liijr unmtn? - ximfrifaTUTi,:.,sVpnrBiii b.m pod bothuousariargeeoppi, r new jobitpe, or van . SATUHDAt, MARCH 88.; 1M8.'. SLoral affairs. -Li Li.'!L.L'.."...;a.. ..mi u s: .j J-i-miM ti . EAsraft.--Two week! from to-tnorrow, (Sunday,) will be Easter. Look out for aa increase In th prioe of eggs, i t ; ,- . : . Bunbnry Coal XI Works, owned 'ay -Joba Bowen, have been teased by Mr. Adam Gerrlnger, or Danville, and will b pat la operation again. , All passepgers should procure Hallway f?u songer Insursnoe Tieket before enteritis thenars. Tbay can b procured of Mr. Shlpman, ticket agent at tbia plana. : ,' .SU.7. Niw Firm. Messrs. Stevenson Brloa intend opening a Watch, Jewelry and Stationery Store, (a llaupt's new building, in a week or two. They hare the energy and enterprise to do a tuooessfol business. .... tm m . t Tnc Nw Stop. Messrt. Moore A Dlsslngor are now io Philadelphia purchasing gooda to atook their new Dry Goods and Grocery Store, in Uanpt'a building. Their advertisement will appear in our next issue. Thi Oood Templars of Milton celebrated thoir first anniversary on Thursday evening, 12th inat., at 'tbeir lodge room. Tbeyhave recently fitted up a ew lodge room in the third ttory of Mr. I. Brown's building. ' - We learn (hat theeontraot for furnishing 660,000 tirlck, to build the shops of the Northern Central Railroad, In the lower part of thii Borough, hat been warded to Messrs. Lenkcr, Rohrbech A Co., Cf this place. :. Tat Iter. Jacob F. Wampole preached hii fare well sermon in the German Reformed Church, at 'Shamokin, on lust Sunday overling. The reverend ,-gontleinan bna received and aco opted a oall from the Lutheran Chnroh at Turbutvills, thia eounty. Tan Rt. Kov. Bishop Stevens, who was injured some time ago by an accident on the Lackawanna! Blootnsburg Railroad, below Scroctoa, is huprovlng. lie la able to ait np a portion of oaoh day, and ex pect to leave Wilkcsbarre for his home in n week or two. Cmmi. There are at proaent no leu than tisHem prisoner confined In our oounty jail, a larger num ber than has ever fcofnre been Incarcerated at ono timo since that institution waa built. " Crime of every description seems to be increasing to an alarm ing extent in our courtly. AiiornER RonnitRY. On Wednesday night of last week the drug store of Mr. Gorge Bright waa bur glarioudy ontored. The thievaa took about four tlollara iu chungo from the till and helped them reives to cigars aud winea. An entrance waa effec ted by furcing open a sido dnor. CrtA9. II. .Sbriubr, Esq., Collector of Internal Revenue for this (14th) Congressional Distriot, has appointed II. M'Laiighlin distillery store-keeper at Ilii;bpire, Dauphin eounty ; J. Y. Van Valtah at White Deer Mills Union eounty; W.f Campbell nt John Eyster'S, in Northumberland county; and W. L. Kilter inspector for 9th and 14th diKrioli, in lace of J. B. Henderson, romoved. Takrm to the Pbnitkntiary. On Tuesday morn ing last Deputy Sheriff UofTumu look James Brook eus and Jacob Bolingor to the Kastern Penitentiary, at Philadelphia. They were oonvicted at the March term of court. Brookens was sentenced to impris onment fur on6 year, for stealing chickens, and Bo linger fur three year, fur robbing Fry, Cummingsi Fatisuld's store, at Monlandon, this county. Thur'dp.y of last week two men named Michael Cnliill i.n l John Touey took a foot boat and uttempfced to oroffi Mahoning Creek, bulow the eompmiy dam, at lianville. Running the boat too neur tho fall of water fiuui the dam, it was caught and drawn under and citpsiied, and both the men thrown overboard. Cahlll was drowned before a:tance could be rendered. Touey was rescued beforo lite was extinct. Cahill loavoa a wife and six children. The First National. -Mr. H. O. Thacher, pro prietor of the First Natiunal Bcot and Shoe Store, hati dutermintsd not to leave bis preneut quarters, in I'll nsiinis' building. Market Square. He hai re cently enlarged his storeroom and made other im pruveuieuUwhiuh add greatly to Ud attractiveness. Mr. James C. Sylvis, a fim-olaa workman, has ehaigo of the manuLicturing depirtment of the es tLh'.isLrr.oi.t. The quality of the worked turned out nt the Fiist National cannot be surpassed auywhero. tiee aivertisoimint. Kobiiiry at Shascokih. The IIcrnld,ot Wednes day last, says : On Tuesday evening O. W. Brew er, of I'pper Augusta township, this eounty, missed his pocket book, containing between tiiO and $560, while going from the etoro of D. Weaver tho Douty Houfe, In this borough. II 4minedlately re turued to the store, where a 'taTg naiuber of per sons bad eolleotod to attend the auction sale, and stated that be suspected some one had taken the ' purae from hi side coat pocket as he pusaed through the crowd in front of the store, bat a h had no,t rrengniied auy one in thu crowd while passing, no thing couid'be done further than give thu matter into the bauds of the police. . . i vii neuueMiay luuiuiurf mi .u.pij yu..., -'"d : Mr Brewor's nm on the lining, was found in tha ; struei in tront of the tor, but uo olua to tha thief j has yet beeu diaoovered. Mr lirawer states that he was tohavaoaid the ; iDJuuy to Wm. Sholl, (ofjwbom he had recently pur chased a farm.) on Weduesduy, and 4d oom to town that pnrposo. PuLick Arriias Quite an excitementwas cre ated by tha arrest, in this place, at a lata hour on Huoduy night last, of svvercl victorious characters who had long boen suspected of committing the va rious burglaries that have occurred in our borough for some lime past. Tha arrest were effected by two special detectives, assisted by Constable Broi ous and others. Tbeir names are Jeremiah Landau, Charles Landau, Freumaa UaAipt, lebedee Baslian, Henry Kerns and James RusmjI. Kerns is from Columbia oounty, and Russul troin the vicinity of Wilkrsbarre. The bularreo of tho party are reel dent or tbo borough. They were taken before fcsquire Beard on Monday morning, woo oemmitted them In del'aalt of 2, 0t bail, each. One of the parties, a younj man of about 18 years, who was arrested at a farm bousv iu Lower August township, luudo a full oonfesaion of hi participation in a number or the robberies, and also implicated , I . .. ..,.. ,.,. severe of the persons arrested.' He stated the man- ncr iu vlich theUilor'mg'estuMUbuient oTMr. J. E. Snick robbed, iu January last, and also gv tmii.a " . " thenamusof tho parlies who robbed Dreiabaoo A Bro.'t store, iu tho Jlusoiilo Uuli, a wen as me roe Ulmv of ilr. Charlo Weiuel, on Arch tret, which were robbed on the night of tha XVtk of Feb ruary. Tho good stolen from Mr. Suick were shinned to ilalliuiur and sold, auid lb money real iied tnuolly divided among the burglar. The pri Sonera will be tried at the August terra uf court A oot Law.-JJo the 80th alt. tbs Btat Sonata (,txl a bill providing that all mortgage, Judg ments, reoi'gnuaneo aud monies owing vpoa articles jf agreement for lb sale of veal estate, should b usaipt from all taxation. And after tb first of December next eo taxes of any description shall ba Uksosoj or collected ur. ft from mortgagee, judg neat, It i elaimed that the paasag of thu Hii by tha Legislature wUl greatly tend toward tha wproveiueul of real estata, and that the way tha ta now stand the party who jjivos tbs mortgaga r judguiwit, J, iu almost avary case, pays tb axe by sje:':a! agreemeni. By exeaoptiag thes souritios frgm taatiou It fc daiiaad that mora joni y will be expended hi tba ImproiDent of real state, mere person will be Inclined both to lend el t r"r f 'V that ruvryv ' of the tturudsJurtywa ipttrofea kj.4jarV Geary on TueidaIlat.aBItNa)avamt ai Jialf of on onJ kt leried aa aaeh toft ol Mat nlmd , fr rapport of tha police tn,;e eoal region of this foirBiri jfbere eaa be ns ohjeoUM wdatavar t tbii bill, wbioh is similar to oe polloe Mil or tjonuymm county, passed at the same time tha original bill for this eounty waa Missed. There an be do doabt that a police forco In tho mining regibns Is an aotnal eonsity. - Tbie is aa adaiiUed foot in the wiaing region among men of all parties. Tha athibltioa of violence and defiance of all law, especially in Behnylklllormnty, for eoraral yeari past, haa boea fearful, but right that these lawless men thearid be taoght that frendom does aot mean the privilege of violating the laws or frnrapllng on pub- lio order. The following is the supplement : Aa Aot supplementary to an Aot ontitied "An Aot lor Ike potior proieouon or persona, property muu life i Ike ruining regionsof thi Comruonweaith," approved lHh day of April, 1867. . 8rctihi 1 . He It eoaeted tv the Senate and House at RepreaentaHves of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, in general assembly met, and It la hereby enatstert qy the auuionty tae remo, wiai iroin aim after the eawaize of tbie AeU the Commissioners of MnrtnomBerltuKt county are oereoy auinorisea u levy and collect a tax not exceeding one-ball of on cent per ton on all coal mined In said eoenty, tho proeeeds of such tax to be appropriated to the sop port of the police force In said emitity, nalhorlred by the Act tn whieb thi is a nipple merit, and the proceods of the said tax so lard to be in full of the amount to be appropriated to tire payu.ect o( said police. ' ' im i ' " " . Thb following are the appointmonl oi the East Baltrmare Confer once of the M. K Church, for tho Northumberland Distriot. for the present year : Baaj. H. Crivbr, Presiding tldor. . Williamsport, Pine Street T. M. Roeso. " Mulberry Street B, B. Ilamlln, E. J. Gray, eup'y. , Williamaport, Price Chapel -P. II. Carroll. " Third Street J. II. Polsgrov. : Montoursville N. W. Uolburn. . . I.aporte (Win. Antes, supply.) Muscy-H. M. Ash. Hughesville E. M. Chllooal. A. II. Mensh. Wat'ontown II. Wilson, !. 0. Cloene. Washingtoiiville B. P. lung, (ono tube supplied.) Milton-E. W. Kirby. ' Lewisburg Samuel Creigbtoa. Uifflinburg JauieiT. Wilson. Middicburg J. P. Long. Selinsgrove J. W. Olcwiue. Suubury Wm. W. Evans. Snyderlown John F. Craig. Trevorton W. II. Nororuaa. Klysburg Henry S. Mendeuhall, Wm. II. Reese. Hhamokiu tTiuley U. Kiddle. Mount Cartnel John A. Dixoa. Preston Minion (To be supplied ) ' Norihumberland J. F. Uekermau. Danville Francl Hodgson, Jume II. McCord. Catawissa Henry U. Dill. Haaleton Emory T. Swart. Jeansville J. B. Caddy, (ono to be supplied.) Beaver Meadow U. Tarring Gray. Afhland Abraham Creighton. White Haven W. C. Uvaser. Bloomsburg J. A. Mulivk, A ITartman, Bup'y Iitpy and Light Street Wm. M. Meminger. Urangoville John F. Brown, (one to bu supplied.) Bloomingdale M. P. Crosthwaite, A. C. Crosth wsiie Berwick John A. Gere. G. H. Pay, Sup'y. Berwick Clrouit P. Franklin Eycr, Alfred S. Bewmuu. Thompson Mitchell, President ; J. F. Davis, Pro fiiSKor, Willinuisporl Dickiusun Seminary. Irvin II. lorronce, Secrutary of tha Pennsylva nia State HiWe Society ; member of tho Suubury Quarterly Conferenoe. How to Advertise. An advertisement I not always valuable in proportion to the space it occu pies. A short advertisement inserted four times ia better than a long one once. A prominent ad vertisement Inserted onoeor twice will be effective, if followed up by a steady card giving your busi ness and address. Don't take down your sign io dull time people read newspapers all times of the year. If business admits of it, sovcral small ad vertisements, with your nuiuc repeated every time, will avuil mere than the same collected, with your name in only once. Don't fear to have a small Ad vertisement by the side of a larger ouiupeting; the big one oun'l eat It np. Small advertisements nHd plenty of them is a good rulo ; we wero all babies once, yet we nja-lo considerable noise. The eosiiut way in the world to accumulate a fortune Is to adver tise judicioudy. IIow to Cook Shad. Tho fresh shad season Is now at band, and in order that our lady readers way be enabled to do ample justice to this excellent fich, w publish the following method of boiling their finny viotiuis : Clean the shad, wash and wipe it, flour it well, wrap it iu a clotk aud place it in a large vessel of boiling water with a great deal of salt. It will require about twenty minutes to cook it. Serve it up with egg sauce or rich drawn butter. This most excellent fish ia aaid to be very palatable when dressed in the manner staled. Basx Ball. The new rules for IS03 require that all ball used in a match must be stamped with the site, weight, and maker's name, and It any other Is used, the gum e played will be "null and void." The ucw ball is smaller and lighter thuo the old one, being but nine iuobe io circumference, and weigh ing five and a quarter ounce. Editor'a Table. The Lady' FRiunn, for April. A beautiful and patheticeteel engraving, ' Ci.ugbt by the Tide," U the leading eiubelhibment iu the April number of this "Queua of tho Monthlies " This is followed by the usual retiued and elegant double steel fasn lou plaie. '-The Day after Ike Failure," ia a touch iug,preture. The music for this month is the popu lar song, ' Lady, do nut Trust the Stranger," which is worth of itself the price of the numbur. The lit erary oontentsare excellent, as usual ; among lueui we inuy specify ''Tho Woik of a Day," by Mrs. Uosmer; "Widows versus Doctors." by Frances A. Shaw ; "A Dead Man's Rule," by Elizabeth Pre- eon : ".IIV Ijaci i My Last Courtship ; Arry s Pbilopcena;" ...;,,:, Tlin F,u,i, Jlgn.;,,,.- A i..:, . by DeaceB fierson, 3t8 Waluut Si , Philad'a., Oontv'a Lady's Boox. row AfntL. Look at the wmbeliithmesit in ihis number: 'i'tie Ku.tlo Belle," a steel plaw, una a nauuwine one, ioo J colore.! fathion-nlate. eoutainlnic six biiuros: a lariro axton- sioo sheet, containing Ibirty-uine engravings. Among them will be found designs for eleven dresses, suitbie for every occasion. Bonnets, caps, head dresses, ladies' waists, children's garmouta, embroi dery, braiding, etc., also occupy their place upon it. "Sisterly Affection," a beautiful tinted picture fur the juveniles 'Country Joys" 4s another tjne en graving for our young friends. In the fancy work department will be foand designs for a key-bag, Dotesiase, speoiaclc-oaat, kidtted bracelet, crochet knitting bag, pincushion, lady' eap-bag, wheelbar row maieb-uvx, and jewel ease. A Collage, in the pointed stylo, is also given, wilh the plan. The lit erary department. is made up of artieles from tho pens of the best magazine writers of tho day. Pub lished by L. A, tioduy, N. 10. Cor. bixih and Chest nut Streets, Philadelphia. "Tun Naitch Gun ," a New Story. The i'ew York Evtning Post has commenced tho publica tion of a new renal tale, entitled "The Nautcli Uirl a tale of tho Indian Ocean." It will appear regularly, being printed from tbe completed manu script of the author, in the publishers' possession. "l'be Nautch Uirl" I a story of American adven ture in some of the obseurer parts of the East Indian seas, told by a participant iu the scenes described ; I it has novel situations, and describes new and straugs ' m.liHMl t,Sl .11.1 J ' It Is U.J.Iltiulll, U B ..... . , J",""!? " e2f'.n' L U "f"""'""? " ,,.,orJ, "the ISauich irl" being the name of a clipper .Mn..mlll., , - " I . The story it copyrighted by tli publishers, and ! will appear only In tha li'srA-7y and SrM.-TIWy v iivtniMg Pott. It will ran through iu eolume tor , Mi Booths, and will, wa believa, please our renders. The livening Post contains, in addltioa to its editorials, interesting literary, iniccellancous and art seleet ions and eontribatlons,, full produoe and market reports, and everything else that should Be found in a Fiaar-t'LAS Family Newspaper tiutaeorintioa Vriaei Wrein. tt t ttm-Wttilv: $4. Fur $2 M a yearVasead the Wuily Evtmng i Volt ana tne Anuncan Agnatmimnx. cur su year we send the HWVy Evening Post and tha Htvtriidt Magutino. , For t4 a year we send tba Wtttly EvniHgPott, Aintrican Agriculturist and Kivsr'iie Nagatiut. For (4 a year wa send tba ktmi-YVtekty Evtming PoH and either tba Anurtcait Agriculturist or RivtrsiJt Magatim. Addre Evxmso Post, few York." paaEValsBBEWMaB " BUSINESS NOTICES. ' . i A Ta'cTE. After all the rar aad ebstly gifts that may past from on to another, a keepsakes, tbsra is nothing snot appropriate knd lasting than a Ufe-lik photograph of tha remembered xn. Nothing will a vividly recall that ana, in after years, and nothing like tbl UI graw to valaa, u years pass away. Thus impreased, go at one ta Byarly' PhotografU Gallery, ia Simpson's budding, Market Square. Any site or yle that may ba desired cso be bad at b' fl!ry Jityle, Poster, HodbUw,Crolua, Cardt, better 1 Uaads, ipJU gead. JM. iaa b at&tod la tha latest and boat style, and on abort notice.- Order by mail promptly to. try ri T i i i a ia I i ' r I lo p-,Midr wking in now h avds of tha day, a ad it ia vary aasanUal. to health, to keep the real eVy and ' Ther (re more deaths Mwted by ooldt lamp feel,' than taflipTissft people are aware of. fGuard against, all. risk of the kind hy a) way Wearing good boot or sheet tram Wm.. H. Miller' Excehrer Store, in Market Square, where a largo Bsortmont,js kept on band. ,r H ... ; , . , ii it:.. . .... Srm.ta I Last.; The Bold have disrobed themselves tt their stiow 00TeTtn4,''tn IVr.of their rht of lee, the'itroeti of their slut blank ets, anil everytliing In Datura i( in a busU to get ready for tha spring fashions. Shall wa b behind Did Nature to doffing bar winter garb aad he ia a atato of looking out for our spring habiliments? Nnt if ww -knew' eare1eV - A visit ts BhaeBer'S Mer chant Tailoring EstaMishment, In Market Square, will greatly eollllAU onr purposes, and belp our Jodgrnontin this matter. We Invite all interested to call on ShaefTc'r and ace hii now iprlng good. Cowl On! Come AM!' nnd see tho great stock of Wall pAritt and Border, also Window hads. just reoelved, at greatly reduoed rates, at LIGIITNER'S BOOK STORE, Pleasants' building, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. , , . . ,, ,it Wasted Active young men to act ha" agents in this county, for the snle of the Rustle Wludow Shade, an artiolo used in every flnmily, hotel, fcheul honte and church, and yielding a handsome profit to any one engaged In weiring themi " Apply to. or address the manufaotrtrcrs, L0UDERBACK, JEFFERSON A CO., 22nd and Wood Stroelt Pblludelpbia. ; i, -.ii . i . Delays nro as unwise a they are donicrous. When yoar aid etotbe wear out do not delay,' bitt go and purchase new one.: Make it a point to get a good artiolo aomothing that will wear, and buy where yoo eeu get the cheapest. This can be done at J. O. Beck's Merchant Tailoring W.ablilhment, on Fourth street. - r . .War Is a lover popping tha question Ilk a taiiot running a hot goose over a suit of clothe ? Because he is pressing a suit. It oannot be doubted that Slaymaker, of the Continental Clothing Be soar, al though a married man, "presses more sails" than all the young men in Sunbury combined. . But they are the elegantly fitting garments mado at tho Con tinental, and all his eustomer teem to like hi style of "presting." . T3LI We 'nro now in the last winter month. Spring and shad will be here almost ''before you know it." The wiutcr has been ould and healthful, full ol spar kle and oxygeu. We have hud snow in abundance, giving livery men "loLs" of business and our crops and uionduws a covering that will double thoir pro ductiveness next summer. "With the advent of the warm eeaann we way expect to witness a great ruh for Faust' new fasbiouubls Ilota, at his store in Market Kquare. MARRIAGES. In Point tuwnship, by W. B. Diohl, F., Mr. Jackso Ut'rrav to Miss Clarissa Farnswortii, all of Point township. DEATHS In Upper Augusta township, on tha 2llh Inst., Mrs ELIZABETH KLINE, wifeof Isaao Kline, Sr., aged 70 years, 1 1 months and 2 days. Ml.illllll' .II ltl.Ii'f1. Oorreoted Weekly for tha "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, por barrel, do do d do per owl. Rye Flour, par bbl, do per owt. Wheat, prims red, new, per bushel, Rye, , do Corn, new, do Out, do Potatoes, ' do Dried Poaches, pared per round do do uupared do Dried Am, lew, do li bo . 09 10 00 II 00 3 45 i a.- 1 12 70 1 Ml 40 26 1'. 3 00 411 30 !i 18 10 let 14 13 18 60 Dried Cherries), (unstoned,) per bo. Butter, per pound. Eggs, Cneese, Lord, lining. Shoulilers, Beef, hind quarter, " front " Mutton, Chickens, per doten, per pound, do do do do do do perpair KhamoUtm Conl 'I'riirte. Eiiaiiokin, March 21, 19o3. Ton. Cwt. Senttor week ending March 21, 5.HI7 17 Pur lost Report, 06,140 17 71 953 14 70,261 15 4.303 01 To same time last year, Dear ease. Special Notices. To "oiiHuiit i vow. Tbe Kav. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (free ofcharge) to all who desire it. the prescription with the directions for making and using thesiniple reme dy by which he was cured of a lung aileotioo and that dread disease Consumption. His only object is tn benefit the afflicted, and be hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing, any may prove a blessing. Please address REV. EDWARD A WILPOV, my lrt-'ft7 ly Williamsburg. Kings Co., N. Y. i . GKUUAN ' erasivi: sow Is manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, and may be considered the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For sale by all Grocers. May IS, I867.-ly. CONJUGAL LOVE, AND THE UAPHIKC1H OP yRUK MABRIAOE. Esaay for Young Mea, on tha Errors, Abuses and Diseases which destroy the Manly Powers and create Impediments tnMarriuge, with sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letters envelopes free of oharge. Ad dress. Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard As sociation, Philadelphia, Pa, feblim. format ion. Information, guaranteed to produoe a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless too, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addressing THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, ' may 18, '67. 823 Broadway, New York. o NE PRICK CLOTHING. - TAMTIO aa ww OLD I.3TABHSIIED .m-; tin: CLOTHING HOUSE, UOA Market M I rent, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. . For many year thi! Kttablithiaeat ha don busi ness 00 the Une Price Sys.em, aud we believe we are the only Clothing House in the city that atrietly adhere to thi principle. W have earned a repu tation which we are proud of, for good testa in sclent- f;ood stylo and substantial materials, and not less mportant, for having all our goods, liu iu n tLi. .n,ir.. ' We employ tha beat tot eat, for Cutters, and our Good are of both kmda Fashionable aad plain so that all taatas ean be sailed. Tha prioee are tho eery lowest, as any one by a moment thought must ee, or otherwise we could aot meat the eutn petition of our netghaers, for as aa deductions are aver made, wa must put our prioa down ta tb advantage w promise , j The people may depend, this a the true nlaa upon which to do business, and many a dollar ean be saved to Ctothiag buyers by keeping ia mind JOIsI OSE VBICE CLOTHING HOUSE, ' out Market Strreet, Philadelphia, Not 00 tbe Corner, but sue door above Sixth. JUaroa U, 186T. ly - Deafness, Blisdkes An Catarvb treated with the utmoet toccest by J. Isaac, M. O., Ocul. ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. Hue, Arch Street. Philadelphia Testimonials from tba most reliable source in city and country caa be sen at hi office. The Medical faculty jtre invited to accompany ihtir patients, as h ha ao aecrei io hi uraoitoe. AElIr'iCIAL VS iruiexted with out fain !fo r.hage for examination, nor TO- ly. TnrTTBXn OH EBBT- MKyTORAlj xpeoto- meet asfe I 'Al KrSifiW ratiswla aura for Ait exd reliable an re for diss ujw;e aasea of tha throat and lung. A trial of anany vears bts eatAbllshM tha faot that it la nor eflioa nkm rn YiuJ mm ary affeo tiont than any other rem edy. Its effioacv has now known'that U uS'bI' i '"''Pabla coeasil In Great rrrf;xt: sonbod in domestio praottoa, aud oonsUcUy used in the armlet, in hospital and other publlo tntlilu. tions, where it is regarded by the attndh ahvai alaas as lb most speedy and agreeable remedy that can be employed.. Soarocly any neigbborhood ean bo found where well known en s ,bf, diseased lungs which had baffled the effort of tha moat'sklllful end experienced doctors, bars been permanently eared by it. - These result are tha most eenvinoiog proofs of .tbe superior ourative properties of thia prepara tion; and to them tbe authors point wilb peculiar satisfaction. While It it most powerful against con firmed d if eases, It Is extremely gentle as a medicine tn Infancy and youth, being qufto bstmlesi to. even the youngest, when administered Judiciously. This health-restorer accomplishes even more by prevention than Cure. If taken io season K heals all Irritation! of the throat md lungs, whether ari sing from Cold or Congba, or from other onuses, and thus prevent that long train of painful and Incurable diseases which would arise from tho neglect of them. Hence no family should bw without it. influenr.a, Croup, Hoarseness, Whooping Uougb. Pleurisy, In cipient Consnmprlon,- and other affections of tbo breathing organs, give way before this pre-eminent oombinatious of medical virtues. Prepared by DR. J. O. AVER A CO , Lowell, Moat,, and sold fey all Druggists and dealers in med icine everywhere. : . i ? : Feb, 16 -St. ADUKESS TO THE NKK VOL'S AND DEUIUTA ted,winwe aufleriuc have been protracted tiom bid Uen caaspfi. and whose eases require prompt iteatment to remlei existence, desirable. - It yua are autfuring or have sutfurixl ilonr luvolmiiarv discharges, wbut efltict does H produce up,m yioir gencinl haaltii ? Do you teel weak, debilitHiuU, easily tiled ! Drs a little extra eirrtlmi pr Uuee iMlpitaiom tit the beurt ' Does your liver, or urinary orpins, ur your kidnevs, frequently get out of order t It your urine sometime thick, iiiiiXy, ot Booky, or is it ropy unsettling' ur 0ues thick scum rise lo Hie top? Or it a (i-Uuneiil at the bottom uficr u has stood awhila? Do you have spells of aliort breaUiinx ur dyspepsia 2 Arc youi bowels cousupatcd ? Do you have apclu of fainting or rushes of bkaidtothe head? Isyour memory impalicd? Is rour mind eonstaiitly dwelling U4H111 this suljeet ? l)o you feci dull, lisilras, inopiiir, tired oifvompuiiy, of lite ? Do you wwli ea tie left atones to uat away Iriui evervbwlv ? Doea ar.y lltRc tlrtttg rnnke you Stan or jump? Is your le,-p uroKcn ur rcstiesar is tne lustre ( your eytaua liiiiiri.-u : The bloom on your check as iirighl ? Do you enjoy your etlf m ucroty aa well? Do ynu pursue yoar business win the same energy f Do you feel es much continence in your . slf ? Are ytoir spirits dull and fkivfpug, given to lit of melancholy ? If so, J, 1 not ley it 10 your liver or flyKpcpfia. Have yioi restless .nights? Yoar bark weak, your kui-ea Aenk,aiHl have Out lillie appetite, and you atuifcutelhia tn dyspepsia or liver-complaint? a Now, reader, self abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a weak tiers of the generative organs The organs of generation, when hi iierieet Imiltli. make the men. Did yn ever think that those bold, defiant, eaerpetic, persevering, sue eessiul bueineKS-men aie always those whose generative organs are iu perfect hcakh I You never Iwat snch men complain of being melancholy, uf nervousness, of palpita tion of the heart They are never ufruid they cannot suc ceed 111 business ; they don't become aad and oiacou racl ; thi-y are always polite mid pleasant in thecompany of la diet, and look you mid them lialit in the face-noiie of your downeaat kaka irenyaher meaiuiasa about them. 1 d, not menu thosi who keep the nrgnits iuflaraed by runniiig lo-excess Theac will 11 uiuy runt their constitutions but also thoie they do business waii ui for. How many men from badly-cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excesses, have laought abul that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced Ihe Senrral system an much astonuluee aim, l every other ieease iftioey, lunacy, piimlymi, spinal nrTrctnaia. aui.-ide, and Mlmoet every other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever aua pel ted, and have doctored lor ail but the right one. Diswisee of these orsatie require the nee of a diuretic HEl.ii HOLD'S FLMUEXTK ACT UUCH U isthe great Diuretic, aud is a ecrtnin cure ror dlsensea of the illadJer, Kidtieya, Oravel, Dmpsy, Organic W ciklieas, hemale C'Cnplnints, General Debility, and all diseases of the t'll imry Orgmis, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever euase isriKinatiiiir uud 110 matter of how king BtSlldllSf, 11 no treatment lssanmittcd to, consumption or insnniiy muy ensue. Our flesh eudulond uresuppoitea from these sources, and Uie health and hamnuess, and thut of Posterity, depends npon prompt use of a reliaUe remedy Helmlxild'a Extract Bechu, rstnhlislied npwnrd of IB years, prepared hy H. T. HKI.MtfOLD, Drusaitt, dl't llroaowsy, New nra.nno IO M-iulh 101 Ii Slierl. I'hiL'idchihia. Pu- Plr tl J per bollle, or hollies tot SO, delivered to any address Sold by all Druggiata everywhere. March a. IM7 ly Kprorsi of Tontb. A gentleman who tnffcrod for years from Nervous Debility,. Prematura Decay, and all tho effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for tho sake of fullering humanity, send free to all who need It, tho recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sullerers wishing to profit ny tbe advertiser's oxperiencs, can do ro by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B (HIDES. my 10 -87. ly ceiisr ireot, it. 1 . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE OLD ESTAULISIIEU FIRM, J. .1. KICHAKDSOX A CO., 123 Market Street, Philad'a , Is the lurgest Manufacturing Confestloner! and n Dolesaie ueators in rrmts, iNut", sc., in tue United Slutre. March 7, 1S67. ly Im ilie ONtrlot Court ol lUc 1 nitt I For the Western District of Pennsylvania : In tho matter of Jumes Van ) Dyke. Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. To whom it lnav Concern : The undersigned here by gives notice of his appointment as assignee of dame tan fyke, ot INortuumnenuna ana otaie 01 Pennsylvania, withiu taid District, who has been adjudged a ilatikrupt upon his owa petition by the District louri 01 suiu aittrioi. L 11. KASK, Assignee, ic. Sunbury, March 10, l.Wt). Lime I Lime I Lime I rpilKnew Limo Kilns of II. Ii. Master, ut Selins X Orove Station, sre now completed and in suc cessful operation, produoing lima uf the very best quality. These kilns are built with all the modern conveniences and improvements, and have a capaci ty of proauoing 400 busbels per day. i.xjtiieni roads have been made to the kilns, not interfered with by the railroad, where wagon or sleds can be loaded in afnw minutes from thu schutee, wiihuut handling. Having uponed a large body of Ihe beet liinentnne. at tbe inoulh of the kilns, they are enabled to sull lime at tha low rate of 11 cents per hufhol. Tbe kilns are in charge of competent per sons, who will always bo prepared to supply cut- louicrs. Apply to 11. M. Maimer, ounoury, or to Chas. Dunklcberger. or Chas. J. Conrad, at the kilns. Doccmber 14, 1807. THE GKKAT PHIZKI Exposition. Vnirersclle, Pari, 1807. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE CO ELIAS HOWE, J. Awsnlod over Eighty-two Competitors, The Iltjtlsr-Mi Prrmlam, The Ouly Cross of tha Legion ot Honor and GOLD XwtETDATL,' given to AaeaiCAN Scwiaa alAcaiaci, per Impe rial Ueoree. published in h"Moni!ur Universal" (Ofnoial Joaroal of the rreaeh Empire), Tuatday, lid July, 1667, ia the word : ) Fabricaute de Machines a oon Elia Ilowc.Ja. dreeiposant. Maoafaoturer of Searing Ma-"-t ebines, Eahibitor. uTbl doable f rat honor is another proof of tha great superiority of tha HOW It BEVY'INO MA CHINE overall others." 6IISLEY A STOOPS, ' No. t3 South Eight Street, Philadelphia, AgeaU for Peoaeylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and ... Wiarn Virginia. February 23, laOi.Hm BIRD CAGES, It different kinds. If you waut rued and cheap Bird. Cage, go to i'ONLEY X CO'f LEWIS & co:s nofmn.v iiieyv JolnrvAi '; ''POR TUB MIIifiTDJf ! Thoiiaahdt of families' In the city and country , bare long felt the want of aa Illustrated Journal at a rHMbohl prUa, and equal to any an thia continent. To this end, we have engaged good artists. TI10 literary department will be one of the feature of the paper, and we shall pnblish from time to lime, ori ginal Talos, Sketches, Ac, by the leading writers of the country. ' . .. . THIS 18 NO LOTTERY. Fat W offer as an inducement to those who sub scribe, and will help to push forward to a successful issue, a obeap and valuable Illustrated Family lonrnal, and give a farg nnmbtr nf prtwiums. Subscribers will not have to wait to know if thoy have a premium. There will be 2,316 premiums distributed to the subscribers. Tho paper will ha well north the dollar, for tho year. A book has been prepared for subscribers with numbers from 1 to 100, WHO, and the premium are- -equally distributed through tbe one hundred llrontand numbora. ' If there should be one thousand names roneirrd on the same day and- date, the letters will be opened regularly as they come to hand, end marked on the book n rcgnhu rotation aa opened, so that, there will "eA.r;ir distribution of the premiums. Wo shall publish the names of the person that are entitled to the premiums, in tho Nr.w York MoftTni.r 4li.cs- raATr.D, and In the oily ami countrv papers in n .""oT'ng Premiums will hi" distribt butcl : V s rvmuimsor S5t'() each. J.VOOO 1 ,000 1 .nf'O 1 .000 1 ,000 K00 , S .'00 :;,ii( 0 3.000 2,000 100 60 21 10 'f TV"?U,,5,?! '' K,a n Wb1ou c" ' Si" caoi. 50 ilcox 1 O-hha' Sewing .Moclilnos, CO 40 ITuwe's Sewing Maohlnes, (, 2o00 Premiums ot tl eneh, , l Th'RMd TO 'sUBdCUIlirnS. 1 copy, one yoar, with one subscription, 6 copict, ' five ' $1 00 S.00 on nn 20 " ' twenty i-orsous celling up cttiM till be eulitlcd to pre miums, at stive. Address LEWIS Co., 41 Mercer at , S. 7., Cox 2:31 . Writo tho address plain, giving township, oounty and ,?tato. Money by draft, Post office order, regis tered letter, or xproi, may be sent at onr risk . fb'nd 10 cts. for specimen copy; all ncrtssnry informntion. KLIERENCES. Levi Stoekwcll, Treasurer of the Ilowe Kowing Machine Co., 6'.;i liroadway. New York. KdwArd P. llntoli. Secretary of tho Wiloox A Uibbs' Rawing Alochiue Co., bio Broadway, N. Y. leb. 15. 1HCS. EAUGH'S Ci? We annoncce to farmers and dealers in Fer tilizers, that the following prices have been adopted or tho present spring season : n.U'CH 'S HAW HONE PIIOSPIIATK Price, f 55 per 2,000 lbs. ' SALuU'B CDICACO COKE EERTILIZER Price, $10 per J.000 lbs. BACOH'S CIIICAdO BLOOD MANURE. This well known popular trade-mark will be found upon every package oi the above manures. The high cttimation in which Rattan's Donn Ma nure have been held, during fourtoen years past, wo shall fully sustain in the future. Having now the entire control of the great rceourcce of the city of Chicago, for furnishing Ammonia and Phospbato yielding material, viz : tones, Dried Flesh, Elood, Ac, we have, iu connection with our works in Phil adelphia, tho lnrgort facilities for furnishing these manure, at the above low prices. II A I till A SON. Philadelphia. NO RT-W ESTER N FERTILIZING CO., Ccitago JOIIN It ALSTON ACO.,Gen'l Ag'ts, New York. GEORGE KIRKE A CO., " Uoston. GEORUE DUIiDAT.E. Wholesale Ag't, Baltimore. Por a",l Infrrnation renpcoting tbo alovo Manurtv, address either of tho abuvo houses. I "JOURNAL OF TIIE FARM," , A Kew Monthly Agricultural Paper, published by i II AUG II 4 HONS, PHILADELPHIA. i Its design is to present a full rungcof Aricultura j snd Horticultural intelligence ; arlicles upon tha Practical and Scientific reliitioiisof the subject ; aud itsgenernl aim b to inculcato a popular system of ; high manuring. Tho claims of 1 llAl'GH'S COMMERCIAL MANURES, ! are urged in on honc.-t and open way, hut not urged ' to the exclusion of any other vuluahlo inanurial aid ' to tue turmi-r which the markot or home resources iiOord. All farmers will Cud it. we think, fully worth all it costs, in ihe practical suggestion it presents, and me general reader win meet a there ot solid enter taintuent. 1'rice, 60 oonts per year. Address. BAtOil A t'J.N'S, Philadelphia. Sold by PMITH A GEN'THER, 5uubury. Jan. 25, 1804. aug'67-ly IMA.C israsEr! ?0 IhcNtnnt Sti-rct, PMlaacIpbia, Are the beat in Use, TOR THE rOLLOWINI REASONS : They ara more simple and duvable, easier kept iu order, muke a stronger aud more elhstio stitch, a firmer and more beautiful sosm Ihun any other They c all fabrics from two common spools, re quiro no rewinding of throad, fasten both ends of tho seam by their own operation, and though every fifth ttifch Is cut the scum will not rip. Tin-Vt-ry UljiUfS'i' IVIae, the Cross of the Legion of Ilonot waa conferred on the repre sentative of tba oicovi.r Si iiauiik at tbe Exposition Uuiversollce, Paris, 1807 ; tbu attesting their great superiority over all other sew ing machines. OROVER A BAKERVS itaw STTLSS KIIl'TTLi; MAC II ISKS For Manufacturing, Cotn)in tho mott modem and essential improve ment. 1 Tha attention i requested of Tailon, Manofao. tnrera of Boot and Phooe, Csrriuje Trimming, Clotbiug and all other r.uiriiig the us of the effi LOCK 6TITCn MACHINES, To thss new stylos, which potsoss unmUtakabl ad vantage over all other. EOtt BALK BY Ml CAROLINE DALIU8, Market Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A , Nov K, 1867. ly CARPENTERS. WILL find in out establishment a superior toek of Plaue, Haws, Angers, Hatchet, Hammers, Files, Chisels, e . Ao ,f"r tale by J U CNLEY CO ! not n?firt tula Column r yon will ;erulnly find -out n lir-ru you snn - Buy the MOST. GOODS, of the BEST GiTJ.A.X.IT-S- tor Ihe LEAST MONEY. SMALL rKOl'ITS ASD QUICK CASH I SALES ! I i i it. v. riuxxttt i at the i MAEIMOTH STORE, market s;carp, StKKUiy, l'KXN'A., itas jiist received at J opened ii; i:ht si:i.i:Tf: ,i FINEST A&SOtlTtfSyr, of DRY GOODS IS TOWN. French Merlnw, PrlnbJ, Muaiiur, "tiijiitrce. Cw'.:ar-, . NOTIONS of all kirei? Hosiery, GloTwi.'Men's and Ladies Vndergannent WHITE GOODS. A full attwrtmoct of TRIMMING! Builders will find my Stock of Hnrdvtrf, lu i ut. Oil, j9In, Ace, Completn. j Drngt and Medioin, Willvw acd Cedarware. Queeuiraare, Olaaywarv, Crockery, Salt HOOTS AND SHOES- HATS AND CAPS, and in fact everything usually kept in a large Store Call and be flouvioced that the CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY ALL YOUR COOL'S is at The Mammoth Store. Term a Cuaita. SOday as j as my Goods oro bought fur Cash and bold Cheap 01 the READY MONEY- H Y rKlLIN'". ?UB',-urt,l)ct ll, 17 A MZMCA X C OHMS' a rav ' Hut ton noltVOvetaamaoftT Is w arranted to OKevato In tha, bt manner every variety of Sowing Ilemmlug. Felling, Cording, Tucking. Rraiding, OaAhrrtng. Quilting. Overseam ing, Embroidering on the Mlge. and in addition makes lioautiful Bnljton and fcyoUt Hslca in nil fa bric. ' If IM? KO EQUAL Beinj? ahaoluMy the Pest I'tWII.V lvlA'IIIK IN TUG WORLD. Aral lulrinaically the cheiipeat, for it is ta Ma ebines coinliined in one by a simple and baautUu mnohauiual arrangoweut. - . Cironl art with full particulars and samplen nf work done on tbis Woblno, mm be had on application or the Rles-roemsof Bio Ct.mpnnv. H.V. Cor. hleventk and Chestnut S'J)., Philadel'a rnstractions given on the ils-ildne gratuitously to all purehnsnrs. A (i ENT3 WASTED TO ht.U. THIS MACSISK. Mircctnria 1 .!. L. FtNIMOIli;, I'ltnqJout. WILLIAM F. JKNKH, Prenlili-nt Fupk Mountain Cul Companr. nr.NJAMIN BULLOCK. Wool Mtrclmut, Xo. 40 fuulli Front St. If. 11. lU:iiU. ol Ucorjiu W. lleoil fc Co., Wlinlre't1 Clotliinp, Nn 4Cil Markrl Slrcnt, A. HART. JOHN" T. 'I' A ITT, OF.O. 4. rjciiAnnoN. ri.iUiV.ijijm. Vi'. D. SIKStiDNilAI.L. Of Ciiitpsvill','(;'icptcr Coutitv. I'a. F. PAXSON, of F. I'uxson .feCi., Nuti-it"!. :,. SCI lUiM S;m-i Jariary Si, ld68. ly GR0(JEiUES7 Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. j. a. i;.M At ;o., In Weimor' Buildinj, AVnter Stj'cct. near King rt , NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., INFORM their friend? and the puhlio generally that tbev havo a largo assortment of Groceries! Provisions, io., all fresh and of tho best nuallty, con. sisting of Tons, CotTuos, sugars, and rtpicos. Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, RulMns. Cr.ece!, and Crackers, and In fact everytliing usually kept in tlr rncoTy line. Thov would also cull attention to their large an cheap"lot of Oood FAMILY FLOUR. Orccn Tea, Hams, Shoulders, Ac, which nro constantly kept on hand. Also, all kinds uf Ve?.etaMtia, Ac., Ao. Oive them a cull and sea for yourself. Nor'humberland, Sept. 13, 1867. SELLERS & FOLWELLi WHOLESALE AND FRUITERERS, No. 161 North Third Street, rhilndolpbla. f v' Ordurs promptly attended lo. "book bindkryT" JOHN HERTvIA.tTs North Mill street. DANVILLE,- PA., 13 prepared to Bind P.nok!, Papers. Ma julnen Music Ac, in any style that tnny bo doaired, at cheaper rates than cun be done in the cities. All Orders left at thi Ollicn, will receive prompt attention.,'i7 !M -NIM'ZIV Oil, IIS.I.. TITE mbjcribors having Ju-"l erected and f ul la operation a iJill for tho manufacture of L IN SEED OIL, offer tho highest market price for FLAX SEED. They hnvo attached lo their establishment a Chcp ping Mill, and farmers and othen, warning gram chopped for feeding, can be accommodated at tho shortest notice A maebine for chopping corn with the cob is attached to tho mill. - AlORiiAN MASPER. Jaminry 25, -ly KEEP VEIJrDKESSED. C.i.'l f-jj-l a?o the e! slc;tPl Stock of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINaf, VESTING."?, At Juft re:eived at MEUCHANT TAILOItlXO ESTABLISH ME NT, Fourth Street, below Fyetcr's Ftoro. EUNUURV WINTER CLOTHING of the most approved style? i made tip to orders reasonable rates. He has alto a fine a&ortment of Cavyimcra Shirts. Drawers, Undershirt.-, Overhaul?, Mourn, Neck ties. Cotton and Woolen Ilois, Suspenders, Hand kerchieft, U loves', and a general variety of GENTLEMEN'S FUHXfdIIINO HOODS?, fUve him a call, which you will find t bv to your advantage. t-unbury.Oct. 19, lSf.7. .leuN nAAs, jr. c. n woLvrnToir COAL! COAL! COAL! THE tubscribors respectfully inform tho citizens of riunbury and vicinity, that they have opened a CO Ala 1TAX1D nt ,1. Ifaus ,fc Co s Lower Y burf. Mnnlitiry, where they are prepared to supply ell kinds of Sha mokin OoaI,ut oVap rnt". Families and others promptly supjlicj Country custom respectfully solicited. HAAS & WOLVEI'.TUX, Sunbury, Jan IS, ISC. STORE. wTa. uennist, .Hurket Square, MSItlKY, Ju HA VINO recently purchaaod tha Drug Storo formerly eonducleu hy K. A. Fisher, I beg leave to inform the eitiicn of .Sunbury and vi ciuity. that I have entirely replenished my stock of j ws. u jra- em PANCr ARTICLES ! such Combs, Brushes, Pocket-books, boapt, rar furaory, Hair-Oil, Knivoe, Scirurs, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobacco and Cigars, " . Iaiuta, OiU, Ulue, Uluwai, Puffy, ViiriiWlict., I'atent .ItciIIcluoti, Ai'. All my Tinctures, ,Vvrupf, Ointment. Cerates, and otbor preparations ate mauufacturod by myself, ud from the best material 1 can procure in Market. Having had quito a number of years' experience Id the Drug and rruripiiuH Busi.itM, both ia Philadelphia and tha country, and also tbe advautagc of the College of Phartnaev, I feci com petent lo COMPOUND ALL PlttSCKllTIONrl that tbe Physicians and public may favor me with. All my pVcpurutiuu as i have above asserted, are made from tue best material, and uion honor I e.ort, they are of othoiual atreugtb. Fur medicinal purposes, I keep uu band the very best WINES, BItANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I ean procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, U aad eonvuv your own wind. . YY. A. BENNETT. Sunbury, Nov 16, lioi. ioUNTY FOR SOLDIERS. I HAVE mode arrangement in Washington City, for the prompt collection of Bounty under the late Act of Congreas. . I have also received the pro per blanks to prepare the claim. cHildiers entitled to this Bounty should apply immediately, as it is es titnated that It will require three years to adjust all the claims. AU soldiers who cnlUted for three year and who have not received more than f lull bounty are entitled to the benefits of this Act, as well a soldiers who have enlisted for three years and discharged after a service of two years, by reason of wound received, disease contracted iu line of duty, or re-enlitunent LLOYD' T ROIIlXBAtYl PuuVury, August 18, Ids. c 1ALL nd tee uwr beautiful P:rd Co . , new tinj-i tret''ir"f J II royi.LV 4 1 vi