Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 13, 1869, Image 3

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    nwrvaM.3)e is .is is 1 we . . a
Till lort August Building Astoelntion, ef Bun
bury, will bold their regular meetings en tlit fourth
Thursday craning of erory month,
Hit VI IUiiu'i nuiioetorewill b opearf
00 Mood,. Their rtuBo Mi 4 Cabinet tigam
WW be apexied oa Tuesday,
J. 6. EsotL haa just recoired, and fur tnle, Bora
ergoed sad handsome oorpeta,dry goods, jroeerlea,
boot ui iheeB, e.
Tc Committee en Fair of the 0. A. 11. win moot
4 (lit UhII, en tbia (Fridny) craning t fi 'clock.
T. 8. hak, P. AdJ't.
Tmi beat of Linseed Oil a memifaotared by Xeetrt.
, llbrgaa A 11 aster, at their Steam Mill in thii plaee.
5 hey also chop ell klDdi ef gruia to order. Thoir
' mill U located on South Fourth ttreet.
Tni Sab market, at tliit plaoe, ii wall tupplled,
at ohaap rstei.frem Baltimore. Charleston ihad aro
aelliag at SO to 05 cti. Yellow-perch at 12 eta. par
pound. Pickerel tod rock fUU at 10 ate.
ox. J. B. Packbb made an anexpected Tlalt
betao ob Wednetday morning, fur a few days. Con
grats li doing but little, ad journed till Friday.
Taeaa of our subscribers who iatand changing tbair
plaoti of retidtnoe an the nt of Aoril, will oblige
at by notifying aa where (bay waat their paper di
rooted to. Pleaia etate wbera you mora froia, aa
wall ai wbera yen more to.
e a. i
A Cm aaa Alfred Krauio of Milton, the par
'obaaod tbo Tin-ware and 8love establishment of Mr.
George W. thii plaee, lately, and will earry
on tha business hereafter at the old Hand on at arket
treat. Mr. K reuse ii a firtt-clati workman, and
comet highly reoommended ai aa oxeelleat eitiaea-
Maa Pool. We hare been informed that a num
ber of dap were bitten in thii plaot daring lilt week
by a dog that ia tuppoaed to hare beea taad. A Bom
ber of oaaaa of hydrophobia hare bean netloed lately
in different part of the county, and wohepeonr cltl
aena will at anee praeeed la guard agaiaatlaoh eaau
altiaa, and bare a mania plaead en erery eaaiae
running at large.
To Fesio(i. Pei:aioaera who hare aaoaey due
them by tha United Statea government, will bear in
mind, that tha Ponaisa Agent't Office ia aloaad, and
that there la no nae to make application for the pro
aeat, ai there ia bo preoiee time tot for tha payment
of money due them.
A Blisot Fire ooenrred in Cake'a adlitien,on Fri
day afternoon of leit weok, in the house of Mr. Wil
liam Wold, wkich would hare prored draastroai,
had it not been 'for tbe timely diicoTory by thoee
employed in the abopi of the F. A E. R. K. The Ira
originated from a atoTe ia ana of tha bed rooma, and
aonaamed a bod and aomo olothing.
Parana' MroicAL Monthly. The March nam.
bar af tbia muaical periodical, pabiithed by J. L
Fatera, New lork, oentainiag 24 pefet ef choice
Dew mufia and It pagoa of reading matter, haa bean
reeeired. Price fl.00 per annum, or wa will farn
iah aubaenbera tbe AnamcAK and MnaiCAL Muara
ir, for 13.50 in advance.
Babx Bcbbb ThebarnofGoorgaMaCarty, in
Lower Augusta townahip, waa consumed by Ore to
gether with grain, bar and acme farming imple
ments, on the 3d Inat. Tbe barn waa insared in tha
Termers' Inauraneo Company. The origin af the Ire
is not known.
- mom - -
Admitted to PaAcrirj Sarauol P. Striekler,
Esq., wea admitted to the baron Wednesday lent, to
praetiee ia the different oourta in tbia county. Mr.
Btrickler read law uader tha inatrastiota of Hon.
John B. Packer, and stood a highly creditable ex
amination. Wa wish him abaadaat aaoeeaa plenty
af fat clients.
Tbi committee elected at tbe lat Teaebert' Insti
tute to examine eaadidatea Tor permanent certiB
oatos, will meet to attend to that duty, ia the
Kerlh-Eait Ward Bebool House, Buabury, 27th
March, 189, at 10 o'oleek, A. M.
(1. O. MILLER, Chairman.
E. L. Matcbix, Suoratary.
Hioaon Elite is Comxe. The origiaal Magloiaa
aud Ventriloquist, Pigaor Blitz, from Philadelphia,
with hit learned Caaerie birds, will giro oaa of his
enUrteinmentt ia tblt plaee, at tha Mareaio Hall, en
Wednesday, the 24tb inclant. Those wha bate seea
the Signor perform will go again; while those who
have nt, ahoald embrace thii epportanity.
Xaw Krnoot, Horaa The School Board of Nor
thumberland will build a aew three story brick
sobool boase in tha ecatre af a sqnare an Soooad
atrert, during tbe coiorning seaaoa, at a oast of about
$14,000. The building will contain eight sokool
rooms and one lecture room.
Fiaa. A saw mill ia Potter aennty, airned by tbe
Sunbnry Lumber and Coal Cempany, waa destroyed
by fire on the night af tha 2ttb alt. Laas about
57000. inmired for S :t,08 (o the Lycoming Mutual
and (1,(00 in tho Cnmherland Valley.
cdden Cold. The sudden co'd map en Friday
and Saturday olosed the rirer at tis plaoe with ioa,
Boarly three inehea thiek. A aumbar af persons
crowed the rirer an tha iec on Mcnday. bat the
mcderata weather af Tuesday carried it off. This
waa tbe fourth time tha rirer waa freiea over this
winter ; yet there were only a few days when It waa
paaaable and lafa fur loams.
On Tuotday last, John Tinnet watershed by a fall
of ooM in the minea at the Luke Fidler Colliery. Dr.
B. S. Robins waa called, but found tha anfortunaie
man a injuries to be of caoh a nature aa to render
medical aid unavailing, and ha died in about aa hoar
after the ocourrenea. Wa did not learn hie exact
go, but ara informed that ba waa about J, and
without family, Shamolin Htrmld.
At a mooting held of tha Pennsylvania Bepubliean
Association at Waebington City, of which A. A.
Bbisalar, IVqr., af tbia plaoa U Viae Preeident, on
Saturday evening laet, a committee waa appointed to
make the necesaary arrangements far tha reception
and serenade of Hon. John Scott, Senator alaat from
this State. Among the Barnes of that aommittce, wo
were pleased to eee that of Mr. H. D. Wharton, of
thia place, who will mat only be aa active member,
but also one who will .id that committee much to
anakmg such arraageaenta that wUl bo highly cre
ditable to themselves.
Hotel Cbaxoei at OajOEeTow.Wa learn
that Augustus W.ld, Ea,., th, pep1r iuiiloti f
T,ower Mahanoy towaahip, will take poaiecaiea of tba
Railroad House, at tha depot ia eorgetown, . tbi,
county, on tbo lat of April .,t. Tba houaa will ba
tafurnubad, aod aa Mr. Wald la ona of those land
lords who ara al waja ready and willing to attend tc tha
wanu of hie gnasta, 4 h rtort, "know, bow to
keep , hotel,- hi. fr-.d..Ulfc.h.rp,tokn..or
bu i wheraabouta wha. akdtto, that part af tha aounty.
Mr. Franklia Sarah wUl ui. tha plaoa af Mr.
Wald. af tba Bingamaa Uauaa, ia that place. Prank
U a clever fellow, iM, 4K
ahare of patreaaga.
Too Iablt.-C. aonr joatiaaa, Wweak. iaauad
k iummona ia a attaTafdiaptu.batwaaB Itch,
back aod J. O. L. Bhindol.aad made amiatakaaaba
tha time af appear anee. tha autnmone reading 3
'clock ia tha forenoon." At lo'olook. a. .., Mr.
biadol area and Want to tha juatioVa office and
wakening him told blue ha vat ttsrc la obadicnem
to tbe auumoua. The JuaUaotbea want and awakaa
ad tha plaintiff, who aame forth i but the laandast
having left, the justice waa bou&d ta dUmtd tkoaajsi
at bis ea tipiutt ! Tha squire kae atnee loot (bbi.
W kit fall la saw'y ts 1 .
rf l'oiBEl)iia!. On Xoada moruiag, hl
I tloaor, Judge ordaa, 1'roKidant Judge, being con
fined to his room throagh severe lllneia, the Aool
alee, Hon. A. dblpmau and 1.' Aaijelrpach, opeaed
Meary M, Rhed"ci protentod petlUon fur bonoBt f
IfiedTTont Lawa.
Fort Augusta Building And Lotn Aasooiatlon, of
Sunbury, iLonrpornted.
Com. Ta.'Chtu. llonntnger. For. and Eaa. M.w
garat Lelior, proaooutrlx. Bound over.
Com. ti. S. W. Admne.-or. and BaA. Soiouiy
Ptolti, proaoontrht. Sound oror.
Com. ti. Aaguaiaa Walk. Tof. and tm.. rite
belli Watt, prtMoo a trlx. Bound evor.
Wurklngnjcn'a Boneretent Association, Of Blame,
kin. incorporated.
Com. vs. A. J. Itbodoc. XsrocDy. M. . Wea
rer, proteoator, aa erd-caie. Bound ever.
Com. Y. D H Orleabaoh Doscrtloa. Mra. Erica
bach, prosecutrix. Bound ever.
Com n W HUoglan, Aquilla Breach aad Jacob
5nydar Obstructing pubilo highway. Bound over.
Com ti Reubca Johnson Nuisaooe. Chief Bur
gees of Northumberland Borough, procooutor, au old
ease. Bound ever.
Com vs II T Springer False pretease. 0 Siscly,
prosecutor. neooguii&n(e of defendant and bail
Com ta Gee Btitiel For. and Baa. Hannah nil-
bush, proeeoutrix. Bound over.
Com vt Augustui Zimmerman Keeping gambling
house. Bill ignorod. Prosecutor for oosts.
Wateontewa Borough Kicolion Case Rule to make
rroieeutor pay cost.
Com va Frederick Dipner, Low is Uarquett and
Jacob Schools AnluK aud Robbery. PofoaJants
not guilty.
Com vi Oeorge Dunkleberger For. and Baa
Sarah E. Faibeldt, Prosecutrix. Cuilty. Usual sen
tence. Com Ti Christian NefT Assault trad Rattery. Bill
ignorod. Wm D Haas, prceeoutor, fur costs.
Com as. George Uuoy and Ruth Huoy J no Uuoy1
prosecutor. True bill. Bound ever.
Coin vs Jeremiah lavage Obstruoting publia
highway. J Mallok, prceeoutor. True bill. Bound
Com vi Charles Wharton fcr. and Baa. Mra 5
Oarwiek, prosecutrix. Bound over.
Com vs Freeman Sarvia Far. and ta. Reeegul
tanoc ef defendant and bail forfeited.
Court waa In icssion for tha purpose ef granting
Tavern and Restaurant Licenses. Petitions far and
against, and remeaitrnneei were road, and evidence
taken ia behalf and against quite a Bumbor of appli
cant. Quite a lively scene waa bad at one time,
caused by tha rapid, vehement and loud voice of a
womau who seemed to bo interested in a oertain case
of an applicant. The granting of Licenses waa then
adjourned ur.rtl Wednesday.
TctlDAY, March 9, lSCf.
His lienor, Judge Jordan, icing still oonJaod te
his room, the Atoooiatea oonduoied Court.
Thomaa J Smith, Esq, of Bnjder county, was sworn
and admitted to practioa in this county.
Com va Catharine Crist Disorderly bouse, Abra
ham Culp, prosecutor. Guilty. Fined $21 aud ooeta
of prosecution, (about $1 eO.j aad undergo an iiapri-
oonment in the County Jail for four callender mouths.
Com vs George Uuoy Surety ef the peace John
Huoy, proaeouter Court lonteooed each party to pay
one-half the oos ta.
Several petitions were presented and subpoenal ia
divoroa awarded. -
Com VI Andrew Druflner Assault and Battery
Nancy, prosecutrix. Guilty. Fiaed Si9 and
eostc of prosecution, (aboat $50) and enter into bail
in the sum of $200 to keep the peace.
Com vi William Castles Larceny John Shall,
prosecutor. Defendant bcuad over.
Andrew Guteliui va James ShrinCr et al, heira of
Jehu Shriuar, deceased Plaintiff aud Defeadaata
had agreed to hare a formal verdiat readered is fa
vor of plaintiff for SKS0I.J.
Com ts David Clark Malioioua mischief Defend
ant, on motion, discharged.
Some time of the Court wea taken ap in radices.
Com ti fleerge Leibig Larceny. Nol. proe. en
tered by leave of Court, aad defeadaat discharged.
Petition for change of plaeo of holding clectioa In
Delaware Township, presented. Court granted pe
tition, and ordered a ipeoial atactica te be held oa
Saturday, tha 21th day of May next.
Tba rest ef the day waa devoted to the granting of
Tavern and Rcetaarant Licensee.
Court adjourned until Monday nest, the lath Inst.,
at 10 e'elcck, a. a.
Coott Aoricdltcral Mebti. Tha Annual
Meeting of "Tbe Northumberland County Agricul
tural Society" wai held at tbo Court Homo in 8uo
bury, on McUday.tbe 8th March, 1861, at 10 o'clock,
P. M , according to previous public notice. Robert
Montgomery in tbo chair and J P. Wolnnger, Secre
tary. On motion ofThensai Barr, Esq., our Ccnnty Ag
ienltural Pair Tar 1S59, was directed ta ba held at
Tbo aooiety then proceeded to tbe eleotion af offi
cers far the emaiug year, aa fellcwa, to wit
President Joan Tweeb.
Vioo Presidenta Robert Moxtooiiert and Jai.
I). Bit a
Managors Jacob Iluntiecker, John MoFarland,
John Y. IcCormiok, David Diefleobaoher, Dr. E.
H. Herncr, Henry Faber, cHenry Ranp, John Klapp,
B. D. Barte and John P. Dentlor.
Correapcnding Secretary Theraaa Barr, Efq., ia
plaoe ttJ.T. Welflnger, who declined a re-elaotien.
Recerding Secretary Dr. E. II. Horner.
Treasurer William Savidga.
Librarian Simon Opp.
On motion of Thomaa Barr, Esq.,
Rciolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of
aeven ladfea to consider and report the premiums to
be eflered by the society at our aexr fair for all such
matters aa appertain te the Ladies' Departments.
Whereupon, the Chair appointed tha follewing la
dies to compote laid committee, to wit
Mrs William Savidge, Mra. Henry Raup, Mri. H.
S. Faber, Mra. R. C. Kuokman, Mra. Samuel Rus
sell, Mrs. Jehn McFerlaad aad Mrs. Daniel Smith.
J. F. WolSnger, tha ratiriag Corresponding Score
try, here made a short address, thanking tha eSeore
and members of tha aooiety for their uniform kind
sou towards him and the genereui oonfidenoa repos
ed In him la all of bit past offioial relations with the
aooiety, and expreasing the hope that, aa tha war and
ita varieus troubles are now all happily ever, our
Ceanty Agricultural Society may now, under ita offi
cer! jaet cboaan, pay far greater and mora successful
attention ta our coauty 'i agricultural interests than it
has heretcfora done.
On motion ef Thomaa Barr, Esq.,
Received, That the thaokaof this aooiety ara hare
by tendered to J. F. Woltinger, ear retiring secreto
ry, for hie long, careful aad faithful tarvieec aa secre
tary of the aooiety.
Which waa unanimously earried.
Oa motion ef J. F. Wol Soger,
Keaolved, That Gen. William Ease, Dnvld L- Ir
land and Kobert Montgomery ara hereby appointed
delegate! V represent ear County Agricultural So
ciety ia the grand State Agricultural Convention, to
be held at Uarriabarg oa Wedneeday, tba 17th inat.
There being so other busiaeas, tbe eoeiety adjourn
adatiMafse. BOBIIT M0KTQ0MKRY,
I-1. WaLPtana, Secretary.
Taloabi. Pbobbbtt roa Salb The under
signed offer tor eale valaabla Houae and Lot, is
eaet Market street, Sunbary. Tha house la a new
twe atery frame building, and the lot 80 by 2U feet,
lltle perfect, and teraie way. Let will be divided, if
d Mired by purchaser!.
Alee, gaaat twtory frame dwelling hooia, oa
Walnut atraet, nar Scccad. Lot 10 toot by IN
Thitta every dotlrablcpropcrty aad will be sold aheap'
Apply H Suatmakex Eai.B,
Reel Estate Agenta.
Taa apceiej attention of parehasen ia invited (e
advortiaomoM of Kyie A Laadeli, f earth aad Arab
atrecu, Pbiudelphiav, ia taif iaaaa. Of the well as.
lablibed character ef thia eld and truly reliable Lry
t dl TTfiaia ll is ami nisiai iHi hi mi mmmk mtru
Taa MjoaiAJtCHawc RAaaoA Aa aieotloa lor
rresidont end Directors ef the Middleereek Rail-
roki, of which as little pulilio noUac us posnible waa
Riven, waa held at tha lown linn, fcewisi.iwn, on
Saturday last, rosulling in the otftico ef Use follow
ing t
rrcidiit Ueorgc Sctnure,"of Sollnprove. '
Direoiois Junia. U M in. Win. W litis, Joew h
Ritml nm l,,.!. 1 I....JU. '..,J IV - II llr.lin.ll. Ill '
this CMiui i Mosee aircolit aud John t Smith, of
Bvavcrtowuj Aaron Otn, of Middlebur; W. F. l-L-tt-
bert and U. C. Eycr, t Scliungrovc; J. f. Koynolda,
f Pittaien, and dehu Moi'ariaad, ef A'orthuiaber-
Wa delmt-lTiww bow Die Majority ef this 'board ll
tnoilned, but If they really desire to finish the road,
all minor eoniidorattons mutt bo lu'ul aaido nud tha
most dvaltnblo means offered be adoptud. Tlio stook
holdara by themselves, it ia evident, cannot mske it i
and wbila it might be daalrable te keep clear of all
overshadowing iiifluenoea, yet whea It result la tbia,
or ne read at all, there aaa ba ne doubt am to what
aught to be dene ; for Ive out of aix wih to tee it
made, and eara little Who tnakea it. An aaatara
company ia aaid to have made an offor to invest
1200,000 lu It, taking therefor ?t0,000 in etock. If
thia ii correct, we doubt w bother a bctttr oi pjrtunity
to put the road in running ordor will effur. Lewis
(etci Gamctl
BciMOitiw From the lltrald of Tharsdny week
last we extract the following :
Work on tha' 8hamokin and Trevorton Railroad ia
steadily progressing. The mils arc now being laid
through tbe town, a eommonoeruout having bono
made on Moudny week laat, at its junetien with the
Enterprise, on Shamokin street.
The Fair of tbo O. A. 11. oloaod on Saturday night
week, and waa a oompleto succsjs; tbo groat receipts
(Inaiuding the dinner) amounting to aver $1,700,
The Toting was tho great feature of the dosing
beun, and oraatcd inteuo cxjitciauiit. Tho follew
ing waa tba result :
James E. Forrester. (N. C. R. W.) IMS vetea.
William Anthony, (Phllad. A Reading,) 1U2
1010 votci.
1211 votes.
1181 "
2S7 rotoi.
Masonic Lodge,
Ueud Templars,
John Cruikthtnk,
C. U. Bitlenbender,
Mite Mary Weaver,
Mitt Ella Donty,
The principal articles obeneed off wore drawn by
the following pereona :
Sewing machine, Ella Clark ; bed-room act of fur
niture, Mra. V. Fagely ; lounge, Wm. V. Weaver ;
cromo, Katie Kutznor; atatuettea Obo Merc Shot,'
R. A. Ammorman; "Wounded Scout," AlwildaUau
ley; "Drawing Rations," Eddie Boughnor; "Zoe
tropc, or Wheel of Life," C, O. Bittonbeader.
Shmobin lltrutd.
Won ex ara the eentroa of hornet, and lore and
respect. They are madeat, they ara graceful, frera
nature's haadi they use little ornament, they have
rebnement that ahrinka from pnblioity, they have
eourteoua demeanor, they have the halo of mother-
Load, tho aaiatehip of life'! duties nobly performed,
they bava a deep roligioui faith that guidet them,
tbey have an unselfish regard far the rightsef ethers,
they have a conscience (kkl shrinks from tbe faintest
breath that would tally the true glory and power of
womanhood. It ia eaay to aetume the garb ef tho
lex, bat it ia difficult to attain the swtrit of it, if by
nature or education aa individual balengs to a ooarser
mould ; but it ia worth the etriving for. There can
be no higher honor than ia contained ia the word;,
"A noble woman." If women would only lay asido
their anxiety about a variety fur bodies, aad
stady aa earnestly to olotbc their mlada with Srm
purposes, with noble atpirationa, with eulturo, with
uaeelfish thoughts or aspirations, they would Ond
that the true secret of life waa at laet within their
grasp, and tiat all before bad been but tbe outer
saactuary of a temple filled with beauty and holiueas.
Wa have roeeived tbe following froaa a, cerrac-
pondeat in Kbaniekin. Wc give it a place in our
eolumae, at hia request, without expressing any
opinion ou the subject :
Sbamoiik, Uareh 9, 16(9.
Editor Sunbnry Amtrimn :
Dear Sir I waa aurnriaed to notice in
tbe Sittihtiry (Jatettt of last week, the result ef the
voting lor Ike silver Lantern at the u). A. R. rair
at this place, olaimcd aa evidence of the great popu
larity of one of tba annteatantc, Tic Mr. Forreatar.
New, the eititons ef Shamokin, understanding how
the money ia ra'sed on such oeeat ionf.have lone since
cetbod to rccogmte the result as haviug any bearing
spuu metieuaing ot me eandiaaxeein tne communi
ty In tbia particular ease it waa considered at a
contest between tho N. C. R. R. Co and tbe P. A
K. K. R. Co , and the Bercom cboeen serve merely
as the reproseatattYva of their respective roada. The
employ oos and friends of each when oanvassing lor
voice were very particular to t'fte that it waa nol a
personal matter, and tha retull would, duubticu,
Lave been thesamn had anv one beenchoaon.
Mr. Anthony, ef the P. A K. K K Co.. oontentcd
very reluctantly, that bit name might be used Tor tho
benefit of the U rand Army, and did not think it
secretary to "lore" bit acquaintance! for two or
three weeks with reference to it. but very properly
eonridered the affair of very little importance, and
wnea Lis aeicai is anaae too occasion lor the menu
fauture of cheap popularity, to his discredit, it ie
right that the public eheuld know, that it being in
no seute a personal oootest, no one baa a riht to
claim a personal compliment. Tbo question ot per
sonal popularity, aa bearing upou this oaae, oau soon
bo settle 1 to the seiii'faotion of any one, by a few
inquiries in thia vicinity.
t5Job Ii-t ntlnc- Having received a
large supply of NEW JOB TY TE, ef varioua new
atylca, Pouters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter
Heada, Bill lleadi. Labels, Ac., can be printed ha
tbe lateat and beat atylca, and oa abort aotioa.
Ordure by mail promptly attended to.
Foa Salb. An eXoollent top boggy, bow.
quire at thia office.
Naw patterns of Wall Paper arid Border, and
Window Shadaa, in large quantity, at reduced rates,
Fob 27 it
Book btero.
CARrtTua Cheaper and better
Wholesale aad retail, at
Book Store.
than Oil Cloth.
Feb. IT. it
Wa beard of a asaa wearing out four paira ef boots
in twe months, all ia trying to collect money to pay
for them. Be evidently wai not aware of John Wil.
ver, ia Epruce street, Sunbury, where Boot! and
Shoee are manufactured that will last oae year and
keep in at good Condition ai when aew. We would
ad vile all who are en eolleotiag toun, to give John
a call, aad procure a pair ef Boot! frost kirn.
taa beautiful style of Spring Bate displayed la
tha windowa of B. Fauat'a tlat Store, are attracting
aueh attention. Teang men are eenatantlv annuir.
iag tha prices, aad whea informed ef hia low ratea.
at enec dtepoaeo with their eld tilea and procure oae
ef the latest atyle. Mr. Faust alto keeps a large at
aortaeesit fer middle aged, eld ag ea and bachel
or!. Oe aad look at the.
Joaa T. tCBArraB, having received kit Spring
Faehiea Platoa.ia aew making a p acme splendid gr
meau for geatleaaea, eat act the latest aty le. As be
ia eooeidered oa ef ear beat bleehaaiea aad keep
eooetantly oa baadasplendid aaaortmcat of all kind
of goods, ae eaa whe paLroaiae bin will be ditap
pointed la gettlag a good cult.
Bait iBTBtraeaTt -The aafeot, meet oecare aad
taoct protubl iBToctaaeat it a pair or William II.
Miller's Boots or Shoot, which he rurntthct at reduc
ed rata they are aubataatial water-proof, aad are
juat tha thing te wear at kbit aoaaea te preveat cold
and long spell! rtiekBoae. Mr. Miller'! roputatlsa
fbr keepiug a good aaaortaeab, et lb beat In ILuket,
fe aot exaaUod. .
M1aubY oeai.a-AlI klnda. -Adrertlaethoha !
ia ttUiaade, by H. Ward. Read adear. aad give Uta !
Y TMaaia rViaHehtriwgatajrllrt
A aeiaiawa efenm, a Uiertightad tort of follow, !
, acid the ether day thnt ho would 'ui buy cloth. nt '
' J. O. Bcck'i, bcrcnsc an a.'qniilntnneo of Ills bad
ence bouglil a oont Uino tht.t tlid'nt eiii'. Iiiui. Vo
oTctcd, for every cue nhnui he ooul i alio usn bu
did nt get suited, to allow liiiu a (iocen who did git
suited cxnctly. And wc t mild ' '-k of nny otb'r who
ainy bo urrn the suiro rois.rn t.r the i':tct ihut more
I Peul'l" ololbcs at Ueck'a than nny o'ber place fn
, rJutbury, isn't proof sufficient thnt all rcusoauMe po
! pic an got suited there,
vok Ctioom AtaA, The great rrnlar Reme
dy for Coughs, ColiJs, Croup, Whorirrtrij Cuith, aud
Consumption. Both sieve ordinury J or.., ulao mam
moth family bottles fur sale by nil diujigisls audi
denlcrs in lucdiclnea. Mu I'nmilv should bo urn I
Bight without it In the bouse.
Coi'l BTSTTCaia. t'triiK Will Immediately ro-
llete and ponuaOonHv cure tho most aggravated J
eaae of Dyspepsia, Fiutnluncy, Sour Btouiaoh, Con-'
alipatiaa, and all diseases of the HI urn null nud llow- i
ole. Physicians, clcrjr.vmen mid all aim uio it, j iu
in unbounded prii'uo ofiu gre it viitues. tiuld by !
Druggists every where. Pr!co$l.'fG.
'CoanarTED We(ki.t nr Voino A IanAitL.
Gbais Cboico White Wtiost,
Bost Anibur, Winter,
Ohis. (32 lbs.)
Flouk 1'uro Mich. W bite Wheal, por tiok,
i. ,i .. . ' turret
Boat Ambor, Winter, per tack,
" " ",
Seneca Lnko, per suck,
" " ' barrel,
Com Meat, yvr owl.,
$1 110
1 70
1 t0
1 4il
IM Vi)
It) "0
2 k.)
b oo
.2 i
?? a 30
U a Id
7i a lot)
1 2-1
1 oO
16 alS
12 a 14
20 a 39
IV a 3t
75 a 4 00
Jiuckwbrut rriur,
Butter Mew Vork, .. .
Pennsylvania l.oii,
Kaaa per dotou,
Meat Dried Uef, per lb.,
Smoked Mutton,
' Yobiton,
Labd per lb.,
inn Suit White Fitb, per lb.,
" Iroul, "
Fresh Shad
Vegetable! Turnips, per bushul,
Potatoes, ' "
Onions, " "
Bonns, " quart,
J I oui in v, " "
DntEO Fbditi Dried Apples, por lb
" Peaches, "
" V. hurries, "
" Ulhukberries,
u Ka-pberriva,
Oheex Arpi.El per barrel,
ibniaokin 'nl Jriidf,
tHAMOKiN, March 9. lHiiP
Sent for week ending March S, RMS l
For lut Report, 6 iVi7 16
67, aaa 17
To saarc tiasc last year,
l,62t 17
-!'' jiXlA' -
Spttial "otict0.
treated with tbe utmont success, bv J. Isaacs, j )
and Profeasor of Dii-cases of the tv and tar; (hit
specialty) in the Medical College or Pennsylvania,
12 yeart experience, (formerly of Levden, Holland.)
N. ttOi Arch .Street, i'biladulpliia. Testimonials can
boeeeaatthia office. The mod ioa I faculty are in
vited to acaeuipany their patients, aa he haa no
aaorcts in hia praoiioo. Artificial eyoc inserted
without paiu. No charge for exauiiuation.
Feb. IU, lo ly.
oHuiele to lin-i-i;ifc'. Young Men's Uuide
to Happy Mnrriage and Conjugal Keiioity. The bu
mane viewsef bouovolent l'hyncinrn, on tbe Errors
and Abasee incident to Voulli and Lurly M-iuiiood,
sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of iiliurge. Ad
aese HOWARD ASiOCIATliJN, Box P , Philadel
phia, Pa.
June 13, IMS.-ly.
A NKW R K M K l Y I X C( ) XpTt M p T 10 N A
Pbysiciaa whe hml Comumptinn lur eevurnl year.',
with frcqueut blooding ol the limn", cured liimtolf
wild a nieiiioiae unknowo to the proiraninu. when his
caae appeared hr.pcleM. lie ia iho only phKieian
who hu ured it in hmown fcivon, or v. ho has any
knowledice ef iu virtues; mid be enn naribe the de
gree ef health ho now enjoys to nothing but tbo
UMet ; and nmhing but utter denpair
and entire extineiii.n ot all hopo of recovery, to
gether with a want ol eonli.leiiee in all ni tiers, indue
od biia to haaurd tlio cxperiiui-til. To ilmae fuller
ing with any disease ol tbe Lungs he protlemu trent
aieut he confidently believot will iradiento the
dujrue. Piioefl j0 poi bottle Or iS a bull dotou,
scut by cxpreaa. bond icr a circular ur call ou
Im lC. Hon-sTus Jai kox,
No. 250 North Tenth Siroet, PhilodelpUla.
For sale by li. y. Friliug, Markot Suuuro, iuu
bury. Pa.-, and Drujrjtisla geucrttlly.
May i, 18W ly.
i . From Diapeneni'iry of the t'niled !taten 1
PiorsaTi Thm iC.i ia itronr, dttluaiva. anil aume
what aruinatir, thru I lo tmtentu, unit anal, aoukto
Medial IV ipertiea and Uses Kurbo luve ure gently
atiinulai t, w tn Itiuti-ni-y m (he I ruiKry ()iniit.
'i be) ire iiveii in r.impliinti m' the L'nnnry trfnri,
ruck at bmvel, Cliioinc- CaHrili of the H! iil.ler. l u: hid
Irriutnni l Hie Hi ij.-!cr and 1'iellia. IHteua-in' liie I'r a
trnte liunil, and or Inc. inline, ,ce i f Lime, Irnin
a Iota ol tne in liie j jrn e ernil in in cvicnnti . The
reinnly haa all N ru rrcminrnileit In IH I a, Chron
ic Ithettlliatllin, 1'ulaiieoiu Aircrtliilil, anil llr.'piy
Helnili.ild't Kxlrart ftn. lin i iiml l,v per..niii,,m the
aea n IS t i iti, ami fi nu l.i j5 or in ihe ilec-'mr ,.r
change of life; atler Oi.iilneiutnt, nr llbir Puma: Bed-
ellma in Children.
in Hdncti.iiia prenliar tn females, the I'.xtraer llu. hu ia
unC'iualed liy any nther remeity, an in Clil'irmit, or Ke
t'lltion, Irregularity, I'hiiiI ul.iraa nr liuppretemil Cunt .
inary Kvaeuuii.uie, Ituviaird or tliiiriiu Slate of Hie
tu-rua, l,cuciirrh4, ol Whilee.
Unene ol the Uwder, Kuhieve, flravul.and Dmptienl
Swelling. Tint ineilii'ihe iiK-reaitrt the pnwer nf liigta
turn, and exeitea the Ahi,Tl,enlt iiitu he.ililiv eeiinn, hy
wlnrb Hie Watery Caleareuua depnslli.ine, and all i'li
mi'.urul Kntarenicnta are i educed, ul tveliet I'aiu and ln
nuinmetiiiii. Hclinb ihi't Kxtrart Phirlm hnt cured everv rise nf Ilia
helrl in whn h ll ha leu given lirilaln.a .if the Nei li,
nf the Ul.i.l.lcr, and liiumtiiuatinii ot Hie Kul,.vi, I'lcrra
In.n of the Kuliieyt and B:atiiler, Kelemin-i ..f trine, Ui
teaieinl Hie Pniatraie OUi.d, Mime in the UUdder, Ca!cil
lue, Oiavel, Kru-g-DiiM Uev.iit, and Mneut nr Milky
Duchargea.end for enfeehled and drlicute eniiilitull Mii,
ol Utli aeaee, attended with the f ,!l,iwing tyinpiuiue;
Indiapniitmn In llirtion, I,oia "f Power. i.f Meiini
IV. Difficulty of Brenthmt, Weak Nerves Treinh'mg,
liorrnrnl l)iaeaa, WaKrfuliieat, Diniiits, nf Minn, I'd in
in the Uact, H H lluudt, 1'l.n.lnni of Hie II n!v, Urviiru of
the Ukiii, Kmptiim ol the Pace, Pallid Countenance, I lll
vertal UimluJe ,,f the Muneular riyiiem, Ac.
Helrahnld I Kmract Uuehu it Diuretic and HI iml Pnrily.
lug, awl euieaall Diaeasesarienig fmin h.ilula nf dmipa
ti.ui eieeaeeaaiid impiudeneee in life, impuril let nf the
Hlnod, .Ve., iiiperteiling C.pinlia in uru-ctinno fur liieh it
it uied. auvh nt (Jmiiirrhn-.i, Gleeri nf linig ttiinding. and
f yphihtic AiTvetiniii in iheae Uiaeuiet, uied in conheeiuiii
with Helmtrntd't Rme Waih.
S ild hy all Oiuggutt and dealera oreiy where. Bewnre
if eaiumerfeita Aik fi IIHinlmUre. iui mher.
Price l par Imifte. or 6 butles f. M Ml llrlivertd
biany addieee Deaenhe arinptnina in all i;.imiiinieil,,,a.
Aililrea. II. T 11 Kl M IKI.t, SW Hr-iailwiiv. N Y
t rel engraved wrapper, with lac-einiile uf my Chemical
Warehouac, aud tifned
H. T. 11P.LMBOI.D.
Ft. t?lh, IM9 !m.
OA Market treat,
Oae door above Sixth, Philadelphia.
For many year thia Establishment haa done bual
aeaa oa tho One Prioe 1-yt.em, and we believe we
are tbe Knly Clothing Houae in the city that atriotiy
adaerea to thia principle. We have earned a repu
taiioa which wa are proud of, for good, t act e in aalcot-
Sood etylee and eubeiantial cuateriaia, and aot lose
a per taut, fur having all our gooda
We employ the best talent, for Cuttort, and ear
Qooda aro of both kinds faohionable and plain
so that all taatac aaa ba suited. The prioea are tba
very ioweat. aa any one by a moment a thought wurt
ace, or otherwiao wo could not meet the competition
ef our neighbors, fur at no deduction! are ever wade,
we mutt put eur prlcee down te the advantage! wo
The people may depend, this ia the true pica upoa
which te do butineu, and inanv a dollar oau bo
aavod te Clothing buyers by keepiug ia mind
04 Market Street, Philadelphia,
Tt oa the Corner, but ou dour above Sixth.
. U. HAlZaU, Hilleaiuusi.
"..1ZZ '
TT7BIKI eaa I get th beat pleluret Why et
la cTly'w, jfeouree. Alwiyt go to Hy.rfy
Bdgdg Kir yarielf ,
To ronannpilrra.
rpnnffft!ir, hlrln bien reatorod to heidrli In
I h few nit by a sini lu roinvdy, afier hiivinj
autV'.'rrd ai'veral tours with a severe lung ntleatinn,
and timl drt'ad liiin-e. tjnnunipnon in anaiuu ui
nj.ike known to Lif I -Vow siill ju-it tiio melius ot
J'.inllwhi desira 11, 1:0 will ?nd a (wpyof lh
proforiptiuti used (free ot ohnrn), willi the uirceiionr
Jnr Tciiriog and U4in the onmo, whioli they will
fini a ciiio Cjru for CntiMiinpiion, Aatlviiia, itri-n-ehtii,
Ac. TH; Ci.ltr filmet ul' tlio advertiser in
avudiuir lhad'rcsoriptiun is to bcoi flt the etUicied
ainl spread Information whiDli toeonceives to bo ill'
Tulunlile J and he boros i vuty rnOerwr will try Inn
reine.iy, us it win unm tueio iiutuiug. ana may prove
a lilcn-iujj.
l'Hrtiec Trialilna; tho rrpsortpttim will pi cite nil
lrsa ituv. i:iV AKI) A. WlLOW,
155 Eouth Set'oml Ht.. Williitnitburzli,
Jan. B, 'Otfly liings County, Neiv J'oik.
Audita Umitrd.
7 tn a W 0 0 per mo ii t h I I !
Or fl r' fr m wIm.'1! iwtre that am nut c.n 1 .
made liv; the I.VI'r'sr I l IMtDVKM co.MMUX
i:nk KAMil.V m:vio MacIIINK, raioa bin 10.
l'.lr Itilrtilm. .nd TiTrns fl'lflre-s
1JIU Ml A CO, 3 Bjuth Thiut Fueet.
Uiv. 5, 'H Dm. I biiMltiphia. Tn
lirrorit of Voutli.
Ar.TrVTLTi -.AN whe ufforod for yeari from
. NervoiM Oebilitv, Prciiuturo licy, and all
tlio ctlncu ot yiiutlifm imliiicretiun will, lur tlio nkc
itf tulL-riUtf huniiiiiity.t.'iiC Viee of nil who need it,
the recipe and direction for raakinir tbe dimple reme
dy by which he w ouied. KuSerert winliing to
profit by the dverlicr a experience oau do so by
! a idi cing, in perfect cutilidmcrt.
jtm.v li. oorirx.
Jim. 9, 'iV,l. ly
No. A i t'odnr alreet, N . Y.
I.tcoiiJul by the 1,'nitcd SluLos Government. J
' for confmucrs of
throughout the Country.
El tltilclAUiOA Ai. CO..
Of nTtoen years' ttundin; at Jobbers and Retailer!
of liie abj'-e 'gocds, in Botoo aud vicinty, k'avecoa.
ciudi'd to ofler tbo pclpio cT the nbide "cim.try tbe
nitvantaires of tl.oir imertalii.-vt and
ogeneieij fir American m mi fnct ui ica tbrouirh the
, Our rreiuium List to Agctrta, nud Exchange List
forAitontt inid Piitront, arc not eriuullod by any
borne in the country.
Best Now York and Rnalonroferacoea given wbou
required. Send lor frco Ciroulir.
tli Summer Street, Boiloa.
Fost-ObSoo llox list.
December 12, lsdd. ,'lui
Vu;f'w(l.le Miller'ii) Uinler U-irdrn,
72U. 722. 724 ami 72U V1KK Mtreet. Pbilad a
TIIH ti RAND OI:;IIKSTH10N. formerly tbe
property of the URAND DLC OF A L hi , pur
chased at great express hy
JACOU VALtR.of Philadolphia,
ia 'combination with
Will perform every Atternoou and Evening at tho
above mentioned plnee.
ADMISSION Jr'RKK. jan30-6m.
Pat lilc BCulli'oal Nearly lTluInlied.
and the
Have added Right Hundred (Mil) Miles to their lines
daring tbe torrent year, while doing a large local
passenger and freight buaiBeea. Tbe through con
nection will undoubtedly he completed next tumiacr,
when the through trafno will be very great. Forty
tboanand men are now employed by tho two poner
tul enmpaoics in pressing turward tbo great national
highway to a speedy cnwpldtioo. Only 2'fl miles
reiuuin to bu bailt, which rauttly aro graded and
ready fur the rails.
First Mortgage Gold Bunds of tho Union Pacific
Railroad Company for sulu at par and interest, nnj
First Martjrago liold Bunds of the Central I'aoiflo
Railroad at ll3 and intareit.
The principal and interest Of both bonds are paya
ble in gold.
rnruVkxA rro.,
Dealers in Cfovemment Securities, Orild, do ,
No 40 South Third t-treet, I'hiladoluhia.
Jan. .10. Nv 21, y
Market Street, Six doors L'aat ef Third etreet, aorth
side, SL'XEl'RT, PA.,
I" KSPKCTFL'LLY inform their friendt aad the
V) public, that thoy have opened a
aND provision store,
aad will be bnppy to have thein cull and examine
their stock' anion hnr jiiiit boen opened, embra
cing everything intbe tiiueery lino, tucli iui
Collee, Tea, Stinr.S.vrups. rpios, Canned and Dried
Fruits, Beans, llnuiiiiv, Clice'e, Craekurt,
liacon, liam, l'ij'h, Salt, Potatooe,
etc., togother with Soaps,
Cindles, ttoda, Ac,
and In fact everything in Iho Urocery and Frovieion
1'LOI R AND FEED, Queentwaro, Willow-ware.
tilaaewara, Onnl Oil l,awp, Coal Oil Ac.
Cull anl see before pui'tbaing elsewhere.
Funbury, Dec. 12, ISA.
"THE vUkmH,
ARCH STREKT, betweoa Third aud Fourth Streets
l"!I A.
KAMTEL 8 WLBKR, Proprietor.
January SO. IWJ ly
Third Street, adjoiuing Phila. A Erie Railroad, two
6a,uuret North of Iho Central llotul,
nit t. ci-f:.';ii:.T,
IS prepared to furnish every description of lumber
required by tbe demacdn of the publia. Having
alt the Uioel improved machinery tir nianufiioiur
ing Lumber.he t; now ready to hit oidon ol all kiuui
and all kindt of Oinnmentnl Sorowl Work.
Turning of every description promptly executed
Also, a large as.ortment of
Lath, Au.
f-binglea, Piokcu,
Crdert promptly filled, and shipped by Railroad
or ot jorwua.
r-unbury, Tec. 't, lSgP,
rill T I'tl'Ul'VT
Lime I Lime I
rpHE tubteriber having eharaa of the Lime Kiln c'f
I tl o. Masaor, near feeliimgrove, ia now furnirhinx
to formert and others. Lime of the best quality in
large quantitica. Tbo lime ia burnt and tcl'ietcd
with the u tin nit caie, and its qualjtv guaranteed.
Jau. Id. . CHAS. DLNEELIiliKlltR.
Frotente I Pronenta I freaonta I
A handsome a lsefcl PKSstNt i
An Eadaring aad Pleating Memento ta liiose aoed
ing Aida to Sight.
Our Agent, T. S. (SHANNON, Watchmaker and
Jeweler, Sunbury, Pena'a , bat a apleadid stock of
Beautiful CSelel pecla)clea
set with tbe
Ilanufaoturod by
The Beet la the World for Strengthening and
Pretterviog the Sight.
No more acceptable pruseut to your Parents. Grand
Fareult or Fri.tda, or tUe needing t-peoUolee, eau
ae found. They are baudaoma, umIuI aud latt
many yaait. . .
Call and eianine them at tbe etore of our Agent,
Dealer in Jewelry, Watches and Plated Ware
NO PKIilil l Iil cunt nrpn
Jan (. le-S augf,"tr3if
Mavin ei.pi lie4 ili,.niol w with nu fnllrely
aew tookof mm .
Ihrouglnut, will be hupj y to meet tlmlr mar.y
friends and t'lt publio nerally at their proeont
place of bueintus, j
819 Chestnut Street,!
F .b. 15, lfifiB -tu!.7,ly. t
W. C. Vet so. tl. T. Israhi..
3d fct. XtXT lWh TO KEtSTO.NE 110 Lh
rniltiiilisciihcMbeg leave to call tbe attenlion of
I. tbe public to Tl.e fuel they pave rl 'rl
Market for all kir-ils nf Coui.try Prnduoo. Vr-i-ii- '
bto.-, Ac. and l.avo nlio rnnde urtoriretrivn't t,i luf
nis'j in all kindi n) ilninn. l-'i-li, .Ve. N .iiio
and foreign fiuita, nuu", Ac, always ou buuJ. wunlt
tnle uad retail.
All kindt ol Canned Frtil', Vcjt,; i!.c. ritkc
aauow. Catsups. Ac. Call and rector jourmlvLv,
at wo dc!y voinpatiliou either in HVoitoienl oi rriooe.
Sunlury. Jur.unry 9, 1SS9.
3nmjiloa scfct hy mail whoa TrritUa fur.
Ootobar 3d, ISSti. ly
Ilarlir nail IlairArrttrr.
Dewart't Frame Building, north tide of Market )
Bauare. Sl'NliUKY, PA.
Of all'lhe arte that grace ti,. !)llj
W hat grace can with tbe fcniber rie ;
Who lakee your chin within hia hand,
While dreaming land in prospect lie.
Withsoothine; touch his raror glidet.
With nimble clip bis scissor alidoa ;
And lo ! before bis glfta you stand
Transformed, an iu a fairy land.
RES'recTPl'LI.Y iiif..rins tbe citisenr of Sun
bnry and viciniiy, that he wUl liXu to order
ail kinds of
'k-p for Flail, 5arHsri. Ao.
Families nrorarplird with PliKSIl lifiEAD. Trrut.
Hol. K'lskt. 'in linn,!. Ac, en.l alio kept nn band
and mtnaiaoMii r.i i r.f iba b.-t rr.nreriali.
All oidert loft at bit H!:op i:i .'Inrkit M ju.iro. ci
doir cit of M.rf Anna Puuuer a Millii.cry fttore.'or
at hi Pikery on i-priice t'troet. between Front anj
fucond ttreeis. will meet with prompt iitteiH'mn
BALLS ASJ K I. X I N ij PA ItTiRS supplied
iith l akes. ioe-Croiiin. ,to , at tbesboileat uiitico
Ordors aro retpectfuily toliaited.
Funbnrr. Dec. 12, isr.3.
Market Square,
s u n n u n y , v r. n x a.,
IlESPECTPri.LY informt her friends or.d tbe
V puhlic. that fho hat just relurned from tho city,
wbere she baa tpent tone lime in Tnakipj teloctioiit
aud purchiie.i. and ll'J juslopcnud a lurire stock ol
rtib'on. Laec. Dnuc-l.inings. Crinoline aud Wi
lEina ekirlits Liuing. ilu-ip .'.kirn, iJuirlo 'J'riin
niincK, Crape Triiuluinga, ilat Crape, Cloak,
Corsets. Zephyrs.
A Urgo aortment of Ladies and Ueutlemen'a
IlDI.l.S of all fizes. Alphabet Blookt, do.
Mio flutter heiaolf u huiutjnblu to make a diaplay
ofoodr that wil frivo ciitiref5lifictiou lo Ti9itore,HLi'd
gouils will be exhibited with pleasure.
.Sunbnry, Dec. 12, IS6A
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
ron prrsiTizsti tue dioco.
Trie raputatiou tl.: c.t
ceileiu nifc,iiri0e cut..y,
I-, il.'i-ive.l I'.otn ita rin.-rf,
mnny ol rtliich are n ulv
ln.t.'Vi.liiiii. Ihveteihtti
rasOa r f s.-rofitlous lit.
mm', wlie. c I lie ivJlrn
ercini'il eatiiri.tetl' v. illl
n.rmptiiin, hate been
ptn-'iit'ii and rured Ly It.
M'rof'ilu.m r.ections :ii:.
ilionlera, ttliii Ii ttere
KiiiviiUvl by t ne urniu-
l.niii intn I ,.iil
thoy wwrc pmnlnlly nmVliiir. hare l.d ii raili. hllv
cinvil in u li ri:it imiiilic. in nlituiit I'li-ry t.t
limi of the iminti j Unit w put.l.c ecaroelv uced to
bo informed of iw tutiiei1 or uif ,
ScrofuloiiH puuvn m one nf (lie moft itnir liro
cneimei or our rare. Ofli-n, tl.i uu-orn mul imlclt
tennpt of the oixiii inn iiiiiUm nines liceonstiliiliiin,
aii'l un ites tlio iiivat k or ci.r,rlilint,-or fatal Jiseact
y. itaotu e.'itine; a Mirpinnu of it. pi e-eiu e. Agnin,
it ki-rmr to brceil inTe -t on IT-.: . :iittioitt tlieboilv.ntiuf
Inen. tin lump iutdi-hIiIp iw', itipiillv ilctelon
into mio or oilier if it j l.u'oous IVirnii-, on tl.
aniince or nnnunr the timl. in Ur. i.mut, tulicr
rlet limy ba nni.lenly i!i i,itel in the luuire or
lirart. or tumo.-a luiiiicd in u e uvtr, or it ,hnt
Ita pivi-tfin.c l,t eriirtmna on Hip Kkln.or fnul uleor
ati'Mia on aoinc pirt nf I'm Pn iv. Hem p Hie o ea
nonnl use of a hrrtlc or tins Snrmfmt illu ia arl-vi-iilu,
i veu wbeii iioa.iito at itmiimia of 1ifea-e Pcrsont iii'.ln ie.l n-iah the icUtfttiuirrom
plH.l.t CBiienillr timl imi;n;diel lc'. ef unri u
lei.rill, nue, by Uio r.f till. HAhSAt'A IIIL.
1.1: ht. AiUMoiift', lire, r.o'm or LmUprlat,
TrHer.SaU MHum. SrnU U,l, Hintluor,n,
T ' i.ira, iin.i other rmptjnne or
Vnililo I'nrnis of Strvfulou ilinx-asc. Also in Hid
mine com-Mleii lon.n, s '..,,-n, iHrSu,
itrnrt Jiitrutr. J in, rvil'iisy, AraraLa,
mikI llic raiiona I In t-out BtTetLuni of the Inumu
lar anil net-voiia -viljria.
A.i,.ilfor ei-eaFil .VoreirrtVir THfmnrt
Bio j'lircil by ll, llionjrh a loi. time it rciuireil lor
iiib liiinir I in-iie obMiiiMte nutltnliua In any muliciae.
Hut ItiiiK i-oininiieil n.e of thia nioiiieiue will cure
the complaint. Jfur,ilia m or Uhitrm, I
I Irf i-nHuut, and I rmtitr IHtruttt, are com
mouly toon relievo.1 ami uliimately rured he ita
piirilrinn and iiiviKiariii(r elici t. 'Minute lilreo
tionii lor eacb cae aro ;,;in,a iu our Aimtinae, aup
plinl rrntia. A'i'MiMnriam uiul tivut, when
cau.ed i.y ari-uiiiiilatinna of emraneoiit mattere
ui Uio blood, rM-i.l iiniikly lo H, ita alto lliw
l omplaiulm. Torpidity, (saurwiiiiiir Jn,M
tMnXoiiorihe .ii';irflr.ttheunii.inif,
aa lin y uilcu do. fioni Hie lantlina poitone in the
blool. I'hit HA.itlAI'.ilHI.Ll ia a a it. I rw
Morer Tor the ttrenmh and vigor ir Hie tt atera.
Jl.o-cttlio are,ii,l ami y i.r;
Unit, sir,,!,,, ami ti on bled with Annuiie.
tir.-hrntivnt or i ram. or anr of the aBeeuoiie
riii,oiunut; ct hrul,ur$t, will And immediate
ivlii'i and cm incic.- oruleace of lit rvtteinura
liotteiiipou trial.
Dr. JT. T. AIIU Ac CO., X.rII. Waua
J'i'ur.f nHif Analytical fTitwitjfj.
Bold by H. T. Frilin. Ennbar. and all Dru.-i
aad dealer ia Medicine oeerTwhara.
November T, IM ly. !
S . "U i.i l.l.t tituaeoa
AlarKil treet, eeur the Itailrotd, SuubLiv. Pa. '
Icrnit rcasonao.e. ArpW'o
I c : , . 'ir! !'rT.UltJ
i fwtury reJrsary 1?, T .'.J ft -
six r.
Hair vigor.
For rcslorfog Cray Kn; .y
lis natural Vitaliiy and Cccr.
. A flro-j Ir.j J; -1
ii III OiMV flVi r, ;1-.
I)a!ilijr, '!kI t .i' l ift ii
for iin'.r. ' v ..
Imir. I'uilnd vr ';;"
hear u r ...'..'
tV) iU orlyinul ';"Vf
r.sites o v'.-t,'K
TLiu inn',- i-. ii,;. :-
; tntd, falling hair checked, ni.I ' !.;.
i- noss often, tliouprli t;ot al , i.tnv.l
hy it use. Xolhinjr f.n iv-,iotc
j lmir wliero llie'foiliotu aro !.
nr tho gltucl.i fttrni!u..J ,-nd (Iicimi:
But RUcli hS. F'ffTVf.Jtj run hr Mjjcrl' l- i
ust'fiiltiij9 hy VjU rftplicalioii. lit- m
of foitliu" tliti iistif iviji r. ,. '.v
meut, it wll keep it ti:a nud inf; n-.i .
lis oct'iuioiml use will provct.l il.c. ,'.-.
from tuiuin,? gray or fttlliiVr ofi , n.:
cousecjtieutly iiiovont LnI-l:ic-d.-. I'i
fi'oin those ileletcnoiiB t nlif tciifes v.Iiii !
nii'.kij soma iiropttralions (Itinovotis tun!
luiuriStta fo l m Iitnr. i i.i v
only bunefU but riot Umui it,
merely for a
Jf v.'jt-
notliin chi can Lo foimci to uo-'i.t'.' ;
Containing nnilhcr oil nor tlvoi, it tk
uot soil while ciur.bric, aud" yet l.-. t
'oo? on tlic hair, giving it a rich sjlcw
lustre and a grateful parfunis.
Prepared by Dr. 7. C. Ajcr &. Co.,
Practical and Analttioal
ruxes ti.oo.
! 1 liy II. j . li ,-nni,ui i . r:1 all 1 ri:"i
i atnl Tdolrri i-i M-.iK-ii't evet T Micro. J
llib'T I.V'tJ. V
F'tra nirUicn.u wi.ltiJ:
TlL'KUN'O iu U:t Ttirto T,
vi'tiourrrta t;iU!.i,
oi rslitvc
CONs-L'tlP.-iVil OCw'&29,
it ui'l; at
haveuen ajMand nit a l;tig!eiiitiiiire of ir fnJ,rA h
"I"1"1 We h-ve,V'i iu':. r."ieeiiioii, ajir ,;n,it,i) . i..
tilicctea, aume of tl em frt.m
wl,o Imve use1 ,,id.iii'e, nu t r.v!i It lie ti
eiainence uterevny u'.Iki ei innnul.
it ioi sir Try tpjt ccVsnt.
but I.OOSKX9 r, ,
a-i nt ! f able the j.alient to sipectorate frte'r. Tnt
inree u-jkc.
Will Ijvaiiult Craa Tii.i!iii thr Tane.r
A h:ilf tint.te hu i.tV.i e..nipletelv eurert the in p: ;..v
b-irn Cuacli, and u Hi 'uji.tu . etiiean.) eteel- in
" is perfectly linrriileu, leinj pnreiy v-ariHt...
hie very the latte. and awy loadiuii'...!
lo clridreo i.' any npe.
In caicj ol Cut)'. P we .w'lj iiurantee a care, if tfiten le
It ia wi'.Mii the reach i'f all, it blriir t.:e ' 'ie-iit au i,e
IKt'iJlcin IMant.
C. O. CLAilK ro.. Pt.;prt . .
, . NKW HAVil.V i:
April l,10fllT
O O 33 i
Crm ri
rpilii OEKAT REMlirv VOX. AI.I. UlSHAKI ri . t
X ti.e
st o at j. o r it:
it the Jin.., verr of the invent. .r ' t -' -..:i.:. f-.;-i.
:v,,:.n, trrre i-xpi-i imen'fe f..r Ltii.iivn ...
L'ramii iu Ihe !t.-m.-h Inr hun wii.el; I .d
to m illing en! .r iMirn.
'J'li a'm iii itnily le.ti'nnnv frnm T3ti'"-
i- y..W
I pnrti of ti.i
; luntry enemitne us In Lelietc it ii.i.!isrne c-a
ii il.K.r.l'rt'.t itouiach iftv.ll nut ipee.n:y cure.
f nyaiciari! tnaev and TT-'e it
UiniKtoi s give teatimon? of its
And fr.m all direclioul ws rccairt tni.
ns'i '.f emu ; 't
ll It rare to eve.
One duae wiJ cere.
. It bae cured in batidVeaa of
ll etopa ill thir'.r mu.ate
tClDITY or TH K Sl't.I At'Ii :
ll coriecU ai uiwa.
RISK Cr TRE ruoii '
It t.ofj i;uinaii.a,el.
One doaa will raoiore.
cnoLr.HA MortDii!
Kapidly yields to a few (!
Will he e'.ia'ifi-d with ht" a nnti,..
it ib runrccTLv iiArtiiT,i.a
, I's I'NrRKcnDI.TTL'O SVI'CfltfS is ,.'. L, U.e
fat-t lliat
ll Curra hy Anmlnttns
to Rr.-AP.snrtT iik.ii svay i tiis svrKi
'oaily ervry dealer in ilia fniej fit... i, l5
lXB DlU.LAK I'KK KOlTl.l:.
C G. CLARK Ci CO., rrnpriotcrj.
Xfw r." srr. cns.
AprH ItKli ly
fancy imrcmHisT
Ei'ilalil j fvr tLe
W I X T E K S Z A S O X .
Market i"i)uare. two Iwrs E mt r.f tbe old Baj-.k
building. SCXBl'llY. l'onn a..
TTAb just opened a fresh aeaortiiieiit of Hie niMt
1 J. fuslnouable Paney Droit tiuodt lioui iLe lnriet
ivublii.hmcnia iu Philndelrhii.
Llih'sS filLKS, SILli POPLI.V;.
MOt 1S.-I0 JtlXt?S,
CVfcj, Pacquea Flannels, riantt'j, Ebeo'inw Vts.
ltsa,Udiinad CLIldreua U.VXS pcatbera. Liol.ot..,
Ir'cwa ' rlsuininsw, Iltnlu old ri a.
Lace Yeils. CnrietJ.IIandkerohieft Ulores. li'o::tr7
Ilofin Skirts, Hopkins' l.ii.iic fckiria. aU
Laiies' UooUt of every de-icripiinu.
raisley's r-hattlat bargains. I'l.iJ V0lcn R'mw
Bi elk fait chaali, Woolen, r-ciufi and Ca;e
fur Women mid Chilu.-ts.
Beorcr and Chih'cbila IVnter lVovf Clot'it
Vnr Collars, i.ek-tiet, iitUi-hoee, liar.
chiefs and 'Jloret.
Perluuiury.loiletioupj, Hair Brujbee. C".'o c'rt.
- ,'"'b" KA1& KL ;K
Dealer ia Frail and Ornamental Trees, will frr.
ih from the Bloat mtpontible Noneriea in tMt arl
other btatea, 6iit ole fUKES oi nil kirdt. AUn.
bhrubbery, Vinci aad PlaJitt. Oardcu S.edivf all
Kew Wlite Peach Blow, tr.r'y f.oodrfcb. Cbfe)
aad ilarriton Potatoes, la targe ai tuiall uuiUittitt.
are en ered lor eale
Urdora art ietpeelfully aoiie'iad.
, . Ptiiit, Korth'd. Co.
y rr. B lumracoea taken in lateral of tbe
aictt reepomtble Fire Iniuraiioeand Uvrte I'stoeuvt.
Ceiupaniea iw tbe Stale
Uot. IT, ldtij.-y
Oa Third Street, Bear thk Ccpot, Smbary. rV
JOSEPH BACULUl ir forme the citieenaof Sunbury,
and tbe public fei urai y. tl.jt j,, t eprnml a
a..tit s: ui t:( .Ai oo.,
at lv.e alxiie rt!ae. Tbe beat i f Li.-r live, it-I
Witt J Piuore wil! tie V'f. Al,-j s'i-v-ove, e,a
e ar.-'.. reri -i ii . a--