .tliirln t. 1 uiHia-i.ir.D wrr:i v tv uti i Ai.n;isi.cu. lillAIN Choief White beat. ... H.-t Amber, Wiat.t ... ( or, i Lie Outs, ;; I',..) li. -t Ai.t'.-r, W ii.ti . , , II .'l.l ... 1 1.1 ... i LO I I ....il IM ... l o I'. II K C.-a M . - T l W. UlTtKit . Vork ' I'.-llt .).anl. Hi. -'1 I'aliK I'.'f lo. a M LA1 1 1. 1. I L. . I, . I ' I. ; b-uioki d Mn.t.iti " iiilsol l.khli per III I I" J "Il W I. lie 1 Isll, pel lb j " 'Iroul ! "d ' ' I ub Mia. I , Y HOI 1 A l.l.L - 1 il:tl.. s-f lit!,!.. IM.tl.K. " ... I tt ... I no 1 , Us 1 i I". 1 1 .. , 'jo 1 ;-ti . da . :.' 1 ; o Sill., ("J . "III, iil I lie 111., .pint lo 1,1.1111 . ' lalU rKUtS-lltled Apph's, )., i a, 1 " o In i, ' " ( hull. It..!'. " K.I Iink.ru At-ilea el . jlctu !tl)(rlistumit. NLW UUOCtUV ttTOttU Oi'LMJD! ILilld tl.kl, lull d.s I lo J mil lent II. I, i, fcl .MitllV, I'LWA. Au . 1 : 1 k.s H-..k tl 4 k ... : df lj...i,i.ci, lu,. 1 ,k.l. I.J t ., T, y j ..iict, tu.. i, 1 . Ilauta. SUuliit .s. , 1. I 1 , f ., t Li . . ' ) kij I nt (uuiki 1 II . " J I I I- I ..I, I II . ... I 1 . . t 1 .. j 11.1i. au' b. I""' J k'-u a V AM-I ki: ''... I I. I tf. iMUt 'iii'. 1 11 vrn it, ?.U I'l ,11 .11. I , v, ,, '"II llt.1,1. ll.jLkll.llii i.,i,...l ki,.l J -1 Wa. p JI S)ftl ktaSk41 A Oulor Mil Dwtt that vill tl Eaij tha Ha'r or Injnra lh Efctvd. Ittnakcf riairiKn ttnd fine, rcMotiiir; its tialuial color without dyeiop, hj iuiir.r;iu?5 a hoakhjr noJ vigorous growth. IT H ALTiiiiETllEI I'MISR AM OTHEL tSIPASSD OR!.t lit J. R. DollOINS, 425 Norlli EUbib St, PliilaJa. Prloe jjl.OC, large bottles. SOLD EVERYWHERE. None penuino vrilliout my sipnaturo, nd I put my namo to no pooJs that uro not of Bui'pnsairjg excellence. ruini'. ttri ks j AT TK j Mamiaoth lit & Slice Store or -"""-' " ' niil'.i s Kootn, A.; lien Mrect, o duo , i;-.kt oftb- fosl (n'.lee, NOi;T!lt""' L NP 11"N"" . ' '. ' ! u,r,,r 'iinra It. ..:-, I . K-i Mo c, i.Vol -i.d ''" ' J ore so , I, I.i M ( alt at !. For FreTieb I f Boots, go to ."ii i.iei '.s, on' r S'J to 1 1 p-r piir. Wr loit. ?l a'i-1 0-i'fc-r, r. li,e-t b'e piicr, to E i Xilier'-.. ou v;a-u Mieet. For nil kinds of (ium Hoots .ml Mioe. call st K" Millers. ; CllANtiE AT T1IF. 1 i REGULATOR." Makkiit -SrisKKT, S'VNuriiY, Pa. I Wilt n having esiaiiiisiicd nrraitgeir.ent witlt 1 the leading maniil o tU ers of Hie eoiiniry. 1 pro- po'e siipplvmg i in- in. ukct w ill a eias t.t oik ofe tuo isht d repiitntion lor durabiliiv and finish, ... .1.. ..I..'.... I--:'... . I, 1 "'." I"'l"' ar i. s,-e- tiaity will be iiiade in the furnishing ol Mine- inn he: s me lei 111 'S lor IllltO 111,11 I unil Your patronage is solicited. X. F. LIGIlTNlkU. Suubury, Jan. 1, LSTI. ITSJf Aa A CO. A FI LL LIVE OF ul JvjHN ECKMAN i CO'S. Groceri.., Ihc besl an i I'hsapi sl in the market, Leklllall & V o's ?il--fikh. 'isrpp. ilil.l 'nrjti't Luiu a1 the Very lowest price-, nt Eckwaii A Go's. ntjiti:v. (Jl.OVES aud NOT I ON. "s Eekrnan . O.i'i. Kools nal S'tocfc, at Li kinaii & Co's. cf '-,', lion, nt ICt l.l.t ( ..it, !fli:i-Ware, Wood V.'aie and Willou-Warr, at F.ekinau & Co's. Ilarxlware, N.i!, S.iU, Fiali, Ac, at Via, man it Co's. CtiKNFK VOL'RTII AM) M AKKKT Sri! KKI's) HlMIl !T, l-LNN'A. C'l'tbury, llee. S, Hoi. FAI.T. AND W'lNTEIt MIM.IXKUV l.Ukll"sj IkOllllCt. UllkJ I f It I s. Ami Fkeill'lNABIS Mlll.lMtIV llillll'S, CEMfKA.-l.T, l:.l.' Ill I I. .'e.i .e.-l..' I a. Ml I.. W i:i"KU'S STOltK, M. libit Street, one do ir W e-l of lica I hai I 's Coll - l.'.-i i.iaeri loie, SI'Mll ltV. l'A. 1 It ' lale.l ' ,ie. ,1 lb. .s , i-n i:,gs. Ft ', ,. A l - i.t 1- , oi.'l -, !. .. , K.I ' "'i. . I. I--. I l J'l.. ' , I - ai . I ..It-. Jo. .Ill, ki .... .- , I i ' i l . . i I ..' ol h i nli, 1 .. io .'i'.l. it w .' It llie M ii.tii. ik tin-in, -si,, she hill -i MAIklNii AND Kl I'TlNti, ia : I i. , 1 . ii:i l.t. A ! ' . I lie Cl TTI.Mi OF FATTLIiNS ol I I l k d I'l i ti 'I lie I i . I i i ol h.,t. hat , an.) : i . i 1 v aie e.ir il.a .1 .MlUil lo e.ul and killol,k. Ik r Jf e... ltd .Niirllivrit fulfill V.allwity. WIS II I'. Abi.ASt.r il.M . ON ail itll.'i Jan. 1-1, I'.l, Itilvt ..! inn lo. i.l, : M'!;'l I. IV A lit". ia nt I"' 'Oil "11 ..I t . -l " a. Ill , ti 1 1 ike .,' 1 an 1 it 1 . .... 1 1 I . 111 , , 1 io ...1 . - in. , bo, h.-k 1.1 I I 1 p. .l. , I. Ol ... VI .11 . 1,1. , -pen -I0I1 In ' .. 'I '.I p. III., S 1 1 .'. 1 1 I . - 0. 1'. t. in. I ., ..'a; 1 ,,1 ..I I 1 . in. I 1. I 1...I.I a' .it .. . I .. ..... Iio'll I- ..I. I. I. ,. t .: ! to I I... . I V I 1. .'.11 . I. lit', ; tr t 1 1. 1. :l,l .,al. 11 t.t. -1 I. 11. "1 I'l a. in , it.. Im III.!" '' 1 I..., W ...li 11 I . I C II ,i I , I'l. ' . .. 1 m 10 1 1 . . e .1 II 11 1 . ' 1 1., I'l.. 4 l's,, , I tie ,.t It ,1 t ft . 1 a. . . . . . , I. .1 . . , it 1 ', "I! It .. 1.1 , .1-1. I 0.1 1 I' V, ,. ,., p.. . I in., 11 I ' . 1 , . . u , 1. .oi.. 1 - 1 I .i i, I lie , l.i i . .1. t 1 I ' it. . 1 1 . , -I . i.t , II.. '. . i . 1.1 .1 Mi h 1 S I I V If.. 1 ' v li'.s ti.o 1 . .1 .1 I I 1 , 1.1 iin.i tl l it. .1.1 1 1..1 1 1 ' , 1 1 1 .in . ... k k I Ul to vi t 1 a 4 k 11 1,1 , I I -t II J - j " ' ""' : 1 k ... . ..... .. . 4 1 I .... I k,,,.',, It . . ,', r...k. 1 4, I , K.4ttJ. K f. tr " r. r.-.' II iSNi i PKTEUS, On Tlii, (l :f...oiie.(l'M.i be'o t't-.l. -tii v.u Clnreh, uU'-l'KNN'A. ' V IT.-'.T rpMic.l ii I irpi assfirli'icnt nf TfK7 i ('. MM, such iv. Cloths, ( iii'slini rc,(HilicM"i, A1 ii'-li'ii , c "., vb'ch lira fold cheioei- limn ever. 'I.o, a veriity of Nations, Uiidctaliiils, iJraW er. tints ami flaps. l.APTFS" WOfiLF.V floor;-, P, QUOUEltlKS A MJ I' HO YIHlOKH ir rill kliuls, such as SOOAltR, COI'Fr.I'f-. TKAS. tPKlf-1-. 'IO.M. Ol". Mohiiiscf.. Pviu , Mae'.e;- ', !,-:i.- 1'rri, Nut, I 'lie I and e i;:. 1 V. l.ai-i-l . CU 'i -C. I Cl :"l:i : -, an I in fii.-t I'vci i ihi-i iis.:1;.y l.i.t in tile (iloc.TV Hi:" 1'anis. Ti.h, dial Oil, Cvocl: '. Vine, Quee'ise.-iri, t .lass-lviiie, Wii iti'.V.W-ire, i'I-"., The belt KLOI.U nn 1 MI.AI. in tbl Tobacco, Cig.us. ami aula varictv of ii'iiTIOX.. ALPO: All kinds of (.'aimed I'mli, nt tiie lowest price. liOOTS AXDJ-'HOKS. Having enlnrecd my fiore roien and fillc It with the lnt.e-1 style ol new roods. 1 vv-nii i .,-. licit the p.itiou.igi: ol tin; puljlie auj wi.i endea vor to p'e:i-e ail. 'toil ry Pro-luce taken ia w .di-i iv,'.. :',! Oooil. Im'taili iiu 1 examine my tti.cl,, and s.it.s y V'l.lSelVCS. riF.:.-n" itt' i::. Si'itbury, Nov. 111. :i, A a" EAT DIGVm I).-. w.wr.rr.'- r. v.v::s.: 7INEGAB, BITTLIiS "i ITundiub cf Thousaadi T -Tj IT r.cr.r t ...iiuo-.v :-'. Oi 1 r Vi-i-usr- f. t S T fu! i.i. i.. I .1.- i. ; - ' If f : WW AT APkC "rt-.EY? ! t.I " v 5 . - . via .-. ; f . a ' r r-: Tl -" ".v' v.' : ."V-l's --.,: .-" 7 f-'--y-iy s. I -. t 1 c 1IIET .KV.T. :."i.T A Vtir i. t I FAfsJC V DRiriK. f ! I.:r.(.f t'mir IJiii:', l isLc; , I -. ., -.."T-ij i A-iiU lci.ta I.isj-;iriii-.-...r ..."i...; i. ...... : cas4 t Jlc.'SJl...' t tc, (.; t " ,-,' ; ct;" ' t:t.i.re:i.," ac., t:.t'. -i-! l-t I ?'V.t tu Ij f-ruckT.reci ii-J ri-i l, L :t t"C t lr-j 2'-:i. ii?, ..:C2 ; r.cia I :o ":.t:vo I'.-r; i.! .1 lirl! . , .' I . .'i r-k. 'r, a I li-i.m rit Abxibt'Uc Min'k.L'.vii '-'--l" 1 j;.fr'P l:;.l:trk I !" 1! I ! ' 1 1 -. k i:vv ' ClYINt. 1 kINJ Ifl.kl.' i i i: ,s .i.k r J IcMur.teril lisi,.k.i-,t:..iiJi.ei' k-ti- i'-j Eitur ud rv.'K-iia-1 o :l i J '.) i.k .t , , .'. iu. Z'.op ma ecu u:.o tuse .l.tsi3 n.s.o.... n,..'.:- lien -.:..! r-R'iitt u:.V.'. 11. IKU v.li;i; i.ui'l.iii i'.-..i ijt.-,:'.'.. i ti9 UiiU brs mi Jsiit- v-l 1 ... ... ,.,.- other r.:c5r,ir di:i? v.. . Ii.'.i,.. .. t ,. . psiuui r-v.dr. 1 I'tte liille.lnt! t.lel y l-r.d C'-'-.tk'- 1 k . . - I ibi.i ..uti k.i.-i.!, 1 : t . I. , k .' i .v . ... l..llll. , 1.1 II..I II 1 4 . lH.. .1 I . '. . . s HlM'tl I 1.1...', k-'.l .....J KlHkl.;ce. I..' . -! lill.k .1. . s t... . f-:' Ski tt J-i.t : l l.c C....1 1, ..iv..C i iiloinf. v. :..e.i Ij ,.;eiar-;l)' ir-ju-s.-i; 1 il,i,...k : : tl'l .. k. elite . i-fl u:.. Ills' ilsM ... 1M"( W"jy, V:-'. flti.ti:. i.t.. h.ii; .sir:, Ul,m,'. , l ..t,l ij '... I. I : : ... I '.- ) tne.i,; v: il k.. .-k-u.ei, i : . l..y It, r.lii.Ls Alli.ck. t p I.I. a it!' . .... I. 1. fixa. i a 1 1' l!.e I si 1 . . 1- k j rcii.ai-a ,i l'.. a I. ie.i-y.-.t r.i.ii a la iKr' tl vi.ir ,r a. t,.::; ;l..t,t.r Il.e i il.l lan f 1 J . r- JA'ft, a j i..v.jorntJ ti,e SI i ..: iii'lt u u.l kttU't.in! 3 t'a' i i , .'.:-..t:. ,1 's.i..1 ii-, e lae:. u'ii-1 rt:.kt-ier'.i:.4s':.4 j l.-Cs.Cj ii tl.'i'.e.u; li., I.vi.:i;' ..l.i. ; ri.Lk, fcal i in.; u:tla,-i.sit la; ... .1 v j- r ,f.e ... i;.wii. i I't;lt t-.lk.IN l.;.-.I..k-: ' r..;i:.i. ,lui r..c't 1 Mil li... L. oil tun, . i . 1 a, .. c. v 1: ,.i,I il.i.l is SBIiel.a, ...::i;-'.. , l. . : i .: . ; 1. . . is ; i, L:j-..r-rlw.licli, t'sa.r..-. : :. t.t i, n. i tl... i :.;.:, i; !ii.: tui H..I. :..s.l ..i i.e.-. i -J,- t l. ... ..Mria'ssitl'jl'.: l.-j l.'.sr.l y i.i-.,; i.i ti.., . ;..:! .. ev. 1 1 sj-.iili ia a t! or" l-.iue 1 y t!..- .- i r :i-. 1' ".ur" (.1.0 Iwll'.e l.t S'..e!i eises will ret- iac.1 l'is m. 1 1 l-i ii.i;.;wu. ei t.u.x curative cCiict. Ckaaso iiu V.i i::d riiir l T.'r.cv r i":t ..! la la puiil.e.i li irilii'i; tl:ieu,,!i i;..- k .1.1 la I ita; l:s, 1 t:p. lieni i r Sei-.-s ; el, aiis. u . :.. ;t 1 .l l.:..l it .! ii-e'..il sat rlafiilali la i: a V' ! : e'i ..... .1 ii:.,tiiiif , tad year f.'cl.at wi:i t -.i y.. 1. :.:.. 1: . . i.iv I Ivwsl I J.uie uud l:.e ti . a.1 tli cl t.. - '.-.'l-.ni . .:.( e; r-. YiS. TAl'Iiaa lie.'er ' !,::-.. !.-! iu I'.e yhtiiaef 40 n.i.i; t'.ou.-::. V . 1 . . r...-:u.'.Y i-.;ri.:--; ca sad rvii-.ove.l. 1'i.r n .1 ti u-t !.. t-.d, r.1 ..r f.'i'.j 1 t:..i cl rci.l.r ur 'une r-'i a la io j, . iw .1 i 1 tvt 1.. 1 csai 1 -!:tii.;..a,c.er.uaa, ! . '. te.j s:. :'.. 1 j. w ,:.r.r.-.. rrojirMir. . . :.u'tit a co, ' rel;:'l!s ii tea. A: :-. ! :i J'r.n.".',, I,!, I cad 33aadlMCun.il.,.- ;:. .t, :.i .. : o: .- rr aii. M.vcc.s.;i a-:j tt.-.i.: iu. UNION' PHOTOGRAPH GALI E EY jon. it. it f. 1: a ti t it r. k n 1: it Oilers jre.it iinlUieinents 1 1 .'n's who g. ,e l.i'n fa. 1 otiii ,' V- Si.v pictures lor l.l"1 In a tl.'ino cliiiitr-.Mi lo tiiai h-i I!-i:: ol.l ; i.l.i., 3 -l.calll I'.l. Mi,i..k, in ln one dot ' o c- 1 on h'. M .i.kin ' e W I.e ?'. olo I A rl, ..!, tl . n ' n ' "1 I as .'an J. ICt.le .4 .0 tile f..;:s'",teli-.i. ; Italto. I. ; ' . -, "osi'U .,0,1 and w a im. 1 ti.tit.es ma I I . S !,s i-et I l"'il. as el,,. ; l"-e ehril 'I': v and v.i t w 1-1 :'. 1 I l.i... .il : cj .1 ! rir - i It ...'11.11. ' , P- 1. a .r.i;', ,.n . . I1' ' ' '.. '( of pi.-t 1 " Il .Ll'l'illl. ,e.'i'll.'.. .Ili'l Vi' 1 .1. t f . ' t t I S 1' ne: iii new- v. 1 1 :,lt ui.i n 1 ! ... 1. . ; . 1 -e M s S io-.- .pi -a' .-!l: 1 k '...'. '. t! . I'.l el VI h,. ig, l-l t . I, J.i.l . . I w , 1 I ' ' H-lllell U. I and I--' ' 1 .' ' I ' ' '' 11 I I KM ii '.' sit '1 AMI Mi. .All i i.i.L 1 , I I -lie J il l ;:i . . .;..ie. I' N 11 F U , t 1. N A. X. II. X .al l. s l.ik. a l. I .. s ' I '1' w 1 . - 1 ,t 1, : 1 1 1,. a '. . .. i. 1 1. ,..,..',: 1.1 a. 1 I in- ,'t t. I'. 1.1 .lit II I -si . .1 . .! . , 11. I. '.'.I IV.-". !;(. i ti l. ami w is 1 1.1; l7o. MI1.LIM:UV (i t l: v. 1 . 1 . .. 1 1. .-1 . . 1 l i: . ! M.1l. , 1 I-.W V. 11,1 1 1 III '..I... II I I.I l II.. .it ..1 1 II. I i . I . .1. , .. 'I. .1 I. . I A I ' I a .- 1 I. .1 1. 1 . ' . I.- .-I 1 'j - I I-. l-.-k Hj V 1 l,i" M: . . .'' "'I'. It II , I..". It to p ' .-k .1 -I . -. I 1 I ir ..f. .1, 1 ...I. ... a I , I -tl t , .. ..a. .,('.. s f I kt til., !, -, ll.i I 1 1 I k t k I I . ' lb IN M l -, IN I'll VMI k, Kit. I li I I. .1 .,, Il........t- It I . 1 1 kit, ,1.1 11 1. 11.1 i ...:k o' '. r . j II, '11 il. ' a ft . I .. . I ki . 1 l.t ill at I .. t I ' I I ... ..ill t . I I Its.. . I - t .1, ll '". tuwat I'ktlulrr, ll I N I lilli .1. i.i I II ' ..tli. I' ll I 11 l'4l il l.Na ul o tlikiLt Is, ik.i I a 1 IS, U .,k, ul I a.ri'ln I ttaiisa' l'k -t TiLitaio., 1, t ,.r I . . a... I'l. a ' -.... Tl k ill f f I 1, -e.l l b .a I is., ktatlk , s 1 t H-s l'AAs a i) i l;i : .... ItTrvr Arrlvr.3 r-' (uor.i, At wins KlTT. V.r.,'. :r-1-: j. ; K.irket Pin sre, ST," ; .. . . . . Jat OTc-.e4, a lnr-r rn i cnoicu dkk Conlna; of Ihulatsrt tlj- goods, In all tbelr v.u' Ce..1 rtrrvH'4 Trimiiilt:,-,., ' . -KdIh-NM, t' A OTWintll. UtiS.IMl-'.-.7. T 1 A DIES' WOOLh'y : (tilts' Co'l t, Ter ti-v, VU L ;ii:V;-' c,iI"''s aid li'o'.e-. i'o: I' i.o '. y. To: .".-.,-, ITalv" - ' :," tc. An li.vil' t'oii . t itJsd to ol. 1" -.:; ana a cure bilail . f'.iih..iy, .'or. S, 1ST.). t'y.mivTiCKr::n-i-.:-r::. r I I'i.S co'.'bi "I.-1 M .,, ', i . A. Tiext U-ol tl Kil:':ue' '', ' -ore. 7irUct Rre, fton'j-sr'j The F;oivi;e.;G-ivi;,e M.i.-l.: - - .1--. . , - . : led for beauty end i!uit.l,i;ity ; I : ". K.iini v Ena log Machine now o:.ci ed t : lie. run advantages ci.ai: It ha e:f 'idj., lieu t '-iii. Ti ir, ;':.. .. ch "."gek fi.i i', '...ibej.. S:itel.i. m.. lj ., !l'.i. Ion.- i 1' 'It' t:. tl. 1; ; :i.'h--i .i-i the wilder of a'l f.-i i n I " 1 . : . -i i l' -ii.g n 'llic on b-.tV -i 1 'S of i : r. . Il i.i'.i .t.;b; i !l I lteav '.... i .. v it!. ' el'liy. 'I I. . a oi i. i, i , f -.; i 111. i r I : o, . l.r.-c"'l'v ; -, I r..',.'. !ly. No ,..,:'. ..I : . ' i-'i'- l in - -.:.. :. en... heavy .'.i:.i. ii I tio'e - are :i I ; ..sit v ; no .!iK" i r t o.' w' i to ifel D'i; of O: 1 r. 'Ill" li. in " , t'lilis i . ,'l'i I e i: n.. l.e'l' Med le i le :-:til 1111'' j U is ll, ..o'l,:'!. e j .:.el:e,ii mid v.lo ::l'.t fi . .i::ie. S'.vc.rj- rut-l.y siou.d K Ot. ilv.'v we cle l! i t..- P'.l-V,,:: tl!: Ivlp s Cii i.; ', . -l.lae v. .. I'M.'..: to fill.. I;..l fi .n t c v . . i I,... id tilt c. . ' i ?.::;y.',:: , '.. Tml.s. '. ::: work. NO C1IA!..: It n.."--. fi ::.. L 'i I., i.r, ! i-. c. It c: li- e - : L :' 1 one ' ; i . 1 ; . . i : l -; ' .ich M.n ":',. ; ...:,;s. p,. ;.' . . VV i': :. . b : r.n.l m.w.i : i: il l . .'. -.v ' .: . v: ; eh :i ;-. l'"iy j".i-c!..;s-i l'.i'i .' In-tuiet.;! :r.i : M.oh: "' -.v.,.-; im. in-, I I--! 1 in .eiiei . M.ieliine Oil i-.ii'i 'ibieail kt-t in I. iu. I i.. like.:. GEO. T. ;-tiki!t .v ni'" . ; F- I' We..''' I. iv : , L lou.i oa l i-.iis.ii t, ..:. ivMvr i':. ;-:r. V, U. V. MCfM'.V. 1. !., fS'.i.'ii: .1- ij W. A. lleiiti"";) Dl. VtitlbT AND CHEMIST, Opi'ue l a f.e.ii ai. 1 fall iir..iiiieiil of tnsarp.-,ed iu pnr'ty r.n.l fi i-hnef, and kept. coti-i ;u!:T cn l:-...il. .'ly ..-k w, ; always !,j ' 1 ciuipicte iu every sii i'ele of nie-it i.i Mui.- , cii.-. . , Phys;;';, ( t:;. C'.l t-M.'C !.".l rely UJCTJ p: .i: ; ii.s and .".tu'n.lo.i ta oru.ra. Just re- .i.:iei S0LI3 Ati'D rl TID TXTRACIlj. a'nus Anil -tea 1 V.? ste-cic l uiiiisuai'y liirTe am'. .mhrace c vi 1 '.tl.ia.' that ran he ita:ni on u tii'fl-ela.i "1 ii it T -.',. i.tcl'i-liiiii Anu -.e.'.u a'.'d ; cuuiue 1 rditeti .unt Lngiis'i r n f r m r. r: f , PoTia-'i', ll.Jr Oi1, ry, ti'.m.i Pvp'11 Vi-inJ and lion, Co: hs. '1 '.-i'.-t -o,ii,.-. Hair fouth. Null. CiutU uua Fait t I'.t uiii.es, a; l Ai l Nf Mi:i.:;'.t..r.. r'uhi.K' :fc nli !.. ! ." '. 1 pu'..r "t'.-v;!.if.t!ojS 3 tl.e .lay, at niall'H'ai I'lii'la, prees. Pure Havana Senate and C'heuiuX Tehaiaisi c." the b.-'t br ni ls. I'uiut, Oils. I.Iite, ;i,i'.s, Cut:;-, it rit!s.!k-s. A t. Ail my Tinc'.'iiv-. sji.ij--. '."::'.-"crit. Orate, und mi -.-i pre;, .1. ti.-i.k a re to 1" ilact'iied -v 111 self.aiiii S'.'oui "ne l.'jsl uiattt'.ii It'i C-ui '.'"oeere 111 il.Ui Ail ii.v I".".'!':',; i!' ir I '-.'. '" -V 1 -k.l-tel, are m ole f. : !,. -'. v r' tl. ;. I k.j I1..L0! i as-cii. lie y ate ol i.Ili- i:-! sii-v:,.:l:. l or in.'diejl parpiia, -, 1 ou 1i.il 1 t'.iu very l.e-si VINT.. liJUNDir-M i.H'i L'wLOrLS, th.it 1 can to .1 ."c. A fa", a--- ,'" .a: ! I an. y ii-H Axr so rio T'ae ni:.-! en of t'- i.i V. , ' ' . e l p the In." e.'.. a I - it nt 1 a ji' 11 - v. .n ;',..,. I. ". i:':r:iis..it; Im-s !i re, eaii : l 4 eo tvliice y.itf ii i.a 1, I. Alter a ti 1 it 1 1 1 of years' nvf ran. e In the p.'i-tiefa! Vt-I ca I,e ,'!. i..s ft' .It--,'.. nial e: 1 it e. to th 1 ii I .11 id . r.!'.:i . Iii..... cu s'.i't iff : c.t:i b- htl I M ea tee le - f !) ail ' . i .1. 111., all I 1 ard ' p. It., a' h ' -' ' ee'r, I'l lil :'it s 1,; ,!; 1.1,,-, t-.. oe.-l il.ial tiolu i!1": e::St, Cll jt-.c". Mr, ,'i. WM. W. MuuIiT. Saiisjurj , l's'.. le. 1 -'T.. sj. . li:il Ii i "s ojifi-k t ii r.t . 1 o A k ruil Wiurc,- Jl t"K l.i vp , S"'M''PV T'A co vv . vv 'iv : . i- ( tiN's'i V.N'i 1 V .!. I: ... . tl.. l-e 1.1 -I. . 1,1 f ' .1 I. k... "' t : " : 1 : :., .1 r-l. ! ' - t 1 ..1. - 1 r . ii. ... rl ,r 1 I' up a t t : st .,'. T- ". i" -. . I 1 k - 1 i i f .1 1 ', .tf- 11. v' , 1. V.i. k . .1 .-1 , IRON !,J THF L'LCCr:. ? V '"' s" ji- ' .-.'.1 f'.-jf, r. "' "".;-J 1 A ..,,,..-1,1 l.i. . I. 1 4 . . .- ' r I.. k' . 1 1 . ..j. V - ! -' k , l-J -1 t .V.,,-k.tl!l t. I ;il -II ' l: .1 V At " ' ''- Ml a '. 1 .' t ! 1 . I i ' " I .., I ..... I . ,. ; ' . . t k . -t t I 'it UlIM ''.It' I. I a - i I t- a - k . . I .. I'-S L' . i I V I l. .a. st, 41 1 II . I .. ill , si 1 - ' ' . f k . t I'-' .'I t 1 kil l . I , 1 . t . ., : t . , I I.l.i, . s kill I M ist'M !' Uaulaa ka e Haw, rt, It ktaiitjatytt, I