V" imbitrn Smcriran. smnnntT, antart ai,i87o. Rallrtmd Tim Table. EAST. WEST. DBS4o Ex. I've I M a m'Krle MnlU'Ta , I -AS 4 in . i m Q:K p m Bria in no a initurairs: BUtl " lt lftpm Krio Kx Rrle Mall. u 123mi nniTi-fiit Trim Wont arrlTaa t 11:00 a. to. ait vao'cw pi vision c n. w. Irnc 4tftff SajiiWi.-y it 110 s m AtSauiburr m 4:40pm " upni ' DA17ILLB, BAaElJliTfTLKK-BAKHE B. i Lfme Sunburn tit A. M I :W and 6:20 P. M. irrwtil Arnityr 11:80 A. M , leCO HnU 11:06 P. II tMM Ciiiiiiifrt li:4 A. M. t:8U and 10 P. III. 4rrtr ml DtaviUt-M A. 01., 4:40 autl T:45 P. M. Ono. P- Rowsix A Co., 40 Park Row, If. T.f fl. M. PwrnworLL & Co., 87 Park Row, N. T., and V7. W. Sharp A Co., Tribune Bulldlmrs. K. T., art) the tola Agents lor tula paper In tbnt city. fecit! Affairs. Tub QROVL'R A UAKh.lt nnd tha 8INOLR SEWING MACHINES mo neknowledired su perior to nnr ( thnr unw ltniiufir.urcd. Mlsa C. Cutlus, Market Ft red, this place, la the oircnt for the sale of .tbam in thi.i and adjoining coun ties. Instructions in sowlug given tree or charge to nil purchasers. A lot always on band. Cull nd ttxunilua them. . .' A yxiXABus vacant Lot, located In George town, Northumberland county, I'u., la offered for sale, on reasonable terms. An indisputable title ill be given. Apply at thia ulUce. Dep;oation The improvements to theLuthn ran Church, lu this place hiving been completed, the dedicatory services will be beld on Sunday tbo Eath inst. Rev. Dr. Conrad of Philadelphia, I will preach tbo dedicatory sermon. Rev. .Mengiu, of York, and other clergymen, will utllciato oi this occasion. I 'asio s mid members of all otlio' duuomiiiatlous uvc l:.v.U'J to attend. N. F. LI-.JitriiiiR 3 U'iilutor Boot, She, Trunk, Leather mid Finding fctoie. linut'a liuu Fn ijl, Maiket (square. Tna mild weather during the latter prt of Itir.t week, uud the heavy ruin during g.nday liiylit la.-t, caused the iec to more otl the iter on ) ."Holiday evening. There has been no lutcriul damage dojc tb.it no beard of. Donation Pauty. On Tues.luy evi-nlr, Rev. G. J. buiion, Keetor of bt. MatUies (Et.scnpal) Church ol til. a p uco, was viited by a urge num ber ol the incuihere of his Congregation, nil bear big in busketb, buud:vs, or pocket, lho:i tilings w .ji, h are utelul and is tnU:.!, and rrniitcr to the temporal eom'.orts ol iile. Thu rally was 111 oh t pleua t and agreeubie, us Weil J the giv ers us to the recipients of the god tilings brought together ou the occasion, nnountiug in money and goodo to several huudred iollui. Attemi-t to Fiiik Stable. Cu Saturday inoiuiLg iat-t, about b o eioek, Mr. l'lioiuus Ma- lone, an employee ol the N. C. R. 11. Shops, iu j going down Centre ttiley, discover d smoke issu ing from the stable of N. F. LlfMuer. lie ut once gave the uiurm,and proceededto extinguish it with wulcr. On opening the ttuble it was found that the live was just coining through the flooring, having been set on lire underneath, at a small hole ut the entrance ou the alley, it is supposed that it had been burning fi r some time, but there being a damp atmosphere at the tune, and thu stable being plastered, it dJ not, proba- biy, gain the headway desired by the iuccuiliary, wlio no doubt, had calculated on plunder. Kkgaul Wear, liuest, R.gulalor. Mauufuatire, at .the An Attemjt on a Uailkoaii 'Ijiain. An at tempt Has lll.lil; ut Ml. Curmel ou FildaV last to t.iruw tlic pa:ivi.ger train ol the L. V. li. It., go ing east, ut 7.uu, oll'lhe track, uud was ouiy pre venle I by the eaiiy fic:gnttraiu West fioiu l'hiia de; ii.a. A we.lge of iron was la-teued wiih o.;'j and spike.' ou the loll, with the small cud towards the passeuger train. The freight truin J coming West struck the large m l, and, haviuga very heavy engiuc, kept the truck. it is supposed to have bceu thw work of some persons who have u particular desire for revenge on the engineer of the traiu, behaving received notice, u few days prcviuu-,, that he tcust quit the road or his life was iu danger. Anotukh. On Friday night the bolts were ta ken out of thu switch at Muhoniongo sU tioti ou tliii N. C. Kailroud, and the switch turned half way. Cmiou after a freight traiu came aloug.uud ran i-lf, causing a wreck oi the engine, mid bouiu '.cu or twelve curs, it is supposed that plunder ing of the IrvigH was the object of the parties no did the died. A lewaid uf JouO lb ollered lor tliu detection of the ieipetialors of the deed. Mi-uuni atTkVohtos,Noi:tui-mhkhlasdCo. l In Si .1 .r.l .w I .-r 1. . 1 1 . t?o'- i- ocii, Isaac liergheiser, wbi.e s.tt.Ui in u ueigh- j bor's hou.-c. was snot by sonin vbluiu Mho had 1 I taken Hie darkness of tue n.lit lor hi deed. Uergiieiaer a silimg beside Hie sick bed ol lii j ikiii'joi when the deiuou lue 1 throUgil IBo win de .v, an I shol lieruheJscr in the bead, from the eilecisoi Mnicli hee vpiiv l ou .ia,i.l.i' ulle.uoon. U.iglii i.-i r lia 1 bee.i woiaiut, ,u tliu c n.ieiyoi! I llu iu le.enaeul syleiu, und bad been i.ttaced I ii:i.ii iiuiee p.eWoUblo this ou ui way to work, lie leaves a wiU aud five cbilifreu to mojrn liU loss. I found the card ol i In another eo. n un wi.l be lb t'...o i lli tl'l ! Tleloltnu, III tol., I'UUUIV, k' 1 t bv 1 hoill.ia Fo.llda, sill ., 11 o.l ii liii . '1 In llo.l.u il ts iale: been leiitlcft aud relaiV it dt uud nod r i:ie iipeni.-.hiu of Us picei.t p.o,i,un, " ! k iovt li"W to keep u lnitei,"ll is bum 1 to b. comrtlu lUu-l popular hotel iu thul Seelioliol on. .li;,. 'I h looliu ure rp.eudiil ) till, J up, a i l In laliu s ura i..r.iished w nU tha be. I una l..le-t l.i tic .dj.net. Xdc t in i Kl SIi.mis, a novelty. T, t i be h..Jo.y at the Rt it I.A1011. eaut itjie W. ,iie inloniicd llul i If u t will anon be made to in,' ill a-: U liU -I. less Mi us' Mi. tail lusi. lance A-. ..lloli III Illia Uec, lube iol.lnl.,1 uu l!iu y. in 1. 1 l..e C h. R. It Vllllual Lilt i.i. A-. ... i..i on. I n il ft o'ier p iv a li.l i Hi,, a " el.il. .11 t : at all a I Stair "! f .) fill bu ilcei.lse Jl I llli lllbei, l.lM I' .1 ' I ill ll luiHIlbel, sin. !i ! p. i I to the liens ol ti,. J. t,.,t. I Vtc. ). ot I .! ...' c(4iubivd it Coutl.lutii.il cf 4 :li: o l l. Urn I, Mild 1'v.la.HI It WiU !if UvoUlS ! II .1 ' s 'In"" VI blltluVM UllU. lolOlloM Of l'.4llul. Dlkti lokS l.elil ;lj .. .) I, l. loi.l l'.lllp.,U) I Oil I HlUMfll.t, .. 4 V I I' ! i ' "' h II in. ut U ...! U I. .,i ; I., ib, J, lio... 'h ,1.1 I .1, J ,),., l.i J ll .1, W O I ,UI II. I aw 110 , !'... 1 i i,.,u,a( 11 I II 1 lO'l I, Al l '., iu,., A -ll'nl l . . I 14 4 W.. I.. ( ..I.J t"4.ll I la. r I K., 1.1. i, i 10 a. li ll.llll. At 4 Hi - I U,' of He: l U lira of lb-' I' ll. V . , li . .1 o 41, j W I kca b .114 ul I i I kill- I I.. I I'oll i.'.r I t'.a 11,1.1. .,1 I . I si 0 1, v-l D.11H a , It. U t I,.,-, 1.1 .i-i.i In - v. 1 , i.l fi . iv j 1,1a , f W ...I , ., ol to . , . ... ! . v. i h , I, ,.1., . ! ..uil.al, 1 A f I'-i.a, wf kvi .a 1 , J tl .v, :t I 4 ... .a Lal aa' r.m ( a. I Wa'.e H-4 s,y.v' PofJiJ Rorrri!'Sf.We bare lately kerd much L of orgnnUIng a folios f'ce In Ibis placo til it a check to rowdyism and other fnls dolmrs, Ve bollere tbl to be a proper step to wards iprcssln.ar criminal rfTensea which ro commit' almost dally lint which tiro nerr-r broiighn light. The fact la tbnt a police .''ud lock oji-ould linre received the attention of our noroajtuiliera long nso, which might proba bly b' )i miMiia of asTluir cotisldcr-iblc trouble and pain sonic riiroiits In the future. NVe have often ( il serious accidents ut the depot wbon tialue jflre, to young boya whose conduct there Is anytha; but praiseworthy, and leaves no Very favoralj Impresalnn upon the tnlnds of atrangers In rcgnHo the character of the place, or the pa rents to torn they belong. The nights aro rondo hldeons their orlcs, and wc have trcquontly ob aerved a wg of them Inking a run on the pave ments lit herd of buffalo over a prairie, fchov lnganldeged citizens and ladles, whooping and yelping, ti throw-lop mifslles at each other, re- gar J less f persona on tha aide walk, who may by chum be between them. We feel aatlsHed that punts In many Inttauccs, Hre Dot aware of this, and would willingly pay a tax to employ inert kP ,hc l'rnC(i "llJ l'ut n heck to this growing which might end In something worse. Tli matter should receive the nttentlou of the Boir.utb Count II, mid early steps should bo t a kdi fowurd organizing au effective police foieejAtu'si-curlugu proi'er building for a lockup by tbut b It. TniT 81,000 There baa been a terrible up heaving itout the Court House during the past week, oniccnitiit of On et Gammojc reporting the proedliJ(S of the Ring to thia paper. Oily, like the Jurj'Commisslniier has received curses upon hl heudtoud and deep, m.tU hit has become ut tiily disfiisted with the Northumberland l)iro- Irity. Tie muny new phases which exist in the Uiig, hasuys ure euough to damn auy party, and to auve Us own rcputatiou ua a national expoun der of DimokrUy, lie dec lues to associate with them for the present. He believes that the $U4,0iK) are not entirely ubsorbed yet, and that the audtora will report a large amount in tha handa cf favorite collectors the balance will be reported principally as miscellaneous expenses. OVERWEAR. A large ftock, great variety at manufacture! 's prices. Piice list ou exhibi tion ut the KtuULA ion. On Monday night between 9 and 10 o'clock, a pi tul shut was tired Into the house occupied by 'llios. Steel, at the Lnko Fidler Colliery, the bull passing through the lruiiie of the sitting room window and ttiiklng the wall opposite. Fortu nately none of the inmates of the house weie witniu range of the ball, and i.o out was injured. The perpetrators, alter tiling two more shots, neither uf which bit the ,1ioum', Uud, and succeed ed in getting oil unrecognized. -Mr. Steel is Insidu boss ut the colliery, which has teeu running blnci: thu sui-penslou, and it Is believed the shooting wu3 done to intimidate Mm and the men woiking it. Mmtckin UtrciJ. How iiikt no in Danville. Some timcngo a parly ol mechanics of Danville wire looking for a location to erect a rolling mill. Tlvy hud been t0 ibis place, we understand, but property bjiug ruled too high Ihey abandoned the pioject. The citizens ot Danville hearing ol their object imme diately organized u company, rai.-ed the money required, and the co-operative Rolling Mill Is au established Company ut Dumilie, -ind the ucces- sary buiidiuga ure being elected Nunow bottom wear in the Uuest Imported leathers uud serge, for ladies, mea and children. RiunuwALK to Caketown. We have on sev j occasions li l'erred to the fuct that the erec- tiou of a hoard walk to Caketown would be one of t ig most commendable projects that our bor ough Council could engage ill. Wc Uud about one half of the workingmeu at the railroad shops, arc living with their families, uud boarding iu town, and are compelled to walk over u muddy road, or ou tbo ruilroad truck, to reuch their place of b.inincvs. Walking on tho railroad U dangerous, and accidents muj occur ut unyt'ire. Iu erecting a board walk the bueiiiufs men ol the town would be. vastly beuellltej, us It would no doubt draw the trade which now goes to North- uiuberluud. UesMus.tliU, our citizens cciluiuly owe our ueigbb irs of Caketown, at least some conveniences, und the building of a boardwalk, which we are informed would not cost over f 150, would be a benefit to both parties. The Council should give this matter their uttuntiou, and they will find the benefit derived from it, will more than pay tic: expenses iu less than a year. We have been pleased to see that the Borough Council have ut last consented to put down u stone crossing on Third street, ucross Market square, and are now engaged iu the work. This is u popular move, und we hope they will make u finished jot of it, by laying It with good and substantial material. Nuw rtoTiiiNu- Stohb. iiy reference to our ad vertising coiiinius. it will be teeu that b. Herlz- fcld. r. J)as Ju-t opeued u new clothing store in Moore Di-3iiiger"a new brick buildings. lli slock is till new, and made Murder. Those in wai t of anytlii.ig lu hU line, will do well to give him a call, a he Cells ut great bargains. Reported by A. S. Brirc CofKT I'liniTrrjiNOs. -The procec IhiL'S of Ad journed ( ouit, which cjiuu.i need on Monday of Ibis week, may be noted bv the fnllowl ig casea : lloiouifh of Siiiihurv va Ira T. Cement. No. H3. August T rrn, 118. Sumnions in Petit. Tills c i-n bin;.' i on the follow iu - st.itenn i,t of la "t. Mr. f le'ni iit was tlai.led the ue ol the n ,,. ai Uie e,.d o! .M n kel slreet, by ihc borough u Hum it. .-, . eVeial )e.u sim c, al the nominal ni.lol tipirjt..!. '1 lie iep.ur uia.le by him 1. 1 ou lb- w h..i I, a i. I w liu b be e:al:.u I had been aultioi.zcil Ly lac .iiit lioi uies, were chalked to I be l!oi,,l.kb. AlUl Ibi, Ml. Clclllenl leased the I' i l v , an. I cat. !'il-tied a iU -Hi l.ilie I. i n S.labu l.v lu llie Bnv lei eoiioty si te. It upp ara lb il tl.o i. i.-,..luie allei w ii .la k pea.ed Hie Uvvc l..li Ut,n.e a li 1 1 ) on l. li. nai ol il.c. inn. Jn Ibv lll.o, lielt ll.UUt I .l.litd a deduction fi'l' 01 a lie. I I. e ni l uu that 10.11111, 1, which llieju.v pi .i.t I, an I foil iteioic I be oil -il lb.ii.il loi I. p..llh Hlu. I, llo.ilil iu a Vtldlll IU laVol ill 111 lo, t n.ii ..a ii. Mnilii i lb iiiy I). DoMcr. So. .0, V.v. 'leni:, l-.o7 h., ,11111, 1, In i.iae. V.idal ill lain! ol ..,ii.t,tl loi alvl.wi. ( l lei , il.i I !i I ,W I o. la Juluia L. (litter. I'.l. M .111 li '1 1 1 in, l!. unii.,i 11. In cava la 4 III! loi lull,!" I aMld to llatu bwu lull .So. Tin. 'in.. 1 a aliuie lumli I IKvilllal.la lu Uil-uUlil. Oil I Tna 1 a 1,1,111 t vi.nl uu, a iln- lov l, 'ol... i' ' - I' I .. I II 1 V a, . , 01 1 1. 1, p .11 I', ili. I II i. V.. . k. 'l I,, I o I. I I . , lu l. I ! -.. . I I 1 , li. . !,- ..I.l. I .1 III lie I. I II ... ..K I...I I ,1 1 In U 1 II . I.a .1-. -!, I all Il .1 I I.... ...1 ai. I' . 1 li V, .. ui 111 . I. la,' II. I u. I 1 .1 .. I ll I II lw. )!.,, lo ,, u. .. I O.J I. , I, I I .I'o.l , ...... ., 41 .air. - Hi ; A Ul, ! .. I ...li 1.0.1 ..I Mal , .1 .1 Ula U -i a in D iaji l la m'm.i.1 ..I. I I.. I 4 I. .-I ,1 40 il I be I II. 1 1 .k b. u ta. .. 1 I I. A ..j b.i-o-I t-i I,. a I . I l.v 1 - - Je.. Ai. 1. 1. , I' . , n.l t.h tl,-i,ai u .li,.avij. ill I lb .1 li. I a .in. 4 iu o.,.a l..u ai.'kawl "i 1- wu a 141.1 . al ll . - I . A III -I - I . a I ., a J . .1 ii I Mi. it .1 I w ii, il .,, , -1-1,1,1 )al,.,l .,.,4 k, , l 'I ."I , I . I .... 1 .1 ,. I ' . , , I I U. -aa .... ). . . I., i, avi ii. i. o4 - sua I 4 sa kaa a4 Was Ws And the fol!owfnir '(e'l" In the ! i i. i'o niim. W'a Woold ollu rmr genial frhinas al North nmborliind, to not base their anlborlfy on a hotel trarlslor alone, when they wish lo rxtonri therr liopltallty to dlstlnptnislrel rrnHrmeti. In this cnsr, tho old a4ii;e "lliet r.ll la not ;rnld that irllllers," 1ms been vnrlnd. NoiiTnrvtrriii.AH') Pot.r). Tlio Mew York Wn dctnils the doings of tire K. Y. gumblcra, lit the staid old town of Northumberland, a short tinie aliice. I,i niMordnrcc with n plan laid out for vielimi.liarll. Northtimborl.indcrs, t hey pcr-am. ated JolinC Hecnaii and four other wcli-kuowii gen lie men of the rln'f, creallnir an Inunniiaen n aatlon In their asniiincd chiirm-lers. 8'ioit y ni ter the registry of their ful. r: nn.ies rt tho hots!, a pominltteo ofclliZinii, nnmed Jos. Mini, 11 weal thy retired co.il ojvmior, linmuei llli keiibi-ie, 11 rich fanner and sp.-euictir , end John McKar and. a coal dealer, called upm th redoubt, ibie lleenau, and In Iwhnlf of the citizens, tendme I him lim bospltalitlua of the town. Mr. bird then Invited the parly to take a carriaKe drive with hi:n on tho following 11101 nine In his new Kng'dr.b drus, drawn by four spanking bays, on a visit to IiIb Is land fnrm,nnd to other r-cme oflutercft In the neighborhood. The lnvttctlon w.i" sratefuily ac cepted, und alter quaCuir a hull ib zcn botl.es of champagne the committee withdrew. During all this time, a liiir, strnpplnff Susque hanna river rnftsnnin, considernlily boozy, was creatine amusement for the crowd with his boast ful rclutlon of the liiiiny fUrhts he hud taken bund In, nnd In which be asserted he bad always nunc out victorious. They dialled him cinilde rably, and doubled bis prowess, und to'.d him If be wns'surh a flirhter, that tow whs bis chance lo Immoitalizc biiiisclf, for lleenau was there, nnd he mbht tackle him and show what suit of stuff be was made of. Heemin present .)- came into the room, and, nothiuir loth, the st.iidy rullsmau adrunced and irrected Ileetnui tin, si "Are you John Heeiinu, the Huidiy Hoy 1" That is my nninc, sir." "Well, I've heard a good deal about Ton. They sny you're 0 pretty good liirhter. I'm not b id ut thut kind of enme myself. I generally fail ou top when It Comes to flic buck boll, nil 1 kin tro tire, un bile as well us any ikhii on the river. 1 k:n spar too ; 1 used to tuko lessons In nn Tom tSinnns, Unit drives a ctiuul boat dowu to Harry de Grass." The crowd were Inn'thlng loudly nt the rafts man, und eiijoyf I the ludicrous scene Imtely. Hecuun replied Hint he bn l given tip lighiit'e, nnd advlsei the pngnaiions rat'fmau to do tins snmc. But the rai'liniiu wanted to see Hie ttyle of Hcenun's position. "Put up your hands and li t me see how you fix you rut if, when you nre goln' to llbt." At the same time thu nift-nnm doubled up his hi bony fists, nnd awkwardly placed himself -in po. silioii ill front of lleenau. At this the crowd nearly split tlieiriides with laughter, and for the purpose of umii-imr them, and ut the sumo time to leach the riiflsniiin u lesson, Heenun lliieW biniclf into the Royal Pugilistic attitude, wllh his left mauley well iidvuueed, mid ita'i linir light'y on his ins, danced aiound the bewlldeir.d rnl'tmnii once or twice, and made a feint with hi right h ind, and with opeii left duke canomc l loudly on the I'Kl'.simm's car, which sent him sprawling on (he floor. The crowd nearly lulled the roof off with the thundering bin .t of laughter which followed. The rall.im in soon gat lu red himself up. and good humorodly sai l, "1' satisfied you're ileenai,, and you can lick ll ,l!t blaze out of me." "Let's till take a drink i what do you sny?" and the nifts'iinn warmly shook tliu "Uenishy Hoy" by the hand, licenaii coriciite. l, nnd so did his friends, who were neiir'y dead w ith cor-vui-Ive hiughter. and so did the crowd conJcnt to drink at the discuinlltli'd raltsui 111's expense. Hecnan and his friends then retired to their rooms, lifter being voted by even body 11s devil ish good fellows. The next morning tacy ac companied Mr. bird In tho promised drive, and enj.iyel tha 'beautiful scenery surrounding the romantically situate, I town. Alter din 11 "i- they rc'i'te-tel fin; courteous llonlface to make cut their bills, us they purpose,) leaving that u't -r noon for Willi nnspoit. To their surpil.'e the landlord said "there's nothing 10 pay, gentle men, your bills nre all sett'el. When you 11 1 ready to leave the boy will bring dowu your trunks." HeeiKin and his friends made some demu ring objections, but it wns no use, and thanking the : landlord, and bidding good bye to everybody, I they took their departure on tlie northern bouu.l ' tram for the handsome city ofM llliumsport. Joltings). As a rule Buubuiy glria are pretty. Aix oiu aubseribera should Jity thulr bills ut thia time of year. Adveiitisino Is Just as essential to aucccss as a complete st ink of goods. Wasujncton's Uiktiidat, 22d February, will come on Wednesday this yeur. ,Ir you have property or gooils to sell, adver tise iu tbo Amekican. A St periob articlo of Coal Is rotulled by W. S. Rhodes, ou Front street. In order to avoid the breaking of Lamp Chim neys, dont clean them w th water. Remf.mbf.k that the ladies of the M. K. Church will give a grand dinner on the February, for the benefit ol'th.lr C lurch. Au. kinds of Job Work will be ucatly aud cheaply executed ut the Amgiucan ofllce. bhocmukers' material. A speclulty at the "Regulator." Micuael Iiatnb had three of his riba broken lust week, bv lulling from a dwelling house, ou Market street, if ibis place. .m Dewitt, of Lower Augusta township, died on the -lull a. I. lie wus a soldier of the wur ol lSlll. The Regulator Boot and Shoe Store, in Hai-.pt's building, kept by Dr. J. b. Angle, hua been sold to N. F. Lightucr, E-q. Harry Thatcher, tliu ac knowledged polite and happy clerk, has taken charge of il uud is doing uu extra good business. Tue Aeeomino latioii Saving Fund and Loan Association, uuet4 icgulurly ou the -1th Monday evening o( every month. Gents' Fmneh C.ilf Boot, b..x toe. Every pair guui.mtied ut the "R. guiilui." Bl.ioMlNU I'un bin. 1 lio large street lnmpa put up by W. C. Young, are becoinlng more pop ular every day. We observe u uuiubur being put upat private rcidei.eta tbiougliout the town. Iron ore has bceu discovered ou tlie farm ot Mrs. Em, mil- Fiythaig, iu this Couuty. We did lint Karu w htlher, -.uc queliliiy Was large oi small. IIlm y E. I'avis has been aplsitntej by the iioveraor a uot.uy public, at leliusg.uve, buydr count), for u t c i ni of three . ara. A bi k v. ol, r lltor thus icufeases i "Our ('biisluiH. turkey w c, a tiui: I Ir J ; it h i. I aeulea on Us I. ,.k, und wu l.il.oa In, :n a bair-d In be mi -.So. 4 .Mackerel.' On; Caiiial a tll lirated on New Year's day, biC.iine a i.u.ii ixciled, and lie'-lc. led lo 111. ink h.a patlol.a. Ha Una Ihatala I Usui icbe iiiii.lly. CtiiNuiuul latcil. lurlliuaj4t iu .Noi'lliuiuba-i luutl Co. t EH.s, Jan. 17, la. Ms. tl'IT 'M la It l.a v Ir.la nial al 4 lel taslou ol war V. ..OI, a all.il.ua Is. III. 4 aa tSpa" iiliii-vI- 4 iamb I.., mil a- vs., a ha ll-4i.-l 4 .1 i-.-.l .i n.i.lli.u ol fc-. i.rt.''4 aai pi -n s lib ) la I Ml ll,.r alillwlfell t I-UUII ll.i.laU f Ale ll.i e ., 4 .,, ,1.4.1. Mia ol D.'li Iv-t Oali i-i"il.-U' I- 'llli- I j .k.'a-l.. be p''U' .' I out oil o-., .!u e I ...i I, loll ... urn tj it. ll it I knova Ibis, ill. A vl, i. I AS, 111 i.- alu all. -i p.. liioi'iloi j aUl.a l l all I lb ,a k u t an,i' I .. ,.... U.I. ..!. i.'l.. In I I., . ioil.,.. - l,l.l, ,. .p lbs "In ," va ' .i ., ,i . . , ... a. I, all I a l , let lti . ia iii. i la I 1 1 m I , n. Un I. -..i vi.-iai. i , ll-lVO. ii.a I I. , I,, . . .in i I .. i . I .' .1 1 v il M.. p.a, i.,Mt, lali a. '' a,.. a a) i.it iy a.l,.. 1'iia, ,. " Si ssi i t ,l k ', a,oi a. . I tol I i. I alUa attlaJUatl )vVIIU). .imaUi I l l ,,0 I .Ilia lt-4. Uall lu.lllla'a bl I ruoiiii.,, it u an. .'i . I lit.) Ilia Uai '...a 4. i bo. l..a 4 Ilia 1 1 i.i I, I .a 4 Ma a 4 pat I I. a f ii. M a. a-, la .i.i.ia ,1. . w. a.l4ls.i..aa'.J4 4. t . la. I, l I n'a' -k l U.-ol v.l 41a la I I i i . I i o. i I l ... , ., i - - i, i o . . '' , i - 'I I... I I . I j I. a II i. 1. ,11,1... . . I ! , ... ... tsaaal Mol l. a. r4..p.aa l-a 4 til u.aaliaia' llm' f-4 1 t'laa. I aj ItaS bal i 44aa aj eaa4aM,. tV-aiaatM la) I aDnsliiCFW Kotlwfi. A tinnuun.i' wtde)oe, located on one of tha prlnrlp'il streets In the Borough of flunhnry, la iifTnrcd for snlc on ths most roisonab'c terms. Apply el Mils nfflr. riNO t3:ov.. . ri'-wnil hii lior.10 illc'o, e:v.-u -.I villi I, ilr c'o' li a id lep, i. c.i and led, J !'.t K-5.-'.vjt, mil I n r!o ve.y t'. v.p by 11. il. Maer. Prl"', fl. Tin l.ii.n.'ii'n 1 ilc- of I'.otA t W. ll. X'lllll l V I. lM,,.,:., . 1 1'iy, tc ': ' . .. :: ' . 7 . ' wa . 1: ' : 1 -1 , Til. !. - ;..; Up thu l.ll'e I : 'I, );. i l ; ..l i '.- a. .1.1 r. ineniihe I hi- t- r-v- wi:h I'.-.v-fj li.; 1 li inr.r lo t, end nil nr t'r 1 -4 . : 'y. -. PlAN'US AN11 Ci.r.ANB. 'J ill- Rule Crdi' l, dr.' tit for 111 li t I'Ii.iioj 11 1 Or-, , i ; j., 11. ,- world, will guarantee lb -ill lor fiv )' Hi e.i I s i 11. cheep er tluin uny tr.iVe.l.nr ag. rt en u'J'oi i the 11. ii'it Hrsl class makul s e.uiploy r.o -',i:-l- 1 j.-ents. i.. V. Mas-. :. Tiiinino Ovt.u a Nkw I.i-ap. This Is the time for making resolutions. Almwl every one, In casting a retroapeclive view over the past year, turns over 11 m-w leaf for thu dialog twelve months, and good lesoives arc as plentiful a" bugs in cheap boarding houn-. Prudent pen pie determine Jo avoid debt extravagant pcop.c to be frugal ; idle people to bu I'l.iusiiioiii, wh le sensible people of all sect, parties and views, de clare their Intention of b jiicelortli purehasiiiu their clothing of .1. E. Smirk, ou F.i.nlh stmt. Suiibnry, w here goo Is of the latest styie is made up constantly. T.'IK new styles of hats at A. Faust's store lire admire. 1 by everybody. He ke p a uplcndi I as sortment to select fro.. 1, and all of good quality and the latest stv lo. Fi ns. A choice lot of Fancy Furs for ladies and children, Ju-t icceivcl from New Toik, at c. n. w, 117.-1 .: Co. MlTl s. Something n.'W, (iay's Patent Mull', lor sine ut C. 1). Wcltzil .t Co. Call and bee them. Umiii.ei i.as. The Stum Kimr r.ud Ilurglar Proof CmlncHa. with Patent ) ock Runner, at C. M. Weifzel Co. t i-osiNo I'uicrs ok Dti'lAvr.N i riu., Timii) Sibrbt, PniL.vtir.Li'iiM. 3 o'cioes, January lb, l.' il. to h. 1-. a. V. s. ii'i. r.r 'st nor; " " 'W I-HV " " 'ot mi " " 'Ha P:- ; " " 'ii."., m-w in;. , " " 'nr. " " 'iin ! li.S ' " r.', vi-pi- li.. .- U. P. IU Vear 0 per cent. ( y l'.'.i , Hold 11 b' Si'iVi r l.l.i Union pnelil- It. IJ. lat M. I'.m.ls.. T.- i Cealrul I'acill.- !'.. li M-.K) Union I'n-ilic I. mil firant He I-., tilo lMV In-."., ! lbs:., i..i'-; loTv P.7-., 111'.. 1 1 " ' 1 in" Ti'a lUll I.:..) jj.rcr.iri I cUctir:::.. IiiUtRS Of yCUTII. A .o-i:!',-i,i an w h i Id sull'.-ied for y-ar- f; en Nerv..-!s Dcbl.ily. I'ciT.ialere Decay, and al! tin- i 11 i-t . of j.ettbfiii Imli-'cretioti, wiii, lor the sak- of miI!'-i1iu bu lilan'ty. send f; ..... lo a, I w'.i., ice 1 II. tin- .,-:.e un I direct ion tor in.il :Pir the -inu.lc iemi-.l v l.v w b:f!i h- -.'as i :'ic I. ; i!ir;-i, r- vv i !.l-ig to j r.-iit by I In- adv'e: li-cl 's evp -i i. n. e call ilo so by a t dressing, .in ierl'ei t coiia c, ,1)!I N P. I VI "! V. j No. A'l Cedar Mreet, New York. ! Nov. do,, 1ST,!. ly. rpt- fcyc'.T"Ml'TIVi:S. Vl,e adveni-cr, Inv. Ji. um Oei-n pcrinanuntiy curetl of that dread ; disease, Consiiinpt ion. by a simple remelv. is I anxious to iniike known to his li llo.v suilcrci's I the means ol Cue. To ad who de-Ire It, he will solid a copy of tlie prc-cr tiou iim-i! ' I'r. c ot : cli-irge). with the liirecti.ei- for prepirin-.' an.i u-ii. 1 1"- i i: i... which the ,- v. ill bud a si ki: im i FdH COSM VI'ilnN, A it'll MA, 1 1 ii o I - i I IT I s, ,Vl-. F.uties ivMiing I iie pit -ct ipt'ion win p case ad- I dress KcV. KUWAIil) A. WiL.xoN, ! HI5 South Rci I Mrei t, William-burgh, S. Y. Nov. l'.l, lsji-.i. ly. I HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCIATION, for the Relief and fare of the lining and l.l.fllllll till J .11111,. M - V .11.-11.111 I 111. .Ill' thropy. F.s8.iyh ou the ilrr.o of Vo,o... and t he Follies of Age, in relation to M - ui-iaiih a- 1 S-1- i iai. I'vii.s, with sanitary aid lor the allliiic . ; n.'iit fr.-c. i-i sca'i l eiiicb.pts. Ad.lie. s. iiV AR0 ASs ":iTiON, Unit I', 1 'li'bailo pM i ' l'ii. inav 7 '7 -1 y. 1 m .aaaia,iia.i . .1 mw ip .-, . . ... . ; s'UvU Li'J 't'lCj-CiriS. 1 Sltllblil-.l 4r.lill aV lrili ill's- .fialliarla Coiii'.Ci"ri:i) wei IvI.y nv iiii.s Aumnv.tiii. I (iKAIN ( lloice White Who.lt il f0 ! Best Amber, Winter.... -1.1 j t on: aj j live i no Oats, (;;.- Ilj..) 45 1 best Amber, Wintei , per sack V mi 1 " " b.u i t-i si mi i ('o'li Mc.il, jer OK! ". V.i ' Bl'TTbii New Yolk.! ..I',., 1 l'e!iusylvali;l Uoll... -la j lliiGS l'cr locu t."i ; Meats Dried lied, per ib 'Jfoiin i fciuolied Million Hi !U' ' " euison 4011-1. I Laiu per lb ' FlnU S..II Wlble Fish, per l! lo ; " Trout ' ."i ! Cot! " . Fiesh blM-l ( VCGETAIil.t-S 1 ill l.lp.-, pi I bushel .'.o I'll' lines " . ! (SI I til... ia, ' ' OH , 11. HI-, " lU.l!'' !.'..'.. IX I II l..y, " " ' i , DaiEU Fat us Di .e.i Ai-ph-., pci ib I'.nl l 1 " ri.o-bes, - . . :. t " I 111 I l ies, I Ib.'l I ' l.iaehbei I a s ','. I ' R.l.-pbcnie.- I.' i I Ourrs A i-i i.r--.er b.invi II .'an i.'i on . iliiu -Atjlifiliocmcjit. N t: w . (I M i r LVElt V i C S (' II 1 1' T I O N , AT u i:x i: v i' v. r i: Oil Third ill., i. ne bnl I el HI I . Lain, unit h livh, SL Nltl l.V, 11 : ' t. Il'ST ope: I a lai -4 act i.,iuiit of DltV (illODn, all. 1. .'I- ( loi I , a -..in. It a, I . 1ICH -, M iul! us, ili., w lo. b it it hi! 'a a r i Ua:. t in, A!. ii, a iarl.lv ol N ii.oi.s, I'u de,. l..i.., Di.iiv eia, Hals and l , ' LADli . Wi Ol. IIS ili .S. .Vi-. ai;oci:iui: ash ruuvjsiu.w ut a'l k i i 1, an. I, as St'OAKS, COrKll. ll.Ar, ll'ii.'it, COAL 01:, M..!a-r.,M.. .. l i I . i , I.. 1,1,11..,.,., i ula, 1 !,.'! nil. i i, . i. i.e. r. '. , I'lii'iea, I, .'.. .f, I ... . ... I l I .. a. ! I ill Uil i li 1,-11.1 u- ll.a li t kepi 1.. Ill l.i IV i., i H .' ' I... . ' . II ', f . ... i i, , i; o a,, -t ,u -, (1 at 1, a l 'oi. v, .it-, ,Vi , II. o I, I I !.' t .1 . , I ' I. I i II, r T'lbttl CO, I ., 1 I -"I I 4 V : I ' t , I f M I I ,1 I - V Al Ml : H I.: la ol i 1 . .. J I,.,',, 4. tb, u I lb l.tiuj i A.M !-l,t J s. II l V ll,,' rulai i I ll V .1 , ! .. .. all I ll ,', . 4 II ll I , b.li I . , I, ol . . . ! I ., lie. I liae i,ili ut.. i.il'. p l.i ,...1 ,, .., ,.,.!. l.t' i p' ... 4.1 .1. , : a... I ., I , , rt I , . I. I t. I '-., I I I 14.1.. I. ill . . , III ) afwisai . s. 'll . Ill iiil.ul), tk . l J Nr A S I I , IMUITII'A!, U V 1 1 l it no i ' - i v . . i 1 1 a ...... a 4a 1 1 WI1I.IS , -a. -.4 aj-' ivta.Uy 4avt.kvl Itsivaaasatha) H - m ncrnrammailtxl aod F.ndorscrl ly Over Kevcii ITcindrrd Ioolornt C'mipni nl Fi ll I r.xti-ct XZ O & TZ O O I n::AT.n? rr.r r:.:i ; 'ot a t'.'-ci.-t Q-v. (.: M--' Foruia'rt Arnnnd Ci- l.r.ule. lTUlM-e;i r.'ir.'.r UT tr. J. J. !.AWl'.I'N"Ci'., Oigi.ree Cj.ia.l.t. KONEtOO Strikea at the Root of Disease by PURIFY1NO TilC BLOOD. I Restoring the Liver und Kidneys ti a TliaUliy I A' tlon, uud Invigorating ihu j'e.rvous j M.y. tein. This is .the Secret of if '.V i:r!:c .'u! f.iece. s In ! Curing 1 Cons'lii'ptlon in Us eni'y ijug--". llciort 'a, .'.y- 1 pbi.i-, D.vsi, a si ,, i.ivcr ( omphiiitt, I Cliiiiui" ll'i-'i n tl. 111, I Neuralgi?!. 1 crvous AiT'"'tlon, F.riiptiot; .oft he Skin, II u-nors, I.o's i f Vigor, Diseases of Kidney uud U.a.ljer, 1111 1 . al. ' j Diseaies caused liy 11 bad state of the Blood. Tt Hiorongh'y crad'-aies every kind o'" It'iir.i r j and lia. I Teiirt. nnd restores the entire system to ! a healthy couditiou. : If. is b -voo, mixtion -.be FJN7:sT TONIC IN : TI L Wi'iKLD.' j Tbousinds hnve been ch-n-rel byih- nf this Medicine tioui vicak, sick'y, s iM-Ting cr.-.'i-luies, to strong, healthy, und li'ippy men ai d V.ViltCll. Inv ili is cai.nol hesitate to give It a trial. No medicine has obtained such a greet iep:il:i t.011 114 lliis justly celebrated 1 oiiipoiiud. Foil TESTIMONIALS Frnm I'hysb bins, F.ninent Iliviiic, F 'if.'irs, DriivaNt-. .Merchants, eve, ,.o Ko::K.'0 AL .'....VL lor this vear. ViiiC 0-ii Dollar Pi-v V.vtile. V'i'l SM.F. l.V Dii! I'rinc-ipal Drn.-tl ' '.11 fj-e V.'ui'.cd S.utes trd iiliii ii Amc: isii. Dh. I.iivi:i:m t's V i. vis's Fuis.i. Cures all In -ascs p, cult ir to 1 1 males. Nov. Lb, 1'sT.i -ti. FALL AND WINTER iSVO. I-ilL-lIM-LY GCOJC3, Sooth Foil' ! I: E I rt , be'ow t :C Rail! Olid, M.'NKl'iii', 1 KNN'A. The pr.-sciit ne ol e t (less la-liiou and iunu i aa'able style- reipiirc llie most dressy person to be on the aii-r.1 in old r to ".kciii. pi.-ni-e. willi the t inn is.'" 'I la- liaiidsomclv -irr.iyed lady, ii- she sauiitcis along the si reel VP Ii a pri 1 1 y and iale. ! fashion ha: upon I'.-r lo-ad. I . iiulei-d an al! lactive ol.'iect to look UpOil. Mly. .'vl . L. 1 1 1 i.-s ;C I', ll:e copular Milliner, on I'oini'i 'ilii-.-t, tieit-v. i'ie S. . It. li., (.iters to pic is.'. ..ml s.iil-iy a:l !.. r eu-toun rs. In In-r slole re sonic ol llie lal.-t l uioii.,.:,i mlliineiy cataul. sacb as WNS KTS, U.V'ir, l- 'lAMKS, Sa-h Kill-on,.-, o uaiiicnts, l'i .;!hers. l-'awei6, end nniiua-oiis oMier apparl ior la -v in. Call mid '.!:;. II ils tln-y l.aVejil-t be, I I -. civ-id. M. L. uo.-M.KK, let. -.'L'. 1S..1. I'lii'iU'l'iIuii mial Krit- !-.tijrouil. WINTER TI.MK TABLl. (la i-nl after Monl.y, Nov. -,1-t. l'-7l, the I'l-tin- i.; ti.e i'h'oa.leii.lil.i iV a-.i it- '.a:, 'to.i.l will , la 1 1 as fol.ow- : Wl I' WARD Mail 'friii: leave- I'lii.-nh l( Ira, ' K ',- r.b ii , '- nr. a; F.:-c. F. ic Fxprvss le rv. :. Plii ad-pli:a, " - ' is .nli.iry, " " un nt Kile, Kliniru Mail leaves p,,j:a I, pi. :a, ' " " Miiibary. " " hit at Loi I- I'Vcn, EAi-TWAl'.D. M.iii Train leaves Kric. " ' Mini'iiiy, " " nrr nt I'lipaiie.pl.ia. Kric Fxpiish leave- Uri,-, inlciry. " " urr al I'liibitlc pbia, Klli.llil Mall leave- Lock IL.icii, ' - ' is nib ii y, " -( an i'l Pl.ii t 'c phi i, Buffalo. l'.pres leaves Wi ii .lnspiii i.. i n m l.'.'l .. !.l '..-!.' iu 1V..V.U a in li. t.i p in 7.4 , iu K.IM a 111 4. i.'i p III 7..'iJ p ill O.t'O a in l'.tl'. a III li .1 III .i.ac in I l.V'' a III .'i : - i in la ,i til ' 1 .o.'i , in .'....ii . in - ' -- ...l i li 'll , - i in " " nrr al ln i hi 1 ipb'.i . y.-i-' -i in l-lvoresa, M .il an I Ae.-oa.ui,. I :' i...i, ia I aid Veil. ; .nit at .- ah I el. We I !..o,il I lain-, anil Mail an I ..-i on: n..i: aei i t i.l iiVii,,ion with 'il t uai. an 1 Aiivihi ' v l.i v. i I! i.ioad. IV.M . A. HAl.DWiN, lo n'l ? p'l. KUYv GiaOCEKY STOI.C on.Aj.D! Third Mie t. in -:' d 'or to Ja i' n .., ili.icl, M NISi 'KV, I 'I.N N A . Al Cn'irc b'e'V I..:-. .1' .. I l.oii.ttjf Clloe.-riea, t.. !.lpi.Mll' of S ..!', Coiree, Tt.-. Molassn, Fruit., ! ri-ii, , tilt ill 4, Slum Ills' oil'n'i t evci M'aing ii-u...l.) k.-pl iualii... r ;-t.n . II. IV i:: ; ju-t opt-l..i tin -e gou 1-, lae pub if iil'i. nivii .1 ' . all uud t-Naii.ilie tl.i-iii, ll it. iny do- I e III I I.il HI lu Sell t lie.ip p .r C.l-h, SO I, .1". il. Call l.e llli dll b) l,-i.llllli..!lg be!, II.! p,llib...l. I I l Win If J A M !S VANDVKK. ti.-i. 1 .70 tr. i l'AI,l. AMCWINTI K Mil. I. IN I UV J.tllltl-al lit mi i-l at uml tlilla, AMI F i iiii.all i: Mi! ii" i i.l ii,- im, i.l s rn. i.i.i , li.t.c l.i I I- .11 i'l "' I- I I .mi j.. tv i i i;r.'s -.11)111:, .UKel CM1C..I, .l ' il vt I ..; In al a.i.l't i oil- It l . 1 . . t . . V .a.-, M'NUt'U V. I'-V. The ..t I all le ... D.. Ii.a o. ... ., fi. ... I .ti," ... ... .it I a -.1-, I. if a. lio r ii 4 ' , I ll.J i I'-. I , .III., .'.i lio li.o.. -. i i I a i ii .. i ii i v ..I -a i i ..I i . In .on. cu,., v u, I ,,. M i., i j I. i .i.u , a, a i. I ll I a . on lio l.i:!.- MAKING ,IM nrilN" I'l .1 lit b. l.i -. A "I ll' l 1 11 Nt. tU I'MlldiS-i .1 i V, V .If. .1, I'..... I I. ' i 1 1, a ..I t. .to 1 t . I . IV 4' f'i I , ' J I .. Hi I I I t .lo 4U I III ll" III , a Ibl I .l.llf bl tl.latiltallUII llur.laK-r.ll. t-'al. N ' I I t i l. , . I l , I, I I . . I . I . J 1 ..,.lt I i nan.-.. i .... ' . i. i. ... ,. .... . . . I I . 4.1 v. . . , V . i,,l. . . i . , i . , ... -1 a i . .1 I.. a 1. ,ti -j 1,4. 1 lav. .1. I" I ' I i i I I, I" lit M . ' ... I . ..t I i. Hi t is U .1..., Iiik t hire .1 a. i aiws.,sa4i j -i. at I U4ai Daliv,.. a sr PU4 Il Trrr f.ATrtvErs 07 tok utiafon an" tb ::.'.' 1 a. aro vV.irylng nucosaltatos our com ineaioiiig AT ONCE GUI OUAKU CLEAIiING SALE. V.'e ciif ; our oi.tlio stock of MAONIFICEXT GOODS, (By far the largest wo have ever had) umbraeum 10,01)0 Ru-lniss Coils, ' lb.OwU Men's p.,,.s n.OOO Men's Vft'ls, 5,&00 OvurooaU ?,')f'0 riue fritetflsM., ,00U Boy' Jiirkets, b.Suo Uoys' Pints, 4.UUJ Children's Suits. All of the hct kind of Clothing and of every do sirub e conn, cut an I qua ity, O.llng our Imini-ise bix story bir: tings Ironi ba-e111e.it t-i loft at FIiICE.S TJXMTSTAKAIJLY LOWER than any wu have ever before offered under nny cirvuMiataii'-'ea. We will Sell so as tod'ip'-.'c. of J.WO.lOO woilii of nxi: clotiiiisg, If we have to let evi iv garment go to nt the bure to.-t of inauutac'.uri, un I to ..lake lu.'s a SWIFT AND LAIUiZ CALK, We w 1!' cat c'ocr thin ever, an I tlve the people U N I'REC E D E N T F. ) BAP.OAJN3! Our stock is immense, (oil pcr-ec-i'.. lower than la.t jears; .Mid all FliEMl, ... these Groat Annual .iiaru-oi-t. 1, it v.- n... cany it. 11 ..iL:,l i,. .SCLD. -10- w...c..'i::.ee 3!tatay Ilorititt,?, aVot'Oialycr 21. ii:i 1 be f'llio'.vc 1 up slu-.rp, unlii every AI ;n und ll.o' la p'ii! le idiia who w in J u.i ll i-'. al nny price 1. supplied from th'.. Mock. For this oii-i-io-i we have u lar.e (' :-;i of Sale-inen, nnd will ivpifirce liosn mr C illiia I'ep.llteclit. Stole -lit li-aill at '.' ..1:1 keep open iii tic evcai-i :- to to -.. , . ; ., ... ,. op a I anil y : S mil Inv ni.;d.l.i ui.tli 1,). A vl.it solicited, v. a :her v. i-Vr-v: to pa. i ha-e or uut. W.NAVAhTi; HI; OWN', OAK 11 A l.L. Whole 11 icd; ol' Pal' Ip.iw, S. L. Cor. tixth and Market ttieets, Philr.del phla. Nov. !.' j, 17.). .- . - I ."(CflT i7J)P A S nf'ff.pvVrjW '. Vi'' aa4 I rF- i''wAI ICfiiViJ. ai-3ti r-r. w;.: ::ri-'- o la-rc..-"-'- YINEGAI iaJ. 4. . -a. a.a-f Kuiitirrdi t? -'ia.aa:i!i Ui:ai' t 'S!lni.'sV le Itl ir VcOwtr tul cu-ato - Lii. j:a. o - a. r -A "-- - f fca il " K-ds- O V a. - TIIKY AI1E XOT A Vltr. la, 4 ' ii " F A J C V D FI I il K . i ? tSrS... ll... j..",' Mia.0 .::.! l.ci'iifio I.iiii.or.i i.h . r. r. 1. -. J l:.,1 tlud ti llc-sol... tato, il..iiJ-',..:'.ii,"".'.;;,.u. ivr," la-.-tiri:.," le, tl.Lt 'mil t: e l nj.'r ti 13 tlrlin! e'4 ' i c.u. iv.li . !.:.t .c i: li -i' ' i..i .:.e, i..iv 2 f.mm lae :.M.v J ! - ..:! I.art .t f ;:. i.U, tree 3'rn::l i 1 1 A !.... .'lie r : ic.-e 1.: i.. i. '. .- , .i:c i'.j t.:::'.A i' I i.:i::j r; :, I s'i;:. uuj a -.: tf.itlMl IklM I a' I. al .. I-i r. .at i.-.-.ul.i- ad 1 j ile.rai'i' 1 1' l...-; t.c:, e...w .: i :. n't i ..'.lc..c.:j u-iui. r ui-.tri-iiap-r. t'o tl..uwuJ:,.'!!)..i i. a flp.i.1 ia. 1 1 c ti.f.' t-i.lsiil r.io.iui., ju.ve tlo . a:.il raij a If 1 1; in vr. d. llvO V. ..!. l.Va f-.-ll l'.e-r. I -.vie. I .- .ral II. 0 tl.:l-S LIO lit il.i'ra;.l. I, 1. .rj 1 , s :i c: ollar Li-ai i, a '. !'- v.:.lir..:.;v.. V,,..; ! tl.e ' r.-t :.:r. I'm 1 nl' .i1! i' 1. 1 : i y i i--I ( lit i.l.- I'l.i. i.r.- III. ll ..ill I .:, l.'.lat.-i at a--l L..II.I.. , a. - t . It l.t I. , ..... a. a .a. 1.' ll l'i.l.t .1 I Ui' ..,tl, i !,, . I , ,, ktj I-ialtit.l'l , - I ,l.a.ta "a . t , .- I ... -M'C f- . I. t.i :i iatikMa ..: i.ii.tl 1 t.i.vlttl Llouil. '-' . i... . teal... y iroU-cw-t: c ii-.-Lvvt i-l I., i. -fi . .iv c tat ...us. I.., i i : ..I ... i:r:cr'T:., t; a ar!ie, . . . ..D.i-l', l.,a..l,', , I a. . I I il.J I. .-'t. 1 . j i ..i- li'i.ki..., tl i..l i a. u:s. '-, 1 j .. . i . ...j .-...u:!i, I:.. it-..a .-.I'.ee.a, a t ;ll .l. a ' - l, lJ.:.i::li...l . a ' I l.a I u: I, . 1 a - ia t.. i-.u - . i ii 1 ...rie; a, iicl l ! '. ".'In il uli.ar a ...t.1 c. , . i .,. in !..i i l. i r.-1-. I 1 i', ij't.it. ' , ;. .'.i .: I...; .l. I.:-, a 4 .a alil.lir.4l-! I' e . r '. ...i I , ' ..li . r. .-..! r'be-n i-l .;. 4 i - - . . - uiii.', l ... i ...,ltl i. . ir. 1 1 i ll.j, 4-4 uu; .ili, :,!i '..,.-d v ; i t . I v .. ;i, ..'i.i 1 aaKH.alN i'l i. a.h, 1 Hi t ill-, liit.t.!l'.l 1 in .1.., L.i lia. a, : , t . , 1 a. . i . . i l li..,. .1 i i',1 1.S Lull. i,4.. j;-".a... I. 1, t .fcl...- I l.t CM l)".i"f IT llai, .llli, blf '., 1 i -Ci ll .-..t ,. i Ii: : l.l... I.i. t.- H:;4 .:.a a... :. i ! l.a : I. ... i I i ..,:i'ui".;a..-n i.atLf i.ro l...rHi j ...... i . u. i :.. ii .if' .i i... a .in.. ,.i a alir I.-: I .... v,.-if '! I .. i :.a- I vllls la i-.ui .n:v I '. ..v- .."..i.i,l;lui,..uiliv: Cl.ra-.iv . ott, t ..s.'..a i V.i l.cd l::..v.r ,..! Its !'- ". l.i a si I,. a. ula '.!..;. ,.lre;). ..- I'll. .- .-i i..v. -t !.! t at - I.l ..I air:-. J t:,M,:,i,:,i.,:i,:,:,...:.:i.n. a-.i.n i. I e . .Ml!' i . ..in.... . 1..... i... I'.va 1 ... 1 l. 4l' t 1 . tl I. - "a: . a V.. I r, I v. . I IN. T.li Li. .In a .'.'tit! lis. I.. ir;-i.'.i'a i; I ..-.J I...,, I Ll .Hl.1.1. it.ll.l , ACS). . l.t. ii v .. . t. i .'. .a .-a... . i.4l f..- ;. . f , a ...a....,- .ra...:,. .... ..... - 1 ,. . I I 'ill .,! . . i-l i ..i -1 a. ... .. I,..,., i... -.: ti .'-'-!. i::vt'0:!..j 'j utaoir iVioi'ccii.Ai'aaAU j:uv JS. 1. l 11 It t. S I'll t- I K I II ' ' I-i I .. on . '-1 I .- 1, . ,.t.- i.i ii .1 . .. V. S. . , -i ilil fol j 1 IK! t i ..I a In i i i ... I ,'. i i; .li .1,. I It. 1.. ti tl a lui. . I , . . ti .H'4 I i l i v r r ... ..- . I. t , 1 Si 4 t, , I I ll . V ' VI' ,,; I . , ,,. I l .a v.... II. .......... 11, I : .1 ! '. , .:. I i f I' . 4, I A ' ;,,'. S t 1. i , , - ,., .; . a a I ll I . ; b i' ., t i p c . I. . . ' I f. It lua U I ,, It 1 i , - 1 1 1 a Ilia ibt , .- I I L. II tt'l Von t. u d 4 .a .11, -1 1 tl. ,1 Ot'.. I ) !l. . I p. el ,l I I'Valul'ltl a ,i I Ii -I, a nil I ti.4 t. . i I I I I.,.! .i ti I1 S. a, 4.1 . nl 'lid. tlli.t r .1 o j 4 i . : a S. . 1 1 a, .('. . 4 '. . i I t .. i. .- I I., u .. I I ih it i , I I I t ti ) till .4, lu li-i, )' a i '"-"I till i -. 4 II itl- ..',.' ui. . I I ait' ii in- -.1 I 'I. Ill Of 4.1, Mi Mtltkll alblH. . 1 - la J D I ". .'- al. la, 'iI'MH HI, l1 L .V N 'A ti , ii , . i. i . 1 1. .. . i u t .. i i, i. ,. a i , , i i i I I "a. J i il , a ' ' l " I itl l I.'I t I S if t l i ii 1 1, 111 r tl it it, 4 i ..i-,. .. . lauaa) tatasie asa ut ka wat..dlavt.ta.a i--Ts.ra f; '.; Ci .rt I i , w V s I- " s js AtS'"- ilt f -t-v.'V V't ' K Alva? V -"-- s'.-W 1 C - - - V' -,4 - L. - il - . V-v ,f!v-.. . - - 1 V - 1 i". "a. l3di mm4irriM ' FA Jala ANI W-iv ttriv i'. sr KfT!?fJ ZlfiTV. m.At . (Mail, it .Hqnare, R jl.bl. 'i, Just. I'lieri'.-.d, sir: fp-mla 1 1 cnoicR tin?...r, or, on-ii-tWitT oflhe. latoit si ylos ol j,..it, atrt p...; gritils, lu all Ibeir vm idles. UroeM Trlititnlrjit, il.r'Iilc-iU', MOT.ON3, Ac. A oifimAr, AsaokTysKT r laADIKS' WOOLEN; GGCD-. Oenta Co'l us, Kock-tltM, Half-h-. i.- i,.. 'ilil-Ms ar.d Ob.vw. Poi fuinnry, TcllntConris, lTair Br-a h . . etc. An JnTifatlor. Is e''l(til-l lo all to a a ' t cure Ssrgiliis. 3m 'i:trv, oe. r,, IHTI. F5.o;isi?.i f :!,va cr.;"i ' PIUS cel. b ll' 1 J', T-,- ' i- --OT .- I A. 1: :xt d :-.r t1: 1C .,o-' 'i ia r. I tol". The F or'ic. S-w i-.; r.'-u-'i'n,. - a. Is ,. j-'i -I et for b-.'tintv uirl e) n.bi if ;.- b-i-.g : . ' r in.i y besi'i- .'il.icl'ln : i;f-.- ol', r.d tc t' - , .b i:c. THE ADVANTAGES CLAUtLD: It bus selfMlJastlag t -M'f.-i In tho t.l..i-'le ; cb i'v for the various SillelicS lujdu v. .. tL machine l ln motion. Its V itches ure the of nil for h-i.-ity sil l Unisb b -li.14 alike on h'-th iile? ol' il. I'..',: e. Jl '.'.l light all 1 heavy l',!.; cn v.ltll .1 cility. The wo' k wi t f -(..l e.tiier ri,i or 1 K ins qui.t.y :.:. I r.ipll y. :: .1 ,!!c.i ! - , ..--. I jn s. vv' 10 ae.,;.. heavy iu.s. i: -n i-tio.l- l.re i.M pontile ; c.a -Ji!oir (""; V. a--e S to get n'tt of in l.'i-. The ll-'eiv.er t irris w. to mil ritrrr.ic. li-i-, in:,! f.-il 11 i i 1 -.. : I v . it is thorou.hly piactn al ma ..l'l lac, u film:. Evt-ry t'atnl'y ahoulil Hare i).n. fc've-y Machine wurrnntvl to t bb-taLti. ti ell we e'.aici for It. Il i- llie only M-icl.'na i'l t'la w-ov'.. t'i .'. i; -pab ol ma kin s tao.-i! t in.,, o..e stitch an .1 ha' r. tic- r-Ve.sj f , e I lie t:.. 11. ! Cad and examine then:, r.i.il tin s..n:fcs cf i work. : ;,"(; CU auGI! TOM f'TICV.'!? Z j u ,;.ns v,.., ,..; , Tj,.k f ;, u, B j., (; ithcra, cmc. w ,tliot b i-ti-i;. j u . ,. k, ,, ,,,.., .., t,.v, it ,,:.i ; , I 10. o-. : o bv, p-i oct ,v. ! Vi;!; 'l''' C";"V' " t'" ry 1 if has,-;-'.'.i ,v ,i;.:rir:c! mi l tvc'. Ma ' hi-c: v a riant" 1 e ::d '. p; iu mil r. Ma.-Ui::u Ol. i rd TL-.- ' l'e;.t on i. and .-' u'.'. times. CF.O W. SMI'lII & UHO.. Av-' 'V For No:ti I, (!! .-r, LaioannJ MujIj.i. C..ui. 'i. O 'lobrr 1.';. 17 ). Vi iiSa iv. Koarv, j:. ., (Succefr to V,'. '.. ..;::'..-: i.) llRL'tiUlSr AND CilL.'IIST. OpeueJ a fi : a ard Iii'l at.or P'-ui of OU ;-' A.I M-.isJt I.'.I.fl. linvirpioc.ii in pnrilv end fu-sn-ie. i, j ;.c. e i i-tai.ily on hand. My stock will alw.iy. j'-uind oompiete la evt-.-y ut'llelo of lui-iit I.l Me.U- t cl,;- , A .. . , I ii r i c ut it? an.i i u-ii.Miit:i a hi rj'ju iT),!i;jtl.rii Ulid uttii.itioli to orJctt. Ju-l cciTti SOIslO AVD FLV1D EXTr,ACT3. U'li'icy ArtU-Sosj t fy slock is U'j'.;u illy larg.j ard embrace evciMlii.ig lb.:' can l.e found on u Ursl-enis T-ii.tt '1 abe, in In il 'ii' Vue:;:ciu aud. (.oiuuiue I'rciieh uud l2irg':-h , I" E V. V j M il .i 1 , I'oma lcs, "Hair Oil, Ivory, Oat' a IVrCatt T"oid Had iioi.i f.i-i.-iiw. T'.'i.el S-i'i;.-, Ha':, foj'.ii, Nail, C.ialh and raiat I.'i:'.' i-. P.ilLNT MLIDICINES. r ... n -1-f f..i I'- '.-' . ; -i'..r Tie -i etlni.s o --. - u ' "o' -i s' pi ices. I.1 I i.l. I -i S.i:J.l:J ill.w v-. t i' 1 ?'.l.iti'v J Of the bf-t tlal. !. I'll. ilia, -tii-.a', .i:', -Iir..!, I'Uliy, Hi.'.li.'l!-.--. A. Alt f.lV Til!''l..lV-. .'.-..'l'l'-, VI. Id. l:l;t, f.-O-.teS, a-iii '.'V' .- p:a-,v i '. i - ..ie : i '.'i.il..c!'in-1 by n -sell, an 1 !;i.ii. '.!,c '.-'-.t lua'.vii ii l.'.' ran piue'.it .J jlii'.l kt '.. Al. my j-r,-).iirittiv'.i.. s I lire al.ov-.- n--svrt-J, are- nia-ie iroiu the. be-t ni...'.. I. li, I ... oa ni uor 1 ""l. Ih.-y aiv , fi ,li, 1..! sirciiU.. . F-.r medical s, I keep on hi.ud tin! VC.'J best WINFS, lillANDinS AND LlvUOlU, .thai 1 can pi... ine. aV 1 11! as.-o-li'ii :.' ci" r.VNv. i i.OOI)'' AST) N?'I10N3. The attention of tile la. I.- i.ille.l t"j tlie In..': e ll nt . to in.i'iii'aet ::r-' wax ti,iv..;.. p., loi-.' p..ii-e'.i:..s;..;- elsewhere, ca 1 HUd.'.'Oiis iu;e yi ,ir ov. i mine. Al'.-r a iii'i.l. r ' y.ii ' evperleT'p. n fl,e prarti.-e of Meil'-in-,', p.; o'bvs !;:s Profession a! ' siwv-c,-1 i ihr citiai.-iu ol au-n-ury. friv.tto eon sa laiinas i.iti be l.a.1 tetvu -.n the hours, of 10 nn I l'tt a. iv.. an. I 4 an.! ' p. m.. u' his resilience, I-i 'I l -'i' s l-rick 10", si-f -'Kl .l io" from il -: c.tt, t k.'sinu: fiieii. WM. W. MOODY. b it.bu.y, Feb. 1?, 1-171. 51. t'. GIMRII inT.M t'eiuVeHo.iiT.t, 'I'i'ss aV 1'rttit Store, V .a I. K H r s i'., f i. N fV.'i Y, PA. CC.Vi'i'i r''i'.7".T ny ML A"jr.Var's. To YS or 4T;. 1' i:. -i-JJUPTH .V. C'tONlTANTl.V ' n I'lib l ::i-.' f r tile a" il l lib ivei-ta'.llb!l.ei.'. a vv : a ..'.(. uud 1 itl.' 1, Ht reaa.i.iab.i' pl'n.'s. He l.a li 111! I'.lellll lug all kinds of Con fecil -iii'l t, i;p full ,i-...ini:eut which .ti'e u!,. St "ll '.' :i .u i o. Si ua. . Stiitivr.i i y. Nuts of ail hiads, i.t' i a -. a i n tv o! ol lu r ai i' l-.s s d cf ya't'cli i c I'.i i I v . . . --.le in: I re. a.! Ia" Kit. tin i.e.' tb ma e n'cf o ace .fj jl. ('. (i il llli VI. 1 , Market Si., 3 dools went of i.you's Siora ' stptis-os ayflPJ t V.'" a? i ,a-rr . Vs, ,'J ,,. 4 C, .1? X' - " a f . C- 'V ..--.., a, "N. ."a " t -' .''.' ''. 4 T ft M:.. ;,!; t Jl a!.- " '-?.Vv Y ' La " A'-' S" t ' " ' i.-'V'. V'.V -'j"' Si.-.' Vi ''aSNa. ' '-a a ' . a - , ,a - jT . f iV-a4,." . -7 a J at 7 a ija i -w 'aV - 1 . , ' i f T'l'S Tena-,4T i a n ' c c .nr.- at -.., - I.' " I.. , .. --j' -f " I. hi. I II l I i -. ' s . I ,l..' I f .!! I a ..- I '' ' t S144C gi-a.-.s th a 4 !.ia I i - r l-. ' .. ii Aa-tiVAi. or cfv.r,. " f 1 ! 1 ' - - I I .,.7 - r1.' . a - '. i . ." 10 . I I in- i, '. t .,ii ' ." 1 1 laa aim in Leu if 'a !b'i.'.', a !.. 's ;-: J tf iur i - ... t 1 1 1 1 i ii of ii i it, a' an- 1 .-.ii .,, t n .. r ', a . 1 1 1 til ,-u..-l, fa f . ll...! tl.a : i.:v..i f vv, l'.l !,.tait nr, '. ir..at b.-b, n ,b t ii In cat 1 Lata atl.i, t llll.l.l'.ES l! il. , a a " I L -ia I ' a a if l ' t e I I , l a'l I li. . . 'local tl Ira. b.aa l. , .. i t. i i .i ' I i - I Hj . ai' , 1 t a, 1 ! an I .. a ' SU-a V'' I.i i I . , il, , t ., . .I.. . .ia I a b I I . I r , I I. -. .. ' a - a r I , . t a - I. la.ua.i, .'. .' U . , tt . a. . -i. 1 I j I . I - - . a II ,i .... I . ' . I iii. .it. .a I . , i'.iii in i ! -it I i i . ta ii ..i a an I I I .... ' I a t, I . 1 ia 4.1 , ' n.ta. . . a .; M 1. 1 sil (Ml t, ( 'i , - a (,-! t I', I V , i-a . i ' ' t , It 1 . , i - tl. : 'i. t, a. , 111 l ) ll. .1 . . i b, ,, I . .. 4 I ll . 4 j a 1 i l'.l a-ai S ' S4 Vi'Si4,M.li l V all ksa ,! MaSI" t'a t'll aava sjlitssyai a a. ..a-, aimaia .a. k. a-. ...... -