aa-Ul i.-jil. I1 t i l . r .. c--. . . i .. 1 N. B. EM OLE, BubUthart. lATXtrV 11, 1807. Eocal affairs. Dhowhbd. A atd mo of drowning occurred In thii place on Thursday orwlng last, about ilx o' clock. Willie, aa Interesting ton of John W. Frl ajfcg, Esq.; while playing On a raft lying In lie river a horl diilanea a boy Market trt, fell Into tho water and wa drowned. Ssreral paraoni taw him fall, but Uia earrent bad Worn (0 ilrong from the lata ralnitbat they were email to reaou bim. ' Ha Waa abont terra yean ut ago, and bad on, when drowned, a roundabout and pair of pant of tweed cloth, and a pair of shoes that bad juat been eoled and heel-tapped. A reward of f It will bo paid for the reoorery and delivery of the body to hie rather, In thii place. ' ' , Obb of the large trees in the Sqaare, near tha lite of tha old Court House, ru tfproeted by the aererlty ol tha itorm on Wednesday last, r r. Ton lata frosty nlghti do not appear to hare dona very lerionf Injury to tha fruit crop. On tha con trary, from all quarter our exchange aay that tha roepeot are Very good.' ' .-'' Ear. M. L. Bhindel, formerly of thil plaoe, (at eoepted a call from h Second Lutheran Church, of 8elinsgrove. Tall church baa been, for tome time put, without a regular paator. .. Wm undarttand that boyt and other evil disposed fierton make a pmctica of 'Injuring abrubbory and committing other depredations la the Grave Yard, fiuoh persons should ba watched and dealt with ac cording to law. Balb or A. floral. The Keystone Hotel, In Be llnsgroTe, formerly kopt by Capt. Buyers, has been old to R. B. Walters, of Middlecreek township, Snyder county, for tha um of $J,000. Tho new landlord takes possession on the 20th Inst. E(JtA Focbtaih. W. A. Bennott bos Just put tap -no excellent soda fountain In bis drug store, and having received a variety of syrups, will furnish -cur eitiiens with soda water during the warm sea ot'tjXhii ira delioiqu and healthful summer bev erage. Ret. George Parson preached for the last time in the old Lutheran Churob, at Milton, on Sunday week last. The congregation bare purohased a lot on tha corner of Mahoning and Second streets, at a cost of f 1,600, on whtoh they Intend erecting their new churob. A riat single sett of sliver snout ted harness was stolen from the premises of A. WVSchreyer, of Mil ton, on the night of the' 27th ult. lie offers the handsome reward of f 100 for the reeorery of the harness and the deteotion of the thief, or f 25 for the recovery of the harness. Patbbt Isscid. Among the patents recently Is sued by the Patent Office, at Washington, we notioe O following : "Edward O. Murkier, of Bunbnry, Pa., and Ueorge II. Bardwell.of Philadelphia, Pa., for improvement in manufacture of fuel from an thracite coal dust." - ' Apfoikthixt Among the appointments made by Col. Joseph W. Cake, who entered upon his du ties as Collector of tho Port of Philadelphia on the letinst., we notice the name of John P. Fursel,Erq., of this place, as Day Inspector. Mr. Pureel was formerly Deputy Sheriff of this Ooanty. A emigrant train, on its way West, laid over at .his plaoe on Sunday last. It remained during the lay on the aiding, near the depot. Some of the emigrants, while here, were out looking for '-lager md 'iberty." Would it not be advisable to station nch Trains outside the borough limits ? Oes. C A nanus was in town on Tuesday last, vis ing a number of bis old friends and acquaintances, 'hoiara always glad to greet bim. J We never saw iin look better. Gen. Cameron is one of the most ifluenlial members of the U. 8. Senate, and the old .eystone State la now well represented, through Im, In that body. Tkarino Down Uaxbsills It will be well for ys and other malicious persona, who bare been in a habit of tearing down and defaoing posters, to iderstand that the penalties of the law against such tonccs will hereafter be strictly enforced, and that reward will ba given for the discovery and convio in of the guilty parties. Tub New Kaileoad. At a meeting of tho stock ),rsof the Danville, Haselton and Wilkeabarre Ulrbad, held in this place on Monday last, the fol ding officers were elected : PrtsitrHtS. P. Ease. C irtetort Wm. I. Ureenougb, Wm. Ilancook, F. Russel, BenJ. Hendricks, 8. P. Wolrerton, W. McReynolde and tieergeIill. Til recent rains have again swollen the river, and I Susquehanna was, on Thursday, two feet higher n at any period this soason. The Gut, east of town, s also very high on Thursday, the road at tha foot Market street being completely overflowed. e rains of the past two weeks have been unpre outod, and have, no doubt, done considerable try. On Thursday afternoon wa were again clad - icd by the appearance of the tun, 'after almost a ak'sabseaee, ' likes. The recent heavy and continued rains e meed the detention of the ears, by slides. One be heaviest occurred above Montgomery Station, bo PhDa. A Erie road, and also one about fire ea below this plaoe, oa tho Northern Central road. angora on the evening train, South, on Wednes- , did not reach hero until next morning, and a attached to the 10.30 train. The Erie and tha ress trains, North, due here early in the morn went up aa far as the slide, exchanged pauen and returned. ' The slide below this place has interfered muoh with the trains. as. Our neighbor of the Gazette says a project I foot, under the auspioes of Joseph Bird, Esq., the erection of Gas Works on the Shamokin ad, the property of Mr. Bird, for the purpose, of lying Sunbury and Northumberland with gas. bare always been of the opinion that a location way between tha two towns should be adapted 111 not be many years before the whole distance aw the borough proper and tho bridge will be oved, and even now considerable gas would be in the August Hotel and other buildings in the lborhood of the Machine Shops. The project is oly feasible, but one that should be carried into i. The wet weather, noticed last week, wo ;ht was over, but it re-eommeneed raining on ay night, and continued, with but little inter in, until Thursday morning. ' The rain waa ao anied with eold winds, and almost all out door eas was suspended. , Oa Wednesday the w either lot only unpleasant, but, to aso aa expressive , horrible. During tho whole forenoon there fierce contest between the eold winds and the Tho time for planting corn is now here, and the most favorable eiroumstaneee it will ra- fuur or fire days before tha ground will be fit irking. Tha Indication of a large grass crop od, and also that of wheat. . rixr-T to Brbak Jail. Oa Saturday night about ba'.f-past 10 o'clook, aa attempt was by the prisoners oonfined la our County Jail -1 their escape. A bole wa made through all of one of the lower "cells, leading to the which, when discovered, Was nearly largo h to admit man' body. While tho prison' '- re bard at work in their design they were and' Oonfrotitad by Sheriff Beckley and Deputy aa, who bad been watching them for some Had the attempt not been discovered la they would very probably hare made their i, a the wall enclosing tha sard would have id but little rosistanoa to than. The priaoa l now securely ironed, and there it no danger ir giving the Sheriff any further trouble 'Tea Baiaca Road At Ltwisscao. The rail road meeting held at Lewlsburg, oa Saturday, 27th alt., la relation U tho building of a krldg Mid branch road, to eonneol with the Philadelphia A Erie Railroad, on the opposite tide Of the river, wa well attended by the business mea of that place and vicinity. Tha Chronicle says that the committee" that conferred with the railroad offioer reported, through their chairman, Mr. Bllfer, that tho Phila delphia A Erie Company had withdrawn their pro position to build a branoa to Lewlsburg, upon the condition stipulated. The Pennsylvania Central, however, offer to build tha track from Cameronia to Lewlsburg, provided a bridge la built, without cost to that company,' strong enough to run their trains across. A oonferenoo was to have been held with tha latter company oa Monday last, respecting the proposition. Th eitiiens of , Lewisborg are fully awake to the great Importance of this matter. Tbb Susquehanna Convocation of the Episcopal Church convened in Muncy, on Tuesday evening of last week. The clergymen present during the ses sion were Rev. E. N. Lightner, of Danville; Rev. A. Wadlelgh and Rev. Mr. Bpaokman, of Williams port; Rev. Mr. Bhlnn, of Look Haven ; Rev. Mr. Lafferty , of Bellofonte ; Rev. Mr. Collen, of Blooms burg ; and Kev. A. P. Brush and Her. G. C.Drake, of Muncy. Interesting services were held In St. James' Church, during the assembling of tha eon vo cation, commencing on Tuesday evening and ending on Thursday evening, when the convocation ad journed. Escapb or Prisoker. On Saturday night week last the jail at Lewlsburg wa delivered of all it prisoners, two in number, by the aid of some outside accomplice. A bar In one of the north windows was awed entirely off at the lower end, and about one- third through Immediately beneath tha horlsontal bar in the centre of the window, thus making tha breaking of it an easy matter. The person. then entered through the aperture, unlocked the door of the cell in wbleh the prisoner were confined, and released them. Hbatt Loss. The Muncy Luminary say that since the 10th of June, 1866, the Lycoming County mutual insurano Company, mthnt plaoe, has set tled and adjusted claims for losses by fire amounting to $176,855 02. A meeting of the Board of Direc tors was hold on the 1st Inst., when it was resolved to levy an assessment of 6 per cent, on all premium notes in force on that day. As it is some time yet before the expiration of the present fiscal year, it is presumed that tue entire loss for the year may reach (200,000. What Deeds beko bo Stamp. It has been de cided by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, that for the purpose of transferring property from husband to wife, or from wife to husband, or from one ofthem to both conjointly, that when deeds are made to a third party and then back from him to either or both, such instruments need not be stamped a conveyances, as there is no sale, but only agree ments ; but if they contain powers of attorney, those should have their appropriate stamp. Shahokik. Items The Herald, of the 2d Inst., says that on Wednesday, 24th ult., the miners at Buck Kidge Colliery went to work at the rates of fered them at the time they struck, which is a small advance on former prices, as did also those at the Greenback Colliery. Bince then work has been re sumed at the Bear Valley, Henry Clay and Lam bert, at the old prices, and we learn that the men at the other collieries in the region have eignified their willingness to work at the same rates. While there is little prospeot of the trade reviving soon, we are led by this action to hope business will'be kept mo ving, at least, until price advance. On Monday evening, 20th Inst., the semi-annual meeting of the stockholders of the Miners' Saving Fund Association, of Shamokin, and an election of four director to serve the ensuing term, will be held at their room, in Bittenbender's building. The fol lowing named person were nominated at the Inst stated meeting : W. P. Witbington, A. Caldwell, I. M. Steely, Daniel Weaver, S. E. Martin, Henry , Raup and George Gets. Pabobaba or tbb Rebellion. Harry Davis will exhibit bis Panorama of the Great Rebellion in the new Maeonio Hall, this (Friday) evening. This is a beautiful painting of battle scenes, Ac. during the late war, which has won suoh marked distinction both in this country and in Europe. Mr. Davis waa among the first to enlist in hi country's cause, and served until disabled, when he waa com pelled to retire from service, after which he com menced the work of painting his great Panorama, following carefully the progress of the war, adding scene after scene of various battles, until they cov' ered ten thousand feet of oanvas. A Reading paper relates the following amusing occurrence, oonneceed with Davis' visit to that city, under the heading of "Seoret Society :" Yesterday Mr. Davis, the artist of the many scenes and battle of the late Rebellion, hung out nis nags oi tue "urana Army ot tne nepuuiio." All the Corps and Divisions were represented. Tboy attracted great attention and curiosity ; not a few wouiu stop and examine tne various colors, to asoor tain, if possible, their meaning. While a group were trying; to make them out, two Irishmen, fresh from the Isle, came along and stopped opposite tho 11th and 12th Corps' flags. "Jimmie," says Pat, "lucre s a stuar on one an' a bait-moon on tother : what's it mane?" "Och," say Pat, "it's some aivu oi a secret society Coa L. Messrs. John McFarland, of Northumber land, and J. B. Henry, of Delaware City, having control of tbe entire produot of tbe Trevorton Coal Company' mine, for the ensuing year, are pre pared to fill orders by railroad or canal for all sites. The company having opened a new Red Ash vein, the coal I now of a very superior quality, equal to any in the market. All order promptly filled by addressing Jobb McFablaho A Co., Northumberland, Pa. F. C. Campbell, Esq., one of the oldest, and for merly one of the most prominent member of the bar, died at Willlumsport on the 21st ult., at tha ad vanccd age of 80 years. Mr. Campbell was one of the outouiporaries of' Messrs. Greenough, Bellas, Hepburn, uud others, lute of till county. BroitTsuis who go ducking along the Susquehan na should not overlook the regulation of the act of Assembly, approved the 80th of March, 1864. It provides that it shall not be lawful for any person, or persons, to shoot, or otherwise kill, in any of the counties bordering upon the Susquehanna river, or upon any creek or river emptying into tbe same, any ild ducks, on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, of each week, nor at any time between the first day of April and tho first day of September, inclusive. Any person or persons offending against any of the provision of this act shall forfeit a penalty of fire dollars, for each and every offence, with all costs or charges. A Natiobal Home roR Invalid Soldier. Mea sures are now in hand whioh are calculated to estab lish, on a grand scale, tbe detideratumA-a National Home for Invalid Soldiers. The design is a follow It is well known that all effort to obtain voluntary subscriptions sufficient to erect a Soldiers' Home have been without avail, la furtherance of the objeot, however, tho Legislature of Pennsylvania have pu led an act, dated March 6, 1867, creating a corpora tion of whioh Major General George G. Meade nreaident. and General Horatio G. Sickles is treasurer with aa efficient board ot supervisor, who have the power to distribute to the holder of certificate large number of immensely valuable gift, consisting of diamond, pearl, emerald, rubies, Ac, purchased from citisens of the Southern State during the re bellion, and which article will toon be exhibited in Philadelphia. By this scheme it is confidently antici pated a large fund will be created toward the erec tion of the Homo. Every purchaser of the certificates beoomes a contributor to this National Home fundi and at the same time has a direct interest in the dis. tribution of tbe rare gem mentioned above. The detail of tho entire scheme are to be conducted In a perfectly fair and honorable manner. The site for tha Home has already bean purchased, and oonsiat of thirty acres of land, need by General Meade during the battle of Gettysburg as hit headquarter. Th plan, w learn, ba been approved by ex-Governo' Curtia, Major General Meade, Governor Geary, and large Banker of prominent military hero as. " IditcVa Tablo. ' " Blackwood 'a EDinavnoa Maoaiibb. The April number of thai sterling British periodical ba been re-published by the. Leonard Boott Publishing Com. tiany, No. 140 Fulton Street, New Tork'. This num ber oontain the following : Elisabeth and Mary ; Hemans's Ancient Christianity; Tbe Moral and Po litical Revolution In Japan ; The Army, part III. ; Manhood Suffrage and tbe Ballot In Amerioa; A Letter never Sent ; Brownlows part IV. j The Min ister and their Measure, 4o. An excellent num ber. ' Th Atlabtic Moktblt. The May number of this popular mtgasloe has been received. Tbe fol lowing are the content : The Guardian Angel, part V., bv Oliver Wendell Holme : History of tbe Sew ing Machine : a sketch of the invention of Bewlng Maoblnes, of tbe difficulties and dolaya In securing their introduction to nse, and of the changes efleoted by them, by James Parton ; ' Heart and Hearth, a poem by Thomas Buchanan Read ) The Genius of Diekens, a oritioal essay by E. P. Whipple; Ger many in New York; Katharine Morne, part VII, by the author of "Herman" r Sorrow, a poem; The Plaintiff Nonsuited Some Unappreciated Charac ters, a humorous statement of the possible, but not popularly oredited virtues of such personages as Solomon's Sluggard the Old Man of the Bea, Xan thippe, Blue-Beard, Gallio, and Caliban ; Old port in Winter; Marble Quarries, a poem ; The Custom of Burial with the Head toward the East; Heroes of Central Africa ; Reviews and Literary Notioe. Tioknor k Fields, Publishers, Boston, Mass. " BTJSlftEBTTffOTlCES. ' ' t7ob Print I n jr. Having received a large sunplr of NEW JOB TYPE, of Various new styles, Poster, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter ueads, UiU Heads, Labels, Ac, can be printed in the latest and best styles, and on short notice Orders by mail promptly attended to. Arrival or tbb Japabbsb Embamt-Cvbioc CmcDMBTABCB. Tbli important commission has ar rived In our country, and having learned of the beauty of the olothing told at the Continental Clo thing Basaar, Market Square, the commissioner have doffed their native dress, and now dress in tbe stylos sold at this house. ' .: . IB Taa obbatbst pleasure of life is love ; the great est troasuro Is contentment ; the greatest luxury is health ; the greatest comfort Is sleep ; and the great est satisfaction is In having a new and well-fitting summer suit from Shaffer's tailoring establishment, N. W. corner of Market and Third streets, second story. Oca special advioes from Paris say that tho Sum mer style for gentlemen' dress will be a necktie and pair of socks. This is decidedly a cool and cheap oostume, but we would muoh rather see .the elegant suits worn that are made at J. O. Book', Fourth street. They are more becoming, while the cost i rery little more. " - Jt", Joro Ujllihos, speaking of the old adage, "tell the truth and shame the devil." say he "knows lots of people who can shame the devil easy enuff, but the tother thing tother 'em." It is certainly telling tbe truth to say that Miller, of the Excelsior Boot & Shoo Store, Market street, soils the cheapest and best article in town. Joit Likb A Pictcbb. A young man in tbe country told his intended that she looked just like a picture. Accordingly the next time she oame to town she called at Byerly's Gallery, In Simpson's buildiug, just to see if it was true., Bbc wis soon convinced of the truth of her lover's assertion, and left perfectly satisfied, ax all are who patronise that gallery. How to Become Rich. We all oan get rieh in time, If we use our money well ; Be oaroful where, and what you buy, And act honest when you sell. All of this can be accomplished by purchasing your Boots and Ehocs at Ilarry Tbaoher', in Plea sants' building, Market Square. Lira I.ibdrakcb. nroDorlv aniireeiated and em braced, is one of the highest eridencos of refined and progressive civilisation. It develops me most ten der aO actions in the participants. Jacob Sbipbab, Fire and Life Intxirante Agent, Sunbury, Pa. AO louna flisx uo you wisu your iaiuer t approbation? ' Do you want your mother to be proud of ber son ? And most of all, do you wish that sweet duck of yours to be better pleased with your appearance ? If you wish all this, then be sure to get one of those fine Spring and Bummer bats at S. Faust's Hat and Cap Store, in Market Square where everybody con be suited In pnoe, quality and tyle. L7 To Claim Aoests. Blanks for the collec tion of "Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-Com missioned Officers," under the late Act of Congress, equalising bounties, have been printed and are now for sale at the Americab office. We keep on hand a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, which we sell very choap. They are oopied from blanks prepared in the Department at Washington, and can be relied on for correctness. Orders from a dis once will receive prompt attention. SUXULIll' MAItlaETN. Corroded Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do do per cwt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do per cwt. Wheat, prime red per bushel, Rye, do Corn, new do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per pound de do unpared do Dried Apples, do $16 00 8 00 10 00 & 60 8 00 1 30 1 00 65 . SO 40 25 15 3 00 Si Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per on Butter, per pound, fg. Cbeese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Boef, hind quarter, " from " Mutton, Chickens, per doten, per pound, do do de do do do per pair 20 25 20 22 15 14 13 18 60 Shamobla Coal Trade. Bhamoxir, May 6, 1867. Tom. Cwt, Bent for week ending May 4, 7,779 IV Per last report, . 124,660 08 132,440 07 150,045 19 18.105 12 To same time last year, Desreaae, Special Notices. Headacub. The brain and stomach are very in timately oonnected, consequently a disordered sto maoh produces Headache, Diliiness, Vertigo, Ac Coe's llvsneneia Cure will certainly oonrect the sto- niacn and assist digestion, in us removing tne cause or usees troubles. y A Youbo Ladt returning to her oountry home after a sojourn of a few months in th City, was hard ly recognised by her friend. In place of a coarse. rustio, fiuahed face, (be had a toft ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty three she really appoared but eighteen. Upon in ouirv as to the eausc of so great a change, she plain. Iv told them that she used tbe 4'irraaaiiaa alalia, and considered it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady' toilet. By it us any Lady or Gentle man oan improve their personal appearance an hun dred fold. It is simple in it combination, a Nature herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its elnoaoy in drawing impurities from, also healing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and complexion. By iu direot aotioa on the cuticle it draws horn it all ita impuri ties, kindlv healing the same, and leavinn the sur face as Nature intended it should be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price $1, tent by Mail or Expreas, on reoeipt of an order by , W L. CLARK A CO., Chemist. No. Weat Jfayett Bt., Syracuse, N. Y. The only American Agent for (be sal of the tame. February 16, 1867. ly , . "Or sink or swim, . Send danger from th East Into the Weat; So honor eras it from th North to South, And let them grapple. Oh I the blood more etira, To route a hoa thea to (tart a bare." But many would rather face even a Hon (provided he were aafely caged) than to have their hair all fall out before the period of old age, and tha disagreea ble "atari." the hair omeUms takes toward prema ture groynes I capable of stirring th blood a good deal. If it only stirs yoa to eblai i "Barrett' Vege table Hair Restorative." a sure cur aad preventa tive to these evils, yoa will have your blood stirred to some purpose. NB PRICB CLOTHING. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED OHE PKICI! , CLOTHING HOUSE, OA Market Street , Ob door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many year this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Price System, and we believe we are the only Clothing House in the city that atriotly adheres to this principle. . We have earned a repu tation which we are proud of, for good taste in seleet good styles and substantial material, and not lea important, for having all our goods, EXTBA WEL1 3IAIH. , W employ the best talent, for Cutter, and our Good are of both kinds Fashionable, and plain to that all tastes can be suited. The prices are tbe rery lowest, as any one by a moment a thought must see, or otherwise wo oould not meet tbe competition of our neighbors, for as no deduction are ever made, we must put our prloe down to th advantage we promise. The people may depend, this Is the true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar can be laved to Clothing buyer by keeping In mind JONBS' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Strreet, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but One door above Sixth. Maroh 23, 1867. ly Consumption Curable by lr. Mcmenck'si Rlediclaea. TO CURE CONSUMPTION,, the system must be prepared so that the lung will heal. To accom plish this, the liver and stomach must first be cleansed and an appetite oreated for good wholesome food, which, by these medicines will be digested properly, and good healthy blood made; thus building up the constitution. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS cleanse the stomach of all bilious or mucous accumu lations ; and, by using the Sea Weed Tonio in con nection, the appetite is restored. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP Is nutritious as well rs medicinal, and, by using the three reme dies, all impurities are expelled from the system, and good, wholesome-blood made, whioh will repel all disease. If patients will take these medicines ac cording to dirootions, Consumption very frequently in it last stage yields readily to their action. Take the pills frequently, to cleanse the liver and stomach. It does not follow that because the bowels are not costive ther are not reuuired. for sometime in di arrhoea they are necessary. The stomach must be Kept neaiuiy, ana an appetite oreatea to auow ine Pulmouio Syrup to act on the respiratory orsan properly and allay any irritation. Thou all that is required to porform a permanent cure is, to provent taking cold Exeroiae about the rooms a much as possible, eat all tbe richest food fat meat, game, and, in fact, anything the appetite craves ; but be particular and masticate well. vol. zu, iooo. .na w. ea. mo. i yr. DYSPEPSIA there la no disease whioh experience has so amply proved to be remediable by tbe PERUVIAN SYR UP, (a protected solution of the Protoxide of Iron,) aa Dyspepsia. The moat inveterate forms of this disease have been completely cured by this modi cine, a ample testimony of some of our first oltizcns prove. , rROM TUB VXHEHABLB ABCODEAC0B SCOTT, D. S. Dchbam, Canada East. "I am an inveterate Dyspentio of more than 25 years' standing." w A "i nave noon so wonaeriuiiy oenemted in the three short weeks during which I have used toe feruvian eyrup, tnat 1 eun scarcely persuade myself of the reality. People who have known me are astonished at tbe change. I am widely known, and oan but reoommend to other that which ha done ao much for me." ABOTIIER, CLEBOYMAB WRITES At FOLLOW : "My voyage to Europe la indefinitely postponed. I have discovered the "Fountain of Health" on this side of the Atlantic Three buttles of Peruvian Byrup bavo rescued me from the fangs of the fiend, Dyspepsia." A Damoblet of 82 paees. containing: a historr of this remarkable remedy, with a treatise on "Iron a a medioine," will be sent free to any address. Xbe Eenuine nas "reruvian Byrup" blown In the glass. J. P. DINBMOHK, Proprietor, no uej Direct, new lora. Bold by all Druggists. ACROSTIC. G ently it penetrates through every poro, K elievlng sufferers from each angry sore ; A 11 wouuds it heals with certainty and speed ; . C uts, Burns, from Inflammation soon are freed ; E ruptions, at it's presence disappear ; S kins lose each slam, and the complexion's clear ! S alvb, such as Grace's, every one should buy, A 11 to its wondrous morits testify, L et those who doubt, a single box but try, V crily, then its true desert 'twould have ; E ven unbelievers would laud Gbacb'b Salvi ! May 4th 4t. UELMBOLD S FLUID EXTRACT Is a certain cure for diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, OR' GAN1C WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whelhei existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originaiing and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic. If nu treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Inaau ity may eaaue. Our Fleah and Blood are auppoited from tueae sources, ana tne . HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable teraedy. HELMBOCD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by . I. X. UEliMBOLU, DRUGGIST, 6U4 Broadway, New York, and lot South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. March , 1667. ly lljaow Thy Veatlay. Madams E. F. Tuorbtob, tbe great English As- trologist, Clairvoyant and Psyohometrioian, who has astonished the scientific classes of the Old World, ha now looated herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton poaewesiuch wonderful power of seoond sinht. as to enable her to impart knowledge of the greatest importance to the single or married of either sex. w niieme state or trauoe, sne delineates tbe very feature of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power, known as the Psvchomotrope, suarrantee to produce a life like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, wgeiiier tvuu uate tu uiHrnoKv, puaiiiou in life, leading traits of character, Ac. This is no humbug. s thousand of. testimonial can assert. She will tend, when desired, a oertified certificate, or written guarantee, that the picture is what it pur port to be. By enclosing a small look of hair, and tating piece or oirtn, age, aisposition ana com. plexion, and enclosing fitly oents and stamped en velope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture and desired information ly return mail All communications sacredly confidential. Address in confidence, Madamb E. F. Tbobbtob, p. O. Box 2'S, Hudson, N. I. . febl6-'67.1y. A Cough A Cold or Sore Throat, RaqniBBt imbbdiatb attbbtiob, ABD IBOULD B CBXCIXD. Ir ALLOWBD TOCOBT1BDB, Irrltatloa of the aLaaara., A Peruutaeat Throat Ueae, or Con aataptlon it orrxx tub bbsolt. II K O W WW nilONOIUAl. TUOCHEW BAV1X9 A D1BBCT IWFLIJBBOB TO TBB PAST, 8IVB IMBBDIATB BBUXV. TorJBronchltiB, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump tive and xnroai vusmi, Troche are used with alway good tuooea SINGERS AND PUBLIO SPEAKERS ;n t.A TriAu naaful in elearing the voice when taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving tbe throat after an unusual exertion of th vocal organ. eJtMm are recommended and prescribed by vi...iin and have had testimonial from eminent men throughout the country. Being an artiol of true merit, and having proved their ef&eaoy by a test r n.n an. aaah vaar finds them in new locali ties in vorioua parts of th world, and the Trochee ara universally Drosounoea Doner uiu outer aj- n.Tiia-onlv "Baowa'a BaoacaiAb Taooitas, and do not take any of th Worthlaa Imitation that aaay be offered Mold Everywnero. November 24, 1666. m 0 HELM BOLD 'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT VUCHU - Is the O-eat Diuretic. HdiTihoill Concentrated Extract Sar$aparilla Is the Qieat Blood Purifier. Ruth ere prepared accnfdins; to rule of Pharmacy and Chemistry, sikI aie the moaiactive that can be made. March , 1667. ly Wenderital bat True. Madamb Rimirotor, the world-returned Astrolo gist and Bomnambullstte Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoyant state, delineate th rery feature of the person yoa are to marry, and by the aid of an Instrument of Intense powor, known aa th Psyoho motrope, guarantee to produce a porfeot and life like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of marringe, occupation, lead ing trait of character, Ac. This is no imposition, as testimonial without number can assert. By stating plaoe of birth, age, disposition, oolor of eye ana ba!r, and enclosing fifty oonts, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive tbe picture by return mail, together with desired information. I" Address In confidence, Madamb Oertrvdb Rbmibotob, P. O. Box 207, West Troy, N. Y. . fe 16-'67.1y. HRl.MBOLD'S EXTRACT BliCHU and tmnroved Knee Wash cures secret and delicate disorders in all their eupre,at little expense, little or no change in diet, no in convenience and no eipueure. It is pleasant in tnate and odor, immediate in ita action', and fiee from all inju rious properties. mW67 ly ITCH I ITCH FTTCil t SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! WIIEATON'S OINTMENT Will Core the Itch In AS Houra." Also cure SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTION'S OF THE 8KIN Price 60 cents. For sale by the druggist. By send ing 60 cents to WEEKS A POITElt, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. je23 '66-y I Vo a Kviv1wMlr. A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving Information of th It teaches how the homely may become beautiful, the despised respected, and th forsaken loved. I No young lady or gentleman ibould fail to (end their address, and receive a copy, post-paid, by re-1 turn mail. I Address P.O. Drawer, 21, Troy, N.Jf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPUING AND SUMMER MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. Just opening at the Store of Misa LOUISA SHI3SLER, South side of Market Square, SUNBURT, Pa. MISS 6HIS5LEK ha just returned from tbe cities with a choice and fashionable selection BONNETS, HATS, 6HAKER3, SUNDOWNS, RISTORI, COMET, AC, of the latest style and patterns, to which she Invite the attention of lady purchaser. Also, Misse and Children Hat ef different varieties. A fine assortment or Ladies' Hosiery, Gloves, Fans Parasols, Bugle Trimmings, Flowers, Ribbons, Bel' Ribbons, Velvetitibbons, Braid, Ladies' Neck Ticsi Dreas Combs, Head Dresses, FANCY GOODS, Laces, Uandkerobiefs, Lace Collars, Zephyrs, Buttons, and all goods found in a lady's furnishing Store. Also, received an excellent assortment of Perfu mery, Toilet Soaps, Tooth and Hair Brushes, with a diflerent variety of collar (paper and linen,) and Neck-Ties, Ualf-IIose, Suspenders, Ac, for Gentle men. A good assortment of Stationery. Thankful for post favor she hopes by a further desire to please the public, tho continuance of their patronage. LOUISA SH1SSLER. Aprd 13, 1867. FANCY DRY GOODS STORE MISS KATE BLACK. Market street, four door west ofWm. II. Miller Boot and Shoe (tore, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY Informs hor friends in Sunbury and vloinity, that she has just openod her SPMXG SUMMER DRESS GOODS, of every description. I'aslilonable Dret XrlniralnrrM, Ilend Dresses, Glove, Hosiery, Embroidorios, Laao Collars, Bleached and unbleached Muslins, Sheetings, Drillings, Alapaeaa, Poplins, Crape and Lace Veils. udie' Hats, Children' Unix aad eja pa, of every variety. Mme. Demorest's Hair Curlers. Hair Coila and Curls, Gloves, Stockings', Collars, Corsets, Ao. Gents' Collars. Neckties, half Hose. Handker chiefs and Suspender. Bradley' now Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double HOPKINS Elliptio Skirt. Perfumerv. Toilet Soar. Hair Brushes. Combs. loys, anaagenerei varictyoi jnuiiu.,s. Sunbury, April 27, 1867. MILLINERY GOODS -A.3NTID 3STOTlOlsrS. Misa ANNA FAINTER. Market Square, two door west of tho Post Offioe, SUNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the publio, that she ha just returned from tho city, where she has spent some time in making selections and purchases, and ha just opened a large stock ot MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Linings, Crinoline and Wi' sana Skirtina: LininK, Hood Skirts. Buele Trim' uiings, Crnpe Trimmings, Hat Crape, Cloak Buttono voraeis, epnyrs. A large assortment of Ladie and Gentlemen' Aloaiery. A variety of BOOKS A STATIONERY. DOLLS of all sixes, Alphabet Blocks, Ao. She Batters herself in being able to make a disnlav that will give entire satisfaction to visitors, and good win be exnioiiea witn pleasure. aunoury, may , ioo. TEN MASONS WANTED! TEN Stone Mason good wage paid. will find Apply to Dr. J. employment and B. MASSER. Sunbury, Pa. May 4, 1867. T)IRD CAGES, 11 different kinds. If you want XJ gooa ana cneap ttiru vages, go to COM.EX A CU'S mk:i MASONIC HALL BUILDING. DREISBACH BROTHERS, 1k ESPECTFULLY inform thoir lriends and cus- I V tomera. that thev have removed their Store into the southend rooniot ine'Masoniouuiiding.on mini street, opposite the Depot, Sunbury, where they will be happy to watt upon mem. Their large assortment of Groceries, Provisions, AC, are all fresh and of the best quality, consisting of Tea, Coffee, Sugar, and Spice. Dried and Canned Fruit, (Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, and Crackers, and in tact everytmng usually . kept in theGrooary line. Thev mould also call attention to their large and cheap lot of Good Family Flour, Green Tea, Hams, Shoulder, Ac, which are constantly kept on hand. FRESH FISHand Vegetable, every Tueeday and Friday evenings. Ulv mem a can ana see lor yourselves. Sunbury, April 27, lb67. NEW MARBLE YARD! I'Ulrd street, North of the Iepot, SUNBURY, PENN'A., WM. BTJ8H, Proprietor, MONUMENTS, Tomb-stones, and Ornamental and Plain W ork in Marble promptly executed atth lowest price. ...... Thaauheoriber havinf had exoerience in the best establishment of Philadelphia, feels confident of being able to turn out the best styles oi worn. April 20.1B67. AGE.1TS WANTKU FOIl , GENERAL L. O. BAKER'S HISTORY OF THE SECRET SERVICE. This work waa announced more than a year ago, hmnlni to the eUeuiDlsof the Government to sup- Kresa It, it publication wa delayed. It will now a iatuad. Unaltered and Unabrldeed, undor the KuDar vision of General Baker. These marvelous narratives are ail attested oy ui uigusm vuiuuu aut.hnrilv. Th Moral or tne sauonai uapiuu are morouiiuiy ventilated, and there are tome btrange Revelation concerning Heads ot Departments, wenioers oi uon greas, FEMALE PARDON BRvKERS, and dialin. ffuiahad mililarv eharaeter. Send fur a Circular and set our terms, and a full description of the work. Addrea P. GARRETT A CO i 70 Chatnut St , Philadelphia, Pa. April Z7, 1867. Ua A PlliW AnitlTAL'OF SPRING AND SUMMER AT THE BTORE OF J II UN GEL, Corner of Fourth and Market Street, SUNBURY. JUST received from New York and Philadelphia, a large supply of BPRING AND SUMMER UiJODS, whioh he will tell at small profit, for cash or oountry produo. Hi Dry Goods department Is full of erery descrip tion. A splendid line of LADIES' DRESa GOODS, and White Goods at all prices. Fanoy Sacking for Ladies, and Shetland Wool Shawls Yankee Notions in Great Variety Also, Ladle' French Corset and Hoop Skirt. Wore Floor Cloths, Btair Carpet Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Tablo Oil Cloth Widow Shades, Plain Green and Brown Oil Cloth and Fixture for Window. OBOCHRIB B , 5ugar. Coffee, Molasses, Rloe, Craokers, Spices, Salt Fish, Cheese, Ac Queonsware,Glaasware, splendid Setts of Teaware, at low price. BOOTS A SHOES IN OHEAT VARIETY. Hats and Caps, Oil, Paint, Glass, Putty, School Books, Paper, Slates, Ao. HARD WARE. Bhorels, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hinge and Sorew A Lnrgo assortment of WALL PAPER and Bor der, at all prices. All persons desiring to get good good will please give him a oall. 3. H. ENQEL. Sunbury, April 20,867. THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL ! ! SPRTNfx AND SUMMER w . .IflSHlin ILVSIRr T J ' Corner of Market and Fourth Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Invites the public to call and examine hi elegant assortment oi SUMMER GOODS, which bo will sell at greatly reduced prices. His stock oonslsts :n part ot CASSIMERE CLOTHS. &C . Bilks, Delaines, Lawns, Ginghnms, Calicoes, Muslins, Sheeting, Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally, Hosiery, Gloves, Uoop Skirt. Abo Handkerchiefs, jurusnos, uomos, lata) and Cnp, Root) and Hlioea, His assortment of (roods will not, he is sure fail to picaee tne lniicy and suit too want oi any desirous oi purcnaaing. ilia stocx oi HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and Groceries is large in quantity and choice in quality, comprising generally everything needed in the household either for use or ornament. He is always readv and glad to see his friends ana taxes pleasure in snowing mem nis goods even though no sales are mnde. He only asks a call, and is sure that the stock will compare favorably in price and quality wiln tnocnoapext. IUdi!.rU Cili3Ax.il Sunbury, April 13, 1S67, WATCHMAKER A JEWELER, Markot Square, near the Court House, SUNBURT. Northumberland Countv. Pa. Ht nor lust opened an assortment or Gold and Plain Patent Watches. CLOCKS for Kmlroml?, Banks and Dwellings. Fine Gold Rings, Finger Rings, Braoeiets, Minia ture Cnses, Medallions. Lockets. Pencils. Thimbles, Spectacles, Bilver Table, Dessert, Tea Salt ana jiusinra opoons, cugar npoons, (.una, Napkin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Pecs, Casters. Pitchers. Butter Difhcs, Fruit Dishes, Cake Bankets, Syrup Pitchers, ac. ao. Ho invites the citisens of Sunburv and viciniiv to oall at the above placo, where he will be happy to w nil upon mcui. Ltrr articular attention paid to REPAIRING. April 13, 1817. BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS 1 II. a. TIIACIJIOIS, SUCCESSOR TO W. W. APSLEY. IN addition to our large stock, already on hand, we are now receivinea full sunnlv of Sprint- and Summer goods for Ladies, Gentlemen, Muses and tmiuren s wear. Also a good a-sortment of Trunks. A lares lot of n. it. vain, uents' nno leather Batcbelg. e wisn it distinctly understood that we intend selling our gooas at. smau proms, exclusively lor tne casn. Aion i lorgei tne place, l'toasant Building, Mar act square, Duuoury, ra. NOTICE Boots mid Sheet neatlv renaired at short notice. If any bought of us should rip they man oe nxea lor numwg. Ji. U. XUAtlIi.lt Bunbury. April 6. 1867. tf. Coaclimakers. 1TE are selling Rims, Spoke. Hubs, SprinKS, V Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Axle, Ao., very low a Lurge Stock at CONLEY A CO. Sunbury, March 30, 1867, FIRST NATIONAL m m 3HD3 & 111 XI. O. THACHEH, Fropriotor. MARKET SQUARE, 6UNBURY, PA New Goods, New Styles, New Price. The largest Stock of Boot and Shoe in this Market TRUNKS OF EVERY GRADE & PRICE Gents' Traveling Satchel, Hand-Bags, Valise, Ao. An elegant assortment of Ladies' Fine Leather Sat chel Caba's, Ac, Ao. COME AND SEE, COME AND BEE. Pleaaaat'd HaHding, NA RKET SQVAR E, -tfc-rftP nUV OlUKii I Uli foALlj. ,T1HE undersigned offer for sale their slock of goods, X as also the furniture and fixtures, iu the Store at FULTON STATION, four mile from SUAMO- KIN, on the Shamokin Branch N. C. K. R. Tbe nook consists of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Qusensware, Hardware, Drugs, Boot and Shoe IteadyaMade Clothing;, and other artiele usually kept In a Country Store- The location oners many advantages, a it Is witn- In a few rods of the Railroad Station, i immediately at Lioelsior tollierv, and witnin a quarter ot a mile of two others, the Enterprise and Continental Collie ries. In addition, it i th only etore, ana a good cut- torn is secured. For further particular apply to undersigned at th Store or at thoir residence in Shamokin. Post offioe addrea, Shamokin, Pa. C H. AC.D. Uabbbb. March SO, 1&67. 1 mo. HOUSE, . J, H. lIAL.ru, I'roprletor, Corner Sunbury and Rack Streets, SnAMOKIN, PENN'A. mills HOUSE I now open for th reception of X guest, ana Being new, spacious ana attractive, has all the fuoilitiea and advantage of a FIRST CLASS liOTkli. The deeping apartment are airy and eonifurtabls. and tha furniture entuely new. Th Bar and Table will be supplied with the best in tbe market. The patronage of the public is solicited. April 13,lao7. AKricaltaral lsuiilerueata. HOE'S Urain Rakes, Steel and Iron Garden Rakes, Long and D llandla Spades, Shovels, Manure and Hay Forks, Oraa and Urain Scythe, Oram p...ii. r,.,n Vlnra Traaa. Breast. Tonsu and Log Chain, tf rind-atone, Fanning Mill b"'of all si mi and kinds, a large aaaorunect of Red Wagon Hemes, fur Plowing, Farm B.lU.Cultivo, Teeth, fur ! by i-H CONLEY CO. Something New I Nothing New J AXD GOOD NEWS! The splendid assortment of GOODS at the MAMMOTH STORE J. W. FniLHU At SO.", 18 NEW, but it is Nothing New for them a thoy are always getting up NEW GOODS. GOOD NEWS, to the people of SUNBURY, for they have purcha ed them goods low and are selling them at very We are determined to tell our Good at Low Priooa and defy competition. Wekeepthe bent qualify of nl and sell them as low as tbe serond auulitlca are old by other dealers. Vome and examine our stock and Learn our ZmZ'MJZSMe No charge for Bhowing Goods. That ia our business and wo take pleasure in doing it. Feeling very thankful to the publio for their very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon us. we feci confident of retaining their custom, by a strict adherence to the rules we have adopted. REMEMBER THE PLACE, The Mammoth Store. Market Square, 2 doors east of tbe New Court House, SUNBURY, PA. J. W, FRILINO & SON. Sunbury, March 30, 1867. J. H. Conley & Co., Market Street, i:n-t oi"Iic ltnllronri. 8UNBTJKY, PBNN'A. DEALERS IN I'OREIU.'i V AJII',KU.1, Hardware & Cutlery. THE attention of.Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that we are now offering a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in this line of business, embracing a general assortment of tools and mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGOtUIAKERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ac, Ao. Bunbury, March 30, 1867. T. S. SHANNON, Practical Watchmaker ASD JEWELEB, From PHILADELPHIA. In Simpson' Building, Market Square, S1T1T3TTF.Y. PEITIPA. HAVING become the successor of Mr. A. E. SA vaob, he would respectfully solicit tho custem of the eitiiens in general. Hoping by stxiot atten tion to buainea that they will favor him with their patronage. Mr. S. has been connected for the past ten year with some of tho best houses in the city, in the Watchmaking trado, and all work entrusted to his care will be done with promptness and dispatch, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. His stock of American, Swiss Watches, Clocks, Jowelry and Silverware, will he sold as low a can be purohased in the city, and of the first quality. Particular attention paid to the repairing of Fine Watches, Clocks aad Jewelry. tiAll order promptly filled. Masonic Marks made to order. Sunbury, March 2, 1867. . IT. IT- AFSLEYj WITH THACHER & CO.. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Boots Shoes & Trunks, No. 16, North 4tbSt., PHILADELPHIA. March 23, 1867. CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. THIS well known Hotel, situate near the Corner of Ninth A Chesuut Streets, Philadelphia, is, ou account of it superior location and excellent accom modations, one of the best and most desirable stopping place in the oity. It tl. . r it. n . aa. Aua, i ropneuir. February 16, 1S67 6m . W FIRST PREMIUM w ey . or silver Medal WA AWatDBD TO TT BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE tjA Bt On N. H. Mate Agricultural Bndrtr. at U Br tha N. H. Mate Agricultural Bndrtr.a Its f air neioea is naauua, aepcsu, iftutt. II A JS RETT'S Vegetable Hair Restorative KMtorw unty Hair to in nttarml on lor, Pro- Qitncs am grow m ot in ititr. cnMiKf tn root io UXKlr ortgiuaJ orniuc Klwa. k-ra1i- av iciual omul .tf and llun erta Dttiidruir and Humor. Preveuu Ualr UlLinf out, la abupenor Drawing-jW m coQiuui no lujunuu liitrejtt.,r)Uia aju iu vie inv (Hipuiir inu re: u- -ar catw, vn, Nona tvoa 8 fcmui. WO J. R. BARRETT A CO., Proprietor. M AHCHR8TER, M. H. Sold bv W. A. BENETT. Sunbury. Pa. ail I Druggist generally. Aprilt, 1307 6m Admlnlslralor's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letter of adminis tration having been granted to the undersign ed, on the estate of Tbomaa Kerbe, late of Lower Mahonoy township, Northumberland county, Penn sylvania, decease. All persona indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and tho having claim to present them for settle ment. P. S. BICELE, Administrator. Georgetown, April 6, 1B67 6t .It.lK'l'tTA M.tlar.lC. Mr. A. TWEED, Fourth Street, 4 door north of Walnut Street, eaat side SUNBURST, PA. RESPECTFULLY Informs ber friends and the public that she has again opened a shop, in Market street, Sunbury, where she is prepared to make to order Ladies' Drem, iu aa entire new style, Ladie' Cloaks, As. Also Gentlemen's shirts. Orders respeotfully solioited. ruobury, Jan. ID, 1667 ly Tma.-vo fuii HANDSOME, fine-toned, bow, and price low Inquire at this Omc.