CHITTENDEN '8 Commercial College, ' 137 ChMtnut Street, (Comer of Seventh,) FHILA DELPHIA. Establish od bl4. inoorporntcd 1855 Young Men. lrallclly . ttdiicntctl for HllMlUfKH. . The facilities of this Institution here been largely Inereased, ud it now hat advantages for Imparting business knowledge which are unequalled. The practical value of id well-tried course of In rtruotion is attested by hundred! in all department of business. Many a yourig man owe his suoeessin life t the qualifications sained here. Tho instruction throughout ii thorough, practical, nd just what is daily used in our best business houses. The instruction includes Book-Keeping In all its Branches, Penmanship, (Plain and Ornamental.) Cntninercinl)'Cal eulntions, Business Papers and Cor respondence, Conimoruiul Law, Detecting .Counterfeits, Etc Stndent instructed separately and received at amy time. Diplomas awarded on graduation. Stran Sen assisted in procuring suitable boarding places, oard may be obtained lor about $5 per week. Cata logues mailed free. CHITTENDEN'S BOOK-KEEPINO, Counting House, priee (1 60. High School, pries CI 50. Common School Edition 871 CIS. Judge Sharswood Lectures before the Students on Commercial Law, prioe l 80. THE CHITTENDEN COMMERCIAL ARITH METIC AND BUSINESS MANUAL, Containing new and rapid methods of calculation as actually used by business men. Forms of Business Paper s accompanied by. explanations of their nature and use, useful Commercial Tables, and much valuable imforuiation on business subjects. Price $1 25. The sale of this Book has been rapid that it is already in its second edition. Any of the above books sent postage paid on re ceipt of the price. S. JI. CRITTENDEN 4 CO. June 8. 18(17. Bin Agricultural ImplniiriilH, HOE'S Grain Rakos, Steel and Iron Oarden Rnkes, Long and D Handle Spades, Shovels, Manure and Hay Forks, Grass and Grain Scythes, Grain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Breast, Tongue and Log Chains, Urind-stones, Fanning Mill Snivesof all sites and kinds, a large assortment of lied Wagon Humes, for Plowing, Farm Bolls. Cultivator Teuth, or snip by Jjjj COPLEY A CO. HICK A.I VATi:it l'ltOOV ROOFING ! THIMES A CO., aro the Agents in the Counties , of Northumberland, Snyder and Montour, M WARREN'S Improved Fire and Water-Proof Hoof. This is the cheapest and best Hoof that oan bo put on a building, lias boon used in the city of Philadelphia, since 1851, where it has superseded almost every other kind of Hoof. It is recommend ed by the builders, and is used on alt of tho finest buildings .in that city. Parties contemplating build ing, will do well to ezamiue into tbo merits of this nnd all other kinds of Hoofs, ar.d give the bent the preference. The Fountain Hotel, of Sunbury. will. In a few days, be covered with this Hoof, and parties desiring to do so, may oall there and examine it. Fur furthur information address Box 14, Sunbury i wl unice, or can ai the unck lard ot T. 1IIME3 A CO Bunbury, IS, 1867. 3m Coachmakers, WE are selling Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Springs, Canvass, Bolus, Clips, Axles, Ac., very low iijarge block at CONLEY A CO. Sunbnry, March 30, lef7. "ALL and see those beautiful Bird Cage at the w new unraware store 01 J. II. CONLEY A CO. Fl.RST NATIONAL -LC-. H. a. THACHER, Proprietor. MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, P A New Goods, New Styles, New Trice The largest Stock of Boots and Shoes in this Mcrke TRUNKS OP EVERY GRADE & TRICE Gents' Traveling Satchel, Hand-Bogs, Valises, Ao Ad elegant assortment of Ladies' Fine Leather Sat chel Caba's, Ac, Ae. COME AND SEE, COME AND SEE. I'lcaaant't) Ifiilldimj, MA UK E T 8QUAR E, April 6. 1867. OfJlJW .W .. B t.t. 9 Sheet Iron and Stove G-ZETTLKMOYER&BRO. (Suoocssor to BENJ. ZETTLEMOYER.) Market Street, near Engel's Store, SUNBURY. PA TTAVING taken charge of the old stand so long H paironnoa ny ine poopie o: eunnury ana vi cinity, beg leave to announce to the old friends and the public generally, that they will supply them with the most improved varieties of STOVES, COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of the best Brands which are unsurpassed for beauty of finish simplicity of airungement, combining cheapness and durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are represcutod. Conl Oil, CoulOil I.nmpw, Lnnlerns, Shades, Chimneys, and all articles usually kept in an establishment of this kind. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of all sizes. FRUIT JARS and CANS of tbo latest improved styles. He is also prepared lo do all kinds of Spouting and Roofing, Range and Furnace Work. ttepairiug, cheaply and neatly executed. )EO. ZETTLEMOYER A BRO. June 8, 1R67. y USE J. DE WOLF & CO S MAGIC VERMIN EXTERMINATOR! This wonderful preparation is certain death to RATS MICE, ROACHES, BED BUGS, ANTS, MOSQUI. TOES, FLIK.S, and Insects in Gardens. May be obtained by our Agent, W. A. BENNETT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, 6UNBURY, PA. June 8 1,867 3mp ' REMEMBER THE DEAD. Tl MESSRS. D. C. pissinger and John A. Taylor, II I wouiu respectiuiiy announce to the eitiseus of Duuoury, ana eurrououing oountry, that having formed a oo-partuership, tiiey are now prepared to lunjuu uruajuuuteit auu piuiu Uratslones, '1'oisiba & MonumriitM of the best Italian and American marble, at prices mat caiiuui inn ui give enure sausiaoiion, and re. (poctfully solicit the public patronage. DISSINGER A TAYLOR. Sunbury, March 81. lStttt. ly. FANCY DRY GOODS ST0HE MISS KATE BLACK, llarkot street, four doors west of Win. U. Miller's Uootanu bhoe store, BU.MBUHY, Pa. T ESPECTFULLY informs her friendsin Sunbury JL v ana vicinity, uiut sno uu just openea ner SWUNG J" XUMXKll JJllKiW GOODS, fit every desoriptinn. ' 'aaliiosisable Irt-i Triiuiulntrai, Head Dresses, Gloves, Jlosiory, Kiubiuideries, Lace collars, uieacnea and uubloaoheU Mualiuii.bheetiugs, vrunngs, Aiupaeas, ropiius, vrape ana iMot veils, Ladiesi llulat, Clilldrst,si Ilulai and JU p, of every variety. Mine Demorest'i Hair Curlers, Hair Coils and Vurls, U loves, ritovkmgs. Collars, Cnrsetn, Ae. Gents' collars, Neckties, hulfUose, Hundkcr euieis and cuspenuura. Bradioy'f new Patent Duplex Elliptie (or double'lU'M . 1 HOPKINS Ellintio SklrU. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combe, "ua jeuerai varieiyoi nui iua. . ,. KATK BLACK. Bunbury, AprU 27, 1867. SHOEMAKERS. THE beet qualities of Bolt Leather, French Calf .sun, .uuiruocoe, innings, Luu, Mails, Pegs Tools of all kinds, aud aver thing used by the trade, urwue low ttj J. u. lUMJil A CO MASONIC HALL BUILDING. DKE1SBAOH BROTH BBS, RESPECTFULLY Inform their Iriends and cus tomers, that they hare removed their Store Into the south end room of the'Masonio Building, on Third street, opposite the Depot, Sunbury, where they will be happy to wait upon them. Their large assortment of - Groceries, Provisions, AO., are all fresh and of the best quality, consisting of Teas, Coffees, 6ugars, and Bpioe. Dried and Canned Fruits, 'Prunes, Raisins, Che, and Crackers, and In faot averything usually kept in the Grocery line. They would also eall attention to their large and oheap lotof Good Family Flour, Green Tea, Hams, Shoulders, ., which are constantly kept on hand. FRESH FISH and Vegetables, every Tuesday and Friday evenings. Give them a oall and see for yourselves. Sunbury, April 27, 1867. BRICK! -.BRICK!- BRICK! To llio Cltlsriiti or Onnbury and vicinity. THE undersigned have bought the Brick -Yar and improvements, formerly leased and worked by A. B. Stevens, and have made additional Im provements, and are now prepared to make contrao to manufacture and deliver BRICK in large quau tities, for building and other purposes. By the manulacture oi a gooa article, anu prompt attention to business, we hope to receive a share of publio patronage. Orders left at the Brick-Yard, or Box 14, Sunbury Post Omoo, will be promptly attended to. T. HIMES A CO. Sunbury, May Id, IHoJ. 3m LUMBER! LUMBER ! The I'ollcr t'oimlr nnd Nut-bury Liimbrr Ooinpnny, Now Tully established at tho SUNBURY STEAM SAW MILLS, are prepared to saw to order WHITE PINE, nEMLOCK AND OAK, of any site and all lengths. Afull assortment of nDZRTSrr LUMBER, always kept on band. Pannel, Flooring, Siding and nmsning uoaras oi an Kinas. MOULDING, SA.SII, DOORS, nnd SHUTTERS. SHINGLES, Sawed and Shaved, White Pine, and Hemlock. llnf)terln- Lulls nnd l'nlingr, Planing, Ripping and Turninz. will be done to order at short notice. This Company design furnishing everything in their line atsuoh rates that Lumber Yards. Builders and all parties using Lumber, will find it to their interest to buy at this establishment ORDERS are respectfully solicited and will be promptly at tended to by addressing. YVM. fti, A Bup'l. Sunbury, June 15, 1SGS. ITEV" SHOE STOP.E. Market Street, ndjoining Genrhart'i Confectionery bloi e, S-iN-l-il-, I'a. milF undersigned respectfully informs tho citiicn J of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a NEW SHOE STORE, for the salo as well as for tho manufacture of the finest and best quality of Ladies felloes, vii : (love-Iild, Jlorroceo, ( ulf-nkln nnd IriiNlintf 4nilos-H, &c. Children's Shoes of all kinds. His stock is entirely new ana well selected. Ho also manufactures Gne French and other Calf skin Boots and Shoes for Gentlemen. Orders for ladies and gentlemen's custom work will be promptly attended to and got up in tho best style by skilful mechanics Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on hand and for sale to the trade. J. H. JEFFRIES. Sunbury, April 20, 1 867. FIRST PREMIUM ' Of a Silver Medal WAS AWASDXD TO f BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE By the N. II. Fut Airricultural Bnclrtr, at iU holdcn In Nuliua, gcpt.iU, ladi. nABRETT'B Vegetable Hair Restorative Heatures Gray flair to Iti rotural color. Pro- A' imuicc uie growiii oi 1110 iiuir. uauKtri in v roott to their orleiual oreankc acUun. KraIi- sk. calf l8iiurun and liuniora. rreveiiti s llnir IrulUipouL 11 s huiwriur UroHing. ssw It contai f. ami t T able untaina no iujuniia xnexvuwuu, jw inr iiiuai Hiiuiar anu sen articlu llirtiu-'linut the - hut, Wcat, Nurlh sod WO J. R. BARRETT & CO., Proprietors, MANCHESTER, JI. II. Sold by W. A. BEKETT, Sunbury, Druggt't generally. AprilO, 18G7 6in Pa., and WATCHMAKER A JEWELER, Market Square, near the Court House, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. TJT E baa just opened an assortment of Gold flV, SI In .. : I . . u'..nL.. niL'ulJ for Railroads, Banks and Dwellings, Fine Uold Rings, Finger Kings, Bracelet, Minia' ture Cases. Medallions. Lockets. Pencils. Thimbles, Spectacles, Silver Table, Dessert, Tea Salt and Mustard Soons, Sugar Spoons, Cutis, Napkin mugs, fruit aua gutter Knives, nnieias, uouids, Diamond Pointed Pens, Casters, Pitchers, Butter Dishes, Fruit DUbes, Cake Baskets, Syrup Pitchers, ae., ae. He invites the oititens of Sunbury and vicinity to call at the above place, where he will be happy to wan upon tncin. l rurliculHr attention paid to REPAIRING. April 13, mi. J. H. Conley & Co., .Market Xtrret, ItaMtoi'liie llailroad bunbury, penn'a. dealers in 'ici:ij. al .iii:kiim.-v. Hardware & Cutlery. ri THE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder I and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that we are now offering a better (elected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in this line of business, embracing a general assortment or tools ana mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGONMAK.ERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, toeether with a large stuck of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut baws, Ac, Ac. bunbury, March 30, 1367. Fashionable Dress TBIMMI NOSl AND Millinery Goods, J uol opening at the Millinery Store of Miss M. I QUSSLER. Fourth Street, two doors below the Railroad, West Ida, ciinuiAi, I'A. Such as Drew-Trimmings, nead-Dresses, Ulovos, Hosiery Kibnons, r lowers, Collars, Handker chiefs, Ae., Aa., whlob have been oarefully selected. Miss M. L. U ussier ha just opened a large assort ment of Millinery Goods. Ladies should nut fail to go and see the latest styles as It will pay to not delay in visiting her store. Call and examine for yourselves. No trouble to how goods fcmibury, April 20, 1867. BAKERY. BAKERY. V. mJSUKOTi:, Agent, Manufacturer of CANDIES, BREAD, CAKES, PIES, AC, Front St., S doors east of the P. t E. R. B. Depot AOKTIIIJMUEHLiAKIf, I'A. Customers will be served dally. Orders solioited Northumberland, June 23, lb7. I8 rears established la N. Y. City," , ; "Only infallible remedies known." ' "Free from Poisons," "Not dangerous to the Human Family." I "Rata oorae out of their boles to die.' a " "COSTAR'S" RAT, ROACH, , EXTERM'B Is a paste used for Rata, Mice, Roaches, Black and Red Anu, Ac , lea Anu, nc , tie. "COSTARH" BED BUG EXTERMINATOR Is a liquid or wash used to destroy, and also as a preventive fur Bed- Bugs, A. - COSTAR'8 ELECTRIC POWDER FOR 1N9KCTS la for Moths, Mnjrjuitnea, Fires, Bed-Bugs, . Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Ac. ! I ! ItrWASS 1 1 ' of all worthless Imitations. npfee that "Costai's" name u on each Box, Bottle, and r iuik, -non- you DUJT. rr Address, HENRY R. COSTAR, , v 484 Broadway, N. Y. And all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. '" Sold by FRILINO A SON, Suubarf, Pa. . GOT -A. 3rt CELEBRATED BUCKTHORN SALVE For Cbta. Burnt, Bruiie. Wound, Bail. Cancer, Broken Breasts, isore N inples, Uleeuinr, Blind and fa it, (ill filei; Hcrufuluui. Putrid atud 111 conditioned 8iea: Uloeri, Glanduwr Swellinct, Eruption. Cutaneous A flection R hie worm, Itch, Corns. Bunion. Chilblain. Act Chap ped Hands, Lips, tVc; Biles of tfpidcis, Insects, Animals, AC. oto. HTHoxei, SScts., 60 cts., am! St tires, Sold by all Dmegists everywhere, And br HENRY R . CU9TAR. Depnl 491 Broadway, New York. told by FRII.ING V SON, Sunbury, Pa. COSTAR'S UNIVERSAL CCP..1T SOLTE1TT. For Corns, Uuninns, Waits, Ae. rVBnxrs, 35 ets , SO cu , and SI sizes. Sold by all f)ru(relfti eveiywhrre. And hyHKNHY R. COSTAR, Depot 4B Broadway, New York. Sold by FR1LING A SON, Suuhury, ra. COSTAR'S PREPARATION OF BITTER-SWEET & ORANGE BLOSSOMS FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. I'sed u Soften and Beauty the Skill, icmove Frecklrs Pimples. Hrupiioits, Ac. uunes are now using II in preirrenee u an outers. rvuotiioi, i. Solil by all Dnitwists evervwhtre. And hy IIH.NKY K. COSTAK. Depot 484 Broadway. New York. Sold by FRILINO A SON, Sunbury, Pa. COSTAR'S PECTORAL COUGH REMEDY ! For Coughs, Colds, Hnaraeiieu, Sore Throat, Croup, IVh,,. ...... i ..a . . i . ij ... dual Affection., .'nd ail Diseuea of the Throut aud Lungs. Bottles, 34 els., 50 cts , and tl sixes. Sold hvall Drucftitts everywhere. Andhy II UN It Y It. COSTAR. Depot 484 Broadway. Sold by rnlLltNu A BON, Sunbury, Pa. . C03TAH'S CELEBRATED BISHOP FILLS. A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL. For Nervous and Sick Headache, Coativeneas, Indixrallnn,, BdlKHisneas, Conatimtion. Diarrhea. Colic. Chills, fevwa, aud general detaiigemeul of the Digcsliv Boxes, U ets., SO eta., and 411 Sold by all Druggist everywhere And by H NHY R. COSTAH, Depot 484 Broadway, New York. cw 1 org. Bold by FRIUNO A BON, BuuUry, Pa. , . , , BOLD BY FRILINQ & SON, . Sunbury, Pa. Jus 12, mr -tat THE VEEY LATEST ARRIVAL 1 1 SPRING--AND SUMMER Joseph , Eyster, Corner of Market and Fourth Street, BUNBURY. PENNA. Invites the Publio to eall and examln his elegant assortment of SUMMER GOODS, which he will tell at greatly reduoed prices. His stock oonsisti In part of OASSIMERE9 CLOTHS, &.C Silks. Delaines. Lawns. Gin-ham. Calicoes, Muslins, Sheeting, Tickings, Jeans, and a lull assortment 01 Cotton and Woolen goods generally. HOTBH$ Hosterv, Gloves, Uoop Skirt. Al.'o Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Combs. Hut nnd Cnp, Itoolfl nnd Shoe, His assortment of "foods will not. he Is sure fail to please the fancy and suit the wants of any desirous or purchasing. 111s stoca 01 HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and Groceries la largo in quantity and choloe in Suality, comprising generally everything needed In hrmhnl.l either for use or ornament. Ho Is always ready and glad to see Ms mends and takes pleasure in showing them his goods even though no sales are made. He only asks a onll, and is sure that the stock will compare favorably in price and quality with theoheapest. r n JOSEPH EYSTER. Sunbury, April 13, 1867. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 099 Biioadwav, Hitw York. For Fumllivs nnd .lluiiiiHiCttircrsi Those World-Renowned Bowing Machines, were awarded the highest premium at the World's Fair In London, nnd six nrst premiums ai ine aoe ion State Fairof 1866, and are celebrated for doing tb best work, using a much smaller needle for the tame thread than any otber machine, nnd by the introduc tion of the most approved machinery, we are now able lo supply the very best msenmes in ine worm These mnchlnes are made at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate supervision of the President of the Company, Ei.u How a, Jr., the original inventor of tho Sewing Ma chine. They aro adapted to all hinds of Family Sewing. and to use of beainstresscs, Dress Alukers, iayiors. Manufacturers of Shirts. Collnrs, Skirts, Cloaks, Man tillas, Clothing, lints, Caps, Corsets, Boots, Shoes, Harness. Saddles, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfcot stitch, alike on bcth sides of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, and made on this Machine, is the most popular and all hewing Mnchinca are subject to the principle invented by him. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. The Howe Machine Company. 6JU Broadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. ApriMbW. .viA.VrUA MAHIIR, Mrs. A. TWEED, In Miss Anna Painter's Fancy Goods Storo building, Market Square, a doors west ol the font umoe, SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY informs tor friends nnd tho public that she has again opened a shop, in Market street, Sunbury, where she is prepared to make to order Ladies' Dresses, in an entire now style, Ladies' Cloaks, Ao. Also Gentlemen's shirts. Orders respectfully solicited. Sunbnry, Jan. 19, 18B7. ly IRON. A large assortment of the best manufac tured Bars, Hoop. Band, Round and Squaro Iron, Nail Rods, Cast Steel, Blister Steel, Drill Steel, IIitbo Shoes, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bellows. Vices, Hammers, Sledges, Rasps and Files, at tU.LLl A D. BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS ! II. . 'l'llACIlKK, SPCCBS80BT0 W . W . A P S L E Y . N addition lo our large stock, already on hand, wa are now receiving a full supply of Spring and Summer goods for Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses and Children s wear. Aide a good assortment of Trunks. A large lot of R. R. Bags, Gents' fins loatber Satchels. We wish it distinctly understood that we intend selling our goods at small profits, exclusively for the eash. Don't forget tne place, rieasuni s Bunding, Mar ket Square, Sunbury, Pa. Niir I K.Kn a it nna yimiiiv R.iai rn.i m short notice. " w " J I . uuuu.u. . . v shall be fixed for nothing. II. G. THACHER. 6unbury, April fi. 1S07. tf. PulntM, Oil, ice. A full stock of Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Coa Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engines an Machinery, Varnishes, Glass, alwavs on hand, at low priomt ai, vv.ojbi a. vvs o I JilUK Saddler, we have Saddle irees, nuts, uuck ; ? les. Gig Trees, Pad Trees, llanea, all kinds and I every thing pertaining to the business, tor tale by J. It. UUB-H c u. SILVER'S WASH POWDER SAVES Time, Labor, Money. Makes WASHING A PASTIME AND MONDAY A FESTIVAL. Sold Everywhere. TRY IT. Address all orders to the Manufacturers ZIEGLER A SMITH, Chemlata and Wholesale Druggist. IS? Aorlk IhlrU (Mra-el, I'Uil'ss. November 2, 18W ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AKD BJATIONERY, Monthly Tim Book Drawing Books and Slate. Bocks, Hymn Books, Blank Books, Memorandum Books, Diaries, Pocket Books, Ink Stands, Pens, Pewils, a fin adsortment of Paper, Ink, Ac. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. SUNBURY BUILDING LOTS "IN J. W. CAKE'S Addition to the Borough of JL ounuury, lor oaie on reaaonani terms. Apply to Dr. R. H. AWL and, SOL. BROSIOUS, Sunbury, Pa. Or P. W. SHEAFER, PotUvill, Pa. Nov. 21, l6 STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 25 27 Broadway, XI. Y. Opposite Bowling Green, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. rIE STEVENS HOUSE Is well and widely known to th traveling publio. Th location is etpe- oially suitable to merchants and business men ; it Is In eluse proximity to tb business part of th city i a we nignway or Boutntrn ana w estern travel and adjaoent to all fthe principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The SXK Y ENS HOUSE has liberal aooommoJa Uoo fur over -OX) guest it is well furnished, and possesses every modern Improvement rur Ljia aom turt and enterUiument of jts lnntat-s. Th rooms are spacious aud well ventilated provided with gas ana waier tne attendance is prompt and respeottul and tb table is generously provided with very u-ju-evy vi iae -eason ai uoaera. rate. GEO. K. CHASE A CO., Prop'tr. May J5, 187 .-fin. Ar especially invited to eall and exami our (took oi uiub o lURunAti-, compruiog Nail and Spike of ail yarietie. Butts, Screws, Strap and T Hinge, Locks and Latche, Bolts, Plea- wnug iToweis, iirtck irowels, Plasterer's Sieve, Ae., Ao., for sal by J. M. -UniiBx A CO, PIAKU FOU NlLi:. HANDSOMX, Ine-toned, new, and prie low. laq-ir at thU Oflui. . f BREAKFAST SHAWLS, fur aala al Ui. Van.. Mm ii. r .. m U f A 1 1 I II T IM. If you ant good Tin-War. go u UJt.Nlil'.RSNewbhop SMITH d I Philadelphia F.rl Rallraa. U . "SUMMKR TIM TABLE. , .. , Taroagi ant dlreet rows Wten Philadelphia, Daiuraora, Jlarrtikara, Yi uuaanspen, aaa lb UresA uu negion ol ronnsytvania. , . ILEOAHT SLEBPlWa CARS ra all NtgM Trains. 6n and after Monday. Aoril 29th. lfiC?.the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will run is follows ! i ... , WastWAKo. ,. , Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, Knnhnr.. ' 7.00 p m. 2 45 a m 4.08 pin 12.00 noon . 0.35 p m 0.45 am 8.00 a m 4.15pm T.45 p m 10 SO Dm . Erie. Erie Eipreas leaves Philadelphia. " " Banbury " erratF.rl. Elulra Mail leaves Philadelphia, cunonrv " arrive at Look Havan. Buffalo Express leaves Baltimore " " " riunonry, arrive at Losk Haven, Eastward. 5.55 a m 11.50 am Mall Train leaves Erie 10.25am 11.53 am 7.00 am 5.00 pm 0.10 a m " " Pnnbory, 11 arr. at Pblladelnhia. Erie Express leaves Erio " ' Bunbury 11 arr. at Pblladelnhia. 1.00 pm 7.15 am Elmlra Mail leaves Look Haven. ' " " Sunbury, 1 11 arr. at Philadelphia. 10.25 am 5.40 p m 1 .50 p m 5.20 a m Lock Haven Aoe. leaves Lock Haven. " ' Sunbnry, " arr. at Philadelphia 12.50 am Mail and Express eonnect with all trains on War ren A Franklin Railway. Passengers leaving Phil. adelpnla at 12.00 M. arrive at Irvlneton at 0.40a m and Oil City at D M) a m. Leaving Philadelphia at 7.30 P. M., arrive at Oil Citv at 4.86 o m. All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway make close connections at Oil City with trains for Frank lin and Petroleum Centre. BAUUAME CHECKED THUOUUU. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent A NKW AKKIVAL OP SPRING AND SUMMER AT THE STORK OF J H EN GEL, Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, SUNBURY TUST received from New York and Philadelphia, e) a large supply of SPHINU AND SUMMER UOODS, whioh he will sell at small profits, for cash or country produce. His Dry Uoods department is full of every decorip tlon. A splendid line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS and White Uoods at all prices. Fancy Sacking for Ladies, and Shetland W Bhawls Yankee Notions in Great Variety Also, Ladies' French Corsets and Hoop Skirts. O .A- RPETS, Wove Floor Cloths, Stair Carpets Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Carnage uu (J loth, Table Oil Uloth Widow Shades, Plain Green and Brown Oil Cloth and Fixturosibr Windows. QBOCEHIB S , Mugnr, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Crackers, Spices, Salt Fish, Cheese, Ao. Queenswnre,Ula8Sware. splendid Setts of Tenwarc, at low prices. BOOTS & SHOES IN OBEAT VARIETY. Hats snd Caps, Oil, Paint, Ulatfs, Putty, School Books. Paper, Slates, Ao. HARD WARE. Shovels, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hinges and Screws. A Lnrge assortment of WALL PAPER aud Bor der, at all prices. All persons desiring to get good goods will please gn u utui a can. J. II. ENUEL. Sunbury,April 20, 1867. SPUING AND SUMMER MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. Just opening at the Storo nf Miaa LOUISA BHI3SLER. Sooth aide of Market Square, SUNBURY, Pa. MISS 6IIISSLER has just returned from the cities with a choice and fushiesiable selection of BONNETS, HATS, SHAKERS. SUNDOWNS, RISTOK1, COMET, AC, of the latest styles and patterns, to which she invites the attention of lady purchasers. Also, Misses and Children Hats of different varieties. A fine assortment of Ladles' Hosiery, Gloves, Fans Parasols, Bugle Trimmings, Flowers, Ribbons, Bel Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, Braid, Ladies' Neck Tics Dress Combs. Head Dresses, FANCY GOODS, Lbccs. Handkerchiefs. Lace Collars. Zephyrs. Buttons, and all goods found in a lady's furnishing .vtoro. Also, received an exoellont assortment ol Perfu mery, Toilet Soaps, Tooth and Hair Brulics, with a dinVrent variety of collars (paper and linen,) and Neck-Tics, Half-Hose, Suspenders, Ac, for Gentle men. A good assortment of Stationery. Thankful for past favors she hopes by a further dosire to please the public, the continuance of their patronage. LOUISA SH1SSLER. April 13, 1867. NEW GROCERY STORE, TP. 3. PTJP.MA1T & CO-, Market Street, Six doors East of Third street, north side, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY inform their friends nnd tho publio, that they have opened a -tST-EW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, ' i and will be happy to bav them call and I ami will 1ft Itannti -n hava lham oall . n their stock, which ha- iust been onened. eu.brao ing everything in th Grocery line, such as Coffee. Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Canned and Dried Fruits, Beans. Hominy, Cheese, Crackers, Bacon, Ham, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, etc., together with Soaps, Candles, Soda, Ao., and in faot everything In th Groceryand Provision. Line. FLOUR AND FEED, Queens ware, Willow-ware, Glasswsre, Conl Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ao. .all ana see oeiore purchasing elsewhere. W. S FURMAN A CO Sunbnry, April 17, 1SA7. MILLINERY GOODS -A-JM-D NOTI 1TS. Hill ANNA PAINTER, Market Square, two door west of the Post Office SUNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY inform her friondaand th publio. that she ha just returned from the eltv. wbere she has spent some time in making selections and purohases, and has just opened a large stock ot MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laoes, Dreas-Linings, Crinoline and Wl- gan Skirling Lining, Hovp Skirts, Bugle Trim ming, -rape irimmings, Hat Crape, Cloak Buttons, Corsets, Zephyr. A tare Su-nrtinent of Ladies and Gentlemen's Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A STATIONERY. DOLLS of all sises. Alphabet Blocks, Ao. Sb flatters herself in beinc able to make a dlsnla that will give enlire snlislau-ion to visitors, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. ounuury, nay , ibot. SPRIN G TKltS67." M. Ii. LAZABUS. WOULD respectfully eall th attention or th publie to her new assortment of SPRI1TG GOODS, In Dress Goods, Lawns, Delaine, Alapacae, Mohairs, A. Whit Goods, Cambrics, SwUs Nainsook, Jaconet, India-Twills, Brilliauts, and a variety of Garribaldi Muslins, New Style. Irctm Tflm-ulssir lit great variety, Ed (rings. Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Towels, Napkins. . Ladies and Gent' Linea Handkerchiefs, Parasols, Lao and Greenadin Veils, and a great variety of Notions too numerous to men tion. . . . kID GLOVESoftb very best quality. . . . M. L. LAZARUS. Sunbury, Hay 4, 187. - - . RECORD T0TO'MBD3 PERSONS having unrecorded Deads ar remind d that they must b reoorded, aooordiug to th Act of Assembly whloh require that 'All deed and conveyances fur real estate In this Commonwealth, shall be recorded in th office for Recording Deeds In th County wher th land li sfirAiB si tNonrAs after theeseoutionofsuoh deed and eonveyane; and vry such deed and convey, ane not recorded as aforesaid, shall be indaad FRAUDULENT AND VOID again any sob-euuVTl Snrohasw fur a valuabl eonsidaration unles such eed b nworded before tb recording of th deed or eooveyanos nder which rook subsequent puroha r or aiortgage shall elalm." ' CST Those having old Dd will proBt by paying strict attention to tb bov4. , r-rm Maruhia, l6tU Great; Attraction, new tin-Ware; MVce troik and St Httm 1 s-crisrB-cm"r,"-A.., Where they keep aonatantly M head aad snanafM tore to order at short notice. - ., , i TIN AND SHEET IRON-W ARI of elUesoriptlowe. They would especially eall the attention or fof ehasers to their large and well selected ttoek of ' COOK AND PARLOR 8T0VE3. The subscribers hay made arrancementa tn have all their best stoves mad to order, and those who would bav a good stove wonld do well to go and examine tueir large ana well seieoiea SWOB. First. They defy eompetitioa on the following tried Brands of Cook Stoves, vii : Comblstntioia 4Uae Ilairaer, Cook. Uevernor I'ennl'ook, : WABASH AND IRONSIDES. and the well known Antldust Cook Stov oalled SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. . Also. Parlor and offioe Stoves in areat variety em bracing all the best manufacture and most fashion abl designs, nnsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangements oombining oheapness, durability and eaon stove warranted to portorm what they are represented. Also, the celebrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers. Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, lb odebrated MORNING GLORY. Coal OH, Coal Oil Ijkinps, Nhadrn, Cliininlcn, nnd all artlcln usually kept in an establishment of this kind. Thoy are also prepared lo furnish Slate and do slating in tho best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting. Rnngo and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ao. Repairing neatly and eneapiy executed. Also i "laugh's) Itatr Hone fnp4rPlioi pliiilr.'1 Remember tho place. Sample nnd Sales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Store, Markot street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted. August 25, 1866. No more Btibl Haul,! No more Gnty IakIi! It . I. K .' ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, Is pronounoed by nil who have used it tho very best preparation for the Hair. It is a positive eure for i Baldness, eradicates Dandrun and Humors, stops the Hair from falling out, and speedily restores Gray Locks to their original hue and luxuriance Itoperutes on the secretions and tills the glands with new life and coloring matter. Thin, deud. Ifixled or gray hair will always be brought back by a lew applications, to lis youiuiui uounniuice, vnuiiiy and color. It makes tho hair soft, glosoy, frBgrtint, pleasant to the touoh and easy to arrange. Dry, wiry and intractable locks become moist, pliant nnd disced to remain in any desired position. As a Hair Dress ing it has no riiual. The sales are enormous and it is a universal tuvorite with old mid young of both sexes. Sold by Druggists throughout tho United Stntes. Address ull orders to ZIKllLKH A SMITH. Solo Proprietors, 1.17 'I'liird SI., IM-il'ii. November 21, IrttK!. ly. ioi'l !'' OiiIi-iiI Ituilvviiy . FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from Baltimore and Washington city. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, and Northern end Western Pennsylvania and New York. ON and after MONDAY, MARCH 11th. 1867, tho Trains of tho Northern Central Railway will run as follows : NORTHWARD. Mail Train leave Baltimore ft 30 a in " llarrisburg, 1 211 pm nrr at W.lliamspnrt, 6.25 pm Buffalo Express leaves lUltimora lO lOptu " H irrii-bur 2 05 a m " Elmira. Il.:i5 a m arr. Cannndnigun, HMD p m Fast Lino, loaves Baltimore, 12.10 pm " llarrisburg, 4.10 pin " Elmir.i, 1.15 am nrr. Cuniin.luigua, 4. ill) am Erio Express leaves Baltimore, 7.20 pm " llarrisburg, 2.05 a m arr at Erie, 7.00 am York and Harris- I loaves York, 7 10 a ui burg Accoiu. j arr. Harrixhurg; S.40 u ni SOU- 11 A It 11 Mail Train, leaves Willnimrport, Sin am 4 Hnrrisburg, I. .16 pin nrr. lit Baltimore, tl Ml) p in Buffalo Express leaves Cnnaniluiua, 2 00 j ui " Eliiiirn, -..".0 p ui " llarrisburg, 2.-0 a ui arr. at B illimorc, 7 00 a ui Part Line leaves Canmidaigua, 10.20 pm " Flmtra, 1 OS a m " Harrwhnrg, 0.20 a in arr at Baltimoro, 1.00 p ui York and Harris- I leaves Hurri-burg, - 05 p in burg Accom. arr. York fi .'t- p m Mail Train and Harrisburg Accommodation North nnd South will run duily, except Sunday. Elinirn Express North daily, and South daily, except Mon day. Cincinnati Express south will run daily except Sunday. Fast Line North arrives daily except Sundays. Elinira Express North leaves daily, and Erie press North loaves daily except Suliirdny. For further information apply at the Ticket Otlico in the Penn'vlvani Kailroud Donnt. I. N. Dt'BAKRY Gen. Siipt. Itt'iKliu-f ISiiilroad. SUMMER A R R A N U E M E N T . AprU 8th, 1807. GKEAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-Wont for Philadelphia, Nvw York, Read ing, Pottsville, Tamaiiua, Ashland, Lebanon, Atlen town, Ea-ton, Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster, Culuuibia, Ae., Ao. Trains leave llarrisburg for New-York, a fol lows : At 3.00, 8.10 and ..? A. M. and 2.10 and 0 00 P. M, connecting with similar Trains on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriring at New York at 5 00 and 10.10 A. M. and 4.40, 4. 20 and 10.25 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying the 3.00 A. M. and U till P. M. Trains, without change. Leave Uarrisburg for Kea ling, Pottsville, Taina qua, Minersville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allvnlown and Philadelphia at b. 10 A. M. and 2.10 and 4.10 P. M , stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations ; the 4.10 p in. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, loave llarrisburg at 3 20 . ui. Returning Leave New York at 0.00 a. in., 12.00 Noon and 6 00 and 8.00 p. m.; Philadelphia at 8 1 a. m. and 11.30 p. in. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., returning from Reading at -.30 p. m. stopping at all Stations ; Pottsville at 8.44 a. m. and 2.45 p. m.; Ashland 6.00 and 11.30 a. to. and 1.05 p.m.; lamaqua at t.45 a.m. aud 1.00 and 8 65 p. tu. Leave Pott-ville for Harrisburg via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7 00 a. m. Reading Acoommodation Train leave Reading at 7.30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 4 00 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Heading at 7.00 A. M., and t.lo P. M. for Ephrata, Litis, Lancas ter, Colombia, Ao. On Sundays : Leave New York at 8 00 p m., Phila delphia 8.00 A. M., and 3.15 P M. the 8.00 a.m. train running only to Ilea ting, Pottsville 8 00 a m., Uarriiiburir, 8.35 a m, and Reading at 1.20 and J 20 a. m, for Harrisburg, aud 11.22 a. in. for New York, and 4.24 p in. for Philadelphia.. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex oursion Tickets, at reduced rato to and from all points. Baggage eheoked through : 80 Poand Biggag al lowed each Passenger , O. A. NICOLLS, General SuperiuUndent' Reading, Pa., AprU 8, 1867. Lncltun auna 4k UloouiaburK Hall ri-U. ON and after Jan. 1st, 1867, Paasenger Train will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. A.M. A.M. Leav Seranton, 4.50 10 00 " Kingston, 6.45 11.20 P. M. 7.10 8.20 P. M. 4 40 "8 00 8 17 8 50 10 14 " Rupert, , , 20 Dauvill, 8 54 Arr. North'd., 10 15 NORTHWARD. Loav North 'd., 700 " Danville, 7 40 Rupert, ' 8 15 A. M. ' " Ki-geloo, . . 10 40 8.30 Arr. at Surantun, 12.00 0.55 Train leaving Kingston at 8.30 A M 114 P.M. 4 140 04 4 00 10 .14 . M. for Soran- ton.oonnaot with Train arrivmrat New York at t.20 Paas-ogen taking Train South from Soranton at 1.60 A. M. via Korthumberlaad, reanh Harrisburg 12 SO P. U., ttaluiaur 4.30 P. It., Washington 10.. 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. as. U. A. FONDA.Bp'l. Kingston, Jan. 19, 1887. , ' 'T'hllst--'ki Cartinxr. WJB weald -all tb aUeat-o of am aatiac IV Lbiid a uaactaga, loour aew aaa targe assort, aieseoooipruiag M nod beautiful style. J. 11. CONLEY A CO. NrEjW-;;G R 0;.C E.R Y. 1V1B mbwrliier kegs leave to annoono to tb eitiseus of Sunbury and .it vicinity, that they hay opened a NEW .GROCERY. Tito door vtsi of 'J.. Enyle1! Store, vt '"l .7 i) : Market SqUnr, When they nrtipTt4 to furnish yry yarlty t(4 grooerie, and will keep oetatly on hand th ehoioest varl.tle of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee, teas, Bngar, Molasses, Cheese, Salt Spice of all diseription, Soap of every variety Candle, Smoking and Chawing tobaooo, Segnrs. Hams, Shoulders, Bacon, Batter, and Eggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma toes. Piokels, Ketchnp, Pepper Sauo, Raisins, Lemons, Ae., of beet quality, and In fact every style of articles kept In a well stocked Grooery. Also uiaer vinegar. All Rinaa oi oountry produce cnaen in exchange. Th patronage of tb publie Is re peetfully solioited. Sanbnry, Noy. 11, 1865. BREAD & FANCY CAKES, ID-A.'VIID FRY Two door west of the Post Office, BUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY Informs the eitkens of Sun' bury and vicinity, that he will bnk to order' all kinds of . ,-. - Cukrtsibr Itiilln, lnrllri, A.v. Families ir supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twis Rolls, Hooks, Tea Buns, Ao., and also kept on banc? manufactured out of the best materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having had large experience I hope to glvo general satisfaction to all who may favor me witr their patronage. DAVID FRY. Sunbury, Deo. 9, 186t. HI. C. I.AKHAltT' Confectionery, Toy and PRTJIT STORE Mnrkrt Street, Knnbnry, ln. CONFECTIONERY OF AIL VINDS,- TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, (10NSTANTLY on hand and for sale nt tne nbnv j establishment atwholesale and retail, at reascn able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confcetionaries to keep up a full assortment which are sold at I fw rates. Tobacco, Scgars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whioh are oSeted wholesale and retail. ljf Romember the name and plane.. J9T1 M. C. (1EAR11ART, Market street, 3 doorsirest of E. Y. Bright A Sou store. Sunbury. Sept. 1. lSGII. tf BSiifii h amain -Mil, STORE. Y. A. UENNlT, .MorKrl Squnre, SIMM ICY, HAVING recently purchased the Drug Stor forniiTly conducted by H. A Fisher, I lu.jg leave to intorin the oitiinns of Sunbury and vi cinity, that I have entirely replenished my stock of a o r FANC-ST ARTICLES ! such as Combs, Brushes, Poi'kct-Books, Soups, Vvf fuinery, Hair-Oil. Knives, Scissors, Coal-Oil Lamp-, Tobacco and Cigars, lalisiH, ilw, ;iue, 1um, l'-iillv, Viii-iiIhIm-h, IIltOllt .Vloslis ilK'M, V-. All my Tinctures, Syrups, Ointments. Cerntes. iiinl other preparations nio inanuliictured by inyself, ams from tho beet material I can procure in Market. Having had quite a number of years' experience in tho Druij ami Preerijitiua Bttniiic., both in Philadelphia and the country, and also the advantage of the College of Pharmacy, I feel coin potent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS' that the Physicians and publie may favor me ith. All my preparations as 1 have above asserted, rc made from the best material, and npon honor I assi-rt, they are of otticinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I kucpon hand the very WINKS. 1M.YXD1KS AND LUiUOKS, that I enn procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, cult and convince your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. Sunbury. Nov Iti, 1805. NEW MARBLE YARD! 'I'liird MrsTt. ."-tit of Hie l'iot, BUNIJUKY, I'KNN'A., j Wl, HUSH, Proprietor. MONUMENTS. Tomb-idoiics, and Ornamental and Plaiu Work in Marble promptly executed at the lowest prices. The subscriber having had experience iu the .-.t esinuiisuiueuts ot i niladeipiiiti, lecls coiindcnt beinj ut'lc to turn out the heal sivle of work. A. 11. RUSH. Aont April 20, 13fi7. SUNBURY FOU.NDRV. iilA. ICOlllCllACEl V r0., ARE now carrying on business at this old estab lishment with r council vigor. Caflinjjs of every desciiptiuu, promptly furnbhi.i to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry havi acquired the highest reputation. i'unieulur attention paid lo MILL CASTINGS Farmers should not forget that the PLOWS inaili at th Sunbury Foundry have never been equalled Agricultural implements repaired at short notice Small castings, including Cookiug utensils, .ft tin most improved and most useful patterns. The business will be conducted on an fnlarc. icalu. Old customers will beacoonimodated i ucual and new ones are respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, 1806 FLOUR "FLWsTOIU WHOLESALE AND HE TAIL. ItHE subscriber raspecifully informs the puhl . that he keeps constantly on hand nt his lie WAREHOUSE, near th Shamokin Valley Kiiitrnn Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by the barrel and sad of all kinds of Feed by the ton The above is all manufactured at his own Mill and will be sold at the lowest esab prices. J M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, April 1, laA' 4-ool iicms for Mother.! MOTHER8, are you oppressed with anxiety 1 your little one? Are your slumbers ai hearts broken by their rie ' Do you awake J a t morning unrefresbed and apprehensive '. If so, pi eure at once a bottle of Dr. Leons' Infant lleuie. aud you will have no more weary hours ot watclii aud anxiety. k. it.o;i i.-wM.vr m:.x ha stool th test of years. Thousands ol nui" uiolhen bear witness that it neve fails to give o . if used in season. It is a mild, yet sure and i to euro lor Colio, Crauip and Windy Pains, aud is valuable fur oil uiupiaiuUinoklcut to Teething. Sold by Druggist throughout the United Stat Address all order to ZIEGLER A SMITH. Sole Ppropriuttvis 137 North Third Ntrt-rl, IMiU'u ' November 24, ' .8-0 ly THE follow ire persons ar entitled to receive inerease ot Bounty under th Act of Cungi passed July 16&6, lo equalise Bounties. 1st All soldier who enlisted after the 10th dii; April, 18AI, for 3 years, and served their lino enlistment and have been honorably discharged, i bav reoeived or aro atitled lo receive a Houni; 100, ar antitled an additional Bouuty of st 1 1 2d All wofe soldiers who enlisted for 3 years, i hav been honorably dt-charged on account wound reoeived in the line nf duty, are entitle, an additional Bouoty of I WO. . MThs Widow, Minor Children, or Parents soldiers who died in th service of aounds or due ulitled lo an additional Bouuty of . By application to S. P. WOLVERTON. 11 Stmavar, Pennsylvania, who is an authorised U Agent, all suuh elaims ean be speedily ooll-cltA Sunbury, August 4, 2800 K . MOON i LAMrtlEAR, No. 9 aud A I'ssltou Murk NEW YOltK, WHOLHSAXB IAI.Uli A SUIFf1 of U kind of All orders puuotually stunted to. February M, l-67.-u. of