I JvVst,i I fwTnfrW & ctoclrn. 1 SWlhttcctts. Saiwfactirnra. 9? .ivrrri73. .A. I t.v.4, I TCrT "6 YS t( e- I 'v' I '. TT .avion. jovd comity, in tho ,o-.vn to a town net n ..n rortlnntl, torthe pu ..iiigii ycrko of oxen, its he .jttnta tlia. there Tvn.8 a due by orto of tha 'wealthy lnnd . of the yM. ' . .Thing tn -the beet farming district of CumlieclRCil county town, our friend met a mfth ho wa driving an ox-tcam, of a, hotti he inquired : 'Ciin you iiilorni. n.o Trbcro Mr. Wall ',f,I lure's a murVbcr of .Valla- live nround hrrc. Which one did you wish to l.nd y returned the etranctr, who was a largely built, keen eyed man, habited in homespun, ,., 1 m :-;h,t in i-pnnrnl nimi'ni'iiiipe mi- iiav wi.iitn(, -- r i i - mitnkallu tokens of ci'.senuil cuiuturi.so fttr aa finances wwim conecnivd. j "1 donl know what his cliristian name is, pursued our friend "but he ia the cwiur ofsomc very lino oseii." "Well," responded tho stranger, "tbey nil own pruUy Mr oxen." "iit the one I wish to find 1ms some oxen for salo." "As for that, sir, I gueis they'd any of Via sell if they could get their price." "tut,'' I'xcliiimed the Oxford connty man. "tho Mr. )"a!l 1 vUA todind is quae wealthy." "Vib, will I reckon there ain't any. of cm very bad oil'," replied the other, with a nol. '"My Mr. Wall," continued cur friend, liesiiaiiitfjiy, 'liiis been represented to me ns heinjr a Very close listed man, and not scrupulously honest in nil his transactions." With a curious twinkle of the eye, mid a gentle pat upon the haunch ot'liis near ox, fie said, "to tell you the truth, sir, I guess thcv'iv if clote listed set nil around, and I never-heard that honesty run iu the family, jsii"'. I here . unci bins,' else '." "Ves." replied tiie searcher for oxen, ciepp -iittoly, ilii-y say he has been caught iti ii.o very net of robbing his own brother's chi 'n n coop." The stranger bowed and smiled. " in ess tm the ruan ! Conio with me and I'll show you as line a lot of cattle as fou tun lhid in the stnte ; Mill ifyou'know "vlifit oxen are, there's no dunger of getting cheated." l!cw fiiy Court iloivn rant. fa'.ly, the housemaid, paring apples in tho turner. Euter ObaUmli, wlio seals :li'msclf in the comer opposite to Sully, vim Hit faying a word for iii'ieen minutes, P-Mtliimlly, scratching his head, breaks the silence with Obadiuh There's considerable iuiper Cipi:i hie altering ia the we.ithev sir.e last weel:." . Z-.iy "Taiu't so injudicious and so dubitr.ble cold as it was ; the theniomicon ims lowered to one hundred degrees higher . '.hart zenith." Obiuiii'li "I think it's likely, for birds I c.r s;x";ies to fly a ureal deal higher hi wvaiiu , jays than in cold ones." jiol'.i parties assume a grave and improv- ; '.v.i lot U, and a long pause i nues. 1- in.illy, t.'t.olif.h gave Ins pate another harrowing ! scratch and a'jniu bivaks the silence : Chad; ill "Well, Sally, we chaps arc going to raise a sleigh lido ; it's inimical good h'. iidiu' to-morrow. I suppose they'll liavtj insit-iate s'ot t meson it. L fcliouiJ t'c Kupenui turn i Imp; y it'yoii would disgra oe lae v. o n ,y . : r company. 1 should take it as a d 'r...)ida;y lioii.n-; k'sides we're cal- 'c'liiuiii lo tre.il the gala well with raisons i and L'.i-.ek simp."' . ! Sally- "1 should bo'stiperoatoral glad to 'rds.ac"- yon. uiu our folks inspect coiu Vli:.y. I can't go." Uhidinh, sitiiiuJiPe. and r;t length starts .) ns ih-.i;ivh h now idva i'l'.il ttniek l.iio. U ,ia'.r.'. "vVeu, now 1 know what 1'h u . 'riii Lome, and thrush out the beans ' Ual have ln.vn h'.ng in the box a floor such a d.ifiled long wh'ic." i jUiNr.-s and" liir.LKS. Several years 'igo i was praei ising law in one tit the many buii'.tifiil toUn of 'iseoiiKin. On a very flaw, day, while seated in ir.y oliice at w:i;v, I was imernip'.ed by lh: entiaiice of t b iy. the son nt'ooe of -my '.lii nts, who hiol h::. tuwi., I'i:: miles, in a bia- King Mi'.i, ('W I lie :.i.,;ms i procuring a bible. Jii had been tild, he saltllliat'.hero Was :t pi-ic1 where they gave them away to .jvopie who had ho iiioia-y ; he said In: had no nioiipy, ni'd wus.vi ry anxious to .uel one of til ? j; iotl . .-'id aki-d mo to g wilh liiin t tin: piaee win re ta-.y wero kept. Auions to eiieoiii'lue liiin in his eai'iy jii;:y, 1 leit the brief mi which I was engag ed, and went ow i' with I ti lit to the stano of an old l'iv-;l)U. riau deacon who had tlie lniljii i-ove'ed books in charge. 1 intro duced him to tlio ik-.ic'in, telling him the circiniiiiroxes fe pmt-.ied the hoy very iu.h!y, was delihu li I to see a young man so .u;y oceUing i,!'t-.r the l.-ir.h, etc, etc. : ah i prcsciiii U liinl Willi the h. M-b 'i;ml 1!;;j'..! ;:i ll.e col!eO'.i( :t. llulhy put it in 4i'.s pccki t i'tul wa- atifiling Cjl, win n t'.u Jeac hi says : ".'w, it,, son. .that you possess what you so iiHii ti dooiivd, 1 "suppose l! at you will I'ji l 'r!ectly happy V "V.'rU I do, D.,lhohs; fur, between you M.d I, 1 li':w wluac 1 can t.udc it lor t. !ia0uj good lidd'.e. " V.If "b'.auly draws us by a ingV hair," b.o-.v iiit sistih.r inn.- nf ihe woman must be v.-: a: a hi si' !-' a-l lii.o ; trtt- w A i an:i A- iu:s i n:; J'i:i ;rTi;r.r. .. --.) io!i nt of tin. iIlHimmIouii . i- ( .'l ';'.; I have iileriil in s in.j of I'Mi-n.iii-u oo..k ipioiatioi.N ;n:ii n.io, . ! ,l,..-.!l -i '.ah i' ir T.-.-. -.' i in M'd l.ll . ! v.iiv.!' ivhai j nil ' i v t i i.i the pi'ml. a - ;,o asun imikIuiii! a ouinl io.iIm in' In Ull.l imhik lll-li'i jiple, piai', pencil, oil.iicii inlli r w.i,n ahiiu i'vd !, of, ) sille l-e'i ' I t,i :a U'a.t iil.si l l in ; f I -1 It . 'ii,,. Itimavirgc.le I ul at o; x. by c.t iu i.i g. away c!, j ih i, 1 1. iv.- t i iiu-lu s ill i. sleail the hteviil nml i,iu s s, im p, 1,, n v : t u;ioo 'i.i .u ,a i.i wor.iin liat iii.i Hie -l liio l,ts o i In- ulii.vi- 1 . nt. i at lone tl.c i llei-l i f u jtui ualh.g the .. ll.en. i , vu i-.vi.oilm,- . olai.ti i.ii of .,,il i;;;,iu-,. (;,,s Ul ' ii if rut it. .-VP. ,i,(,T y. i,,, , Le',,':i,; i i ie a, i, Hi'. '1 ll ill thl 1 H l-.,q- lil io , i.l ly l. ,. a , .., r Pail oi 1 1. 1,1.-,- i. i ii , ,,. bum i 1.., l,l,t I I. ,. I J I ... I . . t..e , . 1 - uiu iv; i.u.i 'V l.i -h li-l. i . Il u ,1 I lie- .. .1.1., u 111 u 1U o H ;i lejnvat,:ilr. ,t lk j, ; t ! HI IU ! it I-1 I lll lillil-'o I,, '. you siioiiM .jtt ymr Miinwia ii, 1,1 ti: 'iu fi tx 1'utp, ii ..... , , ,. '..to Ir , . . - ' . . o,.,., ,1,,.,! ,virye.i- ,,, ;"- -inu..i, i-niii,,,,., ;-i-:,-t , . I lU" M,', ul " " "' l"'"' ou fl.e ' " ' ill., W.aH I 1 i;.'i- i.t k. o t( ,j y u, i( i( , ,u. -'. !... ,ro i ti,,. u ..I ll llo, i on jil l I ,.,..r, M...J ,llt..n ,;, a ,,,, ll ill, I 'l L I It ..I l. ...... I fie i.iii'j. il. III! I lo I It I.l . t ; All . th tl.H l,.( I toil) 14 k , . , ll.l.l Hi., ! I" I i ' ,1 I ,. , ha I 1 1 I I! ' . Ill t ' i' . i.i 4. iW.i - n.H.TIMORK "I.OCIC IIOSPIT1I.. E8TABLieHF,l A8 A Itr.FUGE FROM gUACKEUV. THE OXLY PLACE It'll Ell E A CURE CAX BE 01) TAISEJD. Tin. Joustsos hn iliprnri'roil the most Cert nli, Sjivcty niid mct Eirectvmt Rcniody In the ffurlil for nil PrlTiU flwiises. Woakiices of thn T.iek orLlmBs, Btrlrtnrpn, AOi-etlons of Kid'iovs nml l?ln,l,lcr, Involuntary Dlflcharr, liupotcnoy, General Dibllltv, Ncrvnnvncss, Py?peiv, Laii puor, Low Pptrits, Confniion of Iileui, ralpUa Hon of tlielIonrt,'rimUlit v,Trembllii!r!,Dimiie of BiKht or GlddlnesB, lisi-nsfl of Hie He.nl, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affect ions of Liver, Liiiirs Klomni'h or Biiwelo tln'ie terrible Disonlern urldng from tlie Soiltnry ilabitnof Youth t hose secret mid mliUiry Vet Ires more faUil t their victims tban the song of Syrens to the Mariner of Uivmor. blithtlui: their most brilliant hopes of nnticipatloui, rendering mariUige, &c., lmos Hiblc. iOUNGMEN especlnlly, who have become the victtms of Po'.i Ury Vice, thnt dreadful mid iltFtrnctivc hatiit which uniiimltv iwesui to n'l nntiaicly ernve thousands of yoiinir men of the moot fxalted talents and biilliant intellect, who inlL'lil mner wiee hsve ctilranccd Uftcninir Semites with the thunders of eloquence or waked fo cctacy tbe living lyic, infiT call with fU eoulidence. MARRIAGE. . Married PcrRims or Yousa Men contemplating rnarrlapc, "being nware of phynleal wrakneiw, or tanic dcbilit v, defonnitlc, .Ve., ppeedlly cured. He who pliuvs liiii.Ki-ir un ler the care of Dr. J. mav re'.iiiioua'.y cor. tide In his honor n a (rentlc- j uiaa, and coulijeut'.y relv nnun lift skill as a ray 1 ficiaa. ORGANIC V,EAKXFSS j Ijumedu'tely Cured, and full Vk'nr Het-torcd. j Thin liitieFiiig Atr,-ction wiiich renders Life ' miserable and marriage Impossible if the-penalty paid bv tho vietiiim of inipruper indnlkreuees. I Young pcri"onsare too npt to commit excesses f from uot being aware of the dreadful cimsivcnccs ! that mny ensue. Now, who that understands j the subject will pretend to deny that the power i ! of procreuti'-n Is lost sooner by those falling into' ; i Improper habits Ulan by th; jiradent I bf-ries j j being deprived tbe pleasures of healthy offspring, ; ! tlu iiiost scrloiif and dcstniciivefyinid 'ii.Motunh i body and mind arise. The system bionics dc ' ranced. the I'liysjeal and Mental Kunetions j i Weakened. Loss if I'rocrealive Power. Nervous j Irritability, llyspepsla. Palpitation of the Heart, ! I ludigotiuii, Cou.-titiitional Ui liiiity, a Wasting ' of the Frame, Couyh, Consuinptioa, Decay 4iud le:'tll. 1 OFriCE.XO. 7, SOUTH FREDEEICK STREET I i Left handiu.! (.oiag iVimi hallimore street, a lew doors from the corner. Fail not to observe uuiiic . and nuniber. Letter must be paid and contain a rtainp. The IWtm's l)iilmnas hang in his olHec i A CUKE WAUKAN'lED IN TWO DAYS. . No Mureurv or Nauseous Diuu'9. ' IU.JOHXSTON", " ; Member cf tluT.i ya College of Surgeons, Lon- j i!on, Graduated flora one of the nr'ft eminent ! Coiiegi-3 ill the I'nired States, and the greater ! pni t of whose il'e lias l;vn spent in the hospitals of London, Pris, l'liiladelpiiia and elsewhere, j has ilteoted some of the most u'tonishinir cares ! that were ever known : many troubled wilh ring- 1 ing ill the head and ears whea asleep, great j nervousness, being nlarmed nt sudden sounds ' bubhliilaess, wilh fii-ueut blushing, nttendct sometimes with deraugeuieut of miu.l, were cured i.mediatev. T A K ! P ARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. aildresees all those who have Injured theuifelvcs by improper indulirenee and Folii.ny habits, which ruin both body and mind, mjliitim: ' them lor either business, Hudy, society or mar- j riage. i 'l nrsr are some of tho sad nnd melancholy elleets prodaeed liy early hatiils of ymi'h, viz: Weakness of the Hack and Limbs. J'ains in the , Hack and Head. Diianets 'l Kgh;,' Loss of Mas- cu.nr Power. l'alpiia;ion of the Heart. IK-pcppy, Xervuus Irri'uhilliy, Derangei.unt of Digestive Fiiiietioi.s, (;,:neiul Debhity, cfymptoms of Con sumption, oee. Mi!NTy,T T'.ie fearful eiTects on the mi, id are mueh to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con- : fusion of Ideas, leprvsion of (spirits, Kvil- j Foiebod:ni."S. Aversion to eoelety, Slf-I)iftrust, : Love of Sutitude, Timidity, &e., are soaie of ihc evils pi o:i'..eed. Tiioi'SAMis of icrsons of nil aju can now ju.lire what is the cuuscof their :.' aiili'.;' ImmUM, lus.nu' then vigi.r, h -coaiiuu, weak, p'aio, i, r. n,is and tiaaciul-M, haviir; a siniruiar appuir-.tiicj abut the ejes, eouUaad eyiiioiiu.ul'evnii,U'up- . tion. ' " YOUNG MF.X Who l:o', hijuied l'illselv l,y a errtidu prae liee JaduiireJ in when alone., u habit l'reijiii.ii!ly learned from evil eo-tip:'nioiis, or at school, the itleels of which are nightly felt, even when asleefi, and if not cured, reud'M's marriage impos sible, and destroys both uiiud and tody, should apply Immi'diateiy. tt hat a pity tint a yoa:y; :nan, O.e hope of l is count n. the d.o'la,; oi hi-; parents, shoal 1 l.e sTietelud JVwm all pri:j,ect and eejoj aieats of life, by tee c,use(iu nee of ill intiiei' from Lie p:ith of naluro and iudil'iiinif ia a eertnin seent habit, fcuch pevsoLs M; st, before euuleliU'lataig MAKi:i.i,i:, , relleet I hat a sov.ii.l in ia! and -body ar the most . uieefsaiy requisites la .omole connubial hai pi-iii-s. ladeed wit inua the-e, the eirju y through i life beeoiues a weary plbrriinaire ; Hie prospect ! hourly darkens to Ihe xi,v; the miud becomes ! shadowed wall despair nml liilv. I v. ith the laele.n- eho y leileeiioa, thi.t tii,' li.rpj iuesj of anoilg r heeoaiLs biighte 1 :tii o;,rowa. WeEAiE OF i.V i'l.LTENCE. 1 When ihe nii-g'u'.ded aiid in, ru.ieiit votary of p'.e.isnre luvls that l.e h is imliibe,l the seeils of tliis p.ikifi.i ilise.i:e, it too nit. 'ii h.;ppci:S tb:.t ua , ill-Tin. ed sense of hhaiae, i r dread of iliseu.cry, ! defers him fioai ipj'iyiiig t tlaxe vbo, from e.lui.atioii an I r : lability, can abme befriei.d ' him, delaying I'll t In i. I national symptoms ol lliis ii'-nid ili.-ease make their ;,picaraucc, sueli i.s n : - d s,.p. t In ... I . ili-ea ed lui-r, uoelural l'.'.i.i.- i:i the li.ad and li.al.s, ilimuess of sight, . d' ,:'n,"-, nol.s tn the pi, in huaes alul anas, bloc ius on rlie I , all, laee a:,d cl I'elnil ies, j io grti;. with liiglvUul rapidity, tid at last the, j.i.t, o!' ihe me al !i oi to. bon'i- of ih : norc fall l.i, an. I leiaviai of il.i- awfil di-. ue becou.es a heiri I object ol e,,i ii.iiseialioa, till ilealh puts a p, ii .,1 to his dreadful snileriag, l.y vending to "Im: l iidiscwred Cuiaiti) from w LeiKX no traveller retain-." ' i It i a nie .iueholy f o t that t'miisunds fall vie- 1 toils to I.'ii- ellilne ili.-e.se, owing to the llusl. bi ll iie-s of tg:,n.,nt pretenders, who, by I lie use " 1 t:i..I I e id y 1'. '.s,.i,, V.a-.i.-y,'' min th : coiisftutloii and make the le-i.liU- ol life udsel a- ' bl.:. ' tniANi.r.iisi i i.o 1 1., t many la , i r h, alili, in the care of th? aiid Wmi'i.i s Pretend) rs. ku...l,dg !,lc , r ellaraet- r, W bo eili clients, or l' va copy Dr. theais-.a' ei I'M -I' ia 11, .-It Hi' in tbe lie'. i ape i r, gular. v V l ienii d lae.H able of I lirh'g, tin y keep you i..i. oi--m h r. li. r .a, i l h taking la. ir ti Ih) mi I p,.i,,-,,, 1 , . ap. 'Ull.l , rr 1.1 long as the n'liala st I'.-, -can be i.L-iaiiicl, an I ia dv f 'i'. Vc "' w ilit rn'eie I Ii a'lh lo .ilruVei ). II caiUI di' aj -i .i I ..i . i.t. I 'i. J' h'l-t-ti I, the oi 'v l'hy-lei ann Iveitl'iii--I'l l .e-K i.li. a i-r .11: l..'.u., ,'..:..) Ii.u.g iu t otlb li s r, inc. lie or ti- aii.i. i.l are unknown I ' all other-, Ji i.ovd froii a lite -p.nl bl the fci- 'J i. i-! l. !.. ,.i '',' . ,e, ! ... i.r,i j t!,i, country a 1 a none i i. i I'. - rn.ile l'i-..i ta-e" tl .oi ab.v i. ih, i 1 1, -a ..in in in,, u ! : i. IM' 'in em i-.. si or i:ih l'J;r.s!. Ihe mull) tholl-ali.'s lliiedal t!ii lo'lll'"1"" year alb r )i ar, all I Ihe lllllnelous llllj""1"'! Mirgicul 1 1 pi i.oi ,ii. peiiLiin. by Dr. J;J-- I' .. la, lie r, ,.ll rs of Hie " Mill." " 1 "' p.r,"uii i,,. uiy oil., r .ip', iiolis" ' Ii.ne a p ulcl cc.ilu ui: lic.illi f- " '"' " ' b .1 - i,:. , i..ii.uiih- i.. a -iii.iii.4-i ''I 'li "" ' mil i-. . i, .ibi.il), 1. u ,i;lieeat u iatvlio i lue a 1111, 1' I. s-Ki i mr.tr.h bfr.M'M.v(t"1' P r- ,n . ,lii.,g ,h..ull Is. iwilHMil ' '' ' '' i. ... . . . .1 die I""' i-.' o-noil irnri i.i in. oi-." y , . er. Jllll M . Jl.llNff 1"' V 111 i, h,!lllii..iel..- klla,J.l4l, H-olO""' I'blU.I) J, 1,0 IV. n . : I. , I "I ul'.'ri iiij l! .k.. tl.l "! . " U Ii ik . i. -l ' ' I .. i.l Mod H' '4, I.I4IU I , lM, I I on ,1 fcy t 1.." I' . . I 'i, I I.l .1 .1 ,1 I ...I g l! I .. : I ,. . iluiiul l " ' . I. h 1 i i. . i V I I H ,t "I j it W. ii ..I..!"''' '' . l.C t. . sai.wor.', 7-ATCnMAKF.n sAND JEWELER, Corner or Third Pireet rnd Mnrknt Pinart", In Miller's Btonc llulldlng! SUNHURY, PA. "WATCHES, (WMfTS) of the most cclchritcd makers, i-Sfs-.x emislsthig "f the Howard. Ap JJfila Js-pkttm, 1 r.uy Co., Walthcm, Uartlct, W. Ellery, mid nil grades of the Elgin Ill's make. Also, sole Agent, for the cclchrM'dPAUL BUI TON Watch. In Gold or Silver Case, nt low prices. SILVER-WARE FOR WEDDING Pr.F.SFXT8, of entirely new deslirii'. Solid Silver Table nml Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, Torks. Castors, lee Pitchers, Fruit and Cake Baskets, Syrup MugR, Butter Dishes, and everything In the Silverware ino at low prices. JEWELRY. A fine lot. of lPk Rings. Also ft fine selection of Gold find dut Jewelry of n'.l descriptions. Gold and Sliver Chains, nt low prices. GOLD rEXS. Fine Goll Tens. In Gold. Silver ftiid Rubber Cases. f the celebrated make by Ihiirmau and Stewart. CLOCKS. A fall assortment of 8 day and 30 hour Clock,, at low prices. Also, Sole Agent for the celebrate 1 Perfected Spcctiic'.cs.-warrunted to rive nttre. satisfaction. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired nnd warranted. All orders promptly attended to at Ihe shortest notice. Sunbury, Sept. fi. lk. ISAAC K STAl I t i:tt, WATCUCN AXIUEWtliBY, No. li North Second St., cor f Quarry, rillLADE.PIIIA. An assortment ofWatclies, Jewelry, SilvernnJ Plnte.l Ware constimtlyon haiid. i '"Uepaiiiug of Watches aud Jewelry prompt ly attended to. August, 11, lS'l'J. ly. It p nj I'.Vt i SIII.MF.UV A5D I AXCY GOODS xow ortx. Full uinl Winter Ha-t.iul Ronncts. A tine selection of Plush. Velvet and Sutin Hats. A large an I elegant nss oi.tir.ent of nil the novelties in ready trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Also, an assoramcnt cif PRY GOODS. E1KU0XS, ELOWE1W & FEATHERS OF THE I.ATF.ST TAltlS VASttlONS. Every article III the Millinery line as well as NOTIONS. EMBROIDERIES, EDGINGS. LACES, IlANDKKiU HIF.FS, FKlilUMKKlF.S, STATIONERY, AC, of the best quality can be procured at reasonable rates. Desirous "of pleasinir the public, I lac selectc 1 an usiisiiul large assortment of the best goods In the city market, to whichl invite the at tention el mv cusjmlicrs and others. Call and see them, Hi it is-uo troulile to show goods, M. L. tiOSf-i.KK. Oct.3MlO 4tb St., below S. V. o. P. It. R. FA 1. 1. A. V1TIIC ,(n:s AT PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. MISS M. L. LAZARUS lias Just retnrnci! fvoin I'iiilaiUlphia w'.tl. a large and choice selection of Fall aud Winter goods, including, CALICOES -MLSLIXS, 11ULL1XGS. jFLXK EI.AXXET.S, ciiixoi.iM:. WK'AX f!,,op i'.Kiris of all fixes, l.;idb-s' aiet Uemlrm- n's Silk. Ki.l slid LI-leThr. a J Glove, IlJsicr), l'ivs Ti imm'iags in aiietv, lt' .il Ieu-cs, DLAC'K tillOSGKAlX AND GEAC'IL Velvets rut liia.-. Velvet Riobons, colared Zephyrs and Yai u" nnd gvio.ls, 1 owe'ing'. Nivpkius. T..ide La lies Handkerchiefs, fearf. I'wiior Koanit nuil Toilol , S.'.tlii, black liephyr knit -Ulna, Gei.ls' Articlrs, Tiny Umvass and Canvas pnttern. I.ini'ijs, Tarlatans while and tulorcd. Figured Also, an assoi uiieat of t'asiitonatilc HATS, FEATHEHS AND ItWHOXS, Sa-h Uibbons. .V.e. She is ag'enl f, r S'vilelio and Hair brails. Perfumery and a airge variity of Notions :.nd Faaev articles. M. L. LAZARUS. Nvv. 0. 'Oil. The I.ntost Full ami It inter Jiilli iiery Kovclrh'N. Miss L. siilssi.Elt, Maiket Mreel. S:UMiURY, I'enn'a., HAVING p.i-t r.:u: I from Philadelphia . villi a large and varied stock of MILLI NERY GOODS, ol'liy '!it(t styles. 15GXXETS, HATS nililiOX.': FLOW E US, l'EATHEKS, Also, n great Trimmings I'l'c-- Van iv Mil I l a if r sl.iouib'i D ..-. i I 1 ill lew. tub lars, I'm. b p'l. Icries, L.Igii.g, and ail kia.U or FL'ItS AM I'CU TIIIMMIXGS, W.io.eu Gaol-, Z. 'l,rs, ().. j ,,i,-s ll;i.j Cap-, Ho-iery, l,:..!,-, l.im n ( nil's and ol.ars. Millinery in til. it , brain 1. s prouijCy attended to. Thankful for ;.,-i auuuagc, sue in, pes to so licit a co ilillll.l.ieeuf liiesaiue. The public is , call. (iie.llO by I.fil'IS SlIL-SLEIi. NEW I'o!." (.tX)DS FOU AM AVIXTEU. . FALL , I. 1111- I VT'sx ST I.HP. KViH liATi: Itl.MK. Mali, lie, Sl'NUl'UV, Peilll'.!., I a flesh a ilmct.t of tbe -I I '.-'.i. .liable F-ltl.-V Hle . Ii,,.l i ft-tll Hi.- la I ' il.ibii-hiueiils ill I'bil.i.lc'i hia. I I MM S M APACAS. IMl'I.IVS.CAI.I t". I'll! .s r.l.Ks.MI K pfpHXS, V 'I UM.Sii LiiOl ij, 'C-. l!A'i. ' . las 1. ua l Cbil.liea.' I' la hibiio:... !res. I'liiiiiuia'rM, I'inliroliITlfi I "' V,;.., t-. Il.lll Ikerc'iiel., (Ja.Ves, it .. i, 11 ,., Man . II. (l.ms' Uliplic ill , an I li ie -'G,-slM, o -i V icelil lion. I ,,- l .sl.au i. I, ii-.i.. P'ul I Woolen t'l'-tl-, tlie.ikt.lrl Mi-m', Wooli-ti t e.it l. ua I C ips I',,. Wo. He. I 11' I hi! I..' I. - '-.: ,i , .s.-.k tie-, II..I1' !i.v , Dan l'er- Cal- t- II, I I, I" i . .lie, , i d i l So l) , Hair lllils'ies, t'.'Ulb., I.AIK IU.At.lw. I 11 1, l si .!. i u nn i i t; ti o j s . : i . u 1 1 o s. Ahum lMlittr( 'S .i.ili . ,b- ,, SUii,, i s., i n,-, 0 .1 su. neat of the ft .ill -aa, MWIIUIV, J'A , l'1'l IH I I.V il.b.llll. lo i Iii.i1 hi I ib 1 r !' II .1 .ho I, ,. .1, hall I I.IIlI' IH k Ol 1 Ul VJMIM, i.l. u n .ll .SUliU.SJ, II ' I , a I .. ... li.s.t.Liul.y'. I liaoutu aud W 'u' bkl.t.'ill .J, V.' "I' I KIMS. I I t.Aj. TKIMMI.i . t I! ti t I ItlMMIN !' ,1 1 r I . , i ,it, , ., , lu-Hiit- I i. . , I I .. l, '. I I.... ..I i.i U ,. 411 ,, . A 1 1,.,' ! I' - '' I . , 1 1 . , 1. 1 ..11. 1. , tiiii 11 k 1 l iu ii 1 "I k,!i, m.t-ii.i (.ikliwiil nr , i ii l .1 I r I t. I .r . I l a a 1, el I "la I .. I, I I I 1 ai.. 1 . 1,4 I 1 ...a i' I tonftin j , . I... 4- a,d t ' OIR KI'.U Family SpwIiir KInrhla. Thfi 8nperlor Merits of THE- "81 NO Ell" MAU1I1XES Over nil others, for either Family or Manufac turing pnrioscs, arc so well established and so geiisnilly io I in II ton, that an cnunierntiouni ineir relative cxei llenccs is uo longer eonslderducces sary. OUR NEW FAMILY MACTIINE, Wliich bas been brought to perfection, rcfrardlces of time, labor or expense, is now confidently pre sented to the public ns Incomparlbly A teU Suit ing Jiii'Mne in exithnct. The machine iu question is Simple, Compact, Dvruhle and Beautiful It l quler, light rnnnlnir and epi? of P fomiinfl a rnnqt mnd tmritty nercr b;forf attempt'! upon a tingle fi7iok, using either Silk, Twist, Linen or Cotton Thread, and sewing with equal facility the very finest and coarsest materials, and anvthincr between tho two extremes, In the most ticautifc.l and substantial manner. Its at tiichiiicmn fir Jfamniiifl, llrntiinit, Canting, Twkinit, Quitting, UMn,;. Trimming, Binding, ft:, are novel anil practical, and have been in vented and adjusted especially for this machine New dcsimill of tho Unique, Useful, and Popu lar Folding- Tops a, id Cabinet C.ise, peculiar to the machines manufactured by tkis t ompany, lane been prepared for enclosing tho new M chine. , A fain Idea, however, enn nt best ootvveyed through the medium of a necessarily limited ad vertisement ; an we therclore urge every person in quest of it r-ewins Machine by all meons to examine und left, if they can possibly do so, nil the leading rival machines before making n pur chase. A se'e.etlou can then be imulc understand imrlv. Branches or nsenclcs for supplying the "Siiieer'' muelilnrs will be found iu nearly every eitv or town throughout the civilized world, where Machines will be cheerfully exhibited, nnd nuv Information promptly furnished. Or com munieatications may be addrcscd to TllESIXG EUMAXUF ACTURIXO CO 4a Bkoapwav, Nkw Yohk. PHILAD'A OFFICE Ml) Chestnut St. nk.i:ksj. lake, shamokix, sole ac ext for north'd. co. ST" Persons who desire the above Mae bines, nt Siiiibui v nnd vieinilv. can obtain them from Miss CAROLIXA DAI.IUS, Market St., Sun bury, Pa., who is authorized to make sale for them. April 10, 1SC9, ly. (jltA.VD OFE.N JXJU or "fall axd wixteu goods, ut the cheip cash Store of JOHN F.CKMAN & CO- S. W. comer 4th and Markit Sts., ' Sunbury, Pa. -rTTIinRE will be found oao of the larcest V clii'apest and best selected npartinciit of Dry (iiMi.ls, ever Drought lo tins place. A large se.telioii of RKKSM GOODS, coiul ilsinf everything in ALAPACAS, ALAPACA POPLINS. AM Wool Rejis, English aud French Merinos, changeable Lustres. A large Invoice of SHAWLS AXD CI.OA KINGS, Just cprncd which for quality, style and price and unequalled, also all the latest styles or water-proof for Ladles' suits, Iloopskirts in great variety. A full line of Hosery, Gloves aud No tions. A full assortment of (7DT6' FUItXISniXG GOODS comprising everything in French Beavers, French I'assiineres, Doeskin and all choice lunkca of t'assil icrs to the lowest grades. Also, Blankets, Satchels, Looking Glasses, Wood and Willow-ware, Hardware, Nails, Glass, Oils, Patty, Drugs, Salt, Fish.uW. Ilntst nnl H, 7to und Ntmen. Our itook at Shoes ikve li.i.ile ij ressly for our own salc.i and are guaranlccd. We would cull the particular attention of those needing -CAKI'ETS. to our large mid excellent apai tiiiunt. which have 1,-cn selected with care bot' "s regards quatity nnd ktyle and are offered al price., which we gaaruiiteii to give satisfaction. Particular atlei.lion paid to the selection of o'ir Gi iM-eriei and Spices, aud we keep none but the bet. We have d -teriiiTne 1 that quality and price w ill be an object for everybody to call nt the Store ot ' JoilN EC KM AX & CO. Sunbtlrv, I'ov. 13, lSil'.l. (i OLD EX PAHENTS TO FAMILIES, i-'ATlirR TO DAVGIITEPv, Mornrr. to sox. G EXTLF.M AN TO LADl KS. "TTiir.N the light Ii.ik left the bouse, incmo- rials, such ns these eoinpouud their iutcr- 1st. ItEnGSTKESSFR'S SL'l'ERB TIIOTO. Mini.ilure or oval Pictures, admitted to be the best in liiin section of country and no nqx-nor in tlic State. Constantly iiioreanliis demand nml great experience iu this style of miuiaturo give us facilities and belter thai) uny establishment out side of lame cities. PAIMIXGS, UUWMOS. TICTl'tfcEa AND Al.ltt MS. Home vlcus taken, oval frame. Gilt and other Frames fr ale, Franbinr of Pi-tnre done to i.n'.er. il. li. Hi:r,.GSTnr..sF.U'S Gallery, S I st., " doors above the Keystone House. Siiiibnry iN pt. lSih, 1 Sij. ly. Misuse ' I'rPiJrU'ttrrMUlp. T1" Hi: stock and livtun s of the Livery Stable iriiu rly ow ned bv T. McGaw, has been pur- dbvJ. M. H.u t liuloiiicw, who has u lde.1 i.ev !i ,i -c., and Is ud lint; other co-.afi i table cow-v.-ui- nee-. He intends to make it a at.ible that cannot be excelled auye. ere .011. side the city. Tbebe-toT ri Im; and driving horse on ha. ready to serve customers. 'I tie patroimgc of tbe public Is repte;fiilly solicited. J. . HAP.TnOLOMEW. J'li.biiry, Aug. I I. ist'.'.i. ly. .KOVi:ii V IIAIwllIC'M Uli ST J'JlE.vrt'M ELASTIC STITC U FAM1LV SKWIXO MAC1I1XKS. roiNT or r i:u.i:cE. IV F.Al'TV and elasticity of Stitch. I'sing both Illinois direct.- from the spools. No l is- ..i iiui.'oi scam by hau l an I ro wu-lnig 01 tlur.ul. )le.-id.n i,,iii" all kinds of work done b); oilier bewiutf M.-.eliiue-i. 1 licsu uiueliines t'Xeeute the most beautiful mid periaaaeut Kiiibroi.lery upd oiuaiuci.l..! uoik. The llii.li -t Preiiiiam ut all th flrs and ex lllb.tliilis o! Ihe t'lHle I Mile ull.l 1 ao opil L I .' been awarded the tirov-r .V: Maker Sewing Ma 1 liiues, and ll wotk .I0110 by tUrin, wlicrever raiiihilw-1 I I euaipet.lioii. MIm 4 uroliiiv lrtllu, Asutt .VtAit Mi'i((, ' ii' fit Jiiilrotul, Sunlurif, 1 'in ., has )U"t receive I Luge b t of Elastic Fi lch mid !.. MH. h M.u lime, whicii Din ollere l lor sals on ica .111. ib r terms. Kinhroi U-ry and any or- llalnc'il.O elau IMII l t.ceilt,' l oil (hi M M l chi.ic. No 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 y !ioiii, be without uat, t lli.y lll suWC IllllilUlid I'loac). I f I. isoiis l l Hug b Coal I'orlou can obl iiu iliese evecllihl M. Sons m .fn, big. L ike, hli .iiiokiii, P,i., ho is ulUori,-d to 111.1k t ile lor theiii. upllJ-OU ly lSvli. I'lll LA IiEM'll I.V HU'J. A 1. I. I A I1 II It K , lltiwrll k llurL, Mufrn asm or PAPUt II IMilNl.U AND WINDOW 81IADE4, h.iU-w losoui-. Cor. Voioib in I Maikil kit. fllltAHt If III A. la I, iv, IV' I ii,lv lltii I mul Hal. tout Pu, A IK' Ce, .( ,' j rin'V UAiy.i uri Mukt. a.-J mo. t OU llH.HI.Hi, rHi-i iilutf Rons, HuW. Spring , I 41.MM. ttu-lw, CUl, Vf. aie , ;a la J.. Ms. .1 (.!).() A CO. Mu.li ...w, March V, V. 11 Ml IUr UTI HI X' a Pla. Owlia.a, V , d'i,l Vaatvl IM I'ltiuuJ, kiaiaat ' IHU1, A l .iya iM.ila.tal t lUs Uat aasa-, ID 'If 1 HiMill H4 uh ' sla 'I.l a..... l iaa N.l.a. i' A.. 1 u ,l . iu:-.., 111.1, iiautu-tia, Una aj last al i ... II. vi, I. U1..1 B.-I,, Third Ptrcet, adjotnlru? PhlU. & Erie R. R., two Bqunrc North of the Central IJotcl, . 6UNBURY,PA. IRA T. CLEMENT, 18 prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. Having all the latest Improved innelUnevv for mnnufactnrlni: Lunber, he Is now ready io fill or ders of all klud of FLOORING, SIDING, TO0RS, 'STHJTTERS, BASH, r.LFrVDS vMOVLDIXGS, VE " BAliDAS, BRACKETS, and all kindu of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, a Lahob AMORTirrcsT or BILL I.UMBEK. TIEMLOCK and PIXE. Also, Shlugles, Pickets, Lathe, te. Orders promptly filled, nnd shipped br Railroad or otherwise. ira -p. CLEMENT. dccltlCHily SEW CAKIUACJF. AD ItlCGY MAXCFACrPBT, THE sulseriber respectfully informs tlie rttl rtns of Sunbury and vicinity, that be has opeiieu a shop 01 S,.l. Stroh's Uinckinithhnp building 011 Ceftnut street, Sunhurv, Ph., where he keeps constantly on hand, nnd manufactures to order, CARRIAGES, BCGGYS, SULKV8, Ave., of the latest style aud the best material. Repairing of Wagons, Carriages, &c, done at the shortest notice. Persons In want of line r.ngeies and Carriages, are requested to call before purchasing elsewhere. ... H. C. ROCbll. Sunbury, July 11, 1SC9. ly. BOOT AXD S1IOH MANUFACTURER. THE underflgned Informs the citizens of Sun bury and vi.;luity,that he lias opened a shop ivl bis residence, on ArWi street, near the public school house, bnre he w id iii iinifuctiirc to order, all kinds of HOOTS AND kllOICS of the beet ma terial. Repairing done nt 6hort Notice. Orders are rcsM-ctfully solicited. JARLD LROSIOL'S. September, 11, 109 ly. new machine snor AMI inox foiixdry, Geo. Ilolirliuch V Hon, SCNUIRY, PA.j INFORM the public that they have established A MACHINE SHOP, J11 .connection with their FOUNDRY. They have M.pplicd themselves with New Lathes, huiiug and Uorinsr Machines, with the lutes improvements. Witlw, thn aid of skillful lucehanics, they arc enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, thnt may be given them, lu a satisfactory man ner. Having enlariredand rebuilt their Foundry, they are ready to execute all kinds of CASTINGS. GrafcN to suit nny Store. HRASS CASTINGS, Ac. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their supe rloiity, have bun still fuiiher improved, uud will always b,i kept 011 hand. ALSO THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, Sept. If, lso'J. SEW HOOT AMI SHOE STORE. MARKET SQUARE, AVf Poor to pijcrbt Thotogrijih Giillrry. Bouts an 1 Shoes constantly kept ou hand., mp Je lip of the best material. Jieluirn pia(fii;:il,iiie;l-an;e.bcAii!l -MAKE UP TO OKDKR any kind of lbmts or Shoes desired, out of the lest Stock in the markets. Repining done neatly und at, short notice. ROXY DRCFFNLR. August Tth.JSf.O. KTOVE TIX ESTAItl.ISII5IE.T. MARKET STREET, SUNUURY, PA. A LF n ED K It AUSE, Froprietor. , m .sttCCKSSOll TO SMITH a crNniKu.J HAVING purcliascd the above well known es tablishment. Mr. Kra use would res-ct ful ly iuform the public that he now has on hand a large iissoitnie'it of C O O KIXli'STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Rctrulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna nnd others, which are so arrange! tis to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted t, eiTonn siw.isfau.oii ly or 110 sale. HEATERS of ail kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING b'l'OVES of (lilfercut kinds at voiiy low prices. Tiuwnre oC Eve IrhcritIou kept const antly on band. Rooting and Spouting with tbe la-.y in:eri.il, done at short notice. RI.I'AIUIXG attended to Willi dispatch. Coal Oil and Lamps constantly ou hand. Japan ware of all kinds. Storo opposite Cuuley's hanlware store. Give 111c a call. A. KRAUSE. 0I"-4-lr THE OXLY STOVE WITIIOI'T A I'A 1' I.T IS THE (.It EA T ItAI.Tl MOKE ITKEI'I.ACE IIEAT::it, JiJliU'S . ILl.UMIXATED DIAMOND GAS DUIKER. IlY 1VUICII PARLOR AND CHAMDEKS AP.li WARMED PY ONE FIRE. IT Is the led Ts e otoy Fireplace Heater that has ft vrr- p Feeder, mid lu e from i.i.fflng ur ex- potions, or cm In lug gas 111 10 t he up irluu-ut. li Is the only Fireplace Heater with the patent Diagonal Mairai no by which greater bli.iiiiiint ingpoAcr U obtained, the tipuil.iicnt the s,t,.e i. in, mole i ll- rtu illy warmed, und the Giale I!e licvcd of llio juat weight of the coal In the leser Miir. It is tbe only Fircp'aee IleabT that Is 11 Prr feet Self-Vecd.T and b vc t irncr, oul) requires lilliug nnee in twenty-four hour-. Il i the only Fireplace. Heater w ith perfect iitl'ig mi l il'ia I big grate. It is the only r i.eplaee Ifcnter Willi the deep base, thing abundant room for ashes, nml with, out rendering llio grate liable I.i burn out. In l.i -t it W the great 011,'in.il llaltiinorr Fire place Healer, lni roied uud rc iii luwd uud hrullgbt to K'i fi etiou. tlUU Jw tO., X mi.! 1! I ICIIT SI P.FET, II illliuore. Md. Forssleby CHA3. II. GEX'lliUl, Siub.uy, Terni'ii. Jmi. C2, ISM.-tf. M.VRKUT SQl'ARi:, Sl'XliURV, l'A. All who wlh t go.il let il re of lliein.rivrw or ( fiieiil., (liil-hr l in nut Myiv, liuulil u,4 t.i 1 1 to rill nl HY Mil.Y'f, it U, nil haul u ib.ubt, onu of tbe olaees in Ibis u-ctloii of eoui.ti y lo ; rrocare g.Hi.l plduie of any kind. I'nee. rang, 'lui: Iioui a fciiu puiaii. fllf (1 1 1 Milan 'oi'tltaO. ' i Minig your llll'e ehlldren, an I If he e4t.11, 1 cet r,si ,iciur 01 lueui, iiure ni ta no u 11 1. lug lehere. llfiuu o,d pl. tlirw lf)..u nUh lo haw thrill euiaiui-d an I bjwa I haul Bulab4 lu tha U.l u. Utiwl luipio4 l)la. yU.VMEH AND AI.IIl'MS fon1iil y on fcaud, i-luiir Ihm h ehiM !. In I, Kiii i4 V- 4 1 ual il.iuUjinya, bull Will U put u In oiili-i, 11 anil iu !.a .Int. Autihiuii lit tha f i ul pirim.a, fiaiuia, or SM)ihiii in mi bun i.l bu.iuiM mil U0 f .r.n. ud i uu u U Inlrriat of atari mii ll.al W4I mil, a 11, 1 a.ill.u.lu KuaMblaail lu all raats. IV.l b. foia lnwliiai four a oik ibnia l.ubia. I ha aW I II ,K si la .0.. I iwui, ay k.-ua't t.at.i'ajW asm (.i-iaimiaM la bu.luaaa, lu roiiliuus Ika tauia. Avluwituiu.u la .wiau.UJ lu all la (,ta iua 4 liul.aa u. lu.-ltu la l-i 1 ,..i.a. I l ft ml T: IIUUH I, in j, fpilf a.lai.i.i,4,. k..tintf ,.l4i,- I Lit fa-'!' I IK I'M sb. 44 UJU luf lu.. Il.a ma-aa Mau. Uu.li ka w m.Mw4,., u.. ; i - h aul l.-.k,, ,1.,. iM.,, I'.j,.., ' ,l4iiii 4sa,. I, at U.n. ,. u..ut .auiaiaiaa. nawiua ai f 'O.iasI N. r. tigiilua., a.aul al kukb H, .. 1. m.,.i, 4 ,,4 tt l.,i:ua ' all a-ii, lk.ua k.Li.4 at. 1 a, M u Mu-,1. .. I..a I i.l lusi a l. liai.aal In.... l,. win li..u,ti,-iiijl .11,1.1 ami ait,. ,'a. rUlilltla. UOOUN OT EVE11Y "D ASCRIPTION, AT; ' HEKR'y PETEKS, (in Third St., one door helow the Lutheran Cliurch, KJNBURT, FEN'N'A. , ' JTJ8T opened a largo assortment of DRY GOODS, snch a Cloth, Cnsslmeres, Calicoes, Muslins, etc.. which are told cheaper than ever. Also, n variety -of Notions, Undoishirts, Draw ers, Hats and Caps. LADIES' WOOLEN GOODS, Ac. GROCERIES AXD PROVISIONS of all kinds, snch as SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL Oil, Molasses, Syrups, Mackerel, Lard.llams, Nuts, Dried nnd canned Fruit, Frnnes, Raisins, Cheese, and Crackers, aud la fact everything uu:illy kept In the Grocery line Hams, Fish, Coal Oil, Crockery-wnre, Qurensware, Oloss-wiue. Wlllow-wa're, Ac, The be:t FLOUR nnd MEAL in the Tobacco, Cigars, nnd nnd a variety of NOTIONS. ALSO I load pi. 4.11 kinds of Canned Fruit, at the OOTS AND SHOES. Having enlarged my Store room and filled it with the late-t styles of new gools. I would so licit the patronage of the public and will cu.lea vor t'lpieasc all. Country Proilucc taken In exchange forGooits. WCull and eainiuo my Stock, nnd satisfy yourselves. HENRY PETERS. Snnburr, Not. 13. 1600. L ET EVERYBODY KNOW THAT ON AND AFTER Jl'XE I7tb, F K I E I U , at the 51 A 51 51 O T It EXCLUSIVELY 8 T 0 n e, cash. FOR Everything .will then be reduce! to the very lowest nucE Fon' cAsni ONE TRICE and that the LOWEST DEAR TII13 IN MIND. IT. T. FRILINO. Snnbnry, Tav 22. lflfij. R v,:ustBoi.iiMl t , w i,ik:m fl ' :i S.Nr.jiHtM 'i, iX.. s:-07 t -s.i .,..-,- ' , -V , , eiftua.j. I'Oi'wT (i KAl'F Wi:E, Used by the Hundreds of Congregation for Chuich or Communion purposes. Alio FxcrtLCNTroR Lirors sv Weiklt muaoNaTo Us VINEYAIJDS, NEW JEILSEY. fcl'EEtt'8 PORT GRAPE WINE 1 Four Yearn Olil. riMIi.-J'i't'y eebhriitel native Wine Is made from the J.lici: of the Oportu Grape, ruwbid in this country. Its invaluable Tonic mi Stiibso.tiiiso ViiorrnTii. are unsurpassed by any ot',n,r nut ivo Wine. lie- , ing the pure juice of the grape, produced under Mr. Speer's own pr ir:tl i-up'TVi-ion, it putil) : and genuinenens aie giianinice 1. The yoimest : child may partake of its generous iia!itirs, and , the weakest invalid may use it to lohat.tage. It hi particularly beiicllcial to tlm Iiged and debili tated, nnd suited to the various niln.e.its that ' iiiliet the weaker sex. It Is. in every resiled. A 1 WINE TO HE RELIED OX. INVALIDS USF. STEERS PORT GRAPE WINE. FEMALES USE SPFTRS TORT GRAPE WINE. WE KLY PERSON'S FIND A HENFIT RY ITS USE. Spier's Wlaes la Ilnjpit. other Wines. Is are preferred to Soil by Druegbt g"tieri'ly. who also s 11 Speir's Stand ir! Wine lliu.-ii-.' Tr,i le supplied by all whol.-s.ile Dealers. S -ethat theSigiiatnic of Alfred Spc r, Passaic N. J , l ou r the cork of each bottle A SPEER'S Viuiy-irl. New Jeruy. (.12 c. No. '-4-I Hi'oudwav New York. O.-t. H'.th 1SI.0. Iv. E c ALDVVELL & I ,0 ji:jvi i.i its. Am. IMPORTERS, C0 t ht-ktuut Ktrrrt. l'liiluiU-Itiliiu. KKCP OM T riRSX-CI.ASS (iCK)DS. AN IMMP.N1B VATtltrV CP GOLD WATCHES. lHAMdNIlH, JtWH.HT, Ml.VHt WALT. WUiJiiXtt MLVI U. PI.MFD WAIlT. clucks. i;i:ofs. Ktminis K.wcy i.tiur st, UNll I'.VIMlXli!, .w.c. .Ve. All pcra uis, delrliig really line artielia r. li.i- i .t III nualily nml luoleliitu lu ilee, are ecit.iiu Lf ;le.i.,l by our ricccdlnciv urge mil wa.nd eolU.iioii. Our l, . ,..iV! a!u; fie.-h by a I PlioLa fiulll first a.iiuera. ' C-r slore ia ptoiio'liin I .. of ih,. um-, e'eguut In the a olid 1 and anypaitna 1.1llng ll.e e.iy (in- cm dial! jr ml iti J lo cuil and iuwpci I ll al lh.:i Iri.iue. J4.1. S3, H70.-1). Ma ('. Cr Vlwll iRT'N cutYrllAUairw , T al I ruil falorn, JIAI.KLT bT . brMH l.V, l'A. coxrix'iro vrn r i . mr v j'u )'. n y 1 1 it t ;i ii itifi cv j C viNbTANTI.T u I I kn4 for a! .1 1 !. .J als,.'. .li.Uliiuyul al ahutaaalv au-l r-l.olt al ri aii'iiab a i ll, , a. 1 Ua 14 UlalolU,'....! i(f 'l kli. ,l of olifr.t'.. I. 1 ia,iki,, U, I ,U aa,tUuiit kbk'U aia aol I ' al I" tula. I T, bi.o, n. ,41a, l illoiiri), Xmt uf all k'lt la, aula ..il ly of uilur ailir.ua, ad uf aUiltaif 1 aXIH.,1 alloliaa.a U4 ll..(. tf lUu.aiiaiNjf IU aau-c an I pb.ra x-l I M I . 1. 1 t II 1 1 A la I , I llaik'l 3 4u'4.t ai w L)uu luit. 1 aaplUv 11ICK4 0V-THI, lu l' .r .Wmli ) II,, bo.,) K ilaai 'a I lo.s k'l!b4. al llav J,...,ii.,u ,.i iua b ki a Hi IU..s,.l. Hoi,-, I ks.uul, I aa, Wiok ... I un , i. 1, aitl j i. nu: u i' 11 Ni.ii1 ii -v 1. a ISIIIU kn.ai4 4..1inill4aU) all if liaa k-ukuk l aaakai r , " k o.li r ' i , id..ai I) tka In l-M I, (.. 4! Uia, w, 1 k. .l.a....t I MEW Uia.a ut mU a"ia I.', an I V, a . . ft ... A , uiaW't la'l al Ika 4l. t tic I. t k,' -i.l i l. b.-k a If.ita klaw, kui.-,), I a , a ,e l al'-ai-s,-. J ti 11k o Hi K "ilJ Ufklft akv.f r art, i) Sort hern Central Ttallwu-. FAIJ. ARRANGEMENT. fys and after Nov. ir. lW, tn.lss wlil leave , v oe,iiit.l, as roliows ; LEAVE NORTHWARD. 5.20 A. l., Dally for Wlllinmsport. Dally (eV " liw ounit.ivs,; ror Klinira, tana daigun, Rochester, Huffuloc, Nii e, Jails, Susixaisioii bridge and A tanadus. 8.45 P.M., Dully (except Bundnv,) for Plmirti and Bulfaloe vU Erie Ual.way from hlmirn. 0.40 T. M., Dally (except Eun lays,) for Wll llanisport. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 2.15 A. M., Dully for Haltiinore.nnd Wnthlncton 6.20 A. M.. 8unbiiry Accomino,lctlr:i. 11.45 A .M, Dully (except Sun, vs.) for Hu'tl- more, Philadelphia and Wa-hii.gton. 11.35. P. II.. Dally (except Sunday, for Hani- burg, eoniiecliiig with Cincinnati Express for llaltimorc, Philadelpl.i 1 and Washington. A. R. Fist. Fi. 8. Toi-no, Oen'l. Sup't., Cen'l Pussen'r Ag't.. Hurrlsbiirg, Pa. llallinore, Md. Eaekavt iunia und HIoouiMburg Ituil. ... road. ON nnd after Monday, Dec. Cih, 1800, Pas senger Trains will run as follews: SOUTHWARD. A. M. P. M. . M. 9.i.0 B..VJ IO.L'0 P. M. 7.1., 7.4S e.i: l.eave hcranlon, 7.00 " Pittston, ?.:;o " Ringstoii, S.00 " Shlckshinuy, 8.a" " Rupert, 10.11J " Diyivllle, 10.4J 4.00 4.oJ 5.01) C.1D 7.0 S.l.) S.4.-I Arr. Noith'd., II. NORTHWARD. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M Leave NorthM., C.30 " Danville, 7.05 " Rupert, 7.;n " Shickshlnnv, 8.ft5 4. Ml 5.05 ri.llS ..ea .25 ?.no b.no s 0:1 Kingwtou, 11. oil Pittston, lil.'M Scrunton, 10.50 2.11 2.15 a.i Arr. bcrnnton, 10.50 !i.V.!j ti.M liaiits leuiii's iscraiiTon in 1.00 a. m. nil.'. 4 p. 111.. connect in eioiinuiiiijeriaiel w'tli trains un P. A E. R. R. for Harri-burg, Baltiaior-, Wau.li Ington, Willlamsport, Lock Haven, PitPburg and Trains arriving at Pcraiitnn nt 8.53 a. B, connecting with trains nl New Vol k at 11.00 p. m ! Philiidclphla at 4.40 p. 111. Trains arrivinsnt Seranton nt 10.50 a. in. am! 3.1S p. m., cunuect w iiii rruins for Gn at Lend and West. At Rupert with. C.ittnwisa Railroad for Ta inairmi. Milton, cte, Al Pittston with. Lehigh-Valley Railroad for Cuukhauiiock, Waver'v. etc. DAVID T. BOUND, Sup't. Kingston, Pa., Kcitrllns Kailrctul. WINTER A R R A N G E .1 E N T. Motuhty, Lcrw.Ur i'ili, 18110. G1REAT TRUNK LINE from the Noith ares I North-Wen for I'liila.l.-.vliia, N. '.. R-eid-log, P.tvllle, 'i iiinaxiin, AKiilaiiil. Muun-kin, ly.tuiioti, Alici.tow 11, ' La; ton, Fphr.ita, Liii, Lancaster, Columbia., Ac., Ac. Trains leave HuriiHumg 101 .'i v York, a fob low,: A.l 5.1(0, .s'.lo 11. in., 1-j.v.o roi,,,. ,i 2.05 p. lii.,co..i.ee.iiiig wi.h .-iieilur Trains on the Pennsylvania R.iiiroi.J, and arming i,t Neu York 'at 1.2.13 110011. li.-lo. U..V.I mid lo.eu p m. respeitiwi-ly S!ec ing Cars aci on.) ai,v the 5.1i.ia. m. and pj.So noon liains wiihont change. Ki i.iri'.ii'g : Leave Nuv York at '.i.ou a. 12.00 uoori and .'..t'li p. ):.. P!:i,a,l-!j hia :,t S.13 0. in. aii-1 H.liO p. tn. : Me, j ing ( ars i.c om;,;,,,.-. lug the u. do a. 111. 5.00 p. 111. traias irom Ne'-.v 1 1 oik Without ehaugu. Leave Harri.-tiurg . r Reading, Potlsville, Ta 1 uia.pta, MinersviJic. Ashland, bhainoUin, Pino I Grove, Alleniown and Phi'iuli IpUia at M.1H a. m. j2.l.5 and t.10 p. 111.. 1 ti j ing m I.ebanon and j the principal way stations ; the 4. 10 p. m,, train connecting iu. Philadelphia, I'ot-vii e n,,. (. I liiuibia ouly. For Pi tt -i,e, fci-l.ni !l;iil Haven .and Aid inn. lia Seln.) "kill an I ci-.iMiiicliaiui.i I Rai'rcad, b-ave llmrlsbuig a a.40 p. la. I Wiiy I'li'Senger Train leave.. Philadelphia :,t i 7.110 . III.. Co.inectiag with n,i;.:. trail! on Ka-l , reniiii. i.aiiioa i. r, i iii.ii.g troni ileaiii ' J- 111., it" plug nt ail siution.-. 1 Li-ave l'ollsil e at 5.10. !l.i-,la. 111. :. .,g at 0.1 ii 1 2.15 111. Jlemdoii a. !i.:,o a. ! 1., f'uoi. ' 10.40 . in. : .'.lili.ii.l ; I T.i .". noon ; T;imni!a i.t a. n ' lor l'hila.t, l liia an-.l Nc-.v Veil.. : t 5 -t.i 1 i.. a-,,1 p. Leave Pi its-.n.e i i., :-i !,v kill baniia llailo a l i t S.15 a. in. V.-i !' It no a. in. li r Pin. l.i, i. , i v.t ;,!il 1 t. 1 eaili'ig .'iv.mn i,.,. 1 1. ,T. ;:.!, vi - p. Vlll-f.ti.4iia.nl., a ms 1; -a I':;,,; - .. urriviiig . Pliiladeij i.i., at 1. a. i ... i- f a.-i leavcti l',ia,lcl, In.. , !. j.. , ii,g ct T.4,1 p.m. to iii iai: at 1 li-' I'ott-loM II Ae.'. ITll..., I: Ti..,. , r I 1 .0.. 1' 1 l.i.. '1 r. i . I. : lii.v. 1 : I II II al 1.4.1 A. UK, I I , I.t 1.00 p. III. 1,1 ' I oiambia flaiii.-i: 1 Tr: ::is J... ve 7.15 a. in., mi l i',.l.'i . I,,. ij 1 : aster. I n l.lill i.i. ,Ve ! l'.-tl..o::i,-n Kail R.,a '1 1 '.-.., Jlltalii.u ..t Sl.tHI ;.. i, ., j t :,. I, 4, R, t'.iiniiig, leave f. vi-:.k-i:.e i.t .12.1,', ll. .,-n ei alii-ili; g u,la i ia ia : Ue.,.i,i, 1...U ,:,,!. ' on linsikilaic Raia. a.! Trains .11 ....ta, l.!I:z, IVikioiii'-u I 5. Mi . in. S.13 i'. Ti;., II' ti.l.l s 1,11 i.e.- P, toy. at lo a. in., ni.il i, Ui p. m. I.i o an t 11.25 h. in., , , ; a, Irains . li l:,...ilii,g Itailroad. , b-r i li:.;; Vt. P...I-. WW .t 11 Sill.! I'l.c-ti r Null, w Hi, iln -ad Trail:-; leave liii.lge. ! poll ul s.lsi a. in.. 2. Honed 5 p. m. n-tio ,,n - b ale Diiwniiigton at li.iai a. I.:., 12. 1.'i i . u aia! 5.15 p. hi. couia, tin,' Will; tr-iii, s on Jl,-a iii ll.iiro.u!. j 0l Nil. Ill Y- I !.-:.Vi :, w Y, ik ... 3.H0 p. in., rkiiadclpbia nt -s.iio a. n . ml :.!,', e. n.iHI 11. in. t'liii) noil, ia I'ollnl.ie :. 1.1,1 a. 111.. onlv t,. P ,'lHlg;) le ., Harris!. a, it.-a-ting ut Kiel 4 ll' p. In. an.l H1.0.V .. 1.1. r.,r i! ;.i:. i 4'.; Mil! i!..; - i-l'-.-u, 1 I 'J. 1 J u. in., at. ..cw 1 "Ik, 11 11. 1 i.t p. Pi. lor I'iii'a.lcl'ii. I 'i,lllnulati..l, Mil, 1: rcai-i..ii '1 hi, th, i.t u ..11 1 uint-. liairgio: ' 1.:. If-l tl.i . a)) i:.. ..lioHl.l C-'fb l'..-r. Ol I! IT, I .1 r.iii. .ii'id ri.iis lo I:.'. I IPC .Pounds n:i - 'i.i.'-, pr; nil !.!. .1. tl -ae.al h. .!'' 1 .n Miiiilioodi licit I.u .i, 11 on 'ml uri'il. H'-T I :.!-, -I. a l,c- i i.it. 1 11. : :tu n :a 1 1 1.1 oi. 11 i r.-r,.i .11 1;,. 11.,,.; ,?, (Hiiboul no lieii ,) i.f m-iivi, ii mi-i, i r b.li.liial W cakli'-ss. J i. i'l iii.i mv "iiiii,.i .i.. sea, IwipoiKM r, Mem..! and I I,.) - ic.il ln.-ap... .1 y, Illipe.lillii liN t.i Maltiril.', lie., il.sli, I ,N I Ml-liuw, J i ll aaj 'li, I11I1...J l self In. lu.gciej orai Mi ll 1 wti iu, am -c. af Pi.ee, inu.. .. ,-. 1 i.i. onlv 0 ,v .n. 'Hie r.libratid jui!:,.-, ia u.is ...inui, I, eltiil'V d. I.. 1 n-tl.-.l.-. Ilolu a lliiny Weals' ;',--IV-af.ll prill tiei , that t'.e i. la I li.i,,g' Coll-i .,111 .v. of acll-i.l'Use i, lay lc r.tilic.l'y rut,-1 a.iii.i.,t il.a dam.'! Ji-ua iie ol Intel a., I ia ' ill ia., i r 1 1., n i all. ,11 1. 1 I In knlli pi, 11, til, i, u l.o.lc il i .lie ul on-. . Ill, le, in lain, aal i Ua I Ua', b n.iiiii. of Ui h nu a) aull li ., no in II. i a li.l In c dllu 'II li... I.', II O i .i.- Ini.iii.i ilu. J;!, , I ,lr I, M',d rti,f...i.a ;. lt"'IH- I .. . e .h.l.'tl. II, 111- la ,l,,. i, I r . i w v ..i.lk ai.,1 1 1 . v I . 'i 'i I ,i- ,., ,, I, k, I I lii,br a, .i ,i,. i wl.oii 1 1 ' . , l,i ai.y al-ll - Sm . Mil.1, I ll ll i . - I ft .il l. i.l-, 1. 1 In,. 1 1 m ..li, - .w ', Ii . I ... w.. .. a - V in , a l.e'.,,. i . ii - r i -i. ., I I . MM ,1. lo, C l 'i. r l.i ,'., I II IS i'. Vi a il.. I h 17 II" N..i I'HUii I I ill II aV oi; i.t M i. ti;i;i.s. i llrwj liuliurr, 1)' ,'i.l I i in hi .a ai.,1 ii. I,.. uiu. i..' 1 1, .. on i i i. i . .. i.i . . i ... I II l.aa U 1,,,... 11. . il.. I . a In Ho. al. I II i H .l.i of ail k'u I.. A ai. M. I ,. i I i.l 1 k 4 I' -.1. ll l 1. I a., ia 1 I i ll I. i I. . IHi hi I tii l. Ltkbl Hwa, M l lu ;,' lH IIi.a A ,' . A --. Aa.4 III .i i.. II , J,, . 1 , i li J la II"! V a I la-iran. , lbs I. u,4. ir.) ..i .i In, l...i.. ,a al U i.. i. .a w .ia .u it, iua ai 14, I I atlala, llila, aita 4 I I ... . . I ... -I 4 V ..!.. i. I.. .... I - ., . . II Ifc4 . , ..... I ' . .,, , l. .kj a kkl, al a- 4 in .1 (.1 l ki' at ll ir.. in ', .1 A. Jo, a .wa 1.4 11