1 THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP TIIE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Washington, d. c. Chartered by Ppocinl Act of Congress, ApprovoJ July 25,1803. Cnxli C.iitilnl 1,000,000. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, First National Hank BmoisB, Where thogcncral business of llio Company Is trans uded, nnd to which oil goncra! correspondence should bo addressed. DIRECTORS. Jny Cooko, rbHada. K. A. Rollins. Washington. I. II. Clnrk, " Henry D.Cooke, " F. Hntehford f-tnrr, Win. K. Chandler, " Wm. (i . Mnnrhend. John D. Dcfrncs. ' (ieo. F. Trier, I'.rtwnri. imu'ro, jow iora. II. C. Fahhcstoek, N. Y. OFFICERS. J. Hinckley Clark C. II.CI.AUK. Philadelphia President. HENRY P. COOKE, Washington, Vice-President. JAY COOKE, Chuirtunu Finunco and Executive Commit'ee. FMK!!fi'i W. l'EET. Philnd'n, .vcc'y and Actuary. I-'. S. TUJINER. Washington, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS O. SMITH, M. P., MoJieal liircclor. J.LWIXG JlEAltS, 31. P., As.ds'.ntit Mcdicnl I'i rcotor. ItXrriicnl Advisory Konrd. J J. K. Earnos, Surgeon-General U.S. A ., Washing ton. P. J. Horwilz, Chief Medico! Drpnrtrcont V. S. N., Washington. P. W. Bliss, M. P. Washington. Nolicitor mid AfVornoyt. Wm. 1'. Chnndlcr, Wn?hinrlon. I. C George Hardincr. Philadelphia. P. This Company, National in Hi chnrnctor. offer.', : I.yrin:..u of iiLnn;o Capital, Low Rales Gfl'remi- j l-mr.nl New Tables, tho mort desirable means of j Ir-surinj life yet presented to the public. J lie tatos of premium, being largely rcduood, nro made a." favorable lo tho insurers iisthoso ol the Lest Mutual Companies, rnd r.void all tiic Ctrnplicaticn rind uncertainties of Note, Dividend r.-.iltho r;i midcrslnndtngs which the latter nrcsoiipt tocau-c tlie J'oiiey-IIcdi'cre. Several new and attractive tables nrer.tw prco-M. cd w hi.di neeJ f.nly to be understood to prove fiocep table to the public, such li.c luC'.ti.e-lVvJucinjS Policy nnd Return Fror.iinm IVli'y. In '.lie frrn.'.r liicpulley-lioMur net enly sccun s a life ir.siirar.co. payable at death, but will receive, if living, after a icu.ijofn few years, an annual iiiroiiie rqr.i.l.'o t-n per eeul. (10 per cent.) of tho j.ar id" Lis polity . In Ihc latter, tho Company agrees lo return t.i m n?-:nrc 1 the tu'ul amount of money ho has puid in, in Ml liti.in to the nmouut ofhis policy. This attention of person' 'contemplating hituiing (heir live or increasing tho amount cf in-'urancc ihey nlrc.iy have, is called to the special advantage.; cllcrcd by tho National Lifo Insurance Company Circulars, Pamphlet:, and full purticulftrs given ri application to the Branch Ollieo of l!,e Company in Philadelphia, or to its General Agents. Local Agents nrc Wui.ti,.! in every Cily and Tov.n; nnd applications from competent parlies for such ngencics, with suitable cndoircment, should be a Idrossed to tho Compnny's Ucncral Agents only, a their respoelivo districts. CRVEHAL ACEXTS : i:. W. CLARK ,t CO., l'hiladclp.iia, For Pennsylvania and Suutiicrn New Jersey. .'AY COOKli & CO., Wnsbinglc.n.D. C. For Maryland, Delaware, Yiiginia, Dijlrist cf Colmnl.ia and West Virginia. W.M. H. J( Kl Agent, Wilton, Ta , September 6, loij. 1 v n. MOORE. NEW i. c. disrisukh. ARRIVAL Wo are now oporlag n l.-.-c varied assortniont of FALL AND WJER GOODS, which e offer Hi the 1 .west CASH Prices, In taaiiiX'nt Aovr Bron Front, StAREET STREET, SUNRURY, I'ENN'A Con.-biting of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. GltOCELil.S. QUEENS WARE, GLASS WARIi. ami a full liny of GENTLEMEN'S FUHNISHING GOODS AND jr'tltHcfe' f ! .S jicO1sl, Cfclieoes, Mu.lins, I'lunnuls, Tal.lo Linens Towolina, Cbaeks, Ticking, Uuumcrpai.es, CasimeiOJ, Vestings, Yarns, Skirls. Neck Ties, Culls, Collars Handkerchiefs, Hoe. Oil Cloth, Carpets, Wool and Willuw-Wure. Wo invite speoiul attention to the fjunlily of our block of Jicot'B:ini:H ami Kiior.H, tlO and JAVA COFFEE, TEAS, Rl (jARS MOLASSKS. SYKU PS. SOAP, SALT, FISH, VINEGAR, Ac, Ac. Campbell's Celobratcd FLOUK, always on hand. W e feel conlidont that cash buyers will find it to their alvantago to give us a call, and customers gunerally uro invited to call and examiuc our goods und get posted on our prices. l!y strict attention to tho wanls of our customers nnd fair dealing wo hove to merit a lull share of the puMi" pntrour(ro. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken in ox change for gecjs, fur which the highest prico will be paid. A1O0RE & DlSSI.N8F.lt. L1VEUY STABLE M1III-: subscribers having purchased tho stock and J liAturos of -Mr. Charles Laouu's Lircry Stable. uiuui-y, would respectfully nnnouneo lo the Pi.1,1 . that tl,ev intend furiii.-hiiii it with in-l.r.l,i lb r-'-. Can oi..y, Buggies nnd Spring Wngons suitable fur the business, and will endeavor to make 't a l.ivcry second to none in IhL-section ol the State. i -Her left at il.cCcnlrul Hotel, at any hour f tho i :yor niglit; will receive prompt uttenticn. , Met AW 4 FARNSWORTII. r unl ury, October 17. IsCii. N i; w DKY GOODS AND Fr h Groceries I ta 'itiild Si c do.r bIow the L iihcian Church, ' U N !i U R Y, 1" E N N 'A. IIElNTK-a- PUT13R8 juatoieuti largo assortment ol I ..... i-;i..-,U,-ii1,lf Calicoes. Melius, Ac, which 1 i-.e .old ei.tai . r than ever. A! o ..:,.. .. v.. i -in Li.;l.r.,,rti, Drawers, lia's and Cut.. LAwIii' WoijLLN GO'jI'S, io QKocLHiiaa nnd PROVISIONS f,r nil M.l UOAUH. COFFEES. UEAS. 'in h I'ICFS. COAL OIL, Laid. Hams. Nine ..., I Mackerel. . i u-vi i runs. 1'riinr.a l;.,; . ChoCaP, ii j i.i lact, cut vl , ; luualiy i , . r. , Kej.t ia the liroc:' v iina. laal.,. till. I ' ... I t : I i -i . I10, Wit; ,.,r,. Ac ' iol , ' '''" a" ,EAI' "kei Al.-.j All kinds of CaucJ Fruit, ut lUe lowi.,. ! rice.. Country Produce taken ill ..change for Goeds. t r--u.l and cxauin my Stock, and saliifyjour- HESr.Y PLTtI.3. j.-u:.bary, Out. lo, 1SC8 lliltt i-ii CuvriuL'i'a w oli I i c i!l the ttUritijli of Ihr.n ir i.eu MJ i. u 1 iiarumL'a i a i'."lL u.w A. I.O..i.Uil.l ,,( ! ..... J " ' o.m.j. a. oo ; Ml V .1 tu r.uroud, Maikdt S-iuare FALL OPENING. GllUAT REDACTION IN TRICES I You can Buy More Goods of Uie BEST Fur LESS M01TEY, at the MAMMOTH STORE, OF lit. V. B JI.1-, MARKET .VH'ARE. SUXEl'UY, PEXN'A, T'lfin ,iuy Ollll'l' plncc. HAS JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED The JJosl Selected mid FINLM Asdolfi'MLNX, of mix mm IN TOWN. ! fju:;;cii merinos, TRINTS, MUSLINS OINijHAMs, CASIMElil.S, Ac. Delaines and Armures. Duii.os(iv Cottons, Urown nnd Uleachod NOTK'NS of all kind.. Hotiory. Giuvos, Men'.- and L-i lic Under: nrmcnts. CiOODS. A full assortment tf TRIMMINGS. EuilJiirs will find my Stock of Unrdnurc, I'aiiU, Oil., CiiiiuH, As-., Coincide. DKUUS AND MEDICINE; WII.LUW AND CEDAR WARE, tjUEENSWAUE, OihAb.SWARE, CROCK EICY, BALT, COOTS ANDj SHOES- II ATS AND CAl'S, and in fact ev eryiLing usuully kept in a large Storo nut! Ik; coiniueed that I 'lace lo liny I !,,. ( llll nj.est all Your (ioods at. THE MAMMOTH STORE j 1 .-ri.i is Jati, lt( lnj , us my Goods are bought fur Ca.U and Sold Cheap lor tho READY MONEY. 1 give tho trade the ad- ........... ..r ..u ...r. . . ., iwauituuiii m iiui on iucy are inaue by MiliullatUlcH U. Y 1RILESG. fiunbury.Sept i, lii'.. EDUCATED for BUSINESS LIFE, AT CHITTENDEN'S Commercial College, 637 ChcnutSt.,cor.ofnh., ni ILADELP1IIA Eslabllslicel 1841. Incorporated 18t. Tfie longest tUMithcd and fast organized Commercial College in the Cily. Tho practical tnluo of ll conr of Instruction has bocn tested by long exporionee. HUNDREDS OF YOUNO JfEN Hava found, In tho knowlodga gained horo, the moans of proOtnblo employment, nnd of success in business. 13ach Studont is Instructed scpnratoly, nnd In tho most praotioal uionnor. Hooks for tho various Pranches of Trade nro opened, writton out, Jid closed in tho manner prac ticed in mir best morcantilo nousos. The Uiflcront llusincss Papers, such as BIM.S OF KXCHAKUE, rUOiMfMHlY NOTES, CliliCIv ACCOUNTH-SALKS, ACCOlNTS-Cl'ltliENT, LETTERS, INVOICES, .. Are mado out as in actual business. im:.vii a:sii ii Is taught by a suporinr penman la such a manner that an attentive studont In a short time gains a Knpid, Free and Elegant stylo of llusincss S riling. ORNAMENTAL WKITINU, Of all kinds, is executed in tho most Enisttsd man ner. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, Including the best nnd musl rapid method." of com nutim: Interest Exchange, Prolit nnd Rales, Avcrn- fing Accounts, Ac.,aro comprised in the Cuurso of ustruotion. BUSINESS PRACTICES, Purehnses, pales, Consignmeuts, r-hipuicnts, Deal ings with llnnks, Remittances, Ac, Ac. Also, Commercial Lnw, Phonography, Detecting Counterfeits, Ac, Students received at nny time, nnd instructed at sui'h hours as may best suit their convenience. The largo number of business men now in attend ance, nnd the numerous applications received for its students to till vacant positions, fully attest tho ap preciation in which tho institution is held by the business community. OPEN DAY AND EYENINO. CATALOGUES SENT GRATIS. The Crittenden Commercial Arithmetic nnd llu sincss Manual, for sale nt tho Collcgu. Handsomely bound, 12 ma. Price, $1.50. Sent postpaid to any address. S. II. CRITTENDEN & CO. July 2.", I.S6S. dm " ELECTRIC TKLEGKAPH IN CHINA. j TUB EAST INDIA . TKI.EGKAPII COMPANY'S ! OFFICE, .Tin, tiil & Aass.au freol, I i N E V Y O R K , I I Oiponizcd uniler tpccml charter from the Statu of New ; York. CAI'ITAL !j,000,000 AO,000 KIiui'CM, lttO Unt il. DIRECTORS. Hon. PA I ANDItFAV O. Ct KTIN, I'hila.lcli.hia. 1'OltliKS, of Itusstll .V Co., China. I I'UF.l). nCTTEItriKI.D, of F. llutterliell ft Co i New York. ISAAC I.I VF.HMOIIE, Treasurer Michigan Central lltulroail, Itoftton. j AI.I'.XAMiEll IIOI.I.ANP, Treasurer Amvi crui Ex I prej-s Compiiny, New Y ork. i Hon JAMI'.S NIXON, Syracure.N. Y. j o. II. PALMER, Treasure! Wustciu Uninn Telegraph . Cunpany, New 'olk. ' FI.ETCIII'.n YVI'.STrtAY, of West ray, tiiM ft Hanlr-Hstle, New York. NICHOLAS MICKLE3, New York Oniccrx. "a. C. CI KTIX, PresWcat. N. MICKI.r.S, Vice I'resiileut. OEOItliE CON ANT, Pwelary. I.EOIUiE I'.M.IS (iJuslii. rNjlional HjmI. Coinmin wenlth,) TiKisurcr. Hon. A. K. McCU ItK, rilil'i'lrlphin Solicitor The Chinese Governinrnt having (through lire Hon Amb.ui HuiliMcuui) eoai'i'tlitl lo lion Coiitj.auy Hie piivi li-pc of eoiint't'liiiK tlie gleat at-aHits if the Eiiiire hy KUliiiKirine cleeti ic lirtcur-tph rrnlilc, we propose r.aiililcii emu .t-iHlio,i8 in Olniia. anil laying ilowuu hue nt nine huiutreJ miles at onee, between lite following parlsj viz I'oicLArioif. I'.iiil.m, I,tsi0,mi Macon, 00,000 llung-Kung, 8')(I,IKI0 Swatow, - - - - 'jno.mio I Ani 'V, S.Vi,buti I FiHi-Chow, 1 J50,l"lKI ! Wan-Chu, 3HU.000 Niuspo, 4IU.00O Hung Chcnn, I,-2iki,ooj Shioghai, l,mj,ii Total, ,'.no,Uiai Tin-wr .mIs have a fuicign rommeree of S'W,0(iO.(iOn, unit an euoi moos (tanratlc uude, In side which we have the iiiioiciuiu internal couiuit-ice ol Hie laupre, lailiatiug lr. .in lnre pooitv, ltir,ni;li us eauulu tun! iTavo-' il-te llvets I'l.e i-al.le lieui). laid, Una Company pnniit erei Hnir Mini In,,.., tnnl etuOlihiiii a spedy nod liuslwoltliy Itiraim ol ciuiuiunienlioii, winch nuist e.uinuiilid llicre, ns e-r w liete else, Hie e iiniiiuincntlons of the liovcluineut, ol l.umuchK, und ol social hie, enpeclally in t'lilna. bhe ha no , ,.;,! ,y,i,.n, nn.l her only inraim now ol coinniu-iiii-Hiinu- iiiliioatloii is l.y eouuerion land, nnd l,y alKiin trs.'ll wnlef. Tlie Western World knows that Chinu i.n very large eounliy, In Uie uiaill i!enelc peoiileit ; Init few yet realise that she e.nilaiiis more lliau u third of Ihr huiiian nice. Tac latest returns iMiide lo her central iiuthouiieafoi tax. inc. imrpoM'ti hv lln hfiil ui.iqutrtilt-s inahf hci population Fill II III MUir.l) AND FOl'llTI'.KN MILLIONS, tni'1 this i more likely Lo he under than over Hits artuul aci-'iryaie. Neiirly allot theae, win, are over ten years old, not only can tint tto read and wnlo, llur civilization is -culiar,hui her lili ratii'e la us extensive oa that of Ku-r-'pe. (I, ...a ns u laud of teachers and traders; and the lallcr uie i xeeothnely quick touvail llieintavlvea of every piol.'iTtd faeduy lor prociiiiiiat tally iuloi illation. It la oliirived m Calil .rum licit Ihc Cluiieae make (irtal uae of ..I,.- in, i;i.ijmi, iiinaii ii tuere iianaunts mess icea III l.re Hindi alone, 'l o il ay gieat iiiinila ra of aleauieis nn- owncrt l,y ( liinese uieielmiirs, mill uavd l.y tlieui ext lil anely lor the triinsiiua.ioii ol" curly inlelhjteni'e. It the tel. etapll we plop ,se, cnrnTtoiii ull their deal scanorta, were now la exiatanee, il is believed tlsit its huaiueba wouiu pay ll. e coal witliiu Ihe lirsl Iwo yeaia ol Ha auc. eessiul operation, and would atnlily lllcreae Ihereafier. i-a.i eiuerpriae eonuuenila uaelt as in a greater tleet K iiiiilierative to enpituliala, and to our whole people. It is of a vust tiulionul unMirUiuee commercmlly, pohlicully, afcl'S? Tliiiat.K-k of this Coiniciny hiaUell till. la. , Mir, 111 ri:eoiiutieuded to eipilithata and huaiticaa mcil, na u tleatr ttl'ie iiiveatiuent by edtlortul articles hi the New York Herald, Trihune, World, Timea, I'oal, Expires, Inth pen- on. i in itie 'iniaoeipnia raortu Aiuericou, 1'reaa, ...iikli, iii'i-iiiri, Ar, iiitiieiiii uihi leiriiHpil. Wi area of Una C'oiupnny, to a lutiitt'd iiuiuher, inuy he ontaiueil at si nicli, lu twyuhle down, f I.i on Hie I at of N'oeiataT, und t4 paytihle in mom lily inatalineiiu of l M e.n li,coinoifncoN Ocee'iiOvr I, l0.-) on upplicution DREXEL & CO., U I Ho mil Il.ird Sli-n-l, I'lIII.AIlCI.PIIIA. Shares ran 1 obtained in Sunhury by application lo 8 J. I'ACKEK, Banker, who is authorized to receive aub seripti ma, and eun give ull neceuury mfoiiiintioiioii the auhieet. K-plenioei D, HW Om. JF you hava picture you want framed, go to li.X-rly'a. and get it dune cheaper than any where else iu town. Ho bus mouldings of all kiuds eonatant.y on baud. I.V)K Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, liitla. Duck les. Gig Trcos,Paal Treos, llanes, all kinds and every thing iieruining to the buaincw, tor .ale by J. II. CON LEY A CO. CAUI'JENTEJIS W ILL find in our suUbluhanent a .up. ioilrKk. of 1 limes, fcana, Augers, lUteheu, HamuMrs, File C hue Is, Ae , Ao.loc suio by J II. CON LEY & CO AV A. BENNETT, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, market Hqunre, HI.IU'UV, In. Has Just opened fresh and fuH assortment of Drugs and Medicines, rmnirpaased in purity and freshness, and kept con stantly on hanuf. My stock will always be found oompleto In every article of merit in Medicine. Physicians and Customers may rely upon prompt ness nnd attention to orders. FANCY ARTICLES! My stock Is unusually largo and cmbrncos every thing that can be found on a first class Toilet Table, mot umng American ana genuine French nnd Eng- PERFUMERY, Pomaddn, Hair Cil, Ivory, (lull Ttroha Wood and Horn Combs, Toilot Soaps, Hnir Tooth, Kail, Cloth and Paint Brushes, As. I'atciit iMvdicincB. Embracing all the most popular Preparations of the day, nt manufacturers' prices. Faro Havana SEUAKS and CHEWING TOBACCO of the best Prnnde. I'a in I k, Oil, exilic, lnsisi, 1iiUj, VnrnisiliOH, Ac. All mv Tinctures, ."'vruns. Ointments. Corntes. and other preparations nro manufactured by myself, nnd from tho best material lean procure in Markot. Having had quito a number of years' cxpcricnco in tho Drug and Prcrrijition Uusincss, both In Philadelphia and tho country, nnd also tho advanlago oV tho Collego of I'linrmwv. I feel coin potent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that tho Physicians nnd publio may favor mo w ith. All my preparations as I havo abovo asserted, aro mndo from the best muterinl, nnd upon honor 1 assert, thflyaro of orlicial strength. For ineiiioiual purposes. I keen on hand (lie vcrv best .... WINES, RRANDIE3 AND LIQUORS, that I oan procure licforo purchiusing elsewhere, call and convinco your own mind. W'. A. DENNETT. Sunbury, May HI, ISfil. ti(lis I'niK'y I'ui'M ! AT JOHN FAUEIRA'S, Old Established FUR Manufactory. Ifo. T1S AKCII Street, above Till, PHIL A. Have now in storo of inyown linortationand Manufacture one of tho . largest and most bcauti '.; ful selections of V FANCY FURS, for Ladies' and Chil dren s ) ear, in the city. ' 'i.-SV Also, a lino assortment of Gents' Fur Gloves nnd Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my goods nt very rca sounblo prices, nnd I would thereforo solicit a call from my friends ofNorthuuiberlund county and vi cinity. Remember tho Knuic, Number nnd Plrccl ! JOHN FAKEIRA, No. 718 Arch St., above 7th, south sido, Philnd'n. tl 1 havo no Partner, nor connection with nny other storo in Philadelphia. Oct. .'t, 'tW.-lin SUNBURY (MARBLE TITHE undersigned having bought tho X cntiro stock of Diisingcr A Taylor, would inform tho public that ho is now- ready lo do all kinds of marblo work ; has on liand, and makes to order nt short notice, ItB oil si m cuts iiiiil l!i'iici-'ioii('M, of everj stylo to suit purchasers. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS. Also, Cemetery Posts with Galvanized pipe and all other fencing generally used on Cemeteries. John A. Taylor will eontinun in tho employment, at the old stand in Market Sonarc, Sunbury. I'a. May 2, M ly. W. M. DAUG I1ERTY. ELOUR &FEEI) STORE WJIOLKHAI.li AA'JJ RETAIL. rilllK subscriber respectfully informs, tho publio J. that ho keeps oonstanlly on hand nt bis new WAREHOUSE, near tha Shninokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SUN1SCRY, Flour by tho barrel nud sacks of all kinds of Feed by the ton T he above is all manufactured at his own Mills, and will be fold ut the lowest casN prices. J M. CADWALLADEK. (Sunbury, April 1, ISCS "NEW MACHINE SHOP AND HA. ltOIISt.II l( II & SON), INFORM tho public that they havo established a MACHINE SHOP, in connection with their FOUNDRY. They havo supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and During Machines, with tho latest improvements, v) tin tno aid ol smiuui me chanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of V'W Worli or tt,'iK.li-liisr, that may be ni ven them, in a satisfactory manner. Having enlarged und rebuilt their Foundry, they are ready to execute ail kinds ol oflhllftU&. St I'll MS 4'iINtillg'M, At'. Tho PLOWS, already rulebratcd for their supcri ority. have been still further improved, and w ill at ways bo kept on hand. Sunbury, June 13, 1803. A Lecture to C--'- YOUNG Jii.il Piihlixltrtt, ill a Sealed Envelope Price six rents. A I.-i'Iiii-- oh lln- Onlairi-, 'J'i-,-til mcnt and Radicul Cure of Spcrmatorrhn-a. or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, un l Imricdiuients lo .tlarriao irenerally ; Nervous ness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, rcsultintt from Self-Abuse. Ac. Uy Roiieut J. Cubvuu well, M.D., Author of tho 'Ureen Iltmk," Ac. Tho world-renowned author, in this admiral. lo Lecture, clearly proves from his ow n experience thut tno aw iui oouscquenccs ot c-clt-Abuse mny bo ettec lually removed without medicine, and without dan gerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments. rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain nnd effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter w hat his condition may bo, may cure himself cheaply, privately, una radically. Ibis Lecture will prove u boon to llmu.-ands and thousands. Sent under seal, to uny address, iu a plain scaled envelope, on tho receiptof six oenls, or two postage stamps. Also, or tulverwell s " Marriage Guido, price 2j cents. Address tho Publishers. CH AS. J.C. KLINE 4 CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Poet-OUico Uox 4,oc6. July 4, lutia. y NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER. SCaEEETS'S CELEBRATED B i t t er Cordial. This medical prcperation is sow offered to the public as a reliublo substitute for tto many worth less compounds which now flood the market. It is purely vegetable, composed of various herbs, gather ed from the great storehouse of nature, and selected with tho utmost caro. It is not recommended as a CiR All, but by IU direct and salutary intlu ence upon tho Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, Sto mach and Dowels, it acts Loth as a provontive uud euro for uiuny of tbo diseasua to which those orguns are subject. It is a reliable Family Medioine, and can bo taken by either infant or adult with the same beneficial results. It is aeertain, prompt and speedy remedy for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, llowol Complaint, Dyspepsia, Lowncssof Spirits, Faintings, Siuk-Uoadache, to. For Chills and Fevers of ull kinds, it is fur bettor and safer tbau quinine, with out nny of its pernicious etfecta. ll creates an appe tite, proves a powerful digoster of food, and will counteract the etlucts of liquor in a few minutes, l'ropared by JACOB SCH EETZ. Sole Proprietor, N. W. Cor. Fifth and Kaoo Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Bold by jill Druggists nov. 14, '6T.-y CHOICE FRUIT k ORNAMENTAL BENJ. BOHNER, Dealor In Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from the most rornonaihlo Nuraorinat in rhi. .n.i other btatua, drat class TREES of all kinds. Alsa. Shrubbery, Vines and Floats. Uardea fcecds vt adl Kin us. SEED POTATO Eg. New White Peach Blows P.rl. and Harrison Potatoes, in litx nd ..n.n ..'...; are oflured for sule. 1 Orders are reapeotfully aolieitcd. AddreM HENJ. BOHVER v- a, i Faxiuua, North 'd. C. I tr IN . U Insurances Lukan In aaiurul ..r at.. most reaioaibla Fi.e Inturaiiee and Horn Detoclivsj Loint.Miiiba in iha Kito- Jct 1 1, ibU8 y i mm ISAAO K. STAUFFER, 1 Watchmaker nnd Jew eler, wo. i4s WOliTH 3d ST., COIl. OB" QUARRY, I'liii.ADki.rniA. , An assortment of WnMien, Jewelry, Silver nnl I'Uloe N,Vi, r f, constantly on hnnd, rajrilepniring of Welches astl Jewelry -riromptly at teniled t. Nnyl, 1WI7 1 y. G28 HOOP SKIRTS 08 CORSE TS,A"C0RSETS. W M. T. HOPKINS, .o. tH Arcli Mlrt'i-I, liila1olpliin. MANUFACTCItUn OF TUB Celebrated "CHAMPION" Moon fikirts FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. Tho largest assortment, nnd best qunlity and styles in the American Market. Every lady should try them, as they recommend themselves bv wear- lug longor. rotaiiig their shapo much bettor, lighter andmoro clastic than all others warranted in every ""r1"1 " -V'J I'uvvo. aa. lor aioii kins' "ChnmrioV rlrt Suporlor Hnnd mndo AVhnlo-Ilone Corsols in Fif- Icon different Grades, including tho "Imperial" and Thompson A Langdon's. "Glovo Filling" Corsets, rnnging in prices from SI cents to $.'.&(; together witu .losepn lieckcl s Celebrated French Yiovcn Corsets, suierior shnics nnd quality, Ten different Grades, from $. 10 to j.aU. They aro the finest nnd best goods for tho prices, ever imported. ThcTrndo supplied with Hoop Skirts and Corsets ut tho Lowest uaics. Thoso visiting tho Cily should not fail lo cnll and examine our Uoous and Prices, pj wo uely ull corn petition. February 2?, ISfirf. lOinos. .niron rA.vr aoik k. mil S undersigned hnving succeeded lo tbo busi- L ncss of T. DIMES & CO., tskos this method cf informing llnek-1, avers, Ruilders, nnd nil others in terested, in nnd about Sunbury, that ho is prcimred to fill all orders, for building nnd paving liriek, of n superior quality, ana nt as low rales tea can bo hud elscwnere. I am also tho Agent in the Counties of Northum erland, Union, Snyder and Montour, for WAR- EN S IMPROVED FIRE and W ATE It Plloof OOF. This is tho cheapest nnd best Roof that n bo used on huildtnifs. Wo covered several build gs with it, during tho last soason with cntiro sutis ction. Orders left ntlho Crick Yard, in Cako's Addition lo Sunbury, or ntlho Oflico of Mr. Wm. Reagan's Saw Mill und Lumber Yard, or at Sunbury Post umcc, win rcceivo prompt intention. TOWNSEND HEMES Sunbury, Mnnb II, 1SBS. V BANKERS, No. 35 South Third Street, FHILAULLPHIA. "uen eralT Agents, pennsylvania , UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Tlie KtrmHAT. I.ifr l.vsnnAsca Company Is a corporation chsr'ercd liv sp -clul Act of Conuresa, an proveiiJuiy sj, its, wm, a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID. Llhcral term. o(r.-r. rl to Aircnts uud hollcilore. who aretuvllr.l lonpiilyntoiirolhee. I-tillpi tleiil..rslo.ehadi.iiappllpainn nt onrofilcc. loeiiteu fu Hi., second sblry of our llmkniir llonsc. h"re( liculars and Pamphlols, fully dr., rildi.n the advantages oirvrri by the tlnnipanv.innv lie hurt I'.. . CI. IM .1- CO., -Vi. ;; ,v.N ',,. .:. Applications for Central and Western Pennsylva nia to be mado to D. S. RUSSELL, M an aijkii, August 15, ISOS. ly. Hiirrishurg, Pa. Notice to Merchants and Shippers. MIIIK undersigned, proprietor of Weiser A Frick's 1. Line, give notices to merchants und shippers that I lie Depot is still at SI I Markot street, I'liila delphiii. and all Goods directed to Sunbury, Danvillo nnd Lewlsburg, and nil Intorinodinto stations along the railroad, will bo promptly delivered. lt Cars It-are) SI 1 Markel street, Philadelphia tri weekly Tuesday?. Thursdays and Saturdays. J. W. I1ROWX, Proprietor, Lewisbufe. J. II. DROWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. December 7, ItlUT. SEEING IS BELIEVING At ?01 Art li Mlrt-rl. NEW rJUCKS! NKW CJflODS Rich Silver and Silver-l'latctl Wares, Includinc cverv slvlo and description, mado expressly lor l lie iv inter trnilo, which for neatness and durability cannot be surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S holcsalo nnd Retail Manufacturing Establishment, 704 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. tjr-Ro.platingut short notice. December 21, 1WI7 .aug27 H. Conley Co., Murki-l Nli-i-4-l, I '.) I o i lie Kailroail, sxjosri3TjR-sr, PEisrisr'A.. DEALERS IN i iti:i.. Ac Aiii'.itK'.., Hardware & Cutlery. riMIE attention of Mechanics, Fanners, lluilder, A. and iiuycrs cenerally is invited to tho fact thut ale now offering h boiler selected assortment of 1IAUHW ARE, CLTLERY. 4C, than ever was ottered in this murked at priced much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in this lino ufbusiness, tiuiiiuuing a general ujsurliucnt ol tools an J mate rials used bv CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together w ith n lnriro stock of Iron. Stool. Nails. Spikes, Jltopo, Chains, Uriudstoues, Mill uud X Cut Suws, Ac, Ae. Sunbury, iMurrli SO, lbo7. n i: v c a u is i a ( i i : it Kui; (; v MANUFACTORY. CIHIE subscriber respectfully informs tho citizens J of Sunbury und vicinity, that ho has opened a shop in ,Sol. Stroh Dlaeksmilhsbup-liuildiug ou Chesluut street, Sunbury. I'a . where he keens con- sianujr uu iiunu, ana muuuiitclures lo order, 4 lli'i-iiiui-M. IImit'-vm. Niill.vai. ak of the latest atvle and ut diai batkLuiHlio i.il. Reiaiirinir of WairuDS. Carriaifea. Ae.. done at llio viiortesi notice. Persons in wunt of Gne liuiririos and Carriuaes. aro requested lo cull beforo purchasing elsewhere. 11. V. KOl'SH. Ijiiiibury, July II, 1S6S ly Wm. Fabko. Nklsup Puou FURNITURE R O O M S Wl. FAE.S01T & SC1T. lute of the Grui of Furaon A Davis, hare opened wna- rooms at no. zi ooutn 21 street, below Duck. PHILADELPHIA. Where they koep a full aaaorlinerit of PAKLOlt, C1IAMI5KU, BITTING ROOM nml DINING ROOM FL'UNITUHE. Their old customers, and all persona wishing to urchuse, are invited to call und examine their stock bofore purchasing elsewhere I'urliuulax attvutlou paid to packing. inyn ly. A I, A KG U aupply of Mull liior uud llvrtli-r, juat rooeived and fur aula cheap, at the Mammoth Slore of April 4, ItiM. H. Y. FRIL1NG. Ifiansulullott ut" Iur4uerlii. NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore oxistiug between J. Weiser Bucher and B. Master Ducber, trading tinder the firm of -liaeber ilrothers,"in the tanning busineas, waa this day (August 2lLh, laort.l duaulved by mutual oon- sunt. The buaiuwa will beroatter be ootid uc ted by the nuderaiguod, at the old aUud, where all peraoita iitdebted to the firm of liucber Daiathera, aro re uostd to call Willie ut delay and make aelllement. aud save coat. E MAbbb'H HUCHHi. 6unbury, August 29, 1608. Oui. Great Attraction, i at tho i . NEW TIN -WARE, Hhool Iron nnd More fMore ol" SMITH & GEITTEER, PA., Wtiero thoy lieop oonstanlly on han and Hirntifac- nro ro onter at snort notice. . . . , UN AND SHEET IRON-WARM of all descriptions.. They would special!, onll the attenllon of nnr. cb users to their lara;e and woTl selected sWek of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The snliscribors have made nrrayiBr.mcnla In havo all their host stoves mado. to order,, and thoso who would havo A syiod stoVo would rlo well to go and e.ramihe'tlieir large and well solocted stock. First. They defy competition on the following tried Brands of Cook Stoves, vis : I'omliinntiou 4ns llurnci-, Cook. aloT'rnoi I'euii-tiKilf, WABASH AND IHONSIDES, ami fho well known Antidust Cook Slovo called SPEAK S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves in grent Vnrluly cm bracing all the best Tnn'rtufaelnrcs and most fashion, nblo dusigns, unsurpassed for beauty of finish slinrtli- city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and each sbivo warranted to perioral whut they aro nij'rcycin.il. Also, Tho celebrated Ilnllimr.ro Firo PInen Stove, for boating first, scoond and third storiusty Registers. Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, Iho celebrated MORNING GLORY. 'oal Oil, 4'oal Oil l,iimp, Sltnalt-w, 4'liiiiiiiit-w, uikI nil iirl(-l.H usually kept in an cstnblislimmtl of this kind. They aro also prepared to furnish Slate nnd do slating inthobest worl-.iunnliko manner. Also, lo do Tin Hunting, Spouling. Range and Furnnco Work, (Ins Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also : "ltiiiili' (taw Itouc Ntipci-a.lMiOMa. IpIkiIi." Remember tho place. Sample nnd Kales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardwnre Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted. August 26, IrtrW. . .u. '. .i:inii titri Confectionry, Toys and FRUIT STORE, Jlni-Krl Mfi-i rl, Sniibiiry , Sn. CONFECTIONKIiV OV ALL KINDS, TOYS OP EVERY DhSCltirTION FRUIT, &c, Ac, C CONSTANTLY on hand nnd for snlo nt tne abovo J establishment utwbolesulo nud rotnil, at reason able prices. lie is maiiiifncluring all kinds of Con Toot ionnrici to keep up a full assortment which are sold ut low rates. Tobacco, Pegars. Stalioncry. Nuts of all kimls. ana n variety of other articles, ull of whioh are oflorod wholesale anil rotnil. Remember tho nnmo and place. .fi 1 M. C. GEAItllAK'r, Market streot, 3 doors west of E. Y. Dright A Son's store. Sunbury, Sept. 13. l.-d... tf THE GREAT A MEXICAN COM III NA TION Etiilltiu IJolo Or Fi-siriiitiiiiK-Aau SISWIITG ICACHIITE. Its Wonderful Popularity Conclu"ivo Proof of il Great Merit. The increase in Hit- deuoiud for this valuable lun rhino has been TEN 1'tM.lI during Hie lust seven months of its first year before the public. This grnnd ami surprising success is unprecedent ed in tbo history of sow iiig-mpchines, and w o feel fully warranted in claiming that IT 11 AS N O K tj U A It , Et-Ing Ale-olulely tho Rest IMMIlaV 14 IIIAt; IN THE WORLD, An I littriimieully l!ie Chcn est. It is really two maehiiios coinbiiied in one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement,! ma king both lite Shtittleor Lock-stitch, and the Ovcr Hcnmingnnd Button bole sliteh, with equal fneilily and perfection. It executes in tho very best manner every variety nfsowing, such as. Hemming. Felling, Cording, Tucking. Stitching, Braiding and (Juilling, Gathering and sewing on, (doito at the same liitio.) and in addition, Overseaius, Embroiders on the edge and makes beautiful Dutlon uud Eyelet-holes id nil fabrics. Every Muchino is warranted by llio Company, or its Agents, lo give entiro satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work done ou Ibis Machine, can be had un applica tion at thu Salesrooms of THE AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE, OVEKSKAMINU AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. Vf. Cor. Eleventh and Choslnut Streets. Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on Iho Machine at thu rooms of the Company gratuitously to ull purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FRKD'K PAXSOX, PrcMGont. W. 15. Mkndk.nii.u.i., Treiietutr. April 2.'t, ISfiS. lyejan. 25. 4'ICA.S IIAItllE:i tl.4Ms. The Oldest and moat noted, Institution tho Kind in Sunbury. J. W. WASHINGTON, HAVING removed to his new building on Thin! .Street, between Market and Iho Depot, is now prepared to serve his customers better than ever. Having secured iho services of first class Barbers, SHAVING AND II A lit -DRESSING will bo executed in thu latest stylo. The building having been erected especially for the purpose of a F'irst CI as Barber Saloon, and having luted it lip in tho latest style, bo hopes to receive a liberal .huro of patronage. In the adjoining room a lirst class Confectionery has been opened l'o tho sale of It-.'-Cri-uiii, 4 initlit-s., t'UMi-s., Ita-i-r, and numerous other Temperance Drinks in common ii.-o. Oranges, and other delicious fruits and cntithlt of home and foreign growth in rich profusion aji l elegant variety. Sunbury, September l, IMS. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, is on aldslieot, opposite thu MASONIC HALL, ut BERGSTRESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, tint I. airly ECxIaliliwIical, Mills nil 4 lie iUodorn liiirov-ni-ntsi ol' (lie Art I rilllE subscriber, having built the room expressly J for tho puriioso of Photographing, ami having devoted many years to the business, Is confident of Lis ability to assure his patrons that tbo work pro duced shall be second to none in country or city. No work allowed to leave tbo gallery unless en tirely salibfaetory. Having tho best sky light in the counly, he is prepared to make Photographs iu all kinds ol weather, but would prefer a clear duy lor small children. Ho is also prewired to take new size, or cabinet curd Photographs. All kinds of pioturcs copied and muguificd to any required sire and colored beuulilully in Oil or W ater colors or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views of Monumcuts, Machinery, County Seals, .Vo., a large lot of Photograph frames oonstanlly on haud. The publio aro respectfully invited to call and see our speciui una and our complete arrangements for making Photograph, special terms to lumiliee aud clubs. . DERGSTRESSER. Sunbury, July li, TO BUILDERS. WINDOW Glass ami lluilding Hardware, at the lowest Casli Prices at The Mamiuetli aVtorC of 11. Y. FKILINO. With great Induoenienls to agenta toeo-operato with ua iu our UK. ..! O-ri: IMHala.tK 1.1,1 Hketiiigt Jr4 of Cort to our Agents. Watches free of Coat ta our Agentt. .Ssiriny Machines Jree of Cost to our Agents, leather VooJs Jrtt of Cost to our Agents. Linen Goods free of Cost to our Jgents. Silts and Shawls free of Cost to our Agents. Hoots and Shoes free of Coat to our Agents, Dress Goods free of Cost to our Agents UitKAT DOLLAR BAKU AIN6 for car Customers, bttad for oar circular. Agents wanted everywhere Addrcas JAB T STEWART A CO., Oat 1 '- II A 4 Dry fctreet, V . X 1 Noi-thorn Confrnl Ilallwny. HUMMKR. T1HI 80nEDULE. ' V ON and after Nor. 22d, IBM, trains will leave SUNBURY, as follows: LEAVE NORTHWARD, 6. 00 A. M., Dailf for Wllliatnsport. Dally (exaept Sundays,) fur Uliutia, Cnnandnigua, Roobesler, Unflaloe, Niagara Falls, Suspension Iiridge.and the t.'nasdas. 1.16 F. M., Daily (except Snndays,) for Kliuira, aril Itufralo via Krle Hallway from Hlmira. f).il 0 P. M., Daily (except Sundays,) for Willinsnl port. LEA VK BOUTHWAKD. J. 45 A. M , Daily (except Monday.) for lialtimora, Washington and PhMadelphia. 9 40 A. M , Daily for Baltimore and Washington. 7.60 P. M., Daily icxcopt Sundays,) for llarriiburg J. N. DiiBAnnr, Ed. S. YouNa, Uen'l. Sup't., UenT Passen'r Ag'l . Harrisburg, Pa. Dallimorc, Md. lMiilndclphla A. I'.rio Knilro.-id. WIN TOl TIME TAULeT" Through and diroet route between Phifudulpbia, llaltimore, ilnrrisburg, Willinmsport, to Hie North west and the Grent Oil Region of Pcnusjd vania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all Night Trains. On Bnd after Monday. Nny. 23d. 18fW, Iho Trains on the Philadelphia A Erio Kail Road will run as follows : WuaTWAnn. Mull Train leaves Philadelphia', 10.45 p in ' " " Sunbury, H Oil n m " " nrr. at Erio. fill p m Erio Express leaves Philadelphia 1.1 50 a m " " " Suijhury 0.40 p m " ' nrr at Frio 10 0(1 a m Elmirn Mail leaves Philadelphia, R 00 n in " " " Sunbury 4 15pm " " nrrivo ol Lock lluvon, 7.46 p in" Eartwaup. Mnll Train lenves F.rio 10 55am " " " Sunbury, 2 46 a ni " " arr. at Philadelphia, In l;0 n iu Erie Express leaves Krio f,.2o p in " " " Sunbury 411 ,n " " nrr. nt Philadolphin, 4 20 pm Mail and Express conneut. wild Oil Orea-k and Allf-ehi-ny lliver Railroad. UAGUAGE Clil.CKEL) THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendenl aG DsJJValtTAWia ISrw -. i. !!:. i, iiii.,. Will retnovo bis Oflico to J. M. Siuiison L'uildin,' 2nd story, Market Square, STJ-3NTBTJJHY, PA WflliKK ho will be prepared ffi do all kintLoi work pertaining to DcnlMry. Will keep constantly nn hand 11 large assortment r.f Teeth, anrt other Dental material, from which ho wiilboubleto select, and moot the wants of his customers. All work warranted to give satisfaction, or dso tho money refunded. Tho very best Mouth Wash and Toolh-Towdcra kept on hand. His references nro Iho numerous patrons for whom he has worked for the last twelve years. Sunbury, March 21, 1X63. QK1IJBT11SISlilt Aro especially invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDER S HARDWARE, comprising Nails and Spikes of all varieties. Butts, Screws, Strap and T Hinges, Locks and Latches, Rolls, rim taring Trowels, Hrick Trowels, Plasterer's Sieves, Ac, Ac, for sale by JIL CONLEY A CO UNION n6fKl7 I I IVoprirlor. In Cake's Addilit n lo SUNBURY, near tho Poen a Railroad Company's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT HOARDERS, kept who will find maple accommodations. Good cooks nml waiters, boarders oan enjoy the quint com forts of homo with fare equal to Ibe beat hotels His Liquors aro of the choioost kinds. Sunbury. Juno 8, IHII7. LIGHT ! IJCmTT UGliT! s. itvi:i;i.v, CJ1I1E Popular Photogrnpcr, has lilted up, ia tbo .1 nlj Post Office building, three doors west of tho railroad, Market Square. 0110 of the very but Sky Lights lobe found iu Ibe Slato, and is now prcpur-d It take piclutrj of any kind, in all kinds id' weather, early unit Rto. Children tnken anr.nsl instantly Drin along the babies wo ure now ready loi them. COME OX E ! CO.MK AM. ! both great nnd small, sco his now ruouis, and ex limine specimens. Fit AM US nnd FRAMING mnli-ri.il constantly en hand and mado to order. Bring nl mg your pi.-tiiios and have thein frame.1 cheaper th in iti'iyirhi-rs else t.'omu and sco for j-oarselves, Anything in tl:o pintnro lino constantly nn hand or ordered. Copying done in nil its branches ami colored 11s desire. I. liolh out and indoor views tnken at short notice and on reasonable terms Satisfaction guarr intced , as our motto is to please. All negative' ear-tully preserved. Remember the place u-k for .- . iil Kit LY. .Market Sqiinre. May 2ii, T,v-ly. A K it-Ill I Ill-Ill lllll-tl:!-;tl, HOE S Grain Bakes, Sleel and Iron Gnrdun llak.-s, Long nnd D Handle Spndcs,, Mn.veh. .M.-ieuro and liny Folks, Grass anil Grain N-vih.-s lir.iiu Cra.lli-s, Cratlle Fingers, Trace, Breast,' Tongue an t Log Chains, Grind-stones, I'anning Mill Seitk-(,t all sixes nnd kinds, a large assortnu-nl ol l!cd W .1, lluuies, for Plowing, Farm Rolls, Cultitaiui Tcctli bf suleby J. ij. CONLEY A t il STONEWARE. THE best nml ebenpest assortment of Si. mo U'n'e in the Stale, j. 1st received and for s ilo cheap ul lli j Muuiuinlij Cash .Store of II. Y. Fli I Ll NG. I'liiiilN, Oil, Ar," A full slock of Oils comprising l.insee.1 Oil, Co.:! Oil, Fish Oil. And Lubricating Oil tor Engines and Machinery, Varnishes, tilass, alwava on hand, at low prices at f.ON I FY ,V CO',-: Coachmakers, WFc are selling Rims, Snokes. Hub. St iin v Canva.-a. Dolls. Clins. Axles. Ae .. i.O-tf I 1 1 I . . ' ' ' O0X LEV ic CO. Konl.ury, Mnrcb .(, IM7. IRON A lurgo assortment of tho be;t Linuufue lured Bars. Hoop. Rand, Round m.d F-iin.ru Iron, Nail RikIs. fast Steel, lilisttr Steel. Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, llore NaiN. Anvils, Bellows. Vices, Ilaiumers, Sledges, Hasps and Files, nt CONLEY .fc CO S JACOB SIIIPMAN, FIHE AND LIFE INSUHANCfJ Aiii: iv. SUN HUH Y, PENN'A. IIKITlKsr.Mt ; Fanners Mutunl Firo Insursn. e Co , Cumberland Valley Mutual. I'r..t.. York P:l ction c, New York Mutual Life. Girard Lileul IM..I A II ,n . ford Conn. Gcnerul Accidont. COIN,' HAD MLiyFJlt, Liviiittir ami Maiiujuctuiti vj ,ic CE.EJ1EA TEH IRON ERA ME '. LVuo, WarmMims, o. Hi Arct St., ', ?,.., HAS roceived tho Prise Medal ol the World -Great Exhibition, Londou. Engiaiitl. The high t-st Prires awarded w hen and wherever exhibited EsrAhfJSIIKP IS-'., I (let. .-!, Y,s -.(, lilt-i uud I'ii-t- IVuol' SLATE ROOFS THE undersigned respectfully inform builders in this und adjoiniiig counties thai bo is prepared to put ou fr'l.ttu Rtaufs iu a superior manner liuinn L-hes the eelebratfd Lehigh county Slate, v. law h is the bert In the u arkot. lie warrants bis work to ho durable and lire aud wutor proof, llu inviies Ska in spection ol thu publio to the work he basdour iu .s'un bnryon llaupt s. Greeuough s und llaaa' buildings, and on others at vuriorts places. Ii;s prices are al low as those of any other slater. Addretrf, D.S. SMITH, a'-'unbury. P. 0 , oreall at his residenee iu Upper Augusta twp. January II, I son. ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS DCOKS AKD STATION liliY, Monthly Time Books Drawing Books and Slales (inrka, llvnin Books, BOnk books. MemuranduRi Hooka, liiarus, Put-ket Hot.itJ, Ink Siand., Pens, Pencils, a tine tusortuiuait of Paper, Ink. Ae. For sale by ANNA PAINTER II04ITM AAtt atII4i:S. J. V. SYLYIS, WITH II. U. T1IACUL1!, Manufacturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALK I loo far, kilioraj und a1fiilra, PleusanU' Iloilrling. Market Squae, M'NCIUY, PA. Ladies' Boots. Shoes and Gaiters of all dosorintion made to order on the aburteot notice and intiat rtat sonable terms. Uavinar the bet workmen employed we ean assure the nublio dial, if tbev will sire us a call, tbey will be satiatied of the altove fuoU. RE- FAlJtlNIi neatly dune with di .patch. At your mm do hurl your leal, altul call aihl leave your meaa-uie, And we will make your Show ur Boots That you will call a tieasure Muicb 23, tJb ly