Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 10, 1867, Image 3

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    Uoral 8ffatvs.'
Wa are at present trading bill f aubsorlptioas to
the America to a number of eubeerlbere, mostly
residing at distant, point, who, we trait, will
promptly remit the amount da. Than bills, al
though iuiall In indivldaai eaaea, in the aggregate
make a considerable amount, and are very Impor
tant to enable na to carry en oar business). We thai I
feel greatly obliged to oar patron to whom these
bills are tent If they will Immediately comply with
oar request. Oar subscribers are particularly re
quested not to allow their indebtedness to overran
one year.- All subscriptions tkanld be paid In ad
vance, bat under no consideration should the year
jnss around with the subscription unpaid.
T past week of Court bas beca derated almost
cntlroly to criminal business.'
Wa are Indebted to our old friend, Amos T. Blsol,
Esq., of Turbutvlllo, the effiolcnt and obliging col
lector of Internal rerenuo for this county, for late
favors. . .
Law Card. Mr. 11. 0. Mpt,, attorney at 'law,
who has recently located at blianiokin, inserts his
card in our advertising columns this woek. Mr.
Marr Is a young practitioner of ability, and those of
our friends la that place and vicinity who may need
legal advioe will do well by calling on him.
Limb. We eall attention to the advertisement of
easbolti A Brother, who have started tboir litne
kilns on Vino street; along the P. A E. K. H., and
ro now roady to supply lime of a very superior
quality, in every quantity, on the shortest notice.
Wa eall attention to the card of J. D. Jamos, Esq.,
tn another column, who has recently opened a law
office in the building formerly occupied by (he Post
Office, in Market Square. Mr. James studied his
profession under J. C. Buchcr, Esq., of Lcwlsburg,
and is also a graduate of a law school at Cam--bridge,
Dahokrois Cuiktkhfkit. A well executed
"counterfeit ten dollar note on tho Third National
.Bank of Philadelphia is now In circulation. Tho
iHote Is a close imitation of the genuine, and worked
.off so neatly that It is calculated to deceive all who
are not woll ponied in the mattor of counterfeit
,CnAtiAHES a.nb Tableaux. Some of our young
folks intend giving an exhibition in the Masonic
liaison Wednesday and Thursday evenings of next
week, for the benefit of the fire department of this
placo. Tho entertainment will consist of charades,
tableaux,' Ac, and will, no doubt, attract a full house
to hoar tho auiutour performers. The objoct is a
laudable cno, and should roccivo every encourago
mcnt from our citizens. Tickets, 60 cts.
AlixivrRn to tub Bar. On Tuesday Inst, on
motion of Ueorgo Hill, Esq., J. Kceuicr Davis, son
of James K. Davis, Esq., of Sclinsgrovo, was admit
ted to practice in thesovoral courts of this county.
Mr. Davis read law in tho offico of J. B. Pmker,
INq., of this place, and is a young gentleman of
superior abilities, tlis examination was highly crcd
itnlilo to hi ability and industry.
At the same time, on motion of Mr. Hill, Win. A.
Sober, of this place, was admitted to practice. Mr.
Sober was a!.o a student iu tho office of Mr. Packer.
Ho was examined by the same committee, uud with
results equally eroditablo to his industry and ac
quirements. We congratulate our young friends,
and hopo their fondest expectations of tho luture
way be fully realized.
Dkdicatiox or AlCiit'CH. Trinity Evangelical
Lutheran Church, at Shainokin, will bo dedicated
to-morrow, (.Sunday,) The services will begin at
HI o'clock, and the dedicatory sermon will be
preached by Rev. A. C. Wedckind, of New York
city. Tbcru will also be preaching in the uftcruoou
nt : o'clock, in the Ucriuan language, llev. Messrs.
Allcinao, Wiilard, Ehrchart and Wainpolo aro ex
pected to be present.
On Monday following tho dedication tho Sukiuc
hauna Confcreueo will convono iu the church. Thin
Confcrenoo, with two others, tho Philadelphia and
Lebanon, forms the East Pennsylvania Synod. The
Conference now numbers about 2i pastoral charges,
nineteen of which aro supplied with ministers.
l'ltoi.'KKmxug or Col KT. The August term of
Court coiuuieneed in this place on Monday lust, his
Honor, Judge Jordan, and Associate Judges (Ship
man and Bidclspaoh, on the bench.
Commonwealth vs. Goorgo It. Miller. Indict
ment, for. and bas., Rebecca Kadul, prosecutrix.
The defendant was bound over to appear at next
session of court.
Com. vs. Alfred Nicely. For. and bas., on oath
of Mury Alice Shults. Defendant bound over to ap
pear at next session.
Com. vs. Jacob Helburt. For. and bas., on oath
of Catharine Brosious. Defendant bound over to
uppear at next court.
Coin. vs. Jacob Crawford. Highway robbery.
Tho prisoner was acoused of attacking a preacher
on tho highway near Cuineroni, in the upper end
uf the county, about a year since. He struck his
victim with a club, knocking him down and injuring
him severely. It is said that belongs to
a gang of horse thieves who have been operating
extensively in the northern part of the State. The
jury found the prisoner guilty, and Judge Jordan
sentenced him to pay a fine of $f 0 fur the nse of tho
county, eosts of prosecution, and undergo an im
prisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary for three
years and seven months.
Com. vs. Catharine Campbell. Malicious mis
chief. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of
$i, costs of prosecution, and be imprisoned in the
county jail for one month.
Com. vi. Edward Spencer. Burglary. The pri
soner was charged with committing a burglary in
the house of Sir. Alfred Cadwalladcr, In Milton,
about three weeks ego. He was overheard jn his
operation by Mrs. Cadwallador, an elderly lady,
who sprang from her bed and soiled him, and held
on to him uh'Ut aasUtanoe oanie, when he was pro
. perly secured and placed in jail. Spenoer is quite a
young man, and M said lo hail from liarrisburg. He
was found guilty, and was sentenced to pay a fine of
$50, softs or prosecution, and undergo imprisonment
in the Eastern penitentiary for a period oi 3 years.
Com. vs. Michael MoCormiok. For. and bas.
Bound over to appear at next session.
Cora, vs Ueorgo Bergine. Shooting. The prison
er was charged with shooting at a eonductor on the
rjhamokin Valley Kailroed, at Shaniokin. Verdict.
guilty. - Sentenced to pay a fine of 10, costs of
prosecution, and imprisonment in me eastern rcui
tcntiary (or one year.
Com. vs Aarua Bhodenback. Assault and bat
tery. Bill ignored, and the prosecutor, Henry Hum
jnel, to pay the eosts.
Com vi Jacob Woomer. Desertion. The prison
er was charged with neglecting and refusing to
maintain bis lamily. The eourt ordered niin to pay
Jlti per month for the support of bis wife and ohil
tlreu, and to stand committed until sentence is com
plied with.
Com vi William Stltiman Robbery and larceny.
I'er.liat. not iruiltv.
Com vs Stephen Grant Assault and battery with
intent to kill. Verdict, guilty. The prisonur was
acntenoed to imprisonment in the Eastern Peuitep
liary for two years, and was also sentenced to pay
fine of 2Q and costs of prosecution.
Cora vi John Hogan Misdemeanor in office. Jury
w ithdrawn ana case eontinueu.
Com vs Simon Light Paning counterfeit money
No bill.
Com ys John B EUley, John Keefer and Thomas
v. . . . - .t -in i
Jiuriew.a-JJtsiuruuig aaieeung oi uouu xeiupius.
Bill ignored, aud prosecutor, 'i nomas tialey, to pay
the coats.
Cow vs Thomas Burke Burglary. Bill ignored.
Com vs Samuel K McCrackea Selling liquur on
Bun Jut and without license. True bill- Bound
over to arinoar at next term.
Cvui vs Jacob Marts For. and bas Defendant
was bound over to aptwar at next Maim.
Com vs Patrick Muiluy Assault and battery
jrue Din. os trial.
Coin vs MurvBusiian Maliciously scalding a dog
Verdict, not guilty, aud duivndaut, Mary Bfctiau,
to pay the cost.
Com vi II D Doyle Kobbery and lurceuy De
fendant was bound over iu the sum of $HIM) fur his
ujipeiirunog al the next lurui of court uf Dauphiu
Coui i l'Lou.uc Dicly and Edward i Rob
buy UiJ loitiiy. True bill (initial.
ExTRAoaMaki toKniViTv, Frederick Kaac
man, of Skamoklh township, in this county, died on
Thursday, thi 1st Inst,, at the advanced age of one
hundred and eight years, one month and eight daya,
according to the lamily record, . The deoeaied came
to this country with an older brother when he was
about iwelve yean old, and was told for his paaaage
from (for many, to (Jem-go Sell, near Kutctowq, Borki
County, for T yean for ill. While yet a young
nan he came to this county and settled In Shamokln
.township, on a farm, where, by frugality and Indus
try, he acquired a competency that enabled him to
live comfortably during his life. Ite was a man of
medium sise, rather spare, and of a wiry frame.
For the last twenty years he has been referred to as
a very aged man. Ill Scarcely knew what sickness
was, and only three yean since assisted in taking off
his harvest, Working without a hat or shoes. Some
ten yean ago we had occasion, professionally, to
make Inquiries In regard to his reputed age, as some
doubts had been expressed In regard to tti correct
ness. He exhibited to us hit redemption papers,
properly certified, which were dated In 1771, and
were perfectly satisfactory In fixing his age beyond
a doubt. He was, at that time, a subscriber to the
German paper published In this office, and gonerally
walked two mile to the Post Offioe, every Sataiday,
for the news.
He, too, at last has been gathered to his fathers,
but not until be had seen several generations pass
off, after he arrived at the allotted age of man.
Alarm or Firb at Noktiicmbkhlaic n. An
alarm of fire occurred at Northumberland on Mon
day last, which Was caused by a roof igniting where
a stove plpa passed through It. The fire wae soon
extinguished by the neighbors.
Tin FiitK on Monday last, In this place, which
resulted in the destruction of the house oooupied by
Mrs. Millhousc, on Second street, had the effect, for
the time at least, to awaken attention to the deplo
rable fact that not a single effort was mad to use
the fire engines to arrest the flames. Tho reason as
signed is that the enginos wero out of order, and
must remuin so without the proper attention and an
engine house to keep tkciu in.
We believe that an examination of the fucti will
show that a steam fire cngino is not only by all
odds the must efficient, but in tho end the ohcapest
fire appnratui that can be obtained. In this place,
where machinists and engineers are numerous, a
sooro or men or more can bo obtained, qualified, or
soon might bo, to take charge of such a steam fire
engino as would be noeded hare. Long before these
engines were introduced in the cities we were satis
fied that they would eventually supersedo all others.
The same reasons apply equully in fuvor of their
introduction in smallor places. As they aro con
trolled and operated by ono or two persons thoy can
bo kept in order and operated more roadily thun the
hand engine, and with ten times tho efficiency.
IlloNIK 1.X NollTllUUIIBKLAXI) Coukty. The
following is a list of incomes returned In this county
for tho year I860. The amounts given are in excess
of $1000, which Is exempted by law from taxation.
The third division embraces the boroughs and town
ships lying north of the river, and the fourth division
is composed of the balauce of tho couuty .
Tlllltl) MV1810N.
H. W. Aduins,
?r, S3 J. McFr.rluml, $8 00
17 83 W. Montgomery, JJV 15
31 70 John MoFarluud, 6 03
72 S3 W. II. Musgruvo, 1H u
9 40 J. McClecry, 107 10
117 03 S. W. Murray, so 110
:)S 70 C. C. MuCorwick, 80 M
30 00 J. McCoriuiek, 88 25
40 0(1 W.McCleery, 31 35
15 45 C. Kowburt, 60 50
Mil 00 J Nosbit, 100 20
5 05 J Priestley, 5(1 00
4." 00 G J Piper, 7 50
83 30 J Porter, 5 00
25 00 J Koufh, 47 50
15 W II Kebcr, 3.1 Vi
13 35 J M ltcber, 18 40
J 00 J ltunklo, 45 35
13 'J0,G P Helghard, U 25
11) 10 It M ltmuel, i 55
4 10 S Kuiubaeh, 54 V0
35 65 J Kaup, 18 00
8 23 P Kaup, 27 35
10 00 J It Smith, 17 75
23 00 George Stuhl, 44 70
20 00 D Staulnecker, 10 65
32 50 P D Busier, 23 10
30 50 D Stsrrick, 80 70
til) 40 H C .Sticker, 15 95
11 05 T Swenk, U'J 25
20 00 II W .Stewart, 15D 50
28 00 E Shaffer, 30 00
211 30' J JStainon, IS 00
23 GSlL 'tout, 33 75
1B8 04 J iuiington, 7 25
80 00 J .sticker, 20 45
150 00 .1 M 'assaman, 12 00
68 84 F Thomas, BK 70
A 00 E Truckenmiller, 15 90
T 5 J Tuggart, 3 10
51 OOlP Voueida, 14 55
03 15 II Wilson, 40 50
110 65: Henry Watts, 1 05
Ellas llickel,
Cyrus Brown,
W. II. Buirlu.
Geo. Baker,
S. T. Brown,
S. A. Bitrkenbiue,
Norman Butler, .
E. Crawford,
S. Cameron,
W. Dentlcr'sest..
T. Deiiriuonti,
8 Deariuonu,
W. Dougal,
David Kngel,
D. Eshbaeli,
C. Everett,
P. G. Krv.
J. C. Forsyth
T. Forsvth.
I. M. t rick,
. L. Finney,
.. II. Funk,
. E. Uariug,
. F. ( auger,
'. A. Goodman,
!. Gosh.
Levi Glaso,
. Hov.
. llcpewcll,
. HoQu,
. Hottcnstein.
W. ileineu.
T. Johuion,
Daniel Kerchncr.
Andrew Keitx,
Wm. B. Kcmeror,
Wm. C. Lawson,
S. Lcrch.
J. M. Lowery,
26 65; Asa Everett, 2 30
27 3d J Hiirluiun, 2 70
27 60; .Shipe, 2 15
62 05'A Dcppun, 2 V5
K. Mokee,
I. Menges,
'. Mcngcs,
J. 11. Pockcr, ?358
Ot X. Dcitzinan,
34 Abraham Doppcn,
00 Mutthins Ernes,
70 A. It. Fiske,
74 Ueu. Hodgson,
00 D. Huiser,
05 C. H. Haiumor,
00 A. A. Hino,
00 F. 8. Haas,
30 CP. llcllenstcin,
25 J. Uenninger,
40 Samuel John,
00 J. J.John,
25 D. D. Kerstetter,
05 W. It. Kutzner,
60 G. II. Liebig,
00 David Lewis,
05 W. U. Moore,
85 Isaae May,
00 W. II. Marshall,
54 D. S. Miller,
10 A M. Montelius,
40 Wm. Kennyson,
14 C. S. Kainsey,
80 T. Kosser,
20 J. Kupp,
00 J. B. Heed,
SO J. Shipp,
15 II. Vau Gaskins,
60 Amos Vastine,
84 Wm. M. Weaver,
5U M. Weist,
$1 10
K. J. flicker. 51
2 05
CI 40
W.M.Kockufeller. 42
Geo. M. ltenn, i
135 25
7 15
40 00
21 20
31 30
22 55
iv m. M. .11 ct lure, 30
N. F. Liiihtner. 4
Alex. Jordan. 124
J. Farnsworih, 06
Wm. T. Grant, 57
Thos. D. Grant, 5i
W. I. Greeuougb, 128
Henry Huas, 48
Benj. Hendricks, 13
George Hill, SA
J. W. Friling, 52
41 00
112 60
23 15
11 40
18 70
08 24
34 00
H. 1 . friling, 22
W. L. Dewart. S
20 00
3 30
484 60
J. A. J. Cuuiininns, 18
James Boyd, 205
J. Alex. Boyd, 64
100 74
57 00
37 40
13 40
9 50
13 74
12 60
61 70
1C0 66
70 40
64 96
24 35
r. v. Arms, y.'i
C. L. Boyd. 23
Isaac Albert, 44
it. A. Ainmerman, 33
r. turd,
8. Bitlenbendor,
Edward Brannen,
Juhu Caldwell,
Kichard Curnow,
John B. Douty,
- ii. isouiy,
K. V. Douty,
Pi the American.
Corn Bake at Lewisburg.
The ladies of Lewisburg, so justly celebrated for
their genial hospitality, cave another of their grand
annua) Cuin Bake partios at Independence Hall, in
that place, on July 30th. invitations were kindly
extended to gentlemen of the neighboring towns to
participate in tne lusiivities ot the occasion, ana a
baker's dozen uf the tr"i"' koiiui of Sunbury, inclu
ding myself, responded to tho call. The eommittee
of arrangoinents, Miss liilmyer, Miss Dunoan, Miss
Bearer and Mi Wilson, are justly entitled to our
warmest praise for the most complete arrangement
in detail for the accommodation, comfort and plea
sure of their numerous guests. May they speedily
marry four of the most worthy gcutlemeu iu atten
dance on the occasion, (myself included '.)
The Lord is evidently on the side of the Lewisburg
ladies, as tho evoning selected could not have been
more favorable for their entertainment. At about
6 P. M. the party assembled at the Hall to partake
of a substantial repast, gotten up regardless of ex
pense and trouble. The ladiea God bless them
nave never been known to fail in any undertaking,
as many of as know to our sorrow, but in the work
uf supplying the inner man on this oosasion they ex
ceeded our most sanguine expectations. Having
previously arrayed ourselves in our eating cos
tiuiiea, aud fasted four and twenty hours, we were
prepared to enjoy the good uiiugs or this lire to some
extent, and retired from that banquet hall '-too full
for expression." After devoting an hour to toilet
examine aud similar amusements, we .were again
uuimoniul to the Hall. Mr. lip, with his trio of
musicians, was in attendance. Dancing beicg the
order of the evening, Die request to take partners
for a cotillion was unanimously responded to, aud
all went merry as a marriage bell. The ladies, both
graceful and agreeable, were dreseed with exquisite
taste, and looked as bright and fair as a May morn
ing. At 12 o'clock we were again invited to refresh the
inner man with ice eream, cakes. Ac, Ac., after
which "our worthy friend from Berks," Mr. Jas. P.
llale, was called to tha chair and gave the following
toast: , , v . .
TU LaJiet of vic..r They are lo the earth
as the slara to the Heavens ! May their lustre never
dim ' i ,. ,
To which Mr. Dan Ermentrout (who elcotioneen
in a peculiar stylet responded in a very neat aud
appropriate little speech.
Dancing was resumed, and the festivities contin
ued until chaolieleer proclaimed the night far spent,
and we retired with happy hearts and tired,
dream M laughing eyes i)ul spring chickens.
Taa 'pUw adopted fcy the Washington 'LlbWy
Company for the raising of funds for the Riverside
Institute an asylum for the gratuitous edacatlon of
Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan! Is meeting with great
approval. Subscriptions to the stock are coming tn
rapidly. The handsome steel-plate engravings giv
en t thorn Who purchase stock are acknowledged by
competent judges to be flrst-eloas productions, Bo
lides reoeivlng a handsome engraving of this char
acter, worth more at retail than the prioe of the
took, every purohasor Will In addition receive a
present of some kind. Fall guarantee le given that
every share ot stock must be aocompanlod by a
present beside the engraving. N. F. Llghlder Ii
the authorized agont for Banbury and vicinity.
See advertisement.
, , For the American,
Editor Akxricak Sir t The time Is upon ni to
select eandidates for County Officers, but so far we
have not seen any notice of any aspirant. W have
been looking over the political fluid, and now allow
us to recommend A. A . Sbissleb, Esq., of Sunbury,
as a suitable person for member of the Legislature.
Mr. Shinier, is a gentleman of rare abilities, and if
eleoted will make an effioiont member, who will be
fearless and impartial in the discharge of hit duties.
Having the neocssary qualifications, we have no
doubt, but that the Interests of Northumberland
county would be well looked after, and the llepub-
leans wouiu nave a strong advocate ot tnoir princi
ples, as he haa always strictly adhered to the party
and its principles. Mary Kki ublicass.
August 10, 1807. it
t3rsIob IrlnlIiiK. Having received a
large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new
styles, Posters, Handbills, Clroulars, Cards, Letter
Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, can be printed In
the latest and best styles, and on short notice.
Ordors by mail promptly attended to.
Tna New Rules or Coubt, regulating tho prac
tice of the Court in tha 8th Judicial District of
Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Northum
berland, Lyooming and Montour, have been pub
lished by us, and are now for sale at the Ameri
ca offico. Those who have not yet subscribed can
obtula copies by applying immediately.
A Talk. It bas lately been remarked that the
gentlemen of Sunbury all appear so well and fash
ionably dressed. This is always the case when gen
tlcmon order their suits from John E. Smiok's Tai
loring Establishment, on Fourth street. All who
have neglected to replenish their wardrobes can
readily be accommodated at Bmick's.
Joan BiLLixug sayi tbat a good way for a man to
train up a ohild In the way it should go, was to travel
that way occasionally himself. Ono of the examples
be should place before his ohildron is lo buy bis
Boots and Shoes where money will be saved in ma
king the purchase ; such a place, for instance, as
Millet 's Excelsior Boot and Shoo Store, in Market
Square, where there Is an elegant assortment of all
the latest stylos and of the very best material, at
low prices.
Ir you want to make money, go to J. 0. Beck'
Tailoring Establishment, on Fourth stroot, and tro
curc your garments. II is last lot of Summer goods
go off like "hot cakes." Beck sells cheap and makes
up good suits. His great aim, in giving satisfaction
to all, is one reason why ho succeeds so woll. All
who deal with him ouco are sure to go tho scooud
Piiotoorai'iis, made from Daguerreotypes or Am
brotypes, at Bcrgstrosser's Gallery, Third street, op
posite tho Masunio Hall.
Lira IXHi'RANCK. -Tho relief from anxiety af
forded by Life Insurance very frequently contrib
utes to prolong the life of the insured, at the same
time that it materially augments the comfort and
well being of thoso dependent upon him." Mc
Calloch't Cvtn. Vie.
Jacob Siiii'MA, Fire and Life Intnranrt Agrut,
Sunbury, Pa.
Superb. Our citizens will find at Sbaetfcr'i tai
loring establishment, Market Square, the most beau
tiful patterns of summer cassimcroi for gents' and
boys' clothing. They are made to order promptly,
neatly aud chcoply.
"Skcurb tub Shadow, kiik thi SunsTAxrc
Faueh." If any of our readers should want a
beautiful and life-like Photograph, or pictures of
any site or style, and on any kind of material, we
would adviso them to go to the Photograph Gallery
of S. Bycrly, in Simpson's buildiug, Market street .
Piiotki'T your Fket ! The best way to protect
your feet from exposure in inclement weather is to
purchase your Boots and Shoes from the elegant
stock at Thacber'i Store, in Pleasant' building,
Market strcot.
Bkrustiiessku, Third street, opposite the Masouio
Hall, tho successful Photographer, makes pictures
in all styles of tho art. Persons are requested to
give him a call before going elsewhere.
"Live there a max w itu Burt, so head,"
Who has never desired to wear,
Or see worn, such
Suit for Gentlemen,
Suit for Boys,
Suits of all grades,
As aro made at
The Continental Clothing Bazaar,
Market Street, Sunbury.
Wbex yon want eheap and good Photograph
Bergstresser'a Gallery, Third street, opposite the
Masonic Hall, is the place to resort to. Six oards, or
one largo Photograph, for 1.40. Duplicate, 24 to
40 cents.
Tna Wohlu as Kouxn a a Ball. The heading
of thi article is but an expression, so far a we are
concerned, but in science and in the discoveries of
Columbus, argues much. Had Ferdinand been as
kindly toward Columbus a Isabella was, Columbus
would have received more gratitude; thus, in a
Sleasant way, we wish to convince the public that
. Faust, at his fashionable Hat and Cup Emporium,
is daily contributing lo their advantage in furnishing
the best, handsomest and obeapest goods, in his line,
that come to this place. Call and examine the la
test style and large assortment.
Or all place to get good Photographs, go to Berg
stressor's Gallery, Third street, opposite the Masouio
Hall, where they are made. Six cards, or one largo
Photograph, for $1 .60. Duplicates, 26 to 40 ot.
Corrected Weekly for tha "American.1
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do do do do porewt.
Bye Flour, per bbl.
do per ewt.
Wheat, prime red, new, por bushel,
It ye, . - do
Corn, new , do
Oats, do
Potatoes, do
Dried Peaches, pared por pound
do do - . unnared Jo
$12 00
6 40
10 00
6 60
2 00
1 24
1 10
1 00
Dried Apples, do
Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu.
3 00
per pound,
per dozen,
per pound,
. lo
per pair
Beef, hind quarter, .
' from "
, 18
Hbaiiuoklat t'ottl Trade.
Suamokie, August T, 1887.
- -. ...:. TtHA. Ctel.
Hen! for week aading Aug. 8, - 14.841 12
Per last report, ; 271,1 14 .
2Si,77 OT
325,720 13
39,743 OS
To same time last year,
Special Notice.
Sice-Ueadach. Very many are troubled with
this distressing complaint every few day through
the Bummer months. A (enUeutan from Ohio who
bai been lubjoct to such attacks write that Coe'i
Pyspcpiia Cur cuied him ' '
Our oantale province Is te Und the fair, ' ',' . . ,'y
Not a leas pleasing though less glorious euro,
Oh.ithoughtleas Indies ! even blind to fate,, , , .
r Ton soon you'll lad all reniedie too late, t
Puddea your honors will be matched away,
And you'll forever aaowrn the Inekleaa day
When von neglected to apply "Barrett I Vegetable
Hair Restorative," as a preventative to the ap-
S roaches of baldness and grey hairs. Vou eanuot
nd such an elegant toilet article elsewhere.
Certificate from His Excellency, David R. Portor,
Et Oorcrnot of Pennsylvania 1
HARRiSBVRn, Pa.. Deo. t, 1866.
t have had occasion toase HAHTEK'S ZING AKI
BITTEK3 in my family, and found them very effi
cacious in all disorders of the bowels. 1 have re
commended their use also to friends in New York,
where they have been found to produce the aam
effect, Every family would do well to have a sup
ply at all times oa hand. DAVID a. POllTEK.
To Cotmuilifillveai.
' The advertiser, having been restored to health tn
a fow woeks by a very simple roinody, after having
suffered for several years with a severe lung aQuo
tian, and that dread disease, Consumption is anx
ious to make known to his fellow-suffereri the means
of Cure.
To all who desire It, he will send a copy of tha
prescription used (freo of charge,) with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same, which thoy
will find a aure cure for Consumption. Asthma,
Buonvhitis, Couoiih, Colds, and all Throat and
Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser
in sending the proscription is to benefit the afflicted,
and spread information which he conoctvea to be
invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try
his remedy, as it will oust them nothing, and may
prove a blessing. Partios wishing the prosoriptiou,
Kiiua, by return mail, will please address
my 18-'67.1y Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. V.
And House of Meroy.
Men, on the orlnie of Solitude, and the Errors, Abu
ses and Diseases which destroy the manly powers,
and create impediments to Marriage, with sure moans
of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelope, free of
charge. Address Dlt. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON,
Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa.
Juua 8, 1807. ly
Ir. iVlNtur'ai llalxnm of M ild
Whrro this article is known it is a wotk of supere
rogation to say one word in it favor, so well is it
established as an unfailing remedy for Coughs,
Colds, Bronobitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma,
diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs, as well a
that most dreaded of all diseases, Consumption,
which high modlcol authority has pronouncod to be a
curablo disease. Those who have used this remedy
know its value ; thoso who have not, have but to
make a singlo trial to be aatisOed that of all others
it Is the remedy.
well known and much respected among the German
populutiou of this country, writes as follows :
X1A.10VER, I'A., feu. in, IftJ'.l.
Messrs. S. W. Fowl A Son, Dostok Dear Sirs :
Having realized in my family important benefits
trom tile uscot your valuable preparation n istar a
Ualsam or VI ild VUEHRV it atlords me pleasure
to recommend it to tho public. Somo eiislit rears
ago, one of my daughters seemed, to be in a doclino,
ami little hopes of her recovery wore entertained.
1 then procured a bottlo ot your excellent Ualsam,
aud before she had taken tho whole of it there wa
a great improvement in her health. I have, In my
individual case, made frequent use of your valuable
medicine, and have always been benefited by it. I
would, however, caution the public against imposi
tion, becuusa there H n good dcul of spurious Wis
tar's BaUuiu of Wild Cherry afloat throughout the
iouo genuine uuicss signcu "i. jjliio ' on tue
wr.l'Pcr- ..
i'repurcu Dy tjr.iu . tun iis & sus, is Jrc-
inont St., Boston, and for sale by Druggists generally.
Conttiiiiiitliuu 'nrullc by Dr.
Ns-llVHcU'eJ ItlsHllfilM'M.
TO CI RE CONSUMPTION, tho system must be
prepared so that the lungs will heal. To accom
plish this, the liver and stomach must first be cleansed
and nn appetite created for good wholesome food,
which, bv these medicines will bodiccstcd rroncrlv.
and good healthy blood uiade; thus building up tho
cleanse the stomach of all bilious or mucous accumu
lations; and, by using the Sea Weed Tonic iu con
nection, tne appetite is restored.
BitibACK a.n si ni l' ts nutritious
as well as medicinal, und, by using the three reme
dies, all impurities are expelled from the system, nrd
good, wholesome blood made, which will repel all
disease. If pntiouts will take these medicines ac
cording to directions, Consumption vory frequently
in its lust stage yields readily to llieir action. Jako
the pills frequently, to cleanse the liver and stomach.
It does not follow that beeauso tho bowols are not
oostlvo they are not required, for sometimes in di
arrhoea they are necessary. Tho stomach must be
Kepi ucauny, nna nn uppeiuu crcaica iu anew ino
Pulmonic Syrup to act on the respiratory organs
properly and allay auy irritation. Then ull that is
required to perform a permanent cure is, to prevent
taking cold Exorcise about the rooms a much at
powible, eat all tho richest food fat meat, name,
aud, in fact, anything tho appetite craves; but be
particular anu uiasiiouto wen.
Oct. 20, 1800. 2nd w. ou. mo. 1 yr.
Is the Great Diuretic.
lldniliobT Cuiietntrdted Kxtratt .Surnijurillti
I the Cleat Blood Purifier.
Roth are pienared acr-oiding to rules of Pharmacy mid
Chemist!), ami uie the muatactive tliateiui be made.
March 4, Ih67.- ly
00 1 Market Ntrerl,
One door above Sixth, Philadelphia.
For many yean thi Establishment has done busi
ness on the One Price Sys:em, and we believo we
are the only Clothing Houso in the city that strictly
adhere to this principle. We have earned a repu
tation which we are proud of, for good taste in select
good stylos and substantial materials, and not less
impurUuit, for having all our goods,
Evnu vi:li. maiii:.
We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our
Goods are of both kinds Fashiunable and plain
so that all taste can be suited. The prices are the
very lowest, a any one by a moment s thought must
see, or-otherwise we could not meet the competition
of our neighbors, for a no deductions are ever uiado,
we must put our prioe down to the advantages we
The people may depend, this is the true plan upon
which to do business, nnd many a dollar con be
saved to Clothing buyer by keeping In uiiud
604 Market A'Urect, Philadelphia,
Not on the Corner, but ono door above Sixth.
March 23. 1807. ly
TUB It I I'll' OA Si t.A I IT.
Now is the season for those huge black swarms of
Bios, that so torment man and beast,
will make aolcan sweep of them every sheet will
kill a quart. Boware of bogus imitations, which
somo may say are "just as good." There is nothing
at all comparable with it.
JSold elsewhere. Price Six Cent.
July 27,1887. 4t
- Chronio Diaeaaea, Borofula, Ulcere, Ac.
It i well known tbat the benefit derived from
drinking of the Co.suiiass, Sakatoua, and other
oelebratud Springs Is principally owiug to the lodiue
they contain.
contains Iodine In the aame pure state that it is
found in these spring waters, but over 600 per cent,
more in ouanlitv. containing as it doe Ii grain to
each fluia ounee, dissolved iu pure water, without a
solvent, a discovery lung sought for in this couiitry
and Europe, ana u the best remedy iu tnu world lor
Scrofula, Canoers, Halt Rheum, lloers, and all
Chrouie Disease. Clroulars free.
J. P. D1NSMORE, Proprietor, 34 Dcy Street,
New York. Bold by all DruggUh jjr27--t
I'UI.iiATE sV t'O.'S
I manufactured from Pl'RE
MATERIALS, and may be
considered the STANDARD OF
EXCELLENCE. For sal by
allOrooer. " -
May 18, 1887. ly.
F KM KPI Kr for unpleasant aud daiMaia diseaars L'aa
UsLMSoLa's Kitbact Hucuc litranvaD Kosa waiu
Msrvii 3, tWT.-ly ,
Is a certain ear do diamessof tha .
and aft disease of the
whethrj existing iu
from whatevor cause originating and un matter of
Diarases of these nttrnns require the nse of a diuretic.
If no treiilinviil is suhinitli-d to, Consumption iir Insan
ity may ensue. - Our Flesh awl UksHl are suppoitcd I tool
these sources, and the
' and '
thntofroaUiclty, depends upon prompt use of a reliable
Established upwards of 19 years, prepared by
. t , , , ii. t. iii:i.mui.t,
Aol Broadway, New York, and
104 Souili lutli Street, l'liilnuelphia, Pa.
. March , Ht7, ly
xKi-rorn t" Youth.
A gohllciunn who suffered for years from Nervous
Debility, Prcmaturo Decay, and nil Ilia ellccte of
youthful indiscretion, will, for tho sako of suffering
humanity, send free to nil who need It, tho recipe
and directions for making the simple remedy by
whioh ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to prolit by
tho advertiser's experiauce, onn do ro by addressing,
in perl'eot conlidence, JOHN 11. OM DEN.
my 18 -67. ly 42 Cedar Street, N. Y.
HKf.MHUI.0'8 EXTRACT IIUCHt: and Improved
R"M Wush tun's secret mid delicate disorders in nit llirir
stnnrs,at hltle expei'it, hllle ol no cIhiiikc in diet, ro in
convenience nnd no exposure. It is pIcaKint in Mrte and
0.I1.1, immediate in in action, and lice Iroui nil mjii
ious pmpcriies. nilii'07 ly
eaaaasasswswMSwapssgSMeMaariai in i s n I mil i
iii:itirr'M nam:.
BY virtuo of a curtain writ of Levari Facns, issued
out ot tho Court ot Common Ptuas of Nortlium
bcrlund couuty, and tome directed, will be exposed
to publio aula at the Court Houso, in thc horoiiirh of
Sunbury, on SATURDAY, AUbt'ST 10th, IHH7. at
It o'clock P. M., the following described property,
to wit :
All that certain Frame Dwelling Houso of two
stories, having a front of 20 feet on Packer street
and a depth or front of 26 feet nn Fort Augusta
Avenue, and n two-storied fruiua back building, lfi
feet deep by 12 feet broad ; also n certain Privy build
ing upon ground iiniuodiatcly adjacent thereto, be
ing 41 feet square and 7 feet in height h. situate upon
a certain lot or pieco of ground on the corner of
Packer street and Fort Augusta Avenue, commonly
known ns Cakotown or Cake's Addition, in Upper
Augusta township, within the county of Northumber
land, and bounded nnd described lis follows, to wit :
On tile south by Packor street, on tho west by Fort
Augusta Avenue und nn tho north-utid cast by lots
or Und of Joseph W. Cuke.
Seized, taken into execution and to bo sold as
tho property of David Brown, owner or reputed
owner, and John Sussamuii. contractor.
D. BECK LEY, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, July 27, 1 17 .
In the mutter of John I
Connolly, Bankrupt, j No. 4 in Bankruptcy.
A Warrant in Bankruptcy has been issued by said
Court against the estato of John Connolly of the
Couuty of Northumberland, uf the Slate of Pennsyl
vania, In said District, adjudged Bankrupt ujhiii tho
petition uf his creditors. And tho payment of nny
debts and the delivery of any property belonging to
said Bankrupt, to him or to his use nnd Die transfer
of any property by bilu, aro forbidden by law. A
meeting of the creditors of sanl. Bankrupt, to prove
their debts and chooso ono or more Assignees of his
estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bo
hol.lcn at Suubury, in said District, nn tho 7lh dny
of August, A. D. lKt'w, at 10 o'clock A. M., ut the
office of J. M. Aveistliug (ono of tho ItegiAturs iu
Bankruptcy for said Court) for the timo being.
A. J. STUOH, Deputy Marshal,
July 27. IU nsMossenger.
"VfOTICE ishcroby given to all parties, or porsons
interested, that the "Directors of tho Excelsior
Coal Company, (the charter ot said Company having
been dissolved.) filed their account with the Compa
ny inclosing up its affairs, in openoourt, on July 2,
ll!7, und that unless oausc is shown to tho contrary,
un or before the 12th day of August next, said ac
count will be unproved by the Court. r. C.
Suubury, July Id, ISO". it
is on 3d street, opposito tho MASONIC HALL, ut
Hut I-uH-ly i:tulllsilicl, M ill nil
I lie Motlrrii Improvement!
ol (lie Art !
rTWIE subscriber, having built the room expressly
X for the purpose of Photographing, and having
devoted many years to tho business, is confident of
his ability to assure his patrons that the work pro
duced shall be second to uono in country or city.
No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en
tirely satisfactory. Having tha best sky light in the
county, ho is prepared to make Photographs in all
kinds of weather, but would prefer a clear duy for
small children.
He is also prepared to tnko new size, or cabinet
card Photograph.
All kinds ut' pictures copied and magnified to
any required sise and colored beautilully in Oil or
Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention
to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape
views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac,
a large lot of Photograph frames constantly ou hand.
1'ho public aro respectfully invited to call and seo
our speciiuons ana our complete arrangements for
making Photographs, special terms to luuiilics oi.d
Suubury, July 14, 1S07.
From the
Cold Spring Brewery,
S U.N B V 11 Y , P A.
I ESPECTFULLY Informs the publio generally,
V that bo is prepared to furnish
in large or small quantities. His facilities for mak
ing Beer cannot be excelled, and is pronounced supe
rior to any othur offered in Ceutroi Pennsylvania.
It has also beeu recommended by physician as a
healthy drink fur invalids.
Hotels, Ucstaurant and privute families supplied
at short notice.
Sunbury. July 13, IWI7.
WII.T. find In our Aritalilitfliinent a suncrlor stock
of Planes, Saws, Augers, Hatchets, Hammers, Files,
Chisels, Jtc, do., lor sale by
"boots AND SHOES.
RESPECTFULLY inform hi friends and cus
tomers, that he has just opened a shop for the
manufacture of BOOTS i SHOES, ou
Sjiruee ttrcet, bctiretn Second ttrttt and Centre
'Allty, Suuhury.
where ull kinds of work in his line will be made up
In tue latosl stylo and in the best workmsuliko man
ner. Having first olass stock on hand, he flatters himself
that be will be able to suit the tastes of the most fas
tidious. The publio are invited to call.
Suubury, June 14, 1887.
NOW offer .10,000 in Borough Bonds at par.
bearing iuterest at the rate of SEVEN PER
CENT, payable SEMI-ANNUALLY. Said Bonds
with Coupons, are now ready to be delivered.
Those Laving money to invest will Hud the Bond
of the Borough a good aud safe investment, equal to
any other aeeurity offered in market.
By an Act of Assembly passed the 2d day of March
1867, the Town Council of the Borough of Sunbury.
are fully authorised to burrow the aiuouut as afore
said, for Borough purposes. 4 c.
a. V. BRIUUT, Chief Bcrgoss,
Sunbury, July 27, lb67. 3t
THE best qualities of Sole Leather, French Calf
skins, Morruuoos, Linings, Lasts, Nails, Pugs
Tools of all kinds, and every thing ued by the trade,
lor rale low by J U. CONLEY CO.
. HIE ..
Washington Library. Cr.
... $800,000 .
niESENTs to suuscnniEns.
One Cash PnasKNT op f lil.nilO.
Oaa Cask Prkhkn or ?2n.non.
, Ok Cash Pbeient or JMi.imiu.
i i Cash Pret or 9&.eon. ' ' ' ,
TwoCasu PnaacxTsor $2.ct0acb.
A'lW full SiMhU of r redeem Jliluw.
Each Certificate of Stock Is accompanied with a
Beautiful Steel-Plate Engraving
And also Insure to the bolder a.
The Washington Library
Is uliurlurod by the State of Pennsylvania,, aud
Organized in aid. of tho
Soldiers' and Bailors Orphan.
Iituoriiorutcil hy the Stuto of N. J.
APUILR, 18157.
Situato ut ltivcraido, Burlington Counly, Now Jer
sey, is toundod lor tho purpose of gratuitously edu
cating tha sons of dcccufcd Soldiers uud Scauicu of
tho I'nited States.
Tho Board of Trustee consists of the following
well-knovi-n citizens of Pennsylvania and New Jersey ;
District Attorney, Philadelphia, Ta.
Ex-Chief Coiner U. S. Mint, and Recorder of
Deeds, Philad'n., Pennsylvania.
HON. J AMES M. SOOVEL, Now Jersey.
IIO.V. W. W. WAKE, New Jersey.
Agent Aduins' Express, Philadelphia, Pa.
J. E. CUE, Esq., of Joy, Coo A Co., Philadelphia.
April IS, IM57. Office of Internal Kcveuue .Hav
ing received satisfactory evidence that the proceeds
of tho ctilerpTiso. conducted by tto "Washington
Library Company" will be devoted to charitablo,
use, pcrmirsinn it hereby grnntcd to said Company
to conduct such enterprise exempt from all charge,
whether from special tax or other duty.
E. A. liOLLINS, Commissioner.
Tlie WrtNhlngrlon I.ibi nry Co.,
Iu order that the benevolent object sot forth in this
circular may bo successfully accomplished, havo
issued five series of
which are put on subscription at .rices much below
ineir retail vuiiiu,
will be issued, stumped with the son! of the Compa
ny, and signed by tho 6'ccrotary. (Nona others
Any person sending us Ono Dollar, or paying tho
same to our local Agents, will receive immediately a
Ano Stool Plate Engraving, at choice from the fol
lowing list, and One Ccrtiliculo of Stock, insuring
One Present ill our published schedule.
No. l-"My Child ! .My Child !" No. S -They ro
Saved! They're Saved No. 3 ''Old Scvcuty-six
or, tho Early Days of tho Revolution."
Any person paying Two Dollars will receive cither
of the following flno Staul Plates, nt choice, and
Two Certificates of Slock, thus becoming entitled to
Two PrvscnU.
No. 1 "AVashinglon's Courtship." No. 2 "Wasli-
ingtnu s Latt interview with Ins .Mother.
TI1HEB no I. L All ENIiltAVlNfiK.
Any person paying three dollurs will receive tho
bcautilul Steel Plato of
and threo Certificates of Mock, becoming entitled
to three Presents.
Any person paying Four Dollars shall receive tho
large and beautiful Steel Plate of
and Four Certificates of Stock, entitling them lo
Four Presents.
Any person who pays Fivo Dollars shall receive
tho largo and splendid Steel Plato of
And Five Certificates of Stock, entitling thorn to Fivo
The engravings and Certificates will be delivered
to each subscriber ut our Loeul Agencies, or scut by
mail, post paid, or express, as may be ordered.
'rite Vn.liiiiKioii IJbrnr) loiupany
WiU Aword
Oh. WcJiiciulti', tfqiitmlier 25M, 1807,
At PHILADELPHIA, PA., Ot at the Institute, RIVER
1 Cash Present
1 Cash I'rt-iaiiit
1 Uukh Piescnt
1 Cash 1'rcNei.t
4 Cash 1'reseuti uf gj,50n each
1 llundsiiuie Cuatrv It ,..(... Miul.l .;,.,. I.
g III. 000
a i,oou
Ac., Umnai.lown, Phlludeliiliia, 18,0(10
I Double Knudsme. UnccM.lry laick, Cuinilcn.N J. 10,000
1 Coul DciH.t, Oihrea, tflmli, Oround, with hui
liesactuLhilK:.l,,No. IU14 anliuiiilou Av
enue, l'hH.idcl,hui, 13,010
1 Country Keaidenee, UircuiuV, N. 8., with
UrouiHl, Prima, A.C. 10,000
I I hiue-Wnry CotUiKe, lt, Ac. o.lnil
IU Vuluuble Building j,t, Riverside, .KSI ciich 5,0MI
1 Elegant Turnout Fuluily Carnage, sl.uu ol
Horses, liaruess, 4ce., ooiuolete 5.0ISI
1(1 Valuable Huilduig Lota, Riverside, MOO each U.UUO
1 Ucaulllul Silver UiayHorst, 13 hands high,
sired hy the celrhiuled nop. Tied Arabian
Horse "Caliph also, a hBhl Itiwd Wagon
weight ltd pounds, with set of supeimr
Single Harness, Ac, making a uiat.cluss
caUilihthuiejit A, 000
4(1 Pianos, Soliu each 10,0. SI
VO Melodeons, sji-J.5 end. 4, SOU
a RoewiKl eewniy Machines MoO each l.ouu
III Family tiewiug .Machines, fcloo such 1,000
SO Fine Gold VYaudusa, tAeoli lll,UIHl
10(1 Oil Puuiiinss, Ly luidn artists accrcgaie
value ' lO.Ooll
3 Camrl'i Hair Shawls, SI. (loll each :i,M0
i Camcl'sllmr flanvls, sfj.issi each U,ooo
3 Handsome Ijici- shawls, S'.'.'a) each 730
IU Cashmere Chaw it tf'xl each SMI
20 Silk Dress i'ullern ;.1 each 1.SISI
60 Cltv lluililuig Ijus, vlTorach h,73l)
The remaindei will eousist ol' Silveiwnre, Musical
iloiea Da.ra lilasKS, P.s-kel llihles, and dif
tercut aitielcs of uritaincul aud use, uu.ouul
"it t". Si.000
Total, 1300,0110
All the properties given clear of incumbrance.
Kca orilers In as hy mad, enclosing from l to S'.HI,
either hy iuit tliiiue orders of in a registered letler, ul
our risk. Ijii.'cr amounts sliould U sent by draft lit e
nress. ill shales with Kii-iavint:s 0,5u
V5 shares wnh KiiKiaviaas JJ 5(1
M) shares with Kuuruviiifis 4tt,-'iO
75 shares with Kui!mviii)!s IftM
loo shari a with Engravings 4n,UU
Locul AGENTS WANTED throughout the tinted Suitca
The Association have apnoiutnl as Receivers, Messrs.
UI'.OKl.K A. COOKE A CO., whose well known lule
Hi lly and business experience will im a aulllcieut (iuuniu
lee ll wllhe uiouey uitrusted to Iheui will be proinialy ap
plied to the stutc.1.
PuiL4biii.iiiu, Pa., May 40, 1607.
To the OiWrs and Meiulieis of the Washuiglou Libia
ry Co , N. 8. R KAD, Socrcniry. .
Gentlemen : On reoeipinf yimr nivor of the l.tih Inst.,
imilyiiig us f. our apiwiuluieul aa K. silvers for your
Oauiiauy, we uk the liberty sulamt a of your
Chatter, with a iilan 4' yiair, ui tha kiahesl
L:galuulhoilty of the Stale, aud having reeeivad his luvia
ableoiiiuiou in remind lo us Ursbly, and syiuiaibixuig
with the henevoleut object of yiau Assoeiumm, via : the
education aud maintenance of the nirihau children wf our
aokliers and sailors at the Hiverslda Institute, we have
xaieluded to secia ilia trust, end iu use our best efforts lo
prsuou an wtinhy au ohjet4.
Respeutlally, yours, Ac,
Addrrs ad letters and orders 1.1
a3'ulh Third tUrert, Philadelphia, Pa
Recovers fiM tha Waahiugtoe Library Co.
II" N V. LIU11TNEH. Kis.ksollar A Stallopur,
Sunoury, Pa., Is the authorised Agent of the Com
pany tor this plaae aud viciutty,
J anew, 17 u
, ( Pmctical
.'..til J ' ' 1 ' I " J
In Simpson's Building, Market Square,
I.INK Hold and Silver American and rij.
1 Watches. Clocks, .lewulry and filler ware. con.
stantly un hand. Aiair Jewelry ami Masonic Marks
uiado to or.lvr.
Hold nnd Silver Plating done in the lust tnuuior
nnd warranted iu give entire sutislaetinn
Fine Watchee, Clucks, Muno Boxes iil.1 Jewelry
Repaired aud warranted.
All orders prouilillr filled
Kuiibury. June I, !Ki)7
Notice to WerchanU and rShirjptii.
rilHU undersigned, proprivlorsof tVcis. r ,t Krik's
X Lino, give nolieo to uicrchunts and rfiii.i.oia
that their Depot Is still at Mil Market street, H!ul
dolphin, and nil Moods directed to Suubury und Dim
villa will be promptly delivered.
I V Cars leave HI I Market street, Philadelphia,
tri-weckly Tuesdays, 'J hurrduys and Salnnlaya.
All kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS.
Slates, Pens, Ink. Paper, Ac. i
Miscellaneous Hooks, a good assorH
incut. All the now books received (
as soon its published, and for sale nt r-J
Publishers prices. I
BIBLES, i'raycr Books nnd Hymn
Hooks, io every siyio oi uiuuiujj.
Catholic Prayer Books.
FAMILY BI BLES In various styles
DICTIONARIES of all sizes.
Juveniles und Toy Books, a liirj,"
ussortinunt .
Itlniil ItookM and Blank)
Forms of ull kinds.
Foolscap. Legal Cup, Letter audi
Note Capers.
COPYINti BOOKS, Inkstands i
Pen Racks, Files, Paper. Cutters and
Counting Houso Stationery gcuorally .
mid dear.
(lold Pens and Holders.
Pocket Books uud Bill Wallets,
l'icturo Frames.
Stereoscopes and Views, American.
French, Ac.
Drawing Paper, ull sines, Bristol
Board, Ac.
Diaries, Memorandum Books. Ac
Backgniinnou Boards, tiauics, Chess
men, Ac. j
Toys a largo and complete assortment
Busc-llalls uud Bats. Fishing Rods1
unit liieklc.
Perfumes, Brohomian and Parisian
Marbles. ,vo.
Hold Pons re-pointed.
Lumps, Shades, tilobcs, Chiulncy
Wall Paper and Border, all kinds
Window Curtains, Pancr tiilt und
Music and Musicul Instruments.
I vAll kinds of Books and Stationery notou hau l
promptly ordered.
All the Daily and Weekly Paper and MngnzineV
Agent for tile "American Organ." Also lor "L
Rose's Huir Restorative." Enuiuol of America, and
'National Steain Navigation Company. ''
Suubury, May IS. l.Mo7.
Market Street, llirco iloors cast of the Railroad
north side, SL'NBl'RY, TA.
Provision Store
Tbcir Stock Is complete, consisting in part of
Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt,
Hams, .Shoulders, Cheeto, Fruit,
Glass, Lamps, Ac, Ac.
Country Produce taken in exchange for tloods.
f3Cull and csntuinc our Stock, und satisfy your
Sunbury, Juno 29, 1867.
A !! St., Uvtw ii Stl uul I (Is, cIoko
to tlie Public School IIoiim-,
MILL (tearing, Stovos, and the largest ulu of
Castings made promptly to order.
Also. Window Weights, Frames and Urates for Cel
lar Windows, Ac.
4'tiMt Iron 4'liimiiey Topi..
A liberal price paid for old castings.
proved, is manufactured at thiscstablishniont. Also,
Stove Orates of all kiuds, Kettles, aud every variety
of small castings.
Suubury, July A, 1867. ly
S. S. W'KBKII, JuH!"
6feT3EnB mnm9n
ARCH STREET, betweou Third and Fourth Streets
iiiii,Aifr:i.iiii a.
WEBER A RUNKLE. Proprietors
Juno 2V, lSr7. ly
V. JIl'SGlMHK, Ascttl,
Mnuufucturor of
Front St., 3 doors east of the P. A E. R. 11. Depot ,
AOK1111 .HIU:KI.A.'M, I'A.
Customer will bo served daily. Orders solicited.
Northumberland, June 23, 1S07.
Tbe k'ofier C'ouiily nnd Nuiibui-y
LuiiiImt C'oisiany,
Now fully established at tbe SL'NBL'RY
ro (rcpared to saw to order
of any sise and all lengths. Afull assortment of
always kept on hand. Panuul, Flooring. Sidiug and
liuishiiig boards of ull kiuds.
Sawed and Shaved, White Pine, and illock
l'lau-rlijff Lulls uiitl I'iiHuh,
Planing, Ripping und Turning, will be done to order
at short nutice. This Company design furnishing
everything in their line at such rates ihut Lumber
Yards, Builders and all parties using Lumber, will
Gud it to their iuturest to buy ut thi. establishment.
are respectfully solicited aud will be promptly at
tended to by addressing,
Suubury, Juue 15, ltfeM.
Market street, four doors w est of W in. II. Miller 's
Boot and Shoe store, SLNBL'RY, Pa.
RESPECTFULLY informs her friends in Sunbury
aud vicinity, that she bas just openod her
of every description
t-'aixlslouuble (rt-a 'l'rIlinsln,a;'M,
Head Drnves, Gloves, Hosiery, Embroideries, Lace
Collars, Bleached and unbleached .Muslins, Sheetiugs,
Drillings, Alapaaas, Poplins, Crap and Laoe Veil.'
l-adlc IIuim, 41lllrfu, Hals) uud
uus, of every varleAy.
Muie Demoreat Hair Curlers, Hair Coils and
Curls. U loves, Stockings. Collars, Coraete, Ae.
(taut1 Collars, Neuktius, half Hose, Handker
chiefs and Suspeudrra.
Bradley' uew Pateut Duplex Elliptic (or dcuUu
Spring SKIRTS )
HOPKINS r.llit.lic Skirls.
Periuiuery, Toilet S.msi. Hair Brurhea, Comb.
Toys, and a guueral variety of No Tlo.N.s
Suubury, April J7, ISC: