Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 02, 1867, Image 3

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    Cfjci Sunburg ftmntcah.
N. 8. ENOL-B, J Fubliaher.
fttmurotir, pa.
local Slffafrs.
J. P. Crormillkr, Esq has been appointed by
Maj. Charles Bhriner, Collector of Internal Revenue
for Bnydor eownty. 1 ' '
DividbsO DKct.inio. On Thursday last tho
Directors of the First National Bank of Sunbury de
clared a dividend of five per eent., out of the profits
of the last six months, cloar of all taxes.
Ai'i'MCATiox roa rianox. Application is to bo
made to Oov. Ueary for the pardon of Stephen
' Grant, who, il will be remembered, waa sentenced
at the August term or Court, at this place, to eigh-
teen months' imprisonment in tbo Ponitentiary, lor
' assaulting William Nettle, of ghumokin.
,T 7 " i artn..Mn ' l.i tuk Mimics. On Monday afternoon
of last week, Jacob Omlor, a
German resident of i
. bhamokin, wua killed by a fall of eonl in the mines
nt the Henry Clay Colliery. Hi son, who was
working with him nt thp time, had an arm broken.
Deceased was 47 years of age.
. . . . - - - - -
('.HOVER It BAKKn'a Hkwiso Machinrs. Wo
call attention to the advertisement of Miss Carolina '
Dalius, who is tho agent for tho snlo of the celelirn- !
ted Drover A Baker Sewing Machines. Those ma- j
chines can be seen Bt her residence, on Market '
etrect. !
FiRR.-A largo qnnsjtity of cord wood, belonging j
i the Nortliurn Central Railroad Company, was
consumed -by ire on Sunday morning last. The !
wood had bn piled up alongside the track at tho ,
Mihunoy mountain, about twolvo miles below this .
place, and -ia supposed to havo been set on firo by j
spark. from a locomotive. ,
Arri.f.a.-wveral car loads, or about 'Ml) barrels. ;
of apples ka.v been received at this place. From
appoarnnecsdl.e crop must hnvo been very largo in
thestateif Xcw York nnd further West Prices. ,
range from t J in fft.SO per barrel. j
AsoniKR 5i: Kstaulisiimmnt. Wo observe j
that Klias Bro-acus has opened A meat shop in the
the I
room fornrerlyoeciipied by Win. If. Miller, on
north side of Markot Square. Mr. Brosious is one
of the pioneer bli'.Jicrs of Sunbury , and has u lurge
and exlnsivo patronage. 1'lie new arrangement
will be a greut -ooiommodation to our citizens in the
nay of aflording all an Cu;il opportunity of select'
ing the choice cuts, which it wai impossible to do
under the old proeess of vending through the streets.
He i? a clever and obliging man to deal with.
On Suturdoy e.eniiig Jast the coal train from Shn-
mokin, due 'hoie- n'iut 7 IV M.. when near Unas'
mill, iMilile oust of town, lau overahordc. which
hrew Home five or six ears off tho track. The cars
were turned completely over, and a number of them
broken so badly a to be unlit fur use. On Sunday
morning n furce of men were ai work clearing away
tke wreck, galheriug itp tho conl and repairing tho
track, :hioh was torn-lip. Mr. Bougliner, the con
ductor, naiY'Jevry e'?nped being killed. He jumped
trom one of tk -.un through the trcstling into the
small creek which V-rsd crosos at that point, and
escaped injury. SiiirJ a.- it may seem the horse
escaped with a frw evils and scratches.
NAitaou lincin:. 'AVe learn that Mr. Henry S.
Xnior, who vas tormerly n well knonn butcher
in Sunbury, 'but t present residing at Chester. Del
aware county, narrowly escaped death a short lime
l ince. He was killing a beef, and in its struggling
(henuiiniil struck the butcher knife wilh its hoof,
driving it into hisAtrist and severing au artery. He
bled iiilil nearly exhausted, but tho wound was
nttrnded to by a physician in time to save his life.
Thr Synod of (he German Reformed Church of
the I'liiled Stales was in session in Baltimore, week
'before lat 'tiev. Samuel X. Cullender was elected
President 'by acclamation, and Rev. J. II. Dubbs
was chosen Corresponding Secretary.
Kev. S.S. Miller. Itev. W. C. Crenier and Geo.
t Welker, Ksi., of Sunbury, were present. Among
the names of members of committees appointed wo
notice those of Rev. S S. Miller, on Examinations,
Licensure iwid IViHwa'titm ; Rev. W. C
Creilier, OII I
and Elder tieo. C. Welker. on Publica-
The PuranvTKnv or II mihum-ih;, (New ScIkhiI.)
met in Williamsport on Monday. I Itb ult., ill the
Second Presbyterian Church. The following mem
bers were present : Itev. C. Wing, ft. 1., Win.
Sterling, Jercniinh Miller, H E Niles, James Hick
son, Tliomus II. Hobinson, Ilirnui Iiaker, Williani
Tracy and John E. Eong
The question of n union of ihe two branches of
the church was very favorably considered.
The next session of the Presbytery was appointed
.for Northumberland, on the second Tuesday of
April next, at i J o clock, 1 M ., ami Itev. J Hick- .
son, m. Meriing ami r.nicr loun lunaaiu were '
appointed a coimuiltee on religious exercises for '
that mooting. '
The revues! of He v. J Hickson for the dissolution I
.of the pastoral r el. 1 1 ion between himself und the
.church at .Kurthtiiiibcrliind was granted, and Mr.
J'ickson appointed to declare the pulpit vacant.
Itev. Wui. Sterling was appointed Moderator of
the session of the chinch ut Northumberland.
Patent 'AgiuM) Maomnk Wo are pleased to
stale that lettera patent were issued from the Patent
office, at Washington, on (he 22d ult., to Mr. Au
gustus U. dcanem, an old and well known cili.i n
4if iiiiis libce. fwr a Iioublu-Acting Washing Ma
chine, which is a now and useful invention, intended
for washing eletbiug. any kiud of cloth or woolen
fabrio, Ac. It washes tean. is unlike all other
patent washing machines, and is intended to save a
great deal of bard labor and rubbing by (he ordina
ry proeess. The inaehiiw is constructed in the form
of a box, with a straight or curved lover inserted on
pilots. To the bottom of the lever is attached a
board perforated with holes At the end of tho box
is inserted a perforated board, or rack, in ono of
three or moro grooves in the sides of the box, at a
radius with tho centre or pivot in the lever, which
can be changed, nearer or further distant, to suit
be quantity of clothes desired to be washed, or the
quantity of water to be used. The machine is eon- I
itructed with a double bottom, the iuner one of !
which ia made in a semi-circle, and is perforated to j
enable the water, when the clothes are pressed at :
on end of tho machine, to pass back to tho other
nd and loosen up the clothea already pressed.
Col HT The following is tho list of causes for
trial for tho second week of the November term of
oourt, which commences in th (lace on Monday
next. No civil eaiues will be tried on the Srst week
.of the regular term :
John B. Douty vs. Joseph Bird.
John Kyan vs. David Siarrick.
Charles P. Helfenstein vs. tha Muck Diamoud
Coal and Iron Co.
John Weisol vs. Harriet Murr et al.
Wm. Newton va. (leorge W. Parvine.
Win. Young va. tha Penna ft. It. Co.
Christian Ureiner, endorse, va. Daniel Drossier
County of Northumberland va. Jonaa titine.
Young i firo. vs. P. ilunseluiao A Co.
Same vs. same.
James II Marsh vs Wm. II. Moore.
Marion Pipr va. E. 8. Trego.
John Kiegel va. Wm. M. Weaver. Sheriff
M S Wickersham vs. D. Longenecker ot al
J Hoover and John Yaroal vs. Susquehanna
Coal and Coal Mountain Co. t al.
J . Hoover and M m. biarr vs same.
Samuel Buchtr vs. CatawUsa R. K Co.
Tha LoculUap Imp. Co. vs. John liaaa at al.
Christian Albert va. llichard Malons.
J . H. Forcsmau vs. Joseph Long.
John Louok vi. Wm. 11. Douty.
Joseph Oainey a. Joseph Lomison.
J. L. flighlineyer vs. W. P. Witbingten
Mary litllman vs S. L. J!rg,uesr
Peter luimel va. Herman Berpstreater
.loba A. Sprengcr vs. Fred. Dipner
Henjamin llcpler va. Lydia W etiel.
Mary billuiaa va. S L.
Samuel Courai Tl Sarab lltil.
Tub MionLicniEK Railroad. The StlinogrtTt
2'imi, of tb ltd ult., layl: Th Middlerok
Valley Railroad Company consist of twolv Diiwo
ton, on of whom li leltetod u th rrnldsnt. Th
firat President u Abnef Thompson. Upon hi
death tbo lion. J&me Burnt wm leoted hit in
pernor. It appears titer sever wu that harmony
of opinion between Mr. fiirrni and majority of the
Director! there should be fit an enterprise of thii
kind to make It auooeesful. At Mtttaffof the
Directors, In thii plao lent Patnrday, the President
resigned and Joe. Alexander, Eeq., wai eleeted to
meceed Air. Burns. Upon hie eleotion, the two
Director from Bellnsgrov, Col. Kyr and A. C.
Simpson, Em., also riguod! There waa some bad
feeling inanifeeted by loni of the partiei. Thii
eondltion of affairs la to be greatly regretted by the
trne friendi of the road, and the people along the
routo who are itockholdera will now probnbly real
ize the groat importance of lelectlng the beat kind
of men fur Directors. Mr. Burne we believe ob-
jccli to being the President of eompany In the
affairs of whioh hie opinions and judgment are
treated aa matters of indifference. Ho has been
looked upon by some aa only an instrument in the
handa of the I'euna. H. K. Co. to defeat the com pi o-
'nn of this road, whilst he in turn has been upeo-
... '
. t " as com-
oinnuun oi roUDora to dctraud the peoplo. n itb
such opioions about each other wc foar the progress
of the rond may bo rotnrded, though not necessarily
so. Mr. llurnf, we think, has ocrtniiily shown good
judgment in some of his views. In the first place,
1,0 y"a opposed to commencing tho road until thero
aa "ufficient stock subscribed to grade it. In the
'econd place, he was in favor of a public letting of
,ho contract Tor the grading, by which he proiwscd
not onl? "re "e hundred thousand dollars in the
grading, out also securo a company that would
agreo to fiiii.-h the road and operate it. J t is to bo
,mK, regretted that he reclined, for his nurticinn-
lion in the altaiis ol' the company gave it a fntorit
blc presliga it will not have without him.
Sua 1.1. the children of the Soldiers and Sailors who
gave their lives for the preservation of tho I'nion,
bo provided with homes, and receive a good educa
tion ' This it u (notion which w ill admit of but
one nn-ner in tho nllirnulive. It only remains,
therefore, for us to point out ihc best mode in which
it can be done. A careliil examination has sati-fied
us, and will satisfy the public, that the projectors t
tho Riversiilu Institute, located in the villago of
Riverside. .New Jersey, on I lie Dclawaro, have de
vised the must fca-ible met hod. Acting under the
c'",rtrl' "' "lu Washington Library Company, of
l lil l nn , l pi, in. nicorporateil by the State of Pennsyl
vania, they arc offering stock nt tho low rate of ono
dollar per .-.hare, and will givo to each subscriber a
beautiful and valuable steel engraving, worlh at
retail more than the price of tho slock, and as an ad
liUon.ll inducement will distribute among the stock
holders presents valued at $W,000. Who can re
fuse to do a patriotic and benevolent action on these
lerius '. Let every lover of his country record his
inline. X. F. I.ightner is the authorized agent for
Sunbury nnd vicinity. Read the advertisement.
Editor'a Table.
Tiik A ri. antic Montiii.v.-Wc are in receipt of
the November number M" this interesting nnd in
structive monthly maga.ino. We cull tbo attention
of our renders to the Prospectus of (ho Atlantic for
IHlis, which accompanies tlio last number, ft is
one of the best magn.iues published, und should be
a regular visitor in every household. Tho contents
lor tlin present month liro : Part eleven of -'The
(iuardian Angel ;" Opinions of tho lute President
Xntt, of I nioii College, respecliiig Hooks, Stmlies
and Orators ; t'relnn lay., tho lirst of a scries ol
articles by W. J. Slillman, l S. Consul nt Crete,
describing the Island, and the character and iuoi
dents of tho struggle between Iho Cretans and
Turks; Chanson without .Mnie : The Itose Hoi I ins,
concluded ; In the tiray (loth; Ilusy llrnins ; Purl
Seconal, and lost, of "The Autobiography of a
OtiBck ;"' A short e.--ny on the authorship of tho no
led poem entitled "The Lie;'' The How cry nt Night ;
Stephen C. Foster and Negro Minstrelsy ;' Tho Feast
of Harvest, a poem ; A Ureat Public Character, a
sketch of the life, character nnd services of .losiah
(,'uincy, o( Massachusetts; The Conspiracy at Wash
ington ; Reviews and l.iterarv Notices. Published
by Tieknor A Fields, lloston. Muss.
Tiik I. aim's Fiiikni,. i-on Xo kmiikii. This
number is remarkably good. Tho steel engraving,
"l.cariiinv to Sew." is a sweet, nuict home nicture.
The fa-hion plate is styli-h and gay. Tho wood
cuts lead on" wilh n,me captivaling skuling costumes
and some illustrations of a novel and most conveni- ! 'u"ct "lmu 'M!I ,no surrounding organs, pro
cut kind of hood, and include u wonderful variety 1 ducing general aggravation, suffering and derange
of things interesting to ladies. There aro two pages uienl. While in this condition, take Ayer a Pills,
of .Music "Tho Pearly Stream Polka ;" and tho ' sc0 huw directly they restoro tho natural action
literary innlter is iinconiiuouly rich : August Hell,
Eliinbctli I'rescott, Aunt Alice nnd Prank Leo llen-
udict have done their best, tireat indueamenta in
the way of Premiums, Ac, aro promised to new
subscribers, and our readers should send for a sample
com, containim hII lilwfnl ol'.,r Kin,,l
collies will hu sent l'i,r liflenn ,,l 4,1, lieu lina.
con .1 Pclcrsou, SI'J Walnut St., I'hiladclphia.
Or".lol i-iniits. Having received a
large supply vf NEW .1011 TV PK. of various now
styles, Po ters, Handbills. Circulars. Cards. Letter
Heads. Hill Heads, Labels, Ac. can bo printed in
tbo latest and best styles, and on short notice.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
A SeVKim WtNTKtt Tlw weather-wise are pre
dicting that iho coming winter will be a severe one.
Wo would ad ise all who are in wart of good warm
clothing to call nt the Mercbaul Tailoring establish'
nicnt 0f John E. Suikk. on Fourth street, and nro-
cur0 u fujt w lich Wl cf,ri,y excludo tho cold
winds. Sniick makes all Ihu different styles of clo
thing, and sells very chonp. Call und eeo his new
stock of gents' furnishing goods.
1 liol en t-ks are not a very delightful attach
ment lu the "understanding," and to prevent such a
misfortune it is noli to look ahead and be prepared
for cold weather, especially in the fall, when snow
may be expected at any time. Therefore, bo sure
to lay i.i a supply of good warm shoes for each one
of your household, and be ready for any emergency.
Cult at Miller's Excelsior Hoot and Shoe Store, on
Market street, where you can be supplied wilh the
cheapest and best article in tunu.
PiioTiH.iiArHV. We would cull the attention of
our citizens to the beautiful pictures taken by Mr.
S. Uyerly, in Simpsou s building, Market street.--Mr.
II. is prepared to furnish Photographs, Ambro
types. Ac, in all styles and sixes. Wc adviso nil
w ho desire lo have a good picturo to pay Mr. Ilycrly
a visit.
A VASktK iim'Ton has recently got up a remedy
lor hard times. It consists of ten hours' hard labor
well worked iu. The best remedy we know of ia
to Invest a suiull sum of money in oue of the cheap
and handsoino suits of clothing manufactured at
Jacob O. Heck's Tailoriug Establishment, on Fourth
street, Suubury. Ei cry one should givo this remedy
a trial.
Ir thero be a circumstance in social life calcula
ted to make a man ' hide his diminished head," it
' is the die
overy that some ono has walked off with
his bat, and left one several sites too large Thero
u no need, in Sunbury, of having a Hat or Cap too
large or too small, for Faust, at his fu.hionablo es
tablishment, has all aorta and aito. suiluble for
every one, aud the apropoa kiud to hide the detects
of any head. He is also supplied with superior
Tuk tiii:es are now beginning to change their
dress, aud we may show our good sense by following
tbem, and sine we put on our autumnal attire so
cheaply by patronising the Continental Clothing
Uatttar, in Market Square, there is no excuse for
any unbecomingly dressed person. All art invited
to cull and see th large stock.
i s iss fill
Tuk man who couldn't "trust his feelings" ia
supposed to havt dune business entirely on a cash
basis. Speaking of a "cash basis ' reminds ou of
I, tha largo and successful businesa that Tbachar, of
lu. Jrirst national Bool and Shoe Store, in Pleas
ant' building, Market square, ia doing "ou Ihat
lin." Th aeeret of his success ia that b giva
better and cheaper article, for cash, than can be
had ouUide ut tha large cities.
ma m
Tua Cold winds are biuliog tbo approach of win
ter. U'h outer man demands an additional supply
,.f rlnlhinir J. t Sh..a.. Xl.r..k. ' . : I .1 .
; Market souure, baa aniiripated the wants of all.
and has stocked his establishment with ao extensive
assortment of Winter goods, whick b invite all to
call and eauioiu
Corrected Weekly for the "American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do do de do per ewt.
Rye Flour, per bbl.
do per owt.
Wheat, prime red, new, , .per bushel,
Rye, , do
Corn, new ' do
Oat, do i
Potatoes, ,'' do
lrled I'oachee, pared " per round "
do- d unpared
Dried Annies. do
til 00
8 00
10 00
0 00
' 2 30
1 as
t oo
i 5
; 1 00
' 1J
3 oo
Driest Cherries, (anstoncd.) per bq.
por pound,
per doien,
per pound,
per pair
Beef, bind iirartcr,
" front j
Vliamoklu I'ontTrnde,
Suahokir.OcI. 29, 18A7.
Tom. Ctrl.
Sent Tor week ending Oct. 2l,
Per last report,
10.061 14
'Mi,M4 It
.19&.&20 OA
47.37l 01
To same time last year,
T I .H i t .i
Special iKotitts.
Suotiiimo A50 IlKAiiin we might with truth
add, certainly curing in evory case. No remedy
known equals foe's Cough Balsam, for Coughs,
Colds, Croup and Consumption. It is an old and
tried friend, and nlways proves truo.
Like tho volcano, Boils give issuo to the foul and
flery content of the deep interior. To removo tho
cause of sueh suffering it is only necessary to vital
ize tho blood by supplying it with tho Life Element,
la protected solution of tho Protoxide of Iron.) will
do this effectually, nnd give nrrumi, vigor and ;
ifie life tc the wholo system.
KxtiiaiT in a Lltteii hom Rev. ltn iiaiiii
linns, or Dm. Ton, Mass.
' hut years I was a tufferer from Rolls, so that my
lire bceaino wearisomo through thoir trequent nnd i
persistent recurrence ; finally a carbunele lormed i
in the small of niv back. During its progress large i
pieces of decomposed flesh were every day or two ;
cut away, and the prostration and general dislur
bauco of tho system were great. Itcforo 1 had rc- !
Covered from this attack two smaller carbuncles I
broke out luLfber no. nnrl I was aifiiin threatened
wilh u recurrence ol I he sufferings to which I had so !
long been subjected. It was at this timo that I I
I commenced taking the PKKl VIAX SYIUT. I
I continued taking it until 1 had used five bottles ; j
since then I have had nothing of the kind. For j
j years 1 wns one of the greatest sufferers. Oilier i
, medicines gave uic partial and temporary relief, but '
: this remurkablu remedy, with a kind and intuitive
sense, went directly to the root of tlio evil, and old
W '
its work with a thoroughness
lished character.'' '
A u2 page Pamphlet Bent free The genuine bus
"Peruvian Syrup'' blown in Ihc glass.
J. P. DINSMiiliE. Proprietor.
No. 3d Dey St., New York.
Sold by all druggists. Oct. I'J-ll
IIKI.MIIOl.D'S KXTRACT lll t'llt; and Improved
Rose Wash emus secret and drlicnte disorders in ull Iheir
slaecs, at little expense, liule ol no change in diet, i in
convenience and no exposure. Il is plcasinit in lasle and
islor, iiiiincdiiite in its action, and f:ee from ah mju
tinlis proM-rlies. Iiih2'7 ly
Ayer's Fills
A It K you sick, feeble
and complaining
Are you out ol order
your system doranged and
your feelings uncomfor
table Theso symptoms
aro often tho precursors
of serious illness. Some
lit of sickness is creeping
upon you. and should be
by a timely use '
right remedy. I
of the right
Take Aycr'a Pills, and drive out tho humors purify
tho blood, and let (he fluids move on unobstrucledly,
in health. They stimulate the organs of the body
into vigorous activity, purify tlio system from the
obstructions which muko disease. A cold settles
somewhere in the body, and deranges the natural
operations of that part. This, if not relieved, will
Ol UlU SJBieill. llim Hll,i , MM.'jou L-viiiiK
health. What is true and so iipimreut in this trivial
and common complaint is also true in ninny of tho
deep sealed and dangerous diseases. The same pur-
gativo expels (licin. Caused by similar obstructions
and derangements, they nro surely, and many of
them rapidly, rured by the same means. None who i
know the vii ue of these Pills will neglect to em- '
nlov them when suffering from tho disorders they !
I cure, such as Headache. Foul Stomach, Hysentery, :
Ililious Complaints, Indigestion, Derangement of tho
Liver, Costiveness. Constipation. Heartburn. Khcu- 1
matism. Dropsy. Worms, and Suppression, when ta
ken in large doses. '
They are sugar coated, so Ihat tho most sensitive
can take them easily, and they are surely the best
purgative medicine yet discovered. '
Ay it Affile 4.'nro,
for the irfthf anil errtiin Cure o f liiirrmitit ut '
h'fvi r. or Vhilts unit I'tvrr, Remitttut h'rrrr,
Chill y-Verr. Dumb Ayur, Vrriodtcal jletiilmhi
ur iiiiorM llfiulorhi aiiii Hilton I'rrris ; f- i
dred.for the whole etiisiof ditenna oriii utiti na
in tiittary deraneriiinit, runted ly the malaria
nf mintnitatir eouiitrit s. J
This remedy has rarely failed to euro the severest
cases of Chills and Fever, and it has this great ad
vantage over other Ague medicines, that it subdues
the complaint without injury to Iho patient. It .
contains no quiniuo or other deleterious substance,
nor does it produce quinism or any injurious ettect .
whatever. Shaking brothers of tho urmy and the (
west, try it and vou will endorse these assertions. i
Prepared by "Hit. .I. C. AY EH A CO., Lowell,
Muss., and sold by all Druggists and dealers in med
icino everywhere. Oct. 26. -til
v. mo:
MOl narki'l Ml reel.
One door above Sixth, Philadelphia
For many years this Establishment has done busi
ness on tho One Price Svs:em, and wa believe we
are the only Clothing House in the city that strictly i
adheres to this principle. We have earned a repu-
talinn which we are proud of, for good taste iu select-
good styles and substantial materials, aud uot less
important, for having all our goods,
i:iki vi:i.i- ?t a
W. employ tho be,l talent, for Cutters, and our
(iood. are of both kinds-Fashionable and plain-
ao that al taste, can be suited. 1 be prices are the
Mr2.TJ!f. irr:::1,:. hz..
of our neighbors, for us uo deductions are ever made,
. ' 7 . . 7 . .
wa must put our prices down to the advantage we
The people may depend. Ibis is the true plan upon '
which to do business, and many a dollar can b
saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind
601 Murket Mrreet, Philadelphia,
Not on th Corner, but ouo door above Sixth
March 2d, lmi7. ly
Is a ccftaia cure foi diseuau of the
aial ll diseases ul the !
wkeikci eaiiiiif in t
loan wliaicvef cuum Ofignssiiiif and ao mailer .f
Discuses of Uiescormii raqnh the aac of a KrMi.
Il aotreaiincMl is suUmticd 10, Comuiapium o liisan
ity inav aaau. Our fksh and Uluod ai unnnlcd lloiu
these oufets, aud Ike
ilialol Postal ily, dcecuds upou prouiol us of a reliable
icisiedy. .
i:yhlitlid upwards of IB years, prepaied by
II. T, mi:i..miioi.i,
fi'.d rtroadw.-iy, New Voik, and
- , IM toiita loiii kiiitct. Pl,iiadci'iiu. Pa
March i. . ly
THE RKALtlf O TOOl.. i'
- Ajk3 Homo of Motrcy.
Men, on the otiraeefSolUede. and the Errors, Abu
ses and Diseaeea which destroy the manly powers,
and create impediments to Marriage, with sure means
of relief. Sent In sealed letter envelopes, free of
charge. Address DR. J. 8KILMN HOUGHTON,
Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa.
Jane 8, 1807. ly . , . . , ,
. 'o CoitiHmiiirTtsit'
.J0 R- EDWARD A. WILSON will lend (fi
eroharaeVtn u -k.. '
thm j , ' ' , -v, .... 1 1 a i,, ul9 i,ruM-riniion win
dVir. Jl"?. "-k'''K d using the simple (feme
rk,.rl-?hJ,h,WM ''d of a lung aflociiort and
itb i
in tiT. r.i . . un,P"on. ills only oh cot is
Will tr thU""?,' Md h ""P wnercr j
!ihJ!.?',?,r,.',,l"'. " " will oost them nothinc.
j "'osslrti;. V9nu,mMrr I
my 18-'87.1y
''Wsbnrg, Kings Go., N. Y. I
la mnnuraotured from I'I'RE
MATERIALS, and mav b
-tea a
considered tbe.STAXDAKlKl'
EXCELLENCE. For sale by
all flrneer -
May 1, IHo7.--jr a .... . j
Crrorst of Vomit. i
A gentleman who auffered for yeBra from Nervous I
Debility, Premature Decay, and all the cfl'ocla or
youthful indiscretion, will, for tho sake of -mncring
humanity, send freo to all who need it, tho i" cipo
nnd direction! for making the simple remedy by
which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to prolit by
the advertiser's experience, can do so l,v nddressiug.
n perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEX,
my IH" 42 Cedar Mrccl. X. Y.
Ornco'a Celebrated halve
cures in a very short timo
Cut, iSnAA. M'ohiiU, llrttiscs, ' im,
iryiWns, S,-7t Hifttnt, Jitnitwoi m, (.7iy
' j'etl Hands, IJoiit. I'mzrtt Limt, I'ctuti?,
ChilMttin. iVr.
It is prompt in notion, removes pain at once, and
reduces the most nngiy looking swellings and in
flammations, as if by iungic, -thus affording relief
and a cnmplote cure.
SETH W. FOWLK A SOX, Boston, Proprietors.
Sold by all Druggists, tiroccrs, and nt hII counti v
stores. Got. I'J-tt !
InforuiHtion, Kuaranteed to lirodueo n luxuriant !
I nniwlh nl'kiiiv Himti m Kul.l lif.n.1 i,r tinr.llaM ln i
nto a recipe for the removal of Pimples, lilotches, i
Eruptions, otc, on the skin. lea ing tlio samo soft, 1
cier, and bcautilul, call bo obtained without charge !
,T njdrosini.'
hi) Dioadway, New York.
may IS, 07
1)1 I'll I
Is the t.irea( Diuretic, ,
lUinlvliVi Coictiitratnl fat met Stirt'iintrilii '
Is tiic Utcat llloi'il Puriht-r.
Iloih aie piejMired aerordtnir to piW-s of Pli.,nn:f v and
t'heimstr) . and ate the mostuelivc Ihat can be made.
March a, !;.- ly
Ill virlueof a certain writ of Levari lacias, to mo
It directed will
will be exisiseil lo public sale, ut the
Court ltoue, in Siinliiirv, !'" on Monday, Novciu-
ber lib, 1SU7, at l o'clock P. M., the billowing dc- !
scribed properly to w it :
All Hint certain traut or parcel of bind wilh tho !
Hulling Mill building ihcicun creeled, Minute in ,
Coal Township, in tho County of Northumberland. ,
and Stato of Pennsylvania, beginning at a peg in tlio
centre line of the lirauch Uailroud to l!ig Mountain : .
thence south eighty-two degrees, seventeen and one- '
hall minutes, west ouo hundred und seventy nine '
and one-half feet to a post ; thence by laud suricy- ;
ed in the name of Samuel Clark, north one degree
six minutes, east seven hundred loot and one-tenth
of8fiHttua post; thence north eighty-two degrees
seventeen ami a hull' minutes, east aevent y-tvto feet .
and four-tenths of a foot lo a peg in tho centre line
of the llranch linilroad to Dig Mountain; thence
along the same south seven degrees nnd forty two I
minutes and a halt, cust six hundred and niiictv-o;io i
foot and eight-tenths of a foot to the lirst mentioned
'" ""! eenire lino o! the liraiich linilroad to liig
.viouiiiuin aioresnui ana place ol oegimnng contain
ing two acres of laud, strict measure, being part of
a ecrtain tract or puicel of laud euiitiiining eix and
one-half acres of land which William I'.. Evans and
wife by indenture bearing date the -Itli day of Feb- '
ruury. A. D. Isu.S, recorded at Sunbury. Ac.
Sciteil. taken in execution and to be sold us the
properly of Frederick Albert'Kcinstciu, Tru-tco of '
Susan l.ongnccker, wife of Dav id Liiignti.ker and
Susan Longneckcr, his wile. I
Ily virtuo of a certain wri( of Fieri Facias, will be;
sobfon Ibe premises, in Milton, on Friday, Nov. 2d, J
I SO", at 10 o'clock A.M., (lie following described '
property, to wit : !
All that certain real estate situated in tho .
borough of Milton, Northumberland county, Pa.. '
bounded and described as follows, viz : Tlio tin- '
divided one-half interest ill all that certain lot or
parcel of ground situated iu the of Milton '
as ubovo, bounded and described its iidlows, to wit'
On tbo north by lols of Sarali W. Coinly. on (be '
cusl by the Pennsylvania canal, on the south by lot
of Teas heirs, and oil the west by an alley, containing ;
one acre, more or less, on which is erected two i
dwelling houses, part Inimo and part brick, a story
and a half high, n buii-liur shop and slnblo nud
other outbuildings. Also n boat yard and dr(
dick. Ac. " '
Seiied, taken In execution und lo bo sold as the I
property of Charles Hoy.
' D. HECK LEY. MicriU.
Sheriff's ofilec, Sunbury. Oct. It', lsf.7.
aKlnl ol' MiVIiiK-1 l.-nl.-r, slt't-'tl.
"VT OTICE is hereby given that letters of udminis
tration having Veer, granted to the under.-igncd
on tlio estuteof Michael l.eukcr. late of Limer Mah ,
onoy towuxhip. Northuinberlaiid county. Pu.. de ;
ceased. All persons indebted to said estate are ro ,
quested to make immediate payment, und iho-e
having claims to present them duly authenticated lor
settlement. .
Lower Mahonoy, Oct. j, I8d7 lit Adiu is. ,
I.ikIicm' 1'iiiK-y !
a r
Old Established F I It
No 7 IU AliCII Siren,
above rib, I'll IE' A
Hare now in Stnre ot'
"ny ow n llnporltllioll and
M:inufaliire one of Ibe
, Irge.-l and ino-t bcauti
' lul seleclion" of
.I'r..- I ...i;. ..' 1 l'l,;i.
.--- t'fi uren s car in ine i tiy.
""jfc-SfefLgi Also, u One assorlmentol
j Cent's Fur Cloves and Collars,
1 am enabled to dispose of my goods at very roa-
aouable prices, aud I would therefore solicit a call
i from my friends of Northumberland county and vi-
: iu;,y- . , v. ... . ., ,,
j x ?s Alu, w ,,. 7th. south Philad'a,
;-Vhvo n" par uer. nor couueclion wilh any
I & ? Philadelphia.
Sent. 2H. 1M17 4IIIW
lt-siisl:i'M .li''.
NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees, crodilors
aud other perilous interested iu tho following estates, !
that the Administrators, Exucuturs aud Cuardiaus I
ol tha withiu named, have tiled their accounts wilh '
the ltugtsterof Northumberland county, and that
said accounts will be presented to the h plums' I
Court for continuation and allowance, on Tuesday,:
November oth, 1S07, at IU A. M. '
1. The account of Jacob Spatz, Guardian ufCuth-
ariu and Susannah Bordner. minor children of Jo-
scph Burduer, dee d., ttled July lb, I8i7.
2 llofluian, admiiiistralor ;
of Jane H ltoftman. deed, filed, July :il, Da7. I
3. Tho account of Henry Unup, Muardiau of Hen
ry D. W artinen, filed August S, IM7. 1
4. The final account of J. F. Wolhnjjor. Esq , !
(Iuardian of Henrietta H.. Celcsto li. and Oeorga It.
Kull, filed August 14, IH7.
It 'J'h account of H. J. Kay, Administrator of,
Mary J. Kay, dec d , tiled August '.'tl, l67. 1
A Th acoount of J aines Bacbeler, Administrator
of Dr. Isaiah Foulk, dee d , tiled Sept. 2ts, 1H67.
i. Th aoeount of Peter Wagner. Administrator .
of John Smith, dee d , filed Dot. 1, 167. I
8. Th aeoutint of Aann Strouse. Administrator
of Nathan (J run as, dec d., tiled Oct. 3, lsa7. )
V. Th account of Daniel P. Caul, Administrator'
of Dennis C. Caul, deo d . filed Oct. , D7.
IU. Th account of John T readier, AdmiuUtrator
oi John A. Kiebi, 4e d., filed Oot 3, IHt7. I
J. A. J.CIMWINUS, Kcgialer. 1
Kunbury, OoliajJtWf. !
jKrtcullural luipltiut ula,
HOE S Grain Rakes, Steel and Iron Canlcn Hakes, i
Long and D Handle Spades, Shovels, Mauuru i
aud Hay Forks, lira and liram Scythes, tirain i
Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Hieast. Tonu and
Log Chains, ttrind-stouea, Fauniug Mill Scives of t
all rises and kinds, larga a.-sorimeut ot It id Wugen
Haines, for l loaiug rnino Bells, I ultivaior tech
. l , f,,VI L'V - ,
lor aaie i'v ii
r '' f ' r ' :.. : '
1 nottIul iKisj Coluxnu or yon
will crrtulnl)' lind out whr you
of tho
BEST. Q,XJ-A.IJi:rI,r.
Fur the
V. Ht.(J)
at tin
lias just iccmcd and ipencd Ihc
iii:m' ss;i.i: i n,i
Freiiuli Muiinos,
I'liuts, Muslins,
''n-.-iineit, Ac.
N"i H'NS of all kind-
sicry, t loves, Men and Ladies I udeigarmtnts
A full assortment of T KIM MIX ( IS 1 1 will find my htoik of Il.irt art-,
Iaiiit, 4il, lns V-., Cvinplrle,
Diug- und Mcdiuucs.
W ill aud Ckdiu w are
' rockery, Salt
JIAl -j'AM) t'Aiy,
aud iu luut everything usually kept in a laiga Store.
Call and be oonvinued that the CHEAPEST
The .Mum moth S I ii r c.
IX. Y. KXilLlXfa,
'1'rriwis 4'aali,-SOslny
us my floods arc bought for '"atb and S-dd theap
ii. r iiiin.M..
i Siinburr, Oct !'., 1(":
Washington Library Co.
. . ' . .; . i
1 Chartered by theStatoof Pennsylvania, and Or
gauiicd in aid of tho
For Educating Gratuitously
SolUiors' and Sailora' Oj phaua.
Iacorporatu.l l.y tlio State of Ji. J.
APRIL 8, 1S07.
The Washington Library
By tirlue of their Charter, and in necordanco wilh
its Provisions, will distributo
TIIRI .K lll:.M)lt:) Till l SAND DOl.I.AItS
l.'n liynwiny, Juituurif 8(ii, lb08,
At Pim,.l)i;.niiA, PA., (i m i,t,iutc, RIVER
sidi:. x. s.
Oic Present worth
iic I'ruaent worth
One rresciit worth
Due 1'resLtit worth
Two Present worth
S.500 each
Ono Present valued at.
Two Presents, valued at 1 5.000 each 20 000
One Proselit, valued nt 10.000
l'Vmr Presents, valued nt 5,000 each, 20,000
Two l'lesents, valued at 3.000 each. 0 '(100
Three Proscnts. valued at 1.000 each. 2.000
Twenty Presents; valued nt 500eaeh, 10,000
Ten Presents, valued at o00 each, 3,000
i Three Preset: ts, valued at S50 each, ''OO
Twenty Presents, valued at 225 each
Kilty-Five Presents, valued at 8200
'f'th, 11,000
Fifty Presents, valued at iJT.j each, 8,750
i One Hundred and 'I'en I'resents, vnlu-
eil ut $100 eiich. 11.000
! Twenty Presents, valued at jiT.j each, 1,500
: Ten Presents, valued ut $50 each, 500
The iciniiiuiii'' Presents consists of
articles of nsu nnd value, ajijier
(.lining to the dill'iisiou of Lite
rature anil the line arts, !fS,000
Sfo'00,000 I
Each Certificate ot Stock is nccdinpNined with a !
Beautiful Steel-Plate Engraving
i KUTii'ii a ri:, I
And also insure to the holder a j
Any person sending u Ono Dollar, or paying the
snmo to our local Agents, will receive immediately a
:no Steel Plate Engraving, at choice from the t'ol
lowiug it, nnd Ono Ccrtilicnie of Stock, insuring
Ono Prcseul in the Ureat Distribution.
i No l-'-.My Child ' My Child V No 2 Thev re
Saved ' They're Saved !T' No. .""Old Seventy-six
or. tho Early Days of tho Hevoluth-ii."
Any pci.-on paying Two Dollars will receive either
of the following fino Sleel Plates, at choice, and j
Two Certificates of Stock, thus becoming cntiiled to '
Two I'lt'cnts.
.No. l' aMiingloii's Courtship." No. 2 "Wash
ingtou's Liut Intel icw with his Mother."
: TiiitKK HOI.I.AU enuiiavim;k.
Any person paying Ihrco dollars will receive the
, beautitul Steel Plate of
aud throe Certificates of .Stock, becoming entitled
lo three l'rescut.-.
1 lot II lull. MR I'Ni.PA VIV..S I
Any person paying Four Dollars ahull receive tho !
Inrge and beautiful Slcel Plulo of 1
' TIIK l-Kltll.-l II" Oi l! KOItLFA fltEltS." !
and Four Ccrtilicutcs of Slock, entitling (hem
' Four Presents.
I IIVR 001. 1 Alt K(1I A I M.S.
Any person who pays Fivo Dollars shall iccctvo i
the large und splendid Steel Plate of
And Fivo Ccrlilicales of Stock, entitling them to Five
, Presents. I
; The engravings ami Certificates will be delivered I
to each subscriber at our Local Agencies, or sent by i
. uiiiu, jium imiu.or c.iicbs, aa may ee oruerca.
Send OrdeiS t,l Ul ItC IHllll. uelaui,,!.' i'l,,n, ftl In d'MI i
cutler hy Post Otliec oldt is or In a rtmslcrcd leltcr.
onrrihik. lot:r amounts should Le belli 1 dlaft or ex
in sliHtcs wilh l'.iiiuvitiH ?o,.'sti
Jj fcliioes Willi l-.nuiaviiii-H j:t .HI
30 stmrci Willi i;niruvlns 4li..otl
7.S slinres Willi Klifiravuiiis fty-Vl
100 shuns with r.ncruvuiKS 'Juiu
l.or,,, AOI.N IS WAN I'KDlhlo.lghout Hie I mud St ates.
; the ruviuisinii; institutk.
Situate at ltiverride. Burlington County, Ni w Jer
sey, ia . Minded lor Iho pni ",so of gratuimu.-ly edu
cating the sous of dcciuetd Soldiers tuid Seamen of
the I nited States.
The Hoaid ot Trustees consists of the following
well -know n citizens of Pennsylvania and New Jersey .
Di'triet Attorney. Philadelphia. Pa
Ex-Chief Coiner L'. S. Miut, aud l'.coidcr
Deeds, I'hi'ad a.. Pennsylvania.
HON. JAMES M S('0 EL, New Jer.ey.
HON W. W WAKE. New Jersey.
HEN It Y COK.M AN. E.-..
Agent Aduuis' Expreas, Philadolpbia. Pa.
J E. CUE, Esq , of Joy, Coo A Co., 1'hiludclplnn
Tin tvi'itv Dri'AiiiMi xT. Wasiiimiio.v, D. C
A pi il Is, l-ilii. Ollice of Iniciiiul Keveuue. Hav
ing received snti.'d'uctoi'y evidence that tho proceeds
lot' the ntcr.ri.-o oolidiioted by It e 'Washington
Library Company ' will be devoted to charitable,
u?e, pel luissiuu is heicby granted to said Company
to conduct sueh enterprise exempt from all churgc,
wbuther from ie bit ts,x or other duly.
E. A It'll. 1.1 NS, CoiumU-iuuer
I'lie Ais.e(utnti'luic apoeiiiled ns Iteeeixer, Messrs. j
lil'.llitliK A COIUvK. A. i ll., wi,h- well kn 'Wil nilc
itl and husmcs tuH'iit-ncc will I a suiheiciit iii'inoi- ,
lee UmiiIic money uiliiuleit to iluiu will he I'luiiioll) ap- j
plied to the plupoM sluled. i
Pllll.AliEl.I IMA, Pi , M" "J",
To tin (iflicers und Mclnheisol Ihe W'aslliiittou Libia- .
I) Co, N b. ItKAII.Kaiclar)'. ,
tieiuleiiicn . -tlti itecipl of your lavn ol the l 'th lnl , j
imhii villi ns ol inn pp.unliliellt as Itieentis lor yxir
IViupuiiv, we I'S.k the hhcilv to a e. pv "I' voui I
Ctaaller. una a plan ! your t-nleipilMf, lo in hichesi
l.jlautluillly ol ll, hutciMil li..liii lereive.1 bis moi-
utile omii',ii in ti'uiil to us le;ulii), uimI in,iulliuinji I
Willi I lie bciM V.ueul .a,jl ,4 voui Aiusn'iulion, VIA : Hie
etltiealS'ii and iiuinilcliutu-e ol the oiplwa eliililrcll ! our
soldirrs and aniui. ul Ilia Kivecside tiwlllole, have :
oia-'hiUnl ui.,. ihe Hurt, audio use cur last c0"itslo
Pfaue a woithy Mil ehtcel. j
Kcspvt-if,!)!,- youiSjAe., I
iii; a coi'Ki: a r !
Andrtss all I, (in amloiilrts ! ..,,.
OI.O A I'dllKKi CO., S,
3.l.ilh 'lnird wieci, I'hilidtlplna, t
fUceivcis lo. Hit Wnaliiugloiilat'iaiy Co.
I V-N F LIUHTNEU. Bookseller A Siali ..ntr
Sunbury, Pa . is iba authur.rod Ag.ul of Ihe Com
punv Itif this pla e and vi.iui'y
oil 'ber IV. i-''f.
THE subscriber offers for tale the valuable
ty now oceupicd by himself, on the
Socond and Walnut street, Sunbury. I be '
high ground and hae a front of Wi feel on V. ul
2:iTl foot on Second atreet. Tho iBipi ovcn ci
new and well-constructed
42 feet on Walnut nnd 51 on Second atu" t,
frame Kitchen 16 by 22, with an excellent
in the Kitchen, and all.ibe other noceory a
Outbuildings, including good staLliag. l'
ses arc huudsouioly located with a good l-ar
excellent fruit. Possession to bo given .Mi
of April next. , , , , .
For terms apply to Win. M.
Holn back, Esqrs., or Ibe subscriber.
Sunbury, Sept. 21. ISO" Uni
rPHE subscribers having locutedH botllmi
I lishnient iu Cuko'a Addition, in the Hoi
Sunbury, respeotfully inform the citizens ol
adjoining counties that they are prepared t
ish Landlords, ltcstaui cut Keepers and privn
lies with tho best brands of Sar.-aparilia. Mini
ler, Aln and Porter, bottled in the best mnr.n.
drinks aro procured Iroirj tbo heel cstabli.-iin
tho country, which enahles tlmui p lutuib i
artiole than ciwi to bad elsewhere, which w.l
livered at Iho lowest rates.
Tho citizens of .Sunbury end vicinity v;;!I fl
their interest to pittronUe home industry "J
iu making this n permanent enterprise, i H
same time save labor and money.
Orders are raspooiiVy solieilod.whtuh v. t
prouint lilteiilion.
Address. PKOISST A II'..
August 17, 1807. run. Sunbuiv
ii r in e r k nnd Hull ! & ltuoTnER irTc now prep.rco
liver, at the lowest markot pnev, tho vciy list'
for LAND and Iit'ILDlXd purposes, 'i'heir
uurnca oi tuccoicnriiica
'TUG' K Y II O K 1. 1 51 K '1 ( ) .V
Thrirliinc kilns iiralncntcd at the I'biiji ii i(.l
Eria linilroad, near tho steuuj sun mil!, in l
rough of Sunbury.
Plasters. Masons, Hiieklavers and Paruurs
vitcd to cull aud give us a trinl.
SEASH'iLTZ A Lli'-Jl.'
Aug. .1, lftdT.
I.iquiil Slnr ly Colors..
TIIK latest improvement in Familv Dves.m
for sale by Druggists everywhere, 'iiios'o Cob.
all prepared in Liquid Form, with very slinpi
tion for use and are imido from tlio snme inn
used by dying new silk and woolen good
is IS ditlcrcnt principle colors uiade. ull i
cut shades of a color ean bo made by using u .
less of the Dye mutter. Price 2i cents per l'"l
Hcwarc ol'Couutcrfcils, ak for the Star I've
tnko uo other.
For fiilu by II Y. FHILI.S'tl. .Vunbiiry, P.i
Joll.V.ITO.V. IIol.l.OW AV A Cow PES. .Nile Ago!
August lu. IS'17. ,'iiu Philadvl
I'OiE'i i:it as
From tho
Cold Spring Brewer
S I.' X I! L It Y" , P A.
1" ESPECTFI I.LY inform? tho publL ger.. '
that he is prepared to lnrni-h
i li largo or small quantities. Ills facilities bu i
i ng Peer cannot be excelled, nud is priiiiounccj '
j rior to any other off ered ill Ceutrnl Penn-yh nni
: It has also been recommended by physicians
i healthy drink for invalids.
Hotels, ltestaurnuts and private families ,ci.
at short notice.
Sunbury, Sept 21, ISt',7.
i All kinds of SCHOOL HOOKS-
I Mutes, Pens, Ink, Puper, Ao.
! Miscellaneous Hooks, a good nssort-1
; ment. All tbo new books received
! as toon as published, aLd fur (ale al
I Publishers prices.
HII1LES, Prayer Hooks and Hymn
Hooks, in every style of binding
Catholic Prayer Hooks.
FAMILY HIULES in various style. ,
DlCTlOXAHIESot ull tiaes. !
Juveniles nud Toy Hooks, u large
assortment !
ltlnnK IIooLn d Hlunk
Forms of ull kinds.
Foolscap, Legal Cap, Letter aud.
Nolo Papers. I
COPYING HOOKS, Inkstands '
Pen Hacks. Files. Paper. Cutters and
Couuting House Stationery generally .
PH0T0i,UAl'H A Llil' MS chtnp
id dear. I
to nuj cfir
Hold Pens and Holders.
Pocket Honks and Hill Wallels t
Picture Frames. 1
Stereoscopee and Views, American !
Fiench. Ac.
Drawing Paper, nil aitca, Bristol
Hoard. Ac.
Diaries, Memorandum Hooks. Ac.
Huckgnmuion Hoards, llaincs, Chess-
I n,o Ai
. Tovs a larire aud eoini.letoa-sortiucnt
Hase-Kalls and Hats. Fishing Hods
at 1 and Tackle
ISrohemiaii and I'arisiuu
Marbles, Ac.
Hold Pens re-pointed
Lamps, SuaUc. tilut'cs. Chimneys.
Wall Paper and Holder, all kinds J
Window Curtains, Piiner Cilt aud
Music und Mu-ical Imtruuieiits
y" All kinds of Biksud Statiuiiery not on b:
promptly ordered
AU the Daily and YVm-kly Papers and Ma-'mir
Agent for the "Ainerieau Ortrau ' Also f.,r
Kose s Hair Hcstorative," Enauiel of Ann lic.i, I
- National Steam Naiiuation Cuiiipuity
Sunbury, May IS. Ibtil.
n r&J" vl7 .He.,
Insure your Stock !
4.i'i'iU i:al-ru I4ors. I
I sll-lll' '.
I I S taking Policies for the aboyo Coinpanv in t
J aud adjoining oounlics. insuring stook ol all kii
ugniii't death by accident or othu w'-o.
I hcui.i having tlock should ud tail to have it
' surcd tit once. Addt e-s.
i July 27. 1N7 :tm
I Notice to MerchaiiU aud Shippers.
' fpilU uniler.-igned. proprietor of Wciscr A Friei
i 1 Line, give notice lo merchants and sbtpp
' that their Depd is slill at SI I Market streut. liii
I dclphia. and all litxids directed to Sunbury nud In
! villu will be promptly deflvered.
I V Cars loave SI I M-ilkel nrjjct. PhilaJelph
! Iri-wccklv Tuesdays, i'burs.l.i.vs and Saiuninv ...
' w c. t,oiiDi;icn
I May i'7 J- K UlCHABDS'iN
j CAlll'KNTKliS.
Wl I.I. find in our cataldkhmcul n superior -t.
ot Plane. Saw. Augors. Hatchets, liaiuuiers, 1 il
Chil Ac, Ac , htr sule bv
IkT Oi ItE is hvf -by S'vro to ell pa.tie.- iiiton -i,
I 1 thai J nines II McCoiaiu k, Avi-me el It.
li McCormick, surviving pnriiur of iho I no l.iiu
I Hays A, McCormick. has filed ln liual account
i tbo I'ruthuuotary'k Oflio i, aud Ihat unlci thj, ci
be made ou or bfo( Ihe firol Monday of Novell.,
I nvxt, said account will be oonfumi I
. JJ IU.1MEN.-N YD1 II Pi-ih y
I i'r .l uotarv s M.o. .5 iiibuiy. Au il. I"". ."