BBSi N E W DRY GOODS AND Fresh GroceriesI On Third St., on door below the Lutheran Church, BUNDUliy; PENN'A. HEKTIVSr PETERS, Has juit opened ttlnrgo assortment of DRY GOODS, such at Calicos. Delainos, Muslins, 4o., ,Sl) QHOCERIE S and WIO VISIONS of all kind.", such as SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL MoluKea, Syrups, Mackerel, Lnrd. Ilami, Nuts Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Chccso, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept tn tho Grocery liuo. llnuis, FUli, Coal Oil, Crockery-waro, IJuccnswaro Glass-ware, Willow.wnro, Ac. Tho best FLOUR and MEAL In the Mnrket Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of NOTIONS. Also ; All kinds of Cunnod Fruit, at thu lowest prices. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. jf-Call and examine niy Stock, and satisfy your clves- HENRY rETEIlS. Sunbury, April 2S, W'.t: THE GREAT PRIZE Exposition VnirerscUe, rn-is, 1SG7. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE CO ELIASIIOWE.Jii. Awarded over Eighty-two Competitors, The IIIk'Iicni lrvn.iiiii. The Only Cross of tho Legion of Honor and GOLD MEDAIi given to Ahemc-as MiWisa Machines, per Inipo. rinl Decree, publi.-hod iu tho '.Moui'.eur lnivcr.'iil lUllieiul Journal of tho French Empire), Tuesday, 2d July, lsti7, in these words: 1 Fuoricaiitc do Machines a cou Klias Howe, Jn. 1 dre cxpi ant. Manufacturer of bewing .Ma J chines, Exhibitor. "This dutiblo first honor is another jiroof of tho pront superiority of tho IIOWE SEWING MA C11LNE overall others." .,,,, ' sim.EY & STOOPS, No. 2:1 .South Ei;;lit Street, Philadelphia. Agents lor Pennsylvania, Now Jersey, Dcliuwivo and Western Virginia. February 22, lSGti. 3m FRESH ARRIVAL OF MILLINERY GOODS A3ITD NOTIONS, Miss ANNA PAINTfiH. Market Square, two doors west of tho Post Office SUNIIUHY, PEN is" A. . I-. E.VPKCTFULLY informs her friend and tho I , nuMia. that b!io has inst returned from the city, whuro she him spent wmc limo iu mailing selections and purchases, and bus just opened a large stuck ol MILLINERY GOODS AM) NOTIONS, Ribbons. Lnccs. Brosi-Lininc. Crinolino nnd Wi L-iina bkiruuir Llninc. Boon .S'kiris, U1111I0 Trim mings, Crupo Trimmings, Hut Crape, Clonk buttons, Corsets. Zoiihvrs. A largo assortment of Ladies and OcntIcnien"s Hosiery. DOLLS of all siies, Alphabet Flocks. Ac. Sho flatters herself in being nhlo to tnuko a display that will givo entire witUfnotiou to visitor, au l goods will bo exhibited with pleasure. Suubury, Mny ."0, lMtVi. Y. It. MOOltn. 1. C. DISHNUElt. Mew l'lrni ! Mew Wlorc ! Sctr Itoom ! and an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS ! (J HEAT It EDUCTION IN PRICES ! jiooui: v i)issit;i:it, Haio just opened n carefully selected stock (1 NEW GOODS, iu Ilaiipl'M ."ov Bron I'roiH, MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, l'ENN'A Consisting of DRY UOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WAUL, GLASSWARE, and a full lino of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AXU Calii'nos, Muslins, Flannels, Table Linens Toweling, Checks, Ticking,, Ciu-simercs, Ycftinga, Yaroi, Skirts, Nock Ties, Culls, Collars Handkerchiefs, Hose, Oil Cluth, Carpets, Wood and Willow-Ware. Wo inwto special attention to tho quality of our Stock of c.itot ami ssricr.s, RIO and JAVA COFFEE, TEAS, SI GARS, MOLASSES. SYRl'PS, SOAP, SALT, FISH, VINEGAR, Ac, Ao. Campbell's Celebrated FLOUR, ulways on hand. Wo feel confident that cash buyers will lind it to their udvautago to givo us a call, and customers generally aro iuvitud to call and exumiuo our goods and gel p..atcd on our prices. l!y strict attention to tho wauls of our customers aud lair dealing wo hope to merit a lull share of tho public patronage. COUNTRY PKODUCE of all kinds taken in ex change for goods, for which thu highest prico will be pu.d. MOORU i DISSINUEU. Sunbury, April 11, .tW. J, .(, Ot)( 'uitoiii'rH in l'oitr Vc-ai-x. PATRONIZE THE REST. Having the largest canllal, most cxiierienccd buy ers, aud extensive trudo of any coueeru in the Dollar Sulc tmsines, wo OUAUUAXTKH ,SA TIFA CTlO. iu every iiistauoo, und also the bcstsclcctiou ol Goods ever oltcioa at m: iMM.i.Ait i:.i 11. No other eoneern has any sliow wlioiever our AgenU aio selling. Our motto, "Prompt and Heliu hlc. ' Mule aj; J fciuulo agents wanted iu oily und country. 'I'lio l.uliY aro particularly reouested to try our popular olub vtem of selling ull kinds of DltY AND FANCY iiinDS, DltKSS PATTKliNS. COTTON fl.OTH, ' ASTUltS. SILVEU PLATED GOODS WATCH ES, ic. tEstuUished lSiil.) A patent pen fuuntain ::iid a cheek describing uu uriicio to t'O sold Wr a 10 ets. ; 110 for 2 ; IU b.r ?l ; tio for S1 ; 100 foriflO; rent ly mail. Iieo presents in gctler up, (worth 60 per cent, ivurethan thusesciil by any other c iiiccru. 1 j, c,rtiiig to sue ot cluu. Aend us a trial cliil, or ii nut do not fail to send for a circuits. N. U. Our aalo shuuld not bo classed with New irk dollar jewelry suits or bogus --Tea Companies," as .1 is L j.hilig of tbo sort. EAST M AM k KENDALL, Ci Hanover Street, Ecutun, Mass. May 2f. W. Cm. 1ki- nllur:il lin(l iii fl OI-. S Oraiu lUkos. Steel and Ir.,n Garden lUkcs, L I i...i, i,n,l D Miu.cllo Sp.te., Movels, M uiuro and Hay lurks, 11 raw and liraiu Sevtlns, Grain t radlis, Cradle l'incrs, Trace, lliea.t. Ti.nuo and l-'g llinins, tiriml sioi.u.-, l'aimii.g .Mill Ki-in uf .11 s.... i.a,i Km,!., u lnreu.-..ruueiit ol Itcd Wagon lUmes. lur I'l.nung, farm IMU, l'ullival..r Teeth, w. i,y J . CON LKY ACi I . tiONHUHY BTBAM SAW MILL. v 11.1.1 iu ki;aa, , ... M"n"f""turer and Iralr in all kinds of il.MLEU, LUM11LU, LATH, PALINU A tSIIIN. GLEH , , Floorinu, Shelving, r-idinj, D(, Bash, blinds, traekels, Wouldiuns, 4o. ' l rnr Raee.mreolaud Itiver lluad. EL'NBl'H Y, Pa. April i, lM,8. . v a 1 uT. fi "a ,r : . lull iru-k of Oils comprimi l.iufo.-.J flil, . "i"4 Lubrioaiiug Od lur t-ngiitM and M-'biawy, muuhto.Glu.., il..y 00 h.Tid. a. low l '"'"'" CO.NLLY 4 CO B E3 Ni SPRING OPENING. GREAT FALL IN PRICES ! Buy the MOST GOODS, of tho BEST For the LEAST MONEY. SMALL PROFITS AND SALES ! QUICK CASH it. v. ruiMx., at tho MAMMOTH STORE, MAiiKK'r.sqrAUE, SUNI5URY, rENN'A., Has just received and opened tho iiiivr si;i.r.4"i'i:i and FINEST ASSOUTMENT, of DIIY GOODS IX TOWN. I'rcuch Merinos, Prints, Muslins, Ciiu'diaius, Carsiiucrcif, Ac. Iielalnes and Armures. Homestio Cottons.. nnd Uleached. NOTIONS of all kind. Hosiery, Cloves, Men sand Ladies I'liilorgnrincnt WHITE GOODS. A full assortment of TK1 MMINliS. Iluildcra will find my Stock of llui'lm-e, I'aiiilH, Oils,, iilusf 1'oiiiiilcle. Iirugs utid Medicine t illow and t'edarnaro, IJueuiauaie, ii la.-j nine, Crockery, Salt B00T1S AM) SU0E8- HATS AND CAM, and iu fact eryibiiig utiiully kept in a largo Store Call and be continued thai tho CHEAPEST PLACE TO BIT ALL YOUR 1IO0DS U at The Mammoth S t o r u. of Ii. I'XtlXsXIMQ, Tvruia Cab,-30 du), as my floods are bought for Cash aud Sold Cheap for the READY MONEY. 1 give the trado the ad vantage of all reduutiuiit at tut as they are made by Manufacturers. U. Y.I'RILI.NCi, Luubuiy, A pi U la, lo0 , THU GREAT A ifZniCA N COMDINA TI02T Hut ton Hole TcrcnmIK ABU SEVI1TG IfiACHIlTE. Ita Wonderful Popularity Conclu.l,. Proof of IU Great Wont. T),. tn.rnasa in the demand for thU valuable ma el., baVb'ee'n TEN FOLD durin, the laat .even month" of it first year before the public. This Brand and surprising suoocs. I unpreeedent ed In the history of ewing-machinee, and we Ucl fully warrantod in claiming that IT II A S IS O EQUAL, Bolng Absolutely the Best FAM1I.V MAVIllXfr: IN THE WOULD, Anl Intrinsically the Chcacti. It Is really two maohinct combined in one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement,) ma king both the Shuttloor Lock-ititcli. and the Over aeaming and llutton-holo stitch, with equal facility and perfection, It executes in tho very best manner every variety of sewing, nuoh as. Hemming, Foiling, Cording, Tucking, Stilching, Braiding aud Quilting, Uathcring and sew ing on, (done at the same time,) and in addition, Ovorseama, Embroiders on tho edge and makes beautiful Button aud Ejolct-holca in all fabrics. Every Machine is warranted by the Company, or its Agents, lo give entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work dono on this Machine, can be had on applica tion at the Salesrooms of THE AXtIERICAN BUTTON HOLE, OVEESEAMINO AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S W. Cor. Elovonth nnd Chostnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on the Machine at (he rooms of tho Company gratuitously to nil purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FRED'K PAXSON, President. W. B. Mkndf.siiam,, Treasurer. April 25, ltl5fl. lycjan. 25, FLOUR EEEFSTORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rpilE subscriber respectfully informs the publio 1 that ho keeps constantly on hand at his new WAHEHOl'Sl". nenrthn Shamokin Valley Hailroad Depot, in SUN BURY, Flour by the barrel nnd sacks of nil kinds of Feed by tho tou Tho above is all manufactured at his own Mills, and will bo sold ut tho lowest cash prices. J M. CAPWALLADER. Sunbury, April 1, IbHiS THU OEEAT ZIN&ABI BITTERS The comyionont parts of tliis rcmavVible preparation were first discovered, coiupounil:(l unj distributed, lomc twunty years ago, by lr. Ciibopsvu. the ecle bratud Egyptian Physician. Thouiat.d of hi iuffer inff country nwn were roitorcd to hcuttlt, as wtll as great numhen of the Inhabitants of Nubia ami Abyssinia, and of bordurtnK upon the Southern coast -01 the ilttiiK-rraman B;a. Inh'pd, the fame of the Z1XOAIU UlTTCUS soon spixad over Euro, and was ml opted by the principal j'liyiciniis ia charge of the hospitals of tho old world, in which it is still used with preemi nent success. Tho Viceroy or l nypt placed the name of DR. Ciitorsvs npnn the " Koll of Nobles," and pre Si tiU'd to him a llt-dat bcarinir the following inscrip tion: " la CftcoPsua, the i'ublic lkncfactor." Thil Iiitters Is now oflft.ri-d to iho publio of America Willi the full assurance that it will bo found, upm a fair trial, to act as a specific for tho euro of Cholera, Dyen1rryf ninrrticva. Cboler Morliuw.. Frvtr mitt A cut. ViUow Fever Kheunintlsm Typhoid Fever, Dytfiit-pila, C'nllc llroncliitis, 'onHtiiriiUoii. Vlatu Kucy, Dlacnes ttf the Kidneys, Nervous Debility, nntl Ft mnlo Complaints Rctnarkablo cures of the above diseases have bn elTeuUd by its use, as iinraerouscertiflcates, many from regular physicians, fully attest; and it Is destined to Mip.-rst.tlf' auy pitpaiatlon extant. Ai au ajjiccabltt Tonic, aud an I.WIGOBATIN'O BEVERAGE, IT II AS NO KQITAL. Tnrs THB ZIVGAltl IIITTERS UAti SHl'L A3 WELL AS BODY, ANT. AS A PREVENTIVE or PTSBASR, HA 3 NO SLTEKIOR. A FEW WORDS TO LADIES. The use of the ZIN'GAUI B1TTEK3 will K'ive t- you that snft, semi transparent compluxinn which tho (iod of nature (de signing woman to ! the lovcliont of his works) fully intended that you should have for it is nature's own powder and paint combined. By purifying the blood, stimuUtiiiK tho pigmentary cells of the dermis, and imparting health and life throughout the entiro system, it especially gives that smooth clearness aud beauty to the complexion so much to be desired re moving nil roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look so common in our day; and what in even bette r than this, it cures every species of female irregularities nnd d I seas. l'rmcipul lvpot, Harrifhurj?i Ph. HAHTEIt & HATJSE, Role rnorniKTona, For ale by W. l'euiifylvaiiiii. Augu'l 3, 1ST.7 A. BENNETT, Druggist, Suubury iMioKT.i.vr iwnci:. rilllE undcrsit;ued having suoceeded to tho busi X ncs uf I. HIMES & CO., takes this method of infurming Brick-Layer', Builders, and all othors in tore'ted, in and about Sunbury, thut he i. prepared tu fill nil orders, for building aud paving Brick, of a superior quality, uud at ui low rates 113 can be hud cUcuhcro. 1 am alro the Agent in the Counties of Northum berland, Union. Snvder nnd Montuur, for WAR. HEX'S IMPROVED F1UE and WATER PROOF HOOF. This is the chenncst and bet Roof that can bu used on building. We covered several build ings with it, during tlio lust season with entire satis faction. Orders left at tho Brick Yard, iu Cako's Addition to Sunbury, or at tho Oflieu of Mr. Win. Rcngan's Saw Mill uud Lumber Yurd. or at Sunbury Post Cilice, it ill receive prompt allHiilion. TOWN SEND HIMES. Sunbury, Muroh 14, lBllrt. X. . KHA.0., Watchmaker & Jewelry, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, P A., Will remove his JotveTry Store to Miller's Stone Building, corner of ltd and Mnrket Siiuaro, ON FEBRUARY 1st, 1S6M, where ho will bo buppy to receive his old customers and tho publio in geuerul. Thuukful for past favors, ho solicits a coutinuauce of tho same, ana ho is de termined tu sell as low as the lowest, and for quality, uot to be surpassed by uuy goods in the market. A largo assortment of lYulclit'is, Clocks,, Jewelry aud Kilwi Ware, constantly on hand, consisting of all kinds of Ameri can Watches, such as the Howard, Appleton, Tracy ft Company, Treuiont, Wulthaui, V. S. liartlet. Win. Ell lory. Home aud a tiuo UNSortmont of bwibs Wntchoa All kindsi of 8 Day anil 30 Hour Clocks! Silver tea sells, card aud cake baskets, breakfust and dinner castors. Celery stands, syrup aud drink ing cups, and a full assortment of Spoons, Knives and Forks. Particular atteulion paid to the repair ing ut Watches, CI, cks, Joivelty and Music lk.el. All work warraiiled. Feb. b, IsoS. KEEP WELL-DRESSED. Call and tco the well selected Stock of CLOTHS, ' CASSIMERES, OVERCOATING, YESTINUS, 40 Just received at MKlCCIIANr TAILORING ESTABLISH. MENT, Fourth fa'trcet, bolow Eystor's Su,re, SUNBURY WINTER CLOTHING of the uiost approved ktyle if piad up to order reajoiiablu ralus. He has also a fine assortment of Cas.lracre Shirts, Drawers, I'ndursbirts, Overhauls, Blouses, Neck ties, Cotton and Woolen Hose, Suspenders, Hand. kerohieU, tiluvo. aud a K.Uttral variety of Ot.NTLEMEN S FIRNISUINU UO0D8, (live hlui oall, which you will flud te be to your advautage. iuubury.Oct. l, lao7. ' Wtttci ana Fir Proof SLATEROOPS. THE nndertifrned reepeotfally infurmi builder, in this and adjoining eonnilee that be is prepared to put on Slate Roots In a superior manner. He furn ishe, the oelebrated Lehigh oounty rilate, which is the boat in the market. Le warrants hie work to be d arable and Are and water proof. Heinrltes the In pcotion of the pnblio to the work he hasdone in Sun bury on Hnupt'i, Ureenough's and Haas' buildings, and on others at Tarious placet. Hie price! are aJ low as those of any other slater. Address, D. 8. SMITH, Sunbury, P. O., or call at hit reeidenco in Upper Augusta two. January 11 jJbttS. ly THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, I3ST STJlSTIBTJIRrsr la on 3d street, opposite the MAbONIO HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Hut Lately r.itnlIIlicI, tvltli nil II10 .Uoilcrn ImproTvnicnts of the Art t rPHR subscriber, having built the room expressly I for the Durnoso of Fhotoirraphing, and having devoted many year! to tho business, it oonlldcnt of bis ability toaaeuro hi, patrons that the work pro dueed shall bo second to none In country or city. No work allowed to leave the eallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky light in the connty, he ia prepared to make Photographs in all kinds of weathor, but would prefer a dear day for small children. Ho is also prepared to take now aize, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds of picture copied and magnified to any required tie and colored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay spocial attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac., a largo lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand. Tho publio are respectfully invited to oall and tee our specimens and our complete arrangements for maaiiig l noiograpus, special loriua to lauiiuva mm clubs. . ULKUSIKliSStl'.. Sunbury, July 15, SI. C. i IMIt II A IIT'N Confectionry, Toys and FIVtXIT STORE, Market street, Sunbnry, Ih. CONFECTIONERY OP AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DF,SCR1PTI0N FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for tale at the above establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kinut or uonieeuonnrie, to keep up a full assortment which aro told at low rates. Tobacco. Regara, Stationery. Nuts or all kind, and a variety of other artioloa, all of wbioh are oftored wholesale and retail. rSf-Rcincmber the name and ptaco.,J T M. C. HEAR II ART, Market strct, 3 door west of E. Y. Bright A Soji'i store. Sunbury. Sept. 10. 18RS. tf ?SO CliOKtmit Street, lliilal-lplil:i, Are tho best in Use, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS : They nro more simple and durable, easier kept in order, make a stronger and moro elastic stitch, a firmer and more beautiful sooin than any other They sow all fabrics from two common spools, ro quiro no rc-winding of thread, fatten both ends of the scam by their own operation, and though every fifth stitch is cut the team will not rip. Tlie Very IHglM'st I'rixt', 1 lie 4 ' of tho Legion of Houor was conferred on the repre sentative of the C.KOVr.lC Ac at tho Exposition Univcrselleo, rnri', ISoT ; thus attesting their great superiority over all other sew ing machine". C ROVER A BAKER S KKW KTVt.E" " I. i: .tl A 4' II I h ii 1; x x For Manufacturing, Comhiuo tho most modern and eescntiul improve uicnls. The attention is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boots and Shoes, Carriago Trimming, Clothing and all others roquiring the use of the most cfleotivo LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To theso now styles, which possess unmistakable ad vantages over all others. FOR SALE BY Miss CAROLINE DALIU8. Market Street, SUNBURY, PENNA., Nov. 23, IS7. ly ISAAC X. STAUFFER, Watchmaker and Jin. lr. iSl?j22i3Kal NO. 148 NOIITH 2d ST., COB. OP QUARRY, PIULADKLPIHA. Ail iftortment cf Wut-hci, Jewelry, Silver ami TUteo Vnr cfiiiatHiitly ou ..noil, rltfirnig v( Watchea and Jewelry promptly at teudftl tn. Nr. 30, 1fl71 y. Coachmakers WB ore telling Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Springs, Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Axles, Ac, very low Large Stock at CONLEY A CO. Suubury, March 30, lbfi7. TORRID GT0N & H0BGKINS. SUPER-PIIOSPIIATE OF LIME, A STANDARD MANURE FOR ALL FIELD AND HARDEN CROPS. Having within the past year greatly increased and improved our facilities lor grinding Bones and man ufacturing, we are prepared to furnish to the farm, era of Pennsylvania a superior article of ti iipcr.I'hovpliatc. Our manufacture has been thoroughly tested the past season by practical into of our immediate neighborhood and elsewhere, and in every ease the result has been entirely salisfuctory. Our process of pulverising, whereby it Is prepar ed for aud UUARRANTEED TO PASS THROUGH ANY DRILL, r obviates an objection which attaches to many for. tiluers, aud secures to the farmer a saving of much valuable time. SOLD AT TUB MANUFACTORY, EAST MARKET STREET, m u:11r1iY, im.. and by our Agents throughout tho country, in Bags of 200 lbs. eaub, at $5d per Ton of 2000 lbs. ALSO SHIPPED PROMPTLY to all point! accoasable by rail or canul, on receipt of order. TORRINUTON It UOPGKINS. Alto Agents for Seymour, Morgan A Alleu't Self Raking Reaper and Mower (The New Yorker) and Pratt A Smedley't Hay and Grain Hake. Sond for Circular, February 1 j, 'flU ly A LARGE supply of W all la-r and Horsier, jut received aud for sal chaap, at Ui Mammoth Store of ' . ... ,0. II. V.FRIL1NG. April 4, 1808. Great Attraction, at the NE W TIN-WARE, miicet Iron and StoTe Htor or DMITH & G-E1TTEEB, Where they keep constantly on hand and manafao- tare to ordor at abort notice. TIN AMD SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They would especially oall the attention of pur ehoaers to their large and well selected stock of COOK AND PAEL0E STOVES. The subscribe have made arrangement to have all their best atovea made to order, and those who would havo a good stovo would do woll to go aud examine their large and well toleoted atook. . ,Fi"S' hey ,d'fJr omptition on the following tried lirandi of Cook Stoves, via : Combination Uan Ilurncr, Cook. UoTcrnor IVnn-Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antidust Cook Stove called BPEAK'8 ANTIDU8T. Alto. Parlor and otBoe BtoTet in great variety em bracing, all the boat nmnufaeturcs and meet fashion ablo deaijrns, unsurpasaed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and each stove warrantod to perform what they are represented. Also, The oelebratod Baltimore Firs Plaea Ktnva. iur uvn.iug mo., Dwuuu auu tuiru iwriet Dy iteguiurt Alto, VULCAN IIEATER. (1 Also, the celebrated MORNING Coal HI, Coal Oil Lamps, tShad-, CltimnloH, and all artlcltt usually kept in an establishment of thia kind. Thoy are also prepared to furnish rilate and do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, tn do Tin Roofing, Spoutinit. Ranite and Furnace Work, Oat Fitting, Ac Repairing neatly ana oneapiy executes. Alto : "Ilaugu'ti Haw- Hone Supcr-l'liotc lliatc." Remember the place. Sample and Sales Room noarly opposite Conly'a Ilardware Btoro, Market street, betwoen Third and Fourth streets. Uuilding darK painted. August 2b, I8CS. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Monthly Time Rooks Drawing; Hooks and Slates. (looks, Hymn Books, BUnk Hooks, Memorandum Books. Diaries, Pocko'. Hooks. Ink Stands, Pent, Pencils, a fine assortment of Paper. Ink. Ac. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. SEEING IS BELIEVING I 7.0 1 Arch Stroct. NEW PRICES! NEW GOODS Rich Silver and Silver-Flated Wares, t - Including every style and description, uiaue expressly for the Winter trado, which for neatness and durability cannot be surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholesnlennd Retail Manufacturing Establishment 71) ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. IVlte-platingat short notice December 21. :fi7 .aug27 PURE LAGER BEER! ioit ii:it am a 1.1:, From tho Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH EACHEF.. RESPECTFULLY informs the publio generally that he it prepared tu furnish LAGER BEER, l'OKTEU AND ALL, n largo or small quantities. Ills facilities for mak ng Beer cannot be exoelled. and is pronounced supe rior to any other offered in Central Pennsylvania. It has also been recommended by physicians us a healthy drink for invalids. Hotels. Restaurant! and private families supplied at snort nonce. Suubury, Sept 21, lRfi7. groceries; Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. .1. A. 4.1 .Ms V ,V C'4., In Wcimcr't Building, Water Street, near King it., NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., INFORM their friends and tho public generally that they have a large assortment of tiroceries Provisions, Ac, all fresh uud of the best quality, con sisting uf Teas, Coffees, Sugars, and Spices. Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, und Crackers, and in fact everything usually kopt iu tho Urooory line. They would also oall attention to their large and heap lot of Uood FAMILY FLOUR, Oroen Tea. Hams, Shoulders, Ac, which are constnntly kept on band. Also, all kinds of Vegetables, Ac, Ao. (live them a oall nnd seo for yourself. Northumberland, Sept. ii, 1Su7. To Farmers! THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. TllilE attention of Faruiert and other consumers of J. Fertilizers is invited to this Uuauo, as worthy of their special notice. Its use for several years iu Maryland, Virginia and other Southern States, fur all crops, has given its standard character fur ex cellence unequalled by any other. It possesses all the qiiickuess of Peruvian Uuauo, with permanent qualities not found in that article. 2oil lbs. of this Guano are found mure than equal to .100 lbs. of the Jajfl Superphosphate. It ripens the wheat crop from live to seven days earlier than the phosphates, which fact alouo gives it incaloulublu advantages. Liberal discount lo dealers. For sale by JOHNS. REESE A CO., tlcneral Agents for Pacific Uunno Co., uS South Delaware Ave., 1'liilad'u., And 71 South Street Baltimore. March 29, 1868 6m 4'liildrt'n'a Carria.'s WE would call the attention of those wanting a Child ! Carriage, to our new and largo assort ment comprising new and beautiful style. J. U. CONLEY AC0 IF you have a pioturo you want framod, go to II Vt'rl y'm and get it dono cheaper than any. wnore else in town, constantly on hand. ilo has mouldings of ull kiuds J. H. Conley Co., .flarhrt Street, Hatito.i lie Hailroad, t3XJ3NrBX7R-sr, 3PEN-JM-.A.. DEALERS IN r4iti:i4.. a AMi:i(i( A, Hardware & Cutlery. fTUIE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, L and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that we are now offering a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock 00 ui prises all articles in Ibis line ol business, embracing a general assortmeul of tools uud mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAUON MAKERS. JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a largo stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes. Rope, Chains, Uriudstones, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ac, Ac Sunbury, March 30, 1S67. 3. 91. ItE.W, Ieiitlnl, Will remove hit Office to J. M. Simpson's Building, 2ud story, Market Square, B TJ INT liXJK.-S'. 3? A. WHERE be will be prepared to da all kinds uf work pertaining tu Dentistry. Will keep eonstantly ou baud a large asturtuieut of Teeth, aud other Dental material, from which ke will be able to select, and meet the wants of his customers. All work warranted to givo wtUfaoUoa, or els. the money refuuded- The very best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powderi kept on hand. llis references are the numeroui patrons for whom be has worked fur the last twelve years, tiuobury, March 21, IR0N.-A large assortment of the best nianufso, tured Bars, Hoop, Band, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rods, Cast Steel, Blisler Steel, Drill Steel, ilorte Shoes, Hone Nails, Anvils, Bellows, Vices, Hammers, Sledges, Rasps aud File, at CONLEY CO S 638. HOOP SKIIIT8. 9. WM. I. HOPRIN'S "OWM MAKE" OB "KEYSTONE BKIRT8." are the best and Cheapest Low Prioed Hoop SklrU In the market. Trail 8klrU, 25 springs, $1.00; 30 springs, tl.20 ; anA 40 tpringt, H 44. Plain Sklrtt (I tapea, 20 springs, 80 eenta ; 26 springs, VI eenU ; An ihrlnH SI U. K. ai O , Warrant. ' r - o t " " , w mr 15 , v ' - ed in every respeot. "OurOWN Make" of "UNION SKIRTS," Elev. ea Tape Trails, from 20 to 60 springs, $1.20 to $2.M. Plain Kir T.ns. On In IA .......... r.nn. Ql T.Mib Is $2.00. These 8kirt are better than those told by other establishment at first class goeds, and at much lower prices. "Our OWN Make" of "CHAMPION 6KIRTS," are in every way superior to all other Hoop SkirU before the pnblio, and only have to be examined or worn to eonvinoe every one of the fnet. Manufac tured of the best lincu-nmshea Anglian etteeicprlngi very tuperior tape, and the style of tho metalio f asteninirs and manner of securing them surpass for durability and excellence any other Skirt in thil OOUniry, alia r itgim-r, uiuisviueuu, nil, nuur longer, give more saiisnietion, aua are reauy ouoaper than all others. Every lady thould trv them. They are being told extensively by Merchanta throughout tint ana tne adjoining suite a vory mouorain prion. If you want the beat, ask for "Ilopkin't Champion Skirt." If you do not find thorn, get tho merchant with whom you deal to order them for you, or come or tenti uireot 10 us. aiercnania win nuu iraruu. ferent trades of Skirtt exactly what they need, and we especially invite them to oall and examine our extensive assortment, or tend for Wholesale Price List. Tobehadat Retail at Manufactory, and of tho Retail Trade generally, and at Wholesale of the Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should be wuirwwi . MANUFACTORY and RALESROOM, S29 Arch St. lletween ntb and 7ihSui., Philadelphia. WM. T. HOPKINS. February 20, 1869 lOmot. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED A3 A UEFUGE FKOM QUACK ERY. THE ONLY rLACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. DTI. JOHNSON tint discovered the immt Certniii,9pefily mid only Kfl'ectual Remedy in the World for nil Pri vate1 Ditentei, Weukneu u( the Buck or Liinha, tt.riclim t. A tit.' ut Hint of the Kidneyi and Itlm,der. litvoluntriry iMt chnricea, Impotency. General Debility, Nervniitmesn, Dys pefiiiy, laiiiiicuor, lsiw tpmti, CunluiHm of Ideat, Pitlni tttiii mi of the Heart, Timidity, Tremlilin, Dunnes uf fight or Gidilineirj, Dineaae of the Hem., Thrinit, N"e or kin, Affecthma ot the l.iver, l.umt?B, tomnch or Bmvela these Terrible DiaoirTeiaarimng from thcSoiitiiry Hittiita of Youth thotie.aenret und aolnnty pructicea in' ire (hIhI ft their vtoitina thiin the song of trena to the Matineraof l lyitsea, blight nix llit-ir most hrilhnnt hopeaoi aiiticiiiutiiiiia, rendering marriage, rite., impossible. Young; 5Ivn Kspecially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that drendl'ul and destructive Inthit which annimlly swevps to mi untimely grave tt.iMisui.ils of Young Men of the iri'ist exnltrtt tn let its and bnltiunt intellei-t, who m hi lit tttherwise have entianred listening Sens tea with the ttuin tteis of eloitueiice or wuked tu ecalaly the living lyre, mny call with full confidence. aVIarrisiixc. Marrietl Persona or Yountj Men contcmpliiiinc mnniage, being own re tf physical weakness, uigunic debility, tie foniiitiea, Ac, upeetbly cured. lie who places hitntelf under tlirt care of Dr. J. nmy may religiously ctistride in hia honor as a gentleman, and ciihiletiily rely upon hiaakillas a Physician Immeilintely Cured, and Full Vigor Kestorcd. Thia Diftietwuig Alt'erlioii which rendera I.tfe miaem blt-atal marriage impossible ia the penalty pi id by t he victims of improper indulgences. Young persona are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the diend t ut consequences that mny ensue. Now. who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of pmcreanoii is Inst sooner by those falling into improper h:il tits than by the prnileiils ? Besides deing deprived the pleasures of healthy tHttpriug,the most aerumaaud destine live symptom to both ,ody and mind arife. The system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Puuctions Weiikeiied, Isoss if Proc.'cative Power, Nervous Irrit'ibili ty, Dvapepsia, Pnlpitution of the ilenrt. Indigestion, Con stitutional Debility, u Wasting of the Krame, Cough, Cons u in pt ion, Decay and Dtath, Oiricc, ao. 7 South Frederick Ntr-ot Left hiind side goiiii; fnnn Hultnnore street, a few dinns 'loin l he coiner. Kail not to observe name and number. Iselteia must be puidMitd eoiitauiaslainp. The Doctor's Uiplornua hung in bis office. A nrs ViirniiitcU Iu Two llnya. No Mercury or Nauaeott Drugs. fii. -Johnston, .Member of the Royal College of burgeons, I-oadou, Grad uate from on of tfin most eminent Colleees in the tinted flutes, and the greater (tart of whose life ni)g heen spent in the Jiospitals of isoudon, Paris, Philadelphia and elm wticie, bus eib-cteu some ol the most asiomsbing cures licit weieever known ; many troubled with tinging in the head aud ears when asleep, great nervousness, Itemg alarm- 1 ed nl sudden Sound, Uishfulneas, with fiequetit blushing, tilieutieil soinetiiucs with derangement uf mind, weie cured iiiiiucdintely. '111 Uo Vurlii'iilar IolUo. Dr. J. addresses all thos? who hive injured themselves by improper indu gem-e aud solilnry habits, hu h rum holli body and uiind, unhitnig them tut either business, aliitly, society or mart itige. I 'hki are 'ine oi and meliinrlioly effects pio-duct-tl Ly em lv bill. its ol youih. viz; Veukuessii the back and l.iinbs. P.iins in the Head, Dunness of Sight, lsd uf MuHciihir I'o we t, Pnlpitution of the Hwart, Dspepsv, Nervous lrntaliility, Lleiaiiseiueutof the Digestive Kuuc tions, Geuerul Debility, Symptoms (,f Consumption, tkc. Mkktai.i.t The leurliil ellects on the nund are much to bedreadnt n ot Memory. Contusion of ldes, De pression tf Spirits, Kvil-KotelNKtiiigs, Avi rin to society. . Self-Distrust, Isoveof SolttuJo, TimiUny, Ac. are some of the evils produced. Tiiot iANns of persfiua of ull nes cu now judge what I is the cause of their ilechning health, losintT Iheir vigor, j becoming WtMk, pale, net vous and riiuciatrd, having ttingular uppeafance about the eyes, vuiigh uudsymptuius o' uonsuinptii'ii. Vouiis: iiiVu Who have njjured theiuseives byu ceruin practice iudulg el m wheit ahuir, a h.ilni frequently lertiutMl from evil eonipamoiii. or at sclnnd, the rtlects of which aie mehtly felt, even when anleep.aud if not cured renders uuornigo imMisiblet and dvstroya Uth mind and body, should uppiy immediately. Want a pitv that a young man, thu hope of his country, the durliut: of his parents, should be snatched from all proa pecta and enjoyments of hie, by the consequence odevia ling from the path of nature and indulging in certain secret habit. iuch persons must, before contein plaliug .luriaiiiKia reflect that a sound nund and body are the most neceksnry requisitfSto prouioiecounuhial happiness. Indeed without these, lite journey through life becomes a weury pilgrim age; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; I be mind het'omus shadowed with despair and filttscl with the metnn choty rellei tion that the happiness ut' another becomes blighted with our own BklMriiMo or litiprHtleiii'o, When the misguided ami votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this puinfut disease, it tootiftcn happens that an ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, delurs him from applying to those who, fioiu educalion aud nspecUbility, eun atone lusfiieiid huu, delaviitg till the conslitutioual a tnpl-aus of thia honid diseuie make their appe.inmcc, such ua ulcerated aots throat, diseased nose. uTtuial pains iu the hiud and bu,U, dimiict-e of a;ght. deafness, ikhIcb mi the slim lioucs und anna, blotches on the head, face and extieinttUs, piogress lug with fruihtful tapuliiy, till at luht the pytitile ol the mouth or the Immics ttf the nose full in, and luo viotnn of this awful disease becomes a horrid) object of i-oinmiseru-lion, till death puis a period to his dreadful sutleriug, by sending him to 'thnt t'ndiauoverul CounUy from whtuce no traveller leturns.' It ia a melancholy fuel that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unfekillluluess of ignoiuut pietenders, who, by the use of that "Deadly Poison, Mer cury," rum the constitution uud uake tie ruaidue uf lift miserable. NtranierN Trust not your lives, or health, Ui the care cf the many l' idea i ued and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of krtowi etlge, nuine or chamcier, who C4py Dr JotmsUnVs adver tisements, or si vie themselves, in the newspapeis, regulaily 1-dutu.ied Pnysiciuns, iucupahle of Cuiinsr, tbey kep you tnilmg mouth after month taking Ihutr lllihy and poi annua compounds, or aa long as the smallest fee ran be oh tinned, and in despair, leave you with turned healLa to sigh over yiuu galling disappointment. Dr. JtdiiiRlon is the only Physician advertising. Iliscredentiai or diplomas al ways'haug in hia titfice. Ilia remidies or treatment ure unkmiwa to all others, prepared frtnn a life spent iu the great hospitals of Kurope, the tire in this country and a more extensive "Private Pructice" than any other Physician iu the world. lu4lor'iaivnl ot Iho lri-s. The many thousands uuredat this inaiitution yeai ailtr year, aud the numerous important tSurgicul Operations perlorinetl by Dr. Johnston, witnessed bv tlie reporters (,f the "Sun," "Clipper,11 and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his slaadinK as a gentleman of character and re sponsibility, ii n surfioieut guarantee to the aifjUcd. Stklu liMoat-H N4MkIIIy Ciir4l. Persons writing shou'd he particular in directing their v.,i,it tw uis iii,tui.(uji, in uc loiruwiug manner, a oli u ill. Johnslon, I. I. Of the Oiltiimne Lock UoapiuL, Mil. Nov. 311, IHS7-.I y, SELLERS & F0LWXLL, WJlOLESAtK AND FRUITEBE8." No. lfil North Third Street, Philadelphia pfOrderi promptly attended to, Notice to Merchants 'and Shipper. THE HPdersigned, proprietor of Weiser J'riok . .. . ''J"". gve notioes to merehanu and ahiui.ers that the Pepot is still at 811 Market itreet, Pbila deluhl. and all Uoodidireotod toHunbnry, Dauville and i-ewisbunt, and all intermedUto stations alona the railroad, will be promptly delivered " vara leave on street, Phi Udelnhl i wcekly Tueadayi, Thursday! and Saturdav. tri December f, w," """""'y, ra. latJMstMMGlC-taa Are P;V;y n-lt4 to call and wmin. our stouk v; ., uauun AitC. eomnriiinir J" or a" variotiaa. Butts, borews btrap and T Ji.ugus, Locks aud iatohes, BaltTl'l as- taring Trowels Brick Troweli, plasterer' Biuvesi c, 3. , for by - rUUsadflphtu, sfc Erie Itnllroad. BUMMKR TIMB TADLR. Through and direot ronlo between PhtladelnhU Baltimore, llarruburg, WiUiamtpnrt, to the Nonh west and the ttreat Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEOANT SLEEPING 6Aii3 oa all Night Train,. On and after Monday, May 11th. 1888, the Train. on the muaaelpnia. Erie Ball Road will fullowsi . - W!TWAR. Hail Train leaves Philadelphia. ' Punbury, " " arr. at Erie. Erie Esprcst leaves Philadelphia. " " " Sunbury " " arr at Erie Elmlra Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury " '" arrive at Lock lfaven, 1115pra. A 05 a tn 8.60 p m 12.00 noon 0.40 p m 10 06 a m 8 00 a m 4.15pm 7.45 p m Mail Train leaver Erie 11 00 am " " " fiuubnry. u.oo m " " " t Philadelphia, 7 10am Erie Express leaves Erie 7 40 p in " " "Sonbury 8 58 a m " " arr. at Philadelphia, oOOpm Mail and Express eonoeet with Oil Croek ami Allegheny River Railroad. DAGUAUE CHECKED TUUOUOU. ALFRED L. TILER, Oenoral Superintendent. ftorllicrn Central llnllnay. SUMMER TIME SOIIEDCLE. ON and after May 11th, 183, traiut will loavo SUNBURY, as follows : LEAVE NORTHWARD, o.uu a. ai., uany lor williamsport. Daily (except Sundays,) for Elmira, Canandaieus, Koehester, Buflaloe, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge and the Uanadas. r . ai., smiiy lexeept buudaya,) fur Eln ... - Buffalo via Erie Railway frorr mira. aniv a - ..j ,,,111, Kjiujtrts. 0 40 P. M., Daily (excrept Sundays,) for William.- n f I.' . . . LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 12.03 A. M., Daily (except Mnndny.) fr linltimoto, . w'ninl?'on and Philadelphia. ' 10.02 A. M., Daily for Baltimore and Washington. 7.00 P. M., Duily itexeept Sundays,) for UarrUburg J. N. DuBAnnr, Ed. 8. Yorna, Ocn I. Fnp't., Uen 1 Passen'r Ag't IJumsburg, P. .iltimnri, ICt'ua.nif Ituilroad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MAY 20, 1808. GKEAT TRUNK L1NB from the North and in, pU,r,lhM ' Tfr ,'hildell'hi''. New York, lie , ng, Puttsvillo, Tamaqna, Ashland, Lebanon. Allen- &"au ' Ll'hrttU Litil Lancaster, Columbia, . Jh'rf:".. S--T?. a. fol- Tvi-0 n.h V P-, -..'taH with simTla; Iraim on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving ,t.W,,r,k:.t MX OUund A.'.M. and S Slnnniritr fur. .,,...., 2.50 A. M n.l 0 P i u,''""y,n lllu i 1, . .' ""'"a niiuoui cnunjro. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville. Tainn qua Mmersy.lle, Ashland, Pino Grove. A lcn?wn aud lh.ladelphmatb.lO A.M. and 2.Ui nDTtT0 i,-.. Ii. .?P,D.R,nnt hvb" ud principal way I ?' 4;'?,? "V m"kinS -onnec ions for Philadelphia and Columbia only. Fr J'oitville Schuylkill Haven and Auburnvia &4u ylk 1 and Suwiuehanna Railroad, leave liarrisbur g al 3.M p m Returning: Leave New York at tf.OOa. m., 12.00 Noon and S.00 and 8.00 p. m. Sleeping ears nu. companying the ,.00 . m. and j ou ,,'ld HM trumt without change. 1 Way Passenger Train lenvej Philadelphia nt T 30 a. m., returning from Reading at 6.;fo p. m. Pt-p-P.ngat all Station! ; Pott.vilie .IS 4b a m. d I r "t,l,"n' o uu a.m. and 12.-19 and 2 ml p.m.; Tamaqua at 8.30 a.m. and 1.00 and 45 , p m Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg via Sehurlkill and KinTA 1U"ru,'f J ! . end ioo noo. 'p M return"ig from Philadelphia at lis m.Ts" Jice"'"'ltion Train : Leaves Potts. aTO P M ,r,,,rUinS l0ave" rhildel,hia ACMU,Udf'rn,lTr'?insJaavo Seeding at 7.0 JnnctJcnat'a m'l ?,ad ,T;"", IeT Prkiomer, Leav.1C8nk?l8ni0 A" : """ing : r n. .u.,anu l.4a f. AI. Hurrisburir. ! 25 n, ..,.i P , "; " Reading ,,., 2 srTliZf, and 7.M j.. m. and 11.40 p in. for New York 4 pin. for Philadelphia.. -J curshn.T.UekBU?li'?KeSuMODl Suhonl " E" cumo,, liokets, at reduced rates to and from all al&ptt1 100 P B'ra.8o G. A. NICOLLS, Genof Superintendent- I'lM kawuiiiiii At Islovmajbur Uail ON and after Monday, May 4th, 180S, Pruwongor Trier., will mh u. ' Leuvo ..... . v.. MB 1,I,I,S SOUTHWARD. A. M. A M. P. M. V42 7.4j P. M. no;, 8.4.-. 2.1 10. 0a 4. IS. S.2S o.oii " Peranton, " Kingston, " Rupert, " Danville, Arr. North'd., Leuve North'd., 5.40 20 8,-iO 9.40 10 Sb NORTHWARD. 0.2j 7.02 7.::d A. M. " Pnnvillo, " R upori, " Kiugsu.n, Arr. ut ScrauWn, r. m. 1.60 10.00 7.l0 8.4r 11.10 8.110 o 4r ir A 1,'livn, ..., mgston, May 19, 1S83. WHOLESALE AND-RETAIL DEALER, in every varioty of ANTHRACITE COAL, Upper Wharf, STJNBUKY. Penn'a. despatch11801'0'''1 lDj fl",d Witl P0U1P,ne, Di JPunbury, MayJJ, 1868 y UN" 1 ()jNIioTEI7 CHAN. 1 Irorieor. In Cake'i Additltn to SUNBURY, near the Ponn'u. Railroad Company'! Sbopi. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find ample accommodations. Wood ooukt and waiters, boarders oan enjoy the quiet eom forts of home with fare equal to the best hotels. llis Liquors are of the ohoioest kiuds. Suubury, June 8, 1B0T. NEW GROCESyTORE, W. S. 7U?.11T & CO., Market Street, Six doors East of Third itreot, noilU lide, SUNBURY, PA., ' RESWJCTFULLY inform their friendt and tho publio, that they have opened a NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have them oall and examine their ituck, which has just been opened, eiubrao, ing everything in the Urooury line, such as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spicas, Canned and Dried; Fruits, Beans, llouiiny, Cheese, Crackers, Bacon, Ham, Fish, Salt. Potatoes, etc , together with Soaps, Candles, Soda, ia., and in fact everything in tho Urocoryand Provision Une. FLOUR AND FEED, Queensware, Willow-were. Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac Call and toe before puwhaaing elaewbere. . . . W. b. FI RMAN 4 CO Suubury, April 27, 1KB7. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! GRANT dc BROTHER, blp Si lVholettale Ai Ilelull ulr Iu winri: a. itEii amii cai lo every variety. Bole Agents, vestward, of the Celebrated Hvurj Clay Coai. ' Loweb Wbabf, Buxatar. Pa. Suiibury, Jan. 13, )oa. BOOK BINDERY. JOHN IIERITCAN, North Mill street, DAN V1LLE, PA., 18 prepared to Bind Books, Papers, Magasiuei Musio, 4o , in any style that may be dusued, at cheaper rates than ean be done iu the cities. All Orders lef t at this OfHoe, will receive prompt attention; oet. li,'07 . FIR Baddlen, we haveTaddle Trees, Bitts, Bock les, Uig Trees, Pad Trees, lianas, all kinds aud. very thing pextaiuiux to the busiuesa. for sale by J. 11 COM-EY i. CO. SIIOEMAKIiltS. 1 HE best Qualities of Sole Leather, French Calf skim Morroocos, Liuuigs, Lasu, Nai'. rn, Tool, of all kinds, aud every thiugiised by t he jr.. forsa . low br . J- H. TON LEY i CO USCHI U, HI" I , I 1)IKD CAiiE3.ll diflereut kinds. If youwl m4 eh..p Blli e.ges. &y , ...; wiin similar trains oa Reading Rail Road de?,:hfaUS o7a m"" .K0 " P PBiU-