i r. t ' THE NATIONAL LITE XISUXAIpE. COMPANY, UNITED STATES 'OF AMERICA, WASlirXOTOX,!). Ci ' Charltta!- tyBpeeial Aot of Congress, Approved lsjl 26,168. ' aajtrt'iipltnl l,Oot,4)00. &RAK0U CrFIC'K. 1'UIt AI'CLrillA, I IT KaT1AI, fill IlllIM JO, Trim thofetieral basin of th Gompary is trans acted, and to whkh a'' I general correapondene bsald be addressed. IIIeECT01T8. Jay Cock, Philada. F. A. F.JIins. Washington. CM. Clark, " Henry Ii. Cooke, Jiba W. tills. Cin'll. Win E. Chuti.llsr, " M m. O. Moorhead, Phil. Jtn L. I'efreo. 0. F. Tyler, TVwaiti Doditv. Hew Vork. J. Hin.kiey Clark, H, C. Fahnettock, X. i'. oiFicr.r.s. . II.CI.AKtf. Philadelphia, resident. UKNLY I). COORK, Washington, Vioo President. J AT COOKK, Chairman I'inanea and Executive f omraitt.e. l:lliHQO.N W.l'EFT,Philad'a,.er,yr.rl Aolunrr. ... r. Tl RNER, Washington, Assistant KrcreUry. i'HANCISU. FMITH. M I)., Medigal Iirector. J.L'WINO JIKAKB, U. !., Assistant Modieul lit rector. Motlionl Ativi-ior-T II;nr:i K. Eaiuts, Eurgeon-Ocuoral U.S. A., Washing. Ion. p. D. . J. Morwits, ChicfMcwis.il Leya.-iiuect V. K., v a. hingtnn. . W. Bliss, M. b. Washtnplcn. NolU'lloi'M mid Allortirj-M. Win. K. Chandler, Washington, V. C. Aiooigaiiaidiig, 1'hllAdclphia, 1'a. TMs Company. Kationnl in. it character. r lTeis, Vy reason of in Largo Cii ilu!, Low K.-.TVi of Premi um and New Tables, the meet desirable nienra of Insuring life yet presented to Ilia public. 'ii.o fuU-i :d' ; reinium. leieg largely reduced, arc. teade as favorablo to the insurer us those of the belt Mutual Companies, and avoid ail the compile tUou sr.d unccrtnintica ef Xotcs, Dividends and the uii undciitanJiugi which tko Uttur ure 10 apt to eause the Pelicy llolJon. Bevcral new and attractive tables ure now rreei)t d which need only to to undrriit.od to rove ncoep tabla to tho public, (uch aa the Income. 1'roJucinjf Policy and Return J'jju.iam I'uliey. "In the fornitr the foik'j-holdar not ly secured a lifeinsurar.ee, payable at death, tut will receive, if living, after a period of a tew yean, an annual income- eqnal.to ten percent. (10 per cent.) of Ibe par of. his policy. In the lalter, the Complny agrcei tt return to the otfured tho Intel amount of money lie has paid in, Sn addition to the amount of his policy. The attention of perrons contethplaliug insuring their lives or inoreasiog tho amount of insurance thry ahcay havo, is on'lcd to the special advantages offered by tbo National Lifo Insurance CouipHcy. Circnlars, Pamphlet avid full particular given on application t iho Uianch Office of the Company in Philadelphia, or to its General Agents. (j'Leoul AgonU are'V'anted in eveiy City and Town; and npplieatluns from Oi-mpottiit partiis fnr such agenoien, with luit'iblo endorsciuenl, dioiild bo addressed to the Company's Ucueiul Agents only, iu their rutpeotive districts. ot.vtniL ASCKTS : e. w. clahic i car.Thiiudcii.., For Pennsylvania and fc'iutli?rn Kow Je.'i;y i AT COOKK A CO., n ashinglon.'I). 0. Fur Maryland, Delaware, Viiiriuiu, Diairiol of vuiuuioiu nu'i ii t .rgiiiin. H. 8. KUaSRIi, ftannger. WM. II. 150ULK, Agent. Wilton, Ta., M. YODEK, Agent lor fiuLluiy atd icinltT September 6, l?i ly vte an not tua to inform you, reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or 'any olhcr man, has discovered rem edy that cures Consumption, il:en tho lungs nrc hnli ciuiiUBicd, in Uort, vfin Oi,ro fcn di, oases wluthur of Wind, body or eslato, muko men live forever, and - lcove death to ptnjT.r wanluf work, and is di-nined t- muko our sutiluflnry sphvro a blissful paradise, to which Jlouv.u iUelf fhsll b4ut a sidu uow. Vnu havo beard enough of that kind of htiiolniggory, and . we do not wonder that you have bv this timo bleomo difgusted with it. But when wa'tell yoii that Jir. Bage's Ciitanh llemcdy n-il pmitivtly r,e ,ie vurii taiet of Catarrh, "we oniy assert that wl.ldh thouiiaiias nan toslily to. Try it and you will bo eon vinoed. We will pay $',n J'.kuaiiii Iji a cu o of f't:urh (hat we cannot euro. tOil KALE hX 1JO-IT JiKCUOI-TS EVEBY- win-it::. Price oklv SO Ckxts. Uuit hv Hall, post pail, for hixiy Cents ; Four Packages fo'r a.iin ; or 1 Jm n for S5.00. riend a stamp l..r in. Sugo's pamphlet cu Catarrh. Addros tho 1'iooriulor, K. V. liliiltcli. it. 1)., Buffalo, Y. 2 No Httmiwo. It i ii'iirin'fi to cure lout or iin Pnirel T.-uto, Sinetl orlltnirii.fr. V.'a'cring or MV.k Ktbsj, e.flensive liiuath, I kei:ilvd Threat or Mout.'i. Tiiiri and Pressure in ihe J.' jad, and Ins of J!i uioi y whuueu.icd. as all of theru frcjueut v arc, by tho lavages of Catarrh. Jl is pleusint nu'd puinltit tu use, coulains no string poisonous or caustiu drug. Lut cures by its mild southing notion. . Wo will pay dU0 Kcwurd for a caso of Calurrb in nt we uamiot euro. " .M0ST Rl'UIST8 EVERY . ULUi,. I i:iije cli 60 Cknis. If y.mr l)ruxili h.iso! jctut it oo i,lo, dou'lbe put oil with soiuo worfo than worthless strong muF, f'lmiiator." or poisonous cauilia solution, whioh will driro tho dixuso to tl.o lungs instead of cuii.t" It, but e.-r.d tUty cents to us nod th remedy will re fUuul.j return cinil. teud stampfoi Lij-. Eage's pamphlet on Catarrh, y it. V. 1'iEKCi;. 31. !., L'uffalo, K. Y. 3 . , TUsTxrAi.i.ic:.rJli!vr.Bi doesnot. like the poison nut irritating snulls undsiroug ouustie solutions with who b the pn,lo have long bi-wi huoibagoj, simply pjtliato for a short tsjr.e, gr drivo the d:tuase ti the luDg. a lliero is d.uirer t f doin? in the u'o of such siualrums. but it prod'ueos i:rfect ai d fiVnuanrnt eures of the woiat cases hf chronic catarrh, as lhou amiioaQ tvftify. "Coll in the Hiai" U cured with a fw applieK'""". 'Catarrhal Hoad.neho is re. lj'ived and cr.rtd a if lr m'asic. It removes otfon. sive iirtaih. Loss or luipairmtnt of the sense of t.wtc, wiidl r tieming, Watering or Weak Eyes, aod -n-paired iMnuory, when euusad hv tho viuleueo oft'a. tank, as limy ull ieiiucntlv ai'e. We offer in good faith a standiug lewaid of f;0U for u ease of Cuuirli that we cannot euro. yoK BALK BY MOST DKT.'O'UST.V EiTRY- rt nun;. ph oni.vso ckvts. Atk your Proggist for tho Krjtnr, but if c hu, rot yel gol it ou sale, don't bo put ott by aojepting any misorable, w.ir.o than worthior subsiitute, but euclo.. tijrty eeut to us, aud th ltemoiiy h iil be scut you prst puid. Four pa Asgts ii do, or one doxnn I r f 00. tfiid tlau.p for 1-r. rag s pamphlet ou OlitwiU. . K. V.ritivCK. M !., , Bufluip, This is KO PATENT Mi riCIXE III MEt il. g .t ten up lo dupt the i i.oruit and ercdulu.s, nor is it rjjresutd as being eoinimskd of rare and preoiou uhstanco brought from thfc four oorursoi the earth, tsrnl seven times across the Desert of Si.h.ai- b on the back of fouitej eairiel. and brought uoroa th Atiamjo O. eanun lo t-hip. It is simple, Ciild, saotfi;ng remedy, a ur.rfcot Hpeeiuo J.r Ca Tsan and "Coipim the Head,'- else for offensir Breath, Less or luipninocat af lh Bens of emel, Tot ut lieviog. Watering or Weak Ejo, Paiu or Frewur ia the Head, whn aau1. as they ail not Mbfrwqueutlwtjj-a, by th Tiolaoe of Catarrh. ouor, id goa I mm, a ttocdibj t.wsrdof f S03 fir a tasoaf Caturrb tut w aacot our. rK BAI.K HX ilOST IsHfiiOIHTS EVfiY. -WHEriB. pent jj r.aa, p,t paid, on ruei ipi of rtniT Cki. , u. puaatu mr f ; ii), or I iMn n ut CO aduuLp Urt Dr. is;' railhpl.lrt on CatarTh. - : , R V. HbUCK. M.l , ' liuffalo. N V. JIOOUB A MfIV'lR. fisi "8"P r '"f ti'ikmavirr '"' " -'y W. i. - lrktsutt, 2uiibary. - -;. ... r- J77. FAIL OPENING. I .. . 4- ! . GREAT REDUCTION IN TRICEB 1 . . I You can Buy More Goods ftba For at tit LI AH MOTH STORE, OF ir. v. rii.iJ, Market fQCAP.ii, t'l'NBURY, TENN'A., Tiinn nr,y ether place. HAS JUET RKCE1VED AISD OrEXEU Tlic Best Selected and FIXES! ASSOUTIIEXT, of dry ccors m TO Y I erek en iierixos, rmxTs, MUSLIK3, JGIXG1IAJIS, CASSIMEUES, Ac. I'o'iainss anj Ainiuics. rouicsti Cottous, Crown and Eleached. J,OT10:;f ef all kiuJi. . iloriery, Gloves, UonV ar.d Ladies Undergarments, ft - V HIT 13 GOODS. A full astortruoiit of Tit I.MMIK(53. Builder will find my Stock of laiirtlti nr, DRUGS AND MEDICIKLS, "WILLOW AKJ) CEDAH WAIJE, CJUEEJCSWARlt, GLASSWARE, ' CROCKERY, SALT, BOOTS AND SliOES HATs AMD CArB, a and in fact every thins usually kept in a large Storo Call and be convinced tbat the Cheapest Place to liny all Your Coods is at niYnuiw m 1 f of . Tcria Caab, 30 day, t my Coods ara bought for Caslt and fold Cbp j for the KFADY MOStY. 1 (is lb trade tho d I unlsgl of all raducuou u f4 a tby ara mad by UuBufaoluran. Suatury, I, IBM. HOLIDAYS 1 2I0LIDAYI I HOLIDAY! 1 rreaant I fraaanta I PraaanUI A HANDSOME A VFF.FVL PUFESTl Aa Ena'tirlfil an4 Pleading Mir.eto U tWca ed Ing Aid to fight. Pnr Agsnt, T. 8 PHANNON, Walehmaker and .IcweUr, Suubury, Peon ., las a plndid toc of or Icaiilli'iil Jold Pperfnt-W-a and EYE GLASSES, ' ret with tha CELEBRATED PKIIFECTF.D LtNEi '' v , Manafnclnrcd by ; LAZARUS & MORRIS, ' 1IARTFOKD, CONN. The Best in tha World for Strengthening and Preserving Ihe c'igbt. No more aceeplftbla present lo your Parent, Urand Parent or Fnonds, or those needing Hpcotaolet, can b found. They ara handwrne, useful ana last many year. Call and examine them ai the store of our Agent, T. S. SHANNON, Dealer in Jewelry, Watohe and Plated War., NO PEDDLERS EMPLOYED. Jan. P, 1809 aogl.'os ly. r. h. MoortE. NEW 1). C. l)19bl.NOt.n. ARRIVAL AT We are now opening a large varied assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which we offer at the lowest CASH Price, in Iliiiipt'a TScw lion Front, MARKET STREET, SUN BURY, I'E'XN'A Consisting of DKY A00D5. NOTIONS, tiKOCERIE?. Ql'EENS WABE, ULAtsSWAUK. and a full line of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AND f.nsllost' lroi .ooI, " Calicoes, Muslin.", Flannels, Table Linens Toweling, Cheeks. Ticking, Countcrpar.es, Cassimeres, Yestings. arns, kirt, Neck Ties, Cuffs, Collars Handkerchiefs, Ho, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Wood and Willow-Ware. Wc invite special attention to tho quality of our Ptoclcof UIO and JAVA COFFEE, TEAS, KUiAKS, MOLASSES, SYHL'Pts SOAf, SALT, FliU, VIXEUAlt, Ac, 4o. Campbell' Celebrated FLOCK, always on hand. Wc feel confident that cah buyer will 6nd it to their advantage to give us a call, and cuttoiuors generally are invited to call and examine our goods and get posted on our prices. I'.y strict nttcntion to the wants of our custom era arid 'fair dealing we hope to merit a lull thure ot tbo public patronage. COl'NTKY I'EODVCE of nil kinds taken in ex change for goods, for which the highest price will be paid. MOO HE A DI3PINGER. Suubury, Sept. 19, 'Ci. (;iilU IS tlfltlCBt SAI,0. Tho Oldest and moat noted Institutioa tho Kind in Bunbury. J. W. WASUINQTON, HAVIN'O removed to his new building on Third Street, between Market and the Depot, is now prepared to serve his customers better than ever. Having secured the services of first class Bothers, SUAVINU AND UAIR.DHESilXU . will be executed in tho latest style. The building having been creeled especially for tho purposo of n First Class Barber Saloon, and having fitted it up in the latest style, ho hope to receive a liberal share of patrunage. In the adjoining room a first class Confectionery has been opened fur the sale of It'oCrt'iiin, el'nutiicM, 4'uUs-si, ISVrr, and numerous olhcr Temperance Drinks in common use. (.'range, uuu utuer ueiieious iruiui uuu ouiaoies of home and foreign growth in rich pruiasiou and elegant variety. . buabuny, September t, lSl'.S. , LUMBER AND PUNING - IHLiljS, Third Street, adjoining Phila. A Erie Railroad, two Squares North of tho Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PENN'A. iu 'i'. ci.i:!Hi:." r, T 3 prepared to furnish every description of lumber J reijuiroj by the deir-ands of the public. Having all the latest improved mcctiireiy lor uianufaotur ing Lumber.he it now ready to fill orders of ull kinds of FLOORINrt, EIDINti, H00RS, SAfU SUUTTKUS, BLINDS, MOULDISUS, BKACIiKTS, VERANDAS, ar.d all hinds of Ornamental Serowl Work. Turning of every description promptly executed Also, a large assortment of BILL LUXVXBZH' HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingle, 'Pickets, Lath, A. Orders promptly Cllcd. aud shipped by Railroad or otherwise. IllA T. CLEMENT. Suubury, Deo. 19. 18S. 1y . Lime I Lime I 'PIIE subscriber having charae of the Lime Kiln of A 11. B. MiiBScr. pear Sehnsgrove, is now furnishing, to farmer and others, l.iiue of the best quality in large quantities. Tho lime m burut anu selected with the utmost cure, and it quality guaranteed. Jan. Ifi, CO. CHAS. DL'Nki'.LBLHGtlt. AI.AKUIC supply or Wall lUr iiikI Itorttfi, just rogoived aud for sal cheap, ut tho Mammoth Store of H. Y.I RILIXO. April 4, mi. P S DEWALD & CO, Manufacturer of and Wholesale Dealers in WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, Oil Cloths, Wiudow Shades, Carpet Chain, Cotton Yarns, Balling, ltopo, Twkius and Cordage, StooisM, UruielsoM, Itnt.Krlis, PAPER, PAPER BACiS, etc., 4c. No. SI North Third Street, above MarUct, PHILADELPHIA. January 3f, l(viO. ly "IfuIs-r'nlLate Miller's) Wlitft'i iirilen, TM T12.TU and 72ri VINE Street, Fhilad a. THE liHAND OKCHESTR10N, formerly tho property of the U It AND DCC OF BADEN, pur chdsed at great expense by -- JACOtl VALER, of Philadelphia, Iu umbination with FLAMKR'SORCIIESTRA and ' Mia NELLIE AiDElisON, Will perform every Aftoruoon and Evening at tha above incntinned plaoe. iTDMISSlON FlltE. juS06m. FALL & WINTER GOODS! AT Miss Louisa Shissle's. MARKET SQUARE. Ladies' and Mi.-sc' HATS and BONNETS, in immotise variety. .Illlllsjcs-t- Uood a lit I 1 s-hitiiiliis. Frenoh and Amerioan Ribbons, Laces, Handler chiefs, (. loves, Hosiery, aud a general assortiueut ed Ladios' Miilmery Uvuds, which have been solcolsj with great cuie. WOOLEN GOODS, TURS, 4c. iit utt lollara, frs kllt sj Ijlute, v. Every Tarlety will b fuuuj to (elvel fiotu, at Moderate prices. - Sunbury, Oct. 1 7, laeel. ; Notice to Me ft ant i aud Ehinuen. aMIE undersigned, proprietor of WeUer A Prick' ' Liu, giv notien lo merchant and ebippat ! tbat th Depot Is dill at ail Mark! street, Pbila delphia, and all Uuoda directed to Suubury, Danville ! and Lewuburg, and all intennedi! sutlou along ' the railroad, wiil be protap'ly delivered. - I tV" Cu leav 811 Market tr set. Philadelphia ui-mueaiy 'AuesaiTi, ji.araaTun eaturiiuys. BiiVrtli' KLEChitft. December T, 1E7 BUOLilAKLlei. . 7 UElist qualitie of fol Leather. Fttaah Ct. j skiu Motio. ee., LiakiaB, LmU, N uls. I -, : 1 im. o all hiuda, aai at es, Unas; w4 by the tod, ' Krs. U by J. 11. Cv.SU. V A Ct. THE. NEW DRUG STORE I rrt J it. wl An tCT, 1. A :., Oo Market tr, Ut tit tha Itallmvi,'iarly 0 posit th Hardware BUrr f C.snlsy ICs., . BlISBURV, PENN'A - WR roiiM rsspntfulljr Invlt th attention of tha eitirn of Suubury and vieioity to tar entir new f tuck 6t Psire I'rrali Irnrk td Mr ills 11 " , Paint, Oils and Varaiabe " " Ulasa, Patty an4 DyaBtaff. ' i Perfamerlet, Comb and Bibe " " Patent Medicines of all kind. LIQC0R3V tha Buttle, Uallen, Quart and Pint. aCOICUAI.H, J.ONDOW POKIER asd -CONvJRKSS WATER. Tohaeco, Cigar and Snuff. Looking Class Plates cut to suit Frame. NOTIONS OF ALL KIND3 A0 VARIETIES Trusses, Supporters, Bandage, Ao. We hare selected oar dock with ears and ean war rant it freab, and of th tout material in tb Biarkel. Having bail several years' experience in the business we natter ousoJvc mat we ean give entire eatistae lion to all who may favor of with their patronage Special attention given to compounding Physicians' Prescriptions at all hours of Ihe day or night and on punanv. uiTiusaoaii. J. G.MARKLEACO. fiunbory.Oot. 17, 18S7. , v. aT iYennett, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Market (Square, tiV Ml III V, In. Ha just opened a fresh and fall assortnient of Drugs and Medicines. unsurpassed in parity and freshness, and kept eon stantly on band. My stock will always ba found cuuipieto in every article of merit in Medium. Physicians and Customers may rely upon prompt ness and attention to ordar. F.ASICW ARTICLES ! My slock is unusually large and embrace every thing mat can ue touna on a nrt class toilet lame, ineludiug American and genuine French aud Eng. lull PERFUMERY, Pomados, Hnir Oil, Ivory, Cuitta Percha Wood and Horn Combs, Toilet Soap, Hair Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Brashes, A. I'ntent MettsYiiieii. Emhraeing all the most popular Preparations of tho Jay, at manufacturers' prices. Pure Havana SFM AKS aud CHEWINii TOBACCO of the best Brands. I'uiiitB, OIIh, 4Iiio, iilas.s, I'iiUj-, At'nrnWIicH, &. All mr Tinctures. .Svruns. Ointments. Cerates. ad other preparations ate mHiiufnclnred by myself, and from the host material I can procure iu Market. Having hudqji'.o a number of years' experience in the I Drug ami Ptccr!it!m Jjmhoicm, both In Philadelphia and the country, and also tho ailvantugo of the College of fhurmaey, I feel com- j potent to tujiruiyivu alii rutst.tttriii.i.s lh:it the Physiciaus and puhlio may favor uie wilh. All my preparations as I havo above axrertcd, arc made from the best material, nud upon honor I assert, thev are of official strength. For medicinal purposes, 1 keep oa hand the very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and ootivince your own mind. W. A. liENNETT. Suubury, May 16, 186g. 1808: " " lb0. FALL & WINTER GOODS. UREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. M. L. LAZARUS, would cull tho attention of the publie, and her customers generally, to net larg and new assort i ment of . DP. ESS GOODS, consisting of Peplius. Do Lalncs, P.epa, Ac, at reduced prices. I CAI.ICUKS OK EVERY VARIETY. j V. rilTK O00DS, iuoluding a superior article vf Marseilles. Extra quality of Muslins. Drillings. Fine Flannels, 1 Canton Flannels, Halmorel blurts, Shawls, Hoods,. Wigaii, Hoop iSkirtsof all slr.es and qualities, Gloves of all descriptions, including a very superior quality of Ludic' and lieutlelueu's Silk Flceco, Liued and Cloth Gloves. Ladies', Misses, and b'l.ildren's Merino 'Yosts, Children W rap and Hoods, Ladies' Zephyr Jackets. I lllankct Shawls of the latest styles and patterns Hosiery, Ribbons, Trimmings and Flowers. j Laces, Stamped Moods, Zephyrs and Yarns, T"r- cling. Napkins. Quills. Table Linen. Oi-nt's and 1 Ladies' Handkerchiefs, hearts, Mufl Tussvls, I Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, and Toilut articles generally, aud a i lur,"e variety of Notions mid Fancy Articles. I The ubove Kooilfl are held at the lowest prices. Cull and sea them before going elsewhere. M. L. LAZ.UU'S. Sunbury, Nov. 3, I"sJ. FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AXJ) XHTML. f HUE minor i her respecifuily iiifurm the public t:nt he keeps eonstantly on hand at his new WAREHOl'Sli. near th Shamokin Vullcy Railroad liepot, in SUN HURY, Flour by tho barrel and sack of all kinds of Feed by the ton The nbove is all uiannfactured at his own Mills, and will bo sold at the lowest cash prices. J M. CAD WALLA PER. Suubury, April 1, ItSCS , NEW MACHINE SHOP AND .'!'.. icif i:i; II .v s, BUNBUHY, 3?A., TMT'RM tlie puMic thai they have wlnblished a .MACHINE SHo:', in conneoiion with their FOUNDRY. They have supplied tbrmselve wilh .New Lathes, Planing and Boring M:rhine, w ith tho latest improvements. With Ihe aid of skilllul me chanics, they are eqabled to eiecute all orders of rVov Work or Jtrt.li-fii', that may be given (hem, in a satisfactory nnuncr. Having eulurged aud rebuilt their Foundry, they are ready to execute all kinds of CASTINti?. The PLOWS, already celebrated fnr their sitprrl ority, have been still further improved, and mil ah wa-s oe aepi on nana. Sunbury, Jjiuo LI, lsilg. FALL AKD WINTER' Millinery Goods, !TI M. I., ilossirr, beg leave to an nounce to ihe Lad iu of bunbury and vicinity, that he has just opvued a large and vui ii.-d slock of MILE IXERY WOODS. The latot New York and Philadelphia ste les of LADIES' HATS AND SONNETS. - WOOLEN GOODS, iiC. Also, an excellent assortment of Fnihioiiablo Em broiderie, Edgings, Laces. t oolcu Caps. Hundker elm fs, Scarfs, liieves, iliieries, sn I all kinds of Fauer NolioLS. Stamped Muslins, Coisvls, Perfume, ries. Lilly W hit", Euauiel of America, la- tiuBery, Aa., Au. t all and axuiaiuc fur yourselvea. Ku trouhl Ut show goods Suubury, Oct. 2s, Vi'A. .11. 1'. j IM IS II K'1"M Confcctionry, Toys and FBTJIT STORE, . .llarUct Slrel, Nunlmry, . C OM' KtTIONEHY OK AIL KIND.-, TOYb OF EVEUY PEftCKll'TlON rnuiT, &e &c, ClONb'TANTLY on LauJ and fur aala ai tti ahore j astuliliahiueLt atabolcul and ilail, al luseu. able prioe. lis is mannfneturlnf all kind of Confitlonarie U keep up a full aaoitiucul wbieb are (old at low rtee. . Tubaaeo, Began, ftationery, Nuts of all kind, aaa a v, lets of other ariiclK, all of blh ai oflsi 4 bJlsl and rvtail. Kuutaiber th pan. d plae JF M. O.iiEAkiUAl, faih.t s.roe4, J dx,ri w.a .1 E. Y Lr.aUl A (kV su.ru. Bunbury. 4 1, tf lllUO CAl-td, 11 diVcreal amd If )U W.Bt XJ t, rsd BP lilta Cace. tfi la t.C NLEV A CO 'ft WATIOaNALuicEILBEEH 4 yALOONi;.:.; :! : ()ETajir4 ', aw its ! feaAsnry, fa. ' JtiKI'U nACUI.airaslbailSallanwr, ad ih tibli gcrierslly, tst t ku nprned a , i al ft ahfft pUs. "Thateotof fjeitrr IIkot, n4 Malt 1.bnors will b k-Tr. Aim Oysters, ! , teatftty wr4 a taraanio. - s o bankers; No. 35 SouthThiro St r let, PHILADELPHIA, ,rT,HE c3 jutf-Nas UNI I LD oLATlS Or AMERICA. The KsnnKAL Lin IwsnrAvea Vowpaict Is .a eorporato i eliir'eri J pv special Ate oi toeEreas.ap proveo Jiily i'5. law, with a CASH CAPITAL, fil,000,0OO. FULL TAip. Libera) terras fffered to Arrpw cd aJllrltor, wba air tuTlie'i tp Lpnly aumroineo. t trMpHrtlcularsiotehadnnhpptlraMnn f onroflee. lncmle.l i In Hie mo mil store oi our Jl.luSiDS Hvn. hr lienl.ru and Parnpalsra, fn'ly rtii ritdi tli oVABia,isnlero,i nr 'ue Companv.ni.v a had. li. V, l l. Altlv A: 4 .. , Ao. l i HottU ir ."I. Applications for Central and Western Pennsylva nia to be made to B. S. RUSSELL. Mad .to an. August 15, It-eta. 1 jr. Hurrisburg. Pa. J. H. ConTey Co., InrKrt Strrrt. Knt ol ihe tCri!lron, SUTSrBtjTf-r, PENN'A. DEALERS IS VOntlMX V AMIillllAX Hardware & Cjiltery. T 'IHE attention of Mechanics. Farmer, lluilder, and lluycrs cencrnlly is invited to the fact that wo are now offering a better udeeied assortment of JlAllim AKIi, 11 TLKKV. C. than ever was offered in Ibis marked at prices much below those herettifore demanded bv dealers, t'ur stock comprisos nil articles in this lino of business, embracing a genciul assortment of tools and mate rials used I y CAUl'E.Vi'Er.S, PLACKSMITIl., CAKIUAUH ANf YV A i I1.1N M A K E 113, J'HNEIi.'. AC, AC, together with a Inrge stock of rnn. Ptwl. Nails. 8pikes.iItopo, Chains, Uriudttones, Mill and X Cut .Saw. Ao., Ac. ullbury, Marrh 3ft, 1S7. SUNBURY 3IAHHLK 'A"t-e.---.a.9SB . undersigned having hough! the enliro stock of Iiisiner A iavb.r, would inform Ike public that be is now ready to do all kinds ot marble work ; tias on liand, and mnlies to order at short notice, 3 1 si at iii rn I h nnd IIoikI-Vioik-si, of every style to suit pur-jhaaors. " 1)1)011 AND W'l.M'OW Sn.I.P. Also, Cemetery Posts with tlalvaniacd pipe and ull other Xeneing generally used on Cemetei ies. John A. Taylor will continue in the eiuplnvment, al tho old st mid in Market Square, ,-m.loiry, Pa. May 2, tiS.-ly. W. to. AJAUiillEItTV. NICARIUA(.I.&mi(;(;V MANUFACTORY, fllUE subseriber resffully iufi.rms the ellijriu X of Sunbury and icinity. that ho has opened a simp in i'ol. hlioh's KUeiisiniihsliop Ititthling on t'lu-sinnt rtref-t. .Snntnry. I'a . where ho keeps con stantly on hand, and manufacture. to order, 4')tiriii;tM. Hi'tiiy MisIUk, Ac, of the latest style aud of the best material. ltopairing of Wagons, Cuuiages, Au., don at tho shortest notice. Persons in want of fine Iluggiesand Carriages, are rcMUeslod to oall before purchusiiii; el-eM hi-i e. 11. C. KOL'SII. Huiibury, July II. 1 (). ly T1IU UREAT CENT HE OI ATTRACTION, I3ST STJ3STBXJi?lY is on 3d street, opposite tho MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTHESSEE3 NEW PH0T0GHAPH GALLERY, Itul I.ufrl L!r.abliliiMl, Mtlli ull lite Iflodrrn luiroi vinonf !' Hie Art I riJIK milifcrtber, faarlng luilt t1i room pxprfpuly L fr Die ptirtHMte of I'hotnrni'hiii, nn liavin dviteil iiiHtif)- tvt)Hr lo the bur illicit, if ciili Ji r,t of hiA fthiliiy to iirwuro tiiii pntrom ilint tli 0 nork pro dured fthall b neuonrt to none In country ur city, Nu work nllnwctl to K-nvo tho gulli-iy nnlc.-j en lirely Mtii-fuctory. Jlnvins tli3 li5t tky .U'lit in thn cany, he 9 prenarcl to nmko l'lioln 'rni-hs in nil km-ls ol wcntlicr. but oulJ J rcl'cr cK:ir d:iy U t . smill t-l.ll.ii n. He in prri nicJ to Uko new iht, or cabinet t cuid rhnturuplid. j All ktnU "f I'icturn copiid nnl niftnifii'.! to Watoroloror India ink. We pay peoial alti-ntiun to nil kinds vt nut d.,r work. uch La Laiia.--u.i-ii VH'VF ot Moniiim ntii, iNIiuibiuirry, CVunty -ctt(, Ao., n nrjc lot ot' I'lit'ti-srJi'ih fiiin n chiiiIhiiiIt on Imnd 'J'bf pultlic mo icpi-ct'uHy invited to tin.il and im e our pceinu-ui m;d our emiplote arrunt-iiu-nt for ninking 1'ltutogrnplia, fpeoi&l tcruii to Uuuhtf aud vluba. Sunbury. July 13, A Lecture t ; i-OXJ3SrC3- Jutt r uliUi.hr J, in a fltntnl l'.nrrlnj. Vnct sir I runs. I A I.ordiro on llin .uliirri, 'l'iM-nl ment una l.adiral lurvul rpct malorrhaa. ornennnal Weukues, luiuluntary Einlioi:s. evxual Iii bililT. aud luipvdioients tu Marriaga generally; Nervous ness. Coiisuuiptioii, Ej.ilepsy, and Eits ; Mental and Physical lucapaeity. resulting l'rni Kclf-Abuse. Ac Ily lloarnr .1 CrLvaawai.L, M 1 , Author of the 'Green llook," Ao. The wnrld-rrnowued anlhor, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proea from bis own espurieuce that the awful iunseeurnce of Sulf-Abuse innv be rltco lually removed without medieiuu. aud without dan Kcrous ur;ieul operation, bourns, iuntruments, ring, or rdial, )ointiiis: out a mod of cure at one cerium and effectual, by which evury sull'orer, no matter what his condilien may b, mar cure biuiscif cheaply, privately, and radically. Tun, Leolure aill pioeu a boon lo thousand aud thousands. Vent under seal, tu any address, iu a plain staled euvclope, on Ihe receipt of sis ent. or Iwo post sueuip. Also, lr Culerrwell's Mai riago tluide," price ii ills. Addres. the Publishers. CHArt. J. C. KLINE A CO , l?7 flowery, New Voik, rcjt t'flicu JJu l,ie4 July 4, IttCS. y I.'AIUITE'S GREAT &ST0HB. CELtltUATED B i 1 1 or Cordial. This medisal priparatu is sow eflVred la th riablie aa a reliable sukvtitule nr tha many worth e cinKunds which Bow flood theruaikul. Ill purely tesetable, enuipivd of various bctbs, gathor. ed from lb Kreal storehouse tf nature, and selected with lb uluu.1 car. It is not recommended a a Ci aa Al l , but b its dinoi and salutary iarla- lie upon Iba ilaart. Live,', kiduevs. l.uus. kid. I laaeB ana Dowels, It au iiotB a a pr.v.ultr aad cur lor many ef lh ileseasa to wlueh those aryaass arcsul.jeot. It U a telunle laaiiiy Media'ae, aad j aaa be taken by either infanl ar adult nth th j aw bdisehuial result It t asertaia, preav at and I apee-iy ruiuy lor ttrrbisa, lyiitery, Uowel Cooiputul, Ll psl, LowaaMul ripmie. ainlia(t, Siek-Ueaslaehe. A, l or I bill and Vases af all klud, it Is far better tad .(r than ajuiuiua, wstb al aey of it Braiai aHeeta It etaate aa app. UU, prorw a x.wsful di(star of lessi, and ill raaaiisi! Iba akaat liaai a a w jtut. . leaivsl Ir . 3 UTB COU Fat. aVAa Wwl.r., N W.fai fiftli aad &a Bj , fbi: 1. Ipb... Pa BvU by all .ie Bjv l, 09 y a,fv , LOOK JIOIJUiL' -t r. "W4as. KlAtUdita,il At A &S l)irs ZL -TC 1 J I'BtCr.aa tele-r y- . ME' ONLX zrjCH I "5MaT -A VlttE M A. 21 , l'.iy kx vr;;f,w f VAX BB OUT. tfiUV. - .(..a u tjnUjt.lJ h swa.'S 1) ..Ktmiir aeri hue-', . . im m.,i. .' rt ft IT S ( Itk H-V.I --- 4 - - A Z 1 rkarg-.. tmpnUxy, Isveral ! v, Nm, Li t bMatas IM HMt, TmwVh. Till.e H-iima 4 j Plgktit aiJim m, llisnse a a Me4. a w, .eor , , -lkea Ter,fc I .Uw . i ,h.v li , ss-i-,. . of T"ul tkM wrret - Slt. I tmfl tl ' lair vk-iims Una ihe ni i4 t sa ! ihe M-tws'4 i.kf nmnmm, ., Mil mmmir J 'mm ' thai dVrfHt'.al and WrtiTC rai,i wb a mm Mtv mfyt lo RniM! IrVavjraa.afJ af ja M-ti H tkt m -n. tlattrtl LtirtV A Uitlaa. t Ktt--, viii Ritt (MHtTwraa har rNftaiMr4 h ft- Vrafr w h ta tKata) Vt" ?Vqarar tr arakrti fee an mj IaVc btuf ijre, mj !r1i: as-nf 4 Bkrttl mie t '.- w.-a-.iav fnfrnitiral, Ar., etii.f rmtni, Um wa pa-a tmrf wFir ' f V I Orcnafr r ilitr ImrniHlintrty Cttri, atxl Fat I! -at'-r. I 'I hit ftSittrvita Ati'f'Tiim w cb rrfirta I vTc n!" atri rt.rfiat imnrMi4 ia t - t-')f lit! bx ful Hrtraurnr tltut mar r.ii N"W. wfnt (hat uts4r rt.itHl iilnrn will pfr-teiw! i rHY tllSrt thf pUWf til Pficrraitiii m -Htar h lh- t fmU-nm 11 imrvj-rf hfltsii than by 'hr prufnU ' C-a - dr-r A frfivnl ih 1 !' avmi't-xitt Iu kith UT m:j4 a kal a.r. ;' avatftn tTmti l)tTa'tjoi. die rii)ini ' !l-nUi ruiMtin 1 WwltmH. ia f l?i"-.natfr . rrf. rvn I Irnt ttuli- iy, pripfif, i'aiiiUTinaj ih 1 smrt, ifvtr turn. Uiv ntuU"iMl Urt"liiy, m W-tnia f Uc ir'tao , Cwuph. StrCtirf, o. 7 Month lr NlrrlrU Htrrrt f -r. I ... r !.: . - ... . IT'l iMiri iiur (ji-iT( irro m" ' wtriw, irw "OII I 'ii-in lhrjiiifr. Tail mi tut-tai rtam? an nrWf, ' lltcii itiuat m pAtd Mtttl eoittain statnr. Vt-r L ctx' I Oif.Umiaa l.anf in hta of.tr. .V turn uri-ittir4 m i wo Uaym Br foIiu on, NTemtafr of tV T-;tl Ctfrt !S ritt. Kt mi, C uatt: iioirt Mif 11- inrt etp.1 .,tt- 4. - i-jvi 1.1 u ir Mutrrn, atii ih? rMtr jift .af r lite tn I 1 mill lwpiiaa IaHir', rn. riiUn's-tMina tid r wUrrr, trta f.'i'rtcl a'trn" ( i!ie it -i.itt. j cu 1 iitai weir tv Kitsw : iruiif lr-ii wt-.ih 1 1 1. a jn i I li-f-id and ears wimi art. ffTnil M tieaa i-. m . id hi I'lllfll I'Ui.i1,) V I rllfliifin. 1 ril Hl':it t.tlll "'ini irti :ncilliies VltnUr ltrrtl ailll.tiiA. uccu: llllllltnll-'i'.rl;. 'l .tlcr tariicul;i r .Aoilr-, fit. 3 aUfra till tilts, !ii. I it un ifnt r .t.t.' .Matw:i4.r 'vri, rn!pila!l'H 4 lia.i. i t.xyti Nrrvu Irriia-.Iiiy, lini. fc-cr tit f ; l. 4- m Fui.c- tl'jui, i-reiirnil l)-t.isiiT, Mritit -ma I -'tiitnpti- t Kr, MKXtAi.f.T I .. u-uifui ..(.-t a it.- t. ' . ;e mtirl to tis-it(AtilU 1, r M'ln tv( 1; n I. . it jiriai'sM "i znifiij, n il r 1 'it-' . 1 f '. ri.Tj-, j iWH-rut, l7e wl boi.iu-ir, lm aJ 'r, Ac. r h,h; , j liie rvi-m pr C I . I'll'TtAMl l-f rft:t "f :! AN rrti .- wtilt f I ii the r'tuie if tntni tlrriiwiiiax ii-t h. Vre i'r; vif-r, I t-oiii'iij( WRiih, , ii'-'v m.. rita. t.:aa- a 1. 3 a i anurMliir ni;tmf;itu'e ubuut tlif c.ci u;-. .u.-i j ifi..n ri ciNirjtatiUon. i Votins: ?1 m Wli !iiv? injuf.! t'.t !i.f!.r l.t a t mri,- itflu'- pd in when aliir, a Imtt lir-rH-t K b-url tr n cofiiaiiin or ;it au t tl,? f l mi Mti.-tiat ueiitiy 1 : (Vf, C'll Wt.fil Hiterp, ri.it J ll ih t Wl ir ,)! tl .. i:rr I Hiinsihi. UNCI deatri) In;1i km mu l.uj . ih-n" 1 'V. j irriiiiftlniit iy. W.rit n pity t.i:t 1 V"H:if rrm. 1 ?!. h f ii..tt , , lU d.irliiit; ( h: i:ift:t. h'itt - .t-m j., , 7 r - prcta mikI iji) mt-iita f luc, lit jitt . -niaHint'i liMjr irr-m tli .iiii "f ha!n..m: n,i j jmr0fit hm 1 crt,t hu.it l. ruth fwn .n:-, I r .nratn iriitstr"iioit'ia lap-mii. . at. tl joiiriiry ItinHicH tifr sii'iit.s i: the prna;'fi h. tiin .'ifse. ig i.tthe vu I HN.Irle.Wr.l i ll tJ,.-,! ntltt flVJ Vl!ll 111 v iiv rUcrti(iH ft the lianpitrtra OI amuUicr tw . ti it ml nilt ui i'Wii , IMr.ir r Ini jriit!riiiM, ' tti inic'i..)t. ii. -tuilfnt v 't ii - oi irKitir j fi 4 HlMt tlC iiJt Httii.llCei !.C He If fif lf,,4 fti.nl III licfilV, , It I' mi I'flftl l4tVr-'t tli.tt utl II tllllr-ti f.a .)(' IHliltM, .l 11 tl! ill lIllO, Vffj tf !' 1 1 "U ', U.S !' !! Vl ' ; Hi iluftllii ami r ;--ll..li; ism oloi.a t'tiHrml h;:.i ; lit li'g nil tii r-niBLiut :'unl itrl. -tii-i of tkin li fi j J Jo ttm- i uakt t!iir npi.;trriM mn-ii ut u!i-,-r.ii.-ij a.tr l!ll -t u,,pr. , . ;,., , ,f,,t t(1 ,) p k,, nf .ua J,,, Cll. 4.l-a.l .laW.I-1,,rkBi .r.aM. ll.C thill b..l-.-f ll.ltt til , in 'it ar n( l fMajlt , fmm 11 A - . 1 1 -. is. , . llir I. il 1 1 .1 1 : f , ,,, , x t i tit? lilsi tM f t ti. Ii ! . th ii ::ri r .: n- 1 1 ii t :' 'ii f f foiitintaar... si' S'tl t ti if atMMl ilii'tih. itir rns-a a It ml ti . till itfiith pirn n .fi.. t lua ; t.'i'itl nuij', u . & fin it luin t-i iit I "i;fmrlrl C null) tr.-ra w jr No HVrlltf irtiiiiiM " jT It ri itifltiiit" 'i -!v In--: tl.-t '!,. 'ikiihIi f..!l vi'.:ii.is trif if itiit-arc. i-wiiiC to llor -tela llwlin. ..f iK 1 piel aitna, whti, .y tlr trnr f li.it Ih-mllv l,( "! -T nit i.tiu U.c ..i.iutie.u auc i.tiakc :c iMiiti uil. Iltlft t'S-C. ? 1 Tt t M't y.nif In fn btjs-i:!-in tlie mir r.( liis mnrVy " I tiU ittr f nii-l W.iihl at I" -Ir.-a. , ihui .f k,.. .v.l e'l-r, a nit '? fliin."t r, wli- r y lr J ilnistun'a , tiiM at, r a;vstii)ix-!vi m Ihr ii-wnitttsi. rc-itln l'.'lf ittl i'.ijitH ; i i.' 'f I t.K-y kt-fp y ii mom in iith aurr in nui mkm ; in.-ir l.'Civ ai.tl it--ia- i romp im'i, f m Imp aa Hi am t leal f--r t an In mii aim it aiMir, M-.ivr V'"i w 'll 1 1 i.ietl tifJltli to aiijh ( ' J-'Mir tilli'f ilowifM'ititmrnt I I". ln.Ktian i it, onl. I'livai'tim ai!vrrtiin7. I lln tt'iM iitmi iu ill,-1 mu.ii jI-jvk innq lti tin ifice. Iln niit-ifai f 1rr:ttirt'llt Xitt unit"f l-i n'loll prt-i nr 4 ttu m hiir' in tttf -.frat hoanittiliof Kin l lit hi in I loi fstmiir inula i, ore rt- umv -1'ni I'luctn tiirifiuny i.lirr I'hu'i . ,n in Iht- ,tiA. I andr-f"niMil l lr Pikj ' Tim Wu- iti"us-iiid .,:r...n Mia ii.su t,..ii ywii itL , tnr. i al ill- iiuiiii'i'ii ni'iKji nut SnipH-.il ipftn , pcrloni ml ! Ir. J.-ln.-t .p. witibed hv tli? rup irf? tt.r"li. t" "('hjm.T," at,'! inapt ulh-T yny ft, hotl' 1 ! lM-anIfa m atamli a ii fmt Iri i m of t'hnnn-irr j ajfirtili' aly, I a s'i .ii'ut c i-tr . t llir ntHtrtiV IMPII IIN4X. IM IMlilV l llfi ! Vcrao f willinc rlMiirj tr virtiuUir lu illirrlmg ttltn t it I.tttiiuiMitt, in tl.c ( h,iwim7 iintiiiirr. I Oil II .1 t-llllatClMI. .11.1 ! flf Ihf IfitMtuoii- UHt .1Hi i,ii!tiitvlft M4. I Juliu;. 7 .'-0. 1 '. ly LIVKKY S'YABI.K." . rVllJ '"'C'lT ,1?1VI, r11,"'1 !'rkfa . ."V ut -ur. Lnarjcj i.in ia .nr. v.iiarus I, i con s I, very Ml '. i.uld resruitfollv anmoinee t fie y iiilend furni iins; it wilh !iriij re. ltii'-i,t nnd pnn - V J is bu-ires. and Ji endeavor to s):e in Sunb, it, would loil.lic. II l they llorsrs. 1 arnajres. stiitoble I r the b it a Livei second In none in ll j section of ihe Ol.iers sft ut ll.e Centittl Hi U l.nl unv hour lie : aayor u' it, win receive pron ft clteutinn i ' Me'lAW ,. fAItNHWOI Sut hul (Vti.her 17. IM. - rii-iiliiiral I.:.!-rii-riJ . IlOK's tain Hakes Stci-I ai , I Iron t'j.irderi ' I J I. "in and 1 Handle scales, fhin Is. M : aim nay . iiks, iiro.-s ait i -iruiu r-cviiius. ' Cradles, t . Mil,, f iny.ns. i 1,0 -j , r.io.-i.t. Tmii I I.o;r Chail , tirin l sli iiis, I .-1 1 , . 1 n ir Mill s 1 .11 all ;ses an. kinds, a Inrge asti 'tnu-1.1 of lto l Huiins, f,.r lluwiiig. laini Jiills. Cultivaior for sale by J. ,j vIONLHY A STONEWARE I'MK best ind cheepe. asMiiinieiil of ht hi 1L1 Mti. ,,i rei -eited and iir sale the .tauiuie lit l 11. .t.'rc r; n. v. i k n IUN A. bj asMirtmeut sf the lest lured - llnra. lioc n. Pnn I, K iund and Iron, 'ail Kds, List Pteel, Mccl. Vi, M... I, Jh.rse H..o, Hoi Anvils, Hallows. 1 it, 11 t'lsjdes, II i-4 and file, a.. iCO.VLKV J ICOa' SHU WAN."" Finn AND tIFE INBlMilNCa AINT, 61 SHIT.Y, l FK-VA. usi Kksa.M i 1 Kite lnsurRuit Co., V Inrmers Mutu Cumberland tll Mutual Proleili essVork Mill' 4Lif,ljirKidl.'ef 1'hil sjlarl, rord loun. ticn sal Accidoiil. IV 11. Kaaaoa. F U It N I T U It E It o VLE. . P JLPaOCIT & 'atof tb fir m 01 fir son A I'arll kv ope tlusat No : : South i i slutot, belu 1'; ILALLLl'llU, Where Ihey V. p Hall rluinlrf 1'AHl.Oll. I'll l.MHl lt. S' l'TIXrt I rr 1 and DIMS r ItOOM FnNli ' Their old eusto isrs, and all Jisrsonl parehase, are iari .1 lorall and 1 t'.atuine la , before purebasing ewher particular aiteui 1 paid to pattiw;. ly. j !luek. ' J le. tiiK Tree d list. H lies, a. I ry ihm portal! llj lo it bo.1.1 , tj . aud ) i, I Coac'imakc'V3, ar aelllnf I m l, Kps.kis', iu !", lol ti.tsv Skit t-t It.. ian, l Mb lareef-U Irj.i.k at :B rj ns-'1- ftuuuury, Karct I ,l.:7 1 SP' fr itHia.f rti-c mt.i a-.lf-i t ..(ti, wKh rum I l aiuny, cieiy r tirimape f I Tmkii re ma ni tut -a I 01 tl . a ' .nrl- 1t rtT r' pi. j 1 ilucij I y .u!y Kibifi . jm-th vx UVn-n-l JicJ'-. k J I aiHl l.iinba I'aiia 1.1 i'- lli-at!. luv. -i ..!. !,-.. v I ... . u ti'iT I4" r,' ,Bj ........ ( 'rm . - -; !,... Sue ' - f ' j f s-leiay rrn. r"-.- P. ti LEAVE A. M .Dw ulr tor TrMi--.- A.M.. Dr. " I 7 Ut P "S" l r Jr T Ms ti-- l,iV? . Yi'' 1 r r 1 A-. 'A-1- f ' A"' V?A. wnv i r h bii Schnylkilil. Sj-;ui-halili., N'rtm ei,. . t.i .-,1 - rV n in a'.u .u p. , . i ttie V !'! a. iu. i, 1 i ju j, N- V. rkHilW. .. ,,..., Way Parsetic-r Tn'.u'l -sve. Ph a. m.. eoni teiiMwiil, ,ir',i:r ti.:-. ab. 'cH 1' iN;vvi;. , . ,'j. " ft-'- '. -sjal'' , I'hiiiifx I'. M. S Trains a iih ta.. s f ;; t Loud . 1 i. H A. F-.SKA. l! Vi ril reiror bis "Bice lo J. M Hl 2nd story, Maik aS ; he ha. worked fm- ,he l.-m t w elTiT-TiT ' r-uubuiy, Murohai.lxem I Ja a: ctjm sar.-aa.arj ffCi I of Al'lM.bK-sJ IIAKI.U-Ahl t Nil and Hiiiku of all vart, .V .J berap and T ilmgoa. L0.1- an',1 it 'ffVi ' trin - Trowels,, Uiic ' 'iTTwvl.Vi.--Ac , do., f ir sale by ."'. .,-.-s'. r) .1 .IT In c"'t( aRlTWAN kept who u- cook 1 and , fcrla of how 1 Ilia LliriKi! Suabary, J Jfji. V !Tv vrvA- Tfc ... V. - t .'iii.clr ti :t y ; ' .V'I t ' s iro in ' e'"lt ud oiC, of a:.rj .n jVJ j kept JTsw 111 refei7TWTrr ; LIGHT!-Ut! U; 1 . ivr:ii n 111 E popular lhot(rper I old I'list Ol'jca baiUu.ir railroad, Market fetuare :V ll.l..k.r.....jiJ....'. .r """"'"'msBiiiiiis I eariv i4 MLia I'l.ll.i.-.St" P i-. "i kl0,Jjf t" ll.l--T tIy f j tit f-A ad tan'.l, lee k amine aneeiusen. - v FHAMKi aad FIUllV3 r.i.O'i b"i and uad to order. Biina- ale5 Cuba aad io iroajaolvat. Alv I iole.ro Hu ttisttttui u baai ur or.V . done lb all iu briMu ni ookrod de: aa tUdeof viawi taken at rbori jn. warrant-. AV I aa BsuaOi'.e tarats. Latasfaosioa (aarrant. B4,iuseUa Ul i,:,aa. All bcmiuivui ssji.1? - All BiwaAtve . au ai at w r"Utfl, - U, 'H.-It J -ri V o