ELECTHIC TELEGRAPH IN CHINA. TilE EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH OFFICE, COMPANY'S NEW YOKK, OiCinixd cndf pocinl hrtf fioin the 5tai of New York. CAPITAL . . $5,000,000 50009 Sbnrtt, 100 i:ucli. DIRECTOR. 114.. ANDREW O. CURTIN, Pbiludelpl.iH. PAL! . rOKBKS, of RuntoU A Co., Clinm. 1'ltF.D. KUTTKKriULU, of F. Uutttrfiofi A Co, N itf York. TAC TJVF.nMOIir, TuMmr Aliclngin Ccntr;.. nilr.'ttt, n mtini. ALEXANDER HOLLAND, Tieiiturcr American I x fmM Ct'iniviuy, New York. H-x JAMES NIXON,)-""'""-!' Y- U. IJ. PAt.MEIt, 'iViajur WcUcm I'liiuu Telfgrapli Cotnpiiv, New Yolk. Ff.KTCIlKK WFSTRAV, ( Westray, Gilbi Jc SurtK-Hitie, Nw York. NICHOLAS MICKLK3, New York. A U CL UTiN, Pri!it!ua. N. MirKLl, Vice Hrt'siUctt. GJ'Ol.uE CoNANT, tecceiurv. fal-.O'.UK ELLIS (Cudluur IN alumni Unnk Cominon Wcititti.) Tifiisuri-r. Hux. A.K. McCLVRE, riiiladflIiiu Solicitor. The CIhiipso ioveriiute.it li.ivmi; (tlinuigli Hie H'n. Atih"ii liiil;ir,';uiu') coiict-onl in tin C.iu,miiy Uie jrivi Irjit nl fttiiitet'iiiiii tue ieat KetipMiis ( the I .ntpire bym Hiiiimniic flvcliic lrltyr..jh cable, we ir...ji.e c iiiuiii otiii (iH-ii(H-n in I'luua. iiiid 1 1) it.tr il rtn h line ol nine iiujiJitJ mile uloncc, between lltu i'w.lowini; iwrls; viz POITLATION. Cititmi, .M.icoa. - lIoiig'Kuhg, Swuunv, Amoy, Foo-Chow, W'dii-Cl.u, Nmmio, Hung Lbean, tfiuiiiyimi, T.tlal, J,(K)u,(J(U tja.Ol U iJ.'iOjIHiO 231MHKI 1 2.511,000 l,l)tjU,0JU Tiiece (Kills have a fuirifiii roimneree of Sfc)0.fiWl,000, n i id tin i. iKriiiMUD (I 'lucsiic trade, iu-Biile wliioli we. iiave lite h.ifiifiise ititerii.il coniiiitriee f the F.iiipiit', radi uing ir'iti tucst pemi, tliniutli itn iuiini nn.l n;tv pilte nveia Tlie caoie iVtiii l.tui, Hits Company pnuMtsca eiectum; ln in t Inus, iuiil f.iiii'!i;liiiiki a feprcilv anil ti ii8Uvrlliy means n r'iiijimiimiiTiii, Inch iitnat eoimnaud there, tot L'vci wtivie life, t lie c unnum. cation l tno Ooveiuinent i. Ihjp.iu'Rs, a, id ni ntnti.l lu't, es-ciiilly in I'lnnn. Mm h t in p.'stiil bv&teiri. iiml her only tiR-ana uiw ! e.omnni iiK-uiiiia mfifiautiL'ii is by tou'iuiB vti iand. nml by Bicatn- KTH Mil Willi I . The 'tt. rn WutUl kiiowa tlmt Cliiim i a very Inrpe ctui(ti y, in tlte nifiiit i'eneh- petinUti ; but lew yet realize I i it llc iMiiUiu.b iiiuie Itiiin a t ti ml hi tin human r.u e. Tne lilest returns iMiule to Iter ceiitrul uultil it ICS fur tiix hnr nurniireit bv the leul iimnitriileii innke liei poptihitt' i I'm u iiL'N'uit i-:i au fiuuti;i;n aiii.i.ion, ttii'l Hut. is tn ire likelv b be utidei llian nver tl.e iiHuhI U'ureua'e Ne:irlv u 1 1 id" these, wlm ure nvrr teiiejim ol.l, ii.-t only cum but tin reud nml WMte, lier ci viiiZ-itH'i it iit'i-uliai, but tier literature in as r trnsivu ns llnl m" I'.u rpe. t'liinu ib u ln'tnl i-f -.itlit-rs nml trnriern; and the biitHr ine t'x.'w.littjjly qiiiek lo hvjiI iiieiveii m i veiy rrniierci tucilitv t( ir 'riiriuir eailv ii.i.'itnatniii. II ti!Keived in Califnrjii:i that the Chnu-Ke make preat utP of I ii" t-ii tanli. tn. mull it 1 liere. iransimtB inesw mcf in lre jr-uli Ml me. T i i ! n i r ;it niii'jbi'ry nl beet Kti';niieiH mi' in'u by t.iniiefe lii'-ielmiili'I un-l imiiI by tlietn ixciii n'e; I i the Inmihiiksum id tailv iiitelliuen(e. Il' I lie telt-;r.iph we pinp"e. LniiLcLuit ail their irinit -K-ajv. WHl' H"V III e.vst:i-i'i, It is l.t!ieeil thai ItB hi.SII v.'.'ii'd p:tv tnt'ei'st witliiii the lirs' two years nf tin sue- J ee'M j! npciinitiii, w -iil'.i steadily nuTe.'ie tfierfifter. ) Vi t'!ifepriic eniiiiii'-ail llnell" :.s in u ure iler duiiei i leni.iiiK.jiSve l'i c;i;,iu',hin, mid l niir whcile je"ple. If in -I nati, trial ihitiinnee cuuiuercinSly, p'jliticalty. tilll ;Minr,.i(-nln-,,;ie. J 1"? ' 'lot- Kt"ek cf ilii 1" iinpany liar bee! i myjiinlifieilly j ree 'itliiieiidr-l ! : ii.!:ii' utf btisilieiD men. US u UYfir- i e i m''' tiir-tit t'V rtninr!i iirticliH in tne .New nru II-a i!, Tii!itiiu. W'.iriil, Times, Pus;, Kx,ref-s, Indeptri Vi't, jtiitl in tlie I'lii! i'li Iphia N'r:li Aineneuii, Press, I -.a -r. Inquirer, Are, liiiilet m iimI Teh mi h. avii.i.e.s n i tim t'i iiip-iiiy in ! luiiiied ii'im'er, n:-y 1,m i- T;i ntr-.l iit .'H i; c'i. f.lt) i:ri;. il iwil, I5 mi The Ul nf N" .jii.ln'i-, I ; ualjh; iti ir.'ntl:!v ir.EUilinenis nf ox) i:t .iin. t j. r.,i; iJei-fii.j-.-l 1. 10", un up, Iiruiimi BEEXEL c: CO., :i NouiU ltijul Wiire, PlilLALr.I.rtllA. Phiiretfn t (btuiit il in Sunbii'y h uppHf.tinn to J. PACICI'II, l;.n;kerf who is ariiMrizvi1 tu reeei Bn.iti j.is, uiij cui; give a.l ni;c?s. jiy 11aofinuUi.11 sj'.;ect. .September 10, IftV 0-n. e rii'i n tlie SUNBURY MAHBLE l.'.L1 fHHK tinler.-i? J. tMiliru t-lt-ek ynrtl Imvit) I ion 'I tt tbo ek of IHwjinircr & 'invlor, ,S . --v.obl inloriH the public itiat tie in now .' t-ly to lo ull kind : it lonrble work ; has ou hauj, uul iu'iUt-1 tu urui bt !iurt uotioe, liiei9ii'il uutl EBi'asl-.Soiit'S, if cvtrv .y!o to cuit fmrclitiacrs. JmjuK AN1 V'IN1)0V SILLS. A1k, I'eitiOter.v I'usii with (I1t.va.1i7.ctl -ip au-J all ollwr t'cifirnr jniieially usoJ oil tVioeteiU. J.i ho A. Tali.r will eutilinuu iu the euiplovujfcitr, kt Iho otl riHiiJ in Murket Sounro, Sttiibnry, Vrt. Muy 2. t S.-ly.l V . M DALHJIl'LHTY. lUU!)7"FANi:V("U 1 LpI'EC'I i ri.I.Y infnruis the citizens of Fun V i.nrv mid vkiiiily, ib,it he uill lake to older Uil klti 1- i 1 t'.ik. '... LZit:: .. liirtIN. Ai'. Fauiil:.:.-".re tu plied with KllESli Ull KAl), Twist KiU. llu.-k'. 'leuliuiis. Ac, und also kc,t ou hand iii.titai'uC'UiL'd i:t et 1 liu bi-.-t luuterials. All 1 riffs li'li at bis .'jop in Market Square, one dO'U' cast ol' Mi.-s Anna Painter's Millinery ritore, or it lus liukeiy on piuee Struct, between 1'rout tind ccujiil e. n.ets., will ujuet with promjt ultenlioii. 1'lCXlC PAKTlEa supplied with Cakes, Ice Cituuj, ut the shortest notice. Order.-: are respectfully solicited. KAYID 1KV. f-'uut.ary. May 2. ItM. HOOTS .! NltOi:.. J. C. SYLYI-i, WITH II. G. TlIACIIEIi, Manufacturer of FUENCll AND AMERICAN CALF liooiM, reliot-M unci tiailci'Sj, l lea.-ants' UuilJii,, Market Sijuare, M'NLlllY, PA. Ladi.b' lkiois, Sbnesiind Gaiters of nil description uiudo 10 order on the shortest notice aud most rcaf i'ii.icle u.in;s. liming ihe best uoikmon ouiploycd we tun U.--1111, the j ul.liu that, if they Mill give us a ill. they i!l l,e P..tistied of the above facts. RE 1 AlKi Nti ne illv done wiih (li.pHti'li. li '-,ar e.iru. hurt your It-et, Ju.i call und L ave your measure, And no 1, ill i i.ike your Shoes or Boots, 'l i. .t ou mil tail u tieuiure. wj. i l. 2. ii 1 v i. i i;ni' sitMM or 1 ' AVt dinmnn Millinery Goods, -'i. I., (jiokxtt-i-, begs leave to nn- linun.v ( tl.e Lad les of Sunbury und t utiuity, that -u bui just opened a lmgo and vuiitd Sloek of MILLINERY GOODS. TV,- l...... -.. .. " "l -'w ior. ata rtiilnlelphia ftylo of LAIjICS' )1ATS AND B0JSNETS. Also. au i-icellei.t asscitn.ri.t of l a.bionaMe l.'m- brol UrU J. I ,1 rn,... ! U'nnl.. 11... , I. .blelV K h. 1:1. " I : . '"'. 11.1 i uuev Nu 'Sliries. nod nil kind. .r 1... Siamind Musiins, Corwts Perl nine. Vi bite. Kcuiuul i,r .link,,.... viu III f, '., Ac. t I nl examine lur youm-lves. fcliow (rood. No trouble to uiiOuiy, A nl 11 le4. Whr at Always g to Byeily tui j id,;, f-r rs.utteif LIGHT ! LIGHT ! LIGHT ! t. nvi:m.v, f PIIE pnpulnr Photnfiriip.r, hiw Btl.J op, In h J. olil Poxt Oflioo bullilhiKi three duor wet of th rnilronJ, Mnrhet ("inure, one of th. Tory beet Sky Light to be found in the State, iind i now prepared to take pictures uf any kind, in all kinda of weather, rarlv and late. Children taken almoat Inatantly. 1)1 iDg along the babioi we are now ready for them. COME ONE 1 COME ALL I both groat aad email, bil new foemi, and ex amine fiperimens. FHA.MKS and FRAMING material oonstantlyon hand and made to order. Ilring along yuur picture! and bare them framed chenper than any where ele. Come nnd aee lor yourselvca, Anything in the pioturo line constantly on hand orordored. Copying done In all it lirancho and colored at desired. lloth out nnd Indoor views taken at ihort notice niul on rowonablo tenna. Pntisfaotion guarrnntocd, n our motto in to plcu?c. All ncgntivea carcrully preserved. Kcinember tbo place ask for B. lSYKll LY. Mnrkot Sqiiurc. Mny 2a. 'OS.-ly. ' fi:;A3:i'v .ijii.i.. Till-: fuWcri'icrs having just erected and put in operation a JliH for the tnanul'HCture of LIXBEE1) OIL, oflVrtlie hv'licut nmrkct prico for KLAX SEED. '1 hey linvc sttached to their wtiiiriifhuicnt a Chop j. i n if Mill, and furmora and other wanlini; grnin chopped lor lueding, ean. be ncoommodated at the fhorunt lidioe. A ina-hine fvr chopping corn with llio cob is nttnehed to tbo mill. 3HUIUA.N 4 SlASStK. January 23. i.y srmxG TKA.DE 1SGS. M. L. LAZARUS. viouKl call tl.o attention of the puMic, nnd her cusloroers gouTrtlly, to her largo and now assort ment of E'i:nvj aud lonioMic lrj .lw. Wlii.h cocsiKt cf Poplins, Uclninf, Uhenes, Allnpac- chs, Lrept. tircnnJuu's, irun unrobe. J.nwus, Uinhauis, Calicoes, Chintzes, Ac, YI'tiMc j1ooIi. Ouml.rics. Stovs, Organdies, Victoria, Plaid .Muslim .Mnrsiiilles, Pique, Urillings, I2ans, Musliii,, iblewhod mid uiililenchcil.) Xablo Lhiun, JJupkiiis, Towels, Table Cover?, . lied Spreads, &o. ti loves, HunitTy, Cor.'cts. Hoop t-kirts, llre. Trim- tunic1', (in vmivtv.) l.n'iits ana vtcnis iinnaKer- iliiil's, Neck 'lies, nnd notions in variety t.o nuincr- ou? to mention. m- 1. LAtAltLP. Siinhury. July P. 1S !S. J. AV. STEVKKSOK. A. . UltlfK. ATTRACTION AT ii a up T's ni:v mox fhoxt: STEVENSON & IHUCE, T TAVK opened up n new and desirable stock of JLl (loodsin ll.'iupt's New lluildinu', consisting iu part of n splendid variety of Aiiirrioaii Vl'al-liew, GOLl WATCI1K5, BOOKS, CLOCKS, JEWKLUY, STATlOXEltY, SILVEU-WAHE. COLD PKXS, SPECTACLES. NOTION?, U!ubs-Wro, Cutiuiy, Pitturts, Looking-Glasses, &c, &o., &c. ("nil and examine ourtook. Our niiu will bo to plcaco nnd sulistynll who call. Sunhury, April 1R, lSf.S. SI'EEIfS STANDARD Wine Bitters ! Hi 9 Jhealthn. JBEAUTV lie Wcnk, Tor tho Palo. l'er the Sickly, 1 or tho Aged, l'or l-'emnlcs, I'or Spring Vso ! ! ! - ."Vo ISillei-M -iiial to tlieiu ! Speer's Standard Wino Bitters, Jliulo of AVINE, UKUnS AND 1KJOTS. I SiT.r.iTs Ce'.eUuled Wine, so well knowu, with Peru ian liaik, CLuniooiile rioweri, fcuako iiont, Wild Cherry Lark, liiner, ai.d tu-'li other llerln and Hoots as will in ull case os.-ijt l'iiestiuii. protnoto tlio Secreiior.s of tbo tys tcui i:i tkc natural eltaunels. nnd i;ivu TONE AND VIGOR to tho mini; nuil Old, lal- aud t'ciualu ! All use it iih wonderful success. Urines To tbo l'nlo AVbito Lip, El.OOM AND liEAUTY To liic thin face and care woru countciiuncc. l ures tever and Creates Appetite. Try them. 1'so ii..ne other. A.-k for Seer's standard Iintcr. old by llruggisb" and Grocers, t-co tiiul u.y si.m tui e is u cr the col k ot each bottle. ali ia:i) spi:i:i'. l'aaio, X. J., mi l 243 liroadwuy, Xew-Vork. I".-"Trade supplied by Johnston, llolluwuy & Co., Philadelphia : Uvorgo A. Kelly, Pittsburg; aud liy all Vboh sale Ileulers. l or snlj by W. A. P.EXXUTT. Suuburv, Pa. July 11. iK'ti.l '(17 ly . N VAX M AC 1 i I N ESI 1 O P AND TIFLOJSr FOUITDR": ar.i. :oisi:e! wn a. m, STJNBURY, IM'nii.M the puldiu that they have established a MAl'lllNi: Mil)?, in c.u.m-c.i .11 wiih tbcii l ol .Milt V. They have supplied themselves with New I.ail.es, Planing and l.oriu .Maeiiiucs. with tho lale.-l improvements. Wiih the uid of fckiiltul me eliunies, they nro enabled to execute all orders of Icw Wrl or Iti'in.li-iii, that may he given lheui,in a satisfactory niHiiuer. ll.it inn enlarged an 1 rebuilt their Koun dry, they urc ready to execute all kinds of CASTINGS. ' Iti-wnM OiMiiuutf. Vc. The PLOWS, already veKbruted for their nupcri ority, have been slill turlbir improved, und Kill nl- ivav. 00 kept on 11:11111 Mnlnirv 11 LAli.81' ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, Joseph Eyster, t'onitr of Mnrket aud Fourth ft'trc.l, S U N 15 U R Y , P E N N ' A . Invites tlie publia to cull and examine his elegant a&s.jrl.ueut of SPKINll AND cT.MMEKDUY UOODS, sueh a. Table Linens, Douicties. Doylius, Towel, and Di.uicstics of every description at the very low-e.-t 1 rice. CASSIMEEES. CLOTHS. &G . Silks. Delaines. Lawns, Giubuiui, CalKoes, Muslim, Micctiug. '1 i.'kings, Jeans, uud a full aasorluicutuf totloii and oolen goods generully wnir-p-.Tr,YV7,cf: Hosiery, tiloves, Hoop Skirls. Also lluudkcrchiefa, III UollCS, IAIUIOS. IEiiIm anil Chun, Ilooto uud lioew, His assorlmcut of goods will not, he is sura fail to please the funny and suit the want of any desirous of purchasing. His Hnek of ll.VUDWAlti: AND (.'I'EENSWAUE, and Grooeries is large iu quantity and choice In quality, comprising geuernlly everything needed la In. household either ti.r use or ornament. Ho is always ready and glad to.ee Li friends and take, pleasure iu showing them his goods even though Do sale, are made, lie only aska a eel), and is .ure "that the UHk will compare favorably la price and quality with the cheapest. JOSEPH EYSTER. .Sunbury. June. 20, Uftrl. C1ALL and .e those keauliful bird Uaget M lb ) sew llaidear store of J - H- CWLET 4Cf Q4 - "ew mm A. . TTW r4 --S M1 WHU'T H ;vigop1.T8 r gTRENGTH 1 lor I FRESH ARRIVAL, OP MILLINER Y GOODS ajn id isroTioisrs, Misa ANNA PAINTER. Market Bqnero, two door, wert of the Poll OIBoe SUNBURY, PENN'A, RESPKCTPVXLT U forme her friends, and the public that ahe bat Just roturnod from'the city, where ahe haa spent some time in making .election! end purobaeae, and baa Just opened a large etoek el MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Lao os, Drese-Linings, Crinoline and Wi gnus Skirting Lining, Hoop kirta, Rugle Trim mings, Crape Trimmings, lint Crape, Cloak Duttoni, Corsets. Zophyr.. A large assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen'! Hosiery. DOLLS of all ilies. Alphabet Klocks, Ao. iSho Hatters herself in being able to make a display that will give entire intistaolion to visitors, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. Sunhury, May .10, 1803. W. A. I5ENNETT, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Market Sqanrc, SI .MU ItY, Pa. Uai juit opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpnssed in purity and freshness, and kept con stantly on band. My stock will always be found complete in every article ol merit in M.dicine. rhysiaiana and Customers may rely upon prompt ness and attention to orders. F ANC3T ARTICLES ! My slock is unusually Inrge and embrace! every thing that ean be found on a first class Toilet Table, including American and genuine Trench and Eng lish PERFUMERY, Pomades, Hair Oil, Ivory, Uutta Pereha Wood and Horn Combs, Toilet Koaps, Hair Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paiut liruthci, io. fatoiit Mi-ilicincx. Embracing ull the most popular Preparations of the day, at manufacturers' prices. Pure Havana SEO AllS nnd CHEWING TOBACCO of the host Brands. I'alntw, Oil, l"o, j1n, 1'iitty, Vni'iiisilioi, A'. All my Tinctures. Syrups. Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations nto manufactured by myself, and from tho best material I can procure ill Market. Having bad quite n number ol jenrs experience in tho ... Druij and Picrijitiun Jccic, both iu Philadelphia and the country, and also the advantage of the College of Phnrmncy, t feel enni potent to COMPOl'NU ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that Ihe Physicians nnd public may favor me with. All my preparations us I have ahovo assorted, are mado from the best material, and upon honor I assert, thev aro of official strength. For' medicinal purposes, I keep on hnnd tho very C'INES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, thnt I can procure, lleforo purchasing elsewhere, call nnd convince your own mind. J V. A. BENNETT. Sunb'ury, May 13, 1C3. lu'Exisa oi' s UMMEit a r yl es, AT Hiss Louisa Shissler's, M A R K E T S Q U A R E , Ladies' aud Misses' HATS nnd BOXNTS, in lininonso variety. .Ililinory Cioutlx untl Ti-Simuiiig'N. French and American Ribbons, Laces, Handker chiefs. Gloves, llosiry, and a general assortment of Ladies Millinery Goods, which have been selected with great care. 4a'nl t ollaris, 'oeklicH lovc, V. Every variety will bo found to select from, at MOUEltATE PRICES, hunbury. May ,10, QUEENSWAUi T STONE CHINA WARE, &c Market Street, 6 doors west of Fourth St., south lido, SIWUURY, PENN'A., RESPECTl'l'LLV informs the citiiena of Sunbury uud Merehanta and deuiers in this and ndjoiu- uig counties, tbut be has just opeucd u large assort- 111-lit of yriiLxsw.uu: and stoxe ciiixa wauk f every vnrifty. from the b??t uiHtiufuctorici in the country, which will to sold ut WlluLKtSALK uud KKTAIL. Dt-iilcrs aro invited to examine his etock before nurohtisini; in the city, U3 thiy can nave money by j doing t(. .uubury. .'My Jit. irit.tt. but NEWROCElWSbRE, W. G. j"J?.IrCAlT & CO., Market Street, .Six doors East of Third street, uoitb fide, SLNUI KY, PA., 1i:.S''ECTFl'LLY inform tbeir frionds aud the ) public, that they have opened NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have Ilium call and examine Ibeir slock, vihieh has just been opened, embrac ing everything in the Grocery line, such n Coffee, Ten, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Canned ami Dried Trulls, Bonus, llouiiiiy, Cheese, Crackers, Bacon, linui, Fish, Salt, Potutocs, etc., logelher with Soaps, Candles, Soda. Ac-, nnd iu fuel everything ill the Groccrynud Provision. Lino. F1.0VR AND FEED, Queensware, Willow-ware, (ilnssniire, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac. Ca.) uud scu bel'oie purehasiug elsewhere. W. S. I IRMAN & CO Sunbury. April 27. lSrt". rpiIE ' Susquehanna Hotel," located on the corner L ofl'onnnnd Fourth Street!, iu the Borough ol Suubury, Not lliumberlnnd county, Pa , is ofiured at private huo, ou reasonable terms. 'Ibis well known Hotel has lately been renovated, und is one of the best .tunds in the place, with an excellent ruu ol custom. For further pirliculiirsapplv to il. W A KUOoAsT. Georgetown, Pa., or GEO. W AG ENSELLER, Suubury, Pa. July It, l.MiS. REMEMBER llv.-i ly ' new Picture Gullery three doors west of the railroad, Market Square COAL! COALlT "COAl! T Gr-R-A-NT &c BROTHER, liilli'i-k .V Wliolewalu Jk ICclall It.'iilri-M in Hum: V ICi:i ASW COAL, iu every variety. Sole Agent, westward, of the Celebrated Henry Cluy Coal. Lower Wumr, Sixsinr, Pa. Sunbury, Juu. l.'i, Iniid. SEEING IS BELIEVIN0 At 7ti 1 Arch Mi fl. NEW PRICES: NEW GOODS Hich Silver and Silvcr-l'latcd Wares, Including every style and description, made expressly for the Winter trade, which for neatness and durability cannot be surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S dcsuleand Retail Manufacturing Establishment 701 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. tr lie-plating at short notice. eeember21, ltd7 .aug27 FANCV DKV G00US. ALL THE LATEST STYLES, Suitable for the SPRING AND SUMMER SEASONS. MISS KATE BLAOK, Market Square, two doors Ewt of the old Bank building. SUNBURY, Peun'a., HAS just opeued a fresh assortment of the most Lisbionable Fancy Dress Good tiolu the largest establisbmenU iu Philadelphia. DaLAINES, ALAPACAS, POPLINS, CALIC-S. Moi inni. uouitsi, Cloths, Sacquel Flannel!. Flannels, Sheetings. Mui liui. Ladies aud Children' HATS. Feather. Ribboui, lti--BH '1'rliiiiuluBM. I'rubroldfrlea, Lac Veil.. Corset., liandk.rebief. Uleree, Uoslery Hoop Skirls, Hopkins' lsliptM bkirts. Real Black Lace bkawl. and Ladle.' Good of every deeuriplioa. Bun Umbrella, and Paroaolr. Genu' Collar., Neck-tie, lUlf-bu, .Vandker. ehier. and Glove. Perfumery, Toilet Bo.pl, lialr Bru.be., Comb, U. JtATH BLACK. Whi KEEP WELL-DRESSED. Call and tee the well teleoted Stook of CUtTUS, ' CASSIMERE8, 0VSRC0ATING3, VE&TINGS, e Just received at MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISH MENT, Fourth Etreel, below Eyster'i Store, tjUNBURY WINTER CLOTHING of the most approved atylee is made up to order a reasonable rates. Ho hns also a fine assortment of Cassltnere Shirts, Drawers, Undershirts, Overhauls, Blouse, Neck ties. Cotton and Woolen Hose. Suspenders, Hand kerchiefs, Uloves, and a general variety of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISUINQ GOODS, Give him a oall, which yon will find te be te your advantngo. bunbury, Oct. IV, I HOT. 7 SO Chestnut Street, IMiilntlelpIiin. Are the best in Use, FOR THE F0LL0WIN3 REASONS : They are more .iuiple and durable, easier kept in order, make a stronger and more elastio it itch, a firmer and more beautiful team than any other They sew all Tabrici from two common (pools, re quire no re-winding of thread, fasten both ends of tho seam by their own operation, and though every Dtih stitch Is cut the scam will not rip. The Very llielieett Irizc, llie Cronn of the Legion of Honor was conferred on the repre sentative of tho .'itovi:it Ac ii.iii:te at the Exposition Universcllee, Paris, 18C7 ; thus attesting their great superiority over all other sew ing machines. UR0VER & BAKER'S HIW ITTLES n 11 1' 'r i' 1. 1: yt a v iint:ti For Manufacturing, Combine the most modern and essential Improve mcnts. The attention is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boots and Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and all others requiring tho use of the most effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these new stylet, which possess unmistakable ad vantages over nil others. FOR SALE BY Mias CAROLINE DALIUS. Market Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A., Nov. 23, 1S07. ly T0RRIN GT0N & HODOKINS n a. "W bone; surER-niosriiATE of lime, A STANDARD MANURE FOR ALL FIELD AND GARDEN CROPS. Having within the past year preatlr increased and improved our taoilitie. lor grinding Bonis and man ufacturing, we are prepared to furnish to the farm ers of Pennsylvania a superior article of Niipcr-I'IiOkbntc. Our manufacture haa been thoroughly tested the past season by praotioal men of our immediate neighborhood and elsewhere, and in every cose the result hns been entirely satisfactory. Our process of pulverizing, whereby it U prepar ed for and GUARRANTEED TO PASS THROUGH ANY DRILL, obviate an obicction which attache to many fer tilisers, and seeure lo the former a saving of much valuable time. 80LD AT THE MANUFACTORY, EAST MARKET STREET, SL'SllinY, IM.( and by our Agent throughout the country, In Bags of 200 lb, each, at $68 per Ton or 2000 lb. ALSO SHIPPED PROMPTLY to all point aucenabl by rail or o.nal, on receipt of order. TORRINGTON A HODOKINS. Also Agent for Seymour, Morgan A Allen' Self Raking Reaper and Mower (The New Yorker) and Pratt i Smedley' Hay and Grain Rake. Send for Circular. . February 15, 'S. ly A LARGE supply of Wull Paper and Moi-dcr,just received and for tale cheap, at the Mammoth Store of n. Y. FRILIXU. April 4, 18d3 ISAAC K. STAUFFER, Wnf eliiuaker aud Jew. t-ler, NO. 148 NORTH 2d ST , COR. OP QUARRY. PHILADELPHIA. An .-ii.ortinent of YVut-lic., Jewelry, Silver and PUtre Ware mu.uthlly oil liiiiat, t"Kcpuiriiig of Walchcand Jewelry promptly at leialed to Nov. 3D, I'M I y. I F you have a picture you want framed, go to 1 i.V-rl ' and gel It done cheaper than any gel 11 aone cheaper loan any He bos mouldings of all kinds where else in town. oomtant y rn baud JOHN P. HAAS, Dealer in all kinda of ANTHRACITE COAL, MIDDLE WHARF, SUNBURY, PA., IS prepared to lupply ell kinds of Anthracite Coal from the Sbauiokiu Coal Region at cheap rate. All orders promptly filled. Country custom re ipeclfully solicited. JOHN P. HAAS. Sunbury, July 18, 1S63. I JI IM ll'IM.Vr ." O I I c u. MIHE undersigued having succeeded lo the busi L uess of I. H1MES k CO., takes this method of iiitoriuing Biiek-Layen, Builders, and all others in terested, in and about Sunbury, that he is prepared to till all orders, fur building aud paving Brick, of a superior quality, and at as low rale as can be had elsewhere. 1 am also the Agent in the Countici of Nor! hum -erlaud, Union, Snyder and Montour, for WAH EN'A' IMPROVED FIRE aud WATER PROOF OOF. 'Ibis i the cheapest and best Roof that an be useu on building.. We covered several build ups with il, duriug the last season with entire satis faction. Order left at tbe Brick Yird, In Cake' Addition to Sunbury, or at the Office of Mr. Win. Reagan' Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, or at Suubury Post Olnce, will receive prompt attention. TOWNSEXD UIMES. Sunbury, March 14, I068. Agricultural Implements, HOE'S Grain Rake, Steel and Iron Garden Rakes, Long and D Handle Spade., horels, Manure and Hay Forks, Grass and Grain Scythes, Grain Cradles, Cradle Finger., Trace, Breait, Tengu aad Log Chain., Grind stone., Fanning Mill Seiveaof all si im and kiuds.a largo assortment of Red W agon Uamee, ht Plowing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Teeth, lor aoie by J. U. CONLEY CO. notice to TreiaBri-a. "VTOTICK i. b.r.by gir.n, thai no pereon or per ll sou. will be allowed to tresneaa no tbe proper ty of tbe anderaigued, ia I .owes Mahoooy township, Norihuuih.rlond oounly, lur lb purpoM of picking Berrie., Fruit, Ac, or to enter ibm any eaolowir. wlthout nermluion, a the Ian will be uTureed agaiaat all etfeuder. ISAAC II. RKUSLXK. I Ltvir M&konAV ln . J... aa luaa - 1 Great Attraction, at the NEW TIN-WARE, Sheet Iron sal Stove Store of SMITH & GE1TTEEH, STJNBTJRY, 3?.A..4 Where they keep constantly on band and manufac ture to order at abort notioe. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all description! They would especially oall the attention of pur chaser! to their large and woll selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers hare made arrangomenU to have all thoir best stoves made to urdor, and those who would have a good itove would do well to go and examine their large and well selected stook. First. Tbey defy competition on the following tried Brands of Cook Stoves, via : 4'oiublnntlon lan Ilurncr, Cook. Uorrrnor I'cnn-Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antiduit Cook Store called BPKAK'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stores in great variety em bracing all the beat manufacture, and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish siinpli ' city of arnuiKcmenta combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are reurosunted. Also, The colebrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove. for beating first, socoud and third stories by Registers. Alio, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING GLORY. Coal Oil. Coal Oil Lamps, Blindest, Clilmnlri., and nil arliclm usually kept in an establishment of this kind. They are also prepared to furnish State and do slating in the Best wnrKinaniiKe manner. Also, to do Tin Hoofing, Spouting, Rani;e and Furunce Work. Gaa Filling, Ac Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Alw: 'llatigH' ICatv Hone Snpcr-IMioa-pbalc." Remomber the place. .Sample and Sales Room nearly opposito Conly'i Hardware Sloro, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted. August 25, lt6(l. GROCERIES, Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. J. A. tiVXIX Ac CO., In Woiuier's Building, Water Street, near King St., NORTHUMBERLAND, PA. INFORM thoir friends and tho public generally thnt thev have a large assortment of Grooeries Provisions. &o., all fresh nnd of the best quality, oon- isting of Tens, CofTeos, Sugars, and Spices. Dried and Canned Fruit, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery line. They would also call attention to their large and heap lot of Good FAMILY FLOUR, Green Tea, Hams, Shouldors. Ac, which are constantly kept on band. Also, all kinds of Vegetables. A c, Ac. Givo them a oall and see for yourself. Northumberland, Sept. 24. lstiT. THE GREAT AMERICAS' VOML'ISA TIOS Ilultou Hole Overscnining SEVI1TG MACZI1TS. It Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof of ill Great Merit. The increase in the demand fur this valuable ma chine has been TEN FOLD during the loll seven months of its first year before the public This grand and surprising success ia unprecedent ed in the history of sewing-machines, and we leel fully warranted in claiming that IT HAS NO EQUAL, Being Absolutely the Best F.Vtlll.V JIACIII.XH IN THE WOULD, Art! Iittiiimically the Cltea'ett. It is really two machines combined iu one, (by a simple and beautiful mcchanicnl arrangement,) ma king both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch, and the Over seaming nud Button-bole stitch, with equal facility and periection, It executes in the very best manner every variety of sewing, such as. Hemming. Felling, Cording, Tucking. Stitching, Bruidiugaud Quilting, Gathering and sewing on, (done ut the same lime,) and in addition, Overseaius, Kuibroiderson the edge and makes beautiful Button and Eyelet-holes in all fabric. Every Machine is warranted by the Company, or its AgenU, lo give entire satisfaction. Circulars, wiih full particular! and samples of work done on this Muchiue, cun be bad ou applica tion at tbe Salesrooms of TUB AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE, OVERSEAMINO AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa, Instructions given on the Machine at Ihe rooms of Ihe Company gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FRED'K PAXSON, President. W. B. Meniik.niiai.i., Treasurer. April 25, 16S. lycjan. 25. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, is on 3d street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTRESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Hut I.alcly i:tlablihcd, trills ull the Modern liuproveiueulsj ol' the Art I rpiIE subscriber, having built Ihe room expressly X for the purpose of Photographing, and having devoted many years to tbe business, i. confident of bis ability to assure hi patrons that the work pro duced shall be second to none ineounlry or city. No work allowed to leave the gallery unles en tirely satisfactory. Having the bust sky light in the county, he is prepared to make Photographs In all kinds ot weather, but would prefer a clear day lor small children. He is ulso prepared to take new liie, or cabinet oard Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required sise and colored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. W pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such a Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac, a lurge lot of Photograph frames constantly 00 hand lOe public are respectfully invited to call and sea our specimens and our eumplete arrangements for making Photographs, special terms to families and clubs. . BEROSTRESSER. Sunbury, July 15, 91. C. UIlAKIIAU'r'ti Confectionry, Toys and FTJTT STORE, illurUet Mlretel, Niiiibur)-, Iu. CONFECTIONERY OF All KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, ic, Jtc, . CONSTANTLY on band and for sal. at tne above establishment atwbulwule and retail, at reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds uf Con foot iouaric. to keep up a full assortment which are sold ut low ruiee. Tobacco, Began, Stationery, Nuts of all kiuda, ana a variety of other article, ull of whijh art ofl.ied wholesale and retail. UjpRomeuiber the name and place.. JPI M. C. GEARHART, Market itre.t, S dou west ef. Y. Bright A Soa'l tor. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 186.1. tf Wufer and I'l re Iroor SLATE ROOFS THE undersigned respeotfully inform builder in this and adjuiuitig oouutie that b is prepared to tint on .Slut. Roof, in a .uoerior manner. 11a font. li-be. th. celebrated Lehigh oounly Slate, which i. in. neat in m. n araei. ue warrant hi work lo be durable and fire and water proof. Ue invite, tbe in- speoticnot Ihe public lo the work be ha. don. in Sun. bury oo Haupt a, Ureenough' aad Haa' balldiagi, ana on otuers at rariou. plaoe. ui prloe aro as low at thoee of any other ilauer. AddreM, D B. SMITH, a anbury. P. 0., or oall .1 bi. re.id.ae. in Upper Augusta twp. January II, IritW. ly T?OR Saddler, w bar Saddle Tree, Bill. Buck J lee. Gig Tree., Pad Tree., Uaaee, all kind aod every tbiag perlaiaiag te Ibe busiaae.. for Ml. by J. 11. CON Li, Y A CO. uvvv tbe kteraaf MOOES DliSINOE, Maike sweet, Mtmkiuf Marl BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL. ISTABLISHKD AS A REFUGE FROM QUACK. ERY. TUB ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON hei discovered the moei Certaiii.Ppeedy ii4 only Effectual Hemedy in the Work) for. II ru ral. Disease., Weakiie.. of the Back or Limb., Hlrielnrr., Affection. f the Kinney. mwA BlHikler, luriHuntary Di. eti.iKM, linpoieiicy, General Debility, Nerviiuaoew, Dy peoav. lAoaaor. Low Kdiiiu. C011l11.m11 of Idea.. Pnloi- Inti.Mi nf the Heart, Timidity, Trembling., Dimnees of rttht or Oitldmewi, Ii.im hi the tlemi, 'l lir.iat, .N.e or kill. Affection. 01 tlie Liver. Lung., Mloniaeh or HnwHl these T.rrible DiuiideLarlsut. fiom theHotilary Habit, of Yooth lho. Mcret anil iliuny priellee. more fnuil to their vlelims tli.n ihe n of Myr.n. ui lli. Mnllner. of UlyMei,blinliiiii. Hint moat brilliant h pe.oi antieipaiiuna, rendering marriage, sto., ImpoMible. Yonnsr Men Rspecially, who have liecome the vieiimsnf Solitary Vice, thai dreadful and destruetive hnliil which atiniitiMy awero. to .11 untimely grave thouuial. of Ynunj; Mnn of the most exnlied talent, and brilliant intellect, who might otherwiM hnve eiittuiiced liatemng tenates with the lliun ilei. of eloquence or wuked to ectuuy the living lyre, inay call with full confidence. MarrSnRe. Mnrried Person, or Youne; MenenntemplatiiiKmarit.ref being nwurr of physical weakness, oigame debility, de foiuiltie.. 4tc, speedily cured. ue who place, hnn.eir nnder inn eare nr Dr. J. snny may rehxiously eoutiil. in hi. honor .. e gentleauoi, ana vuniiuciiuy rciy upon nia.siiins m riiy.ieiau, Orjrunlc WeukitcMS Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This Dislieniua Affection which render. Life miser. blr and marriage impnMihle. i. the penally pinl by I he u, .,,, in.,rr iiiiniigence.. 1 oung pelion. are um ,,. ... ,- .M-nRi iroiu noi oeiugHwiire 01 the dread, tnl cmaequencc. that may en.ue. Now. wl thm . (laud, the .ul.jeel will pretend to deny that the power of ...,, y Hum tailing inui improper habit, than by the pruilenl.? Ue.i.le. dent, deprived Ihe pleasure. 01 nrallliy otl.prlng.lhe moat .erinu.Miid dr.ti ac tive .ymplnm. to h,,ih body and muni atiM-. The system Im-ome. Orreitaed, the I'hy.it-Hl and Mental ruiii,nia Weakeueil, lts.if I'roceative I'.iwei, Nervous lrrit-,l,ili-ty, DyHi.iH, I'alpitHlion of the Heart, luiligciinn. Con siilitli.Mitil Debility, a Wasnng of the Ktaine, Cough, Consumption, Decay nnd Dtalh, Ollire, '0. 7 Nouth I'rederlck Nlreel lfl hand side going from Baltimore street, a few door, 'nun the comer. Kail nut toobterve name nnd nuuilier. Lettei. must be panl mid eontuiii u .tamp. The Doctor'. Diplomas bang in in. office. A Cure Warranted in Two itaju. So Mercury or Suuteuut Vrvgi. Ir. Joliumton, Member of the Royal Collce of burgeons, lxiiidon, Grad uate from one of the most eminent Colleges 111 Dm railed State., aud the greater pari of whose hie htm been spent 111 the ht opita I. of Ixnidon, Pan., Philadelphia .ud et.e wlleie, hn. effected some of the ul.t ualonl.tiuig curea Unit weteever known; many tri.uhled with liiigu.g in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, bring alarm ed at audden Bounds, iNiRlilnlness, wull firquent hlii.luug, attended aometitne. wuhdenngemeiit of mind, weie cured immediately. Take I'arlleular .Police. Dr. J. addresses all thou who hive injured Ihemielvea by improper iudulgeiii-e and solitary habits, winch rum both body und mind, unfitting tlieiu lor either business, study, society or marriage. 'i'KKsK ure .nine of the .oil and melancholy effect, pro duced by eurly habits ol youth, viz : Wenkne.. ol the Hack .nd Limbs, I'ain. in Ihe Head, Dinuies. ol" Sight, LoMof Muscular P.iwel, I'utpiUilion of the Heart. D.pepsy, Nervous Irrilalnlny, Detntigeineutof tlie Dicestive Kunc- tioiia, General Debility, yiupliiiti. of Ci.ii.uuiptinu, e. Mkntallv The leurtul effect, on the lliiial are inneh I tobedreddeil l.iu m .Memory, Coiil'n.1011 ol Ideas, He- i preuiou 01 spirits, r.vu-r oieoiaiing.. AViTi"iii:tcieiy, Self-Di.tru.t, Love ot Solitude, Timidity, Ac. are some ol the evils pr.aluced. Thou.akh. of persons nf all n.es can now judg. what i. the cauw of then declining heulili, l.,.iug Iheir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervu. and eliaeiale1, having n .ingular uppenrnnce about the eyes, eougb und .ymptom. uf coiLUiupuon. Young' .lien Who hnv. injured themselves by. certain practice Indulg ed ill when alone, u habit Ireipieutly lenined Ir.im evil companions, or at aelinol, the effect, of which .ie mehtly felt, even when asleep, and if tf it cured renders marringe impossible, and destroys both liiindauil body, should apply immediately. W,ih a pilv that a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of his iarnil., .hould l,e .naleheil from .11 pnw pecls and eujoiiieiil. of lite, by Ihe eniieiueiice of devia ting from the path of nature and indulging in a cerlata secret hubil. uch perpnn. MU.r. befoie cailempUituig Jlnri'iiise, reflect that a sound mind nud body are Ihe most neconry requiaitealo promote coniiuluiil happincM. Indeed wilhont theae, the journey thr.-ugh life hecmea a weary pilgrim age; the plo.pecl Imurly darken, to Ihe view; lit. li-lud btcome. Mhadt.weit wiih dc.imir .ml fillet with the nieUnt- eh..y reflection thut Ihe happine.i uf another bceoiii.. uug'iieil win. uur own IHM.'UNe of Eiiipi-mlciuM'. When the misguided nud imprudent votary of pleasjr. funis that he has imbibed Ihe seeds id' this ptiiniul diseuie, it trio often happens that an lll-tlined aeuse ui sliaine, or dread of ducovery, defers him from applying lo those who, lorn education mid re.peeUlnlliy, euu alone hefiiend him. deliiviug till the conslitutloual .iliiiit.iin. of this liornd disease make their uppeunince. sueh as ulerrated sue tlirnat.iti.ensed nose, noetutul pains 111 I lie hmd and llnil, dillilie.. ol" .:ght, drnlncs., lenle. oil Ihe .bin b-me. anil nun.. 1.1 itche. tin the head, Ineennit extieimti. .. piogress iug Willi fnahtful tnpidily, till .1 1.1.1 the palate of the mouth or the Is.ne. of Hie nose lull 111. ami lite victim of llu.awf.l! di.ease become, a h..nid..bjei-t of eoirnru.era ti'.u, till death nut. a neri.Hl tt In. diemlfitl .iifferina, by wilding him to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller letniii. " It i. a melancholy fuel that thousand, full victim. I. this terrible disease, owing lo the uuskilil..hie.. .!' Ignoiant pielemler., who, hy tlie use ol th it ' De nlly rnt.ou, .Mer cury," ruin Hi. constitution and make ill. residue ui lif. miserable. Nli"!njsor4 Trust nt yo-ir live., or henlih. to tl,e cure ef the mimv I'nlealued and Worlhless I'lrlemlrrs. de-titule f knowl edge, name or chirnelrr, whnc .pv Dr .li.lin.t..u,s atlver tiR.ments, or lylnlieinseive in the nevi .(i;ipeis. reirutai ly Kdnctited l'.-iy.ieians, iiirnuilile .f I'm log, they keep ynu trifling in'Milii after month taking Ihetr It it It v and ,wiisonti. eiiiupouiitl., nr 11. long u. the .uulle.t fee ean be ol.lulned, and 111 d.apair, leave you with mined heallh 10 sigh over youf gulling llisnp)Niiillmeiit. Dr. Johii.ton is the only I'livsicinu nderrtising. Hisere.le11l1.-1i or diploma. aitvn. haii. in his .iTtce His reuiidiea or treatment lire uukmiwii to h!I othrra, preisired from a life spent in Iheerrtii ti..,,ital.of Kar-.pe. the first in tin. country ami . nwre etel.n-e .'l'rivule I'rucliee" than any oilier Phyaicmii iu the woild. llMlOI-ht'lllClll " III.- .. The manv thousnnd. cured at tin. mstiiiitioii year nfler year, and the numerous linnortant Smgienl llpernliuns perlormed by Dr, John.ti.u. witnessed bv ihe rep-.rter. of the "fun." "CbtMier'i and maiiv other pnner.. i.otiee. nf which have appeared aiMiii and again bel'ore Ihe public, j beaides hi. araudiu. aa a ge'111 lemiiii of character and re- 1 8siuaihilily, 1. a sutlieieut gu irauree to the afflicted. j kin li'it.- !.r.Mlily 4'ur.-1. rervni. wnittii. shou'd lie nurlieiilar 111 directing their i ettvrs Co his lusiiiuiiou, iu tl.e foilowiug manner, I John II. Jnhnsleu, I. I. 1 Of the n.tllini ne Isa k Hospital, b.ltim ire, Md. rsov. no. I--U7 1 y. Notice to merchants and Shippers. flIIE undersigned, proprietor of Weiser A Frick'i JL Line, givo notices to fnerebunts and ihipperl that the Depot ia at i 1 1 Hi 811 Market street. Phila delphia. and all Goodsdirected to Sunbury, Danville and Lewisburg, and all intermediate stations along tbe railroad, will be promptly delivered. LV Cars leave HI 1 Mnrkot street, Philadelphia tri-woekiy Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. J. W. niliiW.V, Proprietor. Lewisbufg, J. 11. BROWN, Agent, Suubury, Pa. December 7 litti7. h H. Conley Co., Market Ntrcet, I-'atst tl the ICailroad, SUNBURY, PENN'A. DEALERS IN fori:iu.- x. Ani:iti i, Hardware & Cutlery. fpUE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, X and Buyen generally is invited to the fact that we ate now offering a better selected assortment of HARDW ARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered io this marked at prices much below those heretofore demaidid by dealers. Our dock comprise all article, in ibis line ofbusinew.l embracing a general assortment of tools and mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a lurge stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes. Rope, Chains, Grinlstuues, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ac, Ac Suubury, March .10, 18n7. 153 n : m.-ywjm n;, . M. ltr.V, euliat. Will remove his Office to J. M. Simpsou' Building, 2nd ttury, Market Square, SUNBURY, F A. WHERE be will be prepared lo do ali kinds of work perUiuin lo Dentistry. Will keep eon.tantly on hand a la e aatorliueut of T.etb. nud iber Dental material, from which be will be able te (elect, and meet Ihe .at- of bi ousiomer. All work warranted 0 give talisfooliun, or el., the money refunded. Tbe very bet Mouth Wash and Twolb-Powder kept ou baud. His referenee are tbe numerous patrons fur whom be has worked for Ihe luat twelve year, bunbury, March 21, HUM. irae IRON A large assortment of tbe bet Banufaa lured jo Bar, Uoop. Hand, Round and San are Iroa, Nail Rods, C'rt Sieel. Bluier Steel, Drill Sieel, Horse Sboea, HoraeNailo, Anvil., B.llows. VioM, Uaaimers, Sledge. H-p. aud Fil-. , C01J SHOEMAKEUS. UK beet aaalitie 64 Leather, frewb Calf ikln Merroooo, Liaiaga, Lo. Ni la, re, Tool, of all kinda, aad e.erv "".T iwM.elew by; J. at IKlVLr V9 l0-rth-ra Central Railway. SUMMER TIME BCHKDULB. O1 If and efter May 11th, 1808, train will leave SUNBURY, as follow! I LEAVK NORTHWARD, 6.09 A. M., Dally for WllllaBispon. D fexocpt cunaays,; ior Aiunr, .B--t Re-cheater, Buffaloe, Niagara Falll, Suspension Bridge and Ihe Vanadas. 4.1t P: M., Daily (except Sunday,) for hlmire, aua Ihiflalo via Erie Railway from Elmira. 6.40 P. M., Daily (exoept Sunday,) for William- port. LEAVE BOUTUWARD. 12.03 A. M., Daily (exoept Monday.) Cut Baltimore. Washington and Philadelphia. ID 02 A. M.. Daily lor Baltimore ami WasbingUin. r.00 P. M., Daily xcept Sundays,) for Harnsburg. J. N. DuBahrt, Ed. 8. Yonwo, Oen'l. Sup't., Gen I Pswren r Ag t., Harrisburg, Pa; Baltimore, Md. Lnckawanna At, llloomluri ktail rond. ON and after Monday. May fib, 1868, Panenger trains will run as billows : Leave SOUTHWARD. A. M. 6 40 6 A M. P. M. 42 7.4 P. M. S .30 0 05 8 45 V 23 10.U5 4 44 t 25 Sornnton, Kingston, Rupert, Danville, North 'd., B 30 9. t0 V -20 9.1.4 10 35 NORTHWARD. 6.5 7.02 T.S A. M. 10. U0 7.00 Arr. Leave North 'd,, Danville, " Rupert, 11 Kingston, P. M. 1.60 A. 00 8.40 Arr. at Suruuton, 11.10 Kingston, May 19, 1868. s. on V.o5 V 47 H. A. FONDA. Sup't. Heading; Kailroud. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, AUGUST 3. 1808. GREAT TRUNK L1NF from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Pottsville, Tainaqua, Ashlnnd, Shamoki- , Leba anon, Allentonn, Eustun, Ephrala, Litis, Laucastcr, Columbia, Ac, Ac Trains leave Harrisburg for New-York, aa fol lows : At 2.50, 5 25 and h.lO A. M. and 12 20 noon, and 2.05 and W .i j P. M, connecting with similar Trains on tho Pennsylvania Railroad, nnd arriving at Now York at 5. oil 10.HU nnd 11.45 A. M. and S 50, rl.55. V oil P.M. Sleeping Cars accompanying tho 2.60 A. M. nnd 9.35 P. M. trains without ehaugii. Leave Harrisburg fur Reading, Pottsville, Tuina qua, Minersville. Ashland. Shainokin, Pino Grove, Allenlown and Philadelphia nt b III A. M. nnd 2 05 and 4.10 P. M , stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations ; the 4.10 p m. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven nnd Auburn, via .Schuylkill nr.5' Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 11.30 p. m. Returning - Leave Now York nt 9.00 a. m., 12 (JO Noon and 5 CO nnd 8.00 p. to , Philadelphia ut b.15 a. in. and 3.30 p. m.; .Nlocping cur a.iioinpanyiug the 9.00 a. in. und i U0 aud S 00 p. la. tra'.us with out change. Way Passenger Traill loaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. nr., connecting with similar train on Eust Ponna. Rnilroud. returning from Reading at n.30 p. m. stop ping at all Stations ; Pottsville ut 7.00 and 8 45 a. m. and 2.45 p. in; Shamokin 5.25 a. m. and 1 1 .20 a. ui.; Ashland ut 7.00 a m., 12.4:i noon nnd 1.55 p.m.; Tumuquuat 8.30 a.m. and 2.15 nnd S 43 p. tu. Leave Pottsville via. Schuylkill and Susqucbnnna Railroad at 7.10 a in. for Harrisburg, and 11.30 a.m. for Pino Grove aud Tretuont. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading at 7.30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 5 51 P M. Poltstonn Accommodation Train : Leaves Potts, town at tS.43 A. M , returning leaves Philadelphia ut 4.30 P. M. Columbia Rnilioad Trainslenvo Heading at T OO A. M.. ami ft.15 P. M. for Ephrata, Litit, Lancas ter. Columbia. Ac Pcrkiumen Rail Road Trains leave Perkiomea Juncticn ut 9.U0 A. M. and 6 00 P. M. Ruturning : Leave Skipj ack ut 8.10 A. M .aud 1.25 P. M., con necting wiih similar trains on Reading Rail Road. On Sundnvs: Leave New York nt 8 00 pin.. Phila delphia 8. till' A. ii., and 3.15 P M. tho 8.60 a.m. train ruuning only tu Reading. Pottsville 8 00 a m., Ilnrri-iburg. 5 25 u ui. and 4.10 and 9-35 p m. and Reading at 1.103.55 and 7.15 a. in, for Harrisburg, and 7 lid a. ui. and 11.10 p lu. for New York, 4.25 p m. fur Philadelphia . Commutation, Milvngo. Season, School and Ex cursion TlckuU, at reduced rates to uud from all puints. 1'uggnge checked through ; 100 Puuuds Brggngo allowed euch Pairscngcr. O. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendeut- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in every variety t ANTHRACITE (J 0 A L, Upper Whorr, BUNBURY, Penn'a. l"vOrdors solicited and filled with proinptoos. and despatch. Suubury, May 12, ISM. y To Farmers! THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE pacific; quano ri 1 il li atlenlion of Farmers and other consumers of X l crtiliier. n invited to this Gunno, us worthy of their special notice. lis use for several years in Maryland. Virginia and other Southern States, for all crops, has given it a standard character for ex celleuce urcquullcd by any other. It possesses alt the quickness of Peruvian Guano, with permanent qualities not found in I tint article. -.'0 lbs. of this Guano are found more than equal to 300 lbs. of tbe best nuperplmspbHle. It ripens the wnentorcp irom five lo suvvu days enrlier than the phosphates, which fact alone giv.s it incalculable advantages. Liberal discount to dealers. F.r s.le by JOHN S. REESE i CO., Geacral Agents for Pacific Guano Co., 38 South Delaware Ave., Philnd'a , An i 71 South Street Baltimore. March 2S, I bus 8m "Turk lager beer. E'OIC I i:iC AE ALL, From the Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH EACHEFw. RESPECTFULLY inform! the public generally that he il prepared to furoiih LAGKll BEER, PORTER AND ALE. u large or small quantities. His facilities for mak ng Beer oauuol be excelled, and ia prououueed supe lior to any oilier offered in Central Pennsylvania. It basulso beeu recommended by pby.ioioni a a healthy drink fur invalids. Hotels. Restaurant! and private familial supplied at ehort notice. Sunbury. Sept 21, 18(17. DS8 J U BaBH-CGCNe Are especially invited to call and exumine our stock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, comprising Naill and Spikes of ull varieties. Butts. Screws, Strap and 1 Hinge. Locks and Latches, Bulls. Plas tering Trowels, Brick Trowel., Plasterer Sieve., Ac, Ac, lor sale by J. H. CONLEY A CO. UNIOxX HOTEL. CHAN. llZi:i.. Proprietor. In Cake Addilii n to SUNBURY, near tbe Pens'. Railroud Company s Shops. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will fiud ample acoommodalioui. Good cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy the quiet cum fort, of home with fare equal to the best hotels. His Liquurs are of tbe choicest kinds. Suubury, June 8, 1807. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AKD STATIONERY, Monthly Time Book Drewing Books and Slates. Books, Hymn Books Blink Books. Meracrandura Bookl. Diaries, Pocket Booki. Ink Stand., Pens, Pari il.. a Hue aKrunt of Paper, Ink. Ac Fur sale by A.N N A PAINTER. I'ii in I , Oil-, kc. A full stock of Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Coal Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Eugines and Machinery, Yarnishe, Glass, always ou hand, at low price. at CONLEY t CO S ROOK HINRERY. JOHN HERMAN North Mill street, DANVILLE, PA , prepared to Bind Book.. P.n.rs. M air. lines Is SMiuie, Ac . in env stvle lbt mar be det.red. at cheaper rate, thou o.u be done in the cilia.. All Order left at this Office, will receive prompt au.olion. oei.ltf, 'o7 Coachmakers, TTTE are Mllluir Rims. Snokea. Hub, Bpribga, f CanvaM, Boll, Clip, Axle, Ao , vef' lea Large olovk at COKLST 4V 00. Swakwry, Mereb M, Ml