lliiili Tin: NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COHrANY, op Tn UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON, D. C. th.rlurel tj Sptoial Act of CoDzree, Approved July 25,1?G3. CnnU Capital 1,000,000. branch office, Philadelphia, FlHST NATIONAL Dakk nt iLoi-io, Wlmro Urn general l.uinns of the Company I. tnurs acted, and ' In which all rcu,rnI corrcipcnderj.e should be addressed. DIRECTORS. Jay Cooke, rhilsda. E. A. Rolllni, Waslilnirlon. 0. H. Clark, " Honry 1. Cooko, " P. Ratohford Starr, Vfta. 13. Chandler, Wui. rt. Moorhead, John D. Defrees, " Geo. F. Tyler, Edward lodfto, New Yorl:. J. Hinckley Clark, II. C. Fahnottoek, N. Y. OFFICERS. C. H. CLARK, Philadelphia, Presld-nt. HENRY 1. COOKh', Washington, Vice Trosidcnt. JAY COOKE, Cliairmaa Finance aad Exooutire Committee. EMERSON W. FEET, Pbilad'a, 5ec'y m:J Actuary. U. S. TURNER, Washington, Assistant L-ocrotarv. FRANCIS O. SMITH. M. 1., Medical Director. ' J.EWING JIKARS, AI. 1)., Assistant Modlo&l IM rector. Flotlic.-il Advisory- Hoard. J. K. Barnes, Surgeon-General U. B. A., Washing ton. T. J. Horwili, Chief Mod".eal Department V. 3. V., Washington. D. W. Bliss, M. D. Washington. Nollcitora and Attorney. Wm. E. Chandler, Washington, D. 0. Georgo Harding, Philadelphia, I'. ' This Company, Kalional in iti character, offers, by reason of It Large Capital, Low Kates of Premi um and NewTablos, tho most desirable meant of Insuring lifo yet presented to the public. The ratci of premium, being largely rcduoed, arc made as favorable to tt: Insurers as those of tbo beet Mutual Companies, and avoid all tho complication mid uncertainties of Notes, Dividends and tho mis understandings which tho latter nre so apt to cnuto the I'uliey-IIoldcrf. Several new and attractive tables are now present id which need only to be understood to prove accep taWo to the public, such as the Iucoino.riJucin,r l'olioy and Return rremium Policy. In tho former the policy-holder not only secures a lifeiiisurai.ee, payable at death, but vill receive, if living, after u period of a few years, on annual income cqm.ltto ten percent. (10 percent.) of tho par of Ms policy. Iu the latter, the Company ugrois to icttim to the Assured the total amount of money he has paid in, in addition to tho ninount of his policy. The attention of persons coutcin) luting insuring their lives or increasing tho amount in insurance they nlrcny havo, is called to tho special advantage offered by the National Life Insurance Company. Circulars, Pamphlets nud full poiticulars given on application to tho Branch Office of the Company In Philadelphia, or to it General Agents. f2?Lociil Agontj are Wanlcd in every City and Town; and applications from competent parties for SU'.h agencies, with suitable endorsement, should be addressed to tho Company's Gunoral Agents enly, a their respective distriols. GENERAL ASSISTS ; It. W. CLARK A CO., PhilalcIpnU, l'cr Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. JAY COOKE i CO., Washington, I). C, lor Maryland, Doluwiire, Viigiuia, District of Columbia mi l West Yiigiuia. W.M. II. BOGLL". Apent, Milton, Pa., September 5, lHoK ly W do not wish to inform vou. l-ca'.lcr, that Jlr. Wonderful, or any other man . hits discovered rem- ody thut cures Consumption, when ttic lungs aro half consumed, in short, will -cure uu diseases ivhotnarm luiud, body or esiute, make men live furevcr. and leave deuth to play fur wan! of work, and is designed t i make our sublunary sphoi a a bliful paradisu. to which Heaven itself (bill be but a S!dollof. You have heard erongh of that kind of liunibugery, and v, o do iijt wonder t-iut you havo by ihis lime becuiiio di.guled with it. liut when wo tell juu that I)r. Sago's Catarrh Remedy will positively cu.-c th? wursl ciises of C :tarrt, wo only tissurl that which tliuiisando ciu totil'y to. Try it inut you i!l buouu vinceii. Wo will pay folio iUWAUU for ucuse of l.'alarrh that wo e:iui;..t em . i'Uil SAL'L" UY .M'l-f DitfuUIoT.S LVliKr Witi:i!!i. I'liica only ill LYnh. Skih by Mail, p.ist paid, for eixi.v Cents ; Four Package b i i-'.ci) 'or 1 linn en lor i'i.ou. ek'itd a siituipt'r Or. ii.tge'k pamphivt oa Caianh. A l,lrc.. the Proprietor, K. V. i'lliliCK. .11. H , iiuflilo, K. Y. o III ii:t'.l. It is irrjotc:! lo euro hist oi- itu-p.iiri-d Tuote. ,cuH'tl or llenrii:, Vaterii.g or ,'c-.ik F.yee, tflciiMvo lireuth. I'l -eraic.! 'i'hrout or Moulh, 1 tin and J'i-t-:'Suro ill tho lload, mil bus ol .Meu.i.ry v.-hen causi-d, as lilt of them liiMU.-iillv are, bv I: 1'iivues of C'atarili. It U plcusnnt : ul paicle.-s to u.-e. cntniiiS no f iron-r poiJoiioJ. or cauatio drugs, i'.tt curia Ly its lint.; t.iw:liinf Wo kill p iyfJOtj itewurd lor a viim of Catarrh th.it We eu.i'r'l euro. J't'it ,-Al.li jY .MO.-T DRCiitJiiSTS KVUV W IIKRii. I'mcE csi.y tj Ctsts. If your DrugKitii hosuut yotgut it on ulo, don't bo p'U ori w ith s jnio woi.s'j than wcnhlebs sin,iig snu!. "lutuiriHlur." or poUonuus cuci'.ic roluiitiu, which will drive t lit- di:ctii-o lo lire luns iiiftletid of eurin" it. but send ti.My centh lo ui uud lUe remedy will reach you by rciuru im,il. bond slump fur Dr. biigo's pampb'ot on C:itarrh. A'.. Y. PlLKCh. M. D., Huujlo.ix". Y. S This I.rAi.Lini.D F.miKBVdooa not. like the poison ous irritaiiu-r sujlis and strong eau.-lie solutions with which (he people luive loii been humbug ;ed, limply p illiato lur a short lime, or drive tha discuse to tho 1ii0js, as there is ibmirur of duiii'X in Uio uso of nucu nuairuius, but it produces perfnet and periuaucLC euros of tho wirsl cases tif rhrouic o.ilurri., as ILou? mi ls can testily. C'ohl in tho ll,- 1" is i-urel with a lew ui.j.liua'.ior.s. Catarrhal iloa laciio is re lioved und cured as if by maio. It reiiiovea oilsii uro Jtro uh, Lr,or Impairment of the tmiaoui' I ile, suiell or healing, Watering or WouL liycs, mid Im paired Memory, when ouu.-el by the violnnco ol Ca tarrh, us they all frequenlly nre. Wo oiler in goo 1 iaiih a s.aiirling reward of jUU f -r a ease of C'uiarih that wo cannot cure. loll .SALli ill' MOST DRluijIVrS EVERY- Vl 'ULltli. Pl.lt L O.H.V JlJ Cii.STs. Aik your Pru-ist f jr tho Remi.pv, but If ha has nut yet nut it on sale, don't bo put o!f by accepting any uiiscr.iblu, worse than wurthlo-s sul.siitiite, but enclose si.iy cents lo us. and tho Remedy nill bo bent roj post paid, l our pickafes -.1.0. or ono dozcu f irij.ul. ceud stamp fr hr. h.'o'j pi.mphlct ou t'atiuih. R V. I'll.ltCf:, Al. i , DuUulo, X. V. This is NO PATLNT .MliDICINT lIUMBl'iI, got ten up to dupe the igiihraut and er..;u!ous, nor is it represented as living couited rf ran acl I r-cious 'uustiinees b.-Miight oni il,t fiHir con., rs o t'jreurtb, c'irriod kev.n nun across the lirat Doser'.ol Sahar ) on the barks of fourltienuauiels,iuid br.,ii..;hiucro?s t..e Atlan'ic Ojeauou to Hl.iju. It is a simple, loiij, sooih.ng ritucuy, a pc.tV.'t bpeciflu for Ca r uiKii u,,a -Cui.il ix iub IIkaii," alto lor oildusive Aremu, Li,3ior Impairment of ih riehta of Hmi ll, rastoor hearing. Watering or Weak l yes, Paiu or Pressure in iholK-ud, whtu eausel. as ih.y all not uMrerjuoniiy Ua Ly ll(U VIUiUe.oi fatarih. fos tro 0oJ1ful1'. i"uaiug Koward tf Jioi f lK ki, 'f'!','! Iu weeanuUcure. WunVfc MoCii' fl'Hilsxi EYERY- K.ni k . PMCKio Ctiira. t'ou, .fJSV1, Vi'i'UD 'Ooe'Pl of SJittv Clint.. K, i ' ' 11 ' ' ' Koien for 5 00. b.d sump f0r 1)f. 6 p,.,,,,, t.iirli. Oct ID ,- t "lil'CF, M.I. . wot. tU. Oj,lv. H..AV1.. J V c H -1.BTr rOI .U rACTICAsLl.V EDUCATED for 15USIXESS LIFE, ' AT CBITTENDEH'3 Commercial ol lego, 037 Cbosnut St., oor. of 7th., PHILADELPHIA Established 1S41. Incorporated 1355. The lenpeti established and best oryttnited Commercial Cvllcje in the City. The practical value of Its oourse ef instruction has been tested by long experience. HUNDREDS OP yol'XO MRX -nave found, in the knowledge pained I'r, the mens of profitable employment, and of rucceu in business. Fnch Student Is Instructed separately, and in the 'most practical mat. nor. . . rB Jlnok lor u'o !"""- opened, written wt, nud closed in the manner prao I liccd in our lust mercantile houses. Tho diflereut Business Papers, such as BILLS OF F.XCItAXGP, l'RO.MISORY NOTES, CHECK ACCOUNTS SALES, A CCO 1' N TS-C I'P. KENT, lktters.invoicks, 4o.. Are made out as in actuul business. Is tnu'bl by a superior penman iii such a manner that nil nttentive ftuJeut in a short time gains a Rapid, Free nnd Llegnnt style of llusincss Writing. 0 R X A M K .N T A I. W R I T I X O , Of all hind.', is executed in the moft finish od man- COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, Including the host and most rapid methods of com imtinj; Interest Kxchnr.pe, Prolit and r-nlcs, Avora i;ing Account, Ac.,urc eomi'riscd in tho Couno of Instruction. HUSI X r.S.5 P RACTIC KS, Purchncj, funics, Consignments. Shipment, Deal ing" with l!unl;, Remittances, Ac . Ac. Alco, Cciinmeieiul Law, Phonography, Detecting Counterfeits, Ac. Ftudentrrcoived at anytime, and instructed at such hour as may best suit thiir convcuii.ico. Tho fnrpo numberof business men now in attend ance, nnd the numerous applications received fur its students to till vacant positions, fully allot tho np rrccialion in vbich tho institution is h'jld by the Luine;; comiuunity. OPE:; DAY AND KV1"XIX(. CATALOt! I' IiS t-KXT GRATIS. Tho Crittcn'lon Coinmcreiul Arithmetio and Bu siness Manual, for sale at the Colleo. Jinndsomely b-uid, 1 2 mo. Price, Si. it). Sent post paid to any address. R. II. CRITTENDEN 4 CO. July 2.V Tm',S. 6n ILECTIUC TELEGRAPH IN .CHINA. the k.ast india tklngxaki company's offici:, IMitrt. 'JiS A. S3 rVtisisact K:reet, N E V o i; K , OigtaizeJ under rp,'ial charter fieni tht State of New York. C'AIITAL . . . $5,000,000 e,vi0 r'iissircii, li3 iiaoli. Dl'KZCTOHS. IIN. AMiRKW (i. CL'KTiN, Philadelpliio. I'Afl. f. l-or.Ul.ri, ol Itusull k Co., China. F l I'D Kl.'J r!:HI ii:i.D, of K. UutteifieU .A Co Nf,v Y,.i ' . IAAc' l.lVliHMORK, TitaSQier Miclngoil Ccnlrjl Itaihoiid, 1' .su.ii. , A!.i;' AN Dim liol.LAM', Treasurer Amcrcaa Y.x pre( CN-iii;j!iiiv, New Yortt. i!..N. JAMi: NIXON, Syruc.ire.N. V. tl. II. PA I. MliK, Treasurer S't:ern Union 'reli-graph Coinpiny, New Yoik. FI.V.TiHir.R WK.VTRAY, -f Westray, Giblis A lu"l.'.ille, New York. .NIC1KU,.5 MICKI.k:', New Y.,ik. '.'.'liccrs. A. C. ( ritTIN, President. N. MICKI.I.S, Yi-e Presi, cut. or.dnci: ccNAT,Vf'iir OF.illi'Jl: l.'I.l.lS (rus'ii.-.-Naivo.ul Panlt Cjmnion vealtli.) 'J'iea-"in ci . HuS. A. li. MclM I'RI-., Pill!l'..lii.l S .ticilor. 'flic Cliiiie : C" Ani .i it: iiii:t;.iiiii'; I - r f i i Hill i:: .11 ,rr,iiri- it ii.vir.i- (tl'.iiuih ll.e Ili a J lo tin .'.tii..,iiy ll.u iiiivi- ;:n.i.t iiMtHHU ' l ll.e Kiiipue uy i.!:i.ii.ui:k-etecliH-iMli-prji-n e-1 le, vc j,r'.iiM' eii.iiiv'u r.li'.' 'V.-i:uuns in Clliliu. lui.l Ijjll'lj tl-mii ;i l:ntf i'l illie lltn..-cJ l.iuvs ul once, beiwvcu llio iVaJWuig iarl; via PoP.-HTIOS. fJlltlll, AJacn, . Urn g-lioi j, A I ini.L'i. nv, S':in.Cl;u, I.IX'O.IIWI b,.i;"'J i S30,utKI I SOO.C.'ll 1.'.'0,WIO I I ijll.UUU ' SOO.UliO 4H;.nn'j i 1 JUC.OijJ i l.oaUjOoO I e.'Jiti.e.u i V.A-- 111 a.i, I Yr.fse ii'.,t& iinvr a I'.ufiti fuironrire -f Sio.O .'ti.fiOti, i i en,l ao ciiiinu.us it .u.rstie liM.t", 1 i-biUs iil il wtuve j I no iiOiii.'ii: ii.tt'in..! oiiuin:ii-e -I' t.ie Kiii;Mre, i:ntiiitinjr ' I li 'in the: ' i Mils. l.ii..i.;;li 1!- .n, ;,!3 u:iil n:.v lentils livri , Ti.t i-.tii.e Li me l'i,,i, I.iii .',.;ii,iuiiy i.n-iKrti'.s eitv.-lliiy I tout Ii.us, uud csuiotisiiuur a ..ieciiy 4i,d liustwoill.y i:;.ti,s ,ri t'.tiiiiii Jiucal i-n, v, lil.'li iniisl (-. . 1 1. .li i t (here, as i ev,-i win it. els,', 11i? e-iwinu.iu'ati.iii. "i" tl:e U"i tuiiiiiciit, j ir.iMiie-.t, mi.t it i hmI lot-, c.i-cuiiy in I'j'.ina. Slid lir.s no , .si.il ssttiii, ;uul licr o.ily incuus nu,v -I cilinnu- j liltLjlmall ill IS by tuu.icia. oil land, uc uy S'vtuil- ; ers 11 v iliM. J'h W'tstii u Wi.rla knows lint Chilli i a vrry laie c-uiiti y, in tlit' muni ('eitstly pt'o-leil ; Lut ievv yet rt-uUze t!ittt.:.c e 'ii'.iiins in. ,ie tnuil u liuiit uf t'lf liniii iii race, '1 uc l.t-vt returns imuiIc to litir eenliat uullioritiesl'iir tnz me urpurcshy liie l.ienl 1:11121 jtruU'3 tiul.e liel pojuiliil ! ti Flit it Ill'MlIU.l) ANU I'Ulil; TKI.N Mll.l.lliNsj, mi l Li. i m is in., re likt'iy t l.e uii'ier I : j :i 1 over liie acluat n :nii.f;ae. Nearly aili.l tlit-a,, who ure over ten years ni,l. in,t only c:in Lut ! i read ami wme, Her eiviliZ'iliou is pt'rj'ij,,!,!!! her iilt-rutu- it us extensive us linit ol liu mae. rli i,i;i m a l.uiU i" i.i.itlu'fa unit Ira.teri ; and the t'-nl.-r mc i-x.ee iu,i::y quick lour. ul lin'iiiatU cu -f every liii-lli'ri'd ij.-iliiy i .t pr ii'iinuif eaily inoninulinu. Il is ,ib.jji veil in C'ulu't.riiiu llinl tti Clnnese uluke greiit use of llif lelfi-i.iiili, 1,1'iunli it litt-iu tniuHiuits mess ipes in lire i: in1i ul", ii-. Tn (twy uii-ut tiuuii.t'CH ol" fkvt tie unci an--iwvii'ili.y rl.r.ite nicici.uu:s, iind uwi-il l-tliein exelu ive!y lei lie liaiisiiiiHiuii ol early intelligence. It lli irlivi,i,h w e jii 'iiisi-, e.uniivliiiii nil llieir eieiil sentiils, Win; iiiiv.' in cAisUnre, it is leliiVfit lliiil its liiisiness would uiy L'.ie enst witliin llie lirt two yturs of iu suo eeslul I'fierul ion, unit winitil eti-iulily inereube tlierenflrr. No euicriiiuie ia"iiiineii.l usell" u, in a ereiilur ilcu-e lnrnmlice ; eiijiilutisti, unit In our w Ii ,le people. i is -il a vji nuliduiil iiii4Hiriattee oouiiaefciully, politically ulnl ti'utictlifllleuliy. ...t 'l iie ,l'rk ol lliis Conipany has bicn uiiqJuifieilly riTiininaiiili'il to cipitalisla and lmiueu luen, us a ilesir nb e iiivemiuent liy editorial unicli-a in tins New York lli-iuiil, 'i'riirtine. World, Tunes, l,,t( KxpreHs, JiutHpt.,,. dent, anil in the Piiitinlelpliia Ninth Amerieon, Prt-sa, LeJuer, Inquirer, A;;e, liullvlin and Telegrajih. r-ijurei. -I ll.is Cniiijimy, lo a limited iiuinlier, may be oniniui'ii ai eat n, tuu iiuynineuowii, mo on ine Hi ol N.ivemU-r, and trio iVyntile m nioullily inetalmeuis of bl. 'jO eat li, coinmeiieiug lleeeui'jei I, isue1, on aplictttioil J BE EX EL & CO., SI Moulli 'fl'tilisl Nti't-et, I'UII.ADI'.l.l'illA. Fhiuessnn be obtained in kunbury by application to S. J. PACICKH, U.iuker, who i. authorized to receive sub-seripti-ii, ai.d can g.ve all neccuary iiifoi mution on the Uliieet. s- !''e:uUer 10, Sin. IF you havo a picture you want framed, go to X Ei.vt'i'ly'u and get it dono cheaper than any where else iu town. He has mouldings of all kinds 0'wslant.v rr hand. I "VJK Sutlers, wo havo Kaddlo Trcos, Dills. Duok les. U ig Trots, pad Trees, Hunes, all kino and every thing portaiuine to the butinesx. for talo by J. II. CON LEY A CO. CAUJ'JSNTEHS WILL find in our establishment a superior stock, ofPUnes E, Augers, HatchoU, Hammers, flies tuis, , e, tat ele by i U. COrLtTACO FRE8I ARRIVAL OT - MILLINER V GOODS, AInI 13 NOTIONS, Vila ANNA, FAINTER, Market Square, two doori west of the Tost Ogfce BUNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY inform! her friends ant the public, that she has Just returned from the city, where she has spent tome time in making selections and purchases, and has just opened a large stock ot MILLINERY 0001)8 AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laees, Dress-Llningi, Crinoline and Wi cane Ekirting Lining, Hopp kiru, Lugle Trim mings, Crape Trimmings, Hat Crape, Cloak Ituttons, Corsets, Zephyrs. A largo assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen i Hosiery. DOLLS of all sises. Alphabet P-locks, Ae. She flatters herself in being able to make a display that will givo entire satisfaction to visiters, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. i'unbury, May 30, 1803. . W. A. BENNETT, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Mai-lcel Nqunrr, Si;SBi:RT, Pa. Has just opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshness, and kept con stautly on hand. My stock will always be found complete iu every article of merit in Medicine. Physicians and Customers may rely upon prompt ness and attention to orders. F.ANC (? ARTICLES ! My stock is unusually largo and embraces every thing that can bo found on a first class Toilet Table, including American and genuiue French and ng lith PERFUMERY, Pomades, Hair Oil, Ivory. Outta Peroha Wood and Horn Combs, Toilet boaps, ilair Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Brushes, Ao. Patrnt .Tlcdiciiiest. Embraoing all the most popular Preparations of the day. at manufacturers' prices. Puro Havana 6'EU AUS and CHKWINQ TODACCO of the best Ilrands. uriii(n, Oils), Ine, sUlaeni, Pully, Tai-nlwln-si, Jkv, All my Tinctures. 5'yrups, Ointments. Coratcs. and other preparations nifl nianufactured by myself, and from the best material I can procure in Market. Having had quite a number of years' ciporienoe iu the Drug and ri-ecriplivn Lutiness, both in Philadelphia and tho country, and also the adventago ot tho College ol rtiarmaev, 1 leei com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians nnd public may favor me with. All my preparations as 1 hare ubore asserted, nro mudo from tlie best material, and. opon hor.or 1 assert, they are of official strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand tho very bctt WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, thnt I can procure. Ilel'oro purchasing elsewhere, oall end cotiviiieo your own mind. W. A. EEXNETT. Sunbury, May Itl, 1S68. HEW GRCRSIOBE, "V7. S. F'JEMAIT & CO-, Market Stroet, Six doors East of Third street, north tido. BUNBURY', P.V., RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and tho public, that Ihcv have opened a- 3ST.-E3W GROCEB-Y AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to havo them call and examine their stock, which has just been opened, embrao ing everything in the Grocery lino, such as Coflee, Tea, Sugar. Syrups, bpiees, Canued and Dried Fruiur, Beans. Hominy, Chvc?c, Crackers, llacon, Ham, Fish, Salt. Potatoes, to., together with Soups, Candles, Soda, Ac, and In faet everything in tho Urooeryand Provision. Lino. FLOI'R AND FEED, Queenswore, Willow-ware, Glnssworo, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ao. Cull and .oe before purchasing elsewhore. W. b. FURMAM I CO Sunbury, April 27, H17. FLOUR & l'EED STORE WHOLESALE AXD UKTA1L. rpHE subscriber rcspecifully informs the publio I. that ho keeps oonstantly on hand at his now WAREHOUSE, near tho Shnmokin Yallcy Railroad Depot, in SUNHURY, Flour by the barrel ai.d sacks of all kinds of Feed by the ton The above in all manufactured at bis own Mills, and will be told at the lowest cash prices. J M. CADWAl.LAPBR. ' Hunbury, April 1, I8nS . .SUNBURY MARBLE nHE undembrneil bavir.i? boiwrbt lbs I entiro stock of Dissinirer A Tavlor. 2i would inform Iho publio that he is now ready to do all kinds of marblu work ; has on hand, and makes to order at short notice, nonnnii'uN it ml II'aI-SCeit-fi, of every style to mit purchasers. DUOU AND WINDOW S1LL3. Also, Cemetery Posts with Galvanized pipe and all oilier fencing geticraliy used on Cemeteries. John A. Taylor will continue in the emplortnent, St tho old stand in Markot Square, Kunburv- Pa May 2, '61. ly.J W. M. DAUCU'KRTY. ??f. A Lecture to W- "OXJTSrO- JVLE1nT Just PtiilitiicJ, iii a SeaeJ Envetujii. Pric4 tix ctttts. A fit re on .:iiro, Trent liit-iit and Radical Cur of Spermatorrhoea, or Fi'iniual Wcahucus, Involuntary l.'oiitsions, Sexual Debility, und liopeiliiiH'iits to Marriogo generally ; Nervous ness. Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, Ao. liy 1uki:iii J. Ci LvtuwuLi., il. D., Author of tho 'Urcen Hook," Ac. The world-renowned author, in this nduiirallo Lecture, clearly prove, from his own experience thut tho awful conscuuoncej of elf-Abuse may bo effec tually removed without lucilicilto. and without dan gerous surgical operations, bougioi, in.lrtimoiits, lings, or cmlials, pointingout a mode ofcureatonca certain and ilfectuil, by which ovcry sufferer, no matter what hut condition may l e, may euro himself ehcnply, privately, and iiidically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands aul thousands. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain scaled envolopo, on the receiptor six ocnts. or two pnstago tamps. Also, Dr. Culvcrwcll's " Maningo tiuide," price 23 cents. Address the Publishers. C1IAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, Now York, Post-Ouice llox ,5iiJ. July 4, lSlia. y tilCA.AO iiiABCIIICll NAI.tlO.. The Oldest and most noted Iuatitution the Kind in Bunbury. J. W. WABHINOTOIT, TTA'IN1! removed to his new building on Third 1 1 .Street, between Markot and the Depot, is now prepared to servo his eustomors better than ever Having secured tbo service of iirst clusa llarbtrs, SIIAVIN'G AND HA IR DRESSISO will bo executed in tho latest ktyle. The building having been ereeted espreiully for tho purposo of a First Class Barber Suloou, and having titled it up in the latest style, be hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage. In the adjoining room a first class Cunfeotiooery has boen opened for the sale of lict'rctim, Candies, Cakes, tit er, and numerous other Temneronoo Drinks in common uso. Orangns, and other delicious fruiuj and eatables ol home and foreign growth in rich profasion and elegant Tarioty. Bunbury, beptember i, 1868. Cl.Ildri'u'at Carriutjc-ai. WB would call the attention of those wanting a Child's Carriage, to our new and large assort ment comprising now and beautiful stylo. J 11. CONLBY t CO. 5000 May 18. LBS. OF CARPET RAGS WANTED at tho Store of MOORE i DI8SINQB, Marketstroet, Aanburjr. JACOB SHIPMAN, FIItB AND LIFE IN8UHAN0H AGENT, 6UNBURV, PENN'A. StKPRKBBMTI ! Farmers Mutual Fir Innaranc Co., York Pa., Cumberland Valley Mutunl Protection Co., New York Mutual Lit, (.iravd Life of Phil'b. A Hart ford Conn. Ueueral Aooidimt. TO BUILDEP.3. WIKDOW tilass and Ruildiog Uardwaro, at tha towoat Caih Prices at t'fae Mauuuoth 5 tyre of IT. T. FRILrNft. B IRD CAo)L8,ll differon. kind: If you want good ant ebtef Bvi Qtsjei, ge te I8AAC K. BTAUTFEa, TVatal.sxan.ker and Jovra 1 ' elr, i . NO. 148 KOBTH 2d ST., COR. O T QUARRY, . PHILADELPHIA. An as.oriraent of AValibes, Jewelry, Bllver and Putao Ware constnntly on hand, "Repairing of Watches ana Jewelry promptly at tended to. Not. 80, ie7 1 y. 628 HOOP SKIRTS 628 COIiSE TCOnSETS. nil, T. HOPKINS, fro. SS Arcli SCreel, Philadelphia. JIAKCFACTCRErt OF TIIC Celebrated "C7i.V'0JV" Hoop Skirts FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. The largest assortment, and best duality and styles in the American Market. Every lady should try them, as tney recommend themselves by wear ing longer, rotaing their shape muoh better, lighter and rooro elastic man an otoers warranted mxverv respect, and sola at very low prioei. ask lor Hop a ins 'Champion" tKtrl. Superior Hund-mado Whnle-Bono Corsets in Fif teen dittercnt tirades, including the "imperial ' and Thompson & Langdon's "Glove Fittiuz" Corsets, ranging in prioes from bl cents to $5.60 ; together with Joseph Rocket's Celebrated French Woven Corsots, superior shapes and quality. Ten different Grades, from $1.10 to $5.50. They are the finest nnd best goods for the prices, ever imported. The Trade supplied with Uoop Skirts and Corsets at the Lowest ttatei. Those visiting the City should not fail to call and cxannno our uoods and t rices, as we doty all odj petition. February 29,1503 10mo. IMt'OieTA. r .OTIt'li. riinE undersigned having succeeded to the bus! L noes of 1'. DIMES A, CO., takes this method of intnrmine Urick-Loyers, lluildcrs, and all others in terested, in nnd about Hunbury. thnt he Is prepared to fill all orders, for building and paving Rriek, of a superior quality, and at as low rales as can be hud ctsewnere. I am also tho Ajrent in tha Counties of Nortfitim erland. Union. Snvder and Montour, for WAR EN'S IMPROYED FIRE and WATER PROOF OOF. This is tho cheapest and best Roof thnt n be used on buildings. We covered several build gs with it, during the last season with cutire satis, ction. Orders loft at tho liriek Yard, in Cako's Addition to Sunbury, or nt tho OAioo of Mr. Win. Reagan's Saw Mill and Lumber Turd, or at Sunbury Post umce, win receiro prompt attention. TOWNSEND HIMKS. Sunbury, Mareh 11, ISCd. FANCY DRY GOODS. ALL Till) LATEST STYLES, Suitable for the SPUING AND SUMMER S12ASONS. lVEISS KATE Market Squr.re. two doors Esst of the old Rank building. SUXDURY. Penn'n.. HAS jast opened n fresh assortment of the most fashionable Fancy Dress Goods fiom tho largest establishments jn l'hilndclphi.i. DuLAINES, ALAPACAS, POPLINS, CALIC.S. .'ioi itn4 t;oiM, Clotlis, Sucqucs Flannels, Flannels, Sheetings, Mus lins, i,adicsand tOilurcns Jl Ala, ! earners, ill boons KIro 'I's-iniiiiiK, Iimbi-oidericsi, Lace Veils, Corsets, Handkerchiefs. Gloves. Hosiery lioop OKirls, nopKins fcliptic eairts. ileal Dlack Laco Shawls, and Ladies' Uoods of ovory description. Sun Umbrellas nnd Pnrosols. Gents' Collars, Neck-tics, Half-hoso, Handker- cniris ana u loves. Pcrlumery, Toilet Sonps, Hair Rrushes, Combs, eta hAlti 1I1..MK J. C. SYLVIS, WITH II. O. THACMEP Manufacturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF fCuolai, Mliocn imtl (Jailors, Pleasants' Building. Market Squaro, SUNBURY, PA. Ladies' Roots, Shoes and Gaiters of all description made to order on tho shortest notice aud most reas sonahlo terms. Having the best workmen cm ployed we can assure tho publio that, if tbey will give n" a call, they will be aatislied of tho above faols. KU PAIR1NU neatly dono with dispatch. If your corns da hurt your foot, Ju.t call nnd Ijavo your measure. And we will make your Shoes or Roots, Thnt vou will call a treasure. March 2d. 08 ly. " NEW'MACIIINiTsWp" AND IROIT IFOTTIXrZDlR,. CSi:. K(rllKIA4 II Ac M, STJNBUBY, 3? -A-., INFORM the public that they have established a MACHINE SHOP, iu conticctiou with their FOUNDRY. They havo supplied themselves wiih New Lathes, Planing end Iioring Machiues, with the latest improvements. With the aid of .killful me chanics, they aro enabled to execute all orders of Sew Work or !t'trli-f sir;", that may begiven them, in a satisfactory manner. Having enlnrgcd and robuilt Ihoir Foundry, they are ready to execute all kinds of CASTINGS. IlriiHW t'aslisiK'M, Ar, Tho PLOWS, already celebrated for their superi ority, havo been still further improved, and will al ways bo kept on hand. Sunbury. June 13, ISGSt. No: 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. 'ENERArENT3, PENNSYLVANIA C- AND rf,ft AND . C Efifl HON UNITED STATES OFAMERICA. uo cat it ax. xsirn llf nrftjkiroa CftvrivT im m CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID. Liberal terms offered to Aitcnts and Solicitor, who aii-lnvlteil to apply at our olDce. Km 1 pn tlcularn t j be Ii ad on anphcai Ion at oar oroea. located In the 6ccind story or our lt&nklng llouae, where Circular, and Pamphlets, fully descrihtLg the ac.vtniaie. ooere I by th?t:iiuiparv,iiiay be Ii aid. Ii. W, I LsiiK Ac CO., A it. ''Vuz-il 31. Applications for Central and Western Pennsylva nia to be made to I). S. RUSSELL. Maxaorr, August 14, lii63. ly. llarrisburg, Pa. DiHkoliilIon ot I'arlncraihip. NOTICE is hereby given that the eo-partnenhip korotoiore existing between J. Weiser Buoher and E. Master ilucber, trading under the firm of liuoher Brothers," in the tanner business, was this day (August 21th, ISM,! dissolved by mutual eon seut. The bu.iuesa will hereafter bo conduotcd by the undersigned, at the old stand, where all persona indebted to the firm of Bucher Brothers, ure re quested to eall without delay and make settlement, and save co.t. K. MASSER BUCHER. 6'unbury, August 20, 1868. 6m. Wat. Farsoh. NcLiOl Plob FURNITURE ROOMS Wli. PAJ1301T & 301Tj lute of the firm of Farson 4 Davis, have opened ware rooms at No. 12 South 2d street, below Dock, PHILADELPHIA, Where they keep a full awurtmaut of PAR.LOK, CHAMBER, HITTINQ ROOM and DINING KOOM Fl'KNITUKE. Their old oustomers, and all persons winning to Eurcbase, are invited to eall aud examine their slock ofore purchasing elsewhere Particular attention paid to packing. myd ly. ALAROK supply of Wall Paper aud llorder, just received aad for tale cheep, at the Uaanteik Bute ef I M1ILU. Apr I '' y bankers; Great Attraction, at the NEW -TIN-W ARE, Sheet Iron and Btevre Store of SMITH & GE1TTEER, STJjMBTJR-Y", ZP.A.., Whore they keep oonstantly on hand and manufac ture to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all doacriplioni. Tbey wonld especially onll the attention of pur chasers to their large and well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers har made arramram.nia tn 1,rv all their beat stoves made to order, and those who woum nv a gooo stove wonid do well to go and examine their large and well selected stock. First. They dery competition on the rbUowinc i b A t)....la r r. I. c. i ," . w i vwt uwiii, Til : Combination lias Hunter, Cook. Uorernor I'ean-Cook. WABASU AND IRONSIDES. and the well known Antldust Cook Stove callod sruu s AriAiuiibi. Also. Parlor and office Stores In irreat vril .n, braeing all the best manufactures and most r,iMnn able designs, unsurpassed for beanty of finish simpli city of arrangemeuU combining! oheaDncaa. durahililv and each stove warranted to perform what they are roprcauiiieu. Also, the celebrated lls.ltimore Fire Place Stove, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers. Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING GLORY.' Coal Oil, Coal Oil Iaiiip, 8halc, Cblmitlesj, and nil article usually kept in an establishment of this kind. Thoy are also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Rooting, Spouting, Range and I'uruaoeWork.Uas Fitting, Ao.- Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Alco : "Vaiig'li'a Haw BSonc Super-VIioe-ishate." Remember the place. Sample and Eaten Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted. August 26, IMS. KI. C. UKAKIIAKTI Confectionry, Toys and raXJIT STORE, Itlurket Ktreet, Sunbury, Eu. CONFECTION KKY OP AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FHUIT, Ac, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for salo at the abevo establishment atwholesale and retail, at reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confoelionaries to keep up a full assortment whioh are sold at low rates. Tobacco, Segnrs, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whioh are ollorod wholosaln nud retail. ljj-Rcmcmbcr the namo and place..'1 M. 0. GEARHARi. Market street, 3 doorswestof E. Y. Bright Son's store. Sunbury. Sept. 19, 1863. tf THE GREAT A MSJiCA X COiflUXA TWIf Etui ton ISole OTcrstcasnioK OEWIITG- IiCACIHIlTE. Its Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof of its Gri.it Merit. The increase in the deinmid for this valuable ma chiue has been TEN FOLD during the last soven monins ot us nrst year before the politic. This grnud and surprising success is unprecedent ed in the history of sewing-machines, and wo teot fully warranted in claiming that IT HAS NU EyUAL, Deing Absolutely the Beet FA.nn.v jvs it ia t:ra IN TUB WORLD, And JiUrintieitlly th Cheaett. It Is really two machines combined in one, (by a simple and beautiful uiochuiiiual nrrangemeut,) ma king both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch, and the Ovcr seamiog and Button-hole stitch, with equal facility and perfection, It executes in the very best manner every variety of sewing, such as. Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Stitching. Braiding and Quilting, Uatbering and sewing on, (done at the samo time,) and in addition, Overseains, Kmbroiderson the bdge and makes beautiful Button and liyelol-boles in all fabrics. Every Machino is warranted by the Company, or its Agents, to give entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work done on this Machine, can be had on applica tion at tho Salesrooms of THE A ERIC AN BUTTON HOLE, OVEHSEAMINQ AND SEWINU MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on tho Machino nt the rooms of tho Company gratuitously to all purehasers. AGENTS WANTED. FliED'K PAXSON, Prcaideat. YV. B. Mknde.niiall, Treasurer. April 2S, LSoS. lycjan. 2, THE GREAT CENTRE! OK ATTRACTION, 1 1ST" STJISTBXJR,-r is on 3d street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTRESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ttut I.alr-lj RNtnbllNlied, Uli all tlio .Modern IinroTeinenl9 of tbo Art ! rpiIE subscriber, having built tho room expressly I fur the purpose of Photographing, and having devoted muny years to the business, is confident uf bit ubiiity to assure bis patrons that the work pro duced tuall be second to none in country or city. No work allowed to leave tho gallery unless en tirely sati.factory. Having the best sky light in the counly, he is prepared to mako Photographs in all kindsof weather, but would prefer a clear day for small children. Ho is also prepared to take new site, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds of pieturos copied and magnified to any roquired size and oulored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscapo views of Monuments, Machinery, County beats, Ac, a large lot of Photograph frames oonstantly on hand. Tbo publio nre respectfully invited to eall and see our upeciuieus and our complete arrangements for making Photographs, special terms to families and olubs. . BERQSTKEiSER. Kuubury, July 15, CONRAD MEYER, bivintor and Manufacturer of tht CKLKBIU TED. IRON Fit AVE riAXOS, Wanrooms, No. 723 Arch St., Phila., HAS receivci tbo Prize Medal of the World's Great Exhibition, London, England. The high est Pritct nnnrded when and wherever exhibited. ESTABLISHED 123. 003, '6S .-m Waaler and l'ir lroola SLATE ROOFS THE undersigned rejtpeclfullj infurms builders in this and adjoioiug couuiies that he i. prepared to put un Ib'late Houi. in a suporior manner, ile furii. islies the eelehrated Lehigh oountj blatet which is the best in the icarket. lie warrants his work te be durable and fire and water proof. He invites the in spection ot tho publio to the work he hasdone in Sun. bnrTon lluupt s, Ureenough'i and Haas' baildiDKS, aud on othori at various plaoes. liia prices are as low as those of an; otker slater. Addrees, D. S. SMITH, bunbury, P. O., or call at bis residence ia Upper Augusta twp, January 1J, IB68. ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AMD STATIONERY, Monthly Time Books, Drawing Uooks and Slates. Pocks, Jivoin Books. Blink Books, Memorandum Books, Diaries, Pocket Books, Ink Stands, Pens, Pencils, a Sue assortment of Paper. Ink, &e. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. NEW CARRIAGE & BUGGY MANXJPAOTOBY. TUB subscriber reapeotfully informs the eitisem oi bunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a shop ia iSol. blroh's Blaeksniithshop-Bullding on Chestnut street, bunbory, Pa , where be keeps eoe stMJitly on band, and manufactures to order, t'ari-Iaecai, lliiKgryK. Kulkj a, Ae., of the latost style and of the best material. Hepairing of Wagons, Carriages, it., done at the shortest notice. Persons iu went of Hue Baggies and Carriages, are requested te eali before purouaainr elsewhere. Ii. C. KUU6H. Buebury, July 11, 1688 ly R EMKMBKB MTerly's ew Pietnre .ller three doers wool ef tee raUread, Merket tmare BAIiTlMORB LOOK HOSPITAL. EBTABUfcUKD AS A RKFUtiB FROM QUACK BAT. TUB ONLY PLACS VrRSRK A CH UAf SB OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON hM diwotrdthe mnt CrUin,!pe.ldf ndouljf l-.ffociunl He rarely m the Wld fm atl Pfl rnf Diinmi, Wenkneit of tht Hark or himbi, trlcturrt. Afcttiuntr tha Kidneyi and btaitiler. InvtMontary lt Charsei. ImpoUncy, ttoneral Debility. NeTToutiifM, Dyi peiMV. IsaiiRUor, l-ow Ppiriii, Condition nf Iriaaa. Paloi- tation of tha Heart, Timidity, Tr?mllirr, DirmeM of i ft ll or Gidtlineai, Uiieaw of tht Hettd. i hrmt. Note or akin, AtTertiiins of the l.tret, l.unet, Htomarh or linweli .thene Terrible I)itoiditarlfliiif iiotn theHolttary Habita of Vnulh thrtae aecret and vititaiy nracticea mora fatnl to their vlrtimt thnn lh of Syrena to the Matinert of Ulyuf i.bliithtiiti their nuwt brtlliant hupee or antlvipat.vnt! rendering mtrntigt, o., impuvaiuia. Youoff Ulen Rtneeiallr. who hare become Ihe Ticlimtof Solitary Vied, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually aweept to an untimely rrave thnnanndi of Voun(r Men of tha moat exalted taleiile ind brilliant intellect, who might ethertviae have euttanced itsteiniigr genatea with tut t nun den of eloquence or waked to ecutaty the living lyre, inay eall wtlb full eonhdrnce. Married Persona or Young Men conlen.latint narrlage, neiiig aware oi ptiynrai wt-aaneaa, orgauie atwimy, furmitieji. &p.. tneedilr t?ured. He who pUicea liurnelf under tba sire of Dr. J. may tnny religinuMy confide hi hia honor at a gentle mau, and cunhdeitiiy rely upon hiaikul ai rnyiieiau. Orgnnlc lVcoknri Immediatfly Cured, nnd Full Vigor Restored. 'l b it DiatieMiiiE Affection which rendeia Life ruitera bit and marriage impoaaitila -ia tha penalty piiU by t ha victimtof improper indulgencea. Young persona ure too npit j commit excrstua irom not being aware ot tna urend ful cAntH'Quencra thut may ensue. Now. wliu ttmt under dimls the subject will pretend to deny thnt the power of piucrcn tun is I'lsi I'Nuier ny intra inning into irnprofier halnts than by the prudenlt ? Besides deing deprived the plensureauf healthy onspriug.the moat teriousand cetliae live symptoms to lxtli b nSy end mind aura. The system twroinc Drranae-I, tbo I'hytiral and Mental Functions Weakened. Ixjss of I'roci'eative Power, Nervous Irrit ibili ty, Uyspepsiu, Piilpitution of tha Heart, indigestion, Con alitutioiml Debility, a Wnating of tha l'rnmi. Cough, Coimnmption, Jjecuy and Denlli, O.Krv (o 7 Ntfiitli I'red crick Sircct Left burnt side going from Unltimore street, a few doors 'roui the comer. Full not to observe name and number. J.eueis must be paid and contain a stamp. Tht Doctor's Diplomas bung in bis omue. A Curi) Warrantctl lu Two Inya. 29 Afercuryor Naunoui JJrugi, Er Jfobiittoii, Member of the Uovol CHlleetof Hurceons. tondon. Orad- irate from mit of tht mnvt eminent Colleges in tba I nited States, nud the grenter port of whose life hat been spent in tha hospitals of Isondon, Paiis, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the mt ustohiahing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ntiging in the neau auu enra wnen asieep. greni nervnusnefs. oeing annn ed at sudden sounds, basbluhiess, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement ef iutud, wciecurad immediately. Xulce Ist-4ulir Notice. Dr. J. addresses all thse who have injured tbemselvta by improper indulgtne und aolitary habits, which ruin both Uidy und inuid, unfuifiif them for either baamess, study, society or inarringe. '1'HKsEurt some ol'lhtsnd and melancholy iftVcts pio duceil by early habits ul youth, viz: Wenkuesaof thcUurk ' and Limbs, Pains in tha ilrnd, Dimness ot Sight, ln of Muscular Power, Palpitation of tha Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, iJeiHiigetnentoi' the Digestive Func tions, General Debility, LSympionit of Consumption, Sec. Mkntally. The fearful flints on the mind are much to bedrejded lttx or .Memory, Confusion uf Ideas, De pression ,f Spirits, Kvil-Forebdings, Aversion to .Society, beli'-Disitrusl, Love ot Solitude, Timidity, tc. are aooia of the evils produced. TaocsANM of persons of all ages en now judje wfant is the Ceiuss of their dechning health, losinr their vigor, becoming weuk, pnle, nervous and enacntted, having a singular appearance aUoiut the eyes, cough and symplams Uf COllBUIApUOH. Yonnff .fleis Wh have injured themselves by a re ruin practice Indulg ed in when alone, a unlit t frequently learned I ram avil cjnipnintHis. or at school, tht eilects of which are nightly frit, even when asleep, and if not cured renders inainaga impossible, und destroys bolU mind and body, should apply iinvm'Qu,r,y, Wiiut a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the d.irlijje, of his parents, should ba anatcbed from all pros i pects and enjoyments of life, by the an sequence uf devia ' ting from the path of nature aud indulging in a ceriam secret iiuuit. auco pTsons most, ePeloie cauteuipiatuig reflect that a sound mind and body ar the mast necessary requisites to promotacontiubial happiness. ludeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrim, n? j tha prospect hauily darkens to the view ; tna mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with ilia melsn elMly rettcftifiu thnt the happiness of antkher bcvvinea hhg'ited with our own . OiweHMO or Irrtpi'ude-itOP. When the mifguidrd nnd impiudent voury of pleas ir a finds that he Iihs imbibed the weeds of this puiuful disease, it tno often hunpeiis that an ill-timed seiiste ef shame. i j dread of discovery, deters turn from applying to ihoue who, I lUTji ruucuwnn unn rteperiuiiiiiiy, cjh biout iietiicud mm. deUTing till the constitutional sjiuptoms of this bun id disruiie make their appearance, such s ulcerated tvira thr.tut,ditt!Rhcd nose, nortuiul iains in tha In od and limbs, ! tlimi.es of s:ght, tlcafucis, nudes ou the 1 in bones and J nrms, blotches on the lieud, fat sand eitremitit a, piugress t in? wuli irinhtfiit tapiriity, till at last the pnlate vf il.a mouth nr the bnura of the imna fall in, and the victim of i thisawfnl d'feuse becomes a horrid object of rotninitera ' tun, till death puts a period to his dreadful sunVrmjr, by , sending him I-j -that Undiscovered Couutry from v lie net t nit trtiveller ietuins.M K is a melancholy fast that thousand full victims ta tliiS terrible duensa, owing to tht umxilh'ulness uf ig'ioiuoi pietenders, who, by the ustof that ' Deadly Poison, Wer j rury," ruin tha constitution aud saakt tat residua of life ip serabie, ! frilruuii-isi Trust not yur lives, or health, to tht ear cf tha tnar.y Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute f knowl edge, name or character, who copy Dr J allusion's ne ver (sements, or stylt'heinselves in tht newspapers, regu!at!y Fd toiled I'aysirtMiis, incaptihlt of Curing, they keep you tutting month after month taking t heir filthy and poison as compounds, or as long as the smallest fee can bt obtained, and in drspair, leave you with turned heu;;h to sigh over )9ut gmliiig ilisappnintrnent. Dr. Johnston is ihe only Phyiieian advertiiing. His credciitini or diplomas always hang in his office. His letmdiesor treatment are unknown f? all othsrs, prepared from a hie spent in tht great hospitals of F.aropt, the firs: in this country and a more extensive 'Pnvate Practice" than any other Phveician in tha world. liilorMmciit 1' i,ro, The many ihntmtd cured at tliVinsiitutiou year ef'.ar year, nnd thn niimTout imiwrtant Snrgtral Operations perlormed by Dr. Jolmston, wttnessed bv the reporters of the "3ttn," "Clipper, " and many other papers, i.oticee of which hnve appeared again and ngain before i ho public, besides Ins standing as it gentleman of chai'icter and re sponsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. 'kfn DivruKp. MMM;tiI.y diroeJ. Persms wittnts; si ou'd bn p:irtinl:ir iii rtsreelmg their etters to hit Institution, in the following manner, John M JoIina.ou 51. 1. Of th Bnltimoit IsOtk Hospital, Bt.Itimre, Md. Nov. mi. -7 1 y. : Kotice to Merchants and Shippers. j niHK undersigned, proprietor of WeijcrA Prick's I L Line, e;ive notices to- inerohnnts and shippers i that the Depot is still at 811 Market stroet. Thila i delpbia, and ull Uoudsdirected to Sunbury. Danville j and l.nvisljurjr. nnd nil intermediate stations alonj; tue ruiiroua, win ue promptly aenverea. 13' Cars leave 811 Market street. Philadelphia tri-weeklv 'J'ucsdiijs. Thursdays and Saturdays. J. W. lillOWN, Proorietor, Lewi.burr, J. ft. DROWN, Agent, Sunbury, I'a. Pceeiber7, 1807. SEElfJlFBELIEVINfi At ?04 A I-til Mi-rcl. NEW PRICES! MCW GOODS Rich Silver find Silver-l'lateJ. Wares, Including every style and description, mado expregily for the Winter trade, which 'iil tT2l & for neatness aud durability ij '.V ff cannot bo surpaased at ffZ-i-fyh JOHX BOWMAN'S Vi bcleaale and Retail Manufacturing Vitnblif hmaot, 70 AllCil blBEET, PHIL ADiil-PHIA. t"b 1'e-plutiuj! t short notice. becember2l, '.867 .aug27 1 H. Conley Co., Market Street, Ivnat ol'llie KailroasI, SUNBURTT, IENN.A.. HKALKH8 IN FORi:i4.' Jk. ANERIl'A.H, Hardware & Cutlery. THE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, and Buyers generally is invited to the faet that e aro now offering a belter srleeied assortment of HAIIUWARE, CUTLE11Y. AC, than ever was offered in Ibis marked at prieee muoh below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in this line of business, embraoing a general aawrUnent of tools and male rials used ny CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CAlUUAliH AND WAUUNM AKErUs, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a large atuok vf Iron, Steel. Nails, Spikes.tRope, Chains, Urindstones, Mill and X Cut Baws, Ae., Ae. Sunbury, March 30, 1S67. HS.BS91 CI. Hi:.X, Itentlel, WkU remove bis Office to J. M. SUnpsoa'i BulUing, 2nd story, Market bquare, BUNBUBY. W1 IIERK he will !.t prepared to do all kindsof work peruininc to Dontistrv. Will kun j w umiv urg. aawriment oi teem, aud other Dental material, from which be will be able te select, and meet the waste of Li. customer. All work warranted te give setisfaeuoe, er else the money refunded. Tbe very best Mouth Wash aad Toota-Powdere kept ea hand. H ut referenees are the numerous pa treat fat When he has worked for the last twelve yeast. hv, Marehll.iSM liBckAWMBs) Jsi momYtu-ff Rail road. ON ia4 mfUr MondtT. May 4tk. llil. PatftTisTti xrami wiu ru u lentws t taart 60UTUWARD. A.M. A.M. P. M. T.ia P. 11. I SO 0 00 45 20 10.00 sWaaUl, " Kingston, Bupart, DaoTtlU, Arr. Morth d.. MO Bid ft t.iO t 20 t U ' 10 26 .NORTH TV AUD. 25 T.03 7 80 A.M. Lavt North d 4 41 ft 25 0.00 8 40 DaurUlt, 11 Rupert, Kingston, Arr. fti bcrantoa, P. u. 1.50 10 00 TOO 11.10 8 00 0 (5 4T H. A. efOXDA.Bnp'l. EUsgiUn, Uay 10,1808, muiwslelplUa fc iirl KoJIrond. WINTER TjMP. TABlij;7 Throegb aad direct route between Philadelphia Baltimore, llarrisburg, Williamiiort, to the Norta west aad the Oreat Oil Region of Peensylvaaia. ELEOANT BLKEPINQ CARS on all Nlglit Tratat. On and after Moods v. Nov. 23d. IMS. the Tnrhit en the Philadelphia A Erie Rati Bo.d wUl ran ae follows I WaaTWAwn. Mali Trnia leaves Philadelphia, 10.45 p m. " " " Bunbury, 0 00 in " " arr. at Krie. 9.60 pns Eric Exprets leaves Philadrfphla. 1 1 50 a m " " " Bunbury 6 40 p m arr at Erie 10 00 am Elinira Mall leaves Philadelphia, 8.00 a a " " " Sunburv . t.ltpsa " 11 arrive at Lock Have, T.e p m Eaitwarb. Mail Train leaves Erie 10.95 a m " " " Him bury, S 4oasu " arr. at Philadelphia, 10.00 a ra Erie Expross leaves Brie 6.25 pm " " "Sunbury 0 40am 11 arr. at Philadelphia, 4.20 pm Mall aad Kxprem eonneot with OU Creek nnd Allegheny River Kailroad. BAQUAQE CliKC'KtK THR0U9H. ALFRED L. TTLER, General Sunerintendsnt. Uoasllnsr fit ail rond. SUMMER AKHANGEMENT. MONDAY, AUQU8T 8, 1888. GREAT TRUNK LINK from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Bead ing, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Hhamokir, Lcba anon, Allentown, Euaion, Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster. Columbia, Ac, Ac. Trains leave Hiirritburg for New-York, at fol lows : At 2.60, 5.25 and 8.10 A. M. and 12.20 nooa. and 2.05 and 9.85 P. M. connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 6.00 10.00 and 11.45 A. M. and 3.50, 0.55. 9.50 P.M. bleenintr Cars accomnanvin? tho 2.60 A. M. and 9.35 P. M. trains without change. Leave Harrisbure for Readin. Pattsvilla. Tin. qua, Minersville, Ashland, bhamokin, Pine drove, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.10 A.M. and 2.05 ana .iu f. iu., stopping at l.ebanen nnd principal way stations ; the 4.10 p in. making eonoentions for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schnylkill aud burquehanna Railroad, Isaio Hnrrisbur ot S 30 p.m. Returning: Leave New York nt V.OOa. m., 12.00 Noon and 5. 00 and 8 CO p. m., Philadelphia at 8. 15 a. m. and S.SO p. m.; Sleeping ears ascompanying the 9.00 u. m. and e 00 and 8.00 p. m. traias with out obange. Way Passenger Train loaves Philadelphia nt T.30 a. ru., couneoting with similar train on East I'cnaa. Railroad, returning from Readiug at 8.:i0 p. m. stop ping at all Btatiens ; Pottsville at 7. CO and 8 45 a. m. nnd 2.45 p. m; Bhamokin 6.25 a. m. aad 1 1 .20 a. m ; A.hlacd at T.OOa. m, 12 A3 noon and 1.65 p.m.; Tamaqua at 8.80 a.m. and 2.16 nd 8.45 p. m. Leave Pottsville via. Schuylkill aad tuisqucbanna Railrosd nt T.10 a. ra for llarrisburg, and 11. SO a.m. for Pine Uroveaad Tremont. Rending Accomnedatien Train leaves Reading nt l.'O A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 'o il P M. Pottstowa Aceommodallea Traia i Leaves Potts. town at 6.45 A. M., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4 SO P. U. Columbia Railroad Trainsleave heading at T OO A. M., andO.lu P.M. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lancas ter. Columbia, Ae. Perkioiuen Rail Road Trnlns leave Perkiomeo Juaoticn at 9.00 A. M. and 0 00 P. M. Roturning' Leave Fkippaok at 8 It) A. U . and 1.25 P. M., con. teeting withsimilar trains on Reading Hail Rijtd. On Sundays: Leave New York at 8 00pm., Phila delphia 8 00 A.M., and 3.15 P M. the 8.60 a. m. train runuing only te Reading. Pottsville 8 00 a m., , llarrisburg. 6 26 am, and 4.10 and 9-35 p a. and Reading at 1.12 66 and 7.15 a. m, far linrriiburu'. and 7. 04 a.m. and 11.40 p m. for New York, 426 p ra. for Philadelphia , Commutation, Mileage. Season, Scbeol aad Bi eursioo Tickets, at redueed rates to and from ail rwinta. Raggage checked thronc-h i 100 Pounds Brggsgo allowed each Paaeeegtr. 8 H. A. NICOLLS, en era! Superintendent- Are eipeoially Invited to eall and exaniino our stock of BUILDER'S HARDWAllK, oomprisiug Nails and Spikes of all varieties. Butts, Screws, Strap nnd T llingM. Looks and Latches, Bolts. Plas tering Trowels, Briek Trowels, Plasterer's Sievee, Ac, Ac, for sale by J. H. OOKLET A CO. UNION HOTEL- CIIAB. I Jl'ZES,. Proprietor. Ia Cake's Addititoto BL'NBl'KY, near the l'um'a. Railroad Company's f hop.. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT POARPBK". kept who will find amplo accommodations. Good oooks and waitors, boarders can enjoy the quiet com forts of home with fare equal to the best hoteW. His Liquors are of lliaohoin kiatM. Bunbury, June 8, JdT. """ LIGHT ! LIGHT ! LIGHT ! s. vi:i:i,y, TUB popular rbotosrnpcr, has fitted up, in tbe old Post Office building, thrco doors west of the railroad, Mai kct Square, one of the very but laky. Lights to be found in tbo Stale, and inow prepared to take pictulM of any kind, in all kiuji of wentLcr, early and HJ.e. Children taken almost iustanily. Bring along tho babios wc are sow ready fur tbeu. COMB ONE t COME ALL ! both great and small, see his new rooms, and ex amine specimens. FRAMES and FRAMING material constantlv on hand nnd made to order. Bring along vour pieturos nnd have them framed cheaper tbau anywhere clso tome and see lor yourselves, Anything iu the picture line constantly on hand or ordered. Copviux done in all its branches aud oolored as desired. ' Both out aud indoor views takeu at short i.otioe and ou rvasouable terms. Batisfaetion guarruntied as our motto is to please. All negatives carefully v .i , piece .-a tor D. littK. LY. Market Square. jii ay z.i, 'o. -ly. BREAD & FANCY CAKES, IDJ.T'XJD FRY RESPECTFULLY informs ke eiti.ens of S,m. bury and vioimly, that he Mill bake te order all kinds of I'lihe. lor Halls, Parlies, Jte. Families are supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls. Ru.ks. TeaBuus. Ao., and also kept on hand manataoturod out of the boat materials All orders loll at his Shop in Market Square, oae door eaut ofMiBs Anna Painter Millinery Store, or at his Bakery on Spruce Street, between Front and Sceond streets, will meet with prompt attention PIC-NIO PARTIES supplied with Cake,, lo.. Cream, Ac, at the tuoru.1 notice. Orders are rcspootfully solicited. bi. .f . DAVID FRY. Bunbury, May 2, 18118. e .Coackmakers, WE are celllog Kims, Spokes, Hubs, Springe, Caavasi, Bolle, Clipc, Axlee, Ac, Tery low Large Steek at . . ... flONLEY CO. Sunbury, March eft, lt7. Aci-lrallural Implcinemta HOE'S Grain Rakec Steel and Iron Garden Rakos, Long and 1) Handle Spades, .Shovels, Maaii-e and Hay Fork, Ureas and Grain Scylbes. tircia Cradles Cradle Fingere, Traoe, Breast. Tongue an i Log Chains, Urind-stoues, Faauing Mill ceu.suf all .Ucsand kinds, a large assortment ol Red Wajjou Hemes, for Plowing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Teii, for aale by J. vr. CONLEY A CO. m STONE WAUE. THE heat and cheapect assortment of Stone Wore In the State, just received and ler sale cheap at tie Mammoth Cash Store of BT. T. VRILIK'i (alats, Oila, Ac A full sloek of Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Coal Oil, Fiak Oil, aud Lubricating Oil tor Engines and Machinery, .Varaislies, Qlaes, alwavs on hand, at low prices at COM LY A CO S Bzsarcrj9ifcj"e 1R0!f . A large asaoruaeut of the best tuumfue-lured- , ltare. Hoop. Band, Round ard S.iuare Iron, Nail Rods, Cast Steel. BluUer Bled, Drill Steel, liurse Shoes, Hors Natli, AnvIU, Bellowe. Vieee. Jlaiaui.re, Bledges, Racwc aad FOec. at