:b ajlexml ORE -LOCK hospital. ISTABLlfcliKD Ai A KFSViiU FKOM JV ACK JbHY. OiVZ,r PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNfHJN fw JiKHiveredlhe mwt Certnm,8pt(.y iKfiinly Klfecinnl Kanm.y hi the Wmkl for nil I'n VMte DiMnwa, WeHkiim uf the Hack of Limlta, (Hricinrra, Affectum! ol lli ft KiUneytQiiU Wmlilrr IhTolmitflry Dif-i-lrirgvt, Itn potency, Geiiem. Oetnliiy, NoTVniiBiies, )y rly, 1 imi(f oor, J.'w Spirits, Contusion uf ldrt.s, i'atpt tulioH of tne Henri, Timnitty, Tn'inbhiips, Dunne! of fijtht or ltMllinMt )iie of the Hnul, 'I'linmt, Ne or i.L.m, AiT'-timis ol the Liver, Mugs. Stotnitch or Bowels iIhmu Ternhle OifemltMiiritMgr fiom the Solitary Hntiili of Vomh tlrtM! ecrif utiif sohuty pnictifcf more fiitil to tlifir vitim4 Mt tlm 1"hk "f Syrens to lite MHtmersot 1 lyMt!, blip hi in tiVii mint hriili tni liopi-sot uutiiipMt.oiiii, miilering n.-jniuge, c , iinpjsinliie. Y-IIIB' .Met. KwinMy. Wli' have tVt-iiie the vir-tuniiof iiiliiiry Vire. liidt tfremifiit witl destructive tmlnt which mitiiiiillt- twerps to mi nut imply Rmve thouPNiirlB of Young Meii ol the most ri-iltn) tnu-iits mid hrtllmiit inlHIevt, who mtH i.tliprwinr hnva eitlcmcett iistuimift Senates with the Hum ileisof ' eiofptunri or wt.ked lu cui-Lnty ihe living Urn, amy rjH with lull coiitidfiioe. ' InrriHo, I .Marrie.t IVrs'Hi" or Vnuntt Men t'ontt'mhitiiip nmrne Iir-nijr nxviire of phyvic;il weakness online ileliili!), tie loiiniticn. Ac, speedily cured. Hm who pltioci tnitiAetf under the cure of lr. .1. nmy j rimy nHiai'-unly eon tide in Ins hot i it hi h fcentlettmii, mid i eNi(Hleiiily rely iipn hit skill as a IMiysiciuu, ! JiimiMmMy Cured, mid Full Viator Kent'-ml. I'lim i)inticKinn Affection wtit.'h tcudt-fi hue mircra lilr arid ntttrrnigc iiiipoMHile is tli- penally pul by the virions of improper indulgences Voting peistms are ti not to commit excesses from n.it bvingiiwure of the dread ful consequence tlmi may ensue. Nw, who ttuti under i mull the sul.ject will pretend to deny that the power of pioeren'iun is Inst "toner by .lime fulling into improper h:tliits than by the prudent? Besides demit deprived the pleasures of healthy I'llspring-thc most ser.ou&and destine live aymptoms to both body mid mind miibo. The system heroines leraiifit'd, the Physical and Mental Punetions Weakeneil. of ProiN-eative Power , Nervous Irritabili ty, Dyapepsim l:ilpi:tioti of the Il-tirl. Iu'lutcstion. Con siitutionnl Uebiiiiy, u Vnntint of the KrniiK, Cough, Consumption, iJec.iv iiml Dealli. Ofiicoa 7 Moil ih l4lii i4U Nlrrrt Left hmid aide itiiie frm IlHitmre stict i. n tew d-mra fr nn tltecorner. t'iiU iiM to observe niime him) omnlier. I.e'toia must he paid :nul e'iilHinH(jititt. The U"Ctora Uipioums liHup in his oit,e. Vnrr- Mnrranl eI Iti I'wo Day. Xo Mv.rcuryor yiMttwu Drug. .loliusln, tfinbor l llie ltnul C 'llntf e of Su i4jnti, IjiiJiii Cirnil uule fruin one ol Ihe must eminent Culleuei in the lanlcd Matea, uuO ttte gieatef mrl iti' wtinw lite hun lieon wnl in llie h'iK)ilnl uf I,inilin, Pnris, l'hilml-lliiii and flue where, hu efffclrd im ul' llie mutt utniisiiiiK curtrl that were ever known ; ninny tnmblfd Willi ringing in tlie bead und eri when nnleep, reat nervonanera. heniif ulnrin ed at smitten snundfl, K-tshl'nlnera. Willi Tifnueiit blushing, attended Hoinetimes with dermgcnient uf mind, werevured intmedintety. Take I'nrliciiliir .oll o. Dr. J. aililreasi'S nil those who have injured themselves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, whleh rum b ith IkhIv and mind, unfitting tlicm tor either business, study, wiciety or marriage. 'I'iiksk are some of the sari nnd melancholy effects pro duced by cnilyhabitsof youth, viz: Weiiknessuf theliack and l.nnlw, I'ains lu the timid, Dimness of Might, l,nss of Muscular l'uvi-er, I'lilpiUliun of llie Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Tunc ti'ins. UeurrHl Debility, Symptoiiis of Comuniptioii, Ac. MRNTAl.t.Y . The learliH erfeeiH on the mind are inueh to tiedreadtMl 1 or Memory, C'llllusiou of Ideas. De pression of Spirits, Kvil-Folebalingn. Aversion to Siiety, Sell-Distrust, live ol ijolimde, TuiiiUi'.y, Jtu. are some ul the evils produced, TuucsArtus of pers-ms of nil ages cm now judge what is the cause of llielt dectluiug health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and ciiaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms ui consumption. 1'oiiiiK .Moil Who have injured themselves bva certain piuclice indulg ed mi when alone, a habit Ireipieut!)' learned from evil eompaiiiiuis. or at sch'Hil, the effects ol which uru nightly P'lt, even when asleep, nud if not cured renders itiairiitjre impossible, and destroys both nnndund lioily, should apply iiuoieuiaieiy. VViml a pity that a vouiik man, the hope of his country, the darling ol his pureuts, nhould be snatched from all pros pects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of devia ting from the path of nature and indulging in a ccrtuiu secret habit. Such persons must, before contemplating .llnrringo, reflect that a sound mind and liody are the most necessary rciuisitesto pioiihiteC'iniuihial happiuei8. Indeed without these, the j'lurney through life hecimes n weary pilrim iie; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes sluulowed with ih spair nud hlleil with the melan I'h.ily reflection tluit the happiness of uuother becomes blighted with our own IMenwe liiiruIonoo. When ihe misguided sod imprudent votary of pleasure liads that he has imbibed the seeds ol this painful disease, it too often happens that hii ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deteis iiotifrom upplyiug to thosu who, lioin education anil respectability, can alone befriend turn, delaying till the conslilutioual s uiptoina of this lionul disease make their appearance, sueh as ulcrruted s.ire throat, diseased nose, noclulal pains in the head and limbs, dimneesof sight, deafness, 11. vies on the shin bonus and uriiis, blotches on the head, face and exttemitks, piogresi? lug with frightful lapidify, till at Ij the palate lit the mouth or the bones of the none fall in, and the victim of this awful d-sense becomes n horrid object of commisera tion, till death pins u peniKl to his dreadful snllering, by sending linn to -ihat L ndiscovered Country from whence no trnvetter retlltns.,, It is a mel.itieholy fuel that thousands full victims to this leinble disease, owing to the uuskitllnluees of ignoiaut pieleuders. who, by the ueof Unit ' Dendlv Poison, .Mel. eiuy," ruin llie constitution and make the residue of life miserable. filrmin'Ori Trust not your lives, nr henlth, tn the caie rf the many Uideained aiid Worthless Pie lenders, destitute of knowl edge, name or character, who copy Dr Johnston's adver tisements, or styieihemsrlves iii the newbMtpei8. rrgulurly I'.ducaled P.lysiciaiis, ineapible of Curing, ihry keep you trirli-ig m.uth after month taking their filthy aiid pnisouns C'linpounds, or ns long nsthe smilest fee can lie obutiued, ud in dspair, leave you with luined heultli to sigh over Y"UI hiIiiijj; dif.-pKHllinU'llt. Dr. .Inhiislon is 'he only Physician advertising. flis credential or diploma uivuys hane in his office. Ilis rein-dies or treatment ure uiiknows to all others, prepuie.l from a life spent in thegrent hospitals of Kurope, ttte first in this country nnd a more extensive "Private Practice" than any other Physiciun in Ihe world. Iiiloi'N-mcut of llie lr's... The many thousands cured at this institution yeui after ear, and the numerous important Huigtcid Operaluuis perlorineil by Dr. Johnston, witnessed bv the reporters of the "Sun," "Clipper," and many other tapers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the pub'ie, besides his stmtditin as a gentleman of character and re sponsibility, is u sufficient guarantee to the afflicted, sliiii IkimexsirN Siio'dil' iir-l. rers'ins wrtling should lie particular in directing their ettcrs to his lusliluiion, in tl.c following inuinicr, .loliu .11. Joliiiolon, .11. , Of the Baltimore Lock 11 ispital, baltim ie, .Md. N.iv.t,J'yi71 y. IjkIsx' l'iii:'y I'ii is,! AT J'MI."? r.KEI!tA S "Id Kstul.liil.cl V I u M.iiiulHclory. No Vis AKCIl .-'trcct. 'i'.e Ttu, l'lillA. Have now in Store of iny.'Kii Iii' 'rlationnna ;i Manufacture one of the lr ;et uml uiol beuuti f .,1 relceticns of l'ANCV H T.S. t"or l.aJius' ana Cliil- Also, a fine uortiueril uf licnt'i Fur Glove ami Collars. I ain enabled to ilispofe of my gooda af very rca xnuble prices, anil 1 would tlarel'cro solicit a cnll from uiy friends of Northumberland, county and vi cinity. Kcmember tbo Xaiue, Number nnd Street '. JOHN FAKKIRA, Xo. 718 AF.CII 5t., Hb.7th,ouilnido, l'hilnd'a, liifl have no partacr, nor connection with any oilier store in I'bilu'lcli.hiu. Kept. 28, lhti7. !iuv fH. "" IIOOI NKllt'I'M. UM. SEW SPIUXO STYLES, "Our Own Make." After wore luuu Five Vears exneriunce and ex fcyimenting in the tuuniifauture of blriutly First Quality J loop skirts, we olUr our justly oelubrvted goods to merchiiuts and the public in full confidence uf theirsuperiority nvur all uUiers iu the American market, and they are so acknowledged by all who wear or deal in theut, a they give luore aatisfactiui than any other Skirt, and rcuouimeud'tbeuiselves in ' every retpect. Pc'cm in Hoop .Skirts, should make a note of this fat;., tvery lady who has not given tlieui a trial should do so without further delay. Our assortment euibrnccs every style, length and size for Ladice, Misaue and C'hildreu. Al.. ikirU uiadu to order, altered and repaired. Ask lor Uoi'kiu's 0n Alaku," and be not de ceived. .See that the letter "il ' is wuuuu ou the Tal es between Each lliaip. and thnt they ute stamp, fl 'W. X. HOl'bll.N S -Manulacture. Bii Arch St.. I'ltilndulphta," upon each tab. Xo others are jjenuiue. .Wro, oon."taiitly on hand a full line of 'good Xew Viik and Eastern uutde bkiiL-, at very low prices. tt'ltilfutlr )il littull. At the l'hiU.lelpliia Hoop Skirt MuF.ufiu.tory and 1-uipuriuiu, Xo l2l Ar h Heel, l'hiladulphia. U M. X. JIol'KIXS. March 2.1. Iw7. Itliuw i.EANLl.NKSS IS NEXT TO OODLI NKS3." VFACT which U demonstrated at UL'XNISOS A C'J ! , 1'ii-s.t lus Mlautiu Hair l ulliua nasi NbampaoniBK Iloomn. Two lirn-clajj BARliEU.S always in attendance. Particular attention to cutting Ladies and Children'! buir. (iiveusacall at tbo New Kootus over the Post UrTuc. '1 ' i.e. at,''.- yl II Mm THE Washington Library Co- I'llILADELPHIA. Is Chartered by the 8tnte of Pennsylvania, and Or gsniicd la aid of the RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE For Educating Gratuitously BoldierV and Sailori Orphana. . Incorporated by tho State of N. J. APRIL 8, 18C7. SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR. The Washington Library Company t!y virtue of their Charter, nnd in accordance with its Provisions, will distribute THKi:i: Ill'NDKi'U) THOUSAND IMIM.AK8 I.N Pl!Eii:N TS TO THEr-HAREIIOI.ItKU!, On W't'litcsdiiy, January SUi, 1808, At PHILADELPHIA, PA.. KID I'. , Oral the Institute, KIVCR ,N.J. rjio.nno yo.ntio 10,000 5,1100 One rrt'seut worth ) Onu l'rcstint worth Outs I'rvscnt worth : Duo rrcsent worth ! Two I'rc-si-nt worth 3,500 tacit Otio I'tcsciit vuliifil nt n.ooo 18.000 1 Two Presents, vnltietl tit $15,000 each 30,000 i Otic Present, valued at 10,000 j Four Presents, valued tit 5.000 ench, 20,000 1 Two Presents, valued at 3,000 each, 0.000 Three Presents, valued at 1,000 each, 3.000 Twenty Presents; valued nt 500 each, 10,000 Tea Presents, valued tit 300 each. Tlirrrs Prpser.ts. valued at 350 each. 3,000 50 Twenty Presents, valued at 225 each, 4,500 Fifty Five Presents, valued at 200 each, Fifty Presents, valued nt $75 each, 18.00 One Hundred and Ten Presents, valu- 7500 cd at 100 each. il.OnO Twenty Presents, valued nt $75 each, 1,500 Tvn Presents, valued at $50 each, 500 The remuining Presents consists of ttrticles of use and value, apper taining to the diffusion of Lite rature and the fine arts, $82,000 !s;((l0,000 Each Certificate of Stock is nceouipnmcd with a Beautiful Steel-Plato Engraving V0!tTn MUIIK AT lti'.r.wt. THAN TIIK lOST UF rEIITiriCATR. And til.-o in.-urc to the holder a PHLSCXT IX TIIK tiPiKATDISTRIPrTIMX i"I5ccuiptiox oni; doi.i.ak. Any person sending u? One Dollar, or pavinjr the Slime to our local Agents, will receive immediately n fino Steel Plate Engraving, nt choico from tho fol lowing list, nud One Certificate of Stock, insuring One Present in the Great Distribution. OXE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Xo. 1 "My Child ! My Child !" No. 2 "They're. Saved ! They're Saved !' Xo. ;t "Old Suvcuty-aix or, thu Early Days of the Hevoluticn. " Any per.-ou paying Two Dollars will receive either rf tbo following line Steel Plates, at choico. nud Two Ccnilicntcs of Stock, thus becouiing entillcd to Two Prc.'cnts. TWO IiOI.LAK KNt.lt.VVlNOS. No. 1 "Washington's Court-hip." No. 2 "Wash ington's Lx-t Interview with his Mother." TltllEK IIUI, LA II EM.IIAVlNli.'i. Any person paying three dollars will receive the bcmit'ilul Steel Plate of 'HOMi: I'tttlM HIE WAR." und tl.rcc Certificates of vtuck, becouiing entitled I lo three Present'. I rum PoLLAK EM.n.wtM.s. .1IIV Jieisou n I11K ."111 iiiiuuii, man 01 ti'u niu j ltirgu and bvautiltil iStcel Plate of : "Tit K ri:l' 1 1.S (I' OtK VnnEI'ATIIllRK." and Four Certilicntcs of Slock, entitling than to j Four Presents. , FIVIS JOt.l.H KNUUAVINdS Any person who pays Five Dollars shall icoiivc ! the largo and splenilid Steel Plate of "THE MARRIAGE OF POCAHONTAS." And Five.Ccrtilicates of Slock, entitling theui tol'ho Presents t The eittrraviniKt and Certificates will be delivered to each subscriber at our Local Agencies, or sent by mail, post paid, or express, as inoy be ordered. UWV TO OUTA1N SHARES AND l'.NU ItAVlF G Peiid orders to us by mail, enclosing from $1 lo S'io, either by Pom! Oifiee orders or in u leeistercd letter, at out risk. Ijitger amounts should lie sent by drufl or ex- nreu. llisliHies with KtiffiHvini J5 shmcii with Kiigiavinga 50 Hliarci with l'.nkf ruviiiKU ?j tkllt i Wtlll KlIBDtl'illpIK I ih ..liar. & witli Kni;nivii fin.')!! .':J rill 10,511 t"''J..'.ll .'iijiii i Ai.r.s is w.wi'r.uti.. -nt tiie t iiiu-: M..tes THE IUV2ESIDE IKBTITUTE, Situate at Riverside, L'urlinglou County, New Jer sey. is louuded tor the iur;oie of gratuitously edu cating iho sons uf ucce.iteu Soldiers ana fjeuiucn of tbo I'ntted ritatos. 'the Board of Tru'tuc consists of the fulluwing well-known citizens ot Peiin.-ylvaniu nnd Xew Jersey. HON . WILLIAM II. MANX, District Attorney, Philadelphia, Pa. HON. LEWIS It liltOO.M ALL. Ez-Lbief Coiner U. S. Mint, and Recorder of Dccls, Phi'.ad'a., Penufyltunia. HON. JAMES M. iSCOYEL, New Jersey. HON'. W. W. WARE, New Jersey. HENRY GORMAX, E., Agent AdauiB' Express, Pbiliidelphia, Pn. J. E. COE, Esq.", of Joy.Coci Co., Philadelphia. Tbeam-rv Dki'authext, Washington, D. C. April lit, 1667. Office of Internal Revenue Hav ing received satisfactory evideucc that tho proceeds of tbo enterprise conducted by tte Washington Library Company" will bo dovotcd to charitable, use, perinnssiuu in hereby granted to said Company to conduct such enterprise exempt frorc all charge, whether from special tai or other duly. E. A. ROLLINS, CuuituUsiuncr. Tic; Ass.fiatioii have apii'.iiinil us Iteeeivers. Messrs. (jLOKOK A. ClIIIKK A CO., v, ll'Sso well kaowil lute gilt)' anil husliiess e.ttrieuee will hen sullieteiit auuiuu tec Ifuitlltc money i-iuusle'l to ilieiu will be pioinotl) up plied lo the puis'sc siuud. PlllLAtikLl'lllA, Ta., Mayjl), eii7. Tu the Gthcers and Alcuiueis of the Washington Lua rj Co , N. 8. READ, Secretary. Gentlemen : On receipt of your favnr of the I5ili insi., iiont) ing us of .our appointment as Itieelveis fur your I'otHpatiy, we took the hlierty lo suliiiut a e-'fy of your Cliaiier, wiia u plau ol your Liilci,)iise, to the hictiest legal autlionl) of lac &Ulu,aud having received bis or able opinion in repaid to its legality, and sy iiji-'.'iug witb the benevolent object of your Ass iciiitioii v.s : the cdueatlun and ma'iiteiiMisee of Ihe niiSan children ..four sokliera and sailors at llie Riverside Institute, we have xutcluded lo accept lite trust, and lo use our best efforts to promote so worthy aa object. Kespeittiuily, yours, Ac, fiKO. A. COOKE h CO. Address all letters and orders lo CEO. A.CUOhK A CO., BANKERS, IMBoain Third Mireet, Plnladel Uia, Pa Receivers lol Ihe Waaliiiigtou Libruiy Co. l"iN F. LIU HTN'ER. Bookseller A hutioucr, tiuubury, Pa., is the authoriod Agent of the Com pany for this place and vicinity. October 19, Ibu7. 0IRRIOT0N &JH0DQKIN8 RAW DONE SUrER-PIIOSriIATE TUB GREAT OF LIME, Nortliranabrrluisd CoiinlJ FERTILIZER. Tho best uianuro for nil kinds of grain manufac tured. More active, more durable, thau any other. It does not exhaust the toll, bill on tho contrary Is a permanent Improver. OVER J00 FARMERS In the County applied it to their Spring Crops, the results were thnt it exceeded their most sanguine expecta tions. It was tested with the best Phosphates In the country but caino ouljvictorlous. Farmers, use It fur your wheat and rye. Put up in Bags of 200 lbs. cah and sold at ?57 por 2000 pounds, at the Manufactory, IUihI .Mui'Krt Street, Wunliury, Iu., nr at ar.y uf our agents in Danville, Willinmsport, I.cwicburg, Muncy Mntion, Milton. Dcwart, Polls grovo, Hloonisburg. Nulins'.Orovc, Trcvorton, or nny of tho principal towns in the adjoining counties. Where we have no agents appointed, farmers can send their orders by mail and rely on Ibeir receiving immediate attcntiun. We have the advantage of Railroad and Canal transportation in all directions, and purchasers need npprehend no dclny in filling orders. J. K. inRRtNGTOX, EO. JIODGKINS. Hutibury, Aug. 17, 1W7. nLT(T0TSVNI) TllOES. M AXI FACXI REU TO ORDER. JOHN" WILVEH, !" ESPECTFUI.LY informs his friends amicus. 1) tomcrs, that ho bad just opened a shop for the manufacture of JiUOiS 4 rJH'., on iSywe itnet, Ictfccn Second ft rat and Centre Alley, Sunlit ry. where all kinds of work in his lino will be made up ! in the latest sly lo und in the best workmanlike ninn I tier Having first class stock on bund . he flatters himself thnt ho will lie note to suit the lusics oi tue must lai ttdious. The public are invited to cull. JOHN WILVF.K. Sunbury, Juno Is. 17. TO OUR CUSTOMERS. We lake plonsuro in announcing to Dealers in Fcrliliiers, and the Agricultural public, thnt wo have within the past year increased our facilities for the manufacture of our Raw Rone Phosphato. to nn extent unequalled by any other House in the United States nr Europe. These facilities not only includo the enlargement of our old established works in Philadelphia, known as tho lleliiArnrf :ivcr Agricultural 'lsrissU'iil Worhx, but also the purcluusoof extensive nnd well stocked works nt Chicago, III., with all the necessary machinery, cars, Ac, to conduct the business. This establish ment alono has produced, annually, over 5Uti() tons of dried Hones and Meat, and is cnpnblo of being largely increased. Wc desire, by the closest super vision, to conduct these twoconcurns so thnt our cus tomers will derive a practical benefit from their con solidation, in obtaining a MAXI KE winch shall maintain a standard and uniform quality, nnd nt the lowest possible prioo. BAVUII 4 SOX'S. PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE ! BAUGII'S SUPEU-PIIOSP1I ATE OP LIME. BAtTGH 5b SONS (Sole Manufacturers & Proprietors, 1JKLAWAKE KIVEH CHEMICAL YOKK, FIIILAUELrJIIA, U. S. A. CVFarmiTS ore rrpnininrndini t purrluiKC of llie itrulfc located in ilinr iieighhorhniKl. In ftftiotm whre no tie-n -ler it yrt cstul-litlint, llie 'hi(tatHiny Ik- profit ml ilirrct ly from llie uiutiTsignetl. A 1'nccd Ciicukir ill Ik eut to ull who apply. P.Al'CII & SONS, Oiliec Xo. 20 S. Dehufitrc Amine, PHILADELPHIA. UALCII UKOTIIKHS i (.'O, I (jeneral Wliolinite Agent, No. 11 Pearl Si., corner ol Cedar. NEW YORK. GF.OUOE DUGDA1.E, n'whiKtle Ayent fur Muryhmd eV i nmio, ! No. 105 Smith's Whorf, BALTIMORE, MD. ! p We lire prepared to Supply our Patent .Sec- I tionul Mill to all Manufacturers for grinding Hones, I Guuno and all other bard substances. i Sold by SMITH A GENT11ER, iuubury. Aug. .'I, 117. ly SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATER, rORTER AND ALE. fpiIE subscribers having located a bottling cstab. I li.-hinent in Cake's Addition, in the Borough of Sunbury, respectfully inform tbo citizens ot this and adj'iining counties that they are prepared to furn ish Landlords, Rcstaurcnt Keepers and private fami lies with the best brands of far'nparillu, Mineral Wa ter, Ale and Porter, bottled in the best manner. Their drinks arc procured from the best establishments in the countiy, which enables them to furnish a butler I nrticlu than can be had elsewhere, which will bo do- i livercd al the lowest rates. j Tho citizens of .Ntinbury and vicinity will And it to their inturcst to patronize homo industry, and assist ' iu malting this a permanent enterprise," and at the I suine time save labor aud money. Orders are respectfully solicited, which will receive t prompt attention. Address. PROU.ST A ROTE. August 17, Hi'i7 Am Kuubury,Pa ...,v. ri:vi:, WATCHMAKER A JEWELER, Market P'junre, near the Court House, SUNBURY, Northumberland County. Pa. HE has iust opened an assortment of Gold fyfj and l'luin Patent Watches, CLOCKS U-., tor Kailroads, Banks and Dwellings, rineifT uold Kings, ringer Kings, Bracelets, Alinia ture Cases, Medallions, Lockets, Pencils. Thimbles, Spectacles, Silver Table, Dessert, Tea Salt and Mustard 8oons, Sugar Spoons. Cups, Napkin Rings, Frnit and Butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Pens, Casters, Pitchers. Butler Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Cake Baskets, Syrup Pitchers, Ac, Ao. Ho invites the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity to call at the above place, where he will be happy to wait upon them. I (-Particular attention paid to REPAIRING. April 1.1, lw7. II Hi: A.H IVATIIH I'MOOl' ROOFING-! T. UI.MES A CO., are the Acenta in the C.miiliu of Northumberland. Knudi.r ,sd Mninn. M WARREN'S Improved Fire and Wutcr-Proof noot. iuis is tne encanest and bust Roof that can bo put on a building. Has been used iu the city ol Philadelphia, since 1851, where it has superseded almost every other kind of Roof. It is recommend ed by the builders, and u used on at of the finest buildines in that city. Parties couteuiDlatinir huii.i. ) ing, will do well to examine Into the merits of this us u utuvf slum ui Mwis, am j(ivv tne ocst tue preference. The Fountain Hotel, of Sunbury, will, in a few days, be eovered with this Roof, aud parties desiring tu do so, may call there and examine it. For further information addess Box 14, Sunbury Post OUice, or call at tho Brick Yard of T. DIMES A CO. Sunbury, is), 1867. Sia Blacksmithing. JOHN IHVIN, SUNBURY; PENNSYLVANIA, I RESPECTFULLY iafwini the citizens of Sun V bury and vicinity, that be has erected a Black smith aup sear the Shamokia Valley Railroad Depot, where be Is prepared to do Blacksmithing in all iu araoehet, at Ihe tnorteat aolioe. Having had many years' experience ic the business, be flatten himself that be can render satisfaction to all who may give him a call .Sunbury. August 17. 157 LUMBER I LUMBER ! Tfs6 I(r Oaatjr sasstl Hnnbary Lumber Com pn sty, Nowrfully estAblUhedallbe BCNBUnr ' BTEAM 8AW-MILL8, re prepared to istw lo order WUITK riNE, HEMLOCK AND OAK, of any else and all lengths Afull tsaortmont of DIVE" IjTJIvTBEI always kept on hand. Panncl, Flooring, Biding and finishing boards or all kinds. MOULDING, SASH, DOOKS, and SIIUTTEKS. SHINGLES, Sawed and Shaved, White Pino, and Hemlock. I'laatcrinijx 1 Jttli nnd ltillntr. Planing, hipping and Turning, will be done to order at short notice. This Compuny design furnishing everything In their line at such rates that Lumber Yards, Builders and all parties nsing Lumber, will find it to their Interest to buy at this establishment. ORDERS are rcspcotru tended to bv ispcotfully solicited and will be promptly at- d to by addressing, WAl. JlUAUb, cup I. Sunbury, Juno 16, 1SGS. ITEV" SHOE STOP.E. Market Street, adjuining Oonrharl'i Cutil'eciioiicry j Store, SLXBl'RY, Pa. rpiIF undersigned respectfully informs tltu citiirns of Sunbury and vicinity. Hint bo bits opened a 1 NEW SHOE STORE, for the sale ns well its for the ' manufacture of the finest nui best quality of Ladies , Shoes, vis : iiilovoHitl, llorrot'co, liitr-sikiiiaiil , IjIsnIIh;!' nItTst, A Children's Shoes of all kinds. His stock is entirely new and well selected. i He also manufactures fino Frrncli and other Calf skin Boots and Shoes for Gentlemen. Orders for ladies nnd gentlemen's custom work will be promptly attended tu and got up in the best style by skilful mechanics I Shoe findings Ac, cunstnntly kept on hand and I for sale to the trade, I J.H.JEFFRIES, j Sunbury. April 20, 1807. heet Iron and Stove; C..ZETTLEM0YEU&BK0.,1 (Successor to BEXJ. ZETTLEMOYER.) j Market Street, near Engol's Store, SUNBVRY, PA. HAVING taken charge of the old stand so long patronitcd by the people of Sunbury nnd vi cinity, beg lenvo tonnnounce to the old friends and the public generally, that they will supply them with the most improved varieties of STOVES, COOK, OFFICE nnd PARLOR STOVES of Hie best Brnnds which arc unsurpassed for beauty, of finish, simplicity of arrangement, combining cheapness and durability and ench stove warranted to perform what llioy nrc represented. Colli Oil, '(Mil Oil I. II 111 lis, I.iiiit'l'iiw, Shades. Chimneys, and all articles usunlly kept in an csfnhliihmcntof this kind. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of all sites. FRUIT JARS nnd CANS of the latest improved styles. Ho is also prepared to do nil kinds of Spouting nnd Roofing. Ruugo and Furnace Work. Repairing, cheaply and neatly executed. GEO. ZETTLEMOYER & IlP.O. June S, lPfiT. y THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, is on Jld street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, nt BERGSTBEESSER'S NEW PH0T0GRAFIT GALLERY, Hut I.iili'lj i:MliilHli4'd, Mills all the .IBoUi'i-u Improf I'liM-iilM ol' llie Art ! fTMIE subscriber, having built the loom expressly X for tho purpose of Pbotogrnphing, nnd having devoted many years to Iho business, is confident of his ability to assure his patrons that tbo wutk ptu duccd shall be second to uone in country or city. No work nllowed to leave tho gnllery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky light iu Ihe county, be is prepared to make Phutnirriipbs in nil kinds of weather, but would prefer a clear day for small children. Jlc is also prepared to lake new size, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to nny required sizo ami colored Don uti I ull y in nil or Water eolursor India ink. Wo pny special attenlioti to nil kinds of out door work, such as Lundsciipu views ol Monuments, Machinery, Coiiulv Seals, Ac, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand The public arc respectfully invited to cail and sou our specimens und our complete itiTtingeinrnis for making Photographs, special terms to lamittes ntid clubs. Dl'.IUif TRE.S.SEU. Sunbury. July 1J. SUNBURY FOUNDRV. i:0. UOIIKII A4 II .V !., ARE now carrying on bn-iness at this old estab lishment with renewed vigor. t RSI lugs uf every description, promptly furnished to order. Tho Stoves innuufnclurcd nt this Foundry have ucquircd the highest reputation. Particular attention paid lo MILL CASTINGS Farmers should not forget that the PLOWi made at tho Sunbury Foundry have never been equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at short notiue. Small castings, including Cooking utensils, of the most improved and most useful patterns. The business will be conducted on un cnliiijji :J scale. Old customers will beaecomiuodaled :.b usual, and new ones are respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, lsuitl. CHOICE FRUIT & OliN A.M ENTA L 1 0 , BENjr. BOHNER, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from the roost responsible Nurseries in this and other States, first class TREES of ull kinds. Also. Shrubbery, Vines imj Plants. Garden Seeds ol ull kinds. Orders are respectfully solicited. Address BEXJ. BOIIXER, Paxinus, North d. Co. ( V II Insurances taken in several of tne must responsible Fire Insurance and Hurso Detective Companies in the State. Juuo 8, Hti7 y IT I HTTP P 1.1PPIY Cirri I.l.i l BU U 11 WHOLESALE AA'D llb'TAlt.. rpiIE subscriber respectfully informs the publie 1 that be keeps constantly ou hand at his new i' 1 1 en. ii'cc ' . ui,uvv,iiD, near uia ouaiunluu uiley itailroad Depot, iu SUXBURY, Fluur by the barrel and sack of all kinds of Feed by the ton The above is all mannfaclured at his own Mills, and will bo sold at the lowest cash prices. f M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, April 1, !bff J. H. Conley Co., -llarkft Mir(il,i:nitol'ili Itailroad SUNBURY, FENN'-A.. DEALERS IN loitrio.-M a- ,uii:nu i, Hardware & Cutlery. fl Ml E attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, L and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that we are now offeriug a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC. than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in tbie line of business, embracing a general assurtaeat of tool aud male rials used by CARPENTER.1, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together alls, a Urge stock of Iron. Steel, Nails, hpikos triope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ao., Ac. Sunbury, March 3D, 1807. HDOXJT'Srr KOTJSeT J. W. IIAI.I., 1'roisrielor, L'vrner Sunburf und lluch Strtth, SlIAMOKIN, I'ENN'A. rpiIlS IIOUSB it aew open for the reception of X guesu, and being aew, spaoious and attractive, has ail the facilities and advantage af a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. 7ba Bleeping apartment ar airy and eomfortabla, and the lurniture entiiely new. The Bar and Table will be supplied witb the beet la the market. The patronage of the publie Is solicited. April 13, 1807. FINF Myrtle Pomatum, at Ihe Fancy Store of AJi'NA rALNIbE. i MB OBBAT ZniGAMJITTEIlS Tke ennnnnent parts ef this reraarkabto Mvpantten era first diseeverad, compounded and distributed, aoiae twenty jrears age, "r- Chiossus, the eels. rated Egypttaa Phytteisn. Thowsands ef his suffer Inf oovntrymen were ruMrsd to health, as well as great numbers of the Inhabitants of Nubia and Abyssinia. and of theoowatiies bordering upon the Southern eoast .of the Mediterranean 8ea, I Indeed, the fame of the ibintWAiti Bi'i'iabtui soon spread over Earope, and was adopted by the principal Physlclani In charge of Ihe hospitals ef the old World, In which It is still used witn preemi- nent success. The Viceroy of F.rypt placed the I of pa. Cbsopbus upon the " Roll of Nobles," and pre sented to him a Medal bearing the following Inscrip tion: " Da. CaioPiCl.tlie Public Benefactor." This Bitters Is now offered to the puhlio of America with the full assuranoe that It will be found, upon a fair trial, to act as a specific for the cure of Cholera, Oysenterr, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Fever and Aaue, fellow Fever, Hheumntlem, Trphold Fever, Djspepsla, Collo, Bronchitis, Consumption, Flata lency, Ulseasee or the Kidneys, nTcrvoue Ueblllly. and Female Complaints. Remarkable cures of the above diseases have been effected by Its use. asmimcrouscertlflcntes. many from regular physicians, fully attest; and It Is destined to supersede any preparation extant. As aa agreeable Tonic, and an I.WI00RATIVO BEVERAGE, IT HAS NO EQUAL. Titfs tni ZIXQARI BITTERS HAS SOUl, AS Tf ELI, AS BODY, sin as k PREVENTIVC or DISEASE, HA3 NO SUPERIOR. A FEW wnnilS TO LADIES. The use of the ZINCARI B1TTKRS will give to ymi that soft, semi transparent complexion which the flod of nature (de signing woman to be the loveliest of his works) fully intended that yon should have for it ts nature's own powder and paint combined. Dy purifying the blood, stimulating the pigmentary celts of the dermis, and imparting health and life throughout the entire system. It csiccial!y gives that smooth clearness and beauty to the complexion so much to he desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look so common in our day: and what is even better than this, it cures every sjieciesof female irregularities and disease. Priuvtpnl Depot, Hnrrishnrg, Tn. BAHTER & HATJSE, Sole PnorntKTOita. For sale by V. A. DENNETT, Druggist, Sunbnry Pennsylvania. August :i, (?(!7. N E W 0 110 C E It Y. iTIIIIE ful)9cribers bege leave tn nnnounce tu tbc L citir.ena of .Sunbury aud its vicinitj, that hey liiivc opened ft NEW GROCERY. t J. If. Eiiole' Stun; in Tiro i 7i') Text Market S'imre, where they nrc prepared to furnish every variety of groceries, and will keep constantly on hand Iho choicest rnrietip of FLOUR & FEED, Fii-h, CuftVc. T!s, Suxf-r, M.ihist Cheese. ShIl .QIiccs of all di-criptitiii, .SiMifm uf every vnrictj Cnndto.. iSmnkinj; nnd Cbcwinj; tnlmcpo, fVnrs. Iinm, MiouIiUtd. llneon, Huttrr. und Ktrgi. Am Irii'd fruits of nil kind.', Cunctl I'mclit-s nud Tuinti Uh'9. I'ii;koli, Kt!iup, It-ijnp 'iiut.e. H:iiiii9, Lcmoiijt. Ae., of bt'tt quality, and in fact every itylo of ti rliclcs kept i well ttueki'i! (jruevry. Also Cidvr Vinenr. AH kimU ot country product) tnken in uxchiuiKo. Thu putroiingu ul thv publiu itt re fiicclfuily nolicitbd. GEOUCi: E. BEARD A CO. .Sunbury, Nov. IKrtj. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. ' Twodisirs west of the Post Office, Sl'XBURY. Pa 1" ESPECTFl'LLY inforuts the citizens of 'un V bury and icinity, that be will bake to older all kinds of ('iiUralvr Hulls, l2ii-lii', '.. i Fuuiilics ire supplied with FRESH BREAD. Twist Rolls. Rusks, Tea Buns. Ac and also kept on hand I manufactured out of the best materinls. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Hiiving hud large exper;euco 1 hope to give general satisfaction tu all who limy favor me nil li their patronage. DAVID FRY. Sunbury. Dec. lSlij. M. '. 4.i:Allll AIM'S Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE i .Tlm-hcf Mi'stl, uiibiir.1 , ln. j CON V F.CTIOXEH Y OP A I 7. I N I )S. I TOYS OF EVERY DhM'RIl'TION j FRl'lT, vVc. Ac, (10NSTAXTLY on bnnd and fr.r salu at the almve J establishment ut wholesale nnd tefnil, at reason j nhlo prices. ' lie is inaniifactiiriiig all kinds of Coiifeetioiinrics to kuep up a full asaurlment which uru sold ut low rates. Tobacco. Pegars, Stationery, Nuts ef all kinds, ana a variety of other articles, allot' whioli are otleicl wholesale and retail. 2f Hciiituiber the name and place.. T) M. C. GKARHART, Market street, 3 doors westofE. Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunbury. Sept. 19. ISfi.L tf s t o R e . AVrXlTiNCT, Mni Urt Niiiiurc, SI Mil ICV, I'll. HAVING recently purchased the Drug .Store foruierly eoiiilucte'l by R. A Fi-hcr, I beg leave to inform the citizens of .Sunbury nud vi cinity, thut I huve entirely replenished uiy stock nf J 2 M P ANCY ARTICLES ! such as Couibs, Brushes, Pocket-Books, Soaps, Per fumery, Hair-Oil, Knives, .Scissors, Coal-Oil Lamps, ii.,.- iiii-' ai.. a'l !."'" OIU '. -lna.si, IMitly, VaniiMlioM, laiiit .Mt-tlUiiifM, Ar, All my Tinctures. Syrups, Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations aio manufactured by myself, and from the best material I eau procure m Market. Huviug had quite a number of ycurs' experience in the Drwj and I'recrljttlun JJuelnem, both in Philadelphia and the country, and also (be advauUge of the College of Pharmacy, I feel com potent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians and publio may favor ma wilb. All my preparations as 1 have above asserted, are made from the best material, and upon houor I assert, they are of officinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on baud the very best WINES, lilt AN DIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convinco your own mind. , W. A. BENNETT. hunbury, Nov 18, 1805. LIME! LIME ! ' u r in e r and II ull 1 era! Skasuoltz A Bkotuxb are now prepared to do. Iivi,at the lowest market price, the very best quality for LAND and BUILDING purposes. Their lime is burned of the celebrated " 'TUCKYIIOE LIMESTONE." Theishme kilns are located at the Philadelphia and fcria Railroad, near the steam taw mill, in tba Bo rough of Sunbury. t.'l!l'"'M'l!"',. Bri'l7'ud Farmer, art In vited to call and give us a trial. Aug.S.ia.I. EKASHOLTZ BROTHER. photoorap h riTuifi BOOKS ASD BTATIOStHY, Monthly Tim Books, Drawing Books and Slataj. Bocks. Hymn Book. Blank Book, Memorandum Boiki. Uiarie. pocket Books, Ink Stands, Pan. Pencils, a Bat aasorituent of Paper. Ink. Ae7 For tale b A.XNA PA1NTEU -cj-- s "r, lte" iim GROCERY store; W. D. FTOlffAlT btj 'CO., Market Street, Six doors East of Third rtfetrt, noflh tide.eiTNBURT, PA., RKPKCTFULLi Inform their friend mti the poblie, that tbey have opened a ISTE"W GROOEHY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be. happy to have them call and examine their stock, which has just been opened, embrac ing everything iu the Grocery liae, suob. as Coffee, Tea, ("agar, Syrups, Bpices, Canned and Dried rrutif, ueans. uominy, uneese, Crackers, Bacon, Ham, Fisb.Salt, Potatoes, eta., together witn Poaps, Caudles, Soda. Ac., and In faut everything tn the Grocoryand Provision. Line. FLOUR AND FEED, Qucensware, Willow-ware, Olnssware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac. Call and tee before purchasing elsewhere. W. S FUHMAN A CO Sunbury, April 27, 1867. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 699 BrtOAPWAV, Xuw Yoag. i'or l'nmiliest iml .llnniiliu liirri-, jBlOsBgl These World-Renowned Sowing Mucliine. wore nwnrded the highest preuitiltn at the World's Fnir in London, and six fust premium at the New York iState Fniror ISIiti. and me celebrated for doing Ihe best work, using a much finaller needle for the same thread than any other machine, nnd by the introduc tion of the most approved machinery, we are now able to supply the very best machines iu the world. These machines aro undo nt our new mi l spacious Factory ul Bridgeport, Conn . under the iuiiiiedinti! supcrv isiori of the I'resideiit of the Company, Kuas How e, Jr., the urigiual imenfor "f the .Sewing .Ma chine. They lire adapted to nil kinds of Family Sewing, and to usu of Scninstresses. Dress Makers, Tuylorr, Manufacturers of Shirts. Collars, Skirts, Cloaks. Man til'as, Clothing, lints. Caps. Corses, Hoots. Shoes, liar .oss, Saddles, Linen ticnls, I'lnbrcDns. Parn-ols. 1 eUi. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton good with silk, cotton or linen tbrend. They will seam, quilt. gather, hem. fell, cord, braid, bind, nud perform every species of sewing, making a buuiitil'ul and perfect slitch, alike on belli sides of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, nud ma le on this Machine, is tho most popular aud all !owiug ' Machines are subject to the principle itivcutcd by him. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. The IIowo Machine) Company. !I9 Bronilwny. Cor. Fourth St , X. i. April fi. 1SI57.-- MAYI I I IIAIal ll. Mrs. A. TWEED, In Miss Anna Painter's Fancy Goods Store building. Market Souare. .'I doors west ol thu Post Office, SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY informs l.er friends and the public thnt she lias ujaitt opened ti shop, mi Market street. Sunbury, where -die is pvepaie'l to muke to order Lmlie-' Dresses, in an etiiire lien style. I.n. lies' Cloaks. Ac. Also ilenlli inen'i -hirt-. Orders respectfully solicited. Sunbury, .Ian. i'J, H''7. ly Great .Attraction, n f thu NEW TIN -WAKE. Nli.Tt Iron uittl Sloie ! !' SMITE & O-ElTTSEPe, Where they keep eori.tnnlly nn hand aud inajiulHe ture tu order at short notice'. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They would especially call the atteuii'iii ol pur chasers lo their large and well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscriber have luiido arraiigeiiients tohac all their best stoves liiiuiu to order, and those who would have u good stove would do well to go and examine Ibeir large anil well selected slock. ' First. They defy competition on the lollonitig tried Brands of Cook toc, : 'Miilsiiiiiliii ; Hill-lli'l-. '(.;.. tl l l luif I'rmi Cool., j WABASH AND IRONSIDES, land the well known Aulidust Cook St.ixe ''ailed j al'EAR'S AXTII-l ST. j Also. Parlor nn 1 office Stoves in ureal variety cm : bracing ull the bust manufactures and most fashion ! able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish siinpli ci:y of ariaiigcmeiiiscoiiibiiiing cheapness, durability and each Hove warranted to perform what they are I represente I. Also, Tbc celebrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove, for heating first, secoud and third stories bv Regi-tvu Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, Iho celebrated MOHNIXii lil.nltV. Coal Oil, Colli Oil l,:ini-.. Mlsaulfs., I 4'liiiiitiics.. imkI nil ni'llcleii j usually kept in an estHl.lishmi'tif ol this kind. Tbey nrc also prepare 1 lo furnish Slnte und do slating i in tlie best wirknuiniikc uianner. Also, lo iln fin Roofing, S;uuting. Rnngp tiud Furnace Work. Gas l ining, Ac. Repairing neatlv and uheaplv executed. Also : -"Itniigit'r Itttit Hons Su'i-.lio-.. pistils.'' Remember the place ,atni Ic anil Sale' Room nearly opposite tonly s Hardware Stori' street, betweeu Tiiird aud Fourth streets, dark puiutcd. August 25, ISIifi. Market Building SUNBURY BUILDING LOTS IgU of X. Sunbury, for Sale on reasi'iiuhle terms. Apply lo Dr. It II AW I. and SOL. lUtor-PH'S. SullblllV. I'll Or P. W. SHKAFEli, I'ultstille. Pa. Nov. 21 I siit) Hat H . J Bs sm;. Are eapectallv invited to call and i xutnine nur stook of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, con.pri.iiig .Nails ami .spiKot 01 all varieties. JJults. Screws, Strap and T Hinges. Locks and Latches. Bolts Plas tering Trowels. Brick Trowels, Plasterer's Sieves, Ac, Ac, fur talc by J. II. CONLEY A CO. Coachmakers, Wt&,& Large Stock at CONLEY A CO. .Sunbury, March .10, 167 L T73a.' rH "W. rilllE following iM-nsjos are entitled tu receive an A increase of Bounty under the Act ef Congress passed July I860, to equalize Bouuliei. 1st All soldiers who enluted after the 19th duy of April, 1861, for 3 years, and torved their time of enlistment and have been honorably discharged, and have received or are entitled to receive a Bounty of 100, are entitled an additional Bountv of Ktu. 2d All such soldiers who eulisted fur i yean, and wa.v vvoii uonorauiy uiscnurgeti on account of wounds received in the line of duty, are entitled to tn additional Bounty of stlOO. .Id The Widow, Minor Children, or Parents or such soldier who died itt Ihe service ot wounds or disease, are entitled to an additional Bounty of el I (Ml By application to 8. P. WOLVERTON, Em , of Smauar, Pennsylvania, who is an authorized Claim Agent, all such claims cau be speedily collected Sunbury, August 4, 1808. tf Aerliultural Imslmrula, " HOE'S Grain Rakua. Steel and Iron Garden Rake Long and D Handle Spades, Shovels, Manure and Hay iorkt, Graa and (Train bcythet, Unia Cradle., Cradle Fiagera, Traee, Breast, Tongu and Log Chain. Giiml-slooas, Fanning Mill Seive of all atisuaad kinds, a largo aswrtmeut of Red Wagon Hainea, fo Flewing, larm Bells, Cultivator Teeth for sal. by J. j,. CONLEY A CO. ' Inua.-Alarg aseortment of tht beat msaurae. tured Ilarj IIin. Hand, Round and fViuare Iron, Nail Rods, t'aat bleed, Blister Steal, Prill btaol, Horw. Sooat, Hon Nail, u. .Anv,,t- Bellow. Vie, Hammer, Sledges, Rasps md File. , at CON LEY A COS riUlsadripMsa sfc Erie) RUrtn. WINTER TIMM j'ABtiaV'"" Thftrugh and dlreel renta betweea PWUdelritlia Baltimore, uamstnirr, WUliatnsport. aad the Great Oil Regloii of Pennsylvania. M ELEOANT PLEEPIWQ BAR8 on all Right Tratru. vii ui - iw"i hut. mna, icsrr, tne 1 Tains on tba Philadelphia A trie Rail Road win run as follows : WtlTWARB Mall Train leave Philadelphia, Sunbury, ' arr. at Erie. Erie Express leaven Philadelphia " " Sunbury 11 lipm . 6.60 a m OCT p m li OO uocn 35 p ra 46am HOOam 4.15pm 7.45 p m 10 36am J 55 a m 8 55 a in 4 25 p m 5.40 a in 1.00 pin 7.10 a in 20 25 am arr at urie Klinlra Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Hunbury " " arrive nt Look Haven, EASTWAai) Mntl Train leaves Erie li,'' " " Sunbiirv, " " arr. at Philadelphia, Erie Exprcsw leaves Erie " ' ' Sunburv " arr. at Philadelphia, tlaiira Mail loaves L'jek Haven, ' " M Sunbury. " " arr. at Philnilnliihla. tJ.lO n m -llatl and bxnress 1'onneel with all train, r.n wr. ren A Franklin Railway. Passengers luaving Phil, adelpbia til I'lVO M. arrive at Irviucton at 0.40 a m, and Oil City at 9.M a ui. Leaving Philadelphia at 8 00 P. M., arrive b.1 Oil City at 4 115 p m. All trains un Wnrreii A Franklin Railway make close connections at vit i ity wit li trams lor trunk. ! lin and Petroleum Cuitr.:. BAGGAGE CHECKED ! THHOI GII. ALFRED L. TV LER, i General Superintendent i "orlliTii Cs'iili-iil Itnllvtny. i WINTER TIME SCHEDULE. ' Through and Direct Route to and from Wnshlngl.JV Bnliimore, Erie. Llmira. Buffalo, Rochester, and Xiagara Falls. FOUR TRAINS DAILY from and three to Wash -; ington and Baltimore. and THREE TRAIN" lAl LY to tne North and fom and West BrunuM Snetvue ' htuitia. aud Northern und Wesl-?rn Pennsylvania and .iw orK. ON and after MONDAY, OCTOBER II the Trains of tbo Northern Cci.tr-! i will run as tollnns : NORTHWARD. Mail 'fruin leaves Baltimore " Iftirrishurg, W'illinnisport, arr at Eltnirn, HnfT'ilo Express leaves Baltimore " llarrisburg. ' llmira. nrr. C innndaigun, I'al Lir.e. leaves llaltimore, Hnrrisburg, arr. Williauiiporl. Erie Night Accotn. leaves B'lltitnore. o Harrisburg. W illiamspi.it. arr at Erie. Vnik and Harris 1 leaves Ynrk. burg Ae'.'iim. I arr. Harrisburg; 5 i s . 1 . p t'i 1: li; uj 4 -0 a it 12 in a in .'Mil p in 12 .10 p n 4 20 p m H.2j p in V 45 a m 7 00 p ni 15 a ra 8. 10 a in A 45 a ui (I. I'D a iu 8 05 a m SOI 1 II W A It D Mail T rain. leaves Ehuira Williamsporl, " Hnrrisburg, arr. at Baltimore, leaves Cnnandaigita. " Id mini, Williamsporl. " Harrisburg. nrr. at Baltimore, leaves Williamsporl, 4.55 a m 8 40 a m 1 10 p m 6.10 p m 4 Oil p ni 7.55 p ui II 15 put 4 .15 a ni M 1 5 a in 3.50 p ni 8.15 a iu 11. 'HI p it. Buffalo Kxpn s I'n-t Line " llarri.burg, arr al Raittinore. Yoik and llauie- I leaefs Ilarri-lititg, burg Aceotu. I arr. York o l i p to 0 50 p m Mail Train north atid smith. I'asi Line north, and York and lltirrifbttrg Aecotumo'luti' n north ut.d south run daily except Sutnl ay. Buffalo L r'"s tcrtli iiitd 1'a-l Line smth. run 'hiiiy ; niol Itulliilo Kvpress south runs daily except Monday. Ni ;hl .Vccouituo-tiiiiou north tin ii es uatly esc -pt ,.itur.!My. l'"i-l'iii-iheriiiloiui..ti"r apply at thj 'l":-. Uc 0..u ill .lie l'ellt'S'. U mi.' It'liiroad 1'ep.il. I. -. DtUAIlliY Gen :-.:pt l.tn liuu nui ;i A It ! ltil it i l-oiisl. . and uli.r o.in 1st. !So7 I'e. etiifer Tra'is e, ill r'it. n- luilow- : S.IL1HW AUD A. M. V.i0 il 55 A M in CO II Jl '. M 7. li' S.V'tl P. M. 4 1:1 8 17 Leave Stvahtoli. Kingston " PupeM. Dainille. Arr. Xurth d.. I 2'1 1' 51 Iii URTIIWARD HO 7.10 S 15 A. M. III. 50 S .ill 12.00 !)..'5 I.) lj 1. five Xortli'd. , ' Danville. Rupert. . " Kingston. Arr. at Scranton. p :i .;. i ill U I i.'i 4 on in 15 iratits teavttii; Kingston af r..i a . .! . lor Ntran ton. connect with Train nrriv iug at New Vol k at 5.2P. Passengers Itikinif 'fruin South frein Serf n'on at 5 5ti A.M. v iu Xoithiitiiherliind. rea-.h Ilarrisloirg 12 dO P. M-. lialtimore i.'M P. M , Washincton 10 . Oil P. ,M. via Rupert reach l'liiladulphia nt 7.C0 p. m. II. A. FONDA .up :. King-itou. Jan 19. 107. It ii din;;' ICailroail. W INTER A R R A X li E M E X T November 25Hl, 1307. 1 BEAT TRUNK LINK fr..ni the North an J North-West f..r Philadelphia. New York. Hei.d ing. Pottsville. Taiiiaiua. Asliliunl. I.'.l nnon. Allen tnivn, E.'istou. Enhiata. Liiiz, Ltme:i..'.ci . Cduutlji:. Ac. Ac. Tritins lcaie llini.l.tir for V-n-Yuik. as f. lows : At S.imi, 5 si and n. it) A M. nnd 2.C'- and '.I :: P. M. connecting wilb similar limns on llie Fein, svlvatiia Railroad, nud airiiiogat New Y-ukul . . in.li'aiid II .'.0 A. M. and : In, ;i : P. M Meiq ing Curs ucciiinpiiii' ing the .'1 i.'" A . .M and '.' :' i p. .1 '1 rains, without chVuge. Li-ave llarnst.ur ; tor Reading l'-.ttsv iile, . iflia. .Mliiersv llie. A-iiialid. Pinr liroe. Allen'.ol and I'liilaueiphia at lo A . M anil 2 .Ul ai d 11 P. M , stopping at Lebanon and piinciial iti stations ; the 4. In p m. making connections f, I'hiiailelphia and Coluinnia only. F t t ' . I i 1 1 Schuylkill lis ten and Auburn, via .Schuylkill un Susquehanna Itailroad. leave Harrisburg ul it. .5 p u Kelurniii.-- Leave Xew York at V no a m., 12 I No.. n and 5 ml and Mm p. in.; Philadelphia at 6 1 a. in. huh .i.ov p. in. ay J'assenger 1 rmu In. riiiladelplna al . .do a. n... relurniuK from Rearoii; al fl...n p. ni. slopfinz at all Mali. an : Potraville t H.4a a m and 2 15 p. in: Ashland 8 tin a m ini I 12 10 and 2 Ou in ; lumaqiia at n i) a in and 1 00 and 8 45 p hi. Leave ('..tt-v ille for llarri-biirg via S huki!! a..' Susqii' liaiiiia llui! i ..ml at 7 !0 a. in. and 12 in t n .r.. Reading Aceommodulion 'ftaiii leaves Ken iii h- .tt '',A' 'V' 'c,"rllillS fr""1 Philadelphia ,!t 4 i. Columbia 11 iiiro.i.1 Trains leave I'-emltug at 7 ( ii A. M . and 0.1 P. M. fur Fphratu. Litis, Lancus. ler. Ci.l'iiuliia. Ac On Sundays: Leave New York al gnCpm., Phila delpbia H.mi A. M and 3.15 P M. Ihe b ttu a. in n am running only tu Reading, Poltsiillo bolis m.. lari isbiirg. i 2.i a m. and 4.10 and D-d5 p in. and trauma; at t.o nnd ..10 a. in. for Harrisburi.Miild ' "'' ." Iu' Ml"' 11.40 p lu. for New York "r Philudelpbia . 4 25 p m. i omuiutatiou. Mileage. Suason. S. l.rwd ,.,..1 r eursiou Ticket,, at reduced rates to aud fioia all , point.. i Baggage checked through : 100 Pounds Brg'!ce , allowed euch Passenger. G. A. NIOOLLS, 1 Geueral Superintendent' brick! urv 1 T".. s s :.i-..u . Tu ili.s i :iu..u . s. rwusiuMry iinVI 1 iiiili. j mill, undersigned hare bought il,u Brick YurJ ; A ami improvements, formerly lease.! aud Worked .by A. It. Sleveu-, and have made additional im- proveiueiils, aud are now i.seMired t.. make n.nreu to Manufacture and deliier BRICK iu lurge quau. lilies, lor building and other purosc. Byth mauulactiire of a good article, and piompt attention tu business, we hope to receive a shaic of public patronage. Order left at Ihe BrieR-Vard, or Box 14, Sunbury post Oflice, will be promptly attended lo ! "tu'Ljl'a 10 T. -iiu II I Ml-S A CO Sunbury. May 18, Isii;. uiM, OiU, As-. A (ull stock of Oils vomprisiug Linseed Oil. Coa Oil. Fish Oil, tod Lubili-aliiig oil for fc'ugiuw an Mauhinery, Varnishes. Glass, alwavs on hand. ! low prices ot CONLEVAIOS 1.1IIR Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, Bills. Lu. li les, liig Trees, Pad Trees, Danes, all kinds aud every thing pertaining to ihe business, for sale bv J. 11. COX LEV C l(. REM EM HK It TIIK DEAD, MtSSRS. D, tf. Dusicger and John A. Taylor, would respectfully anaounce to tbe cilizeui of Sunbury, and surrounding country, that hi jaf formed a co-partnrnhux. tbey are now prepare to. furnish oruamoutea aaa plain 4ra tomrtir'rosMba A Ylommi-ssta ef tke beat Itaiiaaaad- American marble, ai prices that cannot fail to give eutire satislactioo, and re spectfully solicit tht publie patronage ' V DlSs'lXGER A TAYLOR Btiabary. March 51. Ida ly. BIRD CAGES, 11 diiTeren kinds Ifyou" good and cheap Bird l'R-lf";'LLY A "'