Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 17, 1867, Image 3

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aocal .2lffa(rs.v
ArroiRTiiNT. We loam that P. M. Mendel,
Esq., of Uiif plaoe, baa been been appointed Inspoc
tor of Refuted Coal Oil for this (14th) Congressional
llistrlct. . - .
' Hair. We have bad mvoral heavy ahoworf of
rale, laat week, wbleb were greatly Deeded. Tbe
tint of these, however, did not extend touch beyond
he town.
Iscomki. In our last issue we published a list
purporting to be the Incomes of the poraona named
in exooaof 1 1,000. Tbe Burnt tinted are not the
inootnos, but only fire per cent, on the amount of
incomes over and above f 1,000.
Axotuxr KoBinr. The bouae of Mr. William
Reed, lu Upper Augusta townahip, wh entered on
Sunday laat, while tbe family were all absent at
eburah. Tbe thieves got about 1 in money, Jew
dry worth about f 20 or $30, and a silver watch.
M'a regret to learn that Chat. Weaver, Esq., the
obliging olerk to the County Commissioner, who
Yib.1 Mvari alijuik of BHnlvflia Dtl TuMhlav of laRt
week, I but little if any better. He is at the house
of hi daughter, Mrs. L. J. Wright, and there are
but faint hopes of hia recovery. .
La viae or A Corrrr Brovc. The corner atone
of the new Lutheran Church, at Milton, will be laid
to-morrow (Sunday) at 10 o'clock, A. M. Rot. Dr.
Ziegler is expected to proeeh the eermoo on the oc
casion, and will be assisted in the laying of the cor
ner stone by other clergymen from abroad.
Attrmfvrd Burglary at Shamokih On Mon
day night of last week an attempt was mado to rob
the Northern Central Railroad office at Bhamekin.
An entranoo was effected by pushing up tbe sash of
a window in tbe front office, but the burglars wore
frightened olfbofore they had time to oporato upon
the safo, or disturb anything in the office.
A Fiki Br vrraor .Messrs. Drobst A Hole, of
this plaoe, are at present bottling tSanaparllla, Min
eral Water, Porter and Ale, of a superior quality,
and are supplying their customers at low rates.
Persons desiring any of those wholesome drinks will
do well to call at this establishment. They will get
a good artlole, and at the samo lime patronise homo
industry. See their advertisement in another col
umn, i
Tssj mahkets are well supplied, at present, with
vegetables. The war priooa are still maintained on
some artioles, but time is gradually bringing down,
commodities to more reasonable rates. Market cars,
with provisions, make us regular visit, but offer no
inducements by way of reduction of prioes, and in
many instances sell the same artioles at higher ratoa
than our grocers, who certainly are entitled to a
Accikbhts. John Artor and brothor, while dri
ving a pair of horses, were thrown out of their wa
.goo, a few days since, in Upper Augusta township.
John's log was fractured, besides other injuries sus
tained by himsolf and brother.
A child of John Hull, of Snydortown, fell from
uppor part of a born to the floor, and was so-
ously injured. Both cases were under tho treat-
nent of Dr. R. II. Awl, of this plaoe.
Catkin. There wore no less than sixty criminal
aos for trial on the calendar during the recent torm
r court at this place. This shows an alarming in-
lease of criino in the county. Our District Attor-
Jcrcmiah Snyder, Esq., bas lis blinds full
criminal business, and wo learn that ho was com-
Imentod by the oourt for bis promptness in having
I bills of indictment ready for tho Grand Jury, fur
speedy trial of all offenders of tho law.
loall the attention of our formers to the advor-
uont of Mobsrs. Torrington & Ilodgkins, monu-
srers of Super-Phosphate of Limo, in another
f he result of trials made by a Inrgc num-
' farmers provo It to bo the best manure In the
et. We advise all our farmers to use it this
i their wheat, as we are confident that they
rce with ns in Faying It is indued the great
Liuibcrlond couuty fortilizcr, end canuut bo
; of the oitizen of bliamokiu was recently
devise moasuros for the suppression of the
liquor traffic carried on in that place, and lor
per enforcement of the law regulating its
bo different towns of the commonwealth.
littoo of thirteen prominent oiliiens of tho
appointed to find out and report to the
all persons who sell liquor without li
labuso the privileges granted them by soll-
uday, and to minors.
ftoniRBY o tan CovRtr TnRAstiRV. On Rnn
day night last lb office of John Farnsworth. Ksq.t
the County. Treasurer ,i was forcibly entered and
robbed of 9U0, which was deposited In the money
drawer of hi table. Mr. farnsworth keeps hi
funds la Bankf bat this sum had been paid after
banking hours, and Wat placed la the drawer afore
said, although Ui Treasurer has at command a fine
vault, hud In which thsrs Is an excellent sale. : The
robber or robbers evidently had soma knowledge
that Mr. F. had received and left the money in the
drawor. . The Treasurer's eBoe b In the Court House,
Immediately opposite tho Commissioners' office.
Tho eutrnnco was effected through a window of the
arbitration room, adjoining and unoccupied, opening
into the yard, and hlch had been left open. The
door in tho partition, leading Into a oloset, was
forced, though unlocked, sudor tho Impression that
it lod Into tho Treasurer's room. , .The door leading
into tho hall was (hen forced by mean of crowbars.
When oneo In the hall, the door of the Treasurer's
office was forced lu tho same way, and suoh was tbe
force usod that the brass bolts of the locks Were bent
before an entrance was effected. '
i , m ee j 1 1 ,i
Tb RoLUifa Mill at JfoRTncMBRRLAsm. We
take the following from the fililtouian, of the 0th
Inst. : "On Thursday morning Inst a most impor
tant event in the history of Northumberland took
place. On that morning tho Bret bar of iron ever
mado In that borough was rolled in tho new rolling
mill erected by Van Allen & Co., and ownod by
Messrs. Van Allen, Leslie and Vohrtos. - The mill is
not yet In full operation, but it is expected Uio re
maining portion of the work will soon be completed.
Fifteen uail machines will soon be put in oporation,
and It Is thought a furnaoe will, at no distant day,
be erected in conjunction with the rolling mill. The
lattor establishment, vhon completed, will havo
cost $100,000, and will bo of vast iinportnnco te the
future growth of our neighboring borough. Kor
thuuibcrland possesses one of the finest locations for
a place of considerable Importance, both as regards
mechanical and commercial pursuits, to bo found
anywhere io tho State, nnd Us growth has only boon
retarded by the penny-wise doctrine practiced here
tofore by some of thoso holding the majority of tho
land in the vicinity. It is to be hoped that tho im
petus now given it will result in eventually placing
it in the front rank of flourishing boroughs in the
Koystono Stato."
t i
KoBTUcnacRLAitn Cot sty Aork ilti iial So
cictt. A mooting of the agricultural society of
Northumberland county was held in the Court
House, in this place, on Monday, fllh lust., at which
the following business was transacted :
On motion of P. L. Uackenburg, Vv . C. Lawson,
Esq., was chosen President of the meeting, and
W. Tharp, Esq., Secretary. Tho following reso
lutions were thun offered by P. L. Hockcnburg, and
adopted :
' Resolved, That the Librarian of our Northumber
land Co. Ag. Socioty is heroby authorised to draw
the sum of 1 20 out of any monies in the Society's
treasury, for tho Purpose of purchasine suitable
books on agriculture, as the ooiuuienoomcnt of a li
brary ror tne pociety 's uso.
HfnulveJ, That tbe donation? of books on agricul
ture are earnestly solicited and will be thankfully
received by the Librarian, for the Society's use.
Mauy of our chitons linvo works en agriculture,
fruit growing. Ac that they cnu easily puro nnd
these, when donated, would be very usdul to the
HiMiveJ, That J. V. Vtolfingcr, Lcua.1 Stout nnd
Aaron Hcbcr are hereby appointed delegates lo rep
resent Nuithuniborlund couuty at the annual meet
ing of the Trustees of our Pennsyh auia Agricultural
Collego, in September noxt, with power to nppuint
substitutes in case of their own inability to attend
said meeting.
The following persons were then elected oilicers of
tho society for the present yenr : President, V. C.
Lawson, Esq.; Vico Presidents, John 1!. Packer,
W. I. tireonough, Wui. Waldrou, W. II. Kvmorcr
and A. K. Kapp ; Recording Secretary. 1. L. Hack
enburg; Corresponding Secretary, J. F. Wolffngcr.
On motion it wns agreed to hold an agricultural fair
at Milton, this fail, tho time and place to be ar
ranged, and the L'xccutiv e Committer to be appoint
ed by tho ofiicoit of the Society.
I,tr amy use tuko the troubto to iu'iuirc, and
they will ascertain that the eitjra ings now being
given nwiiy by the YViniliingUin Library Com puny,
of Philadelphia, to those who purchase one or more
shares of stock in aid of the Riverside institute are
Worth moro at retail by tidy per cei.t. than nluel is
paid for the stock. J!esidct this, every share of
stock will be accowptu.icd by a present at the great
Geo. A. Cooke & Co., Bankers, 3X South Third
Street, Philadelphia, arc receivers of nil the funds,
and their name is an assurance of the integrity and
reliability of the Company, which it organized for
a good purpose, which should not be oniil'omulod
with tho bogus concerns that infest tho country.
K. F. Light mr is the authorized agent for .Sunbury
and vicinity, itoad tha advertisement.
kiDOits. We noticed, ecvoral weeks since,
Ition of the iron bridge over the stream at
end of Sin tot street, in this place. Tbe
) far, appears firm, substantial and woll
the purpose Intended, and as it Is con-
lirely of iron, excepting the fl,xirlng, it
i end prove more economical than any
ige. Mr. T. W. H. Moscly is the
hd furnishes the material In sections
ready to put up. from their manufactory. '-The Iron
Bridge & Roof Company, Boston, Mass."
PaaasvLVANtA Stat Fair. Our Stato Fair
will be held, this year, at Pittsburg, on Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 24th, S5tb,
26th aud 27th days of September next. Eleven of
its judges huve been selected from our count v, vis
Amos K Kapp, Joseph Bird, Joseph Vankirk, David
Taggart, John McFarland, Horaoo E. Kapp, 6. A
Itirkenbiue, John Devers, Jesse C. Ilorton, P. L
Hackenberg and J. F. Wolfiugor. Three of those
gentlemen are chairmen of their respective commit
tees, vis : Messrs. A. E. Kapp, on cows, Taggart, on
oiiler mills, and H olungor, on fruit.
Do Sharks Charm Biro ? A week or two since
two gentlemen, visiting the farm of Mr. Charles Col
J ins, about two miles north of Northumberland, were
attracted to a certain shrub by the distressed cry of
cat bird, hovering near it. Approaching, they dis
covered a large black snake with hi body twined
around the shrub, while hi extended bead wa fol
lowing every motion made by the bird, which con
tinually drew nearer and nearer to the suake.
Neither bird nor snako appoarod to uotioe tho pre
euoe of the gentlomon, though they approached
very near, while the boad of the snake glowod with
n unnatural brilliancy. Tbe exciting aoeno was
terminated when tho bird was only some six inches
from the snake's mouth by lodging the content of a
shot gun in the head of his snakosbip, wheat hi hi'
tonded victim, relieved from bis influence, Immedi
atoly flew away.
TR ExniBiTioa or Tablbaux, Ac Tho enter'
talnmontsatthe Masonio Hall, gotten up by a number
of the young ladles and gentlemen of this place, for
the benefit of the fire department, came off on Wed
nesday and Thursday evenings last. The exhibitions,
which consisted of series of Tableaux and Charades,
wore well worthy of an appreciative company and
audience, and reflected groat credit on the ladle
and gentlemen engaged in this enterprise. When
srs say tbe tableaux were got up with admirable
ekill and taste, we do not mean it as an ordinary
compliment, fur we have never seen thorn excelled
ny where, an opinion eoneorrea la by ellprosont,
napable of appreciating artistic skill. Tbe charade
were also well performed, and were worthy of tho
task, talent and enterprise of the young ladies and
sentUmen of Sunbury. Tbe orchestra was composed
of number of our best amateur performers, and
he niusie wasofa character that did great credit
to ttxtr skill and taste as musicians
Com. vs. Mnses Wagner. Cnttlng and removing
landmarks. Yerdk-t, guilty, Fined 30, and to be
Imprisoned fire daya In the county Inil.' I
Com. vs. Thomas Donley and Ldward Davis.
Robbery and larceny. No guilty.
Com. vs. Patrick Kynn and Dennis O'Neal. Ma
tlclnusnilsrhief, John Myors, prosecutor. Vordiot,
guilty. Fined $& and to be Imprisoned three months
la county jail.
Com. vs. Isabella Slack, alias Isabella Tony.
Nuisance, exhibition of person and drunkonnoss.
Verdict, guilty. Sontonood to imprisonment in jnll
for six menths.
Com. vs. Kdward Dress. False pretense. Tho.
Burkon, prosecutor. Continued to next term.
Com. vs. BonJ. Bonntx. Assault and battory.
Cloorgo Bastion, prosecutor. Continued to next
Com. vs. Patrick Molloy. Assault and battery.
Verdict, guilty,. Fined I0. . ,
Wn. Aunkst vs. Win. Allen. Slaudor. Vordict
for dofondant.
J. K. Haekonburg vs. Supervisors of Turbut twp.
Tha plaintiff su Herod a nonsuit.
L. Balllot A Co. vs. Charles Koch. Apponl from
Judgment of Justice of tbe Peace to Court. De
fendant nonsuitod. - -
KlisaSheror vs. Hiram Shcrer, administrator of
Hiram Shorer, doo'd, Summons In dobt. Vordiot
for plaintiff for the sum oi t Wi 10.
Thomas Swonk vs. Alex. II. Blair. Ejectment.
Vordiot for plaintiff for $105 03.
Tho allowance for prisonors' board was ohnnged
from 30 to SO oonts per day.
Uafoli Irliilfsnr. Having received a
Urge supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new
styles, Posters, Handbills. Circulars, Cards, Letter
Heads, Bill Hoods, Labols, Ac, can bo printed In
the latest and boat stylos, and on short notice.
Orders by mail promptly attonded to. ' 1
Tor Saw Rules or Court, regulating tho prac
tlco of the Court in tha 8th Judicial District of
Pennsylvania, composod of the counties of Northum
berland, Lycoming and Montour, have been pub
lished by us. andaro now for sale at tho Amrri
car office. Those who have not yet subscribed oan
obtain copies by applying immediately.
A Wrstrrk paper thus hits off a late and popular
fashion : "The attention of tho police should be di
rected to Pant A. Loon. lie's tight on tho streets
daily awful tight." Any number of these "tights''
oan be scon daily in the streets of Sunbury, and they
are turned out from Shaeffer's Tailoring Establish
ment, Market square, where every body can be "suit
ed"' very cheaply.
Although every individual may not be positively
Interested in tho various changes that are taking
placo, not only In Sunbury, but throughout the
oountry, yet every gentleman of tasto cannot fall to
be interested in the fashionable 8ummcr Suits mado
at the Continental Clothing Bataar, Markotsquarc.
The Continental is fuuioui for its good and ohcap
The late Artemus Ward, while lecturing in a
wostorn town, uttered scathing maledictions on it.
His agent took $2.87 at the door, while Artemus took
the monsels, inside. This is one of Ward's "goakr,"
but we can assure the pnblio that wo are not joking
when we tay that Thacher, of tho Fbrst National
Boot aud Shoe Store, in Pleasants' building, Market
square, has tho best and cheapest stock that can be
seen anywhere.
Tnn Krv: Isaac Ajker, Pastor of tho Beaver
Btrool MothodU Churoh, In Alloghony, Ta., state
that he has boon permanently cured of Dyspepsia,
aftor" 14 yoars suflorins:. bv tho use of Coo's Dvsnen-
sla Cure. This Is but one of a llinuflnml ttrtin h ki
had the same experience.
Thkrr are few persons living who would cement
for a given sum to part with their hair and forover
woar a wig, or even consent to have this glory of the
body changed from Its natural bus to the oolor that
marks ago and doeay. Yet thousands, for a,hut of a
simple remody within their reach, are booonilntr
liruuinwreij onm ana grey, "UoUOtt's Vogetnblo
Hair RostorotivQ" Is a sure preventative, costs but a
trifle, and will work wonders with your porsoual ap-poarance.
'i'i:uitit'Mj o."!i.i;aii'i'.
Now is tho season for thoso huge black swarms of
flios, that so torment man and boast. -
will make aolean sweep of them every hfot will
kill a quart. Beware of bno Imitation, which
some may say sro "just as good." There is nothing
at all comparable with it.
Sold olsowhero. 1'rioo Six Conts.
Jul27,18B7. 4t
HELMDOl.D'S K.XTIt ACT HCCIIU sisl I mpr. ,-,!
tlosn Wash cures fcccrul and uirulr !iHor'tt-ra in nil thfir
stages, at little expense, little 01 ito f'hnnp,i in ,lirt, m, in
eonvcniencenntl no exposure. It is pl,n,it in Inst" n"l
rslor, imtneiiuiie in its actum, nuit f;co from nit Inju
ious pr ip. rtiei. ml2'A I)
Chronic niacnoon, 8c-ofuln, ITlrov, no.
It is woll known that thn In-nofils derived from
drinking of the Cokiirks. StnATonA. ami other
colebratod Springs is principally owing to tho lodino
they contain.
contains lodiue in the same pure state that it is
found in these spring waters, but over 60(1 per cent,
more in quantity, containing as it does II grnlra to
oach iluiu ounce, dissolved in pnrn water, without a
solvent, a discovery Ion" sought for in this country
and Eitropo. and is tho best remedy in tho world for
Surofula, Cancers, Halt Rheum, Ulcers, and all
Chronic Diseases. Circulars free.
J. P. DINSMOKE, Proprietor, 36 Dcy Street.
NewTnrk. Sold by all Drugeisls. jy27-lt
COLCi.''!? A. Vlt.'S
T manufactured front PURE
MATERIALS, nnd may bo
considered the STANDARD OK
EXCELLENCE. For sale by
all (irocors.
May 18, 1867. ly.
Certificate from His Exoellency, I'm id R. Porter,
E-(Jovoruor of Ponnsylrauia :
liARiiisiiuno, P., 1)oo. 7, 18flil.
I have bad oociuion louse It AilTER S ZINU ARI
BITTERS in my family, aud fouud them very efli
cacious in nil disorders of tho bowels. 1 have re
commended their ttso also to friends in New York,
whero they have been found to produeo tho same
effect. Evory fuuiily would do well to bavo a sup
ply at all tiiuctfonhuiid. DAVID R. PORTEU.
NlAOVEllTlSEMEXTS. ! WashinSton Ibrary Co.
MVII? sulooribors respeolfnlly Inform the oilirens
.L Of Northttmbcrland county, thit they ate now
Prepared lo furnish LIMEnfa snprrior (U,il:t.y to
nrmers and Builders. Also, LIAlli-SlnXK liom
tne celebrated Llmo-Stono (Jnarrie of l,wrr .Vlahn
noy townthip, at. short notice and at wmaldo rnlu.
The above will be delivered hi any Hnilrettd sla
tlon along tho lino nf tlto dilleicnt ' railroadJ lie;i
Thore Kilns are locale,! at 111." !:!'nn 'Kin V.tlb y
Railroad, near Sunbury, nltevo ciuvrs wilt be
promptly filled. ,
Ordora are rofpcolfiillv sollcltrd.
Add.ess. J.'ll. LKMitlt A. URO..
August :i, IH07. Siinbnrr, Pa
NoUc lo 'IVik-Iici-n mul IMrsrlfr.
TllKrXl!INA'riONSfi.rtho pruci t jrta- will
bi held as follows ;
y.crhotwp., Monday. Aug. Ml:li--Trernrtip. S. 11.
Ml. Cnrnial W. and tn , It fjiie'ilsv, Aitir lt
Jtoavetd.iloM. II
Shainnkin bor. and Cont twp, Tlurlar.
22d Shamokm. !. II.
Sutibury nnd tfppev Au;:nrtn tup , Mjt.d:iv
2lith Sunt-.tirv
Milton and Tuthut twp , tVcdncsd'tv, Ait"
.Milton. '
Lower .vlahanoy twp., Kri lnv
Upper .Muhnnoy twp., Moi oi
old spin I.
RuA Itvp. n,l Jenrhait li
4th- Itiisblonn S. II.
Lower Ainrustn twp, PrMnv.
Shomokin twp , Monday, bejd
!J. 11.
McKwrnsvllln and lM.wnro 1-p.. Wrdue.-ilay,
Sept. Illh sinking Spritig-S. 11
Turbutvillo and Lewis Inn.. Tlmi-Map. Nii t. 12h
Point twp., Monday. Nepl. Kliti-. H. 'n :'.
Chilijtiun pin, M lmsda . -i-t 1 il.-Nr;l jiu
. 11.
A 112.
, Au. "O'h-tleors.
y, Pej t, Id-P.cisci's
'.. -dny. Sip!.
II I,-
C,h -Xi ni
bury. Sept. 2tb. tVt. th. I Mb ntvl l-tli. f,.r the
accommodation of such teach, m ihi 'i as Here io.w
ti'rrfy f':i.-.-,.V to nttond the rry'ttlir cx-imitintioi.- .
Private exnininnli"Ms are diicouiiimo.t, Kxitiuh,n
tions will invariaMy eomnn iicu at j rienn'.y i-'J -clock,
A. M. l'ireclt'iv me eannviiy rcipiiv-h-'t to
bo present during Hie evaminalimi? and lit the close
of the exerclws .4olet their leachers.
l. W. HAl'PT. Couuly SuporiiitemUiit.
August 3. I sti7. --."it
Soniotliin Xcm !
Fiiut'iKOixas or Colbt. Court rc-assembled on
Monday last, Hon. Alex. Jordan, President Judge,
and Associates Shipman and Bidlispaeli on tho
Bench. The following is a continuation of the pro
ceedings publishod in our lust isMic :
Coin. vs. Hugh IMnn, John Wilson, Michael Lamb
and Win. West. Larceny. Hill ignored, Ucorgo
Martin, prosecutor, failing to appear.
Com. vs. Dnuicl li. toy. Selling liquor to minors.
Verdict, guilty in maimer aud lonu ha indicted iu
first, third and fourth counts uud not guilty on the
Com. vs. Lewis C. Cropland. For. and bus., Juno
Culhouu, prosecutrix. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced
to pay a line of $20 lo Ovonuvrs of tho Pour of Alt.
Curuiel township, cosu of prosocutiou, Hud lo pay to
the prosecutrix fi2 for expenses and uiaintcuauceof
child to tbe present tinio, and also to pay $1 per
week for tho child until it sUall hnvu attained tho
age of live years.
Coin. vs. Jlcnry blrotieeKer. tlosertlon. cen
lonced to pay $i per week fur tho inaiiiionaneo of
i'oungest child until ol hot-wise urdeied, and to be
mprlsoned iu tile couuty jail until seutuuea it com
plied m ith.
Cum. vs. Hugh McCuen. Assault and battery
with intent to kill. Tho projccului l'ailod lo appear
and the bill was ignored.
Coin. vs. Uuarlua ilumcy. Burglary and larceny.
Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to pay a hue of ti, coats
of prosecution, to restore stoluu proporty lo owuer
it not already restored, or puy mm lull value there
for, and undergo imprisonment iu the Eastern Peni
tentiary fur two years.
Com. vs. Levi 'J ruckcnmiller Bigamy. Bound
Ovor to uppuar at next term.
lOin. vs. JJenjiuuin iiouaricks. luxlcmeanor.
Bound over to appi-ar at next term.
Coui. vs. Mary Hopen ell. Assault and battery.
Bill ignored.
torn. vs. John I'olan. Assault and battery. Hill
ignored. Pi trick Maluy, prosocutor, to pay costs.
Coin. vs. Joseph lionir. Sollini; liouor to a minor
when drunk. Bill Ignored, and Dauiol Michael,
prosecutor, tu puy the costs.
Com. vs. Ucorgc Eckert. Selling liquor on Sun
day. Bill ignored, and M'm. Henry, prosecutor, tu
pay costs.
Com. vs. Harriet Wilkerson. Assault and bat
tory. Bill ignurod, and Hebocea V) erliug, prosecu
trix, to pay costs.
Com. vs. Charles Wilholm. Assault and battory.
Bill ignored. Poter Uaughawout, prosecutor, fur
Com. vs. John B. Davis. Larcony. Bill Ignored.
Levi Albright, prosecutor, to pay costs.
Com. vs. Daniel aud Adam Powers. Larcony.
Bill ignored, and Win. U. Ilurrold, prosocutor, to
pay eusts.
Com. vs. PatrlokOarman. Assault and battory.
Bill ignored, and Thomas Couuell, prosecutor, to
pay cost.
Com. vs. Frederick M. Dinner. False pretense.
Bill Ignored, aud J. V. and 0. V. Tarry, prosecu
tors, to pay costs.
Com. vs. James H. Vandyke Selling liquor to
drunkards. Bound ore.- to appear at next term.
Com. vs. Michael Caligan. Assault and battory.
True bill. Did not appear. Bail forfeited.
Com. vs. William Engelman. Selling liquor to
druukards. Bill Iguoreu.
Coin. vs. Same. Keeping a gaiubliug house.
lull Ignoreu.
Coin. vs. Jacob Roeder. Attempt to pass coun
terfeit inunoy. Bill ignored.
Com. vs. James Rodgnrs. Shooting, with Intent
to kill. True bill. Did not appear, and bull was
forfeited. -
Coin. vs. John I'arner. Assault and battory.
Bill ignored.
Com. vs. 11. B. Foy. Keeping a gambling house.
Vordict, guilty. Seutoneod to pay a fine of f'ii and
lurprisonuiont in the county jail for 20 days.
Com. vs. B. Myers. Aasuult and battery. Did
not appear. Bail furfoitod.
Cum. vs. 8. Temploton. Selling liquor to a ha
bitual drunkard. Verdict, nut guilty, but to pay
the oasts.
Com. vs. Juhn MoCroery and E. McCroery. De
fendants to pay the oasis, and bound over to keep
the pcaoe.
Cum. vs L. Rennix Scandal. Sentenced to pay
cost and bound ever to keep the peace
A Talk. It has lately been remarked that tho
gcntlcnicu of Sunbury all appear so R oll nnd fash
ionably drcssod. This Is always the case when gen
t lemon order their suits from John E. Smiok's Tai
loring Establishment, on Fourth street. - All who
h.ivo neglected tu replenish their wardrobe can
I'ctulih be accommodated at Smick's.
Josh Bu.mkus suys that a good way for a man to
train up a child In the wny it should go. was tu travel
thul tray oicasiuuully himself. One of tho cxauiplos
he should place beforo his children is to buy his
Hoots and Shoes where money will bo saved In ma
king the purchase ; such a place, for instance, as
Millet's Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, iu Market
Square, whore there Is an elegant assortment of all
the latest style and of the very best material, at
low prices.
fr you want to make money, go to J. O. Beck's
Tailoring Establishment, on Fourth street, and pro
cure your garments. Ills last lot of Summer gurfds
go off like "hot cakes. '' Beck sells cheap and multcs
up good suits. His grctttaim, in giving satisfaction
to all. is one reason why he succeeds so well. All
who deal with him once uro euro to go tho second
Likk Ixm iiam'E. -Tho rolief from anxiety af
forded by Lifo lusuraneo Tory frequently contrib
utes to prolong tho lifo of the insured, at tho same
tiiuu that it materially augments tho couifort aud
well-being of thoso dependent upon kiui." Ac
CnHoeh'i Com. Dir.
Jacuii Shipman, I'ire and Life Innuranre Agent,
Sunbury, 1'n.
"Sxci-he vnx Km i,o w, nn thk Substancr
Fapks.'" If any of our readers should want a
beautiful and lifu-liko Photogriiph, or pictures of
any sixo or stylo, and on any kind of material, we
would advise them to go to the Photograph Uallery
of S. Bycrly, in Simpson's building, Market street.
Br.nnsTiiK.ssER. Third street, opposite Urn Masonio
Hall, the successful Photographer, makes pictures
in all stylos of tbe art. PcrsonB ore requested to
give him a call beforo going tdsewhoro.
Whek you want cheap and good Photographs
Borgstrcsser's Uallery, Third slroet, opposito tho
Masonic Hall, is the place tu resort to. Six cards, or
one larc Photography for $1.60. Duplioatos, 25 to
SU conts.
Tun WoitLO A Ko u no a A Ball. The heading
of this article is but an expression, so far as wo are
concerned, but in scieuco and in the discoveries of
Columbus, argues much. Had Ferdinand been as
kindly toaard Columbus as Isabella was, Columbus
would have received more gratiludo; thus, In a
pleasant way, wo wish to oonvinee the public that
S. Faust, at his fluhionable Hat and Cap Emporium,
is daily contributing to thoir advautage in furnishing
the boot, handsomest and cheapest goods, in bis line,
that oumo to this place. Call and examine the la
test styles aud largo assortment.
Xo t'oilHllllipllVO.
Tho advertiser, having been restored to health in
a few weeks by n very simple remedy, after having
suil'ercd for several years with a sovcro lung nlfuc
tinu, aud that dread dlseusc. Consumption is anx
ious to make kiionu to his l'cllow-ulfercis tho means
of cure.
Tu all who desire if, ho will send a crpy of the
prescription used (tree of charge.) with the direc
tions for preparing nod u?iu? I lie same, which thoy
will liad a suro cure for CoxsXMrnoN. Asthma.
liiioNriiiTis, Col oils, Corns, and all Thront and
Lung Affections. Tho only uhject of the advertiser
iu sending tho prescription is to benefit tbo nlliictcd,
aud spread information which ho conceives to be
invaluable, and ho hopes every sufferer will try t
his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and nitty
provo a blessing. Parties wishing the prciTiti'ili,
frkk, by return mail, will please address
my 18-T,7.1y Wiiliauitburg, Kings Co., X. V.
And Houue of Morcy.
Men, on tho crime uf Solitude, nnd the Errors, Abu
ses and Diseases which destroy tho manly powers,
an, t create impcuiuients to unrnago, wiin sure means
of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, froo of
charge Address DR. J. SK.1LL1N IIOUUHTOS,
Howard Association, rhlliulolphm; I'll .
Juno ri, IS07. ly
The splendid iiivsjrtiuoiil ol (t'PiiW at tin
rucr.Md to
n r'ii PiirnriT in smimpii.
Hsu t:,i.ti PncacsT up MNi i. ui
(.a. t:.iu I'Hxsrxt ok tm.iMii.
fK-K Cvsn l'HKsrt or JiVt'Ott.
'i'ii Cash PitKaKsT.SiiV frj 'cn.'h.
P.'-vl nil Pi-I.HhU oi r.Knti V.uti:
I jn'h Ceil li .ile ol rtock is a onipstited with a
Ecantifiil Stcel-riale Knravi.-.E
Aod nl-o in ure t,'tiie bolder a
pni sitNi i.n Tin; iii!i;.i.'Di.iiaiu'TiT,"
Tho Washington Library
la clmrtcrC'H'y the ?tnto nf Ptnrsylvjii.ia mi l
t'rgaii'itd in nid ot II.. i
Blil:or;i find S.illnrfi' Oi')ili ins.
Incorpi'faUil hy tho tftiite i! -N. J.
A ru; j. . is".
ivilr.atc at Uitiisldn. !!u;i',n l r;.,ni v. Vc Tir
h I'oi.nded l,,r ll.e piitpt,..e ot t;i-itt,,i',u lv edn
c.itlni; the tm, n deClOica .luiuia.i Hl,d ;:. n.ii. of
the l;nited !-.'fiis.
'I lie RoHid oi Trn-t'es poi." 's of ihe t'. .?!-. jig
Wf!.,,.,v,tC'l . 'I ..t l'Hll.'- i ltd. I HIKl A , ,1 .
li'.'.V WILLI M l; M.VNS.
i'. tii-t .M oiu-v. riiiludilibin. I'n.
HON. I.KtVI.-s I! llliit'iM.U.l.,
Ln-rhi. f C.Jnr I . S. .Mini, nnd Recorder of
Deeds l'htlid't . I'j'iinsvlt soil
II" V .1 AMhs M. Sl fi i i,, ,.- .IP)-,rr.
1''N- ". W. M AUK. ef .leey. "
lll.Mll iinHAU. ...f .
Aif.ut A.itiu,' :inf.. i'l.iludrlidra. IV
J. L, t-.j . ,. .;,.'. o-e .V. Co., I'i.iUiel hi:!.
In Simpson s I'aildlng. Ma'l.el Ki.uure,
piSH Hold and ,Vfi' Au.i'i'cun snd ItI'j
s viHv unhai d, li. ir Ji,i,.y n, d .':,. ,i)l.k .li.,
Ma-le lo eider.
i,!d mid : ihfi I'l-.'lr j lc r." ir, t';'- li Jt-,n.rr
i find warrnnled lo gie nitin--ill -!.,,'l',.ii.
I Fine Wnt.-h.s. I'lo, l.i. M,.-.o l'.,,k..s i.ud Jul y
i Repaired and wairaiiiil.
AU orders nr T.p'ly f.'.'ml
Sui'iiy. Jtu.t . In;,;.
Kolice to lferchanl.3 Sliipuii
riMIl: nnder,.:giiH 1 ,i,',,i..t V,i,,i ,t l"ri;k'
L Line, line ii.ii,... to ,fN and 1 cr.-t
:v I loin- I', p"i I-- nl -it ,m i i
'ion. 1. V .
"inn-: It it -'h"
)o''i ?(l-
Tnri.fiv Di tivrr. Utum
April M, i:--,T. nf,i,.,.t,f Iniovnnl
in?; rvel cd swiVrmdory evi l,-.,.-, ti;.
of 111.- Ci ;. i ,ii. uiiln.-tc i l H i-
l.'iraiy t.,n, h?,l,'vi'el to hiiilabl
u.e. pem.. iui U ln.hy mai t.,1 msd.i t'l.u-.psm
to emi-luel p.jh i , i;rpi ise , .veinpl. iVoir. ail eh iig'1,
Vfheihii' fiem 'p-i'nil (ax or uiber duty.
i;. A. l!, Luiumis;'i',ner.
TH WllSllillKtOH .tM- ..
Iii order that tl". benev.d. nt ,.l,j..-.:t ;,, t'rtii ; :,;.
rirritlnr mar be Mi.-c f.nK- ,-. ,,.ti.:....i i. ...
i.;.u? I lite series if
1IM-; :"i! i:i..r:.Ti": rs:n ius.
wl.;Lli nrn p,;t nn i,,ib,cii,ii',u a- r.rioes intpdi bcluiv
Ihuii ret iil value.
L'i:itTirfOATK..S O" ,VKK IN Tilr WA.-H.
ixhto v i.n:i;A:;v chJii-avv
will be ifsned. stsiope l v.P'i , ,.r !l,a tVomm.
i jt'-i. and HU li , i.--vitl
vi-il I l.c iv. n..'tt
( ,r t's- :, c M l
t:i-nifchl - I',.,: '.
rk.-l :
.Iii, ,.! I" ;:;ui.bur tud Duo
,M i,-i, I.
M ,il.u s'ri : t. I'lil'ndiii'iia
i i nr-: - , lira -sli.t.lrti s.
V . i.'. I.IH.!H
.i it men ni:ox.
T5C vCSOtiR.C;. 9V;,
All kind" "f SI'IlullL L'd'liv.S
S:t's, l'ius, L k. I'upor. Ac.
Mi-ccMsnenus Lool.s. a food c-!''
ui,i,. Al ilio i'P biM.l.r- reerived!
a--non as pitlih.hi I. nr. i ,-r talf fttl
I'l.lili-b.vs piicu.
' lil 1:1.1.- i'riiyrr r.n kf end IlymnJ
Mc.ol , in i i err m 1.' ,.f idi -Iii i,. 1
Ctillli.lii- 1'iavrv l!,,i.ks. ,
FAMILY l.ii:i.liSinvar,,ii...fy1,,s
l'("i ON'Aliti:of all i. j
Juveniles and !) i!,'"ks. a larg-t
a .,ttu.uj,t I
eiLmi. afi- aid i:!i.ii!
Fort, ; ot u',1 kinu. !
roiiU-i p. J.,-,:nl Cap. Letter mid,
Note. Pupris.
COfilM ll'i'iK5. Tnk-t'iiids j
1',-n liseK, tn-;'. ispi'r. ui I ris ami 1
r'ouiivin li',tte .--i.nn'i;, i'y ycuci ully
Al.fli MS rl,eap
fd by ;lic
-I l ! i
li v. aud
An person r.Mi.tiqj it- 'n ' ''r. "r i in" ti,'
fitne lo m,c ';,-en's. will l t.-eive i.ri.'. ',, ,,,.v ,(
fiuo steel I'late I.n "i-av ., i.l rhoi.-e In ,-i iI. m. I
lonint; li. t. and One Oeimi -ato of f-til;. n.. ari'i ;
One l'ren n; in en i-uoiulied l:o,' i!e.
Xo. 1-"M.v Child I M.v I'bilJ "' No. 2 --Tiiey're ' i
Snvt'd : Tin y re Saved ! ' X.i :i "Old ctveu v .-Is
or, the r.nrly lia.n orihe llo'olttiicn." " I
Anyprrsoii pavtni; To lie'.if,r.i ,il n-i i iv.i ri'hT ;
.f ll.o ml!-., v.tiut ,1,.,, S-., l IV,il. .. ... .1
1! 1 P,-n an 1 II ,'.nr
l',,. Wet llo.,k.- ai d lidl Wallets.
I'l'-'ure Kiain"-.
tli reuecon-t and ti'MS. Aineriran.i
Kivi , li. t.v. !
IhviiK.k- I'viP"". all si.s, lhistol'
nHid. ... i
li,a.i.'s, M,mi"-iittdtini IJiatks. Ac
li ii-Uitaiiintou Ijiihitis.tlames. t. bis-i
inen, i e. . j
Tos --a 1 pirtf- and enmpU c as-ortnif rt
J.ii-,-'U.,r.s il'ni li,:.-. I'i imi bud.'
and IvU,-. " I
IVi t'liin I--- l,-iltcn,iau and l'ai'i:-laiit
il,.il,:s .i.e. j
lioi l l'. li-- rn.tioiittc.l. !
i.:tiu . a4dl:-, '.iioiK.s, Clilmitpvs,:
do. ' ;
WsM Vatirr r,nd l!..--Ier. all kinds !
. n-d'w t'l.ildii,.-, P.-inor liilt nnd'
't'.,-.. ' .
M .: '.c and M.i.'i-. at lietiiniieiit? 1
d to
Or all places to get good Photographs, go to Borg-
alrcssor's Uallory, Third stroet, opposite the atasonic
Hall, w hore they aro tuade. Six cards, or one largo
ruutogroph, for 1 .50. Duplicates, 25 to Ml cts.
Iu this Place, on Monday last, I'KTER rt'USEL,
lis,)., aged Htl years, 6 nioutbs and IV days.
In this plaoe, recently, WILLIAM IIKNRV, sun
of Uriah and Kmraa foulk, aged 1 year, 1 month
and 12 days.
811111 K' .tlAIIMK'l'K
Corrootod Weekly fur the "Amorioan,"
Yt'hoal Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do do do do perewt.
Rye Flour, per bbl.
do per ewt.
Whoat, prims red, new, per bushel,
Rye, do
Corn, new do
Oatsgj do
1'uUMs, do
Dried reaches, pared per t'ouud
do do unparod Jo
Dried Annies. do
Dried Cherries, (unstuned.) per bu.
Beef, bind quarter,
' from "
nor iwund ,
pur duien,
per pound, -.
fit 00
6 M
it) 00
i 60
1 20
1 24
I It
3 110
r. iVKiitt-'sJ Uiilyjuu i I11
Where tliUi article U known it is a vvoik of suprrc
rogution tu say oue word iu ita favor, su well is it
established as an unfailing remedy for Cou-'lis,
Colds, Rrouchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma,
discuses of tho Throat, Chest and Lungs, as well as
that most dreaded uf ull diseases, Consumption,
which high uiodicul authority has prououueed to ban
curable dUeaso. Thoso who have used this remedy
know its vuluc ; thoso who havo nut, have but to
make a single trial tu bo eatisGod that uf all others
it is Mu ruiuody.
well known and much respected among the Ueruiau
upulutiuu of this country, writes as follows :
Hakuvkk, l'A.. Feb. Ill, IKj'J.
Messrs. S. W. I'owlk A Son, liosrux Dear Sirs:
- llaiiug real uud iu my family important beuclils
from tbo use of your valuable preparation Wistaii's
Ralsau ok Wild CiiKiinv it affords mo pleasure
tu recommend it to tho public. Some eight years
ago, one of my daughters seemed to bo iu a duel inn,
and little hopes uf her recovery woro entertained.
1 then procured a bottle of your excellent llalsaui,
aud beforo sho had taken the wholo of it there was
a great improvement iu her health. I have, in my
Individual ease, made frequent use of your valuable
medicine, and have nlwnjs been benefited by it. I
would, however, caution the public against imposi
tion, because tuero is a good deal of spurious Wis
tar's Unlearn of Wild Cherry afloat, througlnuit tho
country. JACOB MiCHI.b'K.
None genuine unless signed "I. llt'i'Tcl ' un tho
l'rcparod by EKTH W. FOWLK i. S)X, 18 Tre
lliont M., Dostuii, aud for sale by lrugKisl4 genorally.
but it is Nothing New fur then:
getting up N I-: V i;tni.-v
n." they ar,- r livnvs
lo the I'oojiln SI N lil'hV. for they hn y.uwiu ?
til tlicm puiij low miti rre .H-liio thru, iti cry
We rre Ulevuiined t"
I'riei-sand d, fv i-,,n i.,-tiiii,i:
II our 11 -vds id 1.,
i.-,.il,c !
sell lli-in as I
sold l.v nllmr .i aler. and i.xamitie our
ii:tl' v " 4-imI- a mi
!!ie -i c-iiu! i(ct;iM(ii'M ii 'n
toi k ai d I. earn our
rtn.l wo tdkc i
. '.I :li, t)
heir vr-i y
Khiuneblni CoalTrnde. ,
Emamokir, August 11, im. -Ttni.Cwt.
Boot for week ending Aug. 10,
For last report,
Te came Urn last year,
2S5,WTT 7
tOO.VII 04
37,831 OS
wan it
Its. Krliextck'M lulsuoiilcH) rssjv.
This great medicine cured Dr. J. II. Bcbeuok, tho
I'ruprietor, of Pulmonary Consumption, when It had
assumed Us most formidable aspect, aud when
spcody death appeared to be Inevitable. His phy
sicians pronounced bis case incurable, when be com
menced the uso of this simple but powerful remedy.
His health was restored in a very short time, and uo
ruturuof tho disease bus been apprchvuded, fur all
the symptoms quickly disappeared, aud bis present
weight is moro tbsu two hundred pouuds.
Biuco bis recovery, he has devoted his attention
exclusively to the euro of Lous umptiou. and the dis
eases which aro ueiihII v complicated with it, and the
cure effected by bis medicines havo becu very nu
merous and truly wonderful. Dr. Schenck wakes
professional visiui to several of tbe larger cities
weekly, where he has a large concourso of patients,
aud it is truly astonishing tu see poor consumptives
that havo to be lifted out of their carriage, and iu a
few inouthahcalthy. rubu-t persons. Da Scbencr'
MANDRAKE FILLS, are generally all required
in curing Consumption. Full directions accompany
eaoh, so that any one can tako them without soeiug
Dr. bolieuck, but when It Is convenient it is best tu
seo him. lie gives advice free, but for a thorough
examination w ith his Rcspiroutctor his fee is three
Please observe when purchasing, that the two
likenesses of the Doctor uuo w heu in the last stage
of Consumption, and the other as be now is, in per
fect health are on the Government stamp.
Sold by all Druggists and Doalurs. Prico f 1 .50
per buttle, or $7.50 the half dusdu. Letters fur ad
vioo should always be directed te Dr. rxhemk's
Principal Office, 2io. 15 North ttlh Street, Philadel
pbia, Pa.
Ueueral Wholesale Agents : Demos Barnes A Co.,
X. Y. ; S. S. Hauoe, Ballimoro, Md. ; JohuD. Park,
Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker t, Taylor, Chicago, III. ;
Collins Ilios., St. Louis, Mu.
Oct. 20, IB07. 3d w. oa. mo. 1 yr.
kKrroi'M ol 'oulli.
A gontlouian who suffered fur years from Nervous
Debility, Prematura Decay, and all the effect of
youthful Indiscretion, will, fur tbe sake of suffering
humanity, send free to all who need It, the recipe
and directions for making the simplo remedy by
which he was cured. Sufiurera wishiug to profit by
too advertiser a exponentfe, can do so by aitiireasing,
perfect eonSdeuce, JOUN B. OODl'.'N,
my lb' it Cedar Street, N.V.
OTituirs-conci:nthatD kxtbact
UCCUU . , ,
Is tbe Giant Diuictls. . t i
Ikhnlvir Concentrated Extract SoimyHiyilla
. Is tin Gieat Uloud Purifier.
Ilollt uit- pteiwrud urtoidin lo lute uf I'tuiawu-y ami
ni wisiit aiui ai lac uiosuiiiive uiav i-wi huow
Man-k , l1'.
No chavyo fur
our Lu.-jiiicfis
in tiding it.
Feeling very ll.anV.fnl to tho pub'ic Rir
liberal pnti-nuii'o hcvetofn o boii-trid u,
feel Cultiidelll of relaiiiiili t!u-,r i-ll-ii'in. !
a-.lheiouce to the rules ue have udi.i.tud.
RKMLMl'.'iK Till: FLACK,
'I'lii' M'.uniKulh S t (i I- v
Murki-t Siuare, Idoor? ear! of Hi? New Court II"
two 'e.-ttlie;it.c- ol .iLoji;., 1.' vvmii.;
in j. I ietn'.s. ,
t w o no i n i:tir v vivo.
Xo. i --,-v,'a-'iiriiirt.'..ii;-ii.;iip.-1 v., ? - Wn. 'i- j
VMUS.K I'OI.I.Ar. IM,ll.UIJ'o. Mr,-,-
Any person y!i:; tbrje d-.Ui.: nill iei c the ,
hc.iuii.ui iei i'ttile ti' j
immk I no.'i r,iK n u:, '
sn-1 l!wen Cert I Scales of Mock, be;u'..iir.; i.-iiU'.'.l
to three Present.
tot it Ivii.i.iii i-:-t;i: tvivf,-.
ny per'cn pnyti li -dli:rc t) r,.,-c-V,L tiio
inrjj;,.' ni'iJ i i'tuitii-jl S'i el Piute of
iii:: v r.n a it ei'u t .jut.'-.n nsns "
and I' ir Ci-r:;.ic:itcs M...-U. cuUi.ii.j; tlicm to
tciiV FiCSv
liif not i rnivr,i;v,
Ary pff..:i , !'' i(,!ii:s siiaU tecc-i,-c
the I;-.,-.: ! 1 'j ' i .:c.-l I'laitf of
i!ti: mi up i it rocAiiMN'T.'..-.
IV All l:::;,
iiomp'lv o:.-,
Ail lh' l'.iili
Arfenl l, i !l.e
!. 's Hair tor
. H'i :C 'l! : I' M,, .
f I'o I Si.tii-jiHry not on Ian,
n l V. .-.!,!..
A ,nc riesn
l-'.i. :i.h-I
n l
ni l y?i.i
' A o '.,.1
i A-i.ui-I;a,
n ;!.!..
P ft i
vv,-r,-t r l't":'C
c: sics cc:"z:.OE;ti.",2i.
Mil ft-
.evision mm
.'til. 'It
I----'- 1'
-. t- iiu.i I V,:itl nill iio di
ft ,, , I ...-.-ii:;,-.
rori t'Mr.AP
Tlndr ?tni Is Ciinip'. Me, e
r;.!: t'.TI'i.l . j I.
i'vLnv), CI."-: -. I'lin.r.
iiiit; -. : ; ,.!d- .
li :nt I.; f-j-. . .
Cnnntrv Vt'o in.'e is", eu in
t I I';. 11 tiiid examine ear '
,rlinr:: in p-ir ol
'id's, COAL i'i r..
1. I i.-!:. .-';',',
' 3 O.l
i i.l,;
.!t e m.
'li c ,
"ft I ' I - I!
i I'I'1 .-! . -
". i:, -' ,
; i ll! I.AlM'i . I
al"n t .ii-iti i ( ,:.,;,:,
Will All, ml i, 't ; r i . , ti i), .i.i. 1 1,
. . ' l i, i -ii v : i ii. ui
: rt-lt ftf.. Ji- i ii..1. !
. !;: i i-ii.
Sunbury, Aug 10, ISi7.
H V.
T1I15 (JUKA'C CKNTHK Ol:' A'PI'K C'l Iv.V,
1 1ST SXJ3SrJ3'03i-,2-, I
is on 3d stroet. opposite, tho .MAaOiSIC HALL, lit
lint l.:it-y l-:s,:itlih(-1. Willi till
I In- .vlutlorn Iiiii-m -ii-ut
r lliv rl !
rpilll subscriber, Ii.ivIiil' Inplt the room rxprejfsly
L for the purpose uf l'li,."i;i.i hiug. and having
devote't u.ituy yitus to tlio bii. iiu-ss, is coidl lent of
his iduli.'y Iohsiiio his thst the- iv, ,k pro
duced shall tie second to mmo in coun'r.v or ,-ity.
Jvo wtuk uiloitcd tu K-h, e ll.e p.iikii imk.-s tn
tii'cly salhlelory. Having the .-Ly liht iu tlu
county, he io -roi uied lo uinke Photographs in all
kindsol vtoailior, but vould prefer u clour di.y lor
suuill eltiidren.
He ir also prepared lo tako new size, or cabinet
curd Photograph.
All kind" of pictures copied nnd magnified to
any required size and colored bCHiitiluliy iu Oii or
ator colors or I ndia ink. We pay special attention
to nil kiuds of uut do,,r work, such us LamUcnpo
views of Monuments, Mm liiuiry, County .Seats, Ac,
a large lot of Photograph !aiuvs eoiistnully uu band.
The public arc i espeetiolly hulled to call uud tee
our spc-iiuuiu uud our eomplelo arraiigen.eijls for
making Photographs, special terms to latuilics and
.1. II. flKKti tt'llKSSHU.
6uubury, July li, ISOJ.
S. 8. WauiiH, Jour Hi nki.x
ARCH BTRtKT, between Third and Fuurth StrceH
Millet lU'.I.I'IllA.
YVEVKR A HI NKLE. Proprietors.
Juno 21), 1W. ly
TuiiE LAGER D K K li !
From tbe
Cold Spring Brewery,
S II N U I' K X , V A.
RllHrECTlTLLY informs the public generally,
that ho is prepared to furuish
in largo or small quant iti. -s His facilities for mak
iug Leer cannot be excelled, and is pronounced supe
rior toiuiy otner ouenxi in (.onirui renus.v uanui
It hasnlso been reoomniended Ly physicians as a
healthy drink fur invalids,
llulols, llitttuuranta and private families supplied
at short uutioo.
Suvbury.July 13, lb57.
WILL Bni in our establishment a aulieriur stock I
uf Planes. Saws, Augors, Hatchets, Hummers, I lies, I
Chisels, 4 c . Ac tot salt by '
J H M.KY (' j
i ;i .
. INi-'i.J.-
. -:i. in",:,;,'. l il,
ill lViiitinl-:u,
. i .
'l.N .1
s nt:Li;.i.i: i - i-Ki sia iw
I t'.lilil l'li-lir:,L
I L'.Oll ruso-t
1 1;.:, p., n, t
I t'iisli IViiei t
V I i.,1. I'i,',. );!, tl! ! ,,
1 Ujjld.--.HIIC ; i',y It-, ii-,.. S'i i.. I, ,,. ,,),.!,
A e.. 1.1-Jn, nil 'i
1 O'.lluir jti-i,l.-t.. I,
I Coin I'.-otit. tlftiM:s
ill's- s::n.!.. .J.t,
CH'I'V I1!,,! M, 'J,,, j;,,
I Cennlri I! i s m, f , i
tilOxMl, t-' , .... h ,i ..
I I'm ;-e-t .n I ..... ,,v
'J.I :UL.i1.Il- rillH:i,-. (..!. Jii , fM
I l.n-i;snt 'riu,it'i,t k'nti.r. lm
lli.r., s l,.rc,. if. '. -Mtiii.
n Ui,....,iK .,.i. It vcrn
I ll,:-iu.i.i.. .:,r, i.ui II...V.-. .-
ft'lcil by lle ii-,'. -'.,:. li-tl luii'. I Ar.,iTi.
llors. ;'.,i,pi, ,. ),:o,h ligio lir.s.l IV ui'ou
wrrj-ht tin h 1, will; sit t ni i-'l.i
SlHI!.!- il lru,-s., Ac, iiuiku. a fl:l-ti.o
SM ri l:IIHl,.Ve;-,-t,
W .MeliKtci-nt, iJi', Mil,
ft It.iM-H- i, .1 I-CilullJ tl-irlnies -du mill
III I'iimtly Seven. u Marl t llllli.,iii
5o l-'nir l.U .-it. i'-. .f-JiHI .-.ii-.,
lOU Oil 1111111. il;-!.. I,y J,,.g amm-a.-T. (J ill;
.1 aunel'6 lljir Si .m-V, 41.INSI ,U1 1,
i l.l'l!et'Nff-'il pJ.;i,u l(., Nl.lna i-iirli
.'I ll.tndsi'iiit- l.:u r lll l,, ii-l. lliC,
10 L.ttliiii-i ;i,,u U no 1,
'ilk Hr. as f.nii-r,, t; i va.-ii
.Ml I'nv llu.l.ims I :.; ivi, h
I'i.e r.nuin4lii h ill cioviki ,.i i,lvi..vviire, lniiiil
linnet I'lirau t.i,.ii t, P.s-k.l IMiVt. mill ilil-1,-rent
nti,i.'te oi ii:iimiinl a.ui uu ai.-.oni,'-ins
I ( I'll 1
A -,
I M I .'. l X J 11 i.i i. ' .,.,',l J.t
I t I : I r. ii.. ' -, . . .. .i.i..-..,
3 J tV.; ui.i.l.) preUi;Mi;- i i enUr.
Al-ii. M ind-iw W ei.;li:.-. raii:v4 ai d Orates t.,r L:l
i,a iVin.b i-.s X
I'!-1 lina '5iisncj
I V.tTL'i; 'ii't i -li .1 i -if -si
A lib. rul p,i.-.; ,..:u f-i.-oid ,',i,'ii-.-i
j 1 1 ! rl I ruH l.MJl'lM,i,. W. f.t:.
: r n. I. i- in, ii !: u :-,-,i ,; ,i, te::,i.:M Ti...n; ,i l.-o
,oi e il i .it:- i st. i. u.. i.ii ,;.s nj.d i . i i n: ie y
i of -lilt' II , ' ii. -.
, i sn-'-i.n v. .'.ii-. ;. is--:.--;.,-
wm and siioi:a
Mtxri'Aii'i iiill' 'In '.'!!! !l.
.'JOIilC Wl'VKrt,
-.i.i 0
I . I..IM. I
l'Hliil..., ir
I .S-T'-'-v it:
. t ,
e ol
J i.'.U
i where !! k:
1 i,i t!;i lit't-.l i
1 rn r
I In
Hi.' Hi
n II
. 'lli
,,1-, .f
; lc ji
' a'-'
ii :
vk in 1.'
L-J ill .III I..
1,L- I.
u,ls and cot
l eir-p tor tiio
line i'i l niaile up
t i.i.ji.lliMiliko lnai:-
4. ."'SI
I ':
in (in
untitirv . .tune l.'.;, I S.-T.
: l.i-tv i" rt,
i-l t-.-s'l
JJil II.
r bil
A'T(lY oiTor KO.Itlktl i
i1 t.?lll II. il ll-l-i.: I .I
Total, , S1t4i.iKi I
All liis uii'l-rtius gu-s.i i-;.-ui of !iii.!iii,),r,.uc. t
Si-llil iriir to in, i,y e..el,,Ki:-iJ tnrii Vt I.l S !: !
eill.ef l,y Pom mil e ..r.lrr.. ,.i i n i,-!.,.,.-,l n-ii..r, m '
oiirri.jli. Lionel aoiouuts tl.oii',,1 t. tinu lo draft ,,i t-x- I
ttitlilllfV u-i'i, r.irivuiy.
40 i.ti:irt'S Willi l".,;;:ra i,,i
tin. lis wnh .:i.niiiiii:w
ion tlian-u u nil ti'.iTiivii iit AUt.N Ir WANTED tl:inin;lii,ut the f,ii;eil scales
The Aum-iation have apo,-iiito,l as ReCfiveii, Mijisn.
til Ultl.i: A I'OuhliA ill, wr..u.ivn lule
(my ami busiuewrtieririiii will bra aunicieiit fuuim
lev lieu Hit m aiey i to ll.c.J ill bo ir.,uv.t,) up-
plltU lu lite IHHfcc SMinl
I'li'L .i.l l i-ni.i, Pa . M.iy-.,,l. Ivti.'
To tin- OrtWri, .n..i .U-i,iir, u; Hie uf lu:;iou Li'Jia
ry Co. N.S. lillAU.Ns .i-uiri-.
Oi-ullcuieii : On icuc.plof lo'ir fm-er of tl.o t.Vb unt ,
ij.i iiyiiig im oi' aii,i. Miiv.oiiii.riit a Mieeii-trs ti. yoi.r
Coiniiiiy. ve tiH'k tin: iilsilv l t'limnl a o'V im your
f'iiailer, well a ,lnn ,M ynur riilcrjil -ie, lo .In tiimieit
h-piila-itliiiii of ilie Siiiir . mitt liuviiir i.i-ui i-.-it iti
abii' ihiimumi ni io nil io ps tsjai.ty. a.ut si ia,ti,iii,u t
win, l !.: i-in-V'-iit .Mt.ieci of y,.:ii Afs-m-iiiI.-i.i v-iji: tl.e
cdurllOii uvd iitdlilrlutlH'c of lim tsjilimi rtoliirtil 1'iair
atjl.ili-14 mat s-jilj;s ttl the It ii'.-Tsitbl InliiiHc- V a have
MiKtilikil to ae.-ept tile truhl, uivt iu UkC l-ul bvfel Ul'ilU In
prmJic so whij an ulkj".
CKU. A. CUOkf. k CO.
AitilrcM all IHtefs anilnrilisi, o
t,tO. .l.t uilKH CO , II WKK.H.
its ft.ulkTl:iru mw:, I'Iiijiu-I k, I'a
Kcceivcrs foi the atbuithai Co.
tJyU. P. LIU 111 X I'll, BookFciler A Stationer,
rjuubury, Pit., is the autheriied Aeul of the Cuw-
par.y lor this pUi-e and vicinity
iiiBe-s-', i-. a
Till' lUMli.H'Cil t.'L M v 1 5 L" 1 1 Y
It-.troa.h P-'i-d- nl Par
li e .ate of HA I N I'I I'.
i'i. A f . I a,! M AI '.. i VI, 1 Y. r-' L.iudj
li Uu l',,.in..i.-, m'i- i,nu r.-adv lo oi-livi r .1
lh-:'i i.-.i.i-i-v to uu.---! will iii, a 'he Iti-nd
of I be 1 i.iiiijli a -,i i mid . ui im .-iiiii.iit i,iia! I.,
any ,.:Li-r .-im'.i ii;, . IVhi.. I in ii Hi:,.'t
ity un .Ai to,' -.fiiii.i v p.t--e.l -'iii-i-l day nf . March
Ifr'-T. i in, ii j. t o. n-'d i i :, 11 ,j dim Soionuy
iiieiniii niiil.iiri.ed to Immw tl.e aiiii-uul a. al'nre-Siii-i
uu lio;.::,)i i.nviu, . r.. ,e.
b'. . I ; ( luef K-crgr.-i.
Sirbury. .lull I,-,; ,:t
i lmY. IUKKRY.
' . .tu Mann i:. uru,
.Miiiiui'.n-liiiei of
! CAMiIF.S. Lltl-.AIt. CAKL.-i. l'll', AC,
1 Vioiit . :j ,,,rs i-aft i f il.e P. i !.. fl It. Pc.t,
t' wid be di.iy. filler.' Solleilt-d.
Nir'hi.n.ber!an I, June ' lhiiT.
MM ) Kll ! 1 1 M I)
I'oltrr 4 eunl)' nuil nbitr
I. ii lull.-r 4'oitiny.
Now fully csta'oli-.hed at the SLMJIRY
are prcpare.1 to saw to order
vviiiti: p:xi. iin.vr.o.'K axi oak,
of snv ei?e and :d! lin;;lh. A full oituieut of
always kept on Intiin. Paiincl. I'looiinj idiiijj au
liul-h..ig bi.aids of all kn, li.
MOlI.I.'.Mi. s.sir,
iiUOliS, Ktul SIIL'T'PElli
SuMiiil and thsved, Vt Lite 1'iuo, and Jliimlook.
IMiiMlrriiiK l.atli und luliii(i,
I'lah'in;, hipping and Turning will be done to order
ai .liort u, life. This Uooipauy dcib'u furnishin
evcrytbinji in their Hue at suck rales that Luiubi
Yards, Uuildeni and all parties using Lumber, wil
bod it tu ttieu iuiere.n tw tiny at thii cstubllsbmeut
O K l L It S
are resreciriill;, ii.lieiiel at.d M'dl be promptest, d lu by ad" Jtcssiiij.
t'M LtAULX. cap I
iinbiit June 1 S lt,-