I I.-M.HM OlTUK U.nKHICAil." IKItMS TWO UOLLARd per annum, f g U t paid witbin the year. N paper rfiaeeattnued mil all arrearages ara paid. Thee terms will be suktly adhered to baraaftar. 1C subscriber neglect ar refas to Uka tbalr Mwa. apart n-vai the olhe to which they ara directed, tba ra responsible until shejr have aaitlad Iha bill and rdered tliein discontinued. I'osluiaaten will plaaaa act af our Agent, aad rank letter! containing aubtoripllou money. Tba i periuitiad tw du tan undtr Uta Fust Uttsa Law. JOB PBlNTlNQi Wa have aonnaotad with our establishment a wall sleeted JOB OFFICE, which will auabla ua to aecute, to tba neatest sljrla, every variety of riutiug Tba following ara tba raiet 1W sitvertlaiaf In Ua America. 'I buns having advertising to do will find it convenient for retereoc : Sise 1 Square, 3 I column, j 1 1. 1 it. 1 1 id. j 4!-.L?J..! ' $1.00:11.4(1 $2 M 6ii,V..iHi$IO.( 9 a.uui 4 61 fl.UI ft. ill) 7.11(1, til." txvuZ&y.: H.OIl'lilM, 20.00 1(1,01 14 Oil 2" (M1 36 HI) I . ir- 1 115.01, Tan line af thii aiied tyne (uuiiiuo) niaa un square. Auditor', Administrators' and Ksecutnra' Notice t I.OU. Ubiluarius leiovpt tha ukiihI anmiiinrrti tut which in free.) to ba paid fur at advertising rate Local Noiieea, bouiotj Mesoluliona, o , It oanta per line, . Advertisements for Religion, CnaritabUand Ed eatiuiial ntijeota. one-half tha above tatoa. Transiont advertisements will bo ublnlied unit ordered to ba discontinued, and charged accordingly PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY 11. B. MASSEtt & Co., SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENN'A, NEW SERIES, VOL. 5, NO. 1. SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1SGS. OLD SERIES, VOL. 29, N0.1. ET AMERICAN BUSINESS CARDS. t. 4. BauRi. I.. a. kaib. 532l33E & EASE, lllonii'vai mid ,'ouiiwi-llorsi nt Law, Ihesnut Street, weat of Iha N. 0. and P. A E. Hail, road Depot, in tha building lately occupied by F. Laaiirua, Esq., 8TJNBXJK V, PKNN'A. 'ollecliims and all Pmfesiional business promptly 'tended to in Northumberland and adjoining C'uun iea. BOYEK & WOLVERTON, A lTOH.i:VN AT LAW, SUNBUKY. PENN'A. . IJ. Bona Ao W. J. Wot-vaaTuw. respectfully nnounue that tbey hare entered into eo-partneihip i the praoliceof their profession in Northumbcr md and adjoining counties. Conaultationa aan ba ad in the Ukhnas. April 4, loita. ly ii. it. MAi:it, A ttornny nt I.MW, SLNBl llY, PA C'V Collections attended tn in tba oountie of Nor biimberland, Union, Snyder, Alontvur, Coluuibia nd Lycoming. UlrtRMCRI. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. (. Ciittall A Co., " iln. Win. A. Porter, " ilorton McMielmal, Kan., " K. Kotcham X Cu., 2S Pearl Street, New York, t'ulii! W. Asliuieud, Atturney at Law, " Wutthowa A Cox, Attorneys at Law, " Kunhury. Murcb if, l2. Vm.M. R'K'HKrRLLKH. Ll.OT D T. UuH H B AC1I . ROCKEFELLER & ROHRBACH. TkUl isv, ii:'. "FFICE in llaupt'a new Building, aceon4 floor. KdtrHUue on Market Squuro, Milibury. Janunry 4, IStis. Teelh ! Teeth ! j. it. isrii.i:i, BUHOEON DENTIST, rrcarlv of ASHLAND, 0.. aniiouiicaa to the oili. eunol N.irlbuiiibcrliiiid cuunty, that ho h luouli'd n tit.NbL Ki. lor Hie pmoiico of JjBiitiiiir.v, Hill i.'9pc:fiilly anliuiliij'our palrmiHiie. fiecjal atieu ion puid to tilting mid dressing teclli. 'i'eaih ei niciid without yuiit, by umif Xurcolio apray (l.iib I have useii for three yeura with ytrjert ttte t.i mid no iitjuiioit reKulta. Uliioe in Kuuiik liiruicriy occupied by Dr.J. S. in'l, in t'lta.jut a UuilJiug, Market t-ciuMre unuiiry, P. mar. T, oi- iKURSE IIiLL, SlUOM P. WoLTHT0. UILL & WOLVERION. ltloriif.l n ul (.'oiiiiMflorai ut l.. SUWBUHY, PA. tITILI. attend tu tho collection of all kind" of V claiuu, iiicludinu Back Pay, Bounty and Pen iun. apl. I, '66, ATTO VitsJ A.X Hi A. W Korth bide of Public Snuare, one door eait of the Uld B ii nk Uuildini;. fc V N B V It Y , P ENN'A. Collciiiiuoa and all ProluMiotial bu'inew promptly iitamiud t in the Cuurta of Korihuoiherlaud and t-Jjoiiiitig Counties. tiuiiburj-. Sept, IS. 1S6H. T. 11. Ptnnr. J. D. Jamxi. P'JPaDT ft. aT-lES. ATTOKXEYS AT LAW. SL'XUUKY. PA. C'Sco in the fceii,'! ftory of Dewart'a building, ad- j.ni.in tho Democrat oSij, ou tha north aide of M.ii ktl Squ no. Will ativiid proniptly to tba collection ofelaioia aud nihiT piul.iuiial Lu.iiifM iutrusivd labia care, in N'urihuinherlaiid aud adjuiuini; counticf. Kovember V, 67. 3. S. Waar.n, 6c,.,-, Juua ltcaKLK f-TI ARCIl STUEET, between Third and Fourth Stree k'Illl.Aal.l.l'tilA. WKliLit A lU'NWLi:. Proprietor!. June 20, lb'iT. ly ADDISON G. MARR, A T 1 O U KEY A T L A W, EHAMOICIN, Korthambsrland County, Pa. VLL huinm atuuded to with pruuiptntiM and diligence. Miauiokiu, Aug 1H, UCT ly JEREMIAH bilYDER, Altoriicy .V 4'uii'llor ut Iji'. SI Mil ICt, 14. "li-.ai-icl Allorney lor .orllinni. l-rtiiiiil 4 iiil. J. K. IIIJLBU5H, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYaNCR AND JUSTICE Of THE PEACE. Jft'.honoy, X-'rt'iumlerlnitd County, I'tnn'n Office in Jackaon township. Engntfcmenli can be uiitde by Inner, directed to the above addreM. All buninere eutruited to hit owe, will be proniptly attended lo. April iS.-ly a o b o. b e a k, MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealer in CLOTnS, CASS1MEUES, VESTING, &c. 'au Bti-et't. wouila ol'Htutt r'a llvlrl. BUN B UK. Y, I A.. Marrh St ISnft O. "W- HAUPT, Attorn)' und Couuiirllor ut l.uv, OFFICE in lluupt'i new UuilJine. nnivoond floor ntrance on Market 5qnare, SUNBURY, PA. v'ill attend promptly to all proreaaionol buainraa entrusted to hta care, the onllection oi' olaiuit in iorthuiiiherlniid and tho adjoining oountiea. ttanhury, Junuury 4, lwirt. C. A. KKIMKNSNYDiiu. ATTOI5NEY AT LAW. SfXTU'RV. PA. All buaintM antrurted to bii care attended to promptly and wiih rtilivnoe. tsuubuiy. April 27, l-t7. JN0. KAY CLEMENT. BnfineM in thia ami adjoining eountiea aarefully an t proinpllv allien led tn. CSua in Market Kiraet. Third door went of Smith M tieutber'a Siove and Tinware Store, HI MSI ItV I'K..'N'A. gunhury. March 31. I Son ly ftrrli M., li e-ria 3l nudJlli, ! tu til! I'nlilli' Mi-mooi llouate, BL'XBIKY, PENS 'A. COOK 370TE3 of the batt Pattarm. PLOWS. bii puileint, tha Ineat In Iba State. Paraoni wiihinir lo buy atotee, aan purcbaaa Iheiu ehaaf.er at tbii aaiabluhuiaul laaa any wba.ta alaa in the place. JACOB SHIPMAN. riB AND LIFE IN8URANCE AGENT, bl'NBl'KY, PENN'A. arRaatsiia : Tarmara Mutual Fire lueuranee ta , Tork Pa , Cun.hi'rlii, I Valley MuluaJ Prniaeiion Co , h ew York Mutual Lite. Qiraid Life of Phil'a. A Hart ( ,rd Ciu.n. Ui-nrral AecidoM. TC BUZXiDER.?- ISDOW Olaaa and Buildiag Hardwaia, at Iba M weft .a.a rrraee at I. C. DISI'SR. Alt RIVAL At moohi: a ikiwsiurii'ff. Tfa ara now opening a large taried asaoi tmant of VAIL AND WINTEU GOODS, which we offer at the luwent CASH Pricea, tu llnnpl'ta tiv Iron I'rout, MARKET STREET. PUNBVUY, PENN'A Cunaitling of DHY O00DS, NOTIONS. OKOCEKIES, QUEENS WARE, GLAss WARE, ami a full line of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING! GOODS ASD LimUcm' ' oodi, Calicoes. Muilina. Flimiieli. Table Liuena Toweling. L'hecka, TicKini. Counti;riiu.es, Cam meres, 'vatilll, Yarn, Kkirt.x, ieuk 'i lea, Cufltf, Collma HtiiKlkcrchiefa, lloae, Oil Clolh, Carpets, Wood and Willow -Ware. Wa larlta apecial attention to the quality ef our Stock of aH4M'i:itli:M Al kii i:4. UIO and JAVA COFFEE, TEAS, SLjARS, A10LAS.Ls SYIU P.S, SOAP, SALT, FISH, VINLUAIl, Ac, 4o. CampboH'a Celebrated l'LOl'lt, always on liauj. Wc feel confident that cah buyers ill find it to their nd vantage to Kive tis a call, nnd cu.stuiners Kenurally are invited to o and exau.ino our goods ami et posted on our priced. Jiy alriet aiteniHn to the wants ot our ciiiiotiicrs ami fair dealing kc hope to merit a full thure ol the public piif ronii,:', COUNTKY PRODCCE of all kinds taken in m-chun-e lor goodj, for which the hihet price will be paid. MOORE 4 DISSIXGEU. tsunbury, S'ept. 19, '08. Ni;V MARBLE STOKE. 'Chesnut Street, j7lS.lv CALDWELL & CO., JEWELERS, Hare been appointed SPECIAL AGENH in thia city Tor the sale of tha GORIIAM MFG. COMPAXTS Fine KU-olro-Plated Uaie. We guarantee thec frood to ho decidedly tui.e rior toanytl i- ' ia the u.uiket, excelling iu deeigu, fiui.b and i alit.'. A larito axMiUje!it will bo niaiutained, and fcolj at the luanufacturrrs' regular FIXED PI1ICES. Trade Maik ?;suipod on tl, of WtJ lasanfeajU Eleatro Plate rta1" 1 tPg article. Jo Eili :aldvellc3 ;o. o. SOS I'lirilnul M licet I'fJlMLi-.U'HIA, July 18, 1?CS m!i7,ly. iKvaiiMAiK&m:(;(;v MANUPACTO l-lT. tit Sunburv uii'l vtt tuii v. rt.Ht lie U cl h Cbtstnul street, Sui.buri, Pa . wln rc l.tt kuui a cun- of tha tiitett it vl mi of the beft maturial. UeptiiriiiiT t f W 'jiii, Cani ijbs. tic., d um nt ihu iL(irteiL notice. JVrms iu w.int nf fir.e Uubiic nn-i frtrnii'r.'.i, urc requwitt'U to Cull beiure puryhnsiiiir ''Ktw Utir. 11. . Ii 'J L a?II. Sunbury, Jul 11, 1SS8. ly WH F.iHS0.i. NCLSN Vl till. V U K N I T U li K ROOMS. uteof the C m of l ursun I)uri.L;n o opeucd waic rooms at 2'o. 2-5 oouth 21 Street, btio'.i L'ock, I'llILAULLI'llIA, Where they kuep a full orLinent of PAULO!!. ClIAM.'UMt, SITTINt: 1;HU.M and D1N1NO lltKJ.M l L'KM l L"1:K. 1 heir old customers, and all prisons wi-hins to puroh.io, are invited tocali and examine their s;ock belore iurei.ain el. us hero I'ariicular aiieutioii puet ti packing. trt ly. Ilolulioii !' Ii-tnei-s.liii. ! N U'J K'K i" hereby irivcn that the eo-pannership 1 herelolore exi-tniir belween J. Wei.-er ISilcber I and K. Mf-tT liufher. trading under lite firm of Iliieher Ururhers." iu the tanner buieess. was this . day (Auu.l 4ih. Inbs.l dissolved by mulu..l e n- ; sent. The business will herentier be (-luiiiuere l by ' the undersigned, nt the oll stand, whero all persoi s indebted lo the tirui ni Cucher Bi others, nie re quested to call w ilheut dtd:ty and make settlement, aud aavaco.t. s K. MASTER ULCIU-.U. Sunbury, Au-u.-t 29, li;i. t.ai. FLOUii' & FEED STORE WHOLESALE M) HE TAIL. 'IIIE tuhstriher respectfully informs the publio 1 that be kees coiiatantly on hai.d at his new tt AHfcllOl'SK. near lh nhuinokin Valley Lailroa.l bepot, in SL'N Bl'K V, I'lour by the barrel und sacks of all kinds ol feed by li,o lou The above is all ma'nul'aelured nt his own Mills, and will be sold at the lowest crMi prices. .1 M. CAL-VYALLADFR. Sunbury, April 1, .oo: UICl.At lAICIti:Cl M A .(. Tba Oldest aid moat noted Institution of the Kind in bunbury. J. V. WASIIINUTON, HA VIXG removed to his new building on Third ''reet. between Market and the liepot. is now preparud Iti serve his curlumer heller theu ever. Ilaving secured the services of first c!a?s Larbers, HIAVIXU AND II A IK LUES.SIXi will be executed iu the latest style. Tba building bavins beeu erected especially for Iha purpise of u I;'irst Class Uarber saloon, aud having Ailed it up iu Ihe laiest style, be hopes tu roeeive a liberal share of patronage. Iu the adjoining room a first oluss Confectionery baa beeu opened for ibu sale of lt-ct t-euiii. 4'iisiiiieaj, tiilkrw. 1 1 err, and numerous other Temperance Drinks In eommun use. Oranges, and other delicious fruits and eatables of bum and foreign growth iu rich profusion and elegant variety, buubury, September i, lrf,8. Trevortou Lots fjr Sate. riIIREE LOTS, In the town of Trevortoa, Nor J. tbuuibcrlau i county, will he sa.ld cheap, on up plication to ttie undersigned. These lots are advau tageuusly t;aled, aud are valuable for building purpose. Apply to, or address ' JOofcPIl CONRAD, Oct 3d. lS'TS. 6t buubury, l'a. 4'liildreia'at 4 Ul-l-ias-a,. , WE would eall the atteutioa of those wanting a Child a Card ige. to our new and large assorl sueiit ouupnsipg new and beautiful style. J. 11. COKLiilf CO. CARPENTEKS WILL lod in our astablisbment a superior stock, of I'laiiea. baws, Augers, llaUibuta, Uamuiers, Files Chisels. Ac , tor auleby J. H CONLEY 4 CO r. . noons. NEW STONRWARU. THE beat and cheapest assortment of Stone Wars in tb Stale, just received auj tor lala ehuup at die saUlaUBaab Caab kM af asaiaaB.su vav B Y- taUXIIfl POKTICAL TUB INDIAN BUMMER. Through Aprils mild, and lender Maya, And sultry Junes, that melt or bluce. The Ye:ira gu down their pleaunt wayi, AV'ilh ro!y wreaths, and mi rile bunds, Fair Summer decks tho brows of Time, Lut none inny vie with Autumn's bauds To build bis throne sublime ! When nil Iho giant w.iud?, thnt lift Their lealy crowns through azure rift, Are girdled, as with burning drill ; And upward, ihrouifh the smoky skies, Tho mountain-top, liko cups of gold, O'er brimming wi(h resplendent dyes, The II inies of sunset bold ! When silvery beech, and saffron pine, And nut-brown nak. like torches &hino, it h tires of alehomy divine ; And iinderiiciuli their lustres red, The Indian bummer, grandly dre.it, Steals softly to ttie Old Year's bed, And dies upon liia breait. 01 all the months thai bless theyenr, Tho Aulumn mouths to me are dear, From harvest ripe to leullet sere ; tiepteiuber, ftirt with golden Kruin, Ociob'-r. crowned with fiuilue rare; And brown November's royal rtin, Iu pjmp beyuud eoiiipure ! In burnished lines, on every hand, 'The serried sheaves like sohJiers st:iud, And ivuve their pinnies o'er all the land ; Drave armies these, nlinsu-uinru.'iticd ranks t.i'errtm the pniiis of t.mnly toil, And lift heaven their balmy thanks l'ruiu Frcoduui's gruieful soil! 0! God ho praised, this peaceful day, For corn and wheat, iu aweei array, Iu hide the sears of human tray ; To drop their K!ins where liery rain Of shot hurled, in cruel ire, And trampling i'cet. with fierce dis lain, Trod do'.vn each tender spire ! And h!st be lie. thai Auliiinri drupe!) 'iho bills no more with crimson shapes (if war. but only purpling grapes ; Airl grants ua life, in rl mtr anl bud, lu'i'o deathiiil cannon plowed the field ; And give Us wine whrre human biuud Was oiue the ouiy yield ! TALES & SKETCHES. .ISira, I lie iiiilyle-!I tinted. "W ho is Unit laaulil'ul yonder tin one tluhtiu, wilh Leaiic I U. jou kno.v her, '.'i.til (" The youny innn addressed ns Taul raisctl h.s rye glass itiid looketl long and bltadily ut Ihe yiiuug girl and rt plictl : "rimis iMiri brtun, the M.ublu Ileurlct!.'1 "Why do you call In i the 'm.ir'ulu hearted?' It tteuis a .trangc name to bellow upon it beatiiiful w ouiau." " Vcs, it is a blrnnge name, but very uppro piiulo lor yonder lady, who, us the story gtLs, io Kkc the iccbetgs of the l'olar cea." "1 iIj not n'lcsli ;i on the Utcess ol the n Aim.'; I oulj nk tvliy it whs gtvcu her. bhe is I'V I a the uirKt beautil'til girl in t he room." "Yes, shu is ucautilu!,'' rcplictt 1'unl, "li;! is I.earlit'S h i t l.e ia J.relty. tin: lias liud i, ad the geutletiiell i.l the Ihoiii at her ieet, I'tH Ire. ils them uii alike," haid i'aul bitterly. lie had been muting the rijet i ;d. "slie is iieiii tiufi, uiitl it u it gr.-ut mystery to us u'.l." ; W.uieii lVigon mi, lied iii, d s.i.'; : l'lea-e i.iln.tliiec me, I'iitt!. 1 like her appearance, but 1 u.,l .1 eliangir to ail preseut. 1'en curs iu foreign laud renders one stranger to his otvu lainilv ; auv wuv. I a:n u blruugt r ! h, -,e." ' ' "I will intudiici; you v.ilh pleasure --but 1 cau.ion ycMi, nut! ki.n'ly avii)iotun yotii i. g.iinsi loving her, for renirniber,t:iic is mar- , ble. and yot.r heart will hive lo pay for it if j you do." i "Lead t.n Lai, I ; you have call! iotieJ li.'C of j my danger, mid 1 slid icniniibei ihe old I ail.lge, 'I'urctvarucil ij f.iiearined.' 1 inn ! i.ot u boy, l'aul, to break my heart for u J woman." "Hoys' lt:rts oi'ttn bend v. litre mens' break," mi. I Pan!. Mira bwan was pretty, and an only digh- j ter. Her eliyht, rounded lor.u was erl'ect in i its hyinmetry. lltr t'.wuW moi.tii, with iven I w idle teeth, h.i'l' Keel, when her rosy lips j dimpled iii to Kiniles; her rich black hair whii.li rippled over a broad w hite blow, w as I looped up from lit I fate, and Listened ut the j bac.-i iu a mass of shining curls, and gave a i Very be i'.itiltil ell'.ct t her Hppcuruncc. She i was niso veiy prettily tires -etl, being ulliicd ' ii li luison sill; with mi overdress of rich ; lilut k lace f.isiened :it the neck with scarlet geranium bio.-soms u cluster d' the same gleaming in her hair. Miii t. ued more for Ml U and bliissoms than for pi-alls anil ilia itiouds. Miu was guy ami brilliant, yet when any of her lovers whispered of the "grand pasdon'' bhe w oiiltl be a Very qneeu iu licr hii'uhty eel! posses.don. alien Dagou was introduced, nnd was soon flouting with her through the intricate, iiiacs ul the il iuec. 11? pal. I her the most asMdjuiis utteulioti thior.ghout the evening. Mira knew him by report lo be a "entlenian of unbounded wealth ami extensive travel. In his company, us the ho'Jis swept swiftly by, her inurer.1 deepened nil the while in her noble admirer, llervot.ng heart beat as il hud never done before. Warren Dagou w us a brilliant conversa tionalist, und lew men couhl be more fas cinutiug than lie, for he hail traveled exten sively iu his ow n nnd foreign lands, ami when he chose to exert hiinsell to please, his tlaik ihupicnt eyes, pure classic language and high-bred elegance of manners were liie.-dsliiily charming, lie evidently desired to please Mua. us his luutiuer towards her I ll. plied as much. .Mira listened spell bound to his beautiful convetsation, thereby tiwuking Ihe jealous indignation o u (h.en other less fottuuute atimirers. They fell themselves aggrieved, lor shu always treated them with such cool indifference. One lady, resplendent in bro cage und diamonds, muttered through tier teeth, "The 'marble hearted is wuruiiug ut Ut." Mira cared little for admirution anil less for the opinion oi her fushioaable friends so Ireely expressed, bho was walking iu the cool piuia in the inooulieht with rouni! IJiigou, listening to his luusieul voice, whose low, aweet lone were stirring a strange wild melody iu a heart tliut never before vibrutcd Willi love. Bhe was listening to tha thrill ing description of Uome, the Kternul C'Hy, eushrirjt'1 ou her aeven hills. He delineated with an artist'a enthusiasm, licr grand old marbles uud imspired pitiuliugs, over w hich the dust and decay nf ages rest like the gray shroud ou the bosom of the dead. In elc guut language lie described the wonders of diseutouiljcd Pompeii. lie pictured the temples, theutrcs anil dwelling where lived aud loved the people of two thousand years ago. He told her iu glow ing language, of the grucelui miuarets, feathery palms ami graud aud solemn pyramids, uml w hile hel ming (he teemed to scale with him (he dangerous passes of the Alps ami stood iu breathless awe lookiug up the di.zy heights crowned with ice aud mow. Ai. I in iiuagi iialiou she waudered dowu the guldco Nile uil adiuira 1 the rich Uutj of its) fartilt vulleya, rcndiTcil gloriously !ea itiful !iv tie frequent inuii'littinns). Ilia voice took h tlftpi-r and stvcftir tune wlien lie tlestrilied t lie ruined cities of the fur en?t, the fretted arches and vast catlicilial utiles of IlieOld World m ude nrnd by the work of urt, and ruinlmw iHintid windowg, v.h'gt! iirlisis 1 yiiitr left iniiiinrtril liftruvs liihind tlicm, ay marks fir other yilted s)irit!, who me ili'Hliucd lo lolhiw tLcm dD.Ml the Lroud aisle of co mi on ulcs. She drunk in the tones of his softly niodu luted voice, takine; no note of time. When supper was Htinouuccd lie led her to the table. During the repast the wutched him narrow ly, and In n w inu w as served her face became pulawith excitement. Hie olfeicd him a pjuss w illiu unile ; he nave licr a RCHrchitif; look nntl ltd used it. calling for Auter iu its elead. Turning to her he saitl : ' l cannot pletlgo you iu wine for I do not drink it; but with this glass of water. Na ture' purest beverage, I di ink tn you. M.iy love iiml happiness No tour portion in life!" "I hank you." It was all she saitl, but n bright smile ic warded him better thaij words. Mira had indeed met Iter nlVmity. Love budtled in llieir hearts that night, nnd ere toe year iiatl passed It blossomed into a hy menial wreath. It was moonliulit upon the lluds on. The i home to which Warren Daon took hiKyoung bride whs beatiiiful with vines ami summei blossoms. He and Mira were walking arm iu iinn on the cool piazza, conversing of the pat uml dreaming bright dreams oi the In tore long jcais t'j tome fill Hi I v happiness. crotvueil willi "I never could comprehend the reason that your friends called you marble hearted. You ivt-ie never cold to me, darling,'' saitl he, diawiug her iIoaii to a seat I y his Pide. it is a sail slory tljur luiMuind ; let us it here in the tiKioniiiit and I ill tell you of i my l'.ur joiiiia ister whodietl thtee years go. I shall never again meet a siiiiil like ! hers, so proud, so pure tint) free. KUie w as j but seventeen when she gave her heart lo I Atwell Chandler. Hu loved the, w ine cup i belter, lie was no ordinary man; hihiiv and rich were thu gilts hesto.vud upon Iii s j a oy i:a:ure. lie was ailuik haired loan, with ! eyes of rare depth ami leeliug. He was very j handsome; iu manner he was gentlemanly aud pleasing. W'u a. I loved him ; father ) loved him like a sou, and so gave him Klsie. 1 They uere maliied and went to dwell in liisi beautiful home iu the South, uud for a lew I years thev were very happy. 1 lien Atwell Iiclmw! to r.eu.ect Ins busi- r,c-s for u downward path which ended in a J tirniiKiilil s grave. J ive Jeais lmm licr I bridu! rlay Llsie camti home n heart broken widow; slid young, but broken hearted. Atwell died by Lis u w u hand, for I hey found him iu the summer house with his biuins blown out by it pistol shot; ur.d my dear beautiful sinter came to her girlhood's home Inn!. en heurled -came home to die. "It was j.ist sue ii a night as this, a beau lilii! night in midsummer, when Llsie died. She lay upou I i r pillow looking so while and for. She was en put feet iy calm ; no fear ol tleaih thrilled her puiespiiit; her lace would have ch inned a Raphael, it w as &o spiritual i.l its childlike beauty. If the i,i'i.ls ou ill,' other shore are fairer than was Ll.de iu her dying hour, tiit.u indeed will heaven be uloii.nis in its brightness. "I knew that she was iljiug, for I saw the hue of tlea'.h tic d over tile le.ttillcs. Ilef bright eyes were growing dim lo t-aillily" sight, yet they had a strange inward light, i.s though her spirit had cnctrated the gloom ol thu iuiinoi i id day which shines w i:h eternal saiiiuurs in die cily ol our (iod. A-l stood I y her bedside, liioibleniti Iu r lips with water and wiping the cold dew of death lii'in her loicheud, her long silken eye-lushes were lifted for a moment, and lix- liig her eyes upon tue wilii un expression ct eaiiie: t.e ss ulid teutlei uess hu said': ".Mira, aislti, this is death. My weary ' arc even now tieatiiiitr Ihe brink of the ; nver that roils between tlie other world und 1 tins. 1 do uot bar to die. 'lis joy unuitcru ' questioniiiL'. cxltueted Irom the medical Jjr.s bio lo kuo.v that 1 nm uluiost home. 1'oor ' li'""- ''' a uiinu stored- with ust-lul Atwell! 1 shall soon m el him again. The; knowledge, uml a heart overflowing with morning ..I his lilu was very f.ir, eiviug j nUectlon, I called to see the little fitilfercr promise of a lottg nntl usttuidav; but Lis ; w ' '"-' i"H-'illon ol imparling to htr a uu weut dowu iu the dai kness before it had J P"'l.v quantity id both, reached the mei itliiin, ami his own havd I She came into the xirlor looking as thoui;h hastenctl its untimely aetiing. I trust 1 may I mui loin in tue I iml to wlm li 1 nm goimr. Mini, promise ihu that you will never marry a man who i- not sn icily temperate, lor in temperance is the foundation ol misery. Think how many blight homes ure made desolate by it. Fathers nntl mothers go do'.vn in sorrow to the grave, uud wivisand blue children ure made to sulh-r more than tleaih by intemperance. O, Mua, 1 would far ruihcr have you die now while your heart is pure and free from sorrow, than have you live uud in the long years to come find mis ery uud woe i.l u drunkard's home, lie member pool Alwell, und prouiisu w hut 1 w ish. "1 promise, and may heaven help me to keep my secret," 1 replied. Shu smiled ami whispered, "1 u ill going to sleep; good night, dear bister." Il was a very long good night to me, for ere the rising of thu moru iug star, Llsie, my beautiful sister, had gone to meet her Clod." "There was not one in all my circle ol friends anil acquaintances who refused wine in Ihu festive halls, uud many of Ihein no biiied freely of si ronger stimulants. 1 turned coldly Irom I hem ull. There was nothing to attract my love, and I could not uoirry any one of them uml keep my promise to Llsie. I kept my promise sacredly unbroken, and my coldness to ull who w hispered of love, wou for me thu name of "til utile hearted. ' " "1'ld 1 came, darling," lie said, drawing her nearer to hi bosom. "Yes, till you came; and though I loved you dearly, hud you drank tliut glass of wine, 1 should have re I used to marry you. Oh, Wuircu! you can never know w hat unutteru bl joy 1 experienced w heu you refused the cup 1 olfered you." "May heuveu ami tlue spirit of your sweet sister helu me to be wortny of your love, lor It wus Ihe happiest uour ol my lite, w hen 1 met wiih Mua, the 'luurblu-heurted,' " said lie, smiling. "Yes, it was a happy hour, and I know by the sweet content of tuy heart tu night tliut ihu spirit of Llsie is smiling upon me fur huviug so luithfullj kept uiy promise." Gen. Kilpatrick, in a recent speech, said : "I told Horatio Seymour to his face in 1011 that he was the head and front of the riots, and that the government ought to semi him uutler guard to Fort Lafayette. If I would have been iu command I would have doue it." Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes says a man over ninety is great condort to his elder ly neighbor. "He is s picket jtuard at the extreme outpost, and young folks of sixty aud seventy feel that tht sueiny must get by hu baj"(j; ba no ooa itu tlSkir Map." i in: i.iti: iii:i. To the Lditor of the Louisville Cumter : Mary l,as nut it; tliut fa.-hionnl.le rnrvn. tiircof tliet.itte,cnllfd the Grecian 'Hiind." S'le cniight it ut Samtiicit. where she lots lieun on extiiditiiin during the season. She hua returned, however, l.iinuiiijr with lnr severul ,,rKu triink.a lull of second liitml I ' :,,lu"nK -tliut is gunneuts, which alio has As I was utMinK l,v a dry goods store on l otirlh street, M.uy Jane wan pitching lor war,! nt such a rate I tioiunht she whs aliout to fall into toy mins. 1 ,,.,i ,lt tlo80 j,,,. plciiii-nis id indualry acc.tdinjjly. She tiidn't fall worth a t int, lu-iiitritiiig not t!ie exaii))!e ret Ly mir first parents, the Itiaitiluined lit I cut viilinear lurin, nnd pluc inir tht; tip of it ijloved loreliiifir on my outalretched palm, site mid in a t.iiliionable diawl ol' a tiii.ifd l'illh Avannoillc, Av, Yuliiih, it is Jon i IMoiW'd. She picked up that iiiftiuul accent nnd laniruaoe nt Snratofiii also. "Why, Jennie dear, this is an unexpected pleasure. (Gralibing both Hie little hands und rolling them up tofietlier.) 1 wa not looking lor j ou for some wicks. You tre ill. I am sorry. Shall I ttssist your car ringc '(" Slio lol;ed soinewlmt like tlielialfof a purcnthfhis, Lut more like ua intct rotation point. I was certain that site had I'etn eatiiifj unripe fruit, nnd wus sullVrtii from tramp colic, and wondered why tlie ilid not lK" home mid taliu buiiii-llnii. I,ut she i suid : ''Never w as licttaw in my loife. I u laAccd to leave tltal sweet place because 1 had nothing aliMiiu U-ly to weaw." "othiny to wear '. Why. what lias be come of all your clothes '. Did you liuve a lire, or did vi.ii cNchanu them lor flower laae and planter of Palis btutuc-s of the ui.Mi-.llea f 'liaw stupid ! I had wan all Inv dresses once, uud it s nu.t Ihe stoylo to upjieuh in thu same uppaw ral taoice," "Conlouutl the si vie '. 15ut I nm glatl j ou came home, if you eon e ulmost naked ant) so changed that it is dillicuit to 1'culiu that it is you. You are among Iriet.ds now, ami I hope that you will shortly recover your liguie.'' bhe was mad. und expressed herself quite naturally anil Intelligently as follows: "Friends I 1 suppose it is the ehiel tints of one's Iriends to tin'! fault wiih one. 1 declare 1 inn tired of friends, ami of this little provincial town where the primitive manners und styles of tho backwoods still prevail, ii one goes loruwune into goon society nhroud and returns somewhat civil i' d, nnti is suiu to incur the jeers nntl ridi cule of the barbarians, here. Wood morning. ' Saying which, she dived iu another dry goods trap, and was soon nt; ged iu tunib ling and cneupirig tho fashionable fabiics o! the l.tiar. 1 never saw such n chance in a person in a lew short weeks. When I pur cd with her tit the tlepot a few weeks ago she was thu very picture of health and pel sonilicat ion of phy sical beauty. Sh! was nutural and unaffec ted, and us tciidcily demonstrative us she Well could he it! ,'l CIllWil CompOM-d til '!.' tuiiiiHtii), who, instead of attending to his bti.-iuess uud baggage, thought it was ncces saiy to see me nntl Mary Jane safely deposi ted ou the train. Il is my belief that the old gentlemen wus afraid that ! would se crete nivsell aomcwhciu in thu tar. 1 wish uow 1 had. The energy w ilh which M .try Jane attacked the dry onod nnvineetl me thai 1 was w long in my green fruit supposition, nmr that she whs sulluitig from something beyond the reach of peppermint. 1 natuially concluded that it uiti-l be that terrible disease known ns the spinal complaint, brought on by car i vinu' t" long trail heavy p-iunieis an I supporting I l'"i lira itii didoc utly consulted all the medical works which treat of that ailment, and accumulated nil the inl'ormu- t'"" '"' llilt "".l'''l "l 1 toui.i, ny vayue fcllt! '"?l', ' rimjiet: witli curlinu' tongs. How 1 pitied her. A few weeks before bhe was us straight ns nn arrow, ami a natural smile plau-M about her rose bud mouth, in stead of that constrained pucker of pain, as I then supposed. ' How do jou feel now, Jennie dear ?" I suid, in uiy most soothing tones. " Why, 1 It el good of course. Ono could nawt feel ollnrwi-e attw having tnjuwed the walow und societaw of Saratoga." "1 ntlmire your fortitude, Jennie, almost ss much as I deploiu your misfortune, but you iiiioht us well look the disagreeable fact in the face ut once. This is the only way to obviate it. 1 assure ytfu it is not so very bud after uil. The doctors say it dm be cured, or so nearly so that with judicious tlressinjj it will never be noticed. You know, Jennie, that it will niuke no dilfur encu with me. As l-uig as your heart re mains the same, no other other changes can influence nie." "What are you talking about? Dou't nnilersiand mui. naw ilti v el ." " Don't be u goose, Mary Jane," (angrily) ) " I know tliut women always iieiiv mui uuy thing ails them. They think it is sinmt. lint you cau't conceal your complaint, and considering our present relation I dou't think you ought to conceal anything from me." ' Mary Jane was jjeltiny; mad. She has a vein in her forehead which is an unerring temper burometer. It began to swell. That auJ an omiuous glitteiing of the eyes said as plainly as an almanac, "look out for squalls about this time." She suid energeti cully : ".My complaint! Our present relations ! Conceal nothing fiom you ! l'erhaps you will be good enough to eipluin jour.elt; that is, if you can.". My temper ia not angelic. I uever ret up for a saint, and Mary Jane's perversity or obstinacy, added in her manner, did not so make mo iu a heavenly frame of mind, so I blurted out my sentiments as follows : "You have a curvature of the spiue. as every one that sees you must know. Y'ou liavs it very badly, ami you ought to do something for it. Do, for heaven's take send for a doctor and get straight." You should have teen the li lie, hump back cuss l hen. She walked the floor as erect as a liberty pole. Shu smiled sartloui cally. She laughed hysterically. Finally the ci ietl womanly, and then she found her her tongue her nutive tongue. Ho New York drawl now, but each word at sharp and incisive as a cambric needle. " Curvature ol the spine, lit I lit I spine, ha. spine," (fu a perfect shriek.) " O, you provukukiug fool thert 1 I jus iaU J OlaO lUf !V JLUIJteat I- " I wish yon was n sensible: woman." " Sense f Well, I nil mi re to hear a booby that can't tell the Mreciun Iiend from the spinal Complaint talk about sense." "Orecian fiddle stick. YoU tl(in't Jiny that the awful crook which you had in jour back was the Orrcian Uend fassuminit the form of a ruinbow again. No lady desires to look like n ramrod. All the belles of New Y'ork stoop gracefully, nnd leave still ness and alraiuht lines to chamber tnnide and country folks." " I suppose, it was also from New Y'ork fops nntl belles that you learned the art of talking n though your mouth was full of hot mush." 'Don't ,"U talk about tnlking. You, who never leave Louisville, think its provin cialisms compromise the proper language, but it is the lingo of your Dt'uro nurse. 1 cannot stand it. 1 never want to hear any more of it. It is my desire that our acquain tance even should terminate with this inter view." Anilhe sailed nut of the room. I don't soppopc it is of v use to apecn late upon the humiliating spectacle to w hich lovely women may yet be reduced by fash ion. I am convinced that their fate depends entirely upon Ihe whims aud caprices of the fashion mongers of Paris. The ladies have never given us buy evidence of their desire to void the ridiculous absurd dictates of ami ridiculous fushion is, the more eagerly and iinplicity her devotees follow her. No con viucrutions of heat or of rohl. of propiiety, of affection of comfoit. or of anything else, can divert them from the prova"i:inf style. If the Ureci in bend follows the natural law of fa.-diion, it will get worse und worse, nntl it will not be long until we see our swept hearts with their heads hanging dowu like howling devises. I huve takeu the porcelain picture of Mary lane out ot its velvet case, und that pretty casket is now vacant. Her iniaire. w hich U 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 to be, 1'iiirraved upon this beatini; heart, lias faded out. or is grown over with fat. I have determined never to marry a ivoman with her back up. Others may do as they please, but if ever I do take a wile, 1 shall take her as 1 do my Bourbon --'-'ii'-lit. Yuba. aii'rnl Uraul's ICi-vest-d. I'lysscs Sydney CSrant. born nt Mount Peasant, Clermont county, Ohio, April 27, 182'.?. Family removed to Georgetown, LVown county, Ohio, 1 i2:J. Appointed cadet at West Point by Hon. T. I.. llarn.T. 11!) Graduated June 30, 1S43. standing nuni bcr Iwenty 'iiie in a class of Ihiity eight members. Lett red on tho army rolls a brevet second lieutenant, and assigned In I'ourlh Infantry, on the Missouri frontier, as supernumerary. Commissioned September 'M, 1 8 13, Second lieutenant of inlantry. Went in Taylor's nrmy lo lex;co, and look part in all tin thou from I'alo Alto. Wuv K, K-U I, to Monlerev. September 211, l-J-Ki. Tian-tferrcd to Scon's army, nnd took purt in the siesre of Vera Crui. Assigned as Coiartermasterof 1Y19 regiment, April. 1 SIT. In the battle of Molino del Key, September 8, 1817, promoted ou thu Held, by General Scott, to first lieutenant, fur distinguishe J gallantry. flattie of Chuptiltrpec, September 13. 1817, officially noticed for galluntry by General Worth. Entered the city of Mexico with the army. Sent to the Pacific const at the close of the war, and assigned to duty in Oregau, with headquarter af Fort Dallas. Appoinrvd lire vet Captain, 1 8.")0, for ser vices nt fhapiiltrpec. Commissioned Captain, August, 1833. llesigred July .11, l.c.d ; spent a few years in business iw St. Louis, and in funning. lit moved to Galena, Illinois, and, w ith his father, established there theleuther house of Grant & Son. 18i9. Appointed musterine officer and aide to Governor Yates, of Illiuois, Spriugdclil, April, 1801. Commissioned Colonel nf Twenty first Illi nois (three yans) Volunreera, June M, 1661. Appointed Brigadier General by I'lesitient Lincoln, August, 1SH1 (commission dated back to May 17). nntl placed iu command of the District of Cairo. Occupied I'uducah, Kentucky, by surprise movement, September U, 1SU1. Defeated Jeff. Thompsou at Greenville, October 111, mm. Rattle of Belmont, November 7, 1301. Moved up the Tennessee nod, with Foote's iron clntls, captured Fort lleuty, February 0. 1803. Invested Fort Donelson February 11, ami captured it February 10, by tho uocouditiuual surrender of the enemy. Promoted to be Major General of Volun teers, comuiissioD dating from the full of Donelson. Advance agaiust Corinth, March, 1303. battle of Pittsburg Lauding, April 7 and 8, 18tii Piaeed ill command of tho Army of the Tennessee, April lJth; occupied Memphis ami Holly Springs in June; made Com mander of tlx: Department of Tennessee, iu July. liegon ihe campaign against Yickahurg, October 25, I -id ; captured the city after a long and blmidy w inter sud spring campuigu, July, 4. lBil'J. Appointed Major Gcueral in the Regular Army. Severely injured by being tluown from his horse at New Orleans, bepteiubsr, 18(1'); three ribs broken. Appointed to command the Military Divi siou of the Mississippi, October, lckilt, ami announced headquarters in the tieltl,arriving at Chattanooga,. October 23. liattle of Missionary Httlge and Lookout Mountain, November 21 ami 25, 1803, driv ing Bragg from before Chattanooun. Appointed anil cnnlirnied Lieutenant Gen end of the Army, March 2, lbU4, the grade being created for him. Arrived at Washinuton March 8, 1801. Assumed command ol all the Union armies, beutlquurlers with the Army of the Potomac, March 12. 1861. Ciossed the Kupidan May 3. 1861. May 5, 6 and 7, battles of the Wilderness. May 1 1, "I shall light it out un this lint if it takes all Summer.' May 2'J, crossed the Pumuukey. Crossed the James and placed Richmond ami Petersburg uutler siege June 14. Con slant bullies (luring tha Bummer, Fall and Winter. Began tht flual campaign of tht war, March 85. 1SU5. Battleof Five Forks.Mirch 81 and April 1. Occupeiiou of Richmond, April . 1 Surrender of Lee's army, Ayrii 0, 1969, Appointed Uencral of ihe Armies of thi United States, July 23, 1800, the grade bcitio; Created for him. Secretary of War ad interim, August I d, 1807. AGRICULTURAL, &C. Taking up Tkf.es. The folhiw-jng rela tive to the taking up of trees for transplant ing, accords with the views we have often expressed, but they cannot be repeated too cften ; they were given at a recent meeting of agriculturists at New Haven : "An enormous amount of money is nn nually lost to-tree p-uchssers from rude ami unskilful takiott up. Trees are torn up by the roots, as if the trunk and branches were the one thing necessary, and the roots super fluous. The proper way is, lo open a trench ou each side of the tree with a, cnmmniy spade, kffpinrj the eibje toicnrJ the tree, an as not to cross i root. These trenches should be far enough from the tree to .Void the main roots, aird iVep enough to go below all except a tap root, which muy be cut olT. This being done, the treu may be pulled up with its roots entire." Mceii ou I.nijia.n MtFF'N. Take nqnar! of new milk, sfir into it two good huiidsfull of Indian tneul : stir il until it comes to a boil ; take it olT the fire and stir in a lump of butter the size of an rgg nnd salt to tho taste, let it become quite ciiol, then stir in a teacnpfull of jeast. ami Hour enoue.h to mnke a still' Fpnnue. Cover it ami set it to rise ; roll the sponge abimt a quarter of an inch thick ; cut it oat with n, tumbler; Hour your yritltlle well, ami bake thoroughly nvtr brisk fire, turning thctn Ircqueutly to pre vent burning. Do not set them in too warm a place Ut rise, ns they will Leapt to sour. (jennan tuxen I'lU'jroi'h. Salt wit 11 Nuts. Many persons suffer acute pain ufier eating freely of nuts, especi ally those thut contain most oil. All nuts are dillicuit to digest untl niuch distress !. s--peptics when they are eaten, as they often are, late at high:. U is Paid they may be made digestible, and the flavor improved at the same time, by sprinkling suit on them, or by touching tho tips into salt as we do radishes. Dr. Abcrnethy records a case of death that occurred in Lngland from eating freely of nuts, which lie saitl would have been prevented if the person had eaten suit with the nuts or bail takeu freely of ii after distress had oeeurred from earing them. Savi.no Caubauks. We know of no bet ter way to preserve cabbages through the w iu'er than that which we have recommend ed for a number of years. It is to planr or set I hem up in rows as they grow (hut is with the roots-dowa fill in between with soil pretty freely, then make a covering by planting two posts whtre there is a fence to rest on, or four where there is not. allowing for a pitch to carry oil" I lie water; lay bean poles opposite the way of thepi'ch iintV cover with com fodder or straw. We have kept our cabbages tor; more than a dozen years this way iu u K-rtect slate throuoli the winter and into the spring, and could cier. up to the first of May if desirabls. O'ermuu toicn Tdtyriii'h, Stkaw liEitiiv Buds Again. It w ill do nn harm to mention again, that straw berry beds w ill be sure to be damaged, except iu light, dry soils, if covered with a heavy winter coating of manure or unything else. Tho moisture which a thick uovering will always retain, frequently drowns out the plant. It is mudi Buter to apply no covering, or a very light one, say a lew cornstalks or a I ill to strayv. A very light roller passed over the beds in tha spring, when the ground is not too wet, forces the plants buck firmly into their places, anil- prsuloces a very good effect. This will be readily understood by an ex amination of the bods in Marh, unless the w inter has been a very favorable one for the crop. Geriiuintoitu Telegraph. itut'ij;, .c. Coil" Bhkad. -One quart of corn meui one pint ot w heat flour, two err.', and a little suit, wiih sour buttern :1k suiticient to make a very stiff batter. Mix tu imuhly, an 1 then add one teaspoon lu! of soda, dissolved in a very little hot water. S'ir this iu and pour into well-ureased psna. t idieient to be one ami a half inches thick when cooked. Place in a hot oven, and bake until done, say half an hour. Carry to the table hot. If all should not be used, bake over again, aud it is about as good as w hen first baked. Half a pint of tlour and one ego will be very good, but uot quite as good as the above. The sourer the buttermilk tht better, if it is not bitter. Success depends very much on the due proportion of acid and alkali. Fine meal makes much better bread than course. It' it does not keep as well, provide less at one time. Dent, or gourd seed corn makes better rueo-l tlran flint; corn. Some aro shocked at the idea of eating drugs with their food, and exclaim against thu use of alkali in cooking. Let such Con sider thai acid ncut valines the caustic pro perty of theaUali; and' if they never eai anything more unhealthy than that, they will do well. SrPEiuon DiiEsstNo foii Chicken Salads. Beat the yolks of six eat: very liuht, p.iur over them a teacup nf boiling vineuar, and return lo the tuuccptn, stirring it constantly fr a few minules, therv set it away to cool. Rub a laro tablespoonful of mustard with, six spoonbills of oil ; grata in half a potato ; adtl a tea.apoonliil ot salt Jid a little pepper; harden the whites by boiling the egg; chop them up ami scatter among the salid ; then stir all together and pour over just belors serving. Hear what Siduey Smith said of such a dish : "Oh tempting barquet, most dalioluut treat -Twuultl lure ike dyiag anuborite to eat; Back lu Ine wurlil be' j turn bis weary m1, And liiruai bis fluger iu lbs salad bowl 1" SwKR'i'UHBAia. Skald them in suit ami water ami takeout tlie stringy parts; then put I hem iu cold w ater for Uw 111 i 11 u tea. Dry them in a towet, dip iu ck and crumb ami fry brown in butter. When they aie done take Ihvui on a dish, pour into the fry in); pan a large cujs nf sweet cream, a little pepper and salt, ami a little gresn. parsley chopped tine. Dust in a very little Hour, and w ben it boils up, pour it over Hit bread aud send to the table hot. The Hon. Donald J. Warner-, of Salisbury, Ct., an able lawyer of the Litchfield counly bar, who was out of the Democrats chosen by the Democratic Slat Couvmti.iu last Juna to represent tht party in the New Ytok CouveuUusi. toss wvUM uui, ful Oaal , Outfit. .