Cfje gunfautg ' American. E.WIIjVERT.I- ... . gA.TUR.DAY, AUGUST 88, 1808. Eocal glffairg. New Postmarth. A. J. Gallagher ha bsen appointed Postmastsr of Mt. Carmel Borough, vice A. J. Steokor, removed. GtoRoa, the pedestrian, walked even and a blf mile Inside of one bonr, at tho driving prk, In Wllliamiport, on Monday of lut week. Mill Solo. Mr. W. W. Pinnoo ha purchased tb Danvllls Steam Flooring Mill of Mr. Peter Baldy, Jr. It t known one of the belt in the oantry. Tat o-oalled Demooratio Standing Committee of ttai eounty met in tb Court Hoimo, In this ptaoa, on Monday afternoon of laat week, and organised by eteoting Y7m. L. Dewart, Chairman, and J. R. HU bush, Secretary. Tan pay of jurors and witnesses in the several Courts of Northumberland and Union eounties was inereased by the last Legislature, as follows : Ju rors' pay, per day, from $1.40 to $2.00, and wit nesses' pay, from $1.00 to $2.00. AanicDLTCBiL Exhibition. The next annual exhibition of the Northumberland County Agricul tural Sooioty will be held at Turbutville on the 23d, 24th and 39th days of September. We will give a more extended notice of it next week. Camp Mbetimo. A samp meeting, under the aus pices of the Methodist Churoh, was commenced on the grounds of Mr. Henry Wearer) about a mile from Georgetown, this oounty, on Wednesday lut. It will bo continued during next week. Tax Good Templars held their quarterly Conven tion in their Hall, In this place, last week. A large number of delegates were present. On Wednesday evening an addross was delivered to the order, in the Court Ilouse, by B. P. Chose, G. W. C. T., of Great Bond, Ta. Drowhed. On Wednesday evening last a little boy named Ilenry Wenok, aged about eight years, was drowned at Northumberland. He was playing on a raft In the river at that place, and accidentally fell Into the water. His body was recovered in about an hour afterwards. Assaulted. On Wednesday of last week anum bor of employees of the Fhila. & Erie Railroad as saulted a man named A. B. Stoneman, employed at the round house, in Cake's addition. We learn that Stoneman was badly bruised. Information has been made against the assaulters, but Lhey have not yet beon arrested. We are pained to announce the death of Chester Itotb, on Tuesday night, from the effoots of the injU' ries he reeeived in the Gap mines on the 20th ult. He was a promising young man, much respected and esteemed, and his melancholy death oast a gloom over a large oirole of relatives and acquain tances Shamokin Herald. SuNnnRT Classical Institute. Tho first ses sion of the present school year of this Institution, consisting of both Friniary and Higher Departments, will open on Tuesday, September 1st. All pupils desiring entrance are requested to appear the first week, to be able to join their respective classes at thoatort. Elias Schneider, A. M Moved. Mr. Thomas G. Nott, who has lately fitted up a room in Pen-art's frame building, on the north side of Market Square, moved his tailoring establishment into it during this week. Mr. Nott intend going to the cities very shortly for the pur pose of buying a large stock of gentlemen's fur nishing goods, to supply the wants of the public. The Steam Flouring Mill, in this place, having parsed into the hands of Messrs. Reagan A Co., has been put in thorough order, and is now conducted in such a manner that all orders are promptly execu ted. Messrs. Reagan A Co. will keep on hand a full supply of the bost quality of grain, and will guarantee to serve their customers with flour equal to any in the country. End of the Strike. Since our last issue tho men of all the collieries In this region have gone to work on the ten hour system, at an advanee 'of 10 per oent. on the old wages. Work has also been re sumed at nearly all the collieries in tbe Schuylkill and Mahanoy regions on similar terms, and the eight hour question is, for the present at least, set tled. Shamokin Herald of this week. Automatic Safety- Valve. In tbe new steam Planing Mill of Mr. Ira T- Clement, in this place, has been placed Taylor A Conies' Patent Steam Locked Automatic Safety Valve. With this valve the amount of steam can be regulated with the ut most precision, blowing off at any point that may be required. It is an ingeuious and useful invention and cannot be tampered with by outsiders. . . ToRRINOTCN A noDGKINS' SUPER PaOSPHATB. This is tbe best forUliier in market, and h warrant ed to drill without preparation. Farmers at a dis tance should send in their order so that they may be supplied without risk of delay when ready to commence seeding. Torrington A Hodgkins have also for sale tbe "Buckeye" Grain Drills and "Buckeye" Cider Mills. United States Court. An adjourned session of the Distriot Court of tbe United States, for the Western District of Pennsylvania, will beheld in the citv of Pittsburg en tbe 24th of August. The next session of the same Court will eomuieose at Pitts burg on the 19th of October. The next session of tbe Circuit Court of tbe United State, for tbe Western District of Pennsylvania, will be held in Pittsburg on the tth of November. Tnx Planing Mill of Ira T. Clement, which he erected on Race street, in this place, last season, wa put in operation last woek. The machinery in tb mill is of the first class, with all the modern im Movements, ' and is calculated to do all kinds of wood work used in the construction of buildings, Ao Our builders need not, hereafter, go abroad for tbeir manufactured lumber, as it will be muoh more convenient and cheaper to get it at borne. . a-a-a Mail Messenger Appointed. We are glad to announoe that Mr. Abraham Leroh, of Mt. Carmel has been appointed by the P. O. Department at Washington, Mail Messenger on the Shamokin Rail road, between this place and Mt. Carmel. lie will enter upon bis duties iu the course of a few day. Heretofore Postmasters were oompelled to make up a pouch lor each rflice on tbe route, which will now be done away with, as Mr. heroh will assort the mail matter on the trains. No better appointment for this service could have been made than Mr. Leroh. Democrat. Seymourites Cuss to Grief. On Wednesday nigbt laat a man named Richard J. Hall, and his wife, were arrested by our police for being drunk and disorderly, and were conveyed to jail. Hall was so druuk at the time of bis arrest that he bad to be taken to tho look-up in a wheelbarrow. The parties are said to be from Baltimore, and had been perambulating our traei lor a aay or two, attract- lna tb attention of our oitiien by tbeir inebriated oondition and boisterous talking. On Tuesday after noon they oreated a great deal of merriment, while etaggering through Market Square, by cheering lus tily for tbeir favorite candidates for th Presidency, Knvmour and Blair. An irrepressible Republioaa friend auggest that they should by all mans be tn Nasby, at the "Coniedrit X Roads, la the fttmit nv Kentucky," as tbey would be a valuable .nnuiitioa to that sainted oion of Denooraey in tb way of making all tb noise, and taking oar or a good quantity of tb wbjiky, at bl ratii.atioa meetings. New Bank At MitttJUBURt. Ob Monday of last week a meeting of ever one hundred of th bu lines! men and farmer! of Dauphin, Northumber land, Perry and Juniata counties, was held la Miller burg for the purpose of organising a Banking asso ciation. On motion of Col. H. B. Hoffman the meeting was organised by the eleotlon of F. R. Gil bert as Chairman, and Dr. t. B, B ashler, of Bor rysbnrg, and B. G. Steever, as Seoretarles. Article of agreement for the government of tbe Institution wen adopted, and It was decided to make Mlllors burg th centre of operations, with the name and title of the "Millersburg Bank," to be worked on a capital stock of not low than $290,000. lue condi tions and requirement! of the articles of agreomont are of such k character as to place the oonoern oa a footing seoond to none in the Stale. The following offioers were elected for the ensuing year : President, Samuel Buck, Esq , of Upper Pazton ; Vioe President, Col, II. B. Hoffman ; Cash ier, J. B. Gilbert, of Millersburg ; Directors, F. Wen rich, N. C. Frock, A. P. Lark, J. L. Bomgardner, of Millersburg ; H. D. Greenawalt, of Dauphin ; J. M. Wlest, Wm, Hoffman, Unlontown ; W. 8. Boyer, Qratt ; J. D. Snyder, Borrysburg ; Geo. D. Deiblor, Mifflin twp. i Gee. Gilbert, Washington ; C. Lyter, A. Fortenbaugh, Halifax ; John A. Blng aman, Georgetown, Northumberland oounty; and John Neagley, Liverpool, Perry oounty. A resolution was adopted authorising the offioer of the Bank to purchase the three rtery brick build ing of Lieut. J. F. Bossier for a Banking bouse, which ha already been accomplished, fof- the sum of $2,400. Samuel Buok, J. 8. Gilbert, Dr. Geo. B. Weiser, B. Witmer and F. R. Gilbert were ap pointed a oommittee to prepare the building for the purpose, and procure the necessary furniture and books for tbe working of the Bank. Tnx EnscoPAL Church in Psnnkylvania. The attention of Episcopalians has been occupied during some time past with the subject of tbe divis ion of the diooese into two parts, the work having grown too large to be properly attendod to by one Bishop. The plan proposed is to form central Penn sylvania, or twenty-eight oountios, into a new dio oese, embraoing 40 clergymen, 7 parishes, 3,000 communicants, and one million of people. Tho oommittee having the mattor in charge have been greatly encouraged by generous contributions of money to support tho new Bishop, and by tbe inter est which is taken In the wholo subject when pro perly understood. The committee consist of Rev. J. P. Lundy, of Reading, Chairman; Rev. G. W. Sbinn, of Lock Haven, Secretary ; Rev. W. W. Spear, D. D., of A 1 toon a ; Rev. D. S. Washburn, of Ashland ; Hon. J. W. Mnynard,of Williamsport; P. Baldy, Jr., Esq., of Danvillo ; William Buebler, Esq., of Uarrisburg. The Red Men. The report made to tho Ureal Council of Pennsylvania, Order of Red Men, shows that there are about ninety subordinate Councils in the State, with a membership of about 10,000. A the recent annual session, eighteen representatives were elected to the Great Council of the United States, which meets in Cincinnati next month. Proceedings of Borough Council. SunburT, Aug. 4t!i, 1S63. Tbe Council met at 71 o'clock, it being the reg ular stated night of meeting. Tho Chief Burgee presided. The members present were Mossrs. Bowen, Coopor, Dunham, Dieflondorfer, Eyster, Garingor, Smith and Dieti. Minutes of last stated night of meeting read and accepted. Samuel Alspacb presented bill for $2.50 for repair, ing graveyard fenco; order granted. D. Myers presented bill for $1.25 ; order granted. Gilbort Robins presented bill for $0.12; order granted. Charles Wolverton prosonted bill for $A.50; order granted. J. J. Reimensnyder presented bill for $23.20 ; order granted. J. B. Weiser presented bill for $18.00 ; (order granted. J. Shipman pre sented bill for $21.00; order granted. John Shiss ler presented bills amounting to $90.25 ; order grant ed. Agreement between J. W. Bucher, Chief Bur gess, and J. B. Weisor, for macadamizing Third Stroet, picsented and placed on file. The Chief Burgess presented receipts from Bo rough Treasurer for monies received for wharf rents and licenses, amounting to $524.25, and receipts ordered to be filed The Report of Mr. Rockefeller of the nunibor of yards in the embankment south of the S. V. R. It., about tn be repaired, read and ordered to be filed. Proposals for the making of the aforesaid em bankment received, which are, per cubic yurd, as fallows : Jiarth from lied of Kiver. l'rom Elsewhere. 7t cents. 89 " 75 " 80 " Sebastian Bougbncr, 39 cents. Solomon Weaver, 44 " y. n. Moore, .10 F. Martin. 38 " John Bowen, $2,000 for the entire work. James Reiland, 35 ." CO Jacob Scusholti, 40 " ou W. T. Riokey, 35 " 50 B. Musser, 30 " 45 John Shinier, 37 " 105 11. 1. Friliiig. i.uu W. McEwen A U. F. Huron, 40 la Ira T. Clement, 294 " i On motion, T. G. Cooper was appointed a Commit tee to go to Shamokin to prooure the service of a Civil Engineer to niako an estimate of the number of yards in liver bank, louth of S. V. R. R. On motion, an order was granted to Harriet Clement, for $10, for four months, services of A. II. Clement, dee., as Ovorseer of tho Poor. On motion, at tho request of Chief Burgess, he was instructed to notify th N. C. R. R Co., to fill upend make crossing at Shamokin A'alley R. R. on Seocnd street. On motion, Resolved, That the contract for ma king river bank, south of 8. V. R. R., be allotted to J. B. Mosser, and that he have until the 1st of No vember to complete the work. At the request of the Chief Burgess, on motion, Messri Garinger, Bowen and Cadwallader were ap pointed a Committee, in connection with tbe Chief Burgess, to draw up agreement for contract allotted to J. B. Mussor. On motion, at tbe request of Chief Burgess, he wa instructed to- notify P. A E. R. R. Co. to repair embankment above town. On motion, an order was granted to John for mowing thistle and weeds, tor $6.75. On motion, adjourned. J. SHIPMAN, Clork. For tbe American. Bball wa have a Furnaoa in Sunbury f Sunbury, Aug. 18th, 1868. Messrs. Editors .In your issue of the 15th inst. I find an article from "Enterpriee," who speaks of tbe want of a Furnace in Sunbury, arguing, truly, that it would be of great advantage by giving em ployment to a great number of men, and inoreasing in general the business and prosperity of tbe town. I have a suggestion to offer a to how to do It. It will be a bard matter to find a few men with oapital enough to spare to go into an enterprise of this kind, but by taking the stock plan it can easily be done, if the proper effort is made. We will say, issue five hundred shares of stock, at one hundred dollars per share, payable in monthly instalments of five, eight or ten dollars per share, as the progress of the work needs money. That would make $50,000. After that amount of money has been raised and used on tbe work, thereby ereating a value, the Borough eould borrow and loan to the Furnaee Company $50,000 more, to be seeured by first lien on property, and securing for its own use all the material needed for filling and repairing streets. Tb interest ao erulng from the amount invested in a Furnaee would pay for making more street than the whole oapital pent in getting material elsewhere, and leave a balance with whioh to create a linking fund, to be used for tbe purpose of paying off Borough indebt edness, and the oitiieni would be relieved of paying tsorougn laxoi. There need be ao difficulty In raising the amount proposed in this manner, for out vary few of our oit iien would be unable to take at least on share of took, and there ean be no doubt but that it will pay. I bave not heard of a Furnaee in the last fifteen yean, (and I bave aa extinsiv acquaintance among them,) but what bu mad money, and J know of several that bave made immense fortune for their proprietor. If money eaa be mad la poor locations, and andr great disadvantages, wby uv aere, one os lue oesc looauons ia tbe Dlate, ana with advantage surpassed by no other f - twyaoTauawt. EDC0ATiONAtr,-TheeduoMonl Interest of Penn sylvania are stated to be in a more flourishing ton dltion, at this time, that at any previous period In the history of the Stat. Last year 1, 900,000 were expended In the building of fohool house, yr five hundred thousand dollar mora than WM ver pall for a limilar purpose la any preceding yar ; daring th present year (1808) $2,000,000 hav already been expended for th erection of lobool. house, and $500,000 more will be needed to complete sohool buildings now In process of eonitrnotion. There Is a marked Improvement In the furniture, grounds and appurtenanoei of school premises, and more teachers from the common tohooli attended tlje normal Insti tutes during th present year than in any twelve months previous. BUSINE8S NOTICES. 3".Iob Irlntln(r. Having received a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new stylos, Fosters, Handbills, Ciroulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, A.,, can be printed in the latest and best stylos, and on short notice. Ordors by mall promptly attended to. Gentlemen's Dnrss Goods, of all styles and suitable for the season, always to be bad at Book's tailoring establishment, on Fourth street. Prioe always acoording to quality. Good fits warranted. He spares no effort to give satisfaction. It Is the place to go to. "Every day brings something new," Is an old saying made modern by the daily arrival of goods at Miller's Excelsior Storo, Market Square, wh?ro may always be found a large and general assort ment of Boot and Shoes, all of whioh he guaran tees, and offers his goods at reasonable prioos. mi : A Fact. The finest assortment of Hats and Caps in Sunbury or vicinity will be found at S. Faust's, in Market Squaro. His stock include every style and quality, at remarkably low prtcos. Faust Is determined on "quick sales and small profits." Con's Cotian Balsam. The great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and consumption, uotn sues ordinary 4 or.., also mam moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and dealers iu medicine". No family should be over night without it in the house. Cos's Dtspepsia Cure Will Immediately re lieve and permanently cure tho most aggravated case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all diseases of the Stomach and Bow els. Physicians, clergymen and all who use it, join in unbounded praiso of its great virtuoi. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Prioe $1.00. DEATHS. In this p1noe( on Sunday, 10th inst., Mrs. ABI GAIL J. OREENOUUH, mother of Wm. I. Green ough, Esq., aged 77 years. KIIIILKV iuAiii&irr. Corrected Weekly for the" "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, pcrbarrol, do do de do perewt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do per cwt. Wheat, prime red, old, per bushel, " " ' new, " " Rye, do Corn, do Oats, do Potatoes', do Dried Peaches, pared per round do do unpared do Dried Apples, do $1.1 00 (I 50 10 00 00 2 3d 2 30 1 25 1 15 64 2 00 25 20 15 3 00 40 25 25 25 35 20 14 13 18 60 Dried Cherries, (unitoned.) per bn. Butter, per pound. r-KK. Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, " fronc " Mutton, Chickens, per doien, per pound, do do do do do do per pair Kliamokin t'onl Ti-nde. Shamokin, Aug. 18, 1868. Ton. Cvt. Sent for week ending Aug. 15, 11,140 12 Per last Report, 280,418 1 9 291.659 11 300,318 09 8,758 18 To same time ln?t yoar, Decrease, Special Noticrs. o NE PRICE CLOTHING. Tr-iTVTT'C' OLD ESTABLISHED o."r. piiici: CLOTHING HOUSE, Ofi llarkct Nlreel, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Priee 8ys.em, and we believe we are the only Clothing House in the city that striotly adheres to this principle We have earned a repu tation which we are proud of, for good taste in select good styles and substantial materials, and not leas important, for having all our goods EXTUA wi:i,i. maoi:. We employ tbe bost tulent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds fashionable and plain so that all taste can be suited. The prices are tbe very lowest, as any one by a moment's thought must see, or otherwise we oould not meet the eompetition of our neighbors, for aa no deductions are evor made, we must put our prices down to the advantages we promise. Tbe people may depend, this is the true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar oan be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONES? ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Street, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth. 13. 4. .vlAlZti, Mulvanuun. April 4, 1868. ly ADDRESS TO THE NERVOUS AXD DKBII.IT led. whose ftufiehiurs liave been protiucted fiom hid den causes, and whose cases require piompt lieatment to render exisieuce deeirahle. It you are itiSornii- or liuve suffered fiom Involuntary dlseliHrses, wliat effect does it produce upon your xeneial health ? Do you feel week, debilitated, easily tired T Does a little extra exertion pro duce paliiuiiiim of the heart! Does your over, or urinary orcuns, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order f Is your urine wmietnnes thirk, milky, or flocky, nr is it ropy 011 settling ! Or doea a thick scuin rise ui Die bipl Or is a sediment at theUiitum after it husstiud awhOe? Do you nave spells of short uretttnuiK or dyspepsia! Are yout bowels constipated? Do you have spells of fainting or rushes of bluud to the head? layour memory iinpaued? Is your mind constantly dwelling upon this subject ? Do you feel dull, lisllese, moping, tired of company, of life? Do you wish to be left alone, to gel away from everybody ? Does any little thing make you start or jump? Is your sleep broken 01 resiles? Is the lustre of your eyes as brilliant ? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do yai enjoy your self in society as well ? Do you pursue your business with the aume energy ? Do you feel as much confidence in your self? Ar your spirit dull and flagging, givea to ats of melancholy? If so,Jouot lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nigbt? Your buck weak, yoar knees venkjuud have but utile appetite, and you uttiibute this to dysiepsia nr liver-complaint? Now, reader, self abuse, venereal diseases badly eurtd, and sexual excesses, are all capable of produeiug a weak news of the generative organs The organs of generation, when in perfect health, make the man. Diu you ever think that those bold, defiant, eueigetic, persevering, suc cessful business-mfcu are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health ?. You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of uervousiieas, of palpita tion of the heart They are never afraid they cannot iue eeed in business ; they don't become sad and discouraged ; they are always polite and pleasant in the company of la dies, and look you and them light in tbe faee none of your downcast looks or any other meanness about them. 1 do not mean those who keep the organs inflamed by running to exceai. These will not only rein their constitutions but also those they do business Willi 01 for. How manv men from badly-cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excesses, have brought about tiiat atateaf weakness in those organs that ha reduced the general system so much as to induce almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity heir tn, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever sus pected, and have doctored tor all but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the use of s diuretie. 111. I.M HUUVi FLUID EXTKACT BUCHU i.ih..,. Diuretic, and is a certain euie for diseases of the Bladder, rlurneys, uravei, xr"i'Ti "sn," cneas, remits Complaints, General Debility, and all diseases of the Uri nary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever eauss origimmii hu uwiih w now long ' , , 11 110 ireaimem. uu,.i. w, vwhuii,iihin or insanity may ensue. Our flesh snd blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of s reliable remedy. Helmbold's Extract Buchu, eitabhsheri upwards of 16 years, prepared by H. T. HEI.MBOI.D, Druggist, ' 6U4 Broadway, New York, and 111 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Paica ai St per bottle, or 6 bottles for ojio, delivered to say sddrasa. Bold by all Druggists everywhere. NONE ARE GENUINE UN1.KHS DONE UP IN siaat-engraved wrapper, with fae-simils of my Chem ical Warehouse, and signed H T. HELM BOLD. July IS, IBM A NEW RtMltTlV tit OrtMSttMPTTOW A Pbysioian who bad Consumption for several years,, with frequent bleeding of the Jang, eared himself with a nedieine unknown to the nmfassion. when his me appeared hopeless. He I th only physician who he sued It In his own person, or who ha any knowledge of It rirtoosj and be CM aaorib the de t J health he aew enjoy to nothing but the nseof bts midlolnei and nothing bat utter despair and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, to- BI t; r . m eonaaonoe In all others, inane ed him to hasard the experiment. To those u8or ing with any disease of the Lungs he proffers a treat ment be confidently believe will eradicate th disease. Priee $1 60 par bottle or $8 a half doien, lent by express. Bend for a olrouiar or eall on - ... , 1 BoVi.nton Jackson, Ao,50 ?ortl1 lonth Str"i Philadelphia. May 30, 18(18 ly. r Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh treated with the utmost luooess by J. 1 ha Acs, M. D., Ooul ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland ) No 805 Aroh Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from the most reliable souraos in oity and country can be seen at his office. The Medical faoulty are invited to accompany tboir patients, ns he has no eeorole in his practloe. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted with ont pain. No ohargo for examination. nov.30-ly. -u!l to Slnrrlnn. Young Men's Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The hu mano views of benevolent I'hysieians, on the Errors and Abuses Incidont to Youth and Early Manhood, sont In scaled letter envelop", free of charge. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P., l'hiladol phia, Pa. June 13, 1868. ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M OCCULISTS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES. EYE GLASSES, &C. HARTFORD, CONN., HAVE APPOINTED T. S. SHANNON, SUNBURY, PENN'A., As tbeir sole agent for Sunbury and vicinity for the sale 01 tn ceiouratea PERFECTED SPECTACLES, AXD EYE GLASSES. In doing so they have confidence in the ability of their agent to meet the requirements 01 an cus tomers. His assortment of our BEAUTIFUL LEN SES comprises overy form and kind, calculated for the simplest as well as the worst oases of diseased or impaired vision. An opportunity win De iuus at torned, to procure at an times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED BY ANY OF THEIR STRENGTHENING AND TRESER VING QUALITIES. Too much cannot be said as tn their Superiority ever the ordinary classes worn. There is no itlim- niering, wavering of the sight, dizziness, or other unpleusant sensation, out on tne contrary, trora mt peculiar construction of the Lenses, they are sooth iiic and pleasant, causing a feel in 2 of relief to tin wearer, and Prorlucinff a Clear and Distinct Vision as in the natural hoakhy sight, They are the only spectacles tout PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT, find are the Cheapest because the Best, always last ins many years without chance being necessary. rj-CAUTION. Mr. T. S. -HANNON, Jowoler Is their Only Agent appointed in Sunbury and vi cinity. fcjjrWe employ no Peddlers. augl,'68 ly PATENT PROTECTOR FRUIT JAJRS. "ALWAYS RELIABLE." THEY MEET EVERY WANT IN A GOOD EITHER FOR USE BY Families or Fruit Preserver?. THEY CAN DhMADE A lit -T 10 Hi' WITH CER TAINTY AND EASE, AND READILY OPENED' Without Injury 10 tbe Cover. Tho Protector Jars have metal Lid with Arms, which turn on the inolines of the neck of tbe J are, and thus tighten tho rubber onto the Ground Edge of the Jar mouth. Tbo result is, a Combine Lid and Clamp (one pieoe, which closes or opens tbe Jar with a slight turn, and without injury to the covers, which oan thus be used repeatedly. For sale by Glass and Crockery Dealers, House Furnishing and Drug Stores. TRADE SUPPLIED BY f.&j. noiiii:. Patentees and Manufacturers ; Also, Manufacturers of Druggist' and Perfumers' GLASSWARE, Wine, Porter, Ale and Mineral Water Bottles, Pickle, Preserve, Jelly and Snuff Jan. PATENT MEDICINE BOTTLES. ty Particular attention given to Private Moulds OFFICE, No. 2 South 7tb St., Philadelphia. July 25, 188. 4t NEW CARRIAGE & BUGGY MANUFACTORY. 1THE subscriber respectfully informs the oitltens . of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a shop in 1S0I. Sfroh's lllaoksmithshop-building on Chestnut street, Sunbury, Pa., where he keeps, con stantly on band, and manufactures to order, Currlnsea, lliigaya, Nitlkya, Ac, of ths latest style and of the best matorial. Repairing of Wagons, Carriages, Ac, dons at the shortest notice. Persons in want of fine Buggies and Carriages, are requested to oall before purchasing elsewhere. H. C. ROUSH. Sunbury, July 11, 1868. ly 5000 LBS. OF CARPET RAGS WANTED at th Store of MOORE A DISMKGR, Hay It. Market street, Sunbury. mo tick to colli oii;u A'I'OltS. COAL LANDS FOR LEASE. NOTICE Is hereby given, that proposals will be received by the undersigned, to grant for a term or years, near xrororwn, .norinumoeriana County. Pa., several new lease upon Red and White Ash Coal bed, having four mile run above water level. Tbe reu ash ere tbe same veins now being worked by the Lykens Valley Company, the ooal from whioh is of a superior quality and always commands tue mgneet prioe ia ine marast. fo. aaaainn of the Dremises ean be given Immediately In addition to tne iaeiuiies now possessed nv tnn region for shipment to mareet oy way oi ine North ern Central Hallway and the Pennsylvania Canal. there will, it is believed, very soon bs an opening to the Eastern market, by way of tbe Enterprise and tb Philadelphia and Heading Hailroad. JOHN W. U ALL, or P. W. SUEAFER. Engineer of Mine, 126 Centre 6t., Pottsville, Pa. Harrisburg, July 11, Ib88.-Jm CARPENTERS WILL find in our establishment a superior stock, of Plane, Saw, Auger, Hatchets, Hammers, Files Cbl....I.,A...f.rl.b,jUiCoiaET4co I m 1 1 IS PI 1 I I ill 1 H P . CHOICE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL I3ENJ. UOHNER, Dealer In Frnlt nd Ornamental Trees, will fnrn. ish from the most rospomlblo Nurseries In this and other State, first olass TREES of all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vinos and riaats. Garden Heeds of all Kinds. Orders are respectfully solicited. Address BENJ. BOHNKK, l'sxinos, JMortli o. ;o. tSf N. 11 Insurances taken in several of the most responsible Fire Insurance and llors Dotootive Companies in the State duly Zi, i2J y LATEST ARRIVAL'oF " NEAV GOODS, Joseph Eyster, Cornor of Market and Fourth Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Invites the publio to eall and cxamino hi elegant assortnientof 8PRING AND SUMMER DRY G00D3, such a Table Linens, Domestics, Doylies, Towels, ann iMmosttoi of every domnption at the very low est price CASSIMERES. CLOTHS. Silks. Dolnlncs, Lawns, GinghlBns, Calicoes, Muslins, Sheeting, Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, Gloves, Hoop Skirts. Also Handkcrohicfs, Brushes, Combs. lliMN nnl tlniw, ltool nml Nliorn. His assortment of (roods will not. ho ia sum fail to ploase tho fancy and suit tho wants of any desirous UI liuruiinniMB;. jun siuuk 111 HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and Groceries is largo in quuMity and choice In quality, comprising generally everything needed in tne Household euncr lor use or ornament. He is always roady and glad to sea his friends and takes pleasure in showing them bis goods oven though no sales aro maio. He only asks a cnll.ond is sure tnot ine hock win compare lavorably in price and quality with tho cheapest. o ur Li n AiciCiti. Sunbury, June. 20, 1884. nTTTJT A fl ("S. ITnT'-T. . af Aat IV ) fe W aft B 5 MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET SO.UARE, SUNBURY, PA., JJASjust received a large and woll-solccled stock SWUNG AND SUMMER GOODS consisting of the fineHt CLOTHS. CASSIMEHES AND VESTINGS ever broimht fo Sunbury, and which ho promises lo sell cheaper than tho cheapest. Having the scrvicos of skillful tailors, he guarantees a good fit ih overy instnnce inferior to none outsido of the cities. Everything from my establishment will bo guar anteed as ropresouted. THOMAS O. NOTT. Sunbury, Moy Oth.JSBS. tf opicnFng of 'sumfkii s'rrrj:s, AT Miss Louisa Shissler's, MAUKKT SQUAH.E, Ladlos' and Mioses' HATS and EOXXTS, in immense variety. .llil(lM-i-y 4Jox1h uiirt Ti-iiniiiiiiM. French and American Ribbons, Laces, Handker chiefs, Gloves, Hoir,v, and n genorol assortment of Ladies Millinery Goods, which have been seloctoil with grout euro. Cltt t Ollui-K, . tl-S (jiloVCS Al. Every variety will bo found to select from, at MODERATE PRICES. 8unbury,May 30, 188S. T r rTr AGENTS WANTED, to solioitor- vlV ders for Dn. William Smith's DICTl'INAi Y OF THE BIBLE. Tukonlyriu tion I'iBLisiitn is Amkhica, rovnnNcp.n nv Dn. Smith'k own hand. In one large Octave volume, illustrated with over 1 25 stool and wood engravings. Agents and subscribers soo that yon get tho gen uine edition by 1'r. Smith. The finriuejiidd liryuhlicaii says, this edition published by"Moirs. Burr A Co., is tho genuine lliinir Tho C'onerrrsatioalit snys, whoever wishos to got, in the choapest tortn, 1110 oesi Dictionary 01 me Bililo should buy this. Agents aro meeting with unparalleled success. Wo employ no General Agents, and offer extratin ducemrnis to Cnnvapsers. Apenf will see the ad vantage of dealing directly with tho PUBLISHERS. For descriptive circulars with full particulars and terms, address the Publishers. .1. B. BURR A CO., Hartrbrd, Conn. MayRfL 18fl8. . Ilm. Wm. KAnso.N.- Nei.sos Prou FURNITURE ROOMS. WM. FARS01T &. SOlTj latoof the firm of Knrson A.Davis, have opened ware rooms at No. 228 South 2J street, bolow Dock, PHILADELPHIA, Where they keep a full assortment of PARLOR, CHAMBER, SITTING ROOM unci DINING ROOM FURNITURE. Their old customers, and all persous wishing to Eurchase, arc invited to call and examine their stock cforo purchasing elsewhere Particular aiteution paid to packing. nij-6 ly. QUEKNfrWARK, ST0TCE CHINA WARE, &c Markot Street, 0 doors west of Fourth St., south side, SUNBURY, PENN'A., RESPECTFULLY informs theciiizonsof Sunbury and Merchants and donlere in this and adjoin ing oountios, that he has just opened a large assort ment of yt'EENSWARE AXD STONE CHINA WARE of every variety, from tlicliert manufactories in tho country, which will be sold at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Dealers are Invited to examine his stock before purchasing in Ihe city, as they can save money by doing so. Sunbury, May III, trill. out "Mw"maciiine' SHOP AND I33,OXT IFOUlSTDlV'sr. CJKO. IIOIIItllAt'lI Ac SO, STJNBTJRTT, FA., INFORM the pnblio that they have established a MACHINE SHOP, in connection with their FOUNDRY. They buvo supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Buring Machines, with thu latest improvements. With tbe aid of tkillfiil me chanics, they are enabled to exeoute all ordors of New IVorlt or lt-is-lrlua,, that may be given them, In a satisfactory manner. Having enlarged and rebuilt tbeir Foundry, they are ready to exeoute all kiuda of CASTINGS. Irani fJuailinK'M, Ac, The PLOWS, already celebrated for their superi ority, have been still further improved, and will al ways be kept on hand. Sunbury, June 13, 1868. illisnlioud i How l.ont, tttors'tl. IIom Ite. Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culver- well Celebrated Essay on tho radical cure ftSEy' (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Somioal Losses. Ini potency, Mental and Phyaical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; nlfo, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by solf-indulgonoe or sexual extravaganoo. I r Prioe, iu a sealed envolope, only 8 oenls The oelebraled author, in this admirable eway, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming oonseuncnues of self- abuse may be radically eurcd without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of tbo kuife ; pointing out a modo of euie at once simple, certain, and eOeotual, by mean of which every suf ferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself obeaply, privately, and radioally. . lVTbis Lecture should be iu tbe bands of every youm auu war iuu iu muu. Bent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid, on receipt of six eeuU, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide pnoe 20 cent. Aaaress tne runnrners, CUAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., I2T Bowery, New York, Post-Omoe Box ,6b0 July, iKon. y Wf HERE can 1 gat tha beat piulure I Why i ffserlySs. of course Always gojto Byerly and judge for yourself. STONEWARE. THE best and cheapest assortment of Hume Ware in the State, just reeeived and lor sale oheap at the Mam mom tun oiore oi H V. FR1L1NG W. A; BENNETT, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Mnrkct Nonnif, Kl'liritY, Pa. Has Just opened sfroeh snd full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshness, and kept con stantly on hand. My stock will always bo found oomplote In every artiolo of merit in Medicine Physicians and Customers may roly upon prompt ness and attontlon to orders. FANCY ARTICLES! My stock is unnsuaUy large and embraces every thing that can be found on a first olnes Toilet Table, including Atnorioan and genuine French nad Eng lish PERFUMERY, Pomades, Hair Oil, Ivory, Gutla Porohs, Wood nnd Horn Combs, Toilet Hoops, Hair Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Brushes, Ao. I'ntcnt IMrUcfn4. Embracing all tho most popular Preparations of the day, at manufacturers' prioos. Puru Havana SEGAKS and CHEWING TOBACCO, of the best Brands. RiHii, OIIh, tJliie. :Iim, I'lilfy. Ym-niMlit'N, & All my Tinctures, Syftips, Ointments, Orates, and other preparations nto manufactured by myself, nnd from the nest material I can procure ih Market. Having hnd rjuito a number of years' cpnricnco in tho Drug and Prcr.riplwn IJiMiums, both In Philadelphia and the country, and also the advantage of tho Colloi-o of Pharmacy, 1 foel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTION'S that tho Physicians and publio may favor me with. All my preparations ne I have above asserted, are mnrto trom tho tiest niiiterml, and upon honor J ai&crt, thsy are of ottlcini strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand the very bost WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. lioloro purchasing clservhere, call an-1 convince your own mind. W. A BENNETT. Sunliuiy. May If), 18i'i8. LIGHT ! LIGHT! LIGHT! s. nvi:iei.v, rplIE popular riiotngrnpnr, hns fitted up. In Ihe JL old Post Office building, thrrn doors w ont of tho riulrond, Market Sfjunro. ono of the very best Sky- mums to ue lounu in ine Binto, ana is now prepared to take pictures of any kind, in nil kinds of wonthor. early and lnte. Children taken almost instantly. Bring nlong the bnbics wn nro now ready for them. COME ONE ! COME ALE ! both great and small, sec his now rooms, nnd cx ninine specimens. FRAMES and FRAMING mntarnil 11, nlanll v nn hand and mnilo to order. Bring along your pictures and have them framed cheaper than anywhere else Coiuo and see for yourselves, Anvthing in tho picturo lino constantly on hnml orordorod. Copying done in all its branches and colored as desired. Both out and indoor views taken at short notico and on reasonable terms. Satisfaction cuurruntrud. as our motto is to please. All negatives carefully preserved. Remember the pluco ask fur S. BYEU LY. Market Sqtniro. May 2-i, 'OS.-ly. Ml 0tV Oil. Mil l, THE subscribers having just erected r.nd put iu operation a Mill for the manufacture of LINSEED OIL, offer the highest market prioo for FLAX SEED. 'i'hev have attached to tbeir establishment a (.'hop ping Mill, and farmers and others wnnling grain chopped for feeding, can bo accommodated fit the shortest notico. A machine for ollopping corn with tho cob is attached to the mill. MORGAN A MASSER. January 25, 1969. ly si'ui.x.' -i ic aim: iKtiM. SPRING TRADE 18GS. SI. 1j. lasarus. would call tho attention of the puUic, rind her customers goncrnlly to her lingo an 1 new nssort- ment ot I'iiiM-y ami DoiiirNiic tiry tjiootlw. Which consist of Poplins, Detains, Chencs, Allapac eus. Crepes, Grenadines, Iron Bareges, Lawns, Ginghams, Culicot-s, Chintzes, Ac., IV bile .ootln. Cambrics. Stoys, Organdies, Viotorin, Plaid Miulins Mnrsnllios, l'iquu, Drilling, Wians. Mil-dins, (bleached and unlilcnched ) T;.Me Linen, .Napkins. Towels, TaWc Covers, Bed .Spreads, Ac. i loves. Hosiery. Corsets. Hoop Skirls. Dress Ti'im minjrs, (in vnricty.) Liulks and lients Handker chiefs, Neck Ties,nnd notions in vnricty too numer ous to mention. M. L. LAZARUS. Sunbury. May 9, 18iW. J. W. bricvKN-jox. A. N. 15itirn. ATTRACTION AT II A U P T ' S NEW IRON V R O N T ! STEVENSON & BRICE, HAVE opened up a new and desirablo stuck of Goodsin Hnupt.'s New Building, consisting iu part of a splendid varioly of riiiict'icaii WmK-1mn, tJOLD WATOIIKS, ROOKS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, STATIONERY, SILVER-WARE, GOLD PENS, SPECTACLES, NOTION'S, Glass-W:uc, Cutlery, Pictures, Looking Glasses Ac, &c, Ac Call nnd examine our slock. Our aim will be to please and sati&fyull who cull. ' ."ll.fL'VAM I I!1!, I I ' C Sunbury, April 18, lolid. , l.A'ri:iT STVI.ES OI' SPRING AND SUMMER Millinery Goods, yiinH J 1 I.. (.'iikkIi'I'. Iicks lcavo to an nounce to the Ladiosof Sunbury and vicinity, that bhe has just opened a large aud vuried stock of MILLINERY GOODS, Tho latest New York nnd Philadelphia stylos of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable l-'ni- broiderius. Edi;in!S, Laces. Woolen Cups, llandkcr- cliicfs, Scarfs, Gloves, Hosieries, und nil kinds of runcy Notions, btamped Aluslinn, Corsets, t'erlumo ries, iSoapi, Lilly W bile, Enamel of America, .Sta tionery, Ac, Ac. Call and examine for yourselves. No trouldo to show goods Sunbury, April 11 1803. IIOOTM Al KIIOKW. J. C. SYLVIS, WITH II. G. TIIACIIEH, Manufacturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF lloulk, Nhees II ml (astitt'i-a, l'lciu-anti' Building, Market Square, iS'UNBURY, PA. Ladies' Boots, Shoes and G inters of all desci iptioLl made to order on tbe shortcut notice and most rea sonable terms. Having the best workmen employed, wo can assure the public that, if tbey will uive us a call, tbey will be saln-lied of the above facts. RE PAIRING neatly done with dispatch. If vour corns do hurt your foot, Just call and leave your measure, And we will make your Shoes or Boots, That you will call a treasure. March 2H, '68. ly. FANCY DRY GOODS ALL THE LATEST STYLES, Suitable for Ihe SPRING AND SUMMER SEAHONS. MISS KATE BLACK, Market .Snunre. two doors East of tbe old Bauk building. SUN BUR V, Penn'a., HAS jut opened a frosh assortment of the most fashionable Fancy Dress Goods from the largest establishments in Philadelphia. DeLAINKS, ALAPACAS, POPLINS, CALICO. 1IOI Km. t.OOON, Cloths, Ssoques Flannels, Flannels. Sheetings, Mus lins, Ladies aud Childrcui' IIA'K,FeaiUei-s, Ribbon, lr- 'rrlsiimliiRSS Kinbrolderlen, Lace Veils, Corsets, Handkerchiefs. Gloves, Hosiery Hoop Skirts, Hopkins' Kliptio Skirts, Real Blaok Lace Shawls, and Ladies Goods of every deacription. Bun Umbrellus and Faroaol :,... PniUrs. Neck-tioe, Half-boae, J Handker- bpS,etSo. Sunbury. May 30, 18fW .Mnn riilF.S. 11 different kinds. If you want 15 good and cheap Bird Cage., go to CON LEY A CO S JF you want a picture, of any kind, of youre!f or friend, go o Ilytjrle new room. Market bquare, near tbe railroad BREAD & FANCV CAKES. RESPECTFULLY Itif.iran th oitiranji of.Saa bury and vicinity, that h will bake to order all kinds of 4'uL:cs) Tor ltall, l!trtlvi, Ac Families no supplied with FRESn BREAD, Twist Jlolls, Rusks, l eu Buns, Ac, and also kept mi hand mnnnl'aetiircsl nut of the best materials. All orders loft at his Shop in Market Square, on door oaat of Miss Anna rainier' Millinery Store, or at hh"akery on Spruoe Street, between Front and Second streets, will meet with prompt attention, PICNIC PARTIES supplied with Cakes, Ios Croam, 4e , at the shortest notice. Orders aro respectfully solicited. DAVID FRY. eunbui-y, May 2, 1301. gfoSUNIMttY MARBLE ITI Bit lllfi tinder.'igred having bouirht tho entire slock uf liissinirer A Tsvlor, E." ' WO! would Inf irm thi Dublin that ho ia 'now ri;a-ly lo do nil kinds of murul work ; has ou band, and makes to ordnr nt short notice, .vlnniimoitlM n rid IInd-ituno, of every style to suit purolinccrs. DOOR AND WINDOW FILLS. Also. Cemetery Trcts with Oalvnnijed pips and alt other fencing generally used on Cenietories. .lolin A. Tailor will continue in the employment, at the old slarid in Market Square. Sunbury, Pa. May 2, 6S.-ly. W. M. DACGHERTY S P H 1 N G FASH 1 0 N S I N Miss I,OUl8ABniSSLEK, THE popular Millinery, south side of Market Square, Pnnhiirv. is desirous of calling the attention of tho public and trade to her unique und handsome onsortmcnt of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOCDS. just opened. On bund and mode to order, are the latest and most superb styles of Ilrfstnl, .llourniiit; ttiul Ircn Koii lM'tsi und lints. Also, aspleudid assortment of Trimming, Artificial Flowers, Bonnot Frames. Veils, Collars, Ac. (ienllemen s Goods, such ns Hosiery, Handker oliicfs, Nei-k-ties. Umshoannd goods for tbe toilot. Also, a fino assortment of Perfumery, and all goods u-ually kept in o well fnrnihod establishment. A call is only required to he convinced. N. B. Special attention is directed to a flno lot of Ladies' Dross Caps and Head Drosses. LOUISA S111SSLF.R. April13, lSfid. ; Police lo 'rrcspu'wers. "VTOTICE is hereby given, thnt no person or per i sons will be allowed to trespass on tho proper ty of tho undersigned, in Lower Muhonoy township, Korlhumboilniid county, for the purpose of picking Berries, Fruit, Ac, or to cuter into any enclosure without permission, as the law will bo ouforced uguiust all offender. . ISAAC H. RESSLER Lower Muhonoy twp., June 20, IMBa. 4m BAUGH'S COnJIKKClAI. MA11KHS I ON LVKItV r.u:EAOll. R.U'Gll & SONS. Philadelphia. SORT-WESTERN FERTILIZING CO., Chieago Sole liimiliK liirere. PRICES. BAUOH'5 RAW BONK PHOSPHATE, ?.'!i t or 2,"0fl lbs. BAUG1I S CHtCACO BONE FERTILIZER, ?) per 2,000 lbs. BAfOH S rniCAGO BLOOD MANl'RE, SiO per 2000 pound. Tho ahovo Msuuros nro furuUhed in both bajsand barrels, whichever customers prefer. l-'TIio Bugs aro uniform in weight 1 K 0 pounds. Tho attention of Farmers is especially directed to the fact that tho sources of the Raw Material of which tbo nboi'o Manures arc composed, are so well under eoutrol lliut wo can furnUh llicm of strictly uniform quality nnd condition, nnd that they contain a larger perucutage of ammonia thnu any other class of mitnfttotuttd manures iutlic market. B.U'OU & SONS, 20 S. Delaware Avenue. Philadelphia. NORTH WESTERN FERTILIZING CO., Corner L.ilto A Lasnlle Ms., Chicago. tJtBAI.'HII S COMMERCIAL MANURES moy be procured f ruin dealers iu any of the principal tewns lu the Vnitod Status or Dominion of Canada. Sold by SMITH A GENTI1ER, 5unbury. Juno 13, 18d8.uug'67-ly SlOO REWARD Koi n medicine liial M ill cure ft l ull, JNTM'F.NZA TICKl.INO in the Ttltin AT. WHOoriNO C'OLGH, oi relieve CON'SLMfTlVF. (ll'l GUr, lis quick as CUE'S C O U O II 15 A L 5 A M ! OVER (INF, MILLION BtlTTI.ES have been sold am! not n Single instance of its failure is known. We hove, iu our iomcssioii, nuy quantity of Cer tiiiculen, some of thein from FMINKNT PHYSICIANS who have used it in their piueiicc, and giva it Ihe pis eminence overeveiy other eoniiiound. IT DOES NOT DRY I P A COUGH, but I.OOSK.XS IT, si ns In enable tlie patient to expectorate freely. Two or ihree doses. Will I.wabiaplv Ct'RB Ticki-inu is Tim Thhoat A half hot. le has often completely cured the most Ftulv luiru Cuuijli, and yet, ihouelut is so suieand epeetly in its operation, it is perfectly harmless. Iienig purely vegetahle. It is very aiceuhle lo ilic lasle, und may be administered 10 children of air, ape. In cases of CROL'P we will puiirnnlee a cure, if tnea in season. NO FAMILY SHOULD BF. W1THOI T IT! 11 ia within the reach of ull, it being the cheapest and l e medicine extent. C. G. CLARK CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVF.N, CONN. April IS, lf( C O 33 ' S DYSPEPSIA CURE THIS GREAT REMEDY FOll ALL DISEASES of Hie ST O M A O II 8 ia the discovery of the inventor of I'oo'a valuable Coujih Balaam, whdo cinerinn-nlins for Ion own health. Ilcured Cr.iiiii in ihe Ptoinarh lor linn whiili had beioie jitlded lo nothing but chloroform. The almost daily testimony from vmious parts of the country eucouia;.' us to lieheve there is no disease ruined by a disordered utomnch il w ill nol speedily cure. Physician endorse and Una it! Minister give testimony of its offloaoy. And from all direflains we receive tidinss of curea psi formetl. DYSrr.l'SIA! It ia ante lo care. HKARTIJI UN ' dose will cute. elCK-IIEADAt'lll-:! It lias cured in liuudteds of cases HEADAIUK AND DIZZINESS! It ktopi in thirty minutes. U'IDITV OF THE STOMACH : It corrects at once. RISE OF THE FOOD! It atopa inimeibaiely. DISTRESS AFTER (A TING ' One dose will renu.vs. CHOLERA MOHBl'S! Ruptdly yields to s lew doses BAD BREATH ! Will be cbunged with half a bottle IT IB PERFECTLY 1IABMLES Its UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS is owing lo tbe fact that It 4'UB'rs) by Aaalisflinjof Knlure TO RF. AtMSER I' HER SWAY IN THE VVHTEU ! Nearly every dealer iu I lie lulled hialea sells it st ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. C. G. CLAEK & CO., Proprietors, KEW HAYEK, COIIK. April 18.. 18e ly. i i r r i