TITE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMFANY, OF TUB UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WA8UTNUT0N, D. C. 4,'bartorcl by Spro'inl Aot of Congress, Approve! July 25.1S133. Cash Cnpitai 1 .OOO.OOO. BRANCH OFFICE, FHIL ADELPHIA, First National Bakk Bttt.nxa, Tfhera the general business of the Company it trans acted, mid to which nil general correspondence should be JJrced . DIRECTOR?. .Ti Cooke, Philada. E. A. ifollint, Washington. V '11. Clark, ' llcnrv D. Cooke, John VV. Kill, Wm. E. Chandler, " Wm. H. M.iorkead, John D. Del'rees, " tico. F. Tyler, . IV1 ward Dodge. New York. J. Hinckley Clark, ' C. Fahneslock, N. Y. OFFICERS. C. H. CLARK. Philadelphia, President. IIEXRY D. COOKE, Washington, Vice President. JAY COOKE, Chuirtnan Finance and Executive Committee. EMERSON W. PEET.Philnd'a, Sac'y and Actnnry K. S. TURNER. Washington, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS U. SMITH. M. I)., Medical Director. J.KW'lNti MEARS, M. D., Assistant Medical Dl rector. Medical Advisory Konrd. J. K. Barnes, Surgeou-Gcncral V. S. A., Washing, ton. T. J. Horwitj, CMcf Medical Department U. S. N , Washington. D. W. Bliss, M. D. Washington. &oli-ilorsi mid Atloratji. TVm. E. Chandler. Washington, P. 0. George Hording, l'lilluilcl pUia, Pu. This Company, National in its character, oSnrs, by reason of its Lnreo Cardial. Low Rains of Premi. Bui and New Tablet, the most dosirable meant of I insuring hfo yet presented to the public. The ratet of premium, being largely reduced, oro made as favorable to tho insurers as those of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid all tho complication and uncertainties of Notos, Dividends and the mis- j understandings which the latter are so apt to oause the Polioy-IIolders. Several new and attractive tables are now present ed which need only to bo understood to pi-ove'aeoop-tublo to tho public, such as tho Income-Producing Policy and Heturn Promium Policv. Iu the former the policy-holder not ouly seourcs a lifoinsurar.ee, payable at dcuth, but will receive, if living, after a pciiodofa few years, an annual income equal, to ton tier cent. tlO ner ooni ftt'itifi y, i . r-.r i,;. lu the lattor, the Company agrees to return to the I assured tho total amount of money h has paid in, j in addition to tho amount ofhis policy. Tho attention of persons 'contemplating Inaurinj their livos or incrcasim? tho iiinontit of inurannn I they alreayhave, is culled to the Bpecial advantages I offered by tho National Liio Insuranoo Company. I Ciroulars, Pamphlets and full particulars given ' en application to tho Crunch Office of the Company iu Philadelphia, or to its General Agents. 5f"LooaI Agents are Wanted in every City and Town ; and applications from competent parties for such agenoics, with suitable endorsement, thould be addressed to the Company's General Ajmts culy. 'a taclr respective disliiols. GENT.itAL AtsESrS : E. W. CLARK A CO., rhila lelpipa, For Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. J.Y rlOk-P u-n For Maryland, Delaware," Virginia. District of! vomiiiuia nti'i i est irlnla. a. S, KUbSUL, ManaRor. WM. H. HOULE, Ajront, Milton, Pa., September 5, lhljS. ly r. n. mooru. d. c. uissixour. NEW ARRIVAL We are now opening a largo varied assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which wo oDer at tbe lowest CASH Prices, in Uiiipt' Sew Bron front, MARKET STREET, SUNHl'KY, PESN'A Consisting of DRY ft OOPS, SOTIONS. (5U0CEKIES. QUEENS WARE, ULASSW ARE. ami a full line of GENTLEMEN'S FUELrIIIINO GOODS AVIl Ladles' livvk Cioods, C:lcns. Muvlins, Fiunncls, Tb'.c Linei.i Toweling, I Leeks. Ticking, CouiiU-rpnr.eji, Citsrinieros, V feline, t arm. Skirls, "wok Tiee, CuO'-. Collars ilundl'.nohiufe, Hi", Oil Clc'.li, i :iniet, Wood alii Willow-Vi :ire ""e in-tte special attention to the quality of our c':...k of Kn.iis::s a:- sE'et'i-.a. HO and JAVA COFFEE. TEAS. SUGARS, M01.ASE3. SYRfPfs, SOAP, SALT, FISH, VIXEGAIi, Ac, do. famp)oirs Celebrated FLOLR, always on hand. W fat.! confident that cash buyers will find it to lijoir advantage to give us a cull, and customers fer.erally aro invited to call hud eiauiino our goods hu 1 g..t posted on our prices. By strict uitontiou to the wants of our customers and fan deolin; wo hope to merit a fall ihaie of the I ull!C pctronasju CUL .XI 11 Y PRODUCE of ,.1! kin Is taken In e.T f hane for tVitfds, far vhigh tbs hihet price will It paid. MOORE DIS.3In8EH. bunbury, Sept. 19, 'IW. LiVERV Immi. riAIlE subscril.nr. having purchased tho stock and L fixtures of .Mr. Charles liacun't Livery Diablo, in Sunbury, would respectfully ininonnco to the public, thai they intend turnUhin? it with firt-ulns iiorn-s, Carriagus, llugiec and Spring-Wagont suita .le for the bnaiuewi, uud will endeavor to tnuka it Livery second to nunc in thi section of tho ritate. Orders left at the Central llulel, at any hour of the tiay ur night, will receive prompt attention. r , McfJAW A FAUSSWORTH. lur.bory, Oct ibcr 17,!8'la. AND Fresh Groceries! Third St., one door below the Lutheran Church, BUNBUKY, PENX'A, HEN-IVX- PETERS Hat just opened a largo assortment of T'RT GOODS, suoh as Calicoes. Muslins, Ac, which are sold cheaper than over Also, a variofy of No liuus, L'nderKliiils, Drawers, Hat and Caps. LADIES' WOOLEN liOODS, la asocEniB u rjio visions of all kinds, such s fUtlAlvS, COFFEES, TEAS, M'lfES, COAL OIL, MjIomos, Sirups, Mackerel, Laid, Hums, Nuts, L'rikd and Canneil Fruits, prunes, Raisins, I'I.ertc, m1 Criiikcrs, and iu fa;t everything usually kept in the Grocery line, liuus, TiJi, Coal Oil, Crockery-ware, Quefci.m ai e, Glass ware, Willow. ware. Ao. The boat FLOLR and MEAL in the Market I-sba-co, Cigars, and a variety of NOHuNS. a:k : All kindj of C&utod Fruit, at th lowest ."!CIS. Country Produce taken in exchange for Ooodi. tVL tli kij examine my Stock, and satisfy vour- Sti5"eS. ... HENRY TETERS. .iuebury, Oct 11), ISM. V,iKC 1 e -l rl' b""r'ctuie? Why at . CAUl'KNlKiiS ' efTwj'lii" T "l"bii'"';e"t aaoperiorttock, J H OI'LEY CO FALL OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES You can Buy More Good3 of the BEST GiXJyVIIT"" . LESS M03.TE7, t at th. MAMMOTH STORE, or II. V. FIULIOi, iURKKT SQUARE, EUNBURT, PENN'A., Than any other place. HAS JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED The Best Selected and FINEST ASSORTMENT, ef .T I ) K V (iODnSs T iV TOWXT UUyllJ A V I ll FREXCn MERINOS, PRINTS, MUSLIMS, GIGUAMS, CASSIMEIiES, &c. Delaines and Aruiurcs. Domestic Cottont, Brown and Bleaehsd. NOTIONS of all kiuis. Hosiery, 0 loves, Men's and Ladlei Undergarments wnrrn goods. A full assortment or TRIMMINGS Builders will find my Stock of Ilni-d vrurc, PuintM, Oils, Cilaisti, &c. Complete. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, vtillo '.v a:-;d cedar-ware, rr.S WARE, U J.A3S WARE, CROCKERY, SALT, BOOTS AND SHOES- IIAT3 AND CAPS, a&d in faot everything usv.al'y kept in a large Store Cull and be convinced that the Cheapest Place to Uuv jail Your C-oods is at i I ! THE MAMMOTH STORE of aiajf Qiyji r bought fur Cub nd Sold CheAp forth K1ADV MONEY. X givt the lr&d thd vuuue uf ull rc JuotioDi fact u tbo art) made by UabuUoitueri. u Y muyi, f auoary, g.jt S, Ut TOUMU NEI rnACTICALit-V EDUCATED for BUSINESS LIFE, AT CUITTEN DEN'S Commercial tJo liege, 637 Chcsnut Bt , oor. of 7th , TUILACELPUIA Established 1811. Incorporated 1855. Th longett ettallis?ied and het orguniud Vonmtrcial College in tli4 City. The practical valuo of its court of instruction bat been tested by long czporiunce. 1IUNDHED3 OF YOUNO MEN rtav found, in tho knowlodge gained here, the means of profitable employment, and of succeBS in business. Each Studont is Instructed separately, and In tho most practical manner. Itooks for the various Branohet of Trado are oponed, written out, and closed in the manner prac ticed in our boat mercantile houses. The diHereut Business Papers, such as BILLS OP EXCItANUE, l'ROMISOKY NOTES, CHECK ACCOUNTS BALES, ACCOl'NTS-CURRENT, LETTERS, IN VOICKS, .. Art made out at in actual butinest. Is taught by a superior penman In such a manner that an attentive student in a short time Kntn a Rapid, Free and Elegant ttyla of Business Writing. ORNAMENTAL WEITINO, Of all kinds, is executed in tho most finished man ner. commercial"calcclations, Including the best and most rapid methods Of oom. puling Interest Exchange, Profit and tales, Avera ging Accounts, is., are comprised in the Course of luiiruotion. businessTractice?, Purohascf, Eales, Consignments, Shipments, Deal ings with Banks, Remittances, Ac, in. Also. Commerciul Luw, Phonography, Detecting Counterfoil!, it. Stu.lentsrecoivcd t any time, and instructed at such huur as mny best suit their convenience. The largo number of business men now in attend, ante, and the numerous applications received for its students to fill vacant positions, fully attest the ap preciation in which the institution Is bold by the business community, OPEN DAT AND EVENINO. CATALOGUES SENT GRATIS. Tbe Crittenden Commcrolul Arithmetio and Bu siness Manual, for sale at tho College. Handsomely bound. 12 me. Price, $1. oD. Sent post paid to any address. P. TI. CRITTENDEN A CO. July 25, 1808 out ELECT1UC TELEGRAPH IN CHINA. ! TUB EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH COMPANY'S j OFFICE, rvoa. 3 & 3.1 .AnNwnu Street, NEW YORK, Orfatued under spcCiat charter from tat State of New York. CAPITAL . . . $3,000,000 SO,000 $Uarc, 100 Kncls. DIRECTORS. Hun. ANDREW 0. CURTIN, Pbl'.a.ttlr!im. I'AUI, S. FOHBK9, of Russtll Co., China. FRED. UUTTEIIFIELD, uf F. ButltrueH A Co New York. IMAAC I.IVF.RMORE, Treasurer Michigan Central Railroad, Boston. ALEXANDER HOLLAND, Treasurer Araer can Kx press Company, New'ork. H.ik. JAMES NIXON, Syracure.N. Y. t, O. H. PALMER, Treasure! Western Union Telegraph ompany, New Yoik. FLETCHER WESTRAY, of 'Westra)-, Gibbs k Hardeast:e, New York. NICHOLAS MICK LEU, New York. O Ulcers. A 0. CUUTIN.Prctident. N. MICKI.I", Vice FfMidcnt. CKOnGK CON ANT, tfeerury. or.OKCJli (CaihicrNuti -nl Bank Curamr wealth,) Treanurer. Hon. A. K. McCLVRB, rhiladelpbia Solicitor. The Chinese Government hnvinf (ihmugh the Ihm Annii liutluigiiinr) citiiceutd to this Cuiiv1")' P'ivi ivge ot cuitncfiiiig tiie iicul euiHiits o the Kinetic by uuiuarmo elf elite telt -gr.ili cuUlc, we troit'iie LMiiuiicti cidg iipeiitiittii ta Ctiuu. tu iii iuing d iwu u hn ui nine Imi.Jicii unlet ulumru, bclweeu lUe fiKiwmg I'uiu, viz I'uPLI.AThiX. C-nitn, .MuC', H'.Miy-KiMig, Ktt.i.Chi'W, Wan-Ct.it, Nngpo, Hung CUeeii, ToUl, ,UK),('II W,(H U 1 2v-ou eiOU.dUU 40U OIH) l,tMJ,f0U These poite have a foreign emimrree uf $900,(fci0 000, end neiKrnJi dorueitie tiade, Ueiide winch w tmve ilie mimfiue internal uommeree uf the Kinpire, rattha.ng irom lhee poinli, through ita cenuli und iiuviuhle nvei 1'lie cable being laid, tint Coitipany jitnoomB errcling land lime, and ettuLilulnng m ipevily and tiuetW"iUiy tueune O'mnnunicutioii, winch must e-nnnmnd tliere, h evot) iv it etc etc, ih coniinuiucaliuiie of the iiuvei litncni, o buaineu, and uf attuml hit, especially lit t'iiiiut. Mw iius it-j (fietai e item, and her only meani n w oi C"iiunu mealing infulumUou la by couueisun laud, end uy a'e.i.u. ersou wutei. The Western World knowa that Chine U a very Itrge countty, ui the mam densely pet;ltd ; but few yet reu ie that fb conluinS more than a third uf tbe liutnmi ruu The luteal returns lauile to ter ceutrel uuihinieatir lu Ing purHvei ly the local nmi;t4trtea nuke hei popuUU u roL'K HUNDKKL) A.NU l-'OL KTKKN AHl.Uu.s., and itusie utile likely t be under Ihun over the ufi.tat uBgfti;,la- Nearly all uf thee, wh are ovel ten tui 'UI, ma only can but do read and write, Her cm-u.ti n is peculiat.but her literatu'e is as extensive as that i l-.u- r p. China la a land uf ttacht-rs and tradere; and I lie latter are eseeixl. ugly quick la avail itu-iutclves of evey profTe'ed facilnv for procuiiug eatiy iiiliinatiN. t u ohseived in California that thr ("hi"!- nrnkt rt-tit use of the telegraph, though it there trsnsniiU mriiriin Kie giishalune. rodaygieut numneia ii Ucci ateumers un owned by Chineae meicliauu, and uatd hy inctt cxe ii 'sively lor the traiiiinisnion tl curly intellignire. li the telt-gi iph we prop e, ciiii.ecting ull tlieir itnui s at mi. weiB now in rjufclanee, it is believed (bat is ini.ttircii Would pay the cost witliiii tho first two yntis ' i'h bjo cciul operation, and would steadily increuNe ihert-.ifii.f. lo enterprise Minin?nds nvelfasin a (Er,'tier ilt-Hf reinunc.attve to cupitalists, und to onf wh ie pe -pie It is ot a vast uutionid Kapoituuce umi:iterciully, poliiUMry, unH evunviiliculieuhy. IV The at ot, k ol this Company hss hicn unqiml'fifdly reeoiniiifiid'ii t CipilHtists and business im-n, tt a tl.fcir ahle iuVfetment by editorial articles in the New Vtk Heiuld, Tribune, World, Tunes, Tost, Kapress, lnlien. dent, and in the t'hiladtlplua North Ainmcou, I'ress, Ledger, Inquirer, Age, Bulletin and Telegraph. Shares ol this Company, to a limited nitinhor, miy be ohuined at Wl each, $U ayahle down, 16 in the Ut of N"Vvuiber, and V5 payable in monthly insialiniiit uf i.&0 euch(eoiinuenuiiig December I, icad, on ttpplieutiuii ' D REX EL & CO., OA South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Phatea ran be obtained in Bunbury bv application to 8 J. PACKER, Danker, who is authorized to receive sub scription!, end can give all necenairy iut'oiiiiatkin oa the aulijecl- tiepteiiibrr l!, l.oin SI10EM AKKHS. 1 HE best qualities of Sole Leather, French Calf. skint, Morrooeos, Linings, Laats, Nails, Ptfs, To.4.. of ull kinds, and every thing eiscd by tho trade, for sale low by J. H. CON LEY A CU I710R Saddlers, we have Sa Idle Troet, liitU, Ruck ' les, Uig Trees, Pad Trees, Hunet, all kinds uj overy thing portaiuiug to the businew, for sale by J. H. CON LEV A Ct. 21' yon have a picture you waut framed, go to tlierly'si and get it dune cheaper than any where else in town lie bw viouliuigs c all kiftdl aoiis'.ta: " oa hsnd AV. A. BENNETT, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, ltlnrlt Squnre, IKi;IIi;RY, Irt. Has just opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshness, and kept eon stmnily on hand. My stock will always be found ooraplete In every article of merit in Medioine. Physicians end Customers may rely upon prompt ness and attention to orders. F ANClf ARTICLES ! . My stock is unusually large and embraces every thing that can be found on a first olass Toilet Table, including American and genuine French and Eng lish PERFUMERY, Pomadet, Hnir Oil, 1 vory, Oatta Teroha Wojil and Horn Combt, Toilet tionpt, Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Bruthet, Ao Hair I'll tent Medicine. Embraoing all the most popular Preparations of the day, at manufacturer! prices. Pure Havana SEUARS and CIIEWINQ TOBACCO of the best Brands. Paint, OH, tiJIne, laNs, Putty, Tfirtiisihrsi, Jkv. All my Tinctures. Syrups, Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations ato manufactured by myself, and from the best material I can procure in Market. Having had quite a number of years' experience in the Drug and Preeription Dvtinm, both in Philadelphia and the country, and also the advantage of the College of Pharmacv. I fel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTION that the Physicians ami publio may favor me with. All my preparations as I have above asserted, are made troui Hit best material, and upon honor I a?frt, they are of official strongih. For medicinal purposes, I keep on band the ven best WINE3. BRANDIES AND H0.U0R9, that I can procure. iietore purchasing elsewhore, call and convince your own mind. W. A BENNETT. Hunbury, Muy 1(V, 1S3 I.udicV I'unej' I'ura t JOHN FAHETRA'S, Old Established FUR Miiiiufaetorv, No. 7IS ARCH 'street, above 7lu, PHIL'A. Have now iu sioro of my own Importation and J ifih " X iianuiaciure one or m i u fV'IV- 'ir'8t UI1 ' lno,T beauti- s, ' ' VI --' 1 I seieciionaoi sWniwI FANCY FURS, j!MvlA&Stnr Ladies- ar.d ChiU "pStSf'ft" dron'e Wear, in the oitv. "Zl'-i Also, a lino assurtmciitut Oer.ts' Fur itl.ivs Mid Cellars. I am enabled to ili.poso of tn v irnods at very Tc sonable primps, and I wmibl therefore solicit a c ill from my friends of Northumberland county and vi cinity. Remember the Nome, Number and Street ! JOHN FAREIR V, No. 7!S Arch St . above 7th. south si te. Fnilad'a. 1 I have no Partner, nor connection with any other store in Philadelphia,. Ool. . 'rts.-tm FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE iXJ RETAIL. THE subscriber respectfully informs tho publio that he keeps constantly on hand at his now WAREHOUSE, near th" Sliainokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SI N BURY, Flour by tbo barrel and sacks of all kinds of Feed by the ton The above is all manufactured at his own Mills, and will be sold at the lowest cash prices. J M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, April 1, 3B68 NEW MACHINE SHOP AND cj:o. isoiiKHArii & ko, 8UNBTJRV, FA., TNFORVthenublio that they have esiahlished a M ACH INK SHOP, in connection wfih tlieir FOOiDilY. The.v havo supplied themselves wi'h New Lalhos. Planhii- and ftorinff Mnehine". ivith tho latest improvements. With the ai l of hliilll'ul me chunics. they aro enabled to execute all orders oi 'eiv lVorU or JEfi. irliiij. that may beiriven them, in a .Rtis-liictory luaiiUer. Having eularred mid rebuilt their Foundry, lliey are ready to execute all kinds of CASTING?" Eli-ilnH i-4 iiiia Ac, The PLOWS, already eelebrnted for their superi ority, hove beeu still further improved, and "ill al ways bo kept on hand. bunbury, June U, 1863 A Lecture to Just Published) in a Seated Envelop. Price mix ctttts. A IsiTtiirc on flic a lure, Trrnl znent and Hud ical Curouf Speruiaton ha'ti, or Seminal Weakness, luvoliintaiy Ktuinaioiid, Si-xunl liebility, and iiniicdiuii'Uts (o Mniugc gent mil ; Nervous net's. Consumption, kpilepsy , und Fi'f ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, rusultin lioin Self-Abuse. Ac. Uy JtoBKitr J. CuLVtKW ti.L, M. D.tAutUur of the 'Greeu Uook," Ao. Tho world-renowne author, In this ndminiMa Lecture, clearly i-rovi-ii from Insuwn experience ihat the Hw tul conaeueLCes of f-eil'-Abu? tnuy be t llec tualty runioveti without tucJicine. ntid without dan geroua Furicnl opiMtttioin-, bouied, iitruiuei.ta, rings, or Curdinls. puiutin out u muje ot cure at 01,00 ceritiiu anil ttit utu it, by which every tutl 1 t-r. no uintti-r tint !! coudition may tc. tn cure hiu.oulf uiit'Ml. pnvHtel v.aud raiiiually. This Leuiurv a ill prn o 11 boon tu Uiuueuu i: anl ttioUHaudd. Sent under surtl, to ni-y inidree.-. iu n plain fiilcil DVulope. 011 tbe rc teipt of ix cents, or two i-o.-i.i.i stimtps. Alo, Vr. CulVfrwcll's .rtrri:ie Guide," pricu j ceuls. Addie.s the I'ubhnio n C11AS. J. C. KLINK A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, is.-Utlioe Box July 4, loot. y eNATUAE'S GREAT KESTUlt:K. CELEBKATED B i t t erjor dial. This medical properntion is now offered to the publio us a reliablesubctnure for the muny worth ier, compounds which now Qood thu m.irket. It it purely vegetable, couipnut-d ul t arious hetbs, gather ed from the great storehouse of tiaiuru. utid seleeied wiiti the utmost euro Ir is not recommended as aCt'iiK Al l., but by it dir.ci and salutary intlu eneo upon thu Heai t, Liier. Kidiieys. l.ui.gp. S'.o- llnii'li unit lliiiv.,tj it ,. - i.itl, ... u .i ..v.. , 1 11. .....I t Curt! I'r Itllll V 111' I )H .1 1 1 . Illli h (till... nrrunl aro suljii t It L- a r t i 1 t . I .j Fmdy Melicinu. and emi be taken by viiiiei ii f.i.t or a i .ill iih ihu same betielicittl ro.u-t. Ii i aeertaiti. troiu.r ,uid speedy remedy tr Din rlicet. Dysi t.,.i v. B,iwl Con, pi inn. l,ibin, Loui,i.-soi .ji.riis. t'liiui iii. Siek-ida tin be. Ao. Fin Cliiils an I K.-v is -f all kinds, it i. Lit boiler an I s ter .h.iu u.iuune. with- j oui any ul iu p. rtiie .hi- ,.11 lis. It erj n. mi appe j lito, pron. a powerful digester of tool, and will yuunii iiiei me nects ot nquui iii a tew mii.ul.s Prepared hv JACOB SCII ELI Z. Sole P.o, rieior. iJ. W. Cor. Filth and Kuca oif., Philadelphia. Pa. Bo. ivj a l iJiug.M, uor 14, Oo -y i.Al't si AfaxilVA lr ,N i. (.'()' Joseph Ljz&v, Corner of Market and Fourth .Street, 8 U N li U U Y , PENN'A. luvites tho public to call and examine bis elegant atiiurtuieiituf FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, such a 1 able Liueiis,' Douiu.Hu. Doylies, dowels, and I loom. lien ol every du.eripuoo at the vory low el prieo. CASSIMEREB. CLOTHS &.C . Silks, Delaines, Lawns, Uinghains, Calicoes. Muslins, 'heeling, Tickings, Jeaua.Bud lull aaaortmeul ot Cotton uud Wooleu goods generally. Hosiery, Gloves, Uoop tkirts. Alto Uandkerchieft, Ri'U.hes, Combs. llalM isstsl 4'ltpsj, ItootM und (aiirM, His assortment ol goods t ill nut, be is sura fait iu plente the fancy und suit the wauU of any de.irous of purchasing. His stock of HAIIDWA1.E A.ND QLEENSWARR, and (iroceries is large iu quantity and oliolee in quality, oomprising generally everything ueedud in lite household either lor u or ciruauitnl. He is always ready and glad to tee bit friends and takes pleasure in showing them hit goods even though no eixiut aro made. He only asks a call, and is. sure that tbe stock will compare favorably in price and quality with tbe oheupost. . . JOSEPH EYSTER. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, Watchmaker and Jewt cler, W OBTH lid ST., COR. OF QUAKUT, PHILADELPHIA. An attnrtmmt of Vathet, Jewelry, BHrtf end PUtet Ware constantly on hnnd, IVRrpBiriii( of Walchet and Jtwelry promptly it tended to. Nov. t, 1P07 1 y. ST BANKEI No. 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. to, PENNSYLVANIA or THE rVfi UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The Katiowal Lira Iwsvrakob Copa5tt is a emrporat'o , c oir i rr i bv so cui Aet ot Cui.areat, ap proved July ;. 1903, with a CASH CAPITAL, Cl.OOO.OOOffTJLI. PAID. L bei al terms oflVnd to Acents odU Soliclton, who ai I'lnvl-ed ti apply at oar ottlco. Fn'lp rtlciilar-t .behad on n-npllra Ion at oor office, lneHifi , the i.cctnt storv or nr Buaiiiie U'.n-e, li"re Cticuia s iii.it Piniphiefa, rally d. fern I. a the ftiiVJDiagLscifre lv tic Co-iinft"v (,nvv he liad. li. IV. CLAUK Ac CO.. A'", ilo A'. nf ntid St ApMioatinns for Central end Western Pennsylva nia to he madeto B. S. RUSSELL. Masaukr. August 15, IbOS. It. Ilarrisburg. Pa. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS TiOOfCS AlVn STATION TRT. Monthly Time Rooks T'rawinit Hooks anil Slates, flocks. Uniin Rooks E ink Books. Memorandum li: ik! Diaries, i'ncke Hmks. Ink Stand". Pens, Verr'ts. a fine ussor.ineiit of Paper, Ink. it'c. For sale by ANNA PAINTER . H. Ccnley Co. TJin-l.'d Mrci-f . 5".-.f nt'ilip K!nI!i'Oitd, is :J I J Is a V aNII'A. 1'LAl.l.WS IN I'OWeca.re .i.in.iiic.t., Hardware & Cutlery. rpilli MllchlioD vt' Mcehrtntei, FunuiTS. liuilder, A ttn-l tiuvt ti. i'euer.'illv is ititled to the fact that wo ate tiow ottering a betti-r ideeied assortment of HAKDWAHE. CU1LEKV. AO., thin ever was olTered iu this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock cuin r'...'i'S n" articles in this line of business, embracing a gcucrul nesortiticut of tools and mato rii's ued bv CAIti'E.Nl't.RS, RLACKSMITIIS, CA1UUAUE AND WAHUNMAKERS, JOINKIl.S. AC, AC together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spil.ey. Rope. CJjains. Urindstouet, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ac , Ac. Sunbury. March .10. Irt7. .ftSUiNBUHY MARBLE rpiIE undersigned having bought the 1 cutiro biock ot i)i"Singer layior, v.nmM ii, t'ui in the public that he is now ready to do all kinds ot marblo work ; has on hand, and makes to order ul snort notice, -.a'l '..;. tu ltli;i Bi. iKJ.SIOIlOti, ot every srtle to fnit purehnser.. DOOit AM' M.NDovV SILLS. A l-o. Ci aeiCry P-s's wiili ti.dvanized pipo und all ollu r i: lo ilielally Used on Ceuietel les. Johu A. 'daylor will continue in too employment, at the old stand in Markei .-uuare, Sui b.irv, Pa. .May i. o lv V i DAi;,ilil.RIV. MAX TiAiTiTliE & BUiliY wr. a.nuf acxo t7r- 'IllE subscriber rc?p.'ifuily iuiornis thu citiiecs. ot Sunbury mi l viciuity, tlmt be bin opened u ktln.p iu aSol. Mroh's Ul ioksuiitiihup-liuiUlui4 on CuuM'nut Btrcut, tSuubur, i'a . where he keep con stautly ou band, eud ui'tuufactur.s lo order, . 4 un'i.;-c, 1.1111 nli", .V'., of the latest style unci ol the bent material. Bep nritijj ot Wagons, Carriacii. Ac, done nt tbo shorten notice. I'erstonsin want of fine Buiennnd Ciirringr-i, nro rcquo:vd to cull beluie puichaam etevtherK. 11. C. KULTCII Sunb iry, July U. 18i3 It 1 UL; UUEAT CEMliE OF ATTKACTTON, 1 1ST tr-TJ XsJ BTJHY, is on 'Ji street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, at BEHG S i' EES SEE'S NKV PrtOTOGJIAPII GALLERY. '.-.tlfiy i'.'.lu lli-.Iicd, ull O-.t- .'Siiiit i n I ?t ;uv vetiirult 'HE sutiurilii-r, havii..: 1 ui't h" 100111 extiresslv lor too pi.rpo-ii of I'liii'o 'r.iliiiiiljf, and hav:li,; tovol.-'l Uial. v : tr.-iis ,0 ltu bull.e.-B, eot.ili li lit ul his anility to UI e Ins ),at:oiitf t,ut ihe work pro due.bd .hall bti liueoii 1 to noue in c mtiiry or ei'y. o work allowed 10 l.- n o 1I10 g-iilevy uulia,s en tireiy satisfactory. Having ihe best sky liibt 111 the couti'y, he is prepaied to make P.iotograptis in all kindsoi weather, but would piel'er a clear day lor suiull children. 11 u is also prepared to take new sise. or cabinet catd l'imton'i .ii't.s. All kinds ol ietures oo ied and inani!l"d to any reituired size aini colore I bouulitilllv ill Oil or U tttt'i- eolorsor India ink. He py special attention to nil kinds of out it-or work. uch tis Landscape views id .Moiiiiuients. Macliinory. County Seats. Ac., a large lot uf Photograph friiuies eoiistan'ilv tin hand The public are respeef'ully invited lo eail and see our specimen, and our c oiipleie arrangements for making Phologruphs, special terms tu iaunlies and CluU. BEllOSritESSER. Sunbury. July 1 l M F. i it so. Nki.son I't GU V U R N I T U RE R U U M S 'ate of !la firm uf ? ,yg n A Dn iliHVe opened ware ruttu nt .No. South 'J i utrt-et, below iJouk, r'liil.AlU'J.nilA, Wht.rj tbev keep a iuil usortii)eiit of I'Aiii.iM., y it , -.ii.,.!., Sll'liXO ROOM ii. : DININii U(K1 FL'UXITUKK. TJii'irolI .'iMt iin-i a. hi 1 all pertoiis wUhiug to puiiine. i ii'vi: t ti.u t!! 'tnd eauuame tbeir stock liO "li: ptll-'t ! i '-- V h'TU Vnv.i u1 tr .ii , i.i i ii .i pui-Uinif . my ft ly. .li.iioii l lii inerklilp. (erettv nv.-n ihat the i-t-pnrl tiorshin b . , . wt-ti tH'twt'ei; J i'lser iiuchcr li'i '. ii., i i. a ui.der i tie hrin ot i- ".i. 'r, !al l.ll.g nu-ll'CSS, WHS this !.. I -..'is di-soiv. i by mutual eon-.- in'i tirr.al'ei h,- eoiiilucleil by . nt u. oi l st ifid. wlierc all iiersous h hoe! .Ill 'i lay (.lll.'iiM .'I S'lit flit- I'li-t the in d"rs;,'i 1 itiiii'ii..ii 'o inn niiii ol liuil.er Ijrotners. ari1 re iju.ste I to c.iil wttl.citt delay and ntake seltloment, aid .ave -o.t. V. MA SSL It 11LC11EK. ."s'ui.hury. August J9. ltisl mu. TO TI.VDOW )lu.tind Duildiug Hardware, at the lowest l.asli I'l ices ut Tbe M.iuiiuotti iSlore of Ll Y. FRILINtl. WE iiavu CC3VEE With great iuducciuentt to agent! toeo-operute with us in our 4ju..vm tt-Ni: ioi.i.it n.i.i:i Sbiethitj jree vf Coat tu vur Ageut. ll'i'ff.'tt fret ijf Coat tu our AgenH itiirii-g M.irhiii frit J Vue( to our Agenti. '''. ' " Jrit of Cunt to our Agenit. I., ' i (.' ', tee of CoU to our Ajenti. i?Vl and fjimr'i fret, uj Coat to our Ageiitt. lloott and ShM jrttt of Coat to our Agentt. Drixx Uooih frea of L'ot to our Agentt URKAT DOLLAR CAUti A1NS for our Customers tend forour ciroular. Agents wanted everywhere Address J A3. T. STEWART CO., OetlO 'OS-fa S 4Pey Btreet, K. Y. s Great AUraclioii, at the NEW TIN -WARE, Bisect Iron and Store More) of SMITH & G3C1TTHEH, Where they keep constantly on band and manufac ture to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE of all descriptions. They would especially eall the attention of par chasers to their large and well selected stock ef COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers have made arrangement! to bar all their best stoves made to order, and those who would bave a gnod stove would do well to go and examine their large and woll ealuoted stock. First. They defy competition on tbe following tried llrands of Cook Stoves, vis : Coiiibtnation data lturner. Cook, ejlovos-iior I'enn-Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antidust Cook btove ealled Bl'EAK'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and offico Stoves in great variety em bracing all tbe best manufactures and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arranircmenui combining cheapness, durability and each stovo warranted to perform what they are represented. Also, Tho celebrated Baltimore Pire Pl.ice Stovo, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers Also, VL'LCAN HEATER. Alto, the celebrated MORNFNa GLORY.; ' ConlOil, oul Oil I.uinpM, MhndcM, 'hlmiil-, and nil nrtlclcsj usually kept ill an establishment of this kind. They are also prepared lo furnish Slate and do slating iu tliu best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting, Range and Furnace Work, 0 as Fitting, ic. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also : "Uuiijfli EtiiYV Hone 8upcllioie pliute." Remember the place. Sample and Ealet Room nearly opposite Conly'l Hard wart Store, Market treat, between Third and Fourth ttrtvtt. Puildlng dark painted. August 2d. lafsfl. ylS'i'is'iilliiriil niU-iiiciittr, HOE'S Grain Rakes. Steel and Iron Oarden Rakes, Long and D Handle Spades, Shovels, Maauro and Hay Forks, Orass and (drain Scythes, Urain Cradles. Cradle Fingers, Trace, Breast,' Tongue and Log Chains, Urind-stoncs, Fanning Mill teivtp of all siaesand kinds, a large assortment of Ked Wagon llames. for Plowing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Teeth, for sale by J. jf. CONI.EY A CO. STONE WAXIH. THE best and cheapest assortment of Stone Ware in the State, just received and for die cheap at Ike Mammoth Cash Store of II. v. FhH.r-a Coachmakcrs, . VTE are telling Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Springs, Canvass, UolU, Clips, Axles, Ac, Vory luw Large Stock at OONLKY A CO. Hunbury, March 30, 1S87 .13. KaLS..EI!j e IRON. A largo usiorliucut of tho best manufac tured Bats, Hoop. Rand, Round and tViusre Iron, Nail Rods, Caat Steel, Busier Steel, Drill Steel, Herse Shoes, Horso Nails, Anvils, Bellows. Vices, Hammers, Sledges, Rasps and Files, at CCNLEY A CO 8 JACOB SHIPMAN, finE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT. BUMiUKV, PEXS'A. RF.PiiEsr.STS : Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Ce , York Pa., Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection. Cu., Now York Mutual Life Oirurd Life uf I'hil'fc. A Hart f ird Ci-nn. General Ace.idryit. M. t'. CilMISlIAKX'M Confectionry, Toys and FRUIT STORE, St feet, ("iiiiiburj', Pu, CONFECTlO.N'EttY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS Of EYEItY DLSCH1PTIO.S FKUIT, Ao., Ac, 0 ONSTANTI.Y on hand arid fur sale at the above J establishmout utnboiesale und retail, at reaK,n- ablc irtces. lltf is uiautifiieturing all kinds of ConfVttinnarie to kucp up u full assortment whieh are told ut low rates. Tobacco, Segars, Stationery, 1'u.le af all kindt. at 4 a variety of other articles, all of wuwk art uOeied wholesalo and retail. !-"llemumbcr the nu-ne and place -F M 0. tiEARH ART. " Market street, 3 doors west ufE. V. Bright A Son's store. Sunbury. Sept. 19. 16?,. tf IHE GREAT AMEBIC AX COMUIXATIOX liuttou Holt- Overkt'asulnrx A SO S3SVI1TC- MACZI1TE. Ill W onderful Popularity Couclusiru 1'ioofot ltt Otcat Merit. The increase in the demand for this alaable ma chine has beeu TEN FOLD during the lost seven months of its first year before the publio. '1 Ins grand and surprising snceeM is onprecedent. ed in the history of sewing-machines, ai.d we Uei fully warranted in claiming that IT HAS NO E (J U A L , Being Absolutely the Best IN THE Vt 01U.D, And Intrinsically tht Chea; tit. It is really two maehiriet combined iu one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement,) ma king liolh the -L. tulle or Look-stitch, ai d the Over scauiiug and Uuttuti-ho'o stitch, with tipual facility ami pet iectioii. It executes in the vary best munucr every Variety of sowing, such as, Hemmiug. Fulliug, Curuiiiji, Tucaiug. 6:uuiiiu Braiding ami Quilltn, Uailieniig and ten ing ou, (done ut the same time,) and in addition, Oversuams, Ettibruiderstm the edire and uiukm beauliiul Buttuu and Eyelet-hole, iu all I labrics. Every Machine is warranted by the Company, or 1 its Agents, to give entire satisfaction. I Ciicuiins. iik lull particulars and samples of j work tioLc on this Muohiuo, cuu be had cu applica- tiou at the bulesrooms of j THE AMERICAN BL'I ION HOLE, OYEKsEAMl-NU AND ! BEW1MQ MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Cbostnttt Streets. Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on the Machine at the rowans of theCumpaiiy gratuitously to ull purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FlrElVK PAXSON, PrtbiJcst. W. IJ. Mkndkmiai.i., TretiBurer. April 2S, lyojan. 2,"i, jiK l IIAKIU:tt NILOOK. The Oldest and mott noted Iustltutlou the Kind ia Hunbury. J. W. WASHINOTOJf, T T AVINli removed lo bis new building on Third X dl diruut, between AlarKet and trio 1'epot, it now t ITepared to serve his customers belter Ihun ever.- 1 Having secured .the services of Crt olase Barbers, ! SUAVINU AND HA IR.DhESilNU will bo executed in the latest S'.ylo. Thu building having boen erected especially for Ihe purpose of a First Clas Barber Saloon,' and having filled it up in Ihe latert style, be hopes lu receive a liberal share of patrouege. In the adjoining room a fl'st class Confectiomrv has been opened for the sale of Ici-.fs.uin, 4'undloa, Cakes, Beer , and numerous other Teniperai.co Drinks in common I use. Oranges, and other delioious fruilt and eatables: o home and toreign growth in rich prufesion and I elegaut variety. Sunbury, September t, IS '8 itouiM am miioi:n. J. C. SYLVIS, WITH II. a. TtiAcacn, Manufacturer ef FRENCH AND AMERICAN CAL? lloota, Kbocti nud Unltftrs, PlcasauU' Ruilding. Market Square, SINBI RY, PA. Ladiet' Boot!, Shoe! and (i alters efall description made to order mi tho shortest notice and m.uii r-.t soiiable terms. Having tbe best workmen emnlnvad. we can aasuin the publio that, if they will give us a eall. I hey will be .aii.-litd ef tl above facta. ME PA1KINU neatly done wi.u ti. "patch, if your oorns do hurt your feel, Just euli uud leave your measure, And we will make your Shoes or boots, That ynn will eall a treasure. March 2. '68 ly. IUD CAOES, 11 ditiereot kindt. If ,ou ant g04 aud cheap Lu 1 t. ,-f. s:o to CON LEY A CO S Northern Centra! ItnlUroT. 0 CUMMER TIMB SCHEDULE N and eftor Not. 22d, 1868, traina wiu i.... SUNBUKI, at follow; : ' M wiU 1,aT LEAVM NORTDWAED, .C9 A. M., Dally for William.port. Daily BunJay.,) for Klmira, Canand"gUa iooheetr, Buffaloe, Niagara Fall.' . .. 8u,"Pnl' Br'og" and the Canada, ' 4.14 P. M., Daily (oxoept Sundayt,) forElmira, and B,, "l0 Tl Erl Kil"ay from Elmira 6.40 P. M., Dally (exoept Suudayt,) for WUliaaisl port. LEAVE BODTHWARD. Hi A. M , Daily (oxoept Monday.) for Baltimott Washington and Philadelphia. ' 9 40 A. M., Daily for Baltimore and Washington. 7.(0 P. M., Daily eioept Sundays,) for Ilarrisburg. J. N. DuBAnnr, Ed, 8. Yobno, Qeu'l. Sup't., Oea 1 Paasen'r Ag't , Harrisburg, Pa. Bultimorc, Md. lnlladelplsJa fc Krle HaUroud, WINTER TIMB Ta1bLE Tbrongh and dlrcet route botweon Philadelphia, Baltimore, Ilarrisburg, Williarasport, to the North west and tbe Ureat Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT bLeEPINU CARS on all Night Traint. On and nrter Monday, Nov. 23d. 1M8, the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Kail Road will run us folio wt : Westward. Mail Train leave! Philadelphia, 10.43 p m. " " " Sunbury, tl 00 a m ' arr. at Erie. 9 6i p ru Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. II Mam " " " Sunbury 40 p u 11 " arr at Erie 10. On a m Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, b Ufl a iu " " " Bunbury 41lpra " " arrive at Lock Itavea, 7.45 p in Kastwaid. Mall Train leaves Erie . 36 55 art " " 11 Sunbury, A'o a to " " arr. at Philadelphia, 10. 10 a n. Erie Express leaves Erin 6 25 pm. " " ' Sunbury f tl a tc ' " arr. at Philadelphia, 4.2i)pm Mail and Express conneot with Oil Creek and, Allegheny Rivtr Railroad. BAGUAQE CUECKEr THKOUli-U. ALFRED L. TYLER, Oenal Superintendent. St end I us x Itailt-oiiil. WINTEK ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, DECBMBE 14, 1893. HKAT TRUNK LINK frotu the North and JT North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read iug, Pottsvillo, Tatnn'iua, Ashland. Shamokii , Leta anon, Allentxiwn, Etitlon, Epbrata, Litit, Lonoaitar, Columbia, Ac, Ao. Traint leave Harrisburg fjr Now-YorU, as ful lowt: At 3 fii), bi) and S.10 A.M. and 12. I'd noun, and 2.05 tad 10 68 P. M, connocting with similar Traint on the Pennsylvania lltulruad, ttiid arrivirg at Now York at 1 l.tu A. M., 12.2,1 n..on, 3.60 7.W 10.05 p. m. and 1 15. a.m. ruspeotively. slj.pir.' Cars accompanying tho 3.10 A. H. and 10 ad P. M. traint without change. Leavo Hurrisburg fur Reading, Pottsvillo. Tatna qua, Mincrsville, Ashland, bbatuokiii, Pine Mrove, Allentown and Philadelphia at bio A.M. ai.d i.i j and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and piinjipM way stations ; ihe 1.18 p m. train Making eiiiii.eetions lot Philadelphia and Columbia only. Fur IV::.,t .a, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, vi'a tiir.ln.. n.il SjiHiuehannit Railroad, leave liarriskur.; a:'.i . ,,. ueiurning Leavers ew ieik at 00 n u , I 2 i U Noon and 10 uud 8.00 p. m., Pl.il-ide'phia i .i J a. m. and 3.30 p. m.; 6'lecping ears ua :oinp nvi' g tho (1.00 a. m. and 6 10 tod b (Id p. in. tra.ui ii iu New York without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia nt 7 3D a. m., connecting wi:h similar train ou E..si Pei ua. Railroad, rcturuiug from Heading nt it. Ma p m stoo ping at all Stations ; Leave Potts"'. i!le at 7 SO, H 4j a. m.und 2 4j p. m: Shamokin at 0.25 a. in ; AihlaLd at 7.00 a. m., and 12 30 p. in.; Tuiaanua at S.30 a. m. aud 2.20 p. m. for Philadolphui. Leave Pottsvillo via. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7.10 a ru. fur Harrisburg, akd 11 .30 a.m. fur Pine tirove aud Treruont. Reading Accommodation Train loaves Reading a 7.30 A. M. returning ieavo Philadelphia at. 1.4i p.m. Pottatowa Accommodation Train : Leaves Pwlls town at 8 45 A. M., returning loaves 1'hilaielriuia at 4 00 P.M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave heading at 7 CO A. M , and O la P. 31. for EpUrata, Litiz, l.anca. ter. Columbia. Ao. I'erkiouion Kail Road Trains leave Prrkiomcs Juncticn at l is A. 11. and a 30 P. M. Returning: Leave Skippack alt!. 10 A.M., aud 12 45 P. II , con. neeting with similar truins ou Reading liuil Road. On Sundays: Leave New York at 00 p m., Phila delphia 0.00 A. M., and 3.15 P .11. the S 60 a. lo. train runuiug only to Reading, Pottsville b 00 a m. liarrisburg, 0.50 a at, and 4.10 and 10.50 p m. and Reading at 1.05, 3.00 and 7.15 a m. for Harrisburg, at 12 50 and 7.31 a. ru. for New Vurk, and at 4.2ft p. m. for Philadelphia . Cu mm atari on, Mileage, Scoaon, School and Ix euraion Tiekets, at reduced rates to and from all pulnia. Baggage ehetkod tlirougk i 100 rounds Erggage ailuwvd each Passenger. O. A. NIC0LL8, General Superinteudeut l.iit kttMUiinii Ulooiiiabur ttui l'oud. OX and after Monday, Nov. 30th, 1S3, Pojsonger Trains will luu as lolUw : SOUTHWARD. A. M P.M. A M. 10 20 lo 6tl U.30 P M. t) 12 7 li 7.50 Leave Sivantfin, Pittston, " Kiitgston, " Kuport, Danville, Arr. Nortb'd. a. 25 5 55 0 24 t 3S 9 04 V 43 4 10 4 47 S.2i 7 47 8 2d 9 0l JsOrtUhVAUl A.M. PM A.M. P.M. Leave North d , 7 10 4.44 7 10 T-15 8 li 10.57 11 2J I -'.o Danville, 7. it! 4 21 " Rupert, 8 lit 4 jj " Kingston, 10.57 a to 8 55 M " l'tltston, 11 li ). id V 23 a i-4 Arr. Scrauton, 12.:. 4 H 44 lo.to .140 Trains leaving S;rsi.ti".i at 5 25 A. M. ui d 4. lo P. M., connect at Northuruberl. in i wuh train mi P. ii K K. P.. for ilarrisburg, Baltimore, M as'iingiuu, Williamspor'., Lock H.tveti, Pittsu-.ii ar.d West. Trains arriving at Scrant.-n at 10 1:0 A 41 een met with trains arriving at New York at 4 44 1 M , Philadelphia at 4.20 P. M., and tiiuat Beud at l.jrf P. M. Traius arriving at Sorantim at .1 40 P. M oonnect with traius for Ureat Beud ar.l S est. II. A. lONDA.Sup't. fi. M. KR.W, Dentist, Will remose his Office to J. M. Simpson's Building, 2ud story, Market Square, OXTTSTBTJ-KY, 1 7- 08 w'" d0 preparo 1 to do all kinds of I work pertaining, to DeiitUtry. Will keep constantly ou hand a large assortment of Teeth, aud other Dental material, fiom which ho will be able to select, and meet the wauts of his customers. All work warrauied '.o give saiisiuotiuu, or .We tLe money refunded. Tho very best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powdert kept ou baud. His references are the numerous patrons for whom be has worked for ihe lust twelve years. Sunbury, March 21, Irti. IB lUaSLiB X E-i - K CI ea- Are especially invited to call and examine our stoek of IILTLDEK3 HARDWARE, cumm-islng Nails and Sidkes of all varieties Rut's Serews. Strap and T Hinges, Locks and Lamb, at llolis.'Pi.i.. taring Trowels, Liick Irowcls, 1'lo.luier'i S.eVuf, Ac , Ac, for suto by J. II. CON' LEY .V C.:. UNION HOTKI.. " CHAN. Iiaiil,, I'rvprielei. Iu Cake's Additituto SUNBURY, near the I'a.o'i Kiiiiroad Company's Shcrt. PERMANENT AND TU ANSIENT BOARDLl-.s-kept who will Olid ample aojomniodatiwi t. - . cooks and waiters, boarders can enpiy the q-,;,! a forta of home with fare equal to tbe ho3t hotels Hit Liquors are of the cLoitscn kiudi. Sunbury, June it, 1H17. ITPIITI TTT'lFPt 1 ITMI'lM U 1 Vj 1 1 1 I Llulli I LiUli i I t. 11'ICSCL.Ve mHE popular Fhotograper, baa fitted up, in the 1 old fost Office building, three d a,r. .L of ihe railroad. Market Hauare. oae ot the verv bt !ke- Lighti to be found iu the State, and U new prepare I to take pioluiulof any kind, in all kitms of weatiirr, early and Hat. Children taken almost ins:utiy. Bring along the babies e are now ready tor tLeui. COME ONE 1 COME ALL ! both great and small, tee bit new rooms, and x amine specimens. FUAMbWs and FRAMING material constantly en hand and made to order. Briug along your picture! aud bave tbeia framed oheanur th tu anywhere el. Coote aud ae lew yourtelvaa, Anytiiiug iu toe pioture line constantly on baud or ordered. Copying done in all it! branches and colorud as desired. Both oat and Indoor views takeu at short notice and on reasonable terms, bali.l'autioa guarranteed, at our motto it to pleaee. All uegativet earetully preaarved. Komeiubcr tbe place ask for 8. ol tu LY, Market Square. Mty U, 'tl.-lj. , ' . lulttai, OlU, A'. A fall slock of Oils eoasprisiag Lid Oil, Coal (HI, Fish Oil. and Lebil.atiug Oil for tugluel aa-l Machinery, Vaiai.hes. Glaas. always eo taOif piitm i j