Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 18, 1867, Image 3

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    ifie '. SuntutB American.
" .WIl1VEHT,lT, ... .
M.I.KWQLil, t fublUhWt. i ')
- -
" SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1867.
V I Li
Eocal glffaCrs.
Tiki art at present two daily mailt between
thltpltot and Bhamokln.. ; , t '.;
Piano Torino. To thou who hav anything to
do In thii lino w ou reoommend Mr. Baltm, of
Bellnsgrove, ai a competent and reliable ponon.
Tbb Director of the Northumberland County
Rational Bank, ofShamokin, bavedeolared a dirl
dend of four per eent., oat of the proflts of the lut
Tai old frame building on Chestnut Mreet, In tbii
plaoe, known ai the Bogar property, wai torn down
tbli week by Mr. John Haaa, who bat eonlraoted for
the treotloa of a handsome brlok retldenee on tbt
premises, .
Mb. Ia. T. CLBBiat hat entered Into a oontraot
for the tale of hit Steam Saw Mill, in thia place, to
Henri. Reagan It Co., who design patting np other
tnilli for tawing and manufacturing lumber. ,Th
jrioe agreed upon wat 110,000.
Ma. Valextihi Diets, of thia place, loel a fine
-oow last week from tbe effect of eating green clo
Ter. 8ht wat Injured by Mr. Iaaiah Gussler, agent
Tor tbe Great Eajtern Insurance Company, for $32,
or about two-thirds of her value.
Tbb Lutheran Church, at Milton, wat told on Sat
urday, 4th inat., to the Albright MethodlaU for the
turn of 92,600. Thia denomination hare a mlnliter
tationed in that borough, and a sufficient member
hip at a naeleui to form a church.
Homoopatrt We direct attention to the pro
fessional eard of Dr. Cbarlet Arthur, tmong our new
advertisement!, thia week. The Doctor it a regular
graduate of the Ilomocopathio College of Pennsylva
nia, and tinoe bit location in unbury bat acquired
good practice,
1. 0. or 0. F. The Grand Lodge of Pennsylva
nia will hold its annual session in Philadelphia, com
mencing on Tuesday, 21st Inst. All tbe subordinate
' lodger in tbe State are expected to be represented.
Mr. . M. Bucber. of this place, will represent Sun
bury Lodge, No. 203.
Pasoiiah A. Harry Davis' Panorama of the Great
Rebellion wat exhibited at the Masonic Hall, oi
Friday and Saturday evenings of last week, and
gave very general satisfaction. The representation
of the capture of Fort Donelson and tbe surrounding
scenery, alone, wat worth a visit to the exhibition.
Tni Weather. Thus for the month of May hat
afford td but few pleasant days. Alternate showers
and sunshine prevailed this week frajp Monday
until Thursday. The time for worm weather Is
lose at band, and the probability is that we shall
have a sudden change from cool to sultry days, in a
rery few weeks.
The body of Willie Kriling, ton of John W. Frl
ling. Esq., of this place, who was drowned by falling
from a raft into the river, on Thursday of lost week,
bat not yet been found. Search wat made above
.the dam, but tbe current wat to strong at the time
that the body baa probably been carried tome dis
tance down tbe river. A reward of $40 It offered
for the recovery of tbe remains.
Fire asd Water Pkoov Roofing. We refer
builders and others to the advertisement of T. Himot
A Co., of this place, who are the agents for this and
teveral adjoining counties for Warren's Improved
Fire and Water Proof Roofing. It has been used
somewhat extensively in the large cities, and is re
.commended by experienced builders at the best and
cheapest material for that purpose that can be ob
tained. Pbobfiate. Messrs. Torrington 4 Hodgkins, pro
prietors of the new Phosphate Mill, at this plaoe,
are at present doing quite an extensive business in
the manufacture of the celebrated Raw Bone Super
Phosphate of Limo. This rm advertises largely in
the papers of our neighboring counties, and will, of
-course, reap the benefits which always result from
a liberal use of tbe press. We are pleased to learn
that they are succeeding beyond their expectations.
Apilet's Leather Presbrvkb. We are in
debted to our friend Harry Tbacher, the popular
boot and shoe dealer of this place, for a box of
this superior grease for leather. Mr. Geo. Apsley,
formerly of this place, but now of Lock Haven, it
tbe inventor and manufacturer of it. It it an cx-.
client article, one that hat heretofore been much
Deeded, and will prove a great preserver of boota
and shoes if properly used. It is put up in neat tin
boxes and told at f I each. It can be had at Teach
er's store.
Quick Time. The Hurrisburg Telegraph lays
that on Thursday of last week a half dozen men ran
a raft of lumber from Port Trevorton, Northumber
land county, to Highspire, below that city, between
ten o'clock in tbe forenoon and five in tbe after
noon. Tbey were suooessful in making a quick
trip, but their undertaking wat very hazardous, on
aocount of the very high stage of the river. Seven
hours' travel by water from Port Trovorton to High
spire it probably tbe fastest time ever made by any
' Robberies at Miltob. On Friday night week
, 'lift the entire contents of the smoke bouse attached
to the U. S. Hotel, at Milton, were stolen, consisting
of the bamt and shoulders of six'bogs. The thieves
' hauled away their plunder in a wagon, and were
iieard, but no suspicion wat created at to tbeir de
aignt. Tbe same party, it is supposed, entered tbe
' warehouse of Col. Swenk the same nigbt and ttole
therefrom smoked meat, teveral barrels of fish, suit, .
Ac, mounting to over on hundred dollars. The
tame night, and perhaps by the tame party, some of
;b eitizent of Cameronia were robbed.
Akotbrr Caie or Drowkijco. On Saturday last
four men, raftmen, attempted to run a raft over the
dam, instead of through the schute, near tbe Snyder
count tide. ,'Tba rivor wat unusually high from
the rains of lost week, which caused the raft to run
with tucb speed at to plunge it entirely under water
' and break it to pieces. Tbe men woro all swept into
the river. Three of them were rescued from their
perilous situation, one of them badly Injured by
being ttruok with one of tbe logt, while the fourth
rat drowned. We could not learn the name of tbe
sinfbrtunate man. They had previously been cau
iioned against the hazardous undertaking, but paid
do attention to it.
Lionraa't Boobbtobb. N. Fi Lightaer, the en
' terpTliing bookseller and tiattoner, Market square,
St constantly receiving addition! to bit stock, and
everything pertaining to bit b ranch of business can
be procured at bit establishment. He receives all
tbe latest publications at toon as tbey are issued and
alls them at tbe publishers' prices. Tbe largest,
cheapest and best assortment of troll paper ever
' brought to this place can be teen at bit store, while
hit telectiont of biblet, hymn books, albums, gold
pent, pocket books, ttereosoopes, picture frames, Ac,
' art specially admired. We are glad loses Ferree
o well sustained by the public He well deserves
it See bit advertisement.
Bbic Yar. Mossn. T. Himee A Co., wbos
advertisement appears in this issue, have purchased
the brlok yard formerly worked by A. B. fitevent,
in Cake't addition, east of the Maobine Shopt.
With aa abundant of excellent day, and having
greatly improved the facilities for turning out brick
by means of superior machinery and kilns, they are
prepared to fill H orders promptly. At tber will
be a peat deal of building don in this place this
rummer, and at briek will be touch cheaper, we
hop to it mor generally adopted. Tb tort of
brlok building It vary littla mor than t frame
' on, at be present prloe of lumber, while It unques
tionably task as a nor durable strocture and gives
h ( more fefclrd rr '".
PaocatDitai or tee Bobocob Couhcil. Coun
cil ratt at the atual time and place, on Taeedsy
vetrlBg, 7th lnt," it being tb regular stated night
of meeting. Chief Burgees, Bright, in the ohair.
Members present Messrs Uendriokt, Heat, Bourne,
Bucher, Markle, Brioe, Beck, Youngman, Clement,
Hoover and Henry Haaa. , j
Minute of last stated meeting were read and approved.-
"- ( ' '!
On motion of Mr. Markle, Resolved, That the
Cbief Burgess is authorised to oorreot tbe per capita
tax and bounty tax on all persons who ire not liable
to military duty.
Messrs. Morgan and Attlck were exonerated from
payment of their per capita taxes.
Mr. John U. Fry appeared before Council aad
asked to be exonerated Irotn payment of bis bounty
tax, staling that the title of property oouupied by
him was in his son't name.
Mr. Bourne moved to exonerate fit. Fry. ' Mr.
Brlce called for a division, which resulted as follows :
Yeat Brioe. Clement and Bourne; nays Haas, Hen
dricks, Markle, Beck, 11. Haas aqd Youngman.'
Not agreed to.
Edward Israel wat exonerated from payment of
bounty tax for I860, on hit making proper affidavit
and presenting discharge papers.
The following bills were presented and orders
granted for the satn :
A. J. Stroh, $4 71
Charles G ussier, 2 90
George Harrison, It 12
Fred. Merrill, IS H7
W'm. Rcnnyson having produced a certificate from
the Adjutant General's Office. Trenton, H.J., of bit
having served bis time in the U. 8. service, was ex
onerated from payment of bis bounty and per capita
Bills of J. G. A A. A. Youngman, Masaer, Wilrert
AEngli, and Eiobholts A Auten, for publishing
auditors' reports. Ac, referred to oomuiittee on
olaimt and accounts at last meeting, were reported
on by said committee. On mutton, orders were
granted for the same.
John Arnold presented a bill for 15.00. Order
Messrs. Brlce, Bucber and Rohrbaoh presented
a bill for $160, for auditing bounty and school ac
counts. Orders were granted for $35, each.
Mr. Hans offered the following resolution, which
was adopted :
W'hkrkas, By the 9th reotlon of the act of Gene
ral Assembly of this Commonwealth, approved the
2d day of April, A. D. 1807, eutilloil "A further
supplement to an act to erect the Borough nf bun
bury, in the county of Northumberland, into a Bo
rough,'' it is enaoted 4,that for the purpose of fund
ing the debt of the Borough, and fur other Borough
purposes as the Town Council may direct, the said
Town Council arc hereby authorized and empowered
to burrow any sum or sums of money not exceeding
in the aggregate the sum of fifty thousand dollnrs,
and may issue bonds therefor in the corporate name
qf the Borough, payable at such times as the said
Town Council may direct, not more than ten years
after date, with a rate of interest not exceeding
seven per cent., payable semi-annually, and which
bonds sbnll not be taxable for Borough purposes, the
said bonds shall be signed by tbe Chief Burgess and
attested by the Town Clerk ;" therefore, by tbe au
thority of the said act of Assembly, and in pursu
ance thereof, be it
Resolved, By the Burgess, Assistant Burgess and
Common Council of the Borough of Sunbury, in the
county of Northumberland, in Town Council assem
bled, that fur the purr one of funding the debt of the
Borough, and fur other Borough purposes, aa the
Town Council may diroct, tbe sum of iifty thousand
dollars be borrowed, and that bunds be issued there
for in the oorporate name of the Borough, payablo
five and ten yenrs after dato, with seven per cent,
interest, payable soini-aiinually, and which bonds
shall be sigucd by the Chief Burgess and attested
by the Town Clurk, and shall be in the following
form, to wit :
libnd of the Jiorniigh of Sunbury, in the County
of Northumberland.
It is hereby certified that the Burgesses and in
habitants of the Borough of Sunbury, in tbe county
of Northumberland, are indebted unto ,
or bearer, in tbe sum of One Thousand Dollars, pay
able, with interest, from the first day of July, 1867,
inclusive, at seven per cent, per annum, payablo on
the first days ot January and July in each year, on
the presentation of tbe proper coupon hereunto an
nexed. This debt is authorized by Act of Assembly
of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved
tbe 2d day of April, A. D. 1867, and by a resolution of
tbe Town Cuunoil, passed tbe 7tb day of May, 18G7.
, Chief Burgess.
Attest :
, Town Clerk.
Form of Couponi.
The Burgesses and inhabitants of tbe Borough of
Sunbury, in tbe county of Northumberland, on the
first day of , 18, will pay lo tbe bearer thirty
five dollars, for 6 months' iuterost on Bond No.,
for $1,000.
, Chief Burgess.
That the Chief Burgess is hereby authorized and
empowered to have blank bonds, with coupons ut
tnched, printed or engraved, of the denominations
of one hundred, two hundred, five hundred, and one
thousand dollars each. And be it further resolved,
that the Chief Burgess may from time to time fund
the Borough debt, und may give in exchange lor all
Borough bonds, heretofore issued, Borough orders
ana bills passed by Council, the bonds ut tbe l!u
rough hereby authorized to be issued, and for such
Borough purposes as the Town Council may troiu
time to time direct; the Chief Burgess is hereby au
thorized to sell the s:iid Borough bonds to any per
son or persons, at pur, to any amount not exoeediug
the amount hereby authorized to be issued.
On mutionnf Mr. Haas, it was
littolred. Thai fur tbe purpose, of more effectually
opening Fourth street, it is hereby directed by the
Burgesses, Assistant Burgesses aud Cummon Council,
in Town Council assembled, that a good and suffi
cient bridge be built at the place where said street,
or the lane, which is an extension of said Btreet,
crosses the basin of the Sunbury canal, and the t hief
Burgess is hereby authorized and required to have
tbe same built, of wood, as soon as practicable.
On motion of Mr. Iluus, it was
Htiolved, That Second Street be opened from
Chestnut to Walnut street, and that the work be let
to the lowest responsible bidder, at a public letting,
and that Messrs. Haas, Packer and Bright be a com
mittee of three to confer with the superintendent of
the bbumokin Valley Railroad in regard to said
On motion of Mr. Haas, littolved, That the whole
of Market stroet, from front street to the bridge at
tbe eastern end thereof, be repaired and paved with
broken sand or linieslune, and to be at ieubt 18 inches
in thickness in the centre and V inches in thickness
or dopth on the sides of said street, and the Chiet
Burgess is hereby authorized nnd required to pub
lish a publie letting for the delivery ot said stone or
liuiestune fur the purpose aforesaid, und to contract
with the lowest and best bidder for the same, aud
the Street Commissioners are hereby directed to
cause the said work to be done in accordance with
tbe grades, levels and slopes fixed by tbe Boruugb
Yeas Youngman, Haas, Hendricks, Markle. Price
and li. Haas. Nays Hoover, Clement, Beck and
ol.sju motion of Mr. Brice, Resolved, That a special
committee of three members be appointed for the
fiurpose of conferring with tbe officers of the Wssh
ngton and Good Intent lire companies, of this Bo
rough, and the said committee be instructed to find
out the location for suitable engine bouses and the
probable cost of the erection of tucb buildings, Ac,
with all necessary information, and report at next
meeting ui iouucii.
Messrs. Brice, Bourne and Clement were appoint
ed said committee.
On mutiun of Mr. Brice, Rr,tolvtd, That a special
committee of three be appointed to act with a com
mittee of ladies, for the purpose of repairing, impro
ving and fencing Market Square, provided the
fence will be put up at tbe expense of private par
ties, and at no eosl to the Borough.
Messrs. Brice, Youngman and Markle were ap
pointed said oomuiittee.
On motion of Mr. Brioe, Resolved , That we hereby
authorize the assessment of a fine ol $10. one-half to
go to the informer, on each and every offender, who
may in any way destroy or injure any of tbe public
or pnvatesnaue trees witnin ine isorougn ny alien
ing or otherwise of horses, vehioles, Ac.
On motion of Mr Markle. Resolved, Thst the pa
ving committee be instructed to notify tbe property
holders on Third street, on the east side from Mar
ket to Race, that tbey must comply with the ordi
nance for paving said ttroet, the same as all the other
streets. , -
On motion, adjourned.
E. Y. BRIGHT, Chief Burgess.
Jacob SairuAN, Clerk.
Drowbieo or A Citizee or NuRTHineanLAao
Countt. We copy the lollowlng from tbe Wrights-
ville (York county) Star, of Friday, 10 lost. : "Mr.
Amos German, whose father resides three niila
north of tbe town of Northumberland, in this State,
and who wat th owner and captain of the canal
boat "Tilll and Carrie," of Northumberland, on bit
downward trip with a load of coal, fell into tbe
chamber of Holmes' lock on tbt Tide-water canal,
near tb Slab Tavern, in Cbanoeford township, this
county, about three o'clock on Wednesday morning
last, and was drowned. It appears he was crossing
tbe lock on one of those twinging bridges used at
locks, when he made a mis-step in the dark, foiling
into th chamber, from wblcb bit lifeless body was
tHlmn a short time after. An inquest was beld by
Ellis Cbandlee, Esq., a Justice of the Peace of that
townsnm. ana a veraici renaerea oi sweiueuuu
(1 ro wniu If . Mr. Uarman. whose g it about 2V
.ra was asaomtianied on his trio by bit wife, to
whom be bad been married about one year, and who
returned with th corps of her husband, patting
through this plso for ber boat yesterday noon."
Tat Seliotgrov Couritr says that, recently, a
tain going from Sunbury to that plae, baa in muv
rXrtuu to lot fortr-four doll an in spools. Th man
aid b lest It out eft bole in bit carpet bar,.
Per the Anerlcm.
RoRraeiriaRLAD. On lut Saturday the Town
Hall and Arsenal war told at publie auction, with
the condition that they are to be removed In few
week. Both -were purchased by Mr. David Star
rick tb Town Hall for $175, and tb Arsenal for
$59. ."'-.'. '
After tha sal (he corner ttnne of th Arsenal wat
removed and the following document found in it
cavity : ''This building wat commenced by the
Volunteer eorpt of Northumberland Artillerists, for
the purpose of containing their piecotof cannon, on
tbe twenty-Bfth of April, Ann Domini 1825, and
the 491h year of American Independence ; the oor
ncr stone was laid on the 2d day of May, 1825, (in
tb prescnoe of the oomptny and a large assemblage
of oitlsens,) by tb Captain .John Quinsy Adams,
President, and John C. Calhoun, Vioc President of
th United State of Amerioa, and John Andrew
Shulce, Governor of the State of Pennsylvania
"The corps was organized on the 4th day of Aug
ust, A. D. 1821, and the officers, Joseph R. Priest
ley, Captain, William Forcyth, 1st Lieutenant, and
John II. Brautlgam, 2d Lieutenant, were commis
sioned for seven years by Joseph Ilelster, then Gov
ernor of tho Commonwealth aforesaid. Tbe corps it
attached to the "Northumberland and Columbia
Battalion of Volunters," commanded by Major Rob
ert Coleman Hall."
Accompanying this was th roll of th company,
containing sixty-eight names. It wat immediately
called, and four responded to their name. About
ten members of this old company still reside in
town. P.
New CuCKtrrfeit Firrr Cent Currrrct
A well excouted counterfeit of the fifty-cent cur
rency issue has recently been put in circulation.
The engraving on the face of the notes is excellent.
The reverse is slightly blurred. The notes are one
eighth of an Inch narrower than the genuine.
Anothor counterfeit of tbe same denomination hat
alto been circulated. The back of the note It well
printed and pretty well engraved, while the face
particularly the vignette it coarsely executed.
They are well calculated to deceive, and the publio
should be on the lookout fur them.
Call Accepted. Rev. A. D. Hawn, of Sbamo
kin, hct received a call from the Presbyterian
oburch, at Newberry, Lycoming county, to become
pastor of that church. It it understood that the
reverend gentleman hat accepted the call, and will
remove to the latter place in June.
17 Job Printing:. Having received a
'argeiupply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new
styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulnrs, Cards, Letter
Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, can be printed in
the latest and best stylet, and on short notice.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
"AnoTnun crash in 1807" oannot happen if you
make judicious purchases within your means and
avoid paying the exorbitant prices generally asked.
The proper way to prevent a orosh is to buy your
Boots and Shoes at Thacbers, in Pleasants' build
ing, Market square.
Spring. Tho present season is devotod to gross
butter, fresh shod, early peas, and new clothes. The
first three can be procured in market, but to got the
lust named indispcnsables it is ne"essary to exercise
tbe greatest discretion. Hence men of taste and
judgment go to the establishment of J. E. Suiick,
merchant tailor, on Fourth street, where they pro
cure tbe most durable and elegant garments.
It is really surprising to learn the amount of the
tales at Miller's Excclsiur Boot and $hoe Store, Mar
ket square. The reason is that Miller keeps none
but tbe best of stock, and sells at a very small ad
vance. Ue makes it a study to give satisfaction to
all bis customers.
Arrival or tbe Japanese Ebbasst Curious
Circumstance. This important commission has ar
rived in our country, and having learned of the
beauty of tbe clothing sold at the Continental Clo
thing Bazaar. Market Square, the commissioners
have doffed thoir native dress, and now dreas in tbe
styles sold at this bouse.
The greatest pleasure of life is love ; tbe great
est treasure is contentment the greatest luxury is
health ; tbe greatest comfort is sleep ; and the great
est satUfuction is in having a new and well-fitting
summer suit fruin Shaffer's tailoring establishment,
N. W. corner of Market and Third streets, second
Ocr special advices from Paris say that tbo Sum
mer style fur gentlemen's dress will be a necktie
nd puir of socks. This is decidedly a cool and
cheap costume, but we would much rather see the
elegant suits worn that are made ut J.O. Beck's,
Fourth street. They are more becoming, while the
cost is very little mure.
Just Like a Picture. A young man in tbe
country told his intended that she looked just like a
picture. Accordingly the next time sbe came to
town sbe called at Byerly's Gallery, in Simpson's
building, just to see if it wat true. Sbe wat soon
convinced of tbe truth of her lover's assertion, and.
loft perfectly satisfied, at all are who patronize that
Life Insurance. There can bo no higher earth
ly motive, nor one that gives greater elevation of
character, arising from the purest impulse of the
heart, than that which impels a parent to retrench
luxuries, or even many of tbt necessaries of life, to
secure to the loved ones the means of future support
from the time they can have the services of a parent
uo longer.
Jacob Sriph ab, Fire and Life Insurance Agents
Sunbury, Pa.
To Men. Do you wish your father's
approbation? Do you want your mother to be
proud of her ton ? And most of all, do you wish
that sweet duck ol yourt to-be better pleased with
your appearance ? If you wish all this, then be sure
to gel one of those fine bpring and bummer bait at
S. Faujt't Hat tnd Cup Store, in Market Square,
where everybody con be suited in prioe, quality and
Coal. Vlewrs. John McFarland, of Northumber
land, and J. B. Henry, of Delaware City, having
control of tbe entire product of the Trevorton Coal
Company 'i mines, for the ensuing year, are pre
pared to fill orders by railroad or canul for all sizes.
The oompany having opened a new Red Ash vein
the coal it now of a very tuperior quality, equal to
tny in the market. All ordert promptly filled by
addressing John McFarland A Co.,
Northumberland, Pa.
fjjT To Claim Assure. Blanks forth collec
Uon of "Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-Corn
missioned Officers," under th lata Act of Uongr
equalizing bounties, bave been printed and are now
for tale at the American office. W keep on hand
a full supply of all kindt of military blanks,' wbioh
w sell very cheap. They are copied from blanks
prepared in tbe Departments at Washington, and
can be relied on fur correctness. Orders from a dis-
atiee will receive prompt attention.
Corrotd Weekly for the "American,."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do do do do perewt.
Rye Flour, per bbl. '
de .per ewt.
Wheat, prim red . per bushel,
Rye, do
Corn, new do
Oats, . . do
Potatoet, do
Dried i' sachet, pared per pound
de do unpared Jo
Dried Applet,. do
$18 00
8 00
10 00
ft 60
S 00
1 HO
1 10
3 00
Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu
. Barter, ,
per pound,
per aoten,
per pound,
Beef, bind quarter,
" from " i
Mutton, .
Shaaxeokisa Coal Trad.
' BAoEt, Mar IS, 18AT. .
Ten: Cast.
1 MI0 05
1)2,440 0T
Pent for week ending May 11,
Per last report,
137,781 I
To tame time last year, '
30,560 01
fiptctal Notict0.
Snow me a man of sour, moras disposition, on
who entertains good will towards none, and I will
show you a dyspeptic Dyspepsia It the bluest of all
disease. Rev. Mr. Aiken testifies that Coe'l Dys
pepsia Cure cured him after 16 years suffering.
Watrrfalls Going Out or Fashion. Wher
ever "Barrett's Yegotable Hair Restorative" hat
been Introduced, waterfalls are going out of fashion.
This unrivalled preparation causes the hair to grow
to inch length that false hair It not required.
3A Yoitno Labt returning to her country bom
after a sojourn of a fow months In the City, was hard
ly recognized by her friends. In place of coarse
rustic, flushed face, sbe had a soft ruby oomplexion
of almost tnarbla smoothness, and instead of twenty
three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon in
quiry as to the cause of so great a ohange, she plain
ly tuld them that she used lb 4'is-CftKMlnti
t till its. and considered it an invaluable acquisition
to any Lady's toilet. Byltsuse sny Lady or Gentle
man can improve their personal ap earanoe an hun
dred fold. It is simple in its combination, at Nature
herself it simple, yot unsurpassed in its efficacy in
drawing Impurities from, also healing, cleansing and
beautifying the skin and complexion. By its diroct
action on the cuticle It draws Irom it all its impuri
ties, kindly healing tbe same, and leaving the sur
face at Nature intended it should be, clear, soft,
smooth and beautiful. Price $1, sent by Mail or
Express, on receipt of an order by
W L. CLAKK A CO., Chemist.
No. 8 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y.
The only American Agents fur the sale of the tame.
February 18, 1H67. ly
RKMUDIK3 for nimleaamil and danfisoua dianaera. Use
lUt.moLD's KxTRicc Hvcim smd liraovss Host Wash.
, March -J, 1607. ly
0 .Hurket Street,
One door above Sixth, Philadelphia.
For many years this Establishment has done busi
est on the Une Prioe Sys.em, and we believe w
are the only Clothing House in the city that strictly
adheres to this principle We have earned a repu
tation which we are proud of, for good taste in select
good styles and substantial materials, and not lest
important, for having all our goods,
i:X'l'ltA WISLI. M.41IF..
We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our
Goods are of both kinds Fashionable and plain
to that all tastes can be suited. The prices ura the
very lowest, as any one by a moment's thought must
see, or otherwise we could not meet the competition
of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever made,
we must put our prices down to the advantages we
The people may depend, this is the true plan upon
which to do business, and nianva dullar can be
laved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind
604 Market Strreet, Philadelphia,
Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth.
March 23, 1S67. ly
lrr. Niiicnrk't Pulmonic Hjrup.
This great medicine cured Dr. J. H. Scbcnck, the
Proprietor, of Pulmonary Consumption, when it bad
assumed its most formidable aspect, and when
peedy death appeared to be inevitable. His phy
sicians pronounced bis case incurable, when he com-
niuncea tne use ol mis simple out poweriut reuieav.
His health was restored in a vorv short lime, and no
return of the disease has boon apprehended, for all
tbo syiiiptumsquickly disappeared, and bis pre&ont
weigm is more man iwo uunureu pounm.
euice Ins recoverv, he nut devoted nis attention
exclusively to the euro uf Consumption, and the dis
eases which are usuully complicated with it, and tbo
cures etlected bv his ineJieines have been very nu
merous nnd truly wonderful. Dr. Schenck makes
professional visits to teveral of ihe larger cities
weekly, wnere lie nas a large coueourte ui pauems,
and it is truly astonishing to see poor consumptives
that have lo be lilted outot Ibeir carriages, aud in a
few months healthy, robust persons. Kit. scuenck a
MANDRAKE PILLS, are generally all required
in curing Consumption. Full directions aououipany
each, so that auv one can take tbem without aeoiug
Dr. Kobeuck, but when it is convenient it is best lo
see him. He cues advice tree, but for a thorough
examination with his Rerpiruiuoter his fee is three
Please observe, when purchasing, that the two
likenesses of the Doctor one when in tbe last stnire
of Consumption, and Ihe other as he now is, in per
feet health are on the Government stamp.
Bold by all Uruircifts and Uoalers. Price II. M)
per bottle, or f7.60 tbe half dozen. Letters for ad
vice should always be directed to Dr. Sell cock's
Principal Ufivje, No. 16 North 6th Street, Pbiladul
phia, Pa.
General Wholesale Agonts : Demos Barnes A Co.,
N. Y. : H. 8. Hunce. Baltimore. Md. : John D. Park,
Cincinnati, Ohio: Walker A Taylor, Chicago, HI. ;
Collins Bros., St. Louis, Mo.
Oct. 20, 1 867. 3d w . ea. nio. 1 y r.
There it no diseuse wlicb experience has so amply
proved to be remediable by tbe PERUVIAN SYR
UP, (a protected solution of the Protoxide of Iron.)
at Dyspepsia. The l nit invetorute forms of this
disease bave been comp. itcly cured by this medi
cine, as ample testimony of some of our first oititens
Dunham, Canada East.
"I am an inveterate Dyspeptio of more
than 26 years' stauding. "
I "1 bave been so wonderfully benefitted
in the three short weeks during which I have mc-d
tbe Peruvian Syrup, that 1 can scarcely persuade
myself uf the reality. People who have known me
are astonished at the cbauge. I am widely auown,
and ean but reooumend lo others that which has
done so much fur ue."
"My voyage to Europe is indefinitely postponed.
I bave discovered tbe "Fountain of Health" on this
side of tbe Atlantic. Three bottles of Peruviau
Syrup bave rescued we from tbe fangs of tbe timid,
A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing a history of
tnis remaraanie remedy, wun a treatise on "iron at
a medicine," will be seut free to any address.
ine genuine Das "I'eruvian cyrup ' mown In tbe
glass. J. P. DINSMOKE, Proprietor,
JO Uey btreet, XSew xurk.
Sold by all Druggists. .
ently it penetrates through every pore,
R elieving suderers from each angry sure ;
A II wouadt il heals wilh certainty and speed ;
C uta, Barn, from InfiammatioD soon are freed ;
E ruptions, at it's presence disappear ;
8 kins lose each stain, and the complexion 'l clear !
S ALVE, suob as Grace's, every one should buy,
A II to lis wondrous menu lesiuy,
L et those who doubt, single box but try,
V erily, then its true deserts 'twould bave ;
E van unbelievers would laud Ubacb' Salvb 1
la a ecrtaiu cure fui diseases of the
and all dissesrs of the
whethei e&iuiuf in
from whatever cause originating aud no mailer uf
Diseases of those organs requite llie use of a diuretic.
If no ireutroeiil is submitted u, CoHsuiatiliua or lnsou
tly may eaaue. Our flesh aud Bluoc are supported from
turn aoaccea, ana loe
that of Postetity, depends apou prompt se ut reliable
Established upwards of It yeart, prepared by
II. t. iisv;i.niioi.i,
6M Broadway, New York, end
toteoult lwsVr, rtitaeewbis, Pa
." March S, lf;. ly
T Cmnnraptlrr.
Th advertiser, bavin f beta rtatored to health In
few weeks by a vary simple remedy, after having
offered for teveral yeart with ttver lung affoo
tian, and that dread dlseawe. Consumption Is anx
ious to make known to hit feliow-sufierert lb meant
of cure.
To all who desire It, k wilt (end eery of the
prescription used (free of eharra,) with the direc
tions fur preparing and nsing tne tame, which they
will find a lure cur for Cobsdrption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Cocohk, Colds, and all Throat and
Lung Afleolinni. Th only object of the advertiser
In sending Ihe prescription it to benefit Ihe afflicted,
and spread information which he conceives to be
invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try
hit remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may
prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription,
free, by return mall, will please address
myl8-'67.1y Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y.
Krror ol Youth.
A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous
Debility, Prematura Decay, and all the effects of
youthful Indiscretion, will, fur tb sake of suffering
humanity, tend free to all who need it, the recipe
nd directions for making tb simple remedy by
which he was onrcd. Sufferers wishing to profit by
tbe edvertiser's experience, can do so by addressing,
in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OH DUN,
my 18'-67.1y 42 Cedar Street, N. Y.
COLUITi; St t'O.'N
Is manufactured from TURE
MATERIALS, and may be
considered the STANDARD OF
EXCELLENCE. For sale by
all Orocera.
May 18, 1867. ly.
Know Thy IfcnUny.
Madame E. F. Thornton, the great English As
'rulogist, Clairvoyant and Psychometrician, who has
astonished the scientific classes of the Old World,
hat now loontcd herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame
Thornton posesses suob wonderful powers of second
sight, as to enable ber to Impart knowledge of the
greatest importance 10 tne single or married of either
sex. bile in a state of trance she delineates the
very features of tha person you aro to marry, and
by the aid of an instrument of intense power, known
as tbe Psychomotrope, guarranteos to produce a life
like picture of the future husband or wifo of tho
applicant, together with date of marriage, position
in lire, leading traits of character. 4c. This is no
humbug, as thousand of testimonials can assort.
She will send, when desired, a certified certificate, or
written guarantee, that the picture is what it pur
port! to be. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and
stating place of birth, age, disposition and com
plexion, and enclosing filly cents and stamped en
velope addressed to yourself, you will receive the
picture and desired information by return wail All
communications sacredly confidential. Address in
confidence, Madabb E. F. Tuornton, P. O. Box
22.1. Hudson, N. Y. fob lfl-'t7 ly.
A Cough A Cold or
Soro Throat,
Requires immediate attention,
If allowed to continue,
lrrilHtiori of tho Izinz;w,
A Pcriiiuncnf Thr-ont
IHhcuhc, or to li
st ii in pilots
ts often the result.
II It O w
IS It O X V II 1 A I, 'I' ll O C II i: S
For!Bronchiti, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump
tive and Throat Diseases,
Troches are used with always good success.
will find Troches useful in clearing the voice when
taken before Ringing or Spoakiug, and relieving the
thrunt after an uuu.-uiil exertion uf the vocal organs.
The Troches nre recommended and prescribed by
Physicians, and have had testimonials from emiuent
men throughout the country. Boin an article of
true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test
of many years, each year finds them in new'loculi
tics in vorious parts of the world, and the Troches
are universally pronounced better than other ar
ticles. OuTAlNonly "Brown's Buonchial TnnunKS,"
and do not take any of tho Worthless Imitations that
inav be offered iSold Everywhere.
November 21, 1606. 6m
Is the Great Diuretic.
JIdinbold'i Coti cent rated Extract fiarwparilla
la the Great Blood Purifier.
Boihnre prepared accoiduig to rules of Pli.innaey and
Clicmistr) , anil aie the mosuictive llmt can l.e limde.
March il, Ir07.- ly
Woiiilerl'iil hut True.
Madame Remington, tho world-returned Astrolo
gist and Somnauibulistio Clairvoyant, - while in a
clairvoyant state, delineates the very features of
the person you are lo marry, aud by the aid uf an
instrumanl of intense power, knuwn as the Psycho
inotrope. guarantees to produce a perfect and life
like picture of the future husband or wife of the
applicant, with date of marriage, occui ation, load-
iug traits of character, Ac. This is no imposition, as
testimonials without number can assert, liy stating
place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and
hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope
addressed to yourself, you will receive ,he picture
by return mail, together with desired information.
1 tr" Aoiirers in oonnavnee, Madame ukutrude
Remington, P. Box 2'J7, West Troy. N. V.
rrrii r itch : itch :
Will lure the I It'll 1st -I Ilouris.
Also curct SALT. RHEUM. ULCERS, C111L
Price M cents. For sale by the druggists. By scud'
ins? 60 cents to WEEKS A POTTEK, Sole Agents
171) Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded
by mail, irec of puslago, to any port of the linked
States. je -J bo-y
I'rce lo livs'rjbody.
A Large t pp. Circular, giving information of the
greatest importance to the young of both sexes.
It teaches bow the bomcly may become beautiful.
the despised respected, and the forsaken loved.
No young lady or gentleman should fail to send
their address, and receive a copy, post-paid, by re
turn mail.
Address P.O. Drawer, 21, Troy.N. Y.
Market Street, three doors east of tb Railroad,
north tide, SUNBURY, PA,
Provision Store
Tbeir Stock it eomplete, conilsting in pert of
Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt,
Hams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit,
Qltst, Lamps, Ac, Ao.
Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods.
tJ-Call and eiamineour Stock, and satisfy your
Sunbury, April 17, 187.
To the) CllUestsj of tbe Itvrough of
YOU art hereby notiflod tbat it it tbe Intention of
tb Burgess and t own louncii 10 compel me paving
and guttering of tbe teveral streets mentioned in the
borough ordiuanc pasted June 4lh, 18D8. Tbat or
diuaaca required the pavements Ac., to be laid by
tbe first day ef August, 1SAA. If preparations are
not made to lay ue pavemonts ny we owners 01 lots
fronting on anj ot said streets immediately, the asm
will be dose by the town council and an extra charge
f twenty per cent so will be added te th cost la
aooordauoe with tbe Act of Assembly and the ordi
nance aforesaid. It is tb determination to earry
ut the direction of th Tow Council, aud eitiseut
may rely upon tb work being dun fur tbem if they
neglect ft themselves.
E- Y. BR10I1T, Chief Barrett,
f unWry, Mty 4, IMT.
. ; . Just opening at th Star of
Bouth sld of Market Square, SUNBURY, Pa.
MI83 6HIP.SLEK has jn.t returned from the
oltloc with a choice aud fashionable teleotion
of th. latest styles and patterns, to which tbe invites
the attention of lady purchasers. Also,
Misses and Children Hats ef different varieties.
A fine assortment of Ladies' Hosiery, Gloves Pant
Parasols, Bugle Trimmings, Flowers, Ribbons. Belt
Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, ilraid, Ladies' Neck Tics
Dress Combs. Head Dresses, FANCY UOOllS I,aoo!
Handkerchiefs, Lace Collars, Zephyrs, liuttons, and
an KOuuB iouiiu ill a inoy s lurnisuing tore.
Also, received an excellent assortment ol Perfu
mery, Toilet Soaps, Tooth and Hair ilrushos, with a
difleretit variety of oollars (papor and linen,) and
Neck-Ties, llnlf-ilose, Suspenders, 4c, for lientle
men. A good assortment ot Stationery.
Thankful for past favors she hopes by a further
desire to plcaso the public, the continuance of their
AprUJ .1, 1367,
Market street, four doors west ofWm. II. Miller's
Boot and Shoe store, SL'MBl'HY, Pa.
RESrECTFl'LLY informsher friendsin Sunbury
and vicinity, that she bos just opened her
spnrxo a- sc.vmi: nnicsa goods,
of every description.
'iihlonaile Irri I'l-iiitniiiisi,
Head Dresses, Gloves, Hosiery, Embroideries. Lace
Collars, Bleached and unbleached Muslins, .sheetings,
Drillings, Alupaeas, Poplins, Crape and Luce Voils.
I.udK-' llnta, 4 liilIr-u' Hats und
4. of every variety.
Mmo. Demorest's Hair Curlers, Hair Coils and
Curls, Gloves, Stockings. Collars, Corset", Aa.
Gents' Co Hurt, Ncoklios, hall' Hose, 11 u nil ker
chiefs and Suspenders.
Bradlcy't now Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double
HOPKINS Elliptic Skirts.
Perfumery, Toilet Sonns, Ilnir TJrnslies. Combs.
Toys, and a general variotyof NOi'MN.S.
Sunbury, April 27, 13o7.
Market Squuro, two doors west of tho Post Office,
RESPECTFULLY Infirms her friends and Ihe
public, that she has just re'urncd from the citv.
where she has spent sometime in maliinz selections
and purchases, nnd has just openod a larjie stock ot
Ribbons, Luces, Dress-Linings, Crinoline and Wi"
gnns Skirting Lining, ilo.ip Skirts, l)ujf.lo Trim"
mings, Crape Trimming3, ilatCriipo, Cloak Butlonsi
Corsuts. Zephyrs.
A lurco assortment of Ludica and Gentlemen's
A variety of BOOKS & STATIONERY.
DOLLS of all sizes, Alphabet Blocks, tc.
She flattors herself in being uble to make a disnlnv
that will give entire sntistaction to visitors, and
goods will be cxhik' et with pleasure.
Mlliliury, illiiy 4, IM7.
TEN Stone Masons
good wages paid.
will find
Apply to
Dr. J.
employment and
Sunbury, Pa.
Mav d, 1SC7.
RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and cus
tomers, thut they have removed Ihcir Store iuto
he suuth end roouiul the Masonic Building, on Third
street, opposite the Depot, Suubury, whuru tbey will
uo nappy to wait upon them.
Tbeir large assortment of
Groceries, Provisions,
AC, are all fresh and of the best quality, counting
ot Teas, Cutlres, Sugars, aud Spices.
Dried and Cniinod Fruits, Prunes, Itni.-ins, Chooso,
una urackirs. ana m tact everything usuully
kept in the Grocery lino
Thev would ulso cull attention to their larie and
cheap lot of flood Family Flour, tiretii Tea, Hams,
Shoulders, &c, which are constantly kept ou baud.
FKESH Flbll and Vegetables, every Tuosduy and
Friduy evenings.
itive thcui a call and see for yourselves.
Sunbury, April 27, 1667.
Auiais wati: ron
This work was announced more than a year ai:o.
but owing to the attempts of the (tovernuu'iit to sup
press it, its publication was delayed. It mil now
be issued. Unaltered and Unabridged, uuder the
Supervision of General Bilker. These marvelous
narratives are all attested by the highest official
ihe .Morals of the National Capital ore thoroughly
ventilated, and there are 801..0 Strange Revelations
concerning Heads 01 Departments, Muiuburs of Con
gress, f A FAUDU.N liUUhbltS, und distin
guished militury ebnructeis.
Send for a Circulars and see our terms, and a full
description of the work.
Address sr. UAKltJ.I I UO.,
702 L'hesnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
AprillT, lSfiT lm
Tiiird Klrri't, .orth f the Depot,
WM. BUSH, Proprietor.
MONUMENTS, Tomh-stones, and Ornamental
and Plain Work iuMurblu promptly executed
at the lowesi prices.
The subscriber having bad experience in the best
establishment uf Philadelphia, feels coufiduut of
being able lo turn out the best styles of work.
A. II. Ill MI, A'TCUt.
April 20, 1S67.
WE are selling Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Springs,
Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Axles, Ac, very low
a Largo Slock at
Sunbury, March 30, 1SC7.
J. iv. sti:vi;:!-.o,
Market Square, near tbo Court
SUNBURY, Northumberland County. Pa.
11 c, lias just opi:uea an assortment ol tiold 1
XI and Plain Patent Watches. CLKt:ko
lor Railroads, Bunks and Dwellings, Fine
tiuld Kings, Finger Kings, Bracelets, Minia
ture Caius, Mcdulliuns, Luckets, Peucils.
Thimbles, Speciuoles, Silver Tuble, Desi-ert, Tia Suit
and Mustard Spoons, Sugar Spoons. ( uis, Napkin
Kings, Fruit aud Buttor Kuives, Shields, Couibs,
Diamond Pointed Pens, Casters, Pitchers, butler
Di.-ht, Fruit Dishes, Cake Buckets, Syrup Pitchers,
Ac . Aa.
lie invites the cititeus of Sunbury and vicinity to
call at tbe above place, where he w ill be bappy to
Wait upon them,
Cf Particular attentijn paid to REPAIRING.
April 11, IW.
m 31103 & WR1
Et. Q. TUACHEB, Proprietor
New Goods, tfew Styles, New Trice.
The largest Stock of Boota and Shoe in this Market
Oents' Traveling Satehel, Hand-Baga, Valises, 4.
An elegant aiwurlment of Ladies' Fine Leather Sat
chel Caba s, to., Ac
I'leasunl't Uuiltlint.,
MA IlKBV 3 Q U A It E ,
April 6. 1867. '
LEAD Pipe, all siios in store, tnd for tale by
Something New !
Nothing Now
Th splendid assortment ol GOODS at th
J. 1 RII.IiO A. SO,
13 NEW,
but It it Nothing New for tbem aa they are always
gotting up NEW GOODS.
to tho people of SUNBURY, for tlicy bave purchsa
ed them goods low and nre telling them at very
If If .m nu 6s
1 We nre determined to sell our Uoodt at Low
Prices and defy competition.
Wekecptho Im-hI qunli t ? ot" 4not and
sell them as low as tho nvcwikI sjunlitieii are
sold by other dealers.
Come and examiuo our Stock and Learn our
No charge for showing Goods. That
is our business and we take pleasure
in doing it.
Feeling very thankful to the public for their very
libcrnl patronage heretofore bestowed upon us. we
feel confident of rotuining their custom, by a strict
adherence to the rules we have adopted.
The Mammoth Store.
Market Square, 2 doors cost of the Now Court nous,
Sunbury, March 30, 1SW.
J. H. Conley & Co.,
Market Ktreet, I'liKtottiie Knilt-oud
FOSIIIIU.-N cV ..tii:iti.v,
Hardware & Cutlery.
fllHE attention of Mechanics, Farmers. Builder,
X and Buyera generally is invited to tbe faot tbat
we are now otfrriug a bettor selected assortment of
than ever was offered in tliis marked at prices much
below those heretofore demanded by dcnlors. Our
stock cuinpris. s all articles in this line of business,
embracing a beliell assortment of tools aud mate
rials used by
together with Inrgo stock of Iron. Ptaol, Naits,
Spikes. Rope, Chuioj, tJiindsloucs, Mill aud X Cut
Saws, Ac. Ac.
JSunbury, March JlH. lsWT
It B K It TH E D K A D.
MESSRS. D. C. Dlssinger and John A. Taylor,
would respectfully announce to the citizens of
Sunbury, and surrounding country, that having
formed a co-partnership. Iliry are now prepared to
furnish oruauicntcd and plain
(irii'vt'fttous'K, Touilia .MomimoiilM
of the Italian and Aiuericau marble, at prices
that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction, uud re
spectfully solicit the publio piitronage.
Sunbury. March 31. ISM. ly.
" A - i: W AK It I V A I. 41 1 1 "
Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, SUNJURY.
J UST received from New York nnd Philadelphia,
a large supply uf SPRING AND SUMMER
GOODS, which be will sell at email profits, for cosh
or country produce.
His Dry floods department is full of every descrip
tion. A splendid line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS,
nnd White Goods at all prices.
Funcy Suckiug fur Ladies, and Shetland Wuol
Yankee Notions in Great Variety
Also, Ladies' French Curstta and Hoop Skirts.
Wove Floor Cloths, Sluir Carpets Floor Oil Cloths,
all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Tabiu Oil t'lolh
Widow Shades, Plum Grata and Brown Oil Cloth
and Fixtures for Windows.
Sugar. Coffee, Mulattos, Rico, Crackers, Spices, Suit
Fish, Cheese. Ac.
Queenswure.GIasaaare. splendid Sctttof Tcaware,
at low prices.
Hate and Caps, Oil, I'aint, Glass, Putty, School
Books. Paper, Slates. Ac.
Shovels, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hinges and Screw
A Large assortment of WALL PAPER aud Bor
der, nt all pri--i.
- All persons desiring to get good goods will please
givo him a call.
Sunbury, April .20, 1867.
"the veey latFs"tTarrival:i
Joseph Eyster,
Corner of Market tnd Fourth Street,
Invites th publio to call and exauiiuo hi elegatu
afeurlinenl of
which be will sell at greatly reduced pricot. His
stuck consists in part uf
SUtiS, Delaines, Lawns, Oingbams, Calicoes, Muslins,
Sheeting, Tickings, Jeans, and a full aasoruueuluf
Cotton and Woolun goods generally
Hosiery, O loves, Uuop Skirls. Alo ilandkerohiefs
Uru.bes, Combs.
Hut atutt Cup a, ltoolM aud Shoe.
His assortment of goods will nut, be is sure fail U
pleaso the faney and suit tbe wants of any desirou
uf purchasing. His stock of
and Groceries is large ! quantity aad choice i
quality, comprisiux generally veryihiug needed i
the buusehuld either lor us or ornament.
lie is always ready and glud to see bit fiirm
and tnkos plearuie iu showing tbem his guoJ' uvi
though nu sales ue made. He only asks a call, at
is ture that the sUx-k will compare favorably
Hit! aud aualily 11b. theaeapot.
Sunbury, April IS, I86T.
T)IHU CAGES, II different kinds.
AJ g
ood aad ebetp Bird Cages, so to