aa. lmm , . CTfjt Sunburi? American. E. S. If ASBXB, Editor Proprietor. fllOitHURY, PA. SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1807. EDITORIAL, CORRESPONDENCE. Fuiladelphia, May 28, 1867. The month of May, 1867, lias been any- tbtng elso than characteristic of balmy j breeze. It baa been, perhaps, the most tin' ' pleasant month of the year. Tbe continu out wet weather has affected not only the regular routine of business, but in many in stances causes serious Injury. California, and other sections have their regular rainy seasons, which differ but little from our own, except in duration. Tbe different religious conventions and sessions of Odd 'Fellows, &c, which assemble here in May, brought together quite a number of people from the interior. Tbe question of a division of tbe Dioccss over wbich Bishop Stevens of tbe Episcopal Church now presides, was one ' wbich excited considerable interest in tbe Conventldn. Tbe division would have car ried, but was postponed in deference to the Bisbop, wbo is now absent in Europe. Biik'ess in Philadelphia, as elsewhere, is not as healthy and as prosperous as it should be merchants complaining, not only that their sales are limited, but that it is difficult to realize from sales already made. This, in connection with tbe unfavorable weatben has made times somewhat dull in the city. But notwithstanding all these drawbacks, the spirit of enterprize in improvements bas not abated, anu property continues to ad vance; but prices are not yet uniform and settled, as they must be, bi-tore tilings as- sume a healthy state. Tbe demand for goods bas fallen off considerably, especially foreign goods, and prices are gradually coming down. This, I noticed particularly in the higher grades of carpeting. In comparison with Brussels and velvet carpeting, our do. mcstic ipgruin, is entirely too high. Cotton domestic goods are also declining slowly The new liquor law was ostensibly ob served by closing the shutters and tbe direct approaches to tbe bars, &c. In one of tbe principal hotels in ChesDUt street, one of tbe clerks informed us on Sunday evening, that an unusual number of guests were on the sick list that day, and acting as physician to the establishment, be bad sent numerous prescriptions to the drug department of the hotel for medicine. The medicine prescribed was mostly Dranaj ana wter, and was cheerfully taken by the patients, who were not only satisfied with this kind of treat mcnt, but professed to feel better after every dose taken. . Duo thing was certain, the ar rests by the police next morning, bad fallen off more than one hundred per cent. Wb desire our neighbor of the Qazette to understand, that although it is our rule never to provoke a controversy, or meddle . with the private affairs of others, we do not hesitate to reply to attacks made on us, directly or by insinuation. There are some persous who have the unfortunate habit of looking at things with a distorted vision and persisting tbat black is white, even ( when the error is apparent, and it is not won derful that our neighbor should be among that number. The statements we made in the article, to which tbe Gazette takes ex ception, and attempts to controvert by un founded inference and misstatements, are strictly true. We have on more than one occasion published the County Auditors Re port without pay, when the editor of tho Gatette was an officiating high priest among tbe copper-colored democracy, and moo. opolized tbe county patronage. We did not publish it, this spring, simultaneously, as the Gazette says, with the Democrat, but a week afterwards, after making a suggestion to one of the Commissioners that we intended to do so, and that tbe board should publish it at least, in one Republican paper. That Commissioner admitted the justness of what we said, and on his own responsibility promised tbat we should receive some com pensation, and on this ground alone, the Gazette made a whining appeal to the ''Republican party." Surely if tbe silly boast that ho has tho patronage of three fourths of that party, is true, bis attempt to get also that of the opposite party by under bidding, is, to say tbe least, not very magna nimous, nor is the fact of referring to private conversations much less censurable. ' Tub Nbw Liquor Law. -Tho new Liquor Law passed by tbe last Legislature, is by far the most stringent, ever enacted in Pennsylvania. Among other things it pro vides for the closing of all bars and saloons after midnight, and entirely on Sunday j makes it tbe duty ot the constables and po lice to arrest every person found in the public streets or highways intoxicated, whether disorderly or not j utterly forbids the selling or giving in any way of ale or beer, as w ell as of stronger liquors, to mi nors ; authorizes any child of any parent to forbid the sale of whiskey or champagne to bis father; and makes it tbe bounden duty of all sheriffs, constables, and officers and members of the police, to compel the obser Tance of all its provisions. The law is im portant and there it scarcely any one wbo it not personally Interested in its provisions. EST" Important to Ubiiu of Soldiers. Ia accordance with a bill passed by the last Congress, tbe heirs of Union soldiers wbo died while held as prisoners in tbe South, are entitled to draw commutation for rations for tbe time intervening between the capture and decease of such soldiers. This commu tation amounts to twenty-five cents per day, and may be obtained by the widow, if she hat remained unmarried at late as March 3 - :' ISTWa observe by tbe last Democrat tbat Mr. J. E. Eicbolti hat become sole editor and publisher of tbat paper. Mr. Aoten the retiring partner will, however, assist aa as tociate editor. ' ' ' EST" The records of the Department of internal Revenue disclose the fact that in the whole United 8tata,last year, only 5Q,J 000 persona paid tax upon incomes. Out Of - thirty -five million of population lest tbtn half a million had incomes exceeding six Hundred dollars. ' tFAn Act to permit disabled soldUrs to peddlt without ehsrga by procuring a license therefor. Skctioh 1. Bo it enaeted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania in Oeneral As sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by tbe authority of the same, That every honorably discharged soldier wbo is a resident of this 8tate, and who. from wounds, or on account of disease contracted, while in the military or naval service of tbe United States, and on account of such disability is enable to pro cure a livelihood by manual labor, shall have tbe right to hawk, peddle, and vend any goods, wares or mercnanuize wnnin this Commonwealth, by procuring a license for that purpose, to be issued witnoui coei: Provided, That before any such soldier- shall be entitled to the benefits or mis Act, no shall obtain a certificate from an examining surgeon of the United States, that be is nna- ble to procure bis living Dy manual iaoor, and shall also procure a certificate from the protlionotary of any County in this State. tuat ne bas tiled in me orace oi bhki prumu- notary his affidavit, setting forth that he is the bona fide owner, in his own right, of all the goods, wares and merchandize which be proposes to hawk, peddle and vend, and that be will not encase to sell the same fur any other person or persons whatever: And provided, further, 1 Hat the aforesaid certin- catc. toeetuer with audi persons, discuarso from the military service, or exemplified copy thereof, shall be full an i conclusive evidence of such person's right to the bene' fits of this Act. Tim Bankrupt Law will go into opera tion to-day, Under it, imprisonment for debt ceases throughout all the States and Territories. By it all stay laws, preferences, voluntary agreements, and , secret attach ments are set aside. Five hundred dollars worth of household furniture, the wearing apparel of each family, and such other pro peity as is by law exempted in the different States, can be held by debtors. tSf Mr. Davis having reached Canada with a whole skin, his admirers are petition ing tbe President to pardon him. In the present temper of loyal men throughout the North, Mr. Johnson will need superlative hardihood before complying. Tiie- New Criminal Judicial District Decision of tub Suprkmk Court. The Supreme Court on Monday morning decided that so much of tho act of Assembly as created a court of oyer and terminer in the judicial district composed of the counties of Schuylkill, Lebanon and Dauphin, is un constitutional, and directed tbe judge of the old judicial district, of wbich Schuylkill county is a part, to issue bis venire summon ing a jury for the usual courts of common pleas and oyer and terminer in tuat county Tbe decision docs not dispute the constitu tioualitv of tbe Legislature to create a new judicial district, but simply that it hus no power to create a court oi oyer ana terminer, Uarrvtbwrg Telegraph. Odd Fellowship. At an entertainment in Philadelphia, on Wednesday evening, the 22d ult., there were six hundred PastGrands present, representing 60,000 Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania. In responso to a sentiment the Grand Sire delivered an address on the subject of Odd Fellowship, setting forth in brilliant colors the beauty of the order and its object to do 'good. The order in the United States, North and South, is in a pros perous condition, and its rapid increase in the number of its members will be produc tive of a larger amount of benevolence than has hitherto been tbe case. Addresses were also delivered by other Past Grands from different parts of the State of Pennsylvania, all of whom gave evidence of tbe prosperity of the order in tbe different sections of tbe State. Therb is no mistaking the growing strength of the Republican cause in tbe 8outh. The old Democratic leaders feel and acknowledge its power, and are bowing to the majesty of its influence. Democracy, as it is known as the promoter of treason and the defender of wrong, will never again rule in the South. It will, of course, have its friends it will be cherished as slavery is yet clung to, but among tbe intelligent and the loyal., with men wbo are sincerely devo ted to the safety of the Government, Demo cracy will henceforth be powerless for con trol. Tho old Democratic leaders in the South die hard nevertheless, die they must, and politically. It is eccotding to tbe tes timony of many witnesses capable of speak on the subject, that the Republican cause is making rapid progress in the South, and is certain to triumph there in tbe election of a majority of Republican Congressmen. This stute of things is not likely to be changed before tbe election takes place. Davis Not to be Tried. The Washing ton correspondent of the Charleston Courier writes that "the appearance of Mr. Jefferson Davis at tbe November term of the United States Circuit Court'will be merely formal. It is well understood tbat no trial for trea son in bis case, or that of any other exCon federate, will ever take place. The report that an indictment had been found by the Grand Jury at Richmond aguiustMr. Breck enridge is den eJ." The Fbman Armt 00,000 Men on titb March. Troy, N. Y., May 29. Informa tion to-night discloses the fact tbat tbe ap proaching Fenian attack will be made by threo columns, at three different points, ol ten thousand men each. The names ot these points are not yet known beyond tbe com manders of the invading army, but it is permitted to be known that each column of troops will be prepared to and will make desperate assaults upon tbe several objective points. The amount of .business done by lake steamers is surprising. Tbe following figures show tbe number of steamers engaged: Tbe Western Transportation Company will run, this season, twelve screw steamers of an ag gregate tonage of 10,000 tons, between Buf falo, Chicago, Milwauke and Racine. Tbe Buffalo, Cleveland and Chicago line will run eleven steamers, of about 8.400 tons, between Buffalo, Sheboygan, Milwaukee, Rucine and Cleveland. The Buffalo, Cleveland, Toledo and Sandusky line, will run thirteen steam ers, of about 9,800 tons, between Buffalo, Cleveland, Toledo, Sandusky, Detroit and Green Bay. Evans' line will run six steam ers of about 4,000 tons, between Buffalo, Chigo, Milwaukee, Racine and Detroit C. W. Ensign will run two new vessels of 1,200 tons eacb, between Chicago and Buffalo. Thb Coal Trade. The quantity sent by railroad this week is 85,745,03 by canal 82,298 11 for tbe week 118,043 13 tons against 184,799 tons for the corresponding week last year. ' -1 1 . Tbe demand for tbe week improved a lit tle, caused by tbe diminished quantity sent from tbe Lackawanpa region, ia consequence of tbe freshet having damaged tbe Delaware and Hudson Company's Canal. Prices, how ever, rcmuia the tamo, but are a little firmer. Miner Journal.' , , , Tun postponement of the trial of Snrratt. charged with participation in the murder of Mr. Lincoln, does not meet tbe approval of tbose who believe bis mother was unjustly executed. Important witneuea were not present or Surratt's trial would have been proceeded with, Jt ia hinted. In case of conviction, tbat tbe President will pardon the convict. Shouldn't wonder. loirrnEBi pmwi. TcaxaeuH). It seeml to be generally regarded as cer tain tbat Browrlow will be re-elected Gov ernor of Tennessee. Emerson Etberidge is the C'onlervative candidate. It is also said that the Republican candidates for Congress will be elected. They are as folio wt : First District, Judge R. R. Butler; Second, II orate Maynard, renominated ; Third, William B. Stokes, renoroiuated; Fourth, James Mullins; Fifth, John Trimble; ttixtb, earuuei ai. Arneli, renominated ; Beventti, Isaac U. rrl.I-. uanla.l.il i VI. .1,(1. Tkul1 A Nunn. The good sense of tbe Legislature by complying witb the laws of Congress and setting back into the Union, and sub sequently enfranchising the freedmen, hav ing previously disfranchised rebels, is now conspicuously shown in leering tbe deti Diet ot tbe btate in tue bands ot those wbo are loyal to her true interests and loyal to tue uovernntent. Louisiana. Special advices irom New-Orleans recciv d by the Government, show that the reiiis- tration is completed in a goodly portion of Louisiana. In JJaton Rouge, the old capitol ot tbe state, eleven bundred colored voters have been registered, while but seventy white men hud been accepted. South Carolina. A report from Charleston says. General Sickles is considering the propriety, in order to secure a iair registration, ui uuttiug a colored man on each of the Boards. Gen eral Pope has adopted such a measure in some portions of bis district. General Sickles nas released an tne ne- crops who were encaued in the recent street car riots in Charleston, except the two who stoned the cars. Stephen C. Truitt, charged with mutilatinsr the United States flag dur ing the lln uieu s procession, apologized for the act, and was released upon tbe petition of prominent citizens. Alabama. Mobile. Mav 22. An order was issued this evening, by the direction of Major Gen cral Pope, deposing tbe present Mayor and Chief of Police, and appointing Gustavus Helton, Mayor, and Coloue) Dimon, Chief o; Police. This chance was made in cnuee auence of tbe recent slaughter there by uc reconstructed rebels at the Kelley meeting The Mayor is very much exercised at his deposition, and says rather unhandsomely and which shows the propriety ot the pro ceeding that be submits to the urgument of tho bayonet. Ueorgla. . The Loyal Georgian says : "The Repub licans of Augusta have opened the campaign, and they will 'labor until every office in the city from tbe lowest to the highest, is secur ed to an out-spoken Republican." Aud that is the spirit which animates many true souls in the South. Gen. Pope has issued an important order on registration in the States of Georgia and Alabama. There is to be a colored member of every board. Every cure will be taken to have the work done faithfully, as well as that the fullest liberty shall be accorded td all against violence or any form of obstruc tion. Alabama. The men and journals who accuse Judge Kelley of inciting the Mobile riot iu effect declare thut a murderer may plead as a just excuse for bis crimes bis hatred of Free Speech. In Judge Kelley's speech, as re ported in an ex-Rcbel paper, there is not a word that should have provoked disturb ance, much less the brutal discharge of pis tols and guns, and indiscriminate bloodshed. He spoke plainly, honestly, mildly, and his declaration that the 15th Uuited States Iu funtry was there to maintain his rights was a manly utterance provoked by persistent iusult, aud for which decent men would have cheered him. No, Judge Kelley was not shot at for unything he then said, but for bis votes in Congress, and because of bis loyal reputation. The men wbo sought his life are those who do not repent their trea son, and rejoice at every chance to repeat it. Tho Montgomery Sentinel has coiue out in favor of General Grant for President. lvIPOKTA.Vr I KO MEXICO. THE END OF THE EMPIRE. Capture of Maximilian and his General, arez Order their Execution. Washington, May 37. The following bat beua received at tbe State Department TELEGRAM. New Orleans, May 26, 1807. Received at Department of btate, May 27, 1807, 9.83 A. AI. To lion. TTm. II. Seward : I have this moment received the following dispatch by telegraph via Galveston, dutcd ut Miitainorus, May 21 : I have the honor to transmit you tbe fol lowing official letter: San Luis Potosi, May 13. General Berriom : My esttemed friend: Viva la ratria. Queretaro has fallen by force of arms thie A. M., at 8 o clock. Maximilian, Alejia, Castello and Miramon are prisoners. (Signed) Benito Juarez. Signed Yours, truly, M. B. Marshall. E. L. Plcjib. 1 New Ouleakj. Mav 27. A disoatcb via Brazos, May 21, to Major General Griffin, at Galveston, contains the following : Have just received official information from BeniuzuUI, and tbe United States Consul at Matamoras, that Queretaro was captured by the LileraU on the loth. Max imilian, Mejia and Castello are prisoners. (Signed) J. J. Reynolds, Major General. Matamoras, May 23. The following was received from Escobedo to-day : Citizen, Minuter of War : At three this morniug La Cruz was taken by our forces. We surprised the enemy and shortly after tbe garrison were made prison ers aud our troops occupied the Plaza. Meanwhile tbe enemy retreated towards the C'erra de la Campaiua, where our artillery caused him to surrender. At 8 A. M. Max imilian aud his Generals Mejia and Castello surrendered unconditionally. You will pleuse give the President my congratulations on this -triumph of the na tional array. Escobedo. Reports from the interior state tbat Juarez ordered the Arch Duke aud bis Generals to bo vhot. Matauoras, May 25. Tbe Liberal force which took possession of Queretaro bas started for the Capital. " , Commodore J. D. Payan, of the Mexican navy, bas been ordered by Berriozabal to command an expedition to Vera Crua. So completely terminates tbe struggle. The Liberals have taken possession of the steamer Gen. Sberidan for naval purpose. - LATB MBX1CAN ADVICES CONFIRMED. I New Ohlbans, May 87. Advices from Brazoa via Galveaton say a letter from the American Consul at Monterey confirms the capture of Maximilian. The reply of Presi dent Juarex to Minister Campbell recounts tbe grievances of bis party at the conduct of Maximilian, justifies' the previous execu tions, and declines to promise safety to Max imllianin event ot his capture. Tub Difference. John Brown,' with eighteen men, invaded Virginia, killing per baps six men. He was promptly arrested, tried, convicted and bung. Jeff Davit in vaded Maryland and Pennsylvania, killing scores of thousands of men and destroying millions of property. He was arretted, but be goes free, unscathed and unpunished. That's the difference between a Northern and Southern traitor. . FROM EVBOPIi. OFFXB OF THB V. I. TO SELL WAR VESSELS TO RUSSIA. 8t. PBTERSBcno, May 28. The Govern ment of tbe United States has offered to sell to Czar Alexander tbe lamout iron clad Monitor Miantonomab, a frigate and two new and very fast iron clads, war cruisers. Tbe proposition hat been favorably received oy tue iimperor and bit cabinet, aud la like ly to he accepted. since the adiournment of the ionaon Peace Conference and tbe adjustment of the rranco-Uermun quarrel relative to Luxem bourg, tbe long vexed Eastern question bas assumed much more importance. Diplo macy is now engaged in the consideration of a ulan for its' peaceful settlement, acd el- forts will shortly be made in this city, Paris, Berlin, Vienna and London, tor its. pernapt. 4nal solution. ' Dublin. Mav 26. If the Fenian leaders, Col. Burke, Ira and others, wbo were con, victcd of hitfli treason in this city, witb Col, McOlure. who pleaded guilty, and thus avowed his treason, are hanged, pursuant to law, the authorities expect sudden aud suarp reprisals on tbe part of the members of the Fenian organizations here. lue uoveru ment is anxiously, yet actively preparing. The dwelling of the Right Hon. Judge Fitzgerald, with those of his two associates on the bench at the trial, as well as the bouses inhabited by the right honorable, the Attornev General, and tbe other counsel wbo proceeded for the crown, which are tine buildings, situated in Mernon ana t ltzwit liam Souare. ere even now Guarded, day and night, by a force of armed policemen, who appear in citizens' dress. Col. Burke was sentenced to be hanged on Wednesday, May 20th. Mr. Doran's death sentence has, I Tiulieve, been commuted. Should Burke bo executed, it is most likely that Col. McClure will share the same fate, as he pleaded guilty, and now lies condemn ed to undergo the highest penalty of tbe law. Queen's Hotel, London, May 26. An other demonstration in favor of Parliamen tary Reform, in the shape of a crowded meeting, was held in St. James' ball, to-day. John Stuart Mill, M. P., with the liberal members of the House of Commons, attend ed and spoke earnestly in support of exten sion of measures of enfranchisement for the people. Queen Victoria's birth day was duly cele brated. l'rom Canada. , Montreal, May 28. Jeff Davis remains so secluded that no one has seen him, to iden tify biro, on tbe street. He cams from New York alone, incognito. Mrs. Davis aud party followed tbe next day. Information received here by the officials represent the rumor of resumed Fenian troubles on the frontier aseutirely unworthy of credit. Efforts to create a sensation are looked upon with indifference. uiti:vrritKs. Santa Anna is 70 years old. He is worth a million of dollars. George Bancroft bas been appointed Minister to Prussia, vice Hon. J. A. Wright. There was a heavy frost along the Una of the Pennsylvania Railroad, above Hurris burg on Saturday morning. A coroner's jury in Logan, Ohio, recently returned a verdict tbat the death of a child was ''the visitation of God to take it out of ' misery." Half a million dollars' worth of bogus postal currency is in circulation in New York city. It is stated tbat there are about two bun dred men engaged in tbe great swindle, by which so many of our Eastern farmers have been victimised. A country editor describing the bonnets now iu fashion says : "They have a down ward slant that reminds one of a viciouj cow witb a board across her ejes." A good dinner can be obtained in Paris for 20 cents, and a luxurious one for 25 cents. The grasshoppers in Texas, from which so much damage was expected a few weeks since, were all destroyed by the cold weather of March. A man was arrested and sent to jail in Alexandria, Va., a day or two since, for a debt contracted thirty years ago. A letter from a gentleman in Polk county, Ga., says that whole families there are some times two days without one bite of bread. The people are scattering "in all directions for something to eat. The Catholics of Danville having decided to build a church, one bundred men con nected with the iron works in that locality devoted Inst Saturday to digging the cellar. Illinois and Minnesota have a' splendid prospect this season of the largest wheat crop ever harvested on their soil. More wheat has been planted in tbose States this year than ever before. Davis was heartily greeted by the Cana dians. He was welcomed like a prince who had lost bis dominion and his throne. Poor wretch ! Like Arnold and Burr, both trai tors, Jeff, has been found guilty, though not by a court of justice. The first of July, it is said, is to be tbe day on which tbe new dominion of Canada will go into operation, and it will hereafter bo a geueral day of rejoiceing in tbe pro vinces. The Western railroads have suffered heavily by recent floods the Iowa division of the Chicago and North western to the extent of f 700,000. Tns Question Settled. Those emi nent men, Dr. James Clark, I'liyiitiiu to Queeii Victoria, and Dr. Hughes Btmnett, say tbat consumption can be cured. Dr. Winter knew this when be discovered his now widely known Balsau of Wild Cuerrt, uud experieuce bat proved the correctness of his opinion. At tlie time of the earthquake in Missouri and Kansas, April 24tli, an aero of' gruuud three miles south of Curtilage, on the) Miami r. i o..i, ... rt i..,;,?...i..,.,...i....i, Canal, sunk ten feet, sbuwitiK tbat tti ahuck emended to Ohio. The grouutl, which 1ms always been ot a very solid character, and bore several largo trees, sunk bodily, leaving a perpendicular wall of ten feet or wore on all sides. Tbe canal bank was seiiously en dangered by tbe subsidence. ; Minnesota, it la estimated, is receiving; an addition to its population of one thousand a day. ' Three stesmhoats were sold last Wednes day at St. Louis, by tbe Atlantic and iiis aippl Steamship Company, for aa aggregate price of f23.500. , , Tba application of oastor nil or sweat oil to new boots, it ia said, makes them aa soft as a backskin glove... It is alto atated to be tbe beat application that ean be made to render a near boot waterproof..: . i , , . . There la a little gold exuittuient springing ap to Duohes county, New York, 6wiog to tbe discovery of the precious metal in and bear the town or North East. fcLxua of tba samples tested yielded $ 180 pura metsl to tbe (on of rook, - , , . The Com Eicbsnge of Philadelphia Las settled tba question whether its ball continue to be tba Corn Exchange or not, with great Dosnimity of not.. It has resolved to be r bsptlaed, apd will henceforth be kuuvn a tbe Commercial Exchange of Philadelphia. . On motion of the counsel for the United State, tba trial of John H. Burrat waa post, poaed until tba, 10th proximo. MaTrBOflhUrfiS AKK ing or wild ducks, in any or the count! i Bordering on tbe Husquebanna river, between tbe first day of April and tbe first day of September, inclusive. Tbe penalty for of fending against tbe law, is live dollars for eacb and every offence, with all costs and charges. - ' '--..... Preparations are making to take the cen sus oi 1870, through the agency of tbe In ......I 1 . . . : i i . icruai neveuuts orgamEttiiuu. curing week! in November and December last an experiment was made by this nieaus, wbich proves that it can be successfully accom plished. According to the ceneus then takeu, the population of thirty-seven States amounted to 84,l00,8.i5 Statts and tern torles together, 84,505.882. showing, not withstanding the war, an increase of 8,062,- ooi since 18UU. The Richmond Whw is advocating Re publican principles. Sensible. An intoxicated mau in Ohio was run over by four railroad trains. Philadelphia has appropriated a million dollars to the buildiug of new school houses. A lucky mnn named Jerry Lowry, of Waterford, Conn., fuund an old stocking leg full of silver dollars, in his garret, on Thursday last. President Johnson has offered a plot of ground to the freedmen of Greenville, Tenn., to bo used for school and religious purposes, Si! 1' 1 - III . ... .. . i ' ii me iiceiiujeii win seieui tue ground. In New York an iueenious mechanic has made a novel invention, designed for the comtort of horses during tbe hot weather. It consists of a small reservoir, filled w ith water, placed upon the animal's bead, keep ing the brain cool, and thus warding off the effects of the and sunstroke. The Buelington 7Wsays that John B. Page, of Kulluud, will be unanimously nom inated for Governor of Veimout. Eleven buildings were destroyed by fire in Oshkosh, Wis., on Sunday afternoon. Loss about $15,000. The United States gunboat Asbuelot has been bombarding a town in Formosa, the natives ot which bad murdered the crew ot an American barque, the Rover, who were shipwrecked upon that coast. Formosa lies off the southeastern portion of China, unil the inhabitants are savage and inhospi table. The offense nas very gross, and there seems to be no other way ot teaching barba riaus the duties of bumuuity, than by physi cat force. Queen Victoria has five dauthters. The oldest is the wife of the Crown Prince of Prussia. Sbo is destined to become tbe 1'u ture Queen of Prussia. The second, Alice, is the wife ot the Prince of Hussedarmstarit. whose principality has been lately absorbed bv rrutuia. the third, Helena, became re cently the wife of tbe Prince of Teck, who is a prince without principality. Two re main unmarried Louise, who is iu her eighteenth year, and Beatrice, who is in her ninth. What is to be done with Louise, now that most of the Protestant German Princes have been ousted from their petty throues by PrusH f There is only one Pro- testunt f nure now available, lor royul con jugal purposes, and he is the brother of the Princess of Wales, Kinir George of Greece. Mr. Gladstone is, consequently, to proceed to Athens to enter upon bis delicate neeo tiation. Her purposed husband is a mere y..uih, who dances well, and is lond of t good cigar, and is tolerably good looking, He might make sn nduiiruble clerk in a mi- linery store, but is altogether out of his place as me coiei oi the spirited Ureek nation. A Prompt Penalty. But few officers have been removed Irom the Philadelphia Custom House thus far. bv Collector Cake. but he very properly made an example of a tide-waiter who on Saturday last, laboring uuder an attack of his natural 'feelings, en tered a public boui.e in the vicinity of the inspector neadquurters, and called upon ull hands to drink. He offered as a toast, "The heulth of Jeff. Davis." He was prompt ly dismissed. Miner journal. Accident. J. S. McClure, of this place, oraKesman on tue L,. & a. K. II., was severe ly injured on last Friday a week, at Chulas. y. tie was engaged in connecting cars, and became entangled in the coupling, when the engine made a sudden start, aud caught his leg between the bumpers. We are glad to auow ue is getting along tinely. m . iUB ATLANTIC VABLR KROKEN. It Was fortunate that the Atlantic Telecrapb Com pany, after successfully laving the cable of ibou. immediately repaired that of 1805 1 he cable of 1806 has just been broken bv an iceberg, and the only line of coromunica Hon with the Old World is at present the cable of 1865. It appear bv a letter from C. E. Stewart, chairman of the company at London, that on the 4th Inst., at 6 80 P.M., a lurge icebtrg ground Heart's Content, New ed off the harbor of miles N. N. W. of northern poiut, and about two hundred yards east ot tbe 1806 cable, in about sixteen fathoms of water. On the 8th instant tho icebera disappeared, but in naaa- log over the cable of lb06 such damage was done that the signals through that rablo be came imperfect, and have now ceased. The capacity of the cable of 1803 exceeds the re quirements of tho business, great as it is, but the company expects to repair the da mage to thut of 1800 without delay. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T. S. SHANNON, Praotioal Watchmaker HD JEWELER. From PHILADELPHIA. Ia Simpson's Building, Market Square, STT1TBUB.7. PZ1T1TA. TTUNh; Gold and Silver American and 8 wins Watohes, Jlook. Jewelr T and silver ware, eon- stantly on band Hair Jewelry and Masonic Mark made to order, "old ni Plating and warranted to give enti done in tbe best manner re satisfaction. Pin Watches. Clocks. Musio Boxes and Jawelrv nepaireu ana warrantee. ' All order promptly filled. 6uubury, June i, lb7 Auditor Htatetuent oi' the Bounty Account of Jordan township. WE, the undersigned, having carefully audited the Bounty Aoeount of the bupervieur' and the Committeemen, appointed to recruit lor (aid township of Jordan, eounty of Noriiiuwherlaud, find the same to be as follow , April Hth, loo4, Amount paid for 19 lien aud expense for recruiting by Klial Shaffer, aomittemaa, f 2,S36 SO Amount raised )j ta,alioa and Mbaorikiion, 12.334 30 August, 184. -Amount paid 18 pea furnished for the military ser vice by Joseph bthwaru, aoumit- teeman, , 7,640 00 271 07 Jkxpa 7.SU 87 o.aiJ bO Amooat by taxatioa aad anbteripUoa, Amount yet due, ''! ' ! Janorry 3Mb, 18oS.Auemt paid It oioa lur the Hiiluay saivioe by I), M fccli wan and lia Heekert, eom- ' Biittomen, Bxuenae, ' HV7 87 t.0P 00 iOd li Total btdttbtedaen at the township, -YYiliMW our bands tbe X?4 day of alaj PKTER SCHWARIZ, i tiEO. W. XRAUTMAK, V ' . JM. A BHAf JTKR, f Juatl ft. , QJ AuUiHrt, lft(DMDQDB'3 B1M9 H H. P O CIRCUS. ' i t THB msnager would rwpectfully sUts that in or ganliing this Clrons Company ha has spared neither time, labor nor money, te make the present combination the most BRILLIANT AND ATTRACTIVE Ever presented to the patronage of the Pnblle. The lour quarters of the Globe have oontribnted their ohoioest gems to form this Brilliant Constella tion ! xnu GRAND ALLIANCE OF TALENT is organised upon a soalt of Unprecedented magnl fioenc. and the extraordinary and varied Perform ances of tbe U rest Array Of rorelarn and Native Talent, will Inaugurate a new era in Amuiements. The en tertainment will be Droduoed with a decree of origi nality and splendor never before attempted In this oounlry. Prominent among the leading members of thli ex tensive Troupe, will be found tbe following names: BOB SMITH, Clown and Humorist, The ftirorite Son of Mom us ; the embodiment of Fun, w it, originality, and genuine Humor; a living ex emplification of tbe old adage, "Laugh and grow rt." M. CHA3. C0TELLI, Clown and Character Equ s train, In his Ureal Act of Charles McCarthy, The Champion Lapr and Double Bommersoult Thrower. 9Ieaara Haw ley Sc. Cutler-. THE GREAT GYMNASTS, Sl'lle ANN IK IIOUINSON, The most Daring and Dashing Equestrienne tbe world ever produced. M'LLE ANNIE KOBINSON, will not permit the possibility of rivalry iu her pecu liar and elegant School of Equitation, which she sur rounds witb an atUuenoe of liauuties, and embellishes with a halo of Radiance, captivating by their perfec tion, and dastling by their Splendors. Mast. ALEX. ROBINSON, The most daring of Juvenile Riders, whose dashing act upon two fiery Poniej, never fail to arouse un bounded enthusiasm., MAST. TOMMY, The Great Contortionist and Man Monkey. JAS. ROBINSON, The Great Two, Four and Six Horse Rider, will ap pear in his great Aot of the Russian Courier of St. Petersburg. A Clrand Street Proceaalon Will signalise tbeentranoe of the establishment into the town, at 10 A. M. Admission, will be only SO eents. Children, under 10 years of age 26 cents. Afternoon and Evening. tjTPoon open at Sand I o'clock. Commenoesat 2t and Tt P. H. CUA8. WHITNEY. Uen. Business Agent. WILL EXHIBIT AT SL'XBCRY, JUNE 7, 186T. AT NORTHUMBERLAND, JUNE t, " June 1, '07. It. Admlnlatrator,t) Notice. NOTICE i hereby given that letters 'of ad minis tration have Beau granted to the undenigued, on the estate of Anna Maria Myers, late of the Bu rough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Penu'a., deceased. All persons indebted to euid eatato are requested to make immediate payment, and those having olaims against the estate are requested to preseut them for settlement. , JOnN MYEUa.Adm'r. Lower Augusta twp., Junel, 1867. Notice to Merchants and Shippers. THE undersigned, proprietors of Weiscr A Frick't Line, give notice to merchants and shippers tbat their Depot Is still at 611 Market street, Phila delphia, and all Goods directed to Suiibury and Dan ville will be promptly delivered. WSf Cart leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia, tri-weekly Tuesdays, Thursdavs and Saturdays. W. C. GOODRICH. May ti, '67. J. R. RICHARDSON. UERD1C HOUSE. V: A. ll'SO.v, Nup'l, WILLIA,MSrOHT. PA. May 25, 1847. fit HATCHETS. The best and cheapest for the consumer are those nianuiacmrea oy JENKINS & TONGUE, Philadelphia. Shingling, Lathing, Claw and Broad, made of the best east-steel and warranted as good or batter than any others made in the Doited States, and told at much lower prices than any other really fint-olast hatuheta. They are tempered by one of the firm, H. J. Tongue, who posMtse a peculiar faculty that niigui oeeaiiea STEEL ON THE BRAIN, Which give his tools a great celebrity in these part. , TRY THEM. No. 3.1 and Si Richmond Street: the red ear up Third Street orots Riohmood, near the work. Philadelphia, May IS, 1807 lm Ail kindt of SCHOOL BOOKS, Elate, Pens, Ink, Paper, Aa. Miscellaneous Books, a good assort' ment. All the new books received as toon a published, aid for tale at Publishers' price. BIBLES, Prayer Book and Hyain looa, iu every svyie vi uuiumg. Catholio Prayer Book. ' FAMILY BIBLEs in various style DICTlONARIESof alliiaes.,' ' Juvenile and Toy Books, a Urge assortment. ..."" Itlastk Booka and Blank forms of all kind. Foolscap, Legal Cap, Letter and Alote Caper. COPYING BOOKS. Inkstands Pen Hacks, Piles, Paper, Cotters and Counting House Stationery generally PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS and dear. cheap Odd Pens and Holder. Pocket Book and Bill Wallet. . Piotur Frame. . Stereoscopes and Views, American French. Ae. Drawing Paper, all site, Bristol Board, Ao. Diaries, Memorandum Books, Ac Backgammoo Board. Oames, Chen- men, a. I Toy a lurg sod eomplet assortment' (...Hull. sbA It.l. Pl.hin. Rod.! ana Jaclie. Perfume, Brohemiaa aad Parisian Marbles, Aa. Gold Pen re.nolnted. Lamp, tibtde, tilob, Chimney, Wall Paper aad Border, all kind. ' Window Curtain, Paper Uilt and Oiled. ; Muslo and Musical Instrument. : ' ty All kind of Books and Stattonsrv not on hand promptly ordered. All th Dally and Weekly Paper and Magailne. ' Agent forth "Amariaan Organ." Am for "La KWs Hair Restorative," Enamel of America, sad 'National glaam Navigation Company." '; Siiubury, May la, 1867. ' ' ' " PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AtTD STATIONERY, Moatkly Tine Bosks Drawing Book and 61 ate. Books, Byma Books Blank Books, Memorandum Vroat, Diaries, Pockal Books. Ink Stand. Peas, Patois, la orrmot ef Paper, Ink, Ae. For sale by ASXA FAIKTML. ', CALL aM sMtkeae kaacMful Bird Oaga a tat aev Hardware etareef 1 H ?0XLtT CO. BRICK!" BRICK! BRICK I T tnej ailieat ef Bsuatau7 Md Ictnlty. ' fTUM anderslrned aara boagni th Brtok-Tard X and unprovetaeota, formerly leased and worked by A. B. Btevens, and bar made additional im provements, and are now fjrepared So stake eon tract to aiasmfaetarw and deliver BRICK ia large Cjuan Utiea , for building and other pnrpeee. , - By the manufacture of a good artiola, and prom ", attention to baaineat, we hope to receive share it public patronage. Orders left at the Brwk-Vard, r Boa U, Busbar Poet Office, will be promptly attended In. T. HIMES CO. Bunbnry, May 19, 1H87. Im Flit 12 ANU WATER PUOOP XlOOriNG! THIME3 A CO., are the Agent in the Counties , of Northumberland, Snyder and Montour, for WARREN'S Improved Fir and Water-Proof Roof. This is the cheapest and beet Roof that ean bo put on a building. Has bean used in the oity of Philadelphia, sinoe 1861, where it has superseded almost every other kind of Roof. It ia recommend ed by the builders, and it used on all of the finest buildings in that oity. Parties contemplating build inc. will do well to examine into the merit of this and all other kind of Roofs, aad. give the beat the preference. ine xountain iioiei, oi DunDury, win, in a lew days, be oovsred with this Roof, and parties desiring to do to, may oall there aad examine it. For further information add rem Box U.Sunbury Pott Office, or oall at the Briok Yard of -. T! HIMES ft CO. Banbury, 18, 1887. 3m Music I Music 1 1 MISS MARION IlUVALL respectfully Inform the oitisens of 6unbnry, that she will gi- Musio Lessons on Piano or Melodeon, either at her own retidenoe or at that of tbe pupil. tiunbury, May 26, 1B67. TAKE NOTICE, mil AT all those who are indebted to Doctor 3. Vi. Jl PEAL, on Mote or Book Aoeount, are invited to settle the same within thirty days, as after that they will be plaoed in tbe bands of ii. W. Ziegler., Jiso,., tor ooiieotion witnoui respect to persons. Bunbnry, May 2b, 1867 2m $23,000,000'. THE NEW SIX PER CENT. PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOAN FRKB FROM ALL STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL TAXATION. TV ill be furnished in sum to suit, on application to th nearest Bank or Banker ; also by either of "Jjie uudersipued, JAY COOKE A CO, DREXEL A CO. K. W. CLARK A CO. Bankers, Philadelphia. April 17, 188T. 1TE77 SHOE STOTlE. Market Street, adjoining Oearhart' Confectioner; Store, BUNBURY, Pa. TflF undersigned respectfully informs the oitisens of Sunbury and vicinity, tbat bo ha odened a NEW SHOE STORE, for tbe sale as well as for tho mnnufaoturo of the finest and best quality of Ladies' Shoes, vii: UlovoKld, Morrocco, Calf-skin ant unstlntg 4 nitcrsi, Vc. Children's Shoes of all kinds. II is stock is entirely new and well seleoted. He also manufactures fins Frcnoh and other Calf' skin Boot and Shoe for Uentlemen. Orders for Isdiet and gentlemen' custom vtark will be promptly attended to and gut up in the bcut style by skilful mechanic. Shoe finding Ac, constantly kept on hand an j Tor sale to tne trade. J. U. JEFFRIE. Sunbury. April 20, 1867. Pensions Increased. The late Act of Congress give additional pay to th fullowing Pensions, vii : 1st. To those who have lost tbe light of both eyes, or both bands, or totally disabled so a to require oua. slant attendance, tbe sum of $2i 00 per month. 2d To thone who have lost both feet, or are totnlly disabled in the same so as to require oonstant attend ance, the sum of $2l 00. 3d. To those who have lost one hand or one foot or are so disabled as to render them unable to per forin manual labor Xli III) per month, and oihei cuses in proportion. The subscriber is duly prepared fur tbe immejU procurement of there olaims. 8. B. BOrER.Att'yatLaw. Sunbury, June 16, 1866. EXCELSIOE! EXCEISI0K11 CIIASTELLAR'S Hair Exterminator t ! FOR REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. To th ladie especially, tine invaluable depilatory re cumnemls itself as being an almost indispensable article l, female beauty, is eniily applied, dors m.i burn or ii jur the skin, but ante directly ui Hie rmita. It is wnriHiitcl I lemuve superfluous bail from kiw forehand., oi fr.un air partof til. body, completely, totally and radically es'.ir paling the same Uravuig the skin soft, smooth and iiuiuih Tliis is the c nly artfde used by the French, and is tiie oul rrl effectual oipilaliiry m eaietew Price 74 emu ut pckae, acul post-paid, to au; address, on rcceiut of ai order, by BERGER, 6HUTT A CO., Ceemi.ts, lifi Rivui Si , Troy, . y. Febmary IS, 167 -1? ' " SPRING TRADE 1567. M. L LAZARUS, WOULD respectfully oall the attention of th pubtie to ber new assortment of :S?X1TG G00D3, In Dress Goods, Lawns, Delaines, Alapaoas, Mohaii, Ao. White Goods, Cambria, Swu Nainsook, . Jaconet, India-Twills, Brilliant, and a variety oi uarrioaiai Muslins, ''' Nw Style. Dress Trimming In great varlVtr Edging, Olovea, Hosiery, Ribbon, Corsets, II0 Skirts, Towels, Napkin. Ladies and Gent's Line uitnaxaroniers, f arasoia, Lao and Ureenadine Vi.il. and a great variety of Notions too numerous to met tion. KID GLOVES of th very bast quality. , ... .... M.L.LAZARUS. Sunbury, May 4, 1887. idotjtIeioxjs e, J, J. IIAI.I Proprietor. Corner Sunhury aad Both Street, 8HAMOKIN, PENITA. THIS riOUSE Is now open for th reception i guest, and beinc new. snaainn. .nil . ,.;. . has all the facilities and advantages of a FIRS iuiiMiiuisu. ine steeping apartment! are ai' and comfortable, and th furniture entitely ik Tba Bar and Table wlU b upplld with the best i me mar tel. i i . ; The patron age of th public is solicited . April 10, iwi. Mount Carmel Hotel. MT. CARMEL, Northumberland Co., P . TIIOS. BURKET, Proprietor. Tbi large enmrr odious Hotel 1 located near tt depot of the Sbamokin Valley and the iluakake New York Railroad. Trains arrive and departdnil Tbi bouse U located in th centre of tbe Coal R gtoa and affords the beat aoeommodalion to travel, aad permanent customer. jay i. STEVENS HOUSE, Sl, 33, as 37 Broadway, If. i , Y. OpptKtts Bowline- Green. ' ' OS THE EUROPEAN PLAN'! TOE STEYENSHOUSE U well tad wid-ly knns to th traveling publio. Th localiuo it ear ially suitable to merchant and banners men ; ia slot proximity to th biuinen part of the city i on tba highway of Southern aad Western favel and adj.oeut to all th "principal IWlroU ai tftaawboat denote. tTnbTKVEN!i HOUSE ha liberal tccommnd tion for over 100 guest it it well furrished. a Ponene every modern improvement fur the coi fcrt and aatarUinnent of it inmate. The row era ipaaiou and well ventilatod-rprovlde I with f and waur the attendance is prompt and roneel -and ta table t generously provided with' ere delioacy of th souon at moderate rate. GEO. It. CHASE A CO., Prop'trs May, lM7.-n ltVkO fr OK feaVLE. HAUDBOME, lae-toaed, w, aad prio low I1tre at tbi One 5