iml)itt" American . EM'Ii WIliVBHT, rnblinher. h.4 ltlUY, 1A. SATURDAY, JSriRUARY 13, lHOy. ilocal affairs. Tory are endeavoring to orgamto a liuiidlng As (oolation Id Danville. Til Stinbury Cgtilliua Baud Bill give a Sociable la tho Matonie Hall, la tbia plaoo, or. Friday et ting, lth lost. All itre rcrpootfully invited to attend. A Hop. A hop cauie off at the publie bouse of Mr. Charles Itsol, Id Cake's Addition, on Tuesday evening laat, which was well attended, and eveiy tUing passed off In a very ploaaaut manner. . W learn that a large number of persons are al ready milking preparation! to build during the coming Spring. By the Indication! we onn lock for a large number of new house during tho coming Summer, some of which will be magnificent struc ture. A bketino of th Northumberland County Agri cultural Society will be held In the Court Huue, in this place, on the 8th of March next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. A general attendance II requested. New Meat Maiikst Stcclo and Bro. hire open ed out a new meat market, In the store room lately occupied by the oo-operatlre store, on Market street. They keep on hand fresh killed' Mutton, Pork, Lamb, Ac, Ac. ; Till oil aud eh ppiuj mill of Morgan A Masser, on Fourth street, Punlttry, is a great convenience. All kinds of grain grounl and chopped to order, and the lost Linseed Oil made and cold at reasonable prion. '-Encourage home industry" Pr.r Fellows' Hall. XLo hull of Lodge No. of I. 0. of 0. F., bus been furnished with new fumlturo and carpetii g. This hnll in ono of tho largost outsido of the city, and lu arrangement and good taste in tho selection of furniture is excelled by no other. CoxniuuTiox. Ou Tuosday evening Inst Itt. I Rev. llishnp Morris, officiating for Bishop Bowman, who was unablo to be present on account of illness, administered the saorud rite of confirmation to live !orsiui, in St. Matthew's (Episcopal) Church, iu this place. Tho church was crowded on tho occasion to witness tho interesting and Impressive ceremonies. Hit-hop Morris was formerly rector of the uhurch, mid was warmly greeted by its members and his numerous acquaintances in Sunbury. Ho was re cently appointed Bishop of Oregon and Washington, uud will shortly leave for his new field of labor in the fur west. Thu mad dog excitement in tower Augusta town ship was up to fever boat en Sunday la;t. One of. tho dogs of II. Brown, whii:h was tied up because it was thought hn had been bitten by the rabid dog vihioh had boon killed in the same townehip several weeks since, becruuo rabid and broke looso. lie ran toward the farm of Sol. Malick, Eaij., and while ou tho road bit several other dogs. Ho attuclted two hos on Mr. Malick's farm, whero he was shot by the farmer.. The ho -s were killed. In tho mean timo tho neighborhood was roused and chase given niter the ilu0- in an opposite direction to that v hich ho had taken. Tho chusa was kept up even after his oanincship had been killed. Democrat, of lust weei. The I". S. Mails in Nort n r m u e it l a n d County. Postmaster tioncral lUndall advertises for propo sals for carrying the V. S. Mails in Pennsylvania, from July 1st, ItHJ'.i, lo June 30th, 1872. which will bo received at the Contract Office of tho Department until 3 P. M. of March Slit, next, to be decided by April 20th, following. Among them we observe the following route in Xoi thumbcilund county : 2il9. From Mount Curiuel, by Bear (lap, Hlvs burg and Union Comers, to 1uiiviHe, 171 miles and back, three times a wVok. Leave Mount Carmel on 'J'aeeday, Thurs day and Saturday, at ti A u ; Arrive at 1'nuville by 12 m ; l.e.tvo Hautilio on Tuesday, Thursday and Kiitunlay, at 1 v jj ; Arrivo nt Mount Caimel by 7 pm. Bids shonld bo addressed to tho "Second As.-,itnnl PostuiasterGoncral," superscribed "Prop' sals, citato of Pennsylvania," ond Bout by mail. The NoRTurMr.n.LAM' . it C. mi-an Northumberland Boon Company met, as p:r jouruincLt, at the oilice of iia T. Clomeut, ivq Puuburv, on Mondav lust, ut Z uV.ook, P. M. ad. Mr Wm. Keagun, President, iu tbo A quorum of Directors bcirg present, the iiKetii.g at onoe proceeded to business. Tho President, on motion, was authorized to ap point committees for each of tbo following lowi.i, viz: Sunbury, Northumberland, Williuuisport, Lew icburg, tfeliusruve und Port Truvorton, to solicit nil.scriptions to the stock cf the company. It wus also ordered that tho President appoint a rouimitlco of live, with authority to procure tho survicos of a practical man from Williauisport, ao (Uamted with locution und workings of the boom, to go to txaUiine tho present location, us set forth in the charter, with committee, oud report nt next meeting. Ou motion, meeting tuljournod to meet ou Saturday, tho 2Uib imt., ut - o'clock, P. M., ut the olnco of lit i . Cluu-eut, Kt The following gculcmtii wore cppoinUd by the chair as committees to solicit tocii : Northumberland Id. K. Kapp and J. 0. Tracy. hunbury ti. W. Hnupt aud liaT. '.'ieuii-nt. tfclinsgrove Mr. Moycr and Col. WuAousellcr. Williumsport U. II. Lonti uud V. W. iui.b. Port Trevorlcr. lsuao A I oert. l.ov.isi urg 11. C. Fricit and Wm. Jones. Cimuiittoe to inspect lucatiou, Ac. Moses Cham berlain, Milton ; lral. Clement, Jasper SJnyumkcr, Sunbury; J. 0. Tracy, Norlhtwiocrluud ; John White, Williamsport. Kr.l lBI.Ii AN NOMISATI K IN TUX BoHUUUH. A nieetmg ot the Kepubucaub of tho West Wuid hud held in the I uiuu Lcaguu ltuum, ou Monday eveniug lut. On motion of A. N. Lrice, P. M. Shiiidol. Ls'i , wus made Chairman. Ou motion of Alex. Monlz, A. N. ISrico was appointed bocrolury. The following pcroons wcro thcu nominated for the eovcrul uflioos m the Wurd : Assistuut Burgesses Henry Clement and Juo. K. Clement. Town Council C. Neff, N. I'. Ligbtner, Jacob Beuteubach and Andrew Liclleadcifor. ' Ovcrsocrs of tho Pour A. N Brice uadCicorge Binnix. School Directors Llias tSchuoider and Wm. B. Ilhoads. Justice of the Peace John W. Bachcr. Coul;iblo William Pursei. Judge of Llcctious M T. Heintzelman. Inspcctur of Llcctious John C. Miller, btreot Commitsiouuis John W. Friling and Chas. (j ussier. A.-sossor Gcorgo Bright. Tho llepublicuus of the East Wurd met at the I'mou League Boom, on Tuecduy evening last, and nominated tho following liokot: Assistant Burgesses John B. Lenker and Ueorgo UorrUson. Town Council Charles J. Lrucer, J. II. Dngel, Charles Book aud Llias Brosious. Overseers of the Poor N. F. Marti and George Eucher, t. . ritreet Commissioners Sebastian Boughner nd Solomon Weaver. Cousiulle Luiuh UuseUr. Jutticeof the i'eacu Jacob 0. Bock. Jud,;e of Llectioni Levi Beasbolti. Inspector of Lleciioos Jacob Keefer. Assessor James Board. The following resolution was unanimously adop ted at both of the Ward meeting! : littuh-U, Thud the candiduui nominated for Bur iminated for Bur- ,d t adopt such gettes and Town Council be instiuo e Tt . . .k , f,, ,i,. riivairas tte.-. ritccEtDi.fos of Tub JJoneeoH CoTWcaTh Council met on Tuesday evening, ?1 lust., at 7 o'olook, tt bolog Uio listed night of meeting. Chief purges Buohcr in the ohair. - Mewbors present Mauri, J3ourbo, Cadwallader, Cooper, Marklo, liun bam, MeJTertdsrfor, Eyiter, Reno and Smith, Minutes of last Itatod ttectinj wore read and ap proved. ' Tho oommlttM on lottloment with W. I. Oren ough, repofted progress and was oonthrucd. On motion, committee on Oreenough t ettkment was Instructed to inuki amioable settlement of his aocounts. On motion, orders were granted to Vf. I. Oreen ough fur 81S3.03, for toxa of 1868. The Auditing Committee presented their report, which was read, and referred back to the Casiuiltt-co for oorrcotlou, On motion, the tax collector was exonerated from taies on the MoCarty property, forlBrtS, and that an order be grantel to onlleotor for $oi.lO. J. 0. Markle, Committee on Clark property, re ported same for exoneration. On motion, tax ou Clark property (half lot) was exonerated, A communication from Geo. Mutchler, steward of the Northampton County Alms Houso, was presented and read. Tho Chief Burgess was authorized to In struct Overseers of Ihe Poor in regard to the same. On motion, an ordor was granted to J. Shipmnu for f 25, for rent, fuel and lights, for 1SI13. Chief Burgess presented roceipt from E. M. Bu ohcr, for $110 50, for Ferry rent, Ao. A bill of J. II. Connelly A Co., for f:!.T5, for mattock, handles, Ao , was presented. On motion, laid on the table. Pill of J. H. Connelly A Co., for 12 40, prcsoutod. Order granted. Also, a bill of Win. Koagan, for $3.60, presented. Ordor granted. On motion, an order wus granted lo L. T. Bohr bach, for $25, on account of professional services. On motion, adjourned. Jacox irntPMAX, Clerk Cart Lite as Pr.oPBBTV Tuk National I.iir. If wo have an amount of perishable proporly at risk, whose less would bo an inconvenience to our i-stato, we always insure it. lie aro not only tho property of our families, (uud perishable at that, more than any other kind of property,) but ts-s are the produciug power. If our houses or goods aro burned, wo muy build more and earn more; but if we ore lost, everything Is gone. If it is necessary to insure our buildings und merchandize for our own benefit, how much uiore to insure our lives, which male goods and merchandize, for the benefit of our families. If we aro prosperous, a full-paid policy is an investment for the luturo, that is beyond any contingency. If we aro poor, a dollar mere or less per week secures a hundiome sum at a later period. What should we think of the sailor who goes to sea without anchors, because It is fair weather when hu sails, and what should we think of tho husband and father who makes no provision lor wife and children because he is well to-day, although he knows ho muy not be alive to-morrow ? Formerly, it was difficult to oblain life insurance in responsible companies. There were those which promised large dividends and advantages, without any sutEoiunt guarantees, l.ifo iusuranco should bo perfect secure beyond all risks or chances. A company should not only have a large oapital, but should bo managed by uion of the highest Integrity and hnauoal ability. Wc belies o that wo havo Buch I an iuhtitution in tho National Life Iusuranco Com- I puny of tho United Stales of Ameriou. It has a full j paid capital of a million dollars ; and with such j financiers as Jay Cooke and Clarence 11. Clark, and I n bourd of directors embracing gentlemcu of the lur- gesl business experience, wc aro not surprised that j it is ono of tho most Bucoissi'ul iiihtitutions of its i kind. It delivered its first policy August 1, ISO'S;! and the policies issued since that tiuio oover iusu- I rauce to the amount of Light Million Dollars. I I. 0. or 0. F. Tun Urand Skmi-Ckkihnnial ! Celeiiration. A meeting of the Joint Committee J on the Somi-Centennial Colebrutiou was hold on I Saturday evening last, in the tlrund Lodge Boom, hall N. Sixth street, Philadelphia, P. 0. M. John j W. Stokes, presiding. The altendunoo of delegates I was very largo. The various committees were culled ! upon for reports. ! "Couiuiittoe on Progrnmruo ond Ceremonials'' , submitted the following repoit. The report us aji- j proved and tho resolutions wero adopted : i "Your Committee on Progrumme and Ceremoni- i als, to whom wus referred tho resolution npeoting ! the regains, Ao , for tho Uruud Lodge und the Hub- I oniinute Lodges and Kuc.impmuuts, roport that they havo conbioeied the subjocl, and recommend thu adoption of tuo folljning resolutions : l i. u?Tfj, '1 hat iho Past Vji .I.drf he requt.lttd to i ;' wit'i their respective mboniiuiito i. iflgor, ! v.- --.pUu 'ho hcprescLiutives to tho Urand", ! i iri.o iOu.l appear n itii tnu tiraud Lodge iu scuriot i 5 :k . of a unilorm pattern, wi'.h badge ou tuo : le'.t broiist, tiii- tiranu I'tucds to appear in regalia I ami jiiweis of of.ico. "lU.blt iil, '1'iiat tho r,enrcsentativcs nnl Grand Officers piiradiog with thu Urund Lodgo shall appear ; in a unilorm Ure.", to cousUt of blacK punts, ooat, ' aud black silk hat. while vest and gloves. j "iitsolnd, 'ihut tho Lodges aud Kucuiupments 1 i will bo required to udopt regulations that will secure i unilorm uj.peuruuce in ouch Lodgeor Lucaiupnient ; that tho Lodges be requested to appear iu the i egaliu : ! of the Order ; but if any Lodge or Lnoumpmont de- I sin; lo appear with n simple insignia, they may bo j empowered to do so." Tim March Term ok Col nr. The followins is iho Triiil List for tlio March term of Court. The Hist twenty eaitiRs are for trial lit tlia Adjournu l j Court, commencing on 1st Monday of ilnrch, lbd9 ; the next fifteen for tirst week of llejjulnr Turin, couuucncirif; on etlnesdav of said week ; and tho ; last-twenty oauses for triul UurinjJ the second week uf the Kogulttr Term. j AiuuLitsKu roiiir. lliomas Ilo.t.-el vs. Potor Lilly. j llrooha Ai Newlterry vs. Lackawanna U. K Co. i. H . !mitli s. The Milton .National liiuik. . oKiiiiou Miller vs. John Foy et al. . l.o'oeit W . Kerns vs. Ibo Nor. Ccn. It. 11. Co. ! l'eter l'trtl vs. Tho Uorongli ot Suubury. llobort Burko vs. VYillimii Klliot. 1 , l'uiiiol Harris vs. 1'avid l'av j Isuuo Wells et al vs. Hovid Truokonmiller. 1 Louis Long et al vs. W. A. r'isher. J. t. llnekeuherg vs. John MuCoruiick. Bhulty, Fshuestock ct ul vs. Tils i'irst Nationul r Bank of NorlhnmberlanJ. 1 rtsmuul T. Urown vs. Join Kohr. Miuliuol E. May vs. Michael Wilvert. Jho Bud Coul und Iron Co. vs S. liittenbcU'lor. Lemuel Kerstetter vs. tsuuouel Klupp tit ul. John llicmcr vs. John V. Peal. J. Ii. Master vs. F. W. Hughes, (Feigned Issue.) Keubcn Kline vs. Peter liisel. Henry Nouor ot ul vs. lins Brosious. ("HIST WEEK or RUG I'l. A It TEIIM, (WHDMSSD1Y ) Elias Kmerich vs. J. W. Cuke. Henry J. Hecder vs. Samuel Fry. 1'. L. llaokenberg, Assignee, vs. B. K. Huag. Jerennuli .tinmeiiuan vs. ijuhatliun tStepj,. Klizabetb liouiboy vs. l'eter oris et ul. John .Daniel, for use, vs. (Jeorge Nace. Sumo, for use, vs. tieorge Troutmau. same, toruso, vs. Uuuicl enydur. Wihain L. Dewurt vs. Jacob 11. Masncr. rim. 11. Kemmoror vs. J. Seydel 8tou'hton. I Jeaso M. himpson vs. Benjunain lientlrieks. j Jaoob Euiorioh vs. The Luckawauna. Jt Blooms- burg Kailroad Company. K. 1- leming et ul vs. John Basssman et ul. J. 11. Zimmerman, for uso, vs. J. 1). Masser. Joseph Vaokirk vs. The Pennsylvania K. H. Co. CECOMD WEEK Of BEUULAR TERM. Philip 11. Moore vs. Heubea Hollenbaeh. t.hrisiiuii i'. .Martin vs. Jiiratn t'rice. James 11. Smith vs. Churles lUcl. Wolf 4. Wilholm vs. 11. P. Folltner. Thomas Foulds vs. The Excelsior Coal Co. Lajaius Moyer vs. John Mougus et al. A. T. liisel vs. Samuel Witmun ct ul. William 11. Boris vs. Henry llartmau. ' M. J. Hopewell vs. W. P. Wilbington et ul. Cliulou U. Kohrbach vs. E. P. ltohrbuch. Tbuuius Buuuigurducr vs. George Poutius. J. ti. V. Herring vs. JohD 11. Forosuian. Isaao K. bbufer vs. Charles II. Mutgrova. Susun McLaughlin vs. Overseers ol Itush twp. Henry lleoel vs. James Scott. William J. lUinsey vs. The First National Bank of Northumberland. George L Bank vs. Nonoy Carr. tathiirin. Tietbly et al vs. Cornelius Kuker. John B. Peacock vs. John Omler. Elua P. PleusaoaU vs. b. P. WolverUm, Adm'r. Tbi Printer's Circular, published by R. S. Mena ruin, of Philadelphia, the February number of which has just beeu reoeirod, is a work indispensable to I trinteri, au(i 0f the greatest Interest to others. Its I , " ,i i,.. coninis are uiwuys oi isiui.i m v , wide circulation, rrke fl pej aoDum. Fout Amcuta .BriMir0 ffuJUTton. Agre ably to notloe given ly "many plliiens," mooting vrtl hold In Ur Masnnlo'llall, for lh puiposo of organizing The iTort Augusts. iildipg and Lmu Association," when the following tcmporefj officer! vera olcu'.ud f rrosldubt O. .W. Jlolipt. ' Vice President J. A. Middfoton. tioorotary Jacob Bblpmaa. : - Troasureri-N. F. Marts. Directors W. II. 11. PioffeubauyU, H. F. Light fier; J. M; Po, SamnelN. Cayman, W.6 Rhoads, Wm. Keagan, It. F. Mann, Q. C. Brandon, t. T. Rohrbaoh and J. II JoHries. On motion, the Secretary was authorit-xl to pro eure a book In which to locure subscriptions. On motion, Jaoob Bhipman, N. P. Lightner, W. P. Rhoads, W. II. 11. Ilietfonbatigh and Samuel W. 0 ay man were appointed a oommittee to solicit sub scriptions On motion, it was ordered that when this meeting adjourns, it adjourns to meet at the eull of the Pre sident. On motion, adjourned. Jacob Fiui mak, Bocrotary. BUSINESS ".NOTICES. tFJob Brlsitlnsf. Having received a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ao., cut be printed in tho latest Rnd best styles, and on short notice Orders by mail promptly attended lo. Fon Sai x. An excellent top boggy, quire at this office. Ln- A cxsiRK to siy things which no ono CTer said makes some people soy things which nobody ought to say. But every one oan say, and vory truthfully, that J. 0. Bock, the Merchant Tailor, ou Fourth St., makes tho best-fitting garmouts in Sunbury. Oivo him a . i ii ir. . One Important measure against catching oold, it is said, is to keep the mouth shut. We would re commend, us a suro preventive, one of Shadier 's warm and comfortable suits, mado nt his tailoring establishment, in Market Square. They aro the best remedy against catching cold. 1. 1 i .i Anions Ihe late inventions A genius has discovered a new hat rock, lo be attaohed to pows under the seal in church. The rack consists of a piece of wire, and costs twonty-fivo cents. We presume it will not be long before they are introduced in Sunbury, aud will bo used to "hang up" Faust's fashionable Hats and Caps. Uo and see his assortment. No iiei.l can ring so loudly as a good advertise ment. People will believe what they see ruthcr than what they hear. An evidence of this foot is shown by tho rush at Millor's Excelsior Boot and Khoe Store, Market Square. Miller is an enterpri sing merchant, advertises liberally, and of courso does a largo business. Cok's Cotari Bai.ham. Tho great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, aul Consumption. Both sites ordinary 4oz , ulso mam moth family bottles for sale by nil druggists and dealers in medicines. No family should be over night v. itbout it in the house. Pn. J. U. CncssisCKn, Dentist. OtSoe over 11. 0 Thacher's Shoe Store, Sunbury, Pa. When aching teeth cause dreadful groans, And slceploss nights and dismal days, Who comes to mo most guileful owns My skill, which nil his pains ulluy. A moment's snlTcring I may cause, 'Lis but to bring a long release ; And though tor once I rend bis jaws, For years to come I givo him puace. 2ia Coe's DvsrxrsiA Cure Will immediately re lievo and permanently cure the most aggravated oose of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all diseases of tho Stomach and Bow els. Physicians, clergymen ond all who use it, join in unbounded praise of its groat virtues. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price fl .1)0. MAURI A OK 8. (In the INth ult., by the Kev. J. V. Wain polo, Mr. I! i:our,K MfltiiA v, of Muncy Hills, to Miss Ai. UK I'oglkmah, of Muncy. On the Uh Inst., by the same, Mr. A i.xw M. Dunn lo Miss Sai.lib B. Dilmni!, both of White Hall, Montour county. ! DEAT1IB. I In this place, on thu ilOth ult , WILLIK, son of ; I Mr. Jacob uud Mrs. C. It. Shipman, aged about 2 . I years. I At Tutbutvillo, on the 2Ut nil., CATHARINE j j SMITH, aged 7o years, b months and ;!days. I si .Msi icv vg itivi:ss. I Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, SIO 00 do do do do per cwt. 6 id live Flour, per bbl. 8 HO do por cwt. b 00 Wheat, prime red, per bushel, 1 7a Rye, do 1 40 Coin, do ti Outs, do US Potato!., rlo 1 L'S Viiei Pcoohes, pared per pound .'10 do do unpurod do "b Dried Apples, do 15 Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) por-bn. 3 00 llu'.tcr, per pound, SO Lujgs, por dnion, 110 Cheese, per pound, 2i Lard, do 2o Hams, rlo lio Shoulders, do 110 Beef, hind quartor, do 14 ' front " do 1.1 Mutton, do IS Chickens, per pair 80 AliussioUin Coul 'l'l'iiUt-t. Kuamokim, Feb S, 1H80. Ton. Cwt. Sent for week ending Teb. C, Per lust Keport, 7,oU 11 23,011 ii oO.lM 111 To same time last year, Increase, 7 .Vol 02 Special 2Coticc3. litf-DEAFNESS, BLIXD.N'ESS and CATARllll treated w ith the utmost success, by J. Is.v.ii s, M D., und Professor of Diseases of tho Ilyo and Ear ; (his specialty) in the Medical College of Pennsylvania, i years experience, (formerly ot Leyden, Holland.) No. HUo Arch 6'treet, Philadelphia. Tcsliuinuials cau be seen at this office. Tbo medical Juculty are In vited to nccoiupuny their patients, us ho bus no socrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for exauiiuntiou. Feb. Id, Ittdl). ly. A .NEW 11 EM ED Y IN C0NSL'MPT10N.-A Tliysician who bad Consumption for several years, with frequent bleeding of the lungs, cured himself with a medicine unknown to the profession, when his case appeared hopeless. Hu is the only physician who has used it in his owe rerson, or who has any knowledge of its virtues ; and he can ascribe the de gree of heullh he now enjoys to nothing but the use of his midiciue ; and nothing but utter dospair una enure extinction oi ull nope oi reoovery, to gotbur with a wuut of oonfi deuce in all others, indit ed biro to hazard the experiment. To those sutfer ing with any disease of thu Lungs he proffers a treat ment ho conlidently bulievee will erudieate the disease price S?I.bO per bottle or fi u hull duteii, sunt by express. Send for a circular or cull on l)n. K. UoYLsruN Jacksom, Ko. 2i0 North Tenth Stroet, Philadelphia. For sale by 11. Y. l'riling, Market bejuure, eun bury, l'u., uud Druggists guuerully. May u, lsdS ly. To CuuMsimptivesi, ri IHE advertiser, having been restored to health iu X lew weeks by a siuiplo remedy, after having sulfered several years with a severe lung atleutiou, aud that dread disease, Consumption is uuxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the lueaus of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions lot preparing and using the' sumo, which they will hud a sure Cure for Consumption, Asthtnu, Bron ohttis, Ac The only object of the advertiser in ending the Prescription is to benelit the afllicted, and spread information which bo conceives to be in valuable ; uud he hopes every suneror will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove blessing. Panics wishing tho prescription will please ad drem Kev. EDWAUD A. WILSON, TPS P-uith i-eeoitd Kt.. Williujinthnrs'h. J Jan. 9. "it-ly Kings County, New Yoik. QNE PKICB 0UTUIN. JONC3' 0 L B 8 T A U L I 8 n E D CLOTHING HOUSE, M4 ITlnrknt Ktroct, One door ahoVa Sixth, rhllodotyhla. For many years thli Kstoblishmnot lias diho kusl nt'ss nn the Una l'rioe Kysm, did w believu wo are tho only Clothing House iu the city thul strictly adheres to tliis prinoiplu. We havo earuo.1 a repu tation whloh we are proud of, for good tnxte in seluot good styles and lubstnuiiol materials, mud Hot lees important, for having all our goods ESTKA WELL MADE. We employ Ibo bwt talent, for Cnttors, and ur Oonds are cf both kinds fashionable ond plain so that all tastos can o suited. The prices are the very lowest, os any one by a moment's thought mnt sco, or otherwise) we oould not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever uiado, wn must put our prices down to tho advantages we promlso. Tho people may depend, this is the true plan upon wbioh to do business, and many a dollar can be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping iu mind JOJXTES' ONE Pr.ICK CLOTHING HOUSE, 6u4 Maiket .Struol, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but one door above riixth. !:.. MAlXKy Mali'Muiiiss. April 4, lstW. ly PHYI3ICIANH. Nv Votm. Aiicust IHIi. l-r. Alliw iw lo call vour etmolioo h 'mr I'KIOi'A H A- T1UN Ol'" Cd.Ml'Ol'.M) KXTttACT UUCIIi;. The eonipi nent ports aru liL'CIIU, Loxo Ltr, i.L'lJKHS, JUMPER lIUKIOtt. Mooa or I'sarAiATinN Ttu-lm. m vacuo. Jninmr j Beriirs, by rhsiiliuiiou, to furin a fine gin. I'uhHis ex . truetcd by ilisplueeiueot by liqili'l ohtahied fnan Juniper ) lleriies, coiitHiiiing very little rugnt, a small piopoHi'iu ol npnii, Kilo uioio I'jiauioitj uny now in use, luo ac tive properties arc hv this in.xle exiracled. buchu. as prcpaied by Diugists geneinlly, is nf a il ult color, it is a plant ihut emus it fragrance;' the urtion of a name det troys this (its active principle, leaving a dark and glutinous decoction. Mine is (lie color ul" iiigreilients, The Huclin 111 my prcparatinn prt-dotniimics ; the smillest quantity of the Mhci ingredients are adJcd, M prevpill IVr mentation; upon iiivpi-'ctinii, it will he found not to her. Toiclure, aa made ill Phdnnueoporn, nor is tt a Syrup and thercl'ore can he used 111 eases where lever or intl'uriiinaliim cxrn'B. Ill this, you havo the knowleJgeof the ingredients und the mode of preparation. Hoping that you will favor it with 0 trial, and that upon Inspection it will meet with your approbation, With a t'celing ol'eonBitencf, 1 urn, very respcctluilv, ii. T. iiKi.Mnoi.n. . Ch"iniht at;d Drujqist of 10 Yeas' Kxp'TH.-nce in l'hlln(ielpliin, ami now located at his llro unit Chemical areh .use, 5tH iiroudWiiv, .New Voik. Frmn the largest Manufacturing Chemists in tho World J I 'lam Hc'pinintrrt with Mr. II. T. He! ills i!d ; heocetipiod the Urog Store opposite my residence, and wus Rucee.wlul in c aiihicliug the business where oilirrs hnd not Imeo e,uilly ho bt't.'ie huu. 1 have been favorably impressed Willi his ehlructei uud enterprise. wii.i.iam wr.iorn'M.w, Finn of Powers &. We'yll'rn in, Muuofai'luriag Cheiutsls, Mniih Rnd Brown Streets. I'hiladelohiu- IIki.mcold'a Ki.iiiii I-Ixthact Hrcucfor w,::,ne-.s',iro. log from indiscretion. The exhausted powcrsof iVitoie wiueh are accomnotued l.y so many nl inning symptom, among which will tie found, lintisjinsinon to Kxeruon. Loss f Memory, Wakefulness. Honor of tlisease,oi Tore boihugs (,f Kvil, in fuel, I' Lassitude, I'rostiatloil, anil iiildiihty to enter into tne eujoyui' ltts of a-a- -ly. l'lie CoiiHlltutioionceairuc'erl wllh Oigainc Weakness, rcqoires the aid ol iVlediein.! to tri'llglhen and lnvigorav the S) Klein, winch HKLMKOLUji I.X TitAOT UCCIiL' Uim-s. if no treatuiciil is subinittcdlo, Consuuip tiou or Insanity pusucs. 1IKLM3 U.D's Fl.UIL' llx tPACT Pccuu, ill uToctl ons pecu liar to rermilcs, is uneijua'e.t by any oilier preparation, us in Chl trosis, or Ilctfiiiion. Pai!ifu!nfH, or uplre.;sion of t'unloinary Kvacuation. Clccrutcd or chinusS:ute ot the L'tcrus, anil all c onplaints incident to the sex, whether arising from halulsof dissipation, imiuJcaec lu, or the Hccniie or chanvH nl lo llliLlDOI.n' I-'LCIU i-:xiacT fU'CUU AilD lMIHnln j Fosk WfH will IH'1 ca!;y extennlaale fiom the svkihi iliscnses anting ironi halnls (if ihssoiatlon, at little i-xoense. ' little oi u.) ehioige in diet, uo inconvenience or exposure ; completely superseding those uoplei-nnit and dangerous leineihes, t.Vjpniva ami Mercury, m all tio-se discafes. t'se llBLMtioiV I'lviti Lmuact Bucuc mall dist-is-js of these organs, whultier existing in mule or feinol", fiom wdmlever cause originalicg, and no matt cr of how long Bttuiiling. It is pleasant in taste nnd inlor. 'imincdiiile" in net i. ul and more strengthening Ihuii uny of the pi epurulious of B;o it or Iron. Ti.osj s.iiT-:riug from brokeu-d iwn or delicate c.uistitu. ti ni, procure trie retncly at once. The reader moat be awiue that, however s'ic,M may be the atlnek of liie ubovu diseases, it is certain toudVel tho hoihly heuhh and mental powers All the above riispines rr-uiln lh- aid of a Diurptie. II1',I..MD0L1J S UXTt'.ACT BLCI1U is the grcut Dm rei ic. S Id bv Di inn-iris everywhere Price St ,13V per bottle, or 0 b ittlta lor (1 .00. Delivered to any address. Describe tymitom( in all communications. Address II. T HKl.iUH'H.D, Drug and Chemicul Ware- nouse. oo laroauway. ol . 1 . M'.NK AltK UKNL1M-. INI.KS DONE VP IN steei-engraved wrapper, with fac fcuuile of my Chemical uicliouse, ana siiueU II. T. IIKLMBOI.I). ! Dec 15lh. Ir-lT". om. ! 4nilc lo JIiirrliiK'. Voting Men'sUuido I to Happy Marriage nnd Coiiuigal l-eluity. J tie hu j uiuno views of benevolent Physicians, ou the llrrors and Abuses incident totouiu una r.ariy ituinnoott, sent in sortie. I letter envelopes, I'ren of charge. Ad dress 1I0WAKD ASSOCIATION, Box P., Philadel phiti. Pa. Juno 13, IMS. ly. AkciiIs iVuuli'tl. 8 7 0 t n If S 0 0 per m o n t h ' 1 '. Ot a ro-iiinis.ooit from whi'-h twtee ttnil amount ran I s miide by sePini Hn- I.A'I'KS I' IMPROVED COMMON K.SK I A.MILV SI.W IMJ MACIII.NK, 1'HICB S-ln IH). Por Cirriilam antl Terms address C. HOWKIIH Ic CO, OU Soulh Third Street, Dee. 5, 'tW. :hn. I'hiladelphtu, Pa I'lTOt'S 1' VOUlll. VGENTLKMAN who suffered for year-: from Xervous Debility, Preiiiattiro tlcctiy, and nil the effects of youthful iudiscrotinu will, for the s;iko of sulleiiiig humanity, send froo of all who need it, the recipe uud direction for making the simple reme dy by which lie was cured, ullarora wishing to proht by the advertiser's experience can do so by addrossiug, in pertect conuj JOHN' B. OGDEX, Jan. 9, T,9 ly No 42 Cetlur street. N. Y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A .-.; nE:i:.tA it. Of lull vulue Sent free to anv Hook Agent. AiiE.NT.-i WANTED FOR MATTHEW UALE SMITH'S KEW BOOK, "Sunshine nnd Shadow iu New York," A work reploto with anecdotes and Incidents of LIFE IN THE (! HEAT METROPOLIS, being a Mirror of New York, reflecting the Secrets of the Great City. One Agent sold in ono day, another sold and delivered Til in IS days, another 30 i iu 7 days. .No book ever published that sells so rapidly. 1 You wish to know how Fortunes nro mado X und lost in a day ; how tibrewd Men aro ruined in Wall Street; how Countrymen" uro swindled by Sharpers ; how Ministers and Merchants are lilackuiailed ; how Dance Halls und Concert halouns are Managed; how Uambling Houses uud Lotteries uro conducted ; bow .Stock Comwauies Ori ginate uud bow tho Bubbles lhirst, Ac", read this work. It tells you about the mysteries of New York, and contains spicy 1 i to sketches nf its noted million aires, merchants, So. A largo Octavo Volume, 7l'0 pages, Finely Illustrated. 'The largest commission givun. Our 3 pRge circular and a $3,00 Greenback sunt free on application. For full particulars und terms address the solo publishers. J. U. L I'll It & CO., Hartford, Conn. S. S ASHLEY. Agent for Northumberland Co. January lio, Itjti'J, 5t Licensed by tho United States Uoverumeut.J GOOD NEWS for consumers of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS throughout tho Country. Il.llMtl.MsjTO.'V V CO., Of fifteen years' stuudiug as Jobbers and Ketailfrs of the ubove goods, iu Doslon uud violnty, bare con cluded to oiler the people ol ins wnoie country tun advantages of their immense iuipurlatious and aisenuies for American manufactories through Ibe popular ONE DOLLAR SVSTEM. Our Premium List to Aguuts, uud Exchange List for Agents and Patrons, are not equalled by uny house in the country. Deal New York und Boston references given when rcauiicd. Send for free Circular. 4 HA1UU.NUT0X A CO., SO Summer Street, Boston. rust-Cilice Box 384. Peocinher 12, iBrtS. Itui BREAD &; FANCY CAKES. DAVID IFIVST RESPECTFULLY Inform lh citizeni of Sun bury oud vicinity, that bo will buk to oritur ail kind of Cuke for Hull, Vurtloe, At'. Families ire lupplicd with FRESH BREAD, Twiet, Holls, Ku.-k, 'lea Uuiik, Au., uud ulou kept ou baud uud QittaatMOtured out of tbo Immaterial. AH ortleri left ut hit Shop in Morkut Scjuaro, on dour eftt of bl'im Anua Puimor'i Mitliaury 6tor, or ut bii Bukery on (spruea btreut, beiwotju Front and Secoud atrewU, will inaet with pnHupt altoution. HALLS AXI KVLMNU VAUTIKS iupuUcd with Cakea, los-Crvau, Ao., at th fcborttwt notice Ordoii ara reBpeotfuUy BOlIcited- DAUDFRT. Suiifeury.Hec VI IS.. I CM 1 ll f (!T?.-P.11TTT'C t fir? V MWT A T I Jfosjier w rrnie eon uriinin!r,un i rie, win mm. Mi from tho Most roapon-ibl Hurtniw In Hits und mher Mulf. lirst plans TUCKS rf nil kinds. AI Sluubliory, Vluus aud limits, llaj-deii Sueds ol oil ' kmds. EKED POTATOIiS. I Voir Wblto Poach Blows, Katly Uor.riob, Chile 1 and llcrrlion Potatoes, lu luo Mil small qoi.:.U!!:s, I oru tfiored f or salo. I Orders are rohpoulfully s II ii' '.. , Addtecs DhN I. HOUNKIt, j I'axiuos, L'oitb'd. Co. i t?'1 N. P. Insnrannos tnkuu in several ol t'io most rorponrlbl Fire Insurance and Horse Dctclivo i Cumpanies in tho State I Oct. 17, 1 y 1 ! BALTIM'-:i'.i: ; j LOCK II O HP IT A I. ESTAPLISHMD A3 A BPFUOK TUOM QU ACK ' j:uy. i THE ONLY rr.ACIi tt'TJICUli I crius ca.y r,E (iBTAJ.i:r. I TR. JOHNft has discnveredth nio.-'. C.rtain.'p isdy j J f and only llh ituol liemetly m the World for ,iu I'n i Vote l.lisi'iiacs, Weahncs of the lilies or l.ini .s, rit iclmt s, AircclK.ns of the KiibtevB arid Hl"ttbr. lnv ilunlary Dis elinryes, liripoteiicy, Ijeuerril Di'lnluy, iNervonsuess, U.s pepsv, Ulug ior. Low Siuiilii, L'onlusion of Meas. I'nh.l tu'ion of the llciiri, 'rioiidiry, Trr-mtiliiiis, ininorss of tlglit or liiddiiic.,, Liscux'j ol' the Ilea. I, 'I liroul. "l or skm, Alloclious ol the Liver, l.uujfs, M .ninrii or How Is these Terrible lJisoidi-iinu'isin. limn tin- nohoo II. ill is of Youth th iae scereL and s.iiituiy pruoliC'.ir ni tc tf. i' I i their victinn than lh'! S 'lig of rj'r..r,. toil - .M.oi. ir. u Llyswt'B, li:iilninLf Uu.t in, ii l.ri'l'air. ho;es Oi liulicl,:'!!! n. lelidc.lng inur.lage, Ate.. ninioi-Hibie. . , , t'WHIl ;i-M Esprelslly. who have hi. c ilie vu rims of ..:n-irj Vice, ttial dreadful and dr-xiructive halnt wlordi aiom nly SW' cps to onunlniiely arave tnousands of oung Mm ol Km most exulted lams brilliant ico ia ct. vvi.-i ir.ivht olherwiBe hnce eiitiiiiieodliBteniiig Meiiutea will, tin tlion (lets of eloquence nr w ulied to ecstacy Ihe !vrc. may call With full eon lidi-nc. iSiii-rI;:tr.". Murricil Personn or " . u . . v . --o .o.'r? being aware of pliyncnl vt .,ki,-otii, ',' i n' tiliii'M' loiinuii'S. , c, ?pc.-niiy r nreu. Ila vho places hmoo If inidcr the car" of Jo. J. m-iv may relnious'y eonhde in his lion -r in. ;i i;t.r,'.ic:uao, uiiO Confidently relv H;ion losnkll! a a IMi . i.. i..'i. Oriiiitr nrnhiirKi limmiliately Cured, and I'llll Vi T Kcst -red. This IlistrpHinc Atlectorii which lenders Life ri;rn bleand rmrruige. impossible is Hie penalty pi.d by t in victims of impiopor lodulgeucta Vouug jMiibo are I i apt to c ornniit excesses tror.i not hcinj uwaie it i!,, ,1,, fvll plen ccs that may eiuue. ,Nov. who tint uo Icr. Emails the suhjeet will pretend to ileny thai the power . ( procreiiTion is lost sooner lv tltote fioinn ini i nnpio;,r habits than by Ihe pi udentu f lfes..!es (ie.n llcpi .''d Tie pleasures of healthy ofiV nunc. the in. st s. iionsa. d il ! live syinplouls to b ith h 'dv and nund ai i.'n. Tli" .v Ci oi ' becomes llera lecd, the 1'l.vsieal and Mental Pinifiior. Weakened. Loss of Piocrciit i v I'-avti, Nervous lint' clii ty, UvspcpHia, of ti .e lleur', Indig- stion. I'oc Bt diitional Dchihly, a 'arting of the Flume, (.'oo.'li, Conriillliption. Ilecay and IValh. 4f3ic, t in;s ii ll'i -5jr;'L. t'Ui-cc-l Left hnnd side gejio; fro;,; II u'nfi up Mret. u few d or 'rom the corner. 1'nil iioi to "Uei vt uaicc and iiu-nOer. Leltei s inut be,i,l c oi'.aiu a si in,;.. 'Pa. l 'c.i.a's Oiploums lulf iu Ins n;hcc. A 'uri! Mm'rnUtPt'i 't'vvo Sinvr. J'o Mercury i r Sui.xcvii 1 I Jr. .E.3ii:-(;ti!, r .Vlemtier ol Hie ij. illeffe ol l.ret ma, I.-iti 1 ai. Grait- uale from one of Hie most eni iient. to .licnes i.i rite I nited HtaleB, aud-iiie reuler pro t of whot'e l.Io has been sfnl in Ihe hospi'.a's of London, I'ai is, Piouidelj, Inn aril els. . wlieie, has elfectol s .one oi the mat a.,i inlidllUK ci;;en that ivcte ever Lnown ; liluny tr on ilcd vitli n;v'i i In tl.e tu-ad and eais when asleep, ureal nerv. usnepj. P any aim in ed al sudflen sounrls, l:'is!if;iliie5, wi'. f ; fij .1 ,o;i 1 0,:,i;. attended '.vitlider ineni.'iil of uii.hI. v ci c . ire I immediately. j Take K".irll('u3ma TiOlif''. Pr. J. addtessen all those wl; i h ve inj o e.l tti-o -.e'vea by liuprojier lieio Hell -e lll.d so,,,;ry hal lli, will h loot I h ull body and iiiual, nufittiui; then tor either hurinct,, Society ot mioroiNe ; iHK.Kan: ..nn! o! tliemd and me';iner; rft'-c-K t-ro-ihieed l.y cur tv h'ltuts ol yontli, vi; Weiinii ss . : tllcL'ael. and Lmttis Pains tn Hie llciid. inroi -ss- of s.-l.t , l.'ssol R.wvi, I'aliiitiilion of pn, ilc-in, 1 ivsj,.-j.s v. Nervous lirilalnlitv, lo-iai.Ci of tl-e lOjctlivu l-'uac- tituis, tienei.'il llehiltti , yin;.t"iiis r.l t'"iiftiOii,.tiou, .V c. MKsrAI.l.v Pile fe.irl'.ll t-Io-els on tlnj inn,.! lire niuet, to bedre.ided Loss or .Memory. i:oul',. n..n id l.le.s, lye. prelijiou of jiiuts, Kvil-Poteb .dinej., At'elni on to S .cie:y. Se,!l-lii..trjt, Love ot johiude, Toui.l.'.y, Ac. are some of the evils produced . 1 Tuot'SAMis of persons of all ni'es can now ji due what ' is the eimse of their dePloilnir, heulib. I.,sinir llteir vie r, lieeouunir wenk, pale, neivnis and enar anted, having a singular appenruueu ub -ut tlie eyes, o .oyh und ?)u.ptou.s of eotisuillption. Ti:i:k 1cs Who have injured themselves l.yu certain practice indulg ed ill when alone, n huhil fiecjueinly learn. -d Irom e,,l coiiii'toiMns. or al school, ihe edcels of wincli aie nithi'y felt, oven when nslesp, and It not cured I en hi a iniosihie, and dcslioys both l.-nnduTid body, ti,, u.d apply imiupitnilcly. VV.inl a pitv that n volior; rnae, the hope of h a "omdry, the ilirliint of til. p'litnts, ili.iilil be si.nt'-hcd from u.l ; c is- I tint; fi.un toe patii of iiHturuat.d in.bdtejr m a evrla.n sui-rsi iiiioii. pucu pers ins .vesr, o,.-: ue coiitLinp.aliog .tin iTiiiaP, reflect that n sound nund and b il are the moo npcf-wev requisitesto promote, connubial t, pj.i ,. Injeed witboi.l tliese, Ihe j mrney rtiriniu hie beoinss a wo.oy pouru- heconieg sitadnwed with denpair undr. uie inoiieci noitiiy u.irteus to tl.e view : toe initio led With til f Ullutucr be hs.l'Kfli WI1P UUI OWU Wjirn i ho mH(itiJi'J tv.A iii:;n i;ii':;r. v t-uy i.f j.'e-i! iiltb Hint lir hint llii'j!!'.?.! me M-nli ul Un-i .iiinln: I'l.-t it tin) i fit-u inrt;f .i ti M mi nl'dirit I k. 1 1 f ',-m. ilio'l (if lira.; ;Vry. U l.i i.i.i ii .;i aj.,-.vust: t- Uintii: v ft m fd.iruii ni uiit ntv iu: .lity. run h!-)i.' lenini t ! flfl.iviiti; lili -.tiit ttuti'Mf.u V;. tn; '"in" -f r jc (tihftH-j Hiuko llicir Hppeaniiit'e, isii- t nn u .'tr.. ' : tiifii;ii, (tiseiisfi! iitjc. u ic : n r it 1 ji'iiiiS nt t 'nt h- . m .i :,: lilli!lll-t't Oi t f;llt, dfHl'hCi'H, H".tH "Tl U.L fi t ! t. t;H-H in inn, M-'tclifii nit tne iicnd, fureaii'i , pm-ji wan iriKlitful tuputity. till ut the p-ilate month or iho Ii mv ( tno n-we 1'jiH in, jiu-1 liicvi the II, .f thiawlu tt'irufa boc-tiiirB a Imrml .r u . ( u'i--.-.-.-thii, till ilcalll puts h perrul I i Inn Hi.-mM'uI fuiifi'i:', hv neii'tiux him t'i t:i;it I'uthftvtiVcri'U Cnunliy fnuu wlnr.ic-L-lr:ivtl!cr ifttiiui." It is a inelanclitily f.ict !l-.nt tht.u;r', a Ca vu-tims to this j teillblti (IlKf.HHt', OWIlif; tt fill' Itliy-MM.Iiililt H4 "I lUIKMIUll ) jtivt:iilii(, who, l.y til e HSO of th it 4 Dtiinl'v J' ix'n, M "i - cuiy. ' rum tJie cuiiatiuiUn ui.U iiiaLc tho rcbir.uo oi iite iniscrubJe, Tiutt nwt yuur lives, or hniih, the rnrc cf t':i. muny 1'iileanitt;l un1 WorthleMi Pretfinier ilcstif nte ( knowl eilje, num or clwr.'ifler, vh.i rnjiy lr Johns'. n'a mlvtr-ti8'-niiitit, or Btylf tiiHiiifecIvos iu ti Me vK ipftF. ri:fc'.i!.nlv lifirtcali'il I'.ivsit'uiiis, im-jip-'ilihi of (.'iiinti!. tnt-y Keep vu tiiilni'T month ui'Iit in iith luiiini; tlu-ir li tov mul p if ni .4 CMinpttundi, or nn lonp s the Biiuiik-st fi-r enn Im ii'i'iinnM, nntt in dfipmr, leave you wuU mined heth to agU over yiiuf pmlmp iliPiippointnn'i.t , J r. .lohtiht.iii U tlie n-ny Phynician M.!f,iti.-ln?. I1iutct!cnttisi 01 !itj! -ii.ii i ;tlvv;i)i hiuu m it id lifMV. Hit rcmutieii or trt-'atiiit nt nie tm-i i"vr. t" n't ' r-rf, irepiiif'.l o 111 h life fpent iti tlu-irtoui. li'pttn!s of Ilmoj't, tha fint in Una romitry nml a nnrc tUllsn'e "i'tivuit PiUL'tict:1' tlimi any otlifi- PinMi?i:in t-i tlf wi-rht. 6ttl4loi'4k3SI4Ilt lt C,l', The iti'iny lhtuunJtj ouifdat this iiminutinn ,e:n nTter yoiir, unit the Huiiierom Stiti;ii-:i! t j enii uma pertormeii liy Ur, Ji))int'i, witn:stffl hv th reportt""s of tin. "Sun," "Clipper," mid many t'tiier p-ip. rw, hnt't-fh ,( which have nppciirod ntMin ni'.d npam ln-inrM the pult ', l.'i:d.!i hit ajunJnie u a ucnUeiimn of cluir;u-(-r am! re. fejtormhitity, is a suitlctent k" "Hiitoe t'i thf aivi-t.-d. etturi On Third Street, near tlie ltiot, Kuubury, Ta. JOSEPH BACHKIt inlfrrus lliu oiiiions ol auiibury. autl the rmblio generally, llJ"i lie 1"'" opi'iicit u a..iai. sib:i:bsam.u., at the above plane- Tl' "t Lnor Uucr, and .Mult Liqtiors will bo kept. Alru Oystvrs, Att , cuu sunlly sorvned up to cusluincrs. STRAY SHEEP. C1AMK to tbo premises of the Bubsoribcr, on or J about thu liOth of NuruiiiLer lust, iu LowtT Auguiiu towusbip, near rjoliiu'rovo ,-i;tititin, koortn us thu M'Phei'ou farm, s..von t-i iity .Shut p mol ono I.auib. The owner or owners aru roouentv.l tn como I forward, provo property, pay chartix ui.d luko tluiu away, otuorwiaa tuoy wilLL.o aitpoaed ut acooraing to luw. A J. tl'UNS. Loner Augusta twp., Duo. 19, IStW. I'UESU AUHIVAL OF MILLINER V GOODS J JSi TD NOTIONS, llias ANNA PAINTEII, Market Stjunre, S U N B U R Y , P K N X ' A., RESPECTFl'LLY informs her friunds ami tlie publio, that sbo has just rcturueJ from the oity, litre sho bas spent sometime in uittkimr soleotioits aud purchases, aud bits just opi ned a luro stock ul " MILLINERY ClODDS AK1 NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Press-Linings, Crinolino nud Wi gans fckirting Lining, Hoop kins, Uuirle Trim luiuga, Crape Trimmings, llatCrupu, Cloak liutuins, Corsets, Zephyrs. A large assortment uf Ladies und ticntlcmen's Hosiery. DOLLS of all sites. Alphabet Plonks, .to. 6'he tlulters bureelf iu LoiliK able to uiuke a tli.-pltt v of goods that will give entire ttulUfiu'tiou to viiitors.aud goods will bo exhibited ith pliNuure. .Sunbury, Iieo. 12, lhtii. WIFHE can I get tbo toft pieture Whys) lis rlv'w, of tc..i-'C. ANaio S- l- tivi'y I and ju'lge (or yurself ura-iits writine; viitiii'tl ttf tvirtioti :ir to otrt-ciint' liieti ; v rit L-l xi .-r.-t 2' rr'.'oc rv.rla 'T '-''' is to Ins lii.timtin,,, , tti f..ll,.-ii.e mnrnier. U V Ar?&3 &ttyMteVh Ht1 m Juliii JI. .IwlsiiMou. .11. IK. f i ' Wk'Mift rf.jr-V!ft.M HT5J.3 Of tin. naliimnii. Luck U-ni ual, lialiiunire, Mil. L3 tt''iUHx'ii V-aJ NATIONAL LA(iER BEK MM mMjMmM SALOON, Brnt t.,,, .. . . . "h.UIi I II'JUDAXS I iIUl. UlA a t ! a ii.vNuso.Mn i;?ri'Ci. mtaicNTr An L'-dutillB Mid Pl.:,..!, irc.,ltg tuttu!!J hi Oar Ag-1,1. 'i . fi KTlANNON, vt-J,i.-tlBr .Imv.dtr, fcor.b iry, P-mi'a , bus aspleiirli.l stock ol Ul I . " OLAfi a K H , r.'H with the rr p. v7i;i ruRrKcn.D lkn;: iar.ufucLUre l ly I. AT. A It US &, MORRIS, llALTf't'lll", C'JS.V. Ibo Lett in tbo World for f'trengthenin' and I're'oirving the Sight. No more neeepl'ihlo prcFaut to j-ht Parents, Parenis or Friend r, or thoec needing Speotio lrv, can bo found. 'liny l.undsoliHi, um fill and last many yo:i-. and ev. nninc thc-n ut the fr'orc f our Age-h. T. 3. SUA II 0N, Dcnl.-r in ,le.,e.lry, Wm.-h-i end Plu!.. I Won N" PKl-iil.l:US PMPLOVK:'. Jdn. '). l-i'.Ll i:ir.:l, ';-! y i'a PtHsruiHi tsjk ui.oi. T'"l !",T'i:S .4 or- in 1110. O!'jo veil IVor.o i:n rnrc.'. Of v.llid, mo iriilv l"i-. It. on -i,.n (d :-,rr.l .!,.,. ' 1' t'.C Vi tool 1 .i:e,.fHl Oi .0, 1:.;, P l.eo I ; 1 . on 1 hv O, i.e... :e:,.nd t-S-.a.-.-.-j' V. 11 vvoro for 'e t--loin- I l.v i.l p-;!. 11 1 .1; . al nil,, '.ti.ilt I bet- ni 't llr-("lieti '"o ; ' -1 not'. e,,r -' i: ntio ten-ill' (0' Ihe 01 ca.j 1,1 i:ino ti'.-t :.-.iiit u.o p. on ii:... 1 1. 1 un In In. iro.i 10 it si;; ',1 i;:- ( .1. 1. pldio r..i". i.t i,-;;- .-.. - - ,-- ; ! :ti..l an.' i'. I" A ml ...(Mi l . -h ho; .1 for l.Tio, I'.or 1 l.if co I !til : r-u- lie 1 ill f.r:t-l.' o . 'Jul. I.; our, nl:.-. I's liiotle.- also l:u-r o' it'jt'tin t l.v of e;;;lil'-!.!.- to ;:. its . r ro.'r.e.s.'ion 10 II' Idor .'1 I r. -i ..I. id, 1 '.Otlie! I lis l' . I IV 1'.' ot,- 1 oi t:i tl. Id 'I 1 i c.i i; 1 1 i .i i- .i k" nl u I to 'ill i i- for tl.-' ,:!i .'no! 1 1" r of Iho itIor.i. ,f,:!it! tillrl if i.n , ,a;.orl - tl troitliit 'I with Api-roira -l;-i.ii.v. oc iiiit- of tl.o :ir,i-i-tioiiii r in 'p.-, w ill tintl iturotthntf.. e.ucit. e of it. icloiativc 'SO who J i .i ., .Via ;i.-..t, a: lt l:Kii)li in .woioiiii: t.f i 1 el i-l ;t:.. I i i . o ;ut . po'o 01' tt.oli tintl. ; : t: r a j: r. i n y A5TI1 it CO., lLo:n JI, XTum., '; rlit.l . trif.'i1 ilt'uctf f'f'.i l;'stft, i.i. :)-:Uuti:,ri i;vi:;tYvrif:i!K. tSr. .7. t . I'rtn a 1 .so7 1) rv 1 1 v h i . K: oi ;n v. und ull l n . ell i everv.v. .1 e ! f. I.-it.t C ? j Tt , TkUP V A P V T T u) Ul'iU U lis ul ll ti IV it 1 , M'XT tl r- I.i I tVL ( 1 L'.'ol ti." at tent l-'tTl . f , ; i i1 I Mnrlf 1 t.;v. . . tii.-h it : lllnl 1. i.t If fl A 1 11. .t ti1 1 t L " Iiuvj frtartod a : 1 Pi.'l I 1 UlTitrflni-l ; : ; ,.r- f !ir Kin ..'.'u ;Hi 1 11 1 .i -it Uii.:.!-, . 11 Irtiit . i.uM, 11 c.. at .vt 1 I-' ii" :i;..ln..l-.:.t:in..i .:,t't '.t uh hunt wit 'lt- r:.'i.if tt 1 -11 I LI FANCY I?HV ALL THK LAI!.'.-' nritiSt ' 1 o.m.r. tlio ; a s o x . BLACK hi t. ,'l,e oi l t 1: k '. t'A i iloor-' 1 Mm itot ,s itit: i'tii I'N l.l'UV. 1'. rtn'it . I S A J'i.-t of viu'-l 11 !rvh itAiwtu.fiil of IJu: ut'( I .1 t'i.-!iioi..!f Frt'it'.y I 'r vi-v -i l;t;n iv t;t,-.--t Cht'liili-ljllM-JlUS ih I'lul.tlcllitn. lLAlNK.. AlsAI'Ai'AS, FOrLlN. CALICOS .UL.- rILKS. SILK 1 OPl.i.N.-. ;S4H Ci."aA4 -OCiS, if the Cloth-i Hi., iji jjrjur 1 J'Jjini.t iH'4 tihd I it it lift Krf ilATr. i-'cntiii-r-;. i; ii.l -in.-. l.a -o A Viln. Curse U. Hftnii.u!i,..ltrrf::. it f 1 W.u' lU-ip Skirt, llMjir.ji' 'i ; Sl;.'tti:J .-li'v'.' Mm s Is a !i'U'';i'.i 1' 1 -a ni Wm --n hli JUt'ahl'oi .-:iail.'. lin hi'i'VlV m.u K 'ui 1't-r oiuv'ii itud tJhil.irrti. Heiivor nrd Cl.iiu'hiht Vnlfr-lVi-of ri-tiii. it i.t-' t'-.i:at. NcoK-tio, iiali-h'.-f, ltat.akir t'lKl 1 1 -nv. riun.cM . 'I' -'U-t S.-'i'i I':'.:r V.rv.. ! f Tun,! cto. ( chi li.c l.ur ; I:- KA'Ul lil.ML ITS!. "fJlK' !HT,H -ti. fill I' t Philadelphia. ti?"niniif6 bent by mail whin wriiuii fur. tiftclior 3-1, Im'.s ly WILLIAM K. KELLER, Itxi-bt-i- niitl Bnli-iIi- f.mT. l'lwurl S t'ruuie lluilding, north sido of Mutkil frjimro. SL'N Ul'KY, PA. Of nil the arts that grace the land, Wh.a -riii-e oun with thn luulior i-; Who Itikt-s vi.ur il in within his htiittl, hile dro.'iuiing laud ill prospect lio. Vithsoothinit touch his ruior glidet, With iiiiublit clip hti soisor tlide ; And lo ! betttro bt? ilitss ynit t.tttnd Irnnsttiruiotl, as iu a fairy laud. C'ARPLT 1UU3 WANTLD at pf ;:.".): !;(. ry.-,r. M'.lnV' '1 ."-uut'UI l 1. L ,.A....-...f.'..,.. IteikiJiiii tear? vaa vr FALL & WLN'fHi GOODS. (mi. at iJXTicriN In I'ta i s. M. 1. liAZAHUH, wpuM entl the altpntion of tho pul lip, cod L-r eiitoineit gnnctally, to her largo, a', t new iiSf .i'. roi ft of PKrSS OOL.t, aonrUting nf Poplii.s, Do Paint, Be;, at miludP'l prid. JA1,UiOKS Ol' EVKiiV VAUU. i y V!MTt OWJ'JA, iovludiitj u pupsiior wtijln of Vnrnoillw IX.-t iins'.ii;.- f Met'i-.", L'll'iSJ", Fin'i, t' .r'oti Finiini.'s, Haloio-i-1 ,il u t-i,' i, ILe, I , lio'ip .-l-irMof a?' .il-.'v. hu I fjna'ilties, jl m' Mi r) ea?H j In I 9. ! cliid'l i t ii ' super inr qi-pli'y f Ladle,- and Uet.'.'.'-r , n's .iilj lrioi-it, LmtpJ ul I CP. th iilov I a l-i' ?!-! -ii, r: n,i'. irep.'e V'Ti'-i Vn', L en', i-iijs aid Hu, ds, 1. .-phyr P'.a; Id. ."m e;, ..f (,,. iiptt f'.rr.! futterne i;o,-i,., .... j. ,t mil l-'oerf. ..ices, ft aicri' l 1; Zr.xr, Hl i Yarns, T oe. ulihr eol.u.i.1.' no-., inhla Linen. 1 i :-i t V and L ..dici.' iiai: li.ei'ohicf-. Swift., SiuS Tusoels, i'aiiwy l! jip, Pri bit io 'in. , av.d illet artiolus CPnrrally. and rl tion nnd Fane Ar'icV. aie l.fld at too 1 rie. ' 1 irend.'' t"u!l nii-J see them brine, joiin. rde .nr. Honi tirv. ,V.a C, I . Ayor'ri V. or restcrinj Cray Fair lo raiursl Vitality and Co!cr. i'f. A I. Ht! Tor littip. nr In if: V: ilk r vitp'ii l'l't'ilil'iO, OilLV. It'.', ttll'i tll'ft'ttUI I jii'i'cL'r in;; tin. 'o:hd t'l1 1''"" i.t sovi rest'irfi i uv.y.c-'d CO':"' US 'r-'i'.'. -;v v "'Ki. :f; ;-v' T- - f,-Chn,f;,H cf 1Pt'lh. ?'it' -riliu )uiir is '.I,;,.),. ctitnl, fitllin.G; Iiair tlict'kcd, imd Lalil lio.t ofter., ttion-h T)(l nlwiiy'i, I'.'irio.l .y ii ti.-:,.'. Kuiliiucr can resiorc I hu litiir wliovo tho f'olIii'l.vH arc tlu-lroyt-!, (ir the jvl until ntrophie.t nnl dt-c'iyetl. f-tioh as con be fiivctl for tiscfiilniisa by ti.i-s pjiliraiion. I:islt;a.l rf tbnliui? tho l.ii" M'ith a jitir-ty svili meat, it will kc.'p it t-lau aud vi::o;,oii.-;. It? o.'L'it-iioatil tt.-;a will pn-voiit the lmir l'to'.n tm-niug piny op liilling oil', tup I fcasoq'ttiiiily j-.fevent luiltlucss. l'rro iVom tioktcfious niljdtaucos wliii-h l.hI.i! some jn-t'jiitritikiii.i iitiirrrouB iiti'l ii'.iuriou-! to lip.1 hair, th'J Yitror ftiti only liiTit.':it but not harm il. Il' v.-aute'd inoi'L'ly lor a HAIR DRESSING, noiliing dar; rnu Lo. fonaii ro t'.'.'sintblt-'. C'lntaittinp; noiilivr oil nor dye, il doo not soil thc cambric, aud ycL la..'ri l'jn on the lmir, .'.iviug il it rich olosoy ltistru und it grtiluit;! i;ciUime. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., I'rac riCAL and Ana t.vnc.u. C'atMirsr?, lowi:li mass. rnics 1:1.1.1 V, o lo V. 1'; u .. i i , ,'n.r vi: Hit. t.' o 1: s CO u ; n V, A (I Vi.. It tM vil.'.luN It. ii'i! l:fi -if . ..1. . 1 r rin'sii'iiNf 0 1. .-t.ifit-1 . ,.ti , 'JI'V IT, t.t i r Win. !n. ;k:am.v A I a( '.-l,'.: lt;--i f 1 lioin Cunt!!- ii.i I -t. ,;(:h ! 1 p-Ttiii'-.i", it ia j-erf'vtiy ;i 11 n . I: n v-- ;i:-cii :f'i' t tilt ta to tiniilrii i'hiu ni:. lit fiiHf "I" CRC'IV WiJ v. 1 -i;.:-t i.1 cLff.l tl o I" V It I .-1 UM': Ki.-i fj "f'V HI i,!rr, 1 f i U I HI ! V I 1 Jr.' ! la 11 I'l ituv he ;.I:a::naU' .' FAMII.V i: vi ii!ot t ir' liiC fi.tapent ai:'t i l in withir h . : ail. it 1. , l l.ATK m: ''I.. IV..; .1 iVKo tors. l.'ti.NN. A0l; o II 4'i. r: 5, .u : ri'.l L t:.t- r..T 11 .U!.! .' Vt : ttl t!ie it.f, nt,. l :. i" . l!lt- -H II. til, W.O l'rnriti lit Mi .. r ihintr tn M it- it 11 Tr 11. in wtofli tti'l liei oe y.t itl.-.i.. 'I tut . on oiv fivn vttfiovii p-trts of i i ' Ill I V Pit'-' t-V tt .!.-M ot-t titri: ttv tn I- ! t-vt- tt-t ro ifl hi' oi.. net; mo. fit lOtO-li It VV'l.l IK'I l-jift. t'om. i'liy.ticio.'is i'i;ii t'ei'o rrivo t so mi'l Uss it :rtrr,r of itx r-fTlL'r;' . And f . on all tl-riv i.-.n Mo ritioivt t.t tiTirt.' iiil'i:f?'' : 1 1 IIKARTL". HN n.i r"U.K-ni:M' til".; I: in HK.MlAI.'lIi: AMI IV.'. Il St tcuiiTY (tr in;-, . f'I.C.1 -i. :t!.r.sri ' ;.s to flo-t IMAl'll -l ca- Il p.'ni IIIsk (t' 'I l!K Venn ' It v. -,- DisntrA- At' n.i; 0:n- :i nt t'lice i ' . h.' t Cllt'l I KA Ml'ltlU S' It.-t.'i.tiy it l'l to n ft -,i -if-B bad uni:. ni . Wi.lbi- r ' t:i" itr.l with on'.t'u'-- tl IT IU l'SUS'EO T h V 11 A 11 M 1. 12 Its I NPKIXHPENTr'.l) Sl'CCf.Sri is owing to toe fuel llnit It 4"iir' by Afcit.ilB ."ulurp TO BK-ASs-KKT II KR SWAY IN TUK SYSTEM ' Nt-iitlv evirv tit-.tVr in tl.e I intt-tt tlo't'i sc;is It at tiE LMH.l.AU HOl'l'I.K. C G. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, M.W A f-rti IH. iMii ly. GASH. lit: 11LST n.:nket prioo in t' ASH. puid f ,r nil tfppw, Brass Li-ail , .me, I n n. Af , ttv W. O HICK' K A to., -tii;lo Works liuni.Lurg, l a. Junuurv '.I, lMJi1. 1 A J. litorilt'i'. just received aud f ir sale chuup, lit lire Maniuiolh Store i f 11 Y. riULlSd April , IStiS. Por duini a family wanhing in tho hi st nnd eht t-p-est manner, liunrunteed to any in the wurlo' Hu uil the strength ot old roMti soep with the mil 1 and lathering qualities ol gur.uino I'ustil n Try t' i ipifnditl !iji. ;---M by H.n Al.T'FX '" II I'M I . Al. "'''PV,. 1- r l. I,.,.. - PsiUnrli-hi A : i t :.' -. '