N. a. tKOLE, Fubllsher. MUrVilUKV, IA. SATURDAY, JULY 23, lOTsT Hocal affairs. CAkrAtaM Badoii, Flagt, ., whoVaaai and MUil, ,t Llghlntr & Zelgler'f Book Store, Market Square, Suuburjr, P. 2t Stkax Mat,. W understand thnt Meur. Show era t Co. faave told toair atoam flourlog mill, in thil 1'laoe, to William Reagan, Em. The pric paid was $W.-)00. Mark D. Prikstlit, Eq., hat aold his dry gooda Koro, In Northutubarland, to Mean. Van Al len A Co., preprietort of the rolling mill and nail fitctory in that place. It la atated that the oommlnionera appointed to aoleot a ait for the Northern Inaane Asylum have decided In favor or DanvilUf, although it baa not been officially announced. lUaaacrtcr Cocrt.-J. M. Wieatllng, E,., the Hegu-ijf in Bankruptcy for tbia (Hth) Dlatriot, hold a court at the office of Mesara. Rockefeller A Robr knob on Tburaday of laat week. Accidimt. John Rommel, an employee of tb Lackawanna ft Bloomaburg Railroad, at Northuin borIa:4, bad bia fingera badly maahed, a few daya niuce, while attempting to couple ear. Mircbamts and othera wilt find It to their aJvan Inge to buy their Paper Baga, at city prioce, laving the freight, of Ltgbtner ft Zeiglor, Buokacllora and Paper Deal ore, Market Square, Suubury, Pa. It Vim aee It announced in the Shamokin papor that Rev. C. H. Vandyno, of St. Matthew'a (Epiaoopal) Church, of thia plaoe, will oflioiate in Trinity Churoh, Shamokin, to-morrow, (Sunday,) morning and eve ning. Accit.NT at thi Mima.-On Monday forenoon laat, Cheater, aon of Mr. Wm. F. Roth, of Shamokin. vas badly bruiaed about the head and nook, and it , toared dangerously Injured Internally, by a fall of rock in the mines sf John Ilaaa ft Co. W learn that Meaara. Van Allen ft Co., of the nail faotory at Northumberland, are doing a heavy butineaa, and are aometimea compelled to refuse or dora on account of thoir inability to All them. Four or five additional nail machines will soon be added to their establishment. Tax Appbal Our worthy Chief B urges gives notice that an appeal for Borough, Road and Poor Taxee will be held by the Burgeasea and Common Council, at the offioe of Jaoob Shipman, Kq., on Tuesday, the 18th of August. Thia is a matter in whitVrmoat of our eitiiena are interested. Fcs.it mi AKHA Dextal Ahbociatiow. Wo ob serve by the proceodinga of the annual meeting of lbs V-Woclation, held In Scranton last woek, that Via. Ueorgo M. Ronn, of Sunbury, B. F. Valler champ, of Solinsgrove, and John Locke, ofLewia Wg, were aolootod na the Executive Committee for Uio enduing year. Tun ExTENaroaj op thr Roid Jlovsa. We loam that the contract for the brick work of tho round houae, of tho Phila. ft Erie Railroad, at this plaee.has been lot to . 8. Miller, of Scliusgrovo, and Col. Moao, of Lewicburg. Twenty-two ongine alalia will be added whon tho work is completed, which will be about the first of Ootobor. Middlscbhrk Railroad. The Lewistown Ga trite ejn the atatomcnt that the Reading Railroad Company intend connecting the Trevorton road, whicu they latoly purchased, with tho Middleoreok road at Selinsgrove, is correct, but denies tbe report that work hns boon stopped or the rout abandoned 'on tho latter road, botwoen Seliwgrovo and Nor tbitioWland. Rom Walking. On Saturday evening last an Individual, calling himself Profoasor Chaffuo, enter tained a crowd of at least five hundred persona by his feats of rope walking. The rope waa suspended from Ifoover'a saloon building toon of the depot tuiildings, on Third street. The "Profeaaor" aaer wnnin gavo a performance in tbe Masonic Hall, but was not very woll patronized. Fatal AccinEKT at Dakvilli. Oa Thursday morning of laat week a lad named Thomaa Mona han, aon of John Mosahan, a workman at the Penn sylVuia iron works, at Danville, while hanging to a train of ears on the Lackawanna ft Bloomiburg Railroad, waa thrown off by a audden jerk of tbe cars, and being thrown across the track, the car wj)els passed over hia neck, severing hia head en tirely from bis body. Hkkl Cut Orp. A farmer named tieo. Thomaa, residing on Mr. John S. Haas' farm, about a mile oast of this plaoe, moj with a serious aooident on Tuesday last. Ho was outting grass with a reaper, and having stopped to adjust soma of the gearing, gnt in front of It, and tb boraea starting he waa caught by tho knife. The heel of hia foot waa cut off and the ankle and foot terribly lacerated. Dr. fihlndel waa immediately called, and dreaaed hia wounds. - - . Makonic The Moat Excellent Grand High Prieat ami other Grand Officers of th Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania, of A. Y. M., during tbe present woek Jiavo been making a vUiutlon through the 3d, 4lU, Sth und 8th district, composed of the counties of Northumberland, Schuylkill, Luzerne, Columbia mid Carbon. They will visit Northumberland v.anptcr No. 171, of Sunbury, n this (Friday) even in,;, and exemplify lb work of Mark, Host Excel lent and Royal Arch Degreea. Bitts ht a Don. Charles Weaver, a lad about twelve years of age, waa tent to tbe cellar of Ga' ringor'a grocery, on Third street, on Monday laat, for some artiolea. Wbils fn flie cellar he waa at tacked by Mr. Garinger'a watch-dog, who would, no doubt, have killed him, had be not been rescued by persona who beard hit trie. Tlje dog in lie ted sev eral surious wounds on tie leg and arm of th boy, Th case ia attended by Dr. 6hindel, and the lad is reoeiviog every attention. Though critical at first be ia now thought to b out of danger. Tub Struck ih thr Shavokir Region. The Boa uiokin Herald, of Tburaday last, says: Since our last inaue somo of the operators have agreed to the igbt hour system, and tevea collieries are now work, 'ig, bat there teonia to b M prospect of lis general adoption in thia region, th majority of the operators alleging that it would ajoat them mora to put thoir ooal in market than can ba realized at present pri ces, and uuloM tba men will work at a correspond ing reduotion in wages, tbey prefer to suspend ope ration until prices udvanoe. Tb strikers have mad no more lawless demonstrations, and all is quiot BiRGHnr at Gkob8etowbt. On tbe night of tbe 7th Inst, th publio nous of Gen. A. Wald, iu Goorgutown, this ooanty, was entered by a burglar, through a back window. Tb till of tb bar waa Cr.t rifled of its content, amounting to about fJ in money, and oua gold and on silver watch. . The burglur then euU4 tb sleeping rooms of torn of the boarders and Moeded ia rifling their pockets, but did But obtuia much. After leaving their rooms he wad an attempt to out a hoi in th door lead ing into Mr. and Mrs. Wald'a bedroom, with the in teutiou, it u supposed, of administering ether to them. Mrs. Wald, bearing bin catting th door, awakened her husband, who watched th burglar's progress for tout time, tad prepared to give him a warm reoeptioa, butt the burglar overbearing the conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Wald, hastily withdruw bia knife from th door and fled down stair.' Mr. Wald followed bim, bat befor tb alarm could be give th robber luoeeeded in steal ing a f obi boat and eaoaped acnes th river. Tb next night a ttor waa robbed at Halifax, and the tight (ollowtng a hotel at Dauphin, which was, uo doubt, dou by tb tame party. Thi Striih. Th Poltavlll Journal, of Salur day laat, says; W bar but little to add to th facta which we gav in our last in reference to th Rtrike of th miners of this region, for tight hours na a day's work, and for an inereaae of wage. Th turnout eommooeed a fortnight ainoe at Ashland and in th Mahaaoy Valley, (not at Mount Carmel and Locust Uap,) and extended until on Tucaday laat the collieries In th western end of tho county war stopped. Tho strike la now general, and la likely to continue until an Improvement In prices will warrant concession to the demands of tho men. For it ia eertain that only an advance of prices will war rant a reduotion in tho hours of labor and an in cronao of th wagos of th miners. It ia in connection with thia subject, duo to the miner and operant of thia region, to atnts, that many or the despatches which have beon transmit ted during tb past fortnight, to tho papera or Phil adelphia and Now York, have had no foundation in fact. Th atatementa were In th main simply ab surd and ridiculous. There waa no rioting on tho part of tho strikers, (a Dumber of men marched In a body to tb diflorcnt colliories, and compelled the men to eease work, which is th usual mode of se curing general strikes adopted in th coal regions. We have mad inquiry, but cannot learn that there has been any destruction of property, and th mi ners aro now peaoeable and orderly.) and tho opera tors had no hand in sending those despatches for speculative purposes. The fact ia that tho wild and unfounded statements were sent broadcast, by some verdant (aa far aa acquaintance with this region ia ooncerned,) attacheea of the Philadelphia presa who were hare laat week. They oaught up all the idle rumors which on can hear at almost any hour of th day, on the atreots, and transmitted them aa verita ble faota, garnished by their roportorial iinngina tiona. . The atatementa were dimply preposterous, and the coal operators had nothing whatever to do with their transmission, and wore surprised when they aaw thorn. It la to be hoped thnt tho respecta ble Juurnala who hava charged theoperatora with tending those despatches, will refuto tho calumny, and at the samo time do justice to the miners, who havo no idea, aa far aa wo are nolo to obacrve, of transgressing th law. It ahould bo understood abroad that the ruffians who infested thia oounty, a year or two lino, were driven ont by tho legislation obtained, establishing a new Criminal Court and Police forco, and that the great mats of the miners who remain are peaooable and law-abiding. Dkath or Dr. J. W. I'xali. Our oitiiena will regret to hear of the doath of Dr. J. W. Peale, which occurred at the residence of hia son, S. R. Peale, Esq., in Lock Haven, on Tuesday of laat week. The Doctor waa an old and highly respected citizen of this plaeo, and relinquished hia extensive practice hero on acoount of failing health. II removed to Lock Haven about three months ainee, where he resided with his aon. Th Lock Haven Ktpubiiean, in speaking of hia doath, says : Dr. Peale, tho fath er of S. R. Peale, Esq., died in tbia place yesterday morning at i o'clock, llo bad been fur many years a most auccouful phyaioiau in Sunbury and vicinity. Two years ago bia health ftiilod bim, and for months he was just able to be about. This spring bis son reuiovod him here so aa to be able to givo bim all teccsanry attention. Burruundod by every kind ness which tho affection of rolativea and tbe courtesy of our citizens could devise, h lingered in much agony until the 14th of tbia month, when death end ed his sufferings. A few weeks ago he celebrated his 68th birth day in his sick room, aurroundod by bia children and soino friends. Cntua Uooalur Young, from near Wataontown, waa committed to prison on tho 13th itet., to await trial on a charge of tho larceny of four dollars and twenty cents from a lettor entruated to him by II. B. Momttt, to deliver to the Poetniaatcr at Wataontown. John 0. Williams, of Paint township, was placed In jail on Friday of last week, on a chnrgo of adultery. There aro sixteen prisoner confined in our juil at present. Aa tho August session of Court will oom- uience on Monday week next, we may expect s genoral "jail delivery." We are sure Sheriff Bock ley will not regret parting with most of his trouble some customers. Tub Latb Fatal Soootmq Afprat at Ml-mct Dau. Tho Miltaitian, of last week, givea the fol lowing particulars of the shouting of a boatman named Huff, at Muncy Dam, on Saturday week last : Tbe fracas as related to us by several who were eye witnesses, was as follows. Tbe boats were alongside of each other whon Huff and Noroross commenced quarreling about something. Huff jumped aboard Norcroaa1 bout and endeavored to ttrik the latter with a boat pole. Norcroaa retreated into the cabin of his boat, secured hia revolver and returned to tbe deck. Just aa ho waa coming up out of the cabin door Huff aeized bim, and a scuffle enauod, during whieh the pistol went off, and Huff was shot and in stantly killed. Norcrost then fled and came to Milton. II talked with Mr. David Knerr, at this place, told him he had shot Huff bnt that the pitlol went off accidentally in the scuffla. Mr. Knerr ad vised hiin to give himself up; but Nororoes said the friends of Hun had threatened to lynch him, and be wanted to get among bia friends beforo he gave bim aelf up. He took the train at tbia place fur Balti more, and had not been arrested up to our latest accounts. An inquost was held upon the body of Huff by D. Billman, Esq., of Muncy Creek town ship, Lyooming Co., and a warrant issued for the arrest of Norcroaa. Huffs remain were taken to Lock Haven on Saturday. Euiiuir Complairt. Thia, of all other seasons of the year, domands carefulness in dlot. Bowel diaeaaea are alarmingly prevalent, especially amongst children. Tbia, to a very great extent, ia the fault of parent ; tbey are too apt to Indulge their chil dren with food and drink which had far better be withheld from them. The simplest food possible is best for them riee, milk, ripe fruits, and light food generally ia to bo preferred. Pork and veal should be avoided, aa well as imperfectly matured potatoes, and particularly the unripe and diseased applet, peaches and pears, which are beginning to make their appearano in our market. A little extra care in regard to diet, proper attention to cleanli ness, and tbe avoidanoe of exposure to drafts of air, will, in the majority of cases, prove a preventive of summer complaints to whieh children are subject. Surstrokr. On laat Wednesday Mr. Geo. Auten, of Limestone township, while engaged In the har vest field, waa overcome with the intense beat, and befor medio! aid could be prooured died from its effects. We have heard of a number of other instances in this viciuity which came very noar proving fatal. In Limestone township torn tix or seven horses fell down dead in tb harness from th effects of the beat. Danvillt Iuttligenrtr, 17 th intt. Prnmstlvania State Tiacrkbs' Association. The annual meeting of thia body will bo held at Allentown, Lehigh county, on Tuesday, Wedneaday and Tburaday, August tlh, 6th and ttb. Th Slat Superintendent ha called meeting of th County Superintendents of th Stat, to be held at Harris burg, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday preceding, and it It probable that nearly all th County Super intendents of tb State will be present at th Allen town meeting. Tba Chairman of the Executiv Committee, II S. J ones, of Eria, is laboring ear nestly to make th netting on of th most Inter- eating and profitablt aver hold in th Stat. Diad Fiso. A Harrlsburg paper atatea that on Monday laat a eurioua aight was witnessed in tbe oanal at that place. From early mora until night fall dead fith, turtle, frogs and eelt war floating down, and th water changed to a beautiful green, and became to clear that tbe bottom could b teen without difficulty. It ba been estimated that twenty or thirty thousand fish must have floated down during the day. The real cause of thia whole sale slaughter it at yet unknown. Some assert that it wat caused by tbe linking of a oanal boat loaded with lime; othera that a sulphur spring above Clark' Ferry tuddenly buret ; and other! again that they were anoeted by coal oil refute from a reentry near Roukville. Tb ditor of th FotUvilit Miturs' Journalbu been informed by Marshal Helsler that all it peace able and quiet among th minora In Northumber land, Schuylkill and Columbia counties. ' AeociT Court. Th following It th trial list for th Auguat term of Court. Th first twelve case will be tried on Wedneaday of the first week, and the balance during th teeood week : Peter Hantelman va Robert B MoCay. Mary Longeneckar, Ex., vt David and Snsan Lng enockcr. Z HogendcebUr vt W L Antrim t al. . . John Woisel va Harriot Marr et al, Henry Raup vs J G W Horning. Isaac Hin vt John Col. Iron. Marion Trego va E 8 Trego, John ItiogoT et al va Wm M Weaver, Sheriff. Jonathan Hoover and John Yarnell va Th Sus quehanna Coal and Coal Mountain Co. Jonathan Hoover vt The Susquehanna Coal and Conl Mountain Co. Jonathan Hoover and Wm Starr va Th Susque hanna Coal and Coal Mountain Co. J II Foreeman vt Juatph Long. ttoonn WEEK. John Louck va William II Douty. Joseph Garney va David Lomlson. Peter Immel va Herman Bergatresscr. Benjamin Hcpler va Lydia Wetzel. Thomaa Kuasel va Petor Lilly. Shell ft Bergor va Wm B Kemmcrer, John Wagner Va Potcr Wagner. Reuben Kline va Mt Carmol Township. Dr Wm Fritz vt Peter Smith et al. Brooks 4 Newberry vt The Laokawanna R R Co. D W Smith va The Milton National Bank. John S Moixel vt Th Atlantio and Great Weatern Railroad Co. John Ream va Daniel Drossier. Sol Miller va John Foy and M Brymire. Robert W Kemt vt Th Northern Central R R Co. Th County of Northumberland v Tb Borough of Sunbury. I'eter Poff vsTlie Borough of Sunbury. C W Snyder va Lewis Bush. Jonathan Tharp va Peter Martin. Jaoob Machamer va Sarah Mochanjor. Wm Rycri va Samuel McMahon. Albert Cadwallnder va Henry Vanetten. I II Torrenee, Adin'r, vt Ira Forrester. Philip Marts VI Robert Brooks. Goorge W Brewer va Philip Orison. Joseph Johnson va Georgo A Wykoff. George Kill va Adam Fox. P L liaokenberg va Wm B Kemraerer. Nagle, Brown A Eshbach vs Jamos Uogeland 8 L Bergatresscr vs Jesse M Simpson. Samuel Miller vs Geerge McKee. Jaoob Weik va Peter Arnwine. David iiartt vt James Malooe and Son. Tiir Aiioust Teiiu or CoiRT. The following is tho liat of jurors for tbe August session of Court : URAXD JURY. S Hoover, Coal M J Jones, U Augusta J P Shoots, Dolawaro J C Morgan, Sunbury K Evert, McKwenavillo J II Hursh, Ruth S Kambaek. Delaware R Johnson, North'd S R Snyder, L Augusta S II Rourdarmel, Zerbe II Fausold, L Augusta U M. Renn, Sunbury I'ETtT T Landon, North'd S Slahlneckcr, Dleawar M Wilvert, Sunbury L Eckman, Rush W Cooner, Wataontown J Cauley, Chiliaquaqu S Heller, Delaware J W Hant, Coal P Donnboe, Mt Car Twp II Hartranft. Delaware H Yastino, Shamokin J B Rhodes, Mt Car Twp S Malick, L Augusta J W Baober, Sunbury J Arnold, L Augusta wm niuuies, lurDnt A A Helm. Coal J R Tents, Shamokin 1 K Reuer, bhamokia JCRV. J A Baahore, North'd V Cares, Jordan J Irwin, Chiliaquaqu i uojiior, nunuury C Rvan, Rush E Cbldistor, Shamokin J D Barr, Turbutvillo L Scesholtt, bunbury A J Hurrah, Delaware K D Kaker, Lit Mnbanoy: P Ritlcy, Mt C annul Twp J W Friling, Sunbury D Clark, Point J Bowen, Sunbury C Brosioua, Low Mahanoy J Been, Northumberland S Hoover, Shamokin J K Francis, L Mahanoy jj A Caldwell, Low is George Stub, Lewis C J Conrad L Augusta Peter Yeagor, Coal M Lamb, Milton J F Roadarmel. Shamokin 8 Sees, Delaware C Moixwell, Milton ID Hoffman, Mt Carmol Tp J Scott, Mt Carmel Twp'D Clement, Sunbury TRAVRIISR Jvkx. W P Wilhinglon, Sh'n W H Lerch, Mt Car Bor Wm Raker, L Augusta J M Hair, North'd J Dcibert, Milton ;0 B llotiman, Zerbo J Bordner, sr., L Mah'y P Riahel, Lewis J Park, Chiliaquaqu ,T J Miller, Shamokin M Bohner, Jordan R Campbell " P Mowery, Mt Carmel Tp P Persing. Mt Carmel Bor S It Gilger, Shamokin Tp W Roadarmol, Lit Mah'y KMoGiuley, Mt Car Tp,W Rcbor, Shamokin 11 Bnydor, Shamokin I H Reoso, Lit Mnhonny C B Kreuier, Zerbe M Reeder, Turbutvillo J XI Long, Upper Augusta (J h Beard, Sunbury A hembel, Jackson J Pennypacker, Zcrb J Krick, Shamokin II Burns, Coal J Lenker, Littlo Mahanoy 'James Arthur, Lewis IB F Brisrht. Sunbury C Scboll, Shamokin A Maul, DelAwaro W rthnitoe, bhamokin n rrucKeimiier.ueiaware u Mettler, Kuan a A Q Haupt, Low Augusta A Guft'y, Delaware T Kirk, Delaware J R Hilhush, Jackson P Fettortnan, L Augusta J McKee, Delaware W E Fetr.er,CbiIisquaquo J Soibort, 11 J Sheets, Sunbury W Elliot, North'd W II Bright, Suubury Jot Frederick, Chilis'que Editor' Table. Guoky' La m 's) Book. W are in reoeipt of the August number of tbia ever welcome and highly appreciated fashion mngaiine. It it, aa usual, up to Its standard of excellence, and ia generally conce ded the best publication of the kind in thia country. The contents of thia number are "Tbe Prayer," a steel plate ; Colored Fashion Plate, containing six figures; Happiness," a tinted engraving; Trim mings, four engravinga ; extension aheot of fashiona, containing 33 engravings of dresses for ladies and children. Ac, Ac. The music for this month ia "Ilaby Ella." Among the literary contents are "Phemie Rowland ;" '-Home;" 'Forever;" 4-My Term at Wildwood ;" "Longings for Sleep;" "Ma rian Gray 't Problem ;" "Weariness," a poem, fto. Published by L. A. Godey, Philadelphia, Pa. TnR Lady's Frirnd, por Auotiav. "The Sol dier's Widow," a finely executed steel engraving, opens the August number of thia charming magazine. Thon follows the usual largo colored ateel engra ving, representing tbe Parisian fashions. Then a touching engraving, called "Entering into Life" followed by numerous engravings of dreases, bon nets, paletots, fto., among which we may especially allude to an equeatrian plate, aa being very well executed. 'Among the literery contents of tbia num ber we may mention "Our Artist in Windows," by August Bull; "The Debarry Fortune," by Amanda Douglas ; "Lost Days," by Florence Percy ; "Caught by the Tide ;" "A Dead Man's Rule," by Elizabeth Pretcott; a Sketch of Florence Nightlngalo, Edito rials, Receipt. Fashiona, fte. Published by Deacon ft Peterson, 31 9 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. BUSINESS NOTICES. WiLvtR'e Boot Ann Suor Store. We ar glad to learn that our friend, John Wilver, who lately opened a firat-clasi Boot and Shoe Store in Spruce atreet, in thia place, it meeting with the aucoesa whieh hia Induatry and enterprise deserve. Ha bat an cxocllent ttock, and sells at greatly reduced price. Give him a call. Fob a stylish suit, and ono that fits ; for on that will wear, and fur one a little cbuaper than tbe tamo can be made up elsewhere, go to Beck's, on Fourth atreet. Ilia aciontifis mode of cutting garments ren ders him able to give entire tatUfaotion to all. Try him. i'-nic A a immense stock of Boots and Shoes, from New York and Philadelphia, has juat been received at Miller's Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, in Market Square. We venture the assertion that Miller sells more goods than any other establishment in Sunbury or vicinity. The reason It that he always keeps th largest and beat assortment, and telle at a small ad vene on oost. Tpe Hot Weather. Th warmest daya of the season ar now upon ua, and every on teeuit to be miking an effort to "keep cool." With one of Faust's fashionable and easy-fitting straw hat one can certainly be made comfortable, and at it eoat but a trifle to procure one of them, w would re commend our gentlemen to wear them. They aro about at muoh of a luxury, the hot daya, aa ice cold "lager" or "mint julepa." Coa't Cocoa Baliam. The great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Consumption. Both sizes ordinary 4 oz., also mam moth family bottle for tale by all druggists and dealer! In medicine. No family thould be over night without it in the house. i ! Coa't Diir-EPSiA Curb Will immediately re lieve and permanently our tbe most aggravated ease of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Boor Stomach, Con stipation, and all diteatet of the Stomach and Bow els. Pbysioiana, clergymen and all who use it, join ia unbounded praise of it great virtue. Bold by Druggist everywhere. Prioefl.OO. MARRIAGES. At St. James Church, Fort Edward, New York, on th 30th ult., by Rev. Samuel P. Boatwick, D.D., Gen. Cbarlei C. McCorhice, of Milton, Pa., and MistLoTTA A. Wright, danghter of Maj. L. M. Wright, of Fort Edward, N. Y. DEATHS. In this plaoe. on the 11th tut , Mr. LYDIA ClUUti, agfed about 0 years. ntJIIIJKY ItlAIIKiri'M. Corrected Weekly for the 'Amrtoan.n Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do da da J l ' $13 00 n i) 10 99 6 on 2 30 2 00 n ci " "" i per bbl. uo Wheat, prim red, old, " " " new, Rye, Corn, Gat, Potatoes, Dried Peachel, pared do do unpared Dried Annies. per cwt. por bushel, . it do do do do per pouud do Dried Cherries, (unstontd,) ptr bu. Butter, per pound. r.gga, Cheese, Lard, Hams. Shoulder, Beef, hind quartor, " front ' Mutton, Chiokant, per dozen, per pound, do do do do d do ptr ptir fSliuinoklaa Coal Trade. Brahokih, July 21, 18(10. Tttu. tVi. Sent Tor week ending July 18, 9,382 0.1 Per last Report, 212,121 10 2,M,M1.1 13 2MI,170 U To tamo time last year, Decrease, 7,n(f 13 Special ZCotlcra. o NE PRICE CLOTUINU. .TalrXmO old established .? imcici: CLOTHING HOUSE, H 4 .Market Ntrctf One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For ninny yenrt ibis Ktnh.ihmcnt hn done busi ness on tbe Ono Price Sy;em. mid we believo we aro the only Clothing House in tho city thnt etrioUy adheres to this principlo. We have earned a repu tation which we are proud of, for good taste in select f;ood styles and substnntiul materials, and not less m port ant, fur having all our goods i:tim vi:iK maim:. We employ the bert talent, for Cutterd, and our Goods ere of both kinds fashionable and d I ft in so thnt all tiistos onn be suited. Tho prices are the very lowest, as any one by a moment e thought must see, or otherwise we eould not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as nodeduotlons.re ever made, we must put our prices down to the advantages we promise. The people mny depend, this Is tbe true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollnr can be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in iniud TONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Mnrket Street, Philadelphia, Not on tbe Corner, but one door above Sixth, i:. U. MAIZi:, ttuK'Hmiin. April 4, 1808 ly A DDK K53 TJ Tfl E N KilVO US AN D DKU1 1 .IT A ted, whose mfferiiigii have been prntmcted from hid den causes, and wlnwe cuses require prompt tieatment to render existence desiruhle. If yuu are aunering or have suffered from involuntary discharges, what eiteet does it produce upon yMir gtnrial health t Do you feel weak, debilitated, eusily tired F loet a little exira exertion pn duce polpiuulon ol the heart f Does yuur liver, or uriimry organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order ? Is your urine mmrlime thick, milky, ur Hocky, or it ropy on settling f Ur does a thick scum rise lo the top f Or is a Pediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile ? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are youi howels ctaittipatrd ? Po you have spell of ftiiutiiig or rushes of IiUhkJ to the hed ? J s your memory impauedf la your mind constantly dwelling uton this subject t Do you feel dull, ImlleM, mopiutr, tired of com,tuny,ff life? Do you wish to he left alone, to get away Iran everybody f Does any little thins; make you start of jump? Is your sleep broken 01 restless? Is tba lustre of your eyes us brilliant ! The bloom nu your cheek as bright ? Do you enjoy your self iu society as well f Do you pursue your business with the same energy f Do yuu feel as much confidence in your self ? Are your spirits dull nitd flagging, given to fits of melancholy ? If so, Jo not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees vatk, and have but httle appetite, und you attribute this to dyspesia or liver-compluint ? Now, reudef, self alaite, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a weak ness of the generative orgiina The orgaus of generation, when in perfect health, mnke tbe man. DhF you. ever think that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering, suc cessful business-men are always those whose generative orgaus are in perfect hiiiUh ? You never hear such men complnin of being melancholy, of nervousness, of pitlpita tion of the heart They are never afraid they catimuc ceed in business ; they don't become sad and discouraged ; they are always polite and pleasant in the company of la dies, and look you and them right in the f nee none of your uowitcust looks or any other inenuuess at tout them. 1 do nut muau ths who keen theoruuns iiillamed by ruuuiiifi to excess. These will not only rui.i their constitutions but al those they tM taislnesa with or la. How many men from badly-cured diseases, from tbe effects of self -abuse and excesses, have bioiigltt a Unit that suite of weakness in I hose orgaus that has reduced the aeneral system s much as to induce almost every other diseaseidiiicy,luiiHey, nanilysis, spinal uirectioiia,sui;ide, ana almost every other form 01 disease wnicii uumtimiy is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever sus pected, and have doctored lor all but the right one. Dt seniles of these organs require the ne of a diuretic HKLMIJOLD': FLUID KXTH ACT IKJCIMT isthegreut Diuretic, mid ia a certain cure for diseases of the bladder, K id n1 v a. fitiiva!- DriiitBC. Orirnmc VtnktiaitB. Ke nut! Compintuis, General Debilit y, and all diseases of the Uri nary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause original ins and uo matter of how long stmiding. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our lU-sh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and lluit of Posterity. depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. lieliniHdU's f.xiract iitieuu, eiiitmsneu upwanis 01 in years, prepared by H. T. HRLMHOLD, Druggist, OlH uroauway, new 1 or a, mm 104 South Kith Stiact, Philadelphia, Pa. Prici 91.95 per bottle, or 6 bottles for 96.AU, delivered tunny address. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. NONE ARK C.KNUINK CNLF.SS DONE UP IN st eel -engraved wrapper, with fae-simile of iny Chem ical Warehouse, and signed II. T. HKLMBOLD. July 19, IMiq. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HOTEL FOR SALE. THE "Susquehanna Hotel," located on tba corner of Penn and Fourth Streets, in th Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, l'a. , it offered at prtrato sale, on reasonable ternis. Ibis well known Hotel hns lntelv been renovated, and ia one of the best stauda In the plaoe, with an exoellent run or custom, ror ruruier particular apply to U. W AKB0.1AST, Georgetown, Fa., or GEO. WAUENBELLEH. Sunbury, l'a. July II, 1868. Kiernlor't .oiloo. NOTICE it horeby given that letter! testamenta ry, having been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of Unorge P. 1'eifor, late of Jackson town ship, Northumberland oounty, l'a., deoeasad. All person Indebted tu said cetat ar requested to mako immediate payment, and tho having claims to prosont thorn for settlement. GEUKGR WITMKR, Exocutor. Jackson twp., July 4, 1863. 6t 'tviiiT'coni.'iiri'o.'vi-'i.ic'ri WE give greater inducement to Agent thin any other House in th trade. Ladies and Gunti, get up Club in our great ONE DOLLAR SALE Of Dry Good!, Fanoy Goods, Silver War, Plated War, Ac, A. Thousands can testify a to th superior quality and th largo remuneration received for telling our good. We will present to any person, (free of ea penae.) sending us a club, goods worth f J to 100, or will pay cash if neoewary. All goods told at an uulforro prlot of ONK DOL LAR for each artiole. W have made apecial arrangement with the celebrated ORIENTAL TEA COMPANY, to tup. ply their standard Teas and Coffee, at their beat price. , . .,. Agent wanted everywhere. Deacrlptiv tircu lars will be sent free, on pplioation. CUA8. LETTS A CO., Manufrt' Agents, 6 A M federal Street, Boston, Mas. June 27, 1868. 4t NEW MACHINE SHOP AND IRON FOirNDRY, AiKA. KOIIKUACU v sen, dttmtitirY. "TA- TNFORM th publio that tbey havo established a I .. . .... . .-1. c u 1 1 tl lM MnnMlln. with ihnir FOUNDRY. Thy hav supplied themselves with New Lathe., Planing aad lingMaohine, with tb ltst improvomont. With th aid of skillful me chanics, they ar aabld to eoute all orders of New Work or ltepulrlag-, ... ia at aaHifiAtnrw matinitr. llaTiiiB enlarged and rebuilt their Foundry, they ,:"'-?...- .11 Vinrf. of CASTINGS ar reauy no -""--" filial In u a. A.C. Tb PLOWS, already lebratd for their tuperi- .. t .ill riirlliav imiirttVAil. feliri Will til. onty, nave o.u ..u. r ways bt ktpt on hand. u....k..,. Jua IS. 186S. Cwlfl'll L' AUH f a-l ilia Khm,. nii'.liiri. Hyrly court. Always goto Pyerly aUU JUUgW UI JUtal-.- Manhood I How I,of, How 1U' Ktorrtl. gw. Jail publUhed, a new edition of Dr. Culver FjJy well' Celebrated Kaaay on tho radical cur (without medioliio) of flpennalorrlurn, or Hcmlnal Weaknau, Involuntary Hetninal Locsoa, (mpotency. Mental and Physical lncnpauily, linpediinenta to Marriage, etc.; also, Consumption, Epjlepay, and Fita, Induced by eclf-inUalgcnco or aexual extravagance. Price, in a sealod envelope, onty A cenla. Xheeelebrated author, in thia adiuirabl waay, oloarly damoostratea front a thirty yearn' successful practice, thnt the alnrming onnaequenoca of aelf abuae may bo radically cured without the dangerou use of internal niedicino or the application of th knif ; pointing out a mmie of euro at onco simple, cortain, and Sctaal, by moans of which every suf ferer, no matter what hia condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. tjfThls Lecture ahould be In the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, nndor seal, in a ilnin nnnli,nn. In in. d. drew, poatpnid, on receiptor six cento, or two pout tamp. Alan, Dr. Culvorwell a "Marriago Guide," price a eenta. Ad lreaa the Publlihors. CHA8. J. O. KLINK A CO., 127 rtowery, New York, Poat-Offiao Mot 4.MB. JulyJrl8ft8. y LATESTRRIVAL OF NEAV GOODS, Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market and Fourth 5treot, sun nun Y. PENN' A. Invitea the public to call and txamino hia elegant assortment of SPUING AND StlMMKIltinv mmha - J J l r t such aa Table Linens, Domestic, Doylies, Towels, and Domortics of every description nt the very low- OASSIMERE3. CLOTHS, &C . Silks, Delaines, Lawna, Ginghams, Cnlicooa, Mn.MinK, Sheeting, 1 mkinga, Jeana, and a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, (llores, Uoop Skirt. Also llnndkcrchlcfr, Bruxhee, Comix. HntM ataal i'npn, lloolai utial Mine, Hia assortment of goods will not, he ia sum full to please tho fancy and suit th wauU of uny desirous oi purcnasing. ms ainca oi HARDWARE AND QUEEXSWARE, and Groceries la large In qiiantily anil choice in quality, comprising generally everything nccdod in the houaohold cither for use or ornament. llo is nlwnya ready and glnd to aee hia friends and take pleasure in showing them his goods cvon though no sales are rondo. Ho only aka a call, and ia sure that the slock will compare fnrorubly in prico and quality with the oheapest . JOSEPH EYSTER. Sunbury, Jane. SO, liC8. ?QU.jLZG. 1TOTT, MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET SQUARE, BUNBURY, PA., H AS just received a largo and woll-sclcctod stock ot SrRING AND SUMMER GOODS consisting of tho finest CLOTHS, CASSIMEKKS AND VESTIXUS ever brought to Sunbury, and which he promises to sell cheaper than the cheapest. Having the services of skillful tailors, he guarantees a good tit in every instance inferior to none outride of the eitiua. (Everything from my establishment will be guar anteed as reproscntod. THOMAS O. NOTT. Sunbury, May (Hh, 1808. if AGENTS WANTED FOR "WEARING OF TI1IC GRKEN." The most entertaining book pub lished, alxiunding in Komanne, Humor and Wit. Agent aay it ia tbe beat selling book out, as pi nplo are tired of tho repetition of dry details and army roportt. One Agent Sold 58 in Ono Week. u ii (12 ii a " " " 182 Ten Days. Llbornl Terms to Agents. JScnd for Circular. Also, Family Quarto Hildas. Best t-dilion pub lished. Wm. Flint. Publisher, 2d South 7th street, Philadelphia, l'enn'a. - jy'.llt oruyixa of summkii style, AT Miss Louisa Shisslers, MARKET SQUARE, Ladies' and Miasea' HATS and EON NTS, in immense vuriely. 9IIllnrjr aoolH nnd 'IVitiiiniiist. French and Amerioan Ribbons. Lacos, lliindkor chiei's, t.lovcs, Hosiry, and a general assortment of Ladiiaj Millinery Gooda, which bavo been selected with great care. cut Collarsi, ."etLll' alovH, tVr, Every variety will be found to aclcct from, ul MODERATE PRICES. Bunbury, May 30, 1808. Hlollcc to 'l'r'Hn-'rw. NOTICE Is hereby given, that no person or per sons will be ullowcd to trcspa ou thu proiier ty of the undersigned, in Lower Muhonoy township, Nnrthuinherland county, for the purpose of picking Berries, Fruit, Ac, or to enter into any enclosure without permission, aa tho luw will bo enforced against all offenders. ISAAC If. ItESSLER. Lower Muhonoy twp., June 20, 1808. 4m "I"T7" AGENTS WANTED, to aolici7o7 JjvlVJVders for Dr. William Smith's DICTIONAhY OF THE BIBLE. Tin ou mi tio.1 rvnLiaucn in Amkbica, coNDBNcen ur Dr. Smith'i-own hand. In one large Octave volume, illustrated with over 125 ateel and wood ongraving. Agent nd subscriber se that yon get tho gen nine edition by Dr. Smith. The fpringjietd Kfvuhtirau toys, this edition published by Massr. Burr A Co., is the genuine thing. The Couprrgationalitt says, whoever wishos'to get, in the cheapest form, tho best Dictionary of the Bible should buy this. Agent ar meeting with unparalleled success. We employ no General Agonta, and offer xtrajin duocoienU to Canvassort. Agents will aee (he ad vantage of dealing directly with the PUBLISHERS. For descriptive circular with full particulars aud terms, address the Publishers. J. B. BU11R A CO., Hartford, Coun. May 30, 1808. Itiu. Wu. Farsom. Nelson 1'igii. FURNITURE ROOMS. WM. FARSOIT & SClTj late of th Drm of Farson AtDavla,hav opened ware rooiuaat No. 223 South 2d street, below Duck, PHILADELPHIA, Where they keep a full assortment of PARLOR, CHAMBER, SITTING ItOOM and DINING ROOM FURNITURE. Their old customers, and all persons wishing to purchase, are Invited to call and ciamino their stuck before purchasing olsowhere Particular attention paid to packing. myfl ly. QUEENS-WARE,' STONE CHINA WARE, &c W. IsAl. O-A-IPllSrS, Market Street, t door west of Fourth St., south side, SUNBURY, PENN'A., REBPKCTFULLY informs thooitiuens of Sunbury aud Merchants and dealers in this and adjoin ing eouuties, that he has just opened a largo aawrt ment of O.UEENSWARK AND 8T0NK CHINA WARE of every variety, from the best manufactories in tho country, whiuh will be told ut WHOLESALE and BETAIL. Dealers art invited to examine hia atock beforo purchasing in the city, as they can tuve money by doiug so. Sunbury, May 16, 18ft8. 6m FRESH ARRIVAL OF milliners: goods AIM H aSTOTIOKTS, Miaa ANNA FAINTEH, Market Square, two doors west of tba Post Office BUNBURY, PENN'A. I1E.SPECTFULLY informs her friends and th V public, that ah has just returned from the city, where ihe has spent tome time in making selections and purchases, and hat just opened a large stock oi MILLINERY (100D8 AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Drew-Linings, Crinoline and Wl gun Skirting Lining, Hoop .Skirts, ltuglo Trim mings, Crape Trimmings, Hat Crap, Cloak Buttons, Corset. Zephyr. A large assortment of Ladiot aud Gentlemen's Hosiery. DOLLS of all tltca. Alphabet Dloeka, Ao. - Hh flatter htnelf in being able to make a display that will giv entire satisfaction to visitors, and goods will be exhibited with pUaturt. gmtt Sunbury, May ail, 1363. W. A. DENNETT, UltUUUlST AM) CHEMIST, "'ikflHqunrc, NIVlljtV, lit. Hasjusl opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, nsnrpassed in purity and freshness and L....I ala.i.1, on hand'. My ,k "X" Vo' found complot in ovory article ,.r merit in Mbdioino P ANCTf ARTICLES ! My atock ia unusually large ami embraces every, thing that onn bo found ou a first class Toilet. Tnldo inoludiug Ainoriuan and genuino French and Eog' 1 E It F U M E It Y , Pomades, Hair Oil, Ivory, Gulla Pcrcha, WuoJ and Horn Combs, Toilet Soups, Hnir, Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Brushes, Ac. I'lllftii .llritiritM-fa. Embracing alt the most popular Preparations of the day, at manufacturers' prices. Puro Havana EG ARS and CHEWING TOBACCO- of tho best Brands. I'liiailsi, Oil, 4,,'liir, 4JI:issi, 1siMJ', VtiraUliCH, AH my Tinctures, Syrups, Ointments, Cerates, and other preparations alo manufactured by myself, and from Ilia best liinlerial lean procure in Market. Having had quito a number of years' experience in tll3 Dfiiff und Prerrijtfion Hiixiiit, both in Philadelphia and the country, and also the ailvnlirnirn nf Ihn f1..!!.., .,r IM,.,r,u..'u r I . S,- umiun' j, i l. ' l tliru- potent to COMPOUND ALL PRKSCRiPTI'lNS mm mid x nysiciiios ami puono tuny invor me with. All my preparations as 1 have nhote n.-serted. aro mndo from III best tmilerinl, auvl uou honor I assert, they aro of official strength. For uiedicuial purposes, I keep on band tho very best WINES, EliANDIES AND LUiL'OKS, that I can procure Before purchacing ulscwhore, call mid cunvincc your own mind. W. A BENNETT. rnmbury, May 111, 1 -ill 8. L10I1T !L10 1 IT F IJaUT ! s. itvcm.v. f I11IK popular Phologrxper, had filled up, in the .L old Post Otlico building, throo doors west of tho railroad, Market Square, ono of the very best Sky Lights to lit found in the Slate, and is now prepared to take pictures of any kind, in all kinds of wealber, oarly mid lute. Children taken almost instantly. Bring along the babies wo lire now ready for them. COME ONE 1 COME At.L ! both great and .-mall, seo bis now rooms, und ex amine specimens. FRAMES nn. I FRAMING materi il constantly on hand and made til order, lirin along yur pictures nnd have tbein framed cheaper than anywhere elso. Cunio nnd aeo lor yourselves, Anylbing in llni picture lino constantly ou hand or ordered. Copying done in all its brunches and colored ns desired. Both out and indoor views taken ul short notico and on rcnsonnldo tonus. Satisfaction miarruutccd. as our motto is to please. All negatives carefully preserved. Kemeniber tho place w-k for S. BY Ell LY. Market Square. May 2:1, '08.-ly. Kl Will UV Oil. .1111.1.. THE subscribers having lust erected and Putin operation a Mill for the manufacture of LINSEED OIL, offer tho highest market price for FLAX SEEP. i'he-y have attached to their establishment a Chop ping Mill, and farmers and other), wanting grain chopped for feeding, cnu be accommodated at tho shortest notice. A uinchino for chopping corn with tho cob u attached to tho mill. MORGAN A MASfER. Junuary 25, 1S03. ly si'itnu -nt aim: i;s. SPUING TUALU3 IMS. M. Ii. LAZAHUS, would call the nttcnlion uf tho public, nnd her customers generally, to bcr largo and now assort ment of l'a ur j- and Itumcsiilc Dry aol. ' Which consist of Poplins, Detains, Chem s, Allapao oas, Crepes. Grenadines, Iron Bareges, Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoes, Chiulccs, Ac., M lllll! 00In. Cambries. Stoys, Organdies, Violoria, Plaid Muslins Mnrsiiillco, Pique, Drilling.', M'ig.mj. Muslins, (bleached ami nnhlcnchod ) Tablo Linen, Nupkins, Towels, Tablo Covers, Bed Spreads, Ac. Gloves, Hosiery, Corset, Hoop Skirls, Dress Trim mings, (in variety ) Lndiis and Gents Handker chiefs, Neck Tics, and notions in variety too numer ous to mention. M. L, LAZARUS. Sunbury, May 9, ISI58. J. W. Btevknson. A. N. Iiuicn. ATTRACTION AT IIAUl'T'S NEW IKON FRONT t STEVENSON & liRICE, HA E opened up a new and dosirublo stock of Goods in Haupi a New Building, coiuisling iu part of a splendid variety of Aincricaii Wiiu-Ik-h, GOLD WATCHES, HOOKS, CLOCKS, JEWELllY, STATIONERY, SILVER-WAKE, GOLD I'ENS, SPECTACLES, NOTIONS, Glass-Warc, Cutlery, l'icturcti, Lonkiiig Glasses, &c, &c, &c. Call and examine our stock. Our aim will be to pleuiio und satisfy all who call. S1EVENSON A BR ICE. Sunbury, April 18, lh'B8. 3m I.ATI1NT STWMM iV SPRING AND SUMMER Millinery Goods, Minn II. I,. .'o.li-, bes leavo to an nounce to the Lodicscf Sunbury and vicinity, that she busjust opened a large and varied stock of MILLINERY GOODS, The latest New York and Philadelphia stylet of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable Em broideries, Edirinus. Laces. Woolen Cans, llandker cbiefs, Scurfs, Olovcs, Hosieries, and all kinds of fancy JSotions, stamped Muslins, Corsets, 1'orlume ries, iSoups, Lilly White, Enamel of Auiciicu, ib'tu tionery, Ao., Ac. Cull and examine for yourselves. No troublo to show gooda Sunbury, April 11 ISrtS. iioor.s .t.i miioi:m. J. C. SYLYIS, WITH II. G. TUACHKU, Manufacturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF lIuotK. Mioest tiaifl Oiiiits't'N, l'leiisunts' Duilding, Market Squure, MN1SURY, PA. Ladies' Cools, Shoes and (jailers of all description! lunilo lo order on the shortest notieo and most rea souuble tortus. Having tho best workmen empl ycd, we oan lusuro the public that, if they will give us a call, tbey ill lie satisfied of the above facts. KE PAIJtlNtl ueutly done with dispatch. If your corns do hurt your feot, Just call aud leave your measure, And wo will uiiiko your Shoes isr liootd, That you will call u treasure. March 2S, '(VS. ly. FANCY DRV (lOODS. ALL THE LATEST STYLES, Suitable for tho SPRING AND SUMMER SEASONS. MISS K-A-tfE BLACK, Market iS'quaro. two doors East of the old Dunk uutiuiug, bUNblUU, I'uun u., ir AS juat opened a fresh assortment of tho most tiuhionublo Fancy Dress Hoods liom tho largest oslablishmcuta in Philadelphia. DbLAINKS, ALAPACAS, POPLINS, CALIC.8. .TIOI K.MXJ UOOltM. Cloths, Sacques Flannels, Flannels, Sheetings, Mus lins, Ladies and Childrens' HATS. Feathers, hibboiu, 'I'i-IiunilnK, Iinbroldri-loM, Lace Veils. Coraots, Handkerchiefs, O loves, Hosiery lloon Skirts, Hopkins' Eliptio Skirts, Real liluck Lace Shawls, and Ladies' Uoods of every doocripUuu. Sua Umbrellas and Farosol. dents' Collars, Nock-ties, lluir huse, Handker chiefs and ti loves. Perfumery, Toilet Soups, Hair Drushos, Combs, eto. liATB BLACK. Sunbury, May 30, 18tli. IF you wunt a picture, of any kind, of your i If or friend, go to IIvst! new room, M n kot Square, near tho railroad. CALL and ae tnue beautiful Bird Cage at h new Hardware slor of J II CON LEV A C SHE A I) & FANOY CAKES. DAVID J7i"T I EM'ECTFI I.LY Inl'orms the ellir.nn) or Sun I V bury and vicinity, Unit ho will bnko lo older all kinds of ukes lor ICiill, I'iii iIom. aVv. Familiea ire supplied with Kill Sll IIKEAD, Twist Kolls, Ilu.-ks, Tea Huns. Ar., and also kept on band manatuclnnd out ofiho best inatorinls. .Ml orders loll at his Shop in Market Square, ono door east, of Miss Anna Painter's Millinery Store, ur l his Uakery oil Sprucn Street, between Front end Second street, will meet with prompt nlloiilion. PICNIC PAKTlEd supplied with Cukes, Ice cream, Ac , al tho shortest notice. "raurs arc rest cclfully solicited. DAVID FRY. Sunbury, May 2, aSUNRUHY MARULE Cfla ed having bought the of ltis.-1ii r.-r A.T.l..t J would Inform the nnhlic lh.il I,., l. .,,J ready to do all kinds of lunrblj work ; haa ou hand, and mtikea to order at short noiice, .Houunieiilt mill IIvskI-mioimh, of every stylo to suit purchasers. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS. Also, Cemetery l'osl(wiih tlalvanined pipe and all other fencing generally used on Cemeteries. John A. Taylor will eonlinuo iu llm employment , at tho old stand iu Market Square. Suubury. l'a. May 2, IW.-ly. W. M. DACOIIERTV. sriUMi ivsilioTxs "in MILLIITERY. Mil it LOUISA SIlISSl.EH, THE popular Millinery, aoiilh side of Mm kit Siiinre. Sunbury, is desirous of calling tho atli utioii oTtlio public and Undo tp her uni'UO aud lmuilsoiuu assortment of MILLINI'UY AND FANCY GOCDf. fusl opened, (tnli ind and mndo lo order, aro the latest and most superb stylts of llrltlal, .1Iiii-ii1ii; iiikI llrcHst Kn I si iiikI Hut. Also, a splendid assortment of Trimming, Artificial Flowers, Ilonnct r'ramos, 'eils, Collars, An. (li iilliMiien's lioods, such as Hosiery, llandker cliiefs, Neck-tics, llrushcsand goods for tho loilet. Also, a (liiu nwoi tnicnt of Perfumery . nnd nil goods u.-tially Itcpt Iu a well furnished establishment. A call is only rciiuin-d to be convinced. N. II. Special nttcnlion is directed to a Duo lot of Ladies' Drcta Caps aud Ilea I Drosses. LOUISA S111SSI.ER. April IS, 1W. BAUGH'S o.-i.n;ttc i i- ! ON liVl-.UY UAUtill A SONS, Philadelphia. and Nil UT- W EST E R N FEUTILIZlNtI CO., Chicago. Nolo lliiiiuf a t ni--i-N. PRICES. BAlllirMtAW HONE PHOSPHATE, per 2,(IU0 lbs. HAl'tiU'S CIIICAC0 DONE FERTILISER, f iO per 2,0ti0 lbs. HALUIIa CIlIOAtiO BLOOD MA NIKE, f jij per MUi) pounds. Thu nbovo iManures are furnished in both bug and barrels, whichever customers prefer. tif-Tho D.igsuru uniform in weight 100 pounds. Tho attention nf Farmers is especially directed to tho fact Unit tho sources of the Raw Material of which tho above Manures arc composed, aru so well under control that wo cnu furnish them of strictly uniform quality and condition, and that they contain a larger percentage of nmmonbi than any other oluaS of luanfauturod manures in tho market. UAI'mi A SONS, 20 S. Dclanaro Avenue. Philadelphia NORTH-WESTERN FEUTILIZINU CO., Corner Lake A Lusallo Sts., Chicago fjy- UAI'ilH'S COMMERCIAL M A N U R RS may bo procured from dealers in any of the principal towns iu tho United Mates or Dominion of Cuiuda. iold by SMITH A UEXTllER, Sunbury. Juno 13, IstH. nu'iii -ly $100 REWARD Foi u medicine thnt will ciuo CtUUHS, INFI.CUNZA, TIUKl.INU in the TIlliOAT, WHOIIl'ING COI Iill, ot relieve coNsiwiprivi: ot irons, as quick as COD'S COUGH H A L S A M ! U't:H ONI. MILLION iiOTTLI.ri liavu liccii M!tl oml not ti iiihile inrtHiice of its fin lure is known. We h.ivr, in nnr osicisiuii, any Humility ul L'et titicuUA, sot i it; of litem fiiii KMINKNT I'lIVSH'IANS wlui have ustit it in their piacliiv, nntl givett it thu pfo eminence tivvr every other compound. IT UOK3 NOT DRY VP A COUUll, tut LOOSKNS IT, o m to ciiuMe the iuticiit to expectoruttf freely. Two or lllU'e tloBlkt. Will Invauialv Ci re Ticklinu in tiir TuiuiAt ! A hulf hiitlti hutt tl ii piMnp!ctcty cnreil the rwnt l?ltili biini Coul;Ii, uiul yt, ilintmh it is no Hureumi npjly in us nprutuui, it is perlVftly Innult-sv, l.t-ing pUltly vrp.-tnllt. It ia very ngrtjiatile to the Uintc, untl may be uJmunsicrtJ lo uluMicn nl'uny c. In cuacii of CHOl'l wu will iruulco a cure, if luki-n in NO FAMILY tfllol'LI) III-. WITHOI T IT! It in within Ihr rmah nt nil, it Lcini; llic i-liutipcbl an J Uaf uiulu'iue t'.xtunl. C. Ut CLAIilv &. Cit y rntpntturii, NKW ILiVKN, CONN. April 1?, l.-ly C O E ' S DYSPEPSIA CUEE. THIS CHEAT RE.MEI1V Poll AI.I, ClSHASf S of the ST O JVE A. O H S is the dicoveiy ol Uo, iiivciitoi oi t'oc'a valuM.I Coutlli 1Io1mim, wlidc cperiineotiii for hitiowti Iu-hIiIi. Ii cured Cruuiji iu the Stontai-li lor bun wincti liud before yielded to le'Uiui.' lull chltril'oriii. The utmost daily le-liinony from vaii'ais parlmif lltu country viicoinae u. to lu-lo'ce there ia no tlnruve enured by u diaoiilci.d .i.'iiricli it will nut fnccdily cure. Fliyuiciuns oudoi'bu uad Usu it 1 Ministers give tettimony of its efficacy. Ami from nil diicctiona we receive tiding uf curea pel toriiicd. DYSPEPSIA! It is aurc lo cure. HEARTDlTiN ! One doae will cute. SICK-HEADACHE! . Il ll.m fiircil iu bundled! ol eu.tr HEADACHE AND DIZZINESS! It atopa iu llorty minuted. 1CIDITV lF TDK STOMACH ! Il coneeta at once. RISK. OK THE FOOD! It alops iimncuiaicly. DISTRESS A PTEll EAHNU : One doae will rcinovc. CIIOLK.lt A MOHlll S! llapolly yielda to u few dobLi. HAD liitKATU ! Will lie cttuil with half bottle. IT 13 PEKFECTLV II AH ML E 8 S. Its I ' N P K C ED E X T E D gl'CCK.SS ia owioif to ll e fart ihut It C'tirrti ly AonUUhk iiIuic TO MF-ASSERT HEP. BWAV IM TUP. PVSTK.M I Nearly every dealer in the L'niied State acllt it at ONE DOLLAR TEH IlOTTlJ:;. C. G. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, HEW HAVEN, CONK. April IS, 16i'i;5. ly. C" lOUNTKY UEALEHSaupi.licl witb 11 kinda of J htona Wuro ut less than Factory price t Har rbtburt;, anviuepiiokngo, broakngo and freii-'bt, at luo MuHiiuolli Bloru ol 11. Y. FlllLiNU. AAA LBS. OF CAIU'ET WAQH W AXTED at )Vli;U tb Morccf M'XlltK X MSfilMiEl.. Market t'reol. Mllliury May Id. J m ' 'iV-ilii 'I'1"' iiiibr.-in tiJ ' V J. entirn sli-k U0l HMIKr,