EOT? NEW DRY GOODS AND Fresh Groceries I On Third St., ono door below llic Lutheran Church, SUNnURY, PKNN'A. HENKY FjHlTfmS, Has just opened n largo nwirtincnt of PRY (.OOPS, such ns Calicoes, Dolainos, Muslin.', .t .. Ao. QHOOBRIB nn.l mo visions of nil kind?, puoli ns r-TGARS, C01" FEES, TE AS, M'ICES, COAL Oil. 'Moliisse!, Syrups, Mackerel, Lnnl, Hump, Nuts lo ic 1 nnd Canned Fruits. Prunes, Bui-ins. Cheese, and Cracker!", nnd in fact ever) thing usually kept in the Grocery lino. Hums, Fi'li.Conl Oil, Crockery -wnro, ljucenswnio Glnss-wnro, Willow-wnro, ic. The hos! Fl.ont nnd MEAL in Iho Mnrket Tobv'eo, Cigars, nn.l n vnricty ot"N"TI'NS. Al-o : All kind' of Canned l'ruil, nt tho lowest Country Produce taken In e. l:M'.o-0 f r (too Is. -CuH uiil csniuii.e my ttuek, mul satisfy your chc' urxiiY peters. ,s'tiiil.'iry, April 2", l'"7L THE HOWE GETTING MACHINE CO ELIAS HOVE. Jit. Awarded over Kighly-lwo Competitor?. 'I'lic ESijticit Iffiniiim, The Only Cross of the. Legion i f Honor uuil GOLD MEDAL pivrn to American .Siwinu M m imm:s, per I.npe rial Decree, published in tho "M-.ni'.our l.'niver:-..l ' 'Hi, :iul Journal of iho French Empire', Tuesday, 2,1 July, 1SQ7, in those words : 1 iulricuiit'! Jo Machine a cou Elias HowE,Jn. Uro c&p. -sunt. Manufacturer of Sewing Mu J chines, Exhibitor. "Thin doulile first honor is another pr... f of tho (.-rent f upcriuity of tho HOWE SEWING MA CHINE over ull others. ' SIBLEY A. HT'l'S. No 23 .South Klj'ht street. Pl.iln.U-lphi.i. Agents lor Pennsylvania, New .ler.cy. Delaware i::id Western Virrii iu. l'ehr.mry 22. l.sf'.S. S:a . FKKt.lI AKK1YAI, OF MILL1NKK1" GOODS J.1S11D KTOTIOITS, I.tiss AN VA FALN'l'DlX, Market Square, two doors west of tho Po.H Office S U N 15 U H Y , r K X X ' A. "IlE.SPECTI-TLLY informs her friends and llio .1 V public, thai she has just reliirm ;! lroiii tho eily vlieru she has spu.t f .uictiiuo in making suli-ctions and puri'hasos. und hiia just t.pei.ed n lnro st.jck ot MILLIXEltY (iiiOPS AND NOTIONS, liihhons. Liiees, rtef.l.iningr. Crir.olino nn.l M'i guns bkirtinj; Lining, llo .p .v'kirts. Liitflo Trim lninj;", Crni'u TriiLinings, Hat Crape, Clonk Luttons, Corsets, Zepliyrs. A largo nidurtment of Ladies hikI t;enlloiucn's Hosiery. HULLS of all sizes, Alphabet JU.ieks. Ac. Mjo tlntlers licrsell' in beinj; able to luukc u display Hint, will p;ivc entire s.iti l..eti"ii to visitor:., and goods will be exhibited wilh pleasure. Suubury, May :;t), lWiM. i; It. MOOKI:. 1. C. DISl.NC.Ktl. Sew B'iriu! ft,.i -I LSonm! and an ENTIRE KEW STOCK CP GOODS! lillKAT ltKlH C'lTMN IN I'lilCKS! TrUHlZZl. . DINSl I'.ii, lluvo jiiot opened a ei'retully sc'.cetL-d stock ol NEW UUOl..;, in tliiut' - I r,;l I'l'OIlf, MAlUvCT SYJtKKT, M.NULliV, I'JJ.NX'A Cur.shtin of HliV 'iOOl'S, NOTION". CUOCi ltlKS. (.il'KKX.S. WAKE. (,'1,AVAI;E. i.n.l a All line ..f GENTLEMEN'S I-URXISIIINa GOOPS f.:iI'v 5 !.. iaouds, Culicoes, Mu-lins. I'laiineN, T ib'u I.'n'.-ns To'.velin, Clio. 1.. Ticking. i'.iniiLrp:u.( . Casiniercs, Vt'.-iin, Varus, Skirls, Neck Ties, Co:i-. C, .l:nis Jlanakereliiefs, J ! ' i-lii! t'l .tli. Cm iii ts, Wood and Vil!ov-Vare. Vt inile special utl.i lion to the unlity of our Muek of It 10 in 1 JAVA Cori-EK TKAS. SVtlAlitf, WOl.ASSLS. SVIll' f.S, SOA1', SALT, 1IM1, Vl.Nl.tiAit, Ac., Ac. Cui.pboll's Cihbrated i'i.i 'i II, alls ays on haml. v i el cutiiiJei.t Hull c.-l. buyi-iv Mill liu-l ii !.. 1 hoir ii.U niilao to piu o- a i-.'!l. :.n.l fii.l..io. iMHlally aie inxiled lo eail l.li 1 ix::li.ii.J our is Mi I I'1. ).. . li d on olil" pi i s. I'-y rii-Klnltt'iaioii to tlic want-- .f rur itt-.inTs and lair dealing lit l.o o io nii-rit a lull share ol ihe plil.li.- J..ur.ilrij;e. COL NTit 1 l'l'.OM CK of all kinds taken in o etiaiiL'O lor goejj, f'T l-'iull tho L'hcit price Will bej.aid. MOOilL .1 i lS.-lNODlt. Huiibiuy. r!l II, li v 'J,. "TOO, !!..) I'd, !.,!,., t;; o::r ' : v. mwomv Till-; Mini . iial'u. tlic lar,;rst capital, lu,.s! experience. buy 1 1 . uii I exlen ive trade of ui.y couccjh in the iiv llar lit bUsiliL':s. lie .''.'. 1 A" J . :i: li. ti--faci v o: ui ei c, v 'ri. tar.ee, and also the be -1 sek-etlouot lioous v i .r tLei ed al V, "ilt.r O'.oce:!! has :.i.y .di' v .!.eies.r our . . i.. are Mdlii.... I ,.r iiio!l,. "i'l .itii'l audli. iia bie. ' Mule uud leloale agents w uuled iu eily Uui louiiirv ii.- i. i,;; ..io p.tuieul.ii ly requested iu li y our . polar club ..i.U.liof sellin,; all Kiii.l.,,1 i.l'.V AN1 T.A.Vt.'V i -i. hi;i.s r.wn;i..s cij ii,: ci.o-jii, 'AsfoUS. ,-. ,:; FI.A1I.K ools W.MCI'- ' A.-, (l.-.al.i;-! . I ls.i.1.) A .: ,,t i ..;i l'.nn t.iin ai d n el,, .-k oe ! i'.n . i.n iiriielo Io be nld tor a U..II. I-. Iu eu. ; 20 lor ; :u l..isl; i t; ! ;-o ; loj l'r-.lll, .-.1.1 ly lij.il. l'i.e pr... in:.- to dlor up, (Wi.lll. :.o per i..i'i:t iiioi e tloiii lb" e.ent by any other e.'l.. eili.) ncoor.lini: lo sio ol elub Sclid U- a trial vli"l. or ii do fail to ,-. ml ..r a eircul .r. N. i:.-n..r .li on 1 i...t be with New '; k dollar dry sali'oi IijJu: Ka Cwl..j.:i.iv.-)': U ii Uollui' ol I'bo s. ri. i.Ai'T.MAN A KENIbiLL, C5 Il.il.over U tel , Eo.-loll, Ma.-.-. .-."'V .. i, ii.U ii l i . t-? j tl i ;j ikil j.I. iiii'iik, H". ' " Hal. e , i ici I an 1 Iron li li Hakes, Loot.' i,il D :,,. ,.!,;s, Mu vel ., Alai.nrc iiid II iv I..,!... l .., s i-.nd f i i-.- 1 1 Seville.', tiraiu ''lb ;, I r.i.ll, J'ii, 'lr ,.. I'..t.'T.iucnud J.-sT. Ulan,-, :,. I',., . .Mill (-.ivesof 'I s!.u- all K I .-.ft: , I, I .....nrl,,,...,! . I 11. ,1 1 r f"1" ly .1. COM I.V A CU. A LAlii.'i: I iy "I i ..li ii.-i- it ml i. - iceei.ed ui. 1 .;.lo eheuj., t-.lu It V.ITULIN'J. "Older j d the M..imi:o'.u ;.'i-. it ; Al" 'l 4, ImW )IKU C.Vii:s,ll .I'ln.'rent l.io.l.:." ll'viit t'-d and cheap lii, J C... s .. . J . ., " U1NU.V ,t Cu S I toLHd1"'1 " ' r"' "'' '" v ' '' y"r ell or OVwiila;:?r'''i,liu'1 "i i' J It .V CO Tin: (iiiiiAT riiizi; L'.niif!t'"ii Vitit'L'mHi, lM7. SPRING OPENING. CiUEAT FALL IX TRICKS! Buy the MOST GOODS, of tho BEST QUALITY For tho LEAST MONEY. SMALL FKOFITS AXI) QUICK CASH it. v. a'Kii.ix;, nt tho 2AMM0TH STOP-E, mahicet s-jiaue, SUXIiURY, FKXX'A., Has just received nnd opened tho bust i:i.i:"3 i:a and I-IXE.VT ASSOIITMLXT. of MY COOJ)S IN TOWN. French Merinos, Tunis, Muslins, Uiligliaius, Cas.-iuie.re?. Ac. l'elaiiies ami Amuires. lioiuestio Cotton.-, lirown and lileaihcl. Notion d of iiii.i.ind". Jlo.-iery, II love.-, Mtu'siuid Ladies L ujergaiiutnt WHiTK GOODS. A full assortment of TUlMMlNt.S. Euil lers n ill find my Slock of !I;i i-d n an', S'aisits-, il,, Iiism, 'oiiLiU t'. lM uj-' und .Medicii es, illow uiul Cedarwaro, '.VKei.euare, oni tn.ire, Cioci., i v. Sail COOTS AND SHOES- HATS AND CAPS, ; and iu lad eveiy I lli.i.i ti-ually l.tpt in a buy. So.ro i Call and bo convinced that !hu CU E A I'JisT 1'LACE'iO LL V ALL VC'l'K UOODS u at Thu 3laiiMiitlt Stop e. of i t't rtu Cui.li, HO tlu j i, ns my 'loods uro bought for C'nali uud iold Cheap t'.r tue KKAD V MoNEV. J givo the trado the ud i.iniiUji of all loduetious iu they arc u.alo Ly Ma cAurtr. 11 YITULINO, . THE GREAT AHZMCAN COMMXA TIOX Itiilton Horn Orci-weunilnjf AKD luT Wonderful Popularity Conclusive l'roofof It. (Ircttt Alerit. Tho Inorenso in tho demand for this yaliinblo ma ollo has been TEN FOLD durin tho l,l .oven months of lt llrst year bcloro tho publio. 'This cram! and surprising success Is unprccodent ed in tho history of sowitiK-mnchines, and wo lcel fully warranted In olaiining that. IT HAS MO EQUAL, Being Absolutely tho llo?t M.MII.Y JI M tu:i: IN THE WOULD, An J Jittriimicallt the Cheapest. It is rcnllv two machines combined in one, (by simple nii l beautiful inochnnical nnangeuicnt,) uia king both tho Shiittluor Lock-stitch, and tho Over seaiiiing and llutton-holo stitch, with cnunl facility and peilei tion; It executesin the very best innnner every variety ofsewinir. such ns. llcuiming. Felling, ('online, 'lucking. Stitching, ltraidint and Quilting, Hatberiio4 and sewing on, (done nt tho same lime.) and in addition, Overs, 'imis, Embroiderson tho cd;c nmj makes beautiful Hutu n an 1 Eyelet-holes iu all labrics. livery Mnehino is wnrrunted by tho Company, or iU Agents, to ;;ive entire satisfaction. Circiilnrs, wilh full ptirtiiulaM and samples of work done on tins Machine, can be had on applica tion at the Salesrooms of THE AMERICAN Dl'TTOX HOLE, OYERSKAMIXO AXD SLWINt; MAC1HXU CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh nnd Chestnut Street), l'hiladelphia, Va. Irtruelion? f;ivcn on bo Mnehino nt tho looms of the Company gratuitously to all purchaser!. AGENTS WANTED. FKKIVK PAXSOX, PrtsKlent. W. R. Mknpkniiai.t., Troasurtr. April 25, 1M0S. lycjan. 25, FLOUR & FEED STOilE WHOLES.- 1A7 AKD RETAIL. rilHK subscriber I thnt be keeps WAKKIIOI SK. nc Depot . in SCNIitT of nil kinds of Fee respectfully informs tho Tiublio constantly on hand nt his new ar thu Shaniokin 'alley ltnilroad IV, Flour by the barrel nnd sacks 1 by the ton manufactured nt his own Mills, Tho above is all nnd will be sold at thu lowest cash prices. J M. CADWALLADFIt. , lilici Sunbury, April 1 THE CHEAT Zli'IC-Mi The cnir-.pincnt parts of this remarkable prcpiratioti werj f.rst discvereJ, cotupouud.-d and dlstribuU, soni j tw.nty years auo, by tJr. Ciiroi'sos, the ecle-brat.-d Ki.'yt,lian l'baii.ian. Thousands of his suffer ing countrymen were restored to health, as well ns great numbers of the inhabitants of Nubia and Abynainia, and of thecountii.-s oorderini; U.jn the Sjutlieincoast or tlic aittlttcrrnneiin bea. Iiii1.j1, tli." farae of tlia HjiTTiTT, 111 VtJr-,V I si"n ppnatl over Kuiojh?, md H ui ml. pttl by tlitt 1'i incijiul 1'Jiji ttcians in :liaipf f f tl.e !ir .i;as of thu Ul wurld, in which it i$ rtill Uicd Willi piccmi ni-ut s.icc'i3. Tlif VfL-:rt.,v f Ivrypt jl.ictd thu niiuio cf I'R. CiiEoPSi'd upon thu Ii' II cf Nft-l'-f," ami pre fctitcJ to him a klcUul hearing the foilci iiij; itistrip-li'-n: i' 1'tt l.'iiC 'i sls, the l'uhhc iicnvfuclor." Thi Ititlfro is now ollVn J to the J ul lie of Ameriia wltli the full assurance tint it will bo found, udju a fair tri:J, to uct us aieulio fur llic cure vt Chdlirn, Dyntntcry, Di nrrli a'n. ChoIrrM oi-LiU!if Ketrr and Ai;ii- 1 illow Fiver. lhi'timiitlmv Tyikoiil JJfvtr, UKi tfelnt C ollr. livdiicliili, oiiKitittjitiun, Klntu l-iiy, Uist.nMc-1 of 4Ho K-ttim ys, Km uui DtbllUyt ami Female Cuinpialntii Ilomnrkahlo cures of the ahove ciit aw-s have lv.-en tn.-ut- d by it ue, s nuraurous certificate, many frr m regular phyficiaifi, fully attest; and it is deftttmd to fm?rsdc any prcparatiun cxtaut. As un btjrwatlo 1'ynic. aud an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, IT If A3 NO EUL'AL. Tirrs Tim ZIVGAIM II1TTEHS M.AS BWlTL A3WU.J. A8U0DY, AVP AS A n:t.VKNTIVE or II A 3 NO SL'l KUIOR. A FF.W VOl:nl TO LADIHS. The use of tlitt ZINiiAKI UITTKliS will t you that tuft, tcinl-tr.in-V'fiil complexion which the (iod of nature (de Bikjintijf w.maii to h-j the hn'cliiat of his woiks) fully int ntlt.il that yim Hhonl.l hve fur it U nittuie'r own jnwder aiid pAiat coiuhiiud. By purifying the- bloml, stiinul.itiiiR thu pigmentary cul' ( the dermis, and imparting fteull.i nnd .f: thrnui;h?t,t thf tntiie ybteni, it especially 'ives that rinouili ch-arness und beauty to the cuDiplcxion o mm h to ho li-ftirl rc riuvuit? all roughness, hlntchc. fnvkles, pimple, a&d that ellow, ft'tckly l.rk to common hi ("irluy; and what' is even h'-lt-'r lh:.n this, it cures every species of female irregularities tu:d iliscua. l'i-mcifai lvpot, IlarrisljtirL', Ta. RAHTER & HATJSE, SeiLE l'lioruiETOits. Tor sale by W. A. Ll.XM'.TT, Tin ist, Sunbury l'el)l.s-lv:ini,l. August :t. isr7. MllMHtTAM .M ll'i:. TMIIK ui'dersiiru'-d liavin succeeded to the bui-i- X iiessof T. lll.MKd A CO., takes this method of iiit.ii iniog llriek-Ln.Ts. l?uildcrs, and all others in leresii .1. iu mid al.uut. 'iit.buiy. that he is prepared to till all oidors, lor building and pavii. Ilriek, of n yniici i..r i.iu.lilv ,tii,l ,.l s I, ov ,.r,. ,.s . it. I.., I.. 1. 1 i el.-ewiiero. 1 um aho tho Agent in tlio Comities of Norlhtim- oi'i'l iiid, I nt. in. fciivdcr and MoiMour, tor VtAll llli.N .S I.MlTluVlilJ HKhuud WAil-R I'UUdF liui'l'. 'This is tho cheapest and best Hoof that can be used on buildings. Wo co ered several build iiij with it, during Ihe last teasou with entire talis- la. .ion. h .li-rs l. ft at thu liriek V;.rd, i'i Cake's Addition to .siiiiiiiiirv, or at tbu Ul.t.-e 1 1 ...r. i 1:1. t.:i;'"tii . Saw .Mill und Luiiibir Yard, or at Sunbury Post uuice, will receive prompt attoiiiu.n. TOW.NSEXD UI.Mi:S. Sunbury, March H, IW.jJ. I'. S. H (I A A A Watchmaker & Jewelry, M A H K K T K 1JV A 11 li , Sl'XBl'KV, l'A., W ill renioo his .Ieelry Store lo Miller's Sloiio Luil'ting, corner of ud ni.d Market S iuaro, ON lTiLlU'AliY 1st, Mi, wh'-re he will bo hnipv to receive his obi customers and ihe public iu general. Thankful for past favors. be solicits a coiihmianco ot the same, and ho is de termined lo sell as low as the lowest, nnd for tjualny , i.oi to be surp.i.-.-e I by any ,ols iu the n.aiket. A Iiii jc I's.-oiiiiiLiit of Wiitclii-f, ( !u'k, .! lr uud MI-i- VVsir.', coii-iaiiilv on hand, ciirisiing oi nil kind-' of Ameri eatl atehes, such as Iho llowiml, AppU-ton, Trncv it Conipnny, Tii iu ml, Wulttiut.i, r. tl. ilartlut, Wm. Til Ifiy, ilumo una u liuo usboi imei.t of tiwis, VVutliud Allkiiulirffi )av nml Ho Hour Clocks ! Silver ten celts, mid and cako baskets, breakfast aud dinner easier: . Celery stands, .yrup and drink ing cii.s, and a lull iissorinieut of Spi.ons, Knives und forks. Purlieular attention paid lo Ihe rej.air ig ! W an Ins, I loehs, Jcucliy and Mu.iu Uuxm. All ..ik an anted. Feb. rl, iMiS. Call und SCO the Well Selected Sleek of CLOTHS, CASSIMLltKS, 0VLUC0AT1XUS, YLSTIMI.S, Ao Just received ut iJ i,'!',,ff ,r.rj nr? til-Lj'J. is. ijLi. 1) MERCHANT TAlLORINU ESTAULISII. IKIlIli mj:xt, 1'ourlU Street, Lelow liystei1! btoio, H'XLL'llV WINTKR CLOTIIIXC! i-f tbu uicst utj.ri' cti Lt;ksij n.aUo up to order a U'linaiuljlo rut -. Jiu iinui u!m a I'ne lUDortti.tiit t.f 1'u.iijiero tShli ti, liuv. Lii), I iitKir-liirt., Uvtiiiuuij, itii-ueue, Ieek lied, C j I toil Ml.i Vtli;U JIu;U, hup4lItlerB, lijuj- kuchicU, liluvc ttlij u Kl"eral vuriety v til N'tXI MlN S Hn'ISllfVl UOOJiS, ivc hi in a tall, h lii U uu will Liu. I tu Lu u vvur uJviuHa.'C. bU' Utv.Ovt. V. IW. Wutcr nnd I'iro I'roof SLATE ROOFS. TUB underslnnod respeotfully Informs bulldors In this and adjoining eountios that ha is prepared to put on Slnto Koofs In a superior manner. He furn. Ishes the oelobrnted Lehigh county Slate, whloh la Hie best In tha market, lie wnrrants his work to be durable and fire and wator proof. He, invltos the in spection of tho public to tho work he hnadnno in iSun, bnryon llaupt'l, Oroonough' nnd Unas' buildings, nnd on others nt various places. His prices aro as low as those of nny other slater. Address, D. S. SMITH, Sunbury, P. 0., or call at his resi.lenco In ITppor Augusta twp. January 11, lBuUly THE GREAT CKNTRE OP ATTRACTION, I3ST SXJISTBXJPlr ii on 3d itroct, opposite the MAbOXIC HALL, at BERGSTKEESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, lint I.nlt ly i:s.tulliMlifMl, -Willi nil llic Modern Siiiprovfiuoiil! or llic Art ! rpiIE subscriber, hnving tuilt the room expressly X for tho purpose of l'hotogrnphing, and having devoted many years to the business, is confident of his ability to assure hi! patrons that the Work pro duced thall bo second to nono in country or city. No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Hnving the bet sky light in tho county, he is prepared to make Photographs !u nil kinds ol weather, but would prefer a clear dny lor "mull children. He is also prepared to take now size, or cabinet enrd Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to nny required life and colored beautifully in Oil or Wntor colors or India ink. We pay special nttention to nil kinds of out door work, such ns Landscnpo views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac., n large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand. The publio nre respectf ully invited to call nnd see our specimens and our complete arrangements for making Photographs, special terms to lumilics and clubs. . I1ER0STUESSEH. Kunbury, July 13, ;ti. v. m:KU ui's Confectionry, Toys and FRUIT STORE, Market rSii-cct, Wuiilmry, la. COXFECTIOXERY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, ic, CONSTANTLY on hnnd nnd for sale nt the above establishment nt wholesale aud retail, at reason able prices. lie is mnnufneturini nil kinds of Contcetjonnrlcs to keep up a full assortment which aro sold at low rates. Tobneeo. Rcgars, Stationery. Nubs of nil kinds, nnd a variety of other articles, all of whiah nre ofTaied wholcsalo nnd retail. t Kcniciubcr tho nnineand p1nce..J1 M. 0. tlEAltllAKT, Market street, 3 doors west of K. Y. Bright Son's storo. fcunbury. Sept. 10. 1.SC3. tf 7-.it) ChcHtnut Wli et t, lMiIIurict phiii, Aro the best in Use, FOR, THE FO LLO WIN 3 REASONS : They are moro simplo nnd durublo, cusicr kept in order, in alio a stronger und moro elastic stitch, n firmer und mure beautiful seiuii than nny other 'They sow all fabrics from two common spools, ro quiro no re-winding of thread, fasten both ends of the scam by their own operation, nnd though every hflli stitch is cut the scam will not rip. Tlic Very llili'.t lrize, tli Crow of the Legion of Honor wns conferred on the repre sentative of tho (aton.i: A; iiiiki:K at tho Exposition Univcrsellee, Paris, 1SC7 ; thus attesting their great superiority over ull other sew ing machines. G ROVER A BAKER'S NEW STVLES sii i t t 1. 1: m .v c ii i i: For Manufacturing, Combino the wort modern and csfential improve uicnts. Tho attention is requested of Tailon, Manufac turers of Roots and Shoes, Curriugo Trimming, Clothing and nil others requiring the use of the most eff ective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these ucw styles, which possess unmistakable ad vantages over all others. FOR SALE BY Miiis CAROLINE DALIUS, Market Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A., KovZd, lHli7. ly ISAAC K. STAUFFER, lYntcIniialK-r and Jen eler. &Si2icra no. 148 NOBTII 2d ST., COR. OF QUAKRY, PIllLAUKLl'lIIA. An assortment of WaHics, Jewelry, Silver uud PUtrc W'aie coiifcluntty ii hand, IVIieiuiring of Waichcs and Jewelry promptly at leiule.1 lo. Nov. 30, 1S0T I y. Coachmakers "IT7E aro idling Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Springs, Canvass, Bulu, Clijus, Ailei, Ao., very low Large Stock at CONLEY A CO. Suubury, March 30, 1SC7. T0RRINGT0N & H0DGKINS. It -A- "W X3 OJJNT E surEii riiosriiATE or lime, A STANDARD MANURE FOR ALL FIELD AND GARDEN CROP.S. Having within the past year greatly increased and Improved our facilities fur grinding Bones and man ufacturing, we are prepared to furnish to Iho furiu eia of Pennsylvania u superior article of riijH.er-IhoHiilintc. Our manufacture has been thoroughly tested tho pusl season by practical men of our immediate neighborhood uud elsewhuru, uud iu every case tho result has been entirely eatisfautory. Our process uf pulveruhig, whereby it is prepar ed lor und tlUARRANTEED TO PASS THROUGH ANY DRILL, obviates un objection which attaches to many fcr t.li.ers, uud secures tu the farmer a saving of much valuable timu. (SOLl AT THE MASl'KACTOltV, EAST M A R K E T S T R E E T , ND.tlll V, IM and by our Agents throughout the country, in Bag! tf 2J0 IU. each, ut $58 per Tun of 2000 IU. Ai.ua SIIIITED PROMPTLY to all point! aceessuble by rail or canal, on receipt of older. TORRINGTON A H0DGKINS. Atso AgouU for Seymour, Morgan A Allen's Self l.ukiug lieuuer and aiowor(lh Aew Voikerjaud Pr iU A Siuedley's Hay and Grain Rake. .vend lor Circular. l ebruary li, '6H. ly CAHl'ENTEHS. W ILL Cn J lu our establishment superior stock, of PUues, Saws, Augers, HalcheU, Uumuicni, l iloa CLuJs, do., At) , for tale by J . II. CONLLY A I'll Great Attraction, at the NKW TIN -WARE, Hlieot Iron nnd Klove ftore ol SMITE & GE1TTHEB., sTjriT33Tjmr, Where they koop eonstantly on hand and manufac ture to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEKT IKON-WARE of nil description!, They would especially call the attention of pur chasers to their large and well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers havo made arrangements to have all their best stoves niado to order, and thoso who would havo a good stovo would do well to go and cahiihub incir lurgo nun wen sciociou siock. First. They defy competition on the follow! triod lirnnds of Cook Stoves, vij : ' I'oiiiliiuiilioii iin lliirner. Cook. lov-i-ur l'cnn-Onok, WABASH AND IB.ONSIDES, ami tho well known Antidust Cook Stovo called fcPKAK 8 ANTTDUST. Also. Pnrlor nnd office Stoves in grcnt variety cm bracing nil the best manufactures and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of nrrnngeinciitd combining cheapness, durability nnd ench stove wnrrunted to perform whiit they aro represented. Also, Tlic celebrated Baltimoro Firo Place Stove, lor beating first, second nna third stories by Hcgisters Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, tho celebrated MORNING GLORYJ . Conl Oil, Coal OH I.n in m, Slinilesi, 4'liiiimifH, nn1 nil nrlU'Iex usunlly kept in nn establishment of this kind. They uro also prepared lo furnish Slate and do slating in tne nesi worKtniuiiiKo niannor. Also, to do Tin Rooting, Spouting, Rango nnd Furnace Work, Una Fitting, io. Repairing neatly aii'i cucapiy oxecutea. Also : "IC:iiiIi Ituw llonu Wiipcr-I'liosi. pliale." Remcnibor tho place. .niiiiIo nnd Sales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardwnro Storo, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets, liuilding uarK pamteil. August 25, I8C6. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AUTD STATIONERY, Monthly Time Books Drawing Books and Slates flocks, Hymn Books, Blink Books, .Memorandum Boik!. Onirics, Pockot Books, Ink Stands, Pens, Pencils, a fine anortmeiit of Paper. Ink. An. For sale by ANNA PA I NT Kit. SEEING IS BELIEVING At )! Areii Street. XEW PRICES! NEW COODS Kith Silver ami Silver-Plated Wares, Including evcrv stylo nnd descrintion, niado exnrcsslv for the Wintur trado. which 5 for neatness and durability k, s rT cannot be surpiewcd at J.. "j JOHN BOWMAN'S W'holesalo und Retail Manufacturing Establishment, .ill AltClI STUKiir, PIIILA1JELPU1A. I'J- Rc-plnliiigat short notice, l'eceniber 21, :m87 ,aug27 PURE LAGER BEER! 1MMM I EC E) Alj:, 1'ruiu tho Cold Spring Brewery, S U N B U R Y , P A JOSSFS RESPECTFULLY informs tho public generally that ho is prepared to furnish LAGER ,KER, PORTER AXI) ALE, n largo or small quantities. His facilities for milli ng Poor cannot be excelled, and is pronounced supe rior to nny other ottered in Central Pennsylvania. It has also been recommended by physicians as a healthy drink for invalids. Hotels, Uosttturauts and privato families supplied nt short notice Sunbury, Sept 21, ISoT. GROCEHiES, Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. .1. A. ;i 1Y .V CO., Iu Weimcr's Building, Wntor Street, near King St., NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., INFORM their friends nud tho public generally that they have a lurgo as.-oi Iiuent of Groceries Provisions. Ac, nil fre: h and of the best quality, con sisting of Teas. Codecs. Sugars, nnd Spices. Dried nnd Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, uud Crackers, nnd in fact everything usunlly keiit in the Grocery liuo. They would nlo call nttention to their Inrgo nr.d neap 101 ei uoud tA.uii.1 11.UIU, Greeu Ten, Hums, Shoulders, Ac, which nro constantly kept un hand. Also, ull kinds of Vegetables. Ac, Ac. Give them a call nnd seo for yourself. Northumberland. Sept. 2H, 1M.7. To Farmers! THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE PACIFIC QXTA-ISTO. fl HIE attention of Fanners and other consumers of L fertilizers is invited to this Guano, as worthy of their tpecial notice Its use for several years in Maryland, Virginia nnd other Southern Slutes, for nil crops, hns given it a standard character for ex cellence unequalled by uuy other. It possesses all the quickness of Peruvian Guano, with permanent qualities not found in that article. 250 lbs. of Ibis Guano uro found more than equal to 300 lbs. of the uesi rciipcrpuoHpunio. 11 ripens me wnoni crop irom five to seven days curlier than the phosphates, which fact 11I0110 gives it incalculable advantages. Liberal discount to deulers. For sale by JOHN S. REESE A CO., General Agents for Pacific Guano Co., v8 South Deluwuro Ave.. Philad'a., And 71 South btreet Biillimuru. March 23, 1SCS Bui Cliiltlren'K 4'iii'i'iuui'N, E would call the attention of thoiO wanting a Ltuld s Curriago. to our new nnd large assort- uiout comprising new and beautiful stylo. J. II. CONLEY A CO. IF yon have a picture you want framed, go to II verlv'si and get it done cheaper than anv- whoro elso in town. He has mouldings of ull kinds constantly on nana. 1. H. Conley Co., .tlai-Kel Ml reet, Cast oil lie llailroad, SUNBURY, PENN'A. DEALERS IN i mi:i(. .v A.ncitiCAA, Hardware & Cutlery. f ill E attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, X and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that wo uro uow offering a better selected assortment of HAUDWAKK, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered iu this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by deulers. Our stock comprises all articles in this line of business, embracing a general assortment of tools nnd mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGUN. MAKERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together w ith a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill aud X Cut Suws, Ac, Ao, Sunbury, March 30, 1S07. .'. !. Iti:v, leiillt. Will remove his Office to J. M. Simpson's Building, 2nd itory, Market Square, ' SUNBURY, XA.. WHERE he will be prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to Dentistry. ' Will keep Constantly ou bund a large iissorlmeut of Teclh. and oilier Dental material, from which he will be able tu elect, aud meet thu wants of bis customers. All work warranted to givo satisfaction, or else the money refunded. The very best Mouth Wash aud Toolh-Powders kept on hand. His references are the numerous patrons for whom be has worked fur the last twelve years. Sunbury, March il, 18C8. IRON A large assortment of the best manufac tured Bars, Huop, Band, Round aud Square Iron, Nail Rods. W Sieul. lll,.ir Steel, Drill Steel. Horse Shoe.. Hum Nuil. ft Anvils, Bellows. Vices, Hummers, Slcdgud. Rasp! and Files, at CONLEY A CO S NUlltTH. K-1H. WM. T HOrKIN'8 "OWN MAKE" OR "KEYSTONK SKIRTS." are tho bost and Cheapest Low Priced Hoop Pklrta in tho inarKot. irnu nairts, i.l spring", fl.llll; .',) springs, $1.21) J and 40 springs, $1.45. Plain Skirts 8 tapes, 2(1 springs, 80 oonls; 2i springs, U&conta; SO springs, l.li ; and 35 springs, $1.25 Warrant cd in every respect. "OurOWN Mnko" of "UNION .SKIRTS," Kiev en Tape Trails, from 20 to 50 springs, $1.20 to $2.50. Plain, Si Tapes, 20 to 50 spring, from 05 Cents to $2.00. Tlioso Skirts aro bettor than thoso told by other cstnblishinonts ns first clnss goods, and at much lower priocs. "Our OWN Make" of "CHAMPION SKIRTS," are In ovcry wny superior to all other Hoop Skirta before the pnblio, and only havo to he examined or worn to convinoo every ono of tho fact. Manufao turod of the bost liuon-llnished English Steel Springs very superior topes, ami tho stylo of the uiotiilio fastenings and manner of securing them surpass for durability and excellence any -other Skirt in this country, nnd are lighter, more clastic will wear longer, givo more satisfaction, nnd aro really cheaper Ih ii ii nil others. Every Indy should try them. They nro being sold extensively by Merchants throughout this and the adjoining state nt very moderato prices. If you want the best, ask for "Hopkin s Champion Skirt." If you do nut find thorn, got the merchant with whom you deal to order them for you, or coino or send direct to us. Merchants will find our dif ferent grados of Skirts exactly what they need, and wo especiully invito them to call nnd cxniuine our extensive nssurtuicnt, or send for Wholesale Price List. Tobchndnt Retail at Manufactory, nnd of the Retail Trade generally, nnd at Wholesnlo of the Manufacturer ouly, to whom all orders should bo addressed. MANUFACTORY and SALESROOM. 62S Arch St. Between lith and 7th Sis., Philadelphia. WM. T. HOPKINS. February 29, 1808 lOinos. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A 11EFUGE FKOM QUACK EKY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. DU. JOHNSON liiin iliacnvcreiltlif inoRt CerHiin.Spcptly Hint iinly 1-itIV'L'tital Keini'dy in thu World for ull l'n vnte DiRt'ims, W'enkiiess ul thu Hack or Isitnh, JMnctiires, AtrucluiMB l" the Kidneys und Dlmlilrr, hivoltnitary Dis ctKirgcH, linpotcncy, General IMality, NervonsiH-iit, L)8 pc(Ky, lnMior, l,'tw Siintn, CoriluKion of Ideas, Palpi tatin ui' tlifl lli-art, I'liindity, I'rtMnhlmps, UnnneKS of Siplit nr (jitlituicsH, Disfase " the Head, 'J'liroAt, N"e r akin, Airci i na of the Liver, l.utii, stomach or HovvH tlie Turrible DisordeiAiiriniiii fioin the&ilitury llaljiti uf Vouth those sterut and solit.uy p rue tiers more fatal ti their vlrfiins tlian the snug ol Syrens to tlie Matiners of tnyesoB.bliiihtiui their uiost hrillmut hopes or uiiticipatitms, rciuleriug marriage, Ate, itnprsiiiijle. Rspeeially. who have heroine the victims nf Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive hahit winch mutually n weeps to nn untimely prave thoiiKainls of Vounir Men of the m-int exalted tn U'lits m.d linlhant intellect, who miicht otherwise have eutianeed listening Senates witli the tliua ileis of e!txpienee ir waked to ecutaty tlie living lyre, may call with full confidence. Married Persons or Votine Men contemphlinir maruac,l heinfj aware of pliysical weakneps, uigunie debility, de- 101 iimitM, AC, speedily cureii. He wlt'i nlaees liiin.elf under the care of Dr. J. mnv may religiously eontide in his honor nun Kenlleman, and c .niuKiiily rely upon hisskillns a IMiysician. Organic HoaliiiCKM Immediately Cured, find Full Vmor Restored. '1'lns UutietMiiig Atleetion whieh rendeis J.ifo micera btcaud inarnae iiiirosititilc is the j)enalty pud by t hu Vielnus uf improper indutcenres. Dun? peisous are too upt to commit t-x cesses Irian not beiniiawme of the dietid fnl e.iierjiit'iicr-B thai may unnie. Now. who that untter stands the siitMeci will pretend to deny that (he power of piiK-rea'iou is lost sMiier by thosu fallimt into nnptopcr hitltitrt than by the priidriit ! lieRltles tlen.e; deprived the plenynrrs tif healthy i li';'(iiij,llie nifft ueriouHai.il dentine tile Bvmptoin to both bd and linud HllFe. The nyftein hcrmm-s leianit d, llie 1'hyyieal und Mental I'linetlohs We-ik'-ned, l.oj f Prt nveative power, Nervous Irni'ibdi ty, 1 spi:pei:i, Palpitation uf (he Heart, Indigestion, Con siilutionai Debilily, a Watiln tif tlie Kiame, Cuiiyh, Con i un pi i "ii, Ueeny and Dtath, (3m-4', . 7 Sonlli I'rcdoi-Ii K Strcot lrfi Imnd sitle goinc; from lialtimure street, a few doors nan theeoiner. Fail not toobserve name ami nuiuber. Lelteis mast be paul aud contaiim stamp. The lector's Oiplouian haitj: in his otiiec. A Cur? Varrsiutocl lit Xm o laiH. Mercury or Xaunmntit lrurjnt Vr. loliiiMtoit Member of the lloal CoIU-ne of Sui peons, London, firad unie from one of the moiM eiuuient College in the t niied Si; i tea, and the renter part vt' whnm hie has been spent m lite hoiipiinlKof IaiiuImh, Pans, Philadelphia and else wheie, ban iileeled soum ol ihe. tnoft aHlonliint( eurt-s that weieever known ; many troubled wilh ine,'ii.K in the h-:id and ears when tiKk-ep. ureal nervousae, beini; al.iim ed at sud feu sounds. Iwmln ulnerS, wilh fiequent bluHhin, ut tended sometimes with derjii-uueut uf miutl, were cured UlillievtiaLel)'. TtiLo Pf Ivixlai- .oi4' Dr. J. address. -a all fhose who hive injured theiiifeives by improper iriduii;eii.e and solitary halats, whn h ruin boih Ifidyund imml, untitling them lor either business, slU'ly, soeitty or inarnae. Tiik-b are s-.me oi'thesad and me'aiieholy ttfls pio dueeilby etil ly habits ol youth. VIZ: Weakneysol theliaek anil l.uutiH. Pains in the Head, liimnetis nl Siijlit, L-ss of Mnseulir P-wei, p.-ilpituiioii v( the Heart, Dyspcpsy, NervoiiH Irritability, t)etnneenieul of the lJiut stive Func tions, General Helulily, Symptoms nt C 'lifciimpliou, r. Mkntau.v The learlul etteets on the mind nre inueh to be dreaded Lost or .Memory. Confusion of Ideis, L'f -presjtion of Sptrifrf, F.vil-Forebodings, Aversion to Society, St li-Pisir-jst, Uve ot Solitude, Timidily, Ae. are some ol the r'ltii produeed. Th"1'amh ot" pi-rs'ins of till mjes ran now juilre what is llie eaue of then tieeliiiin heahh, losiim their vigor, Ihvoimiii;4 weak, pale, net Voulnd eiiaein: e I, having a siuuular iippeamnee ubv'ut the eyes, caieh uud symptoms ul I'oitsuinption. on Hi;' 1B'H Who have injureil themselves byu eertain prnelice Induhr ed iu when alone, u habit freipiently leimied I nan evil eompau . or ut Sehoul, the eilucls of wlneli aitt wchtly fell, e; eu when asleep, nnd if not cured leuilers mainae iniposMble, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. Va;it a pity that a vouu man, the hope of his country, the d.irlim! of his parents, thould be snatched from till pros pects mill eujo'j inenls of hie, by the consequence of dev'ia tmu from llio path of nature ami indulging in a cerium secret habit. Such persons .nknt, before cinitempluting f fleet that a sound miml anil Ikk1 are the most necessary ropoklleslo promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrim sue; the prospect hourly darken to the view; the mind becomes Miaduwed with despHir und tilled with the meLoi eholy rejection that the happiness if another becomes bliy'ited with out own EM4inM r liiiiii-iitli'tK-. When the mituided nud iinprmlent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed tlie seeds ol this painful do-ease, it lito often happens that mi ill-timed sense of shame, or drend of discovery, deters him from applying to those ivho, In nu education uud rtspceUtbiliiy, can ulmie belneud luin, delaviug till the couslitutioual Hmptoins of this lion id disease make their appearnnce, such us ulcerated re throat, d i sea Bed nose, iioctuial pains in tlie head and limbs, dnuuei-s of s:ght, deafucsM, nodes on the shin Ixau s and aims, blotches on the head, face and extiRmtus, pioreM iui( with rriglitful tapidity, till at lust the palate ol the luoutli or ihe Inaies of Hie nose fall in, and thu vietnn of thisnwf'it disease becomes a hor rid object of rommucrn lion. till death puts a period to his dreadful sulb rinif, by senduup hitn li "that t'udiscovered Country from whence no traveller letmus." It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to thii tcirible tbseaw, owinfj to the uiikilll(ihicK of ignoiaut pietenders, who, by the use of that '-Deadly Poison, Mei rury," rum th constitution and make the lesiditc ol life iiitseruble, Slra n.4'i-rt Trust uot your lives, or health, to the enre rf (he many Fuleaiued and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowl et'e, name or clnracter, who copy Dr Jolumtoii's udver tmeiiiciits, or slylethemselves, iu the uewspapeia, reulaily Fit nca ted Pavsicians, ineuuible of Cuiing, they keep you trilling niontli after month takimc ihcir lilthy und hmiiiiis eoinpuuiids, or us long us Ihe smallest fee tun Im obtained, and in ilegpmr, leave you with mined health to sigh over your galling diwipMiiutinent. Dr. Johiikion is the only Physician advertising. Hiscredentiui or diplomas always hang iu his office. His renndics or treatment ure uukiiowa to all others, prep;ired from a lif e stait in the great hosiitals uf I 'urope, tne first in this country and a more extensive "Private Pruclnv)" Ihan any other Physician in the woild. liilor4ni4ii ol' llie li4kH, The many thoutuiuils cured at this nntiitutiou yt ai inter year, and the numerous imtortnnt Hurgical (tHrations performed by Dr. JohustMi, witnessed by the reporters of the "Sun." Climier," uud many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and ugain lelore the public, bi sides his standing us a gentleman of character uud re. spousihihty, is suinctrut guarantee to the milicted. Persons writing should W jwotieutar in diieeling their filers to his Institution, m the following niauner, Boll n 31. .lohiiNloii, .11. , Of Ihe Italtiiuoit) Unk liosintal. liulliuvre. Md. Nov. 3, l.-u7 I y. SELLERS & F0LWELL, WHOLESALE AND FIU'ITEHERS, JNo. 101 North Third .S'troet, Philudelphia. . ' -fcrl-riLl'r" l,rt""l'tly attended to. Notice to Merchants and Shipperi. rpilK undersigued, proprietor of Weistr.l Prick's 1 Lino, give notices to merchants and shippers that the leHt is still at 8U Market street, I'hiln deli.hia, and all Gum1s directed to Sunbury, Danville nud Luwisburg, and all inlerui"diale sialious along the railroad, will be promptly del ver.-.l. Cars leave HU Market lr ft, Philadelphia. If i weekly TuesdHvs.-Thursdavi and Saturdays. J.' W. BROWN, Proprietor. Lowisburg, J. U. LKUWN, Ag.ul, Suubury, Pa. December 7, lot7, um CJB MJ3 Art especially invited tu call and examine our stock of lillLDER'S HARDWARE, oouipruing Nails aud Spike of all vuriuliea. Butts, .Vre, Strap and T liiuges. Locks and Latches, Bulls. Plas triiig Trowels, Biick Trowels, Plasterer's t-ieoi, Ac, Ac , lor sale by J II C'NLtV A CO lMilludelphUt Ac lvi-lc ItiUlroud. "bUMMErTtIM E TABLET" Through nnd direot route between Phtbidolnhln IUIIi.,...rn llr,l.l.,..,. Willi . I '"''"OlpUia, -' n ....ui(,,ri, ui tne iSorlli- west uud tho Groat Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CAWS on airNight Trains. On and after Monday, May Uth, MM. tho Train. on tho Philadelphia 4 Erie Rail Road will tun na follows : Wr.8TWAnn. Mall Train lo'nvos Philadelphia, 11 .IS n m. fcunbury, 05 a m " " arr. at Erie. H.fio pm Erio Express lonves Philadelphia. 12 00 n..ou " " " Sunbury 8.4(1 p ui " " arr at Erie 10.05 a in Elinira Mail loaves Philadelphia, b.UO a m " " " Sunbury 4.15 pm " " arrive at Lock Devon, 7.45 p iu Eastward. Mall drain lonves Erie " " " Sunbury, " " nrr. at Philadelphia, Erie Express loaves Erie " " " Sunbury " " nrr. nt Philadelphia, 11.00a m 12 00 m 7 10 a iu 7.40 p 111 t .5 u m 5 oil p m Cro. k and Mail and Express connect with Oil Allegheny Rivor Railroad. BAGGAGE CHECKED lllll'JLUH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. .orlliern Central Hallway. SUMMER TIME SCHEDULE. ON nnd nfter May 11th, ISM, trains will leave SUNBURY, ns follows: LEAVE NORTHWARD, 6.00 A. M., Daily for Williamsport. Daily (except Sundays.) for Elmirii, Canandaiua, , Rochester, Ruthiloe, Niagara Fulls, Suspension Bridge and tho Canada!. 1.15 P. M., Dnily (except Sundays,) for Elmira, and Buffalo via Erie Railway from Elmira. 0.40 P. M., Daily (except Sundays,) for Wiiliams port. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 12.03 A. M., Daily (except Monday.) for Baltimoro, Washington und Philadelphia. 10.1 A. M.. Daily for Baltimore und Washington. 7.00 P. M., Daily (except Sundays.) for Harrisburg. J. N. Di Baiirv, Ed. S. Yot no, GenT. Sup't., OeuT Pinwon'r Ag t Harrisburg, Tn Baltimore, M d. CeiKliii- llailroad. ' SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MAY 20, 1S03. GREAT TRUNK LINK from Iho North n.n.t North-AV est for Philadelphia, New York, Head.' ing, Pottsvillo, Tamaqun, Ashland, Lebanon, Allen toivn, Easton, Ephrntu, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Ao. Trains lenvo Harrisburg for New-York, ns fol lows : At 2.50, 5.25 und 8.10 A. M. and 12.2n noon, and 2.05 and 9.35 P. M, connecting wilh similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arming nt New York nt 5.10 In.OOalnl 11.50 A. M. and a io, 7 40 10.30 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying tho 2.50 A. M. and 11.35 P. M. trains without change. Leavo Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsvillo, Taina qua. Minersvillc, Ashland, Pine Grove, Alleiitown and Philadelphia at h.10 A.M. and 2.115 nnd 4 10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal wny siaii.ii.s : toe -j.iu p m. 111:1 Ktnir connections tor 1 l'liiladuljihin and Culuuiliitt oiily. 1 Schuylkill Haven and Aul.urn. v for I'ottsvillv. .Schuvlkill uul ' Huquehannullnilroud.letiv llarrisburir at it. 55 n. in. Returning Leave New York at H on a. m.. 12 (ill Noon and 5.00 nn.l 8.00 p. in. Sleeping cars ac companying the 0.00 11. ui. und 5 00 uud tj.Od p. in. trains w ithout change. r Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7. SO a. 111., returning from Reading ut (b ill p. ui. stop ping ut all Stations; Pottsvillo ats 45 a. in. and 2.45 p. in; Ashland ti. 00 a.m. and 12. -Ill nnd 2 0.) p.m.; Tumaqunat 8.110 a.m. and l.OU uud 8 45 p. ui. Leuvo Pottsvillo for Harrisburg via Sebuylkill and Susquehnnun Railroad at 7 !0 a. 111. and 12. tm noon. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading at p''m' returning from Philadelphia ut 5.15 Potlstown Accommodation Tra'n : Leaves Polls town nt 45 A. M., returning leavos Philadelphia at 4. H0 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Head in fat 7 00 A. M., and fi.li P. M. for Ephriiln. Lilii, Lancas ter, Columbia, Ao. Pcrkiouien Rail K4Bl Trains lenvo Perkioni.n Jnnoticn at 9.00 A. M. nnd 5.55 P. M. Returning : Leave Skippaek nt 6.45 A. M.. nnd 1.15 P. M., cuii nccting with similar trains on Rcuding Itail Road. On Sundays : Leavo Now York at s oil p in.. Phila delphia li. 110 A. M., and H.15 P M, the M.llll a. in. train running only to Bon ling. Potlsvi!!.' h nil a 111., Harrisburg. 5.25 am, and 4.10 and O-.'l.'i p iu ami Reading at 1.10 2.55 and 7.15 n. ui. for Harrisburg. nnd 7.00 11. m. nnd 11.40 p iu. for New Si oik, 4.2 p in. for Philadelphia . Comiiiutatii.il, Mileage. S'e is n. Sell .ol nnd Ex cursion Tickets, nt reduced rates to uud from all points. Baggago chocked through : 100 Pounds B.-ggn.o allowed cneh Passenger. fi. A. NIC'I.I.S. General Sn;... ii.i.-i. l.'iit- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in every variely ot ANTHRACITE (J UAL, Upper Wharf. BUKEUP.Y, Pcuu'a. lV(rdors solicited and tilled w ttu promptness nn j despatch. Sunbury, May 12, IsiVi. y UiXK'hN 1IOTKL- 411 A. Mr.I., :'npiictar. In Cuke's Additunto Sl'Ll UY, Ltar the rttiu a. ltailrund Coinpaoy's if b . ' 1 . ri-PiMANEXT AND TU AXh'ITXT ilOAUI-LKS. kept who will find ample aecoinmoilatioi. tioud cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy tbequii t com forts uf home with fare equal to the lout hutelJ. J I ie Lt'iuor- are of the choicest kind-. Sunbury, June 8, lSt7. NEW GROCERY STORE, vr. S. F'JP.l.IAlT & cc , Market Street, 4-"ix doors East nf Third street, north side,SUNUl'RY, PA., RE.SPECTFVLLY inform their friends and tho public, that they havo opened a nSTE-W GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to havo them on'-l mil cxnmino their stock, wliich has just been opeued, embrac ing everything in the Grocery lino, such ns Coffee, Ton, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Canned and Dried i'ruits, Beans. Hominy, Cheese, Crackers, Bacon, Ham, Fieh, Salt, Potatoes, etc., together with Soaps, Caudles, Soda, Ao., and iu fact everything in tlie Groceryond Provision. Line. FLOUR AND FEED, Quecnswnre, Willow-ware, t.lassvvuro, Conl Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ao. Call uud lee before purchasing el.-ewhero. W. S. FI RMAN A CO Sunbury, April 27, 1SB7. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! QKANT Sb BROTHEK, hli'rM & Vliol'alo X ICvlail Ik-nl'i-tt iu witn i: a ici:i ami coai in every variety. Solo Agents, wectward, of tho Celebrated Hem v Clay Coal. Low er Wnvitr, Simu uv, T. Sunbury, Jan. 13, Imi'.i). HOOK HINnEUV. JOHN HERMAN. North Mill street, DAN V1LLE, PA., IS prepared to Biud Books. Papers. Magazine Music, Ac., in any stylo that may be de.-ired, at cheaper rates than can bo done in the cities. All Orders left at this Office, will receive prompt utivuiiou. - oct. I'.', o; 1,011 Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, Bins. Huek 1 Us, Gig Trees, Pud Trees, Jlaiies. all k.u-is and every thing pertaining lo the busiues.. lor side by J. 11. Ci'M.liV A d. TUE best qualities of Solo Leather, French Calf skins Morroeous, Linings, Lasts. Nails. 1 c Tool of all kiuiis, and oerv thiiigUM'd by ihe trade, (..rstt.i low by J. H. CUNLH A i o BUNBUHV KThlAM BAW MILL". ii.i.i i hi-:.. w Manufanturer and Dealer in ull kind, of TIMBER, Ll -MUtU, LATH, PALING A MIN GLES. ,, Also, Flooring, Shelnug, Sidiug, Doon, "'-u, Bliuds, BruckeU, Mouldiua. Ao. Comer Race Street aud River Road, SLNBl Rl, la April 4, l!o. STONE WARE. THE be.t and cheapest aworiuient oi .'tout " in tho Slate, jut received and tor alo cheap .it mo oiammoin wasn euro ui II. V. FUILING ulnl, Oil. ' : .1 .1,1 t'oal Afullitock of Oils oomprising --y'in , I til ti.hil.l unJ Liibriefctllilf 1 1 11 IT V 1 . . I . . .. k.1 i'ur..i.liMi iilkM ttlWV prKo l