Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 21, 1871, Image 2

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    Smilmrg American J
" h7 .""',
t. WtUPtT. (EJtof-
.1 i - i m '
re TrivJie nul Foreign Indoatrj.
tVNtfREM OF 1S70.
Jfiji.'wl, ThntCimsnrw should modify
the tariff, eons toftdmittrcc tho ni-cesaiuiea
of life nmlBUi'h articles of common use us wc
can neither produce nor grow' : also, to levy
Uutict for' mainly upon Articles of
luxury, aud upon such ai-ticleaof manufac
ture ns '. bavin.? the raw material in
uhuniliMiW.cRU produce, which will develop
Itio resources of the country, and increase
tt a number of factories, fiive erniilovnient
to Wore laborers, cause the immigration of
skilled lubor, the lessening ot prices to con
sumers, the crcatint! of a permaneut home
market fur agricultural products, destroy
tint uccessity for the odious and expensive
iuteruiil taxation, and will soon enable us
to miceesffullv comncte with the munuftic-
turers of iiurojie iu the markets of the
The abovo ic the lat resolution of the
kind ndoptvi. fV.t we liaTe jet seen emti
u:('.iiij frsnt tu:y Convention. It will no
doubt bring many of the members of the
W. li. A. to relied upon the course they
have been pursuine.iu allowing themr.elvea
to be led astray fiom the principles, which
it i. tlitir iuteixst to support, by deaijiiiiiiir
t,,-.u;-;,ii. wIineniMniahiii.rf.irthhiu after 1
.... i t- ,
ri.nB.uviLli, TCnrkin" lontl i-alinot HVOld See- i
O -
inn that free trade would bu injurious to
Ilia busiueits. Most of the miners who are
now 011 a strike could have given the sub'
jeet but little thought in giving their
influence to the party that ia cuduivoriti;,'
tJ reduce wages instead of raising them.
To many it' has not occurred that if iron
was impoited free of duty that our manu
facturers would be compelled to close their I
fliiins. thi rebv redueimr the demand for
coal, aud operators he compelled to close ;
their miuea, unless laborers work for wnges
as low as they do in Europe. V'c. are hap-
py to see the iibavo plunk ifl the platform
of the Natioual Labor, introduced ;
by its principal member ''v.-ho are thorough
ly acquainted with the qucttion of Rome
Frotcctiun. Tl.-'i ree Tittde ltcvenue ite
ibruiera assert ill-it w.ith cheap goods and
low wages, t!iu working men would be
:nns!!y benefitted. Mat they do not believe
It taums 1 V--J-. They advocate free tiuue.
stltlio ugh they ,u'( paid by American work-
inmi'ti.' b cause tiiey are better paid ly
foreign iv.tir."-t5, t!ie same r.s Cen.u."xiore
"SVelia dla w4uie. he was 111 tho employ i-f
tho American Govennntnt. He vent 'to
England frotiwiimiist, nud cv.u bnok
u tnui'iy to U.e iadustry of this counry.
Like thudiynuled politicians who only seek
odico, they barter the principles they .i::iy
.potS'.'fs to tho liini-st 'iducr. To prove
tnat. they ire Iv tile to t''e working ciasses
they n:!ili.iti v.iili the so-buil-d iVm icratic
party 00 nV uir-r parly that is hos
tile to lVrn-.;i!.in, mill who voted ny-anoU
redut'iu thu on tea,, cole,
sp'.cc, .-c., rn tlu S'Ujiplcincis'.ary Tari.i'
Bid, wliich wc do not pioduc-, eaeept
hiigar, uud width enters into (jerew.I cu
BUmption among all vl -s.-ies.
Gen. (irant is with the. Hepubiican party
Oil IVotecti.)li lu 11. line aud iildus
trv, ami disposes of these trailers, ho
are w rkliis,' to dc troy humu isb,;r and
industry for-tl:? l-euelit of uiinr cjtuitiles,
in his tat a n:r";s;igc m follows :
"Tlie ti'.: collect'.".! from the peopl;; has
been reduced more tl ;ui ciglity millions
dollars )icr uiipumi. Jly Mea'.'liu.s 111 our
lr.'hs?i;t course tiu rj is no reas n why, in .1
' lew short years, the nat onal lagatheivr
may not disappear from tlej door of inc
t'ilieu almost eulirely. Willi the revenue
stamps disjx'i'.sed by. pesiMiastern in ,ei'y
fominuiiily, a tax u;un liijuors of -all s.uin,
T.nd tobacco h; all its firms, and by a wite
lidjustineul ot the tarill' which i.i put a
duty only uooa those article which we
couul dis use with known as luxuries, stud
oil those of which we i:M more than we
produce, revuiuo tiiovh ma he raied
utter a lew ycur.ot py:. .e,.;mJ .1 coiiseqie. ut
redlleti ill of lu lelJt'.iilu Sa j'o fu;liil nil
our obligations, a further i .lection of ex
pense's, in addition to a ! ;luen.u i.f iuter
isl account, ii;ay be. relieil on to nm! this
practicable. Keveiiiu rcfo: 1:1, if it means, 1ms iey ln.-iy support, li it implies
the I'o.leelioli ofuh lliuK'M'uuu tor tlie su,i
p ut .of the G.'W nun t.1 f..r 'lie payment
of llw priucipal and iet- iet of the public
debt, pens;. iim. He., by d;ietly taking li e
people, then I nut :ii;iiMit ivvcouo r.!.nu,
I'.iid eonliili ally bc!i.;vi
Ille. ll' U means 1.
lieci wary H-a;is to de
tho t..oven.!.e.ail, aii.l
t'f the s i.t and
fciili iiciie oj.pi,; -u t
1 01 111. lieelole t 1'
: Ine p.-op.e arc i uh
i.ure lo piovidc ihe
V.iy ll'i , Xj '.lin' S, I'i
ll.tu-lij re,'iiii..ili"!i
p' li.i;..',., iiin I tt in
net. I.. i. I nl r, . i-uu j
r:.: h t liot be, II
I. n- u i'v any ot ii
t !ge, but ji- ilif '.
t.lV.i k '. -. 10 lav kn i 1-
'.'i li . 'ut .;,! ii . u i;ith is y '.' v. i i.o.U uny
1 tupply 'J, J
t 'St or rlloll
ai In!- i .'.. A line i 'e!iu,r
nil ( uni.-'tC" in .-.' Iu a . Inn mutt
l" the work ofra'l iul leitlaiioii an. I i,(
'..ill':. .V ; .n a- 'lie I'' V. Iiiu- c 1. 1 l- iil
I.l.v.d ilith, .i i :1'J y iinu,,i U Kl.l- VC I
t.oiu cello-. , tt :.. aoM t ..i r 1'a a s of uui
iril t.i-i proline '1 oui. i,, .. i;i
iieivNinvH o: H i- i.'.iii.'ry c .lo-' i u-. t i c !
I, ct rm i nil j ii'd i u jr imp i i . An i.iaiy
'I colleeL in 4.1 1 Awl it I: it a pli .i.iul
fciUl I " i.'i 1. 1.' ii-, ii it ii. i. era t. Hi:!
I,. r r-ii.nti.1 I j I. a - :.. ; -ii' :! ii
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H'o. 41.1 I
from tba ptittsTltla MlnerV Journal.)
Tha products of the following countries
enter largely into competition with our
manufactures and products, and tho fol
lowing are the rate of wages paid in thte
countries in comparison with wagta paid
in tho United States. Ocean transport- I
tion is also cheaper tluin either railroad or
canal transportation. A ton of irou or
coal cau be shipped from Liverpool to New
York hs cheap ns ft ton of coal or iron can
be from PottHVille to New York. These
quotations are taken from official returns
of wnges paid in the different countries.
They were compiled for the.
Faiuiers' and Mechanics' Almanac
Foil 1871.
Tho waur-a question has been so fully
disciifesed of lato that little remains to le
said about it. It may bo well, however,
to brietly make comparison of ihev condition
of the workiiii; people iu different 'indus
trial countries, and'of the cost of their pro
ducts as shown by the price paid for labor.
Enuland. Iron workers generally re
ceive everywhere as much or more than the
central average of the U. S. statistical
bureau that the average excess of iron
workers' wiil'cs ill the United Males in
lHu'J, over iron workers' wages in England
in 1 "07-08, was 80 per cent. This com
parison ia nearly correct now for though
wages may have slightly advanced in Eng
land siuco 'ud they have not receded hero
tiuce lrtOi).
The same authority shows that workers
in paper mills 111 this country, compared
us above, had an advantage above English
workers of 82 per cvnt. Woolen and col-
ton workers ai- tint proportionally an high;
some other iiidus'iieH are hither, and
niuv bo wifely said that at least S1K0
! ,.ii.l in tlii -i unit rv fill mii.i:lllii'fil Inline
T..i.! .1 :.. L' 1 1
..... .... ... ,, .. J.1.J
which costs iu KiwIiiuJ tfl.
Iimi-AND. Tlie uianul'uctui'iuij indus
try of Ireland having been ilestroyeil by
England, her neoplo are L'eiicrally employ-
I cd iu farm tabor, of whieh the.v must
; lucissarily be a surplus, i rom statistics
; compiled Ivy 11 mi. Horace Caproti, Coni
I missiouer of Agriculture, wages of farm
labor compare as follows :
In Ireland tier week, "a. Gd. in siieiie,
1.874, in United States, per wrci; iu cur-
ri;cv. iii.Ort,
'i'KANc Evidence
that wages in
France are much lower than in England,
is atlorded by the fact that Hie products of
French industry are inundating England.
and running the homo market ofthe JLH'.ith
workmen. We might cite at length tables
and authorities, but prefer to simply quote j
tlie general statement of ir Ldward bulli- j
vau, that the. i're.uch wavers worktweniy ;
jer cent, lotit'cr time than the English for
thirty percent, less w.igeb, and he puis the j
geueii'l average olMiauee below England ;
about ti.j pel" cent. j
UiOi.tstU'M. i.'ot having space to rcpub- j
liiii tia;i-t.c-l tables, we pieli r to take a j
rcpt'isviiUuvo iiulusLiy, of which late and :
dhect rep. His may bu obtained Mining in
s.ich a 1 in.'t:l;t -y," and is always above the !
averai;(! wages 111 01 her trades. All English ,
tr.i J- i"iivuai of .1 11 1 v, 1M70. publishes a di
rect t-tKieii'U't of wages paid tocoal iniuers
at Mons, lVlgiuin. us loilows : (
The hours of tabor per day arc eleven,
a:.l ths woiknnn lit.d their own tonis.
Men receive K;r day 2s. ll!d, iu specie, ;
equal to "0 cents; women receive is. Id.
in specie, equitl to o cents ; ctii.ui, 11 12
years oi av'1 receive per day Is. ad. in
gpecu-, eqiul U 'il cents.
Eight. tas vvagis arc always kept taick
as it gum a my for good behavior of the
workingnieii. 1
ItCKhiA. A recent book on Uussiun
tni'taiiurgie works, publithed iu London
and eomineiiiled as of authority, states in
detail the wages of all mechanics working
iu and ulioui iron niur. utiu toiies, and give s 1
the general uverao ol pay per day, i 1'cU !
lows : i
At the btast furnaces, lid. or 25 cents ; '
ai tlm s,hect iron works. Ud. or i" cents ;
J!..chine fliops, including mechanics, 13d.
or 7 cents.
As ifiis'.n make v.p ahno'l the entire cost
of iron, t'tel, tin. I Inbries thereof, and aver
aL': tit levio'.ie tiail'ol the cost of all miinii
tin'i'iinl fjoiv.ts, the uinoimi of protection '
lieei.ed to sustain our imiif-lry wiUi.-.ut
d.',:!'.dig A uicrif'.a woi kuigmci', is rcuui-;
Iv ealcuiuos!.
Thk (;ovt:n.vcMt and ot. i: t iiiri'.n.
(foveruor t'eary in lunuiiiiial inesvie says
luit litt;e in regard to the river t.shcrii s of
the Mate. That little, however, is better
Hutu nothing, lie ulludes us followa to
tide important man- r :
" l he .Vpremo t'oiirl has decided that
the law rciiuiriiiK the owners of ihuns in
the Niisqueiiaima riMir to make lisai-witys
in the siune, ill least in cas.-.s where they
hail purcliiiM'd their w rl;s from the State,
ii uiicoiiMitiitiunal and vid. From lliis
ilecihion il lines not appear that ihe Mate have siirh was constructed at its
own expense. Hut this docs not treiu
lulriMible until concurrent leii:'l!ou can
be obtained with Maryland, Unit Sialc
ho'ililiu' boih banks of bu fMlsipiehanuil
riterai ii-, ri'oiith aiel for many miles
above, t'ti" siibii cl has U en brought" to
be mi' litio n "i Al trylainl, ill': l.i i.i.-lat Ule
oi v. bu ll Mate, at lit luit i. hmoii. puiM'il a
lav il i ;il 1 li lor liie uppoiiiluieiil of eoin
HiisMonelt ol litlieneS, lo report lit I.e.V
m -i ai, vi bu ll w ill u i'. i" -i:r t;ulil ne: l
wiiiier. Tlie li Iierir-- nmier coiihideraiioii
are u arly. il'noi qi:i(, :.-, lu'a h iieieiiori 'i-d
by want i t t:it Ul-n law, ,,r tbeii prulu:
11 'II US I'V l.'ie n.. i hal'ie ll oIinI, Ui'l'iolii i'.
I be h.n nun. '1 I e Ni w En; ' lali s and
,HV I oi k Pave eoliiilieiiivd llu' S l iliielil
ol .'i-.ll prop il i hi nl 1 lie laiJe li.i'ii
tloi ih ot l.'. oil ijiiite un i l, ti-ive hi ale.
J ll. ll' eXiel'ii'lue Will 'k- I'H. tal lo le i In II
all olisia, a s annuo iv,ij,, ii. i i i li-tl Siale
o ueilo;i o lb.-i iver niio.-i a khall have
Ueo obci.ile.l. N'.-iv Ji iry a..i-ii.U-d li-.ll
C'.il!ll.. :' lit the luit M bti.ill of her
I j-'!,i ii;ie, Mid lliu i oiniiiK: ;olu r of
Pi iiuy.vaii::t are now iii ti. Ml uith tin-in
ol I'el, ifiiee I i lii-,it, il colli Ui T.'lit h iina
li ll. '1 I l-llbjeet i re: INMI4 t .ll, till lit
t till li ill b Hi' Mali by llu ie itileatt-d
.1 t il l,. It lo lio-d that l. t..U.i!i, Mill
i'.u witii Pi im-, ..iii.t an I N,w ,'ir.j iu
C r I n un m i iled on tl.f 1 K in .vaic i r. t i ."
Aim I'.h (.i.
j. i t of Ihe A'l 1
1 'i li:l-j I i .11.1 I i
ot r 'J' ah, 1 -i'i",
f ii ;h rt.ib ol' I
'11..- ai.. ,i.:,t
H! Al.' ill.l-.ilt l .-'l'he It.:
.."I' I, ui ..! i.f llie M lie ol
,l" .olilij Noli In
IJH'l .1 ll' tail. , I'll. I lli.e
I i f tin- 1 lit Iii- tl y ai.
.1 i r- ,'i ij.i. ",l.JI.
in N i'. i lib, i j i. i'- ;i 1 1 , c h .! u Ut I.i ia e
l.. l..u I v. ...... i. cl,i .' i. I'I. Hbn b.l'l I-
i I t iii.. i i . ' . i " ., . i, i. ii'i 1 1 :',.! 17 I i'i.
71 I l..; i . i.', . i , lb,- t.iaiv; I. on
..ii h.i.I i ; ', 111,.',..' .ll , 1 j , ,i, ; 4 l,.i . i in .
. I. -I ,t. 'iiiiki;i, Niiiub-l', i-7'.
of 1.'r-tf 'l.
Iliiiiif i"t, i ( !( nnli,,' ,i
ri '. 1 1 -a i ' a a I' n i I i ' t '
K "i liai l ' !; ' . I i " r i I .. i
,1,1,, I II . ' 11 il l I. 4i i i I' i. I- il.l
ii ii. tl nil i, .'I I'i' I.l .'Ui t bid Ii r.
, 1 1, mn, Hi M b t It In in il. ll.i 41,.
. Ii .in. .hi. el 1. 1 ' r'n I'.i " liwr lo.iil In
j I. r'n ' i ,e I WliiUlt! 1 ( '..ii.. "
j tl., ia l.ita 14-1 u tut -t l -i. f t 4 I"".'
1 , l. ll.-illt. i ufv ,.ll m J, i M . l ..i 1,1
1 !...!. IU i.4ilil. 4 U-i l'..'l. I'o
'A fcoricH of FrrucSi nisnstcnu
' Two Dnysi Hard Flglitlug.
Tho Battl of I.eMinn -fall aud
fjlrapliie 1'urtlculara,
I.B Mans, Jan. 10. Midnight.--Special
to the New York Tekiirnnu The Army of
the Loire, the hope of France, has be..'u xle
feated in a bloody battle within seven i:ilt!3
of the city. The report ot cannon whs
heard in the city all day. The entire pop
ulation of Ias Mans crowded the housetops
and suburbs of the city and all thor
oughfares, and the progress of tho light was
anxiously watched.
Although the people arc accustomed to
the roar of cannon, there never was seen
such excitement. At S o'clock in the morn
ing the right wing of tho French army,
which was on the east of Lc Mans, were
suddenly attacked by the vanguard of
PruseisM! which emerged from the woods,
on this extreme rigv.Ctf the French.
'Upon theiilarni being giver.' the advance
ofthe French iufantry wheeled into line of
battle, the artillery pushing forward through
intervals made in several ranks. Tho ca
valry took positions upon the right and left
w ings. A more perfect line of batllo could
not have been formed bv the finest nrniy.
The artillery were wefl supplied with iini
uhition, and the infantry with one hundred
rounds per man. The supply trains were
conveuiently posted, nnd real bloody work
oegan. x no two armies occupieu neigoia
opposite each other. The French line was
semi-circular, and extended twelve miles,
nverlookie.g the valley, which wu covered
with twelve inehefi of snow. On the oppo
site liei-'its the Prussians held almost a
similar position.
.shortly after 9 o'clock the Prussians be
gan a tui ious cannonade from the woods,
tuiir the extreme, left, llankid by an im
mense force of cavalry, the wood concealing
their position, when the. troops were mass
ed with the evidi nt intention of turning
Chanzy's position. The artillery tire con
tiumd on both sides until the ammunition
of the Prussian aniilery was almost ex
hausted, when the Prussians became furi
ous, niiil gave the order for the advance f
the infantry.
The French advanced with equal vapidi
ty along the whole 'hue to meet the Ger
nans in a fair liand to hand musketry light.
The GermiiiMi were cool and collect'! ; the
French 'impetuous and behaving bravely,
but near noon the Mobiles began to waver,
and the French, no longer able to hold their
position, began to retreat.
Meanwhile the dead and wounded strew
ed the ground, and the lields wvro red with
blood. The carnage was fearful, fifteen
thousand French having fallen before 5 o'
clock, when the whole ! rench army was in
lull retreat
1 ue mi uoer 01 iwie eng -a 0.1 .
side numbered sixty thov.saed. ,
London. Jan. 10.
, m ,
The correspondent of the 2'iii.s at. Ver
sailles leli'i;iap!is that lurther ili-patclus
have been received in that city from Prince
Frederick Charles. The army of Clmii.y
h is been broke n up and ilisorimi.ed, and
is now retreating in three d reetioiis. Up
to the present time twenty thousand pri
son) rp in ail have been captured.
No furl her seizures of rolling stock have
been made.
'I he 'J'imcs' cortvsiotident also adds thet '
?'insid. r.uhliug w as done iu the streets '
f LeMans iluring thc.tvci nt battle around
thai city. The streets it "id hoes were in
many races slruwu with the dead in long,
ghastly lines, evidently the work of the
mitrailleuse. The victory was a most de
cisive one for the Prussians, ns it was a
most crushing defeat to the French, nnd
was doubtless achieved by the wcll timed
and active concentration of the various
Prussian corns on the town of l.iMans.
London', Jan. 10.
In replying to the representations recent
ly made by the neutral powers for : lie conclu
sion of u treaty and the establishment of
peace Ivtwicu Prussia and fiance ihe
Prussian government authoritatively states
that Prussia will only treat for peace on the
surrender of -Paris, and at the formal re
quest ofthe French goverumeiit uioiie. au'l
none other.
LeMiiut Tle heeoud Iij'h ItnUle.
I.iiN'Mi.N, Jan. lo. Particulars of ihe
second ihiy's lilititii! from the corn spon
ilelit of Ihe New Vol k V'c r;c.(iii, Willi the
;'.nny ofthe J."ire at I'Maio-. on the 11th '
i-nst., have arrived, lie ilcM-ribi s wnh ini
i.uti iH-ss the iiiovemciilH of the troops ilur
ini: the day, attended as they were with so
ti l l ible a lo.-sof lite. The, Pivncll, he stales, i
made a dipeia'i' elfovt to dislisle the tier- !
mans. An m' lillery duel of fearful cllect ;
cooiineiiced. This wns continued until j
dark, when ordi-rs reached li e French that ;
h.'y were to full back on Ee"M-tn&.
About w.e o'elool: and reaelud its lieiht on j
the let'l of the French. The day was not I
'ol.l, but the "round was covered w ith eiidit j
i'lehi'K of s. low, uhich was rapidly nu lling !
under he but sun. At an early hour the j
streets of .e Man-, not more thau five
in i k m from the held of battle, were filled j
Willi excited h ople It t la I crowded vuthuu-j
on i'.. ut uiiLtoii.-. and uiiiii.iiiiitii n hiipplits, i
ai! In :o;i ready to Htk the places of x ilciy I
ill ti'" ici.r ill ea-e of all liiiiav.u'abU' liul l
'f tlie lihl. ilv 111 i nl 1 suect em d ill w-
'..rin a post at i be !' out, and n .o h.n,; il;c
bluils i.i the of l.cM.iut. win re I ob-
taiueJ my la d vii-w ol tin- bailie. i
All V A Ne ll It V I I'l.l ilNS. !
At 4 o'clock tin! (li raiam advanced by
i i.iuii.ii, covi-u il b aruileiy. iiliiiiI Clui- ;
teao du fliarlie-, il pi. 11 C'Uiiiry place,
i and icei;iiid at b ado'lai lers. Hire, I' r ,
the bit liliie. the French ba'iiTV, hithi iln
III li'MTt'f, H cllril I.l.', 11 '11 rt l 1 1 l.V IliKIIIU
the (lei iiiaiia by t.iii'.i'iM', ami i aiisiii ihe to waver, but only iiioun nuiriU .
With the umial lit iniiiii ob-,liiiat y ti e l., i-
liiuiik aniti p ,i'l foiManl mnl ail.okiil
tin: I'n ini.inliy, vtbiih ki ii.i. il a It r- t t.'.i, I, uioit tlie- i.,,ui..ii. It 1
toon l i .1 Hi'- i VI. li Ul the Vlt'lieh t H-
Uliltble to .Mll.M.llid the heavy iharen of
Uieeluloy' I
'I he old. I' l"l n UuV-v.uij in, .V. in, lit lt a
now cu. n. 1 l.e I ii in b iti liil. r in. u. i- I
li.ilil'.l 11 biliylll. 1 lie i.i llll.lllr Ui'.-
i, loh in t niil of ibi ir ii 1 .al i j'viiv i
t.. . hi. .1 it.. i in. 1 1 a 'I to . 1 1 1 iie the ail i an i.i ue.
In in ral I hau iti tm lv Uk rniti-oil. d .
ll.e'iiil, urn In til diR.'iil ii., the I'li l'i li 1.1 III In Id lilt- rll'.o-.n. '
I' kill ui, un I I i'.liiv.' liial I hi- linllil, i.l
liieti iv i'i le l.n V..ibl it'll lo Un in. i
iliii'l 1 ll I.l M W 1 III'. J Ii H i .
1 b i. a el lo l.n ' 1 1 . .1 1 l..i: ii!
I I... I.. , I. .. 1 t.. .. I. A ll.e li.l.l ll - I I
Ih ii. I ii i-;i'. . ll.e n vl ltt- . I nl i .l- I' in
I In 1 1 , n. ii. 'in . i i i e in i . I tt bit I n. . l.
.i il.. in.. i ,,i li." Ji -.jhilr. .Vllif u
..ll.'ii ; I " t ol 1 1' I in 1 1 1 I 'li. H. . ll.e li.l.l,
i, ill...- I all, il i.l .it la 'I inl.i I .e, I lie
in ..I I I ' ( -I 1 i i I I':. , .1 II .ll ill. . ti
ll i ' Hi i . "I in I'll .Hi I li 4" 'I'
hi i .... I l 1 1 . i. I I I , . I . , til. I li.' t ij
I . ....V i. 4i..i ill i ii I .i..i : '' u.e un ii k.
'I Ii M ii'.u . I. .hi. J.i n.i.) iii ij in ibmitii i,
41.1 ..: H ll 111 - l. Ill l I III U I'll illtl l.l.l
b ma of tin-- li Hint.: m. iu t:'i.n lit 1 I i iu..k
4 I t) 1 I I ll' -It'
t I'i. .11 ol I III. Willi, , I I' I r V I
IllVOll., I i, I 1. (ll. ,11.1; I .1.
41 r to I , - I.l' . t t . I'. "in I.. '
Tbe destruction of Fort Issy is tirtunlly
achieved. Fort Montrouge is breached bo
completely that from pointi naftr "t-eon'tx
the spectator can see through to the
enceinte. The French wcro yesterday en
gaged in bringing troops across tha river
road from the river.
Tho Oauche bridgo, near Bas-Mendon,
while crowded witii men, was struck by
sheila and brol.o down, precipitating the
soldiers Iron) an Immense height and crush
ing them to denth. At four F. M. the
heaviest firing ever known was going on,
directed mainly against lotitrougo. The
bombard men t was absolutely uuceaseug for
twelve hours.
Von Moltko- narrowly escaped with his
life. He was returning from a visit to tho
southwestern batteries when .1 shell burst
close to his carriage, covering himself mid
uidcs-dc-cauip with mud, ice and frocen
Tho bombardment continues without
interruption throughout the day and night,
and was so violent on the night ofthe 8th,
lietweeu the Church of .St. Sulpieoe.nd the
Museum, that sheila fell every two minutes.
Hospitals, ambulances, schools, public
libraries, the churches of tit. Bulpiee, Sor-
bonne and V al-de-uracc, and many private
houses havo been struck. Women were
killed both in the streets and in their beds.
and infants in their mothers' arms. One
jirojeeti'u which fell in tho Huo Vungirard
killed foui children and wounded live
Taris is transformed into a battle-field,
in which the women show themselves as
brave as the men.
The. unrivalled works of art in tho LuX'
embourg and Museum -were destroyed.
The Hospital Vnl-de-Gracc suffered
greatly and wounded soldiers were there
killed in tlinr oeds
A dispatch front Prientrul, dated tha
lljth. reports severe fighting all that day
between IliTioucourt and Croix, in the De
partment of Haute-Saono, which had not
ceased at a late hour iu the aveuing. The
result was unknown.
Largo rfinforcemeiits are stated to bo
coming from the North to the German
Arniv of the East
A desiutch from Havre says thero is
constant ikiriuishing near that city
It is reiorted that tho Prussians are
turning fie left wingufGcneral Faidherbe's
Army oftl'o North, and menacing Caui
brai. Ileitt y Hnow Storm iu t liicugo
Cini'AOo, Jan. 10 .A liercesnow etorm,
I the mist violent and protracted of tho
1 seasot, si t in on Saturdav night ohout .7
I. ...1..... t..r....,...t .i.u.i
111 1 1. liii tiiii.'uiiv ,i gii'in nim cu
f(, u niUr, tlliU).d j,, 8tm.u
Tl(, tri.(t mn ,mvi, llp all day
an,i tin. niilioad trains have bin 11 more or
less interrupted. The telegraph lines east
aud south were disabled. Tho storm,
whiek prevailed for forty-eight hours, ter
mini! ed last night about 1 1 o'clock.
The snow this morning is from twenty
to twenty-four inches deep on a level.
Many of the streets are almost impassable.
The railroad trains have "been but liltlo
interrupted, ns the storm extended only a
few miles out of the city.
lioAP.D in Japan can be had for two cents
a day, cud f-kiilcd labor for eight to tcu
-Ox Friday nipht the Cih inst., the ,jev61
! ry store of ll, i". H crb, ol J.ock La veil,
1 was cut i-red by bulbars, the safe blown
I open, and valuables to the amount of about
7. 1100 werj stolen. Of this amottut there
; was t"J70 iu money.
Un the same nitiht nnd about the same
i time. Ihe boot nnd .Shoe establishment of :
; Oliver Donaldson, in tlmt place was entered
it in 1 lired bv an incendiary. The lire, was
extinguished-! oon alter its discovery, but
theiv was a los.i on stock of between 3,tKJU
and l.iitlO. liH'.tred for S:,000 in the
J'aeillc and Aud -a Insurance Company.
ti... rr c i.... ii i i.. ..i..
a, Ad,ni;,iof;hJ'n f Knti; f ng
ill 1 1 wt niiiiiuninti 'I In ft ftli tn u In kit lil h-i m
in vtii ijniirm. hi i4,n v r-i l ru i Il.tlli
' bun piemiiied to extiire with Furranut.
! ,,,, , . .., .. , r , i t
1 he lab s.. idea ot ultra-fahhioimbe ladies
,n .....v. ...u,i ..'"i" ...... ,..,...,1 ...
tlie instep, so as to uive Ihe foot.
point, a high an.l graclul curve. i
(.'oiiL'ress ha i it r ajr.-ed to Ihe Fresi-!
dent's propositi. m to send a commission of 1
three to San Domingo to make inquiry in
regard !o it to throw liht on the subject
of annexation, the President has selected
Ex-Senator W.ide, of Ohio. Andrew J.
White. Presi'letils ofthe Cornell University i
iu Sew Vork, and Dr. Howe, of liohtou, !
as tlie commissioners. They proceed im- i
iiieiiialely on their duties and are expected i
to return in time for their report to lie acted '
on at this session oftNiuress.
A i OMl'ANY bus been formed In Clinton !
county to work a v. in of variet-ated marble ,
recently discovered on the banks of Fishing i
creek. !
tQ c'rtj A-Vtil cr:t '
Nolieelo Ueliforat.
NnTli'Ki- In r.-l'V t'oni ihit"M p. roiis hi-
.1.1.' I I
l i. ii l 1 11" nr lie- I
v. ..ii I, t:i- r
.p.-Hv 1 lo iii il..- iiiii'it'dlate .'i viiii-iit
lie kiv. 1 to- eeiapij inij with tliit ;
.I m.iy
u. l o e.
Mint) oi, .'I. '71 KATK ULACK. I
To the Communily ;il Large!
t'llAMir. AT THE
i 1 li.ivt- I h im day iiiieli.i"f t t tt- t-ntiro htoek,
! r,., tti.i ami list Hi t of llu- It -l-hi.iI.'I IIimiI,
! Mi. Trunk, 1.-n In-r ai..l Kin lin Mnr.-, of J. 8.
I AnirV, mi-1 ui I niiaiiiu.- III - l.'i-ii.i, at il m
j ".-nl ...r:. in. a, i'.nu..r i.i. .in, ll.oi.'i li.m rr.iiit,
, Maiiki.t stiikki', SfMicuY. Pa.
j Wtl.-n llalilii i -t-lli i-lu- I ai ral,c:ili'lili Willi
III..- Ifielin ihaioil.u ' iln-1 oi I lie fi.'iuti'.v. I r.i
Ml.f "ii,(. i . if I la- ui-o kit ttllll 11 i-i,.,. i, I tti.ik
nl t--tali, Irli, -.1 rt'.-il il mil l.r 'I ii alt:, it v an, I ti:i."ii,
I' al I'l ir. Hi il li,iir. f.riiiii ... i ... 1 1 1 y . A ir.
Hi, it ttlil I..- Ii.a If in Hi.- tun, 1. 1, iii,' 1 1 bin
m.ikirr in il. Hi'. .. I uniij;.
I V.'HI Ir fc.nK .1. I.
j Kim),..! y, Jan. VI, l7l.
MO IIOI I I., ll.... I-ul l.lis, hr.,
I I H , Ml i:i, .', li.ti, lull
'..ll Il.l, III,. I .lli.i I ...11,1 , , I'. I. i ,. I it, C l kUll
!i..l Hila III, h -l li,.. innkii all". I. I.
I ll' . li .111,1 .,11 lll'.i t,, in. lJ..L.-.'lil
1 tl Mi
. i
I ail
1..-I f l
ll.. -i- i I
l-n .j Km.. I
li. i I u.. . i
. -Hi. I i.l, li
M i- Ul. ,.Jcir
.n I ll..,, i ., . A
I.M III, I'll t . 1,1
I I I ll, I
t ., I .
I I .
,i. i, j ,. ,1. I t.i a't. i. ;.
A . i . I Ml. VVIl. 1 ur,
J HI I ! II H 'i Hi it, a.. ),
J41.U.1) 11, 1 1. 1 il.
III llll tt I t H M. Il fcl "
I III. M II AMi Ji'lill.tJii' i.utJln
ii . ij .-ii-ltl
1 hi H A M'
j 11 . 1. 1... 1 k u t
I.MIl'lt Mini'
I- tillt,
) It I.
k, t.t.iu, li. .ut
'.I i
r 1
1 HI It t ,
I I )
I ; . . .
III. .'.
i . i . .
1 1. i
S. Iferr.feldcr having Just opened a first class estaifl'rlnvont in Monre & Dilnger's
Buildings Third Street, below Market, between Market Squtue'cnd the Post OiliL
ZtaspoctfuUy Invites tho public to cull and examine bis mammoth stock of I
mm mm
II ir Heady Made Ulothinj ara all mida to
and best manner of workmanship, and equal to custom work.
ho keep a large assortment of all the leading styles, nnd fashions, and has made ar
rangements to receive uew Goods from the city every week.
Any person in need of anvLhini? in his line will fk;d it to their interest to give him n
cull aud hear hia prices before purchasing elsewhere.
piEnEnsBEin. the
Between Market Square smi the. Fost OlTiee,
tt ia rn
ukiar daiia at Mr
Wr propose to si'll for SO days toninivneinj SATURDAY. Deeember 17. 1370, nt a
reduction of 15 to -JO per cent, for cash. Our stock of Forei'.'u nnd DonuMic Dry
Goods, embraces M LKS, DP, Kss GOODS, LINKS'. HOilKllV. Gl.OVKS. WHITE
1 - -
i . ,, . , T. .,
Our stock oft oren;n nnd Domestic Drv
(,11,.c(iy dis,,,! of it, we have MARKED
luib 18 uuuuestionablv the time or cnat
We offisr Bleached Muslins at the following low figures,
Four quarter New Vork mills, 20 cts., per yard ; four quarter AVamsutta. i!0 cts.,
tier yard ; four quarter Davoe. -JO cts., jxr yard ; Fruit ofthe Loom, IS cts., per yard ;
1 1 ill Semper Idem. IS cts.. per yard ; j Hill Semper Idem, 1G cts., per yard; four
fourth Shoo Fly, 13 cts., per yard ; four fourth Social L. 2i i ts., per yard four fourth
Coventry, 12 cts., per yard ; I Coventry 8 cts.. per yard.
l Davoe, 2rt cents per yard ; four fourth Nashua E, 20 cents per yard ; four fourth
Nashua R. lrt cents per yard : four fourth Atlantic A., Iii cents per yard ; four fourth
.itppiciou r. r.'j cents per yard ; tour totirili
iiaiiisoeri:, u ernia per yam ; t liarrisnur IU cents per yarn; nieaetieu I Ilea
Shi etin tiJ cents per yard ; 2j Eleachcd Wa iham, Sheeting !" cents pcryard ; I? ach
ed Cabot, 2.' cents tier yard.
lilt-ached Canton Flannels from 15 to 22 ; Unbleached Canton Flannels from 12 to
2d ; Wool nnd Ci tton Flannels, from 22 J to 40 ; all Wind flaunt-la. 2.) to 00; Red all
I Wool Flannels 2") lo .Vi ; (Jin-hams, 2"i to a.j ; Ticking, lo to 23 ; Paper Cambrics, PJJ;
- I Colored Cainbiii K 1; Calicott froe ti to 124.
! LADIES' RAI-MOilA I. SKIi:TS7."i to AlOO.
AViUim.itic 2tVi yard apoola, ft i-tn ;
ajiooin, a cla
C'iaik'a O. N. T. ull colots, H
Johi ihine S, ainli h Kitl filovi a. f -J.ilft ; Lmiri ia Kid lilovt . 31-2.1. Vidt ttee Kid
(l'ii, Cl.iiii. All tin- Ki.l til ives nre 'ii iiaulccd, if tin y rip iiuoihi-r air i::veii iu
t-xehatije. In noiiiti hi ,i tin- hIiovi' ijin iliil iiiiin our ibnnenl it- at.u k hieh is ex
cetletl iiy lioiif in linn niarki t. no iv otiid l ill i1h cial alUUtioU to our ileparlliit-Ul fill
brucin it lull line t.f IU-li:iV,
I'lauiiila and t'l N'oii-nis, (':ir-l mid Oil Clot hi. W mike a a-c!:tlity in
Cnrpil, an. I have not., iii aioik a lull laic of all a.l.i uiul qiiahtiia very low in puce.
Our Uitss Good DepArtmynt includes very choice selections, in British and French
4e K'rantt e lo be n..r in v.-ry n aiavt 1 ) and Lrad in tlna I'ntrk.'t A'l n'uxU
lb ti have ii .1 tl.e pine !u vmm ihu 4ojio hit will Ui i-U'lLL'N IO TW L'MV i'tlt
CI.N I I'l l tUlU AXJ.
r. o. ui i rri i. t o.,
ItrUhl Xi'M Itulttllng. Mwrkfl htrett, Muuburj, I'm.
lUVt Tiki S
rl ill II tl ItK,
U l'.K
ON K i'K iili
.S I Nl
BlDUl ,
m. ft awwtlt IruiU Mrirrl. Il4
.Mart. vl. ritlUUrl, I U.
t llu t tut ''I' it" I 4 U.'ll in Vi . . . 1 1
t i l'.ng I rl .Ii I. .ii.. I
n.,i ri it ul 4 Un ... I., a i.l
loll ','1. 1 lil'lt. I ' 4 ii - v r .'J tl I'i r, . . . t
I 1 1 u t I. ..i .miiii,j 1 1 . . ' i ;. t i
u4 N4 I1 'k. t i'i . . '. .'Ill .'
). 1 1 ll r i
li ut.t M
..i r
:... i. t-
, '. i 1 1 ..
.1 i 4i N '
... t
a a li ( i, I l. - I.
3 1
his own order, in the latest etvlo of fashion
Sunbury, Tit.
'Kmtr dtr tkjr
' J ' ' ' - J - -
- , , ,
Goods ia verv larpe, nnd with a view to a
DOWN all the prices to a ligure so low that
bareiims in Drv I oods.
Indian Orcliaid . 11 cents per yard ;
from ?, l4.00.
LAD) K' si HALLS, from 81.25 to 12.,r.0.
Coutf s 00 vard pooln, 8 cts : C'lnrk'a 200 yard
cts ; lar Alpaca Dr.iida, 0 yarda U ceuia.
I M I II r..
,irt Ural AaMiwuttl U-auU T Mum.
! I.ur. I'.uu4 .
"-"" -
V ullf t it a. i
ri.i. ii . orti l ..l ini irt (..4rrri
. l.. . ' llnr. - t ( ' ..t t-l'.l
" i
.l,....4i to.i.a "I 04'.l.., 14 , aill l L. I
. . i .i.i.i, ii,. i-.t.i itui.iu..ia a.i ..I
, . , A I' , I . ., 1 1 ii . !' ,i'4 llv.. t'.
i .. a
..i i .
vl a- i
.i l. a. 4
a. ) I'.- ,
... I i u .v.
trill, i;. .
I UW l.t'Wt.
4 , l 14-1
l k -a
i i 111 1 m, utit.i.
Jt, I i -4
C ..lull, tt , I'
A Color and Dressing that trill cot Bum
tho Hair or Injure the Eed.
It makes Hair soft and fine, restoring
its natural color without dyoirp, y
imparting a healthy tad vigorous
hnua om.r it . n. Donna,
426 Horn EifihUi SL, RiflaibL
PrlO 11.00, larga bottles.
None genuine irithout my eiprtture,
and I -put my tume to tio goods that
are not of surpassing oxcollcnco.
F.CHM,t A ( O.
A FULL 1.1 15 OF
Groceries, the best unJ ela n l est in I in i.itn ki t,
l-.eUuian w Cu s.
Oil-Cloth, Carnet hiiI riet C lialu
V u t the Vurv lowest Lrltcp. lit
Eckmnn & Co'e.
IVum in & bo's.
Itoot and KIiocn,
ut Evkm.ui &, C.i's.
of. very description, at
Mills and Caps,
Stone-IVare, WooS-Ware mid Wil'nw-Wavp, at
Krkiaiin it CVs.
Hardware, Nails,
Salt, Fish, !c,
ut Etkman A Cjo'u.
Country Produce taken iu cxcttaiiire i t
K'.'kinun A Co'.
Doa't forgot the pincc,
JOHN l-.f'KMAN & CO.,
Corner Iovhth and Mauki.t mtuketh,
Smibnry. ttc. 3. is"'.). .
V . .J'it.:: .
No. 802 Chestnut Street, Fhile-dclphia.
IIuvinj buir'.-ly InrrrnKvil tli.-ir V'.A'i KH WAUT.
tlupaniiit ut, cull fipi-i' iilteiiliou tu t.ji'ir
Ftoek r.t
compii'-iiie, IvstU-s ttn-)r iimii1 lino of I-'ine
Wuies of prti'l.'-. :t mn-l eniiipl 'tv
nS'ort iie-nt (if
rcli:ililc in q'ullty. ami oll'jrcil t eM-ei-iliiij; tow
pi ioe. A fill 1 lint-, of
A l.SO,
eipri-tf '.y ina.le fur tlu-ir i flail b.i'e. mi l on ni b
r I in sii.-jie 'l"7.'tis or in e. iiii.i to M'ts, p. it up in
Kusi'tti'ii l an.l WiOinit C.oi'?.
All coi.iN F'i'it nil their own miTit- at tivi-il
prici-s, u t t.-itlier in i!ii'hi tii'.ii.'S tu eat-li article.
Jatuiuiy, 14, 1 STt ly.
I'UIt'ES Itllltl ( ill)
3Inmniotli Boot & SIioc Store
n.i yi i li.eih,
In C. B. Smith's Room, liiiii-n Sirft, una doi
KitKt or the 1'it Ollli ",
For Kiiniia I!o,.ti-, jro to I-li Miilt i v 'out an.l
Ehoo Mole TlifV aiv tui.1. llft Ta.l'al ii.
For Frciifti Calf Boots, jr.i to Eli Mi !. r. -in'y
i jy ,,, ,.r
Eur Boots, Slims ini'l G liters, I !, ..-;
...i.... .... ... L' 1 l:i . .. .
u.e i i. i . , i;. i i i . . . -iiini r, . , . t ' . i . .
Fur nil kltul" Of CiUIll Uulltj ..llJ ,. !l,i..-, I .l ' nl
F. i Miller'.
Ker-liitila-t' t'lum Ovir-bncit, frx- li f ;:y-oii
mi-iit at Eli .t'laem.
Fet nil kin.l- of fliiliben's frli..f-, uiul i-x-ainit.c
E.i Mili.-r' lart.- aM.iunf'.a.
Knr anvllii-! in tliu It.'nl an.l ..m !i r.i'.'
un I rx.tinit.n J-.i M i:!i-i ' li.-ii.n- ( .i.-ii .
I'.ri-wIiiTr if jr.u Mbli Ui pi Ur-!-. , ' lb
low.'H :-ie--t.
Jan. 7, ?l-Sfp. '., '70. -ly.
vi: uri-'KU run salii, at i'ah,
Nov 3Iasonic Tcuijile Loan,
llt'ariiiK ? .1-111 lnlt-r-l,
nc.lculiiau'.L- uflt-r tlv.- (.'i) it ml lit,-m i,n
(-U y. uiit.
Iiitei'i-st tt'it !! Murrh Mini Kt'il.
Tin- li.i.i '.r are
"tilll. In r.Ul.
Iti'tt-ltll, lllij Will !'C IrMlfJ ll
10 BoutU I Ptr.rt,
torUa lioucht ml Noltl on oui.
,i! I I tiaii-in'ii. nit Ih.,.1.1 mi, I -.. I.
a. r.i-, ltd 4U. I I HI..'., ri.1,
I In ,.'i .
oi 7, ''.!-! i'i '.i'i.'U.
A. -t
Ill Ull . Y A kli tVUlltl It.
I Win
iiuimv, iiiu rri.-1.. ii. a 'i ' .
i;.. u A t "I M i.ii -, .,ii, l'- j
M'-MU'I V, I'A.,
litltl." I '
O A 1 4
fur I .
.il,y a'-.l O.k. a ail.
tl -,
AM V VI Ml l' V'' ofna I t,v
avi j rum: Ktiu: i:v i i
Hjr r Alt I'UllHt alflHH' t.i till
H.'i l.H bl sufb f am a i
l.,Vl i I t
k I Of O N 1 nit l I'liSl i r! -.un -in
kit blUktu. o .fc i ' t a i
ur k ai j. a aiun'.
Iak'y f m
I O ' k j t ... Ml
u 1..I..1 dm. .a . I I'-ii; t , i ; i"i -I i . .... . .4
I, , Will un) 4 li a llitl'4..rt..i. tJ UU V
taal t' ut. ii)"
,. i., i J k . C. , t
t ... UI I ll.iw wl
Ir I lr
I tj.'y itxWMiii iay i t4'
I 11 k
mft K
O JV4.
fwiwriii aukr1. 4. i "
H a. v
V i .i rtt tl U.alai 4 roiivat
'4 Kll
JSu J . ai 4 UK i'.