"U IEB FEHY LATEST ARRIVAL I ! FALL &W1NTER Joseph Eysler, Corner of Marketed Fourth ,trrt, SUMBUBV, PENN'A. Invito the rmblic to call and examino hi elegant $A?L AND WINTER GOODS, which ht will pell at (jreatly reduced prloes. ilie lock eoonists !n part trt CASSIMERES. CLOTHS &C Silks, Delniw-s, Lawns, Ginghams, Caliooc, Muslins, Sheeting, 'lickings, Jonns, and a lull assortment ui Cottou and Woolen good generally. Hosiery, Gloves, Uoop Skirt. Also Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Comb. Unto and Conn, ltootn nnd Khora, ijia assortment ofgoods will not. fau is rare fail to plear tho fancy nnd suit tbe w aula of any desirous ul purchasing. Ilia slock oi HARD WARS AND QUEENS WARE, and Groceries ta large in quantity and choice In quality- comprising generally everything needed In the household either for us or orniiinent. llo Is always ready and glad to see bis friends nnd takes pleasure iu showing them his goods even tbongh no stilus aro mado. lie only asks a call, and is sine that the stock will Oonipore favorably in price and quality will the Apa .unl.urv,KiT.J.JJ67. Ml C J! STI5 E ET FO UIS D U V ! .f. lOI SWJMS. I'roprletor. fs.r-ls ss.,Im-Iii :! nnd ll 3s, lose to tl l'uktic Mfliool Hone-, SUNBURN PENN'A. THE proprietor of this wtaolishmcnt rospectlully informs the public that he has commenced (he man ufacture uf Cooking andHouticg 3TOTKS! which he v.iilfollat lower priocs lUcn they can be obtained eltonbore. MILL 0 earing, Stoves, and the largest claw of Cnitiujts rnndo promptly to order. .Alfo. Window Weights, Frames and Grates for Col- Tiit Iron 'li5ninT '1'op-s. M A I I- It TUOl dll.-i 1HIOH KTH'tf A liberal price puid for old cabins?. THE CELEBRATED LI VI R POOL PLOW, im proved, i manufactured at thir oftablUuinont. Aho, Stove Hiatus of all kinds, Kettle, and every vnricty i-fanmll eu.-ling. Suubury. Oct. 5, 1W67. 1808 I C U I I-N' liUa PRICES OF Fall & Winter Goods! M. I uvm hi.-'J rottirr.- i d from Puiludilphia niih .idperior rtock of Fall and Winter Goods fir tl.o trade of iMii and '1S, wbieh she is a'-lo to e'Il lit very rejucel prices, would repscttully cull tUo !:tlci.'.rm of her cuslo. laers nnd the public generally, to tho superior qual ity oi lier g-ii ,ls. and Ino lew prijea at which tbey tre bcld. Slic has all kinds cl' DRESS GOODS, including Poplins, Muriui. He Luins, Calicoes. 4c., all at the lowest prices. Extra quality Muslins ut ixra low prices r-tii- iins, Cantoi. ilanncu. EidiuornlSkir:.'. Shawls, llor.J? Gloves nt' all deser;pti':is. ineludir.g a very tupe- riurtjuaiuy oi iaaaice v-ioin itiovci. HOSIEKY. Ribbons and Trln'uiings of nil varieties. I.necs, ttauiped goods, Zephyrs ai'j Varna, Towling in groat variety. GcnV and Ladies' Uai.dlieroliiefs. Scurfs, Muff Tassel.-and Hulivns. Pomades. Extracts, asi a larje variety of not ious and lnoey artieles. Call and sec them before froing clsewhcro. M. L. LAZARUS. Stiubury, Nov. 2. !S'-7. Jaas ujjs .'i! C U WoLVEIIION. COAL! COAL! COAL!.! f IWE subscribers respectfully infor-i. the citizens of L Sunury and icinitv, that they have opened a CD Ala ITAjPID j at J Hans 4 Cos l.i,.r 'Vb -i; f MimltitrT, ltl. where ihey are prepare! to suppiy ail kinds ..l'fhu- ! luukitt Coal, at cli.-.ip rates, l'.ituilics an I uMit : promptly euppliei. Country custom resp-'ctfullv i folkited. JiAAS i. WOLVEUTON'. I bunburyan. I loot ; vai i. iii:s i'oie-i:i k.-Vyhoo-v. A Superb Stock or Duo Geld and Silver Wulcl.es j u!l Warranted to Uun, und thoroghly Kegnlated, ! at tbu low jTico of ilu each, ar.d ktisfoit,a Guarnn'.oed J00 Sold Gold Hu'ititig Watches, J2S9 to fltln nm atjagic t-'ased Gold V utcbej K'lU to Jill) too i.anics- ntenes. enamelt i. JOU to Slid 2o() Hold 11 ing Chronometer Watches 2ot) to 3"u 20 Gold Hunting English Levers lion to 269 itOU Gold Hunting Duplex Watches l;0to 200 Mill (fold HuntUg American Watcbea lOUto 2.'e) bUO Silver Huntiug l.evjis f0 to liiO MID Silver Iluntintt buplcxcs 75 to 2i(l 600 Gold Ladies' atciies 50 to 2i(l lilOll Gold Huuling l.epin -s 50 to 75 1 0lid Miscellaneous Silver Walabcs 50 to ll0 25tlU Hunting Silver Watches 25 to 50 6IHIU Assorted Watches, all kinds 10 to 70 The above slock will be dit!'0c J of on tho popu lar one nrke nlau. giving every natron a tins Gold r Solid fcilver Watch for 710 without regard to va'ua i WniotiT. nro. A Co., liil Ilro.idivay, Now York, wish to lmiueiliately di-no-:e of the above njanili eent stock. Corliiicutcs, naming tho articles, are ) laced in i-c.iled envelopes, und well mixed. Hold ers are entitled to the hi liulos nained in their certi ficate, upon payment of Ten Dollars, whether it bo a wateh worth $l,uou or one worth less. Tho return of uny of our certiticN.es entitles you to tho articles named tbercun, upon payment, irrespeeti o ot its worth, and as no article value al lc: than flUis name,! on ftny cerliuca'.e, it will at once be seen that this U no luHiry, but ult .raiht forwurd U j inU;l lornarU Itgilt- I be J.:;; ticir ntf .1 iri i Dtuio 1 1 .inunction, wniuh it even by the aicht f'tvitnlioui;. A single cortificato will be s-rit by mail, li ist paid upon receipt of 25 cents, live for SI. eleven lor $2, thirty-tiuuo and elefraut prcu:ium ior j, siily. si ( ! and more valuable rcn.ium for 1IJ ; one hurdred I anil ruostsupcri, watches for if 15. The agent orthesc wishing cmploymeiit, this is a rareopportuuity. It is a legitin.aiily conducted husinoss, aulborkcd by, be Government, and open to tho nioet careful scru tiny. Watches sent bv Florets, w ith bill for collec tion on delivery fothat no dioeatUlaolion ;au possibly oc.'ur. Try us. Addriv-s WRIGHT, liUOI'UER A CO.. Importerj. 161 Rtoudwav, Now uik March 21. ISH. So j A 1' I U HANGINGS' WyVLTL, PAPERS, ANI JJLUfAt'!' S'ilLEb nil riKi.'.tt, HALLB, LTl ., U liul.l. a.M r. AMI K K f MI. HOWELL A EOl RKE S. ( i n.', r ol' Fom Hi r n l Markvl SUeets, I'Uil.itlciiiliii. March 2, '6'.-iii Lime ! Lime f Lime ! rilHEucw l.im- Kilns of H. B. Ma-.er, at Silais I. Giuvu fctaiion, ai o now c'luilctcd and iu sue icsAl'ul operation, producing limo of tho very beit ciualuy. Thoae kilns aio built with all lUo uodura cjiaVeuiences and iiut'tovemoula, and have a cupaoi--ty of prodacin 41MI burhols per d iy. Litcelleut lotdu Kavo been made to tlio kilu., ml iuleifote 1 with by the latiroud, whoro waoit cr Uds can !) loaded iu a lew uiinutM lioiu the hitter, wiihout handling Haiu.g optucd it lare body ot liio hoal liUitwUue, at the mouth of tho kilns Ihey are enabled to sell nine at Ihe low idle of 11 cent poi cuthol it kilna ojc iu cbaro ot competent pur t. os, who wiil abvuw bo pixi.jej to supply cab 'nners. Apply to II. P M rrt Sunbary, ur to 'ha. Dunkleberger. or Choa J Com aid, at the kiiua. Dtceuuboi It, loir 'SLLLEKB ft i'OLWELL, WHOLESALE A-D FRI IIXKERS, .v'o 11 Nwlli Ibird Mreet, Philadelphia gr"f'rjr promp'ly attMnilud to. ' lilt. I1U I.s i ABUMO HUM, ' ! .1 J RiriTAHDSOX A CO-. 1 Idiaiftr Siurir, PuainA i 1 'b lsicst Moaiufetiiring Crjidfaiiuners and V'Lo.i.-nic iu -Ids in 1 iu'1,'. -u', ac , ia the I'lllted CUtis .r-ir.'b .' i" : - iv 1-4 71 'LLfiud in i ur v6)ih-ainri.t a supeiiot Itock. r l ido--, ra.-. Augers Hdt.hels fliina.ttr, Filis :.,'! i" ' . ( t .nlb J II ' '""J.l.Y A vr I HEW GROCERY STORE, VA 3. FJ?.1.1T & CO , Market Street, Six doors East of Third street, north sUo.SVNBURY, l'A., 1lRSl'ECTTl'l.I.Y Inform their friends and the X) public, that they have opened a NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, nd will ba bnrrpy to hare them call and examine their stock, which has just been opened, ombrno lug everything in the Grocery line, such as Coffee, Ten, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Conned and Dried Fruits, Deansi Hominy, Chocso, Craokers, Bacon, Haul, l'Uh, Salt, Potatoes, eto., together with Soaps, Candles, Soda, Ao., nnd in fnct everything lu tho Orouoryaiid Provision. F LOUR AND FEED, Qtieensware, Willow-ware, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ao. Call and see before purchasing & CQ Sunbury. April 27, 1807. fllESlf ARIUVAL OF FANCY DRY GOODS. MISS KATE BLACK, Market Suuare. two doors Enst of the old Bank building. SUNBURY, 1'enn'a., HA opened a tronh supply of the latest styles of Fall and Winter Good?, selected by herself from tho Bin-t fm-kionnblo estttblirbniunls in l'bila delphia. Cheap De LainiM. Alpacas. French Merinos. I'lam and Pli'id Poplins, Mourning Goods. Cloths. Sacquo 1' Innnels, J.nilios nnd Children' Hals. FcathcH, Ribbons Dros Trimmings, Embroideries. Ltico Veils and handkerchiefs, glove., hosiery, Balmoral skirts, Urcnkfait and lllankut Shawls. Wiutur Afacquos and Ladies' goods rd'overy description. Gents' Collars, Neck-tics, Hull-hose, Ilni.dker chiefs and Gloves. Perfumery. Toilet Soaps. Hair Brushes, Comb.", cto. Hopkins" Eliptic Skirts. KATE ULACK. Suubury, Nov. 2, IBS?. . THE H0T7E MACHINE CO'S SEWING MACHINES, 6M J!noAnwAV, Nhw Yohk. Ihe.-o. Wrrl.l-lienoivncd Sewing .Ituhiues. wero sw:;rdcJ tLe Li,:he.-l preuiiuui at the World 's Fair iu Loudon, and six first premiums ut the New York Slate Fair id lS'K. and are celebrated for doing tho best w-irl;. Usui a mued tumlicr ncedlo nr tho sjiiro threiid tlirtn tihy otiier tiiMeltiue. and by tiio introduc tion or' too most nj. proved machinery, wc are now ablo to supply the very best machines iu the world. These mnehiues arc mado at our new and spacious Factory at ilriiiiroport. t'onn.. under tho imintdiato supcrv ision ot the Pr, -ident of the Comrciny, Ei.ias Howe. Jr., the original inventor ol' tbe 'mving Ma chine. They are u laptcd to nil kindi of Family Sewing, and to use of Seuni-'.ressis. Dross Makers, Taylors, Manufacturers of Shirts. Collars. Skirls, Cloaks. Man-' til'os. Clotliirg, Hats, Cnps, Corsets. Boot". Shoes, Hame'S. Saddles, Linen Cools. I inhrellus, Parasols, etc. They work ccually well upon silk, linen, wool en and eo'lon g.'.odswitl'i silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quiit. gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, and pertoriu every species of scuirg. making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on Kth sides of tile articles sewed. '! he Stitch imctitc.l by Mr. HT.VE, nnd mado' on this Machine, is the niott p .utlar aUil all .Sewini; Machines are subject to ll.e I'linci; !o invented by him. SEND Tor. CIRCULAR. I : ju a o . It'.ili Hr-iadw.iy April li, Ib.'-.-r- Cor. Fouriii St., N ' THJ OliEAT M5ABI B!f TEES Th? cTn; pnont pnrU of t.iis ivmnrVaMo prcf-aratiiin Wfri;l:it d.icov.-nJ, t ii:ii0'.i.itkrd ai.il UtrtbaUJ, i'mie Iwttily ytiii apo, by i)r. CiiBoftf ut), ti.e c! ln'LiUd Kcyjitiun Tliyticiuii. Thousumlb of hu suff.r ln?cou:itr iuvd were ri tlurt d lu l.culLh, as w. Li a? fcrc:it oumWr-i uf the inUiibitauu o' Nubm an 4 AUyssimu, ajjd of ItiucouDtriL-a boidc-iintf upon thi boaUicriicuiul -.oi v.i'i auujtt:rmutaa ti, linrt'.fil, tht- fanu- ut th und Wit.. uJT'tctl by tho cliarce of tli hospit ils of (Liu cia wurio, in wt.icli n 19 ttill Uetrtl uitti nrti-ml. li -nt jtuecei. i he Vicct uy il fvpypt placed the uamo of cu- CuuopsciI upon tUa " KoU ul IsubkB,'' in.d pip. srntcU to It iia a lledul learluit the followintt insuriji Hon: " Da. CMS'Hse tho rablie Ucr.Lfactur." Tins Fitters is now oLTcitd to Uic public of America with the full assurance that it w:il be fouuil, unjn a fair tii&l, to act as a sihx.Ou f it tl.1? cure c( Cholera, Dj-arntei-y, Dlsurhoea, Cholera ltlnrlrat, Fever anil Anir, Yellow tevtr, ltli umnslsin, Tyiiliuld Ktu r, LlykjH jisla, tollr, iSrocliitts, oi.auiuitiou. Flatu lency. DUcasta of (lie Kidney, Nervous Debility, nr.il Ft-i:uUc Con.i li.lms, mmMmmm 1 is m Reimrkalib cures of the almvc diseases have teen ctTivtil l..v in ufe. iisnunierouscertincati ', maiiy from r.iiul.ir physicians, fully attest; auU it is destined to supers- .Is any preparation extant. As an agreeable Tonic, and an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, IT HAS NO EQI AL. Tiirs Tin ZING A HI fUTTnns HAS Ssi-ll'l. AS WELL AS BODY. AND AS A PREVENTIVE OF niSKASFt, 11.13 NO EL'l'ERIOR. A TEW nvirtriS TO LAME3 The use of the ZINGAK1 lllTI'ltHS will plve to you Unit soft, semi transparent eouiilexion which the Hud ef nature (de signing woman to tv. the loveliest of his works) fully iut-unltd thai you should have for it is nature's ova powder and punt combined. By 1-ur.fiiuc the Wood, stimulating the i-ij'iiu-iii nry clis of the dermis, and imparting health and Him throuKhout tbe entire fysu ui, it rsptcialiy pim that smooth clrarness and tatauty to the complex inn an much to la) desir. 4 rc inov.nit ull rouuhneFS, Motclo-s, eckles, piuiplcs.anil that yellow, sickly l ok to cjmrnou in our day; and what is even h tt r Hum this, it cuRi eyeiy epecioof fuiau'.c trrci;iiUrKies and discaso, l'riunpai Oi pot, Uurrisbur, Pa. HAHTER & HAUSE, Son: I'i.ormi:ior.9. For s ilehyW. BENNETT, Druist, Suubnry Penusylcauia. Aufc-ujl i, loo7. N E W G Ji 0 C E U Y. 'pJiE Mibss ril ers bcijK leave tn announce to ihe 1 citi.et of Suiabury en I ft viciniiy, that tbey have opei.t J a 1 !-. do-jr) ml uj J. JI. Ewjlc't btn, ii Marl U Si u ui c, where Ihey are. pi-epired to furnish cvory tariily of groceries, ami will ktep c-rutantly on baud the choice.it varieties of F LOU R & L? E E D, Fish, CoITi o. Tea.', fc'ugar, Mulaisos, Cheese, Salt Spices of ail disci ipliuu, ''oaps uf evoty variety Caudles, uioking tti.d Chewing tobacco, o'egars. Hauis. 6'bouidvr... Bauoti, Butter, und F'gv's Also Dried fruits of nil kinds, Caned Peai lies and Toiua too. Fickel.i. Ketchup, Peier nue, Raisins, Lemons, Ac, ol bosliUality, and in fai t every stylo of articles kept in tt well stocked Grocery. Also Cider Vim jjar. All kinds ot country pvoduue taken ill exchange The pat.-oua-c of llie pullio ia r0- ...t'..llu It, CEOU'JEE- LEAED 4 CO. .Suubury, Nov 1 1 lsfij. j mirZwu jih nrtr mm 9 Arc espe ia!'y Inritrd to c ,11 and examine our tloci ol lll'ILDEK UAUbW ARE, ct-mpiitin-HmU aul hi ikas of all tuiiUK- Eut', Screws' Strap an I T Iitvjix, larks and Lal jhes, Roils 1 las triD,; licwels. Frn.k liowels, Plulrrer's Sieve, Ac . A c , for sals by J U COLEY CO 1 kgiS' j Vor 5:iii!ic .ll.iiint'nclurfrs, J l ii4fJa . -Si ; iii:r n port flH iri: hiik, '! by liun1rfdNrCouKreHaiioui lor Clnrrf or t'ommnnlon nrpoc. EXCELLENT FOR LAl?iR AND WBAKLY PERSONS. VrXErARDS, KEW JERSEY. lOEM' 4!ltAIU tVI.I7, ttiZV, YEARS OLD. This justly celebrated nativo Wine is made from the juice of tho Oporto Grape, raised in this country. Its iuvaluable Ionic Ac Ntroi.nll.eiiliifr Tronortlc" Are unsurpassed by any other nativo wine. Being tho pure juice of the grape, produced under Mr. Spcer's own personal supervision, ita purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its generous qualities, and the woak est'invalid may uo it to advantage. Ilia particu ly buiicCcial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that afllict tho weaker lex. It is, iu every respect. A WINE TO EE RELTED ON. Invalids use SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE. Kemaleuse BPEER 8 PORT GRAPE WINt. Wcnklv persons find a benefit by its use. SPEEK'S WINES in hospitals aro preferred to other wines. IV Sold by all Druggists nnn Grocers. A. SPEER'S VINEYARD, Now Jersey. Office. 2i:i BROADWAY, New York. The trade snppl.i d by Johnson, Hollowny & Cow den, and French, Richards 4 Co., in Philadelphia. For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Sunbary, Pa. Oct.26. ly. 'JSTS TI 6TB JO SaS AU kinds of SCHOOL LOOKS, Slates, Pins, Ink, P.iper, Ao. I Miccibineous litoks, a good a-ort-1 incut. All tho new books received a"Sou s i published, ar.d for sale at' Publishers' prices. j BlULl'S, Prayer Hooks and Hymn 3 I Uoolts, Hi every stylo ol oui'liu. I Catholic Prayer Rooks. Q td U tl o o ra O a w to w w W B to a (1 w ( FAMILY HliiLES in various styles DICTlONAKlEsof all tUvt. Juveniles and Toy Cooks, a Iaril assorimunt ! IliauU HooIa d Illuuk j Forms of ull kiuus. 1 Foolscap. Legal Cap, Letter and Note Papers. I COPYING ROOKS. Inkstands Pen Racks, Files, Paper. Cutters andj ! Counting House Stationery generally PHOTOGRAPH" ALLUMS cheap ' and dear. ! tiol 1 Pens and Holders. Pm-ket Hooks and Bill Wallets. I Picture Frames. Stirreorr ,pee and Views, American, i p...,,,', i.. i Drawing Paper, all fizes, Bristol lioara. vc. I iJacbauiaiou lioards, Games. Chceii I ni.-... .t,- T . a !: rc srd roTr.?!et s: (,o'tr.ertt I a, l!i-o.R.ills and U.its Fibbing Rods ,1 'I',.1.U ! I'i n'umes, Rrohtmian End Parisian M.nl.lis. c. O' ll I'en? re-rsiinted. J l.tll.es . II ;.S, VaiOUOS, CaiUlIlCVS. : An V,'all Paper and Border, all Kinds 1 i Windoiv Cut tains, Pai cr Giit and iOilid. I Music ard Musical In-tramcnts. i I V 'AH l-'.udu f tool..- aLdttauxicrj tiot "B li..nd j r - -1 . ; . I ! y oi.lcrcd. Ai. liic Daily aui We ekly Papers and Maaziois. ; Ai.cnl for liio Au.ericuii Organ. ' Ais-i t-.r "La ! Rose s ila-.r Kcatoraiive,'' Enamel of Ann .'ici, and I '-Ni.ti iiiul Steaiu Navigatiou Company. ' SuLbury, May IS. lstiT. J4. H. rAKlt'-VIIIX A: CO., JEWELERS, j."o. OOa ( liestuut Street VIinaaVDELPIlIA, Of every description if First Class Goods i l b-l'-iging tu thoBusiii'.fs of j QolJ..-;niiths nnd Eilvornir.itho Hnvg rcuiovcd to their I ! NKW MAU3LE STORE, Extending from Chestnut Street to Sansoin Strcot, afloiding aui le room and convenient acucssories, giving opportunity lor a proper dbplay uf foods, and belter means for their exiiuinaliou. With extonsive and fcvorable arrangements in this Country aud iu Europe, no aro iu a position to eUer ai moderate FIXED prices. I YV . itches, liiaciDitdu.BrcriEeAiaMiubla Goods fj.lver Vurej, Jewelry, i'orcelains, Plated Goods, Alus.ii.al Hoxes, and evory diccriplion cf FANCY ARTICLES. Strangers vi-iiing tho city arc cordially invited to examine our Nw Store. Mareh 7, Isoi. ly. d ui u & o ig urn ia a a S TO 11 E . r. A 7l JENNliT, Sail.t-l Squill-?, NI Mtl KV, I. "IIAVING rooently purchased tho Drugstore IJ formerly e iuduclo I by R. A FL her, I beg lento tj inform liio citiiens of cVunbury and vi eiLily, Ibai 1 have entirely replenished my (took of sa CTi. kj m ms akp r AXCClT AIITICLES! such as C. mbs, Brushea, Pocket-Books. Soaps. Per lumiuy, Hair-nil, Ruiios, ioisori, Coal-Oil Laini. Tobacco aud Cig.irs, , t'iliUIX, Ollsi, UlUC, iilHHH, I'llUj, Vurnlslirs, 1'ulenl 31-1U-Ineii, Ac, All my Tiiietuies, yrui, Ointmenla, Cerates, and other preparations uio manufactured by myself, and from the Lost material I eau procure ii! Market Ha, ing bud iim'.o a number of years' experituco tn Drug und Prucriytlon DutUcts, both iu Philadelphia and the country, and also the advantage of the Oollego of Pharmaev. I feul com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physician and public may favor mo with. All my preparations as 1 have above asserted, are mado iiom the best material, und upou honor I a--sert, ihovare of officinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on haad th vary WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I eau procure. Leloro iiurvbaaius eluiwhero. sail m.,1 i.invln, your owu mind. . , W. A. JJENNETT. Suiibuiy, Nov It, lid. STONE WARE. 11IE bed and cheapest a; sort m out of Slono War In (debute, just received and lor tale cheap at the Maiumv' ti Cah Moio of II. Y.FRILINU. IV IFDCAGEa, II different liuds. If veu waut good sod cheap Dud Caet. goto' "-'M.EY CO S BREAD & FANCY CAKES, -n avid zpizrir Two Joon wertof th Pt Offlo., BUNBCRT, Pa. X 1 SVECTFUIiIiT lnrorms we eiusena or can I , burr and vlolulty, that bt will bake ra erder all kinds at Cnkrafbr llnll, lirtl', Jk M ... u..i.iiksnPDit Ttp r i h 1 1. 1 1 1 .. . L. - T , Dana Aaa a. . al ilan kat nn DUld AOIIK, ww., f - manafaotured oat of tbe bent materials. All eraers will meet wun prompt auenuou. II...!... laaaa a a.a.a..a.a-H a. T hnftal fa t I V Reneral satisfaction to all who may favor me with lelr patronage. DAVID FRY. ounoury, ueo. w, lues. . FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS Mlat ANNA PAINTEB, Markot Square, two doori west of th Post Offica SUNBUnY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY Informs her friends an tha public, that ihe has just returned from the oity, where she has spent time time in making selections and purchnscs, and baa just opened a large stock of MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Linings, Crinoline and Wa gons Skirting Lining, Hoop Skirts, Hngle Trim mings, Crapo Trimmings, Hat Crape, Cloak Buttons, Cursols, Zephyrs. A large assortment of Ladles and Gentlemen Hosiery. A varioty of ROOKS STATIONERY. DOLLS of all sines, Alphnbot Rlocks, Ao. She flatters herself in being able to make a display that will give entire satisfaction to visitors, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. Sunbury, Nov. 2, 167. BOOTS AND SHOES. MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVER. I ESPECTFULLY Informs his friends and cus V turners, tlint he hus just opened a shop for tho manuiuciure oi uuui3 & ouuis, on Sjtruct! ttrcct, Iclicoen Second ttreet and Centre Alley, Sunlury. wbrre all kinds of work in his line will be made up iu me luiesi siyie ana in me oesi wommaniiKe man ner. Having first class stock on hand, ho flnttors himself mat no will be able to suit the tastes or the most fas tidious. Tho public are invited to call. JOHN WILVER. Bunbury, Juno la, 13G7. TUB GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, STJaXSnBTTaRTSr is on 3d street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, nt BERGSTBEESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, lint I.uK'Iy E:tnlli1jcd, Mllli ull the .Tlotlcm Improri'inents ot tho Art t fllllE subscriber, having built tho room expressly L for tho purposo of Photographing, and having devoted many yonrs to the business, is confident of his aunty to assuro bis patrons that the work pro duced shall be second to none in country or city. No work allowed to leave tho gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky light in tho county, he is prepared to muke Photographs Hi all kinds ol weather, but would prefer a clear day fur small children. Hu is also prepared to take now size, or cabinet cud Photographs. All kinds of picture copied and magnified to any required site and colored beautifully in Oil or Wuter colors or India ink. We pay epociul attention to ail kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ao., a largo lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand. Tho publio are roepeotfully invited to cull und see our specimens and our complete arrangements fur making Photographs, special terms to lamilics and ciuos. BEROSTRESSER. Punbury, July 15, .11. C. CC.VICII AIM'S Confectionery Toys and DFJFtTTIT STORE .Market Street, Hiuubury, la. CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION rilUIT, Ac, ic, CONSTANTLY on hand nnd for salo at Ihe above establishment u. wholesale and retail, at reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confer! binaries i to keep up a full assortment which are (old at low rali-s. Tobacco. Sejrnrs, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and avariotyof other articles, all of whijh art offered wholesale and retail. Reinoiubor the name and place. M. C. KEARHART, Market sLect, 3 doors wost of E. V. Bright A Son I stire. hnnbury, Sept. 19, lflM. tf M'atvr tuitl I'li c lVool' SLATE ROOFS. THE undersigned respectfully informs builders in this and adjoining counties that he is prepared to fiut on Slate Routs in a superior manner. He forn shes the celebrated Lehigh eounty Slato, which is tho best in tbe market. Ho warrants his work to be durable and fire and water proof. He invites the in spectionof the public to tho work he haadone in Suu bury on Haupt's, Urecuough'e and Haas' buildings, and on others at various places. His prices are as low as those of any other slater . Address, D. S. SMITH, Suubury, P. O., or call at his residence in Upper Augusta twp. January il, latlj, ly uni(7n1iotel- t H AS. ITZr.I., Proprietor. Iu Cuke's Addititnto SUNBURY, near tho Pcnn'a. Railroad Company's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find amnio accommodutiaus. Good cooks aud waiters, boarders can enjoy the quiet com forts of home with fare equal to the boat hotels. His Liquors aro of tho c boniest kinds. Sunbury.uno 8, 1SG7. IM.UII.Y (I.VI." HUt til.MiS Mrs. SAIIAU SIMPSON, Wslnut Street, SUNBURY, PA. Having been appointed Agent by the Singer Manu facturing Ccmpatiy, fur the sale of Singer's New Fumily bewiug Machines, informs th JiuLlia tbat they can be had at burrusidonoe. Tbese Machines aro simple, ooiupoot, durable and boautiful. Cupable of performing a range and a variety of work never before attempted uhjo a sin gle Machine using either silk, twist, linen or cot ton Thread, and sewing with equal fucili'y tbe very Cno:t and coarsest materials, and anything between Ihe two extremes in the most beautiful and substan tial manner. These Machines will be sold at reasonable rate. Call and cxamino for yourselves. Mrs. SARAH SIMPSON, Agent. Ootober 28, 1867. SEEING IS BELIEVING At OI Arclx Street. NEW PRICES! NEW GOODS Rich Silver and Silver-Plated Wares, Including overy style and deaeriplinn, made expressly for the Winter trade, which for neatnesa and durability cannot bo surpassed at 'ft JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholesale and Rctiil Manufacturing Establishment, u AUC11 fcXtlttl, PUlliAiltU'lilA. tkRe-plating at short notice, 'ucembej 21, 1S67 .aug27 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Monthly Title Books Drawing Books and Slates. Books, iiymn Books, Blink Books, Memorandum Boaks, Diaries, Pocket Books, Ink Stands, Pens, Pencils, a fin assortment of Paper. Ink, Ac For sale by ANNA PAINTER. PURE UGER'BEER!" rouTi:n ai al.iu From th Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. JOi R EdPECTFl'LLY Informs th public genorally thai he if prepared to furnish LAGER BEER, PORTER AND ALL, nlaig or small quantities. His faollitle for mak ng Boer cannot be exoelled, and is pronounced tup dor to any othtur offered In Central Pennsylvania. It has also been recommended by pbysicuus ai healthy drink for invalids. Hotels, Restaurants and private families supplio J at . hoit notice. ennbury bept ;i. IWT 5 Great Attraction, at tho NEW TIN-WARE, DhMt Iron mad Store) Stor r SMITH a-ElTTEEP., Where tbey keep eonauntly on hand and tuutu lore to order at short notice. TIN AND SniBI IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They would especially call th attention of pur chasers to their large and well leleetod stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The Subscribers have mad nrrancementi to hsve all their best etoros mad to order, and those who wonld have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well selected stock. . First. They defy competition on th following li leu iiruiu oi coo oioves, Til : Combination 4aa Ilnmer, Cook. UoTcrnor Penn-Cook. WABASH AND IEON3IDES. and. th well known Antlduat Cook Stor called SPEAR'S ANTIDCST. Also. Parlor and office Storm In ISTBAl or I,,l w am. 1 !.. -li 1 1. , a . e . J. uinviuH mii uiv uvbi uiunuiaoiurea ana most tushion able designs, unsurpassed for beantvof finish ai-nnli. oity of arrangements oombininr ekeannuia. durahiiiiv and eaoh stove warranted to perform what they are Also, The eclobrated Baltimore Fir Place Stove, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers. Also, V LLC AN HEATER. Also, th eelobrated MORNING GLORY. Conl Oil, Coal Oil .Lamps, Khndrti, .liliuiilesi, itml nil articles usually kept in an establishment of this kind. They are also proparod to furnish Slate anil do slating iu viiu uvn, mil a maul i K v innuour. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting, Range and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ao. Repairing neatly and cheaply eieoulcd. Also: "Mangli's Itavr Hon gnper-IMiosi pnatc." Remember th place. 5am pi and Bales Room .. .. i : . A , i ,i , . . . , vnn u,puBitv vuuiy s xioruware oiore, iiarKe( street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted. August zo, men. 1TET LAGER BEEP. IN SUN BURY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO. CHA3. ITZEL RESPECTFULLY inform his friends and the public generally, that he haa commenced the manufacture, and ia now ready to furnish L.VGER BEER AND ALE, ef a suporior quality. Having procured the services of a first class brower, he is enabled to supply Land lords, Restaurant and private families with an ar ticle that is palatable, pure and healthy. Orders are respectfully solicited which will re ceive prompt attontion. CHAS. ITZEL. Sunbury, November 18, 1SIS7. FAR3IERS & BUILDERS. LIME AND LIMESTONE. fllllE subscribers respectfully inform tho oititens X ol'Nortbumberland eounty. that they are now prepared to furnish LIME of a superior quality to Farmers and Builders. Also, LIME-STONE from the oolebrated Lime-Stone Quarries of Lower Muho noy towuhip. at short notice and at reasonable ratoe. The above will be delivered to any Railroad sta tion along the line of tho different railroads when ordered. There Kilns are located at tbe Shamokin Valley Railroad, near Sunbury, whor orders will be promptly filled. Orders aro rospoctfully solicited. Address, J. B. LENKER A BRO., Jiusust 3, 1SMS7. Sunbury, Pa. IRON. A largo assortment of th best manufac tured Bars. Hoop, Band, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rods, fast Steel, Blister Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoos, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bellows. Vices, Hammers, Slodges, Rasps and Files, at C0NLEY A CO 8 CHOICE FMUT & ORNAMENTAL JJiilMJ. BOHNEB, Dealer in Fruit aud Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from tho most rcspun.-iblo Nurseries in ibis and other States, first class TREES of all kinds. Also Shrubbery, Vincsaud Plants. Garden Seeds of ull kinds. Orders are respectfully solicited. Address BEN J. B0HNER, Paxinos, North'd. Co. PS" N. B. Insurances taken in several of tuo most responsible Fire Insurance end Horse Detective Companies in the Statu. ' Junes, 1SB7, y FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. THE subscriber rospocifully informs the public that be keeps constantly on hand at his new W AREUOUSE, near tha Shamokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by the barrel and sacks of all kinds of Feed by the ten The above is all mannfactured at hi own Mills, and will be sold at the lowest essh price. J M. CAD WALL ADER. Sunbury, April 1, lb'' J. H. Conley Co., -VlnrUcretrvet.I.nMtot I lie ICailroud SUNBURY, PENN'A. DEALERS IN rOKCICi.X At AMKRICAI, Hardware & Cutlery. rpHE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, JL and Buyers generally is inviteiLto the fact that we aionow offering a belter selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock oompriscs all articles in this line of business, embracing a geueral aasoi Uncut of tools aud mate rial used by CARPENTER", BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAUONMAKERS, JOINERS, AC, 40., together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes.lRope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ao., Ao. Suubury, March 30, 1867. SONBURY FOUNDRY. tJI'O. KOllItUACll At MO. A RE now carrying on business at this old estab- lx nsnment wun renewed vigor. Castings uf very tloscriptiou, promptly furnished to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry bay acquired the highest reputation . Particular attention t.aid to MTT.T. CASTrvnq Farmers should not forget that the PLOW6 made at the bunbury Foundry have never been equalled. Agricultural implements ronaired at short notice. Small eastings, iuoluding Cooking utensils, of the uiuri. iuijjiutou sun must usciui patterns. Th bussieat will be eonductail on an anturis. soale- Old eiutomers will beaooouiinodated as usual, ti.w nun in respeoiiuuy aoiiciteu. Sunbury, May 12, ISotl. Notics to Merchants and Shippers. TIIUE undersigned, proprietor of Weiser A Friok's 1 Line, give notices to merohanta and shippers that Ihe Depot is etiil at 811 Market street, Philai dolphin, and all Goods directed to Sunbury, Danville and Lewisbnrg, and all intermediate stations along the railroad, will be promptly delivered. liT Cars leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia tri weekly Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday. J. W. BROWN, Proprietor, Lewisburg, J. H. BROWN, Agent, Sunbury, P. December 7, 1807. Childress's Carriages. E would all th attention of tho wanting a Child Carriage, to our new and larsa aaaurt- mont omprising new and beautiful style. J. II. CONXEY CO. Agricultural iMpiemenls, HOE'S Grain Rakes, Steel and Iron Garden Rakes, Long and D Handle Spades, Shovels, Manure and llay Forks, Grass and Grain b jibes, Grain Cradles, Cradle Finger, Trace, Breast, Tungu and Log Chains, Grind-atone, Fanuiug Mill beiresof all silos and kinds, a large assortment of Red Wagon Homes, fur Plowing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Toeih fur sole by Jjg. U0SLKY A CO. Mount Ca xnel Hoief MT. CABMEL, AlorthumbsrUad Co., Pa., THOi. UUHKET, Phoprietob. This large oomui odious Qutal 1 located near th depot of it Bhamokln Vall.y kd th (jiakak ew Hurt Railnads. Trains arrive and depart dally. This house ia located la th eeulr of the Coal R. gion ind aflords the best accommcdatinus to travelers and permanent customers jay v BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL- CSTAALISinU) AS A HETUQE IH0M QVACK KRT. tub omr jplacs whsrs a cvrs CAN SB OBTAINED. DR. JOHN 9)rt hat diaoovered the mott Ortiiln.Ppwrly lid on if fcfftrctMj Hemetly in lit World for ill Pri vn' Uiimtrt, W'mknrw uf the Back or Limbt, ttuictnrea, Affeettona sf lh Kidney nd Btofkler, Inroluiiurjr Dw tmrfea, ImpoKmcy, General Debility, NtrvonMiew.Dyft papev, Iancuor, liw tfuinu. Cunt ueion of kiwi. Pelui- Ulinn of tha Heart. Timidity, TrrmblinM, Dim m am ot Bight or Giddinm, uiteaM or tha Hettd, Threat, Nee or ik i in AaTfolinrn of tlio Ltrar, Lann, htomtuli or Bo well thw TerriblaDMoideiiarlmnff htm UieBoliUiTy Habits of Yiwth t"a apciet and aolitai y praotiraa mora fatal to thrtr vtctime than tha ant of Byrena to tha Mat mere of Ulyaaea, blifthtnif tbir moat brilliant hopes or anticipaliuna. rendering marriage, Ao , tmpoaalbla Eanfcfally, who hara barnme tha viettmaof fViHhir Vir that dreadful and deatructiva huh it which annually tweepa to an untimely a rave thotiMnda of Youna Mm of ( moat exalted tatente and briilianl intellect, who might uwirrwirr nnvty ciiLiHiu-ru iiaiciung nenaiea WHO I ha UlUTl- deii of eloquence or wnked to ecelaty tha livina lyre, may call with full oonfidejie. Marriage Married Persona or Yrmng Men contemplatf ng marnnee, being aware of phyiical weaknoai, organic debility, d forinitiea, fce.( speedily cured, lis who plucea himielf under tha car of Dr. J. may may religiouity confide in his honor aa a gentleman, and cunbdenlly rely upou his skill as a Physician. Organic 1VenkncJ Immediately Cured, ond Full Vivnr Restored. This DiitiaMing AtrctJtinji which render Life misera ble and murririge impoaaihlo is the penally pud by t ha victims of improper uulolgcnces. Young persons are too apt t commit excetaea from not being awore of the drend ful conarqueiices that may emue. Now, who tlmt under stand! the auhject will pretend tn deny thst tho power of procreation is (oat sooner by thoae fulling into improper habits than by the prurient f 13 ea idea demg deprived tha pleasure of healthy o)Tapnng,the most seriousand deitiac Uve symptoma to Wh body and mind aiiie. The system become Drranged, tha Physical and Mental Punctions Wenkeued, Ijsb of Procieative Power, Nervous Irrit'ibili ty, Dyspepaia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indication, Con siitutional Debility, a Wnstntg of the Fram, Cough, Consumption, Deeuy and Duitli, 0(li, 7 Sontb Icd?rlcU Street Left hand aide going from Baltimore street, a few doois "rum the comer. Fail not to observe name and number. l.eUei muat be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hung in his office. X tur IVarrauietl fa Two Inj. JVo Mercury or Sauscou Drug, II JvllUhtOU, Member of the Royul College of burgeons, London, Grad uate from one of tha most eminent Colles.es in the 1'nited Htates, aud the greater part of whose lite has been spent in (he hnspitnlsof Loudon, Pima, Philadelphia aud eian where, hue ell c ted auine of the most Hstouishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with i inging in the head aud enre when asleep, (treat nervousness, being alarm ed at sudden s-'unda, bnshlulnen, with frequent blushing, attended S'imetiiiies with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. Take lurticular police. Dr. J. addresses ull thae who have injured themselves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and lumd, unfitting them tor either business, study, society or inarriafte. Thksi are some of the sad and melancholy elfucts pro duced by early liobilstit youth, via: Veukncssot the Buck ami Limbs, Puins in the Head, Dimness of S.ght, Loss of Museulur Powei, Palpitation 4-f the Heart, Dyapepay, Nervous Irritohiiity, Defnngemeutof the Digestive Func tions, tienerul Debility, yuiptonis of Coiismnplion, Ac. Mentally The fearful etfeciaon the mind are much to be dreaded Loss ot Memury. Confusion uf Ideas, De ui twtniuii m r.'iiua. csvir r oicixmniga, AVfrmuu w ftujiei) , Self-Distrust, Isove of Solitude, Timidity, tfce. arc some of the evils prdiu-ed. Thopsa.nds of persons of ail aes can now Judge what is the cuute f then declining health, losins llieir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and eimciated, having a sinuliir uppeaiunce about the eyes, cough and symptoms ot cuiisuiiipiiou. Voting; 51 en Who have injured themselves by a certain practice Indulg ed iu when alone, a habit frequently letunrd from evil c mii'iinioi.s. or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, mid if ivt cured renders mnmnue imposfible, and deatroys both mmdaud body, should op )' iiiiHiediHtttly, Wtmt a pity that a voung mn. the hope of his country, the darling o hu parents, should be auutehed from all pros pects aud enjoyments of hie, hy the couaeuence of devia ting from the path of nature aud indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons Ht'sr, before contemplating HI n Triage, reflect that a sound mind and body are the moat necessary rcjiusitest proiuoteconnutnul happiness. Indeed without these, the jurni y through life becomes a weary pilgrim age; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; ine mind becomes shadowed with despair and failed with the melan choly redeelion thut ilia happiness of another becomes blighted with our own llone of ImpraUenee When the misguided and imprudent voLurv of nleasum finds that he h'ts imlnlHHl tlie seeds of this painful disease, it too often Imp pens that au lil-loned sense of snarae, o dread of d.scovery, deters turn fr.-m uplviug to those who, fiotn edueatioti unit rcspertHtiility, can alone befriend him, (Iflavti g nil the ionLituliouul snii.t"ina of this horrid dmr.isr make their apearunee. auHi as ulct-ratcd are tur out, i! isit Bed n ht, H ctuiul (Msins in tho ht-ud and limbs, dimueMof suht, deafness, nodes on the shin bones und iiims, botrbt-s on the bend, fat and extrwuuus, pirgreae nuiili IriKhiful Uipidti). till nt last the ptlute ol the in- nth or the bones of the nose i;ill m. and the victim of ilimawf'il .liaeuiw; becomes a horrid object of Cfiiainisern ti.'u. nil dt.uili puis a period to his dreadful sulferuifr, by k'-ii l i;? bun to '-tfiiit Undiscovered Country from wheuce no truvelier letuim " It is a me):m-holy fact thut thouennds fall vicrir.it to thia tenille tlisenne, owing to the utihkii. fulness uf igitoiant ptetrndeis, w!(o, by tbe useof that Deadly Poison, Mer cuiy," ruin the constitution and nuke the residue of life ii u.: ruble, Strangers Trust not your lives, or heiilth, to the care cf the many Unlearned arid Worthless Pretenders, destitute of kuowl edije, nnine fir clunrier, who eopv Dr Johnston's adver Itariuenta, or si vletlfirwelves in the uewspapeis. reirulaily l,i I united P.ivi'-iana, inrupnblw f Curing, tbey keep you lulling month niter nvuth taktne their filthy and poiaoiiua compounds, nf as long m the ainailest fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with lunicd health to sigh over your finihnir disappointment. Dr. Johnston ia (be only Physician advertising. Hiserefh ntiui or diplomas always hang in bisolliee. His reimdie or treatment are uuknowa to ail others, prepared from a itpent in the great hospitals ff Furnpe, the first in this country and a more eiteusiva "Private Practiee11 thanany other Physician iu the world. Indorsement or I lie Jre)c The minv thousands cured at this Institution vear after year, ami the numerous important Hurgieal Operntinns pertonned by Dr. Johnston, witnessed bv the reporters nf the Sun," "CbpppT," and many other papers, notices of which hnve appeared again and asram before the public, heiiide his standi ne as a gentlem-in of character and re sponsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. skin IHMeue Speedily Cured. Pt-rns writing shou'd he particular in directing their etiers to his Institution, in the following m miner, -Folin .11. .I.oli ii h lou, ITf. 1 Of the Hi'iimoie Lock Uspital, Kallimore, Md. Nov. 3d. 1-071 y. LEWIS & CO.'S " ILT.USTR.VTED JIOHTIUA FAMILY JOlIlAl-. FOR TIIE MILLION" ! Thousands of funiilics in the oity and country, have Ion felt the want of an Illustrated Journal at a rcaennublo price, and equal to any on this continent. To this end, we bar engaged good artists. The liturttry doynirtment will be ono of the features of the paper, nnd wo shall publish from time to time, ori ginal Tales, Sketches, Ao , by tbe leading writers of tbe country. THIS IS K0 LOTTERY. Cut wo offer as an inducement to those who sub scribe, and wiil help to push forward to a successful is.uo, a cheap and Taluablo Illustrated Family Journal, and give a large number of premium. Kubscribvrs will not bave to wait to know if they bare a premium. There will be 2,315 premium distributed to tbe subscribers. Tho paper will be well worth tbe dollar, for tuo year. Abookhasbeen prepared for subscribers with numbers from 1 to 100, 000, and tbe premiums aro equally distributed through th one hundred thousand number. If there should boon thousand names received on tho same day and date, tbe letters will be opened regulnrly as they come to hand, and marked on the book in regular rotation as opened, so that there will be a fair distribution of th premiums. V shall publish Uiiiamea of th persons that are entitled to tho premiums, in the New Yohk AIokthlt Illis tiiatid, and In theeity and country papers. The following l'remiuiu will be uistributed ! 10 Cash Premium of fc-M'O eaoh, $3,000 4 ". " 200 " 1,000 10 " " 100 " 1,000 20 ' " 60 1,000 4rt " 25 ' J 000 b0 ' " 10 800 50 Gold Watches, (Atn'n Watch Co. I $ji) each, 2,500 50 Wiloox Uibbs' Sewing MachinM, 60 ' 8,000 50 lluwe's Sewing Machine, 00 " S.000 2000 Fremiumt ol f I eaoh, 2,000 TKRMS TO SUBSCRIBERS 1 eopy, on year, with on subscription, $1 00 6 copies, five 5 00 20 ' twenty 20 00 Panuni getting np club wilILuLlUd to pre miums, as above. Address LEWIS t Co., 41 Mercer St., N V., Btx 3o91 . Writ th addrees plain, giving township, eounty and Stat. Money by draft, Post offio order, regis tered letter, or iprs(, may b nt at oar risk. Send 10 eu. for specimen copy containing all necessary Information. REFERENCES. Lvl Btookwell. Treuurar of th IIow 6wtng MaohiB Co , m Broadway, New York. dward P. Hatch, eortary of th Wiloox A Oibb' fiawinir Macbln Co., Vt Broadway, M. Y. feb-lMbeS. JACOB 8HIPKA1T. rilia AND LIXB IN8TJBANOB AQEHT. Farmer Mutual Fir Inturnnct Co., York Pa., Cumberland Valloy Mutual Protection Co New York Mutual Life, Oirard Life of Phil's t Bart ford Conn ileuersl Aoeidenu l4rtltr Central KallwaT. WINTER TIMU BCEEDULB. LEAVE NORTHWARD, 6.60 A. M., Daily for Willlamsporl. Dally (exoept Bundays,) for Elmira, Canandainua. RoebeaUr, Buffalo, NiaKara Falls, .... Suspension Bridge and the Uanadae. 4.1S P. M., Daily (eieept Sundays,) for Elmira, and BnffaU via Kri Railway from Elmira 8.SS P. M-, Daily (exoept Bunday,) tot Williams port. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 2.00 A. M., Dally (exoopt Monday.) for Baltunora , W,.hinfftn .rot Dkil. ..1 ..1. t. Wnahinirtan and Pkil,rl..lr,,t. 5 45 A. M., Daily for Baltimore and Washington. 10.35 A. M., Dnily (except Sundays.) for Baltimore, Washinston and Philadelphia. J. N. DoBarrt, Ed. 8. Yocno, Oon'l. Sup't., 0en 1 Passen'r Ag't.. Fassen r Ag't.. Baltimore, Md. llarrlsburg, Pa. lUUadelphla A. Erie ICailroud. INTEFTIMiTTABLET-" Through nd direct route betwoen Philadelphia, Baltimore, llarrlsburg, Williamsport, and the Groat Oil Region ef Pennsylvania. ELKfJAHT SLEEPIKd CARS on aU Night Traini. On and after Monday, Nor. 2Mb. 1867, the Trains on th Philadelphia A Kri Rail Road will run ad follows : Westward, Mail Train loaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr. at Erie. Erie Eipress loaves Philadelphia. " " " Sunbury " " arr at Erie Elmira Mail Icavos Philadelphia, Sunbury " 11 arriv at Look liaven, Eastward. Mail Train leaves Erie " " " Sunbury, - " arr. at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie " " " Sunbury " " rr. at Philadelphia, Elmira Mail loaves Look liaven, 11 .15 p m 6.6U k J( 9 00 pm 12 00 noon 6.95 p oi 8.45 a iu 8 Ufl a ra 4.15pm 7.45 j, J 10 25 a in 1.55 a iu 8.55 a iu 4.25 p m 5 10 a m 1 00 p m 7 .10 a lu 10 .25 a in Sunbury, --arr. ai rnnaaeipnin. B IO p m Mail and Express connect with all trains on War ren A Franklin Railway. Passcngors leaving Phil adelphia at 12X10 M. arrive at Irviuoton at 6.40 a m, and Oil City at 8.50 a m. Leaving Philadelphia at IMS P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4.35 pm. f All train en Warren A Franklin Railway niako olose eonneotions at Oil City with train, for Frank lin and Petroloum Centre. BAliUAUE C1IECKE1 TIIR0UO1I. ALFRED L. TYLEK, General Superintendent. Lackawanna A. Illooniihliurg; iSail road. ON and after Jan. lit, 1857, Passenger Trains will run as follows : .10, SOUTHWARD. A.M. A.M. Lear For an ton, 5.50 10.00 Kingston, 6.55 11.20 P. M. 7 10 8 20 P. M. 4 4(1 COO 8 17 8 50 10 15 Jiupert, y 20 " Danvillo, 8.54 Arr. North d., 10 35 NORTHWARD. Leave North'd., 7 00 Danville, 7.40 " Rupert, H 15 A.M. " Kingston, 10.50 8.30 Arr. at Serunton. 12.00 9.ii Trains leaving Kingston at 8.30 A 5 20 6 00 6.?.5 9.05 ' P. M. 2 50 4.00 10 15 -M . for e-i'run- ton, connect witli Train arriving nt N ew York nt 5.20 J'tuseonors taking irstn eoutJi troin Kranton nf 5 50 A.M. via NorthumWliL'id. roiieh Hiirrisburj. 12.30 P. M., Baltimore 5.30 P. Al , Washington 1U. 00 P. M. via Rupert roach Philadeliibia nt 7 u0 p. ic. II. A. FONDA,up t. Kingston, Jan. 10, 1807. tending ICailroud. WINTER AR11ANOEMENT. November 25th, 1S07. GREAT TRUNK L1XE from the North ana North-West for Philadeliibia, New York, Rend ing, Fotuwillo, Tiima(un. Ashland, Lebanon. Allen town. Easton, Ephrala, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, do., Ac. Trains leave Hnrrisburg for Now-'ork, as fol lows : At 3.00, 5.25 and 8 10 A. M. aud 2.05 aud V.'.'.j P. M, connecting with similar Trains on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving nt New Y'ork nt 5. U 10.15'and 11 50 A. M and 3 40, 8 30 P. M. 8Uep ing Cars accompmiyingtho 3.00 A. M. and 9 35 P. i.' Trains, without cbarfge. Lcavo liurriburg for Reading, Pottsvillo, Tatna qua, Miuorsville, Atibbind. Pino Grove. Allentown nnd Philadelphia at b 10 A.M. and 2 05 and 4.1c P. M.f stopping at Lebanon nnd principal wu-' stations; the 4.10 p w. luuk-n eouuections f-. Philadelphia and Columbia only. For I' it:vilie, Schuylkill Haven mi l Auburn, V.'iii; ll- itl and SuiHiucbunna Railroad, li-iivc liar. i.ltoi-L nt o.Ht p. m. Returning : Leave New Yuri: at U.U-i a iu., 12 oO Noon und 5 On and b. no p. ra.; PliiluSelphia at 6.15 a. m. and 3.30 p. m. Way Posoeneer Traiu leaves Philadelphia at 7. So a. m., returning from Heading at 6.30 p. ui. stopping at ull Stations ; I'oltsviilo at 8 45 a. iu. and 2.45 p. m; Ashlaud 0.00 a.m. and 11!. 10 and 2.00 p.m.; Tamaqua at S. 30 a.m. and 1.00 and 8 45 p. u. Leave Pottsvillo for llarrlsburg via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7 !fl a. m. and 12.00 noon. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Heading nt 7.30 A. 11. returning from l'liilaueliliid at 4.0u P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave P.endinjat 7 o A. M , audfl ljl'.il. forEpbrata, Litis. Lano:s. ter. Columbia, Ac On Sundays: Leave New York nt K On pm., Phila delphia b. 00 A. M., and 3.15 1' M. the B Nil a m. train running only toRtaiing. Potirrille B III a ui , HarrUburg, 5 25 am, and 4. it) ni.d u-.'.o p m. and Reading at 1.00 and 7 15 a. m, for Ham-burg, and 7 06 a. m. and 11.40 p m. for New Y ,rk 4 25 p m. for Philadelphia . Commutation, Milesge, Sca.on, School and Ex cursion Tiokets, at reduced rates to and from nil points. Baggage ohrcked through : li'O Toundj Htgna allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICOLLS, General riuierii.loin1eiit WHOLESALE AMI RETAIL DLA LEU iu every variety of ANTIIItACITECOAL, Upper Wharf. BUNBURY, Penu'a. tSOrderssolioited and tilled with promptness an . dexpatoh. Sunbury, May 12, 1866 y COAL! COAL!! C0ALH! 'GRANT 5b OTIIKH, Shippers Ac Wholeviilo ICclail Ieul'i-s iu IVIIXTU Sk Ili:i AMI COAL, In evory variety. Bole Agents, westward, of the Celebrated Henry Clay Coal. Lov. nn Wharf, Scndurv, Ta. Sunbury, Jau. 13, I Nib. BOOK BINDERY. JOHN HERMAN. North Mill street, DANVILLE, PA., IS prepared to Bind Books, Papers, Magazines Musio, Ao., in any stylo that may bo desired, at cheaper rules than can be done in tbe eilics. All Order loft at this Office, v ill receive promp. attention. out. 1K,'67 fatal. iU, Ae. A full stock of Oils comprising Lineecd Oil, Coal Oil, Fish Oil, and Lubricating Oil for Engines and Machinery, Varnishes, Gluts, always on hand, at low price at CONLEY A CO S 1710 R Saddler, we have Saddle Trees, BUM, Luck 1 le, dig Trees, Pad Trees, llaues, all kiuJs and every thing pertaining to the busines.. tor tale by J. U. CONLEY A CU. MCS'KJmTTC,1BL'' riAHE following persons aro entitled to rucoive an X inoreas of Bounty under the Aot .fcf Conrvst passed July 1866, to equuliie Bouuties. 1st All soldiers who enlisted after tbe lUth day of April, 1861, for S years, and served their time of aulislment and have been honorably dUhargod, und bave received or are tctiilej lu rocti.o a Bounty ot jiltMJ, are entitled an additional Bounty of MOO. 2d All such soldiers who eulisted for S yean, and have been honorably discharged on aooouui of wounds received in the line of duly, are entitled to an additional Bounty of KlOO. ltd Th Widow, Minor Children, or Parents of such soldiers who died in th service of wound or disease, are entitled to an additional Bounty f MlOO. By applioatioo to S. V. WOLVERTON, Esq.,. of ffoxscar, Pennsylvania, who is an autboriiod Claim Agent, all suob lainu oan be speedily collected Bunbury. August 4, I St 4 tf Coachmakers TT7S ar aellin Rims, Spokes. Hobs, (pringt, V Canvas, Bulla, CiilM, Ale As., very low W,Bt0(kal CONLEY A CO. ganbury, March SO, I86T. BIIOEMAKEKS. TDS best qualities of Bole Lather. Irh iCalf skins, Morrioco, Liniags, La.ts.Nais, rLK Toots of all kinds, and verv ihlngnsed l-y he trad Ibr l low if J- U K'NLtk A C'