irvnasiKa'JJ Jlii'Ui I .eaeewenei ' 'MASONIC HALL BUILDING. DREISJlACH llBOTIIEKS, TtK&'PECTFULLY irtfbnn tholr friends and1 ous- J.V turners, that thry have removed tholr Store into lie Southend roomot tboJ.Mn.onlc Building, on Third street, opposite the Dei, Sunbury, whom thoy will no nappy to wait upon iucm. Their larp assortment of Groceries, Provisions, AC, are all fresh nnd of the best quality, consisting ot .teas, uetioos, sugars, ana cptoos. Dried nnd Canned Fruits, U'runci, llulsins, Chceso, ana urncKers, ana in inoi cverytning usually kept in the Grocery lino. They would also call attontion to their largo and ! bonp lot of Hood lamily Flour, Ureen Tea, Ilnros, snonidors, ae.,wiitcti are constantly kopt on band. FRESH riSH and Vogetablon, every Tneaday and jrmay evening. Give them a cnlt nnd see fur yoitrsotvol Sunhnry, April J7, 1367. BRICK! BRICK! BRICK! To the CitisenM of Wmilmry and vicinity. rTTIIE nnJersigned have bought the Brick-Yard I and iinprnvouionts, formerly leased and worked cy A. 11. woven, ana nave iiiiicio auur-ionni im provements, and are now nronared to uinko contrac- to nianufaoiure and deliver BRICK in large quiui titles, fur building and other purpnsn. Jtv thn mnnntHiitiil-n of a innil Hrtjclc. and Prompt attention to buaincss. we hoiieto reeeivc a shnre of public patronage. Orders loft, nt tbo Brick-Yard, or Box U, Sunbury Tost Oiiico, will be promptly attended to. T. HIMES A CO. anbury. May 18, 1I7 3m CHOICE F1UTIT & ORNAMENTAL DbrIit id Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from the most responsible Nurferio in tliis and other btntea.firft eln TUBES of all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vines and Hants. Harden Seeds of all kinds. Orders aro respectfully lolieitod. Address BENJ. UOHNLR, Paxlnos, Noith'd. Co. fjg?" N. B. InFiirnnoes taken in several of tne most respousiblo 1'iro Insuranoo and Horse Detective Companies in tne Btnto. Juno 8, 1.H67. y SHOE- Market Street, adjoining Ouarhurt's Confeoliiinery Store, SUNBURY, fa. TIIF undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Sunburv nnd vicinity, that ho has opened a HEW SHOE STORE, for the sale as well as for the manufacture of the finest nni best quality of Ladies' fchocs, viz : (alorc-KUl, Morrocoo,l?nIl-kIttnn.d S.itr-iInC i!nter, Htc. Children's Shoes of all kinds. His slock is entirely new and well selected. He also manufactures fine French and other Calf skin Hoot and Shoos tor Henllemcn. On I ors for ladies and gentlemen's custom work will ho promptly attended to and got np in the beet style by skilful mechanics Shoo findings Ac, constantly kept on hard and for sale to the tiado. J. JI. JEFFRIES. Sunbury, April 20, JSC". H0 V TUl FIRST PREMIUM or u Hllver Mextal WAS AWAKnsD TO BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE r lirtlio N. It. Blil Asriraltimil C.K'Ictv.ot IU I uir hkiMcn to Nu'Uua,, IvjH. BABUKTT't Vegetable Hair Restorative Krt-toun orsT liftlrto tN rotiirnl tAw, Prtv inot-jJT the iirou th ot the litiir. (heun the V r Jbtt to (huir oricinal orsaiilc action. trats sfc 'X cntef' ud llumow. IVmrf-nts j oonuunu do lnjurtour) logreateiiu, i UHM it) i lie inijci I'upuiur ituu. iia .ui, ru nuna una v D'JUtU, . i, R, BAftHETT & CO., Proprietors, MANCHKSTER, If. H. S-o'.d bv W. A. CEKETT, Sunbury, Pi and Druieirt genorally. April 6, 1867. fim Ji. ". M'l"-sBVK-l0.i, AVATCILMAKEU A JEWELER, Markut yquiirc, near tho Court Jiouao, SUXBUKV, XiTthutubotland County, Ta. Hit hut jti opened au a'wortmont nf Uolit f'iT. nrl l,itntit AVrifohon C.TA H'.K S U for Railroads, Eunks nnd Dwellings, Kine liold Lings, imer Klngf, Jtracelow, Minia ture Cases, Medallion, Lockets, Pencils, Thimbles, Spectacles, Kilvor Table, Defert, Ten Suit and Mustard Spoons. Sunr Spooni, Unps, Napkin Kings, 1'ruit aud Butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed l'oue. Casters, Pitchers, Butter Dishes, Fruit Pbhof, Cako Ba.kct, Syrup Pitchers, Ac. Ac. Ho invitos the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity to call at the above place, where he will be happy to vait ui'ou-thein. - t-i'artieulnr a'.toutiyu paid to UKPAIRIN'U. April la. Ih67. J. H. Conley & Co., Jinrlt t Street, KftM iTf'tbe SCallroad DKAI.KKS IN . Hardware & Cutlery. mil attention of Mechaning. Farmors, Builder, J and Buyers lenerallv is invited to tho fact that We are new bCering a butter selected asaorOuent of HAKDWAKE, CUTiiiilii. AC, than ever was offered In thin marked at yrioes much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all arlioloe iu this line of business, Diiirsini a general assortment o; foois ana mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAUONMAKEHS, JOINlillS, AC, AC, toreilier with n lanro stook of Iron, Stel, Nails Hpikes, Ropo, Chains, tlrindstones, Mill and X Cut bnw, jrc, ate. Sunbury, Mnroh 30, Fashionable Dress AND Millinery Goods, J aft opening at the Millinery toto of Miss M.L. GUS3LEH, Fonrlh Street, two doors below the Railroad, Weak side, SUNEURt, PA. Such as Drew Trimmings, Head-Dresses, Uloves, Hosiery Ribbons, Flowors, Collars, Handker chiefs, 4c, Ac, which have been carefully selected. Miss M. L. tl under hue just opened a large assort ment of Millinery Goods. Ladies should not fail to go and see the latest stylos as it will pay to cut delay in viriting her store. CuU and examine for yourselves. No trouble to show goods Punbury, April M, lbt.7 STEVENS Z0XJ8K, 21, 23, 65 ft 27 Broadway, N. V. Opposite Bowling Oreen, ON THE EUROPEAN .TLAN. rrUIB 8TEVENS HOUSE is well and widely known I to tho traveling ruhlic 'J' ho loeatioti is esne- eitilly suitable to merchants and business mon ; it U in cloee proximity to the buiiness purt oflhe oity is on tho highway of Southern and Western travel and ajjuount to all the priooipul Railroad and lembont tioiiots. Tho BXKVENt) HOI BE Las liberal accommoda tion Air over dud gua-U it is well furnuhed, and Tosiiesses every luodorn iinprveuient for the com fort and eutorUiiiu.unt of its iuiuatof Tbe rooms are spacious and well ventilated provided with gas and water tbe attendance is prompt and respectful and the table is uanerously provided with every ueuoaoy ui we atuuHiij nt inouuraie raroe. UEO. K. CHASE A CO., rroi 'trs. May 25, 17-fim " SI10EMAKERS. ; TIIKl.esttiualilirs of Sola Leather, French Calf ikins. Morroceo.'. Lininirs. Lasts, Nailt', Peca Ivnit ul all kiB'ls nnd uvery tbini? used by the trade, V lo li w by J Jll WHU. f A U SB3I "1? years estaMifliwl In N. Y.Clty," "Only inOtllilile remedies kuown.'1 'Free from Poismts," "Not daiigTotta to the Tinman Family." "Rats come oat of their holes to die." "COBTAR'8" RAT, ROACH, Ac., EXTERM'S Is a paste iwd fbrRals, Mice, Roaches, Black nnd Red Ants, Ae , fte. "COSTAR'S" BED-BUG EXTERMINATOR Is a liquid nr tvh used to destroy, and also as a preventive for Mod-Bugs, Ac. C(3TAR'I ELECTRIC POWDER FOR IINSKCTS Is for Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Bed-Bugs, Imui'ls on Plants, Fowls, Animnls, Ac. "II! liKWiaa ! I I of nil worthless imitations. IV"!ee that "Costak's" name is on eni-h Box, Dottle, and Flask, ticlore you uuy. CT A.klrcss, IIENKY II. CUJTAH, 4P4 Bruadway, N, Y. And all Druwists and Rotnileis everywhere. Sold by FBI LINO SON, SuiOiurr, Ta. Q O T -A. IFt ' S CELEBRATED BUCKTHORN SALVE For CuU, Burns, Braises, Woundii, Boils, Cancer, Broken I HrentB, Stc Ninnies, Blccdinir, Blind ami rninful Tiles: irofulous, Tiitrul nnd 111 fundi tinned tSotei: Vlrors, I iTiiinuumr pwrninw, rrumioTiH, vaiuinrftus Aiicrioni, Knirwnrni. Itch, Coritu, BuiiIohh. Chilblains. A.C.: Clmn- prd ilamij, Lipsf .Vc.j Bites of iders, Insects, ADimals, ryBiixes, a")cta.; 50 pts.t and fft size. lild by nil Driitrsists evrvwherc. AnrlhrliKNItV II. COSTAK. Da not 484 Brnadwav. M -.- ' I- . - 'I new i tim. told by FRILINO 1 SON, Banbury, Pa. CO STAR'S UNIVERSAL CCniT SOLTE1TT. For Coins, Bunions, WarU, Ac. rVBnxct, SS cu , SO cts , and SI sizes. Sold by all Drurffistarveivwhere. And by HENRY K. CUSTAR. Dcnot 4S4 Brundwuv. New Voik. Bold by FRII.IXO A SON, Banbury, Pa. PREPARATION OF BITTER-SWEET & ORANGE BLOSSOMS FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION, faed to 8.iften and Beauty tho Skin, remove Freckles Pini'ilew, rirupUoiis, Ac. joints are now using it in preference to all others. rfTBottlos, SI. Sold by nit IVuctists even-where. And by HKNKY R. COSTAR. Denot 44 Bnjadwav. New YorK. Sold by FUIUNO A SON, Sunbury, Fa. COBTAB'S PF.CTORAL COUGH REIVIEDY 1 For Onitshs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bore Throat, Croup, . uin.jiiir; ..Migti, lllliurum, AKIUIUl, IH1BUID1.1UI. DlUtl' clual Aliactions, and uii Discuses of the Throat and Lungs. Bottles, K ota., AOrta , and HI sizes. &dd tivnl! Dmttist everywhere. Andby HKNKY R. COSTA II, Depot 484 Broadway. New York. Sold by r kiij.-xu ft sun, Bunbury, pa. C03TJLB.3 CELUDRATED BISHOP FILLS. A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL, For Nervous and Pick Headache, Costivenees, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, llilliouaiieaa, OfiruaipaUoo, Diarrhea, Onlica, Chills, Fevers, and geueral deiaiigemeni of the Digestiv, w PS"'' boxes, it cts., AO cts., and f 1 sixee. Kild liy all llruFEisu everywhere. Ai.dl.y Ht.NRY R. COSTAR, Depot 4S4 Broadway, fekdd by FRILINO A SON, Bunbury, Pa. SOLD BY FIULING! & SON, Sunbury, Pa, THE VERY LATEST AEE1VALU SP RING AND SUMMER 09 : Joseph Eyster, ' " Corner of Markot and Fourti Street, 8UNBURY, TBNN'A. Invito the trabllo to Call and examlM bk elegant assortmentof SUMMER GOODS, whlnh he will tell at rreatlr reduced pricee. His stock consists In part of ' CASSIMERE3. CLOTHS. &C , Hllks Delaines. Lawns. Oinshami. Caltooet, Muslins, Sheotinn, Tiokinm, Jeans, and a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. HOT2)HSa IToslery, Gloves, lloop Skirts. Also Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Combs. llnta nnd Cap, ItootK and SUoo, His assortment ef roods will not. he Is sure fail to please the Dmey and suit the wants of any desirous ot purchasing, ins stock oi HARDWARE ADD QTJEENSWARE, and Groceries Is large In quantity and eholoe In quality, comprising goncrally everything needed in nA h.tin.hnM ilhnr Ihr dm np ornament. Ho is alwavs readv and clad to see his friends and takes pleasuro in showing thetn his goods even thniKrh nn uilna urn made. He onlv asks a oall. and la aura that the stock will compare favorably in price and quality with the cheapest. 1 InutfDD VVBTtD Snnbnry, April 13, 1867. THE HOWE MAOHINE CO'S SEWING MACHINES, 009 Broadway, New York. For Famillea and JTsanii lecturers". These World-Rcnownod Sewing Machines, were awarded the hi ghost premium at the World's Fair in London, and six first cromiums at the Mew York Ktato Fair of 1866, and are celebrated for doing the best work, using a much tmnllcr needle for the same thread than any other machine, and by the introduc tion of the most approved machinery, we are now able to supply tho very beet machines in the world. Thoao machines are made at our new and spacious Faotory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the lintnediato supervision of the President of the Company, Ei.ias llow, Jr., the original inventor of the Sewing Ma chine. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and to uso of Seamstresses, Dress Makers, Taylors, Manufacturers of Shirts. Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Man tillas, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Corsets, Boots, Shoes, Harness, Saddles, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton goods with silk, ootton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on bcth sides of tho articles sewed. The Ktitch invented bv Mr. HOWE, and made on this Machine, is the most popular and all Sewing Machines are subject to the principle invented by him. SEXD FOR CIRCULAR. The Tlowe-Machine Company. ftU9 Broadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. A pril 6, lb(17. I ri'U TO I'AKiHF.RM. T0HRINGT0N & H0DQKIN8. MANUFACTURERS OF HAW BONS SUrER-PIIOSPHATE OF LIME, Nunbury, Pa. A 5 tbe scascn Is at hand, we offer to the farmers XX our bupor-fhosiibate, which at a fertiliser lor W heat, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Orass. Ac. cannot be excelled, and warrant it a permanent Improver or ALL KINDS OF SOIL, (not oxecpting any.) It does not act as a simple stimulant lor one crop only , Dut la lasting In Its ell cots, which can be proved by the farmers of Chester and adjoining oounties of this State. Also of the ad jacent counties of Delaware and Maryland, who havo used our manufacture for tbe last 8 years. n e ass a trial tnis spring, eonudont mat tnose wco purcnaso, win continue to patronise. For Wheat 300 lbs. per acre drilled or sown broad cast. For Corn 150 to 200 lbs. por aoro dropped in hill, at plaining. For Oats 150 lbs. per acre sown broadcast. ' For Potatoes 4o0 lbs. por acre scattered in row. For Urasa, 200 lbs. per acre as a top dresser. This quantity on Urasa lands, will produce an in orease in first crop of I to 1 i tons per acre. HIVE IT A TRIAL. We know that the result will be satisfactory. Sold in BarroU and Bags, at $57 per 2000 lbs., at our new Manufactory, V.nut market Ntreet. Also shipped to ell points on the Phil's. A Erie. . . ... ........ vvnuni,jiw.nH AiUU!USUUrH KUU K ..v.l.nm fAn.1 1 .... I ft. 1,, 1 J uuauiuAiu , auvr Aiuuroaus. J E. T0RRINOT0N. ED. HODUK.IUS. Sunbury, Maroh 16, 1867. JOHN B0WMAH, No. 704 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN SILVER &PLATED WARE Our Goods are decidedly tbe cheapest in the City lor TUIPLK PLATK, A No. 1. July 7th, 18nr. Iyer REMEMBER THE DEAD. "A ff EBSH8. D. C. Dbwinger and John A. Taylor. IV L would reepootfully aonounee to the eitiiens of bunbury, and surrounding country, that having formed a oo-partnership, they are now prepared to xurnian ornamented anu plain Graveslones, Tosuba A, 9IotmeBtai of the beet Italian and American marble, at prioes m eaonoi rail 10 give enure saiuiaouoo, and re pwuuiiy souoii we puoiie patronage. V!OC3Xi.1VJIiA m iAlllUAi Sunbury, Uaroh SI, I860 ly. TRON. A large assortment of the best manufae L i urea liars, Uuod. Band, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rods, Cast Steel, Blister Steel. Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, .... . uvmvwi, vices, Hammers. Sledges, Rasps and Files, at ' CONLEY CO'S. Are ec tally invited to call and examine our (took of UiLLlrSft D ilARDWARR. enmnrlrino Nulla Anil Mnilru a all Tu. J Strap and T Uiogea, Locks and Latches, Bolts, Plas tering Trowels, Briok Trowels, Plasterer's Sieves, s0, fSO. UI HUD WJT . J. U. CONLEY CO. Aaluts, OUt, ttc. A full stock of Oils eomnrudur LlnaaaA OIL Cos Oil, Fish Oil, and Lubricating Oil fur Engines aa Machinery, Varnishes, Ulass, always on hand, at low prioes at ? . CONLKY CO'S I oaaaiers, we nave cauaie Irene, Hit Is, Buck II i. ij;BT uu.t t..... ii . .. T. i i li.j -a- , . -i 1 aiuui man every uiing peruuning to ine cusineaa, tor sale by 4. a. Muaiint I'll. , CARPENTERS.,;; WILL find in our establishment a tnnorlorstoak oi tuna, hwi, Augers, uaiuneu, uammers, files, Chisels, e., Ac, for tale by - J. M. VVUhEX CO. IF you -vant rood Tin-Ware, go to MITIiA , 1 tlVVZim SVim Shop. ' dr I. LOO EiHOSPI TAX.. BBTABLISUID At A REIUei FROM QUACK- . ERX. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CVK ' ! CAN BE OVTAtlttD.t ') DR.J0HNST0H has discovered the moat certain, Bpcedy and only Effeetual Remedy In the World for all 1'rlvaU Dlioeses, Weakness of the Baek w Limbs, Strictures, Affection! of the Kidneys and tal Debility, Nervousnoss, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low jplrlto, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, rti.ii(. T..n.i,iiiim nimnass nf Hiirht or (iindiness, Disease of the Uead, Throat, Nose or skin, Affisctlons r .l t iu r hM un..nti m tinwnla-thnse Terri ble Disorders arising from the Solitary Hablta of Youth those secret ana soiry j.roi.i .i.u. tk.n ih. nm nf SrrenS to the Ma- Uners of Ulyasos, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering naniage. --i'i Especially, who have become the violims of.Botltarjr 17,1. .i. j ir..i mnA dmrtmetive habit whioh f lav, IIIM u. u. l M . , Young Men ot uie mom mini . kn ini,t otkarwise have entranced listen tng Senatos with the thnnders of eloquence i or waked .l. u.i itfn tn. sail with full son TO VOBbBiy Mi """S "J 1 Bdenoe. . .... PAraons. or Yountf Mon eontomplnllng koln aware of nhvsical weakness, organio debility, deiormiiios, ag., biwotii ur. - lie who places nimseu umiw vm vi . -niirioiuW ennfide In his honor as a gentleman " J. . . . 111 i-i and eonndeiruy reiy wpow "t r..4i.ilw nnrad. and Full Vieor Keetored. This Distressing ABootion which render! Life nlr.hla and marriase impossible Is the penalty paid by tho victims of improper Indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit exoesaes from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that mav .Twin, ninw. wno uini unuomuinos uie suiiimv win pretend to deny that the power of procreation la lost ..... Kv LtiftnA FtLllinir into imnrotior habits than bv tho prudent ? Bosidos being deprived tho pleasures of hoalthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to koth body and mind arise. The system luwnmea Doranned. the Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened, Loss of Prooreative Power, Nervous Irrltabllltv. DvBDerjssa. Palpitation of the Heart. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Dooay and Death Office, No. r Month Frederick Street Left hand side iroinz from Baltimore street, a few doors from tho oorner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in hisot&oe. A CUKE WAKBAHTED I1D TWO DAYS. If Merevrf or Naustoui Drugt, IR. JOIUVBTOX. Member of the Royal Colloge of Surgeons, London 'irailuate from one or tne most eminent vouogos the United States, and the greater part of whose li hap been spent in' the hospitals of London, Paris, rmiadelnbia and eisewnere, nas eneecoa some tho most astonishing: cures that wore ever known many troubled with ringing In the head and ears wnen asleep, great nervousnen, Doing aiarmea w Hidden annnda. nasniuineas. wno ireaueui diuboidb;. attended sometimes with derangement ormind, were sured immediately. 1'AKi: PAKTlCri.Alt NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them, selves by improper indulgence and solitary habit, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for eithor business, study, society or marriage. 'i nRSR are some or tne sna ana mciancnoiy ciiect prodnoed by early habit of youth, vii: Weaknos of the Back and Limbs, Pains in tho Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Funotlons, General Debility, Symp toms of Consumption, Ao. m cut ally. ine leariui eneeuon ineminaare much to be drended Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, fcvil-forebouinpi, Aver sion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ae. are some of the evil produoed. THOUSANDS 01 persons oi auagoa can now luage what is the cause of their doolining health, losing tneir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and eiiaoiated, having a singular apposrano about the eyes, ooagh and symptoms of consumption. Vhn hava tninrnd themaelve bv a eertain nractloa Indulirod In when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effect of whioh are nightly tell, even wnen aueep. ana u no cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young Bian, the hope of his oeuntry,tho darling of his parent, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyment of life, by the oonsequonce of deviating from the path of nature ana indulging in a oeroaiu euorei uaui. - nsi inuu. host, before oontemplating mAHHIAUK. reflect that a sound mind and body are tho most necessary requisite to promoK connubial nnpnineea, Indeed without these, the journey throutlh life be Somes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the viow; tbe mind booomea shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflec tion that the happiness of anothor bcoomoa blghted witnourown. IHNIMNF OP niPRHnE.HO. When the misiruided and imprudent votary of pleasure Suds that no nn lmbioea tno eeus oi wis painful disease, it too often happens. that an ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of disoovery, deter him from annlvinir to those who. from education and rospeotabiltty, can alone neinona mm, aeiaying nn the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appear anoe, such a uloorated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head I ! 1 1! ..tUfe .1 f knju m, Ika anu umua, uimiiva. vi eigu., uoamw, uvww vj w shin bones and arms, blotches on tbe head, face and extremities, rrroeressini with michtrul rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bone of the nose fall In, and the victim of thi awful disease becomes a noma Object oi commiseration, uii aeatn put a period to hi dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that Undiscovered Country from whenoe no traveller return." It Is imrtaneholv fart that thousands fall victim to this terrible disease, owiog to the unnkillfulness of ignorant protondors, who, by the use oi mat Mtaaiy Poi ton, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make Uie roaidueoi mo misorouie. HTKAnUKHM Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the aiany Uuloarned and YYorthtos Pretender, destitute of knowledge, name or oharaoter, who copy Dr. Johnston' advertisements, or style themselves, in the newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, they keep yon trifling month after month taking tnoir nitny ana pouonus com' pounds, or as Ion 2 a the smallest fee oan be obtained and in despair, leave you with ruined boalth to sigh over your galling aisappoimment. lr Jonnston IS ine oniv ruvaician aaveruBiur. li. nriwIffntiRl nr dinloma always bane In his once. His remidiesor treatement are anknown to all others, prepared from a life spent in tbe great hos pitals of Europe, the first iu the oountry and a more extensive Private Practice than any other Physician n the world. IMOOKHKME.-NT OF THK PKESS, The many thousand cured at thi institution year after year, and the numerous important Surgical uperauon periormed by nr. rfoonauw, wiueaaea oy tl , 1- .U - 11 ti ttriiinnA l -n 1 11 V f.HHMll V4 Ul. 'HUlli vil,., , hiouj othor pacer, notices of which have appeared acain i - -. . ' v .. . l uii- i Li. .i..j:.. .. uiu again uoiuru iob uuuiiv, uvniuo. uii iuuiuiiik mm a gentleman of character and responsibility, Is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. Pflrsnni writing slmulrl be nartlcular In rliractlmr xhou loUers to hi Institution, In the following nianne ' JOII.n 91. JOHNSTON, Hl.l, 01 the Baltimore Look Hospital, Baltimore, Md J une 80 1866 ly. BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS ! II. a. TIIACIIVK, SUCCKSgOB to ' "" 1 w. w. apsley; IN addition to our large stock, already on hand, we are now receiving a full supply of Spring and bummer good lor liadiea, ueuueinon, aliases Children's wear. Also a good assortment of Trunks. A large lot of K. R. Bag, dents' fine leather Satchels. We wish it distinctly uaderstoed that we intoad sailing our goods ai small preAuv exclusively for the cash. Don't forget the pU,. Pleasant' Building, Mar ket Square, Sunbury, Pa. NOTICE Boots and Shee neatly repaired at short notice. If any bought of us should rip they (nail be nxea or nothing. H.G.THACHJJ1 Bunbury, April I. IBM. tf. - , Pensions Increased. The late Act of Congress give additional pay to uie (uuuwiug reunions, vis ; . , 1st. To those who have last the light of both eyes, or now nana, or totally aisabied so as to require Ooa slant attendance, tbe sum of ttt 04 per month. Id To those who have lost tmth feee, or are totally disabled in the tame ao as to require emtstant attend ance, the sera of 120 Ml. . Id. To those who have lost cm hand mom foot, or areas disabled a to render them unable to Ber fone manual labor fit SU per month, and other case in proportion. The subscriber is duly prepared for the Immediate procurement of these claims. ' S. B. BOYZB, Atfy at Law. JJunbory, June Id, 1868. , , LEAD Pipe, all siaas in store, and for sale by ' ' "" ' ' O0M LEY A CO. i'lSfiWyrtl FJmatum, at the Fancy Stow ' trf ANNA FAINTER: Great" Altractibn," ' at tbe K ' . N E Wi T I N W A II fi meet Iroat and more r SMITE fcts'GSlTTEEIL, Where they keep win -Unity on band and soanafae tare to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all demrlpttoM. Thev would esseciallv eall the attentkrn of par ebasert to inetr large ana wen seieetea stuca ei COOK ASS PAEXOa STOVES. The subscribers have made airengeinontJ to have all their best stoves made to order, and those who would have a good stove would do woll to go and examine their large and Woll selected stock. First. Thoy doff competition on the followlnc tried Drams oi door otove, via ; CkmiMnntlon Claai llisruer, Cook. (JoTernor Penai Cook. " WADABU AND IRONSIDE8, ' and the well known Antldust Cook Stove called BPEAH B ANTIDUoT. Also. Parlor and oflee 8toves in rreat variety em bracing all tho best manufactures and most fashion able doelgns, unaurpaased for beauty of finish simnli- city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability ana enco sioro warraniea to porionn wnat tney are roprosented. Also, ine eeienratea Baltimore rira Place ritove. for heating first, second and third stories by Registers. Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the eelobrnted MORNING GLORY. Jonl OH. Coal OH Inmpsi, Htmdec, Chlmalesi, nnd all artlelesi usually kopt In an establishment of this kind. I bey are also prepared to rurnlsh Blato and do slating In the beet workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting, Range and Furnace Work, Oat Fitting, Ao. Repairing neatly and cheaply ozocuted. Also: "HaafEh'H Itnw Hone Hupcr-IMiott- ptaate." Remember tho tilace. Kamolo and Sales Room noarly opposito Conly's Hardwaro Storo, Markot street, betwoon Third and Fourth streets. Building dark paintod. August ib, IBM. MOON k LAMPI1EAR, " IVo. S and 4 Fallon market XTE-W YORK, WHOLE8ALB DEALKB3 SHIPPERS of all kinds ef FRESH FISH All orders punctually attented to. February 23, 1807. 6m. No more Bald Head I No more Gray Loclt ! DH, IiEOlVH' ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, is pronounced by all who have used it the very best preparation for the Hair. It is a positive oure for uaiuness, eradicates irandrun and tiuinors, stops ine llalrtrom Inning out, and speedily restores uray r i ... J-i i I - A i : aiuv&b Ul fcuvir vTijciniu DUO MlU lUAUriltuvv It operate on the secretions and fills the glands with now life and coloring matter. Tbin, dead, faded or erav hair will alwavs be brought back by a few applications, to it youthful abundance, vitality and eolor. It makes the hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry, wiry and intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain in any desired position. As a Hair Dress ing it ha no equal. Tbe sales are enormous and it is a universal favorite witn old and young ot butu sexes. Sold by Druggists throughout tho United Statos. Address all order to ZIEULER a SMITH, Sole Proprietors, 137 North Third Nt., IMill'u. November 24, ltJ66. ly. POLAND'S JT3 rpiIIS PREPARATION is the diacov X aivof the Rev. J. V. Poland, for merly the Pastor nf the Uaptist Church in Oiiostown, N. II., and a man dearly oekiveo ny uiat denomination throughout New Eiiiiglunu lie waauMiged to leave the pulpit and study medicine to aave his own life, and his Macic Powdeisaie one of the most wonderful discoveries of modern time. It is THE GREAT LIVER AUD BILIOUS REMEDY! which completely throws in the shade all other diseoveries in medicine ; and it affords him much gratification that they receive the unanimous approbation of all who huve lusted litem l lie Alagic liiuous rowuers area Positive Curts Tor Liver Complaint ! In its most agravated. form, aud an immediate corrector of all in i.i ou ii:k an a km knt i Excellent fitr HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION PIMP1.E8. UU)TCHF. A SALLOW SKIN, DROWSINra. DI.ZINFS. llfcAKlUUKIM, l-AI.ll I A llUfM, And a most wonderful CURE A PREVENTIVE OF FEVER A AQl'E! (Weadvise all who are troubled with this fearful mala- y to always keep the Powders nn hand ready for imine Inle uae ) Here are a few important ruuticiilar:. lat They are the Great Specific for all Bilious Affec tions. Sd. Thev are the onlv known remedy that wia cure Liver Complaint. 3d-The) are the only known remedy that will cure Constinotion. i lh. The Powders are so thorough in their operation that cue package will lie all thai the majority of those using taem win reouire ui eneci a cure. 6th. They are mild and nleaiaitt yet the meet effec tual eamartic siiowii. eth They are the rheapest and best medicine extant. thev can be sent by mail to any nait of the globe for 1 Ike price. SO cents. Circulars, eontaininr eertiBcates, information, Ac, sent to any part of the world free nf charge. BOLD BY ALLDRUU0I8TS, or by mall on applies- lion to C. O. CLARK A CO., GaniaAi. Aoikts, New Haven, Conn. Price, SO Cents per Box. February t3, Eiyom'a Periodical Ilropa, THE GREAT FEMALE R KM EI) IKS FOR IRRE , GULARIT1E8! I save tested these Oiope in my own jilaoe, oyer ten yeara, and do not hesitate to auy, that nothing has yet been developed by medical research, that acta so powerfully, positively, and harmlessly, in eases of female irregularity. as does this medicine. In all recent ease it never fails, wane uuuaauua wno aave Been long auueiers, are maeut- ea toil lor the boon ot ueaitn to day. Although ao powerful and positive, thev are perfectly barmlvia, and may be used at all times, exoept when spe cially loruiouen in ueaireciion. They have lieen extensively employed by eminent phy sicians iu France and England, as well aa in my owe prac tice, over ten years, anu i aave yet to Dear oi me nr Instance of failure, leoeld give you testimonials of their emoaeyfrura lad lea all over the aorliieni and western Stales, ware they not In their nature private. Over 100, HU0 bottles have been sold the past year, and I hope and Ira as many sufferer have been beaeatted. I am wall aware that a remedy ao potent to remove all ob structions, may be used for a ml purpose, but trust that where oue bottle is thus used, ten may fall Into the hands oi really needy sufferers. To all who suffer from any irregularity painlul, diffi, exeeseive, offensive orohstrecled Meustiaation, Lu eotrhoa, or the train of diseases that follow, i wouM say, try a bottle of Dr. Lvov's French Periodical Drops. Beiug a fluid preparation, taetr aouoa is more direct ead posi tive than any pills of powders. Explicit direction, boar. ins mv facsimile, accommnv each bottle. They may be obwined of uearly every druniat in the country, or bv indnaln the mice toC. O. CLARK A CO . New Havea, Ct., General Agents for Ike U a l ted State DR. JOHN L. LYON. ,. Practicinc Phyaieian, 'rice, tl 60 per Bottle. Febieary 83, x)7. ly . New Havea, Conn RSCORD TOTO D3EIED3- PERSONS bavin unreoorded Deeds are remind ed that tbey must he recorded, according to the Act of Assembly which require that "All deed and conveyance for real estate in thi Commonwealth, shall be recorded in the office for Ueoordin; Deed in the County where the land lie emfAiM six months after the execution of suoh deed and conveyance; and every auoh deed and convey ance not recorded as aforesaid, shall be Judced FRAUDULENT AND VOID against any subsequent pemnaser tor a valuable eouauierauon times uon deed be recorded before tbe recording of the dned ereooreyanee under wbion auUi vubsequunt puroha er or mot-teace ahail claim." - tar" Those having old Deed will profit by paying viu. ebtttuuuu to uie auure. , Maroh 33, 186T. ' ' ' SILVER'S WASH POWDER CJAVES Time, Labor, Money. Make WA8HINO kj a rioiims Anu saOAliAi A FESTIVAL. Sold Everywhere. TktY IT. ' Address, all order to the Manufaotwcra - . UEULEH A SMITH, OhemiaU and Wholoemio Drugglata, lar Iortla IlUr a fciret, lluifV November II, ISM. ly ' . - BREAD & FANCY CAKES. DAVID PRY Two doors west of tbe Port Offloe, BUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs Uie eltlien of Sen be rv and vicinity, that he will bake to order all kinds of ,. i . Cake IVr llnllw, Parttesi. etc. Families are surrplled with FRKSH BREAD, Twkrt KolU, Raaks, Tea Buns, Ao., and also kept on hand manafaotared out of the best materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having had large experience I hope to give general eatlafaetlosi to all who may favor me with their patronage. ,. DAVID FRY, Bunbury, Deo. , ltM)9. HI. C. (IKABUARrR Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE Market Htreet, Bnnbnry, Pa. , CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above establishment aiwnoiesaie ana retail, at reamn able prioes. He It manufacturing all. kinds of ConrVetlonartee to keep up a full assortment wbton are som at low rates. Tobacco. Reears. Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and variety of other articles, all of whioh are offered wholesale and retail. C Remember the name and place. M. C. QEARHART. Market street, S doors westef E. Y. Bright A Son store. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1863. tf TOWN LOTS IN the Borough of Sunbury, dosirably situated, in high and central locations, FOB MALI?, nn such easy terms as will enable persons, with a limited amount of available money, to purchase homes. Persons havinc Mineral or Thabrr InndH, Farms, Dwellings, or other Real Estate, for sale or lease, as well as those desiring to purchase or rent, aro invited to consult tho subscriber. His connec tion with reliable firm in New York, Philadelphia, and elsewhero, afford unusul advantage. vviiiujunjiii vvunvi.iv mm ntmiiy tjsvnilicq. JJNU. KAY. CLEMENT, Atkirnev at i niru uoor west oi snmn ucntner s M( Stove btoro, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Hoc. 8, 186R. tf. NEW MUSIC STORE. Call at our New Music Store in SEX. TINT'S QROVE, buy one of Haixks Biiothkr'h New J-'cale Piano Fortes. and Every Instrument is Warranted forfivo years. We also keep constantly on hand a good stook ot the oelebrated PELOUBETS MELODEONS, CABI NET and CHURCH ORGANS, and challenge others to sell cheaper than we are selling. We also koop all kinds of Musical Merchandise and receive all the latest musio as soon as published A noorai discount to teacners ot scuoois ana semi naries I "Second hand instruments taken in exchange for now one. Pianos correctly turned and repaired. Send for Circular. SALEM A BROTHER. Selinsgrove, Snyder CO., Pa., July 28, 186(1. ly NEW MARBLE YARD! Third tttrect, !orth of the Iepot, SUNBURY, FENN'A., "WM. HUSH, Proprietor. MONUMENTS. Tomb-atones, and Ornamental and Plain Work in Marblo promptly executed at tbe lowest price. The subscriber having bad experience In the best establishment of Philadelphia, feels confident of being able to turn out the best stylos of work. A. 11. KUSll, Agont. April 20,1807. PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE ! BATJGirS IR-A."W BOISTE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. BATJOH Sc BONB, Sole Manufacturer A Proprietor, DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, V. S. A. For 'VVheat, Rye, Barloy, Corn, Oati, Po tatoes, Tobacco, Buckwheat, 8orghnm, Tur nips, IJops, Garden Vegetables, aud every Crop and Plant. . Especially tecuminendrd to the growers of TRAWBEHRIEit, RA8PBERK1ES, BLACKBER RIES, AND ALL SMALL FRL1TS. More than 13 year of regular uae upon all dearriplron r Crops grown iu Ihe Middle and Southern rtates, has given a high decree of popularity u Ikia MANURE, wnwb places its application now, entirely beyond a mere experiment. BAUGHS'S RAW BONE r$uperIhoBpiate of l.linr, Is eminentlv a succeaa aa a Substitute for Peruvian Guano and tkable Manure and is offered lo Ihe AgricuHurist of the No'lhetnand Eastern Sutea as a fertilizer thai will cheaply restore to the Boil, those eaaeulaus wbiea have been drauied from it by constant cropping and light man- 1 T is very nromrtt in its action M teatiiur in effect to a decree unatumed by any eunimercwl manure in the market aiai la aooruen at a muen leas eoet man uougni niauie rua aure, or Peruvian Uuano. The Lalair Invulred la iu uaa is far leas than thai vt applying stable saanuie, while lie! I no riak fiom the inuud actual of noxious weeds. fW C annerl are recuinnMnded In puruaaae of ins dealer moutod iu tbelr aMialwtauad. In seeuon wiier uo aee. ler is yet eeuiblishd, Ihe Phuaphate may be procured direct ly fnaa the undersigned. A Friced Circular will b sent to all who aonlv. Our NEW PAMPHLET, "How to Maintain tbe Fer tility of Arawriean Fann.n Ml puree, givinafull Infonna Uuu in regard to the use of manure Ac , will be furnished gratia uu applioaliua. BAUOII & SONS, Ortee No. 20 S. DJauxir Avenue. , PHILADELPHIA. , BAUGn BROTHERS & CO, 1 General WhciktaU Agente, No. 181 Pearl St., corner of Cedar. HEW YORK. GEORGE DUGDALR, Wholteale Agent for Maryland ot Virginia, Ne- 101 Smith's Wharf, ' BALTIMORE, MD. Sold by Vi SMITH AGENTHER. Sunbury. ' July SK, 18o.-ly ..' . . . BUNBURY BUILDING LOTS IN J. W. CAKE'S Addition to tho Borough of Sunbury, for Sale oa reasonable terms. ! ' Apply to Dr. R. II. AWL and, ,. . , . . SOL. BRO6I0U8, 1 " " Bajibwry, Fa. Or P. W. BHIAFER.PctUwille, Pa. Not. 14, laed i . -' 1 ' 1 BREAKFAST SHAWLS, for aal at the Fane Store cf ANNA PAlNTlR. N E W GROCERY. fTWE tubeoTibers begs Wve to announce to the X eitiiens of Banbury and Its vioinily, that they have opened a , ' NEW GROCEHY. 7"tr9 door$ trt qf J. JI. BngU't Stori, in Maria Square, where they are prepared to furnish every variety of groceries, and will keep constantly on hand the choicest varietiee of FLOUR & FEED, ' Fish, Coffoe, Tea, Sugar Molasses, Cheese, Salt Rplces of all disertptiDr Soaps of every variety vanaiee, omosing na vnewing tooeceo, isegars. Hams, hnuldors, Baeon, Butter, and Eggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Poaches and Toma toes. Pickels, Ketchup, Popper Sauce, Raisins. Lemons, Ae., of best quality, and In fact every stylo of article kept in a well stocked Grocery. Also iiieer v inegar. au sinus oi oouniry produco taken in exchange. The patronogo of the publio is re speotfutly solicitod. OEORGE E. BEARD A CO. Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1S0S. ST O RE. W. A. 13ENNET, Market Square, SlIU'ItY, Pa. HAVING recontly purchased the Drug Sloroi formerly conducted by R. A Fisher, I bee leave to inform the citizens of .Sunbury and vi cinity, that I have entirely replenished my stock, ef ML TKJ TANG'S ARTICLES I such as Combs, Brushes, Pocket-Books, Poaps, Per fumery, Hair-Oil, Knives, iSoissnrs, Coal -Oil Lamps , Tobacco and Cigars. Paintsi, Oil. Utile, 4ln, Iutly, VarnlHliCM, lutent Medicine. Ae. All my Tinclnror, .Syrups. Ointments, Cerates, and other preparations are manufactured by myself, and from the best material I can procure in Market. Having had quite a numbor of years' experience in t the Drug and 1'rccription Busineu, both in Philadelphia and tbe country, and also the advantage nf the College of Pharmacy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS . that the Physicians and publio may favor me with. All mv Preparations as I hava aIiova njunrtnrl .rn made from the best material, and upon honor I assert, they are of ofhotnal strength. jt or medicinal purposes, 1 keep on band the very WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and eonvinoe your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. Snnbury, Nov 18, 1865. "araFFOUsNDttY. WHO. KOllltH Al'll A SOX, ARE now carrying on business at this eld estab lishment witii renewed vigor. Castings of every description, promptly furnished to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry have acquired the highest reputation. Particular attention paid to .MILL CASTINGS. Farmers should not forget that tho PLOWS mado at the Sunbury Foundry have nevor been equalled. Agricultural iinploincuts repaired at rhort notice. Small castings, including Cooking utensils, of tho most improved and most useful patterns. The business will be conducted on an enlarged Scale. Old customers will beaccommodntcd as usual, and new ones are respectfully solicited. ounoury, may li. istit) FLOUR & FEED "STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, riUIE subscriber respectfully informs tbe publio X that he keeps constantly on hand at his now WAREHOUSE, nenrtha Sbamokin Valluy Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by tho barrel and sacks of all kinds of Feed by tho ton The above is all manufactured at his own Mills, and will bo sold at the lowest oash prices. J M. CADW'ALLADFR. Sunbury, April 1, 16' BJM. IIOOI KKIHTN. 3. NEW SPRINO STYLES, "Uvb Own Makk." embracing every New and Desirable sise, style and iNhnpe of Plain and Trail Hoop bkirts, 2, 2 l-, 21. 2 i-i, 3, 3 1-4, .1 1-2, 3 3-4 and 4 Yds., round every length and sizo Waist; iu every respect First (juali- ty and especially adapted to in Class and most fushiouablo Trm eel tne wants tit r irtft ade. Oi it Own iiakk," of lloop Skirts, aro lighter, more elruttic, more durahlo, ami Really Cheaper than any other make of either Single nr Double Spring Skirt in tbe American Markut. Thoy are Warrant ed in every respect, and wherever iutroduced eivc universal mtistaction. Thev are now boinz exten sively Sold by Retailers, nnd every Lady should try luetu. As for "Horkin's Own Make." and see that each Skirt is Stamped "W. T. HOPKIN S MANUFAC TURER. 628 ARCH Street, l'HILAD'A." No others arc Ocnuino. A Cntaloguo containing Style, Site and Rotnil Prices, sent to any address. A I ni- lorin siiU l.ibuiHt HiM'ount allowed to Dealers, t'r- ders by mail or other bo, promptly and carefully nueu Yt holusale and Kutail, at Manufactory ami salesrooms, No. 28 ARCH Street, PHILADELPHIA. SKIRTS made to order, reultcrcd and repaired. TERMS, NET CASH. ONE PRICE 0NLT WM. T. HOPKINS. March 23, 1867. lOmw J v i. i:h .i a k !: ifH "li:mitil do l'Hi i.," THE NEW BEAl TIFIER OF THE SKIX. TESTIMONIALS FROM CELEBRATED LADIES This secret of beatitifvinir the skin beinir knowr ouly to Messrs. Jarcd A Roou, thoy honorably stat that it differs from all other preparations. It givei to the (neat harsh and freckled skin both Ihe texture and color of polished ivory, removing all discolors tiona, whether appearlAg as freckle, tan, morphew moth or blackworra (pecks, and is especially sue cessfui in smoothing out tbe marks left Ly the small po. The agents of "L'EMAIL do PARIS" most dently submit to tbe public the earnest ondorto menu of such distinguished ladies ae Siguora RISTORI, M ddlefblilUlTA VKsrvALIA, Mias MAUUIE MITCHELL. Mr. D. P. BOWERS, LUCILLE WESTERN. Madame P0NKI, Mr. EMMA WALLER. LUCY RUSHT0N, MJtilib U HARu UERITTE3, Mias A. PERRi and many other whoso high standing in the profes sion gives the stamp of truthfulness to their uitelli gent and genuine approval. The beautiful Luoiile Western says : "1 And that tbe -Email" produces all thebrillian cy of rouge and lily-white, with the great and pecu liar advantage of total harmiessness. It really add to tbe softness and beauty ol the skin." The magnificent Vestvalia say : "1 have suffered so much from the various whit, lotions, Ac, which my theatrical profeaaion oblige me to use, that I consider it a perfect benefaction ti find a preparation which give the ncoossary white ness to the skin, and leaves the skin cool and smooth. Mi Maggie Mitchell say: "I have tried the skin beautifier, "L'Email d Paris," and found that it instantly impart, a nature bloom and freahnes to tbe eouiplcxiun." "Jared'c Email do Paris" is used as a dolicit beautifier of thu skin fur Theatre, Saloon or Bal Room, by tbe must refined and scrupulous ladies firoducing all the beautifying effect of rougo an ily-white, without their vulgar glaro or injury t the skin. Sold by all fint-olaa Druggist, Forfuuier am Ladies' II air Dressers. L. Isabeau, 822 Broadway : Denial Barnes A Co andF. C. Well A Co., New York; and Eugtn Jouin, Ul South Tenth street, and Johnson, Hollo way A Cowden, Philadelphia, Agent. JAHED A RENE, General Agent and Importers, New York. Jan. 2d, IW 6m , daood arw a lor !Uotlseril MOTHERS, arc you oppressed with anxiety lb your little ones? Are your slumbers an hearte broken by their orie Do you awake in th. morning unrefreahed and apprehensive ? It so, pre cure at one a bottle of Dr. Leon' Infant Reined; and you will have no more weary hour of watchini and anxiety. IR. I.i:0.i IrAIVT KHJIWH has stood th teat of year. Thousand of nurses ant mothers bear witness that it never fail to give relic if used in aeasoo. it is a mild, yet sure and spvedj cure lor Colio, Cramps and Windy Pains, and is in valuable for all complaint inoident to Teething. Sold by Druggists throughout lira United State Address all ardor to UEULER A SMITH, Sol Pproprietort. 1ST Nortai Third Street, IuH'a. November 24, 19a ly. '