Cj)c ggmburs American. M. B. ENQIiii, J Publishers. fgllUllUUY, 1A. SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1868. Horal affairs. Tin August session of Court will aomrawioe in this ploo oo Monday next, ami will continua two weeks. A mew Tost Office has been established In Jordan' township, tbil county, culled Urban, and Josiah Pehwarlc appointed Postmaster. Stetinsoji A Erich ire telling Books and Sta tionery at lower than ordinary prices, and good glassware and knives and forks nt wholesale prices. We observe that tho Executive Committer) of llio eo-callod Northumberland County Agricultural So cky are making arrangements for holding their annual exhibition at Milton, next fall. A convxntiom of the Methodist Sunday Schools of tho Northumberland .District was bold In tho Methodist Church, in Northumberland, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Hriuiu-Ai. Operation. On Saturday Inst a largo i tumor was successfully removed from tho body of Mr. Valentine Deitz, of this place. The operation was performed by Drs. Anglo and Masscr. Tun Si hike. Tho Shamokin HeraJ, of Thurs day list, eaya thero is little to note in connection with the atriko in that region during tho pat week. Work has been resumed at onoor two collieries. The Methodist Church at MuEwensville, this county, having boon painted, carpeted, Ac, will bo rc-opened, and public services held to-niorrow, sssun dny,) in the morning at 104 and in tho evening ut 7$ o'clock. The Weather. Since tho refreshing rains of Friday hut tho atmosphere has been cooler nnd more pleasant. Our farmers have been blessed not only with good crops, but moil favorable weather to secure them. The Buildimu Association. A meeting of the Sunbury Mutual Loan and Building Association was held on Friday evening of last week, at which eight shares were sold Dvo at 9100 and thrco at $101. The shares are now worth $17.03. Coai, Breaker. Messrs. 'fillet Cruikibank, proprietors of Daniel Webster Colliery, No. 2, Imvo completed their breaker at tho red ash vein, near the furnace at Shiimokin, and commenced shipping coal last week. It is oopablo of preparing about 2i car loads per day. SnccT.ui.KS asd Eve Ulasses Mr. T. S. Shan non, tbc-ontorprising Jeweler, in Miller's stone build ing, Market Square, has secured the solo agency for the sale of Lazarus & Morris' celebrated Perfected Spectacles and Eye Glasses, in Suubury aud vininity. Sec advertisement. Tiik Maine Sawmill. This property, at Selin. grovo, has lately been purcbasod by Messrs. Schnuro mid Carey for the sum of $30,01)0. This includes the mill nnd all the grounds and appurtenances at tached thereto and all lumber and logs on hand, as well as the timber land up in the mountains, amount ing to 2,:J00 ncros. New Machine Shop. Qeo. Rohrbach A Son, of this pliuto, have established a machine shop in con nection w ith their foundry. They have new lathes, j planing and boring machinist end skillful median ics. They have also enlarged (heir foundry, and in connection with all other eastings aro now enabled io mako all kinds of mill castings. Mcs Temi-edanck Mi:etino. A mass meeting of tho friends of temporal co will bo held in the Court House, in Sunbury, on Tuesday evening, Aug. 4th. Addresses will ho delivered by Itcv. Irvin II. Torreneo and Kov. Mr. Hempcrly. The friends of temperance from all parts of the eounty arc invited. John Haas, President. A. N. EntrE, Secretary. FiiriT ami Veoetaiii.e Market. The Into hot weather nnd want of rain was unfavorable for .ilmrtlo nnd blackberries. Dewberries have been in market for several weeks, and sold at 10 cents pur ijuart. Blackberries and whortleberries are now in reason and pell nt prices varying from 7 to K ruts for the f irmer, and 12 cents for the latter. New potatoes sell nt 00 cents per peck ; tomatoes nt 2o cents per dozen. Mk. D. II. luni.siiAi'H recently relumed from Kansas, having after thorough investigation of the opportunities in that young State, concluded to lo cate nt Lawrence. Ho purchased two houses and luts in tho city, nnd bought a farm of S20 acres in Leavenworth county, ub,.ut twelve miles northeast of Lawrence, which latter placo is in Douglas eounty. Mr. D. intends removing to his new home iu October next. .Villouina. riTosB l'L jirs. Mr. Peter Weaver, whose adver tisement appear in another column, hus supplied a number of our citizens, oursolves included, with his btone pumps, nil of which give entire satisfaction. These pumps are constructed of sections of stone wnru j.ipe or tubing The chamber being of stone, will not wear, and tbc woody taste of the old fiudi ioned lamp is avoided. These pumps will discbarge a barrel of water iu less than threo minutes. The IIazletok IIailroai). We are pleased to learn that the new railroad from this place to 11a zleton, now in progress, will bo prosecuted with re nov.'cd vigor. Mr. Dunn, lately connected with a railroad iu the woftern part of tbo State, has takon churgc of tho engineering department of (be road, nnd informs us that Col. F. C. Arms, formorly of this ilace, who first located the road, has been ap pointed Chief Engineer of the company. We trust that this is correct. Col. Arms' connection with tho road will udd greatly to its oharaeter. Aci inENTS in Ciiillisquawi.'(. Hugh Martin, Ltq., formerly Commissioner of this county, was se riously injured last week by being thrown in front of a horse rake and dragged and raked until he was iiueusiblo. ' The rako fiuully passed over biui, the horse being lit full speed, leaving several sorious w ounds in bis arm, boud, io. His family physician, Dr. '. C. I'urdy, was called immediately, and we learn that Mr. Martin is in a fair way lo recover from bis injuries. Wo ulso learn that a Mr. Fetter recently hud bit heel cat off by getting in front of a reaper. Jlemucrat of lust teed. . Mollis rnisoNEnK. On Sunday last our eounty jail received three more prisoners. Daniel Williams und two women named Seville Appling and Eliza beth Williams, from Jordan township, were com mitted for lewdness, Ac Mrs. Appling, who is rep resented as an abandoned character, has her child, uged about eighteen months, with ber in jail. The little inuoocut is perhaps the youngest person that has over been iucurcerated withiu the walls of our prt-on. in Tuesday Inst Andrew Saxon, an Irishman, re tiding in Cake's addition, was committed by Justioe Heard, on oath of Ruth Huoy, obarged with keeping a disorderly and tippKug bouse. The Khi'Airino or tub Rivib Bams. Our Chief Burgess, J. W. Bucher, Esq., will receive pro posals until Tucaduy next for the work of widening the river bunk, from the Bhamokin Valley Railroad to the south side of Spruce street, which wus badly damaged by tho flood last Spring. The proposals for tho work must be by the yard. The material for the improvement is to be taken from the bed of tho river, iu such a manner as not lo interfere with the slope wall. We earnestly bop tba contemplated improvement will ba pushed forward and eoinpleted this season, in order that our town may bo spared from the damaging effects of the Spring freshets. Had tbo river bank been properly repairod, last sea son, wa would no bava experienced any inconveni ence fioin the late flood. A Stranger's Opinion or Suftncnr. A corres pondent of the Cbainbersburg Kefiotitory, writing from this place undor date of July 7tli, gives his improsslon of Sunbury, together with a dosorlption of tho scenery and improvements along the Susque hanua from llarrisburg to Sunbury, from which we extract the following : "Leaving llarrisburg at 2 P. M., we reached Sun bury after a most pleasant rido of two and a half hours along tho banks of the beautiful Susquehanna. The tecnory along this, the largest and grandest of Pennsylvania t rivers, must be 8e!n to bo properly appreciated. Towns are springing up, as if by magio, every here and there along the oours of the Northorn Central Kallroad, which with the Sunbury nnd Erie Iload is opening up p settlement and coni uiorce a vast extent of the richoat mineral and lum bering portion of your great State. "Sunbury is one cf tho oldest points of settlement in Middio Pennsylvania. An Indian town called Sbo-ho-mok in existed there long before the presont town was laid out. It was tho rallying point of tho Indian hunters and warriors who roamed over a great extent of the surrounding country. It was presided over by Shiknllany, a Cayuga Chief, tho father of I ho celebrated Logan. After his death, in 1749, tbo Indians burnt their town and abandoned the place, and it was oceupiod by tho whiles. ' Fort August., " ono of the earliest Colonial fortifications, was erected by Governor Kubcrt Hunter Morris, in 1 750, for security against tho Indians, and for the safety of the pioneers of the frontier in times of dan- j ger. It stood about ball a lnilo norm ol the present town. Souio traces oT it jet remain to bo scon, but it has been almost entirely obliterated by tho march of improvement, nnd tbo habitations of tho white man now stand whoio ono hundred years ago tho saraga Indian howled around its protecting walls. II. listing for tho life aud scalp of the daring settlers. -It was reserved for the opening of tho railroad to give Sunbnry the impetus, which is now sending it forward on its pathway of prosperity. Property of all kinds has trebled in value fineo then. Many new nnd beautiful public and private buildings have boon creeled a spirit of emulation and improve ment has seized upon the people, nnd in n few years tho old place will not know itself. ' The new Court House recently erected by Nor thumberland oounty, at a cost of about $125,000, is one of tho finost looking county buildings in tho Stato, and Is in many respects ono of the safest nnd bust. Its lower, or cellar story, is of solid stouo and brick masonry, arched over head. The next, or the first story nbovo ground, is perfectly firo-proof, with wide airy hulls, and largo, cool, comfortuMu and so cure public offices und vaults whilst the Court Hall is one of tho most elegant, yet neat and commodious rooms 1 have ever been iu. "The First National Uank of Sunbury has recently erected ono of tho neatest Hanking Houses I have seen in tbo interior of tho State, An immense and steadily increasing trado in lumber and coal is done thero requiring largo capital and it is said that much mora mouey oould bo advantageously use 1 at this point. A good privato bank would do well there. '' The New Insane Asvu.m. The Commissioners appointed to locale the new Insane Asylum aro in town, having the deed executed, conveying to the State tho property on which the Institution id to bo built. Mr. Andrews, the Assistant Architect, isnlso hero, under tho direction of tho Commissioners, ma king the necessary arrangements to commence ope rations by having the ground surveyed preparatory to commencing work on thu foundation. Our people can senrcely realizo what will bo tho magnitude of this building when finished. It is to bo eleven hundred aud thirty-throe feet in length, shotting a frontago, which, if tbo institution was lo cated on Mill street, would reach from tho Conipa- ny's store to tho south sido of tho canal bridge. Ta king the depih of the main building, uud receding wings, together wilh tho frontage, it would roach to a distance of over seventeen hundred feet. The im portance to this town in tho building aud comple ting of such a public improvement, cannot be pro perly estimated, ft will givo work to a very largo number of laborers and mechanics, and disburse thousands upon thousands of dollars in our midst, while the character nnd importance of thu institution when liuislicd "ill bo of tbo kind that will always draw to it a large number of -j isipirs and strangers. Tho Legislature have appropriated $200,000 to wards the erection of the building, exclusive of tbo eostof tho farm. Fifty thousand dullarsof tho above fund is ullowed to be drawn from the treasury of tbo Statu dining thu presont year, to commence operations. J Ktuvilt c liiti'lliijrnrrr. Bitten nv A Uattlesnak i:. Hiram Cnlluhan, of iMcllemy township, this county, was bitten by a rattle.-uako under rather peculiar circumstances, lie was mowing in afield when the suukccauio in contact with the scytho and was cut iu two. They weiit on round the fiehl until they came back to the fame point when thcyTvcut to uiovo tho suuke out of Ihv nay. One of the men attempted to lift it with the point of the scythe, but failing to do so, Hiram took hold of tho piece to w hich the head was attached, in tending to jerk it away, but as quick iu lightning the bead came back aud tho fangs fastened in bis thumb so firmly that bo could not pull it off, except by bringing the piece with it. They then put u bandage around the thumb iu order to prevent the How of the poison to the heart. But in n short tinio the swelling caused tho baud to burst. They then tied it iiround his arm nnd again it burst. As soon as it could be procured whiskey was administered but il was thought be would not live. It was reported that he was dead but wo believe he is still alive with hopes of recovery. J?rn y Firt YiJettr, Danvim.e, Hazleton anu Wilkesdaiiue Hail i:oau. The work on this important link in tho Bail Uoud system of our country has been suspended for some lime. It affords us pleasuro to suy that gen tlemen of abundant means have taken tho work in good earnest und intend pushing tbo work vigor ously forward io completion. Tho road will open up u large section in the middle coal field, hitherto untouched, and will add greatly to tho prosperity of the country through which it passes, and of this prosperity our town will reap its full share. All this is being brought about by the sagacity nnd un tiring energy of our townsman, S. P. Kase, Presi dent of the Company, who secured the charter ten years ago. Wo know of no new Bail Bond in tho State which gives C'jual promise of satisfactory divi dends. Danville A merican , Good Teiii'LAIis' Parade. A grand parado of all the temperance organizations iu tho Stato will como off at Pottsvillo oa Wednesday, the 23d of September. Col. R. B. Beath, of Potlsvillo, has been appointed Chief Murshul, nnd he will issuo all necestury orders and instructions for the government of the parado. All organizations intending to par ticipate in the parade should roport to biiu. Ar rangements will be made for the issuo of excursion tickets on all the principal railroads, and everything. possible will be done to uiuke the parado a com plete suceess. BUSINESS NOTICES. A Fact. The finest assortment of Hats and Caps in Suubury or vicinity will bo found at S. Faust's, iu Murket Square liis stock includes every style and quality, at remarkably low prices. Faust is determined on "quick tales and small profits." 'Talking Matcues" are about being made among some of the wouiun of Boston. There are a great many "talking matches" in this section, in which the principal subjects of discussion aro the superior Boots and Shoes at Miller's Excelsior Store, Murket Square, and the, unusual inducements o tiered for buying there. Thi political canvas now opening does not retard the steady custom at Beck's tailoring establishment, on Fourth street, ilia fashionable ooats, vesta, pant aloons, ic, oontinuo U) be in great douiaud. It is really astonishing to learn the amount of clothing Beck sells. Decidedly tha best piaco'iu Kunbury to get ' fixed up" ii at Shaefler'f tailoring est ublub went, in Market Square. haelTor'i suiu are especially admired, while bia prioee are tx low that any one ran make himself look 'iieat, but not gaudy," for a mall num. Every one should give ShaeEer a call. Cot's Couon Balsam. The great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Consumption, Both siios ordinary 4 os., also mam moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and dealers in medicines. No family should bo over night without it in tho house. i iiAn: Coe's DrsrrrsiA Curb Will immediately re lieve and permanently cure the most aggravated ease of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all diseases of the Stomach and Bow els. Physicians, clergymen and all who use it, join in unbounded praise of its great virtues. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Prloe $1 .00. MAKHIA.OE8, Ih this placo, on the 29lh ult , by Rev. (1. W. Ilemperly, Rev. A. W. Lentz, of 'Montsnmory. Lycoming County, and Mirs IIattie A. Haas, of Sunburyi Deaths. In this place, on the22d ult., Mr. ACtll'STCS II. CLEMENT, aged bi years, 8 months and 2'J days. The deceased was the only brother of .Mr. Ira T. Clement, of this place, and was well Slid favorably known to most of our citizens for his unostentatious virtues and his kindness of heart. Ho bore his own nfllictions wilh cheerfulness, and was ever ready with his services in ministering to the wants of tbo sick and nlllicted. M A 111 It V .11 A Kit i: I N. Corrected Weekly for tho "American." Wheat Flour, extra faiiuly, per barrel, ?IJ 00 do do lit do perewt. rt in Hyo Flour, per bid. 10 till do por cwt. o on Wheat, prime red, old, per bushel, 2 .'ill " " new, " 2 00 live, ilci 1 2.'i Corn, do 1 In Hats, do 7.'i Potatoes, Uo 1 7a Dried Peaches, pared per pound 2 do do unpared tbi 20 Dried Applos, do la Dried Cherries, (unsloned.) per bti. ;l 00 Butter, per pound, .'io K'trg-i, per dozen, 2 ' Choose, per pound, 2o Lard, do 2i Hams. do 2" Shoulder, do 20 Beef, hind quart or, do II " from " do LI Motion, do IS Chickens, per pair til) Kluinioltiii Colli i'l'iide, Siiamokin, July 2S, 1HR. Tain. Clfl Sent for week ending July 25, u.W.'i H Per lust Report, 2j,Ml.'l I.I 2M.IWJ II 271 , 1-16 13 To fnmo time last year, Decrense, 1o.o:t 04 Special Notices. 0 NK PRICE CLOTIUNU. W WW MA O L D i: S T A 1)1, I S II i: D i: I'ltici: CLOTHING HOUSE, ( I .11 ;i r Uol Street, Ono door aln'vu Sixth, JMiiliulvl j hin. Tor ninny yonrs tliis ltublUhtiinnt hn? dune Lusi m?ss on tho Ono l'rU'c Sy.:iin, mid v lix-ln-vo wo tin- the only Clothing llouo in thu city thiil Wiiclly dht'rus to this 't incipli1. V't have cjirntd a roj.u tut inn which wu nre proud nf, for good tiiHn in srluct good tMylcrf und Ssub-stHiitinl iiiuturials, find tiot krf important, for Imving nil our good-1 Wo employ tho hot tulmit, for CutUm, and our (J ood art' of both kind.4 fa.hiunalilo and plain ho that all tasUs can ho suited. 'J ho priet's aro the very lowest, as any ono by a moment n thought mut ffre, or otherwise wo could not uimt tho ooin'utilioii of our neighbor, for as no deductions arc evt-r mado, wo must put our prices dowu to tho advantaged wo ppHUMO. Tho peoplu may depend, this U the true plan upon which to do huMiiosii, and in:my tt dollar can he saved to Clothing buyer? by keopin in mind JONES' OXK IMtlOK OMTIUNU HUVSK, till, Market Ntrcot, J'hiludelpliia, Mot on the Corner, but one door above Sixth. I'. . .11.1111, uRhiiiiiil April 4, iHrtS. ly A' DDUI'.SS TO Till. NKKVOIS AMI DKItli.l T.W trd, wli'tHc biiilruii-'i Irnve (Ken producUM Html lint- l'-n cjiuHctt.uiiil w'liose I'.iBfB iniuirc prompt ticitnifiit to reiitlei cxisifitre ik'Hinihle. If you ute smft-rmj or IiuVt emlred Horn iiivolaniarv itifc-hnreit, what filed itot-a II (iroilttec upon yoni gcm-iiil health ? Uo you Icel weak, ik'laliUtlftl, tMKily itfftl f Uot'U a little extr exertion ro duct; paljiti.iiioii of the heart Does your liver, or urinary "'i;:iiih or yotirkuhiiy, litftnieiitly pet out of tinier t Is yur unite, a mit-time tlork, milky, 01 ilH-ky, oi ii it ropy on sell tin; f Jr tloea a thick scum rise to the ti Or m a pediment at the bottom after it hiittiiootl ;t while Do yu have ipella of thort Itteathinor dydprpsui ; Are ymu bowels cniwtipiiifcl f Do yw Irive Bpellsof filiating or iiihliei of llott to the lieml In your memory impniictl f la your niiail euunluutly dwelling upon tint mmject ? Do you iVel ilnll. Iikltetis, tin 'pint;, til ml ol viniiaiiy, ot lite Do you wish to he left alone, to -t awtiy from everybody Does any Inile tlniiic maka you ittait or jump? In your ileep lnoketi oi resilcbtt? Is the lustre of your eyes as brilliant i The tiliMuii on your rheek ua bright; Do you enjoy your Keif in s.ieteiy lis well ? Do you purmie your tnifMiieita Willi the ftinue eneitty Do you feel as much eontiileaee in vmr-t-i !i f Are your vpirils tlull mvl Ujuiii, friveu to litu of ui'-lanelioly If so, Jo not by it to your liver or ifyspt-pMa. H ive you rentiers iniihtfcf S oar back weak, your kneeg ,vejik,imU have t'Ut imle nppetitc, und you utti ibute litis lo tlyxpepsilt or liVer-eninpiiintt f Now, rentier, beU'aiue. venereal ihseasefi ltad!y euretl, and sexaal exeenses, aie all capable of produeini; a weak ness of the (cenerative orp ins Tim oriins of eineralion, w lieu in prrteet healili. in:ike the man. Did you ever think lint thoxf bold, deficit, eueiietie, perseVeriii?, utte eensiul hupiiiexs-meii are always tin se whose generative or ilium ure in perfect lit till It f Vou never bear fucli men eoinplain of beuij ineliiiicholv, of uervtaisnefiu, of palpiia tion of the heart They ure never ultaid they cannot sue. eecd in business ; they don't become exttl und dincouruged ; tlicy are always polite and pleasant in tlie eoiup.iiiy ol I flit s, ami look you jiih! tin in light in the f;it e n uie of your downrust looks or tiny other meanness n I tout them. I do noi nn-mi thorn who keep the organs iuttuineJ by riinuinn to cxeess. These will not only rui t their CoiiHtitutions bat alt those they do Imsinetu with oi for. How many men from badly-cured difceitnes, from the flieels of self-utilise and excesses, have brought altout tbat tt ite of weukness in those origins that lias reduced the peuenil stem much as to induce almost every ot her disease ulioey, lunacy, paralysii:, spinal uilecttona. sui--idet and iilinogl evciy other form of dint-;i!ts whieli humamty heir to, and the real cause of the trouble se;iree!y tVer tus ptcted, and hat'e d.iclored lor alt but the ntiht one. DisetKev of thene orpins reipiire the ue of a diuretic illXMINUJVsrU'lD K.XTH ACT HL'CIH? is the ureal Diaretie. and is a certain cure fot diseases of the K'adder, Kidneys, i ravel, Dropsy, Ornmn Weakness, 1'ernaie Ooinplaiiits, (ieueral Debility, and all diseases of (he I'n nnry Orc'iiis, whether exitin in Mule or Female, from whatever cause originating unit no matter of how l ati; btinidiup. If no treatment is submitted to, Consurnption 'r Inttauity may ensue. Our Ib'sh und blood are supiwaled from these sources, aud Hie health uud happiness, aud that of Posterity, depends Uai prompt use of u rehat.le lemedy. Helmbolil's Kx tract IliK-hu, established upwards of IS years, prepared by H. T. HKL.MHOUD, Druggist, 5!t Hroudway, New York, und 104 South Kith Stieet, Philadelphia, Pu. PnirK per bottle, or (( bottles for 41.rtl, delivered to any s tidies. &dd by all Dnificists everywhere. NONE ARK r.KM'lNK I NI.KSS DONK CP IN teel-em;ravetl wrapper, with fac-iinile of toy Cliem icul Wuiehouse. aud siLiied II. T. HKLMIJOM). Ju'v 1Q. lr,a NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHOICE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL 9 & 3 S B . BEN" J . BOHNEK, DobUt in Fruit ami Urnumonlal Trow, will turn Uh from tbe most rtuponsible Nurseries iu tliis kmJ ulliur IStHtus. tint cIhss TKKES ufall kinds. Al, Shrubbery, Viuosanil l'lunts. U.irJun See Ja of nil kimls. Orders aro respectfully solicited. Address BKNJ. 130IINKR, 1'uxinos, Nurtb'd. Co. N. 1). Insuranoes tuken in several of tbe nioni respansibla Fire Insuranoe and Ilorse JUvtective toiiinies in tbo elate. July 2iijBo8: y J. yoi.;mi's KJJVJkTS X SI ar'ls tit., bflwfesi 31 and Ills, cIomv lo Use lisllic Mt-liuol lloimr, BUNCUKY, PEXN'A. COOK ST07ES of tbe best Patterns. PLOWS, Six patterns, tb fines! In tbe State Persons wishing to buy stoves, can purchase them cheaper at this ctablisbuieDt than any where el io tbe flats. Nlliatll'F'N xai.i:. 1Y rirtuo of a ourlsin writ of Levari Facias Is y sued out of tho Court of Common l'lras of Nor thumberland county, and to me directed, Hill bo exposed to public siilu, at tho Court lloiiso, in tbo iioroiifeli cr rmubiiry, on SU UK1M V, tbo 1st diiy ol ALliUhT, A. I). I4u3, at one o'clock, 1. M , Iho following properly, vis : A II (h.it eeruini irurt, plree fr pnrrrl of Innd. situnle in Coal unvnsliip, in the count) of Nnrlhumhrrliind, in Ihe , Sime of reiiiinylvuniu, surveynl on the tweiuy-etslilh ( joui) ouy oi ucioiki , una tliouiuml suvfil hiliiilieri .mil ly-lour,for Snmucl colt, ln-iiiiiiiiiiiir nt a white ook thrnre liy biml of - Krnnit r, soulh aixty Uegrees, wi st two htimlieil mid twenty-seven ueiehca to a white unk ; thrnre north thirty linrrei's west, sixteen pprrlies to u pine i thence hy Innd surveyed for llertuird Huhliey, south two denrers mat, two hundred and rive perches to a p.l j thence hy Innd surveyed lor 'I'homna Li runt, north clirlity. cinhl ileciees nasi, one hundred and rtixt) -eight perches to n post thence norlli two ih-iiei'., we.t fony five per dies to a poet j thence liy IhiiiI iir Alcxnteh r Hooter, noilh eilily-eiitlit degicea eint, one huiidred uud tiity-bmr ier ehi'Stoa 'orti thenee by laid of Jamos llephuiu, north two degrees wepl , one hundred and tweuly.tivc (tl.'i) per ches ton poRl ; tlieucu by the same, north eighty-right ile Riees e.isl, niuely-six peiches ton chestnut onk thenee noithlwo dralees, welt sixty Hrehcs to a Hist j thenee south seventy-six ilt-Kiees, west one htiuilred uud sixty perches, by luil of isbther Kramer, and llicnee by the same, north thirty decrees went, oiui liundied and fount e.t peii'lirs to llie p!:ti e of hi'iiMniing. contaiitioit lour hiiii tired and Iwenty-ihree arres ami one-fiurlh of uu itere ond iillownnre, he Ihe aoirc tunrli ot less. ALSO r A eetlalu triu-t of liinil, siluutelil Coal town ship, iu the riv.inty of Notlhiimhf rlaml ;aforesnid, lieetn nio2 at a wliileonk, Ihenre by land surveyed fur t'.i-ilicr Kiauter, north eiejily-cicht ileurei s e:l.t, one hunilieil and in net v petrtics lo u p. nl, thenee by land surveyed for Wil liam lireeu and rtamuel Clark, noilh two deurecs, west me hllndreil mid two pereheN lo stones; thenee by land Flliveycd fjr 'rioaiiaM H.-HiM lt Ml, null elhty-eipllt de Rrceii, west two hundred and I'otty-live priches I i stones ; Itieiice by laud surveyed for 1',. Sevele'iu. south thirty dt'erees. caul one hundred and seventeen (ii-relies to the plaee of ti'-eituiinc. cniitniuiu',' -uio hnuitrrd and Itiirty-one neres, tifty-ioui perr hea aiel ath'Wauee wliieh saiil last de-seiila-d Ir-ict of huat wai aoivrvi-d for .lohll I'urwill A I). IT!l. nnd returned as four huililreil and nix (tlKiJ acres, hut which upon rcsuivey. hy otdif of the Hoard of I'pipertv. dated tlie (iih duy of March one lleuina ml eiptit hundred und twenty-Pair (IVJI) was ledneed lo one hiiudre'l noil Hrei.lyone (l-JI) alien and liily-l.uir (541 perches, whe-h by divers eoiiveyoi es was vented ill Charles Wharton in fee. Seized, t.ihen into exer-uthul audio be sntd ns the pro perly of Diaries hart'tu. Willi n tiee t i -lames A. Hcc side, Uolicit tt. Hays, James Keleo ntel Jleiij.-iiiiin K. Keller, ific lenanls. n.vMiw, l:r.cKi.i:v, sher.ir. Siirihurv. .Taly IH. I'-fi-i. iM-siasTNjiis?. 1Y virtue of a writ of Fieri Facia issued out of ) tbc Court of Common I'leasnf Norlbiiiiilicrlund county, nnd lo mudireeled. will bo exposed to pub lie sain, ut tbo Court llouoin Ihe Iloroiijrli of Stiubu rv.on Saliirdav, Aimu-t 1st, 1 Si'.S, ut ono o'clock 1' M.. tho following property, to wit : All llint cerliiin lot of ground, siluulo In the Ho roui;h of Mt. Cartno). Nortliumlicrlniid comity, Pennsylvania, nutnbered in tlni Ri-noral plnti ofsnid lloroui;li im lot number twenty-three, in block nuin bertliirly. bounded on Iho east by Oak street ; on tho tnuth by lot number twenty-four ; west by nn alloy and norlfi by lot number twenty-two, whereon is erected n Uiru;o two-story frame store bouso with stone bnseinnnt. rSuixud, taken into execution a id In be sold ns the property of l'ati b'k Hotiohoe A- Philip 8. Vnnhorn. HAN1KI, IlKCKI.F.y. .Sbcrifl. HlieriD's orfice, Sunbuiy, July ItP.b, IStW. HOTEL rou SALE. fTUIK ''Siisqtteliiitnm Hotel," located on Iho corner I of Pctin nnd Fourth Streets, in tbn lloroucli ol Sutibury. Nortliitiiibcrltind county, Pu., i.-i olfered nt privato sale, on rciKsontililo tcrius. 'J'his well known Hotel bin lately been rcnovnlcd, und ii one ofthobe.-d stands in Iho place, with nn excellent run of custom. For further irticulnrsnpplv to (i. W AltlKI.IAST. tleoriretown. Pa., or (il'o. WAliKXtfKLLEn, Sutibury, Pu. July II, 1 Si'.S 81'EER'S STANDARD Wine Bitters ! ) vi cow V 0 7hi;al' ?fREN.Ctlil, JB t A U For the Weak, For tbe Pale. For tbo sickly, For tbo Aired. For Females, For Spring 1'sc ! ! ! f, VJ." I JH ! -iinl l iIk-iii ! J?Ji Speer's Standard Wino Bitters, Made of WINK, HKKIiS AND HOOTS.. ."t'KKK S ColcbrnUJ Wine, so well knonu, with Peruvian Hark. Chamomile Flowers, bnuko liont, Wild Cherry Bark, (linear, ati-1 pueli other Herbs and Koni us will in all cn-es us-ist Jiie.-nion. rotuote the Accretions of tbo sys tem in thu nutural channels, and K,v0 TONK AM) VlUOll to tliu Voiisiv iiiitl HI. l:il uud I'rniulc ! All use it with wonderful success, firings C3JtJ& SLtX To tbo Palo White Lip, HI.OOM AXI) IlKAUTV To the thin face and euro worn countenance. Cure Fever uud Create.- Appctiiu. Try Ibein. I'.-o ii"iie other. A-k for Spcer Slandard Hitters. Sdd by lli utri'l and llioccre. Keo Hint uiy siytm turc i. over the cork ol each bottle. Ai.FiiFi) spi:i:k, Pimiiaic, X. J., an 1 1!I3 liromlway, New-York. I V"'1"rnde iupdied by Johnston. Ilollowny A Co., Philndelpbiii : lieora A. Kelly, PiU.diurg ; nnd by ull Wholci-alc Iiealers. For sale by W. A. IlKXXUXT, Sunbury, Ttt. July II. ocf'.'l (17 ly. NEW M AIiELE STOIMi NO. D0-2, l3Schesnutstreet'lit: JAS. E- CALDWELL & CO, .IEWELEUS, Have been npoiiitcil in this city for Iho .mlo of the (JOHHAM MFH. COMPANY'S Fino Klectro-Plnleil Vuru. Wo guarantee thee poods lo bo decidedly supe rior to anything in thu inurkct, excelling in dcnin, liuivh und inility. A luriio us'ortinciit will bo niaintaincd, anil sold at tbo manufacturers' regrulur riXF.U I'll ICES. Trado Murk pp Eluinpcd on tbo of lJ busu of each Electro Pluto 6cJittAMU) nrticlo. J.E.CALDWELL&C0- -o. IMlii f'lsrtf t ii t HI root rinr.ADELriiiA, July IS, liSHH. nib7,ly. IsUkolaslion ul' Hrlu'i'ailii. "TOTlCUis licroby given that tho partnership j heretofore exialiiiri between John P. Haas A C. 11. Wolvrrton, trudioK under tbo linn name of Haas i Wolverum, wa. dissolved by mutual oonsent on the dutb dny of J une, isiies. 'iho Hooks, Ac, are in tbe bunds of John P. Haas, for settlement, wliero all knowing Ibouiselvcs indebted aro requested to cull and uiuke pnyuicntaud save costs. JOIIX P. HAAS, U. 11. WOLYliKTOX. Kunbury, July Id, lM.--4t Aiilitoi'' police. "KTOTICK Is hereby given tbat tbo undersigned Xl Auditor, apHinled by the Orphans' Court of Northumberland County to ascertaiu tbe amount of . k.. Un,. Uf II .. 1.' .... ..r ii':n: lllltTO.1 uuo ujf . .u.a, .nvuiui ui II luiuui M. liray, late of said county, deceased, in accordance with tbe decision uf tbe Supreme Court in the matter ol the exceptions of said Executor's acoouut, will ut- tend to the duties of bis said appoint uieut, at his oltico. In Market street, in the IJorough of tSuubury, on jsaturduy, tue Zjiu day oljuly, A. l. IbtiS, at 10 o clock, A. JM , at v. hah time an J pluco all per sons iutcrented may attend. WM. M. KOCKEFELLF.K, Auditor. Sunbury, July llt lb6S. CARPENTERS WILL find iu our cstabli.-hinent a superior stock of Planus, riaws, Augers, Hulchets, llauiuiurs, Filus Chi.cU, 40 , 4c , lor sale by J U. CU.NLtY . CO LATEST ARRIVAL OF NKAV 0()J)S, Joseph Eysler, Corner of Market and Fourth ."trucl, SUXI1UIIV, l'KN.N'A, Invitvw the titibMu to cull utnl cxnmiuo ulojnnt jortnipnt of srRINO ANI SUM.Mi;RlnV HOODS, Kttnh nt Tablo IiinonK, I)imc:iifs, Jnyli .1, TmviM, nml Ir.m?ticf of every ilccriptiun nt tho very low-r.-t prico. CASSIMEBES. CLOTHS. ScC , fHkn. Dclnltic. IsRttn?. Oinhnilif, rnlicno. Muslins. vln't inf , Tiokinjj, Jonni, and n, full fis"rtiiiuiit of Cuiton n nil Wnolfii pn(f( flencnilly. TP"'!1, llolfry, fllnvcs, ll-.Kip .Skirts. Alsu linn Ikerclsief.-, Ilrulies, Conihs. IIiiIm iiikI 'ii, KooIm mid li-. His nisortinetit ol troodswlll not. he in sum fail lo plonrntho fancy nnd suit the wants, ,f nuy iliirous of puirhnslns;.' , ,(.K r H Alt l)W A 11 K AN I) Ol FFNSW A I: M. and (Irocerirs Ik larirn in niinntilv uud ehoi.-e in itunlity. c.miprWni; genernlly overvthiiii; liie.l.d ill the household r,n n,r ue'or ornament. II" is always ready and sjlml lo iee rrl.-n.N and lakes pleasure hi shoiviii them his gin, Im , n though no sales urn made, lie only n-l,s a cm!, an I is sure that Ihe , k ,vi ,.1,1,,)iru flur :,ly j pru-c and quality with i,0 , , , .HKi:PiI EYSTFK. ."untiiiry, June. 20, 1SCS. " THOICAS G. ITOTP, MKRCKANT TAlLOll .MAKKi; 1' S'Jl'AKK, SI'Mil I! Y, PA., 1 I A!jJ"'"t rt'coiv1,1 lrgclia Well .-cleeled s,.ck iSl'llING AND SUMMUll (.JOODB contisUng of the fiue.-t (T.f)TItS, CASSIM LI IKS AND VKSTINtiS ever lirouglit lo Sunbury, mid wbieh he promise.- to sell cheaper than Ihe cheapest. Having the .e(vi.M. of skillful tailors, be guarantees a g I tit in every instance inferior to none outside of the cities. Fverylbing from my establishment will bo uar nnUed as represented. THOMAS (I. XMI'T. Sunbury, May 0th. IRrtS. If A til-: NTS WANTED FUll "W KAF. IXil OF Till: IIKF.F.N." Tho most cntoituining book ul.. Itshed. abounding In Hotnnnee, lloinor nnd Wii.---Agent?. say it is tbe best sidling book out, as people are tired of Iho repetition of dry details and iirmy reports. Ono Agent Sold M in "no Week. ' 112 " " ' 1H2 Ten Days. Mbernl Terms to Agents. 'end b r Circular. Also, Fntnily tjiinrto P.ildes. Iiet tdiiiin pub lished. Win. Flint. Publbher, South 7th .-iimt. Philadelphia. I'enu'n. jv ! lit oi'kx.xg or ' .scj.vav; ,srr .:, AT Miss Louisa Shissler's, 51 A H K K T S Q U A U 13 , Ladies' nnd Misses' HATS mid 13'JXXTS, iu iinincuu variety. .IliliiK'i-y 4a'MttN und Ji'liiiiiiiiio. French and Amei-ican Kib'.oiis. I.aee.. Ilaiu'iker ehiels, liloves. ilosiry, and a general :i...-ortiueiil of Ladies Millinery Hoods, which have been .-.tlojlcl wilh great care. 4a-!tl lolliit'si, I's'Ujii-H l1 '. ,V'. Fv.rv variety will bo found to select from, a". Mnni.it aii: T'ltici's. Sunbury, May ",li, IMCS. police to 'I'i--iici.. VJ "TIC 1-: is hereby given, that no person or per X sons will bo nlloweil lo tresoiss ou tho proper ty of Iho undersigned, in Lower Muboiioy Imviiship, Xo-l!iiiuilierland count v, for tho imrnosu of 'i-Uiti.t Iterries, Fruit. Ac., or to enter into any eii.'losiu o j witlooit permission, in thu law will bo ciilotecd ngaiua ull olleinlcrs. ISAAC II. KEtSLLH. Lower Mabonoy twji., June OT, ru .VlilllllUOtl : lllM' l.M(. il.Hl lit'- torcil. jir- Just published, a new edition of l)r. Culvcr-rJ- well's Culcbruted Fssay on tho radic.il cuio (without medicine) of Spcriuiitnrrl.o'u. or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, impotouoy. Mental and Physical li.capaeity, liuiodiuiciita to Marriage, etc.; ul.-o, Cou.-uuip' ion, i:pilc.sy, and I'Hr, induced by self iudulg' oeo or sexual extravagance. V-Price, iu a sealed envelope, only f cel. Is. T he celebrated author, in tliis admirable ctay. clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' .iti.-e. --! ul practico, thaL the ulariiiiug conseruences of se'.f ubusc may be radically cured without the danoi iui uso of ijilerutil iiiedicino or the application of ibc kiiifo ; pointing out a mode of cure nt oncu simidc. certain, mid idleetunl, by ineiins of which every sul ferer, no matter what his condition tuny l.e, may curu himself cheaply, privately, and radically. t "This Lecture should be in tbo bunds id' every youth mid uvery mull in thu land. Suul, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid, on reeeipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, ir. Culverwcll's "Marriage fiuide," price 'ii cents. Address Iho Publishers. CHAS. J. C. Kl.INK k C . 127 Bowery, Xcw York, Poat-Otlico Vox -l.isil. July 4, I Slid. y I1(f 1 AliKXTS W'ANTFU, to solicit or VVIVders for Uu. W ii.i.iam Smith s DICTIO.NAi Y "FTIIIi lUl'.Li;. Tins om.v i:hi TION 1-t'ltl.lSIIKII IN AmKIIII A. CUMI l-NI'KO II V l'lt. Smith's own iianii. In onu largo tictavc voluuie, illustrated wilh over 125 steel mi l wood engravings. Agent nnd subscribers soo that yon get the gen uine edition by lr. Smith. The tnivjtifht li tMihhnjn say?, 11. is e liiion published by Mossis. IJurr A Co., is the rjenuino thing Tbo Coi'i-i'.Vi-!i'i.r says, whoever v.ishes'lu get, in Ihe cheapest form, tbo best l'it tioin.i y ol iho liiblc should buy this. Agent. nro meeting with unparalleled su Wc cuiplny nn ticneral Agents, mid oiler ex'ratin duccinents to Canvassers. Agents will see the ad vantage of dealing directly wilh the Pl'lLISIli:i:S. For descriptive circulars w ith full particulars an I terms, address (be Publishers. J. II. Ill lilt A CO., Hartford, Conn. May .10. Iltn. Wa. Faiison. Xki.so.n Pi on. V U It N I T U II E It O O M S . V"le Fi.?kSClT & SClTa luteof the firm of Farson Al)avis.huvo opene I n ai e roymsut Xo. 22S ttauth 2d street, below 1r.l;, PHILAI'LLPHIA, AVhcro they keep a full assortment of l'A!IU)U, C'lIAMHKU, SITTING KtiU.M nnil DINING 1IOO.M FL'UNITL'IIK. Tbeirold customers, nnd all pernons w i.-bing to purchase, aro invited to call aud cxuuiino their M '.-!; beloro purehasing elsuwnero Particular attention paid to packing. mf ly. (lUEENS-WAHE, STONE CHINA WARE, &c Market Street, S doors west of Fourth St .south si Ie. .SIXliLKY, PKXX'A., UFsl'KCTFl'LLY iiiforiiuthecitimnsofSiiiil.iiry and .Merchants and dealers in this and leijo.o ing counties, that he has just opened a lurge u.-.-ort-uien! of IJl'EKXSW'AnE AND STOXE CIIIXA WALT, of every variety, from tho best inanufautories in tho country, which will be sold at WHOLES ALE und HF.TA1L. Iiealers are invited to examine his stock before purchasing iu the city, as they c.iu save money by doing so. Suubury, May 1(1, lSt'iS. fun NEW MACHINE SHOP AXD IIFtOlsr FOUKTDri'Y'. .'i:. KOIIItll It'll a o, STJNBUKY, FA.., TXFOUM the public that they have estal.liihej n MACHINE SHOP, in connection wilh their FOl XDllY. They have supplied themselves with New Lalbus, Planing aud lloring Machines, v. ith thu latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mo chuuics, they uro enubledto exeoute ull orders uf --v Uurk or lt-lrlfi. that may begiveu tbem.in si satisfactory uiauner. Having enlargod and rebuilt their Fuundry, tbiy are ready to execute all kiuds of CAS i'lXvjS. lima.) C'iialiuu. Vf. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their superi ority, have been still further improved, aud will al ways bo kept on band. Sunbury, June 13, 1868. . W" HLKE cau l get the host picture? w,l,y."1 I.V-i'l ', of oour.o. Always geJto Byctly aud judjie for your.elf W. A. IJKNNUTT, i J'ltl.i.ijr AMI C11LMIST, 'liirktit Miu:.i-v, M lll !V, lf, I filtt ln.l I n .... J a. ,.,,! full as-ortnei:! of I Timlin rMr1 TT J : ; M . vr,; , 1 - Mv".?'1 r-,'"t-'; ""' ! .....iL" "1 '' I -uu I oinplcto in every initio : merit in Mcd'.eii l'liydeinii- iiff l Out. mier.i uiay rely upon pnunpl ih.u.4 and utteuiioit to ordei-.i ' I IF1 A. TtT I !"vv A 1 fTsTT 1F t i My stock is uinis'ially laryo and emhr ices nvery- thing that can bo found on a fir.-t. clivs T.tilat Tab! I including American and genuine Freneli and Eng. I li.-h i r : i; v u m i: u y , Pmiiiii Iih, Hair Oil, Ivory, (.ull l'erehn, Wool an. I Horn Cotnbs, Toilet Soaps il.iir ! Tooth, .Vail. Cloth and Paint Uru.-lies, A . I i:Kl-lll t'rlil'ill.. " --"-wiiuj . I. iobri.eiii; nil the mod popular Pieparatioii.i of the day, at niaiiuf'a 'liireis' riee.'. I lire Hit ana M-ifAKSaml CIIIJUIMJ TOIJAlX'Ui ol the I.e. I. Lniiids. 3;i!iit, Oils, SMlm-, (jil.iM, I'nity, :n-ns!ii'... V .Ml my 'fin lull.--, 'yrup". ' '.It llienl-. I'er.iti .-. and olio r (ii epal'.o ioo.i a I..' 1::. I III, In. ! 1111 d 1 1 V I'll -e 1 1', and ll' "i ll I ' -! loaleiial I e.iu pr.., .ore In M.n k. I. II. i'. inj loo! 'pn'c .1 i.uii.' i r ol yeais t..pcricu.-c in l!i.i ''. ,1,1.' I'n Ii i,i ,'o...', both iu l'l.it'i...i.i:M in: I Ho- eoiiiilrv. and al .i Iho iidviinia.-e . ! lio- r.,!l...;,. oi Pl.arinii.-N . I f.-. I ,. . el, 1,1 I , IMMI l-r.SH .M.l. Pnl.Sl'KIPMo.S.S lion Iho l'bvi.i,o;-aiel puoiie may I n or mo with. All mv preparations I have '. n. !,ai" made fr.-in toe be.-t in-it. i i.-J. mil nj-u b le.r 1 a-. . . I. they are of oih.-ia! .. i eo-l !i . I'.-r li.cdK-im.l l.tio... .-s, I kelp ill baud ll.ov.iy iie.-t ... j WINKS, KIIANDIKS AND I.ItifoIIS, to 'I I e:ill proeare. lotov- .in,!oi.-:ng ll.enbeie, tall an 1 caivil.ee Vour e,n :iiih l. W. A 1; l.N.N 1,'IT. .'-ui.hitre. M iv lil. l--',s. LKHIT! LIUIST! LIUILT! n. u i:s:i.v. rpni: p..pi,r i i,.,,. larliis liMel tip. in lb: , ""' ' -i ::. i- huild!:. ihiee d . .is w.-t ,.ftl... l.-.ilr..ad. .Markoi S ,,,-,.. ., ,, the verv best .-kv-l.nrbl- lo ,.e ioond i:-. Ihe Stale, and is now pi . pa red 'lo take - . lur. - r ,,v .- i.-.i . , i kiT1 is . c.,Mo r, i nly an I lute. Cl ibi,. i.-.k,.,, ,,,,, i .,,v l...:ig along ihe l,:il., v.c are I, on ready b-rthei'i. co.mi: onf, : t ( imi: ai.i, : bulb great mid Mo. ill. -ec l.i, lojuis, m-. e limine i-nueli-. FP.A.MKS ...! FKAMIX.i M:,lMi.,V ,!,!,. ban I an I made to order. Lring alon vr .,icl',irK an I have ilo ni IVaii,. I chi-upcr tl. in anvwlierc cl--,. Cyioo aol sec I -.r joi:r-l..s. Anything in the .icturi! lino -i.-mlli on baud --r ordori-l. l' o.vin - dot.,- iu nil it.- I.r.tncl.cs ii'i.l colored as de-ired. " Loth oat and in loor vieivs l-:k, n m, -hint noti e and on iv.-.s. .loild.; termi. Sal i.-ia..t ion giiarr.intee I, il nor lootlo is to Jilea-n. All lo,itiirs carefully preserved, lienii inbir the plaoo -a. k lor S. hi LU I. V. .Market Sijiia: e. .May 2d, 'lis.- ly. SI -NISI It V (III, Mil. I,. Till: sub.- vilie: luiviiig just, ti te-1 and put in operation a Mil! for tbn ntmiiil'aelurc ut 1, I X s i: K H OIL, oiler the bib -! i,,rk. I pii -e for I'LAX .-LLP. 'I hey li.u i: ii Hoe hid to tl.eir establishment a I 'hop ping .Mill, an I l.iiinei's and other.- wanting grain chopped (or lee. ling, eatl be uccoinuiodati d al -tho holt. -I noli. .... A n. e lone for chopping corn wilh Ihe eol. i. all:., bid lo the mill. .MOK.IAX A MASSKU. January 2 . l- 's ly M'!EIA 'i'SK A!Mi !"... hl'Kl.Nti Tit A DJi UUy. I.l. L. I.AIiALlUS, would call the iiltention of tho publie, and lo r eu.-tonni.. ..;,v rally, lo her lor .',0 and tiu.v a;..uiL tnelit of I'an. v and S'.oiiii--.t ii- Itvy . I-.. Whi.-li eon-i-l of Poi.lins, ll, l iii,.-, ('!.,,..--. Allapac ci-. Crepe-. lircuadiiMs, Iron liungc.-, 1 n.-. liiobani.-, C.ilitoes. Cl.ml.es, .V c , ".i iliii- ;i. e'ntui.ri.--. Stov--. Hi-g-n lies. i.-lori.i, PI , id Mu-liiu ..i.-ii-niiii-. i epic, iori!i:g;. v. 1-,'aos. iioiiis, (I. le e In I a. .1 on'ole-e-lied I Tnlde Linen, X.ipkin--, J'oMi l.-, 'Pal.le Co', cr.., Il.-.l S. v.-.. Is .'. .. illoves. llo.ieiv (',.,,. II,,,.,, .--I. ;, i j 1 1, ... .'r, ,,. " I'lil.g-. nil Milielv.l I, a, Ins and O.-i.u llooll.-.e. ehiels. Nook '1 mi I n :ions in i.,ii, t v i,, . ,. oils lo me n i ,.-ii. l 1. 1 i ' l . -1 ; Sun'.uiy. .May 1 I- W. Sf.. A. N. I'.im i.. -r. r.U T i-v ACTIO 1ST AT HAKI'T'S Ni'.W IKON riiONT! STEVENSON & HHK E, I I A Ii o eiied up ii now nnd di .-iraldu slo. k ,, I I i.ood-iii J 1 . 1 1 i .- .New limiting, comi.-ling in art of a spleii.lid variety if iiK'i ii-;! ii 1 :il t; , GOJ.D W A l'tii I'.S, JiooKS, 'I.O(.'KS, .IKH'KI.UY, .STAllO.NKKY, isilAKlt-WAlIK, tiOLI) I'KNS, Sl'Ki TAC'I.KS, NOTIONS. UIubs-Wuiv, Cuiltiy, Kictitrcs, J.otikinp; Ol.issi-p, tVc, iV., Ac. Call and i-x. iii.ii. e our stoek. Our aim will be to please and sati.-ly all who call. MKYF.XSA'N & lilvICE. S'li.onry. April IS, 1:'.. ;lm ..'!' S'iMi'1' ss'Vi.r.:?-; of mm AND SU3I51EU Millinery Goods, .tll It. I.. 4 Jol--. begs leave to H ti ll -otlee t-illie 1. flies of Mllibury mil Vl.il.ity, tb.iL .-l.e hu.-j.i-: opened a 1-rg- I .it i-d stoek of ?l 1 I. I. I N II Y ll ( o D s, 'Ihcli-.e t Xe.v Y.rk mil PbUa.lc'.pi.ia slyl.-s cl LADIES' HATS AJJD BONNETS. A'so. an ee. Ib-ut l,-.-ol tmelil of l-'n-hiol.al lo Km- broi 1-1 iis. L Igil: -.-s. I.aees. Oolen Cap. ilalelklT- ! el.n-.s. r- -nil i. lOoies, llo-iei:,--, all Kin. I- ..t I i.ney Notions. Si -imped .Mu-liu.-. Corset. . Perfume- j lie ,.voi--. Lilly l,i:e, Luanilof Aliuriea, S-Ia- ll,:.;rv. Ac. .ie' . tall an I t.-oii.-inc ! r yourselves. Xo trouldo to h"iv g 1- .-ut.'mi .-. April 1 1 I -'-5. J. C. bYI.YIs, WITH II. O. TlIAt'lIKU ! Maimfa' tur. r - f lT.rNCIl AMI A.MI.Kll'AX CALF ItiK-.a, SCkm'si timl -:iil i s,, P!c.i.-..nl ' Pail ling. M .riiet S-pi .ie, M'M',1 LY, PA. i l.adii ' Pool;., r-bn.-s and Halters of a!! lit ; -rititiotit m.ele to order on tho siioi te-t notice and n.'-.-l rea sol. able terms. II , ii g the best ii .a kinei, i ;n I iye 1, We eatl ll-lire Oie 1 lll-llr tlial. It I Uey W 1. 1 gll e lis ll .-all. Ilo-V liiili,.- ...iti-li, d of toe al.oic Kiel... K;.- PA I III S 'i neat !y doiio ith di-piit.-h. If your c r: - .1.. hurt your feet. .Ill-', call mid leal e i our mi ..-tire, Ai 1 w u ii ill 10 a i. e your Loc or llo'-ts, '1 li-it y..u will eal'l ii treasure. FANCY DUY (iOOI)S. ALL THU I. AILS T S1YLF.S, Suitable for tbo SritlXi! AND SUMMKK SKASONS. MI83 KATE BLACIE, Slarkct Nuare. two doors End of tho old tank building. SI MIl'HY, Peiiu a., HAS ju.-t opened a frrsfc assortment of Iho most tinhiouable Fancy lire's Uoods ttom tbo liirgei,t e-liii.li-hii.enl3 in Philadelphia. I'kLAINKS, ALAPACAS, POPLIXS, CALIC'-S. MOI KAIMj .001i. Cloths, Saciues Flannels, Flannels, Sheetings, Mui lius, Ladicand Childtem.' 11 ATS Feathers, Libbon.-, Iki-rxM 'liliiiniiiiii", i:nlfiJ'"i' Luco Veils. Comets. Handkerchiefs, tl loves. Hosiery Hoop Skirts, Hopkins' Lliptio Skirts. Leal Lluck Luco Shawls, aud Ladies Hoods of every du-'criptiou. Bun Umbrellas nud I'arosols tients' Collars, Neck-tics, Hulf-hoso, Handkcr- CbiVc,;umc;yTiletSoU1-,Hairl Sunbury, May .'!'', ISrH. ("loi'STUY I'FALFP.S .nptilicd wilh all kiuds of ) Stone Ware at less thau Faetoiy prices at liar- tC-lm-i,ig l-" ""'' it "'". tbo Maiumolb Stoiool H. . 1-lilLlM.. LL inuUiii Uio.-o l.eauliful Lird Cages at bf uw llaidwaro, tore, d .MKEAI) FAM'.V VA MKS i i'Ki I I I I l,V ii fi.101- the e.;ii-e)i.i ..f oa- ly l-u-y H:,. biiii-y.liml. lie will baku lo id i.'Hi .d- . 'f.l.t'H IVti- PIiiHm, I'lirlJ.-w, A i-. VnmW.: Hrc,., ,,11. 1 wl, FP.KSII HKliA 1, Ti l!-d'.. Un,lu. 'I.', I;,,,,.. A ... . nod iiIm. keiil o band iii.ti.'itii' e.l out ot tin- lo -t iiiHtr-rilI--. AM der. leil at l.i. She, in .Mat Ket )UHl e, olio d ,. r i.i.t I,; Miv .Aiiin painter 6 Milliner Wore, or l':ki.ry on i-'piuen r-ircet, beiween Front and oi. l slicols, mil nie.-t wu i i i-i,,: t mienlion. PIC NIC PAIUII rf supplivl Willi Cllko,, lee troiin, , nt (!, t,,.,-lu1 t,rc Order., are rc peetfully nolicitod. u , HAVIUFKY I'li' ory.May 2. I MM. 'r A 1 ! ' t:-l ."-'.i'V. ri'HI. niider-i-.-iied having bought Ho .. I entire sloel; ol 1 iis-iog. r .v 'lavlor. SU-; u.oibl iofooii Ihe publie i,. ,t I,, is 'iio.v ready lo do all kind of maiMo work , b.i., . i, hJm, m, 1 in. ike. lo order at .-Iwl t li.,ti e, t ..itii.i.t l.ls- ml H ;i .i -,'. j ,, ,., o cteiy .-lylo to .-nit piiiv li,t.--i r-. 'ihi'U: , nii wjM"iw rw.t.y- ,!o. C. no leiy l'o..sui;h I lal v. mi I pi ; .u,d al I olh'T leiiein gi nenilly u.-e I on Ceno I' I o--. .1 .,l,ii A 'I i lor will continue iu Mm etop'oviiirui, at ihe r.l I so inul in Mnrket S'piam, suNknit, l a. Jl.iy 2. i. .. - ly. w. ii. i'Ai:nin-;i;i Y siwm; fashions w i;l ! LOUISA lUXliL'jjr.feJt. Mill: l-ipulol- Millinery, f -tit Si si.lc of Mokoi S. n. u e. .Miobnty , i - de i roos of calling the att i lo.-i ol ihe poi.lie Mid tr:oc to l.e r ut.i',uo .mil iian l.o:,,.( a-, ill,., ol of 7.1 1 1.l.l K V AM) KAN t Y t.oOi).:. ji.-t open. .1 On I, i, ml and miido to order, mo ihe late. tall l llio.-l u pi r ll ..I.) Ie.- . i' bd iila!, .'UivtirisJu,-; iiti.l Si-!..s lioii-U'(-. iili-l Rims.. Abo, a -j-l. O.I id a -ol! Ill e; I ol 'I'i ill. 1. 1 n.g. Art I lie lal 1 I .wis. I.ooo. i Fr..me.-. Veil. , C.ll. v. ll, ,.l,....'. II U I. , Hot. re ll.,.l, ,. ,. v,,... , ;, ,,V ,., ., ... a I. lor tl'.e loll, t I Alio, a i'oie a.-. oiiiiieni el' i'ei'fiimn v. nnd alt go U n ii il' v I. in i vi II lnriii lie.l . .-1 aid ;..ii on nt I A e.tll i-olil vr, i:.il 1 to be colli meed N. It. i ' ei.il a' l , ii. i. - a i- ,1 i r.-el ed to a hue lof ot Ladies' I'le-J C.ii and Head I'r j LOL'l.x'A SlIIScLLi:. At-vi! I W. !'. rriilur'a it '. "Vf'i'rH'l-: is hereby pin ii that letters le. latnenta- ry, having been grant.-1 to the undersigned, on lie- t late el' ill orge P I'eil'er, la t o of .1 l.e kson town ship. Nortliinul ei I.ii,. eounty. I'll., do'-easo i. All persons indebted lo -aid c.-l.ito aro rcue-ied to make imm.tliale ii,yiocnl. and then baling claims to pliaulil them lor ,-ettlenielit. lii.ol.i.i: Wn'.MKU, Executor Ju- t.-on tup,, July i, 1m',A lil EAUGH'S fiAl'till A fcoXS. Pbila lcli l.i.i A Nil X'llli' H L'S'ITU: N FKKTILIZI.NU CO, Chw.t. S.tli- l;tliiil';icl siiM'i-s, l'HICLS. LALtiir LAW L'NL I'lo;,llI A 1 1: i'j'i per 2aiu Uai. KALi.U'o CHI-'AO liOXH l'LKi ll.lZLi:, ; jo pel 2,''eo ll,-.. liALoii cm, .wiiii M ..ci;) mam iu , v;J0 pcrN l".-lludo. 'In." al.oi .' Mauurt s e tin id bed 111 both b.i,s and barrels, ll kiel.el er clt-tomel.- prele-r. The U.ig- arc uuifrtu in m ight. I -e.i p .Uiid,. '1 h" ntteiilioo of Farm ei s is e-i iivial v dire. t... I I I t'"'1 Mal the -oiir.e.i of the II a if .Met. -rial -t" j '' ''"' Manuies are eon, p.. id, aro ..... iv ell : tiu-i-r eon: roi i n.ii v. e:.u l.iroisii l lie to oi .-.iriei'v .,, ,:,.,.,, ,l,i .- .,..1 , ..,..1 i, I.,,. .....I it .i ii...... i a Pn-oer p. ieei.l a-,'.- . 1 .-.iiieonia ih. in any etner cl.i a el Uiai.laeluied U.ol.i.l'e., it: l!le li...rket. LAI Oil .- .o.N:. 2" ;j Del. Uinr. Avenue. I'ii.ladelebn. XoKlTi-HLSfl-'KN I'lil'.'ll l.l.l No CO , I oi in r Lake ,V l.as.ille i-V . Chiea . IV LAI OH S Cu.MMI.LolAl, M A X V I! Iv in.. , bo ploetire I Iroln il-.il...- ill ...ly "f the -r,l:..pill ten ii. iu ll.e I .Hied Man . i or iJeiciniuii ,d Cum I .V-M by SMITH A ii:NTIli:i;,. Nimbly. Juno M, l'-.i. - nog 07 I SlOO REWARD 1 oi a iiicili'-iucili .t iviil e..j C L UHS, IM IJ i:Zl. TiClii.lMj in ll.e UOillA f, WIM.il'iNi. COI Oil, "i relieve CUNSf MPTT L not uliS, as i;iii.-!. a.i U ti E ' S L'OU ti II U A J. ii A M ! t'VOI! om; MILLION i:n ti.i;m leu-.- l.eell s "Id and n il a luule ni-lai.ee ol llt t.iouii i kn-mai. Vli- I...'.,....,-,.. i.o.-e.-..,l n, nil .inal.lll l ,-l Cel- tltieales, Some ot ll.eii, tioui I.MIM.N T I'll YSU-I NS w I... l.al e uu I It ill lie 11 ;-l -.. II: -, :i:ll ! I veil It 111. pie eiliincnee ov-reVeiv olliei e pound. If ll-:s NUT UliV I P A COCOII, bit I.UUSCNS IT, s i .is to ei-a'-'.e the p.meat In c.veclornte fiLelv. T wo .o t l.u e Coses, j Wll.l. lv.lt!tiri.V CfBK T.tSIo.Ml IN I UK TllU'U I ' ; , . .'I !...:. !l li is oi'ien e in;1!- te'v eared tl.c inott Sinl,- ..m f - us!.. .id y. i. i..-li i is sen -mid .)..- .1 in u , ,..,,,-r:i'io,i, it is ,.-': ieelly 1. n u.less, 1-t-tng purely vtl'l-.l-l. ' I ' is :..' r '.-:.: '.i' iu I tie '.aste. l-.i.d may t'C UOIU.I.IMI i J to a, i, a, ., . I in,) a o... In ' l- s of CIO l P .Ve .1 :': caalee a eilrc, ll t ikci. m hea- a. Ml FAMILY MI'H Ll) hi: Wl I HOI T IT' ll is wilioa tin- le.ieli ot u!l, il l.e-uig I eiicapeal al.u he:, ua,!.! a.e eM.o.t. CO. CI.AKK .V CO.. I'l.'plict..!. M'.W HAYLN, C.iNN A: i.! If. l-tN.-lv O O E ' s DYSPEPSIA CURE. rpms i,ur..T UV.M t'O i" t'Oi! AI.I. FISLAMiS oi . J. i:,t fj.-p f-) Tx. O JH t3 it ! I..- .vi y oi '.I.' mi e..t t oi e's v..:, o.l !: I ..licit I; -III. ll'loV ' "I mi. a'l, IC lor III- o.i h. a Hi 1, elite. I I ianii. ... ll.e r-t ')..:.," i I oi nun wan ii I1 ul l-ee 1- ..eli'id loMot..,,,. i : r,.,oi. 'Pin- leino.-!. (I.olv te-tntioi.i- Ironl vaie.as .nlaol li.c eoantl V .-le-o.u:..-,- os to i ,-ln I'v IIk le ,s no tli. :.se e.m-e-l byad..ii'.i:-d.tui-..d. :t wilt u. spc".!.l "" t'hysiciuiiij cniL.rsc aud INc it! Ministers Rive t-,.a!i.ii, i'y of its edx.ioy. And frail all diiccii.uis we teetivelidu.gi.ol euii. pti lot tiled. UYspi:rsiA! It is sure to cure. iii;ai;tlu'1!x I lae it -ku will euie. SICK-IIIMPACIll-! II tias c.iu.l in I. o.el. i Ii of . '..es HFADACIIK A.NO l)l'IM: II stops in il.uty nuiiai. . cTlITY OF Tilt: Sl'o.M. veil : ll coi.ecl. at laicc. R1SL OF Till: FOOD! ll stops iiuu.ei.aiel . Dlsrut'.SS AFTER K.VTIMi : tne U, se will leu.-.vs CliOl.LIU MOIlIil S! llapldly jleUli to a few i! be. UAD UKLATU I 9 Will 'ac eh-ueieil wilb li .Ii a bottle it is I'snPECTLY uaiimi.f:mb. Its LM'KF.Cl'.PFNTI'.U Sl'CCFSS is uwiug lu to f.i-1 '.hat ll i'lircs. liy ,Vss.iKIuu "Xadirc to hi-.sr.i; r iii;i! sway in tiif. systf.m Neaily every dealei Ul tlie I inle.1 Si .:. nlU it nt I'M: imi.i.Ai; i t ii i'.ii ii i:. C- Ci. CLARK iNt CO., rioinifctoi-., ni.w u. UN, i o;.... A; id l-i litis. I .