r 1-. - ess. noop skirts. SEW SPRING STYLES, "0o Own Mx;s." .atbreetng every New and DtelraVIe sii, style and laPVf ,i, " T"" Hoop bkltt-,-1, 1 l. 2. 1 M, 8, 14, a 1-2, 1 1.4 u4 Yds., round every length and Die Waist ; In svery respeot First Quail ty and espeoially adapted to meet tb want of Firat L'laa and moat fasbienabl Trad. "Oca Own m of Iloop Hklrtt, are lighter, mora n Initio, mora durable, and Really Cheaper tbaa any other make of oither Single or Double. Spring Bkirt in the Ainerloan Market. They are Warrant ad In ever reaped, and wherever Introduced give universal HtifHctiod. Tbny are now being exten aively Sold by Ketailora, and every Lady should try them. . , ' . for ''Itopkin Own Make," and ice that each Fk rt in Stamped "W. T. HOPKIN S MANUFAC- 1URER. 28 ARCH Street, PHILADA."-No otnersare Uenmne. A Catalogue containing Style Bise and Retail Prices, scut to any ad lroee. A Lui ; form aid Liberal Dlaemint xllnaad to Dealers. Or dere by mail or otherwiro, promptly and carefull filled W holesale and Retail, nl Manufactory d . , , . balcsreoiut, : k. .. No. 628 ARCH Street. PHILADELPHIA. J-- 8KIRT8 made to order, realtored and repaired. TERMS, NET CASH.. ONE PRICKONLY ....'"''' -- VM. T. HOPKINS. jlarch 83, 1S67, lOrn ' ' ' ' S Iff. 1. LAZARUS., .tf FALL TRADE, 1300 ! FALL TRADE, 1808! ! p g M. 1j. 1.11111(4 1 p g T70ri.DrpjoirullY orII the Ailer.llt.nol S W thpub!iotober"LAR(JEaiiaNw S ' ASSORTHtJtT or ' ' , ?&ncy andJDomestic Dry Goods- q g Ireii Cioodti 3 R 0 all kinds and style in great Variety. 4 POPLINS AND MEKWOS, g Black, Ureen, Bine, Wine, Brown. Purple, Ao., hj gj In All-Wool Plaids. Detains, Calicoes, g -a e have an aisnruient. n 5 The beet Black Allpaecaa, all-Wool Dclalni.H q Poplin. ? WhiteGooda. a Cambria, Swiin. Nainsook and Jaconet Mu- p JJ line, i)imity, Uird-liye Lini n and fowling, g a Berlin and American Zephyr;, hhetland t ? ?ool, Cashmore Varnt, Ao. .' - ' nitlmoriil Skirl 4, S Gum Cloth, Drews Trthiniihr. ITosierr, 2 g Woolen Qood. , . ' ' 5 LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS A.COATS. g itea uiovct, of the best quality, and a great B 3 variety of goods too Humorous to : mention, all 3' 3 f which will bo sold ut tho very lowest, for 5 M. L. LAZARC3. . Bunbury Oot. 17, 1906, FLOUR , & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL, THE lubscriber rcspoccfully Inform the public .nrfA.w.iS'P "lnUy on hand at his new V AREIIOUSE, near tha Sliawokiu Valler Railroad Depot, in bUNBURV, l'lonr by the barrel and sacks vi an aiuas oi reea oy sno ton The above is all manufactured at his own Mills, ana wui ne sola at the lowest oesh prince. t . J M. CADWALLADER. Sonbnry, April 1, : 380. IN J. W. CAKE'S Addition to the Borough e 6unbury, fur Sale on rcaronablo terms. . Apply to . . Ur. li, H. -AWL and, . (' ., . ; , . . SOL. ER0SIU(i8, Suubury, Pa. Or P. W. SHEAEER, Pottsville, Pa, . . Sov. 21, 1800. ........ VALUABLE REAL ESTATE TOR SALE rPHE undersirnnd ofli-rs at rjrivule srIb the fallow JL ing valuable teal asute, situate in the Borough cunoura, inie tue property ot I human llouina, des u j - Tho Hotel Property on Front street, with all thi :. outbuildings, Ac., lately occupied by Z'rcdcrick - fcpacht. . - . A valnable Home and Lot on Market St(cet, to- Rcrucr vnu ail ine uutUDUUinl. , . Fur further particnlnrs apply tn ' - JOHN a. Al'AUKLE, Eaeoutor. Feb. 10, 1867 2m Sunbury, Pa. JOHN BOWMAN, No. 704 AECH STREET PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN SILVER &PLATED WARE Our Goods ere decitlettly the cheapest iu the '..:.: ' City tor. . ' TRIELi: PLATi:, A ."No, . July 7th, 18o0 lyci i8cr"sM"'iM EYRE & L A N D E L L, FOURTH A ARCH Streets, PHILAD'A , PA. . ABE OI'EMNG FOR SrRUiu of lS07.t , J Ca-iee Select Shades of SILKS.- ' Fushionablo PLAID SILKri BISMARK. the New Color SILK. -Best BLACK KlLKsi. in Town. PLAID JXDtA .SILKS. Perfeot New Spring DKE.SS WOODS, 'ew btvlo .Spring CULXTZES, ORQANDIEtiof Nowost JStyles. Stoel-Colored poplins, lor uitj. N. B. Staple Ilousekecping Oools, Freeh Stock Cloths, Caiwiiuercs. ond Tweeds lor Youths. P. li. MERCHANTS in search of scarce and de sirable Qoodn will liud it their interest to coll and xaiiiino our Slock. March Stl, 1KH7. Ow C03UMFTION CAW'iTcUaEDT" THE TRUE REJ1EDY AT LAST DISCOVERED. I'plium'a B'ri.1i tsut iiro, Prepsred from the furniulauf Prof. Trousseau, of Pans, cures Cuuouinption, Lung L iseuses. Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Miuniiuus.Oeueial Debility end nil mor bid ooudttionsof thosysUuu dependent on deficiency Of vital force. It is pleasant to ta'e. and a single bottle will convince the most skeptical of its virtue aj llio jjreat hauling remedy of the a.gc. ' fl a hot. tie, or six bottles for f.i. Kent by Express, hold by S. C. L'PHAil, Xo. 2itfomh ElOIITH .S'treet, Philadelphia. And ull principal Druggists. Circulars Sunt tree. March 2, lAAt.'.im Adininijtrutor'.oii-e. NOTICE is hereby giveu that letters of adminis tration having: beona-ranted to the undenifone.l ou4he estate of Robert V. Brooks, lalenflhc Borough ! of Sunliury, Northumberland county, Pn., deceased, i All porKons indebted are requc-tud tomuke immedi- ! ate payment, and tboea buying cluims to present : Ihem duly autht-nlicatcd fur settlement. j , t J- U- WAiaER. Adufr. . runuury, tarcn V. 1NI7. nt AGENTS "WANTED I $200 PER MONTH fiS;! Female Agents, to introduce a New and Useful In- ! veuliou, of abaulute utility in everv household. Al,"!f I'ofurring to work on Com mission can corn 1 Iruiu $Ju to :o per Uuy. For full parltculars en- ' elosestaiu!, and address I W. li. VV1LSON 4 00., 434 Arch St., Phila., Pa. ' fit arun ou, iuui. Jm jirai-' Cele brated Kalvi t Amesbu&v, ilHS.,Oot. Llth, 1303. . Mr. OaACi DK.a Sib : Having been afflicted grievously fur several weeks wilh a severe uUsceas iipou my sido, I used several remedies for its rii. cation without receiving any relief, until I applied! jour ealve, which etTeeied a speedy and permanent ' cure. I thurol'ura fuel happy to certify uiy ooufidouce ' in iu vutues. Your vith resreat. i JAMES BEAK. 1 certify to thetruthfu'.nfiaof the above statement. if e. DcAitBoaa. M.D. 6ETIIW. FOWLE 1 RON, BuU.n, Proprietors. vld by all DrugjihU, at 2i ccuU a boat. March 2, Hii7. lui Are especially invited In cull and exartiue our tlook of BLILDtRe) HARDWARE, eouiprising Nails tod Spikes of til varieiic. BuXu, aorea nop anil 1 lliuges. L-K-ks and Llohes, Bolts. I1 es. Bolts. 1'las. aoriiiE trowels, rtjic in ruaela, l lasturcr s bieves, "-, o ,:orsui by J. II. CONI.EY A CO. IRON A larjs a.-rtmont of lb best manufao. lured ..... Bar. Hca. ' 'EsBd.- P"an' Square Sleol, DnUfttl. H.-rs Shoes, Horse Nads, Anvils, Bellows. VieM, Hammers, bledgos,, R.ps and File, at ' ' COSLEY A CO'8. 1,-iun eaddiurs, we have Raddle Truss, Bills, Buck 1 le. U ig Trees, Bad Tree HaneTall kiTd. .u" a rawuiw w 111, ousines-i, inr lab t.s COX LEY A CO. 4 Klldress'n 'urriH4;f m. VE.".?uW""tniloBr too., wsnting t I Child s Carriage, 10 our new and larire aarort. tuiot comineing u,w and beautiful style J H CON LEY A CO PXSITVIAN OUAKO BUBSTITUTE I BAUGirS 8 UP E HP HOBPBITE OF . I E. BAUQH fSc BONS, f fi Siil(fMnnuriu!turers A froBtietori, ' DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL' WORK!?, .' PHILADELPHIA, TJ. B. A. Fr Wheat, Rye, Bnrloy, Com, Outs, Po tntoec, Tobacco, liack w litat, Sorgiiutn, Tur ni3. Hut"?, UtitUua Vi-gctables, unl every Crop sua Pluttt. Utpfciil!)- recomineiideit to the prosvers of TRAWbKHRIES, R ASPUKKKIKS, HLACKllll iili:!,ANU ALLtf.MALL FRUITS. More lliun 13 venrs of fpsular use upon all dcfrrinii u of Crops gitiwn id ihe MltlUie and Houiliarii ft itt-. litis goVali a iiipU Ciittre ol popularity to lals M tM'lli:, wlncn placus itsiij-plieatiuu now, entirely Ueyouu a il.ere xpL-riuiL-iu. RAUGHS'S RAW BONE fnprrPliojli!ito ol liiiao, Is ernineutlr a success as a tnbstiti)te for Peruvian Guano niwt 8mbla MaiiDie 4ind is oil'ered to ttie ARiu-uHiitiat nf the Northern an I Knulern butt s as a fertilizer thai will he.ii-Iv rent. ire to the full, those eweutiais which have been ilmincd from it by constant cropping and light maim- riiifr. 1 1 is very prompt in us aetimw-ts lusting in euei-i in a cree nitnLtniiieil bv anvcoimnercinl mniinin in the uuirkrl ana is atfordt-d at a much (era cost than housht Stable Ma nure, or Peruvian (juuiio The l.abor involved in its ase is lur len irtnn nmt or applying ttat'le manure, wnre mere Is no rmk from the introduction of noxious weeds. nr Farmers are reenmmenJi-rl to purchase of the denier li-cuied ill thrtr ncifthuorlintiu. In icettons where no dea ler in vet tsliil. lulled, the I'biaphairniny be prwnrvd direct ly from theniirieTsigued. A I'ficsd Circular wtll bo sent to nil who apply. Our iMBW I'AMI'HI.FT, "Ilnwto Mninisin in fer tility nf American Fnrini." !U puges, giving toll nifornia tion'in regard to the use of manure ie , will be furnislicd gratis on application. I5AUGII & SOXS, , Office No. 20 S. Delaware Avenue, ... PHILADELPHIA. BAUCII BROTHERS & CO, General Wholesale Aner,ts, No. 131 Pearl t., corner ol Cedar.' 'SEW YORK. GEORGE DUG DALE, Wholesale Agent for Maryland & Virginia, No. 10s Smith's Wltarf, BALTIMORE. MD. ' ' aSold by KM IT If A T. ESTHER. Snnhurv. July ?S, ltiOi. ly ... . i I.yon's lVriodli'nl Drops, THE tiRF.AT F KM ALE HKMEDIES FOR HIRE GULARITIKS! I have tested Uiesti liops in my own ,lace. over ten years, aud do not hesititetn say, that nothing has yet been developed by medical research, that acts ao powerfully, pusitively, mid harmlessly, III cases of femate iiresubirily, a. does this medicine. In all reeent eases it never lulls, while thousand, win have been long smleiers, ore indebt ed toil lor ihe boon ol health lo day. Although so powerful and posillvo, thev nre peil'ectly harmles, and may lie used ot all tiu.es, except when spe cially forbidden in thedirectious They have been extensively employed by eminent phy sicians iu France and England, ng well as in my own prac tice, over ten years, and I have yet tn hear of the firs iuvtaneeof failuie. 1 could g:ve yoe testimonials of then rrhcacy from ladies ail over the northern and wemeni Slates, were they not in their nature private Over loo,. OIK) bottles hsve beeu sold the pant year, and I h pe and I uuit hb many suuerers nave oeen neneuileil. 1 I am well awaie that a remedy so potent to remove all oh. j structioiis.may be used tor a nad purpose, but trutt thnt ! where one bottle is thus used, ten may fall into ti e hands ot really n--edy sufforeis. To otl who surfer from any trregnlsrMy; p:,lni;il. rtifi. cult.excessivs, t-ffensive r,r ohstructed Meusiit;i1i n. I.u corrhea, ro the train of diseases that follow,! vou! I r.ic, try n hoitle ol Dr. Lvo-i's French Periodical Drops, lieum a lluid preparation, their Rciinn is moie dnectiind posi tive thiin any pills or powders. Explicit directions, beur in?my faesimile, aeeoinpany each bottle. 0 They may heobuiiued of nearly every dru-rzint in the eoantrv, nr by inclosing the price toC. O. CI.AUK Hi CO , New Haven, Ct., General Agents for the tailed Stuies ai.d Canada. DR. JOHN L I.YOV. - m Practicing Physienn, Price, 1 so per Bmtle. New Haven, Conn. Feluuary jj, W7. ly TOLAN ss Magic Bilious Powders, rpiHS PREPARATION is the rlincov- ejyof the Rev. J. W Pol oi l f. (rM'i-5,,'"",y the I'nainr of the liaptist Clmrcli nti? '" Gnirstown, N. II., and o man dearly 5SaNuV li-loved by that deuoiuiiintiun llirouuiHut WS.-, ,uif New Knui(laiid Ilewusobligcd lo leave ' MAGIC the pulpit nnd study medicine to save his own life, and Ins nlneic I'owdris uie one of the most W"iiderful discoveries of modern times. It is ' THE GEE AT LI VIE AUD BILIOUS REMEDY I which eomplrtfly throw in the sliade all (HhtHrdjtcnvfirit In medieint? ; nml il BtT.rd In mi much grulitic UiH that Ihey rerrivo lb iin:iinni"Ui npiW' luitimi 11 nil whu have (Mled ihem Ttw Mngte B Jmui PowtleTi are oiIf I vei'ure lor I slyer Coiuplalul ! in iu tnt agratcd funn. aud tut iounedtute ch rector of all Hicflieni (01 HEADAClIi:, OONOTIPATION, PIMPCF.S, BfsOTCHr.!. A SALLOW HK1N. !ROVlNKtt. DIZZIN'LSi. IlKAllTHC'RN, VAl.l'ITATiO.N, And a ni'iat wnntlrrful CUKE 4 PREVENTIVE OF FEVEB k AGUE! (Weadvixe all vfhn are trnuhletj with this featful malu dy to always keep tha Ptiwdera no hmni ready fur imnta dniie use ) Htrre tire a few important pnttirulan: !. Thry urn tlie Cruut tfptx'ific fr all Bittoua AiTre- unin, id T1iey are the onlr known rcmedv that will cure Liver Complaint. 3d The are the ou'.f ka-iwn remedy tliat will cure Const 1 pat 11111. 4lh. The Powder, are so thorousll in their operation that one packace will be sll thut the majority of those utiing them wiU reiHiire to eileol a cur. oili. They ato mild and pleasant yet the most elTcc tual cathartic known. eih They are the cheapest sud best medicine extant, a uiry tn. lie arm uy nun 10 any rais 01 lue giuoe lor the price. '.0 eeuls. Cireulurs, eouiiiiniiiff eertifn-ntes, infornistion, Ac, tent to any part of the world free of charge. SOl.OBY ALLDRl OUIar, or by nu.il oa applica tioa to C. O. CLARK fc CO , GarfsSAL osts, New Haven, Conn. Frtct, SO Ccntl per Vol. February SI, le87. ly. Jrf-ii Ns'fdM Uy Mttil. "TE offer a large and complete assortment of 1 Y Freeh Surds, embracing. OVER 150 LEADING VARIETIES, (including all th Novel ties, I which w furulsb, carefully put up iu packets, BY MAIL, POSTAGE PAID,' ' al our cslslogu prii-r. . ,. ,t. , ,.-t All our Seeds ar earefully tested Ltforo tending out, and are ..... WARRANTED TO GROW, if properly planted and eared Is. -OUR NEW PRICED DEBCR1PTIVE CATA LOGUE is wailed to any address, on receipt Af stamp fur posuj. . .. EDW'D. J. EVANS A CO., " No. 9, N. George it., York. Pa. Hank 23, 1B3T 1m PAVING FLAG STONE f rpiIE uhseribr is prepared to deliver to tha eltl X lent of Suniiury and Norbambeiiand. and neighboring towns, a superior quality of FLAG STONE, fur paving, at the shorteet notice. Order attended to by adtiraaing at Bunbary, to M M. CLARK. Sunbury, Feb. 16, 1867 3m ttlnla, OiU, Vv. A full stock of Oil oompriaing Linseed Oil. Coal Oil, Fish Oil. aod Lubricating Oil for Engines and Machinery, Yarnishea, Olase, always on band, at low price at r0'LEY A CO o MOOKAXAMtCUBAK, - 1' WlOIiESAtn TJBAtatlBS a: .''. '4 11 kr kit tlnil if ... - . 0 ahrtr is. tMTV-flnC , . J ' e-9- . . , , - - . nn. ttjurf H'r-' ! ri.i sir.EOTRIO-HAIK'ltEirK'Wta- is pronounaed by all wba bnvooted H th Tery best priparatioo for the Hair, itte a possUvoenra for R ildneis, eradicates Diuidxnff aad UaVMM, stops tho Hair from falling out, ana eperuuy ioawia Lucks tosheir original has and luiurianee It operates on the secretions and fills tho glsndS with new life and oeloring matter. Thin, dead, faded or gray base will always bt brought baok by few applications,!-Itl youthful abundance, vitality and color.-"" .,. f- It amkes the bur soft, gloivy fragrant, pleaoarit tn lh iniie.h snrl ensv Us arranie. Drv. wiry aad lntrnctable locks "become moist, plialnt and disposed toTeniain In auy do-sired position.. . AJ Hair Dress ing it has no equal. The sales ar eraroious and It Is a universal favorite with old and young of both t-old by Dragulsts throoghWit the TJnltod States. Addiesi alt orders W l J i ' .. ' ' ' ZIEOLER $ ?Mrra. jxi - Sola Proprietors, 1ST Portia Thlrd 8f., FhU'a. .. NoTcmbcr 21, 1U4(1. ly. , - ... A'" ' . WHISKEHS AND ' KD t grow upon the emnothent face in from e in flva week's Iry using Dr. SKVIONK'S RE9- I' thiee TAlllATKUIt CAPII.LAIKB, Ihe most wonderful di covery iu tniHleru. acienca, acting ttpoti the Beard and lluir in an almist mira-nloua manner. It has beeu used by the elite "" I'ik-shinI Loudon with the most natieriag success. Numca of all purchasers will bo registered, and if entire sntisrnction is not given in every instance, the money will lie choeil'olly refunded. Price liv mail, sealed and postpaid, 81 iiesc'iptive circnisra ana testimonials mailed free. Allures. UF.IiGKR, rJHlTl't) CO., Chemists, No Hiver fStreer, Troy, N., Sole- ngents for ihe United Stales felilflxly. OVERNMENT PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE LTIaIN&C0. 5.0UD Ne and Second-Himd TEAM HARNESS 10. PUD BRIDLES and COLLARS. , , (lilUieilllll.i; .11 Olvlaa 94 tj H na i ' .Hull Knur Home fWernment WAGONS. 2,0tl0 WAUON COVERS, all Blses, new worn. i.000 BLANKETS, and HORSE COVERS.- Also, a large Stock of Reins. Lead Lines, Whips, Buggy and A rati ul arcs Harness. Portable Forges, t'hni us, twinglctrees, Lead Bars, etc. eta. Wheel Team Uarncrts, little worn all Oak tann ed Leather nnd scrviseable, cleaned and Oi.cd i dol lars per hor.-o or mule, including Bridle Lead do., 4 dollars. Wngon Bridles, 1 dollar. Collars 1 to 2 tlols. Extra Hair lined Artillery Case do., 24 and 8 dollars. -: Double Reins, 1 75 to f 2 2. Lead Lines. 1 dol. Halters. 6 to 12 dots, per Dos. Ofliccr'. New Sad dles 18 dol'., with plated Bit Bridle, I. tlols ; good as new, 12 dols., with bridle, 14 duls; valisa baddies for Boys, t) dols. Vt agon Lovers, made to nt any wagon, Heavy linen, 3 to 5 dols., lupnerior ootton Duck, 6 to 8 dols. 12 oz., Duck, to 12 dols. , 1,(100 Hospital Tants, new and good as new, 12 ot. duck 14 feet square 3d to 41) dols. , - Oaieers' A. Teut, 7 feet square, from 6 to i dols. 10.000 RAUS. from 12 ot. Duck, -1st. quality, 2 burbeld 9 dols.; 2 bus. 10 dols. 3 bus 11 dols. per Dot.; 2nd. qualitv. 7 50, 8 M and H 60. 4-MALL ORDERS SENT BY EXPRESS, CO. D. ii is.i v ;o.. Ko. 3.17 A339 North FROST 8t.. PUILAD'A, Pa.. No. 5 Park Place, NEW YORK. No. 483, 9th Street, WASHINGTON, D. C Price-list sent on npulication. March 9, 1807. 2m." . t - rVorthera Central Hailtvuy. . ' FOUR TRAINS DAILY to arid from Baltimore and Washington city. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and W est Branch Susquehanna, nnd Norlhorn and Western Pennsylvania and New York: ON and after MONDAY, MAROil llth. 1S07, the Trains of the VTorltiern Central Railway will run as follows : , NORTHWARD. Moil Train leave Baltimor ' ft. 30 a in " Harrisburg, arr at Williamsport, Ilnffalo Express leaves Baltimore " Harrisburg, " Elmira, - arr. Canandalgua, Fast Line, leaves Baltimore, " Harrisburg, ' ' ' ' " Elmira, arr. Consndalgua, ( Erie Express leaves Baltimore, " Harrisburg, arr at Erie.' York and Harris j leaves York, burg Accom. I arr. Harrisburg; SOUTHWARD. ' 1.20 p m 6.2'j p m 10.10 p m 2.05 a tn 11. 35 a m 3 00 p m 12.10 p m 4.10 p m . 1.13 a m , 4.H0 a m 7.20 p in 2.05 a m 7.00 a m 7.10 a m 8.40 a tn Mail Train, leave lYUIianwnort. 8.40 '- jinrruiiurg, . . 1..1D p m arr. at Baltimore, (.1)0 p in Buffalo Express leave Canandalgua, 2 UO p in " Elmira, . ,. , 4.30 p ra " Harrisburg, 2.50 am arr. at Baltimore, 7 00 a in tail Ltu leaves Canandalgua, 10.20 pm Elmira, 1(15 tut " 1 Harrisburg, 9.20 a m arr at Baltimor, - 1.00 pm York and Harris- j leaves Harrisbur;, 6.05 p m burg Accom. arr. York, 6.85 p m Mail Train nnd Harrisburg Accommodation North and South will run daily, exoept Sunday. Elmira Express North daily, aad South daily, eiccpt Mon duv. Cincinnati Express south will ran dally except Bunuuy. a Ft Line North arrives daily exeept Sundays. Elmira Express North leaves daily, aud Erie Ex prees North leave dsilv exoept Saturday. for liirineriutormatioa apply at tne licxel Ulbce in the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. I. N. DuBARRY Uen. Supt. I jnhun iiuuu A tlloounsbMrif I tall ronil, ON and after Jan. 1st, 1867, Paarengw Trains will run aa follows : . . BOUTnWARD. A. M. A M. P. M. 7.10 8.20 r. m. 4.411 6 00 817 8.50 10 14 6 20 6.00 6 35 I Leave Scranton, 6.50 16 00 Kingston, 8 II. 20 " Uupert, 9 29 ' - " Duuviile, 9.54 Arr. North d., 10 .15 NORTHWARD. Leave North 'd., 7.00 Danville, 740 " Rupert, H IS A. M. " Kingston, 10.50 8. SO Arr. a( Scranton, 12.00 "' 9.SS Trains leaving Kineston at 8.30 A P. M 250 9.05 ' 4.00 10.15 . M . for Scran- ton, connect with Iraiu arriving at New York at S.20. l'aueneer taxing train eouth from Scranton at 5 50 A.M. via Northumberland, reach Harrisburg 12 .30 P. M., Baltimore 5 30 P. M., Washingtoa 16.. 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. m. 4-, Kiugston, Jan. 19 ss. a. iv.iua, Dup i. 1807. riiilndf-lpliia Sc V.rle ICulIrousJ. riiniS great line traverse th Northern and North JL west counties of Pennsylvania to th city of Eria on Lake Erie. ,.'-.. It has been teased and U operated by th Pnayt rania Railroad Company. . . . . . Tim of Paittngir Train at Suubury. - Leave Eastward. Erie Mail Train, 11.58 p.m. Erie Express Train, - , ..15 am. blmira Mail Tram, ' 10.25 am. Lsav Westward Erie Mail Train, , 5. 16 am. Erie Express Train, . 6 85 pm. Elmira Mail Train, ' ' 4.35 p.m. . Ptssenitur ears run throurh en the Eria Mall anrt Express Train without abiuig both waya between miaueiiiuui ana crie. Sew York Coantctlon, Leave New York a! 9.09 a m, arriv at Erie 16.00 a m. Lear New York at 6.00 p.. at., arrive at Kri T 15 p.m. Leav trie at 5.30 .., arrive atNetj j or 1 to p. m. Leav i,n at 10 ii a. taarrivaat New York 10 10 a. m. - . - ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS oa all Hight Train. For information respecting Passenger basin apply at Cor. tuth and Market St., Philadelphia. Aod for Freight basiueas of the Company's Agent, 8. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. llUA aud Market t., Philadelphia. . J. W. Reynold! ErU. . .. ..... William Brown, Agent NCR l, Baltimor. II. II. HoeRrov, - , . Gen'l Freight Agt. Philada. 1 U.W. Gwiaaaa, Gan'lTuikelAg'l., ThUada. f a. l. nun, 1 J Qac'l Uaoage. .WUlianuport. January 16, 1867. , . . ....... 7 -i LEAD Pip, all lite in store, aad fur sal by " COX LEY A CO. Procure eoeof BYFRLY'R FIno Phetogrsph Pic. . a i uii aiu..ai. us r-impaoo s ximiqipf 0 JSL J0HR8T0N mm dwoevarew m 1 V PtmaaAv anit mnm BtlfAka&l. B.aaijflT WrM for all prWftls lMma, Weakuew of Ina Back nUmttwtimUmmiAtttHm. mt b Kidneys and AlaAdM-. lavolaalara DiaaharCM. IaMMttrrr Oei nl Debility, Nrrvoosneat, Dyspepsy, iaugar. Low Hpirltn, Confuskm of Idea, Palpitation of tho Heart, timidity, Trewhllngt-.lrlwmesa of Bight it Olddinee, Dkasaaaal'tfaaHoad. threat, hex f Skin, AnVetiont of the LWar. Lnnrrs. Stomaoh of Bowels the Terri ble Disorders arising from tho Solitary Habit of Xoutta tboeo secret ana Solitary practices more iauu fai thai bttima than tha tern of Bvi-ens to the Ms- llnert of Ulye,bUghUng their most brilliant hope or aiitiHauoias, ruderuig atarrtrif , impoesi- EtpealaTly, who bar beoono tha etotim of Solltarv Vina., ska draaAftil aYBtt dea-hriMtlTO habit Which auonallv sweeps to an untimely grave thoasandsof toung Men of to meat exaitea taienis ana oriiinun Intiilliait. who rniirkt otherwiMbar antranoed listen- log Benate wita tta tnuaaers ot ouqaesio or waaea toeoataty ta living lyro, may au wiishiiito adeno. .') .-I ' ' " Married Persons, or" Toting Men' contemplating tnarriago, being aware Of physical weakness, organio debility, deformities, AO. .speedily cured. ; H who ntacea himsolf under the care ofDr may religiously eonflde In his honor as a gentleman and connuenuy teiv apon nis .am aa rmnii.i.i. i-,irail. and Fnli Viffor Restored. This Distressing Affection which render Life nlanrahla and m arris ire tmoossiblo it tho penalty paid by tho viotimsef in-proper Indulgence.1 Young person are too apt to commit exoespes from not being aware of tho dreadful consequence that may n.,,a Knw. who that nnderstands tho subject will pretend to deny that tho power of firoereation it lost sooner by those falling into improper habit than by the prudent? Besides boing deprived th pleasures of healthy offspring, th most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. Th system becomes uerangca, wie rnj-Bn-ni u tiona Weakened. Loa of Proereativ Power, Nervous Irritability, . Dyspepssn, PalnitaMnn ot tne neart. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, Office, Ho. r Sotttli Fretlcrlck Slre Left hand aido going from Baltimore street, few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name anil number. Letters most he paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in bisof&e. A CVItK WAimAVI'KO HTWO ;.;'"." ' ';. DAYS. " I ; .- jye hUrcvry or Tianteoui Drugt : i. .ioHisxoiii. , -i Momber of !h Roynl College of Snrgeont, London, Graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose life hasbnen snent in th hotnitnls of London, Paris, Philadelphia and slsowhere, ha ell'eeted some of the most astonishing: cures that were ever known many troubled with ringing in the head and ear when asleep, great nervousness, being aJarmod at Hidden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with deraneemeot of mind, were lared immediately. IAKIi 1-AHTIClI-An NOTICE. Dr. J. aildresses nil those who hare injured them. solves by improper indulgence and solitary habit, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, stud v. society or marriaze. ' nrut rn mmn Al tlm fnd BJlfi ulC lUnQUOl V CI1CCIS produced by early habits of youth. viirVVoakncss of in Back end LlinbsPuiiis In tho Head. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of th Heart, Dyapcpsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digcstiv Functions, General Debility, Symp toms o! Uonsumption. no. , ' Mentally. The fearful efl"ocbon theuiindare much to bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil-Forebodings, Avor rion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, A or someol the evils produced TnotisaitDS of ocrsons of alleges can now judge what is tb cause of their declining health, losing lueir vigor, becoming weak, pale, norvou and nooiated, having a singular appearance about tho ye. eoueh and svmptomsof consumption. 1 V1J.1U .tlKi.1 Vho hare Ininred themselves by n certnln practice Indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil oompanions, or at school, the effect of wbiob are nightly felt, even wnen asleep, ana 11 no cured reader merries! impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. , What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the darling ofbis parents, should be snatched frm ail prospect and enjoyment of life, by tha uusequeoe of deviating from Ihe path of nature anil uiuuigtngin a certain seoret nauit. suou persuua must, baU'iir ontemplling ...... , t .ILAKUIACiE. reflect that a sound mind and body oro tho most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life be tome a wenry pilgrimage; the prospuct hourly darkens to the view; the mind becon-ca shadowed with despair and filled with the moloncholy rctlec tioa that the happincst of another becomes lighted wilh our own it..: vsi: or nii'in :de.ce. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed tat aeens ol tnis paiulul disease, it too oitcn napnens uist an iri-umea tens of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from amilviuir to those who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease uuika their appearance, such .as ' ulcerated soro throat, diseased uose, nocturnal paiua in the Bead and limbs, dimness of Sight, deafnes. node oa the shin bones and arms, blotches on th bead, fao and extremities, progreasing with frightful rapidity, till at loci the pululc of the mouth or th bone of the nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease bcoomes a horrid objeelof commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful Bufferings, 'by tending him to "that Undiscovered Country fioin whence no traveller returns." It is melancholy fact that thousands full victims to this terrible disease, owing to th nnskillfulncss of ipuorant pretendors, who, by th use of that lU.iiily Pol. ion, Mercury, ruin Iho constitution and make the reaidue of life miserable. n i iia:4.i:is Trust not your lives, r health, to the care of the many Unlearned and Worthless Preleuders, dostitute ot knowledge, nam or character, who copy Dr. Johnston advertisements, or style themselves, in th newspapers, regularly Educated Physiciaus, Incapable of Curing, they keep you trifling month after month taking their filthy and poison us com pounds, or as long a the smallest fee sun be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruiucd health le sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr Jonusion is tne ouiy rnysician advertising. Hit credential or diplomas always hang in hi oflice. His romidic or treateinent are unknown to all others, prepared from a lifu spent iu the great hos pitals of liurope, tne nrst in tn eounu-y ana a more extensive Privatt Practice than any other Physician in the world. llOK!ii:!II?T OF Tin: pit 1: The many thousands euisd at this institution year after year and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by Ibe reporters of tha "Sun," 'Clipper," aud many other papers, notices of whioh have appeared again and again before the publie, beside hut steading as a gentleman of character and responsibility,- u a sufficient guarantee to th aiUktod. ttiti: n : i . kfihi.y CI KUI. . ; . . ..,. Persons writing should be particular tn directing their letters to hit Institution, in the following manne JOI1.K 91. JOllSTOX, HI. 1. Ol the Baltimore Look Hospital, Biltimore, Md. June 3D 1806 dy. Eeparator Capilli, . Throw away yoar false friziea, your twitekes, year wif Deatieetive uf eoealurt, and act worth a Ig j' Cmrwaged, romeyiulhful, eome ogly and fair, Andrejoieein your owu luxuiiaid hair. ; , , , , Iteuaralur Cttpilli, . Fur resloiiag sair npou held heads (fross arkatsvet cause it may lutve luuasu ui aua imemg a growtn ' u 41 pan the face, it a n no equal. It will lores li-s beard lo sruw uptHi the smoiilhcMl luce in from five to eight weeks, or hau upon bald head in Irnm two tuurea months. A few iaiMirant praiaitiiaiers baa- nsaarUat iatusere 1 aotaiug thiil will fore or Iwsi.u tlic atnwtb of tor hair ot braid. 'l ueir aaaeniouaare wise, a laouasod of tivmg wilnee. ses (fioui Uisir owe axueneuea) eau bear wilneas But many wiU say, how aia we to dtstiuxuMwi Uie grasnii from Uiv siHiritnist it certainty isditfieutr. us iiine-leiilhs of the didereut PsefiaiaiaHi advertised r nbe hair and beard are entif el y wuithleas, aud yoe nus wave ahead thrown away tart; amounts in Ibejr pureliase. Tu suc-l we woay sua tho Heparan CappiWi; it will cost yoe uoihum uuleas u fully tuuies up tu our ratf aHiilaikaii. It your DruiigiM dona n4 keep 11, send us ose dollar aod we wiiiitwwara 11, poatpain, togeiher with a receipt lot thi aiuuey, whioh arill lie retarurd yoe ea apfiieatioa, pfovl diug euiue ealislactioii is not given. Address, - - -1 1 W. 1.. CLARK A CO., Chemists, Nn S West Fayeus Street, Tace.a, N. Y. ' February li, tMIT. ly SILVKH'tSWASH'PQWUKU OAVES Tim, laborMoney. Make WASHING Aold Every whre. TRY IT. ; " , . r. Addrcai all orders to the Masubetureri . ' ,' ;'; : ., .. Z.IEGLER SAUTU. Chamiata and Wholesale-Dnirriet. r . I? orth l klrU tstsc!, tkil'a; " Vevember 24, 186 ly ,;,."'' " ' TCE CREAM FREEZES and Ualeyt Pataat I note w riug era, lot mule by U ZETELMOTF.R Suubury, July 7, 1S66. I i. UVVUVWUil,I iJ,-jrtIX3?X TnMIE enbeerlber. kegf ttkvr fc aeWnce to Iho ,wMvt4e r ti - - . . I 1 . ..Kanwanti 1 WawefeirtWraUMi,.ii.(l,iii tk t no.-wawdtafU MfAnj: bin I Provision n liix y s't I i - ft'-e f! lo Htftsb VT FQU CHEAP GOODS Lt od i Their Etoeh I complete, eontlstlng In part of li BDUARS, C0FrEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL 0U si. i Tebaee, Cigars, Flonr, Feed, Fisb, Salty lo i ., Uasaa, 5hoolder, Cheese, Fruit, y , ,i i . . . Ua, Laaip, i' '' 1 'r m Coadtrw Prodae token In xchng for Oood. , ui CjPCall and azamln onr Stook, ted Satisfy your" Sunbury, May IX 1866. - ' ' JH7SGR0VE & SHAFEE, 2 ', , " ' " ' Wholesale Doaiott In . F LOU 11 & FEED, . i . i ii i . M anfaotarert of ' , . CANpiES., BREAD, . CAKES, , Ac.1, Three Doors East of P. 1E.R. R. Depot, Front St NORTHUMBERLAND, PENN'A. The Baker Wagon will ran daily to Sunbury and sclins 'tirove, to serve customors. oruer loiioiiea Northumberland, Nov. 17, Ib'ifl. ly FANCY 1)HY GOODS STOKE XvXISS KATE BLACK, llarket street, four doors west of Win. H. Miller ' Boot nnd (Shoe storo, iSU.MIL KX, l'a. RESPECTFULLY Informs her friends in Runbury and vieiuity, that she ha just opened her WINTER GOODS. I oi Notions and Fancy Dry ttood, ' Her stock eonsit of All-Wool Delaines, Embroide ries, Lace Dollars, Uleocned and unbleached Muslins, Sheetings, Drillings, Oaribaldi . Mnslins, Bird-Eye Linens, Alapaoos, t'oplina, urape ana tace t ens. Ladies' Winter HATS, Ladies' Woolen Caps, Break- ' ' fast 6'hawls, Sontags. , , Children's Woolen Circulars, Children' Woolen Skirts. " ' Mm. Demorest'i Hair Cnrlerf, Ilair Coils and Curls, li loves, Stockings. Collars, Corsets, Ao. .1 Genu' Collars, Neckties, halflluse, Handker chiefs and Suspenders. , , . Bradley's now Patent Duplex-Elliptio (or double Spring SKIRTS ) HOPKINS Elliptio Skirt. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, ITair Brushes, Comb, Toys, and a general varictyof NOTIONS. KATE BLACK. Banbury, Nor. 21. 1866. - BOOKS, STATIONERY and VARIETIES, - Always on hand a large and complete stock of . ALBUMS, Juvenile, Blank, School,' Hymn and Prayer BOOKS. ."of e, Lcller, I.'gnl uitd. Citt I'njicr. GOLD PENS AND HOLDERS. Pent, Inks, Pencils, Port-Folios, Picture, Picture Frames, Musical Instruments, Strings, Music, Lamps, Shades, Globes, Ac. . Soaps, Chains. Sleds, Canet, Oatuos, Brushes, Port- - : mosaics, and Fancy Article of all kinds. Wnll Paper, Ilorder niisl Wtutlowa Mltnsles. Agent for "La Ross's Uuir Restorative," and "Enamel of America." Drafts on Europe and Tiekett for Steam Vessel QUICK SALES AND SMALL,' PROFITd-the motto at 1 , - , "- LIGIITNEU'S Book Store and News Depot, 1 Feb. 2, 1867. Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. ;Great Attraction, at th i NEW TIN-WAKE, Slicct Irott unl Ntove Store ol" C1ITH GE1TTHE3., . Where thoy keep constantly on hand and manufac ture to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of nil descriptions. They would especially cull tb attention of pur- iuhiui . lo lueir targe auu wen seioctcu sioca 01 ' 1 COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. '" The subscribers have made arranzvments to have all their best stoves made to order", ami those who would have a good stove would do well to co and examine their large and well selected stock. First. They defy competition on the followinz tried Brands uf Cook tfiovos, vis : 'osnbiautiott inu llsirner. Cook. Uevrrnor Icnii 4'oolt. WABASH AND IB.ONSIDES, and the well known Antidust Cook Stove called Sl'EAU'S ANl'IDL'oT. . , t , . Also. Parlor and office Stoves in groat vsiiotv em bracing all the best mauufuctuie and most liu-hum. able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of fluish simpli city of arrangements combiuiug cheapness, durability ana eaon stove warranted ui tetiorm what Uiey are represented. . , Also, The celebrated Bultimore Fire Place Stove, for heating firat, second and third stories by Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. 1 .Also, the celebrated MORNING GLORY.' Coal Oil, Coul Oil !.uinpN, Sliadca, Cltiiuuicti, and alt artlc-loa usually kept in an establishment of this kind. Tbey are also prepared tofurnish Slat and do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Hoofing, Spouting, Range and Furnace Work, Got Fitting, Ao. Repairing peatly and cheaply executed. . : . Also:' ' tbIlangl'it Itaw ltone Suier.Pho. ' plinle." , Remember the place. Sample aud Sales Room nearly opposite Coiily's Hardware tftoro, Market (treet, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted. , t August 25, 1866. ..I , There Cometh glad tidings of joy to sll, Th T'ing nd lii old, to great and to small ; Tbe beauty which once was so precious a.ul laie, . la lie for all, and all muy be fair, Uylhe use of CHASTELLAR'8 H I T E .LIQTJID F w Imprnviiig and Beautifying Ihe Cumiilesiiia. The meet valuable end perfct prrparaiinn in um, fur fiviiax lie eltia a beaeuful peeel-uiie tint, tbnt is only und in youth. It quickly reranvae Tan, Fieekles, Pirn pb-e, Haaehe. Moth faiches, .Ikiwneu, KruitiuiiB,and M iiafMinlieaaf Ike ekm, kindly bmli the same leaviug Ihe skiu while and etaar aa alabaster. It ase can atK he S.tnrle by tne ekieeet eeruliuv. snrl bet at a vegetalile pre. PMialiini is perfectly harmless. It is Ihe only article uf tbe kind used by ibe Preuclt, aud is oms.detad uy Iha Pa nwea as mkspaaeaul tn a perfect toilet. I'pwanla of SO.Uiai buules ware enld deiin th aast year, a alficienl guarantee of ilstAicacy. I'ric only 7S cttit. Stmt by mail, aosl-psid. fm reeeipt "f an older, by . , UBKGKU.MIOTI'd AOO., nkeralsts, ' i River St, Tiny, H. V i February M, 1967 ly ' ' 4aootl nova lor itlolberat MOTHERS, ar you oppressed with anxiety for your little one? Ar your ilumber and hearts broken by their eiie 1 Deyoa awake ia ua morning ucrefreshed and apprebeusiv ? If ea, pro cure at one a bottl of Dr. Leont' I font Rstiaedy and yon will have no more aaary hotuaoi watohiug and anxiety, mi, i i . . t - ' - ii UK. I.EOSSV INFANT REMEDY kos atoe! taa teat of rear. Thonsand ofnurse and metaeraaar witness that il never fail to gir relief it aa4 lasao. ttw a aiita, yet sure and speedy; euro tor Colic. Cramp and Windy Pains, and It in valuable fa all eempletul Incident to Teething. Gold by lirsiggtste throughout the United State!.' Address all orders to , . i JIKCILER BMITH, " -ri ' 1 -' "" Bole Pproprielor.'' : lST North l ltlrm Htreet, PttU'tt. November 14, 18A6. ly. ' TINS Myrtle Pomatum, at the Pane Stare of - - ANNA PAUTEH. CALL and e thoae aeaatiful Bird Cage at the new Hardware store of . ' . J.U. CON LEY A CO. TIIRD CAOE8, It different kinds tt yo wand a ICvn aiv. eevap Slirw .-agwi, mio CONLET CO'8 . f-T I i vxrd I Us 'i i Store nWKVaWVTPtil.a. laatifd lb Vatttwa of Sua lV -bwr ari4Mst,4ba M'N -ftA' .order all kiadaatf ", --" ' V " ' I tr. Vt rWWttTM. TiitXUt: Ad. rtmilie. V wjnjtUdi wtth taEWI BRKAll, TtrW B olla, Hasla To Btm. 1. aad also k4- ks manasinnrM obt ot th beat ssatsvUI. ... - I ail navlara ailll mkmmt WILH fmmDl SMSaUSBI " ll.aantf kad larva kxnar'.anaa 1 bona M getJ-wal allftloO lo 101 th favor with Batronag., , ,,,JK, , AVIO X Y. punuory, XJto. w, 1003. t. . , 17 mm. my tnusssil a M " i If. w j Confectionery, ; Toy , and raxxiT store , rior ,v t f.aasraar atr.ei, enuuiaii a. " CONFECTIONERY OP, AU- 1NDS, a ' . - a n " TOYS PF EVERY DLSiCWf TION ';'n',1 . FRUIT, fce., &o., -i -. ..ii' . CONSTANTLY on hand and ft. tIe at tha abor establishment atwbolesAl and retail, at rooaatv. able price, v -' " ' - . , . II 1 manufacturing all k inn's of Confeatlonariea to keen up a full assortment which ar Ud at low rate. , , t . Tobacco, Segort, El""onary, Nut of all kind, and a variety or other t Holes, all of whioh ara oflsied wholesale and retail. .. .". Li?-Remambtir th namand plac..4F- ' ' , M. C. UKARHART, Market street, S door west uf K. Y. Bright A Son's store. , Snnbury. Sept.. 19. 1303. tf ,..i . h ' TOWTV.LOTS, ' TN tho Borough uf. Suubury, desirably situatod, iu X biga aud oeulral levatiou, FOR SALE, ,.,, on such easy terms a will enable persons, with a limited amount or avatiabio money, to purouas home. Person having ' ' i i . I 31iiral or 'I'lmtMP IjiikIm, Farmi, Dwelling, or other Real Estate,' fur tale or lease, as well as those desiring to purchsse or rent, are Invited to consult the subscriber. His connec tion with reliuble firms in New York, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, afford nnusal advantages. Conveyancing 001 recti v ara neatly execnted - JNO. KAY CLEMENT, ' ' ' Attorney at Law, Third door west of Smith A Qcnlhcr'l Stov Store, Sanbury, Pa ' eunbury, Dee, n, itino ii. IU you rant good Tin-Ware, go to OKN1 iEU'a New Khup. 1 SMITH A dr . AFFLICTED! Whr4.hyU.0aM of PR. JUiNVIM,K8 KUXlElyga can be cured permanently, ami ul a triniiit euat. The uitiuticrtiMic iucca which huaullnuleti Uiia htvittn able mfdicine for Physical nm. Nervous Wcakiiema, (Jeiie ral Dtltttiiy (titd rritiratiuu Usa of J.tucular k'.utigft Iinpiitciivy, ir iy ATlhtfeiiiwaeiieea uf y.-utlifu) iimU. crtjii.m. rctuJera it Ue inual vulifaWr prrjiarattiHi 9ver di etrereu - It wiU remova all nertmoa affV-aiifMia, dfpiPMin.i, rxcita n.eut, invaproity tt atudy ui buaiiiraa, daa f niainory, cmfusi n, fh'ugh.apr aetf-dfiLrtK-U Mi, fruit o( hiisitulv. Ac. It will realurethe apprlite, rvnew the lieullri cf lit wh tlivedratniyed it by iiituul ncm f evil pntciicca. i tiunfl Men, LMt numiUKtieii n mt-re ny u Miitra iu 'la'1 and i(iMriiit pmcuutniera, but aend wittmnt tlthijr ftr tho Kit if, and he ai ouca roatorerd ttt Iwalth and a-ippi-neti. A rnfuct Cure it Gi armiteod in ewry inat'uiee Price. SI. nr four htti lei lounti oUiUefls, 3. One UKtle la iulRcient u effVct a cure in ait ordinary eaoea. A0, DK JCnWVlI.l.K'S ffPECIFIC FIIl.t?, fnf the pt'fiiy and mtnmnent cure of GiHHMrhtu, U'ert, l;ra thinl DiK-'hurgci. Grnvrl, Nrietuif, and all nflevlintii uf the Kiditaia and Bhidiler. Currn ertf1 in fnmouctn five imye 1 uvy are ircrpttreu irtm regctauie exiracta tiwt oreharmleM nu the tinn, and never mmneuie tiiatim ach ur iinprevnate the brent h No rhnnee of diet ia iircri anry .vhile ntuiK thftn, ihk d f a Uiir aHinn in uny manner lutf.rfens with buxnifFt pun.nta. Puce, HI per Imx. Kilhei (if the nbove infiilioncfl urticlea wiU be aent to any addreaa cltrtly nird, mid pttt-puid. by nulureX' preM. uil receipt of price AiMmi HHmders to UKRGKil, fH(ITTs .V Co., rhertvata, No. J3 H iter Street. Troy, N A'. reoruary 10, it7 iy r ASTROL COY. ; THE WORLD. ASTONISH E I) AT THE WONDLIU'CI, KKVELATION8 ' MADK BY THI3 ORKAT ASTROI.OGI$T, " niadanie II, A. I'i:it 2Clji. She rcvtiila secret no nmrtul ecur knew. She nrat trca to fatippiueH th'ee whir, from doleful events, cjitustitiphes, eroMratn love. Iiwuof rflutuins and fiicnds. loas tif imiuci', Ac , have tocmertesHmdr-iit She brings together Umm ktiifi se(Hinited. give uifoimatimi corcrrnitr uhieut friemls 01 li'Turs,rtwUKsa ktet triMOri prrv)irty.ttlla yu the bust nette you are best qualified to parana aad hi uht you wiU be nmft succcaafiil, euuaes apreily murrittcra and telta yu the vtrj" il ly yuu will mur.y, gives yim Uie .itme bkent ss und vlimaclfrmtii's ( the jiursou. Hie rewls yout very th D?hts(anii by her Hhii"ftl in-enuilurul (Kiweis unveils the tiirfc nnti hidden niystenra of the future. From the i;iis. we ace in (lie (Irrrmnirnt--the tim It-tie shirs ihnt ttver Couie ur nreil-'iniiiule in Lho tunfigmtiti'Mi iroin tne MHpects nnd ptiMiiniS of the planets antl tlie fixed sturs in the licavL-iLB at the lima uf Unh, she dtxlucas the future (U'Atiny of innu. Fnii not to ouivull tlie greatest Aslmlo ft 1 st on emth It cost a you hut h trifle, hi it I ynti nnv nevt-r uiiii htive aofstvnr Ahle mi opptirtuuity. Ciiisiilttitim fee, with likrurns and uii desited infornmtioii. l?l Parlira livinff at a distnuce can consult the Mndiime bv nnil with Aqu;iUufly in id sntunacttoii t iheineelvea. us if in person. a luuui.u explicit t-hart, written nut wilh all muuirica answrretl and likeitem eiirlosed, aent hy mail on receipt if price aliove uietittuncd. Tin atricttMt ot ciesy will he inuiutnined, and uil irrriportdeui'e rwtMnied nt deattoved. Hee retires of the loahr-st order furo.Khed those desiring tin in. Write ptoiiily ihe ihtr of Hia m mth nmlyeai in which yoy wdrulnru, enclosing 11 innll lock i4 hair. Address, mahamk ii. a. rt.uiuiiu, P. O. DtAWuttni), Hdffalo, X V. Fehmaiv 0t 107. 1 y CRISFEIl COMA. Oh ! she wusbenutiful and feir. '' ' With slurry eyes, and rudijiit liftit Wli secuiiingtriHlrils atUt, entwmrd, Enchained the veryhvuit und mind. CIlISPEa COMA. . Fur Curling the Ilair of either St-g into ' Wavy niul Glossy ningk-td nr. Heavy . Mussive Curls. ' By nsing ihisaittfle Indies and Gentlemen cau beautify themselves a tli'iumd fiikt It is the only article in the world that wiilcml straight batr, aud ut the same lime give it u lienutifgl, (riHw ii,pe:nauce. The Crisper Cuiiin uot only eurta Uie tiMf, bat invia.irules, lieuuillies und cleanses il; is huffily and detiglufully perluuml, and is tlie most c untitle article of tlie kind ever toft-red lo Ihe Ameri can public. The Orisier Gotns will be sent toanyadJiess, scaled and postpaid for St. - r- .i. ..... Address all orders to YV. l. Cr.Anit A CO , Chemists. 1 . Nn. 3 Wast Fayette litre, t, Si atease, N . V. Feb. I,IM!7. ty . v . BEAUTY1 AVBURN, GOLDKX, FLAXEN 4 8II.KRN CURIA PRfiDUCKDhTtheimetif Prof. DEBREL'X' FBI. l:UJJv CtlKVtlliX. Oae aaplieaiioti wartanted toeurl ibe most straight and stubborn ban of cither evx lulu wavy ungtets, or heavy massive rails. Has been used by the laahioiutbles ot'-l-arie and Loauoa, wilh Hie must gratifying results. D"es no udnry to the heir. Prive by mail, sealed and post-paid, 9t liesi-rtptive Circulars aniiied free. Addiess BliUGl.a, Ui TTT CO , Ohe. mists. No. iJ5 llivei bt , Tiny, N . Y., bole AgttiU Al the United Stales. - Frbruury l, lf7. ly " BREAKFAST SHAWLS,'7or7ale at lhe' Fancy Store rf - ... ' ANNA PAINTER. T To procure a family group Photograph, go to BYERLY'e) Room inSimpsonV Haildingup stairs ' ;'r77" NIW HVS10 STORE. , . ... . Call at our New Mutio Store in , . . ' ELIN'S OROVE, and buy on of ITtixti Bboths' New fed Piano Forles Every Instrament I Warranted for Bv years ' W also keep eoasianily ea hand a good Mock ot th celebrated PELOl'BET S .MELODEONS, CABI NET and CHURCH ORUANS. and challenge oUten t eeH ehoaper than w ar selling. - W also keen aU kuvde i Maawal Merehandis tad receive alt tba latest uusie as oe a pauli-aed. A liberal disoount to toaekars of Scbowlt and Somi aarie ' . ('-.. .. t - . tfeeond hand kittramenU Ukea ta aehant; furuewoaos. .,;.-,., Piano correctly turned acj repaired. Seed of Circular. - . . - 8ALEM BROTHER; Selinsgrovo, SayAeeaa., Pa , Jaly k, ltt04 ly FHOTOQSAPH 'a l B TJ Jt 8 BOOM ASZ 8TATIONEBY, Monthly Tuk Book. Drawing Books tnd Slat. Bocks, Hrmn Books, Bt.uk Book. Mamoraadua Books, Diarie, Pocket Books. Ink Hunda, Pens, Pencil, a lo anrtravul ef Paper. Ink. for sale by ANNA PAINTER .TV baraapeaedi NEwf. OTIOCERV, Tf-ijff,-'a.vXngUt titer, in wherw rtleVarrawarwd ftirTd'h (very varterv of groetrl,' andf kill keep aousUatly sa hand the' boot vartatlM of ... FT;y,TJ;It& FEED, Fish, Coflea, Teas, Sugat Molostea, Cheese, Salt Rpice of all disnripUoo, Soap of every variety Candles, Smoking and Chewing tobacco, fiegars. Hami Shoulders, Bacon, Baiter, tnd Eggs. Also Drtwd fmlttof all kind, Caned Peaches and Toms toe, Piokal, Ketofaap, Pppr an, Rnisins, Lemons, Ao., of beat quality, and in fact every ttvla of irtiote kept In a well Mocked Grocery. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds ot oonntry produce taken in exehmg. The tmtronsre of th Dublio is ru- t pctfallyaoliitad. - . --. i , i . , f tiKOKUX B. BEARD ACO. Sunbury, Nor. 11, DUlIBd '& -(BOim'Sl 1KB S1VORE. : W. Ar 15ENNKT. 1 Market Square, SII.MU KV, Ia. HA VINO reeentiy parehaped the Drag .Store formerly conducted by. R. A Fisher, I bc leave to inform tha oitixena of Sunbury an 1 vi cinity, that I have entirely replenished my i;!t of - arts, "tur r.ANC3T.'AXLTXCLi:S ! such as Combs, Brushes, Pocket-Books, Sonns, Per fuinory. Hair-Oil, Knives, uissart, Coal-Oil LiiuiDf. Tobacco and Cigars, l'uintw, Oil-, UIiic, ala, t'ntly, Tnrnlhhctt, l'a tout Ilcliii:c-N, ,Vt, All my Tinctures. Syrups, Ointments. Cerates, and ntlier preparation aio manufactured by myself, and irons we aest material 1 can prneuro in iMarKet. Having had uuica a number uf years' experic.'Ae in the Drug and rreerijilion Business, both in Philadelphia and tb country, nnd also the advantage of the College of Pharmacy, 1 feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRI-.SCRlPiyjNS thut the Physicians and public may furor me vtitb. . All .my preparation as 1 have above asserted, are made from the best material, and upon honor I assert, thej -are of officinal strength. For modioinal purposes, I koup on ham) the very best . i 1 ...WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I ean procure. , -Befor. purohasiog elsewhere, eall and eonvir.es yout own mind. . : r, J ' W. A. BENNETT. " -iSmibofy,' Nov 18, 1666. . :!lNKOTOR STORET WM. HOOVEH . Itallrond Slreel, nlOT .tlarket, : A i . .tuAM thb centkai. Hotel, 8UNBCRY, PA. RESPECTFULLY Invites his friends nnd the public generally, to call and examine his l: . assortment ol liq s before puichusing clsuwlierc It in Mock coil is.M' ol' ItriitidU-.-n. Whinkcy, llollausl (aiu. liiu- kre It m, .lloiioiiiiliola tiiiU -. - Jloua-lioii ol'llir- IteKt isnli. . '. VlHe. t.'itie-r, isio . Kar Avf., Farmer, TTotel Keepers, and others are invite! t call, as his stock is genuine, and will rtudcr guiciv satisfaction. Sunbury, February 3, IKsrt. RESVJT"&"L0AIlI)IIi-a HOUSI 4JII.1S. l'I'Xt:a.. I'roprit-tor. Ia Cake'i Addilitn to SUNBURY, near the Pcnn'i I - - Railroad Comnar.v's Slions. IAQER BEER, Porter ai.d Alo of tho vor be J brands, .excellent Ueruinn Wines, ScbH''.'1 Cheese, Tripe, Ao., Clwayson band, PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDER k6pt who will fiud ample accommodations, lim cooks and Walters, boarders can enjoy the quiet cut forts of home with fare equal to Ihe bcM liulcli.. Hunbiiry, May 2rt, 1U6rl. SUNliUItV 'FOUND Hi 4Ji:0 ItOlllSlt.VA'fil A !.', ARE now carrying on buriuei-3 at this old csit. lishnieut wilh renewed vigor. Castings of every description, promptly furnisL to order. 1 The btovei manufactured at this Foundry hit acquired the highest reputation. Particular attention paid to .MILL CASTINGS Farmers should nut forget that tho PLOWo i n. at the Sunbury Foundry have never teen equull Agricultural implements repaired at shurt ih.!' Small coalings, including Cooking utensils, of ' most iuipruved und most utulul puilutnt. , i The buitiueat will be conducted on tin euluv. i Miule. Old eustomer will licncooininndntcd :s uu and new ones are respectfully solicited. Sunbury. May 12, 1 btid. AUt .US i; tlt Kib'.aJTo.TlPA 1 UEDICTION OF RATES ON PRODUCE, 0 TEKS,.C. THE rates on Fresh Fiah, Oysters in the .Shell, i Truck of all kinds, to pluces in tins Diviei where the rate i 75 eenrs per KO Ibsor ovcr,hns b reduced 25 oeuls per 100 lbs. At places where rale is between 60 and 7t aunts per 100 lbs, Ihe r will be 50 cents per 100 liui. Barrels of tr weighing lest than 100 lbs will he charged as 10U in weight. ... Frcali Fish will require to b packed in tijjlit I rals or boxes, ,. Prompt attention to the cuiloction of Bills, Dra Ae. : - N. FERREE LIOHTXER. Ascnt 'aiilnrj-, June 16. IrttHS. jTi,1kn j'a it"iTi'5 ,. . 'Ii:inntl do I'ai Ei.," TUE NEW BEAl'TIFIER OF THE SKIN. TESTIMONIALS FROM CELEBRATED LADI This secret of beautifying tho skin bciuir kri only to Messrs Jared t Reno, they honorably t that it difl'cr from all other preparat ions. It . to the moa( borsb and freckled skin both the tex and color of polhtbed ivory, removing all discul tions, whether appearing us ficckies, tun, uiiupl mother blackworm specks, nnd is especial I v easeful iu sUMolbing out the marks left by the su Pox. - The agent of "L'EMAIL do PARIS ' inostc , deaily eubaiit to the public the earnest end uonls of suoh distinguished ladies at bignora RIa'lORl, M'ddla FELICITA VESTYALIA, ' Miss MAOtilE MITCHELL, Mr. D. P. BOWERS, f. LUCILLE WESTERN. , . ... .,; Madame PoNISI, lii. EMMA WALLER LUCY RCSHTOX, NOEM1E D MARQUERITTES, - - - Mis A. PEL and many others whose high standing in tbe pn sion gives the stamp f ti uihfuluess to their uit gent and genuine approval. The beautiful Lucille Western says : : "1 tud that Ibe '-Email" produce all the bril. cy of rouge and lily-wkite. wilh the great aud p liar advantage of tola! barmlcesncss. Itr.uily i to the loftata end beauty ol the skis." , The BMguiaoeat Yastvali says : 1 bav sullured to much from tbe various lotions, Ac, which my theatrical jirofesstou ob me to ase, that I consider it a perfect Lin -fucti. tnd a reaaratioa which rive, the neeita.rc ui nets u Ihe kia,and leases the skin cool and sm - Mies Moggi Mite ball ssjs: , -Ihav triod th akin beautifier, '-L'Emi.i Paris, .' aud found that it iuatantly imparts a i.u. bloom aud freshness to the eoeiiplexiou." "Jared's Email de Pari" i used ss a deli beautifier of tbe skin for Theatre, balouu or Room, by the meet refined and sorupulous In prodoeiug all Ik baauiifying effects of rouge lily. white, without kktif vulgar glare ar injur the skin. J Sold by all Irst-elau Drugiist, Perfumers ' JUadiot' liatr Dreatet. L.Isabeau, KlU Broadway Denies Barnes i V,,,P-.C..Wo1' Co-' Vo,: t Jouin, IK South Tenth street, and Johiuon, U way Cewdca, PbUadelpfaia, Agents. - JARED t RENE 0 racial Agents aad Importers, New Vr Jan. W, lMT.-6n . . CIIAdJE Ol' ui: POT, rTUU. ndenigned respectfully informs his fvi J. and the publi thai he ha changed his pla loading Freight in Philadelphia from Freed, 1 Freed, No. bit Market Street, to ' '"A- O.AOHESON (Commlsekin Merchant, dealer iu Flour lituiu, b ,). - ..... t. 01S Nnrkrt tit.t I'blladt-lpt where ail freight will be loaded or. cars or th dersizned. Ibr Datuihiil. SunLurv. hhami.kin ae ! lutes sewing point. Ail imgat will keeaened as low as on toy line., tltusr to aarry trtigbt resptvtlully aolii hiuh wiU rei pioiai-t atu-auon J R WFIr-f Fuaaaiy, Jsa IS, 1VW.-Sm f