. f . UJW H'T1I- yATUWUCdUX." ;M3-0S8l)CII.Aft AID FIFTT CESM nnum. (3 ot if ao paid within the year. alsaotitineed eatU all amarftta ore paid, se terms wlU be stf ietly adhered to horeaOar. iWribers negloot or refuse to tub their now. from the olboo to whioh they arc diroalei, tbey portable until they have settled the bill and u thein dinoontinued. iinnstors will please net as our Agent, aad hitters oonhakdng aotaeriptton money. Thoy tiuiihW to d thin under the Poet Ofiiue Law. 1 1 lnii il cMKrfiiiclit rcfcriMii.'e : r- - "i ! apm . . 1 J 1 tMMaro. tl ." Ki C $7 00 12 fC .i ru i xvA Sqnamt. -4 tfijnaret. aair 0,.l. 3 4' Oil Ct to (c 1 CuluiHtl. -Al UOjW Mtli l.'l;60 V ItU K Ten linos of Vbis siiod type (iniuiun) make oiw pnm,ISIIED EVERY- SATDW)AY. HORSllliJ.YTOBwMl KOlplUMMtLANl) CQUNTY, l'ENS'A. JOB PJ&INXNQ. have eounoctod with our cstablhuuuont I wall d JOlt OFFICE, which will enablo us to c, iu tho neatest stylo, every variety of NEW SERIES.; YOU l;lN0.a .. , " . SATURDAY KORNIISU, MARC11 13,1809. OLD t SERIES,. VOL, 20; JT0. 10. --G.mDT$S! . . .i . t BUSINESS CARDS. tlHFNEH. L. B. CAM, mid C'inIIora) lit Ihiv( nit fitreot, wost of tho N. 0. nod P. A E. Rail ad Depot, In the building lately Oiluupiod by F. Ln7.aru9, T.x., jtinm and all rrofe.Monal bniliiMS promptly I ted to lu IWUiuuiLurlund and aJjuinliig Luuu- BOYEll & WOLVERTON, AX'I'tkCtXKYH AT IA7, )u Second t'loer iu Brlght'i New Bonding, 8UNBURY, PSNN'A. Doybh and V. J. Wchvebtosi, reepeotfully once Hint tbtiT hare entered Into eo partnership e pracHo. of tbnlr profusion in Kbrtbutnbor. j avJ :-..Vin' countfcl. Consultation! oau bo it t:io mbkhaii. I ril 4, IS;'. ly Unrnoy nt Ijvr, 61'KBCIIY, PA. Cnllcst'or? intondd to ui lie eouutiee ef Kor v:rln-.l, Uiiiou, ISayder, iiotour, Columbia nti'ititiiKaiwi. n. John M. r.ee!, lTjllttdolfiln, a. Ciittoll A Co., " ,n. Win. A. PorUT, " jr:oa licilit.bael, " Ketnlmm t Co.. 2S0 Pearl Street, Eew York. !.n Ai'. Afbmead, Atteruey at Law, " i ttbewa t Cux. Atturucj-g at Law, " ii.iiiiry, llaroh 29, iao2 .M. ROCKEFHLLCa. LtOVU T. ROHBSAOB. ROCKEFELLER & ROHRBACH. boras' A9 mi TFICE in il.iupt't new Building, Beo&i floor. Knlrauce on Market bqaurtft -iiiburjt January 4, l?Wo. TeelhT" Teelh! SUHGEON DENTIST,' iccrlv of ASHLAND, O., anncucoes to the citi sut lirrhunokurluud county, that he baa loeatod ib'.NhURY, for the praelioe of Dentistry, and jeotfully eulieile your patronage. Xpffiat atten t pi:id to filling and drcfitig toetb. 'X'eetb ex ii'd wtitwnt fain, by uainj Narootie spray uli 1 liaTe uuid tor three years with pereel tue- t und no iijurisus rueulu. iJico in Kooois formerly oeeupied by Dr. J. B. in tloasunt's i'uilding, Jlarket fcgaaro t'airv, 1 a, mar. T, 8. JllOlilllLL, gmos P. WoLTKRToa. ItlliL & WOLVEHTON, ' 1 l.'evatjsand ConnclorH et lvtiw. TILL attend to the oolleation t all kinds of f viuioit, including Baok Fay, uty and Pen- f.J. pl- 1, 'u'J- K 1" TORNEY A.T LA.W irih Side of Public ftaare, nno door east of tho Old Hank L'uilding. J S U li U U K Y , PJiNN ' A. Collootions and all Profesajeonl hnaiaeM wremlj ViTv.i.Ml to iu the Courts of Korlbunbuluud auu a.UiihK Ooaatitw. Anbury, bept. It, Uft8. Jl. PuiiDr, J. B. jAum. TTURXEYS AT LAW, BUSBURY, PA. Isj in llie reennd try of Dowart's bnildins, ad jfr;ii;j the Dnmtrat effico, ou tho uorth sida of ivttrltet (uaro. Willaitond promptly to th eollectlen if claims id other r-ruftrfloiial butincn lntrustod bohisearo, , 'ui tliiiiobti'luiid and adjoinuig oounttw. .W reir.bur 11, liiJ7. . AETIE0N G. MRR, A T TURKEY AT LA W, rr.V'O "CLI-r, iroi'thombarUod County, Pa. , t asniw nttended to with promptneea and - V ti'.tiTiOO. ".' LiMK.liln, Aug 1Q.1W7 ly ,7. 1. HIIiBUBH, V1:V-a'UR and cokveyancr A'D jcbtioz ojt the rr a en. ' 'J.i'.o'wv, UnrlhuMUrltMl Po'nUy, Pinn" ;'h-o in Jmkfion touehlp. KnguTuanU eau i I bo mmiu I'V IcMer, direetcd totbo ohnvoadrlrts. t'i !,vV;i:t.i nu-.iid to his earo, will bo promptly .-. i i iod to. .'.;.i il 22. ly C0B0.3HC I-iC, SIERCHANT TAIL0II, And Dealer in OT OTHS, CAeSIMERES, VESTING, Ac. av.'u i,U'9', tiontu ol tieuvers , 3 TT T-T S U I "ST, MroH SI 13(4 3? JL.. Alt 'tvny niicl Coutssellor nt '"friCC !n nupt'sriew Building, oaecotnd 3our. r Hi.tronca ou Mai ket f qaj.re, SXJWBUKT, FA.. WW attend proitptly to all profVafonr.l ba'lnoea ; ii'tis'.f 1 to ms OKie, mo o.tueanen oi ciatuia in ourthamoerlaU'.! and tho t Voiniug coiuitita. Si..ry, Jicuary4, C. A. HtlMnttSNyDEK, ATTORNCY AT LAW, BUNBURY, PA AU t:.ir.t er.:ru;icd to his eara attended to Tsie;a;illy and with diligeBoa. . r-unt'tiry. Apii! -7, I'i7. JKO. KAY CLEMENT, Ji.i.iuifs iii this and adjoining aountiea carefully r.tSr -ouip'ly amended lo. Cu .t in -Mui licl ii jt, Xliri1 door west of Smith uciunor s ctovo and J inwure etcra, sis.Mia;sev iii.WA. Bnnbury, March HI, :.v WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in every variety ot ANTHRACITE C O A L, Uprer waarr, ouuBUttr, reun'a. (-y-OrUurniolicilad and filled with promiHnees and ie:-pntnb. htinliurv, Wuv 12. IMS. y COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! GKANT &e BROTHER, ajUipiKX' 3t Vliols-auale A. ltetuil Isoatcra lu I HITE Sc Rlili ASH COAL, in every variety. Snl AitaBta, westward, of tb Celebrated Xleury CiurOottl. - ' j Lower W'hbk, Bosdcht, Pa. Etfrdiary, Joe. 13, fSd. - JOHN P. HAAS, Dealer Id all kinds of ANTHRACITE COAL, BH&rtLe wharf, bobcjiy. pa.; f 6 prepared to tupply all kinds of Aaibrtteii Onol X trow th gbau-okilt Coal llejfion at abeap ratea. Ill orders prewipUy Silad. Ctmeinr euiiom r runfully ai.lioited JOI1.V P. LAAI. Sunbry,"July Id, !9rt8. . F H O T 0 & R A P II ALBUMS BOOKS KV.Ii BTATIOTTEBT, Monlbly TiBia Boe.ka Drawing; Books and Sft4 Dork, Hvinn Bonks Bunk &ks, Meroonvcagia ihxtt rXerie. Picket Jtooks. Ink; Suipdn, Pen, Ph"!i.. a is? t3PC7S2Ct of Parwr. ok. r. ,tu o7 - - AJT. Fiimi X. Hi MIUIVNIM, V7ATCH MAKER AND J"VfL3S. Corner of Third Street and Market Rqnnre, in llil lur'i Stono Dulldlnf , 5 II N B U It r , P A., of tho mot eeluliriitwi mnltcr, comlstlng of the Howard, Applotun, 'I'rticy Co., Waltbsm, ikrtlelt, Vi'. LIUry, uud all grades of the Elgin Ill'e luuka. A1m. tola Agent lor Iho celebrated, TAUJj 13 n I 1JN Wateb,iii Uold and Stiver Uase.nt low piiio. Mltfr Vi'nrv for WeAi'ltns EV'vi-r.lP, Cf entirely new UosljBi. TollJ tiiher Tablj und J'en t'pni, Butter Knives, Forki, C isicjh, Xoo Fitebum, t'ruit und Caku Bntlieii, Sjrup. ' Mugi. liuttor lii-Lui, iujiI oreryihinu Is the bilverwur hue) ailuw piiceu. JEWB1BY, . A fine ilook of lbk KiOfcu. Also a flue nnleotlan ol Guld and Jut Jewelry of all dcsurlpueM, livid ' tBj tilvrCUin allow prlois. . . , GULL) l'EIS PENS. Fine GoU Peru in Uold, .Silver and Rublrr Casts, ol the oelubratod tnuke by IluCuiao and ttnurt. . CLOCK 3. A full assortment of 8 day and SO boar Clack, at low prioea. . Also Solo Ajentfor the aelrnrated Perfected 3;.c.a taoles, warranted to (jive entire sulisraation. Wirtehcs, Cloeks and Jewelry repaired and war ranted. All orders promptly altendod to at tbo short-.: o tiee. Bnnhury, fent. , 1'8. ' ' ' GRAND OPENING FALL AND WINTER at ' ' THOMAS a. NOTTS kv.su: in i-r taii.ou ki'oss, ' MAKICBX SQUARE, SC1TBCRY, PA., ik. Con:i;tiu2 of E5SLMH AKP FRENCH CLOTHS. ' WtJLISlI A.NDFIili.VCll CA.SStr.MEi-KP. ' ENUHbil ItfELXONa OF ALL COLORS, wbloh have been selected from the largest and Icrl oetabiUhuients in Mew York and Philadelphia. A general asjortuont of GENTLEMEN'S rUEMISaiKO GOODS, - autbrucing, Kecktics, Collars, Crarata, of the latest ttyirfl. Fine Lamb'a Wool Poller Jaclzeta. SHIRTS aud DK AWEK8, a lu-o awortiuent of the beU quality. A large variety of Q LOVES of every stvlo ntd qnaltity, freu: the Dall Rrooiu duwn to the ialoii:" nan's, and many other articles for nullum cud wear. Vine Bi'reucja Yoke taliirtt luaje to 4rlcr Kavlrg procured the surricvs,of the best woikaien In tho eisffil, garment will bo uiade up to aider which otnndt bveitit lled in any city ia fits, or quality of foods. . lieulleuieu are pai'tioulaily requested to call and See the good aud work beluru iiurcliasiug i:ltf:v.iicro. Banbury, Oct. 3, '60. THOMAai ii, W- - is A1 sH'b7"' ' ' II A W 23 O JST 33 SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, iii TERT TACK AO I; B AUG II & SONS, SOLE MAHUFACTCRER3 A PROPEIETORrt, Oiiioe, Ho. 20 boutii Dolawaxo Avtii-i;, ' PII1L AD3LFHIA. The altove Manure has been before the Az: icul- tural publie for f lteen yuars past, uuder onu n.iuio and pVopriutorbliip, sud aow baa an et.illi!lit' 1 nt.d largo annual salo throughout tho country. Ar.i d a pcr'.cct sutieuttito tor rerunan ijiiauu (tuo: iia ut one hall lb coct) it Kas boeu adopteu by agi i al tuialii't of known iutullifcnce und di'.-iiuiiuui!o:i It is warranted not to exbaunt tbo soil, bot on tbt. contrary to perniaui-ntly improve it. Tho tah'titiow ainoont to iniiry inouana ions tuiuuutiy, ai.a ilo f.iciliniB for its u aaufauture ar eatautive audu.u le'.a. The above manures are furuidied in bo'.b Lirn nsi barri Is. whiobever o'letoiucrs prefer. Iho bnS ai uniloric iu weight lo'J ponnas. Tha attention of Psr-fleri ia" c-neeiaPy .li-tci' d It lb f.t that the sources of tbo iia'v ii..u ua:i'f wbieh (bo absvo uianureti are cooipnao.l, hi , t.m! undur aonirttl that we oan furnish theui u. t'i. ''.y uMl'. ira q.iuhie and ooiiditiou, and thr.t iii.ya ii- t..in a lurur puroentna of aruuionia Ihnn i-i y CLinr oloei of munufactared uanures m the maikt i. KAUOH SnX. 0 Son'.b fislaware avenue, l'liilad-!phin. t3'-Tlio tiuhoet eafih Plica paid fer all LiaJi ef be lies. November S3, 18o8. FALL & WINTER GCO ?i ? AT Itlis3 Louisa Shif s le't?, MARKET SQUARE. Ladled aud Misst-a' HATS and iOiv.XliT:.;, In ioiuiensa varic'.y. ."t2iil!)!ery 'ooI and H'l-toamljirrc. i'resah and Anicriaaa Kibbons, Laoi-s, Jlna ll.. ,' ebivle. blovcs, ii.jcierv. aud a general anaorluieut c! laaiet' ilillinery tt veils, wklab have boon anlectej wiui greitt cure. WOOLEN GOODS, FURS, tc. Cents ( ollarai, "tccklica Cilovcn, zv. livery varlotv will b found to select from, at MQDLrlA'fil tRlOtiJ. Buubury, Oot. 17. lttdi. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! Call and sea the well seleoted Skook of CLOIIM, CASsIMJIHEd, OVTIVCOATISaS, .VES'l'IMia'3,io Just reocrved at - MERCHANT TAILORING ESTAULIiiii- MEXT, -Fourth Street, Wow Eyitar'i Store, SU17 UURY WINTER CLOTHING ef the n-.ost approved ktylo ia Biadt up ta orJor at reasonaoie ruoe lie bus also a fine assortment of Casslmete Fliirte, Drawers, I'ndershirt., Overhauls, Blouses, Neck - ties, Cotton and SVoolen Hose, Sun ispeudcif, Uuni- karohiefs, lores," and general variety uf 0'NTLESIEK a PbRSIsniKu U00D5, fllra him a all, whioh you will tud it ta your advantaK. baubury, Oct. U. !&. - - to Notice to MerchaitU.ftnd Shipper. fTUfE naiei signed; atroptieterat WaUer A iiijk'j JL Line, give oouoea lo tnerobanta aad abi.pr that the Depot lis slill at (iii Alajkel slut:, l'mla dulsbia. and ailO WKjjdiriwlod Ustiuobarv, iUlitlllo aud LewUtur, and all interuiediate station; along .L . LTil j e. ...nntr.,i. A ..1 i ... t loe ruuroeu. nui t, m.uu.jji., un,,,w,. 13- Cars leave 811 Market alrer, Pbiladelphia tebwoakly lueadayi, Thursdays and fiatunUys. - . R0W KbECli.S'ill. Deeoaibert, 181T. CALL aud See latua bwiutiful Bird Cago at tb new Huidware tweeaa .- J. II. UIAUII M UO. CASH" , ' .' HrOHm matkat priae la CASH, pall fnr U tapper, kraa, Lead, Zine, Iron, t . v ' ' .. ... . W. O. JIIOKOH oOX, " l- ' feelaVockJ,li-T.-i.-hurjP. , COUIETII AELlitSiaUDOWW. Not to the man of dollars, . 2tt t'i the inuii ofdcedn, t JJnr to tiio runn of oupi lu", 1 l' Not to tho man cf eijs ; Kot to tno one w lime putstoc i. .' In for tito woi'ld'a ijWU, ,11. Kot in thti furiii of i'.i-LiJU Ccmcth u UOa-in d;r.'u, ' la't unto land's c.Ti.-aiuioa, .y Ndt t'i tl.e uri-'cr i; clifc.-'., JT'it to the princely rjtit'ifctl Hott ion blm !!. 1 ei'ii.'l ; ' Hot to tho sordid wotldlinjr, , , ' Kct to Uo Uunvidli clou, , ITut to tho hriimbty tyrant. Comc'.h a Messing down; ' ' t ' JTot to l!.e folly-Wiitled, . , , , Knt to Hie sto-p-.'d lu s.ime, Not to theenrual-iuindad, " I,'n t to uc'ooly iniLO ; i . 1 No! in in. (tiicl of duty, , . Kot in tho cocareu's erown, Not nt t!io PTnilo cf bounty, Comatli blewinj down. ' ", " 'Bit to tbo on a whiso ap'.rit ' ' YoursK l'r tho Eie.jt and pood J " Trnto th 1 ni;e whi-ie itti-rtboitio r Yio'dotb the hungry fool ; Unto tba one who trt.'orj Fearlew of toe ar IroWn J " ' 4 - T'cio the kindly-beai tsd. CtmcUi a liouiu iiuwn ? jr.-em tbo ToUdo Ci.J. AMU V. XiAO&HFt ;wlr:i aWoB SWeiatf ci-fy j ... I'pst OrriOK. CoxfKoaiT X ItOABa air X llOABa, ) Keutmliy.) S 0.7,1 ' ) tiVieh io iu iho clu e ol h ... i Tbcdiai iiioally cabl glixnu, U U!cd . lika a dark, pall onto KniuckV Tim last vc:ti,;e uv tonstilooaliiicl iihtrty i-awtpt ii Auy, Icutin ua iiolhui but t it o nauia ibuieof, icb is boiler uioi.keiy. LC lite aeuit .ou tuiyi .concur with the .botitK--vt bicli il j u iii do uud Ihu irnkit uunii r ;f ataila , ratify ibc uf!;-iit;u of tii'.-m uctunid butiica ) wall llii-y wni i!n wuy llicu ail, ;.vi'f Niura will vote in Uuutucky liuraami fc7. j wbitu tutu, und the Ui' uv liberty ia tot for evci 1 Thry may go m far, tst tbuy will he j in a mu.ioi ity, c. to dialiaucbisu Uie bravo, I iiit:r: who Brveil iu "tliaS confediit army. j " K?. uiij.ht bev beea Oxptcleil, lb8 intflli Hcute a lieu I id tiio Cornera prttt'outidly. Wc j H iii uil tt beiliu iu iiuscoQi' ez alappy we , ci Hid be. A new barrel baa been tappeii. JJl.in Potam bed nstiaev, and I ui not. u!tnj',c-t!ii.r utipiMvidtil, ez f. letter bed been dropped , iulo Ihu pot,L oCii'a (hat . uioinin wicli coutained a remittance ar aix dollars to n lottery foneem 1n NoO Yorlr. Kz 1 he leeve lotteriea to be Bwindita u)d utuiu:ali- ziu iu tbtir uueber, 1 optuod ii)c utiaaivo and I coiitUcutca the cotiteuta. I Wiil.ievcr bo lb. XIX;- tr . I ... ,, ,0 i i.ar. , in il ! live uoea. I'tve the room u more than nt.unl biirettia. 1.icobi wnz liflitnd the .bar, tiis cibowa ian'tn onto.it. waitio for iho or.ier i w hich he kiicw wood l o uadi ; .Cant. Ale-. I'clter W U7. ii siniikin Ilia . pipe-peaeellv, a Whtcliin llie clouds ttina ariz, to mirt a port of Jjslo about l.ia bed; w lull! Deekiti 1'ogt am and inyseif wu jttbt .io Hie. act uv takin au tism hot wicu bed beta tiiud lor ua. At this n uminfr lV6niocktirV. hoy rode upon Bus coin's niuio und hove ft pnper at! u.e, wicli Ciitituinexl the fa lid inteuiunoe. l:ead it itloiid. "Tnere w ti:i no mint! iunoi'tnl u.ivtli bat tiite. Iini l'tirmit a hamt reiaxtit us j noii onit. im- Kiui aim n ii..i nt ,t,u i."..,. ine jiitr.ious uui-.u uu i.tui mi" precioua iim-id waittiu limil into ti.u ci.ick, una l Liu o.a tuir.l Jiu iiDUi iiiti iiiiii t in u mono, i lieu more jiresiencn ut iniiHi i 1 tliaulc tmrewttn one' convulsive pi.tp I and tlK-u drcp;ii!l tho empty The tf- I b it, to i..i-eii '.liaiiliJMiii j.'ilil w U7. coiircin ed, w ui the eame e tbu I bad dropptd it liker aud al1. and it wur. Setter lor m. l lie u'.ad Wiis iliiituiii't '. .0 . te:ifstliU;i ill iny i b.iWi.!:; pri,'lo:-l by It.i; bkt.-tu Ui,ht!.- I 'lint e'.nu ciiiilt)0 tiivi adimiUiUlSA'ait j .ie way (rum me. ' ' It di..;'nt take limtr'to i'l'L'cr bow tbis o'.n- j !-,ef l.'.jrnera. i.wvj thr her I hi! I the Cf!': Ot - 'iii I UV Abli:- it U i'injMi,iim;;ii, vi.l e'.lect j!ie j 'J hel i in lUo peiBlid lunnaiiip, i , o loval w hile rirera uv wicli num. i v-n..te vindicated tiuir niauiiood ia I e Irii ttirvia, t be t'lln-t boiu ton old, o'.ol;, w'.iit Ii i.i tn'Hi llu.voy, anil bea procln-ilii. (jarratutowu-ia ia liiM to I' t.llt bo iii I-, mid ft !,:.t.n lili m lu r'fer i i iii.ii foity four adult n:l;er; : und tiirr w ood he beta a Ltiudred inuie hid I nivcis all bin t.oin m -""'--' ui'el ar-l I .( ptoi.i raw as intbeirm.iica.1 1 ho u n-j t:v tl,oe nij.-f.ar ! c.'JdlvuUt uv-.'iVf.'.viJ t,ie i;z lC'iifpt'tiM ! bis euce tuev u cioni'lU avrcalatd IrJtl Ua. we h-.'V liiudj litem uiH.fet xt vdoseful to ( i ua uy hjviii l!.e io.v i'-do i..,r ow-o hand:-.- , I Th'.-y be et u' tool ncciiniUictuJ sutbiu. for ; they btbor, V,'e uv i-jj.jc held iku U)ts. j L-Juker Gu-. itt i aoM-aui'i', aad iJcekin i'o ' jji-jui treasurer, aud the ui;i;ets hev lien luadj' to pay all the tuxes that hev bin paid. ; They co.ident lu-'p ibeirif tV, kr tbu'law bez teinus when wauldud by at ruujt'aud w il . ho handa, aud th" band t.v onr olritlic! urc ! both si roil;; and witiiu. j iiul lor these oi'j.-a tbo towijsliip juv t crmiirtil a'uou ln a m'oi uOiin. Utaker don't dale lo aostws U iM-oni, lor tear hu'd atop auppliea onto" Win; nor wood Hkschiii I hev uny .tiv t'tu 'ftl.uu ciiieus UirJ, lor wlntU'vii' they ebooi) puy iu.lsjtea lUal went ei:l:e lulu lhe ouuuty or tlato tieaury vU7. j to iiiucb lost to him. Hu wun unxious to ' have lhe nigger sweat, ftlr uv the uioiU'j col lected uv Ui tin hu t;oi u lurry jt' Wetil,, ci ther throui) the collector or treasurer, wu;h wuz clear gain, ex tbuy don't palrouuu him atsj bow. .- - -.- -"-I lu various ntber wuvs are bad cm T'en. ! t,:i,..u,., u !,,, .. no iu o-t. ,,,,,) .; 1 tlll. v,.u . ,, ,,,,, , ,. '.,. ,.,,..-t.T,, I '. j k,. ...... .j.,. uiUkl'.r vvood occticioiiullv' labor. i iliutitu time or in bai vest for the white, citizen w ho owned laud, and .ilHed with lhe idea that hey wuz lice ciiizycs, .they. Wood, ia. tbu uiost.iiuolt'ntluaniier, dumaud pay lo, Gieir eer vices. Uv toai inxy .Bvulil he.raloued, wheieuijon Ibey wood briuirsoot before l'en- ubacker. The ieult uv thttr VCucbijr'it is onnitesiary f.r me to attttt)'. " A tVat btisUta he "u))i;er 10 tl'. ver ! ,,, , , coin n woud.lve iniiijiniint embodimanl uv the imijeaty uv tha law thunder lorth whh a fucu vt black ft H cloud. , And disiilijsiu lhe knot tie wood ishou au excootkeo auiueui for costs. Teu or twtutv uitri'tna w Im aiud vvbitt) men wa mid ut boh and sinker by the court f.ir costfl in such Boots, und when the costs ciid'l UU all they bttd. tU. justis wood fine em lor toutempt uv court lor cou,i n before birii. ut a4U 'l he e.ijraers ufier a, lew.ei'pnimouta deeiiued ta Mek juMis at tlmt fouolin had t.e atlrt. r - ', Then aaiij in c.uer. of assault adtl battery and Li Uii-tii oa tL dcI budhii oi elgtrt it win nectasMry to bov I'linoUmrltef jiiktia- Ningun wiuli ruz foucil dul liungiu tu Utus,' I nu'.l iib ullit liolea iulo em, v.t riu)urly ' f.iiinl irnlitv ii v tliiti hy visitation nv I'rovi- I ' demx'. K. Uicy lintl'lit votaa uv esarse n(ine i uv the OiTisliola wtiz iifntiJ uv cin. 1 liuarci t!fi uv eui. wunst. win) bfien fjiiaiC tRen- Iv (KiiUrt for st'ikin' l"s:iltHr Oavitt, icii 1., It' ful ,,,,,nrt ,1m,.. 1 h in (I all l Ii ! !er iliru tu; Corner, grouimJy exclaim tilat U ! winbt lie M uiu liurlt Iiireiiiu ioaua uv 1 AmetiiiV. But iiowuM it lia wiiU ul They will vo'.u uoil they T, ill liev a uiiijoiily. Puiiuck 3 i I lit! in udi juBtis uv Iho pMeou, Jim B!)i!er nSf"pf1 ami n tii'ul' cntistalita. Vr'al atkoo lily hev wv ? Tuera n ill euo ua anil t, juijj;uieut(i. otnl tba uigjjtr ciT)ata.b'.c will tiervu meoooalielis onto ue. Wliy, Deekin Pngraui owta ftiouyli to niacin to awauip every nkcr I liolJa, ami Baicnru ,voml ba uwtat aerai'ely. Ami, whoa we juiii b out; of t'.ivir !:eailj for iiuoleui'u lu ub, then Ui lie urr.-sti.-ii by u t'ior, tbeu to bo Uuea I eioia a juetia tlictcV. by uit'fjcr. uiui bo (iusil or pMA'uBto Imprisoiifcii ! I'.'a too luacb. - i ''7bfcfl thin bl.peii9, v.!:l tV.i CHi-iiera, I ai.k, 1 he a 1,1-iL'H fur i tnLioiueu uv niMc ml t.ul- I Icbrrt NayV' And to'tbta it mut cmuo. I nw una v.eak ajuit in tbu aineadi-icrit, vi?: It pi'Dvidt '.hatHo SluU-a Miel di.l'ian- j cbise aiiyboiiy btcoz of race or color, but. fl'iii rauy thai peopiu cau t be uisfrur.tbi for oIolt conns, and 1 caireily aec.ed b I'd buid uv tlja'f ?. u abiriwract 'luuriiiier does to ' p'Kn I "What K"uJ will that i'o ua 1" gritanad V!iv wa di(f.'anrbi! them ou tba tkure of ignoime" leutarkt L "The higeia can't all read." , , ' . "!STi more kin I," replietl Lisaker Gavitt mournfully ; "I'd be cut out with em." Aud upon giviti tba matter uiatlior reflffo liuu I saw tbar wi'z be bottom to that hope. By iuh1.1i) randiu a test the superior thus at ib'i Cornera wood ba auare.Uuit tbau ibe in ferior ciaia. . . .... . 1 , . Thank beavta leu aiatea kin block t'nia truno and aave V9 this torment. Ub that they iuuv do it 1 U, that this last hitler draft may be apitied ua. May the DimociUy of the North put forth tbuir ptKulii aud ve ua lUia lust dei;ruduliou. PcmoLtCM V. ITasuy, P. It. (Yicb i8 I'natmaa'.ei.) A ai-ketctoaa I'iatjtcr trad a Sia j -rum nit Itlnjr. I Thirteen yeara aiv, a man nam(!d Joliy, I who lived iu DeKalb County, was niyati t rioottly niudu away with after ' having left i hia bometto vitit NnVnvillc. He was tn!o,-blv well tiff, bad a benutiful vouni: wifn, whom he bad married a year previous to ,ia aud- j den ami hual dttsappearatice, anduhom-he nail 6ticces!.iiiuy won irtini a powenni, pcr liiiKfinitH anil raticorona rival. . At thn titno of Jolly'a rlepartnra from home he confeaautf t, i.,i atrnnrra nrcsentiment cf im ptJ8(lin? evil, and be paaMonat.ly ki,.e,l hia .eavin,, and . . ' mr" Bl ,' "rl".,"r', to bo a girl-horn an orphan. W hen b i aui.iu the well t.8tabli3lit d i lath ; dovetail or counter sink joists cross was awa.v about a week, bis wile and Iriemls 1 , ,.;,T mm .. .,,. rn,i n,,,.,tl,iv i. ! .;. . i.. ,i,- it. ..a i a .. .u i . i,.c,. alarmed. Nothirfehtd been heard hirt,r,l l.Un ),.,-, 1 ruin' him no one had seen bini on the i imtrncv. After ft couple of day's intoler- able auspensc, search waa matured. 2 search was inatituted. JJo I trace of any olt could be lonnd, rsrtut tjiat I the mark ol left, as if those of Btrnt lin ij i ! men, were found on the banks of the. C'un her'.aud, about two miUs from a laDiiui, J here it waa expected Jolly was to take a ' ! bout to come down the liver. Several aatall ! sipliti(js wcie eillur turn up by the roots or ! i,,,,.,, (ilUI giving cvideurs or a fierce com j;,. thin,, ihat could, li any way, :t ,, ,, t ht mi tl'.o ala ol .!ol y v. ks ii years t.ver ;sf cud. .M:t-r rtioaiLiiuK t o in iI- I'amii and wktn her two iiulo chi I drrn ti'ii- in a condition to ran about, tho ((came'weH-icd of a sccre, the ci.rdcrr.pla tioii cf which aH'rdiitl her ' iii.ili'iut; but tbo most iu;:.te j ain. Slse, by !i".u advice of tiienibi and j.iiVhi.i'iiis, sold out mid. cau.ti lo IJasbv'd'e. Iu a'-out thrte y ..-. allot w ard silt (uatiiCd the clever I r.t tvC.-nli io L'r. Harrer, who died down riou'.u ti.i'.,n,; th'.! war. t'He has sinee rer.-.aiacd a widow, j'p'incft'd f.f considerable provjetty ftCd ai ! iii'.e'.i.bliag fiir.iiy of tlnee girt and a boj'. ! Tin i-any, Init uiiauccessful, auitor to Iihi j lotnd, having never mauieiVfciig.-W'd i'l t"ha j S'Uitbi'in t .iu.'e. and wua in the a.nne rt jii nient in which Dr. Harper was nie .ileal oiii Icir. lie if. aiouy ju apparent (jood tfrma with l'r. Uitruar, but- waa litq'H-nr!y lieurd to cue him i-i'.ii'jlj in livn'c, and, in fact, (the day bif.ira hia d'a.t'h, h .d a Ki i ce (ill er- ntion wt'n t;ini,Ai . ri 1ID jn g Ul ,.t'u,.m, ,,t t.JVvd, iatton wi'h hirti.Vh'.ch was cnly prevci.ted tatal collision by tl.a lil'.t-r- or oiilcer. tar a lonr; l.mc alter t!m i.tai'i oi He hut, the initii.er nt it wi cnn.-'iieisd iiai)t:e, hut tht) lunukt of.it iluaiiy died out o! th tuuiili of D.en. Alter the A'sr, tho liereo but halilud suitor ul lift- y!;n d.i' came to "Tabvil'e and ri newed ticq iaintnr.ee wMi tho twice wid owed ikme of hi youth. Vsry recently bo waa on tns poin, of siicce'-rtini; r in fact aouie pibliniiuary airaii-emeril were all tatty made lor u wedding whea a rleiaiiLainent occmed iu the- tin tor pip which kupp;;id the bouse id' the widow Uarper, .iu l?o'ilb IN at,U villo. Plumbers were set to work up- mi tlm pipe ..H e.nili! ma'.ie no impiiivo- ment ot'H. Finnlly th styci'l was- npncd ip- t.i ascertain the Causa cf tha' Water at p p.'pc. It was bmnd. At the Liouih of ibo pipe, wIicih it was attached to the main street supply pipe, tha skeleton of a band w hs found ; tbo linger wera closed np like a knot, (irmly jammed into tho small pipe. On hoiufe taken out a3aL' n"'u w"s fou"d clutciied in the linfjer, covered with fiist, of ronrse, bnt aulllciently lound aud perfect iu shape to show that it hud been once the properly of the man to whom the widow OB.iitJHb:d t bo married. - Upon one of ibe lingfia was found ubo a diamond ilnj' which her first husbaud woro when ho iilt their hutiau, iu Delialb County, 13 year ao. v'lien tbeae particulars becuma known the intoudud biideomom Ijiutily luH town, and the yood lady became ick. An attempt waa inado to bush up the.a facta, but they (railnaMy leaked out and came lutn oui' po kcs.vioii votrrday. .The. lady has not ytt re oovrred'. bho hue spells of'delirliim, aud fears are entertained by her pbysielian that herref.son has been impaired by the kbock of the discovery. ITmkiUli Pr. To Kti Clcau, or Rd. J3uus. Take he wbili a uf four ege ud teu wula. worth j of quiukailver ; put thuni into a bowl aud 'beat lu 1 ueil'rct troth. T"k falhur ul . dip into the preparation, aud apply to every purt'of your hedalead wbre Uuj; couceul Ihema.ilvi'S ; do ibis once a year, and juu will never t-e a iie0.biij in your bouse. , ' j-V. Questionable taste-the deuiufld lot baked ttiowlrailB la Altuny, Kcit.tirsf) ABs.otHATtoKa. A ny one Lut iiii lloid'ly acijuaiiitod v.il'l flu detail nf Krgwtli nf llm uity if It-iif, Cfptcially Yefirenco tii 'tliat class cif in citirem ws.i, Hl'titf all, form Ihu real i-kimi'tit of ita- lulisy of eodie.ty, wti tneati hn lll'.'tl of (small uicana uf tliuir ivti Uiirnirt vlio Iiyo iu tliuir (own lioiiie'ieaii-t, rriunt to awurof tho fact I t Ilk t tlltl an tailor)-TiniMlnfr ' ,Bfl Hvin.' Akiocialiani litwe clonn a vast df-st ot R'hIcH iu tnu regijt'ct. A4 far we kninv, tueir nttinbvn auiounla to Bfti'di, inciudin"' cue or two that bavo Hrt cxpirc.1 to tha dtcliUU buukl'it ami full uutinfiu'tKni of all conr.ertioJ. 'i'liia vary cinininiitanre ut having in our miiiet tiiii'b iust'intea of duiiiHriK aAnr.ia tiuna that Itata la'rly fuliiHeJ r.;i thtv' bad proiiiianil, i What baa roa.le tliHm to irry: j pniiular. .Many a marl tb Merlin oa.es b'n ; lioiiii! anil linma to tbtfae aaaociatimia. -' Let j ua inatanco one strikhijj case that tD:a ft) i our lititice. ,... i A woikine man ho enrnaj ttt tin dil- tnra a week, Mveit in a ?mU tnrt h(,jo id iCa alUy, (of v. hb'h he linl X pat t-a rtol'aia uuitith. Hvh'anl that a niiylibminfe botiMs VotiW in all' prabft.llitT he fnra.!e, anil hnvinfA j fri-.niit, trt iro his letritr in hhaiik.and nv moueV,-bia anxiety ta live id bi own hiHtit?(l prtifftted l'tn to - amii.a tb niitiira'and optTaMona ol JmiJdirs (assncinliiiBa. Hn bad camimmf aena enrt'if-rt to perceiva tie -sMlvantKuaa tlttf prefi-riltid a uiau in iii.unin..r. 'H " five aharea.'for Vhirhbe Mad to paa f.Te tin!- will nioniTiia ii wan a eeie inei ut ttiii. . ills rututhly payments n aeronr.i or nousa attd boma now doinuntud to fifiepn dollars a nioiiiU tan for Tent and fivw for tha fcnfe of a botne. Ho wan' ri;;lit in bi ralcfllationa. The tiaiebbor'a hotiae wna nflnted to hlTH at a.prlca within hia reaoli fhrnt;b thw aid of tha building atsocialion. lie bought nut hia live ahares at a fair prsminm, leaving htm a little; cbnnge over the purchase mnnev lut here be wot a draw-hack, lhe hoartVi of managra wmild allow him but four allures on his new litlli! fram bnuaa and lot.- In ronaecjucrtcs of thia. ba waa ahort aome f .'il. He manarjid, "however, to arrange -tbi an, mint, piivately ; and npon a aimple trai.it. IVr of hia deed nod tire insurance tai the A-ioc'iaiiiHi, be cunie in possesion of a home stead.'! do placa f paying fll'tean dollars a month, he now pnya five dollars monthly inntalinrnts tor hia five tsharea. and four riollara igtarest for hia loan of four ahares, tnakini; nine dollars monthly payment in !1, and by the time the Aaaociatinn is "run ItU" be tjeta tho title in hi own name, and 1300 for 'hia fifth ahtire, besidra. We ware induced tn makethefe remark from tha! fact that another of thnao Building and Savinra Aasociatinna," that has conferred ; immense bonalils cpon this community, is i ahnut brin in itg lBniri tom 9 VMnuf 0era,ior to a does att ir operation. Yl e oilurie loMwo inch mortise, vt it ii ttik. Taper pint the Cnitimbiav iNo. 1. ftlf.ny ot tnu o:u stand-bva" of thia Af-aoointion, after bar- inur, nine annntns aco, alarttd uoiitmnta, io, I '? nhiflt vt'M tnnrr. f ItAti filled in lft.y.thnn r C m 7 "tr - dih' A" and .v nB." A.Jdati whU ,! suliFCribtiil to insure Us aiiccess. Ihiaaom iip oil hates ie- ;i"'" - 'l -- 'l""'.' atalments of Cil.tirj. Tliete are fotne oiiior soru-ties in Reading operatiiiR on tomawhat ilifli-t-ortL fntiaiittitiona ! hot as to th;t main ? ntin.-int,-. .hev aire nil alike, tlie chief UiiPer- once consisting ui the lentn oi time utaites them to "ion rr.t, tho paynicnln, ol couisni l.p;r.j heavier or lighter, in iiropr.rtinn to the i.ontempintcd duration of ita existence, J,x;terieiu'it, however, scema t nave demon- ptraied very clearly that the old principle ull...l...l - ,.. 1,,.,-n nl unnv t.-l.ii lt 1 1, r. "ir nenilslupa is to tie Mumiri, ia tnu mnkt pi'Hciic.khle lor hi-in of moderate means. lU'idiny UuzUle. io iot be,', She b no inolherl Vt bat a voluma ",f stntowiul tiuth : i ompti.-ad in thai a.ule RLiiteac.rt no mi 'Ll. t. r 1 Vt'e mnkt -o l-.r tit'ivn tin hur.'l, ri.Uf.ii jaiba Co. lti iu.lled to l ine au.l I c.l hie, ami be .now ia thai: netcu t 1 .ii ;n brioiewo can lake b'tiiio in our eiiitnelicu liie isality iv .M'Uer w i;hoi..t u t, uya' u fiai! ynuiy ni hood toward u.a Hut w noa it i. said cf ..ter;rt;s, and as fast m tbu ground was pre j tie t puksiuii litim child-1 pared l.s plt.n:d fruit. Ha heoume so ii,t,.r u ut woman, bow ami ia c. l' J nuri aiiccittsfiil that he retired ttrrn tho the stuiy auuiiufii up in that one a'uort kai,- , li.iikti;. SVun iball aiiu.iui.-tei- the iivudtd ' counsel who auiiii ciittk the wayaid fan- i cics who tiiud br-ar with tue erroia aud I iniiius oi tue inui uris gn i i ! Deal tiriily wiiutbo cudd. Let not the cup ul n .n o'.v liu ykerblivd by liar.iu--s -l your be iiiiix, r your unsyiiipaiiiizini; coti. i.cn,. Is l.u hei .iiticsa iii htr doinya f Is tbe ca;ei. iu It uv Miuvetneut il iiett.eiv.bor, nil, i curi ud.cf iho has nu nioll.st! When b'.r i'i;)ii).i.ijni. tiio gay, and j'ljoua, tloe? rlllt t-'.l V ul M H r.g ( UVLi kilJ l.a Willi U (low iic ut e u.iJ lar oid alap, vvl.uq you would luia' vi'ea tho uahing of ,youih i dbido bet uot, loraiiii -i niotoerli i.; ; and tha ureal eonnw coiuoa . dow n upon, her antil iil.e au iucubua. t Cau yol (,'uiti her cuniideiice can yoli win bef lovo i Come, thea.to tho inolliuilti-t ; with a boon ol'jour i tcuiititut care; and l'ihe memory id jour laothis uTi'edy posse il nwyr by tU jtossi- j ijja. g.yvu,- ojvu (Uud way bo 4intkcT- , h'6a cojitri'liiuet a Ur a you &y feiiete i lnt. lUilt' f4irU4iiia wU. iu wtleu I ..lu(,tj c,iess.'.' ...... , . . f , , ..- w .: . "iuth.)le ' 'i'liu ,'siv VcUUisMi,,wrt . The fii'.lau'iiuj poUptiiU)e, recently pa leuted iu tleliuin, i auid . to be very useful for wcitlin juui and ateal U)(;i.thtr. It con aist's pi' un tUousaud pans of iron Clings, tivo buutlre,4 paita , d botaa, ciillty paits of bl'!;ui) id' tupaiva., or Lbt. itainuu oil, with aevuity lit pull )it'ul utnuiouiac Thef;tt iuleJu-nU are well mixed together, beuttil aud pulvorizttL.t Tbu ' process of webliuj; ia oiuch the auia a usual. The kurfucea Jo be uuited are portdnrml with the composiuoi:, nud then brought to ft cherry led beat, at which, ihu powder melt, when Wlie pui tiun.tq.be welded am tdkcu Irom ( the tire and, joiued, Jt the pieces to be wcidi;d are, t'a-i larjte to .be.bnth introduced I at h bamuitirnu iuio te forge, pne, can .be 1 fir-d healed wit li the welding pnw des to a ' chqriy led beat, tod tba other aUrivrds to I a wbitu heat. kl;er which the wekliue' uiav bo. iill'cted. Ay.dUei; foippoaitiiin for ibe tiiui bbjcct 'ttiuaiau uf.lij.teeu parte of boiax, ttvu pan. of ial autmou'.ac aud two part of cyauide ol potios'tuui. . 'ibe.coatilueat are uissolved iu'wuter. and the wutar itaalf ai toward cvapo;atted. V t, a les '( .temperature. ' A alary is told.ofa we,lldnowu Jminiaitirg lawyer, wb latulv.atteuded player, inetl- I big w here, he wua.caiiafUiudjo u.'iar p.aytr. Not btuiij accuslnajed tu audi duty, he rose, r.ttcniptiiit! tbo Liird Prayer, and aucceed irt" very wall un(i be cauie.to the pat,ge, "(live u thia' d.iy our .doily brend," when, from fi'fc of Lubit.bu Jiuuicdiately added, "y.'.!! coots'." . il uuca Unl ive. . : A rpcent es' inu'i J ma. sua 1 ii tUil .ciunn- my n yoi.i, iii ihu : it: i ui coin, jewelry, epssclt, tttlnsil.i, in Tm r:t in all' ulrftiiM, fn the liauUa of mra, ennn! is tr.ltje to Al.'iUO.tlO'J,'. COO sierln;-. ' 1 lil onlH ho 4'Ca, nuO.OOO ounce. r-Hijf'0lJ ei'lbic tnrtiss. '!t" 'oa- l Vt'v;".4,i.'lt n bis.lu Uiixik, iu ilirneiiai(ii, would :iot (.! .'a tiiau 2d foci ertuare. and its M-tLt '1 U,fi00 luus. In Ilia ihnpg of lovrvelgna )ilCod in h single Kne 'nn - tin' grouui!,n(;li r.oin Iming m contrtct with ita i.aibiior,i:jtV()i;,o(io,o;M) ateriin; would ftira a liucK -i,,y.j) luilua iu leiiUl. , The vulin- uf tbu silver in nso ia act rlnwn at 1,0(10,000 .C!i) i atPrlini; taltie. ' Tbia. in loimd nuniltvrs, would he 4,00').000.nno oiiucta, or 40(1,000 ul'io feet, rrieaBurirn 100 fr.et aquaro by 81) feut in hriwht. Iu tne atiape ot Flullitig, placed in en in Hue, ibe p!i! e ilsttlf wotild hi in ntact and more than i iwitecntTiiiitii uv mis amojni oi r.iTsr. 1 XveJianict' llmjazint. . m r ,. -, . - , . , . A f:iruti3c w riter asva teat wnttr which i has (fend in an occupied Iidiiom nvsr ! ti'Iit : uttttrly hithr. a tlalalrnmis jio;on, amt it nut iar (irmKinff.- Jib water :a a itiwer1ul r.bunrl.f nt of a, faking in i iViK nipbtt ail tUe pniaou II. at H j thrown oft by reapiraj.on. Iho coldor 4lic j weather llie more impura ti; watar vt i;l i i'"i. Mini, ic.n j.T. r,i j. b a J'Sil li i - " .1 1 cut) i am a nint ol caftioni.l suit i and pevrr.-.l pints of ammovia. The t a.'tai.itv is npar:v tlo'iDleil tor rertitrina; tha tmper. t,ir o water tn ice. : Of comsi-tha tna'ler bbciir.itf doubly aeriona whan email nr-cVose room is ociiiijncd.. Tlicaa . facts .isultttie anothtl' of conii .lerahle imporla'nco ia 'f.o mestio economy d '.rviar this cflld wearier, viz : that water may .be used ita an abaoi hent of fro',!. Plate a tub.of water ia a cold cel lar over nip,ht, and nil he morning the vege tables will he found untouched bv frokt. even thony.li tha water abmild ha frozen solid. Water ia excellent' ft' ptirilicr, but people who rcperd their bcaltb tbould be certain that it ia itaelf pure before applying ; :t to tua petson ei'.aer eiternaUy or inter paii,?. a AGRICULTURAL; &C. ItoT to KnSl..1l rv Oi-ta Ci-!b. ;4,powto hvo n,rt proof corn crib is a great question among fanner. A curres poarldnt of the Kew. York Farmers' Club gives the following experienro : ''I liavn a r.nt-n rrih tlmt haa atitntt fnr QO .vests, and has never bad a rat, and but one mouse in it to mv koowlodea. Post ten or twelve fuct lone, and ciht inches eouftrc ; j uiortise two feut from onu end ; for end rilla. irom sill to llie end, t y hewini off inaidu tin- J U four ioo'tieadiame- til tba end ia lednctd tcr;, mitke aniootb with draw knifo and nail on lin smooth half way to tbo end, below tho sill. Let aills ba eight inchoa square ; also, end tie them and the rafter plates stionji with mfci crate interstices. B.nca well, and 1 . V. . j .1 : . . . 1 . . , " "'' """, ""H I'l'Ulll l.. till, BIIUB I with iinprooved boards ; let each bent bo 12 j feet lonp, 6 feet w ido at tha ail), and 7, feat I ak nlntt. and if fnll tn nunV 4t u.ill lint, I ! hun.liri aa n B f sr h.iKlaln. 'f never had nn i car to htirt on aeconntet the ere.it Width Ii pn-lerrt'd, lay the' Moor with lutti or nar- I row hoards, with room for vcnlillntion. j Each post should stand on stone, about three i mchea from the t;ror.til, and each stnnu have a foundation two feet sqnare, and bo- low tlia Ii out. Wliut a Eialfiii-c Will A shoamaker over in Jersey bonirht n ha'i" acre ;r,i. i-io wa tonn or ircir, ana n'.ut tre paper, i he soil was wot. clay, and be )- leeted. fruit suited to t.( clinihie. Hu r.ui!t a house and put bia le.nd in a cordi.'ion to produce ln.it. Hu hud t.-i mannia li-tt drop , pit-3 of Btrtet catt. In- li s Ipii-t-re be , I rouht from the wood bnrl., rotten wood. j mosa hud lent mould, w hicb bo mixed wi'h , tiia koil tiirce feet dtei. Tl.ia win done by cubi. r'a I'-ni-h. 1 was his neighbor , and ntp- lmo.t and knew bi.tt inlimiitelv. Ilia half acre ported hirsaelt uud wife comfortably, nlmo j in elegance, ftho bad ro eurvnnt, and had ' p.enty oi lime te cnmvrnc uowe rs. Btrnno. ! n s inquired ab-int their beautiful homo. Jsabellu rapia und common currant lonr.ed the bulk Ot bis I: tut. With a hatter Sflbftinu bis income would have born larsrer. Other had tho tame success nn small pieces f.f ground. One I knew who supported his fa intly on tiu acre. Iiidi wa in prnpes, the cu p of which in one sascn sold lor S O'), and be h id r.o tnl's to pay. If couCfu'.r vtiou will j.ive success, let fii know- il and, piactits . it Dr. P:l; in t'n .V. T. Tri-iv.ue.' . , I'"- : JFram be Baltimof Weekly Sua.) ! ' rami ."Votes lor .tlat-oJi',' i ' OaT3. Jlorc tbau utnal interest ) felt In this crop iu many p.uliousof tbu cauatry i rucbifd by the hgiicu'turid pref, ouaccodut ? of th.- lit" hilV.oW va-btii-s which have bucu r, goo-j C.iil adkerti.-ttl i-rid CfUiUientcJ op. TuA f:.;1r-)tS;c'. the c Eiun.v.iel;, nud'tliO of way are 'it'll very h'thlv cmnuieuded fur ny nro nil very utniv cnii.uieui weight per buhl unusual, proiUiclive r.e?. Vben it fa coru'ulcred Jbat a ytr.V Inigii" portion of tbo 'out ol In'.t ,s:ason 'tcitcelv paid for tba Liboy of cuttiuf theiu, it' would aeem that aotuetbinjt incited were needed to secure a wore proiiiablu return. On fact bhoilbl bo especially lenmrkad beiw cver, and that is the time of seeding last year's crop. Owioif to tbu wetness, of the spring a very largo portion of the teedinf waa thrown buck to the latter part of Apul and iuto the tnnntb of Slayi Tho season t'.tr growing was extremely favoruble, and never was crop pushed forward ruoie rapidly. But if if.in'e'. iyh if r"A. The fair how Above ground bad no stable ource ofsupply in the spread and depth and growth under ground, so that when the tlna o fiiakinr; the j;i nin earr.e titers wantifit atiVrtuui; to bring it to Its fqllness and ptftfiictlon,' and the unfilled st: aw w ilted 5n Hie sunulier beat.' The ItsAm we should Uped-illy liarn from this is early 'fee'ediug. ' Every ono baa had the chance uiiw tn prepare tie ground iu good time; let there be uo delay in tuwiug tbo aeed. ' " 'i'lte early teediug U alao deairakl for tbo cake of the clove: or graaa aeeda that wa of ten sow with the-crop. It theuld be re uieinbered ihatjti olteuer drying wfada uud hot auusthut kill the young grass than spring frost. . , Tbe.fanilier to be applied te oaUsboold be put iq by the tame tiparaiiou that cover ihj e-ed, so'that, the raid may tueet with it iu (lieit earliest wacdeiies;. .. ' CiQVs;R,-r-vfli s)'Kl firmer aia ti will dli ptcia witt eliv.r, botti tCT lit twclt ftttd Hi umiare. Auditors', AdininUtratora' and Zxeubrn' IJot'.oi'a $tUil. Oliiiunrii a loroi pt (lit u?un a: iMninoaniut.'. whioh 1 ft on. to he pnld f.ir nt a! rtTtiine? mon Lnofil Koliaod, eoulot; 11 Wolutioua. tie-, IOcoi.1. per line. AdvwilfPtpanff ftr TWIrjtars'; Cbtirttnloaril Kdu caUonikl ifbjeeta, oeic-blf tlioAhiro rules. Trun-icM a3 viri.Urinonts v lll bn puMilierl itn''' ardorod a ta dlrnciiLuued, and oliargetl aeorlii.g!. laoda. ' It bi-loti(.a r ntcds.o'ty wbcroviT it litt prown.-JoMui-t. ri.l rfi tein of futminc; ami we lmim:!y w'.slt Untt; whera it is not liiHuliarly Istiuwn, larmeia wouUIao mperi tiintlt with it na to know certniuly Uaher it can or Cannot bn aiici."..',ru'i!y grown.. It should ba Hindis, wb'oTo' it'ia "puejih'le, t li e vary itround wufk of improveinaiil, m well as of nuca.cfiul Ui'iiiijiiu, , . ,S i'V lit t)ii lalit.inl na, cailr in tbia n ontk as rraoti':a1i!c. Oi ficnhlv plowed titiund j the ua nf iba rnller afttr at'e'lin is Ttiyiii)- porMnr, I he young plan'a perish constant ly a lighlly pulveiisod land by roujon ui' the timtii liftcouiinji diiuJ and btutcd l.e nfath the rana nf tha. .roots. There in 6 pnlntf rtttfreitafKirtitnce in aowlmf gras or oth'-r arnad scad than tbnt of V woll compact ed aurliico. .() wheat land tliat ia dried end baked it i.s vrj'd tc run a liiii.-ow iu moist Wea'hef. tiien sn.v m-jJ. iml follow iiumt:- 1; .arety wi: n i tm rot! sr. s Kaop all atflck Irnm ls?t tnri3R sowiii. lill it begin to show Mnnna. dow plaster oil that aud tbo reien. v-ai '. , The i!on in fot lbs c-i;i ;ril CI op r,ny 3 rlunun. ll:at linmerlintelv proceed hot a '.ion hi 4 anr.h '" entitv.lv cf,t .1 protv th of gnisa by a perfect inrfrsioD an:. complcto. cioiiokf' tf tiia senilis. Tile mere dsalruciion of giaf. however, '.:) iv.ake rooir for ft growinc crop, is ouiy ono of the manv ("uu H'.iii.tUK l.-r p.OWltlj;, 1111,1' 110 Willi Mi tain tiietn . I r; I ruinnw n- 'j ,,,,' ttbe nt.-icstltv'o!' a dueo. r.s wull as of :. ciim- pleta. .u.niif oi sou. - in any, except vi'7 soils, a good iiiow uinl tbidu slrour liorsea bbould go as dt.cn us t! e:r pow ar aC niftsi ' ' ' - Early Pe7ATots.-T.Tahy fn,-MC'i-s hair make potatoes a valuable crop, and f.inco lhe introduction of productivs early soils, an early crop on a cn::sidc;-ublc s::aie inny be made profitable. The Eenrly Goodiich is tbo bPit ifarly pntnlo thi.t pr.';; be 'procurcc'. at t rtmaoriaiilo rate, if "tiltlvatsd Irr mur ke!. It is of fair iulit v, eurlv in the oaaaon and very p.ojgctiva. H ehotild be 'plunted very early, nnd tho buat availnbla munuro, apart from the faria fcujtpiies, sci'2;a to bo Peruvian guano. . Okkf.s Hkas. Sow verv curlv tba ea;l- Eons, and at interval btb iisrte. eariy k; kit srtyyw.ryaas From Arthur's Ilonio H intlns EJXTcj-oot Trnya orCooUio;- Oyatcr To Stb-v 0STsn8. Stra'n W.-i liruor oT tua oyslera, pt it on to boil with a fuvr 1 1)ln' "f niacc, aomo whole pep iFlJl(',; tltim wt"- V.'bau iho; nners and all- o'Jsblv boil ed, put in the cys'.ara aud let tlie:u boil up. Mix 'ft jjnod sired lump if butter with some Hour, smrulhlv tir it. in the boiling li'inor'. aBl odd ci earn accordi."2 te tbs qaar.titv cf '"" cook- Jo j, ky UTeTERe. i ako a qun.'icr oi c hundred of large' oyslcra, wash them, dip them in tvj'g, and roll them in grated bread or ci acker, w ith tieritjsr aud salt, and fry fha'.n a l)';ht brown. "If you chouse, you may add a little parsley, shred Hps. : To Picklk Ovtimia,-Take the liquor of one hundred oyfters, add ono teacup ol viner-ar. Boil nud shim it, and put in ibc oysltra with a tablcspoorful of salt, end tbu same ituuntity of pepper, nid let tlie 'whi.lo simmer tuutiu-r a few minutes. Mace, clovto and ttlier ice, may be a.ldad. Inc:;sl weatbtr they will !;er;p n'vend t'tay. . hcl.U)l'Kit OTSTEl'fs. n nan your oy.'tn.r well in their ow n liquor, then put them into ccaliop khelia or a deep dish, aire vv over their, a faw bread crumb, with foil's acasoiiinjvj psppar and salt, ami sa h sjiicca r.b you liro !r sprenl srtiu batt?r cvtr them ; then odd uuotliar layer c,f r.ysters, tiicn of bread crumbr, els. ; nud vvbcu iho dish or shells , nr lull, sjireati bttlte- over tho ton aud set ; them In the stvru t.i Liowr.. lva.taiED Oysrr.lt.-i. I nrja oyU'? nil ; oiiened, n few mitmtcs befuri! they are wnnt- ; ed, flmuld be put on s iidiion over u mode rale h;t. u ovii t ..t-y a COOiiMl llu:V w il fpen. . Do cd lose ,uo iuell w llli t he O' Ut r ii jut-r ti at is ij IU j OvTEtt Loaves -Take littl ro'nr.il loav,s, , cut iii! tlm t.ips, :r:tpo out ail the crumba, jtben. put the oyUtr inlo a stewpan with i the ci-urnl-a ti.at i,ai:.e out cf tho loayca, a i liule water, nr.d a poor', lump of butu.-r; Hew j them t' J'ltber I've or iii mi:i ub s; tbeu put ( i:j a aponnful of good creir, !i.l your Ictavea, i lay the bit of cruj.t cuvfu i tiltlTj ln ac oven to crit-p. J Ovej'EKS or Toast. pan tv.eio ery ; lrve i.yilttrs, put lhui in a p in with tlieit honor, u ciuartc-r of a teasiiooulul of i.-epi)er. , wii.ahis of miii;, two clove, aud a ama'd j fJICl-l. I'l 1'ldl.V, 11 ii.lllt,,. Xilitl U lot) IlllUtllC!' I until set; mix ,or:o oucti of butter with ah'.f if luiiulv, nn oucce oi ityur; i: t it, ill lillill t;ioc:, ic the pan, r.r.d atir louud whei; near boilin" : pom fiver tha toast, aud serve. . . Ovsw.ii rurrmni. Mis cqu.l quantititr of oyster juico aj, J milk, au 1 to a pint of tha Hiixe.4 liijiior put a pict ,of wheat, flour, n coit'ilu'cl b.i'.yu rf,.s, a little suit, uud a few of tho cy;tfj. into l,.-4 laid. Eit'p by tbs Itr-e fpoocf Js Euoil Oveixjw. Take them f :.. tli I &XU, I'tard them, and put tUeta with tboif llqu'.;' into tin . slinptti, iuadu lo imitata j sfu"ops, ai.j iu'a obeli, (uot more,) with ft j lit,'! pw'ppc.- aud butter. Put the shell upon n firidirt'U over u good lire, uud serve tliem , w hi-a I'lu'mp and quite hot. Squeeze a lit 'e!t'.i:on juice ovr them when t'iuy eonx ' fii'i.-i ti'n R. TO Knoir. 6vsri.rts, AxoxikKR way. They may ba put singly iu their uudcr-shell alonjc with their o'.vu liquor, ft littla minced para Icy aud spfi-e, and a bit of butter, and tliut p il upoii ho ijiidiron, to be taken oil" whec thn'i ouph'y htutjd. OYrt;u Txr.. Strain the liquor from iha oyster, and pot it on to boil with butter and pepper, and ft thickening of brand crumbs und milk we'd .beaten together, and alter boiling a few uiiuutts, throw ia t'us etyster. J When they cortt lo a boil, trko theurn.'f, ind, while warm, ai?d tha ben'eu yolk o. three gps. Lia s bi-tlersd di'u with t rich pat, and Uil will) white pope: or a clean uupbin, to support a H i of paste, and baka it Vv'ban lightly browned, take off Ihu lid, retlave tbe paper er napkisi, pour iu lie. ciyatars, et a few mihutts lo the ovsn, aud seed lo tble hut. ... .... ' .- Plain- Ovteh Pie Line a common pie tin with paste, the aatne a for fruit pie : fill with oytei nd their juice, from wliieb, every particle of shell lia becu removed; soasoQtd at ith ' alt and pepper, arid butter, dredpe with Heur, pot oa i lid of parte, and bake irj a nioderata oven till ft liybt bn-ws . OikTiH Ovti.ET. take six eggs, aud beat a for ftKtoir.niru om?'et. Aad iwen'.ut3 oyster without their liquor, Fepper nd lt. DUsoito, iu d"rylDg-panr couple of eace butter, pour iu the egs, aud.s eoost f s the niuelat it v.ell rj.en rud Una turotlgbont, slide It oa to ft tot dish, fold ittogwtber Ul--s fi.tJcyer, tei ewr !uini'r.''y.