Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 16, 1867, Image 3

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    EIjc Sunbutfi American.
N. B. ENOLE, I PubllRhera.
HiinnyjiT, ia.
Eocal Affairs.
ivibkhd.A dividend of font por eetit., for tie
last ait month, has been declared by tba iMreetore
Of ths Northumberland County National Bank of
Mona Nkit Goods. J. II. Kngol baa Juet ra--oeived
at bis store, on Mirkot street, In this place,
n extensive and Very superior v ariety of Dry Goods,
fur tho fnll and winter trade.
firiLniNO asd Loa.i Association Read the
explanatory article on this suhject, in anothor column.
Tub wrath En has auddonly ohnngod. On Toos
dny It blew up oolJ, and there were strong indica
tions of a snow storm on that day and tho next.
Wiutcr, If not already upon us, is not fur distant
Nrw Sciitocta. We understand there Is to be a
change in the time of running some of the passenger
trains. Tbo night train, oait, which now leave
hero at 1.30 A. M., will learo about 0 P. M.
AccmcxT at rna Missa Oo Friday, 1st lust., j
-John Vbitmor, employed in the minei at thetlreen-
back Culllery, was to severely burned by the ex- j
ploaion of a keg of powder that be died on the fol-
lowing Monday nl-ht. It seems be was preparing
a charge, and the powder was Ignited by a apurk j
from bis lamp. He loaves a wife. j
A YAM'ABLn niiro.bolonglng to Dr. Harrison, waa
tokon from the atahle of Mr. Cameron, in Iiowirburg, J
Wednesday riijht of last week. Tho animal wad
traced to White Peer lownj-hip, aud reentered ; but
she bad been to badly nbim-J and rapidly riIden, !
that she will hardly ho flt for further n?c. The thief :
has not been doteolr-.l.
New Lar,En Leku EaaWKitr. Mr. Chei. Itr.ol, ,
bavirg completed his new brewery, announces thu'. (
he i preptred to furnish ale and beer of the first
quality to kotclf, restaurants aud privnle families.
His fucililie; for munufontnriug are of the best and
Diost modern churocter. Ilia brer id pronounco l a
puro article, aud wo have uo doubt will command a
ready sa'.o Head hi advertiauinen'..
TflJ! Lewisbnrg Chronicle eiys that bean bae '
become reniJikalily plenty in tho mountain! iinrtli
of that j llcc.mtly, Mr. Thoni.n Heber hud a
fair nn-J repeated chance to shoot a diu-n;2.)d, sol
emn looking specimen of thii nort, on White iieer
Mountniu, but unfortunately his gun huc fire, and
bruin marched off with abound hid. !c.-, ulio,
aro ijuitc plenty, aud a number have been killed.
Tnii .VliDDtucHKLK JIai luo , . The I lMtilaburi;
(inyder county) Tiilmtc 'iys : We Lave been re
liabiy informed that tha Uroad Top Kti.lroud Com
pany hove subsciibed 100,(;00 to tha Mid Uecrock
Kuilriad Company. Thii is CLcuna,i;ii'S lo tho
fiiends of our road. The proKpceis fjr itd c-'Utruc-lion
aro rjeooiiiitij every day iiimio tlnttt.ii::'- i' i tl
a iinle more exertion and ciierotic labor tin r.-al
Kill certr-.i:.'v he b J't."
itooig AO!H.
anrounee tirit pirc
and si' .Tt dnsas I.'.
1 f.irhion rtcrts froui T.nij
p no again to to iu voue,
.iu worn uLiy uy young girls.
Tiiii i a.l new i L.pc':i.uly t'ie lultr part of it.
Tout i'lrj.'ir.illu f i;liiu:i rb-iuM compel our women
lo be atreot S'.-f.-pi'r.', i- u dep!crau! pluut of oii-.l
tyianny. 'iiu ti.i.e wi'l cum v.el.ope, Vihen our
L.iji ii! r;ot ro tj th j Co.nt, but to c.:n-
n::ii ser..-e, f.r tlie..- ..;.
----- - .. . .
AUXITTLII 7 O I'K.'.Cri'.'i:. Vi'o Iir.;ler. 'e.l, !.'.:t
w-k, to ii' the adf. !.!' if T. 11. bV.:dy, I'q.,
cf tbii plucj, t-r.iuliva in tho f. vind Ci.ui!.:ui thu
foimty. ''e ef'!j;;r i 'il:tte our ncilibor a:-i firm"!'
rtwnpora.-y cf tl.v Jh,r -jf, !; his ;.ber i
?r. Pi.iviy h.'irf ti.o iit'ee-..ii;' tavi aL-i I'iUnt. for :-;o-ce.s5
at tne Ilir. lie ui.i'!-. u:i t s. .uli t-r-i la.'inb.r t'f
the Litjhh'ljutr", C"iieidei in that i: wan on the
wrtn side, lie ,u into pa. ;i-r. :i:p wiOi
J. I. James, a ..:( le s-ei, by th' l.- CAld n.
UTie'hir eohiiur..
A ii IU.vj. -'."..t: '.:,aT!j.:r,nn i rfiiver C.
c:-t Hr.n.l, en the'r w-.v butue i'.oai tLc 0-1.1 I'M. r.-';rfn at tieorje'o-.rn, -:i .Sa'iud'jy lajt. s'opp' d
iu t',-.vo abut two hours. V, hiie they s ioi a
titd t lie d;.'!Vrei,t nt 'p.ti'i- i lla-cj an I a number 'A'
our cilii'-r.s. Vi'o l-.n-ier our tbai.i-.s for tho Cet-ijli-mer.t
to ibo Amki::?as u;:.:o. Tau batd it ccm-P'-!;;
I ef'.'iii.R el .i; f talert, and vlie ei
ee'iliir.: niu.dts '-Tir-c-j iu i-ur 'trctitu was folly up
pre :i-Ue 1 by our ei.i-Liu.
This Oil, AiiAif. Wo understand that op- I
er.t'.ious rt tl.o o;l null en ti.o farm of Valentine i
Kins, i!..u.:t utiles ea.-t o," Suubuiy, will be rn- j
commciieei t-y several citizens of this plaev, who 1
are experienced men in tho bwintsd, and who aro
saii-iicd not ouly with ii.Ji-.'a;io;u ol oil, but tho
pieoence of tho aarno in diR'.rent springs iu too j of the well. Thu only question roeius '
to be whether there i.-t suC'.cient oil 1j make the
twin; of wells profitable, and O.ti eu only he
leiirue 1 by actual txperlmcnia. Some of the water j
vxpniiuentcd ttith we umJeiitund produced one- '
. eighth of oil.
Arrttsii'T to Rob tub Sciii'TLKILL CoiKrv t
Tr.LASt'BV On S-.turdny r.lght last ihe lb. n o i
at Pottsville, Hohnylkill county, waa bnrli.i iously ,
entered. The robbers efleelcd au entraLOo into iho j
Xrcajuir' oiiice and set lo woik at the vault, which 1
gavo way to their work Tliey then commenced :
operations on Ibo laro iron ntfe within the vault, I
and were suocosnful in working tliron0'h tho out.-r j
door, but riming iu conta-st with the inner sue.
which is mu le of solid iron, an I very hard, they
found ihemselvea foiled ur. I ahamuir. I tho ji b - j
Nothing else wsi disturbed.
EscAi-t or PitiSoKi!.s -John liailiy aud Hoo.
Hoiilh, confined in one of tbo cells under the Courl
House, at Williauispoit,' aaaitiig trial undor a
charge of burglary, dug ibeir way out of their place
of confinement, ou Monday tight of li't week.
Hailoy got away, but as ro-capturcd on Tucdny
evening hy hboriflT McCormick and bis assistants, in
East William.poil. Miuilli bad jut gotten through
the opcuing, when Mi . buck, iho jailor, who bad
bcu aroused by an ularin arrangcmeul oouncctiug
the cell with bis slot ping apartment, made bis ap.
pearauce and demanded bis surrender, which being
refused he shot Smith, tho ball tubing effect in bis
head. The wound is not dangerous.
Tne Ono r'EiLowf' Pahai.k, whiob eame off at
Oeorgetown, ou Saturday last, was quite asuocess.
Although many were prevented from participating,
owing to a fall of rain iu the nioruing, the turnout
waa very rc-peotuble. Tbo different Lodges from
Northumberland, bunbury, Selinsgrove, Liverpool,
ai-,M.r.v.r liniuntown and Froeburg, wero woll
..nrose-ted and two bauds or muslo were in attcn-
reprcse-teti.ana iwo oauus 01
dance. ! other wherever be cuu burrow. The one that goes
A' one o'clock, P. M., the procession was formed j (0 llia Absociuliou buys out oue share at $'!0 piemi
smd the lino of march taken up, under the diree- pum, which loaves hiui I40. He pays $1 lo the As
ana llie v , . , j.l (in ,n,tk f,,P hiti tdiitt-e. and tl tier month
tion of W. W. Kobeua.lir,-. I hief Parana., aut,
Dr. J- J- lUed, Assistant .arsuai. s oe".
moved through tbo prooipul atrcota to the lower
part of the town, where a Btaud and seats had been
erected. The .poakers' stand was handsomely deco
rated with flowers aud evergreens aud a handsome
v,.e,,er wih annropriate designs, placed in front 01
banner, wi n appropriate u B ...
... . . U ...111 In Ardftr. Mlid A
t i Q8 lUe&UO V3 IUC14 Wioia - '
prayer offered, after wbioa tho brethren and a largo
Laemblage of citiaeca from different parta of tbe
oountry wert ably ad 4 re-sea oy '"(
cole of Ebaniokin, In German, and Pruf. V, o 1
Freeburg iu EnglUh. The addres were awo ana
fmpres-ive, aua c.edit4bl. alike lo tbo fruterui.y
WerVsSTa'r waa aueb a gathering In that aeotion
of oountry that passed off mora barmor.ioualy(
$&sx 4. nepve, gr,d tfti5
VJ ather'nS Tb. oommllieo who had
S.iag.udhd,e credit forth. el..-
p. ! wi-.U ev.tjlbing r-awoud
ItroaTAvr Trial in th CorfitT or Coattfos)
VLrtK.Adm K. PahnutoeJk t. Solomon B.
Boy at- and Sail. feigned leans to ewoertatn whe
ther defendant and ball wore entitled to ft rJl of
$S,00. On bond, entered to Maroh term, 1868. i
This oaao, wblob boa exolted considerable Interest
In thU community, not only on aooount of the amount
of money In Itsuo, but the question of oharaster In
tqItoJ In the result, waa originally tried In Court
at August term, 1800. The Jury bad been obarged
by Judge Jordan on Saturday afternoon, about S
o'oloek. Eariy on Sunday morning the Jury sealed
tbeir verdict, and as one ut tham left for borne, the
aealed verdict waa rendered on Monday morning.
At tho request of plaintiff's counsel lb b Jury was
polled, and the Clerk of the Court understood them
all to be in farorof tho defendant. Twoof thera.hcw
ever, aftrrn.trd stated that they had not doolared
for the defendant, but for the pluiutilT.
A motion waa then made fbr a neir trial, on tho
part of the plaintiff, which, after an elaboruto argu.
tnent at a subsequent term, was granted. The oaso
was called up again fur trial cn Monday Inst, and
additional testimony udducod by both purtics. The
now testimony of Mr. Boyer, particularly, boro
strongly In his favor. On Thursday morning Jmlgn
Jordan charped the Jtity, clearly and iinpfirtlnlly
sotting forth all tho facts, properly leaving It en
tirely with ihcm to any whether thu alleged forgod
paper waa genuine or not. Tlio Jury, on this (r ri
d.iy) morning, have net yet agreed upon a verdict.
The plaintiff, residing at llairbbuig, wm tho col
lector of Internal Revenue for tho Hill l'ist i ic 1, and
tho defendant was his deputy fur this county. On a
sttlcnicnt of tbeir accounts Sir. Beyer claimed u
credit of ?8,fii!D, which, ho alleged, had been atnt
to Mr. I'ahnrstoek In a Jnckage, by tbo bauds of
.Mr. A. I'. Clapp, of this place, whu requeued hiin
toft iid n receipt of the same by mail. Mr. Oliipp
tteiifled that on tbo tllhof April, 1461, be carried
and delitcrcl a pu?kago of tuunvy for Mr. lioyor to
Mr. Fuhnejtock, amounting to $111)9 or $9,01)0, but
was. not certain which. Mr. Fahnestoek denied
having received ur.y an'h patkago of money froui
Mr. Itujcr, who stated that he had lost or mislaid
bis roecint for the aaute, shortly after tho great lloodi
in v. l.iiji, p. t nr hud boon damaged. On the
'.rid this pup-r, or letter, was produced by thu
Counsel of Mr. Beyer. The plaintiff admitted lh;it
the dn'.e of iho letter and receipt, for Sib7, was gen-
nine, i. j ss u!o furniture, bat it nu ullogei
i that the vecvipl iiuiuuaiiittil; blow liiis, tor a puc't-
ngn of f 'J.Oi'O '.. -a J10 for a m!u returned, leaving
to 1.0 creuite.t SS.i'JJ was a forgery, and that tho
j ir k ol tbre" lines of the letter, relating to a toldior's
I claim, hrtd h?en extracted by acids, and tho receipt
tlie f vl'l'D t.iilteu iu i(5 place, immediately above
the aiUHture, oni alo that th line ri'raole l weru
tL ae written below tho signature. A number of ex
i porta swore timt the receipt for lb $i.l)j-t wi n foi
! Borj'i but that the olbcr parts were genuiHO. Other-",
' who were familiar with Mr. Fuhnctlock'n writing.
snoie that Ibey believed the whole to hi genuine.
; 1 be counsel fur the plaintiff weru Hubert A. Lam
; bciton and lnvid Fleming, ., of llarriiburg.
' and Win. M Ibickcfei'.cr, Iiq-, of Ijjnbury. 1 ol
j the rltienuiu.t-J. U. Packer, J. W. CVialy, W. I.
; Uroi-oough and S. P. Wolvorton, E.-ijr-,.
I S;i.otEna' borxry. In tho ease of n f-ildier who
w;, ut homo cn fui!ciii;h Vfh-.-n hi j regiment ;vrui i
I muilered out, and wboc.aiuis the secon-l instalment
j of bj'inty iu the ground that tiie length of lime
' a-hiwh v. oidd el-ij-so between tl.o u.ustei--.-ut and his
arrival ut rmleivous, ad lud to tbo length of lit
pn-vion.i service, would mako up the eighteen
j nii-nl':.i' service, whi h would entitle to Ibj
: second instalment, llie accounting oCioer tf the
Troaaury decided :i the soldier had t-.o journ'-y
' to perform, be i, coi.'tetjnei.tly, ca'.illvd neither to
; Irr.vtl, pny, r.or 'il.'.i:euoe iu kin I or commutation
i therefor. Iiis diichari'O toIc ellcct tinuiedi.-.tely tr.
tl.o L.u-iinr-o'.'.t id' h!s regiment. Ho was uuiihcr
: FU' j't It military or ler-t i.!':i-r that d.uo nor entitled
I to p'iy, and havinf, therefore, sirved lr-s thun
j e:;; :te?n month.?, thu ?.-cond io.-.talir.i i.t bad ma.
1 turw-1, a:.J lo bounty i.s due.
I A.VMltnR FlREl.t V. ILLIAMSPOI-.T. Vr'ili iiiCipol t
was v.fitel by cnoil-er fire on Wc.lneslay morning
' id lint v-ee'.t An irc'.Ta' Sa-.t Fae.:ory, n stoolo he
1 lonin lo -1 Uii Jr'triitb, and clo belnnijirii; to A. P.
;', Here ii- t't(iu-il. Mr. Vt'm. M. Barr
ftl-w bad a-ino aluu!.!o machinery iu Audrows
: ir...:n-f..rtry .Mr. Andiews los ii estimated at
;"',). :;C,!, cn v-blcli be ha an ranco of $I0.1Cd, r.j
f.llfi.: Lycoming Mutual, ft.'JUli; Cuinberlupd
Va'.'.i-y Mutual. fl.l'OO ; Columbia Mutual, S2,M0.
; Mr. P.iir had s.nio iuuii eo on bis machinery.
! Iho a'aiilejt ore wor'h ubuat $'!0D.
i This platfotm cf tno P. X L. Hai'acad depot, at
, Miili o. ha.-t liit,-!y Uu-n ri built and lowered from its
former uneotuf'ttbiy hieli wiiion. It is now nic:u
coiiv-euieiit and i-'uhs.enti..l lorn:e:!y.
j r t.r the Suniiury American.)
K'.iil-iipf; r.tiu Loan Astiocia-
.Uj taunaury
I.iiirc-ns Ti Mivr.v Amuh s-Gcnt'cynm . A
few facts Ji.d hgurts, lo.a.iug lu tit and j
Loin A.-fociatU n, muy be interealing to your nume- i
reus ret.-k-i. I'-elu.v yvu Kill Dud a aia-.eir.cut of:
tli-1 iu Mhi'-h ihc film: ate orcated.
I'iMi, the A- 'i-'.-i..:ion folk i'.CuO bures, at i.i-.e dol
lar each per month. Th it g'.vej the Association a I
ivtpital to start or. of 52 CCil, hich, at Ji'O prcmi
am, uells 11 thuros. and l j-ivm a b iiance in bnndiof !
'f iua.-urur of Vi. The funds on band at the second t
wr.Ltbly mcctiu.' w.Il bo J.'.Oil, which amount is
ra; ;uj a luanncr :
Ainnunt paid na shttrcF, J2 0C0 00
of inieiu.t paid ou 14 snares
Anionut on band from previous month,
14 00
40 uu
S.'.Uo-l 0j
1 V'0 00
l ourlecn shares mi l ou second nigbt,
in iho same manner as at first,
Leaving a baltnco on bund to bo car
ried to '.'A uioiilii.
Receipts 1Y .ui shares, 3d month,
lutcivst on 'JO shares sold,
Amount ' u hand to fell, a 1 moiiib,
U nicn mil t.-t 1 .1 in same way as at
lii.-t, lo fiiart-i,
3,l"ir) tl'J
-t 00
C2.1J2 tO
2.1C0 00
$ Hi 00
Lea, irjr a balance iu hmd of Treat'r,
In thu same k tinner, each month, the funds are
paid into Ihe aands of the Association, and sold out
' io the ineiuiiei? until, at Iho end cf the first year,
' tltd Assooiatiou has sold 17S shares, and the snares
remaining unredeemed have reached a cash valuo
. ot 17 dollars and 1-0 cents for twelve dollars paid.
' At I Lei end ot the second year 37:2 shares have been
' sold, and tho shares remaining unredeemed have
' reached a c i4i vnluo of SS'l dollars and twenty one
1 hundredilis for J-'l paid. At tho end of thu fourth
' vcurdlt .thures have been sold. auJ the sliares re-
i maintng unredeemed bav
' . . . 1 J 1 I .1 1 . C
luintlig uure-iet tuet lllltt, u-h.uv i u earni taiuu oi
1 dollars and seventy eite-hundrodths for $18 paid.
i At tho end of ll.u t-u'li year the A-i'uciatioii will
! have told 1345 sli..i '... uud iho cash valuo of shares
1 unredeemed ill Le l.ii dollars an 1 titty one-bun-'
il red ll.u tor 72 r.ail. At tho entl of tl.o seventh
..... It',11 dl.t.n u,ill i,,,v., d.,1,1 lltwi tl
value of unredeemed shares will bavo increased lo
104 dollars and forty one-hundredths tor 4o4 paid.
At this time (end of the s. venlll yeiu ) Ihe monthly
income of the Association has iucrcused to 43,775,
with 4irn shares remaining in hands of memhors, uu
redeemed. These shures can be redeemed, at ttieir
par value of $M0, in nineteen mouths, luakiug the
total time for Association to ruu eight years aud
seven months.
Now, some object to paying the premium, think
ing it too high. We will see vhal figures say ubout
. tnat :-Two men went lo borrow money f..r the pur
buildimr. One noes to me Association ; tbi
. IiXrt oi tl. VvhU-h make. $H per year. In 8
' -n a 1,a ha Ml'MI. tittn Ihe atinnlA.-
tinn. The other man paye ti per cent, interest for
8 years and 7 months on (140, wblcb amounts to
iT ID. which, added to the principal, uinkca a tolul
ot 2l(l So that although vou nav the Associa-
tinn atil nremiuui. vuu have vour utonev for less
than o per cent., ana as uese ngures are ius .... .u..
i.rm ih. Aasooiat on will run, the money, ol eourso,
will nrt less ihe older the Astooiatioo Erows
llessrs. Editors, these Associations aro not eiperi-
menta ; they are established foots. Severul of them
ara at work in ditlorent parts of our btate, and
whror org.Di,ed have dolte well. They enable a
wn itn imM naeaua to build for himself a homo
-hi-h h.eiiiild not do in anv other manner, by
paying into tbe Association a monthly sum of about
tbesame amount wbiob be now pays for rent, he will,
in eight years, own bia own house. Hut I am tree
passing loo mueb on yoor valuable space.
r ti,. As.nni.iion will meet in a few dava, (of which
due ooUoe will bo giveo ) and iben all who wish to
aaootao members will bavo an opportunity of doles;
jit oaoaa cr iaa uoMirT
oa Oaaaaiaavioa
taTWob Print last;. Having reooivtd
large aupply of NtW JOB TfPK, of tartoua om
tyloa, 1'O'tora, Ueadlllbi, Ciroulan, Uarde, Letter
Heads, Bill Heads, Labea, , tu be printed la
tho Ititnet and beatetylei, fid on abort ooUoe.
Orders by moll promptly attended to.
Miller'! Excetaioa Doer aro Snoa Brona, a
the old Dewart building, Mnrket Bquare, la tha
peoplo's most popular "shooing" house In Sunbufy,
for purohaalng goods cheap. His atook oomprlae
ono of Ibo largest and boat aworlmenta ever brought
to tbla market.. Uire him a call and yon will be
Sure to sate money.
A Rxaanr AoAlitaf Pits. Soma Monlo r."ver
get flu, norean they glvo It to otliept-J" Icing from
the appenranoa of tbose upon whom
bna been tried. But upon the oth
trons Of Jaonb O. Hank's M TMllrtrttlif (Mint-
liabment, on Fourth street, can have their oboico
r . i. . t . . , ,
out of a beautiful lot o Cloths and Casslmorca, at
reaucea priecii. ard have thorn maile up to order at
short niUice, in the tt
itj !o, and are oer'nin o get
a good fit. in I'aNanrLVAMiA. Prom the
creation of the world, or, more- properly 5peaking,
siuco Adam and l'.vo moved awny from tholr country
ro'idenco in th Garden of Eden, their children
have needed clothes, and since, iu our dny, such do
eirablo eilablULiiK :its as the Continental Clothing
Hoiaar, in Market Square, tiunbury, exist, It be
comes us to express our thanks for such blading by
immediate and large purchase of those needful
thinga at that establiahment.
Pp.cpAitB roa Wintkb. The disposition of the
weather should suggest, to those whose minds are
prudently inclined,' to prepare for the coming win
ter. J. F. Shaofjer, at his Merchant Tailoring es
tablishment, iu Market-Square, baa in store a cboioe
stock of seasonable cloths, eaniineree, it , which
he will make up into elegantly fitting suits, at very
low rates. '
It Is pleasant to iee that thick-soled, ankle-sus-ttining
boots for ladles are still in the fashion.
Kvcry bead of a family will be glad to hear that for
the return of piper-soled shoes there is no Immedi
ate prospect. We are pleaded to chronicle this fact,
and would call attention to the largo stock of fash
ionable and ohoap goodr, of tho most durable char
acter, lately received at Harry Thacher'a Store, in
Plcasnnta' building, Mr.rUet Square. Oo and see
PtioToortAi-nr. We would cull the attention cf
our eitizens to the beautiful pictures taken by Mr.
8. Byorly, In Simpson's building, Market strcot.
Mr. ii. la prepared to furnish Photographs, Ambro
typos, do., in all styles and sites. VTe adviso all
vi ho deairo to have a good plottire to pay Mr. Hyerly
a viit.
r there be a circumstance in social life calcula
ted to make a man "hide bii diminished bead," it
is the difovery that somo one has walked off with
bis hut, and left one several sites too lnrgo There
is no need, in Sunbury, of having a Hut cr Cap tio
large or too sirall, for Faint, at bis fashionable es
tablishment, has all sorts and ytti, suilahle ftr
every oue, ar.d tho apropi ki'i 1 lo hide tho defects
of any head. Ho Is u'su supplied wi;b superior
! ; . u i kj v si a it ia :.
Cormcte.l Weekly lor tho "Auioxioan."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
ilo il-j d. do per cwt.
$12 00
0 00
lo oo
i! 00
2 2S
1 M
1 00
1 2'j
l.yo I l:,ur,
Wb'-at, prime red, nw.
r bbl.
P r cwt.
pir bushol,
per puuu 1
1 Oifl,
J .H,
lried Pecl
do do
Ih ied Apploj,
Iirud Cnerrits. (Ulldtone l.) nr bu.
Putter, per potind,
t---J, per djten.
Clittr.i t, per pound,
Lard, do
Hua. d
r-htuiders, uo
li'-ef, bind quarter, do
" fiout " do
A'ution do
CLickt..i, per pair
to !
MiisimoUiti Coul 'l i-ixlf.
SttAMUKIM, NOV. 13, 1SM7.
Toil. Ctrt
Sent for wook eniiug Nov. 9, 10. 143 19
Per la-t report, 400. 70.1 13
41 T i 15 12
4VJ.0J2 t t
i ; iiaotiino liut year,
"i.ooa is
GuccifU Notiuu.
Eat Hhautily. There are hundreds of people
whu do not dare to eat a hearty meal of victuals for
four of tba distrtjring effects that follow. Coc's !
Dyspepsia Cure will s op it instantaneously.
It has
cured uiore cases ol llyrpcpsia than ail other reuio-
din c
mbinol. Take it freely and you V ill be
satisfied of its merits
For the cure of Coughs, Col Is, Hoarseness, A-:!bma,
Iufluenia, Croup, Whooping Cough, Ilioncbitis,
Predisposition to Consumption, Ao., Ac.
This great remedy is too will known and is per
forming too much good to mako it necessary to go
into an elaborate discussion of its merits cSutbco to
say that it still maintains its supremacy in curing
disoases of the most obslinato character, and that all
who nfTer from tha above complaints, after having
tested ibis remedy, seldom have occasion to resort to
other appliances to in.'uro a perlect restoration to
WrsT Wixficlo, N. Y., too. 10, 1380.
Messrs. 5. W. i'uw tu A Sox, Uostou,
Gentlemen : liuring the winter of ISiS I was
very mueli out of health, afflicted with a severe
Clinch. I'.iui in the id and Lungs, nnd a gene
ral depression of health to such uu extent asgro itly
lo iiluriu myself and friends us lo the result. lu
ring tins time I tried several highly recommended
remedies, nub Utile or no good result, and bad con
cluded to try Ihe efi'uot of a Southern climate upon
my health ; but. before currying this resolution iulp
effect, I was induced by tho urgent solicitation jf
your agent. Mr. Huntley, to givo Lr. Wislar's Ual
sum nf Wild Cherry atrial. I did so, uud to my
preal joy found immedtalo and permanent relief by
the use of only une bottle, and I am now iu as good
health as ever. I believe your llalsaiu onu of the
best remedies, for Coughs, Colds, and all Lung dis
eases, now in use, aud conscientiously recouimeud it
as such.
Yours, truly, PETER SHAW.
Prepared by thill W. FOWLE A SON, la Tre
montat., Huston, and for sale by iJrufrgisut gene
rally Nov. PJ-4t
o.m: riiH i:
UUA .UurUet Kireet,
One door above Sixth, Philadelphia.
For msny years this Establishment has done busi
ness on tbe Ono Price fey s. em, aud we believe wa
are the only Clothing House iu the city thai striotly
adheres tu this principle. We have earned a repu
tation wbiob we are proud of, forgoud taste in seleot-
good styles apd substantial materials, aud not leas
important, (ur liaviug all our gocue,
i:l ll.V tVliLL. MAUI'.
We employ tbe best talent, for Cuttera, aud our
Goods aro of bolh kinds Fashionable and plain
so that all testes oan be suited. The prices are tbe
very lowest, as any one by a moment a thought must
aee, or oth or wise we could not meet the competition
of our neighbors, for aa no deductions are ever made,
wo must put our prices down to the advantages wo
The people may depend, tbia is tbo true plan upon
which to do business, and manja dollar can bo
saved lo Clothiug buyers by keeping in mind
604 Market Strreet, Philadelphia,
Not on tho Comer, but one deot above Si Hi
MereaM, 1MT ly
Aycrt PUU.
ABB jrou ak-k;, revbio
out onnplaining t
Are yoa out of ord or
yemrayatemderahged and
your feellnga anoomfor
tablet Theae symptoms
are oftoo tho rreoanora
of eerioua lllnoaa. Some
Ct of aiokceaa is creeping
upou joo, and ahould bo
averted by a timely ueo
f thn rirbt romeJv.
Take Ayer'a Pills, and orive out the bumora purify
the blood, an1 let the fluids move on uaubulruotodly,
in boaltb. Ihcy atimulute the orgaoa of the body
into vigorous aoliviljr. purify tho aystern from thu
obstruotioua whkdi make cfiaeaae. A cold eottli
'' aoinowbora to tho body, and deranges the natural
iptju lgingfrom : operations r,t tnet pari. 'Abis, tr not ruliuved, will
in tltrir remedy l"",1 Upon 1,s,,f s"d ,l10 "lrr'"Ji'i8 organs, pro-
. , "moJy , dnclng general aggravnllon, tuaerlng and derungo
her band the pa- tnent. V, bilo in this oond.tiwi, tahv Ayur'a l'iiis,
; operations r.f that par.. This, If not ruliuved, will
1 ailll et'O boW direCtlV thov let4irA thn imturnl fftlinn
1 i;il!,,u,y,f.m' ?n? ",lh xh bnyn' feeling of
i health. What is true and t apparent in this trivial
, a.j oomnion eolnrlfiat la bm iua in .- nf ,h.
( ueep seated and dangerous duenes. The anmeptir-
gative expels them. Caused by similar obstructions
and dorangomciitrf, they ore auioly, and many of
them rapialy, cured by then.iuio ineiuis. .None who
kuow the viruie of thoo l'ilis will neglect to en
ploy ihrm when aulT.'rinpj from thodUonturs lln-y
euro, suob as llnndaohe, l oui Stomach, Dysentery,
l.'.lioua Complaints, luUiEestion, Derangement of the
Liver, Cositvcncss. Constipation, Hearlburu, Rheu
matism, lrnpy, Woruw, and SuppreeaioD, when ta
ken in large doses.
They are sugar coaled, ao that tha most sensitive
can take them easily, and they are surely Ibo best
purgative medicine yet discovered. .
Aver' Airiio 4'iirc.
,r, P"ly " J certain Cure of Intermittent
i',c,vcr' ?r V-'eter, Ucmtttttit Fever,
Chill Fever. l)u:i:b Agar, Periodical Headache
or Biliviis Headache, and llilioiis Fi vers ; iu
deed, for the whale cas of tlisevis urigumttntr
tn biliary dertuirrmcnt, earned ly the malaria
ol miaimatic countries.
This remedy has rnrely failed to cure the aovere-t
caaea of Cbilla and Fover, and it baa this great ad
vantage over other Ague medicines, that it subdue
the ootuplttlut without injury tu tho patient. It
contains uo quinine or other deleterious substance,
nor doot It produce quinirm or any injurious eflcot
whatever. Shaking brothers of the army and tbo
west, try it and you will endorse theso assertions.
Prepared by Hit. J. C. AVER A CO., Lowell,
W aaa., and sold by all Druggists aud dealers in mod
lelne everywhere. Oct. 20.-t
Is a eertain cure fol diseases of the, KIDNKVS, GRAVEL, DDorSY, CR
gamc w'kakmiss, fkmai.k co.mhlai.nth,
oi:ni:kai. ulijilitv,
aud all jf the
Wl.evli existing in
frum vvliateve.' uiuie orig iriutiitar and no moiter of
Disejitn of thrsuorr-ins require tt'e use nf n diuretic,
if li t treatmcut it suiimitted l'i, C'iMisutnptiun tr Insini
ity my eiwue. Our Flesh ai.d BIkoJ are suppoited from
these sources, at. J t'au
that M l'.-.tertty, J.-p.c.ti uroii prompt use of a rduinie
Kstst'iihhrd upward? of II years, prepared hy
Sl't Ilroadv.-av, New Ycrk, n;id
1'-; otuit iota Street, ritilaociphla, I'a.
M 'Teh 5, 1.-0.-. ly
A Positive Care for Scrofula,
J. W. Hornor, Frq., of Ptirkersburjt, WeU Va.,
writes to Dr. Anders. July X, 1361, as follows :
"I had Jiumtiiiir Ulcers when I commenced
taking your Iodine Water, and u:u now entirciy
cured of: Scrofulu."
is a pure Sululien of loiine, without a solvent, tbo
t powerful Viiuliiiiij; Ajeitt and llislonlivo
known. Ciroulnr-t free.
J. P. MN'oMUltK, Proprietor, iO Dey St., X Y.
Sold by all Druggiais. Nov. lo-lt
1 u :
, . I ji-ii'J 4 u uutj va ABA r t. v .
3 jj j li'JWAKP ASSOCIATION HLPOP.T-3, f.T Young
Men, on the crime of Solitude, and the Lrror, Abu
.... j ses nud Luetiv-S nbi'.h (icstrnv the mat ly rowers.
Ati'J Houso of Merffv.
1 ii-iu create ii.-ipeuiu.ei-tf to ..ihrrtr;.".,, with suro menus
1 t-f relief. Sent in scaled louer euve'ueei, f. ee of
ei.aige. Adure.i D:t. J. ,-Kll.I.IN HOl'UHXON,
j li-.trard Asr.-.-i.iti-.n, Pb:;ai..!puia, Pa.
I June ti, fil7. ly
Iffunni-.tinr, r":ura:.lef-d to produce a luxuriant
growth ui hair upt n a bu'. I bead or Ltmrdlcra taoe,
nint a rseipe for the rctnovnl of Pimples, Llotohes,
Li upljoiis, oic, on the fckin. leaving lb t iimio soft,
cluar. and beuulilul, cuu bu obiainvd vtlli.oul churu
by aadreaic
Til'iS. F. ClfAPMAN, Cbortist,
may ls, '67. b3 lioautvLy, !icw Yoik.
I -
Is tiie Great Iiiarctie.
Ihlnilolut Concentrated Extract S-iranarilla
Is the Biiieil l'ur.fier.
r-rtt n;e ptepnred ecrei'tu.j lii ru'et cf and
Chrmieirv , nod aie ti.e u.-ia;at-'.ivc il.ut eau L-c made.
Alartlt i. 1:6?.- ly
COLUlii', &: O.'f
I". It A I V K M I - r
Is manufactured from PURE
MATERIALS, and cav bo
ccrsidered tho STAN D Alt I O F
EXCELLENCE. For tale by
all Grocers.
May IH. I SI 7 ly.
lii roi-M ol' luiKli.
A gentleman who nufTcred for years from Nervous
Debility, Premature Ilocay, and all tbo effects of
youthful indiscretion, will, for tho sake of sufferiug
I humanity. Bend free to all who need it, the recipe
aud directions for making the simple remedy by
which bo was cured. Sufferers wishing to prolit by
I he udvertiscra experience, can du so by addressing,
111 perfect oonnduuue, JU11.N li. O1.I11..N,
uiy ld -07. ly
Cedar Street, N. Y
HI'C'lli: ami lo. proved
Ituse Wash cares set-ret and dclteale disorder 111 all tiieir
sialics, at little rxpense, lltlle ot liocliailire lit diet, lin
coiiventetiee and no eittistite. It is pleusittit in taste and
ttl ir, lu il aetlon, and front nb mju
liocs pr-petltes. iwit-J'07 ly
'i'o '01llSlll!lll Vt'H.
The Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (free
of charge) to all who desire it. Iho prescription with
tho directions for making and using thetimple rime,
dy by which be wus cured of a lung arlection and
that dread disease Consumption. His only objoct is
to benefit tbe afliiutod, and be hopes every suflcror
will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing,
any may prove a blessing. Pleaso address
my 18-'07 ly Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y-
imhilv Ni:wi."si .'i.ciei.-i;m.
Wulnut Street, 6L.NLUK Y, PA.
llavinibecn appointed Agent by the linger Jtnuti
facturmg Conipaity, for the sale of r-inger's Xew
Family bewing Machines, informs the public that
tbey can be bad at ber residence.
These Miiebincs are simple, compact, durable and
beautiful. Capuble of performing a range and a
variety of work nover butore attempted upon a ein
otle Maobine using either silk, twist, linen or cot
ton Thread, aud sowing with equal faeili y tbe very
finest and coarsest materials, anJ anything between
the two extremes tu the most ucaulilu! auU substan
tial manner.
These Machines will ne stia at reasonaoie rates.
Call and examine for yourselves.
rtns, esnAii simrcv.t, apni.
October 26, 1607.
joiii"KV.n.. scoii.ti t uvk
A FIRST Clasa Boot and Shoemaker can iui
ecus taut employment, by applying to
Spruce Etreet, Sunbury, P
October 26, 1567.
i:i:fi 1: &, iion iiH,
RESPECTFULLY inform theoititeua of Sunbnry
and vicinity, tbai tbey have taken the Butobering
diRbliihiuant of Jeremiah Bavidite. on Arch street.
and are prepared to furnish beef,Pork,Ao.,of the very
best in mark el, at reaaouabia rates. All orders will
receive prompt attention, and all meat delivered
where ordered. Uiveus a eali.
Banbury, September SS, W?
It yen -vaot good TusWese, g? wi MITII
Oj;NTIlitt'.i5iewbop. .41
rVin auhort1vareepwfully Infnrva lh ollleen
X Of Nortbuatberland oounly, Dial they are now
no,wu iv itKuinu u&tnta vi at aiiperior
ne nutiit
innmaoa DHiiuem. Aieo, lj OStt-E) LMX K tram
me oeteeratM A.imo-Hlooe yuarriea of Lower MaJio-
ot y town-flilp, at short notice end at reaaonabte rate.
The above will be delivered to any Kailroad sta
tion along tbo lino of tbo different railroads when
There Kilns are located at tbo Sbatnok In Valley
Railroad, near fiuubury, wbera ordeta will bo
promptly filled,
Orders are rofpeutfolly eolhifod.
Ad lros4, J. 1). i,KMvEU A PRO.,
Aqguatv, Did?. 8unburyl'a.
Provision, and Flour
& Feed Store.
J. A. UVXitX Ac CO.,
In WoIu.ii pulMIng, Water Street, near King at.,
INrOr.Mtheirt' and the pablio generally
thai they have a laro kswirtment of Urooeries
Provisions, Ac, all Iresh'und o! tiie best quuiity, cou
aiitlli.g of Teas, CotTce?, Sugars, and Spiooa. '
Dried ami Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese,
and Crackers, and ill fct everything usually
kept in tho Urooery lino.
Tboy would alo call attention to Ibeir large and
cheap Jul of tiood FAMILY FLO UK, Ureen Tea,
llama, Khniildoi s. Ac, which are constantly kept on
band. Also, all kinds of Vegetables, Ac, Ac.
Uivo thorn a oull and sen for yourself.
.Nonl.nlnlnirliuid. ,ept. 2, ISti?.
a. voi;m.ha, i"opri, ior.
Arrh Kl.,b-tv- crn Stl anil lih, closxi
to I lie Iul!ic School tloiiNe,
THE proprietor of this establishment repect!ully
informs tbepublic that he has commenced the man
ufucturo of Cookiug and Ileatiug
which he will tell at lowor prices then they can bs
obtained elsewhere.
MILL Denring, Stoves, and the largest clasaof
Castings made promptly tu ordor.
Also. Window Weights, Frames and Urutre for Col
lar Windowa, ic.
4'iihI Iron 4'Iiininr.v 'I'optt.
A liberal price paid for old eiitin".
proved, bt mituufartured at thUestablieliDioitt. Also,
Stove Ortttes of all kinds, Kctilus, aud every vuriety
of small castings.
Sunbury.JXiS, 13C7.
Cftll aiid sco tbo woll selected Stock cf
Just received at
MENT, Fcurtb Street, bilow Kystcr'a Store, SL'NCUUY,
of the m'.st approved styles is made up tu order a
lie iiki also a bne Jortmcnt of Cafiimero Shirts,
I'rawtrs, Ludersliiils, Overhauls. Liouse;, Neck
ties, Ciilton and Woeleti lloso, tfutpendtrs, llabd-kerchit-f-i,
Gloves, end a general vauely of
OE.NTLLMKN'S rUKXlalHNU 11001)3,
Give Liu: a call, which you will od to be to your
S'inUiry, Oct. U, lfc67.
tllalo of .ItUcliucl 8,-iI:i-r,
"JOTiCL isherely giveu that letters of adminis
X tr?:iu hay in Lueit granted to the underfilled
on the estate ufMiobind Leaker, late of Lon t-r Muh
onoy tuwniblp, Northumltrrlaiid cnuniy, Pa., do
cer.sed. All per.-.u:i indebted to said estate are re
tiuesled to n.aku immedia'.o payment, and tliose
having ciain-iH to ; roecnt t jem duly uuthcutieatcd for
sottlon cut.
ALliAii.'.M LKNlvL'K,
Los ir aitil, A-ir, Uat. i, l.i7 Gt AJm'rs
r j"1!! E siib.'criber eSer.- for sale tho valuable proper
1 ty now occupied by himself, on the corner of
rrccoud and Walnut street, t-unliury. The lot is on
hih ground and !..- front of Vi) fo'uten Wulnut.and
11. ai feetou r-eeond street. Tho improvements aro a
new and well-constructed
'eet en Wr.lnut and ot on Seeontl streets, with a
I lrar.e Kitebcn Iti by 22, with an excellent Cistern
in tiie kitchen, and nll.tbe other ncccsary and u?ual
Outbuildings, including g-tod Stabling. The promi
ses are haudtomcly lucated with a good lirirdon nnd
ex rclliut fruit. I'oacasion to be given on the first
' ttru"1 nly lo Wm. .".I. Rockefeller S. L. T.
RohrbacU, Esrs., or tbo subscriber.
P. V.'. GRAY.
Vuubury, Sort. 21, 1357.
(VOaSTB'S: ..!
1'rcru tho
Cold Spring Brewery,
suxiiu nv, pa.
JC33PH 2ACH3?e.
RESPECTFl'I.LY informs the public generally,
thai be is prepared U furnish
n large or small quantities. Ills faeiliiios-for mak-
r.g tiuer cannot be excelled, and i pronounced supe
rior to any other offered in Coutrul Pennsylvania
it has also been recommended by physicians as a
healthy drink fur invalids.
iiotols, Kestuurauut and private families supplied
at sburt notice.
Sunbury. i-ept 21, lSiiT
nE:X ISitVSiaSea
All kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS,
Slates, Pens, Ink, Paper, Ac.
Mio-,olKiteous Hooks, a cood assort
mont. All the new books received
n j toon aa published, and tor aale at
Publishers' nrioes.
PIPLKri, Prayer Books and Hymn
.Books, iu every styio u wiuumg.
Catholic Pravcr Books.
FAMILY' BIBLES in various styles.'
DICTlONARILSot all sues.
Juveniles and Toy Bocks, a Urgs
ltlniiK- Itookx d Black
Forms of all kinds.
Foolscap, Legal Cap, Letter and
Xote Papers.
Onn llunltH Pil.'tl. l'ttllKP. t'utlltrS Bnd
Counting Home Stationery generally.
and dear.
Gold Pens and Holders.
Pocket Looks and Bill Wallets.
in......- Vrnn,d
8teruoaconea aud Views, American,
f reocu, 0.0. . ,
Drawing yaper, ail aises, trisiui
Board, Ao.
liaries, Memoruuauui uooas, o.
BuckgammoD Boards, Uawes, Chess-
DID, an-
J'ovs a large and complete assortment
i ltuil A ltla Vtahinff UtiHa
and Tackle. . . .
Parfuines. Itroheniian ana r&ruiau
Marbles, 4c.
Gold Pens re-pointed.
Lamps, bhtdes, Ulobes, Chimneys,
Wall Paper and Border, all kinds
Window Curtaina, Paper tiilt and
alusio aud Muaioal InttrumenU.
e-raf A 11 It nf Rnoks and Rtationerv not on hand
promptly ordered.
All ibo bully aud Weekly Papera and Mugatines.
Agent for the '-American Organ." AUo tor La
Knee's Hair Restorative," Enamel of Aaaartea, aad
"Na'joual 6uuun Navigation C oes potty "
Punbury, May 18. 1ST
n not iWaj Colnmn or 7on
mil oortalnl, Ot ont ffhiM yott
of the
ts3T.' GiXJ A-XsIT-y.
For tbe
. ty. rwt ivix a.
at tba
mammoth Store,
ITas Jim: received and opened tho
French Moriaos, Print, Muslim,
Cingbatns, Coraiicecee, As.
NOIIOXSuf all kin 's
Hosiery, Cloves, Men 'a .ma Lu.llo. Undergarmontj
A fullatsortmeutof IHIMMISOS
Bnildera will flnj my Stock of EVnrtlvviU-C,
E'uiitt, tiln, sTdlaatM, Jtc, Complete.
I'ru and Mcdloiuos.
Wtllgw and Cedarwa,
iueensware. GlttfiSwaro,
Crockery, Salt
and in fact everything usually kept tn a large Store'
Call and be convinced taut the CHEAPEST
The Mammoth Store
Terras Ctsah.-SOdU) ,
my Oo. ds are bought for Csah ant 6oid Cheap
11 Y FMUK's.
Sutbory, 0-n I. IM
Washington Library Co.
Is Cbarterod by tbo State of l'oooylvniita,aiid Or
gmlsed In aid of tbo
nnrEJieiDii lUBTiTrrm
For Eduoating Gratuitously
Soldiers' and Sallora' Orj-hutin.
Intiorpurati'd Ly thu Btntej of J.
APRIL B, 1887
EUB3cri!?TI03r OKl-I ViOtllJL
The Washington Library
By virtue of their Charter, and In aooordunoe with
its Provisions, will distribute
On Wednesday, Juniutri 8f.V, IS08,
At PHILADIXPHIA. TA , Or at the Insl.iute, RiYEIt
Otto Present worth
One I'rostnt worth
Ouo Present worth
Odc Prcucnt worth
Two Prrsi-nt worth $ J.500 each
One Pr.'suut vultii'd nt
Two Presents, valued ut 513,000 each 80,001
One Present, valued nt 10.0C0
Four Prtst'uts, valued ttt 5,000 mch, 20,000
Two Presents, valued nt 3,000 each, 0,000
Three Pro&tuU, vtduod at 1,000 ench, 3,000
Twenty Presents; valued ut SOOeuvu, 10.000
Tea Presents, valued at 300 euet, 3,000
Three Prcser.ts, valued at 350 euch, 750
Twenty Presents, valued ut 225 eneh, 4,500
Filty Five PtuaenU, vultied at .-i00
Fifty Presents, valued at $73 euch, 8,730
Ono Hundred and Ten Presents, valu
ed at $100 eat. h. 11.000
Twenty Presents, valued ut 75 euch, I, .100
Ten Presents, vulucd ut $50 each, 500
The remaining Presents consists tif
articles of use and value, tipjicr
taiuing to thu il illusion o!' Litis
ralurti uud the Ceo urtt, 02,000
Each CertiC-ate of Stock is aocorjipanied with a
Beautiful Steel-Hate Eagravin? Monii at retail tmam run cost o
And also insure to the boldor a
Any rtr.trn r?ndiiii u-: Ono Dollar, or r'.vi'1' h-
same to our locul Avon's, will resolve iuiiioiliutt lv a
tu Mtd Plato lii,tf.avuiir, ut cboicn froiu the tol
lowing lift, ttu, uno Ctriiri."Me f Mock, iusurit;
Uuo I'rescLt iu tl.u tircat Diatnhulion.
oki: ijollau rxcRAVixus.
Xo. 1 My Child ! My Child " Xo. 2 They're
Savt-d 1 They're huved !" Xo. :i ' Old Sevoi.ty an
or, tho Lnrly Days of tho Hevolulicn."
Any percoii puy;n iv.u liulhrs v ill rer!vo cilher
of tho Inllti-.v.u.r f.r.e .i,-r l int,.-, h choice, unU
Two Cortificaua ol oloel:, thus Lejoaiiuj cutiuvd to
Two PrcscLts.
"V,':i.";.;r, 'lon'o Ciiir.h-it 11 N'o ?
Xo 1
icjtouV lutctview wi:h his Mother.'
"JiUtL tlOiLA H L.NUilAVl.NOS.
Any person pnvii .? tbreo dollars will reCvivo It
hei.utilul Steel Piutu of
' home the wab."
an I three Cerlitiuatos of iStock, becoming entit'.o-J
to three Presents.
Any t-.u r-a;.-::ttf l' Klbn. .ball rstivu to
lirgo 1 nd beaut. l.:l Mee! I lute of
Tim i'i:rtti.s cP .,111 K. titi ATiirBe "
rial Timr Ccrtiii.-i.t.-j of .t-.-ck, es:i;!i:); tbein ti
boar I'rtitiiu-.
1'ivr rnLi.Ait rt.anAvixca.
Any p'M-s. u who pay I'm; ii -lhi-. -hu'.! receive
the lartt in 1 .-plfuuid teel i'luto of
'I UK MAIlKlAtlE Ol' l OJAIKiXfA.-.''
And Five Ccr;:u;:,icsuf ;'to:k, -..tiil.i them tul'ivo
Tlio .-n-t'in ii:;.-l rmi Ce.Miflt'H'rs will 1-0 delivered
to t-.-i -l. s-'ii . r at our Lce'tl Ariuiv, or sent by
ina.1, post paid, or .Apu-,, u." u:uy booi ji-iei.
now 10 (hii a:.-; shaiies and exgp.avii os
Sen.l .iniei r.. 1 by itiiiil, enclosing fr-tni -St to S Hi,
c.ii..-r I, tVat,j onii; . r iii u k-i'er, n;
our ris. ltrt-oi mounts sii'iul't oe sent hy tirdi'i of til
iotdrnrs Willi K .nv.njji 1..'0
I sliates with II u-.-.rj-s 2; 'so
SO biuret! wifl Eitfiruvn-gs 4ti ri
7.rt sr aica wu'i K,.uvi.,s Ov ol
101' sr.arts with Iv .jruv ,o
Ltnl AtNTd WAN Ti:D llircug.iotit the Viiitnl U4a
Situute at Riverside. Burlington County, Xew Jot
sey, is founded for Ihe purpose of gratuitously eiu
eating the sons of dejeused Soldiers and it-aiceu of
tho United States.
The Board ut Trustees consists of tho following Pt nusvlvauia and Xew Jersey .
Di.frict Atlorniv. Philadelphia, Pa
Ej-thief Comer L'. S. Miut, uud Recorder of
Demi, Philiol it , I'tnn.-vlvtuiia.
HOX. JAMLS M.SCUVkL, Xew Jersoy.
HON. W. W. WAUL, New Jersey.
At-nl Adau..' Expiess, Philndclrhia, T
J. E. COJ, Etip, of Jt-y.L'oc A Co., Philadelphia
TurAsmv lirf.nrKNT, Wa4hi.otox, D. C,
April IS, 1m17 OSiee of internal Revenue 1 Hav
ing rcooived sati.fueiory evidence that the prooooaa
of tbe oitterprite conducted by tre -Wuibiugtoo
Librury Couipaoy ' will bo dovoted to charitable,
use, is hereby granted to said Company
to conduct such enterprise exempt from all charge,
whether froiu tnecial tax or othor duly.
E. A. ROLLINS, Coraniiseiotcr
Tns Am k uiIoh have aimoinled a. Receivers, Measia
GKOKtie. A. CiHIKhl A CO , wit wt-l! kitokHi lute
tjilly ttud business exiieritiirc u l.l be a tuiuciciil fcuatau
leu ilinttlie UKiucy itiiiusieu to tut.u will te ptouiiii.y ap
plied 10 the puitAse statul.
PiimsaanriiiA, Pa., May A", ItV
To the OtT.ecrs and Mcnibei. of the W.uiu.tou Libia
ry Co , X. 6. RhAl), Secretary.
Gentlemen : On receipt of your favor of the lath nisi ,
U"lif uij us of our tip,' lulilicut as Ki reivers I T yttul
Citiitpoiiy. we t alk the liberty xu submit a eoiry "f your
Chatusr, with a plan tif your .-tiler,itise, tu lite htucM
kfiulaulhoilty of tne Sute,.nd Iiuvhy rtx-civcJ his twur.
abieupmiou 111 lesmd to its Icii-uiiy, and yui;m.uau(
with llie tjctieviilrnt i.bjtt-i i f i.ui Ase:c:ainm v. Ih.
etluoulutu uud m.-itteiiiiiii e f ihe ni;ir,uu enildreu .1 our
solJ.t.r and rttUtrs .1 lite Kivir.itt ln.tituie, w. have
y.nclutied tn nccejit the truat, eud lv use uai best ed-ris w
pruinole so wortitv an oOjrt-i.
KcspccituUy, yours, sic,
r.i'.O. A COOKE 4 CO
Adi'tss all Irtters 'I. . 1 i-t. rs tit
Ol.o. A i i.nKl'. Cvi.. ll.tNKIT.S.
tl'tMti-h l'liirti girt-et, I'liiudti.r'Uta, Pa
Receivers for the ustnugitiu I iui4ty Co.
r-E- V. LliillTM ll. B.o !' 8'a'toae
! buuoury. P , is the .ub ir,t-l ij'il t the frr
puiv for litis pla and ieiei'y
ojtober trf, lST