Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 29, 1868, Image 3

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    Cl)e Sunbury American.
N. B. KNOLB, J Publisher.
3Local affairs.
For Runt. A homo and lot on Murket street,
near Fifth. Inquire at this olBee.
Tun Oldrvt Bark Pmiibmt Wm. Cameron,
F.rq., of Lewlsburg, li the oldoet living Bank Prosl
deut In tlita State that is, h hai bean at the head
rf a bank longer than any man now in tho banking
biuinon In Pennsylvania.
I. 0. or 0. F. Fort Augusta Lodge No. 620 win
Instituted in this pi aot on Thursday of last week.
The following officers were duly elooted : N. 0.,
J. K. Sniick ; V. O., P. M. Shindel ; A. 8 , J. E.
mines ; B. S , C. A. Reitnensnydor ; Treasurer,
John Clark.
Show. Another hoary fall of snow, about 10
Inohos In depth, took place en Monday last. The
snows of this wlntor bare lioen frequent and heavy.
A gentleman at Umporium, on the mountains, has
kopt an account of the fall of snow at that plaoe,
which amounts, in the aggregate, to 14 feet.
Justices or tub Peace should remember that
'they are required by law to file their acceptances
'within twenty days after their elcotion. The Justi
'Ocs recently elect oil in this county should coll upon
or notify our Prothonotary, J. J. lteiincnsnyder,
Esq., as soon as possible, and have the matter at
tended tu.
The best and surest Fertiliier, and ono which
! uiny bo relied upon for enriching poor land, is,
without doubt, Torringion A HodgkinB' Super-Phos-'
phnte It acts at onoe on the soil and furnishes it
with that substance so nooossary fur producing largo
crops. For top-dressing wheat and grass, in early
spring, it is unsurpassed. Farmors, try it.
Tub Population or thk FounTEEsrii Coi.i.r.c-
no Disriiicr of Pkx.isti.vama. The Assessors I
of tho Fourteenth llevcnuo District, comprising tho I
counties of Dauphin, Northumberland, Union, Buy
dcr and Juniata oountics, under Instructions from
Washington, have recently completed a census of I
the District. The aggregate population of the Dis- I
iriot is 149,550. Dauphin county has 01,375 ; Nor- 1
, , , ... . 1
thumberland, 32,105; Lnion, 1,,100; Snyder, 17,-
ai6, and Juniata, 21,000. i
Tho Third Division, comprising nil that part of
Northumberland county cast of tho Susquehanna,
.i-outuins a population of 20,005, whilo tho Fourth
Division, or thut portiou of the county north of tho
North Branch, has 12,100.
Simtirr Balls or Rrai, Estate. Shcrifl licck
ley will offer for sulo tho following real estate, nt
tho Court House, !u this place, on Saturduy, 7th of
March :
Tlirco lots of ground in the borough of Shauiokiu.
Piopeity of J. P. Fincher.
A building or bakery on Water street, in Nor
thumberland. Property of Matthias Smuck.
Tract of land 4n Washington township, contain
ing 2 acros and 120 perches. Also another tract In
same township, containing 10 acros and 125 perches.
Property of Martin Gass.
Tract of land in l.owis township, containing 7
acres. Property of James F. Kcincrer.
Lot or puroil of ground in the borough of Mt.
funnel. Property of Daniel llohrty.
Tract ol'lund in Shnmokin township, containing 8
acres. Property nf Isaao Furman.
A LKAr Yeah Pahtt. Soiuo of our young la
dies, taking advantage of tho privileges offered them
by leap year, gavo a parly at tho Central Hutel, ou
Munduy evening lust. The ladies did the inviting,
uud iu tho inidd of a heavy snow storm drove up
their rigging and escorted Ihuir malo friends to tho
hotel, provided tho music and supper, paid all the '
bills, nnd. of CMirse, did all the talking, as usual. i
The dancing was kept up until a Into hour. Both
the old end young bachelors present were highly !
pleased. Taking it ullogethcr it was ono of the I
most pleasant and well conducted entertainments
w e have attended, and in many rcspeots the gentle- !
meu might follow the example set them with great
advmitago tu themselves aud their posterity.
On this occasion we were glad to meet some of our
bachelor friends, who were fust relapsing into the
semi-barbarous state of confirmed oelibacy , thus time
ly rescued by this pleasant duvice from a futo too
deplorable to oontouiplato. Should the humanizing
influences of tho event cuutiuue until the next leap
year they may jet bo tnved.
The Flection took placo on Friday
lust. Both parties bad a full ticket la the field, but
the Rcpublicaus, as usuul, curried everything. We
think vre can safely say thut Suubury, considering
the number of her voters, is one of the strongest
Republican towns iu tho State. Yet, but a few
years back, it was one of tho strongholds of Democ
racy, but thut was beforo tho Demooracy of Davis,
Breckinridge A Co. superseded thut of Jefferson
uud Mudison,
There was quite a spirited contest for the office of
( hief Burgess, three candidates being in the field
two Republican undone Democratic. The regular
Republican nominee received a majority of two
votes over both of his competitors. Tho following
nro the officers elected :
Chief Burgess J. Weiser Buchcr.
Second Burgess John Bourne.
Assistant Burgesses J. G. Murkle, T. G. Cooper,
J. M. CaUwulliKler and W. T. Grant.
Common Council East Ward Dr. Jos. Kystcr,
i. W.Smith, W. R. Dunham and Cbaa. Beck. West
Wurd Chas. Gariugcr, A. DicfTcuderfer, J. Rcnn
und Valentine Diets.
Town Clerk Jacob Sbipman.
. Justices of the Peace Enst Wurd Joba TJ. Lea
ker. West Ward David Fry.
Street Couiuiisiloners East Ward S. Boughncr
und Sol. Weaver. West Ward Samuel Clement
and Josiab Henry.
Overseers of the Poor East Ward Geo. Buchcr
and Nathan Marti. West Ward A. il. Clement
and A. N. Brico.
Judges of Elections East Ward Jacob Cable.
West Ward Alox. Manti.
Inspectors of ElectionsEast Ward William II.
Bright and Ira Hilo. Wost Ward Wm. M. lleu
d ricks aud John Arnold.
School Direotors East Ward J. Fettor.
Ward II. Y. Friling.
High Constable George Harrison.
Constable East Ward Benj. Brosious.
Ward William Pursel.
Assessor East Ward Isaac Furman. W
John W. Friling.
The Fibe at SiLismosovE. The Selimgrore
jrimtA, of the 19th Inst., gives the following partic
ulars of the fire on the Isle of Que, at that place, en
Tuetduy of last week, a notice, of which appeared in
our last issue :
"A neighbor of Mr. Funster's, Mr. Ilollenbnch,
expected a party at hit house that evening from
Suubury, and having do stabling of bis own be en
gaged stubling of Mr. Feastcr. The party, at ex
pected, came, and the horses were put into Mr.
Feaster's stable. At one o'oloek the party started
for Suubury, and immediately after their departure
Feastor't stable was discovered to be on fire, and it
is bolieicd that through tbo ourclessnos of these
persons the fire was caused. If true as reported,
and there is no doubt of it, those men acted very
meanly. They must have discovered the Ire at or
very uear tbe time they started, for there I testi
mony that before they got two squares from the
bouso they stopped at, they themselves gave the
alarm by orying lire, and they repeated their cries
all the way through town, iut instead of going back
to acsist they drov e on and wont borne. Hai these
iii'.u, when first they saw tbo tire, gone back, Mr.
Siebley's tattle aud horses, as well as many other
ihiuzs. mizbt have been saved Their eonduot it
r.t near criminal at it well tould be without being
legally so, aud in Justice they should be willing at
least (o be librrul in their contributions to tbest ID
iurcd men . "
Boaouea Towmair OrriciM. The fol-
lowing I a lurt of Borough end Township officers ,
aleotod in Northumberland Bounty, 6a Friday, Slat
lost i
Miton. Chief Burgost, W. If. Bogla ; Assiatant
Burgess, Lawrence Huff; Overseers, Wm. Slrlne.Sr.,
J. li. Snyder; Sohool Directors, J. M. Huff, 11. D.
Barr; J udgo of Election, Win. P. Wbeeland ; In
speotbrs, W.L. JUartfleid, J. H. MoCormiok ; Consta
ble, J. P. Bummers.
Wa t tout own. Uxugom, 3. V. Starr; Counoll,
Thomas Carl, N. Uaugor, 0. 0. Baebman, Wm.
Coonor, 11. K. Witmao ; High Constable, James
Cummings; Justiecs, James Barr, Joseph M. Irwin ;
School Direotors, E. Welsh, K. Wertman, Wm. F.
Bergor, K. Kvorelt,K. Moltser, D. 8. Kramer; Judge,
D. Tys; Impoctors, Sauiuol Piatt, J. N. Messinger;
Overseers of the Poor, Samuel Daugherty, P. Wintcr
stein ; Assessor, Joseph Everett ; Auditors, Silas
hnmbock, John Uood wan, George Baker; Constable,
J. Grossly.
tlae, John C. Ellis Overseers, James Beard, Charles
Shell; School Direotors. K. Truokeiniller, W. S.
Welsh, Wm. a. Irwin, Henry Header; uuage, wm.
B. Irwin; Inspectors, D. W. Watson, Il. lv. Culp.; I
Constable. J. W. Fry
Shnmot-in. Chief Burgess, Reuben Fagcly ; Jus
tloe, D. N. Lake ; Overseer, John Shipp ; iScliool Di
reotors. J. J. John. W. W. Wars ; Judire of F.leotion.
Jonas L. Qilger; Inspectors, Bam lost, J. A. Shipp:
Constable, J. Ditohficld.
Mt. Carmtt 7ioroNi?i. Chief Htirircn. II. T.
John ; Overseer, Saimiol BohmolU; School Directors,
n.uuiiuK, j. a. t utor; Judge nt jiieetion, .luliu
Drohor; Inspectors, J. Hoover, J. Malick; Constnblo,
A. Camp.
Jordan. Justices, Daniel M. Sohwarti
Witmer; Constable, Fred Koble; Judge, Josiah
lllVlfl I
Schwarts; Inspectors, Jool Stroheckcr, Adam Hum
bcrger; (school Directors. Elios Phillips, John
Bohnor; Overseers, Kuwurd llnum, Elioa lleckert;
Assessor, Geo. W. Troutnian ; Supervisors, Michael
D. Buhner John Scblogcl.
Little Mulianou. Justico, Galen Smith ; Consta
blo, Wm. Dunklcoerger ; Judge, Wm. Doer; In
spectors, Martin Buker, Isuno '. Roitt ; Overseers,
Josoph Dunkleborger, John Swinohart: Assessor,
Wm. Dunkleborger ; Supervisors, Adam B. Lanker,
Daniel Keiti.
lstiois. Constable. Stun. F. Kerehnr-r: .Tmltrn.
JohnT. Albright; Inspectors, Chas. Derr, Wm. Dunn;
K,.hn..l ltiniM n w,..v,i fi: u;.nii . t i
Jacob Hunsecke'r. John Watt. : Anr' Jm M ' !
Arthur; Supervisors, B. Mougos, Jus. Young.
... . ' ' . -. 1 .
fitrjHtrtlr. Chief Burgess, S. A. Savidgc ;
Overseers, M. Boeder, S. Shannon; Sohool Directors,
L. Uarmun.G. P. Camp; inrpectors, John Hoof, U.
Colrmnn ; Constnblo, J. Lamphar.
So)tiiiibiraiiil.Chicl Burgess, Wm. If. Mor
gan ; Justice. Jns. H. Batcbelor ; Overseers, Thomas
London. David Eekcit; Counoil, J
G. Dicficubnch, i
A. 11. Sionn, J. U. Hopewell, J . C. Nandevondor.
M. L. Moraan. W. T Forjth. W. Elliott; School
I Directors, M. J. D. Withinirtnn, C. B. Ronuinecr, J.
l)iini.ibHi'lit.r Inni.ntnrs. II Mnrtrnn W II lliir
risnn ; Constable, Joseph Johnson.
Washington. Justices. Duuicl lletrich, Wm.
?h,0IY ' Co'l!,"ul1e:A-IIK; Treon :iuH? JoePu,t;o;
nel ; Inspectors, John lletrich, J. O. Billinnn; School
Direclori, Adam T. Drumhellor, Daniel Kauffinan:
Overseers. Peter Fisher, Levi F. Drumhollor; Asses-
sor, Sam lletrich;
David Roitx.
Supervisors, Conrad Reboek,
Coal. Constable, Thomas Burke; Justices, Peter
Miller, Franklin Dclbough ; Judge, SamuolFoy;
Inspectors. Patrick Ready, Morgan Jonkins ; School
Directors, Matthew Kearney, George Kohlbreaker,
Wm. Swnuh; Assessor, M. Horau ; Supervisors,
Patrick Burke, Patrick Wuhan.
Jaclioii. Constable J. S. Znrtiuan ; Judgo. Da
vid Shophell ; Inspectors, E. S. Zurtman, J.S. Zart
man; .School Directors, II. Rodgers, H. B. Latsba ;
Overseers of Poor, Nathan Brower, John Bresslcr ;
Assessor. W. B. Lnngsdor!'; Supervisors, N. S. Drum
heller, Henry Zrbe.
Mtatnol-in Township. Constable, Daniel Knoe
bcl ; Judge, Furman Farnsworth ; Inspectors, F.
Hummel, S. A. Bergstresser ; School Directors, C.
Leisunring, Thos. J. Miller, John Rnhrbucb ; Over
seers. Frank Leisenring, Valentine Kluso; Assossor,
Duuicl Knoebcl ; Supervisors, Solomon Huns, Robert
'.trite. Constable, Christian Kramer; Justice,
II. Z. Raker; Judge, Georgo Woaver ; Inspector,
lames Coyle ; School Directors, Harrison Heim, H.
F. Crone, J. D. Putton ; Overseers, David Lewis,
George Timines ; Assessor, II. Heim ; Supervisor,
Adam Fisher.
Lowrr JSIahauoy. Constable, Franklin Sarge;
Judge, Abraham Biusser; Inspectors. Wm.S.Spatr.,
Solomon Radel ; School Directors, B. M. Bubb. J. B.
Lcnkcr; Overseers. Samuel Siiatt, Jacob Wertt :
Assessor, John A. Snyder; Supervisors, Peter Wit-
mer. isaac LicnKer.
Point. Constable, Thos. Miller; Judge, Daniel '
Sterner ; Inspectors, JohnGrier, Geo. Vandevcnder; !
School Directors, Joeeph Watson, Isaiah Johnson
Overseers, Wm. B. Deihl, Win. U. Leighou ; Asses
sor, Philip M. Gibbons; Supervisors, Sol. Weiser, i
inos. tjunnson.
Vpjitr Augusta. Constable, G. W. Stroh ; Judge,
David It, Muliek ; Inspectors, John F, Dorr, Henry
Fry; School Directors, Andrew B. Curtner, Jacob
Evcnit. Charles Huos; Overseers. John B. Kniss,
David R. Miipe; Assessor, Henry M. Robbius ; Su
pervisors, James Rilund, Jeremiah Malick.
Dclnteare. 3 ustiee, J. P. bhulti ; Constable,
David Lose ; Judgo, J. Work; Inspectors, J. B. Lees,
S. C.Bryson; School Directors, A. Armstrong, J.
H. McKee; Overseers, D. Diefl'enbaeh, A. liuss ;
Assessor, W. A. Ellis; .'Supervisors, I. MoWilliums,
John Wcrtiuun.
Vamrron. Constable, G W Snydei ; Judge, Har
rison Wagner ; Inspectors, John F. Kerstetter, Dan.
Schloig; Overseers, John Huupt, Henry Otto; As
sessor, Peter W Schleig ; Supervisors, Peter Long,
isenjamin Knerr.
Luitrrr Augusta. Justice, Jacob Bloom ; Consta
ble, Elias II Ressler ; Judge, Silas LYordy; In
spectors. John Bloom, John H Shipe ; School Direc
tors. Abraham Sterner, A G Hnupt, J as M Conrad ;
Ovcrsoers, H H Mulick, W WDewitt; Assessor,
Henry Bloom ; Supervisors, Isaac Drumhollcr, Sam
uel iiaringor.
Ttirbnt. Constable, Abr'm Kissingor; Judge,
John Sheep ; Inspectors, A K Dunkla, M G Marsh ;
School Directors, J Woods Itrown, J W Uulthcr ;
Overseers, John Hag, Win Waldron ; Assessor,
Charles Artman ; Supervisors, Samuel Jacoby, Chas
Vhillisquaane. Constnblo, Isaiah Autcn; Judge,
J. B. Heller; Inspectors, Samuel McNincb. Elias
Beber; School Directors, Norman Butler, Wm. M.
Auten; Overseers, Wm. Foresmun, Peter Voueidu ;
Assessor, Hugh P. Caul ; Supervisors, Geo. Troxell,
John Faust
Rush. Justice, Aaron Sober , Constable, Josoph
Hammer; Judge, Robort Campbell; Inspectors,
D. C. Campbell, John Lake; School Directors, Wm.
B. Gulick, Edward Grady; Overseers, John Obcrdorf,
Jeremiah B. Bassett ; Assessor, J. Haughawout;
.Supervisors, Henry R. Johnson, Isaao Hilo.
Mt. Carmel Township, Constable, Andrew
Donuhoe; Judge, Wm. II. Donnelly; Inspectors,
Andrew Geoghun, WaltorDuggan ; School Direotors,
Michael Corcoran. Patrick Rallerty, Patriok Murray;
Overseers. John Hogan, James Raflerty ; Assessor,
Tbo Gibbons; Supervisor, P. Hester.
Upper Mahanny. Constable, G. W. Hornberger;
Judge, John Mnyer ; Inspectors. John Smith, Jacob
Oienrider ; School Directors. Aaron W. Snyder, J.
Kebler; Overseers, Samuel Rebock, Levi Snyder ;
Assessor. Juoob H. Bcisel ; Supervisors, David Ma
lick, Duuicl . Snyder.
Deceit aro Deception. A new invention for
females is now all the rage. It is oalled a "breast
er," and consists of an india-rubber bosom, which is
inflated, and heaves to nnd fro like a diffident mai
den, risiug and swelling as the wearer wishes, by
pressing a sorew which connects, by means of a tube,
with some fixings about the waist. Tbey are worn
extensively, and tho efieot they have upon the un
initiated is sometimes irresistible. A gentleman is
walking along and meets a fair dame who is anxious
to make an impression. But alas, he tees that she
is what Bulwer calls "a flat-bosomed spinster."
Suddenly she puts her hand to her waist, lets on the
wiud, the ''breaslor" Inflates, and hesees before him
a comely formed maid, plump and round as arosy
young widow. This is an Inventive age.
Lent. The season of Lent, which is strietly held
as a time of fasting in the Catholic and Protestant
Episcopal Churches, commenced on Wednesday last
and will continue for six woeks, ending on Easter
Sunday, tbe 12th of April. The rules of fasting or
abstkneooe in the Catholio Church are especially
rigid, all persons over twenty-one years of age being
required to obey tbem. They are at follows : Adults
are to snake only one meal a day, exoepting Sun'
dayt. The aseal allowed on fust dayt is not to be
taken till about oooa. At that meal, if on any day
permission should be granted for eating flesh, both
flesh and fish are not to be used at the same time,
even by way of seasoning. A small refreshment,
oommonly oalled collation, is allowed in the eve
ning ; no general rule as te the quantity of food per
mitted at this time is or oan be made, but the prac
tice of tht most regular Christian it never to let il
exceed the fourth part of an ordinary meal. The
following persons are exempted from tbt obligations
of fatting i All under twenty-one yean of age ; the
tick ; nursing women ; those who are obliged to do
hard labor J all who, through weakness, eannot fast
without great prejudice to their health. By dispea
tatioa, the use of flesh meat will bt allowed at any
time on Sundeys, and once a day on Mondays, Tuo
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, with tbe exeeptlon
ot iioiy xnurauayi, ana ine teoona ana lost eatur
days of Lent. Persons dispensed from the obliga
lion of faslioc, on aeeoant of tender or advanced
age, or hard labor, are not bound by the restriction I
of using meat on dayt oa whioh Its use is granted by I
dispensation. Others dispensed from the fast for I
other causes, as well as those who are obliged to j
fast, act permitted t ust meat only at one mtal. j
Tsa Asxnsi, Tim ro 1358. By the ot of
Congress of Juht (0, 1904, hs tmonded by the aot of
Marofa t, 1607, it if mad the duty of any person
lluble to annual tax, on or before the first day of
Maroh In each year, to make a return to tho Assis
tant Assessor of the dlstrlot wherein ho resides, of
his income, and of the artioles in schedule A, owned
or kept by him, en the first day of March.
Every person failing to make such return by the
day specified will be liable to be assessed by the
Aeslstant Assessor according te the best Information
which he can obtain ; and la such case Uia Assistant
Assessor will add fifty per cent, to the amount of the
tax, and from the valuation and enumeration so
sunde there can be ne appeal.
In case any porson shall deliver to an Assessor anv
false or fraudulent list or statement, with intent to
I defea' or CT,lde th lMon or enumeration re
I ouirej u, . . .... . . , ..
1? i j ' AlB,"n Assessor will add on.
- per ooni. to me lax.
AcciDiNt to Bishop Srivaas. A passenger ear
i on the Lackawanna ft Bloomsburg Railroad, eon
! tainiug the Rt. Rev. Bishop Stevens, of Pbiladcl
f phin, Ilov. A. A. Marple, ofScrnuton, and a few
Othcr.possongcrs, was thrown from tho traok by a
, broken rail, about seven miles below Scrantou, on
i Thursday of Inst week, and prcoipitutcd down an
ombnnktuont of oonsidcrablo height. Bishop Sic-
vons rccoivod soma injuries about the hoad and
j"0"1' CUl "e 0,,llBve r0 not oonsldored of a
... ... . .
viiuua vuHuicr. ue n ai mo residence 01 tiuuiro
Conyngham, at Wilkesbarro. The other passengers
wero also more r less injured, hut none soriously.
Editor's Table.
Tna Atlantic Mo.itblv. The Atlantic), for
March, is alroady on our table. Tho following are
the oontenta : John Chinaman, M. D..; Itockweeds ;
A Conversation on the Stage; Ueorgp Silverman's
Explanation, III. ; By-Ways of Europe, III. ; John
o' the Smithy; The Old Philadelphia Library;
Flotsam and Jetsam, III. ; Cretan Dnrs, II. ; The
oequoi 10 an ui'i r.ngusa oiaie xriai ; ine xonto 01
January ; The Household Lamp ; Free Missouri, I. ;
Some of tho Wonders of Modern Surgery ; Roviews
nnd Literary Notices. Published by Ticknor ft
Fields, Boston, Mass.
Gookv's Ladv's Book. We have received the
March number of this ever-welcome magazine. Tho
embellishments in this number consist of the follow
ing : Bird Catching, a steol plate ; colored fashion-
Nnmn nf rhn iVnnilf
PlHe, containing six ugures; a nnnasomeiy printed
piuiu iu uiuv mill reu, coutniiiiii m iuiiujt mai, viu. ,
u lnrgo extension shuot, containing thirty-nine en
gravings of Indies' drosses, children's dresses, etc. ;
1 Hush ! a picture for the juveniles. Among the il
I lustrations of fancy work will be found a now style
I of tidy, a visiting card basket, crochet straps, scr
: victte ring, toilet envelope, needle-book, Ao. The
' juvenile department is illustrated with some useful
i work for tho little folks, in which they can pass
. many a pleasant hour. Published by L. A. Godey,
N. E. Cor. Sixth and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia.
The Ladv's FniExn, for MARcn. "Diamonds
! or Hearts : a Halloween Mystery." is the attractive
title of tho beautiful stcol engraving which lends oft
this number of the "Queonof the Monthlies." This
engraving illustrates a story by Eleanor C. Don
nelly, which all will want to road. The tashiou
plate Is, as usual, engraved on steel, nnd colored,
nnd is refined nnd elegant. This is followed by
nnotber engraving oallod After the Storm, nnd by
numerous cuts of children's fashions, bonnots, coif
fures, mantles, .to. The music for this number is
The Welcome Gallon. Among the literary matter
we note a storv by Mrs. Harriet Proscott Spofl'ord
The First Theft and the Last ; A Dead Man's Rule,
by Miss Prescott ; De Courcy's Reply, by Mrs.
Bocbe ; Judgo and Mrs. Sturtevant, by Frances
Lee ; Disillusion ; Wax Flowers, and How to Make
Them ; Tbo Fashions, Receipts, Ac. Published by
Deacon ft Peterson, ,11V Wulnut St., Philadelphia.
j.Iol I'rlnfinu'. Having received a
largo supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of vorious now
styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Curds, Letter
Heads, Bill Heads. Labels, do. , can be printed in
tho latost, and best styles, and on short notice
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
Srcci.vL attention of Ladies is Invited to Wm. T.
I Hopkins' three grades of Hoop Skirts tho ' Koy-
stone Skirt," "Union'Skirt,"
.,, ,,,. , ,'
Kcad adv. in this issue.
end ' Champion Skirt."
The Seasox. This is the time to get cheap clo
thing, nnd at the Continental Clothing Btixaur, iu
Market Square, is the place to find it. Slaymaker
makes to order any selection from bis large and etc-
gunt stock of goods, at short notice, and in the best
manner. Call iu, soo his assortment, and learn his
Piioi UAsi ination is the buster of success,'1
quaintly but truly says Nusby, in his lute proclama
tion to tho Democracy of the North. Many are tho
good resolutions, well-laid plans, wiso undortukings
and capital enterprises that have been "busted" by
procruslination. Then no longer delay, but go at
onoe aud ordor a suit of goad clothes at J. F. Shaef
fcr's Tailoring establishment, on Murkot Square.
A PnovmtB Tho influunce ou men's appear
ance, mado by the tailor, has long since gone into a
proverb; and thoso who get their clothes at J. O.
Beck's, on Fourth street, are living witnesses of the
truth it contains. At Beck's all kinds of men's uud
boys' clothing uio made in splendid style, cheap,
elegant and warranted to fit.
We have all beard of asking for bread and re
ceiving a stone, but the young geutlcman may be
considered still worse treatod when he asked fur a
young lady's baud and got her father's boot. Ho
deserved it for not going to Miller's Excelsior Storo
on Murkot Square, aud getting a pair that would
have set much easier, made before be put tho
No Moke Tin bt ! We have positively deter
mined to retail no more Coal, unless for cash on de-
Uteri. ft BKO.,
valentine imktz,
It Haas ft Wulveutum.
Beautiful. Tho beautiful specimens of the Pho
tographic art, on exhibition ot Byerly's 'Jullerv, in
Simpson's building, Market Square, tell the public
iu unmistakable lunguuge, thut Byerly is a first
class artist. Calf up aud get a life-like picture.
1 in
'Mr dear Murphy," said an Irishman to his
friend, "why did you betray the secret that was
told you ?" "Is it betrayiu' that you call it ? Suro,
when I found I wasn't able to keep it myself, didn't
I do well to tell it to somebody that oould ?" Some
things should not be kept seeret, for instanoe the
r, 1.1.11..,, :,.
laOi nai a. r ausi, ISO lusuiouuuia usucr, is luuuu
fnoturinz and selling goods very fust and very
lap, at his store, on Market Square.
In this place, on the 20th lust., by Rev. G. W.
Hemperly, Mr. Jahei T. Getter, (Printer.) aud
Miss Linnie Bersstresseb, both of Shatnokin.
At tha same time and plaoe, by the tame, Mr.
IIuoh Coltos and Miss Eva Setter, all of Sua
mokin. On the 23d Inst., by Rev. W. A. Haai, Mr. Wil-
Liah D. Waomeh, of Suydertowa, and Miss Har
riet Reesbr, of Lower Aagasta township.
In this rlace. on tbe 23th inst., by Rev. S. W.
Reigart, Mr. Mosis Reitz and Miss Martha
Bpeece, all of Fisher's Ferry.
ftlJ.MILllV .MAICUiriN.
Corrected Weekly for the "American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do de de do perowt.
Rye Flour, per bbl.
do per owl.
Wheat, prime red, new, per bushel ,
Rye, do
Corn, new, do
Oats, do
Potatoes, do
Dried Peaches, pared per pound
do do uupared do
Dried Apples. do
$12 00
a uo
10 00
6 00
3 40
1 36
1 12
1 40
3 00
Dried Cherries, (unstoaed,) per bu
per pound,
per dosen,
per pound,
per pair
Beef, hind quarter,
" from "
HbamtUlst Coal Trade.
EHAUOtia, February 26, 1B68
Tout. Vim.
Sent for week ending leb 22, 8,143 10
Per last Report, -1t,00 18
44,644 08
44,003 14
660 14
To lame time last year,
Special JCoticcs., Hr.tsDNrss in CATAiian treated
with the utmost suoooss by J, Isaacs, M. D., Ocul
ist and Aurlit, (formerly of LeyUen, Holland,) No.
R03 Aroh Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from
tho most reliable ennroos in pity and country eati be
seen at faia oRioa. The Medioal faculty are Invited
to acoompany their patients, n be has no eeorela In
hisprnotioe. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted with
out pain. No oharge for examination. nov.SO-ly.
Drroi-n of Vonlli.
A gontlemon who suflcrod fur years from Nervous
Debility, Treinature. Dooay, and all the effeota of
youthful indisoretion, will, for the snko of suffering
humanity, send free to all who need It, the rocipo
and directions for niukiug tho simple remedy by
whioh he wns ourcd. Siin'orcrs wishing to pnili't hy
the advertiser's experience, oan do so bv adilressiug,
in perfeot oontldence, JOHN II. Oil DUN.
jny JB'-fiTJy 42 Cedar tftreot. N. Y.
'I'o Consumptive).
The Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (freo
of oharge) to all who desire it, the prescription with
the directions for making and using the simple rouio
dy by which be was oured ot a lung ailoction ami
that dread diseiAo Consumption. His only object is
to benefit the atHioted, and he hopes every sutbirer
will try this prescription, us it will cost them nothing,
any may prove a blessing. Plenso address
inyJS-'67.1 y Williamsburg, Kings Co.. NV.
Essay for Young Men, on tho Errors, Abue and
Disoasos which destroy the Manly Powers nnd create
impediments to Marriage, with sure means of relief.
Sent in sealed letters envelopes free ot chargo. Ad
dress, Dr. J. SKII.LIN HOUGH10N.Uov.iir l As-
i sociation, Philadelphia, Pa. feblim.
Is manufactured from Pl'RE
MATERIALS, and may be
considered the .STANDARD OF
EXCELLENCE. For salo by
all Grocers.
May IS, IH67. ly.
Information, guaranteed to produce a luxuriant
growth of hnir upon a buld head or beardless face,
also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotohes,
Eruptions, eto , on the skin, leaving the snmo soft,
clear, and beuulilul, cun be obtuiued without charge
by addressing
THOS. F. CHAPMAN. Chemist,
may IS, '07. 823 Broadway, New York.
o.i: lMtK.i:
0 a Market Street,
One door above Sixth, Philadelphia.
For many years this Establishment has done busi
ness on the Ono Price Sys:em, and we believe vc
are the only Clothing House iu tho city thut strictly .
niineres tu tuis principle e nnve earned a repu
tation which we aro proud of, for good taste in seleol
good styles and substantial materials, nnd not less
iuiportunt, for huving all our goods,
i:ntA wi:m,
We employ the best talent, for Cutters, und our
Goods are of both kinds Fashionable nnd plain
so that ull tastes can be suited. The prices ore the
very lowest, as any ono by u moment's thought must
see, or otherwiso wo could not meet tho competition
of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever made,
we must put our prices dowu to the advantages we
The people may depend, this is tho true plun upon
which to do business, and in anv a dollar can bo
saved to Clothing buyers by kecpiug in mind
604 Market Strrcot, Philadelphia.
Not on the Corner, but one dgor above Sixth.
March 23, 1807. ly
X. S. M 11 A yi . O ,
j Xtfa f plrnt nlrar fir TfiT-Tnlov
i Xt UCWClClj
MARKET S Q U A U E , Sl'KDl'Ill", P A.,
Will remove his Jewelry Store to Miller's Stone
Building, corner of 3d aud Murket Square,
where he will be hnppy tu receive his ol I customers
aud tho public in gcucrul. Thankful fur past favors,
he solicits a continuance of tho sumo, and he is de
termined to sell as low as the lowest, and fur quality,
not to be surpassed by any goods in tho market. A
large assortment of
Wnti-lieis, CIoi'Uh, .Ivwt'li-)' iiikI
' iwllvcr Wurc,
onstautly on hand, consisting of all kinds of Ameri-
can Watches, such as tho
Howard, Appleton, Tracy & Company,
Tremont, Waltham, P. S. Bartlet, XVca. El
lory, Home nnd a flno assortment of Swiss
AllkiuJuof8 Day mid 30 Hour Clocks !
Silver ton setts, card and cuke baskets, breakfast
and dinner castors, Celery stands, syrup aud drink
ing cups, and a full assortment of Spoons, Knives
and Forks. Particular attention paid to the repair
ing of Wutches, Clocks, Jewelry aud Music Boxes
All work warrantod.
Feb. 8, 113.
a. m. ii:ei:i.i.,
1)roetiout WATCHMAKER and JEWELER, who
iswoll known iu this, aud Union county, having
been torn number of years at the old established
Storo of "Jos. Anostadt," Milton, Pu.,no respect
fully informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity,
that he hat leased a room in J. M. .Simpson's Build
ing, Murket Square, from the 1st of March next,
where he will open the largest nnd best useorled
stock of American and European Watches. Jewelry,
solid Silver and Plated Ware, over brought to this
flaoe, which will be sold at the lowest Hold rules.
le solicits a call, feeling confident to please.
Repairing dono on tho most Scientific Principle,
and satisfaction given by Warrantee. Aocurate ad
justing of Railway Time-Keepers, made a specialty.
Sunbury, Feb. loth, 1863.
and full lot, situate ou the South-east corner of
Fourth and Hanover streets in the Borough of Nor
thumberland, formerly occupied by Jno. A. Tuylor,
now by Wm. Burnside. .
for lull particulars, inquire of
Druggist, anbury pa.
Fdb. 1S,18oS.-3t.
Auditor's olit-e.
IN the matter of the distribution of the nroeeuds
of salo of the real estate, to. , of the "Sunbury Canal
uuu naier rower company. '
The undersigned hereby tfivosnotioe to all parsons
Interested in the above matter, that be will altuud
to the duties of his appointment, at the ottioe or
Bruner & Kase, in Sunbury, on Friday the 25th
day of February, 1868, at 10 o'oloek A.M.
uutitLta j. mil A fen, Auditor.
Sunbury, February 16, 1868.
Provision, and Flour
& Feed Store.
J, A.. UOUY & CO.,
In Weinicr's Building, Water Street, near King St.,
INFORM their friends and the public geuerally
that they have a large assortment of Groceries
Provisions. lo.,a)l fresh and of tire best quality, con
sisting of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, and Spices.
Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese,
and Crackers, and in faot everything usually
kept in the (irooery line.
They would also etll attention to their large end
cheap lot of tiuod FAMILY FLO 111, Ureeu Tea,
Uama, Shoulders, 4c, which are constantly kept on
hand. Also, til kinds of Vegotublos, to., Ac.
Uive them a call and tee for yourself.
Northumberland, Sept. 2i, 1867.
T11K subsoriber offers to tell hit Boot and Shoe
Store, loeated on Market street, Suubury, a tee
aoors.ea oi iiaupi s new DDiiuing, including a
Urge stock of Boots, and Ladies and Children's
Shoos, Ositers, Ac The room will also be rented
to anv person purchasing the stock, if desired, llera
is presented an opportunity lor eomg a Brst-olass
Boot end Shoe business. The esieblishmeut is offer
ed for tale bscsuse tbe owner has gone into other
business in tbe West. J. li JLFI'KlLb
t-uuhury. January 4, 189
ItcglKtcr'n Holler.
NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees, creditors,
and other persons Intvrested in Ihu following
estates, that tho Administrators, Executors ana
Guardians nf the within named, havo filed their
accounts with tho Rcgistor of Northumberland couu
tv. and that said accounts will bo presented to tbo
Orphans' Court, for confirmation and allowance on
I Tuesday the 10th day of March next, at 10 o'clock
I A. M.:
I. Tho aooonnt of II. P. Mourer, Guordlanof Ed
1 ward t'nlvin, William Ellis, Daniel Elmer, and
', Emma Klitnlteth Macbamer. minors, filed Decem
ber Kith, 18rt7. 1
2. The account of Samuel Brosious, executor of (
Jacob Brosious, dee d., tiled December 2.1, 1HB7. ,
3. Tho account of Adiim Znrtinunnnd Abraham j
Znrtninn, executors of William Zurtiiiaii, dee'd., filed ;
December 24th, lsu'7. j
4. 'llio accouiitol'Ailum Lenker, administrator of
Charles Kerstetter, doe'd., tiled Deuembor 27tb. 180".
e. The account of John Pfiegor, and Adam Kplor,
executors of John PQegor, doe'd., filed January 0th,
lotia. ' j
0. The account of William Snvidge, guardian of ;
Charles Kcincrer, minor, Hied Jauuuiy 0, 14M. :
7. The nooount nl George Dimen, guurdiau of Al- i
fred and Goorgo iluf'er, minor children, bled Janus- '
ry 10. 1HG8. j
H. Tbo account nf Thomas C. Dlmm, administrator '
of Ruben Hul'cr, dee'd , filed January H tb, 1898.
9. Tho account of John Meyors, ndnitnistrutor of ,
Anna Maria Meyers, dee'd.. tiled fr'eti. 1st. IriOM. i
10. Tho account ol Philip 11. Fullmer, admiuistra- '
for of Samuel C. Folliner.tleo'il., riled Feb. 1st, 1861.
11. The account of Daniel Kcitn. guurdian of the j
minor children of William llothei-mel. dee'd .filed i
VFcb. 3d, ISHS.
12. ihe nnnl account ofSoloman oung, nil minis- !
trator uf Elizuboth Hummel, dee d., filed Feb. -illi, I
18B8. !
I. 1. The account of William Llllotl, guardian of;
Kmnnuel Shiley, minor, filed Feb. tith, ItStiS. :
II. Tbo account of Suui'icl Derr. guurdiau of 1
Andrew I. Karehncr. minor, filed Feb. alb, If-liS.
IS. The account of Abraham Shipinan. ndminis
; trator of Lienor Lytic, dee d., tiled Deo. bth. IMVS.
J. LEU-KNHINO, Register.
I Sunbury, February 10th, 1H69. j
! I.irst ol AilieniilM Tor I'livei-ii 1.1. i
j cciiKC for .Mtircli MeMlou, A. 1. j
I IMtiMi I
1 James lirlley, Mr. Canm 1 birouiih, old sla.iO.
It Dan'l A. Start.el. Upper Maliuuoy, ' '
! 3 Hemy Hums, tfuabuiy Iwirouph. " i
4 lieoige Kekerl, iVirtrVU borough, 11 :
! tt Win. Myers, ChilllS(uiMiiie,
li Thos. Mesial, Puxlnos, Miuiliokiii li., '
7 Jiictli Leisenring, Henr tiap, -
i Tims, t-'outtls. jr., .rhe township, "
It Jolm Allien, Jackson lovvnstilp,
111 John Weaver .erc-c Inwntllip, . "
II Auron T. Coble, JoMtuii townkltip, "
l'i 'V. J. tuiTun, Morthuiiihcilaiut borough, "
1:J Jacob SHruub, Jordan township, '
U Win. Farrow, thninnk in township, '
13 Win. Kiigletniiii, sHmhury borough, new stsn
10 Juhnn Johnson, NorlhM boiouijli, old stand.
17 A t. .Mutt is, Lower Malianoy twp.,
IX David I) Davis, Mt Cunncl boroui;!.. "
111 J. Al. Houghton. " '
'o I., o. sucker, Milton borou-ti,
VI C. II. H.'iyer, Cameron township, '
Khus San'rfer, Jordan township, "
J.) J. dm M. Hull', , Milton hoioiiglt, " !
tit Win. M. iNestul, North'd borough, Road's old staij
J5 J. V. Stuslioltz, Lower Mu'uny, timing's "
120 Kruiikliii Ityerly, " old stand.
"27 C'lftis. ljuriiiigur, Suubury borough,
Jacob Slice's " new stand.
2M Augustus Wuld, T.wer Ma'.innoy, uld stand.
30 Joseph Vuukirk, NorthM borough,
31 Charles llzel, Sunhury birouith, "
3J Harnett Cannon, Mt. Cunncl Iwp , new st.ind.
3.1 Peter Weikel, Ciiiuerou township, old stand.
31 John II. Coiiiad, t-hamokiu boinngh, o
3j Nicholas Week, Sunbury boruugh, "
tU' 11 . C. t'lher, Washington towiiblup,
3? Clnislian Nell, JSuntmry borouuh, "
:H John S. Wuenel, Sltamoklu townthip, '
3'J Joseph Teuaucs, b-irougli, l
4U Jus Vandyke, Noith'd Urouj;h, "
41 Wm. Ciwuiit, Ucluwure township,
4 j Francis McCurly, Ml. Canvu! tewi.suip, '
43 I'elri iMcOouuld, " '
41 Ueiij. Kuouse, Zclbs township, 11
45 Cyrus Itrown, Milton boro.,(lu. store), '
40 Ciius. Uartlnuil,.Monluudoii,
47 It. J. Header, Mcc.weusvillc, "
4H Jacob Loudeiislager, Jackson township, "
4'J John McAianos. Coul to:?-i'.p, new stand
5(1 A. Rotlmriuel. ti'town, I,. Mu'uov, old stand,
51 Joid Hitteruiuri, Jackson tnwuship,
C2 Aug. Ziiiiinerniaii, .Ml. Cariucl borough, u
5.1 Uaiiicl Herb. Upper Muhuuoy, u
51 T. 1'i'Ulds, tr , Zeihe tp., (lit), store),
55 V.- T. liriunliellf r, Smitiury borough, "
50 C. H. Itaker, Little Mahunoy towiistdp,
57 EUuiunU Troxel, Aliltou buiough, "
05 John Cnitis,Siiiiia,,kui burotijii
5!) Hugh Tye, i.ocust Oap, "
60 Muiy Bryinire, Huubury b.V,MlHl, new s'lind
Gl J . tiulen plinth, Jaekson township, u
61 Amos Miller, Suubury boiough, "
63 Ttios. Gibbons, Mt. Cunnel township, t(
tit Henry Vsu Ktlen, Milnui borough, Heed's slund.
05 'I'tios Welsh, Mt. Cariucl borough, old stand.
00 Wm. Jurvey, Locust Hup, "
117 Juciih Moweiv, Sh-Jiu 'kiu boiough, u
C Wm. M. Weaver, " "
tltf Hobert Niebols.n, Shani'-kiu boroiigti, old slun.l.
70 H. 1). Weaver, Zerhc township,
71 Win. p. Koth, shuinokiu borougn, tf
7i Samuel tMahhirckrr. Deiuwure Iwp., ,;
73 11.11 Dreisluich, 'I'urhutville birough, -71
C W. Sliiker, Mlllon Isuough, '
75 Johu.M. Fry, 'i'uibutville borough, '
7rl Jotin Iearson, Point township,
7 Pettr Yeager. Slirimokiii townsh.p, "
7S Dalesman ,V Hwktl, Lieluwure Iwp , '
7tl John H Ikisi, l.'pprr .Maliioioy twp , (
HI J. iM. Ilnrlli d'lmew, Sunhury, (hi sluie,) new stand
bt rrederiek Fahriou, Mt. Caiiuel boro.,
e0 C. W. Snyder, Shuinokin borough, old Bland.
bj J M . Simpson. S'inbiuy, new slaiid.
tM Maitiu L. Fisher, Sunbury. old stand.
J. J. Hi:i.MF.SNYlii:U, rioth'y ol Aptriicuut for iCcxttiiii-an t i
Licenses tor .Tin rcli -Nion, IMtwi !
I Klias i?uyder, Hernd at, old s ran J. i
2 l-'ursyth fi, oitht ti troui;!), " i
3 fjeort'C A. llccsti, trunl.tir borough, "
4 John Cnrns, '
Wm. W. Itutli.M.hon b 'Ioucii, i
0 Jus. Kfilry, Ml. Curint-I Isiroccli, "
7 in, llunows. Sh.unohhi h.,roun
8 Win. tloover, riinibury t, irouiili,
tl John MoMuims, Coal townslnj),
111 lleais liotUliLill, Lower Angiittdti
II r'red Shrank. Sonhury tKirouh,
I'J Jacob Clvuier, Milton b"iou'c'h,
I t Win A Flthel, "
14 Jacob Criuer, 41
15 Matilda I'yers. Sin.tauy bor.'uh,
old stand.
llevV stand.
Id A. 11. HftKtrtssci, t-tiuiu,.Li.i ooiouvh,
17 Wm. C It. ah. "
IS Peter Siiieiiz-T, Sunhury b iroucb,
It) K. K. lioid, .Mcblwcusvihe borough,
old stand.
new stand.
old sland.
new stand.
) I). S. Clark, "
'Jl Uuil"ii L. Hull, Sinitmry borough,
1TJ Jas. Uiiek. l.'eust Uai,
t!:i Win. Itrohst. Norttrd horouiih,
Ui .M. Ornhain, Heaver Ilule, Ml. Cariucl tp , "
'2S .Nlillon Troxel, Turhiltville borough, old staml.
-Jii John Wagner, Shainolcin twp., new Htand.
'J7 John Me.Maiius, Coul tovnshl, 11
J- Philip Uietuiiui, hamok in boioltlth, old stand
V9 Daii'l .Mnrshall A Son, Niath'd boiough,
30 Henry Hurh, Shsinokiu borough, "
31 Henry trunnions. new slund.
32 A. ilut-Lenberg A C.i , Moiilaiidou, u
J. J. KKlMi:.NSNYDi:it, Proih y
.JO.TII.V IM.lllI.Y JOlinAI.,
Thousands of funiiliesiii the city and country, have
long felt the want of au Illustrated Journal al a
reasonable price, and equal to any on this continent.
To this end, wo have engaged i;ood artists. The
literary depurtuieut will bo one of the features of tho
paper, aud He shall publUh from time to tiuju, ori
ginal Tales, Sketches, Ac, .by the leading writers of
the cuuutry.
But we offer as au inducement to thoso who sub
scribe, aud will help to push forward to a successful
i.vuo, a cheap and valuable Illustrated Family
Jourual, aud give a large number of pretiunint.
Subscribers will nut have to wait to know il they
have a premium. Thcro will be 2.11.1 premiums
distributed te tbe subscribers. The paper will be
well worth tho dollar, for the year. A book has boen
prepared for subscribers with numbers lreiu 1 to 100.-
000, and the premiums are equally distributed ;
through the one hundred thousand numbers. i
If there should beoue thousund names received on
the same day and date, the letters will be cfcucd I
regularly as they come to baud, and marked on the i
book iu regular rotation as opeucd, so Hint Ihcru will
bv a tuir distribution ot the premiums. e shall
publish the names of the persons that are entitled to
the premiums, in the Kit Yohk Mo.miily illis
TiUTin, and in the city and country papers.
The following Premiums will bo distributed :
10 Cash Premiums of $6l'0 eaeh, $5,000
6 " " 200 " 1,000
10 " ' 100 " l.lMIO
20 ' ' 60 " 1,000
411 " 24 " 1,000
80 " " 10 800
60 Hold Watches, ( Aui'n Watch Co. I $60 each, 2,600
60 Wilcox A Uibbs' Sewing Machines, M ' S.0O0
60 Howe's Sewing Machines, 00 " 3.000
2000 Premiums ol $1 each, 2 000
1 eopy, ono year, with one subscription, fl 00
6 copies, " five " 5 00
20 ' " " twenty " 20 00
Persons getting up clubs will be eutitled lo pre
miums, as above.
Address LF.WI3 it Co , 41 Mercer St., N. Y., Box
OOl .
Write tbe address plain, giving township, county
and Stale. Money by draft, Put office order, regis- i
tered letter, or ei press, may be sunt at our risk. i
eona iu ots. lor specimen copy containing all ,
i necessary information.
. . B, . K" tUt"Nl ,,
..L.T.' Bfpckwell, Iretuurcr of tho Howe Sewing
Wacnine lo., own uriMuiway. A aw l tst
Edward P. Batch. Secretary of tbe Wilcox t
Oibbs' Sewing Machiue Co., 608 Bioadway, N, V.
Feb. 16. 168.
I F vu vant good Tin-Ware, go
1 ULM1U1 j N biiop
lo SM1I1I
lo not llrml thits t elumn or ou
wun muin.j nnu ottl wwre
. , ....
t.aM j
of tho
For tbo
least mm.
t the
! ,1 .vllKL'T fi'.if" ARP.
lia just received and opened Ihe
m:s r isiii.i.t i i:d a i
ri-ST-M A.;nUTME.NT. of
l'nti'.'h Jluriu'.s,
I'liuu, Mualius,
SOI iO.N.i ol ail Mini;
Jl-:cry. Uloves.'Mnii'.i and Ladies Viidergsnnct.t '
A fuilajjorlu.enlof Til I M MI Nii.
BuiKUrs hill Cud my Slock uf llurtlti lire,
I'tifutk., OIIm, 4h lit ris, Ac, 'vmil-t r.
Drugs and Medicines,
Willow and ' edarwu'
lueen9w ate, lilusauars
'.'tockery, fall
and iu fact otei jtbing usually kept in a laigi. Store
Cull und bn convinced that tbe CIIKAPKST
The Mainmuth S t or r.
X-I."5Z". FILIN(,
'1'rrtua t'tielt, 8du5 ,
as my Hoods ar bought for t'ah sod
or the 1U:.IY MOSCV-
;olJ Cheap
Cuuburv Oil H, lob,
i i r i li. rm fctiii nr tni
publlostilo, at tdo rf ol' iieo nf
VV V,;'. "r. .,. owu.hit,. near .Mo
Ewousville, JsuiUiuinbcrliiud euunly. Pa.,n
Wo.Iii.'shIiij iiu11'lsil'ln., ita fitti
uud fills diiyts ol' Slurolt,
the following property, v it!
A span of brown match Mule;-, 111 hands high, well
A pair or mutch Kirrcl Horses, lit bands high
'Ibis ,pnn rlrew Ihe lirst premium nt the Pennsylva.
nia ftalo l'str, held at w illiMtnsport, ns Ihe best pair
of Horses ou exhibition for ait kinds of use.
1 Umriingh -bred Durham Bull, 2 vrs old on July IP,
1 thoro.inh.bred Durhnin Heifer. 1 yeurol l.
2 yearling Heifers. Durham nnd Ablerny eios.
3 yearling Durham Steers, 0 juiU. Cons, Duihnm
and Ablerny cross.
2 thnrnugh-bred" Durham uiilk Cows, and 11 II ul
of Reef Cattle.
1 Lineolnsliire Buck. 12 Ears,. Hou'hdnwn an I
Cotswold cross Hith u lamb to u thorough bred Lin
eolasbirc Bu.k, and 7 yeiuling veaihui.i.
l i tic; 3.
."i lireclliif; Sows, thorough bred, I'lie tcr cr,. whites
0 6'hoals, thorouli-bred, Chester county whiles
Thron good . two. horse Wagons, two of them with
pipe b&xe, I Spring Wapui. 1 Carriage, I Buekeyq
Rcaptr, 1 liny Rake, and I Myers Piston Otairi lhil!,
One puir N'o. 1 Bob-Slmts. 2 Ion,; Sii-ls. I log
I ,vii d and 2 .Slei;;b
i HAltNLSa.
ISelthi'svy breach-band il artiest, 2 Kills"
j llarnoss. 2 ircttn Plow gears. 1 double sett liugiry
I Harness, 2 double sells Fly Nctts. I single Fly Neff.
3 Snddlvs, iiiiltcr-i, Lines, collars, bridles uni check
One tumbling rod Threshing .Machine an I pimer.
1 corn sbcller, 1 wind mill, 1 cutting b".. Il1 cattlu
' chains, and forl.s.
1 I'lic. blind press cider mill. 7 plows. 2 liainms, I
! cultivator. 1 corn pb.a, il juble-trcis, spreads. !";.
j chains, tug-chains, liui'iow-ehuiiis mnl I fil'tb cbntn,
I I otato fork, 3 pair breast chain, d pair wagon la I
! dors, 1 roller, pioiv shares, grain o.'adles. mowing
j s.-yihcs, sickles uud 1! corn cutters
! Ono cru-oiil saw, 2 post iHiur.and jiu'l -1i-r.-:t.
1 1 lmviti liuifit', 1 t-lnlgr, fruliltiiijsj hoi", shovuli.
pniin(, T'.mr.s, )ti3t-'iici.e nnd 1 cunt bo-jk, 2
brond iixn. wrt-nelips, uujjm;?. ciiisrli. planuh, liilliiij
! hove, uxirj imil giind atync.
; On -.'otrk stove, 2imn k'ltloi. 1 Imam kr.tth- eptn
i mntf whet;), tiiix-l)t HKu. suiibBfrs siuirrr, lnt'l iind
j huttT tirkiiio. brni'lM'K, Hour cIh!!-, hlir ftmn.
j bi'tL-teiuls. l.jirrcls iLini wuttr cai , tiiul uLh-T nrii'.'lt 1
too tiiiiiivroufc to iiibuiinit.
.sHla to p.omaipuoo nt V o'elofk A M . of iiikL ft
' suid Uuvb wheu U-ruid will by nid Unovtn by
Lewis townskip, Jau. 2:, !6'.W 1.
Ou Third M . one ibn.i below the l,ulb"i..ii I'lniicU
S U X H U K Y . 1' K X N ' A.
II lis just I'pCIl' d H.
CsS Betr.IiXI2 E.-CBB Sh
Provision Store
aiid i.-1 Ili'i fur CASH
JJic tuck i.- cimipIeH'. runRtstinjr in pint of
M; AUS, COFi-'KK. TL'AS. .vrU'l-S. COAl. Ol! .
MflltMiS, ISvrUIP. MllLktlt).. 'I'iild. IllllU.-. m
lni'i! nnd Cani.c.l Kruitj. Jrunci. Hiiir-tt, L'ltvtV
nnd C'riiL'ki'nt. nnd in fiuM ovcrylhin; UMiitllv
kept III tho tinuiiTy liM'.
lliti bv.vt t LUl'K uud MI: Ah in tbo Maik v
I TobiRcs.. Ci;;:!. uud a vnrivl.v "f NOTIONS,
j C'oi;stuiitltv on hiu.'d Shell and Cun
j 4ST9 Shf 3.'5 r. a 7 BI H El &
whivli still be funiili(-d Lo rlvitU t aui t lu-a in lu.j;
or fiimll (jiimiTitics.
' Alitn All kiuJj ui' Cuntttd I'lutLitt tht loiv,:
' priuft-
Couu try rtvduce tauvn in oxjlitmu l(,r t.y.ttis.
C u HU'J tto-'k. und fatiify
1 .suiibutv. Ihv 11, i"Cr.
Cull uud sec !., i
KfiiAl iMi.,
J l;t rt, oi ed at
Tcn,U titicel. l-tlow Fvster'. Kiue. M'NLl'UY
of the uitt appiovt
uiule up to crut a
reasonable lates.
Ho bus also a tine iL-.-ortinci.t of Onsiniero ;-'bii t..
fiuwers, Undershirts, Overhauls, Bloit-e. Neck
ties, t'ottoi and Wu.lcii llo e, Sn fend T-, Hsud
kefchivfs. Il loves, nnd a general variety ol
gi:mli:mi:n s i i KiasiiiNii wwi.
Jive Lim u ca'.l, which you will liu I t be to yuur
Suubiiry. (ct. I'J. 1SS7.
nici: or Tin: piiii.Ai.Ki.nnA ami
Kill K It.MLKOAii CO.MP.l.W. .No 2.'d .il
nut street. l'hila.lel hia
Af plication has been niudo to the l'bilud.!; hit
nnd Kric Kailroad I'ouipnn.v i formerly Ibu Suuourv
and 1'rie Kailroail Company ) l-ir the i.-,uc ,,f New
Bunds, for tho tolloivinir-diicrilied lfoud-. with lii.t
Coupon.-- annexed, b,.l or deptro '! :
Nos 861 to hit iiicliisur. bu- fcil.i.mi ea.!.. wen
per cent. Sunbury nint l.rie Haiiiuu.l t'uuipauy
Bond.-, dated September 10, IX. u.
Notice is hereby given unit -New l!..i...u will fc
i,.-ued iu lieu of iliu above. Mmcb 1st, next, uulw
salifla"!orv icasuui, are li ivn to tbe cnitnuv
UKO. P. l.HTl.i'.. liia.urei
lccembet2S, l;67 2i:i
il w u(. t.urn.v
AIIK subscribeis re-pe.3tl'u!lv inf.nni tl eciiuens n
.-unliurv una vicxilv. Hut llu v Uuw ,ipeiu4 i
at J llitos A Co's Lower Wharf, viiiiltur V. I'ii
where they are prepared to supply nil kin if ol h.i
uiokiu t'oul. ut ebean rut
1'uluilies and othi
promptly supplied. L'ouiu.-y
Sunburv. Jan. I v
cu.-tom ie.-po 'Hull v
i WoLVLlW'iN
Lime ! Lime ! Lime I
rpllEnrw Lime Kilns of II 1J M ift-r ut S.din.
X Urove Station, are uow completed and iu suc
cessful opcruiion. producing litno of the Very be-l
quality. There kilns are built with all ihu iiifleru
conveniences und linpmi cuieuU. und hao a oupuei
: ty of produciug tun oumioii per nay. i..xceiiei
! roads have beeu nol le to tbo kilua. not iniorfere l
i with bv the railroad, where wan or sleds can bo
loadc-d'iu a few minutes from the scbutrs. without
handling. Having r.poneii a lor tvly of tbe
' boot liuic.toiio. at the uioulh of the kilos tbey r
enabled lo soil lime at tho low rate of II oonts per
bushel. The kilns are In charge of competent pi
sons, who will always be piepaied to supply eu
tomers. Apply to II. K Ma-ser. Suubury. or lo
I Chas liunklchcrger. or Chas J Conrad at the kilu
i llreeuibcr 14, loti?.
M ltl IIV Oil' MX "..
Till" ub.eribcri having jul ircuinl and -H i
; operation, a Jlill fur thu manufacture ol
LI X i i: K D tJ I L .
! offer the highest market price 11. 4
i Thev have aitaehcd to iheir c-iabluimieid a ( hf
I ping Mill, and farmer and uiheis wanting giain
ehopptnl fur tetUing. tau be s'eoi.ii.i."i'' i i no.
shortcut ni.nee. A luaelime for chopp:ii e-.,ru w.i't
Ihe cob i attached to tue null
M"liii AN 4 MA.-.-1 il.
January 26. If-tW - ly
liiltlit H t irriaKf.
llTi; would rail tha atisniioii of thu esnimn
it? tJbild'a Carriage, lomir new and lar..; at: r t
mful oomi ri ins m w n I batifi.l itl . .
' J 11 CON l,T i A ' 0 ,