H. B. MAS8EH, Editor ft Proprlotor. MinillKY, 1M. 1 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 137180. Jons C. BuECK!NMiGF..-On Tuesday mnrnimr lnet. when tlio mail train from the north arrived at this jdace, a number of persons Lad gathered at the depot to take a look at tbi notoiloua rebel, who, it was itated, wa on Iho train, en route south, Laving ventured back to the United States tinder the surijiosod protection of Andrew Johnaon'i Amnesty rrofclumation. Bnckinridiro is the fint of the expa triated rolcl who him returned under the late nmtiefty tirotlBtnation. lie will pro tally Boon be fallowed by Jacob Thomp eon, Slidcll and Jttdah licnjatnin.nnd possi My all of tbrm will ask some reword of the rebel inconsequence of their sufTning. Of ail the miscreant who took part with the Rebellion, Breckinridge was the meet odioua Jn Li treachery. He had not the common and paltry excuse of keser rebels, that lie matt go with Lis State, because his State did not go with the Rebellion. He could not rely upon the allegation that he v. a in the South when the Rebellion broke out, end was carried away by the excitement aroubdbim, He was a member of the Ben ate of the United States when Fort Bumtrr was attacked, having sworn to support and defend the Constitution a short time pre viously. He stayed in the Senate, partici pating in public bu3ir.es, after the war had commenced, and olthough he hiterpor.ed his Influence in favor of the Rebels, he did to at the same time protesting his loyal- I ty. It was on tie 8th of August, nearly Stb months tftcr the commencement of the war, after the battles cf Big Bethel, Boon- J illc, Rich Mountain, Canick's Ford and Pu'.l Rao, that Brcrkinridge ate his last dinner with the Secessionists of Bu'timore, and received their congrAtu'ntinns, no doubt, at his intended defection. lie left Baltimore Irnn.cd'a'ely afterward, sought the Confudc- j rate Y.cef and ofu-rcd himself as a volunteer , In the rebel cause. Scarcely any instance of i trear.on as nefaiious can be pointed to.. It i vm (3 act worthy cf. one who, if he had j lived in the Revolution, would have envied ' and followed the example of Benedict Ar-1 r.old. As a soldier Breckinridge was a: failure. He took to tho Rebellion neither honesty nor talent. He required high ofiicc as the price of his treachery, and he was made a Major-General, a position for which he was mither fitted by education nor cspa-! city. He was an incubus to the rebel cause rather than a benefit, and for his lastvandul ! i act, the conflagration of Richmond, n large i portion of the chivalry of that place, ruined 1 by the result, w ill never forgive him. j -. n-i. ! I v r. U A .t..M.Jit.M.-.iul:juu j icoouaion to amenu tno Lonstnutiou oi the ! United States.known as tho Sufl'rajo Amend- j went, passed the Senate on Tuesday, by a vote of forty to siiteen, 9 follows : ! Yeas Messrs. Abbott, Chandler, Catlell, '. f.'iinieron, Cole, Conness, Conkling, Crniiin, ' Drake, Ferry, Harlan, Harris, Howe, Ki-1- ' bigg, M'Donald, Morgan, Morrell (Vermont), 1 Murrell (Maine), Morton, JVye, Osborne, ! PaUiison CNew llampshire), Pool, Ramsey, ! IVice, Hobmtsou, Krr-s, Sawyer, Slu-iinan, ; Spencer. Stewart, Thayer, Van Winkle, Wade, Warner, Wth.h, Wiliey, Williams,; v ilaon anu 1 utos--4u. Xays Messrs. Anthony, Bayard, Corbet', j jnvia, jisoq. uooiimi', Liuiiunas. i owier, Cirimi-a. 1 Ipntlrii-ka. M('rrirv. Pnttprsun ( IVr.n 6:et), SaulBburv, Sprague, Vickers and White 10 ' An additional article baviag been attached by the Senate, proviu'mg for the election of Electors of President and Vice President by the citizens of cucli State qualified to vote for members of Congress, it goes back in its amended form to the House for concurrence. The following is the form of the amendment its it passed the Senate : Joint resolution proposing nmrndmeuls to the Constitution of the I'niutl Stales. Le it li.-ii'iti! lj the Smut? oid Jluvue or ipreic:iu-' s,Lc. (two thirds of both Louses cone uriiig i, That ibe fallowing nt'.iclo be proposed to the Legislatures of the several M-iIcb a u-.i amvnduient to the Constitution t f thu I'id'.ed Btatee, either of which, when j.itil'.L-d by Ibree-fuuiths if said Legislatures, thi.il Lc he'd as u part of said CoiiitUution, r.Jiiicly : AliT. lri.ii) (liscriiniiiition btiau : nu.ie in I'ne 1'i.ilcd States atnotig the citizens ol'j the l Males in the iu.;tsc ot the clec t.v. i.aMl.ise or iu tuc rv..t tu hold ollye ii anv State on uooimtit of raps', color i.ii-.ivy, j topi-ity, tducution orcuid. A icj. 1G. The sccoi. l rlniir-c ft' the Crst n-iUi-m, cc .-.nd artirle uf the Constitution of tli- "ni'cd States, plmll le niiicnili-d so as to read as follows : Lath Mate oliull appoint, 1 V a vuto for roprtftritativcs of f'ouorefs, 11 nun-.l'cr rf elrctors equal to the whole iiuin- ! 1 or . 1 !' itioial.'.rj 1 t , r, v, r t u I i ic t .1 bi.-li ! tiio Plate iiibv to fntilkil in tlie (. cntrress, bt.t tin ci.ntor or Kepreacnativp, or pcrfon '"I'dins nn odice of tiUBt or profit under the I't ited Mutes, shall be appointed an elector, r C'oDim-ss shall huve power to prescribe the manner in which such electors eiiull be ihoscti by the people. The Ibiuso comru'uteo at Washiugton, on livitiion of the laws, on Tuesday, agreed upon several important features tn he in orporattd in their naturalization bill. They w'.ll take the subject of naturalization out of I the State courts and introduce it oxclutively to Iho United States courts. They will ; abolish several features in the existing laws, ' including that which prohibits the naturali- j 7ation of aliens ftcm countries with which! w t) aro at w vr. I Tlie pioviuion that soldiers who have j trrred in ouraimy may be naturalised with- ; nut fvc jcars icsiuence, and that which ' rerjoi-i s a previous declaration of intention, ' has also been agretd pou so that the whole work of uatural'uiiig tt oec time. an alieu cau be done Tea Legislature, we are soiry to sec, is getting Sato the habit of years ago, of ex empting fiom taxation a large portion of the property of the Commonwealth. We cannot but condemn this policy, and regard it us Violating both the letter aud spirit of the Constitution. Iiy exempting certain property from tho rate of taxation that all the rest of the property has to pay, is committing an &ct of injustice against tho latter, by com pelling theru to niuUs up this uSecicticy, or 'n preventing a reduction cf the rates to tVnt intent. Sijeh a course ii pot placing :'! fr.rsi.iH nn n equality befniej.h law. (Owing to tlifl neglect, or other cauV, by those who were to report the proceeding of the County Institute, for the paper, we did not receive them last week for publica tion. I'rtxM-rdlnsT of the Teacher' In atltute of ftothumbct-lnnd Count-. Concluded from hit Report. Thcrsday, Jan. 28, 18C9. Monsiso essBioN, Opened with music. 1'rayer by Mr. Car ver. Minute of Inst two session were read and approved. Roll called. Mr. Woodruff gave out fifty word to be spelt by the Institute. Recess of ten minutes. Mr. Schneider took up the subject of Ro iifn1a. irnd also demonstrated several Go- . ... TT. C.ll.,.,l OmetUCai proposition!. I'J iimiif by S. Shipman on Repetend and Cirulnting Decimals. The following Committee on Resolutions wat, appointed: J. A. Stewart, G. G. Miller, and Mrs. Gray. Mr. Carver drilled the Institute on Gram- nier, enntinneing until 12 M. when Insti tute adiourned. The rermir.ent Certificates met at 1 P. ., and organized by electing G. G. Miller Chairman, and E. L. Matchln Secretary. The time fur tho meeting of the Commit, too ren fited urton the last. Saturday in j March, at 10 A. M., in the N. E. Ward i School ilour-e, Sunbury. J AFTEHNOON EESMCN. Minutes of morning session were read and I emirnvf". Roll w as called. I Mr. Brown, of KtincB Grove, took up the ! nul ieet of Written Arithmetic, which was made mute interesting by some of the teachers taking the part of pupils, and ask ing such questions as wuuiu uc iiKeiy io occur in a recitation. Mr. Manson again drilled the Institute on the principles of Penmanship iteceps or ten minutes. Mr. Houck, of the School Department, took charge of the Institute and drilled it on Decimals, closing with a short address. Mr. Sanders, by request, read several pieces. Report of critics was received, and at 4.30 Institute adjourned. EYKKINO SESSION. Opened with music by the orchestra. The question for discussion, "Aro the ser vices of Female Teachers as valuable as those of Male Teachers, end as justly re warded," was opened by Mr. Curver. He wna followed bv W. W. Woodruff in the 4 ...... negative. After the discussion the Institute joined in singing "Beautiful River." Hon. J. P. Wickersham, State Stiperiti tendaut of Common Schools, was next in troduced, and spoke at length on tho Com mon School Systum, discussing what it is. how organized, and who must sustain it. He complimented Northumberland Coun ty on tho program of the system in it as shown by tho new buildings erected and the interest manifested by its citizens. His remnika on tho tchool buildings in Nor thumberland boiough were not very Mat tering to the Director of that District. Mu sic. Institute adjourned. Friday, January 28, 1EG0. MOUMXO EESSIOX. Minutes of the last two sessions read and amirovcd Holl was called. jIr- woodruff Bddresged the Institute for a short time before takine his leave. j Mr. Schneider spoke on Higher Muthe : inatics lor thirty minutes, i Itcccss of ten minutes. Mr. Sunders drilled the Institute on the i analysis of words ; time 45 minutes. ; A. C. HellellingiT read, "People will talk." j Mr. Manson then took up tho subject of ( Pcnmanphip, nnd closed in a very r.eat ami : appropriate address. Institute adjourned. ! AKTEHSOON SESSION. ' Minutes were read and npproved. "Gov ; crnor"' Shultz, a teacher, g;ie his views up j on the subject of teaching in connection with his experience of thirty-six years. G. G. Miller gave a demonstration upon ' tho blackboard illustrating Decimal Priic- ! tions-j after which a discussion on .ractions took place, participated in by Messrs. Mil- ! k';T1;'cr1!? "!- , ,' mi-iitsrv sound ! The Committee on resolutions, submitted the following report w hich was unanimous ly adopted : ' ltErOUT OF COMMITTEE. Whereas, There seems to be a growing do I mand for education on the part of the peo- pie. for the two fold object of increasing j their happiness and developing the resources ' of the State, of w hich we huve e vidence in the new and commodious buildings that i have been erected in various parts of the ' i State, ami in tho average pay of teachers! i being increased, and j Whereas, The present system (if Common' Schools seems to be meeting with increased ' favor, and "Education is moving slowly I forward," Therefore, j ) Besolvrd, That we as teachers of the Com I mon Schools of the Count v of Northtimbi-r- I land, rise equal to the demands thut are now i posing upon us ; that we enter upon our ! ork with wnowed vigor ami tnergy, Crm- ly usoivcu to prove ourselves men uni wo- men in the truest and noblest sense of '"e term, and that wo lit ourselves tor our work by rtudin educational works; by roading aiid studying u!l mhjecta that may tend to enlighten U6 ; and, abovu all, by having iu in our hearts a perfect and abiding love for the Grcal Teacher of mankind. Ketolvod, That as wo re assemble, after tho lapse of another year, in a County In I stitute. we have cause to consratulate each ) other and tho friends of education upon the j favorable condition in which we find the ! common Schools of the Cotintv. Keaolvcd, Thut wo endorse thr present system of Common Schools, and pledge our earnest and co operation to all tlio ollict-rs in tho discharge of their duties, and to the people in electing for all public oiheers, meu prominent for their interest iu educa tion. Hcsolved, That wo heartily iudorse the ideas . advanced that teachers should hl4VU illcrcuEej salaries, but that they should urovo themselves worthy of this increused pay by increased eftiuieucy iu their work, and that iu furtherance of this principle Directors shonld employ -uud pay teachers according to their success iu teaching. Itesolved, That it is with leartfclt plea sure that we hoar of tho favor w ith w hich the Common School SyBtem is received in those of the non accepting districts that have withiu the year accepted, nnd trust that this will be an incentive to the othcis : t0 emoli themselves in the common canse. Itesolvcd, That our thanks are due, and i are hereby tendered, to the Commissioners, ! for tho use of tho elegant Court room; to ! our instructor for their able and interest ' lug entertainment ; to the orchestra tor their enlivening music ; to tbe County Superin I tendeut for the faithful and impartial (lis i charge ot his arduous duties ; to the Direc- tors aud citszeni who have favored and ' sheered us with their presence during our I eetsions ; to the county officer, for their kind I invitation to Tisit their offices; to J. W. ; Frilin" for tbe uao of Lis organ : aud to those of the press who Lave so kindly pub lished our proceedings. Respectfully sub milted. Signed by the Committee The Dotology was then snng, end Kcv, Lwn frofiou tired the bt mcliciiua. Institute ailumeU mw itit. - - WMt to 1k At-J. The report that agents were at Washing ton from, 6t. Domingo, fof th. purpoeof proposing to our Government the annotation of Bt. Domingo to the United States turn out to be trus. S itch a proposition ha been mde by a reBUltfrly authorized agent of President Baez. The condition of annexation are simply that the United States shall assume the debt of the State, some 11,000,000, and establish a Terri torial government, until it shall bo deemed advantageous and desirable to receive it into the Union as a State. What w ill ha the action of President Grant's admin istration on this question wc cannot say, but tho supposition is that it will be favorable. Tho otulation of St. Domingo is less than 200,000, diminished year after year by domestic wars. The mineral wealth of the island is enormous, and the ports for our vessels excellent. Here it will be seen that wo can not only get the bay of Samana with out actual payment, but the whole of this republic for the assumption of the debt. If we cannot get Cuba, which is not improba blc, let us take St. Domingo. But it must not bo delayed too long, as President Bacr, may be oveithrown aud the next fellow at the head of the government may hava differ ent ideas of policy. . - . . ADriTErtATioics is A i.e. The New York World keeps its chemist busy in hunting up fresh adulterations. He has been at the ale barrel and finds lime, salt and alum in the ale, instead of a simplo product of malt, hops and water. Of course he does not as sert that all ales aro thus adulterated. The adulterants used in foreign ales are said to bo verv numerous. Those discovered in the samples submitted for examination are salt. lime and alum. None of these adulterants should be fouud in ale purporting to be pure. Many of tho ingredients are absolute poisons; some are injurious and even dan eerous when persistently taken into the ir system, and all are frauds upon tho con sumer, for they aro used to disguise impro per dilutions or inferior manufacture, or in other words to pass off as a genuine- nrticlc that which is not genuine. Amongst the adulterations which Dr. Parks found in ale were absynthc, aloes and cocculus indicus. Sometimes opium and strychnino arc Used. Who is to composo Gen. Grants cabinet seems as ytt to be known only to Gen. Graut himself. The General is vtry successful iu in baflliti the enterprising quid nunct. Iio will make his determinations known in due time for the public interests. MrKDurt TniAi.. Tho case of the Com monwealth against Thomas Donohoe, John Duffy, Michael 1'ryor and Patrick Hester, charged with the murder of A. W. Ilea, was called up in tho Columbia County Court on Thursday afternoon. The prison ers were arranged, and plead "not guilty." The defendents churned separate triuls, which was granted. On Wednesday morn ing a jury was called for the trial of Douo hoe, and the following persons were sworn : Samuel Ale. Win. White. Klijah Shutt. Jacob Terwilligcr. David Dernott. Petei Weaver. jUeorge Gavenee. Eli Rubbing, jjohn M. Snyder. '.ldaui Frderolf. Srtinuel Kelcliner. I'etcr Evans. I Tho case was opened for tho Common j wealth by District Attorney E. R. Ikler, and t the taking of testimony was at once pro ! ceeded with. Mrs, Ilea was the first witness culled. The testimony of Thomas Doorley, formerly of this place, ia perhaps the most important which can be ottered by the Com monwealth. Day and evening sessions arc being held to expeilinte the case, which, from the number of witnesses summoned, is likely to occupy the time of the Court until the middle or last of next week. The attorneys engaged in the case arc as follows: For the prosecution District At torney 11. H. IUler, Lin Bartholomew, Eiq., of Pottsville, Edward Baldy, Esq., of Dan ville, Robert L. Clark, Esq., of Bloonibburg, and M. M. L'Vellc, Esq., of Ashland. For the defence John W. Hyan, Esq., and Hon. Mycr Strouse, of Pottsville, Col. Freeze, of Bloomsbiirg, 8. P. Wolvcrton. Esq., of San bury, and Win. A. Marr, Esq., of Ashland. The trial excites much interest, and the Court room is constantly crowded with anxious fpectators. PottttiUe Slinulard, February C:A. Tiiorr.i.n Among the Democrat.- Our Democratic friends st-t-m to have consider- ulile trouldo about tindin a candidate lor Gorc-rnor. Hiceter Cljuicr, who waa so hailiv woiateO .iy Govuinor Geary iu the last campaign, dtcliues the honor nf running ayatust the Governor a second time, most peremptorily. Asa Packer writes that he lias uo mUlioJ of being a cuudidatc, yet, if it jg DfcCt.a,y tbat ho should again be saciifi- i Cfcd ui ho ,vag iu Xew yrk W)1L.U he was j President of ihe Pc-nnsvlvaiiiu delegution.ns their candidate for Vice President, he must aubtnit. Gun. M'Caudless and Gen. Cuss stem to be the only gentlemen prominently pressed by their friends. It make3 however, little difference to tho Republicans whom the Democrats prcseut, Geary will beat any one brought forward. Jl&rUlurg JWJ graph, 'I ho Oil 1 ratio. The second anutial report of the Petro leum business of tho Pennsylvania Oil re gions was published iu the Titusville JUrnld ot the UOth tilt. It carefully reviews the history of the discovery of oil in 1859, and tho progress of development up to the close oflsCH. At the opening of lust year two very important producing districts were discovered, but tho production was by no means so large as was anticipated, oiviup t.) the short period the wells held out. The following table, prepared with considerable care, shows the growth of the Pelroleum trade since the date of the boring of thu first artesian well to obtain a supply : rroductico in 1559 barrels, IsSt) ' IMH " PJtiS " " 1B'I3 " " lsftl ' 1S " ii " 107 " " ISiitf " 82,000 600,000 2.103,(100 3,0d,ti0tl 2 lltt.lhO S, 197,713 3.5'J7.627 3..'ll7,30rt 3,714,741 ToUl, 23,601,03 It will be remembered that iu tbe infancy of tlie buine tnilliona of Lurrela nf oil were lost for w-aut of tankage, and benee the rijrurt of our contemporary for 1859-'60-'CI, cannot be lakeu aa the exact quan tity drawn from tbe earth in t bote years. Wealth of Pkxnsyi.vania. -The Execu tive Council of the Philadelphia Board of Trade estimate the product in mouey, of the coal, iron and oil nf this State, for tbe last year, at f 195,000,000. Tbia it a greater aura than it produced by all the gold-bearing fit a tea and Territories, and yet it it the vield of only the mineral product of the f.'.ate, Ictvirj; tlie vt ajrricultural anc I other toutoes of be: tvceUh 'it 'f taw. A I .IV I! 11" TIME U1TI1 mmi. G1.ARS, Heroic Conduct of a Charlettovn Lady. One taf tzlit last week, In Charleston, Mrs. Oeorge Martin awoko and saw two ticgio burglars in the chamber, Ono remained while the other went into the adjoining room. The one who remained had a large butcher's knife, which he held over the elnraberliig Mrs. Martin.- When the bur glar left tho bed ha placed the knife in his teeth and walked about tbe room, searching the drawers, from which he took tliirty-Qve dollars in greenbacks and live dollars in gold. After a while he again approached the bedside and elevated tho huge knife. Mrs. Martin jumped up and seized an artil lery sword near the bed, aud whilo the bur glar's arm was extended over her sleeping husband, struck the burglar a terrible blow, which caused the knife to full from his grasp. While iio stooped to pick up tlio knife slio gave him a cut on tho bene, and as his face swung back she gave him still another blow on tho forehead. The bur glar rushed at the heroic woman and suc ceeded in giving her a severo kick in the side, breaking two of her ribs, which caused her to faint and full. This woke Mr. Mar tin, who leaped out of bed, only in time to see the scoundrels jump out of the window. 4'onccutration of 1'ower, The Secretary of War in his evidence be fore the Uctrencbnicnt Committee the other day, gave n great deal of interesting infor mation ; amonfr the rest that he thought it would bo bitter for tho service and the country if the Navy and War Departments wcro united and under ono head. They being the war power it should not be divi ded and therefore prevent aconllict of views iu regard to any hostilo operation. The two j uranciies ougni to oe placed 10 me nanus oi ; an Atlimml and a General. He thought that theru would be a general Indian war next aummrr beyond the Platte, and that the Indian Bureau ought to be iu the hands of the War Department. It I! L villi:. The Methodist have now 7130 itiucraut ministers. A citizen of of Lock Haven lately skinned nnd dressed a beef in 11 minutes and 2$ seconds, on a wagor. Spring is coming. Somebody has seen tho wild geesu flying northward. Delaware is Agitated concerning a wo- posid change iu the iuterest laws. ' A State Temperance Convention is to be i held in Ilurrisbtirg on the 23d of February, j A New Haven firm is making twenty ve- J locipedes a week for the New York murket. A dozen young ladies serenaded a num ber of bachelors in New London a fow uights since. Eight million people are employed iu the French vineyards. Indiana hag 600,000 legal infants, of whom 438.000 attend school. There is some talk of establishing a State asylum for inebriates in Ohio. The new tax bill looks as though it would pass the present Congreess. Ex Gov. Curtin will bo strongly pte.-sod for a scut in Gruut's cabinet. Oysters are sold teu for a ceut in Pcnsa cola, Florida. The great Alaska briberv question is whittled down to the little end ol nothing. The tariff bill is as given up. Thcro is no hope for it at leust before the fourth of March. The Legislature of Georgia seem determin ed to set the Hicoustrucliou laws a ml the Government itself at deliance. llostuu has two potatoes on exhibition for which Iho owner wants lit'iy dollars apiece. Nearly as many people ate killed in the London streets as on the English and Welch railways. Jeff. Davis and his wife live in a small boarding house close to tho None Dame Cathedral. Teacc uicttiugs arc being held in all parts of Arkansas. The keeper rf a groggery in H.uti'ord killed his bar-tender because hu snored so t loudly. ! j It takes eighteen hours to go from Den- I , ver to Cheyenno by stage, and costs ten . : dollars. ! I Tiil Republican State Central Committee, ! I on Thursday of Inst week, at Huirisburg, i 1 decided to hold the next State Convention j in Philadelphia, June S'id next. ; I The Senate will not repeal, but will modi I fy the Teunro of Oflico act, just to the extent ' , stated iu these columns nearly two months ' i ago. J The President, who began his term breath I ing out threatenings and slaughter nguinst !rttii";e!;:,n8 vni il l"'fdl":i"' 1jU ' Pdect'Ssor assassms. j The President has pardoned C'ii'o I.atryj.-a and Francis Martinetti, who were eeuu-iiced in 18UU to servo lil'teen ears in tho penitcn- tiary at Frankfort, for couuterleitiug L'uited Mates currency. Graut has peremptorily declined to ride initio Bame i-arriago wit u joiinson to tuc capi'.ol on tho day of his inauguration. The Hum who before t lie w-urid charod tii with falsehood, when he was himself the liar, General Graut will iu do way cuttntu Dance. The Sunbury papers continue to nigo the i establishment of a Steam Kerry across thu ; Dam. Such a ferry should have been estab- . iished there long since, and we are surprised that the people of Sunbury have so long neglected an improvement of so great im portance to their town. $eliniirorv Time. One bull fighter in Spain made $300,000 by his perilous profession, and then died without using it. Twenty-four new passenger vehicles are being built for the Pennsylvania Huilroad Company, and nearly a hundred of different kiuds for tho Heading Itailroad. A petition for a w rit of hiileat corpus, in behalf of Arnold and Spangler, the assastii- nation conspirators, imprisoned on tho Dry uit itttii, luiift isuiivu u tuu iviy Ioftugas, was presented in tin States Supreme Court on Tuesday. Toftugas, was presented in the United Tna New York Tritium says (bo roasou why Pl.AXTATio.t HirrKKS aro so generally ufed ijowin te the fmt thai they are always made up to theori- j iual standard, and of pure material, let lb price be i what it will. Tbe Tribuiu just bits tbe nuil on tbe head, for Plaxtatio.n rlirri ns are not only mode : ef puro material, but the people are told what they j are made of, as the recipe it wrapped around each I bottle. Dou't go home without a buttle. MaxouA Wateb. Superior to the best im ported German Cologne, aud told at half the price NEW- AD VJ-llTISKdllNTS. Iu the IHuli-U t Court of the rai led fetatci. lor Iho tVcutcru Vis ti-ict ol' l't-uiikj Iviiniu. j ROHEilT HAVKi, a lisukrupt under the Act of ' Congress of March 21, Itai?, having applied for ; a discharge from all bit debu, uud other claims provable under said Act, by ordor of tbe Court, Noticsi is uerkbt oivtn, to all persona who have : proved lucir debts, and other persons iulurcsteJ, tu I appear uu the 20lh day of March, Istii). ast 10 o'- ; Block, A. M , before Jobo S. Dctweiler, Es. , Reg ister in Bankruptcy, at bit office, in .uubary. Pa , , to ahow cause, if any they Lave, why discharge should not be grouted te tbe mid liaukrupl. And : lurther. KoTKi li mtuaiir oivkh, that the aeuuud and third meetings of creditors of the said llauk- rupt, required by the 27th and 2ilh eoliou of said Act, will be keld before the (aid Kegister, at the tame time and plate. ! s. c. ;:eCANM.i.':s. rb l'ib it? CKrk ' ORPHANS' COURT SALE. I PURSUANT to an orilor of tho Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will bo fold at pnblio sale, al tbe politic house of John V. Beesholti, io Ooorgetown, on FRIDAY, tho itb day of MARCH, 18(11', tho following real nstnto, to wit 1 All Hint oertaio pb oa or tract of land, situate In Lower Mrilinnoy township, Connty of Norltiumbor land, nnd l-tato of Pennsylvania, bounded on tho north by land of John I)iiiKronn, Dnvid W aid and othcri; on tho em by Abrubaia lony asd John Dingnuian ; on the eolith by John llinginian ; as) on tbt west liy A bruin Rolboruisl, Vcinr Berrel and Nortborn Centrul Railroad, containing fORTX- pivi.i Auits?. moro or low, whereon la (rooted a two-tory Brlok Home, Bauk Barn, and ether out bulldinga. Alan, nnotlter tract of UnaentAit monnlala la til ituate In aaid towmhtp, County and State aforaiaid, bounded on Ibe taorth by lands of Willaby Wald, cn lor, on the south by Levi Kerbe, and on the wet by Mrs. i imam erbe, containing tixteen acrot mora or leu. Aim, two vncnnt Lot; in tbe town of Georgetown, County and Ktuto afiireiiiiid, adjoining enoh other. hounded north by Uitnf Ooorgo Weisor, eatt by lands oi ucorgp cpnu, on me souiu oy lol ot lnuias Long, ana on 1110 veil uy puuno rutia leading trom ounua ry to llitrriidiiirg, eontuining one-fourth acre each. Liiue lue property ol Androw longer, doccated. Bale to oouimunee at 1 1 o'clock A. M. of laid day, whou tho condition of sale will bo made known by li M. UU BO, Administrator By ordor of the Court, J. Lr.isiiNUi.ia, ClI. Ci 0. Buuburjr, I'ebruary 13, latl'J. lin(M Tor Tavern Li J CEN'dtt nt March tejtiom, : 1 Uenrgu Kokert, Northumberland loro., old Hand. 2 Fred k IMock, Wntsoiitown boro., new itnnd. H JohnF. Enbling. Ilrndon, Jackon tp , old stand 4 1) B. Rcitz, Litilo .Vl'.ty, oil etnn t b Harrison Wagner, Camerju tp., Wlcklei' old eland. 8 Jjhn MoManus, Coal twp , new Unnd. 7 J. K. Cuip, BhuLjokin tp , " 5 Thoa Foulds, Jr., Zerbe tp., old ptand 9 William Farrow, Bhnmokiu twp., " JO Jos. Monorv, l!poor Mahanoy twp., old aUinI. 11 Jdbn 11. Ueist, ' " " " 12 lienrv J. ltoedur, MoBwenSTillo bor4 , " ,4 john-Aibcrt', Homdon. JaekVon twp , 13 Henry Hna., Sunbury borough, B Franklin Sarjo, Lower iiabanoy twp 10 Frank Hvcrlv. 17 1.'. A. ftnrtzel, Upper " " ' 18 O. H. Raker, Little " " " 19 Thornaa Neahit, Shamokin twp., ' 20 Mrs. Julia Johintun, Nnrlb'U borough, " 21 Klios Shnfler, Jordan twp., " 21 Chiirlei B. Boycr, Cameron twp., " 21 Elian Kngnly, Jordan twp., ' new stand. 24 Christian Urabb, Jaeksou twp , " 25 Joel Bittormm, " " oM stand. 2H Ucorge Koble, " " Herntlon, " 27 Willintn Koonor, M'atsontown borough, " 28 A 8 MattiB, Lowor Mahanoy. " 29 Win Hnte.iuian and John Huoklo, Ileirart, " 30 John M llnff, Milton borough, " 31 Aug .inimerinun, Mt. Caruicl boroitgb, " "rV.n5;ek.,. borcush. " 33 Mary Bryiniro, tiunbury borough, " 31 Michael Urahnm, Mt. Carmel twp., new stand. Sit ltotert Nioholsou, Shamokin borough, old stand, ot John H C'inriiJ. " ' 37 Christian Kefl'. Sunbury boron jb, " 38.1 il Forcftimn, Watruntown bnrotih, " Mi William M Wonvcr, Shamokin borough. " 40 T J Stanim, Nortbuuiborland borough, " 41 William ISbartcl, Jordan tivp., " 42 Aarou T Coldo, " " ' 43 Henry Siuimuuds, .hnmokin borough, now :and 1 41 J jseph Kystor, Suobur) borongh, old ft.u.d. ; lo Joi.n Weaver, ' " " 4'1 Tboiuas t'oulJs, Sr.. Zerbe township, " 47 lionjiiuiin Knoueo. Zcrbo " j I-i Augustus Willi, Lower .Mahanoy, " 49 William Engeluian, buubury boruiigli. neff stand, j 6(1 Jncel) Lvi'onriug, bamokin tuwnsbin, old etnud. 51 Terreneo (Juinn, Mt. Carmel borough, " j t'2 II 13 Wenrt-r, Trcvortuu, " i ii'i Kmanuel Otht, Ipptr Mahcnoy, ' it Jus-'ph Tcuiiui!', hbuisokin bor-ugb, " ! 15 L U tickor, Milt.m bor.ju;-.li. " j M 1'ottr S Vendor, Coal township, " , i7 1 bourns (iibi'OUt, Mt Carmel twp , ' I Id J h.,IIIH3 Wllr-ll, ' " " j h) li X brumliollor, r-uubury borough, i CO Cinirli'n liKringcr, " ' " til Jacob Sheet, " " " : 62 Abraliaui llotliarniol, L. Mbauy twp , " t3 t'i. inlcs lliir'm ui. Ciii.iMUiiiuo twp , " 01 Miulmol J. liuwnoy. 'Iri-vorton. " ti Patrick Ivcarua bunmokin borough, " S(l l-'rancia McCarty, Mt. Caiuitl ti'., ' t7 W illiam Hurvov, " " " ; b (Jhiiliis Sunbury burougli, " i (.il 'J'tirtmlnre ilonvll, tihaiuukiu Ouroit -li, -1 ! 70 W I' Hoth, ' 71 John Curtin, " " now f.and. I 12 IVicr Mclion.ild. Mt. Carmel trip , old Maud. 1 73 Wilinun Meyer.-'. Cliiliii.uaquH, 74 Jnseph Courad. Sunbury bni"'-arht " i 7a John Try, iJcwart, ' I 7ti CliarU.' Cuip, Ml. Carmol borough, " 77 iinvi 1 11 Duvif, 7i Iluli Tyo, l.duurt Gap, " n Samuel r-'talilnccker, Lielawarc tp , 1 1:0 .Inuies It Uracil, l.i'wi twp., " SI Siiiinn (tpp. Turbutvillc borough, i S2 1 H Dreubacb, ' " " S3 Wm Johnson. " " " SI Jaeuh Mnwory, SliatiKkin borough, " S5 C )S Fifl.cr, Wii.'hingtou twp.. " Sli Wm M Mesl.itt, Niutliiimlitrlan l boro , " ! S7 Jaim-3 SriOi-rt. Shainnkin borough, ' tis Frc'l-irirk l-ahriou, Mt. Caruicl tmrcugh. S'J V. i!liam A. Fisher, M.ltou bor-iogh, ni-w stui d. ! IU) Charles stinker. " old i ill Joruph Jivppin, Mt. Curnul borough, old ftaul. i '.i'2 Joseph, Vi.nkirK, Nnrllmniburland buro. do. : '.'3 J.-tiulen Muitil, JfieWull tunil;hi', old all.U I. I'OH InS;': T I.ST Oh' XAMEU, APrUCAW X J Rootaurant Liccuse, nt March session 1 Kre leri -k -ilironk, 2 Jacob W Hright, ,'t liiuirjre A Heeser, 4 Stephen 'Fciupliu, i Siinoi: lbi.itiiin, . 0 Forsyth & Murgin 7 Jubn C.irns, Sunbury, old sUui l ii ' new North'J borough, old etui 1 stand i H W W Huiii. Milton borough, I v u-nrv num. " I 10 Frederick Vtolf, " " j 11 Jacob Krei'.;-.er, " " 1 .Mii-baei Studcr, Shamokin biirou ! l:i W C lloth, ' ' i I 14 Iiaao H Eci-cr, " " I.) Wui K Snyder. Hern l :n, Jackson twp : I t A'tiiiii l.ercb, Mt. Curitul toruugb, i 17 J.,liii Mari'liy, atFuot,,Kn burougb, i H Jjimci Uiiikf, Mt. Carmel twp., j It' Thi.iuas S Irwin, 'J'urbut tw p., "0 Hoin-y Itaeh, Sluiuiokin borough, i i'l T tlnld, McEwensvillo borough, I Jiilt.'ii irixul, luibutviUe ! i.i Uiuiicl Haun ' -j4 Jacob Klvinw. Milton borough, ;d Chus W . .ut, N.-rtVunJ.crlaiid boro. i LIST oi' .v.-!.;k.s, APPT ICA.XT? I'UR License for l.iiiuuf Stores, at March session : 1 t.'yrus liiown. Milton borough, old stand. 2 Martiii Kinney A W L Cox. Sunbury, . " IhoiuHS Foulds. Sr., Zcrhe twp . u J.J. l.EI.!!:.SNVULK, Prothonotar. February lJlb, Uo'J. 0 H P 1 1 A NS' COURT SAL II IJl'KSL'A NT to an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland County, will ha sold at publiu sale, at the public houso of J. P. Sees ho I z, la ljoorgctun, on FKIDAY, tbe tb day of MAHC1I, loo'j, tho loiluiiiug real estuto, to nil : All that certain piece or tract of Land, situate in Lower Mahanoy township, cnuuty of Nortbuuibcr laud, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and dui-nb-cd ui follows : On tho uoi lb by lauds of i'cter Wii liter ; on Iho oust by limis uf Mrs. Sarah kessner ; ( the south by lands of Isaao Zenker, aui on Ilia Lnkor, eoutaining utout wist by lundj of bunon i - . ,r. , r I i ' - p "i i n0U19 snd oibor outbuiiumija. Lato the c.tato of liuorgo unuuy, ueceascd. Halo to eommcnie at 10 o'clock A. M., nf said day, tvLou the couiitiiais will be made known by ULNHY KLKbTLTTEK, Ailm'r. Iiy order of tho Court, J. LtitLMU.Na, Clk. 0. 0. Buubury, Feb. 13, le(J9. jSELLIMi OFF AT COST. .TTI1K uudorsigued, having taken the Btove and j X Tiu ware btoielately kept by 'mith A Uentber, : otlurs to the public all his block at COsT, cousistiug of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, t'oiiibtuatlou u Uurui-r, Cook, tioii-i uor i't-uu C'ooh, WABAbU AND IKONBIDES, and ihe well known Anti-dust Cook Stove nulled bPJSAK'sJ ANT1 -1L8T. Also. Torlor and office t'tovee in great variety, em brucoig all the best uauufucturoa and most tasluou able designs, unsurpassed lor beauty of tiuiali. simpli city of arrungcinoiibi.oombiuiug cheapness, duiabil'ty, and each stove wsuruulud to pcrloriu whut they uia teprcsciiled. Also, The celebrated Pal tliuore Tire Place Btove, for boating C..-t, second aui tuird slcaioaby Registers' Also, VL'LCAS HEATKK. Also, the celebrated MOUSING GLOV. Coul OH, 4'oal Oil Iutupv, Khutlesi, littiiiijoti. Af. Alto, TIX-WAKB of every deoription. Call and txeuiiue before purchasing elsewhere a.w.sMtfu. ".. , - :rVtt 5t"l So."1''''. ) itrairv ;, 15.? Si JEiCALDWELC- JEWELERS, Saving Inpfjtl&l themaolvei with SB olVjuj ;NEW STOCK "OF:GOOD9 thronghottt, will he happy to moot their macy friends aid the pnblio generally at their present place of builntu, 819 Chestnut Street!, PHILADELPHIA. Fob. 13, lM9.-ioh7,ly. lHMolutlon of Parlnei-shlp. NOTICE Is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore exi-tlng between Oeorge W. Smith 4 Charloa Uentber. trading under the firm name of Smith 4 Oer.lher, waa this Dtn nay oi reoruory.un nolved by mutual oonnent. The books, papers, Ao., I of tbe firm are hi the hands of Uoo. W. Smith, Iio request all indebted to make immediate lottlement. LO. W. SMITH, CHAH1.1-S UENTHUU. Baobury, Fcbmnry 13, 3t The Arch Street Foundry, HEHETUFUKU carried on in tbe name ot J. Younguian, will bercaftor be carried on In the firm name of YOUN'UMAN A llALl'T. All kinds of Costings will at all times be made ut the shortcut notioe, and In the bcatmanner. VOl'KUMAX A UAITT. 5unbury, Fobruary 13, 18G9. S TO Kir KOOSI TO I,IVr, nitualoon Market Street, near the Railroad, f onbury, fa. Terms reasonable. Apply to CAROLINE UALIU3. . Punbury, Fobruary 13, 1SC9 3t .Aorlliern Ontrnl lC.illn ay. SUMMER TIME BCHEDtH.E. !C and after Nov. 22(1, ldt8, trains will leave SUNBURY, follow : LEAVE NORTUWARD, 6.0 A. 51., 1'aily for Wllliamsport. Tnlly except Kitndnva.l for t'liuira. Ciiiiamltiii-un- ! Kochcuter. HurTaloe. Niuinira Falla. Suspension Bridge and the Canada. 4.14 T. Daily (except Sundays,) for Elmira, aud Buffalo via F.rie Railway from Klmira 6.40 T. M , Dally (except Sundays,) for Williaun- port. LEAVE BOUinWARD. '2.4.1 A. M., Daily for BnHminre, and w uriitngton. . . . i U.4j A. M . Daily (except bundaya.) for llu'.tiuiore, I Philadelphia and Washington. I 7.60 T. M., Daily (except Sundays,) for Han-M.ur, connecting with Cincinnati Express tnr i Daltimore, rbila(U'lphin nnd Washington. J.y Di Bahkv, Kn. 8. YorsB, ! Oen'l. Sup't.. Oen 1 1'iwcn'r Ag't . j Ilarrijhnrg, Pa. lln'.tiinrrt-e, Md. I"it iiic ECaili oatl ."Nt arly inili-i!. blO MILES EUILT. TflE UNION FACiriC U. R. C. and tlio CENTRAL PACIFIC R. R. CO., IIao added Eight Hundred (SuO) Miles to lhair lines itui ing tho current year, w bilo lining a lni galceul a"srnger and freight biisincs. The through con nection will undoubtedly be completed nexl samnicr. when the through trattic will bo very great. Forty thousand men arc now employed ly tbe two power ful companies iu pressing f irwatd the great national highway to n speedy completion. Only SoO miles remain to be built, which mostly aro graded and maily for the ruils. First .Mortgage Ooll Bonds of the Union Pacific Railroad Company for sale nl par and interest, and First Mortiraie Uold Bonds uf tbo Central I'uciliu , Railroad at H'3aud iuterest. j Tho principal aud interest of bu.th bonds arc paya ; ble in gold. j DK HAVEN A BRO., 1 Dealers in Government Securities. Gold, Ac., 1 No. 10 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Jan. 30 Nov 21, lis y Naii:iCII I,'S AM . t T"i Y virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. ii-med out of the 1) Court i f Contnon Pleas, of Northuinbirland 1 ,1 i.n,.ll...i..l icllt In r-.i' lil , j sale, cn the premises in Washington township. Nor- 1 tMuniUt-ri?na conniy, on ptiiurnov, me 0111 unv 01 February, at 10 o'clock a. m. the following property to.wit : All that certain trac'. or piece of land bcic iv-ln ar.d situu'u in Washington nnd JucV.u tdivnship, N'irthuniheilan'l county, State of Pennsylvania, i and bo-.mded and described as follows : On ttie north . by lands nf A L nun Sit gel and church lot. cnt by I lands cf Elias Znrtman, south by land of l'ot'-r ' ' Klo.-k, nuil on tho west by land of II. 13. Latshn and 1 J.-icnh Shnppcll, containing ninrty-fh-o 'Ji) acria. ! ! nnd ninety-one (HI) perchej of land, more or less.; ' hereon is erected a largo two-story log Louse, n i . l.-.i.k barn and other outbuildings. ALS'i; At the saoio time und plivc. a certain j j lot or pliioo of limber laud, situate in Washington j ! townsiup, county and state alorcsani, iiouncieit on I 'be liurth and east by land of Peter Klock and on I I he south and west by laud of Elisabeth Klock, con-1 I I'tiuii'K rlvo aores und oue buudrcd and sixteen per- ; i cbes ol bind. ! ) Souad, taken in execution, and to be soli as the ! I nroixirty of Tutor Dordeiuer. i ' ALSO .By virtuuot a wril of Levari Facia, is. , sncd out of the Court uf Common Pleas, nnd to mo directed, will bo oflered at pnblio sale, nt Ihe Court j House, in tbe borough of Sunbury. on Saturday the i -Jllrhibtv nf Iw.hrmirv. IHflO. nt 1 l'rln,-l n ni . Ihn . following property, viz : I All those lour contiguous or adjoinlcR lots or pie iea : of ground situate, boinij and lyinu iu the b.rougi-f j Shumokin. county and state aforesaid, and known ' and described on the general plan of said Borough as lots numbered rospectivoly throe (.1) four 4 1 fivo j (5i and six (6) in block Lumber eility-five io; two story frame storo anc dwelling house is erected -upon lots numbered four and five, and a dwelling I bouse upon lot numbered six, in blook eighty-five. 1 Suited, taken into execution and to be toid as the property of Levi Fulk and Albert Adams. I'ANIKL BECK LEV, Sheriff. Sheriff's OtUco, fiunbury, Jan. 30, 1869. P. S. DEWALD & CO, Manufacturer, of ond Wholesale Dealers in WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, OH Cloths, Window Shade, Carpet Chain, Cotton Yarns, Batting, ltepej Xwiuct and Cordago, IlrooniH, linikliosi, Ilakt-l,, TAPEU, PAPER BAGS, c, Ac. No SI North Third gtreet, above MaiUut, PHILADELPHIA. January 3D, 1RH9. ly AUCn STREET, between Third end Fourth Street! BMIILADEI. 1II1 1. FAMKEL S WKOEK, Proprietor. January 30. 18r.j. ly ORPHANS COURT SALE. riMIE urderaiined, Adnilnbitratnr Cum Testumento X Aouexo of John Hull, late of the borough of Su liusgrove, doceated.will, by virtue of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Snyder county, direotod to the undenigned, and by force of the last n ill and Testa ment of tbe suld deceased, offer to pnblie salo, on ibe premises, in taid lorougb, on THCKf-DAV, the ItSiti ua ur c conn An X , A 1) . IK',0 .1 I I n'Onnlt A il . trTe followiuff valuable rai.l rilou n, A ' CK11TAIN LOT of liKOL'Mi.aituatetutheboroush of Seliosgrove aforetaid, bounded un tbe north by ' Pine atreet, east by Market ttrect, south by lot of' nuurew i.ennenataor. ana west ty an alley, Being about fifty feet iu width and abonloue hundred and fifty feel in depth, on which there t ereoted a, LAKGB fRAMK BL'ILDI now oecupicd by Iliestacd k lluttetter &J Hardware Ftore, pert thereof by Samuel Alteman, Eiq., as law cflioc, and part thereof by Mrs. Eagan as a Confectionery Etore, and tbe baok pert bv a dwelling bouse and oct u pied by Mrs. Sohtrf. Tbis is one of tbe most ooutral and valuable properties in Sliasgrove, and ui ikvorably, if not tbe most favorably located for butiaewof any property to this place. Persons weot nig to secure a good butinese aland will do well to give tbis property an examination, at it is not often that Heal Ketate ef tbia character eaa be obtained. 1 be subscriber will alto aell at tbe same time and plane, 4 sharts of Bauk block in tbe TamiHe National Bank : II shares in the old Northumberland Lank. now First 'ntional Hank of Euubury, and 4 shares in the Mechanics, fiatlenal lank, ot J blind e Termt Made know eiidsT ef sale t 3 l IfOOH, A Jinin..ljalor t'tliiitgrcte Jn IM? -3t Latest New York News. LADIES ! Look Out 1 1 Look Oust t Look Out ! t Look Out It "Beaulifiei the Complexion." "(lives a Rosy Ulow to tno Cheeks. " "A Ruby Tinge to tho Lips." ''Removes all Blotches and Freckle.'' "The Best In tbo World. " COSTAR'S BEAUT I FIERI tho Bitter-Sweet and Orange Blossoms. One Bottle, SI 00 Threo for $2 GO 1000 Buttles sold in ono dny in Now York Citr. IjFAW Druggists InSUXBURT el! it. Or address' -C03TAR," No. 10 Crosby tt., N. Y. OH ! those CORNS. OH ! those CORKS. (Morning Toper. Aug. 26.1 Oil MY ! OH MY! I onn't stand it ; but ho Ji l fur be aent right oil aud got a bux of COSTAR'S' COBS SOLVENT, and it cured him." Thousands of Boxes sold. All lirnggisbs in SUNBURY sell it, Or addresn "COSTAll." No. 10 Cloth ?A i Slanilni-d 1'rrpuriilion's COSTAR'S" Rut. Roich. Ac, Extrmiutr , "COSTAU'S" Bel Bu Extern.inators. .COTTAR'S" (ouly pun') lnt l'owdor. OhW Infallible Rcm'-l'"S hr-iru." "Io V ears establis hi-d in New York.-' 'S.utiO Boxes an-l El.i-ks nianulaoiurerl I n! v -All Druggistein SL'NKl' it V ti-U thcui ' '! 1 ! Beware ! ! ! ol"eiuriom imitations." : Jt f!0 s'ues sent by mail on receipt uf prioc. ! J2.00 for any three 51 oil site by Kspr.--- j Address HENRY R COSTAR, 10 C10.-I y .S't., N. Y. I Or, JOIIS F. HENRY (?aoeS-r to) ; DEM AS BARNES A CO.. 21 l'ark Row N. V. F-.M by II. Y. FRILINii, f uubitry. Pa. j January 30, ls'i9 lv -I Tsiivi-'.il.iile Miller t i:i-t- irt'!i V 72(1. 722. 7:1 and 7-M VINE S:ree'. l'nila-l'a. THE O HAND ORCHESTRION, l nm-i iy li.., property of tho GRAND J.'UC OF BAI'KN, vui- ciia.-od ut great cxpenko by JACOil V ALEU of Philadeli.hin, In combination with Fl.A.Ml-R SORCI!FTRA nnd Miss NELLIE ANPEllM'N. Will perform every Atternoon and Kvci.U-.g at tho above mentioned place. ADMISSMN FREE. j. t.1'1 -C -i. VIGK'3 i loi-al ustl lor 1!:. The first edition of Ono Hundred Thou-nnl of Viek's Illustrated Catalogue tf Seeds and Mi l l" in the Flower Cijrilon is row published. It make n ! " I 1 - 11k of !urt pages, bcautilully uiiiiiraied. wm; iicti 0 Pino Wott.i Eugra ings of Flowers and Vecet i- ! ''Y c1'' ant calorcd 1 Into. A Ji'.i'.Jl I.i Ui- 1 - , ... , .. ,. , , I I, in UIUUI"Fl Ml-auinui. n. nrun.u.. u- tive Fl-rul lluido rnl-lii-bcd. giving i.iuiuun ti.;- rough directions of tho CULTURE OF FLOV. r.PS AND Miijl.I Mil l. The Floral liuHe is publislit-1 for the beiS' t ! my oustiimcrs, in whom il is eui free wii'ioui f t; -cit'tioii. but will be forwarded to all who npp..v bv mail, for Tell Cents, which is not bv!t the e st , Address ,1 AM lis V1CK, Koehis-.er, N V January , '10. li'i ot EsMo!utio3! til' 6:u Hti i s.'.;i. "VJOTICEis hereby giirn, that tbo T'.-m rrhip X heretol'oro existing betwei n Mas-t-r. V i'.vcri A Englo, in the publication ot the Simu'iiv An nut can, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 1st dav of January, inii'j. Mr. tr.ple Inlng Vt i ol his interest in llic sai l firm to Mr lau'l Wilicn. Ibu busiuts will hereafter 1 e carried on under lb firm name of Masser A W ilvert. by whom all u:. set tled accounts ol the lute linn will ho settled. 11. 11. MAS.-I.'H, KMT. WIl.Vi.i.T n. . r.Ni.i. Sunbury, January !', loO Lime! Lime! - rplIEsubvrihcr bavin? chnruc of the Lime Kim i i 11. 1J. Masdcr.ncar Sclisrnve, is nme fuiEi'liini. to farmers and others. Lini" of tho best ounlitv in lurgo quantities. The lime U burnt uud stleeHJ Willi the inmost caie. iiihi us riiiKin.v c'"" CUAS. 1 )V NKEI.lt KH lif R- Jan. 1, 'li". Attmitiilraltir"si .ollt-'. XOTICK ia hereby given that letters of aduinis tralion bavins; been granlc.l to tbe un li r-ir.s i on Ihe i-stnto of Prudence Carson. Into of Ihe Bo rnuih of Northumberland. Northumberland c-uiity. Pctir.'a., deceased. All persons knowing tin n.sel indebted to said estate are requeue i to leak.- imme diate payment, and Ibose ha ctaiu.s ngoi it'. -a. I estate to' I reseut them for set lieu. cot. 1 ALFX. Ct'LT, Aura r. Norlliuiubcrland. Jan. 9, lsrt: Ht LIMB Fit AND PLANING MILLS, Third g'.ieel, adjoinins 1'liila. l Eric r.ai'.ron l, ! I t'uares North of the Central Hotel, j erSEVKY, PENS A I i ii a r. ci-i: ii- r. I I S prepared to furnish every description of lumber ! J lUuued by tbo dcmiinds of tbe public. Having i nil Ibe latest improved machinery lor mar.. ictui ! Ing Lumber.be it now ready to fill ciders ol all kit. is (TLOriniXd, 6IPISG. P00U3, PAS1I ' PHUTTEKS, BL1X1S, MOLLriS-, i BRACKETS, YEIUNHA5, . ... r i R.I fcl..r.,,vl Work . tlia tu tinuiui oiiimuti""! - , lurniug of every desoriptiuu promptly executed Alto, a Urge assortment of BILIj LUIrlBEn. IIEMLOCK anariNK. Aleo, hhiiia'tcs, rk.t' Lath, Ac. Orders promptly filled, and hipp.-J hy Ruilroisi or oihernUe. IHA T- CLEMENT Bunbuiy, Pec. 1J, 156S ly 77. 3. F'J?.1-1T & C Market Stteot, Six doors Eail of Tbiid sprint, nor?a - iHe, WNBl'BV, PA , Rit.VPECTFL'LLY infoim their fiiendt and tbt pubUo, that they have opeued a NEW G-ZROCEirfir AND PROVISION STORE. aud will be happy t have thsui ca'l and txmlue their stock' which has just been opened, out ra eing evervttntiginthe tiroaery l-.ne. such as Colfee. Tea, Sugar, Svrups, fcpicts, Canned sud mte-1 Trui, Beene. Hominy, Cheese, Craokers, itooon, Ham, Eib, Salt, Potatoes, eto , together with Soajn, r.li.. SnHe. As . j and in fact everything in the Grocery and rrovuim i f'LOt'R ASD FEED, Queusware. Willow-were. ' Qlasfware, Coal Oil Lamps, coal uii.i.u. i Call and tee bofote rurobasiug ?1S"',or", . rn I Suhbuie" Te: T? " le'1