Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 03, 1869, Image 3

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    ni'itutrnT. pa.
JLocal .affairs.
Tat spotted IWtw It im"C ! t?PH Mohaatoefe
tewnth, SehnylhUl lT-
Vlit pleased to tea Mat iadge Jufjm tM to
f.f recovered from bis lata UUecs sal to toUro Mt
RtMovAt, Tr.J. . Angle baa r inured his f
lw Into Drlghr w building, Market kVjuart, a
second floor.
War iub't certain aaerohanu) advtrllttT Because
they Ml1 aothln(. Why do Ibsj fU nothing ? Be
cause tby don't edrtrtlst. girls bevt teiaineneed their exhilerttlnit
spring eterefses of jaeaptaf ropsc-whllt boys at
going In for marbles with ta Intensity peculiar to
tlitl race.
Wl Itaro Out Mr. Cberloe Faust, or tliit plsce, ts
cbout resnevlag te Willlaaif port, nil will cd a list
Store In that eity. Wt with hint success Id kit new
Asstber K.uluuaB Mr. Martin, of Juniata,
Intteduoed a biil in tbt House, incorporating the Ju
Biata and Susquehanna Railroad Company, rustling
from Miffl'.ntowa, oa the Juniata, to belinegrove.
Cent An exchange tayf that a furntr eared bia
dcugEter of tht Orooian Bead, by throwing wttor on
ttr and then laying ber In tht lun till ibo "warptd"
tack to tha old plaoo again. AlHiotod parents will
pl'OSS take notice.
Saw Qoodi. II. Y. Friling, of the Mammoth
eltore, hut just opened bit spring atock of Ooods,
which has noret been vicillad either fur beauty or
Xba publlo are invited to ec'.l acd Inspect tliem.
J, 0. Beck boa Juit returned fiom the ity with a
splendid assortment rf goods, which ha tl opouing.
All ean be suited at bia (tor by calling early. Ilia
ulotbi, oafimaati and gtn.leuicn's furnishing goods
art of tbe rary latest ttylci.
Coxontsa A tooticn was up Is tba IIvuic, tj ad
journ on Tuesday, the Bth of April.
There tl nothing mora to keep Congress in session
but the paainga of the bill repealing ti e Tenure af
Office Act. Thus far, tho Senate hot refuted lu cos
our with the liouso in repealing said act
LaTISO Tback Workmen eomuenced laying
the track en the Sunbury and llaioiton Railroad,
laat week, beginning above the Round IIoe. Tba
recent high wator baa wahed away about tifly yards
f the embankment, which waa new and usaottlcd,
made op partly of quick-rand. Thla will soon be re- J
paired, and rip-rapped if necessary, j
.Matex A UahMm'k Cllechitko Uhoans . Mas- 1
air A Hill have just reocivad from the inaiiiifnotnr
er, in New York, several of iheaa superior organs,
with octave eouplar and ircmule. These instruments
must be haard to be properly appreciate J. Tueir
great powor la most wonderful.
Cell and aee them at Maaaor A Hill'i Music Store.
To a BrlLBtxa AssociATtoJt. At the .regular
meeting of tbe Eur-lmry Mutual Loan cad Building
Atjootution, held on Ftlday evening last, eight shares
were aold at prieea ranging from $80 to Vi. The
shares ate cow worth fM.VO.
At a rnectiog of the Furl Aogmla Building Aao
clatisn, held on Thursday croUng, the 2j.Uu',t.,
four ah arc! were ao'.d ranging frum t'.i to (37.
TT. A. Sonaft, Fq , of thid place, hul been appoiut
ed Exumincr of Banka and Astcsaor of Bank Stocks,
tot the diatrict compoacd of Northumberland, Colum
bia and afoutnur ooontier, urdir a lata act of Assem
bly. Mr. Eiler ii a lalenltd yuung uhujLt cf the
Bar of thia plaoe, lndu?tripua and of food moral hub
itj, aLd will, r.o doubt, dUehargs the Julio yijiw
cw cRe with fi'lvhty.
d'coi AufCTATtD. Mr. Ueorge V ullage, eugig'd I
es e LrakriDian on the l'biladeli bia ncd Liiu I 'll-
road, who was Injured by the ears running over his j ie expression of regard for his eCorts and service
wot oa laat bur.dy a weik, near Willlaunport, bat j aarins 'he last sixteen yoars, iu promoting tho inter
the foot amputated on last Sunday. The uufortunata ejteonnfot.d witD tbe railroad and mining operations
voung man la lyiug at the Eagle Hotel, In mis place.
. . i i . 1 1 f . i. : ,) . r
Tho cneratien was performed hy Dr. Strawbrid,
JJnnvillo, agisted by Urs. fchitdle atd Cli.rk, of
I.f roF.iti.Tlof WaKTtn. Information Is wanted of
thi whereabouts of a young girl a daughter of Mr.
David Snyder who left her father's residence en
fnnday, the 14th or March, aud has rot been heard
fiom siLce tht time, fhu U tiuiplc-ndiided, is a
mute, and about twenty years of age, has blue eye",
t,hort light hair, full faoe, und la about five feet in
height Any information conoorning her will ho
' thankfully rooeived by lJavid Snyder, Sandy Hill,
l'crry county, Pa.
I. 0. of 0. F At a regular statel meeting of
FunbuiT Lolfte, No. 203, I O. of O V., on Saturday
evening, the following officers were elected for the
next ensuing terra : N. Q Ooorge M llean ; V. i
O A. N. Eiioc; See Vf. 8- Rhodes; Ans. Sec j
B. Y. Haupt ; Treaauror. Sol. Blrob. j
At a meeting of Fort Augusta Lodge, No. 65S, held ;
on Tuesday evening lat, thu following officers wore j
rlcctod t X. O C. A. Ileimensiiyder J . tl.
llerron McFurron ; R. 8 Townsend Uime , F. 8.
E. B E yor; T. John Clark.
ITiau Watsb. The recent thaw and rain eaused
a considerable flood In the Susquehajna. The river
rose rapidly on Monday and Tuesday lost, aud caus
, cd some apprehension fur the embankment of tbe now
bnnbuiy and liatollon Railroad, ahovo the Northum
berland bridge. Tbe water was seven feet deep
along the ernbauktuent, which being composed part
ly of qulok-tand was easily washed by the action of
the naea. On Tuesday night, the water broke
through tht embankment and washed away a por
tion of tho road, besides inundating a portion of Mr.
Bitldy's farm.
Serious Accidet. On Monday evening
James Beard, n , met with an aeoidest whloh came
very noar proving fatal. While passing along the
pavement on the west side et Bright'! new building,
on the corner of Markot Square, he fell into the cellar-way
under that building, which bad carelessly
keen left uncovered, lie wai discovered by a per
son who was In one of store-rooms above, who beard
' hia groans, and with several ethers, tt onoe proceed
ed to the cellar and found bim in an Insensible con
ditio. He was taken to Marklc A Co s drug (tort,
where his wounds were dressed by Dr. Haupt. lie
was badly bruised and cut about tbe head, and it was
miraculous that be escaped with his lift. Although
hit injuries are of a toriout nature, there is every rca
ton to hopo that ho may speedily recover.
A vocsta man would likt to open a correspond
ence with a fewolively, agroeablc young ladies. Ob
loot : Fun and mutual Improvement, perhaps matri
mony. All letter strictly confidential, and returned
when desired. Address I. O. DeClifton, Si: Lombard
street, Philadelphia, Penn.
. Y And tbe above ia ont of our exchange papers.
It is pretty generally anderstood that through tbe
cgeuoyof advertiteuints, such as tht above, sup
plies of female! art obtained for city brolbols. It b
.eldum that t lady of good Biiud, fosseoic4 ef nlf
respect an a knowledge of tht mares set to entrap
bor, ever git as any attention te suck calls fur oorrea
pondeuoe but Utrt art oik era, capecially la the
onntrv. unaware of the machination! of gentlemen
yith Froook aamea, who really giro way to dtsirt
r... ..r ' If. lade Is silly enough to mmwot
uob ea tppeal, the it taelly lad oa at ruia. These
m.n knov how to saleet their e-ictlmt, and tho aum-
Lor tbe obteia la alarming. Of ooursa, we
..oihioi about. tht oasee at tht aboet adeorUiemeat,
bat wt wtuld caution every lady It kowara. of
MuH of opining a torrwpoaAeuca., JP oj ,l
.-ui toast wbea tba aasbiioatiea f sssi sarde
. be r-runtUtod by law, or trwry fublisber will
ectoie Mes!t tb'a.
Waaeer, Maiek H, IW
OeVMlt met atf c'alaxk, P. Agreeable to
Uee(lwal71lretkitritiOlilef Dwrfeea. Chief
Tpm Hblodel la tb el air, Meniere prePWl, la:
Meaert. Mark!, Beary Cleneat, ok K Clement,
Srettoae, Bek, Veltt, Sogal, ifjrhtaer, JeeT, fetel
aseyer asd laatteevaugh.
MlBRtee af laet raeettag teaal and approTaJ.
the Cklef BnrgnM iUtod that ke bad tallej a
nMiMil iogeUier for tbe parpoee of aubaoltilag teeernl
I si pert ant a a tun which required eooeidetation, and
alao, for the purpoie af Iraneaetlng general kualneaa.
Theehalrmaa of the aofaniitoa a the rXaj.k
at abort towa, sol being prolan 1, vmmlllaa waa
J K. Clement, ehalrmaa ef aeeinirttM t draft a
bill to be preeonted to Ike Leglalatare in regard le
river bank, presented aaj read the report tit that
Oa rnotloa of N. P. Llghtaer, Beaolred, That the
report of the rommlltee oa the bill to be presented to
IheLegldalnre, In nfereneeto Aa repair of therirer
bank be aooepted, the eomailUee sontinued and a
thorlted to enrry the eaiae to llarriabarg and attend
to lu paaange.
On notion. That the committee on drafting aaid
hill be auUiorlted to draw ap a petition, praying for
tbe paaaage of laid bill, procure lignatiirri, and pre
eat tho fame to the Iiegiilature,
Onm'jtlcauf Mr. Mark), Koajlred, That Joseph
Chrt't be allowed tbe turn of ten dollar, for keeping
the truck open from the riter te the basin, for the
eneulng year.
On motion, an order of eighteen dollar! war grant
ed te Mr. Samuel Itilnnd, for Intercat on bounty bond
No. iaeuod to E. V. Robhack.
On motion, the proposition of the County Commie
aionera to fursiah a room In tbe Court Ilouee for tbe
meeting of Cnundls free ef charge, was aooepted.
Tho Chief tturgeu appoiuUd tbe following com
mittee for the ensuing year, ril :
rinunco AecounU, Ac J. II. Engel, Henry Cle
ment and J. I,ightner.
Grate Yard Brodous, Deiti and Engle.
Ulcer Bank Zetoliuoyer, Bock and Sensenbaugh
W ay and Means. Market, Linker and Xeff
Borough Cbarteri and Borough Ordinaueel. J K.
Clement, Maikel and Beck.
rareuieuts and Side-walki. Ilarrijon, Broiioua
and Nuff.
BiiJgti and nighwayi. K T. Llghtaer and En
gel. Oa motion, adjourned.
Tsa looat of tho Hamburg Tiltgraph reoently
paid a short visit to this place, thus ipealu of tbe firal
impressions made by his tint riait.
"Sunbury la situitod amid the molt beautiful see
aery, and on all sides the view it magnificent, and
well worthy of a visit from a sketch by the pencil of
an artist.
The burough haj awakened up from a 'Rip Van
Winkle snooze' Into which it bad fallen fur at least a
quarter of a esnlurjr. We notioed a number of hand
some rciiJencos nud several fine puhlie improve
ments. We noticed a number of the ladies of tho
place availing tbomsoWea ol tbe delightful weather
to promenade. Frera Ihvae wo saw, we should say
thnt Sunbury bar a full share of good looking and
well dressed la lios.
Tbe shops of the Philadelphia and Erie, as well as
tbxso of tbe Northern Central Kailway Company,
give additional business activity to the place. We
believe there aro fuur papers publiabed in Sunbury,
two Republican and twe Democratic A Lodge of
Knights of 1'yihins was organised In the borough on
Wednesday evening. Two flourishing Lodges of Odd
roilows are also iu operation in Sunbury.
At 7 50 we again tock the train for Ilarruburg
and after enjoying a plea'fint rido by moonlight, ar
rived In this city at 10.30, highly pleased with our
Tliit to Sunbury Persona duirous of traveling over
a wall regulated an 1 ably managed road, and visit
ing the most tK-outiful suenory to bi fuund in this
country, should take a trip over the Northern Cen
tral ruad to Sunbary, and even further north on the
lino of the tailrcal
A It. Fmks, Em . eiiily trjf.frlnteiilont of the
Sliaiiiokln t'l'iiev ltalliond, nn.v general aupuriu
cdtir of ll:o Northern Cenlral Knil Way, was the
recipient i f a public entcri.iinuicnt on Tuoday even
I Ui lust, at the Nalionul lintel, Shamokin. The coal
oreramrs ai d husineaa men of Ehaiuukin, felt that
,),. 80uldnot part with Mr. Flak without some pub-
tf th8 y arookia region.
.... .. . ..... ...
Tho friends of Mr. Fitko In Kunhury, where be is
almost as well known, and no less esteemed than In
Shamokin, join with his friends of the latter plaoe, in
bearing testimony to his worth and character as a
man, mid his ability as an effijor. Mr. Fisk leaves
:hnniokin for Ilariisburg, te assume the heavy and
csponsiblo duties of Siiperiutcndcnt of the now great
1 orlhrrn Central Rail Way, and no one doubts that
o will be equally luectssful in discharging the du
es of that high position.
Tim April number of the Atlantic Monthly Is full
spirit and variety, 't here it a atory of tbo Flying
a it a story 111 iuu rijiug
t. A striking paper upon
id Clarified." Mr.Uay
ir.ost grows, and F. Vv.
ululiuian, by Mr JJo tonal
lor inebriates, Claaniued un
Us how the ureal crows.
. tins, nn Fnglishman of mature eye, gives the first
Jrtion of Ins " Autobiogrnpliy ot a shaker. ' Hay
ll Taylor mid Mrs. l'lutl are tbe poets id the month.
V. Trowbridge, proapocting for coal, "fetching up"
Towanda and Sullivan oounty, has eommunicated
me of his adventure and observations in an article
.titled "A Carpet-bagger in Pennsylvania. " Mr.
imuel Bowles writes ot "l bs Pacific Railroad
! on," and "A Ride with a Mud Horn in a Freight
ir, a Story ot tbe ar," hy v. 11. il. Murray.
Valuable PitorattTr von Sale The undor
Ined offer for s da a valuable House aud Lot, in
tt Market street, Suubury'. The huuse is a new
I. story frame building, and the lot 6U by 230 feet,
le perfect, and terms easy. Lot will be divided if
dred by purchasers.
so, a good two-atory frame dwelling house, on
Viut.troet, near Second. Lot 30 foet by 230.
T is a very desirable property and will be sold
o'p. Apply to i-LAt uakrh i Euan:,
Real Estate Agents.
yjols I's-Iutlug. Having received a
la supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new
sty, Posters, Handbills, Ciroulars, Cards, Letter
diet, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, eau bt printed in
tlietest and best stylos, and on short notice
On by mail promptly attended to.
Inn Timki CoattMO). Who can doubt that at
spr opens times will get better. V ben tbey see
tbcpUj of new spring and summer goods, and
he t prices at which they are being bought at
tT chain aud cotton bats. Wall and band
hrts, for sale cheap at
aiwiifc- a. vtcciuan g.
Ctaj's celebrated 0. N. Y. maobine cotton, all
coll and Nos. from 8 to S00, aud Coate's spool
lirAHEt, herring, soap, candles and country
mead bams, at MORE A PLSSINUEU'B.
k i-iin
A BntcE,la liaupl'i Building, Is telling off
hi Sr variety of Notions, Ivory Handle Knives,
Bill'latcd Spoons, Books, Stationery, Ac, at tht
ten west possible prices Call at once if you
wet have good Bargain. 2t.
i- i a i i aam
Lovill, ha stood by tbe Igardau gate, with
hid ing reloeipedt, aad whispered to bit Lady
Bellio wished for bis lordship good speed, "when
wiU bt back, Lord Lovel ?" akt asked ; but be
gave; queatioa do baed placed bia feet ia bis
ULrsfcnd galloped away on his famous velool-pedg-rd
Level returned broken hearted and tort,
brok;s rnjtd, and alas! brokta kneed ; tor bt
strutV a post, nearly gavt up tbt (butt, and
iiat-.u joeipede !
It ootivt power of bit vcloeipedt bad boea
tnoash t pur of W. H. Miller'! faaaous French
Calf 1 , tll aooilont t juld have happened to tbt
onlat:vLnra Lovel.
e Wilier ' latest style of ladies frrins ft-
j teta. y art teautif jl
etanrnijearsi WattrKa. abileeV'?
thnut A letrible MfUejMkc as rumbling tn
kowelseflhfU,lrt!ya1ef the alt ef fiua
kery, Hi asia kaewe ko sue koweee, karne.laaaa
aad people ay be twaJleweal ap " If we were
make sewk laaeasseat as the frer.lhg, It
Weald, M dewht, in rj kedy wltk alarea. But we
are aot folog te de aerO.big at the mtl. What we
want te aaaeaeee Is simply this i That men and boys
whe seed elothlng, ollarr, et luspetiders, will and It
to their air antag e to kuy at ThrnnM Kott's, trier
hant talbr, who baa Just opened iplendld aaaurt
neat of goods ia kllllor'e Bleek ea Third sired, te
low Market, keeause Mr. Mott Lai a large atock to
saleet from, aad tell eheaiwr taaa almeit any other
tar this tide of Philadelphia.
A Xiwaas) Oeea. lata. Joha B. A'mlek.mer
ehint tailor, of thil plaoe, makes tho following offer :
After the ri plratioa of en month after the date of
this paper, fOth Inst., he will gire a present of a pair
of pants and a voet of the valee tf fifteen dollars,
whloh present shall be drawn for by those of his etu
tomers, who during that time shall get clothing at
his Mtabliahmont to Oil value of not has than dfteen
dollars, Oil drawing to be concluded by a diainterost
ed person. The luoky customer wie9be allowed to
elect the style of the pants aiid rest constituting the
present drawn. He atsures .tils oustomers that he'
will do what be says
Cost's CdDcn CLS4 The great p-ipular Reme
dy for Coughs, Cold, Croup, Whooping Cough, aud
Consumption. Both sii" ordinary dot , also mam
moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and
dealers in uodlaincs. No family should be over
Bight without it in the home.
Cot'i DrsritrsiA Cunt Wilt immediately re
lieve and permanently cure the most Aggravated
oaso of Dyspepsia, Flatulenoy, Sour Siomacb, Con
stipation, and all diseases of the Stomach at.i Bow
els. Physicians, clergymen and all who we It, join
in unboacded praise) of its great virtues. Sold by
Druggists everywhere. Trice $1 Of
In Wct Piiilndclphiit. on Monday morning last,
Mrs. ALICE 1)111 LY, wife of Dr. J W. ilugbesand
daughter of the latoJudgo Dnnnel, ol' thi place, aged
3t)-yuri. Iter remains were biougbt to thia placolor
Interment tn Thursday lout, accompanied by the
fumily and friends, among them, iha ltev. Dr. Yar
call, of the Epicnpnl Churcb in West Philadelphia,
who eonducted tba funeral services on the tuslau
cboly occasion.
On the 27th day of March, tn Jaeksnn tnwnthip,
Northumberland County, IDA LOV1NA, daughter
oflicnry and Clntyunah Wentiul, agod 2 yeara, 7
months and 0 days.
ConnscrxD Wibklv nr Vol no A Israel.
OBAtx Cboloo Whito Wheat,
Best Amber, Winter,
" tipring,
Outs, (3) lbs )
Flocb 1'ureMiuh. Wbite Whoat,persack,
Boat Amber, Winter, per saok,
i .. .. barrel,
Seneca Lake, per sack,
" ' barrol,
Corn Meal, per ewt.,
Buckwheat i'luur,
Butter Now York,
Pounsylraida Roll,
Eoat per dotun,
Meats Dried Beef, per lb.,
Smoked Mutton,
" ouisou,
Lard por lb.,
r'isu Salt Wbite Fish, per lb.,
" Trout,
(I 03
1 70
1 it)
1 4U
2 J5
2 iO
lu UU
2 U0
b U0
2 75
O 00
2S a Hi)
lit a 18
ao a 42
? a 100
1 20
1 .'0
11 a IS
12 a 14
20 a 38
10 a 3
5 75 n 1 uu
Frosli Shad
VoaTADLti Turnips, por bushel,
Polatoca, " "
Onions, " "
. Beans, 11 quart,
llumiov. "
Dbiid FaciTs-Diiod Apples, per lb ,
" Feuabes, "
' Clicrries, "
" Bhickburiiee,
" hjupbeines,
O REE x Arri.ts per barrel.
klsasssswlasn 4 otil 1 s-atlv.
Suamokir, March 29.
Ton. Cwi.
Bontfor week ending March 27, .Vi'Ti Id
Per lust Report, Ju,7a4 12
V5.tif. I
To same time last year,,
J. (if. ill)
Special 2Cotict3.
Physioian who had Consumption for severnl years,
with frequent bleeding ot the lung, cured himself
with a medicine unknowu to tbo profession, wbon bis
Oiiao appeared hopeless. He is tho only physician
who has ued it iu liisown ersou, ornholuu any
knowledge of its virtues; and he can ascribe tho de
gree u( health he now enjoys to nothing but the
use of his luidieiue ; and nothing "hut utter despair
and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, to
gether with a want of oonfljonoe in nil others, induc
ed bim to bnmrd the experiment. To thoso sutler
ing with any disease of the Lungs he prolieraa Ireat
niuut he confidently believes will eradicate the
disease. Price 5160 per bottle or $3 a halfdoton,
sent hy express, bend for a ciroular or call on
Un. E. lloVLsro Jackson,
No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia.
For sale by li. Y. Friling, Market Square, Suu
bury, IV, aud Druggists gcncrully.
Alay SO, 1SI4 ly.
4 J slide- to Jill i-s-ia (;-. Young Men'sUuide
to Happy Miirriageaud Conjugal Felicity. Tne hu
mane views oi benevolent l'iiysieiuns, ou the Errors
and Abuses incident to Youth and Early Manhood,
sent iu seulod luttvr envelopes, lies ol ebaige. Ad
dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, iiox P , Philadel
phia, Pa.
June 13, 186H ly.
Ji IKrom Dispensatory of ll.e United States
Paorzarias. Tit ii laini is itroog, diffusive, end some
what aromatic, tarn lusta bittensli, auif nuaKg.ius tu
Aledienl Properties and Ucs Iluetiu leaves are sreutly
Slliuulaiit, Willi a peeuliai lendeoey to the Lrnmry DirxiiS.
'I'liey are given in coniplaiuta of Hie 1,'riuary tlrguua,
such ua Oruvel, CIiioiuc Ciiturib of Hie UUiMer, Moilud
Irritation nl the lilidjer nod Uielhu Hiseuaeiil Hie I'r ..
tiate Obiid, and Heteiiiiou uf IneuiituieiK'e of Unite, from
a I ol tone iu trie parte concerned in ne rvueuuti u 'I'he
reinrdy hea alo bitn reeoiamended iu Dyapepaia, Chron
ic itlirunuliain, Culaueoua Afleetlona, and Dlopay.
Helinbold'a ICxtruet iiueliu is uaed by roiia I mm the
ageaol IbioKj, mnl from 'MUi 55, or in the itee'uie or
eiwiigeol life; afier Coiifiueraeiil, or Labor Paiuai lied
Wetlmi; lu Children.
lu uuccttoiie peculiar to femalea, Hie Kxtmct Uuchu ia
une)uulrd b any other remedy, as in fn...r.u, or He
teotiou, Irregularity, Hainluloew or euppreain of Custo
mary y. vacua lioiia, L'leeraird or bchuroua Suie of the
tterua, Deueorrhcu, of Wlnica.
Dlseaua of Ihc lllarlder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Dropaical
Swelling. -This luodieine luorrusea the power of liies
tion, and exeiica the Abaorbeuta into healthy aelion, by
which the Watery taj Cek-arciua dep.untiiia, and all Jn
natuial baUrgeniciits are i educed, aa w ell as t'amaud in
Auuiinaiioii. .
ilshnbold'a Extract Bueliu haa cured every ease of Dia.
beiea in which it Iih been given. Iintutinn of the Ncek,
if the bladder, and Inllainiuatlou of Ihe Kidneja, L'lecra
U 'li of the Kutneye and UiarlJer, Keteuiioii of Urine, Di
seases of the 1'iuitrula Gland, Moue ill Ua Oladdei, Culeu
lua, Uravel, briea-Dual Depoait, end Alucua or Milky
Diaehaigta,aiid for euleebied end delicate coiislilulione,
nl bath aexea, attended with the following eyinploms ;
lndiaituu to Kaeition, !; of Power, lia of Memo
iv, DilBeully uf lirralhiiia, Weak Narva Trembling,
Horror ut Uiaeaae, Wakciuluesa, Donueaa of Vision, Pent
lu the Uaek.H'ii llanda, Flushing of the Uody, Urvnaaa of
the ekm, Kiuptloa of the Faee, Pallid Coeuteiieiice, bin
Veraui lasituda la'tha .luacular byateru, Ae.
Heliabold a Kxtraet Huchu is Diuretic and Olaid.Piiiify.
ing, and cures all Diaaaaeaariaiog finm habtta of diuipa
lion, rxeeaaea and unpiu leoeea in life, impurmea of Ihe
UliKid, Acauparaeding Opriba in atTeetions f u arhieh ll
l uaed, auchaa Uouurrruiu., Uleets of long standing, and
fypioliiic AJeftiiwia in iheae diaaaaee, used la connection
with Helinbold'a Itota Wuali.
Isold by ell Diuggisia end dealerc eveiywhere. Beware
of eouuierfiiis ask for Helmhold's. 'lake no olhei.
Prioe-tl M per bntile, or botlee for SS.&u. Delivered
toeuy adJreas. Deaenbe einploma in ail aoniumnicrfiione.
AddieasH. T. HKI.MUOLU, .VH llroadvvny, N. Y.
steel engraved wrapper, with fac simile of my Chemical
Waicbouse, end signed
Feb. Snh, 1809. tns.
Ireaud with tbe utmost succeas. by J. Isaacs, M D.,
and Profeeaorof Diaeasosof the xtye and tar ; ibis
specialty) ia tbe Medioal College of Peno-yl vania,
IS years czperieaee, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,)
No. t)0a Arob iS treat, Philadelphia. Testimonials caa
be teen at Ibis office. Ihe medical faculty are in
vited la iMompaoy their patient, as be baa no
teeratt in bis praciiee. Artificial ejus incur led
without pain. No charge tor examination.
Feb. 13, la.-3ly.
CALL aad et uveal aatautiful BUd Cagui at
new Batdvirt store sf
A VMCa'ciaOlSUfa
OLD Ks)T AlLlilJtD
onn rxtitn
si llnrhnt Nreiett
UMiasi laWsevsUarUSirtaliaatelpMej.
For WMfiy Ton) thta KiUI4lshmnt te done txisl
nM en the line Frtee ttyirn, and ere bullovn we
are the only Clolbinr llotsee ia the eity tliot atri'ly
e there to this principle. W e bsve earned a ropei
tat ion wbrch we are proud of, f siooj iaaie ia Ktlavt
gwid styhi and iltaritl:il ausiorlala, and noils
iiaportant, for having all eur good
f.xtiia i-;i.i i,tir.
We employ the fcaxt tnlent, wr Cnttira, and eur
Oendi are of fcotb and pUin
tbet ail taaiea eon i snibsd. 1 be prieee ere the
very lowest, as any one by a moment Uiouicbt mwet
lee, or otherwise we could not meat the ooanpetatioa
nf our neighbors, for ai no dedactloni ire ever made,
we snaat put uor prices do a to the advantages wo
1 he people may depond, this Is the tree plea npoa
which to do business, and many a dollar caa be
arod to Clothing buyerr by keeping ia mind
tOt Market Street, Philadelphia,
Net ea the Corner, but one door above Slatb.
V.. il. IIAIXi:, Nnlcsmau,
April 4, DttW. ly
aVIK advertiser, having been restored to health In
a tew weeks by a simple remedy, after having
suffered wveral years with a severe lung affeotion,
(nd thatdroaj disease, Consumption ia anxious to I
make known to his follow suil'urers the means of
To all whe dealre it, he will tend a ropy i.f the
prescription uicd (free of charge), with the d I roe I ion
for preparing aud uaing the same, which thry will
fiod a sure Cure for Consumption. Asihuia, Bron
chitis, Ac. The only object of the adrerlier in
sending the Prescription is to benefit the nlulotel.
and spread information which beoonocivca to be In
valuable ; and he hopes every sullurer will try his
remedy, as it vrill oust tbcu nothing, and may prove
a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription will plcnie ad
dress Rev. LDWAKD A. W1LSUN,
IAS South Second St., Williainaliurir,h,
Jan. 0. '(19 ly Kings CuuaAy, New Ytuk
Ilrrora ol Youth.
AflKVTI.R.VIAN who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility, Premature dcouy, and all
the etTacta of youtlitul indiscretion will, lor the ako
uf sutTuiing humanity, scud free of ell who need it,
the reoipe and direction for making tbe simple reme
dy by which ho was cured. rJuiforeri wiabing to
prufit by the advertiser's experieuct tan do so by
addressing, In perfect confidence.
Jan . 9, 'M ly No. 42 Cednr street, N Y.
The ZINOAR1 RITTER3 ere eomponndod from
a prescription of tho celebrated Egyptiuu physieiun
lr. Cheopsus, who, nftor yours ot 1 1 ml uud eiperl
went, discovered tbe Zingurini link the nioH
remarkable vezetable uroduotion, tbo enrth, perhaps,
has ever vieldod certainly the most efleolive iu tbe
cure hi disease, tl, in rouibinuiion witn tbo outer
! valuable properties of whiub tbe ZIXUAUI 1)11
I KUS iscouipoacd, will cure,
Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever, Chulic,
Coliia. Bronchitis, Consumption in its Ursi
stage, Flatulency, Mei voua Debility,
i'euiale Complaints, Hhcutuo
tism, llysentery, Acute,
end C'bronio I)iarrboa,
Cholera Morbus, L'aol
era, Typhoid and Ty
pbus Fever, Yel
low V ever, 8or
fua,iieaSbS,of the Kiduejs,
Cosu v a-
Ac, is.
Iu the Freventi'-n und Cure ef thr ub jva dieasee,
il has never been ki onu to fail, as tbuusandsof our
most prominent citizens throughout all parts of the
ooueiry. will leatity. Let tbo allliutod send fore
circular couliiiniug tor'iuioiiiaia and cuilihcatea of
thoso who huvo been cured utter their oase have
been pronounced hopeloss by our buit phejicianii.
Piinciiial Depot,
No. 6 N. 1'routSi., 1'hiludulpUia.
Ex. Oor. David R. Porter, of Pennsylvania.
Hon. Robert J Fisher, " "
Hon fcdwurd Mcl'berron, " "
Hon. Joel li. Duliuor, 11 '
Hon. Wm. RloSliorry, " ' nod others.
Morch 20, 'C'J.-Iy.
Aamagut-e .utit-.
In the District Court of the United Statos for the
Western District of Pennsylvania.
In the matter of J
Conrad F. Cares, bankrupt, j In Bankruptcy.
To whom it may Concorn : The undersigned here
by give notice of hia appointment as Assiguee of
Conrad F. Cares, nf Turbui towiiihip, in tbe County
of Northumberland, and Stale of Puniisylvnui.i,
within snid Distriot, who hasbeon adjudged a bank
rupt upon his own petition by the DUtiict Court of
said District. 1.. II. KASH, Asiijc,u.
tMUihury, February 27, 1869. 3t
iajrolullon ol' l'tai'titiM-klilf.
XJOTICE Is hereby given that the co-partnership
X heretofore existing between Henry Fauly and
Amos teel, trading uuder the firm name ol r'agely
ft Steel, was dissulved hy mutual consent, ou tho
2Jd day of January, ldOU.
Sunbury, March 8, 1869. 3t
Philadelphia, March 101b, 18H9.
V beg leave to iuform yoa that we are prepared
to oiler for your iospeoil m, our usuul assortment of
Consisting of tho .Xtwet Sh iyti iu iS'traw, Silk and
(Jimp Hats, Hommkts. Ae. ; Velvet, ilk Uoods,
Ribbous, Flowers, Feathers Ruuhua, Crapes, filoiids,
Draids. Oruumeuta, Ac. As. W shall be happy to
wuitou yoou at yur store or receive your order.
l'nctilov) fur rmi Y'ours, 4o, 11. WARP,.
Nos. lo t, lu.i and 10 N. fieuoodSt, Philad a.
March id, lbotl, 1 mo.
1869.' "ttlso 18G9.
Opening ofMiW SHAWLS.
Opening of NEW CHINTZES.
Opening of ft Ii VV POPLIK3.
Full stock ef STAPLU and FANCY
lltl.C 4dOUIi.
Fourth Slid Arch Streets,
V. B Job from Adction daily received.
Marob , '69.-61.
Fresh Groceries I
Oa Third Bt., one door below the Lutheran Church,
Has joat opened Urge assortment of
DRY GOODS, suob aa Calicoes. Muslins, Ac, which
arc sold eheaper than ever. Also, a variety of ito
tiuas, L'nleraiiirte, Drawers, liata and Cups.
of all kinds, tueh as
Molasses, Byrupa, Mackerel, Lard. Hams, Nuts,
Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese,
and Croakers, and in fact ererythiug usually
kept in the Grocery line.
Hams, Flab, Coal Oil, Crockery-ware, Queens ware,
Ulase-ware, Villow.wure, do.
The beet FLOL'R aud MEAL in the Market
Tobaeeo, Cigars, and a variety of NOTIONS.
Also : All kinds of Camied Fruit, at tbt lowest
Country Produce token la exchange for Goods.
ld9Caii and ecaauat my Stack, and aauaiy your
teUut , ffuaburv, Tee) :, 1WI
W AO ALU nana.
Ttih Irw Freeac, Orcntrung tut ant AgrtT-i
Bridge, M11XJ1KON1 and CAUNET bit i AJ.F,
Tbs krert Msanf lotured I V'arinr.t! I ir t years.
l"!f y Manea, fcel.dor,i aad Orgasel of f Cst.
olaas en a km, at tow prirft tut Caeb, or fttie quarter
efh and the kelanoe in Mntithly feo-ond-hanl
Instrumenti at great, bargains Illutlra--d
Cll )gue tuailad. V ar-rnoma 41 ftroa lwi.y,
NewYurk U3UACK W A I hftS.
ftlrn-Wosnosi-aml n t
.Tl pis W o tin- -n n tl Clsllda--n I
"Cooling to We a lii and Hum."
'-frothing tu all painful niiun'l. Ai.'f
"Hauling lu ell SoruS, t'le .-re, Ac."
'Coitarg' Bnckthorn Fulvo
Is the most extraordinary Salve ever known lis
poRrrcil .Soothiiie; and Healing for all Cuts. I'.utj, i
.rroi oooujiiie; aim neaiiua; lor nil i.uts. r.ums. )
lisea, Korea, Ulcer. Chapped J(nid4 ar.d rikiu, j
S..reMpples, (r Files, 4c. Ac-is without a
aliel. One perann anys, of it, 'I would not lc i
hout a Box in my ll.iu-o. if il cost fa (ut, or I ,
had te travel all the war to Xorr York f .r it.
N. Y Evoning Neivs, Sept. It J
All Druggists ia uulury, sell it.
' That Cough wl.l Kill y m,"
Try ''CostarV Cough Remedy.
' Colds and lloarFeness load to death,''
Try "Costar V Cough P.emedy.
'For Croupe Whooping Coughs, Ac ,"
"Try "Costar's" Cough Remedy.
"Costar says it is ti e best in tho wij world and
if lie sjvs so ite True it True it line ; and
, sny Try it Try tt Iry it."
liiorntng rapcf, dug. Z'J j
All Druggist iaSuutury.tell il.
Ntnntlsird IVrpurullons
are his
Bittor-Swoet and Orruigo Blojicmn.
Uucliottlu, il tO-Tbreefor SJ.Cu
"COSTAR'S" Hit, Boacb, Ac, Exterminatore.
"COil AK'i" Be l Bug Exterminut .r.
CO-STAU'eJ'' (only pure) lusoct Powder.
'All Druggist in SCXIiURY sell thoio "
'-'. It Uewarv ! ! ! of spurious iinitnti'tia.'
fl 00 sites sent hy mail on reoeipt of price.
tl Uu for any threu l.l0 sizes by Exprc.
11LXKT R. COSTAR, 10 Crosby St., X. Y.
Or, J'JHX F. IIENKY (Successor tf)
21 Park Row, '. Y.
.b'old by II. Y. F RrLIXU, Sunbury, Pu.
January 30, 1S8 ly
ASHlg:-'0 rVotltir'.
Iu the District Court of the United Slntrs for the
Weateru Dixtriut oi Pcniisylvauia.
lu the matter of )
Mna9ah P. Seaman, Bankrupt. ) In Bankruptcy.
To tthoui it may Concern : The caderslned here
by givea uatice of his apTwiutiaca.t at Assine'i ef
Mekaaaih P. tieamsa. uf Milu.n. in ;b rxuniy of
Nortbuuibeilnbd. and 8. ale of Pennsylvania, with
in said dittnet, wbc baa been adjacj-J a Jl.ioKiupt
apoti his oren pi Utiua by tba Distriot Court ,,1' ,i
District. L. U. KAftE, Asfi-ue.
Sunbury, Pebiuary SJ, If ''.' ."t
s i n it k v s i: vj 1
J. M. CAD Y A LL A D E It, !
bavins; taken charge of tho alivewall kbotratatah- j
lichinent, is prepared to iurnuh I
FL3CR ol all kinds, I
HllOIlTS, A-3.' I
on the hM terms to eus'.cmt.. I
'Jhe highest rach price puid t-t nil kinds of;
jraiu. j
( nf Custom work aolicitodin preference of Mer- ;
chant work. j
Suubury, March 6, 1S53.
ICentuTul of ihc 'l'c-ssilo ol' l'ali
KAXDOPBNINQ of Spring Fashions. Mondav,
X Murch 1st, ISC9 For tho better convenience
of hor MltrOIIS. Mr. M. A. Hinder bu rrronen I lo.r
Drcsi trimmings and Paper Patiein .Store to tbo
N. V. Corner of Eleteiilb and
Cbesnut tlieei.
Dress aud llonk Miikius;. Drcascs uiarle to f t
with cuse and eluRauu. Tbo finest OKSortinent of
Ladies' Dress und Cloak Trimmings iu tbe city. at j
the lowest prices. Orders executed at abort notiee. I
Kmhroiderios, Hd'fa, Laces, Ribbons. Dridul Veils'
end Wreathes, Pino Jewelry and Fancy ttoods- :
Pinking aud tiofleiing. Cutting und ttitinit. A I
perfect system of Dress Cutting taught. Prion .'ui, ,
with Chart. Patterns sent by Mull or l!x press to all
parts of tho Vnion. Do not forget our new location, I
K. W. Cor. Flevontk sud Cbesuul streets. Philud'a. '
I March fi, Iii9 3m I
Stautlartl Varruvled.
Va offer to FARuaasar-d Dkalibs iu Manures
the present season our Raw Bone Super Phosphate
of Lime as being highly improved.
It is not noaosaary at thia day, to argue tho claims
of this manure, as a useful and eeornicul application
for CORN, OATS, and all spring cropi. The orliclo
has a repututlon nf over fifteen years standing, aud
is still mauufaoturod by the orgiuul proprietor.
Fakukrs. will ptenso send their orders to tho
Dealer eaily, at thia only will ensure a supply.
Solo Mauufuctureis,
Office Xo. 24 South Poluwuru Ave.
Feb 2t, 'fi9.-3ul I'll 1 l.A DEI. I'll I i.
lstlstli, OiU, Ac. j
A full stock of Oils eoniprUiing l.insoed Oil, Conl
Oil, 1 ih Oil. and Lubrioating Oil for Endues ai.d I
Mocbiuery, Varnishes, O loss, always ou buud. at low
prioosat CU.NLEV A CO S I
.. I'LOIK ai i'i:ct sroiti:,
3 doors East ef Moore A Diasingcr's,
Oa Jlui-kct Mlrsiel, Msiiibsiry,
Where they will sell and doliver to thu citizens of
Bucbury, each and every day in the uiuru
ing or afternoou. auythiugiu their lint
f trade.
I It ia also a suitable place for farmers to leave
their gram for the mill.
6unbury, Feb. 2T, 1949 3m.
1st Ibt) Iklatlrlct Court of Ihe) I'ni
ted felalra, lor ibe Hraltro !!.
trlrt of l'chnstjiTtssilia.
ROBERT HAYES, a Bankrupt under the Aot ol
Conzress of March Id, 1W7. bavine- applied for
a diacharga from all bit debu, ud other claims
provable under taia Aot, by oruer ol tne t ouri,
Nutick it iiKHKtr uivsn, to all persons who have
proved their debts, and other per tons tuteraeiej, to
appear on tho 20th day of March, ibbv. at It) o'
clock, A M., telort John S. Detweiler, Esq , Reg
ister ia Bankruptcy, alhieofflea, in .SuuLury, Pa.,
to show cause, if uy lbT have, why adUK-hiire
should not be grauled to tne laid libhrupl. And
farther. Novice ia ttaaaar viva, that tne seconJ
tad third eaeelinn ol eredttor of tbe said Rai k
rupt, required by the STth aud 2dth aeeliuu of said
Aet, will be beld before the laid Register, at Its
sense time and pltste
C. IK,ATLr'S?.
Teh 18th, ! CUik
k ai 1 1 avey e"'i ,myy.
(lASa by U-e t;MkU fc'eeci O .vurtjnoat
GOOD !T33Wti
ISf eewiti- rs of
ATAri. E A if Li tAKK OCtUs
U.fcO euttl.' Cif .r'ry
ttlJtI.J"i"r afc-CO.,
Or ffUon years' it:ndit se Ju'bwtatid R-talln
vf 'he !v r,'"'1t i" T. itoti and vie't', ls.
i I'ldi d to cffi-r the people c.f li.e rb'.le y ll.e
e ivanta's af their irmnat,) t n.tHTrt ilt s e lu4
rirrnftifjs for Amorion n.aniifa'i'oriuS tl f.iiLh the
I juulir 'NK DOI.I,AH M'atlKM.
I Sriir rr.tnluni LiM to Agmts. ei.d I'lihuige Lit
f it Ag'-nt aui I'litrous, aie not iiu1ltt hy any
J I. i'o in lh country.
Now Vork and B'K'nti r'Turenccs given wh
rf'iutrad oJ lor free t
Hv buTmcr Street, HmVii.
Pos'.-Olliee Dol 34.
I)eflrni'r 17, Imh. :tin
Having supl:rd tiicii-Uis wiih en entirely
Ihroushou'., will bo Lnppy I raui.t ll tir inai y
liietds utd the publio jenaruliy tl their present
Intro of lmiiiu1
MTiJ t'Mr(sss( Qlr'T.'if
U 1 U V.tiuMiilll 11 uClj
.,,. ,
lill.AiJLLI .1..
Feb. 13. :;,,"
W. C. Vft:.c.
ti. T. ISHAI V.
; 31 St. Ni:XI DTjU TO KfciSTjNi; nji.n.. ,
! L the puldie l the I'.iet l'.,( y h-n : :rt.d a '
r Maiket lor nil kit.ds ot Country l'lodu'-e. V goto-
bto. Ac. and h:iti n!o mad j rrnireu.-nt-! ( .r-
ni-li iu Seu.-Kii nli kind et ui:i:ue, i i-b. A j N.itivo
and iiiein truiu, ue'.s,-fy., nl'.vo.n ou hand, wbiiu
' solo nud
j Ail kind ol Canned Fruits, V.;gt,ihi.:. rUhle",
. f-fltie. Cntatir Ac C.rl ui: l free f-ir yourrjic,
i us we duty couipttituu either in ri:irtpci;t oi pruts
Y0UX3 i Iil'.-U..
Sutihurv. Jnnuarv 9. I'.?.
'iiiiipJcp nl 1 y nmil v.-lir
i htr "1. 2)i.-ly
sii-.-m t i si
ISnFs-.Irs' r-r,
z, l.' "h h iu of r.1 ir! '
:.!;ll.y, pi.
nf ;.'! t; - !
... Kl-
tiin !id.
i h:i' I'rrce Man witb 'bo b.i! tn r ; ,
Who ti;ke y..r chin will. in hi' h i. I,
While dreaming laud in prospect lie.
AViihwii thi-i lou'ili hi.- i;ui,r 'uies.
Ai lib olu.t'lc clip bis selttior slide ,
A I' I io ' bl l"i f lil llis.- ou Hulil
I, :! in n fu ir v land.
ji3KE A !)'&;' FANCY &VM.
I DAVID jjz-t
I"l'?!'FCTFl'I.I.Y informs Ihe eitlsens ef run
k.' bury and vicinity, thnt he ill bshu 14 older
j nil kiuds of
I 4'iiltcsif'or EI:iIU, I'm'!!""!, At.
; Families ire nipplird wiih KRlll PRKAIi, Tirist.
. Roll, Ru.-dt. Tea ltun.", Ac , nnd un kopt on httcd
uud iiiaiiiit'aetiircd out of tbe best materials,
i All order Mint his Sbop in Market Square one
j dooroum of Mi.-s Anna Painter a Millinery tilorc, or
' nt bid I'.nlfiTV 011 Siirui-ft Slrn.l lint ri..i 1'-, i.miI
I feeoiid street
will meet with prompt nltontion
I J1AI1S A.ND KttMsd j'Aiti llis suppita-l
I witti L ukes, loe-Cream. Ao , nt tbe borteft uotiou
! Ordurtare resreclfullv sulieitcd.
Sunbury, Deo. 12, ISM.
Ayeis Cathartic Pills',
purpotos of a Lnxativo
ri'ihaps no rmo mcli
ctiiD is i-ii imlveivHllv iv
riuire'l by eveiyboilv lis
a e uli'iriie, linr'wa ovi r
:niv befoi-e o iiiuv-i'.-:il.
ly Hdopte I into use, la
fv-3rveouiitry mui union i
nil e'l.'-i.i-, in tliii mill
hut ili i-Ii-ii l putyaiive
J'tfl. i'ho obvi'iii.i reii
hnii is,t!i il it i anion-i-f
liiilil.i und I'm more utt'u
tual roniiiily tbau any
finer. iiio-.e wno iiitte
tried it, know that it cui-ml Ihenii t!n-ob i Iiaeo
Hot, know Una it etiiv tlioir nei,;iinti'K ainl t'iioii t.J,
niul all kuuw tlnil what il iIooh oih o it ibu't ulrt ivt
lluil il nevor fitili- tlirenih nnv i.r.ili ur ih-kIi- ti f
il coiiipoitilion. Ve huvo tboii-iiioU np ni inoii.
s.imU ol rertui.'iil iw of ii-nurkiiblceiiixnol iiio
I illotviiiii e.iiiiil.iinH, but ein li eiivei me Luuwn in
very neiKliboi lioinl, uud to noi'il nut -li iiu-iu.
AitajiU'd to nil niu. and rmiiliiimis iu nil elimiili's ;
eoiitiiiiiitii neitbei- euloiiH'l or utiv iti ieioi-ioiia tlriK-,
Ibev muv be liikun with ufet- li- rinvln ly. 'I n u'
auxar coaling lire'sui-ve llu-iii eve.;- nvn aad i.i.ioa
the.ill lileasanl In lake, w bile be'uu pllrtdy le'.'i tabij
i uo Itiirin ean n'iJo liinii tbcir u-t l i any quantity.
I Thev oiierutu bv llu-ir pnwerfiil iiilluen -e p:i the
hitiHu'al vif.r,l to piini) tbe) til .oil iiml i ti.v,iil.ii. it
into boaltliv it tion i-emove tlie. oti-trui-tiou - nf Hik
; kioiiihi'Ii, liowoli, livur, till I otlifr oii,"ius of IU
hotly, ic.-torin then ii ieirniar aetion to Iih iIiIi, a.i t
bv iorreciiiiR, wbeievoi' lin y i-i-t. su.'h Uvruiiu-
uioiitii ns utv Itie In st on.iu oi ,n-t--i-;i'.
Minnie ilirei'iioua am (,'in-ii In Ibt wramior ort
He! box, for tha f".lowiiig con);ilaiat-, wUi.-U lli.'.-e
i'a raiiiilly cure :
Por It.s isi-iiii or 1 uiliu;irioTi, l.Uili-sai
ssi-aa, l.tsnuiios unl l.oa of .4 pist-lisii, t'.n
ab'jubl lie taken mn.L-ra:.'ly to limulatc thj aluus
tell and re -t ire iu bealiby l-iiiu and hrrtn.
ror l.tser 'i;iilisriiv iir It vnriou '-ni',-toina,
Kiliuue lit 'il-idiie. kick lleixlu fi,
jMiiuitit-fli in- tjii-i-riis kU-hit-a,
Clic nutl lliliona l-'-s s-i-a, tiioy .-tioiild bo ju
rlsi'iously UiUeii for each case, loi oi-i i'i't tliiiili.e.i-ct
aelion or remove llie ob-ii.i-U''tbiiis wlneh ni:i,i' it.
Por Ityii-sitt-ry or ISiarrbuea, but Olio w.iid
do-e U tri-ueraliy reiiuired.
Por Ulif inii'ni, on i-Ji-ascl, ralni
Iwtioia vf rlie iteiti t, I.!!!! la ihei ISil.,
ftMi-k uud Eiuistu, tliuy ar.itulil he i'Cn:inn il, ua re nin e I, to elianitu tbo ili'-eaied aetiou of
Hie tytniii. t ua tirli il.ungc Uiuso couipliuuts
- lor Itroinr uu 1 Itrnpalntl S4-Ilinir tl'.er
ehoulil be l iken in btro mui lreiticut doses to prd
dtiec Ihc efloet ofa punco.
For ssuiiir-misB a l.-upn iloso tb.uilil be t,.kji
as it proiluAoi lli ileniieil ctreet by Kvmnatliv.
Aa a ltinnrr Pill, lake ono or two I'illt to pro
moio iliioi-liiin an I rel evo tlie m.innrli.
An oei-asioiiul ilon ntiniul.itt-i tno etoimeh and
boueU inio healiby u-tinii, ro-lors the arnoiin'i
and iuvia; irates ihe ay.-ifin. llenro it ii oiteti ad
vaiitajreous w hero nn nerinit ilei-unireiuent exiita.
Ono ho feels tolerably well, nrtrii tt'nls tbut ailose
of these JJls ntakua him lei l ileeiileiily lioucr, from
, uve apiwatua.
tueir eiuausiiiK unit reuovuuug ouuci on me aies-
VK. J. C.AYER at CO., roscl Chtmiiti,
Sold by II. Y. Friling, Suubury, and all Druggists
and dealers in Mfdioiue tverywhare.
November 7, lS'o.-Jy.
HlUHl'Sr market pi ice in C.W3. raid rot ail
Copi er, Frajs, L-jd Zi.- . In n. ae , r.
W. t. UltauK A SOX,
Egle Wejks Hvr:.-r-ir-, P
.'as-.tiv 1. l'f? Ij
i ill sMlm
hWMm S3 Mil i
I X- jTTarc-TTtrrTa
I niLni.',ivi inn,
j ! a. m,
; 17 i'liMtr-Se. ' ut 1 y fimiS v.-1i?b wtii'.u f- ..
For all too
eye- fa " e-
I jvLSii .ItKl Al Of
LIlMalKKify ilO(M)
sViM ATtUA I .tt'i t.ilm
Market a vai.
t wmnrtM.tT i-it: f t t-
J v ri'ltkrtk J 4ri"'f:. r'i
wl,"reawksnt , tin ! f'i'
ai.1 puo.naM, aMff be J r.'.ni t t. " '
kilLLINEKr C')la Se-il ivTH,
Ri'-ibir.. I.viia, I'i L.t,'.!- Cime, i ts ''
aei.s PViriipa: l.ibiea. lit l.trTv itef'e i .
I mli ji. "rr, ! Cut i, t i i,
, Cortits. Z 'phyre.
I A trg.. jtMUl o! Lel.v KO 1 O -.,;. s
I llooary. .
I .fall .V A'rit.rU' T-kf '
I A.'he frit' -I l,i tu t e'.d" '- W , r
'if ''r iat 'A cU tv! t !.';.'!' 'A aul
( g wni ii.i'i.''i a j. aT .
Hair Vigor.,
Tor restoring Cray Hair U
its natural VUalily tai Co'cr.
I ht nijw in,i" I.'.'.
ln.ttl'JiV. m;- i-fi't',
"r j t i f ki in; 1'
liaV. J 'ul- I r.r ...
a i r-;on rt. v'.
to tU te''.
-4. :
G 4 z:t.
tvi' n-up I
.: t'.i-;
) :
' -n.rei-
catl, fallino; Luir c!.;k"1, :
na-s oftcis, t;iou.2h tot tr.vtiv?, t-tu
Ly its use. J.o'.l.iui can rcrriro "J i
lmir wlierc tU iVilw'im are tip '!'; i,
cr tl' (i!.i!idj iitropliic! niiJ t!.'-:iv. :.
But ftcli in remain rr.a fe vu&
luoftiluesa by this npj'tca'.ion. In.-: , I
if luttling il:o Juiii- wkh a pi:--.y
iiiti.t, it uill kcp it tkua vlt.--.i--Its
occasic:.'al uco will j. re 'fji. ii..- l.;..'.
f.oiu tnrcing gray or iuliii.T cli. i' 1
CofijcqtiLUt'.y pitf-.ciil l.tiUi.t'ci. l:--
fro;n tlio.?i (Je'clvirioiis ?nK .i:;iije v.i;vii
waUu soiU'j fix-pun.iicii Jtiiii,''.'i,'-.u3 it:: 1
.i:ritl!uui to lliu li:r, l'.:c Viaor 'U...
lunclil but L
Uoift Ii. li'v. ti'l
taw e'.y lor a
noiliing eke end be found o elc."ir.ib'n-.
C'o'j'.niuiu neit'ner oil nor f3yp, i' I t-.t
not toil wliiic caiiibric, auJ yet lot.
Jon, oa tlie hul:; giviuy it a licit ot. r
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr i Co,,
Practical and Analytical CnLMisi-i,
rnica si.oc.
5-M hy h. y. Fitii-. e,t
and llvnitTi- in ?i:lieiT'.o ev
NoT' i-'.,er 7. I'm . ly
i i.J! Xt.f
Put ii u.ed.e.4.0 t.r-l tu i.'bfe
CitijllS,, , ,
Tint mm; iauinr.niT,
vviici'i.-.'a cercif.
fo:-vv-irnvR o.'''ct.
c J U , it a I.
OVs,r. ONU MllUaC.V
.,f i-
, atiT iJm. .;.
'. e.
aa! : ' ' .-' U
pee. In inn .,
, sun
0 1 item t '. ' r:i
.i'ltiei- l.'itfl.l 1 , ,i! i il tt.-lMj
i.- ct.
n;. ,..1.1. . -vr ii ' 'lii' c iiii. :l .
li b'jKj Mil' 1U7 i'l A C!.Liitt, 1.0.'3i..J I.',
s ai -.j r'.'V tli-i p to e7'. ". me tri!y. Tw i
jl-.ree '!...-.
V. n.i. i:vtm.ri 1 Cms Ti.t.-.iMt t twc Tnimt I
A ImV biUile '! i-fr e-1,-1 'rlv If ru'.-fi t'. e ni
tlT U (Ji Ujn, III .1 ii. Iil nl, 'l :' IS -l.itf fc-.J il'' ' l i
op'-rului! , il l- e; li-c'.; Inn tu.ei. 1 :i t I 'I
li is verv nr..x-;i.,lr I i u.o
loeliiiilre'i ol ii'iy nie.
mA Sl. !S .loi. le'.
in ui i rf CROVP v.-o n ;M roaiuntee a rue, i:' t-i'R u
Nt FAMILY f-r.Oi.t-D U? V.IT:UJl f li'l
It ts wiilun iti reaeii of ail, it bciuf it ciieepea! aud l-t
inedieiue cAUnit
C. C.
, CLAPK ft CO , Propria ra.
M.i HAVIvN, d:.
A.'f li ly
ri'illl- GHKAT UKMLU V l'OU ALL. DlhC.bKfi f
X ut
u the d ry o( iiu' i"T..!t if .f f , ' vi-tt: i:r?i
H.;i if ii, wlnie rxpTnr.ciiiin f-.r bis". I-.; h. I; rur.
Cnuii.i in ihc hiwiuat li it'! iiim v-ii.t! )u-h!f.l
lu iv'tl.ititf hut fiilr. i;imu,
Ti u.iii"3t I'nily tt'j'innrtnv frcTn niifi:t p:rznf 0 m
t 'ui.hy fitfouti.f ui to lit!::- iNeit i u. ei.w;ic chuj-iJ
l)' u uibaiiutfreti itoip'-li it wjli 4rretiv cjiC
Physicitina ercic)rFe nJ Ifm it!
Minister a ffivo tCbtfwiony f Its off sney,
AiuHr' ii. oil 0:iectu.:;e vo 1 1 ecu c t.u:i k-1 viirvpf-;v'l.
Otvd i.u Will t-ur,
t tut t-iTt ! in l.u:i.!,e.!f of cfi
It kwp (. triufiUt.
w.u ivy ur Tin; mumacii !
li c Titc! nt ottce.
or THP. yovi:
j One Jvtie i! rem .
Jt l4)...r ) It' 't tj & ft.'. leiBtf.
Wit is pl.,M v:th la IJ it !i'';:.r.
Ii I'NI'ltiaKliEMKD fcl'ft.l.e) is tMg O Us
lav I il.ut
tl 'sikS- liy As.vlk'13'.x Ut lik.'j
TU Pi:.AtKR'r HKR '' U-i '11115 YSirl
Neatly eee-j ileaiir in tht tVied fctai-a nh is at
o.k DoL'4.a Pi.n buiTi.!.
0. 0. CLAEX & CO., Frerrltiors,
, . ruw nTT,, cars.
Aj'iiM. 1W.-ly.
j T I N T K Ii s i; A 3 o X .
i Maiket .S'y.tere. two do.'r Faat of tl e eld Ilok
! hi.ildll . M'X I".' '. 1 , l'etin'u .
H'A? juatoi-eneis a fr - b sortlnent vf tic rin ut
Mali tunable Fcncy Dress Goods iiom the ik.cct
1 erl'liilli'lil'IMllS iU Philililelpl'ia.
MUI It At A i CiOOt&.
Civil ', f ucquaa Flannels Flannel.'. fc'bt:D. Iut.
In , Ladies and Cblldi-en' 11 Ali. i'.iinera, Uibhotx,
Irrs-v 'l'liniiil i:utVrui(l- i a.
Lace, Vt.'s. Cout!.- ershivf., J loves, IIcJi, j
Hoop SUirti-i U' rkir.s' v ip" fkivs. and
Lr. lies' Uod of eviirv dojcr tilioa.
t Puhicy'a tdiiiH'snt burgtiins. 1-1 .id t oolou Shaais,
iiieiiklast rbanis, ViH-'ni va Is aud V aps
for M'ouion uud Children.
Beaver and Cbiuehila W'klr-Proui Ci tbs
lients Collars, JiJ.-'i.'S, lialf-hoM, iiaudker-
: chiefs sod tilov.
j Periuioi-ry, luilet Soups, Hair Brui-het.roiuht rtav,
Jleeamher, l.i. KA'ir. PL A OR.
The Arch Strest Foundry
ULKFTOrulT. smrricl on in ti l ui'lc vf 3
k'.iuii.'man , wilt hetvmftei-oa ci;rii.4 on in It?
) nrut Banevt V'l'.Nti.'dAN A liAUII. A!i klcu
, d i ..'..tin ailt e4 aii tioea be auadu at the ahuvcek
f Uvtioe, aud u. he Unr; j"f
I y)i.v;MAN' - iVFJ,
.t- inbuT, ? Wsiit!,!")