gf)C-&tmtmtB American. N. 8. ENOIjE, J Publishers. HU.MIIIIY, 1A. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14. 18G7. ftocal glffaivs. ' Fnoitw Oven. The weather suddenly blew vp yetj cold on Saturday night last, and on Sunday morning the river, at this place, waa closed with ico, nd person , on foot, have crowed ovor. Wr.ATnnwisc persona predict that winter will rmt tct in until we havo had more rain, and that a fro-hot in January It not Improbable. Wo know that January freshets are not uncommon, but we hare, sometimes, escaped them. 'i'liB Evangelical Lutheran Church, at Seven Points, in Lower Augusta township, will be dedica te J on Christina day. Services will bo held in the morning and aftornoon by ministers from abroad. The public are invited to attend. Is exceedingly dull allovcr the country, at present. Prices aro unsettled, and in the cities many fuiluns havo been reported, iiut the impres sion ii that the worst is over, and that we shall cuter the new year with brighter prospects. We observe that our neighbor Liglituer. tho agent j of tho Adams' Express Co. at this place, ban nhimd Home now horse in his express wagon. The old horse has boon a famous one in his day, but his vigor nnd strength, except his "biting" powers, have greatly j fuilcd him of lute. i - Nkw Games Among a lot of new Farcy Good ; just received by Liglituer, nro the popular games of j iS'iuails and Lnpelle. Thu latter is a new French j game, very popular, and a decided improvement on j the former, and ciin be played by as many as cau ' it around tho table. ' I.imk Wo call attention to the advertisement of the now Liine-Kiln? of II. B. Mnsser, now coinplo led and in succcssful.opcrntioti near Sclinsgrovo stn a't'ii, where firmer nnd others can be promptly sup- lied wiih superior liuic. in large or small quantities, 1 at all times. Pt'TTV. As this is ihe season for roniuv ing broken , j.iies from the windows, it will be well to inform ; those interested, that tho hardest old putty can bo ; removed with caso by applying a red hot iron to the j putty and thoroughly heating the same. It should j bo removed while hut, when it will become as soft 1 n? ehee-iv ! SnuW. On Thursday o were visited with tho! first regular heavy snow storm of tho season. The snow fulling rapidly early in the moru- ' ing and continued all day. All out door buiincss ; was stopp. J by the severity of the storm. Sleighing "ill be toiernl-ly good, tho snow being about lo "Kbe3 Jeep. Hi.anks. Wo havo printed a larp;e number of t lank j ctitivni and bon is fo, tu etn ami rest'iutunl license, for tho purpuso of supply ing those in the .u:;iy ' intend applying for license at the Junu i ry set-i'-n t Court Hb keep a lull assortment of ail kinds of legal bhiuks on bund, neatly printed. bieh we sell very cheap. - - i'ocM) l' On 'i nc., lay morning la.-; C '.Toner !5cv hi. M an itciui-l i.trr the body of a young Ir.-vtl :atiiei DuLli ILiUpt. who was found dtad ill 1 cj at lb- re-i.icncc ot .Mr Townseud lltiiios, in ' uke addition. The jury rendered a verdict that -Ue diel freiu eenvulsivi.. She weat to he! on Vi ivl.-y r i-lit in uppircut good healih. iiik -M u;iii:rs. Dr-sscd hogs are jelling in New V tU i.r. I riiiladelpLla at D t'i cei.ts. In some of .r . -.eigLl-uriug t"t.i.wv learn, folk ha ocn sold at i.i '.' cc:-.'.. and b.i-f a: .tbout the s.une price. -'i' I'.aj :.t l;eea iiiiich otlered yei iu the markets in tire p. ace. Turkeys are selling at 121 livo oight. 1' '. itois are scarce, and ell l' si .' t'i '! " or :jd:,I. at retail. - i:-.v ti:r. 0'ir ronilei's will ee, by retVr . t. to o'-r a Jvei ti?iug '.'oiumn . that Henry Peiere !. as opened a new Grocery St. re, on ilio corner of 'iitird ai:tl Ita.-plorry strtet.-.. in ttii- place. The cit izen of tho lower part of the tov.n nil! no doubt olid it convcnieiit, Ha well hi r'.,uble. in irivetheir patronage to thu iicw e-ti.UUhi.iei.t. Mr. Peters har a largo itsMi'tmenl and telis ehrap. liltehiiu a - - -- - i I iiKtiiiiT Lim; Mr. J. . Jiiun lms lately I purcliHH'd tbc curs and fijiturck of (toodrich A Kieh- ! irJixiu's Friilil Line, and in Low deliveriujj goods i o nil stations between Philadelphia, Sunbury, Dau- ,M!e, Lewi;bur and sbauiokiu. Ibis line has be- : ;vu:e quilu populur for the fululy with which guodn j to carried and delivered. Mr. lirowu is a good ! iu::r.c:-s man, and the public will bo benefited by n!i'niiiziu biui. j - - --- , The lii t.v.s or Court. Wo bum a snioll num ier of rnpics of the new Pules of Court, regulating ho prajtii o of tho court in this (eighth) Judicial 'iMi k'i. composed of Northumberland, Montour and .yc lining counticji, and alfo the ltules of F.ijuily 'ra.'tioo adi.pled by the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- nnia. which wo will fell at per copy. If any I , , , r i , . , . i.i i hey can be supplied, on tipplicutiou at the Amtbi- :a.s office, or addre.'sing us by letter. . - - i iiKASO I'ixiiiaiTioN. -A large Optic l'anoruiua of j tt.imii.-t remarkable cities nnd beautiful landscapes, in nuturul iio, in now on exhibition at liasslerV building, over Kystcr's Slore, iu this place. It will remain for u few evenings. Aduiiiion 50 cents, ' i whi :b price every person is entitled to a prisent. iVithont n present tho j.rico is 2i cent"; children lioeiiti. Tickets for salo at tbc door. Lind lroin Itiolhers aro the proprietors Tin. "n. Ukkinkiiv. -Messn. Konen A Wilder, propriotori of the Oil Hcfincry, ndjoining the eas tern limits of the liorougli, have dissolved partner ship, Mr. Wilier retiring. The business will bo continued by Mr. John How en. We are pleased to luuru that tho Kcfinery is a success, and lias been doing u largo bu-dnesi. The superior quality of tiio i il n:nnufa''tured at this istubli.-hnicnt tus not only create I a grout local demand for it, but large orders uro daily filled lor different portions of tho Stute. Asnsoiii!. Mr. Wm. II. Miller, tho gentleman ly proprietor of tho Kxcelsior Hoot and Hboe Store, !.t weoU reoeived large Frcuch pluto-glass, for h wind .w. which i intended to adoru the front of (lis new slororoorn, in theitono building ut Ihe south- rst corner of Third nnd Market strocts, formerly occupied l y Major liow.ut as a residence. The fiuo room at present occupied by tho lvxccliior.we learn, J f,u been leased to Mr. T Shannon, Juwcllcr, of this ; pUcu. When the now improvements aro completed j Mi Miilor will Lave, decidedly, one of tho hand- , omest stores to bo found iu auy of our country ' towns and we liopo to see thegool example set by j l im morn generally iiuitate.l by our merclinnts. ' J I mi: ii,i Mouduy morning last, about hulf put ; ten o ebH:k, Ihe dwelling house of Matthias Smuck, ' iu l ake's addition, was discovered to be on fire, i 'Ihe alurm was iuiiiiediiilely given, but as no t-ffi- ( cienl fno depmimeut exists iu this place, and the; all being out or order, no aeMttance oouldbe n nd-red to nive tlie buil-ling. The house was built j of while pine plank, and being dry, burned very ; .,.! Hv. and was totally destroyed. The contents of l - building, tiouseluld furniture, c, weie saved by the neighbor-1, .'' Kv0 " lbe assistance tbey ,.,.iili. Tuols, which amounts to 70U or fWCi, . luuru. is fully eovered by insurance. . . . A CiiBiNTaAS Ui ft -four certificates of the rt s.bingtou Library Company, .f I'fciladelphia, iu ui'l of the Uiversido Institute for educating or phnns, cotting four dollars, with tha Sue engraving The Perils of our Forefathers." Each certificate secure, also one present al the Great UUarihulioo by Uie Company, making four prasenU, ooaor meraof hi. h may be worth thoii aiids H (toilers Such a g.rt will msko friend gay aud tufrrjr. od perhaps m i'ihvto.. livid adveitisament .,' . Maiohic At the regular quarterly session of the Grand Lodge, A. Y. M., held at the Maaonio Hall, Chestnut street, Philadelphia, on the 4th Inst., the following persons were elected officers of that body : Richard Vauz, R. W. Grand Master; H. A. Lam barton, R. W. Deputy 0. Master j Sam'l 0. Perkins, R. W. 8. G. Warden j Alfred R. Potter, R. W. J. Q. Warden. These officers will be installed on 6t. John's Day, December 37th, at the Annual Commu nication to be held on that day. At a regular stated night of meeting of Sunbury Lodge No. 22, A. V. M., held on Wednesday night last, the following oflloers wore olected for the ensu ing Masonio year. They will be Installed on St. John's Day, 27th Inst : W. II., II. K. Goodrich ; S. W., J Slaymaker; J. W., 12. M. Rucher; Sec retary, John W. Buchor; Treasurer, B. Zcttlcmoyer. The W. M. was pleased to inako the following ap pointments : C. 8. Wilder, S. D. ; William Fettor, J. D ; Jacob Shipmnn, 8. M. C. ; Norman S. Engle, j J. M. C. ; Robert McCoy, Pursuivant ; Wm. Hoover, Tyler. j At a regular meeting, tecently, of .Milton Lodgo No. 200, A. Y. M., the following ofticor were olectod to servo for Iho ensuing year : W. M., William K. Wertman; 8. W., 1. B. Davis; J. W., Jamos . Striue; Secretary, 11. P. Ilatlield; Troasurcr, J. II. McCormick. Xiw Encami'vikst of I. 0. ok 0. F. At a fpe eial session of the Grand Kncampiuont of I. (). of 0. ., held at Milton on Tuesday night, 10th inst.. for the purpose of organising Pilgrims Kncnmpment No. ICO. the Encampment was duly instituted by tho following officers, vix : Dist. Dep. tl. P., Solomon B. Boyvr, acting M. W. U. P.; Levi Sonshultz, acting M. K. G. II. P.; Solomon Stroll, acting It. W.U.S. W.; Charles P. Seoshollz. acting It. W. (1. J. W. ; Emanuel Wilvort, acting U.S.; A. X. Bricc, ac(ing H. W. tl. f. 8. ; and II. W. Wynn, It. W. U 0. S. After tho Encampment was duly instituted it was organized by tho election of the following officers, to servo for the ensuing term : C. P., Win. 1). Sny der ; II. P., Alfred Krutisc ; S. W.. Jacob Hulsizor ; J W Milton Kerr; Secretary, W. Mcixcll; Trea surer, 0. 0. Mcixcll. Wo learn that the visiting members from this place and U isburg were splendidly entertained by the member of the order in that place, at the Fnitcd Stutct Hotel, on the occasion. 'lin: Pauls Dxt'osmoN. Tho paper war which has resulted from the awards of the Paris Exposition thrcateus to ca-l into the shado tho famous War of thu liosiv. First tho Pianos nnd then the Sewing Machines became iuvolvcd in a contest. We havo no tlesiro to enter into tho uteriU of the question ourselves; every ono practically acquainted with Sewing Muchines knows that all firsl-olass ma chine have their merits. Nevertheless, it is un doubtedly true that some Sewing Machines havo uttaiued gieater perfection than others, tiro more comprehensive, more entirely practical, altogether belter fitted for the varied requirements of useful and m ii'miuntnl rewir.g ; und lUcfacl that the repre sentative of the tirover A Baker Sewing Machine at the Paris Exposition was decorated with the t'i 'SS if the Legion of ioiir. thus receiving tho highest award ill the power of the- Commission to be, low. if as gratifying to American ptidars it is in. equivocal prool of the recognicd superiuiity of the liruvir Ji Baker Machines. The reprcsciitutivo if thu tirover. t Baker Machine bidug placed on the International Jury, the machines were necessa rily excluded from competition ; but their vast su periority was delightedly recognized and acknowl edged by conferring upon him a supremo mark of distinction, rf which only ono hundred and fifty were awarded altogether, while gold medals were as thick a blackberries. This solves the problem id' Paris Exposition prices for Sewing Machines at once and forever. Whoever received gold nieduls, only ono Sewing Machinu was doenruted with thu Cross of the Legion of Honor, nnd that was the fam ily favorite Urover i Baker Drwrut'j Month ly - - - - - - Lis r or J i noi.s. The following is a lis' of jurors for the January term nt Court. They uue diawn by the new Jury Commissioners on Monday of latt Heel; : ii u A n jinv. A mo- Yorilv. Zerbo, Win. T. Clark . Rush, Amos tllaze, Lewis. A.t'. Trox.d, t'liiliMj'o, L. Miipinau, L. Augu'lu, It. ti i t in uli , L. Mul.auoy II. Heplev. Shuinokin, Win. I.inebach, Lewis. J VV.I'urioan. I. Auno-.ii. C. Culp, .Ml. Carmel bor. S Selnueltz, Jit Cur. bor. S. A Ui rkin'oine, Nurlh'd, Jos Duller. Cliil'uii "o. Fred, tlusb, Dolnware, J. . Hai-iler. SiiLlmry, ,1 lliiughawout, l.Aug'a, tieoreo reterfl. I.eivij, II. .McCoen. .Ml t nr. tp. D. D Conrad. I.. Aucu'tn. L.l! It. J. Wilson. North'd lior. J. F. licist, l;. Mahanoy, S. Mutehler. Shaniokin, Johu Houl7. Milton. TUAVKHSE JI UV. W. Swenk. Sliniuokin, Llias Lolir, Wusbingtuii. David l.enker. Point. tl.C.Murtx. Sham. bor. Hugh Murlin, Cbilisq'e. II. K. Malic.k, L. Aiijjusta, Pat. Hester, Mt. Carmel, J. ii. Armstrong. Del., Alex. Snyder. Jackson, J. F. Derr, I', Augusta, Adiiui Faux, Chilis.i'e, Philip Moore. Sunbury, lien. Hcilnor, L. Augusta. C. Kamsey, Mt. Cur. bor. Win. K. Murt, Sunbury. J C. Krvin. Sunbury, Win.Koeser, L. Augusta. X. Cuniphell, Shiimokin, S. Starner, IMiilisquaque, Wm.Savidge. Turbutville lieo. Kvert, North'd, ti. dinger, Mt. Car. twp. J. M. Simpson, Sunbury. Jiw. Parks, North'd, Isaiie I urinnn. " " (leo. Shnrtel, Jordan, M. Treon. Washington. W. W. Dewilt, L Aug"'a, U es. Clark, L Augusta. Junu Hislc, Chilisouuuiie, Sam. III. no-, Tuibut, A. 1!. Cotncr. I.'. Augusta, "! linker, lurbut. I' Hoover. bbaniokin bor !. l'.nterliiic, I .Muhanoy J. Leighow, North d, J., L.Midiaiioy, llcm v Watts. Point. lue'ib liender Delaware Jeii-e I'.eeii, Miiiui'.kin, Jacob llcpnor.L Aluhau'y Jno Duttinger, Shnmo'n, Sum. Crowl, Miuin. lior. A. 1 liurstou. I,. .Mntiunoy. Jacob Ilower, J iu-lrsou. S. llotTmou, Sham. bor. Ab'm lieppen, ' C. 1'. Pursing, Shnin. tp. lariT jiuv. Tin inus Svveiil;, Milton. K. .V. Anthony. North'd, Sum. Hilnnd. l!. Augusta, jCyrus Drown, Milton, J.ieoh Slitsel, Delaware, Ilobert Hiddlo, " j Huniel Zi-rno, Shnin. bor. Kobert Campbell, Hush, John Pearson. Point, A. J. Heller, Tuibut, ; T..McDonuld, Mt. Car. tp. John Dimm, Lewis, I A. Cump. Mt. Car. bor. Wm. Kvert, JShnm. bor ' S. 11. Mulick, Zeibe, Wm. Heinen, Milton, I P. Leisenrii.g. Sham. tp. S. Campbell, Shum. twp. j .I M Unrlholomew. Suu'y M. Lukins. Mt Car. twp. i Abrm Kissinger. Turbut, K. B. McCay, North'd, I ii ll.Malick. l'..M.'ihnnny,iW.M Weaver, Miam. bor. Jno. liourn, L. Augusta, Kiiiiin Dunkel, Turbut, : .1 ;:c.. tj Hiiup. Turbut. tico. llofimun, Delawuro, : II. Keiser. Miuin. bor. Wm. Sherry, Washington Joseph Zern, jMichael Wirt, L. Mub y, Jacob Hill, 'ti B.Youngmuu. Sunbury S'ii.1. Keefur, L. Augu-ta,'j.Duukclbcrger, Slia. bo. - - - '-- - - - - - Tur. J am a ii v Ti:nvi ot" CianT. Tho following j is tho Trial List for tho approaching Januury torm of Court. The first ten civ il cosos aro for trial on 1 Thursday of the fust week the remaining thirty- ; five lor tho second week : i Adam K. Fubnestock vs. Solomon B. Boycr et nl. Peter Hanselman vs. Hubert it. McCay. Z. Ilogendoebler vs. W. L. Antrim. John 1! Douty vs. Joseph Bird C. P. Hell'ensteiu vs. the lilack Diamond IroiiCo. 1 John Woisel vs Harriot Marr etal. j l'nler lionser vs'leorgo Delp and Flias Fugely. I Wm Young vs tho Pennsylvania Knilroad Co. ' Christisn tixeiner, end., vs Daniel Dn'ssler. Young 4 Bro vs P llansclmuu & Co. Young A Pro vs P llanseliunn A Co. i Juiues H Mur.h vs Wm. H. Mooro. Marion Piper vs K W Trego. Johu Kiegel et ul vs Wm il Weaver, Sheriff. M B Wickersbam vs I) I.nngencckor et nl. Jonathan Hoover and John Vnruall vs the Susque hanna Coal and Coal M. Co. Jonathan Hoover vs. same. S.ime and William Starr vs same. Christiuu Albert vs Kiehard Malouo. J 11 Foresmuu vs Joseph Long. John Louck vs Willium II Douty. Joseph liaruoy v. David I.omuon. J h Kightuieycr vs W P Wilhington Mary Billuinn vs 8 L Bergstresser. Peter Iinuiel vs Herman Borgeretock John A Sprengor vs Fred Dinner. Benjamin Hoplervs Lydia Wetsel. Mury uiiunau vs a u ucifinviw. - Sumuel Conrad vs Sarah Hill. Johu F. Albright vs K D Snydor. Thomas Mussel vs Peter Lilly- Cuihariue lloltxiser vs John froiel. Shell i. Berger vs Win. B Kominerer John Wagner vs. Petor Wagner. Henry Haas vs K D Bower. Ueuben Kline v Mount Carmel Towoship Ueorge W Arbogast vs B M Bubb. Mury E Ualsey vs Catharine Bower. Uealbeute k Co Joseph Baoher. Brooks t, Newberry vs the ljwkawanaa K h t u John Ueokel Dr. II W Adanu. D W Smith vi the Milton National Bank. J I. Meixol Ihe Atlantic 4 Great Western hail read Company , , . . James Richardson Mount Canuel Township Solomon Millar John Foj aid M. Brymirt Editor's Table. Godiy'i Ladt'i Book, fon Jakcaut, 1S68. The Lady's Book for January la presented to the pablio In a new and attractive stjlo. There is no magaslne publislred In the United Htatee that ex pends so much money to gratify the growing taste of the American ladies for everything that is taste ful and useful as the publisher of the Lady's Book. Among Ihe embellishments In the numbor now be fore as are the following : New Shoes, a fine steel engraving; stoel-plate Xitle-psge, containing three S futures of our winter amusements skating, sled ing, and snowballing ; a colored faahion-plate, con taining six figures ; Winter Sports, a tinted picture ; colored plate of Berlin wool-work figure of a stag, rinted In eight colors, Ac, Ac Published by . A. Godey, Philadelphia. Tna Atlantic Almanac Messrs. Tlcknor and Fields have just published an Illustrated Almanac for 1868, upon a plan and in a style entirely new in this country. It contains sixty-four royal octavo, double-column pages, over fifty of which aro filled with original matter. The literary cbaractor of the Almanao Is altogother superior to that of any similar Almanao ever beforo published. Tho Almanac contains four full-page illustrations. in colors, of The Seasons, reproduced from paint ings by Mr. A. F. Bellows, tho well known land scape artist. In addition to these, tho text is pro fusely illustrated by the most ekiirul artists of tho country. In tiio goncrnl ohurnotor of Its literature, tho At lantic Ai.vanao maybe regarded as a Christmas number of tho Atlantic Montiilv, while it is ren dered additionally attractive by tho number and beauty of its illustrations. A beautiful oolorcd cover adils to the attractiveness of tho Almanac. It is sold al fifty cents by all booksellers and news dealers, or will be sent postpaid by the Publishers, Ticknor A Fields, Boston, Mass. BUSINESS NOTICES, tjj'.lob B'l-lnliiic. Having received largo supply of NEW JOU TYPE, of various new styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter llonds, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, can bo printed in the latest und best sty les, nnd on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Tna EnurrtoNS op Moist Vksi-v it s ! This terrible volcano 'is now devastating the plains for miles around with its streams of heated lava, a ter ror to all peoplo within its troncherous limits. Mil ler's Excelsior Boot and Shoo Store, iu Market Square, Sunbury, brings joy and gladness to all households within its operations, by tho steady stroma of good and cheap goods that is daily pour ing out of its doors. Gentlf.vbn. A word to gentlemen wo moan those who liko to dress iu Iho latest styles, and who keep pace with tho seasons. To such wo say, confi dentially, that J. (. Beck, Merchant Tailor, on Fourth street, litis on hand, a full selection of new patterns and styles, ill nil kinds of clothing for men and boys. Those who have tiicd thu city and Beck's establishment, know that elegant clothing can be had ul home, equal in ull respects to the best estab lishments iu Iho city. Call nnd see his new and splendid xuriety. Tun plucc to got good clothes and nice fits is at the Continental Clothing Hozaar. ill Market Square, Sunbury. This establishment has secured for itself nn euviablu reputation by the accommodation ex hibited by its proprietor, the excellent quality of his goods, nnd the remarkable ehonpness nt which I they arc disposed of. Lest ami Chkapkst. Lckt in iuinl, trvcrybjJy iu town niid Cuunliy, thnt thu Kiibt NuUddhI Lout, Shoe mul Trunk LSture, in Plenianla' luiiMiuj, IMar kct Sunro, has jurtt rcccivecl another lurgo cujiply of every style of Indies' and inissicii1 tihocw, uml every variety of men's and boys' wear the luigcst und best atuck in Sunbury. Thai-her's stock in nut uuly nice, but uorviccoblo, and will wear. JIo sells wry chcHp for enidi. 'Wnv don't you trade with ino" saij a close fisted tradesman to a friend, the other day. Tho reply wnf characteristic : You have never nsUed mo, sir I have looked ull through the papers for an invitation in the ,-hnpo of an advertisement, und l found none. I never go whero I am not invited." Faust, the ftisbioiiablo II al and Cup luanufiicturer, in Murket Square, is liberal in the use of printer's 1 ink, and invites all, through tho medium of tho pres.s. to cull inij sou the new winter styles just re- ' ceived by him i Tin: Latest. M notico another extensive ar- ; riv nl of Cloths, Ciisrimrrrs. Yeslings, Ac. ut J . F. j Shaeder's Merchant Tuiloriug establishment, iu j Murket Now is tho timo to select n suit j from his extensive variety, nnd have it mndo to or- j der in the best manner. His goods eirbraco tho choicest Iu tho market ; they aro up in tho la test styles and nt city prices, tlo und sec them. Do it Iviiikiiiatki.v. The poet says, '-secure tho shadow ero tho substance fades," and in order to do so to good advantage go straightway to Ilyerly's Photograph tinllery. in Simpson's building. Market Square, Sunbury Mr. II. is prepared to furnish Photographs and Ambrotypes in nil styles nnd siies. We would advise all who desire to hnvo a good pic ture to pay lrin a vi-i. M A It It I A G E S. In ltush township, on the 5th inst.. at Iho residenco : of Mrs. Susan Kline, by the ltev. I. II . Torrencc, i Secretary of Ponnsvlvania Bible Socictv, Mr. Pctkr i f nr,,l Mi.. M,I,:ll,1 A k'lOC ull ,.f Northumbeilaiid couuty. On tho evening of tho 2Hlli ult.. nt tho residence of tho bride's fulber, by the Kev. P. II. Marr. Mr. D. II. Lasiiki.i.. nf Shannon, 111., and Miss S WoL vkhton, of Hush township, this county. DEATHS. In Sunbury, (Cake's addition,) on tho evening of the 2nd inst.. DAVID L. UKUWX, (agent of Col. Cake,) aged ubout ib years. SI .Mil ICY .tl Altlali'l'S. Corrected Weekly for tho "Araericau." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, $12 00 do do de do perewt. tl nil Itye Flour, pur bbl. 1(1 00 do per cwt. ft 00 Wheat, prime red, new. tier bushel. 2 20 Bye, do Corn, new, do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, purod per pound do do uuparvd do Dried Apples, do oil 10 fia 25 I 40 2S Ii j on 40 .'ill 2S Dried Cherries, (unstoned.l per bu. Huiter, per pouud, per dozen, per pound, do do do do do do per pair K.SKs. lieese, Lurd. Hums. Shoulders, Beef, hind ipuurtcr front Mutton, Chickens, filiamoliiu Cuul '1'i'iiils. SuiuoKiN, Dec. 10, 1SA7. Tuns. Cwt. Sent for week ending Dec. 7. O.Wil lj Per lost report, 1j2.6i'iS Hi 4ti2.1U2 (10 5.17, S4d ml 73,741 US To suuiclimo hut year, Decrease. dfucial Notices. i Cumvendxtuhv. We cannot speak in too high terms of Coo's Dyspepsia Cure. It is a well-tried ' remedy and invariably cures. Why will yuu iufTcr ' from Dyspepsia, Indigestiun, and disorders cf the stomach and bowels, when so go.d a remedy can bo I obtuincd so easily. I Deafsbss, Blindxesi and Cataiiru treated with the utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. D., Ocul- ist and Aurist, (formerly of Lcydon, Holland,) No. 8fii Areh Street, Philadelphia lostimoniais irom the most reliable sources iu oily and oouutry can bo seen at his office. Tho Medical faculty aro invited to acoompany their patients, as he has no leeroU in bis practice ARTIFICIAL iA'KS inserted with out paiu. No ohargo for exaaiiuation. nov.SO-ly i lirroris of Voulli. I A gentleman who sufferod for yoars from Nervous 1 Debility, Prematura Decay, aud all the effecti of i youthful iudiscrction, will, for Uic sako of sunoring I huuianily, tend frea to all who neod it, tha recina I and direction for making the siuipla remedy by i which ha was oured. Suflerers wkhmg to profit by ' tha advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in narfeat conUdenOe. J"U- "ixl..'. I iy 19 -67 ly 42 Cedar iSiiecl, N. Y. A PERMANENT TONIO. ' Every ono, at limes, feels the noceasity of some thing to tone up the eystooi, depressed by montnl or bodily exhaustion. At such times let every one, Instead of taking alcoholic or medicinal stimulants, roinvigoruto his debilitated system by tho natural tonic, elements of tho PERUVIAN SIRUP, or Proloctod" Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, which vitalises and enriches the blood by supplying it with its Life Element, Iuo.N. Being froe from Alcohol in any form, its energi sing effects aro not followed by corresponding re action, but are permanent, infusing htukjutii, vi oor and new lii-k lnlo all parts of the system, and building up an IrtoN Coxstiti:tion. WM. C. STERLING,' Esq., of PoughUeepsie, N.Y., says: 1 " r ' 'Since taking the Peruvian Sy rup I feel butter, my strength is improved, my bowels are regular, my appetite first rato. Thiro is an old Physician In this eity, (older then lam.) who has been in tho lirug business for 40 yours, who has used the Syrup for threo mouths, and gives it n his decided opinion that it Is tho best Al tcrativo Tuuio Medicine he over knew." For Dy.H'KI'sia, Dkhilitv, und Fkhalk Wkak Ness, tho Peruvian Syrup is a specific. A 32 page pamphlet sent freo. Tho geuuino has '-Peruvian Syrup' blown iu the glass. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 30 Ley St., New York. Sold by all Druggists. Deo. 1 J J t A1 DDKKSrt Tit THK MiRVdW AM) OKHIUTA- ted, wli! MJlierniii have U-eii nrntrm ted from iiid- den cuuft'B.and wluwe imhci itujuirt: nrninjit ti c utrtif nt u Ttinler rxiatvtict! U-irMlle h" )uu uie mHfrnnjt ot luive BiilltTetl fitini iiiviilmtiiiry (liM.-luirLf, v but vilvcl dues it (tr'Nlntre iiixiii yt.ur cfn.i;il Itciltn ? 1i ,uu l'd wnk, . iiiifimiinii, tMBiiy niftr r inn- n nn v t-jtcrii in pr- '"' "'; " . ' J'V.'.'!, '.',"'.'','?' "ri.".rV,:". ymir unite Ki.tiit'tinicn tln k, imlkv, i t!.'cky,-iif in H mpv on m'itlii;f " Or ilurs i iiiii-rt strtim n.- to the .' (V ma rcuiint'iK nt inn hoi! mm mier U Icmiit 1 nw tutt- ? I)d you navf f-nrt vi si.s.ri hU'.tM:lM;4 .r 0 Kr jti;i .' Art' V'UI luiwi Is ('hKiit,:iiij ; l)n yu (mve hjm-Iisiii' fiiniUng i-r t iisltt-A tl" I. U Jui! ti Hit' ht'iiil ? Nyt'Ur nn-niory iiupniit il In yuir iiMiitJ foitautty thrrliiiiR li;iu ilin nuhject ? Ju you feel dull, Imtlmf, iirtpini;, tired i uiMii;wuiyt i life ? Ln you wifh to lie left alone, in el awny lr ia evrryb nl ! Unci any little Hi i tig niiike yuti stint or jump? I your siren I'T'ieUMi nt lestleHS.' In lii; nsrr of yi-nr fj is n hrillinnt ? Tlii blo'un iu your cliet k as bugn ' Uti you enjoy your Kelt" in Koi-iety mm w II ? y u pmxutj your Imkiik ks'wii U tin iriitit fiiclfty ? Do vo l fir! :m et e nfi 'enee in join- F' lff Am . ur spirits doll a; id I'-tsryuiK. y.ivvn to his of liii'liiiicholy If mi, J.. ni lv n t .utr hi er or d t.'cufi. Have you rentlens nielli? Voiu iwA; wnk, y'ir kn.v:s ' vak. iiml luive hut iiilie uppriiir, niidyou uiti itmic Una ' to tlysii'p!!ri nr liver-c iiipluiiii s I Now, re;nlr, st ;i o.him-. vt-iM-M-til dis -iu-os l-a.Hj rurtvl. ! iiml seTfUTil exceKucR, itre nil v ip.m'i prodtiemc ii v--nk- ! iifits o tin fit iierniive ori.itiH 'I'.ie ot(;ii, of !.'ti-.'riiti.ii. I whiMi in perltct he:il!lj. n.kfi itu; ihn.i. )ui y.-u uVur ' think Hint (Ik me lokl, tleli;iut, eiifit;etii., prrst-vetiiifT. sue- I ceii til u I huBinc! -iuru nn iiKvuy.t lit s wlnu t;iiir;iuve I orp;int Mre hi perl "te t iiciillli Vou never lieai "mu-ii inta ! romplaia of tii-in n laut Ji ', , of nerv usne, of p.dptti- : lion of the heri't Tliey ii't- n-vi-r til nnd tlicy t;tiniot ; eitil in liuaiiit km ; llu y j.iii't lu-c une r:nl und tliMMurnL'td ; tiny tire hIivjivk p Uv itu' leas-mt in Uit Cfiiii :.n 01 U , I thifji. iiiull H.k 11 ,,i t.,,j tin iu i j,.i,i (,i t.'ic l.u-i' it. in ti ycur j iloA-.iiiit )( ik or ;uty oi H'-i itMMiiuwm iili.H't them. I tin not menu th"-" who k-ep Il eiirr;Mis iiiH oiit 1 Ly niniHiij I lot'xress. 'Dkmi: will not only rm.i tin ir t-iiif IttuIiutiE j but ills those llii'y il Ihm.immi vvnli oi i-r. How tn.iny uit'ii from U ily-cured t!i.senri, from tin tfli'i'ts of st-lf-:il'itse iird i'"rs'v, have'. u ti.:it t 81'Jteot Wi'itkiifsrt in t h j i-rns Unit h -in reilnreu the i fzenernl hytein no tinich it- I i hiiim e h every oilier I diseiise Kii n-y, luincy, pjirnlj mv. SMpitil :iil'.-i:tnii. sui-jtde. und iiinioNt i' -1 v otlnrr i'r;u of iI n. msi' which hmnniiilv in j lieir t", un.t the rta' cut: ' ' t' !!.: V ;;' ' 1 r y i;V r SJ- j pceted. initl Inve tloetord for nil but tl;e ripiit one. lit.!ji.n fi thK ork;ini rt'tniire tla iim1 oi h diureuc !IKI..I HOl.l-'S KM ll i:X Tit ACT IU CI! I' is Itn-U:e;.t ; Uinreiie, iniil ih a et'riHtn eute for ilisi-tistrs of the It udder, J Kidiiu.4, tinivel. Lropsv, itrp.-u.n Wfrikii s, I-'t Tiuile I I CompliioiU, ttejM'tid licliilitv. iind all disrupt' nf (iie I'm . tiiity Ore uif, whether t-xipi nn: in Miiieor I'emnle, from j wluifHver taiine uriijiii'itiiii; und ho umtlur of how ,i,it i ! dtnmlinp. ' 1 II IM ircHi'i-'nt . Piilhi!t'ed to, C tii . r us:uiity j ni;iy etisui. .,ur Hfi.ii :iuu iho iu are uu,p -iifu iniu int ft- s'urees,aitd the he-'dt'i ami Imi iui'-s. r.mi thnt ot rosivniy, dependf up m prompt n" of ;i nlnt,le lenudv. Ili'Imliold'n lOxtniet H'.i'-hu. eft:ilii-hi-l upward of IS yeum, prepared l.y IT. T. II l;iM !IOM), Liugist, -"it I Hrtndv:iv. Nw Vnrk,niul li-l S ulli intli St'f-1, riiihdulplnn. Pn Pijick- l M't per Ii 'ii', or 6 hop es fir Sli. de'iverod to miy wddrt-fK Stiid by ull Urapgist evei where Murrlm. It-fl? . ly Aytr's flu: you siel, feeble iVtftTcrri vour system deiai ged und Y'.li- feeling, ut.couifo-- ' inblc ? Those symptoms ! ire of'en tlie precursors of f lives illness. Soma til id' sickness iJ ereejiin:; up.n jou, ni.J sliould be , averted by a time'y u.-o ' of tho rii.t loll.edv .-- Take Ayor's PilU. nut -h ive out tbc I. Liners ilv tho blood, and let tlie tiuids inoveou uii.ih.niuctodly, iu health, t hey stimula:e tho organr of itm body into vigorous activity. pu:i:y the sysu-m fn in lb olistruelious which no;!,o ilisysse. A ccld settles " wiuieivhcro in tho body, mid d'Tiiugc-i tha natural I operations of that p ut This, if noi relieved, will ! react upon itself und tho surrounding organs, pio- j ducing general aggravation, sutRiin and derange- ; mont. Whilu in "ibis condition, tuku Ayer's Pills,! and seo bow directly tliey rcstoro tho natural acliou j of tho system, and with it the buyunt teeling ol "' health. What is trim ui.d so npr urtnt in this tin ii.l , and common complnint is also true in many of the j deep seated and dangerous discuses, the same pur C.'itive exuels them. Caused by similar obuructions and derangements, tiny aiusuiely, and many of them rapidly, cured by thesutne iiieuus. None who know tlie virtue of theo Pills will neglect to em- i ploy them when siiiiering from the dividers they , I cure, such as lleudie he. Foul Moniueti, Dysentery, ; i HiliousCoinpluints. Indigestion, Dernugcuieut of the ; ' Liver, Cosiivcness. Constipation, llc.olburu, lilieu- i I matism, Dropsy, Worms, and Supprcuion, whuu tu- j I ken in large doses. I They are sugar coated, so that tiio sensitive I ; cau take thcin easily. Mid they mo surely tls-- best purgativo medicine yet itiscovere-l. Aji r's Ar'"' I'nr Ihr .pccily unit nrliiin Curt of liitr) )H'tlr,it I Fever, or Chills unit Frvt r, llrmitttul I'ei er, ' Chill 1'i trr. Diimh .U-ir, l erin ticil Hi niarhe. : or llilitiuit lUutltiche, viid litliniu. Fevers ; in- , ieri.or the whole rlut o,' . o i'iH"tt.iz j in biliary tie raitin iir't. luntscd Ay the malaria ( nf miasmatic cvttitirn . This remedy tins r iroly failed to euro tho severest cases of Chills and Fever, and it lias this great ad- ' vantage over other Ague medicines, thut it subdues I the complaint without injury to the pniient, It contains no ipiininc or other delulerious substance, nor does it pr-idueo quinism or any injurious cttect j whatever. Slinking brothers of Ibu urmy and the: n est, try it nnd vou will endorse those assertions. Prepured bv"DU. .1. C. AVLit A C"., Lowell. ( Mass , and sold by oil Drug ji-lsuud dealers in me l- . icine evervwhere. ti'H. 2-i -sl ' 0 NE PRICE CLOTH I. Vl. JOIJSS' O L D K ST A I! L I S II F. I CLOTHING JIOLSK, lit I .tl a v U t- I l s- !, Hue door above Sixih, I'hila. Iclphia. For many yours this K.-tubli-hnic nt lia. domi bu.i ness on the" (ino Prico Sys tin. und wo believe wo are tlie only Clothing House in Ihe city thnt strictly adheres to this principle We buvo earned a repu- lull, . teliicl, it,, nr., t..-itoil ,,f foririio.l t-islo in seleel- good styles nod substauliul nmierials and uotle.s A , iinportaut. for huvii.g all our goc-is. - e'.vi'ka ivi'.a.Es .is.ttin:. I We employ the be. t talent, for Cuiters, and our Goods are of both kinds Fashionable aud pluiu su that ull tastes can bo suited. The prices are the very lowest, as any oue by u moment s thought must see, or otherwise wo could not meet tho competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions nro ever made, wo must put our prices down to tho advantages wo i promise. Tho people may depend, this is the true plun upon wuleu to (10 DUcluers, mm uiuni uonui .au vw saved to CluUiiug buyers by keeping i:i mind JONES' OXF. VUICE CLOIHIXG HOl'SK, 604 Market .Strreet, Philadelphia, Nut on the Corner, but one door ubovu Sixth March tl, 1867. ly OKKMAX ERAS1VE S0A1 Is manufactured from PI UF MATERIALS, and may be considered tho STANDARD OF KXCELLF.NCK For sule by all Grocers. iy- Orace'a Celebrated Salve We are constantly hearing favorablo rcirts froip, those who havo tried this remedy. Amy Anthony, wife of Mark Antbouy, ot mis city, aus living No 6 Locust bireoi, aiiiicieo wuu iiuu u Bngcr, was recently induced to uioko a trial of the Salve. Almost instuutly she experienced relief from ..!- i.i..k. i.b.1 k,Asn nlioo.1 iinenduralile IUO Iin;w, wuii .-. ---- Every other remedy but this pruved unavailing Those who have tried it oncn are salistied of il merits, and nothing will induce them to be wiihoiit a suppIy -i'V' line -'" u' May 18, IK67. Inrormntlots. Informs I ion, guaranteed to produoo a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless faeo, also a reoipo for the removal of Pimples, Itlotohos, Eruption-, etc., on the skin, leaving tho same soft, clear, nnd benutilul, can be obtained without chargo by addressing THO.S. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, tuny IS, (17. K23 Broadway, New York. T H E "ll IS A LI N O POOL, And Ilcmne of Mercy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, for Young Men, on tho crime of Solitude, and thu Errors, Abu sea and Diseases which destroy the manly powors, and erento impediments to Marriago, with sure means of icliol. Sent In sealed letter onvolopes, freo of charge. Address DH. ,1. SICILL1N HOUGHTON, Howard Anciation, Philadelphia, Pn. June h, 1MH7. y NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.! FUKMI AKKlVAIi OK FANCY DRY U00DS. . MISS KATE BLACK, Market .Vquare, two iliior? Kat of tiio o!J JJimk buiiiiiiitf. SlMliaiV, l'cim'a., HAS opened n fri-Eli siiily of the latest styles of . l ali and Winter (looiln. si'leotoil by 'hersnlf fiiim tho must foshiuiinljlo cstulilishuicnts in I'hila iKl.liiu L'lionti Pi' fliins. Alnneiw. IVon,.!,,,. ll; nntl J'lniJ I "Iilins, Mouvnin (, Ciiitlis. huciiiio ' I'lnniiuls, Lmlics nnd Cliildrens' lints, l'cutliers, liiblioiis, Urcss Trimminj:!i. Linbroiderie.,, Lace Voil ii ml li"iilkirehiift., hosi.TT, ISnlinnrnl I pkirt? Itrfiikfnsi nnd Ilhinki t Sb .iwli.Wiuior 'iivques ! nnd bndie."' pon lii nf every ile.wriptiyii. (louts' Uullnr, Xc'li-tii'i!, llull huso, Hnndkcr chii fti snd Ulnvcs. lVriiiniery.Tiiilol Snn . Ilnir I'rufhcp.Crmbu etc j Ijf- Uu; kii.L" Kli'itT. .-kiri.i. KATK 1ILACK ! Smbiiry. Nov. 2, Irtu7. l'AI.r, AND winti:h MIIJJNKRV GOODS .im 3D istoti isr Mias ANNA PAINTER, Jlnrl.t t Hiiunri'. tno doorn rc?t of tbo I'o'i 'Ifli-e 8 U N T5 U It Y, P N N'A. KliM'i'CTl'l 1.1.V il l r:i:? hi-i- friends mid tin- . i pulr!ir. tlmt ibu Irif j'nt rrliinii1 1 from tbc eiry. tvheru Jibe hns upent auiu' liino in nmkii' s-eleet'-Hii nnd iurclitiaeR. and ban jut oin-ned a l:'r;u jitoek ui , JIll.l.I.NKI'.Y U'HiliS AND MiTIOXS, niti'nin.". Ii-i's, I'rcs.J.l.inin''. ('riimliin' and i (inns k i r t i : ir Lining, llnij. .kirirf, I'uU' Tii:u iiin,rs. Ci-ie Triitiiuiiig, Hut Criit't. t'b.'ak !.!;:itoi: -, t'ursct. Zi'j.hyi.. A lin-rc iL-ortu;'-nt of Lud'u iii,.l (Icntli nii.-ii't; Ilosii-ry. A variety oNMiKS M'AT1'NF.KV. lt"I.!,S f nil sios, Alnhabet lUuek', i.v Mie tl;. iters hiTi-oif in bi-in libit- to itn:ko u display tliat tvll enliie gat iittu'ti..n l' i.-iUir, atid goods wtll bo exhibited with nlenture. unburv, X.iv. 2. HOT. T. S. SHANNON, Practice.! Watchmaker AM) From PHILADELPHIA. In Simpson 's Huildiug. Market Siiuure, 1.HNK ioM and aNilver Amerionn und Fvti'a ; AVnt(.bcs, Jlocks. .It'wclry unci Silver whip, con funlly ouhunii. Jiuir Jt-nuli y und .MuiuLtc Markb i mndo to order. I (luld and Silver l'lalin? duie in tiio bent mimiivr ai;d wurriiniud to yivo entire SKti.-Tiu'tion. ! Finn WnlcliLf, Cloiik.-i, .Muit: Uoxvn iind Jv-p)ry J lloviicd mid tttirnuitcd. All oidur! iToinptly tilled I tSunhury. June 1, it'7 M i l Q V V G 0 0 (1 M.-M...oi,.r.b- 1,-veto nounce t the Ludivsol Suubnry mi l vicinity an tLat she bus just opened a large and Viiried stock of .MILI.IXKKY GOODS, of all the lutes! Fall m.i Wiuter styles, to winch -h invites allcu'.uu ot io r jeiiror.s. end til" hi lie. gr.e rally, eoithdciit ot her nl-i lit y to pieuc. A good u.iiortiueut ot lJUN.SL'l v ,v ilA'i ;, II. its for features bri;-bt -u: I j ,!, Hals ior l.i.-ea iiM-i-iiioh'ily, ll.i'.s f .r figuu-s, loon 1 nnd Inniy . Hals lor ttruiiit hair, and for curly liuu of silk, elotii. fcU and braver. Huts tlint nluiost vv cur f'o-irerr, Hai.s that nl ways look so neat, Are bought nt Alisa Oes.-ler's en Fourth stroel. Also, nn excellent ns.-..rlinei.t of Fu-!.ii.iieble Lin broideries. Fdgihcs, Laces, N o.den Ciip.i. Handker chiefs, Maui's. Uloves, Hosieries, nnd all kinds of Fancy Notions. !t:ini'ed .Muslins, Corsets, Perfume- i ries. So-ips. Lilly Vi bite. Fuuiii' lf Ameiica, Mi tionery. Ac. Ac. Cull and examine f'r vour.-clvi No ti-uM" to 1 show goods Sunbury. Nov 2. IS'i". iStiS lOUl IN 'HIE PRICK Fall & Winter Goods! .sis i. 1. I.yfii, having just relum ed from Philadelphia vv iih a superi-'r (.lock nf Full and iLter Goods for tl.o Inolo of Hu7 and '!, which elio is aldo to sell nt very reduced prices, would u.-pecifuily call the nl t-i I i'.u of her custo mers and the public irenerully. to the superior qual ity ot her goods, and the low priets at which they are held. Sue has nil kin Jo ot DRESS GOO 133, including Poplins. Mtiinoi, De Lains, Calicoes, Ac , ull at the lowest prices. Fxtrii (lualily Jlu-lins at extra low prices. Dril lings, Canton Flannels. Huluiorul:sliirti, Shawls. Hoods. Glov es of all de. criptiorJ. including u very supe rior iiuulity of Ladies Cloth (i loves. llO?,ii:UY. Hi'obons and Tiinuuiugs of nil varieties. Lace?, stamped gouds, Zephyrs and Ynn.s, Tow ling in greet variety. Gmi's' ar.d Ladies' ItenJlvcieliiefs. Scarfs, Muff 'J a-selsaud Buttons. Pmuadis, Lstiuctr, and a largo v ii lety of noiions und fancy nrM-.-b's. Call and seo ttiein before g- ifg l iseulo re M I. i,...nis Siml'urv, Nov. 2. Mt'iT Machine Stitching. O1 KDl'RS i-r v.ork U-ir nl tiio m. n. in jr-tly .tley i:i N rluuiiibcil.iii'i, Hill hv Mttemled t. Ljf' All wmk wnrmiil KEEP AVEEL-DRESSEl). Cull and see the well sc'.'i-lcd St.-cli of I CLOTHS, ovr.i.t CA:.:- i-XTINGS, Just reciivt l i .:iv.i;k.s, V 1TIN' . Ac MK'IL'IIAN I' TAII.OUINU IT.i;iM-!:l- Fourth Street, below F.yslor's Store slMH KY WINTER CL0TIIIXU nr the most approved styles is made up to crder reasonable rules. .... c He bus also ahue asiortuicm oi v. a timer-. u, 1 Drawers. Undershirts, Overhauls, lilouses, Neck- i Iim. Cotton and Woolen Hose, Suspenders, Haud- kerchiefs, Gloves, and a generul variety ot OENTLLMLN'd Fl RXIstll.NU'.-. Give him a call, which you will Bud to be tu your advantage. Sunbury, Oct. 19, 1W7. i jsBBBHi:waBv. w ' IN Sl'NBLRY, NORTHIMULULAXD Co., PA I CHAS. ITZEL 1" KSPECTFl LIA' informs his frien'li and lim ! lv public generally, that ho has commenced the I manufacture, und is now ruady to furnish LAGEIt 15FKU AND ALK, . j. a 8U.)erir quality. Having procured the crvicu , o a flrfl cla46 0I0Wer. ho is enabled to supply Land- u. or(lv Kestuuranls nnd pnvuto tauulies witu au ar ii ilmi is nalatuble. Dure and bealthv. Orders are respectfully solicited which will re ceive prompt Rttur.tion tl1,.. Sunhurv. November HI. ln'7. ' . . i K you nl ginvd Tin-Ware. 1 i.FMlFIt S New Shop Ml 111 I lo not ICrnl llilsi :olniiiit or u Mill talnly iiiKl out Mlifi'C you van Buy the MOST GOODS, of tho best tt-ait-z-. l or the LEAST MONEY. SMALL I'ilOin'S A NO SALK3! iUlCK CASH it. . 1'ttII.IX, at tbn MAMMOTH STORE, MAllKKT fQrAUK, SLNHLHY, I'!:NN.. Has j'ui re.-eire l and opened the tjs:s'r sSi:in:;'ri-:ii n i FINEST AS.'Oin'.VEy T, -f DRY (.OODS IN TOWN. French IMerinoS, Prints, Muslin.i, 'iingiianii, I'sr-'iirtri s. .tc. N ' T I'.i.V.-i of ull Hosiery, ii twos, Men'sr.nd LoJios F1. lorg.111nc.1t GOODS. A full assortment of TKIMMlNvi." Builders will fin 1 my Flock ot aSui-tlw lire, I'aliltM, )!, li(Ki. Ac, 4'oiitftli'lc. Di ugt uul Me.iiiues. U illoo mt I I'e ,.i. n 'ire oitu urn ti !;i i tu c. i locheiy. ROOTS AM) SHOES- II A !' AND ( Al'5. and iu fact vor) tl.ii g usually kipt in u large Store Call aud be coiivinood that the CHl.'.vl'iivr PLACE TO IS FY ALL VOIR GOODS is at a, i i , The 31muint)(li S t i r v. 1I.V. FHIL1NO, l' rni 4 ili Allins, us my Goods aro bought for I'aJi and S- l I be .., ... i, via I; v -n::v ii y mn.iX'i. smilotiy. Oct. I'.', leo; PURE LAG Eli BEEIl!- g-ojtriii: am:, From the Cold Spring Brevry, BUNlJUltY, PA. JOSEPH BACHIS?.. RF.KPKCTl't'LLY Informs the public goneraily , that he is prepared to furnUh LAGEIt liEKK, ami all. nlartoor Ftnnll quantities, llii faoililirs for wsk nr lleer eannot be exeolleil. nnd i pronounced supo rior tonny other niicrod in Ountral l'eiinylvnnia. It hai? alo been recomiuended by physloinos as a honlthy drink for invalid?. Hotel!", Kuatnurunts and private, families supplied nt short notico. Sunbury. rept 21, IM7 JE K faOi Wtsl&tim All kinds or PCIKJOl, liM'jX!?. Slates, Tens, Ink. l'nper, Ao. AlifCellancou Book", a good asorl" mont. All tho new bonks rccoivod; asnonna published, ar.d for sale all Publishers prices. j III III, LS, Prayer Iiooks and Dook.4, in every stylo of biudin;. i Cuibolic Prayer Hooks. ! FAMILY lilBLKSin variousstyli'S.j KlCTlOXAI'.IKSol'all sites. I Juveniles and Toy Uooks, a large: awoituiont. ICIsniK- S5:)oIis d Clank Torino of all kinds. j Foo'.o;ip. Legal Cup, Loiter and: Nolo Pup' rs. COI'ilMI ll'IOKS, Inksiamls I Pen Kaek". lilus, Paper. Cutters andl Counting House Stationery generally. I a. f M O w 'Jt w w CD W O o O w w K H o ID a l ti CO a w q ts l P1IOT0011AP1I end dour. ALlil MS chsnpj (Jell Pen? ami Ii -.M-v. Fucltcl. l.i.ksuinl liill Wallwla. I'icturo Ki'Hint.'. t'-reocop'"' I'l.d Vii'v.;', Ainoricitn, French. A.1. I nwii it r:: i.r, nil me?, Uristo iftiiinj. Ao. J.'iurief, M.:iriiirrjiiluni 3o)k'. Ac i L!icl;niu:iiiii Uunid?. (.lames, Chetw-j men, At. Xoytf it lari-c an-l ciinj leto iifsfirtment! l;r.i--r.,.l;h tiii i ?. li-hiii liuds kimI T:i.-k!.. 1 l'niuiii.". V.i l.ouii'iii ni;,l 1'urisinD I 1.M Pen; rr-v-ii-.-tcl. j i Jjkii. i, tii Ji:.-. ( i IcjIjvs. Chitnncy., : A e . ! Willi P.ipT inul I'-m-.ler. ill! klii'is I Wimlir.v t. ui tuiiis, 1';imt U:!t iin-l . 0:1.-1. I Miio uiJ Mub'u-M jh-tiLuient.- r.t- All UhvU fT Il.Dirisr.iid Ptaluvy hot on UnihJ j'loiiip'ly ujtlorci) . All iho Daily on Weekly T.'ipvr? Rivl ManKiDOff. Aj:c:;l !'ir tho "A n.eriuui 'ijun." Also iur "ha Unst a iluir H(.-tir:iivc.' Knnmet of Amcricii, anil "Nn'.ional Ctcum Nnvijc.itioa CtrHiuuiy. ' SiinUuiy. .Miiy 1. !t'-7. PROPERTY "Volt SALE. 'TI1F subscriber offers for "file the vuluulilo propor I tv now o-?ui,;cd bv himself, on tiio er.i-ner of I Secnd nn 1 Walnut street, Sunbury. The lot is on hinh ground and bus u front of 'JO feet on Wulnul.nnd 2.'W feet ti So,-nd street. Tho improvements arc a now and well-coiistruclc.l TV! O-S'I OKY HU1CK HOl'SE, ! 12 f,-ct on Wnlirit nnd ,M on Stcond streets, with a I Irame Kitchen Id by 2-. vviili nn excellent Cistern I in tho Kitchen, mi l ull lb" other iiecessnry and usuid Outhiiildings, includiuj goo 1 Slablii g. The preuii j ses are handsomely loc.ited with n good t.urden anil excellent fiuit. Possession to te given on tho first I of April next. ' For tern. apply to Win. 51. Rockefeller A L. f. : Lolirbiiek, Ks-ire.. or the subscriber. P. W. (iKAY. "unbory. ."s. pt. 21. ISi'iT. 1m lAHUil STREET FOUNDRY ! ! .1. VOI'.'.iel'. Ii-opri.or. .. !: St.. Ik-I ecu :iH iiskI illi. 1om ei t'.n- S;Z:lt- ,f!rul BltMo, ; Till, proprietor ot tliis establishment re.pccttully inferihs tin public that ho bus commenced the man ! ul'.iciuru of Cooking and Heating ! STO T 3S S ! I wi-.;h be v. ill sell nt lovvtr prices theu they can be 1 obtained elsewhere. j MILL Urging. Stoves, and tho largest class of ; C.i'tin.4- inadc proiup'.ly to order. Also. Window Weights. Frames ami Grates for Cel j lar Windows, Ae. "it Iron t 'liJni'.r 'I'in. j WA1F1! THOFfillS A 10R STEPS 1 liberal price paid for old eastings. ! Till-: CF.LLLltATLD l.lVUll'OUL l l.'iW. im : proved, is n.ain fuetored ul thisestahli-hiiioin Also, 1 Move Grate-el' all kiu li, Kettles, and every variety ofsmall cioiings. i Sauhury, Oct. lSdT. FAR31EPiS & BUILDERS. lime" an d "limestone. fllHK subscribers respectfully inform the citizens L of Northumberland county, thut they are now prepared to furnish LI M K of a ruperior i(unlitv to Farmers and Builder-. Al. LIMR-STO.NK from tne celehrred Lime-Stone Ounrries of Lower Mnho nov townlip. nt short noiice and nt reasonable rates. The above will be delivered to any Railroad sta tion along the lino of tbc different railroads when ordered. There Kilnsnro loc iied lit the Slisniokin N alley Railroad, near Sui.l-uiy, where orders will b promptly Oiled. Orders lire retpectfuHv solicited Address. J. U LENKF.R A Bill).. August:!, Si;7. Sunbury. .Ia Hi'ioKK's r'!' KAi!' nni:, aed Ii) lsiiiJr'l.oC'onrp-nt,iii 'r 'Diir-Ii or 'n!:-siinii ill-pave, . ALSO. LXCFLLFNT F"R I.ADiFS AND WKAKLY Pl.'llSXS " .t- -.if.; KIM SMiCOffftA'M FnCIT B'.-. .'M4fl I 17.v;f.ikd.s, m:w j:.-;.-:)' !vs'3'.i:i:'s Mi:r witArr: nnr., FOI R YF MIS OLD This jiis'ly celebrated Tistivo Wine is made from lbe juice of ilio Oporio Grupc. rui;cd in this country Its invaluable lonIt .V rli-'si;xlliriiii! Iri,i,ll' Aro i-.n-urpse.l by any other native wine Coin;; the pure juice of tho grape, produced under Mi Speer's own pcrseim! supervision, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed Tlie youngest child may pailuke ol iu generous qualities, and the weak est invalid may use it 1o advantage. Il is pui-ticu-ly beneficial lo tho aged und debilitated, and suited lo 1 lie v in loos ailments lhat al.licl Ihe weaker sex It i.-, in every respect. A WINF. Til UK III LI ED 'S. Invalids use Sl'KER S Poll T Gil I IT. W1X1.. Female use SPEEll'S POKTOKAPi: MINK. Weskly persons fi,,i a bent-tit by its ud. Sl'LKR S WlXEin bospuulr ;e preleired I', oihi-r w inc.. Sild bv all Drii-jii-ts nnd ip,eei A SPEEIt S VINEYARD. Nov Jer-.-v o,f ,. 2IH HROADWAY. New Vork For sule bv W A HENNV.T'l'. Sunuorv. l'.i o-.-i Sit - Iv Tlil'll -l ';li'i . I! won. I , . 'I tl., 0- Child's Ci-riMg- oil, In w nl'.d lul : h-' b. VMll.l - j, J Ii i'iiM.H X i !